#lots of mordred content in this one
parttimeghost · 2 years
Find the Word Tag
thank you to @marigoldispeculiar for the tag (also: hi! <3)
my words are: TELL, FELL, WELL, SHELL, & SMELL
Head to the Isle of Avalon; you’ll be safe there. Show them this,” She presses Moronoe’s dagger into his palm, his fingers curling gently—hesitatingly—around the hilt, “tell them Morgan sent you and that I’m sorry I haven’t been able to write recently, but that I’m okay. Can you do that?” When he doesn’t answer, she prompts, “Mordred. Can you do that?”
She would tell them of the years that followed. Of the families that had approached her in the dead of night, frightened faces alight with the flames of cloth torches, babes tucked beneath their cloaks whose sleeping chests rose and fell in time with the winds.
Merlin nods, flipping over on the bed so he’s facing her, elbows sinking into the mattress. “There’s always a feast after the first day of the tournament. It’s supposed to–” He coughs, pitching his voice deeper to mimic the King. “Commemorate the memories of the late Lady Ygraine and her daughter, as well as the anniversary of Arthur’s adoption. Kind of weird to me. But I guess nothing says paying respects to the dead like almost joining them.”
She wonders if he would believe the king's lies. Believe that his sister had bartered away pieces of her soul in return for power; believe that the Laudine that remained was but an empty shell, all magic and hunger and power.
tw: injury, discussions of death
He laughs, a soft, breathy thing, glancing up at Uther from behind wild hair. “A king that is afraid of an honest duel is hardly the kind of man that should sit upon the throne. How can he be expected to defend his kingdom when he will not even defend his own pride? Cowardice is hardly becoming of a King, Uther. And besides,” He takes a breath as gold sparks around his wrists, the smell of burning flesh permeating the air. A preview of what is surely to come. “You and your son could always refuse to pick up the gauntlet, show everyone what cowards you really are.”
no pressure tags: @athemarina, @j-1173, and anyone else that feels like joining in!
Your words are: EXPRESS, TEAR, SHARP, SLIP, & STONE.
And if you can’t find any of the words, feel free to share something else about your WIP that you’re proud of. It might be a piece of dialogue, a fun bit of worldbuilding, or a character you love. <3
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nobodieshero-main · 6 hours
#they finally talk. mordred tells his big brother that 'once upon a time i was supposed to stop breathing before i hit my teens.'#he tells him everything about knowing when his death day passed about the nightmares and the confusion and the agoraphobia#he tells him about his insecurities and his self-hatred -- how terribly must he have fucked up to not even be worthy of dying?#he tells him he's scared and he doesn't know what he's supposed to do with all this....life.#and atlas is THERE and he hugs him and he's so fucking relieved that - whatever his brother was meant for - he survived.#he hugs his little brother and tells him its okay to be scared because no one really knows what theyre doing with their lives#he holds his face between his hands and god when did mordred get so big?#''all you have to do is KEEP living okay? that's what you do with life: you live it.''#its not exactly poetry but it IS what mordred needs to hear#ive been thinking A Lot about mordred making an appearance in the searching but idk for sure yet#i just need to figure out WHEN this conversation happens so i can wrap up mordreds arc the way he deserves#i think im gonna try patching his and atlas's relationship across the second and third book#like atlas is HOME and then he's not and mordred is bitter but then- a letter. atlas has written to him.#and he keeps writing. bc he knows now what it is to lose someone and he doesnt want to lose his brother#so they're pen pals!! and it's stiff and formal and awkward and slow going but eventually they're exchanging gossip and venting and.#aaaa#happy lavore content wow look at me go#lavore brothers#mordred lavore#atlas lavore
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llamagirl28 · 1 year
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What's new?
The public demo has just been updated with the entirety of chapter 4, wherein Mordred:
Has squire training and lessons
Visits the Lady of the Lake Temple in town
Pets a kitty!
Reads correspondence, if they have any
Celebrates their twelfth birthday!
Defiinitely doesn't receive any shocking revelations
Besides that, we have some changes made to earlier chapters:
Morgana's POV in chapter 3, after the talk in the study concerning Arthur and the prophecy; mostly just rephrasing and polishing but it's worth giving a re-read
In the prologue, when Morgana suggests that Mordred will be killed if taken away from her - and it passed as an accident - and heavily implies Merlin would have came up with the idea, Arthur is horrified that she'd think so; Merlin never mentioned such a thing and he doesn't believe the man capable of it.
In chapter 1, when Junia shows Mordred the portrait of Guinevere, she no longer refers to Guin fighting against rebels attacking her home since a) there's no reason for the rebels to do so, b) Guin wouldn't have the constitution to fight. Instead, she's helped ward off some dragon hunters trying to sneak into the Continent by their seaside castle in a far shrewder and less physically demanding way: by making explosives!
Note: I highly recommend starting a new game since there's an issue with old saves that prevents a lot of interaction scenes from showing (the ones during the birthday party and the following day)
Demo link: https://llamagirl.itch.io/the-bastard-of-camelot
If you crave more Boc content and wish to support me, you can check out my Patreon or Kofi, linked in the pinned post!
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tainbocuailnge · 4 months
maybe its just that the amount of fateposters on this site is much smaller and a larger audience by definition includes a larger amount of assholes but it's always fascinating and bewildering to see the difference in responses i get on daily between twitter and tumblr. yesterdays super milquetoast statement got multiple reblogs of 'i dont like fate but i agree with the sentiment' on tumblr and truckloads of 'cringe tranny kill yourself' qrts on twitter. plenty of supportive qrts too and i usually end up with a net plus change in twitter followers after posting something like that so by every measure it doesn't hurt me in any way to periodically chase off these people because the support is always larger than the disapproval. idk its scary to be alive as transgender in a climate of rampant transphobia but at many points i find that loud transphobia is often coming from a minority of assholes that feels emboldened because one particular transphobic asshole in their area holds a disproportionate amount of power or influence. which is still scary but 'the people in power hate us' feels a little more surmountable than 'everyone hates us'.
its also kinda interesting how many of these people jumped to "fate started as porn" as gotcha, or saying i must be new to fate. they've taken to using "tourist" as term for it apparently. they don't know i'm a decorated fate scholar of course because i don't tell people on daily who i am for a reason, don't want them coming here too without already knowing about me anyway and thats why i lock posts where i mention it. but there's something interesting about them equating dislike of lolicon content with dislike of sexual content in general and then trying to call me a hypocrite for not sharing that equivalence. and of course the large overlap between anime transphobes and lolicons despite the common tactic of slandering transgender people as pedophiles. and there's always something bitterly funny about how every time this happens a disproportionately large amount of these transphobic type moon fans are really into mordred. or they get really really upset at the idea of saber saying something they ideologically disagree with. like im just fascinated by the kind of arguments that end up being made in these situations because it reveals a lot about the untenability of their position. they always have to resort to "well you're new here so i dont have to listen to you" or "well you used a lot of words so im not reading that" or even "well MY waifu wouldn't say that". they don't have a leg to stand on other than being loud and the fact that some jackass with authority agrees with them and I think they on some level know it, i think they wouldn't be as aggressive about it otherwise.
