#lots of steamy kiss scenarios XD
umnitsa · 2 months
More Marcus Moreno the Roleplay Emperor Headcanons
I don't know, it's a disease and I can't stop. I should be studying, but I'm here, consumed by these beautiful thoughts. It is a brainworm and I'm ever horny.
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As the first excitement is gone and roleplay becomes an often revisited kink, Marcus displays the utmost act of nerd.
He starts creating backgrounds for the characters. (really XD)
It's sweet; the whole thing becomes a date. He makes sure you two could have the night, everything taken care of for those hours. It's his little treat, his escape. (He feels guilty sometimes, but he tells himself he deserves it.)
And one night, as you rest your head on his shoulder, he starts telling you a story. A steamy story. About a villain and a hero; the villain has the hero all tied up... Would you like that? Maybe he could be the hero this time, you would look good as a super villain too. (He enjoys being the one helpless sometimes... Not often, which makes it all the sweeter.)
Once you two decide on the story, he spends the days until your 'special date' pouncing on you, a quick, steamy, devouring kiss and a quick whisper in your ear. A 'what if', a tidbit of information about the characters, reasons, why they feel so impossible attracted to each other.
And he wants you to give your ideas, to fit the scenario to your tastes.
Sometimes you two sit to 'plot', to decide if you would wear special costumes and clothes, if you would surprise each other this time. He giggles a lot during these conversations.
But the plot gets him horny.
He confesses quietly one day that it feels liberating to 'be' someone else for a moment.
It's beautiful how all of this is very private, and you consider the man he shows to the world and this creatively horny gremlin you get to see.
The plot gets him really really horny.
So when the night arrives, you two have a plan. And a background, and clothes, and a reason for the characters to be there.
There's this narrative tension between you two. Marcus is a tease.
He stays in character, but you can see his eyes glinting. You can see Marcus behind the character.
It's always delicious. He is an attentive lover and giving you pleasure makes him feel truly powerful good.
He will consider every scenario you bring to him, and he will make it work for both of you.
There is a lot of no and a lot of yes in the process. He likes the creative process too.
He did try to plot once during vanilla sex. Ok, more than once, but it's hot when he does it. It is filthy talk for him.
If you allow it to be a frequent thing, the won't initiate the process for full background scenarios as much, but he will enjoy them so much when you suggest them (he likes the creative process too!).
He's just earnest and sweet about the whole thing. He just loves you through all these characters, all your incarnations.
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
Andy noticed there is a kiss mark in Fushimi's neck, he asked Fushimi about it, but he got knives thrown to him. Later, half of entire alphbet squad tried to speculate who gave that kiss mark to Fushimi san. Is it captain? Or Yatagarasu? Hidaka? Or Akiyama? But the answer is Fuse
This is why Fushimi wears high collars, to hide this sort of thing XD Imagine Fushimi is just working quietly at his computer, doing his paperwork properly and fixing everyone else's work too when Doumyouji walks over to finish his report. He's all proud of what he wrote, Fushimi scowls and says he told Doumyouji not to use crayons this time. Doumyouji's trying to defend his informative illustrations when he suddenly notices that there's a mark on Fushimi's neck. Fushimi's complaining about the report and Doumyouji leans in and is just like 'Wow, Fushimi-san, who'd you get a kiss mark from?' Fushimi freezes and the whole office like goes immediately silent, all eyes turning to him. Doumyouji's still standing there all innocent and starts to ask again, Fushimi pulls a knife out of his sleeve and immediately throws it right at Doumyouji's head. Doumyouji barely manages to duck in time, whimpering as he scrambles out of his way while Fushimi clicks his tongue and goes back to his work.
