#lots bof thoughts
limblesstar · 1 year
my friend got me into birkin/wesker and now im here, miserable and coming to terms with wesker. beloved son of god complex.
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Gotta figure that at least 50% of those spidermans were very delibrately not putting their all into the big chase scene, bare minimum 10% actively sabotaging. like oh no we're on a train to the moon, guess we're stuck and can't go after him anymore.
Running in a pack, big crowd of the chattiest superheros to ever live (and theres a lot of chatty fucking superheroes), several dozen of them with front row seats to the big reveal-
"so why are we after this kid?" "He wants to stop one of his canon events" "his canon events?" "a canon event." "You mean-" "Wait what did she say, we're chasing this guy because he wants to keep his girlfriend from falling to her death?" "Uh. Not sure. Might be the childhood friend - watch your heads - turning evil thing." "I thought those were fixed points? Like you couldn't stop them no matter how much you time traveled back?" "There he is!" "Wait you have time travel?" "No but I heard the spider from earth 1116a-" "Wait if it's fixed then what's the harm in letting him try" "come on you know the multiverse-" "he's trying to keep his boyfriend from dying? Why the fuck are we chasing him?" "Well miguel said-" "you mean Grimdark angsty spiderman?" "Huh?" "No, not you, vampire - incoming, mind your legs - vampire grimdark angsty spiderman-" "oh, him. Isn't he a bit-" "I feel like the trying is what matters, i mean even if he fails-" "so he is a vampire!" "ummm yeah no hold up im not totally comfortable with this whole-" "who's trying to do what? Ooh, got line of sight on him, he's totally webbed in 3,2, AaAghh" "Oh shoot, haha I must have tripped on Spider-Banana-Man whoops, sorry -" "ugh whattever, lost the shot anyway" "Cant believe Spider-Rex boffed it like that, theyre usually great at ambush-" "I heard his uncle-" "No his dad-" "oof, thats-" "Wow is it just me or are we really tripping over each other today" "Hey do you know why we're chasing after this-"
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ellecdc · 5 months
(not a request, just some thoughts to ponder! godspeed regarding exams dear elle <3)
Thinking about ploy!marauders x reader who get together after Harry's been born? I would think that Remus and Sirius would have been together since school. But reader's always been stuck pining after her loves who were all already in relationships.
But once James and Lily separate the dynamic shifts and I can totally picture Sirius throwing it out there that they should all give being together a good go. James and Lily are still good friends, happily co-parenting.
Just stuck on the idea of what you think the reader and marauders role in raising Harry would be? would they be auntie and uncles? or function more like step-parents? And when James has Harry for the week how would that change their routine? Curious to hear your thoughts!
Lots of love :)
okay okay okay okay I don't have a fic for this but I have another request that I think needs this background for the head canon's I've been obsessed with based off of this suggestion (with @unstablereader's help)
so this isn't a fic but this is an inside look on how a lot of my fics are formulated 🤣😭
okay so I always hate the idea of Lily and James separating 😭 so either it was super amicable OR maybe Harry was the result of a drunken hook up between the two friends?? (before Jamie was with the other Marauders)
either way, I totally think the other's would have a parental/step-parent role. Like if the boys weren't called papa (Sirius) or da (Remus) etc, he'd certainly be like "at my house with my daddy and my moony and my pads!" and Pandora (I love me some good Pandalily) would be 'ma' and Lily was mummy.
So where @unstablereader and I went wild was maybe reader was our whimsical reader? And when Harry was quite young (toddler) and Siri & Jamie were aurors (so would be at work) and in a Voldemort free au we figured maybe Rem would start teaching earlier? That reader would watch Harry for them when it was Jamie's week with their son
And the boys were all obviously in love with her but none of them did anything about it yet. So we imagined this happening during one of Lily & James' exchanges or parent dates:
Lily: so, Y/N's been around a lot lately, yeah? James: oh yeah she's amazing; I mean, three of us and still our household would probably crash and burn if not for her Lily: *knowing smirk*, hm, so when are you guys going to make it official? James: I beg your pardon? Lily: please, Potter. I see the way you blokes look at her James: no no, it's not like that... *not convincing at all* Lily: James. Do you know what Harry calls her? James:........ Lily: he calls her "lovie". in fact, he calls her "his lovie". He thinks that's her name, James. James:...... Lily: he said, and I quote, "I was at home with my daddy, and my papa, and my da, and my lovie!" James:...... Lily: listen here; I have eyes, potter. and if she's as lovely as you're saying she is, you three better snatch her up before panda and I do.
then we imagined that maybe Sirius and Rem were close by
Sirius: *barges in out of no where* NO RED PLEASE YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO US Remus: Sorry guys, I tried to tell him to leave you guys to it. But now that we're here: Lils, please have mercy. The three of us can compete with you and Pandora??? Lily: you guys have a week and then fair's fair.
so a week later when Lily comes by to pick Harry up and reader is there
Lily: *sultry* hello darling y/n: Hello Lily! You know, if you'd asked first I would've said yes Lily: well if they don't treat you right, you know where to find us *James & Sirius come racing over* James: lovie, step away from the door right now Sirius: no more talking to Evans unsupervised *Remus walks in with Harry on his hip* Harry [speaking toddlerese]: mummy! is my wuvie going to wive at bof of Harry's houses? Lily: I'm not sure Has; what does your lovie think? Sirius: *panicked squawking* I SAID YOU CAN'T HAVE HER RED *throws reader over shoulder and disappears further into the house*
the end :)
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its-chelisey-stuff · 4 months
You know what, this scene reminds me a lot of another romcom-fantasy classic, Strong Woman Do BongSoon. That one where Min-Hyuk was all like "Please love me" and BongSoon was all teary eyed saying "I already do". This scene here, held the same amount of intimacy and romance imo.
