#loudlooks babbles
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loudlooks · 1 year ago
I finished the 30 day challenge, and want to thank everyone for supporting me, because it was really challenging at times once I started posting. without your comments/tags I would have probably stopped posting (not writing) after day 5 or 6, but reading your thoughts reminded me it was worth the extra effort. so thank you all for commenting, reblogging, liking, and for making me smile and laugh and feel a little bit useful for a change
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@hopeless-nostalgiac @benedettabeby @mrsmungus @happygirl-0408 @television-overload @indestinatus @thewintersoldierdisaster
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hopeless-nostalgiac · 5 years ago
with all appliances and means to boot: ncis/tiva fic
for this challenge, @loudlooks​ requested Tiva + "I didn't know you could do that." thank you for the inspiration!! *hugs*
set summer between S3-4 w/ team dynamics & tiva (a LOT of tiva—they took over the fic, basically, and I’m not sorry about it) 
also, this turned out like eight times longer than I expected & was the most fun and freeing thing I’ve worked on in years, so
“I didn’t know you could do that!” 
McGee’s voice filtered over news-chattering televisions, incessantly ringing phones, and chicken-clacking keyboards to reach Tony at his desk. 
“There was no reason to mention it earlier. It is not exactly a useful skill, my friend.” Ziva’s full-throated chuckles were wind chimes amidst the office drudgery.
Tony shook off the eruption of gooseflesh on his arms. It was way too early for that. And McGee was babbling again.
“I’ve just never met someone in real life who could do it.”
A boom of shared laughter enveloped them.
Glancing at the digital read-out on his monitor, Tony silently cheered. 9:07. Totally busted. Then he pretended to be busy with paperwork, so his attention was occupied ahead of time. 
The agents’ conversation lowered until it faded completely, coinciding with their entrance into the squadroom.
Tony had that effect on them now. The tables, as the saying went, had turned. They were the class troublemakers to his super-strict teacher. They, the unruly cadets, and he, the veteran drill sergeant. They were Agents; he was Boss. 
“Agent McGee. Officer David. You’re late.” 
McGee froze while swinging around his desk. Ziva froze after dropping her gear. Tony continued to stare yet not see the file in front of him, but he didn’t need visual confirmation to know the teammates were exchanging glances, coordinating their plan of counterattack. 
“Well, technically we were in the building on time.” The opening lob courtesy of McGee. 
“Technically, that’s not good enough, McTardy.”
“It was when you were wearing our shoes.” 
Tony fought an eye roll. “You can’t throw me off the scent with a well-timed idiom blunder, Officer David.” 
“Can’t I, Tony?” Ziva’s voice was louder, closer to him. 
Out of his peripheral vision, he spied her leaning on the divider between their workspaces. So close now, he caught a whiff of her lavender mint shampoo as she flicked at a cascade of curls that had fallen over her shoulder. If this was their strategy, well, it wasn’t the worst angle. 
But Tony DiNozzo was better. 
“No, you can’t,” he reiterated, finally gracing each of them in turn with his steady gaze. Calm, yet intense. Everything rumbling beneath the surface. “And it’s Agent DiNozzo. Or Boss.” 
Ziva stared back, golden-brown eyes matching his intensity, but not the calm. She rattled off a string of heated Hebrew, ending with a sharp snap of her teeth before spinning around on her heel and dropping heavily into her desk chair.  
Crazy chick.
“So, anyway. Just to be clear: If you’re here after me, you’re late. Period.” Tony slapped a case folder closed, causing his desk to tremble; he could emphasize his words, too. “For today, you can make amends by telling me whatever it is McGee didn’t know Ziva could do. I’m thinking it involves lots of stretching, but if there’s a video game reference, leave it out. Go!” 
And like that, authority forfeited for curiosity. 
McGee did roll his eyes and muttered something that suspiciously sounded like waste of time under his breath. Ziva scoffed, typing noisily at her computer and decidedly not looking in Tony’s direction. 
“That’s an order.” Even he didn’t buy the command. 
9:10. The day was shot. 
. . . 
If someone asked Tony how his first weeks as leader of MCRT were going, he’d say, “Good, considering the circumstances,” with a flash of white teeth. He didn’t like to lose face, sure, but he was pretty confident it was the truth, too.
Because when your boss quit and ran off to Mexico, leaving you in charge of a team that for years affectionately regarded you as The Class Clown, the circumstances weren’t on your side and ‘good’ was the most you could hope for.
. . . 
“What did you do?” 
Passing through the automatic doors, Tony came up short—as much due to the always assaulting antiseptic stench as the accusation. “Why do you assume I did something wrong? Can’t I come see my favorite Autopsy Gremlin with no ulterior motive?” 