Naturally Fushimi is now the center of office gossip for the rest of the day. Everyone wants to know who it could have been that put the mark on Fushimi's neck, like who won the Fushimi romance lottery. Some members are certain it must have been Homra's Yatagarasu, everyone knows he and Fushimi once had a thing together and maybe they've made up, or maybe they got caught up in the heat of the moment (imagine this pre-ROK too and the Yata contingent are basically writing rumor fanfic about Yata and Fushimi fighting and then it turns into sexy enemy making out against the wall of an alley). Other members are certain it must be the Captain, everyone knows that Fushimi is Munakata's favorite and who knows what kind of favors Fushimi gets (cue rumor fanfic about Fushimi delivering reports and it turns into Munakata pinning him to the door and biting his neck). There's also the Hidaka contingent, thinking that maybe Hidaka finally won Fushimi over (rumor fanfic about Hidaka helping Fushimi with paperwork after hours and then the two of them having an awkward first kiss, Hidaka leaning down to nip at Fushimi's neck). Akiyama is another possibility, he seems to get along with Fushimi well (rumor fanfic about Akiyama tying Fushimi to the bed and biting his neck). It's the talk of the whole force and later on that evening Fuse walks into the office to deliver his paperwork, seeing only Fushimi there as he complains about all the rumors circulating today. Fushimi clicks his tongue and takes the paper, telling Fuse not to make such obvious marks next time.
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adastra121 · 3 years
So...First impressions for Romance Club as someone who tried it out from Choices. I haven’t played all the stories yet so don’t trust me to be all that accurate. But here are my thoughts if anyone was curious about giving Romance Club a try. Uh, spoilers beneath the cut!
Here’s the quick summary: Path of the Valkyrie and Legend of the Willow are pretty good. But you should be careful if you’re sensitive to sexual violence, misogyny, and um…incest.
Hooooooooooo boy. If you thought the male love interests were forced in Choices…You just…don’t get to decide on the MC’s sexuality — no matter the story, she’s attracted to men (I’m going to use she/her pronouns for the MCs because they’re all female so far). Sometimes the MC will have a male ex. That ticks me off personally — it wouldn’t if they used it only once or for a specific MC in a way that would fit her arc, sort of like in Mother of the Year or Baby Bump in Choices.
I started with Chasing You, the murder mystery, since that’s usually the first kind of story I gravitate towards. I don’t…remember any content warning, so a lot of the “romantic” elements in the story came as a shock. There’s the forced LI Alexander, though I think the more accurate term here is “predator.” He did that — you know, the walk in romance scenarios, where the male LI stalks toward the heroine until she backs herself into a wall and it’s played off as ooh~ sexy, which it usually only is if you know and like the guy — to MC when they don’t know each other, he forces a kiss on MC and…the most wild part I’ve gotten to so far…he PINS MC DOWN ON HIS BED AND TIES HER TO IT WHEN SHE STRUGGLES. AND HE FEELS HER UP UNDER HER SHIRT. (The context is that MC is injured and snuck into his room through a secret passageway while he was still sleeping, and he was concerned so he wanted to inspect her for injuries. Yeah.) Then when the MC calls him out on it the next day or something, he says, “Okay. I won’t lay a hand on you again without your permission,” and proceeds to ruffle her hair teasingly afterward. I fucking hate you so much Alexander I didn’t kill my aunt but so help me I will MURDER YOU RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE COPS
Oh, also there’s incest. MC can flirt with her step-cousin and her adopted step-cousin…who are later revealed to be fucking. Yeah. Big trigger warning for that. If you were grossed out by the diamond option in Wolf Bride…In this case, they’re not blood related, but still.
Yeah. So your male love interest options are the predator, a cop, and your step-cousin. Rachel seems cool, though (I don’t know I think she and Alexander used to have a thing? She might be a stalker? Somehow, still the least problematic LI as far as I know). But they did give her this really weird line when she was…flirting with the MC? I don’t know, she was running her hands all over MC’s curves and she said, “You awaken the man in me.” …Hooray, genderfluid representation………
Anyway, at least in the recent story On Thin Ice, there was a trigger warning for sexual assault? It was just…offhandedly mentioned that MC was an emotional mess, got drunk and (her drug dealer) Peter took advantage of her but she didn’t mind it and thought it was good sex — and they’re still acquainted. I don’t trust any of the male LIs on this godforsaken app.
I also don’t necessarily like the MCs much. A lot of them come off like someone tried to write a strong, independent heroine but still needed her to submit to the male lead because of his dark and sexy charms~ She’s feisty and sarcastic and she needs to be wrangled in by a male LI—oh my gosh, girlboss gatekeep gaslight! That’s the kind of vibe I get from them! XD It’s either that type of heroine or the shy, unsure, meek, you-know-she-has-a-mouth-breathing-voice one. Whose life likely still revolves around men.