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poisonedfate · 22 hours
hi it's been like 3 months, so wondering how u feel about ur statement that "the kindness in this show is as hated as magic itself." (context: this was specifically about merlin&morgana and 02x03) because did u mean 'kindness is a futile effort that means little in this tragic story' or like 'merlin's story is rejecting and transcending human kindness for the greater good' or [something else/more nuanced that i have overlooked]
i NEED to know what made you bring this up. was this the ep you were rewatching?
anyways. not sure if any of your 'guesses' quite fit. i meant it as - similarly to magic, it's the cause, it's the reason and it's the sword you fall on. in a lot of the instances where someone showed kindness, it eventually became something twisted. on a larger scale you have morgana and merlin - their decision making, their driving force. beyond that, however, are the 'stand alone' happenings - again, a bigger one would be the treatment of mordred, but we can also reference things like kindhearted trust or inkling to help someone. magic is not without its twist and turns, its good and bad in generic terms. and neither is kindness.
magic is the focal point of the story, of course. it's the context, the clear outline of plots and what not. and it is engrained in the very heart of the show. magic is hated, mistreated loudly. kindness on the other hand is almost subtextual. it's not addressed as often, not in the actual "main focus here" and "listen to my actual words" kind of way. and yet. it is, just as magic, a good thing turned sour. something that can and should be a source for good, turned dark and twisted. the magic bit does not need to be explained, i'm sure. the kindness bit, i'm certain you can understand by now. the very use of it, the faked kindnesses, the played up, orchestrated ones, to give another example, somewhat parallel the uses and choices when talking about magic.
as much as the hatred of magic is highlighted in the series, kindness is mistreated through the actual writing, the very content of plot driving. no one is walking around saying "kindness is a crime". but the parallels you can draw? in this conversation, magic comes from the view of characters, kindness comes from their actions. both twisted into something more sinister.
i hope that answers your question.
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queer-ragnelle · 7 months
would you mind sharing your thoughts on Arthur Rex? No pressure at all!
hi anon! i would love to!!
TL;DR author thomas berger had a lot of prejudice coming through in this book at random times which will undoubtedly make this unpalatable for some readers. completely valid reason to skip this one. but if you can get past that, the characterization is interesting! i'll indicate some of favorite aspects (with spoilers) below a cut.
right off the bat i think berger gets huge props for his balanced characterization almost across the board. aside from some of his super villains who love evil for the sake of evil (morgan le fay, sir melaegant, sir gromer, sir mordred) everyone has good & bad qualities that work in tandem to create an engaging story arc.
autism be damned by boy arthur can work a kingdom! lovable weirdo from page one. picky eater, sleeps with the windows open in winter, incapable of reading emotions, blind to social cues, infodumps to whomever will listen. which leads to the fascinating handling of his seduction at the hands of his sister morgause. here arthur is a 20yo virgin (nothing wrong with that, just older than he's usually depicted at this stage which i found unique). he's oblivious to morgause's wile e coyote attempts to kill him for her husband lot as arthur gives her a tour of the castle & talks non-stop about random stuff she doesn't care about. yet...she's wooed by his adorable naivety & they have consensual sex in ignorance of their relation. however, once arthur learns of this, he's so humiliated & disgusted with himself, that he refuses to set foot in that castle again, & after falling in love with guinevere & marrying her, he stays in her castle for her own familiarity & his comfort. he's then haunted for the rest of the book by that one night & it influences his decisions forever after, eventually costing him that strategical mind which made him a good king in the first place. i found that arthur's love for guinevere was very sweet if complicated. after his tercel kills her canary, he fills a room with countless new ones in golden cages, but she's not content. it really highlights arthur's fatal flaw, that he's high-effort, yet the encounter with morgause emotionally stunted him forever, & he lacks the emotional intelligence necessary to connect with his wife. i also like how arthur handled gawain's killing of pellinore. arthur beats gawain up (lol) & yells at him that his own father (uther) was a bad guy & all he can do himself is be a better man, & gawain should be trying to be better than lot, not worse. he forces him to shake hands with lamorak & they're friends after that. 10/10 no notes all my blorbos kiss & make up. infodumping to morgause:
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this then brings me to gawain who i adore in this book. he has it all. he's a total slut right from his introduction when he's not immediately available to meet the king bc he's "jousting a maiden..." he loves his brothers dearly, he's (eventually) loyal to arthur, great friends with kay & lancelot, he goes through the green knight adventure, & then eventually meets & settles down with ragnelle which was so sweet i got cavities. he has a bunch of kids with her & gets to die in her arms at the end (weeping). the narrative is generous to gawain regarding his anger toward lancelot as well which i liked. by that i mean it indicates that if either of them knew guinevere was in danger besieged by mordred, they would have dropped their fight at once to help her, but they had no idea, so they fought to gawain's death. gawain's ghost then comes to arthur flanked by his polycule of angels who are glad to have his virile prowess in heaven (no lie that is the rationale it's awesome). overall i thought he was great, very few books manage to give him a satisfying arc & this did! wedding to ragnelle:
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my boy kay gets to be his best self here. right from his childhood he was dissatisfied with his humble life in wales, so when the opportunity to be seneschal for arthur arises, he puts his whole pussy into it. lots of beautiful description of banquets he makes, the whole process of his management in the kitchen as well as surrounding fields, orchards, etc to make it all happen. he even baked & decorated gawain/ragnelle's fancy wedding cake it's adorable. when meleagant kidnaps guinevere, kay had been serving the women at the time & was overcome, so he heads out immediately after her & ends up in prison beside her, where they comfort one another through the bars (makes me a little insane, their friendship was so good). the relationship with beaumains is also well-developed here, & kay is skeptical of beaumains but not outright cruel to him, & eventually warms up to him as gareth is friendly & willing to work. optimal outcome! this kay isn't as great as cherith baldry's, but he's pretty damn good considering the horrors out there. fighting meleagant:
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a complex/nuanced agravaine??? more likely than you think...i adore him. funny & brooding & jealous & kind of a dummy lol but what i find compelling is that some of his dislike for lancelot stems from the fact gawain was arthur's first knight & his recognition as such is eclipsed by lancelot in both the king's eyes but gawain's own as well. agravaine even expresses that he feels as if gawain loves lancelot more than him...ouch?? he's fiercely loyal to arthur & he's appointed as guinevere's personal guard for many years. this further explains his obsession with lancelot, as it's literally his job to keep her safe/protect her honor, & an affair threatens that. later, mordred is finally old enough to come to court, agravaine is the only unmarried brother so he gets to bunk with him, & he's so excited about it bc he's been lonely since the other 3 moved in with their wives (hello??? sob??). he's got a close loving relationship with arthur which is of utmost importance to me. in the end it's mordred who manipulates agravaine into cornering lancelot. but it almost doesn't work bc agravaine is so hopelessly in love that, on seeing lancelot in his night clothes, completely loses his train of thought & lancelot smoothly talks him out of it. flawless. uncle & nephew relationship:
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overall this book is deeply flawed. berger makes endless asides to mention gender essentialism, race, sexuality. it's inexcusable. but he got the characterization of my faves so right & he's dead now so i'm not giving him any publicity or money by discussing the aspects i did like. overall i do think it's worth a read.