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Saying I like you after someone said I love you? Awkward. Ouchie. You're not meant to be. But saying I love you to I like you? Now, that's like a dare. Like, I care this much, can you reach my level? I'm gonna wait for you, so reach it hahahaha I loved it.
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Well... What can I say? My initial reaction wasn't that coherent or completely nice if I'm being honest. And I'm not complaining about my sweet Sol, but rather about the writer. After doing many things right (in my eyes) she eventually had to do some wrongs. And I kinda take it personal, so maybe this isn't something that bothers anyone else on the same level but I HATE HATE HATE HATE the most these two tropes in dramas: Amnesia and Noble Idiocy.
Now, this drama has done amnesia to some extent (but not in the BOF Gu JunPyo suddenly forgets JanDi right before the finish line of the story level) and within reason. It makes sense to me, so it doesn't annoy me. But Noble Idiocy is a whole different thing. It was done in last week's episodes when Sol was putting distance between them and I thought Sunjae saying "Don't run away anymore" was the end of it.
Plus, it's called Noble Idiocy for a reason. At the end of the day, even if the person had the best of intentions and wanted to keep their SO out of danger, they fail, because well, it's right there on the name. They foolishly fail to see that their plan in fact isn't flawless and someone (or everyone) gets hurt in the process. One way or another.
As I said, my issue isn't with Sol. I understand she's afraid of what could happen to Sunjae. After all, that's why we're here in the first place. Dude has died twice and suffered quite a lot. And Sol has gone through hell by this point as well. But could the writer seriously not find another reason or create a situation in which Sol would be left alone with the killer? Must we, as a society that's evolved, use the dreaded, boring and stupid Noble Idiocy? Me thinks not.
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gryphis-eyes · 1 year
⊙ ἀγάπη
" Unable to perceive the shape of You, I find You all around me. Your presence fills my eyes with Your love, It humbles my heart, For You are everywhere. "
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⊙ Welcome to this Shape of Water love reading, yes I finaly took my balls and make a love pac hehehe this reading isn’t truly a prediction its more of an assumption about what your ideal partner would be based on your present self but you can technically see this reading as a way to confirm who your next partner would be y’know. It was supposed to be longer but I decided to do it chill since im still a bit rusted lol but I really miss being active on tumblr. For more explaination, the ”core card” is found by additioning the numbers of the cards you picked with Lenormand, for me its a card that show the core/hidden part of a reading but you can use this method in other ways.
◇ Deck used : Rider Waite (only court cards), Lenormand
Masterlist ⊙
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🜄 Pile 1  
♤ Key, book, ship 【core : coffin】
Court card : king of cups
They seem like someone who’s heart and mind are often clashing but despite it they are quite emotional intelligent, by this I mean that they might be very emotional by nature but they did learn to manage their emotions OR they take an intellectual approach to their feelings, is it a good thing or not ? Well its up to them because this kind of behavior can become toxic for themselves but i got a lot of cards who refer to them being very intelligent. They probably follow a specific philosophy or are into litterature in general, there is this dark academia vibe to them. Very hardworking, full of knowledge but never got enough at the same time, they got bof ”personal intelligence” and academic intelligence, talking to them about various subject must be a great experience for sure. Their intelligence and serious aspect make them quite sensual people might often look at them even if they dont seem to care about other’s look they seem introverted to me. Its like if someone stopped them to compliments them they would be a bit awkward like ”uh? Thank you I guess?”. Very INTP vibe. To be honest I was persuaded that I'll pick the King of Swords to them because of their vibe but not, its the King of cups with the Coffin as the core card so we got someone who have a cold exterior and keep their good side to themselves and to a very close group of people. They have been through tuff situation in their life, would I dare say that they might have experienced depression ? I see them as a melancholic King of cups, imagine an King alone on a cliff looking at the sea, so many thoughts are passing by from a strange theory about a myth to a sad realisation that they are indeed, a hopeless lover. Seems like someone needs to go under that shell to see their true self and heart (but not in a savior way, y’know).
🜄 Pile 2  
♤ Mouse, whip, house, 【core ; whip】
Court card : queen of pentacles
Your ideal partner seem to be... interesting for sure, when I took the first cards I was a bit worried but the last one put the pieces togheter. Basically you got someone who ready to risk it all just to have a quiet and comfy life in their house (the house can also symbolise your relationship), listen to Faith from Karen Aoki the lyrics match them but most importantly for the one who get the reference from where the song come from you might understand the reading in a quite twisted way haha. The character who’s listening to this song is a pretty bad person with a very clean and kind exterior. Of course im not saying that your ideal partner is 100% this character but they remind me of him because he goes as far as killing people to have his quiet life but your reading is LESS extreme haha it just reminded me of him a lot in a softer way. Your ideal partner might even had broken many hearts because they know what they worth and what they want in life and in love, probably even in work and we got an other hopeless lover. They are so focused on perfection that sadly, they became pessimistic wether its because things are too slow, they are faaar from their ideal life or just sometimes they ask themselves if they are good enough or ask for too much in the end but it doesn’t last long since they will quickly get a reminder to not make the bar lower. However when they finally get something wether its a person an animal or an object they take extremely good care of ”it” they are very nurturing and caring, probably got a sweet voice (and touch ?). Once they settle its for the long run, I get something  that they might need a reminder of not being too possessive with their partner because of course a partner is an other human being you can’t predict everything they would do, its the sad truth even the most loving wife can turn into a backstaber (that’s an exemple of course) they are probably terrified of the idea of being cheated on. Especially since they seek their ideal life it probably attract people with the intention to take and disappear. They need a big hug if you want my opinion they probably got some hard time with family and people while growing up. They need love and they know it.
