#lotsa zzs too
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goat-and-a-pig · 4 months ago
favorite word?
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asktheseacowvboys · 5 years ago
Yea i like hallowveen stuff an casual parties aint too hard ta put together!
Like vwe could get a bunch of chips in those cheesy hallowvween themed bowvls
Lotsa decorations
You could make themed foods if you vwant? Since you like cookin! zz:)
Maybe line up some games or somethin
A fewv movwies
Lotsa candy and some music
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twistedstorm · 8 years ago
all of the asks for the identity ones!!!!
I love you dear anon! Here we go!
If someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to? Read: The Duff and Acheron, Watch: Buffy and Charmed, Listen: To my entire ipod because you don’t really know me until you know my music.
Have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? if so, who? I don’t think I have….
List your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with. Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Willow (I am also a spazzy gay redhead). Charmed: Phoebe or Piper. Dark Hunter series (Sherrilyn Kenyon): Bride and Tory (one because Bride is a fellow chubby anxious girl who taught me that I’m worthy of love and that I am beautiful regardless of my size and Tory because she taught me that I can always be strong as long as a I believe in myself, fight for what I want, and have a couple of good friends at my back). The DUFF: Bianca (I just really feel for her and I understand her mind and I really resonate with her). There’s way more but I don’t feel like going on
Do you like your name? Is there another name you think would fit you better? Well I love Zeta, ever since I started going by it in real life I’ve felt much more like myself. I didn’t my birth name or anything, it just didn’t fit me anymore.
Do you think of yourself as a human being or a human doing? Do you identify yourself by the things you do? I mean I create art so I call myself an artist, I sing so I call myself a singer, I write so I call myself a writer, so yeah in that sense I do identify myself but what I do. 
Are you religious/spiritual? Not really I guess. I mean I used to be a Christian, and then I was agnostic, and then I was an atheist and now honestly I don’t really care. I believe in an afterlife and spirits and magic and that kinda stuff so take that as you will.
Do you care about your ethnicity? Dude I’m 50 shades of white so tbh not really, honestly as much as I’m proud in a way of being Dutch and Danish and Scottish it doesn’t really effect my life, I’m mostly just a Canadian.
What musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime? So many. Avril Lavigne, Gretchen Wilson, Shawn Mendes, Metallica, R5, there’s a lot.
Are you an artist? Definitely! I love to draw and I love to color stuff and sometimes I do watercolors and I like spray paint and I make stuff out of clay and I do a lot of little comics.
Do you have a creed? Don’t be an asshole to anyone unless they were an asshole first, in which case destroy them.
Describe your ideal day. Park date with my boys and then movie/tv show marathon with triad cuddling on couch and then falling asleep in comfy pjs. There’s also buttermilk cookies and lotsa ice tea and so many mushy things said.
Dog person or cat person? Both and also a tarantula person and a yizard (lizard) person
Inside or outdoors? Depends on how I’m feeling and where I’m gonna be. Like a day down at the river? Fuck yeah let’s go outside. Day inside cuddling with my boys? I’m never leaving that spot until forced to.
Are you a musician? Well I can sing pretty well (First soprano, I can make your ears bleed and sound like a creepy little girl in a horror movie if I want to) and I’m working on learning the guitar and the ukulele so yeah I’m a musician.
Five most influential books over your lifetime. Wicked Lovely-Melissa Marr, Acheron-Sherrilyn Kenyon, The Duff-Kody Keplinger, Night Play-Sherrilyn Kenyon, Maximum Ride-James Patterson. 
If you’d grown up in a different environment, do you think you’d have turned out the same? Probably not, a lot of who I am is based around my anxiety and my family and the way I’ve lived my whole life. 
Would you say your tumblr is a fair representation of the “real you”? Probably yeah, although I’m much more awkward and loud in real life and I talk a lot more I think. 
What’s your patronus? Fruit Bat or a dragon (the pottermore test can bite me)
Which Harry Potter house would you be in? Or are you a muggle? Slytherpuff but I’d rather live in the Slytherin dorm tbh….and silver and green look really good on me…..and I hate yellow
Would you rather be in Middle Earth, Narnia, Hogwarts, or somewhere else? Dark Hunter world for the magic badassery and shapeshifting or Hogwarts because I just wanna be a fucking wizard dammit. 
Do you love easily? Not really….I like easily and sometimes I trust too easily but I don’t think I love easy (except when I met one of my two boyfriends and two seconds after meeting him my brain went “yeah that one, that’s yours, that’s your heart right there.” and then left me suffer for three years while I pretended that I didn’t love him, like I pretended so hard that I convinced myself I didn’t and then I yelled it at him in a library because I’m a dumbass) 
List the top five things you spend the most time doing, in order. 1)Daydreaming elaborate scenarios usually with fictional characters. 2)Missing my boys/craving cuddles                                                           3)Re-watching shows/movies/youtube videos that I’ve already seen because I like them so much.                                                           4)Being gross and mushy with my boys, usually via text.             5)Planning out what I wanna write and thinking about writing and then not writing.
How often would you want to see your family every year? Most of them, honestly like once is good and only if it’s for my Great Grandma or there’s really good food. For my family that I actually like, I could see them every day and it would be fine. 
Have you ever felt like you had a “mind-meld” with someone? Meet my boyfriend Jesse, less than a month after meeting each other we were finishing each others sentences and saying things at the same time and admitting to thinking the exact same things. Like we kicked ass at the one word story game in drama (you each say a word back and forth to create a story) because we knew exactly what the other was going to say before they said it so our stories were awesome and actually made some kind of sense usually. The mind meld still exists to this day by the way, we freak people out with it a lot. 
Could you live as a hermit? I basically live as hermit now….although I need internet and my phone to talk to my nerds….and I need my nerds…so I guess not
How would you describe your gender/sexuality? Genderfluid polyamorous panromantic demisexual. I don’t like picking just one of anything. Why would I have one gender when I can have like four, one of which is no gender at all and another of which is a weird mix of masculine and feminine at the same time? Why have one boyfriend when I can have two and be stupidly happy with them both? Why only be attracted to one gender when I can be attracted to them all? Why never feel sexual attraction or always feel sexual attraction when I can do both depending on how I feel? 
Do you feel like your outside appearance is a fair representation of the “real you”? Sometimes yeah, other times not so much. Disphoria doesn’t hit me as hard now that I’ve cut my hair short but it still gets me sometimes and it makes me hate my body. Bright side is that my general body image stuff is getting way better and I’m way happier in the body that I’m in lately and the more new stuff I figure out about my clothes and my hair and my makeup the more my body represents how I feel inside. Shapeshifting powers would be better but I’m doing the best with what I got.
On a scale from 1 to 10, how hard is it for someone to get under your skin? Depends on the person and whether you mean like the negative way or the positive way. For instance for my boys it’s either a 0 or a 2, it was super easy. For some random asshole on the street? It’s like a 10, it’s not gonna happen.
Three songs that you connect with right now. 1) Head Over Feet-Allanis Morisette, 2) Fearless- Taylor Swift, 3) Safety Pin- 5SOS
Pick one of your favorite quotes. Not really a quote but a lyric “What a beautiful mess I’m in” 
Thank you again dear anon, this was really fun!
Feel free to send me more asks! Ask meme related or otherwise!
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