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fefuckability · 8 months
The Binding Blade bracket qualifier! Starts November 4th at 3pm EDT!
Here’s how it’s going to work:
There are going to be nine qualifying polls (six for the men, three for the women)
Pick your most bangable favorite from each poll
Polls will run for one week (I’d prefer 3 days but alas Tumblr doesn’t offer the option yet)
The top 32 male characters and the top 16 female characters will qualify for the men’s and women’s brackets
Qualifier 1 (Marcus, Alen, Lance, Bors, Merlinus, Dieck, Wade, Lot)
Qualifier 2 (Rutger, Saul, Zelot, Trec, Noah, Astolfo, Barthe, Ogier, Sin)
Qualifier 3 (Gonzalez, Geese, Klein, Elffin, Bartre, Perceval, Garret, Hugh, Zeiss)
Qualifier 4 (Douglas, Dayan, Yoder, Karel, Narcian, Galle, DILF Hector, DILF Eliwood, Murdock)
Qualifier 5 (Zephiel, Mordred, Jahn, Flaer, Arcard, Roartz, Damas, Rude)
Qualifier 6 (Slater, Dory, Devias, Zinc, Scouran, Ain, Gel)
Qualifier 7 (Elen, Shanna, Dorothy, Sue, Gwendolyn, Fir)
Qualifier 8 (Thea, Larum, Echidna, Cath, Melady, Cecilia, Igrene)
Qualifier 9 (Niime, Juno, Brunnya, Guinivere, Idunn, Sigune)
I am also adding a Google Form to submit characters for an enby bracket so Limstella, Kyza, and Bramimond don’t get left out. These can be characters from any game as long as there is canon basis for them being nonbinary.
Extra notes under the cut
Characters who are excluded from voting:
Anyone who obviously both looks and acts like a literal child. Some characters are borderline so discretion may be used*
Roy, Lilina, Raigh, and Lugh because they're all Confirmed Babies(TM)
Generics and palette swaps (e.g. Scott and Gelero)
Anyone who lacks either a portrait or a unique name in this game (e.g. Athos)
Elimine. She's a weird one because she doesn't have a portrait in this game, but she was given a unique look in later spinoff content (e.g. FEH). I'm excluding her from this bracket and putting her in with Blazing Blade instead. I think it makes more sense to run her and Athos at the same time
*I have not actually played Binding Blade. I know, I know, it's on my list. I'm doing my best here. If there's a character on here who you think should be excluded just shoot me an ask or something with your reasoning and we can DQ them if necessary
**I'm using the localized names because I think after 6 years of FEH they're the more commonly known ones now? Idk. The old games are gonna get weird like that, strap in
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knightofmordred · 8 months
Gwen is an afterthought because her plot is boring, guys. It would have been the same with white!Gwen as well. Haven't you all really seen other fandoms with white actresses being sidelined because of a lead mlm ship?
see i mean you're just proving my point really.
gwen was one of the most interesting (and consistent) characters. not only is her servant-to-queen pipeline interesting, but she had to fight to be seen and heard. she was a queen before she was even queen (e.g, when stood up to agravaine for the people). and she also was one of the first people to figure out who a villian was etc.
i mean im sure ive done a post about this, and so have other people so i won't go into detail with this (although I def could!)
it's a bit ironic saying gwen's plot is 'boring' to a kara and mordred fan because it just brings me to my next point. we have characters like leon who was in the show but we didn't really see that much on his back story and he didn't have much of a personality yet that's not stopped fans from paying attention to him, trying to figure out his back story and make content etc! there are other characters like will, daegal, and even that servant who replaced merlin but who dressed like him (can't remember his name) who are loved/enjoyed in the fandom. and i mean i can give my own example with kara!
so using the excuse of "gwen's character/plot is boring" doesn't rlly make sense. esp when if you actually pay attention, you'll find that's not the case.
you're right though, this does also happen to white actresses, but that experience is different. they don't have the addition of racism. and my how people have used this to be racist to gwen/angel!
and there are so many shows where there are (main) characters who are black and their partner is white. it happens a lot more to black women, which means there's more chance they'd be sidelined or at least subjected to a racist fandom.
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infinitestarsdev · 1 year
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Devlog 2023-06-02
It's Friday, and not just any Friday, it's a PUBLIC RELEASE Friday! That means that EVERYONE gets to play the new public release!
If that wasn't exciting enough, we're also running a cross promotion with Llamagirl's Bastard of Camelot. We've added a new unique portrait of Galahad, one of the LI's in Bastard of Camelot and Llamagirl also created a small little short story for her fans where Merlin speaks of the things he sees in the future. (Spoiler Alert: He sees Infinite Stars!)
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If you love the lore and interactions in Infinite Stars, you'll love the story of Bastard of Camelot. If you like what Llamagirl is doing, please consider supporting her on Patreon. <3
The Bastard of Camelot is a text-based interactive story wherein you play the infamous Mordred of Arthurian myths, born under an ominous prophecy heralding them as the undoing of Camelot. The player has the opportunity to shape Mordred - from personality to gender to appearance - as they grow up as a squire and become a Knight of the Round Table at King Arthur's Court. Embrace the prophecy, or try to defy it!
In addition to the cross promotion, I've also switched the Patreon billing service to subscription based, meaning if you sign up on the 15th, you get billed on the 15th of each month! That means you can now sign up to be a Patreon on the 29th of the month without worrying about being billed again on the 1st! (Existing Patrons aren't affected <3)
I've also enabled Patreon Trials for our promotion with Llamagirl, meaning you can now try 7 days of patronage for free! It's currently on the Lieutenant tier, and depending on the results we'll either discontinue the trial entirely or downgrade the access to the Ensign tier once the promotion concludes.
Now, on to Infinite Stars! We've been hard at work, with a lot of new story content dropping soon. Sadly, there isn't too much new Patreon content from last week's update to show yet, but stick around! The new build does however include three new portraits for your MC, and we can share a small teaser of some of the new crew members you'll meet soon! (The new Public build has a lot more content that Patrons have already seen, with more coming soon!)
[The image in the header is the spoiler <3]
Our Patrons have voted and the polls have closed, with a new NSFW shower scene with Commander Lochem being added to the game soon. The new poll cycle will start on Monday, where you can choose which scene we should work on next! As a side note, this is in addition to the usual content we're adding each month.
We'll also share the newest surprise pinup next week. (Alright, it's Khalil. A very VERY sexy Khalil! So don't go anywhere!)
