comfied-chriterature · 2 months
shakes you. do you think when loulu parted, lucy, the romantic and heartbroken, tried to tell herself to think logically?
it was for the best and she knew it. the guild is the past, louisa is win the guild, therefore she is the past too. but that kind of logical thinking was what louisa would’ve done and maybe she rubbed off more on lucy more than lucy had thought.
to rub salt in the wound, that mindset actually helped. it also showed that louisa (and her thinking) is good for lucy. even when she’s gone
(does this make sense? i’m not sure)
(being shaken) Urgghhhhh it hurts to think that in order for Lucy to move on from Louisa she had to be like her and think like her. Had to absorb parts of Louisa into herself to forget her. And she continues to carry Louisa's influence with her as she leaves her behind.
Maybe she was thinking like a romantic at first — that maybe she and Louisa would cross paths again on some fateful day, maybe Lucy could "show her the light" and bring Louisa over to her side. Because, surely, they're going to see each other again, right? Louisa was her first friend, fate wouldn't be so cruel as to split them up forever, right...?
Until she realized that of course Louisa would choose the Guild. The logical girl with hundreds of plans in her head, the strategist who prioritized the Guild's survival over anything else, she would be able to leave Lucy in the past. She would be thinking toward the future; she would be able to accept that they weren't meant to be (even if it hurt Louisa to put their history aside, even if she was so much lonelier now than she thought she could be).
So Lucy would have to do that too. But there are other traits of Louisa that Lucy may pick up over time. Maybe she'd be more open with things and people that she loved. She'd grow to care in a more gentle way (well, sometimes). She'd find a home and a pursuit that she could cling to with such resolve and devotion.
And maybe while she sacrifices nearly everything to protect her home, she'd have a fleeting thought that it's something Louisa would've done.
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the-backwards-eel · 2 years
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mikuthedragon · 11 months
Can you do a link x otherworldly char? Lol 😭
Hiii precious Loulu anon, I'm sorry I took so long I hope you enjoy 😭
"She was a fairy"
Link x Fem!Fairyreader
Sypnosis : A fairy got lost in another world. Little does she know, her world was gonna be rocked upside down by a young hylian knight.
Our story begins in a far far away land, called the Kingdom of Hyrule. You are a fairy, you came from another realm called the Enchantraverse. You were on your way to school when you got lost in your portals and have no way back home..
So you explore! You find there are other fairies in Hyrule, they aren't exactly like you but you start to live among them and you couldn't be happier.. It sucks to be away from your friends, family and home but the fairies in Hyrule prove to be warm and quickly become your family away from home.
Then one day, your friend Navi brings back a blonde Hylian boy in the fairy sanctuary. He's... charming ? He ate rocks during lunchtime and insisted he didn't mind the "crunchy" texture of it.. During the few days he stayed, your eyes couldn't help but wander to the blonde Hylian boy. On one of these days, you overheard him say his name was Link. Link.. One eavesdropping turned into three, which turned into 7? You don't know why you continued but you just had to hear more.
Despite his first impression of eating rocks, you quickly realised, he was actually really quiet. Oh no, you weren't gonna learn anything more about him at this rate.. In the midst of overthinking, it's interrupted by-
"Hello.. I saw you looking at me. Do I have something on my face ?"
You were a little surprised but you just chuckled and said you admired (his horse jk) how he could warm up to everyone so fast.
"Oh. Yeah.. So tell me about yourself" He said quietly. You noticed how he put his hand behind his head and tried to avoid looking you in the eye.. but the thing is you were also avoiding his gaze Tvt
You were stuttering a bit but you started talking about your favorite meals which turned into a talk about your family and later how much you love the fairies.. and oh it's time for everyone to go to bed already.. Link just smiled and nodded the whole time but somehow the day passed so fast and you said so much and and-
This occurrence happened a few times, during lunch, dinner.. during the strolls he took to gather more materials and the other walks you took in the forest to pick wild strawberries to make really sweet jam..
During one sunset, Link grabbed your hands, grabbed you by the waist and whispered in your ear "You're my best friend, thank you so much for being here with me"..
You were holding back tears as he waved goodbye and rode Epona. You don't know why you were about to cry but it felt more bittersweet the more time Link spent away from you. Until..
You noticed Link and how popular he was with the other fairies. The feelings of jealousy bubbling in you, you didn't want to acknowledge it but you have feelings for him.. You were biting back your laughter at the realization. How petty and stupid you were. So what did you do ? There's only one thing to do. Sigh
Just wait until he confesses his feelings to you. ;--;
You waited a few days which turned into a few weeks and at some point.. You did become closer to Link, you're now more precious to him than anything else in the world but he never uttered he loved you romantically..