At the same time I can’t really be too mad at it, because, you know. It’s called Romance Club, it advertises the kind of romance you’d find in the steamy novel section. And it delivers what it promises? I think it’s targeted toward an older demographic and by that age, most people should already know what are unhealthy tropes, what are danger flags in relationships.
Um, as for the stories, I do like Path of the Valkyrie, which is a Norse mythology adventure story and it’s amazingly not that romance heavy. Legend of the Willow’s good, too, just not for me. I don’t really like the MC — her default personality’s too meek, polite, and sincere for my preference, which are chaotic MCs that would make a joke of everything, tempt fate, and literally flirt with death. But I don’t think Romance Club has one of those yet, so I’ll just settle for Loki.
The art’s nice (uh though the CGs can look really wonky sometimes XD to the point of hilarity). I love the amount of detail they put into the backgrounds to mimic what’s happening in the story. Oh, my favourite thing is that the stories offer free clothing options that are actually nice! And for each time you get to buy a diamond outfit, you get a new free outfit option that looks good! So you know, if you’re dealing with all that bs at least you look cute.
So yeah. I’m going to finish Path of the Valkyrie but I’m probably not going to keep the app much longer past that.
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dunderklumpen · 5 years
When you read the long fics list me pls those with happy endings (JB endgame) thank you very much.
You know, I’ve been lowkey dying to rec my favourites, so I’m not letting this opportunity pass. These are my favourite fics (>10k and/or multichapter) from my bookmarks. Most are AUs, as I’m working through ao3′s AU tag first.
Pretty by astolat (E but more like M, 30k, season 4 divergence)UST following Jaime and Brienne’s arrival in King’s Landing. Jaime gets spurned by Cersei and lusts for Brienne, who lusts back but has Standards and (self-imposed) Obligations. One of the few fics that does justice to the fallout of the Jaime/Cersei relationship, in which Cersei is treated as an actual character. A lot of this fic is Jaime being terribly chuffed about the fact that his wife can beat/kill the shit out of anyone who raises a finger against her and it’s glorious.
Travelling Far by astolat (E but more like M, 24k, canon divergence)Jaime decides to join Brienne’s quest to bring the Stark girls back home. Much family feels, it’s all terribly soft and sadjhk
Blood Bank by Coraleeveritas(E, 40k, doctors)Based on the Bon Iver song Blood Bank (which I coincidentally can’t stop listening to). Brienne is an ER doctor, Jaime a visitor. Both have children/family in hospital, they meet at the blood bank where Jaime is giving blood; things get heated like whoa. Minor subplot of Jaime (re)connecting with his children, Cersei is an asshole but virtually non-existent. Also I have to add that this writer’s style is AMAZING; it’s much more novelistic and descriptive than your standard fic, and absolutely beautifully written.
Human Touch by Lady_in_Red (T, 17k, doctor/patient and recovery)Jaime is suffering from phantom pains after the loss of his hand, and his last hope is a treatment Brienne offers. They kinda like each other, but Brienne is a Professional, so there’s lots of UST with a soft ending.
Madonna on the Balcony by QuizzicalQuinnia(M, 40k, artist/muse)Gosh okay so this is probably the only artist/muse fic I’ve ever genuinely liked. Jaime is a grumpy one-handed sculptor-turned-teacher who is sulking at some kind of resort thing, Brienne is a slightly traumatised rescue worker who is sent on leave after an accident. Jaime notices different parts of Brienne’s body from his balcony, and it Inspires him, so he seeks her out. Probably one of the more abstract fics I’ve read; it features a really nice lowkey commentary on art, beauty, and parts/wholes.
Mile High by bergamot(M, 20k, airport meet-not-so-cute)Jaime and Brienne meet at the airport; Jaime “subtly” arranges to move Brienne to first class because he finds here Interesting. Lots of excellent bickering, things get a bit heated, but not as heated as you’d hope judging from the title. Until they do. idk what I’m saying. XD
quarantined. by justme (silver_spring)(not rated but T-ish, 27k, doctors)Jaime and Brienne are doctors who get exposed to some kind of virus, so they have to spend ten days in quarantine. Fun times, exasperation, and awkward boners ensue. Enemies (ish) to friends to lovers. 