All of you can get the latest version on Itchio.io or on Steam, and Patrons can get the latest Patreon build here: Win|Linux|Mac or Android.
Have a fantastic weekend, stay safe, and be kind to each other.
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crowtwink · 2 months
wip ask game
tagged by @paprikadotmp4
rules: reveal the titles of the documents in your wip folder and tag as many people as there are documents. let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
I'm actually not that much of a WIP person lol If I finish something, it's probably getting posted. If I move on to something else, the previous thing is probably abandoned and I don't consider it a WIP anymore (I am not nearly organized enough for a WIP folder)
That said, I do have a few (especially if you count original fiction) so here you go!
WWM: My nano fic from last year. Mostly complete, but still getting a few tweaks here and there. Currently a little under half is posted to AO3 as true hope is swift and flies with robin's wings
WWM Side Story - Constanna: Exactly what it sounds like. A companion to WWM focusing on Constantine and Zatanna. Still being written.
Trickster Gods: A little seed of an idea that's never quite been abandoned. Follows Trickster's (trans) daughter, Billie Hong, all grown up on a quest to find her father and rescue her mother. I have barely more than 500 words of this but I keep coming back to it.
Trans People Existed in Elizabethan England Bye: Original fiction. A story about an actor in Shakespeare's company coming into herself as a trans woman. Complete, just needs some editing.
Bastard Sons: Original Fiction. A retelling of the King Arthur mythos focused on Mordred and Galahad. Tentatively complete, needs a LOT of editing.
Tagging... uh... @lemonandsageadvice and.... idk anyone else who wants to do it
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starsonistlove · 1 year
My list of: The fanfics ever (fandom mix)
Not organised in any particular order.  
All on ao3  (shoves ff.net fics back into the closet).
Doing most of this by memory, sorry if I get anything wrong!(It got very late whilst I was making this so I probably missed a lot) Remember to check tags and chapter notes for content warnings. Enjoy!(pls rec me fics if you like these I need more)
Next to You(It's the Rule) by LunaMyLove
A 5+1 fic                                                                                                Centred around the idea of Merlin being treated like the queen by everyone in Camelot, (and the rest of Albion). Lots of shenaniganry and laughs, generally pretty light hearted. 
Lot’s of laughs, I love these vibes.
Court Sorcerer Merlin, Lancelot lives, good Mordred, eventual Morgana redemption. 
Ships: Merthur, Gwencelot
Status: Complete
Interperspective by SnufflesThePig
Reaction fic!!!                                                                                                    Arthur, the knights(- Mordred), Hunith, Gaius, Gwen, Morgana and Merlin are trapped in a cave by magic to watch the show, + some extra original scenes. 
Author will never stop waxing poetic about Colin Morgan, and I will not ask them too.
Lancelot lives, eventual Morgana redemption, Magic reveal, Scar reveal, Arthur glasses, art.
Ships: Merthur, Morgwen
Status: Updated 19-08-22
Harry Potter
Time to take a chance by Bookworms75
Reaction fic!!                                                                                                    Set in GoF before the champions are chosen, the entirety of hogwarts (+extras) get the chance to read books from the future. 
Gotta love some incompetent adults, with a side of ✨feelings✨
Dursley abuse revealed, books affect the mc, parseltongue Harry, protective golden trio.
Ships: n/a
Status: Updated 05-02-21 
Tommyinnit 3 ends and 2 beginnings by 47bats
Another Reaction fic! (you seein a pattern yet?)                                           Most of the dsmp get pulled into a theatre by Drista a few weeks after Tommy’s death in the prison, to watch the server’s history through the youngest member’s eyes. 
Made me feel many emotions.
author is a Tommy apologist, suicidal Tommy, protective Ranboo, protective Puffy, protective fiancés, abusive Pogtopia!Wil, family!sbi, exile revealed, Jackmanifold apology 
Ships: n/a
Status: Autor took it down, anon account posted a copy. incomplete.
Ours poetica by zeeskeit
Highschool au                                                                                                Tommy is in high school, he is also, unbeknownst to his family, a poet in a slam poetry team
One of many fics that have succesfully made me cry
neglective!sbi, family!sbi, protective benchtrio, protective Puffy and Sam, big brother dream.
Ships: n/a
Status: Updated 02-09-22
A wilderness you kind of miss by Drhair76
IRL Magic Benchtrio!                                                                                        Real life setting with magic!! bench trio are the sun, earth and moon and they are soulmates.
This author has made me cry many times they are sooo talented.
Protective benchtrio, protective Wilbur, wind goddess, lovejoy!, inhuman!Ash lovejoy.
Ships: n/a
Status: Series; 9, incomplete
from ice to water by Drhair76 and plantform 
Winter Olympics! au                                                                                        Figure skater Tommy with a shitty coach gets adopted by a bunch of ice hockey players and some snowboarders, +his healing arc afterwards.
Made me sob, many times, I love every part of this au I could sing it’s praises forever they included so many characters, and all of them are amazing.
Protective pretty much everyone, healing arc, asthmatic Tommy
Ships: n/a
Status: Series; 11, incomplete
Human error by teeth_eater
Space/aliens au                                                                                              Tommy is a human in space and he ends up on the sbi ship and they +Tubbo become a family breaking all of the space laws. 
Really creative and sweet, with a side of angst. Also the details of all the alien species is so cool
Found family, eventual Ranboo, 5+1, space culture!!
Ships: n/a
Status: Series; 12, incomplete
My Hero Academia
Reconcile by whatagoodegg
Shigaraki and Midoriya! trapped together. I love this duo so much, they have so much potential, and them scheming and causing chaos is amazing.
VERY TIRED ERASERHEAD, ALSO VERY BAD AFO, Mido bending reality casually, ofa reveal(i think)
Ships: n/a
Status: Complete, sequel on the way.
Paint me in trust by dinomight
SOULMATES(NON ROMANTIC)                                                                      People who love you leave a coloured mark on your skin on first contact!! Starts off very sad, but ends very sweat. Overall adorable one-shot
Ships: n/a
Status: complete
Throw a chair through a window and call it a day by jaded_ghoster
PRINCIPLE ERASERHEAD WITH ASSISTANT IZUKU                                  I love this fic, it’s pure chaos the whole way through Nezu leaves for a week on business, Aizawa and Midoriya are left to rule the school as they see fit whilst he’s away.
Terrifying midoriya, notebooks galore, discrimination acknowledgment
Ships: n/a
Status: Complete, sequel in progress
Area cryptid upset no-one bothered to inform him of his tragic backstory by crimsonseekers
Amnesiac Dabi Possibly one of my fav fics of all time just for how unaware the lov is of the destruction they are causing, poor hawks is along for the ride and suffering for it. Dabi doesn’t know who he is, the lov is determined to figure it out.