“Sure you can,” Palmer called from the freezer section, where he was sliding a corpse home. “But I already talked to Abby, who talked to McGee.” 
“So before, with the ‘what did you do?’...that was kind of redundant, huh?”
“Guess so.” A dorky chortle escaped the assistant. “I mean, seriously, they were only late by a couple minutes, Tony. Sorry, Agent DiNozzo.” Another hiccup of laughter. 
Great. Just great. 
“Gee, I was hoping I could escape some of the ridicule down here....” Tony pressed his palms against the cold steel of an autopsy table, shoulders hunched, depositing weight into the defeated stance. All his course-correcting tactics, including buying his team lunch, had done little to reverse the morning’s death blow. McGee and Ziva were ignoring him aside for a lone campfire, and then their interactions were clipped—aggressively so where the ex-assassin was concerned. Now the damage was spreading to the sub-basement, it seemed. 
“Look on the bright side, you’re the team leader. It’s what you’ve always wanted, right?” Palmer mirrored Tony on the other end of the table, adjusting his glasses before adding, “This is a bump in the road, but no one ever achieved greatness without first overcoming resistance.” 
“That’s wise, Palmer. For a man who talks to the dead. You wouldn’t happen to know—”
“What McGee didn’t know Ziva could do?” 
Tony blinked. Maybe they’d been underestimating the Autopsy Gremlin all along. “Yeah. Know anything about it?” 
“It’s not a big deal. We were at the bar last night and first the waitress got Abby’s drink order mixed up, but it was super busy, so I suggested that—”
“Sometime today, Palmer.” 
“Well, it turns out Ziva can knot a cherry stem with her tongue, and then...” 
Oh, it was more wondrous than he’d guessed (and that list was long).
Palmer’s rambling dissolved to the background of Tony’s thoughts. He couldn’t get to the audacity of everyone going out for drinks without him because the dexterity of Ziva’s tongue was front and center. As he was recently familiarized with that very tongue and the talented mouth it resided in, it was all too easy to lose himself in a sexy daydream of the alleged feat.
Until he remembered how pissed she was at him. Bubble, burst. 
. . .
If someone asked Tony how his first weeks sleeping with Ziva, his former partner and current subordinate, were going, he’d say, “What? I’m not—we’re not—how dare—what?!” 
Because when your boss quit and ran off to Mexico, some of his rules haunted you. 
. . . 
“Rough day?”
Tony looked up right away. It was best not to play games with the director, who emerged stealthily in the dim, empty squadroom. He’d dismissed McGee and Ziva at regular quitting time, unable to make eye contact with either of them—for different reasons—but stayed behind to catch up on last week’s case reports. Him, voluntarily completing paperwork. 
Rough was an understatement.  
“I see my shortcomings are making the rounds.” 
Jenny’s smile was beautifitic, the one she wore during news interviews. “Don’t worry. I wasn’t seeking it out. I was speaking to Ducky on a separate matter, and he happened to mention talking with Mr. Palmer, who—”
“Got the scoop from Abby because McGee blabbed to her,” Tony finished, barely restrained. “Yeah, I’m well acquainted with the watercooler daisy chain.” 
It didn’t slip his notice that Ziva was the missing link. The text he’d started writing to her the second she disappeared through the elevator doors was unfinished and unsent on his phone. 
“Did you also hear they went for drinks after work without inviting me?” It came out as a whine.
Jenny didn’t mask her amusement. “Did you always invite Gibbs for drinks? No, because he was your boss and you were probably venting about him.”
“I’m trying, ma’am.” This he intoned with every fiber of professionalism and sincerity he could summon in the moment. The problem was that this wasn’t his first mistake since taking over—wouldn’t be the last—but he was trying. He wanted that noted. Also, there was an insane learning curve, and yes, big shoes to fill. Could he be blamed for that?
The redhead stepped forward, switching her smile for an expression of...not quite pity. Understanding? “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown, Agent DiNozzo.”
“Robin Hood: Men in Tights?” 
“Shakespeare.” Jenny chuckled, her fair eyes sparkling in the light of his desk lamp. Tony could see why Gibbs was once head-over-heels for her, back when they were partners. He knew something of those complicated emotions, of which the text draft on his phone contained damning evidence. 
“It’s the nature of being in charge,” she continued. “You’re going to have crappy days and plenty of nights when you can’t sleep. My advice, from experience? When you screw up, apologize and do better next time.”  
“Isn’t that a sign of weakness?” It was a reflex, after so many years. 