You were dwelling on your feelings and sadness. In the background, Link was always there watching over you. He started getting more worried.. Were you homesick ? Would he have to fight until the ends of time or the universe or whoever had the power to bring you home ?
He wanted to see you smile, and he dreamed of holding you in his arms and growing old together in Hyrule. But he knows how selfish it is and decided to stay quiet.. In the end, to see you happy was what made him happy and since the day he met you he always spared his feelings for your happiness and livelihood.
A few weeks of seeing you like this and Link decides to go on a mission. He leaves without saying a word of where he's going in fear you follow him. He doesn't want you to get hurt.
You were sad when you weren't more than friends but to see Link leave without saying anything was even worse. While he was gone, you never left your house outside of work.. Your friends and Navi were especially worried..
.. Then one day, in the first rays of sunlight, you hear Epona and realise Link's back! You were leaping with joy, and you decide, you don't care what happens, if he rejects you or whatever! You just know to spend time without Link and without him knowing how you feel was just too much! If he doesn't like you, you'll just make him fall in love with you!
You fly out of the house at (1000% speed jk) an alarming speed. Link barely blinks before he realises you crashed right into him. He's surprised and is about to cry, during his trip he missed you so dearly and he finds it harder and harder not to keep you here with him in Hyrule. He hugs you tight, he's kinda squeezing your wings ouch!
"Y/N, why do you torture me so? How am I supposed to send you home if you keep tugging at the strings of my heart ? I was taught to serve other people before myself. It's my job as a knight, but you, who has me in the palm of your hand. How are you capable of making me both ready and happy to abandon my principles as a knight.. Y/N i'm sorry, I can't send you home even if I have the portal maker right here. I really love you from the depths of my heart. What am I to do" He sobbed
Hm.. what a funny coincidence, you hold back the urge to pinch his cheeks and say you don't love him back just because he left you alone to "make you happy" supposedly.
Instead of the tempting proposition of laughing at his pointless demise, you just bury your own head into his neck and smile. You look him in the eyes and mouth the words "I love you too" and proceed to kiss him on the lips whilst you both ride Epona..
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freehawaii · 1 year
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SFGate.com - July 9, 2023 Hawaii may be known for its eight main islands, but the Hawaiian archipelago is a string of 137 islands, most of which exist beyond the shores of Kauai. These islands, including reefs, islets and atolls, make up the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, established in 2006. Of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, there are two that contain archaeological evidence of human life: Mokumanamana and Nihoa. They were labeled the “mystery islands” by early archaeologists. Though the islands held clues that people once lived there, archaeologists had no idea who they were or where they went. Of these two, Nihoa holds the most archaeological sites of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Nihoa is not to be confused with Niihau, also known as the “forbidden island,” which is the westernmost inhabited Hawaiian island, seen off the coast of Kauai. Nihoa cannot be seen from Kauai as it is 138 miles farther west. The island of Nihoa is small, about 170 acres, but its appearance is striking. Out of the ocean, its sheer cliffs soar to nearly 1,000 feet. The most biologically diverse of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, Nihoa hosts an innumerable number of seabirds that fly around its steep and rocky landscape. The island’s one and only beach is covered with monk seals in the summertime and its valleys are filled with loulu palm trees. “When you go to Nihoa, it’s steep and dramatic and foreboding, and you can see it miles and miles before you get there. It has a powerful presence,” Sheldon Plentovich, Pacific islands coastal program coordinator for the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, tells SFGATE. “Nihoa is the most untouched of the Islands that I’ve experienced.” She takes a 30-hour boat ride once a year to steward the island and its many creatures, from insects to birds. It requires a lot of rock climbing, she says. Among its pristine ecological landscape, the island’s cultural and historical significance is apparent. Evidence suggests that Hawaiians began occupying the island as far back as A.D. 1000 on a semi-permanent or permanent basis. Kekuewa Kikiloi, director of the Kamakakuokalani Center for Hawaiian Studies at the University of Hawaii, believes they lived there continually from 1400 to 1815. Afterward, Hawaiians traveled there intermittently. Their history is told in the 88 archaeological sites that remain, including traditional Hawaiian shelters, agricultural terraces, fishhooks, burials and heiau (traditional temples). “If you just stand and look around, you’ll see numerous sites just