HPSC exposed, unintentional vigilante lov, todoroki family chaos
 Ships: DabiHawks
Status: Complete
I am their emotional support dad and my demands are by Otaku6337
DADZAWA Literally just Aizawa getting his students therapy and the trauma support accommodations they need. Really short and sweet, with chaos vibes
Ships: n/a
Status: Complete
Izuku's project by redanick
Endeavor gets rekt, statistics style Izuku get’s very sleep deprived and puts together a monster document of all the reasons endeawhore is a bitch without exposing the abuse and then ruins this man. I live for endeavor getting rekt by protective mido.
everyone is scared of the bush and RIGHTFULLY SO
Ships: n/a
Status: Complete
Lifeline by SilvermistAnimeLover
Kidzuku kidnapped 12yo Mido gets kidnapped but they miss his phone so he stays on call with Detective Tsukauchi, Eraserhead and Mic the whole time, til they rescue him.
Smart mido, kind of inventor midoriya, protective adults 
Ships: Erasermic
Status: Complete
Paper Agency by The Feels Whale (miscellea)
Never went to UA Midoriya+ Hero course graduate Shinsou Shindeku, quirkless Midoriya and parental erasermic. 
Need I say more?
Ships: Shindeku, EraserMic
Status: Complete
Apex predator by  silver jackdaw (cizzi)
SUPER GENIUS MIDO So much happens in this fic it’s hard to describe. Early shindeku friendship, Endeavor/Mineta/HPSC/Aldera exposed, Bakugo redemption, big brother Touya Todoroki, adoptive dad all might, kind of nice Sir Nighteye, deku/momo friendship, lov redemption /rehabilitation.
Ships: DabiHawks, Miruko/Fuyumi, TodoDeku, Tsuchako, Erasermic, Rei/Compress
Status: Updated 03-01-21
The Magicians
take the pieces and build them skywards by alasse
Hedge witches Q and Julia Q gets memory wiped but Julia reminds him of magic and the open their own hedge coven together.
Ships: Queliot
Status: Complete
The Umbrella Academy
Where the lonely make the lonely feel less lonely by grumpyhedgehogs
Pre canon fix-it Viktor becomes a local super hero through the power of empathy and reconnects with all their siblings years before the apocalypse.
apocolypse prevented, shitty sir hargreeves, early power reveal, eventual 5, siblings living together 
Ships: n/a
Status: Complete
Make me your bomb by Uniasus
Post season 3 Viktor is forcefully given his powers back by the creator of the universe in the hargreeves universe for the purpose of causing the apocalypse.
Universal reset, Allison bashing, Hargreeves sibling shenaniganry 
Ships: Klave, Sloane/Luther, Liego, Viktor/Sissy
Status: Complete
Tethered mind free from the lies by meliebee
Deaf!Viktor Time travel prevents the season 1 apocalypse, Viktor goes deaf and starts their life over in a new apartment away from their siblings. 
Viktor’s healing arc, eventually Klaus’ as well, consequences being dealt with, eventual communication.
Ships: Viktor/fem!oc
Status: Complete
Might add more to this as I remember things (lemme know if I need to change the tags, or if I’ve made a horrible mistake somewher)
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dulcesiabits · 1 year
hi hi!!! i realize that you asked this like. a week ago LOL sorry for the late ask OTL ....... im just excited to share my Very Niche hyperfixations www
but in terms of ifs!! i definitely recommend mind blind! the humor is absolutely fantastic and has one of my favorite characters in any piece of media (nick)!! in a world filled with psychics ranked on a scale of 1-10 in terms of power/potential, you're a zero!! the characters have me in an absolute chokehold hahah. hhhhh nick wiseman
if you search for recommendations on literally any forum you'll see the name fallen hero pop up! you play as a telepathic sidekick turned villain in a revamped version of los angeles, wherein people gain powers via modifications! it is widely regarded for many many reasons! the writing is amazing and the characters are everything!!! herald my beloved ❤️
there is the speaker on itch.io!! you are the twin sibling of your sister, The Seer (name customizable) and only you can properly convey her visions and prophecies!! your sister gets a vision of a future murder victim, and you're doing everything in your power to stop it! there are found family aspects to it and it makes me very happy :) im madly in love with sebby and li hahaha
im obsessed with the bastard of camelot!! the writing is so so fantastic but i have to say theres a huge BUT!! it deals with very very sensitive themes in a prominent way thats like . the entire premise of the story ! these themes are, imo, handled very well! please view the trigger warnings and play at your own descretion 🙏 buuuut you play as mordred, and there is a prophecy that you will bring ruin to camelot ..... will you try to avert it, or will you accept it? 😳
im still playing through fields of asphodel, but i really am enjoying it!! its a retelling of sorts of persephone and hades youre persephone! you get sent down to the underworld and stuff and make friends!! im not selling this very well www but i really recommend it!!
there's the passenger, where you play as an eldritch horror in the body of a human! you plummeted to earth in an attempt to run from something trying to kill you .... admittedly i have not finished it yet (i have an absolutely insane backlog OTL) but i've been enjoying it a lot!! its very sweet ❤️
i liked the adventures of sherlock holmes a whole lot!! i think you can guess the premise LOL but you're sherlock holmes!! you go on wacky adventures!!!! watson is so cute i love them!!!!!!
i am aware that mage reborn and the fog knows your name have been mentioned but i second those recs!! theyre very very good games!!
i am so so so sorry i blew up your inbox 🙏 and i will do it again!
also also also im not done yet sorry! please write more for SHOH i am literally on my hands and knees (no pressure of course writing is hard haha)!! its just. ITS SO GOOD. the found family dynamics are just everything to meeeeee 😭😭 i cant express to you the absolute chokehold it has on me its just. fantastic Ughhhuufhhggdhurhfgrhuugghhhgghhyuyggh ive replayed it god knows how many times! i am so desperate for content i've combed the tumblr blog and the ao3 tag in all of its entirety ....
im in love with halek and red... and also lavinet but alas i am not a dude. so i just pine from afar :( and i also really really like mimir! i can tell chase is your fave www but who the other charas you like :?
(ps. i liked your jing yuan fic!! it was very good 10/10 kudosed and bookmarked and marked for later and the mc is so slay! sorry for the long ask hehe)
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE RECOMMENDATIONS!!!!! I’ll be sure to check each of them out once I have the time :’D My friend also recommended the speaker to me and I’ve seen Fallen Hero so many times I feel like I have to check it out at this point!!!
shepherds of haven is SO FUN AND I AM SHAKING YOUR HAND RN!!!! I’ve been so obsessed with it for the past few months it’s taken over my brain function x_x I’VE ALSO COMBED THROUGH LENA’S TUMBLR just to get any extra information on the case bc I love them so dearly TT TT Like I’m in love with her writing style and characterization, and everyone in that game is my best friend. And/or my lover <3
Halek and Red are excellent taste!!! I also really like Red (and bullying Halek lolol) but for other favorites, I’d have to say Shery, Red, Trouble and Briony ^7^ Caine is adorable and I also like Croelle and Mimir!!!