Jenny caught his eye and held it. “No. It’s a sign of respect.” 
. . .
He was sober when he showed up on her doorstep. Stopping off for some liquid courage briefly flitted through his brain, but flitted out just as quickly. McGee, he could buy a NutterButter, eat some humble pie himself. All would be cool again. Ziva was a different story. 
Namely, a story with a lot of sex in it, and it’d barely been a month yet. That he spent a large portion of the day envisioning her tongue doing erotic dances with a red cherry stem wasn’t helping. It also further convinced him of a brutal truth: Things were changing. Things had already changed. 
Ziva, outlined by the glow from inside the apartment, crossed her arms over a baggy workout t-shirt. Curls piled in a messy bun. It was Tuesday, kickboxing night. “If you are here for a booty call, you will be sorely disappointed.” Each word was wrapped in her delicious Israeli accent, momentarily distracting him from their sum meaning.
He’d expected as much.
“See, when you want to get them right…” Tony’s attempted humor and roguish smile failed to earn him leniency. 
“Goodnight, Boss.”
The door hurtled toward him, closing on his chance to repent—and more than that, his chance with her. His left hand flew up, catching the wood with a few inches to spare. 
“Hey, whoa. Wait. I’m here to apologize, all right?” Breath whooshed in and out of him; sweat beaded instantly on his forehead.  
Okay, so it wasn’t just about the sex. He was enamored with her, and it hadn’t been a full month yet.
Ziva yanked the door back, though the arrangement of her features maintained dubious feelings. She raised her eyebrows in a way that said, Yes, and?
“I was an idiot, Ziva.”
A corner of her delicate mouth pulsed. “Good start.”
The heaviness in his chest released. He dared another smile, softer-gentler this time, and the door stayed open. “I was too hard on you and McGee.”
“You will apologize to him as well, yes?”
“Yes. McSweetTooth will wet himself with glee, I’m sure of it.” Tony shuffled his feet, bringing him onto her brown doormat, never dropping her gaze. “But seriously, Ziva, I know I messed up, especially, you know...I mean, you should be able to call the guy you’re sleeping with by his first name, even if he’s your boss. That is,” he sheepishly tagged on, “if I’m still the guy you’re sleeping with, after today.”
For a bloated handful of seconds, Ziva froze, as she had that morning in the squadroom. Eyes like lasers, drilling through him. It lasted long enough for doubts to creep in. Then—
“Are you?”
So simple, but coupled with her head tilted to expose honeyed neck, her popped knee, and the slight part of her plumped lips, the challenge was clearly set for him. 
This would be fun. 
Tony launched over the doorway, literally sweeping Ziva off her feet as he plowed into the apartment. An honest-to-goodness squeal filled his ears, then that wind-chime laugh took over and his knees wobbled in their sockets—nevermind her 100-something pounds hanging on his torso. 
It was the first time he’d carried her this way—any way—but her arms and legs wrapped around his body with an ease he would have analyzed if not for the supple give of her breasts against his chest, or her frizzy hair tickling his chin. Her mouth alternated between whispering the dirtiest promises in his ear and nibbling on his neck. Thoughts would have to wait. 
How they shut the front door, how they maneuvered the hallway to her bedroom, how they undressed and (eventually) found the bed was a haze of details that didn’t matter. The shudder that coursed through her at his every touch, mattered. The inverted bridge her back made when his lips and tongue met her center, mattered. His name on a gasp, woven into a sigh, lifted to a shout...
In this area, Tony DiNozzo excelled. He was damn well going to prove it. 
. . . 
It took two rounds to sate her. The first go was part of the apology; the second was because he had a young, hot lover who could run eight miles at the crack of dawn, kickbox for an hour after work, and still have energetic sex with him—twice. Who wouldn’t take advantage of that? 
“Guess I got that booty call after all.” He love-tapped her ass, which was bare to the air. He braced for retaliation. 
None came.
Hair mussed and cheeks flushed, Ziva glanced over, fixing him in her line of sight. A smirk hiked up the side of her mouth not buried in the pillow. “As did I, Agent DiNozzo.”
“Never going to live that down, am I?”
“Give it a few months.” Her smirk widened as her eyelids drooped, each blink taking longer and longer to pull back up. 
. . .
They dozed together in the dark of her bedroom. They weren’t cuddlers, per se. Their connections left them too sensitive, sticky and unspooled. They stayed close, though. Touching random pieces of her to him, him to her. His head resting on her bicep curled closest to the mattress. Her ankle molded to the arch of his foot. Sometimes as conventional as their hands laid one atop the other, fingers loose. 
. . . 
