#lots and lots of fun :)
hoarding-stories · 2 months
I wasn't lying when I said I would fixate on the imagery of the avatars getting more and more godly as the fight went on:
Divine Prowess-
It's like watching a crack form in a dam, the power that flows into these people like it was always an inevitability. It is not very noticeable at first, a hum, a glow, a synchronized inhale as the ward breaks. But soon, as they do damage and take it in turn, more things start to show. The smell of power that hangs like petrichor in the air, Ayden's blood burns star bright against his skin, Emhira's eyes once blinded do not look damaged but instead like a corpse's, Asha's nails grow sharper and her muscles stronger moving with the grace of a wild beast, SILAHA's metal frame gains an oil-slick colorful sheen with the damage inflicted making them all the more beautiful, Trist's hair bleeds further white with soft feathers falling from her coat as she moves, and the ice that makes up the Emissary's body has a glow like reflected sunlight.
And like a cracked dam, most of the other wards break free all at once with a bang.
A brilliant outpouring of magic, manifesting and falling from the open sky above to decimate the forces of those who would stand against the gods and their power. Two of those gods, *dancing* through the debris reveling in the might on display.
And as they dance...
Divine Magic-
SILAHA, the Archeart, looks as though they are made of liquid metal, beautiful fractal reflections of light playing off their form. Powerful magics are so often destructive and hold such beauty because of it. They move ever so smoothly in their dance, gliding as if a projection, and the magic is so thick in this space as to be able to taste it.
Divine Vitality-
Asha, the Wildmother, leads as vines and leaves spring from her flesh, wrapping this paltry mortal form in the vestments of the world that is *hers*. With every step, moss grows on the stone, and the heady scent of ripe fruit begins to fill the air around her.
Divine Potency-
Trist's, The Everlight's, footsteps leave a glowing trail behind her in stone as though they are impressions on soft dirt. Her hair is fully a soft white, and there is a weight to her now, a powerful certainty, the irresistible draw of redemption, of hope, of trying. Spectral wings are barely visible behind her, arcing off her back and hanging in the air, shedding the occasional feather that drifts gently in her wake.
The major wards are gone, and with her hopeful, merciful pull it's a work of a second to ask for and recieve the destruction of yet another ward.
Divine Resistance-
Ayden, the Dawnfather, out of all of them, is burning bright. So much light is pouring off of him, piercing golden sunlight, and it is warm. It is almost impossible to see his face from a distance with his halo restored, but he is changing. The Dawnchild is rapidly aging in order to carry this heavy weight funneled into his form, filling him with power. With tears running down his face, lost in the eddy of this divinity returning, he releases some of it into this space, and the dawn comes with its terrible might.
The Emissary, feeling the impressions of protection and assistance that these gods have imparted on their form as they move to shatter the stone of the penultimate ward, is aware that the tide has truly turned and things are about to come to a close.
Divine Awareness-
Emhira, The Matron of Ravens, stays the most human-seeming out of all her peers. Her clothes lose their vibrancy, her skin pales, and her shadow deepens and darkens behind her. There is a slight chill surrounding her, an absence of heat, contrasted sharp against the light and warmth of her fellows. But she persistently gives the impression of humanity, of something singularly mortal and deeply rooted in all that has taken place around her. She is ever-present in this moment, an unignorable reminder of what is to come.
The final ward. Child's play to utterly break and sunder, the Matron of Ravens ensuring this machine will hold them back no longer.
Divine Vigor-
The Emissary is not a god. It was sent by the Lawbearer as a decisive strike, a way to truly end this threat to her family. He is here, in this now, with his purpose, and because of it, he is the only true witness to the gods fully set loose on Aeor. They are still in their avatars, though now the might of their godly prowess has filled, spilled over, and warped what was once fully mortal.
They are still anchored to mortal height, but there is a distinct sense of size with them all, as if you were to unfocus your eyes or listen to the part of your brain screaming in fear you could almost see the monumental silhouettes stretching up and up and up.
Standing near them is a cacophony, the calling of so many animals, the bright hum of so much magic, cries of those experiencing loss, neverending warmth, and a feeling like a presence at your back. So many varying sensations as to drive a mortal mind mad with either unrest or overwhelming.
They move like they have forgotten there were rules that once applied to these bodies. What limits they had have now sloughed off, and the boundless infinite of their capabilities clumsily fit within the delicate shell still being held by each of them.
It is a terror, a comfort, a hope, a horribly certain thing wrapped in divine knowledge that this was always going to be the result.
The Emissary knows his time is at its end. He is scared. He will save his mother's family.
And he does.
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vamprisms · 6 months
i feel like a lot of the 'i hate kids' crowd would be more tolerant if they understood that due to a kid's limited experience of the world that 4 hour flight might just be the longest they've ever had to sit still for or that trapped finger might literally be the most pain they've ever felt in their short life or they might not have ever seen a person with pink hair ever so of course they want to touch it or nobody's told them yet that they can't run around the museum and they only just learned cheetahs are the fastest animals so of course they want to put that to the test. how were they supposed to know etc etc.
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almondpiglet · 1 month
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ppl were drawing mikus from all over so heres habesha miku and her lil twin sibs rin and len!!
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its-yashas-strong-arms · 10 months
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FINALLY some good fucking feature ideas from the tumblr devs. tamagotchi renaissance now
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badolmen · 9 months
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keymintt · 4 months
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more public art! these fellas were printed on vinyl for the sides of a traffic cabinet
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shesmore-shoebill · 2 months
"I had choice paralysis :(" is a KILLER line.
He's such a comedic powerhouse, I'm glad more people are getting exposed to him :'D
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bellwethers · 6 months
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buzzrds · 2 months
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here's my wonderful isopod child, handcrafted in leather
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crookedtines · 2 months
I finally took the time to photograph my vintage dip pen nib collection, and I need to share with you all how wonderful and diverse their designs are.
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These two are my favorite. Just look at them! One of them is named Gorille and the other Mephisto, but to me they're little pumpkins.
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And of course you gotta love the Pinocchio nib. You get to write with the nose of a tiny guy! Just not something you get to do anymore.
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stevefightmerogerss · 6 months
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chiptrillino-art · 2 months
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(ID in ALT text)
some of these were conzepts i drew for @ranilla-bean fic the iconoclast. others are just me doodeling zuko in SEA inspired clothing (khemer or siam style/ so cambodia or thailand)
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onebadnoodle · 1 year
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the circus is in town and you're in it! ⭐
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otiksimr · 4 months
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Poorly drawn Ghastly line.
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sanctus-ingenium · 4 months
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the second coming
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hinata-boke · 4 months
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