(Thank you for enjoying my JY fic so much!! :’D I just think he’s a little silly <3 microwaving him in my mind rn!!!)
Anyways, feel free to blow up my inbox LMAO I enjoy getting asks and hearing other people’s thoughts :thumbs up: !!!!
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smokeybrandreviews · 5 months
Throne of Heroes II: Rank Up Quest
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It has been quite a while since i touched on Fate/Grand Order, mostly because it's been an exercise in frustration. My new account is coming along swimmingly but it still pales in comparison to my old one. I feel like there is progress, but it's a real slog, man. That said, i am digging a ton of the new Servants. I've popped a few i didn't expect, Lancer Ryoma immediately comes to mind, and i felt like i needed to redress my favorites list. I need to retire a few to the Hall of Fame because, if i don't, this thing will either be fifty spots long, or just full of sh*t I've already posted. I'll probably make a separate All-Time list later but, for now, just know that Mordred will always be number one for me. All of her. Every last iteration. Actually, f*ck it! In no particular order:
Hall of Fame: Mordred, Rider Medusa, Demon King Nobunaga, Lancer Artoria Alter, Artoria Alter, Archer Gil, King Hassan, Shuten Doji, Francis Drake, Altera, Caster Nero, Semiramis, Gorgon, Abigail Williams, Ishtar
With that out of the way, these are the top servants in the current Fate/Grand Order Material!
10. Kriemhild
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I don't care for Berserkers. They're glass cannons and never last long enough to matter, especially in the late game. Still, they have some dope ass designs for the Servants in that class and and Kriemhild has one of the best. She reminds me of Saber Alter in a lot of ways, but far more elegant. That's it. I just really like her design. She'd never make my party because of the Berserker thing, but she's real easy on the eyes. That also accounts for how low she is on this list.
9. Barghest
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You telling me Nasu added the Celtic Hellhound to the Throne of Heroes? I can summon the Black Beast to my side? And she shows up as a massive, blonde, muscle mommy? Bro, sign me up! I've always been a fan of the Arturian legend so i was hoping we'd get all of the other, weirdly violent, tidbits which went along with those old Celtic legends. Color me surprised when we got The Lady of the Lake, Baobhan Sith, and Barghest, all in one fell swoop. Also, Moran le Faye but she's a Berserker so, you know, meh.
8. Anastasia
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Anastasia is my favorite Caster, hands down. She has a dope design, powerful attacks, and a one of the best Noble Phantasms in her entire Class. I've been chasing after this chick for years, even before i lost my first account, to no avail. She's my Holy Grail right now and it sucks. Powerful Casters who actually do damage are rare and Anastasia, for my money, is the best of that lot. Also, she uses ice. I'm a sucker for those types. I blame Shiva from Final Fantasy IX for that.
7. Senji Muramasa
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Hey, look at that! A goddamn Shirouface made to this list! I can't stand Emiya, man. Dude sucks. I get why Archer hates him so much, but it is real hard to hold Muramasa in contempt. It's the perfect Hero to manifest as Shirou. I may not like the character at all but i adore his Reality Marble. Unlimted Blade Works is my favorite attack in all of the Nasuverse and this version, Tsumukari Muramasa Baseless Blade Works, is my favorite version of that! There's just something about watching all of those infinite swords, fold down into one, which satisfies the violent, destructive, urges within me. It gives Genryusai Yamamoto's Bankai, Zanka no Tachi, levels of dope.
6. Romulus-Quirinus
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This dude is a powerhouse. Absolutely unit. For a long time, after his release, Lancer Romulus was my go to for doing Archers dirty. Or anyone for that matter. His Skills are ridiculous and just bolster the already absurd destructive potential on hand. There is only one Lancer i love more and she ranks at number one on this list. That said, Romulus-Quirinus is a VERY strong number two. Plus, i dig the design. I'm a sucker for mecha so that golden armor he dons in his latter Stages really does it for me.
5. Kukulkan
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Look, i fell in love with Type-Moon because of their intricate, detailed, lore. There is so much content here, it can be overwhelming. Kukulkan is one of the deep cuts. Obviously, the human for is a facade and it's true form is Ort. If you know your stuff, then you know that's a huge f*cking deal. Ort is the Archetype of the Ort belt, basically making it one of the most powerful entities in the Nasuverse. Like all Archetypes, they're basically eldritch horrors of immense power and i get to Summon the heart of one.
4. Amor
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Caren Horetensia is my second favorite Master and there is a distinct lack of her in the Grand Orders. Sakura and Rin have a ton of love. Even Shirou has a few Faces out there. Not Caren. As far as i can tell, Amor is the only Carenface there is, and the only option i have to add her to my own roster. It's nuts because Caren has a slick ass design. She'd be a fan favorites if more people knew about her bu, alas, my darling Hortensia has been cursed to the forgotten because no one knows anything about Hollow Ataraxia. Still, i have Amor and that's enough. For now...
3. Larva/Tiamat
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Tiamat is my favorite Beast. Ever since she was introduced back in the Babylon Singularity, i have LONGED for a proper Servant version. I watched as i got a Gorgon, Heaven's Hole, and even a Kama. No goddamn Tiamat! I was stewing about it for years but, eventually, after what seemed like an eternity, Nasu blessed us with Larva/Tiamat. Finally, i can add my favorite Beast to my roster, proper.
2. Draco
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You're telling me Mother Harlot has finally made it's way into the Throne of Heroes? As a Beast, no less? AND she' a Neroface?? How can i not love this brand new monster? I was actually curious if we would ever be able to Summon a proper Beast class Servant. All of the ones introduced so far, pop out as the normal options. Like, Kama is an Assassin, Heaven's Hole is a Moon Cancer, and Tiamat is an Alter Ego. Not The Whore of Babylon. No, she appears in all her humanity crushing glory and i love her for it.
1. Melusine
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I was always curious if Nasu would broach the entirety of Celtic mythology after leaning so heavy into Arturian legend and i wasn't disappointed. Barghest made this list because i was already a fan of those creatures from the legends but i didn't expect him to go full-on like this. Adding The Lady in the Lake was a bold choice, one that i absolutely adore because, not only is she dope overall and has an amazing design, but she transforms into a f*cking dragon during her epic ass Noble Phantasm! They basically turned Lancelot's mom into goddamn Bahamut and I'm here for all of it!
Honorable Mentions: Lancer Ryoma, Space Ishtar, Ivan the Terrible, Grigori Rasputin, Durga, Taira no Kagekiyo, Yu Mei-ren, Lancer Artoria, Zenobia
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smokeybrand · 5 months
Throne of Heroes II: Rank Up Quest
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It has been quite a while since i touched on Fate/Grand Order, mostly because it's been an exercise in frustration. My new account is coming along swimmingly but it still pales in comparison to my old one. I feel like there is progress, but it's a real slog, man. That said, i am digging a ton of the new Servants. I've popped a few i didn't expect, Lancer Ryoma immediately comes to mind, and i felt like i needed to redress my favorites list. I need to retire a few to the Hall of Fame because, if i don't, this thing will either be fifty spots long, or just full of sh*t I've already posted. I'll probably make a separate All-Time list later but, for now, just know that Mordred will always be number one for me. All of her. Every last iteration. Actually, f*ck it! In no particular order:
Hall of Fame: Mordred, Rider Medusa, Demon King Nobunaga, Lancer Artoria Alter, Artoria Alter, Archer Gil, King Hassan, Shuten Doji, Francis Drake, Altera, Caster Nero, Semiramis, Gorgon, Abigail Williams, Ishtar
With that out of the way, these are the top servants in the current Fate/Grand Order Material!