🜄 Pile 3
♤ Sun, cross, Fox, 【core ; bouquet】
Court card ; King of wands
Alright you got the incarnation of the sun here, a golden person ! Very charismatic (and they know it) they make the room light up and when they smile the world is illuminated (I'll stop give it to their ego now). Your ideal partner’s personality remind me of Giorno from jjba. The big light of the sun is balanced by the cross and the fox who add some shade in a good way. Life have been hard on them and so they had to be a fox to survive, sneak their way into situation maybe even got to have jobs that they hated just to get enough money to escape their nasty place. Despite still having a hard time in life they keep up and seem to be always in all of their glory, they are a true born leader and dont mess around. I think if you try to trick them you'll fall from high ground since they are used to hardship nothing can stop them and their heart of gold will always feed their inner flame ! Like the sun they shine bright but alone, despite being great leaders they also do well alone and seem to value those hermit period. People might always say that they are about to fail or that their situation look doomed but you know what ? Even if its need to have some failed attempt they always end up wining,  like I said they are very determined and probably stubborn about their goal. Its someone that you can trust. They got the vibe of the movie Fantastic Mr.Fox, maybe they put a lot of effort into being impressive for ”the public”? Like if someone tell them they can’t do something they will be like ”oh really?” and end up doing this thing better than necessary. Its nice, its amazing but they need some rest and to stop feeling the need to show off all the time haha they know their limit and their worth so they know how to chose their battles, simply because of those things it look like they are always wining.
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corrodedcorpses · 1 year
(I will be continuing BOF. just leaving this up while I reply to everyone’s lovely comments)
Hey so just a quick psa that I probably won’t be continuing boys on film. I’m sorry to anyone who wanted a good ending but I’ve had a lot of people tell me the latest chapter was disappointing…
I thought them not talking for a year made sense and like losing someone so quickly after a fight was relatable and I thought having that little smutty dance floor scene was hot and like made sense cause they were all tipsy and jealous and riled up (and also the fact that it is fiction) but I guess not.
I really don’t have time in my life right now to be writing and I was only doing it when I had time because it was fun and made me happy but it no longer does. So yeah, I’m sorry but as of right now I won’t be continuing it
Thank you to everyone who did like it so far, your nice comments mean a lot to me 🖤
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away-ward · 10 months
For the ask game, 13 Tsukasa or 15 Akira ☺
OOHH a BOF ask. Unexpected, but very exciting. Hopefully I can provide thoughtful answers.
Thank you so much for playing!!
13 for Tsukasa
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
Is it weird to think that he wouldn't use them accurately. Like he'd be that one person who put a "rip 💀" when someone says "my grandma died" and one of the F3 would have to be like "no, that's...nvm"
Honestly he's probably sending Tsukushi hearts and cute emojis everyday. And the monkeys. I can see him using the monkeys often, but again, not always accurately.
15 for Akira
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
I wish I had fully formed thoughts for this, but I do not. I don't think it would be anyone we've met in the series. My gut reaction is to say I want him to end up with someone who is unimpressed with the persona he puts on when he's meeting people, but who is also secretly charmed by the lengths that he goes to for the people he cares about.
He seems to put on an affronted air when tasked with doing something for his friends, and even his friend's friends, but he always follows through. He spends his time charming older women who probably aren't going to ask much from him, given that they have their husbands and wealth, but I don't doubt that whatever they ask of him, he'd try to give.
I think if someone were to see this part of him and appreciate it, it would benefit him a lot. But they shouldn't be obsessed with him. He has enough of that from others in his life. Beyond that, I don't care if it's someone much older or closer to his age, or what they're personality would be like in certain terms, though they would have to be mature and at least some what self-sufficient for him to be interested long-term. The last thing this man needs is another person who absolutely needs him to take care of them or their problems.
Now that I've written this out, I can see it being a somewhat older woman who built her own business from the ground up and just never had the time to focus on a romantic relationship. Maybe not someone out of poverty, but definitely has gone without a lot of opportunities and had to create a path for themselves. Their company isn't huge, but it's enough that she's considered successful. Her needs are met, and she's content with what she's accomplished, and she just recognizes Akira for his good qualities, and his reserved about it, while being openly unimpressed with his outwardly charming persona. This forces him to work a little harder for her. They eventually overcome this wall, and have a very deep contention they had to work for.
But I really don't understand his character that well yet. I am, however, very curious as to your thoughts on that question! I can be persuaded to think differently about this...
i'd probably ask you all the questions about akira though so no pressure
ask game
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sojirosteacup · 10 months
Years ago, the kbs website used to have character profiles for the bof kdrama characters (the links don't work anymore, but you can still read them through wayback machine). These profiles mostly had stuff we already know about them, maybe with some extra details from the manga that didn't get mentioned in the drama but are easy to guess.
But Woobin's profile is the surprising thing here. It's very detailed considering he has barely any lines in the episodes. And it gives us a lot of insight about his characterization (or what it could have been if he had more screen time):
I'm gonna start by saying that I used google translator bc my korean skills are far from fluent. lol So blame any mistakes on google.
So let's go to the text. Parts of the profile are in italics and the my comments are normal text.
The first part of his description are just stuff that are mentioned or implied in the k-drama (In one line! But it is!):
"He is the hidden leader of F4 and the successor to Ilsim Construction, an emerging blue-chip company in the real estate industry. It is a long-established boss family that has led the traditional violent organization Ilsimpa for generations. In Woo Bin's father's generation, elite management was advocated. By legally diversifying its business, it proudly joined the ranks of emerging conglomerates. However, excellent personal network management that can be mobilized in case of emergency."