all around you,” Plentovich says. The island is dry and there isn’t a lot of shade, but the Hawaiians who stayed there were resourceful. Plentovich describes a beautiful basin carved into rock on the side of a cliff that was used presumably to collect water. “They must have really wanted to be there, because it’s not easy,” she says of the environment. Like the basin, the archaeological features depict a life that was full of cultural activities, but early archaeologists questioned whether the people who lived there were Hawaiian at all and why they had left. “Well, nothing happened to the people,” Kikiloi tells SFGATE. He says the people that lived on Nihoa were Hawaiian and Hawaiians were still visiting Nihoa into the 1800s. It’s just that when people began to document the islands in the 1900s, Hawaiians’ visit to the island had gradually come to a stop. Kikiloi used geochemical sourcing to determine that artifacts found on these islands were, in fact, Hawaiian. Tools and plants originated from Oahu, Kauai and Hawaii Island. Similar to the vast archaeological records, there are also historical records and oral traditions that tell the island’s story. “There’s so much information that is coming to light now because of Hawaiian language and the Hawaiian language resources being scanned and available. We have some of the largest sort of Indigenous archival records in the world in Hawaii,” he says. “Our ancestors in the 1800s were writing about these things and documenting everything.” Prior to the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy, Hawaii boasted one of the highest literacy rates in the world. There were almost 100 different newspapers published during the time of the Hawaiian Kingdom. After it was overthrown, the Hawaiian language went nearly extinct. It wasn’t until the 1970s that a movement to revitalize the language emerged. In 1997, the University of Hawaii started digitizing Hawaiian language newspapers, then others followed. Later, initiatives were created to transcribe Hawaiian language publications. These actions have made it easier to find and research older records. “We were able to find a lot of things that talked about mythological stories [in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands] of gods coming from that region and then epic heroes going through rites of passage in their stories,” Kikiloi says. “That part of the archipelago was seen as sort of like the source where things migrate out of and are born and return to after death kind of like in a cycle.” He describes Mokumanamana, which has the highest concentration of temples in the archipelago, as a “ritual center of power” in his 2012 dissertation. Nihoa served as “a remote elite outpost for recurrent staging and use of the ritual center.” Alii, or chiefs, were most likely to make this journey, he says, because it required a lot of resources and planning to take the lengthy trip. But oral traditions tell of other visitors, too. Fishers from Oahu and Hawaii Island were documented to have gone there into the late 1800s. Traditional stories from the people of Niihau tell how they would travel to Nihoa annually to collect loulu palm tree wood for spears and makiukiu grass for cordage. Other visitors include Queen Kaahumanu in 1822 and Liliuokalani in 1885, when she was a princess. Hawaiians may have stopped going to Nihoa once Western influence grew and political power changed at the turn of the century, but the island’s cultural significance never changed. As part of the national monument, visitors are not allowed, but some Hawaiians have been able to return as cultural practitioners. They journeyed to Nihoa and other Northwestern Hawaiian Islands to honor it and its cultural history. “There’s places in the world that are wild, you know, and that are linked to these ancestral sort of places that are important to us. These islands are sort of a pathway for us to reconnect,” Kikiloi says.
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justathriftyblonde · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Loulu Backpack "NEW".
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no-longer-tainted · 5 years
[fic] Late Night Letters
Though! My first fic 2020 is done and surprisingly it didn’t end up with Soukoku but a rare pair I start to love a lot lately! <3
I hope one or two of my followers are interested in it, too, so I share it with you! 
Title: Late Night Letters Words: 1,716 Characters: Lucy Maud Montgomery, Louisa May Alcott Shipping: Lucy/Louisa
Summary: After getting home from a study meeting, all Lucy wanted to do was giving her friend a cup of coffee while enjoying some tea herself.
She had not expected that kind of outcome.
Read on AO3: here
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tectorius · 5 years
What's his wife like? (Sorry if this has been stated and i just, missed it, rip)
I haven’t talked about Hala’s wife on this blog before, but even if I had, I’d still love to get questions about his family!
Her name was Loulu. She was one of Hala’s rivals during his trials. They grew up, she went on a journey to other regions, they met up again in their early thirties and got married. They had four children: Niwa (Hau’s dad), Kua, Kili, and Kai.
Sadly, Loulu died when Niwa and his sisters were children, so she’s not around anymore.