10. Kriemhild
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I don't care for Berserkers. They're glass cannons and never last long enough to matter, especially in the late game. Still, they have some dope ass designs for the Servants in that class and and Kriemhild has one of the best. She reminds me of Saber Alter in a lot of ways, but far more elegant. That's it. I just really like her design. She'd never make my party because of the Berserker thing, but she's real easy on the eyes. That also accounts for how low she is on this list.
9. Barghest
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You telling me Nasu added the Celtic Hellhound to the Throne of Heroes? I can summon the Black Beast to my side? And she shows up as a massive, blonde, muscle mommy? Bro, sign me up! I've always been a fan of the Arturian legend so i was hoping we'd get all of the other, weirdly violent, tidbits which went along with those old Celtic legends. Color me surprised when we got The Lady of the Lake, Baobhan Sith, and Barghest, all in one fell swoop. Also, Moran le Faye but she's a Berserker so, you know, meh.
8. Anastasia
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Anastasia is my favorite Caster, hands down. She has a dope design, powerful attacks, and a one of the best Noble Phantasms in her entire Class. I've been chasing after this chick for years, even before i lost my first account, to no avail. She's my Holy Grail right now and it sucks. Powerful Casters who actually do damage are rare and Anastasia, for my money, is the best of that lot. Also, she uses ice. I'm a sucker for those types. I blame Shiva from Final Fantasy IX for that.
7. Senji Muramasa
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Hey, look at that! A goddamn Shirouface made to this list! I can't stand Emiya, man. Dude sucks. I get why Archer hates him so much, but it is real hard to hold Muramasa in contempt. It's the perfect Hero to manifest as Shirou. I may not like the character at all but i adore his Reality Marble. Unlimted Blade Works is my favorite attack in all of the Nasuverse and this version, Tsumukari Muramasa Baseless Blade Works, is my favorite version of that! There's just something about watching all of those infinite swords, fold down into one, which satisfies the violent, destructive, urges within me. It gives Genryusai Yamamoto's Bankai, Zanka no Tachi, levels of dope.
6. Romulus-Quirinus
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This dude is a powerhouse. Absolutely unit. For a long time, after his release, Lancer Romulus was my go to for doing Archers dirty. Or anyone for that matter. His Skills are ridiculous and just bolster the already absurd destructive potential on hand. There is only one Lancer i love more and she ranks at number one on this list. That said, Romulus-Quirinus is a VERY strong number two. Plus, i dig the design. I'm a sucker for mecha so that golden armor he dons in his latter Stages really does it for me.
5. Kukulkan
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Look, i fell in love with Type-Moon because of their intricate, detailed, lore. There is so much content here, it can be overwhelming. Kukulkan is one of the deep cuts. Obviously, the human for is a facade and it's true form is Ort. If you know your stuff, then you know that's a huge f*cking deal. Ort is the Archetype of the Ort belt, basically making it one of the most powerful entities in the Nasuverse. Like all Archetypes, they're basically eldritch horrors of immense power and i get to Summon the heart of one.
4. Amor
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Caren Horetensia is my second favorite Master and there is a distinct lack of her in the Grand Orders. Sakura and Rin have a ton of love. Even Shirou has a few Faces out there. Not Caren. As far as i can tell, Amor is the only Carenface there is, and the only option i have to add her to my own roster. It's nuts because Caren has a slick ass design. She'd be a fan favorites if more people knew about her bu, alas, my darling Hortensia has been cursed to the forgotten because no one knows anything about Hollow Ataraxia. Still, i have Amor and that's enough. For now...
3. Larva/Tiamat
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Tiamat is my favorite Beast. Ever since she was introduced back in the Babylon Singularity, i have LONGED for a proper Servant version. I watched as i got a Gorgon, Heaven's Hole, and even a Kama. No goddamn Tiamat! I was stewing about it for years but, eventually, after what seemed like an eternity, Nasu blessed us with Larva/Tiamat. Finally, i can add my favorite Beast to my roster, proper.
2. Draco
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You're telling me Mother Harlot has finally made it's way into the Throne of Heroes? As a Beast, no less? AND she' a Neroface?? How can i not love this brand new monster? I was actually curious if we would ever be able to Summon a proper Beast class Servant. All of the ones introduced so far, pop out as the normal options. Like, Kama is an Assassin, Heaven's Hole is a Moon Cancer, and Tiamat is an Alter Ego. Not The Whore of Babylon. No, she appears in all her humanity crushing glory and i love her for it.
1. Melusine
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I was always curious if Nasu would broach the entirety of Celtic mythology after leaning so heavy into Arturian legend and i wasn't disappointed. Barghest made this list because i was already a fan of those creatures from the legends but i didn't expect him to go full-on like this. Adding The Lady in the Lake was a bold choice, one that i absolutely adore because, not only is she dope overall and has an amazing design, but she transforms into a f*cking dragon during her epic ass Noble Phantasm! They basically turned Lancelot's mom into goddamn Bahamut and I'm here for all of it!
Honorable Mentions: Lancer Ryoma, Space Ishtar, Ivan the Terrible, Grigori Rasputin, Durga, Taira no Kagekiyo, Yu Mei-ren, Lancer Artoria, Zenobia
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thenightling · 2 years
So what the Hell does Disney’s Hocus Pocus have to do with The Sandman?
 Some people have questioned why I have shared Hocus Pocus content to my “Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman” Facebook group. It’s not just because it is Halloween related and Halloween aesthetics turn up a lot in The Sandman.  It very much all has to do with the Hecate.  
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In Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman we have the Three-in-One, the Triple Goddess.  Hecataea (goddess(es) of witchcraft and magick, who also doubles as The Fates, and The Furies AKA The Kindly Ones.     
Back in 1969 DC Comics introduced “The Three Witches” as the hosts of one of their horror anthology comics.   Cain, Abel, Lucien, Eve (The Raven Woman), The Mad Mod Witch (Fashion Thing), Destiny, and The Hecateae all started as hosts for the old horror anthology comics.  Cain hosted The House of Mystery.  Abel hosted The House of Secrets.  Lucien hosted Tales of Ghost Castle and the three Witches (Hecataea) hosted The Witching Hour.
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Here the Maiden, Mother, and Crone used the “Modern” names of Cynthia, Mildred, and Mordred.  To reaffirm that these are their new names, they tell these names to Morpheus in issue 2 of The Sandman.  Cynthia’s look was likely loosely inspired by Sabrina the Teenage Witch. 