Spy Games by Lady_in_Red(M, 16k, secret service/undercover)Three-part series which containing snapshots of Jaime and Brienne’s partnership from grudgingly tolerating each other to being stupidly in love. In the first and longest fic Jaime and Brienne go undercover in a suburban neighbourhood, and one of the subplots is that Brienne is forced to read Fifty Shades of Grey. Jaime voluntarily (and secretly) reads the damn book. Highly recommended, I wish there were more fics like this!
Working Girl Brienne series by CaptainTarthister (E, 170k, various)Smutty smut with feelings where Brienne meets Jaime in different professional situations, which quickly turn… less professional. My favourites are Manslayer (journalists AU, 22k, Brienne has to write a perfume review and Jaime is smitten), A Lion at the Door (hairdresser/celebrity AU, 45k, Jaime breaks up with Cersei and wants to lop his locks off, much smut ensueth), and At All Fronts (bodyguard/royals AU, 30k, Jaime and Brienne are in a sorta secret relationship, this fic chronicles the fallout of an assassination attempt and Realisations of Feelings).
Clean hands by Gwen77 (T, 13k, lawyers)Brienne is an idealistic lawyer; she and Jaime went to law school together and he occasionally tries to poach her for his company lmao. Brienne is forced to work together with Jaime on a case and they catch feelings, Shit hits the fan, and there’s slight temporary angst, but all’s well that ends well. Brienne has zero confidence and puts herself down a lot, which is kinda hard to read cause she’s so brilliant. 😭
Stacked by QuizzicalQuinnia(E, 11k, academia and libraries)This fic is ridiculously uncomfortable for me because it’s set in academia and dear lord phd candidate/associate professor relationships make me so so so so uncomfortable. BUT. It’s soooo goood ugh. Brienne is a phd candidate hunting down an obscure medieval source (i.e. a future and more successful me), and she challenges Jaime, who wants to recruit her as a research assistant, to help her track down said source. JAIME’S FIELD OF EXPERTISE IS THE HISTORY OF INSULTS FHDAJDGAJ. Anyway, he commits to the challenge because he’s s m i t t e n and library research/steamy times/manuscript abuse ensues. It’s terribly cute and hot, but I just can’t with the eating pASTRIES WITHIN THE VICINITY OF MEDIEVAL MANUSCRIPTS. SACRILEGE. Also this has my favourite first kiss scenario probably.
On the Night’s Watch by Miss_M  (M, 105k, detectives)THIS IS HANDS DOWN MY FAVOURITE FSGJAGHDJA. Okay so the case is hands down disgusting (think Reek storyline in the books), but the story is more partner-focused than case-focused. Jaime is a bitter disgraced detective, who’s partnered with newbie Brienne, who is transferred after an Incident. Relationship starts off antagonistic, but develops into mutual respect and, of course, lust. Kind of slow-burn but not really. The development of the relationship and the whole detectives thing is really well done and I’d read 500 more of this fic it’s so good fhsjdk. This author has written a few other fics set in law enforcement, but this really is the best one.
Storks Ltd. by FaerieChild (M, 70k, coworkers and babyfic)So tbh the premise isn’t my thing at all, but I thought the story was really well done, so I’m including it. Brienne works at the Lannister company and desperately wants a child because she’s the last of her house. Jaime is in a relationship with Cersei, who won’t let him be a parent to their kids, which is the one thing he really wants. So Jaime and Brienne enter an Agreement where he fathers the kid, but also gets to be a father. Jaime/Cersei fizzles out, feelings happen, Jaime (re)connects with his already existing kids.
The Book of Love by hardlyfatal (M, 60k, airport meet-not-so-cute)Jaime and Brienne meet in less-than-ideal circumstances in an airport and are condemned to each other’s company when all flights are cancelled and Jaime happens to have rented the last rental car, and also Brienne happens to be a cellist in Tyrion’s orchestra, talk about coincidences. So they roadtrip (that’s a verb now) to their destination and catch feelings. The roadtrip part is absolutely excellent 💯👌 but obviously things get a little complicated when they reach their destination before the happy ending.
Flat White by shiphitsthefan (M, 10k, coffee shop)Jaime is a barista and obsessed with the tall and mysterious flat-chested lady who has a very specific coffee order.
Jaime’s Awkward Boner June collection (various)Does exactly what it says on the tin and it’s glorious. Definitely my favourite trope in this fandom.