He began talking while they ate cereal in the kitchen at quarter to eleven. He was talking as she cleaned and put away their dishes and led him to the front room, his body going where she steered and nudged. What he voiced was nothing new to either of them. All the same issues that overwhelmed him on a cool May night, that propelled him to Ziva’s door in what would become a habit. He was drowning; she was refuge. 
For that, and so many other reasons, he trusted her without question. 
Ziva allowed him to talk now because that was how he worked out problems. They both knew that, too. 
“I think it comes down to the fact that...I don’t know how to be a team leader that isn’t Gibbs.” The admission floated and settled on the sofa cushion between them. It wasn’t often they said his name anymore. The memory was sore to the touch. 
“We have been over this, yes?” Ziva tossed a leg across his lap, the other tucked beneath her. He immediately claimed the tanned skin of her thigh, rolling it under his hands. “This is a chance to be your type of leader, make your own rules.” 
“Every time I do that, it blows up in my face.”
“Not every time,” she corrected, her eyes darting to his lips and lingering. 
His heart rate ticked up. Very true. They might not have happened if Gibbs hadn’t left. But… “We’re one thing, Ziva. The team is another.”   
She turned his chin with her hand, locking his gaze with her steady and fervent stare. An imposing combination. “Tony, you either keep trying or you quit, just like Gibbs. What will it be?” 
It was Tony’s turn to sneak a not-so-subtle glance at her lips. When she put it like that, the answer was undebatable. What he’d told Jenny wasn’t a lie. And giving up wasn’t an option. 
Didn’t mean he’d hand her the win that easily. 
“How about we make a deal?” While his eyebrows waggled, his hands roamed farther than her thigh. “I persevere with the team leader thing. In exchange, you show off your fancy cherry stem tying prowess for me.” 
Her mouth gaped, eyes narrowing. “Who told you?”
“Palmer. The guy’s actually not a bad sounding board.” He’d have to remember that for future thorny cases. 
Ziva deflected, “I do not have any cherries in the fridge.”
Tony returned, “That wouldn’t stop a true parlor trick magician like yourself.”
Her face reformed in an expression that always intrigued him. A cat devising the perfect trap for her prey. It didn’t surprise him when she stretched her leg out, straddling his lap properly. He circled her low back, drawing her hips over him and generating a spark of friction. There was extra verve in her fingers burrowing the short hairs at his nape, tipping his head upwards. 
“You must really want me to—”
Ziva covered his lips with hers, swallowing his words as they melted to moans. Instead of continuing hot and heavy, everything slowed. Each kiss long and needy, a continuous caress. Her heady spice invaded his senses. The tip of her tongue slipped by his teeth, running the roof of his mouth before pushing in further.
Tony’s spine straightened at the sensation of tongue against tongue, the rough texture, the strokes and flicks. He gripped whatever part of her was in his reach, would likely leave marks. She didn’t flinch. She was all around him, practically tying him in a knot. 
It was exactly how he imagined it, but also superior.
He was smiling when they broke apart, breath imperative for them both. “Your ingenuity is an inspiration, Ms. David.” 
Ziva winked, leaning forward to kiss him again, a casual closed-lipped peck in the wake of such an intimate encounter. And he knew, no matter what came of leading the team, he wanted this—them—to survive. 
“Now you must honor your part of the deal, Tony.” 
“Whatever you say,” he agreed, flipping her onto the cushion and following her down for round three.
. . .
The next day, Tony waited at his car in the parking lot for his team to arrive. He walked into the building with them, and didn’t check the clock in the mornings ever again. 
He apologized to McGee, which just freaked out the newly-appointed Senior Field Agent. As Tony predicted, the Nutter Butter made all the difference. 
By the end of the week, he brought Special Agent Lee onto the team because there was symmetry in four and they needed a probie to act as a buffer. Plus, she was good at meeting case report deadlines and Tony wasn’t.
He doubled-up on campfires and went to Jenny for advice more often. Palmer, too. 
The team went out for drinks, occasionally inviting him to join. Occasionally not. 
A month later, he and Ziva started keeping their love in each other’s hearts along with spare clothes in one another’s dressers. Soon, there would be no sense hiding them anymore. 
And when someone asked Tony how leading his own team was going, he said, “Our results speak for themselves,” and meant it. 
Because when your boss quit and ran off to Mexico, leaving you in charge, you wore the crown and made it your own. 