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Three witches, or “Weird sisters” was a image popular in literature and folklore soldified thanks to the cultural influences of the likes of William Shakespeare with his own Weird Sisters.
The maiden, Mother, and Crone turn up a lot in pop culture, often unnoticed.   
ere are the Wyrd Sisters from Terry Pratchett’s Discworld.
Granny Weatherwax (Crone), Nanny Ogg (Mother), Magrat Garlick (Maiden).  
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Disney’s Gargoyles The Weird Sisters are   Luna, Phoebe, and Selene (a moon theme which is common with the three in one.  Waxing, full, and waning.)
Though the age distinction isn’t there it’s still a representation of the Three-in-One.  They are never separate and they function as one.  They also tend to appear the way they want to be seen or the way people expect them to be.  For example, when Demona was looking at them, they were a set of elderly female gargoyles but that is not how MacBeth saw them.
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Sabrina and her aunts.   This one might be a bit of a stretch but you have three witches who are rarely apart so you have the trifecta and Sabrina, herself, is clearly the maiden.  Though the Netflix Chilling Adventures of Sabrina ironically uses the aunts to pay homage to DC”s Cain and Abel I’ll use the sitcom version here.
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In the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina The Weird Sisters are literally Prudence, Agatha and Dorcas.
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The Addams Family features it, but it might be pure accident.   You have Wednesday (Maiden), Morticia (Mother), and Grandmama (Crone).
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Now we have the Hex Girls from Scooby Doo.  I Love this little “Eco Goth” band.  Not quite the conventional Maiden / Mother/ Crone however you could argue that Thorn is the Crone in this instance, Dusk is the maiden, and Luna is the mother. I pick these roles for purely superficial reasons here since Dusk has the child-like pigtails and Thorn is clearly the most dominant / leader and I perceive her as the oldest.      
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There are the sisters of Charmed.   Not quote Maiden / Mother / Crone but definitely meant as a trio of witches who aren’t complete without the others.  
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Adelaide (Crone), Auntie Whispers (Mother), and  Lorna (Maiden) from Over the Garden Wall.  This one is hard to spot until you realize the connection between Adelaide, Auntie Whispers, and Lorna.  Once you make the connection and realize the family bond and magick which binds the three you start to see the Maiden / Mother / and Crone aspects in their depictions.    Adelaide being the older sister, Auntie Whispers who is the mother figure for Lorne, who is the innocent maiden possessed by an evil spirit.  
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Another trio is The Witches of Eastwick though not quite Maiden, Mother, and Crone, it felt worth a mention.
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Marvel attempted it’s own version of “The Witches” with Jennifer Kale, Satana and Topaz.  
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Though speaking of the Virgin Mary one could argue that it was actually a a subversive triple Goddess mention at the end of Goethe’s Faust Part 2.  When Faust ascends to Heaven we get this line:  (Translation from A. S. Kline)
“Virgin, Mother now, and Queen, Goddess, grant your mercies!“
“Here, grows to reality: The indescribable, Here, is done: Woman, eternal, 12110 Beckons us on.“
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The Norns (Marvel’s depiction of the three Fates).
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And now to Hocus Pocus.
In Disney’s Hocus Pocus you have The Sanderson Sisters.  A bungling group of witches who feel like they came crawling out of a horror anthology comic book with their antics and dark humor. Sarah is the Maiden, Mary is the Mother, and Winifred, The leader, is obviously the Crone.   (Note: Queen is a more polite alternate name for the crone aspect of the traditional three-in-one).
With Hocus Pocus, though I cannot prove it, I strongly suspect The Sanderson Sisters weren’t just inspired by the traditional Maiden, Mother, and Crone, but rather specifically the version from DC’s The Witching Hour comics, which in turn were used as the Hecataea in Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman.
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imperatorium · 2 years
Ppffff- I love sister imperator and papa nihil because they are the epitome of the “(evil) divorced parents who still occasionally fuck” and the kids have to constantly deal with it and have to do the most long winded response when people ask them if they’re parents are together or not
See, so, okay. I know it's not uncommon for people to see them as hella divorced but still horny for it and my assumption is that this must make sense for anyone who has come in post-"Kiss The Go-Goat" music video. As someone who came in about a year before that, I had plenty of time to steep in the information we previously had, which was just that a) they're fucking so obviously in love with each other and b) there's some nebulous reason that they aren't formerly together, despite clearly (to me) wanting to be.
I think GoGoat gives nice context as to some shit that's happened between them, but besides that, we have seven other chapters of content and one music video (two, if you're me and headcanon-count "Cirice") showing the hopelessly romantic way they related to one another both in the past and (maybe more importantly) present.
Here's one of my things - despite the Church being a long-lived institution, the events in "Dance Macabre" show that Nihil seems to not have previously had any knowledge or involvement with it. Because I, II, and III are acknowledged as legitimate heirs to the Antipapacy, but Copia, the only one we know has - at least by Clergy standards - been brought in as a third-party is not acknowledged as a legitimate heir, I struggle to imagine that they were children of Nihil's from his previous life outside of the Church. As such, they must have been conceived after his induction into the Antipapacy.
Moreover, Copia is easily seen as the youngest of the Papas, given the other weird canon age/timestamps we've been given - Papa I being in his 70s (I still struggle with this one)/II & III being in their mid-50s circa 2013 and Copia being almost 100% obviously the baby Sister is pregnant with in 1969. So, I, II, & III would have been conceived/born between the events of "Dance Macabre" and GoGoat, but there's also in-character interviews TF has done as Special Ghoul, indicating that each of the other Papas all have different mothers. Maybe you can assume Sister is one of them, but to me that just doesn't track given the way she promotes and dotes on Copia, while putting the others down without much as a second thought.
(Admittedly, I colour a lot of how I see this with an Arthurian tint. Sister is so obviously Morgan Le Fay, Copia is so obviously Mordred to me.)
MY POINT IS, there's something else going on that's kept them apart besides just Nihil falling into rockstar adultery. His moments of rockstar weakness may have been a temporary nail in a coffin, but I have...other (admittedly kind of dark) ideas about how that all folds together. So I do believe there was a bit of a rift between them for a little while, but not an indefinite one.
So, yes. I've always been someone who is drawn to The Main Character's Parents (or Parental Generation) in like 75% of my fandoms, but this one's just like...extra got a hold on me. Over half a century of, at minimum, absolutely longing for each other. The power and legacy she gifted him with. The utter devotion and twitterpation radiating off of him every time they interact. The way she tries so hard to engage him even while she's at her weakest in the hospital. The way his face lights up when her bandages come off. Their little kiss at the NYC tour announcement for Prequelle. The way they look at each other at the end of "Dance Macabre". Her little handgrasp in his direction as she revels (pre-disaster) in watching him perform in "GoGoat". The sheer adoration. Forget Satan, they are each other's religion.
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