Hidden leader doesn't mean leader. The leader is still Junpyo, it's just that Woobin is the only sane man in the group lol.
But at least this part gives us a name for his mafia. I like how his family didn't bother to give the company a different name from it
"Its ability and ability to quickly and powerfully mobilize cash are its secret weapons that even Shinhwa Group cannot ignore."
This is interesting because it implies Junpyo's family keeps Woobin close because of this, which answers the question of why Junpyo's mother lets him be friends with the heir of a criminal organization. And I have no doubt she is interested in the criminal connections too. Let's be honest, that woman is probably involved in a lot of corruption.
"He lives with his mother, who gave birth to him when she was 20, and his twin sisters who were born late."
Whoa, that's a lot of information here. So his little sisters from the manga are canon in this adaptation.
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which gives a new meaning to Junpyo's line in episode 16:
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He wasn't talking about Woobin's girlfriends, he was talking about Woobin's sisters and maybe mother too.
"This may be the reason why he only meets older people and feels attracted only to older people. Rather than taking care of something, he often find comfort in the love he receives and can rely on. Sometimes, he seduces married women who have husbands without hesitation, but while they are dating, he is a pure romantic who only devotes his sincerity to the other person, showing off his undiminished popularity."
This is manga stuff too and none of this was mentioned in the kdrama. I imagine they thought it would be too controversial to include him having affairs with married women which is fair enough, but I wish they had done something to at least imply it.
"He has a soft charisma that leads his opponents regardless of his young age. His sense of humor has become more savory thanks to the bad hip hop English he learned while studying abroad for a short time as a getaway."
And "as a getaway" implies he did that to escape from his life. It goes hand in hand with his manga characterization of the stressed friend.
"He has an innate sense of economics and a spicy fist, which is revealed in various odds and figures in gambling, investment, and securities."
i dunno what a spicy fist is but most of this is just obvious stuff. It's funny to imagine him gambling, though.
"He hates his father who passed on the complex and responsibility of his origins. In the end, they are the most similar."
This is the only thing shown in the kdrama. It's during that scene when he and Yijung are talking in ep 18, when Woobin was threatening to jump off the bridge.
But that's also one of the most interesting thing about this profile.
The mafia thing is not in the manga. There is not a single scene where this is implied and we don't even know what Akira's family does besides "they own a company". I think the first version to include the mafia thing was the Jdrama? Correct me if I'm wrong.
So it's interesting to see that the kdrama actually had plans to do something with it besides "he is a mafia heir look how dangerous and cool he is". And they mixed this with Akira's low self steem from the manga to make him hate himself for his mafia heritage!!! And if we take his F4 after story MV into account, he also seems to have the same not-mafia-related low self esteem from his manga counterpart. This makes it a very interesting characterization.
And then they used it in only one scene.
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(sorry Akira)
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angeltannis · 10 months
Pros of Bride of Frankenstein (1935):
-The Bride looked really fucking cool. I loved her snappy, almost animalistic head movements.
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-I liked learning more about the first monster, though he continues to be so tragic :c I loved the idea of him befriending a blind man who couldn’t see him to be afraid of him. And when the monster sympathetic cries with the guy!! 😭
-I guess this movie is considered by some “the earliest queer horror film”? Because of Frankenstein and Pretorius’ weird thing going on, with them creating life together. Also apparently the director of both Frankenstein and BoF was an openly gay man, so both the queer interpretations of BoF and the whole ordeal of the monster in general makes a lot more sense through that lens.
With Frankenstein being my favorite of the classic horror movies I’ve watched so far, it got me a little emotional to think about a gay person nearly a hundred years ago making a story that connected with a modern gay viewer (me) without me even knowing that tidbit. The pain radiates.
-not necessarily a pro or a con, but I thought it was wild how they caught audiences up by having actors portraying Mary and Percy Shelley and Lord Byron sitting around talking about the first movie, lmao. What a weird choice. I guess it worked, though.
-why was The Bride in the movie for less than five minutes?!? The way these old movies culminate in the last 10-15 minutes and then just abruptly end drives me nuts!!
-Hays code censorship could be very clearly felt in this movie. The weird ass “happy ending” of the monster killing himself and the bride in the name of saving the doctor (who was never anything but cruel to him) was strange as hell.
If they wanted to have a happy ending, why not have the monsters establish a friendship and leave somewhere together 😭 Guessing this had something to do with it, though:
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-I thought there’d be some explanation as to why her hair is Like That. There is not.
Overall rating: 7/10
Note: I was in a pretty bad mood when I watched this, so I may not have been in a space to fully appreciate it. I may revisit this film at some point.
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ilikerpgs · 1 year
I've recently watched Vision of Escaflowne anime and I can't help but notice I few details that reminds me a lot of Breath of Fire II! Of course the similarities are coincidence and aren't exclusive to them, I just felt like listing them. Spoilers ahead!
The first thing that made me connect the two of them was Van parents' first encounter. A winged woman of a mostly gone clan marries some guy and one of their kids is expected to solve world-ending problems? And her name was Varie? It's very close to Valerie, which is Ryu's mother name.
Second thing is about the theme around fate, which is strong in both of them. In Escaflowne, it's the villain main goal to be able to manipulate fate, and ultimately Hitomi leaves the message that fate can indeed be changed, through each person's choices. Meanwhile, in Breath of Fire II we have Ryu, the fated child, who's given the burden of fighting evil and sealing it away. But in one of the game's endings, he only half completes his destiny, with his father sacrificing himself to keep Deathevan locked away in Ryu's place. In a way, it defied fate. There's also the bad ending in which Ryu just ignores the responsability and the world ends, a result of not following his destiny too.