Bonus: There’s Always Much Ado About Nothing by imagineagreatadventure (T, 1k, theatre)Yeah I’m including this purely because it’s a motherflipping Much Ado About Nothing theatre fic fhasjk
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S U M M E R  R E A D I N G  L I S T
Summer is here! What are you all up to these days?
Are you lying on the beach, sipping some cool drink with a fancy name and enjoying the sun? Or sitting on a long monotonous flight to your holiday destination? Or perhaps you’re chilling in the park after work?
And is there something missing in all those scenarios?
Why, a good book, of course!
So here’s a list of some of our favourite books; ones that we love coming back to again and again and ones that we might’ve read only once so far but already know we’ll be rereading them in the future :) And since summer is a perfect time to read something new as well, you’ll also find some upcoming releases that we’re excited about here.
Happy reading!
The Chase by Elle Kennedy (expected publication date : August 6th) - not only Fitzy was shook by Summer’s appearance in The Score, we were too! Now we cannot wait for their story and with our love of Off Campus series, our expectations for this book to end up being the hottest read of the summer are pretty damn high.
The Governess Game by Tessa Dare (expected publication date : August 28th) - the first book in Girl Meets Duke series, “The Duchess Deal”, was an absolute delight to read and we’re hoping this one will continue that happy hot streak.
Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik (expected publication date : July 10th) - a good retelling by one of our favoruite authors sounds like a must-read and must-read it is.
Hot Asset by Lauren Layne (published : May 22nd) - the first book in Lauren Layne’s newest series, 21 Wall Street, has it all - steamy romance, great cast of characters, some crime and mystery and last but not least, hot brokers in suits.
Sea Witch by Sarah Henning (expected publication date : July 31st) - MERMAIDS. Enough said.
The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang (published : June 5th) - we fell in love with this book and we’re sure many of you will too! It’s funny, it’s warm, it’s sexy and Stella and Michael are definitely our faves this summer <3
I Think I Love You by Lauren Layne (expected publication date : July 10th) - the last book in Oxford series and we’re definitely curious about it. We love us some fake dating and friends to lovers trope xD
Pride by Ibi Zoboi (expected publication date : September 18th) - contemporary Pride and Prejudice retelling? WE. ARE. SO. IN.
Jock Row by Sara Ney (published : May 3rd) - in our minds, you can’t go wrong with some steamy sports romance for a summer read and this one is just so freaking cute!
Mirage by Somaiya Daud (expected publication date : August 28th) - YA fantasy with Moroccan-inspired setting and the summary sounds oh-so-intriguing. Is this the next series we will get obsessed with? Seems probable!
To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo (published : March 6th) - bloodthirsty mermaids? Check. Ruggedly handsome pirates? Check. Enemies to friends to lovers trope? CHECK, CHECK AND CHECK, GO READ THIS BOOK NOW.
The Naked Truth by Vi Keeland (expected publication date : July 23rd) - most of us on this blog have a “hit and miss” experience with Vi Keeland’s books but this one seems like a perfectly balanced hot meal of romance and angst, so we’re here, ready for it xD
The Score by Elle Kennedy - again, you just can’t go wrong with sports romance for some summer reading and Allie and Dean will surely knock your socks off. WE LOVE THIS STORY!
Addicted series by Krista & Becca Ritchie - it won’t come as a surprise, surely, that this is one of our most beloved series. In fact, we’re planning on rereading it sometime in August! So...anyone else ready to go through ten books full of love, friendship, heartache, pain and utter bliss? Join us and fall in love with Lily, Rose, Daisy, Lo, Connor and Ryke just like we did!
Walk of Shame by Lauren Layne - one of our favs by Lauren Layne, it’s SO CUTE and FUNNY and will make you feel good!
Call Me By Your Name by André Aciman - at first sight, this is a story of summer romance set in Italy - which makes it perfect for summer reading list - but in reality, it’s. So. Much. More. And it might very well break your heart but it’s worth it.
Foolish Kingdoms series by Natalia Jaster - creators of this blog have declared themselves crazy for Natalia Jaster’s writing - and it all started with the first book in this series, “Trick”. Fantasy setting, poetic prose and entertaining layered characters - what more could one wish for?