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oceannaturalist · 5 years
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A friend recently introduced me to an amazing hike on Oahu called Poamoho Ridge. It was an incredibly scenic hike full of breathtaking views along the way. My friend also pointed out some rare native Hawaiian Palms. I didn’t know much about them so did a deep dive on the internet. I had no idea that the Native Hawaiian Loulu Palm used to dominate the the coastlines on most of the Hawaiian Islands and in the forest’s up to 2,600 feet in elevation. Captain Cook described the palms growing “as abundantly as grass”. Scientists have also discovered proof of this from pollen records preserved in fishpond sediment. Loulu palms are all in the genus Prichardia which somehow became established in the Hawaiian islands well before the first humans arrived. After arriving in the Hawaiian Islands it radiated across the islands becoming adapted to specific niches. Today there are up to 25 described species within the genus and are all considered endangered, rare or vulnerable. Each island has at least 1 distinct species. Some of these palms are so rare they only exits in one isolated stand. I found an interesting Hana Hou article from December 2014 describing a great example of this. A group of scientists and Nick Agorastos repelled over 1,000 feet down some remote cliffs on the Kohala Coast and discovered a new species they called Gordon’s Loulu isolated to a stand of twenty-six palms! These palms grow 25-60 feet tall and are all characterized by fan shaped leaves and large fruit that when ripe can be green or purple depending on the species. The seeds of the Hawaiian Loulu are much larger and less buoyant than their most likely ancestor found in the South Pacific. Once becoming established in Hawaii the trees found themself in a very unique, low-competition, predator-free environment and redirected their efforts into producing larger, more energy packed seeds to help their young fight their way trough the shady forest undergrowth. (continued in comments) #oahu #hawaii #hawaiian #nativehawaiian #native #hawaiianpalms #palm #loulu #endangered #threatened #vulnerable #poamoho #poamohoridge #trail #hike #muddy #hanahou #pejibayes #sonyar7iii #sonya7iii (at Poamoho Ridge Trail) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5RiAdVlXnS/?igshid=1d7lictw1hlsn
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conspectusargosy · 3 years
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While thinking of a tropical island might conjure images of tall palms arcing over a beachfront lounge spot, you won’t find Pritchardia martii hanging around there. Endemic to the island of Oahu, P. martii grows wild starting around 1,000ft and up to around 2,600ft in environments ranging from fairly dry to quite wet. Plants in the genus Pritchardia are known in the Hawaiian vernacular as Loulu and the fruit as Hawane which is sometimes applied to the plant itself. These plants were used to make spears (the trunk), as thatching and weaving material (leaves), and as food (the fruit) for which notches were carved into the trunks to assist in climbing leaving some older specimens still bearing these marks. The pendant inflorescences have an odor reminiscent to me of overripe stone fruit and readily gather small insects such as gnats. The cup-shaped flowers gleam with nectar and may attract rats which threaten the plants in the wild by eating not only the flowers, but the fruit when ripe. This threat is once again a manifestation of human inhabitation of the island as more than one species was introduced, starting as far back as 1,600 years. While the issue is addressed in cultivation by attaching wire cages around the fruit, the approach is not feasible in the wild which may make long term efforts toward conservation challenging. This subject was collected and photographed on the premises of Lyon Aboretum while I was on assignment for Hana Hou!
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the-backwards-eel · 2 years
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Lunar and louie bc they deserved to be together!!! 😭
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“All hail the queen of lilith!”
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“What’s your story?”
Neva!!! <3
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Die App „Loulu“ macht in Form eines Spiels erfahrbar, wie rechte Influencerinnen in sozialen Netzwerken agieren. Ein gelungenes Aufklärungsprojekt.
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ln-incorrectquotes · 4 years
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matt-bruening · 6 years
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Loulu on film.
Maui, Hawai'i
September 2018
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superbnature · 6 years
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Winter Lake by LouLu
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deanorosphoto · 2 years
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Above: Palm Trees, Kona (Big Island of Hawaii).
...with only a couple being native to the state; the most common being the Loulu Palm.  Just about every other palm tree species was introduced over the past couple of hundred years from Australia, Indonesia, and Malaysia.
View PALM TREES, KONA on the virtual DEAN OROS PHOTOGRAPHY + DESIGN shop and gallery. Available as printed artwork.
Thanks for visiting. See you next time.
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lolena90 · 2 years
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Hau’oli La Ho’omana’o Sometimes in life people, conditions, and exhaustive planning come together flawlessly to make for a wonderful occasion. That was true of my daughter’s wedding in Hawaii on March 16, 2010. The ceremony and reception took place at the spectacular Loulu Palm Estate, a private beach on Oahu’s north shore. The little rain we experienced held off until after the wedding service and picture taking, when we were all assembled under the protection of the reception tent. The ambience and the evening’s music were perfect. And the buffet dinner prepared by Chef Kimo was an extraordinary culinary experience. The steak was cooked to perfection and the grilled salmon was the best I ever tasted. The primary dishes were complimented by kahuku prawns scampi, a rice pilaf, garlic mashed potatoes, a medley of vegetables, a caesar salad, and a triple layer mousse cake. My wife and I were congratulated throughout the evening by the wedding guests who were astounded by the quality of the food. However, our accomplishment that evening was simply to have had the good fortune of finding a truly great chef. Chef Kimo also proved to be invaluable in the weeks and months prior to the wedding. He helped my wife with the countless little details that needed attention, making her job that much easier. We will always be grateful to Chef Kimo and the staff at Kimo’s Akamai Catering for helping make our daughter’s wedding a colossal success. Tom Dayus London Canada https://www.instagram.com/p/CcBnBBGPrc8PN5wrYUVTMD-L8pj5PxzxmJ5MC80/?utm_medium=tumblr
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