Flying battle fortresses. If I remember right, only the Zaibach Empire had those, the other nations just had flying ships, while in BoF II they're ancient weapons no one uses anymore.
Ancient machines moved by human's willpower. In BoF II it's only used by one person at time and they can't really control it, just fuel it. Escaflowne's machine is directly influenced by the feelings and desires of the people.
Dragons, I guess. I mean, draconic clan?? Huh? Huh??
Animal people and a catgirl companion.
Protagonist has a magic jewelry gifted by a family member. Extra: I watched Escaflowne movie, and the antagonist believing the ending of everything was the true destiny of the world is exactly what Deathevan believed (although for different reasons). Aaand the movie has the dark dragon clan as villains and white dragon clan as the heroes, which is basically the first BoF story. Maaaybe there's a chance the anime has a little bit of inspiration from the game since it has 2 years of difference? But, like I said before, everything listed here can be found somewhere in other fantasy stories, so it's just a fun thought.
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KYLIE JENNER at the BOF 500 Gala at Paris Fashion Week on October 1st 2022 wearing MUGLER
Kylie rounded out her absolute master class of fashion at Paris Fashion Week with the BOF 500 Gala. She wore a beautiful, black lace Mugler gown, and just looked amazing.
I love the way her hair’s styled. The chignon looks so amazing with the dress. I love the bangs on the one side, but that her hair doesn’t clash with the dress.
I thought this dress looked fabulous on Kylie. The sheer lace really added a lot of dimension, where some places had multiple layers of it while there was also a lot of empty space. I thought it looked very glamorous. I especially loved how it wrapped around her arms. The whole look was super pretty, and really looked great on Kylie.
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writergreentypes · 2 years
Whumptober Day 2
I actually did a lot of whumptober this year! 
And I haven’t been quite as active on here lately, so I thought I’d share a little bit from each day over the next week ish or so now that October is done.
Enjoy! I’m starting on day 2 because day 1 went right into BoF
AU: Omegaverse
It was a struggle without use of his hands or wings, but Phil shifted himself, scooting over to the side of his cage until he could get a look at the engravings. 
His heart sank even more.
Inventory Locked.
Even if he could get his hands free, he wouldn’t be able to do anything.
This wasn’t some random hunter, wanting to make a quick emerald off a runaway omega. This was planned. Coordinated.
Phil was really in trouble.
He slumped back against the bars of his cage, squeezing his eyes shut and silently cursing. The position wasn’t particularly comfortable, especially with the way his wrists were bound behind his back, but the discomfort was minimal compared to the dread pooling thick in his throat.
He’d been caught.
He was likely going to be sold.
And he was alone.
Phil stilled.
No, he wasn’t alone. Not this time. 
Techno was out there. 
Phil sucked in a deep breath and took a better look at his surroundings.
He could hear low murmuring outside of the dark room he was currently in- a crowd, maybe. Many people, talking amongst themselves. He could smell alcohol- but the cleaning kind, sharp on his nose and hiding darker, dirtier scents.
But it couldn’t hide the scent of fear, sour and stifling.
A squint into the vague darkness around him revealed that his cage was far from the only one in there. 
Other omegas. 
Their scents ranged from fresh and terrified to old and faded, giving away just how often this room must be in use. 
An auction house, Phil realized with tired resignation. This was one of the store rooms for the merchandise. 
Omegas were always in high demand. Unbonded omegas even more so.
Gods only know how many times Techno had awkwardly played the part of his alpha so they could get through one thing or another. Techno hated doing it, and Phil wasn’t particularly a fan of the process either, but in the end sometimes it was just… simpler. Letting people make their own judgements and falling neatly into their expectations. 
…Phil was tired, sometimes. 
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humanoidtyphoons · 1 year
ten episodes in, and it genuinely does feel like a markedly improved bof remake, in some ways???? at least the way they've portrayed both leads as stubborn hard heads, one an entitled rich brat, and the other a prideful orphan with gumption, makes sense.
like i though BOF started out okay, but then failed on every level to make it seem that FL genuinely liked ML. it was slightly better on ML's end, from enemy to worthy rival to lovers, but the kdrama itself needed to not buy into the fact that ML was not as great as people thought he was!!!
but SI, hwan suffers a lot, so it feels karmic. the worse a person he is, the more he does suffer the consequences. his misconceptions about eunsung make sense bc he doesn't believe her at face value. also he genuinely seems to have a capacity for empathy??? like it's small, a glimmer, really, but he's genuinely learning to be a decent person, even if it's taking forever but his spoilt upbringing makes sense bc he's lived a life of everything on a platter, but gradually, glacially, he's becoming less shitty!!! he feels guilt for his misconceptions!
which is all i wanted from BOF!!!! i wanted ML to be like 'alright, i'll gain basic decency for non-rich people!' and uh. that time he went destitute and squatted alongside FL, he still forced her to make his food for her, rather than... try and do it himself.
so hwan, 10 episodes in, being have you always been this pretty? maybe not a great thing, since he's quasi-dating eunsung's step sister, but. enough has happened that i buy the attraction, newfound, 'cause he accidentally caused eunsung to sprain her ankle and then had to spend the day with her. and now seeing her in pretty clothes and make up, makes him go oh my gosh?? you're pretty??? he can feel something, even if he's loathe to call it love.
am i wholly on board with the show otp? no, but i'm not against it either, cause i don't know how it unfolds, but so far -- it's alright? i think i can trust in it?
tbh, 10 eps in, eunsung isn't attracted to hwan either, so idk how she'll fall for him either, but we'll see.