All for the Game by Nora Sakavic - this series is by no means a “light” summer read but we still love it so much and can’t help rereading it again and again. The Foxes have claimed our hearts and refuse to let go, just as we do.
Devil in Spring by Lisa Kleypas - how can one pass summer without reading at least one steamy historical romance, right? And this one doesn’t disappoint! With a charming and refreshing heroine and a dashing hero who becomes her biggest fanboy in a matter of a few chapters, it’s a real treat :)
When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon - young love at the summer program for aspiring web developers with romance and cuteness overload, are you in or are you in???
Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover - friends-slash-neighbours with benefits arrangement meets Feelings. Rules are broken. Complications ensue. Read it *whispers SUBTLY*
Tell Me Three Things by Julia Buxbaum - perhaps a book set in high school doesn’t exactly scream “summer” but this is one of our favourite YA contemporaries. There’s just something about the way this book makes you feel...we just cannot recommend it enough!
From Lukov with Love by Mariana Zapata - sure, this is a sports romance revolving around figure skating which happens to involve lots of ice but rest assured, the chemistry between Jasmine and Ivan will leave you in need of ice for cooling down purposes.
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black - granted, we’ve read it only months ago, but this one has us absolutely obsessed. And you could be too, just dare to venture into the mysterious and deadly world of faeries - just remember to guard your mortal heart.
Everless by Sara Holland - YA fantasy with an usual concept of time as currency - it keeps you on the edge of chair as you read it. If anyone feels like reading some quality fantasy this summer, go for it!
Married by Morning Lisa Kleypas - favourite one from The Hathaways series! Catherine and Leo just own our hearts <3 This book will make you laugh and (maybe) cry and (surely) fan your heated face (because the hotness levels? Phew🔥
The Foxe and the Hound by R.S. Grey - this is such a make-you-feel-good book and the main character, Madeleine, couldn’t be more relatable. She’s in her mid/late-twenties and - plot twist - doesn’t have it all figured out yet. Luckily, not all hope is lost yet xD
Forbidden Hearts series you by Alisha Rai - it saddens us greatly how underappreciated Alisha Rai’s writing is. She writes compelling diverse characters and her smut is the ultimate proof that Consent Is Sexy. Join us in fangirling!
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exowolf-reactions · 7 years
Can u post another request list please
Okay so I’m doing a wolf reaction and a Kyungsoo drabble atm. Then comes:
Reactions:Their Girl being a tripletTheir gf being a famous authorYou are in a fight and they call you clingyYou being a blood donor (i think i have something similar)Meeting a girl at a cooking lessontheir girl friend asking them to help her pull up her jeans that are a little too tightMonster! AU] Their S/O getting used to their dark reality.. etc etc im not spoilnghis girlfriend, who is also idol, want to keep the relationship a secretget a lot of support from your fans and fans of your girlfriend (also idol) for the relationshipExo reaction to try to get your crush / best friend to fall in love with him, even if she's heartbroken (i think I have something similar)exo reaction to you waking them up with kisses. (I could swear i had this one but I couldn’t find it :()exo react to their really close friend showing up to the dorms  etc etc not spoilingthey meet their idol ex girlfriend in ISAC but their current idol girlfriend is there tooExo Reaction to you really can't taking it anymore, that he has kissing scenes and photoshoots with other girls  (uhhhhh jealousy at its finest xD)exo reaction to their ideal type calmly telling them that she love them but her outside image is not so pure like other girl cuz she have tattoo and piercing and get into fight a lot (pretty sure I have this)how would exo react if things got steamy backstage between you two (naughty)exo react to their S/O trying to act scary and try to be evil but she is really short and has a baby face and she fails horribly (pretty sure this is on the masterlist too)Exo reaction when their wife let their baby alone(she's worried) with them for the 1st timeExo reacting to hearing you play the piano for the first timeExo finding out their new girlfriend's dad is the most dangerous man in Korea (pretty sure this is somewhere  lost in the masterlist too xD)their gf not having enough money to keep living in the house she has so says she will have to move far away even to a different country where it is cheaper
Drabbles/etc:headcanons of them being dadsExo from Mtl to cry when seeing their beloved bride in a wedding dressKris scenariomtl about having conversations with their girl/boyfriend about political or social issues
also a lot of asks to answer please be patient, I’m trying! Kekeke, Ara~
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