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loudlooks · 1 year ago
Nine people I’d like to get to know better
Thanks for tagging me @hopeless-nostalgiac
Last Song: Wood and Nails (The Porter's Gate)
Favorite Color: blue, I guess
Currently Watching: nothing in particular, basically just reruns of reality shows like Bake Off, Lego masters, homestead rescue, sewing bee
Spicy/Savory/Sweet: savory
Relationship Status: single
Current Obsession: healing (unsurprisingly obsessing over healing is counterproductive)
Tagging: @aksannyi , @ardnaxelx , @earanemith , @benedettabeby , @mokkemusic , @happygirl-0408 , @putthekettleon, @paperclipninja , @tivajunkie (if you play along, please tag me, I haven't checked my dashboard in a while and wouldn't want to miss the reply)
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loudlooks · 11 months ago
Me: I don't think I like my otp anymore
Idiot Me: interesting, you should write 30 fics about them like a masochistic fool
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Idiot Me:
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loudlooks · 2 years ago
Great, I wrote myself into the dumbest of all corners in 1200 words...
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loudlooks · 8 months ago
Me: I'll finish this tomorrow if my laptop and brain continue to work
Me, 5 minutes later: *drops laptop*
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loudlooks · 10 months ago
please please please consider uploading your stories to ao3 after you've finished with the spring special, I've been trying to keep up and that would be so lovely 😭🩵
Will do. Have yet to upload the autumn challenge, as well, I just realized.
I've seen some posts over the years that mentioned readers don't like it when several unrelated ficlets are lumped together under one fic, which I lazily did for the first two challenges, because it makes searches more difficult/cluttered.
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loudlooks · 1 year ago
Get to Know me Ask Game1
Thanks for tagging me @earanemith
Currently reading: nothing, I don't think I've read any fiction in the past 2 years (and even before that it was maybe 2 ficlets a year), unless that Sherlock Holmes audiobook I listened to last year counts (got so confused halfway through I assumed I was too braindead to realize the story had ended and that they had simply started reading a brand new book but had mislabeled the videos)
Currently watching: nothing really, I guess I'm sort of rewatching reruns of the flying doctors in the background
Currently obsessed with: trifecta achieved, again, nothing
Tagging @hopeless-nostalgiac , @aksannyi , @mokkemusic , and anyone else who feels like it
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loudlooks · 1 year ago
Hard to believe I've written eight ficlets in eight consecutive days, I'm actually beginning to enjoy the process... mostly, still haven't edited anything, the first few are undoubtedly drivel, but today's went smoother despite realizing that not reading fiction is definitely cramping my (nonexistent) style...I mean...I already knew that, but it's gotten worse
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loudlooks · 2 years ago
10 Songs 10 People
Tagged by @mrsmungus
Tagging @anonymous033 , @gingerstorm101 , @hopeless-nostalgiac , @coffeedepablo , @indestinatus , @ardnaxelx , @ziva-david , @benedettabeby , @television-overload , @alineforeverything
The last 10 songs I listened to:
1. Hungarian dance no. 5 - J. Brahms
2 - 10. Disneyland Paris area music
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loudlooks · 2 years ago
Anybody have any tips on how I can push myself to read fiction again? Anything longer than five sentences and my brain is all "nope, not doing this, stop that right now".
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loudlooks · 2 years ago
Building a lego christmas tree on Christmas Eve because I'm nothing if not slow.
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loudlooks · 2 years ago
me, working out a ficlet in my head: Oh, this’ll be quick and easy to write
me, three sentences in, realizing I’m going to have to write out every little scene and bit of dialogue to actually create a story: I came here to have a good time and I’m honestly feeling so attacked right now
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loudlooks · 3 years ago
Tfw a comment on a fic you barely remember sparks a new fic idea.
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loudlooks · 6 years ago
Some people’s writing is like a seven-course meal at a Michelin-starred restaurant. The interior decorator went all out, not a crumb on the floor, the staff treat you like royalty, and when the waiter barely smudges your plate, the chef threatens to fire him and offers you the most expensive dessert on the menu to make up for the faux-pas. You gush about it to all your friends for years to come. The waiting list for a new reservation is at least a year long, and you can’t wait to experience it all again.
Other people’s writing is like a nighttime drive-through at a fast food joint. The sign outside flickers ominously, the person handing you your food looks like he wouldn’t be fazed--nor interested--if death itself showed up and ordered a cheeseburger. There’s a fifty percent chance someone spat in your milkshake, and when you reach the bottom of the bag there’s a single chicken nugget. You did not order any nuggets and it’s shaped like a chicken’s head; you wonder if someone just put a hex on you. You don’t tell anyone about your midnight escapade, try to forget all about it, but you’ll end up there again in less than a week, looking for a quick fix.
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loudlooks · 4 years ago
I got to pet a dog today :D
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