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beigehearts · 3 years
Yandere Keigo Takami (Hawks) kidnaps you, part 2! Part one can be found here
TW: kidnapping, noncon touching
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Fuzzy. Your whole body feels fuzzy, kind of like a sparkling water. The only part of your body that doesn't feel fuzzy is your neck which is very sore. Your body is heavy but you force yourself to move. You start by moving your fingers, then your toes, and then your eyes. It's too dark to see anything so your first mission is standing up. You tense your legs and relax them over and over until you can lift them. You do the same with your arms and stomach, and manage to sit up.
You're sitting on something very soft, presumably a bed, a bed with a lot of pillows. You pad at the blanket that you're under, trying to gather your bearings. Your hand brushes against something soft but smooth and you grab it. Still too dark to see anything, you rub the object until you can figure out what it is? A... feather?
The lights flick on and you squint, adjusting to the sudden change. You look down at your hands and see a red feather. Oh yeah. It slips from your hands and flies to it's owner. You follow it's trail to the man who you thought you could trust. A hero, a pro hero, walks to the bed, standing over you.
He smiles and holds his hand out, "Good morning dove. Need help up?"
He's wearing a different pair of pants now, a pair of sweatpants. But that's the only difference you can see in his appearance right now. You analyze every inch of his body, trying to figure him out with a mere look.
He chuckles and gently grabs your hand, "Stop looking at me like that, you'll make me blush." His words are satire.
He pulls you from the bed, helping you to your feet. You almost fall, still unable to hold yourself up. He loops an arm under your legs and under your back, swooping you off of your feet.
"Hey! Let me d-" He cuts you off
"If I let you down you'll fall and won't be able to get back up. The drug is still in your system." His comment shuts you up.
As he carries you from the room, you take a look at the bed. There are a myriad of pillows and blankets pushed together into a comfortable little divot, similar to a bird's nest.
"I know you must be confused. But that's okay, I'll help you out." He coos sweetly.
Mindlessly, you reach an arm up, to the side of his head. You stroke the big red wings that are tucked behind his back. If you're going to be so close to a pro hero, you might as well take advantage of it. It's similar to the feather you felt earlier, but with all of them together it feels velvety.
His wing twitches at your touch and you retract your hand. You hear something similar to a growl from his chest and it causes your heart to pound, bringing you back to reality. You're not just in a hero's arms, you're in a hero-who-kidnapped-you's arms.
You're dropped carelessly onto a couch and before you can get upset, he gets on top of you. "Are you trying to turn me on little birdy?"
Your eyes go wide and you press your hands against his chest in protest, "No! All I did was touch your wings!"
He frowns and grabs one of your hands with his own, "Just touched my wings? A fan touching my wings is 'just touching my wings'. You touching my wings..." He let's go of your hand and groans.
You squeak out, "I-I'm sorry!"
He let's out another low growl and this time he palms your breast. Your eyes go wide and you're frozen in shock.
"Are you trying to be cute? You're trying to turn me on. I know it." He gently squeezes your chest, playing with your nipple through the fabric. That's when you realize that these aren't your clothes, they're far too big to be yours. Did he undress you?
He pinches your nipple and you let out a quiet cry. "Please don't, please don't do this Haw- Keigo."
His hand pauses and he meets your gaze. His cheeks are flushed and his eyes are crazed.
He sits up and you let out a sigh of relief, but it's short lived. He pulls you onto his lap roughly and presses you against him with a hand at the small of your back.
You pound your hands on his chest but that look in his eyes says that he's unbothered. He grabs the hem of your shirt, and lifts it up. You move your hands quickly to grab his own but he slaps it away. You keep grabbing at his hands and pull at your shirt but it's no use.
He puts his head under your shirt and his breath on your skin sends a shiver up your spine.
Something hot and wet swipes at your nipple and you yelp. He swirls his tongue around your nipple, before gently biting at it.
You gasp and clench your fists, you move to pound his back but two red feathers rest on your hands. The feathers are heavy as bricks and you can't move your hands. You bite your lip and try to move away from him, but the hand on the small of your back also provides no room for wiggling.
He places his mouth on your tit and begins sucking, his tongue swirls around and makes your pussy pulsate. You can feel his hard on pressing against your womanhood and it only exacerbates the situation.
He removes his mouth with a popping sound and bites your nipple hard, you wince at his teeth dragging against your sensitive skin.
He moves his head from under your shirt to look at you, but his other hand wastes no time in comforting your other boob. You bite your lip and close your eyes out of embarrassment. He squeezes and pinches at your nipple and you can't help the small whimpers escaping your mouth.
He chuckles and bucks up against you. You let out a moan and his mouth spreads into a shit-eating grin.
"I can feel your cunt's heartbeat, dove."
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away-ward · 11 months
Thank you for your reply, KO! This is the anon from #asked and answered 176.
1 yes i like your fics, i like no apologies the most because we had insights to emmy's career and life in sf. Emmy might find herself boring, but ive always been a busy body reader so i would eat up everything about her personal and professional life in sf. I still hated will there, but thanks to you i hated him 5% less
2 "Ummm. I do think it’s a little weird that you’ve read multiple PD books, and even finished the DN series… especially since you were looking forward to Will. Because I hated Will for the first three books and if I weren’t curious about Emory, I wouldn’t have finished the series at all."
KO, you've underestimated a loyal hate reader's journey of hate reading 😂 i love pd's writing and i love some of their books that were not DN because of the chemistry of the main lovers (theyre not bad as many have said actually), but i still hated the ongoing misogynistic dynamic that they always had in their books. Its like having an author that you majorly like what they do, but their side mistakes were big enough to irritate you so you remember them, kinda thing. Do you have these kinds of author that feel like this towards? To answer this simply: pd's books are like worms for brain for me. Like when i read books by Colleen hoover, or hd carlton, sophie lark, lauren asher, or susanne valnti &peckham. It's the kind of toxicity you need from time to time but still get mad and disappointed by your low expectation at their shit ass plot and mfcs and fmcs anyway, yk. 
KO, i cant lie, im just a hater first, a hate reader second and a reader third 🤣 once i stop, i cnat quit. Like damon torrance, that punk ass devils night philosopher said, sometimes you just want to feel everything including the ugly ones you know, and like michael crist the logician, you just gotta own it, before it owns you, GOD HAHAHAH i cant believe im using them as my metaphors right now!! Please bare with me here.
3 "I also find it equally weird that your first impulse after finishing a series you hate is to go to the tag of the character you hated the most? I mean, I’ve definitely clicked on hot-takes I know I’m going to disagree with and hate-read things, but it’s not my go-to."
hmm? KO, i think... youre just not as toxic of a reader than me, ohmygod, im so sorry! 🤣☠️ im really of those people that will immideately look up one and two star ratings on goodreads so that i know my feelings and thoughts were validated by other haters, lmao! Do not mind me, its not a good thing, but like damon torrance said, live, love, laugh, and hate, you know 🤩
4 thank you so much for your recs, i also actually grew up watching hana yori dongo! I watched the kdrama version too but idk if i'll watch the thai version. I have less patient for dramas now unfortunately, and the last drama i watched was "celebrity" on netflix, and i still havent finished it, even after 3 month ☠️ I used to love kdramas and lee minho was so popular back then, so i also watched him in "the heirs" too. Ohmygod his hairsyles in both dramas (boys over flowers and the heirs) were so funny, but i remember enjoying these stories a lot. I believe these two kdramas were released during the time where kdramas were having a lot more angsty romantic relationship than platonic ones and they both stood out among many others, not only because of lee minho, park shinhye and bunch of k-idols acting there, but also because of the friendships and platonic relationships shown that were fun to watch. It's a break from other dramas like moon embracing the sun, or my love from another star that were romance-heavy, yk. But tbh, i prefer my love from another star and moon embracing the sun more than bof/hyd and the heirs. If there are two recs i'd like to give you, they would be "hotel del luna" and "sky castle". God damn, i cried in every single episode watching these two dramas. They really touched my soul, everything was so good!
5 i havent scrolled through your blog and notice your recs for sempre, but from your recs, i checked and saw its goodreads rating and it's pretty high! Maybe i'll check it out if im interested. Seems like a mafia gang story? I need to be in the mood to be reading mafia stories because my first ones were from reading kpop mafia fanfics from years ago and the latest and the last one were the made series by danielle lori. The made series were entertaining but i noticed that i didnt care much about mafias? Hahahahah idk, and idc much about vampires, and wolf stories either, but i like faes. Not Sarah j maas type of faes, but holly black's and cassandra clare's. The ones that are beautiful, creepy, complicated and loves/have to lie but cant. So yeah, thanks for recommending sempre!
6 as for alex, im tired of her, and honestly i dont want to think about her anymore. I'll pretend nightfall alex never existed, and nightfall will grayson fucking died a gruesome death, becoming of two stupid selfish best friends who think theyre the only suffering in this world. You know this reminded me of a quote by madeline miller's Circe that really fits will's selfish behaviour especially in blackchurch: “He showed me his scars, and in return he let me pretend that I had none.” thats exctly how i felt throughout blackchurch. Because emmy always had to heavylift whatever bullshit that alexwillaydin put out to her. And as someone who was so used to just move forward and not caring about her small losses because she had suffered worse, emmy just had to act like she was okay with all the little hurts and cruelty cause by people, just because she loved them/will and wanted to not give up on him and give him a second chance, because he was hurting and she understood that he cared then (🙄). Good thing, she admitted she was at fault partly too, but god, i hated when she felt like she need to go above and beyond for a man who admitted didnt care enough about her. Gods, these mf men need therapy frfr.
7 "I truly am sorry that it was such a bad experience for you. You’re welcome to stick around, but I’m sure since you hated so much, you’re ready to move on after unloading like that. But it’s all good either way. I hope you’re on to better and better things." 
No need to be sorry, but you're right, i'm starting some new reads right now, and idk why, but kandi steiner, liz tomforde and laura pavlov really do be hitting with their releases!! Like their stories are not dark romance so tat cleansed me from devils night series a bit, and they are so fun to read! They gave me melanie harlow's vibes. If anyone's interested, i suggest checking out Blindside by Kandi Steiner, Right Move by Liz Tomforde, and all of these four authors backlogs tbh. Kandi Steiner even have like a college frat series? Which i havent checked out but it sounds fun, and its called Palm South University series.
I dont have anything else to add as well, thank you for reading my rants, have a nice day! I think this will be my last one, so goodbye!
KO, you've underestimated a loyal hate reader's journey of hate reading
Hey!! Okay. This is very helpful! Thank you for the insight. I’m not a stranger to hate watching/reading and (used to) do it frequently. And I would complain to all my friends about all the horrible stuff that was happening, but they knew I was having a good time.
It’s harder when I don’t really know who I’m talking to, to tell if I should take it seriously or if they’re enjoying the trash like me. We’re completely on the same page in that case so ignore very thing I said about not getting it. If you’re having a good time hating it, I got you!
i think... youre just not as toxic of a reader than me, ohmygod, im so sorry!
I might not be anymore but I definitely used to be, ngl. And I don’t know if you can end up running a DN blog without having some toxicity left in you??? I mean. We’re not here because this work was a masterpiece, am I right?
I don’t currently have any authors I must read/hate-read. Like I’ve said, I haven’t had the time to get into a lot of new stuff lately, and my tastes have changed. They could always change back, since reading is a mood-based activity. For now, though, I’ve left the dark and toxic behind for something that makes me feel good about the world.
i also actually grew up watching hana yori dongo! I watched the kdrama version too but idk if i'll watch the thai version. I have less patient for dramas now unfortunately
Oh my god the Kdrama! It was my first Kdrama. Fond memories. And no worries, I haven’t touched any drama in years. Truthfully, I think the only reason I can get into the Thai version is because of the familiarity.
but from your recs, i checked and saw its goodreads rating and it's pretty high! Maybe i'll check it out if im interested. Seems like a mafia gang story?  
It is, kinda? But it’s really layered, with a good plot and great characters. I could ramble about it for a while, but I don’t think anyone is interested currently, so I won’t burden you with it 😂
holly black's and cassandra clare's
I did really like the folk of the air series, and I read the spiderwick chronicles in middle school, but I haven’t gone back to holly black in a long time. I did want to read the new one but haven’t had the chance.
Oof Alex. Now that I know where you’re coming from, I can completely agree. I’ve been re-reading and analyzing her intro in Nightfall and how weird it was; how it derailed everything in the worse way. Sometimes, when writers are stuck on where to go with a scene or plot, there’s a tactic that’s recommended: have someone walk in with a gun. It causes enough of a upheaval to keep the plot moving. I’m not sure if that was what Alex was supposed to do, but it really didn’t work for me for a lot of reasons.
Because emmy always had to heavylift whatever bullshit that alexwillaydin put out to her. And as someone who was so used to just move forward and not caring about her small losses because she had suffered worse, emmy just had to act like she was okay with all the little hurts and cruelty cause by people,
Yes! She had to work so hard just for a little, and what killed me the most is reading her scenes where she agrees with them.
She has the moments of clarity, where it seems she remembers why she did what she did, and she's not sorry, and that she wasn’t to blame for what happened to Will. Then next minute… she’s back to blaming herself for no reason? I’ve said many times before that Emory’s guilt is misplaced, and at certain times, it can’t be ignored that it was really PD pushing this “Emory deserves this” narrative, but I just can’t jive with it at all. There's a question on her good reads page where she says that she thinks Will is the most justified in his hatred.
And just... no. He's not. Literally none of them were justified in their hatred. They had the right to feel wronged. Sometimes we feel wronged, even if we carry some of the blame for what happened. But to say they were justified is just over the line. I really wish PD had more balance when it come to assigning blame. I think this series would have benefitted if one of the themes of the story was that everyone makes decisions, and right or wrong, we have to living with them. These are the consequences.
Like their stories are not dark romance so tat cleansed me from devils night series a bit, and they are so fun to read!
Yeah, it’s always nice to find something new that works! Thanks for the recs. I hope if anyone is looking, they’ll look them up. Sorry I didn’t have more strong female friendships, but they can be tough to find in todays romance climate.
I totally get you not coming back. It was absolutely a blast talking to you and thanks for the clarification! It always helps.
Have a great one, KO
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baixueagain · 3 years
Your thoughts on The Witcher s2? So far I've been seeing very mixed opinions; show-only fans tend to love it just fine, book readers are fuming about the changes/additions, the game fans seem to still not have gotten the memo that the show has exactly nothing to do with the games.. in other words, it's a whole lot of mess right now.
I'm only on ep 3 so far as I've been watching it with a friend. I'm actually enjoying it for the most part. I like that it's fleshing out events between SOD and BOE, since those are actually pretty hazy in the books.
What they did with Eskel was...eh. The concept was cool but they probably should've used a new made up witcher for that since of course there's gonna be backlash for going that far off script with an established canon witcher. That said I think his fans are probably getting a bit too worked up as most of his lore comes from the games, not the books, and this show has very little to do with the games outside the occasional Easter egg.
I'm bummed that so far they've changed Triss's story with Sodden. Her being initially listed among the dead plays a big role in her trauma and her survivor's guilt, so seeing that given to Yen instead was disappointing. Yen already has a really strong arc in this show so it seems unnecessary, especially since it's almost immediately undone when Yen shows up shortly afterward. Triss's PTSD and survivor's guilt was something that really resonated with me in BOE so I'm sad that part of that has been skipped over. We may get more of it later on but idk.
That said, I'm really enjoying that Cahir's story pre-BOF is getting more fleshed out. In the books we don't actually get to know him until he's completely disillusioned with the Empire, so it's really cool to see an idea of what Cahir might've been like before that disillusionment sank in. I'm really enjoying the angle that he was a true believer beforehand.
There are also some things you can gloss over in writing that would just not work for a TV series, so I'm glad we're actually getting to see a more detailed interpretation of Yen's arc since in the books we mostly follow Geralt and Ciri. It's been very cool to follow the elves, too, and see the roots of the Scoia'tael and their alliance with Nilfgaard (side note, if you don't follow Filavandrel's actor on twitter, please do, Tom is a TREASURE).
I'm curious about how they're going to set up Vilgefortz as the final Big Bad though, since in this he seems very much like someone who is only just now getting a taste for power rather than someone who's been plotting for years. Even so, Mahesh Jadu is killing it and he's not hard to look at in the least...
Anyway I'm trying to keep an open mind. The books are my favourite of course, but this IS an adaptation and so it's going to stray and do things differently. Ultimately my concern is if the show stays true to the spirit of the books in terms of themes and characters, rather than if it rigidly follows the exact same plot beat for beat. So far it's done a pretty good job of that.
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