#lost my job
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satellitecock · 1 month ago
Do you still work for Peterson accounting, or are you dealing full time?
I was fired a while ago, and I say that with pride!
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iwasntstable · 7 months ago
+[MSG : life is feeling helpless and bleak again need some angst / emotional hurt/comfort to read]
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hearteyespierce · 7 months ago
god the hits really don’t stop fucking coming do they.
#genuinely cannot take much more of this#i hit my limit about 4 weeks ago#and it just won’t fucking stop#coming up on six weeks of having varying levels of Horrors(tm) happening to me on a weekly basis#and sometimes multiple Horrors(tm) in a week#lost my job#my cat died#had an asbestos scare#my partner’s cat almost died#he had to have emergency surgery#and then when he came home had to go straight back to the emergency vet to have emergency surgery a second time bc they fucked up#had a huge fight with my partner bc oh yeah this whole time we’ve also been moving!!!#but there was some stupidly unnecessary drama around the security deposit/getting the old house clean#and this whole time while grieving and losing my income and all of this shit I am also still a disabled/chronically ill person#so I’m forcing my body to keep working through increasingly instense flare ups#on top of all of this we have a houseguest who has vastly overstayed their welcome.#they’ve been here for SIX WEEKS and are showing no signs of going home#so much shit has happened in the past six weeks that I don’t even know if I’m remembering all of it here in these tags#and now. I have been denied for unemployment and received a notice that I have to pay back what they already paid me#bc i ‘missed the deadline to verify my identity’#except they NEVER SENT ME THE IDENTITY VERIFICATION LETTER#I’ve been keeping an eye out for it and I’ve kept every letter I’ve received from them#nothing has the verification password.#I filed an appeal but the confirmation page said it could take weeks to get a hearing#so what the fuck am I supposed to do in the meantime#i wish I were fucking dead to be honest#that would be preferable to the last six weeks
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her-raveness · 1 year ago
I was just terminated from my job with no notice. I received a call after completing my shift tonight. I was supposed to work Sunday too. They won't even let me finish out my two weeks. I've never been fired from a job before. I'm such a hard worker and always have been and this is just a huge blow for me. Im in shock and in need of help honestly. I've already started applying to other jobs. But I have bills to pay just like everyone else. Any help or boosting this is so appreciated. Thank you for your time. Much love to you all from your fellow witch. 🖤
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roguekhajiit · 2 months ago
I recently fell for a job posting over the holidays that posted their job as full-time, will train, etc etc. I only wish I'd known then what I know now. It was a bait and switch.
The bait: It's full-time, with little to no experience needed, no special licenses or certifications needed. Will train and pay for certifications (CPR, First Aid) after hiring.
First red flag: The same day you have your first and only interview, you are asked to sign the new hire documents and go through orientation. You're hired on the spot.
Second red flag: The training is supposed to be 4 days of you driving/riding around with the trainer. It gets shrunk down to 2. The training boils down to the trainer, showing you how to push buttons in an app on a tablet and watching you drive for a day and a half.
Third red flag: All the other stuff you were supposed to be trained on; they ghost you on. It never happens. No CPR or first aid training ever takes place. They never approach you about it, and every time you ask about it, they dodge the question.
The Switch: Your 90 days is coming to an end, and they'll soon have to give you the raise you are owed.
Suddenly, they call you into the office a week before your 90 days is up, and they have a list of grievances against you; complaints from customers about your attitude and your driving. You're just not a good fit for the company, and they are going to have to let you go.
But they never once brought these concerns up to you over the past two and a half months. Every time you poked your head in the office to ask if they needed anything from you, they never bothered to mention these grievances then. But a week before your 90 days is up, there's this stack of complaints against you that just suddenly appeared, and none are specific. They're all generic; bad driving, bad attitude.
It's almost as if they just needed someone to fill in during the holidays while their regular drivers took their vacations and now that the holidays are over they no longer need you and want to issue you a termination letter while you're still within your 90 "probationary" period.
I've come to realize they did this because they knew if they listed the job as temporary, they would be less likely to receive applicants.
The worst part of the entire experience, though, has been how they have tried to twist this around to make it seem like it was my fault. My driving skills were to blame, and my attitude was to blame. Never mind that I consistently went above and beyond what a normal driver would do for the customers. From throwing down traction sand to make it safer for the customers to walk out of their own front doors, to helping them walk down their own steps. Never mind that I never once crashed or totaled the vehicles or caused damage to another person's property. Other drivers have more than once in the past two and a half months. Yet somehow, they worded it so that there was somehow fault with my driving and my attitude.
But in reality, they had me caught in a bait and switch the entire time, and they just no longer had any use for me. Don't fall for predatory employment tactics like I did. Protect yourselves. If they want to hire you on the spot but want you to subject yourself to any kind of probationary period with the promise of higher pay looming at the end for your "hard work and dedication," Walk away. It's not worth it.
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mmogurl · 5 months ago
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FML. Seriously. This pic is me to a T right now. You ever just feel bummed about everything? I mean, when nothing is going right and it's hard to point out a single positive thing in your life that doesn't feel forced? Where you make plans that are always broken and you have expectations that are never fulfilled. It just becomes depressing after awhile to watch things always crumble down around you. And how are you supposed to find a reason to do anything in that state of mind? Oh yes, keep pushing yourself to write even though any praise you receive is fleeting and inconsistent... and for the most part it just feels like you're invisible. Just keep dragging along in a world that really doesn't seem to give a fuck if you struggle and certainly doesn't care if you suffer. You know.. one of the things that helps me most in life.. when things are good and when things are bad if I can manage it.. is creativity. I'm also an artist, although I don't focus on it as much as I do writing... Because with writing I get to actually go into another world and be someone else.. And THE BEST thing about that is that I also get to turn around and share it with the world.. so they can also take that same journey and experience that fantasy.. whatever it might be. Taming Homelander, getting wrecked by Daemon in the kitchen, or giving Aegon the hug he really needs. That's the amazing thing about writing is that you can do anything you want to do. Even a stupid idea.. which believe me, I had one of the silliest ideas ever recently that I am seriously thinking about writing out (It has to do with how Aegon is really bad at High Valyrian but I won't spoil the rest). But, even a silly idea can become something really special and you just never know what is going to resonate with yourself as an author or even with the people who read your work. The thing I absolutely hate is how sometimes, no matter what you do, a piece might not get the attention it deserves. Now I always account for taste and preference, but it still sucks when you don't get any feedback. And I've been reading a lot from people on tumblr lately, speaking on this very same topic. I just got on tumblr barely a couple of months ago, so I have even been wondering if they've made some serious changes since. Because I went from steady growth to not much of anything! And it's been hard to adjust.. because at the end of the day, I really just like sharing in enjoying the characters and stories I love with others. Ah.. if that were the only problem, I might be upset, but able to cope. But instead, it keeps feeling like everything's going from bad to worse.. or at least insult added to injury. I don't know if any of you remember me talking about my Targaryen cosplay a month or so back? Well.. I basically went HAM on a Daemon x OC (but it's basically a Rhaenyra dress) cosplay for Halloween. I spent.. you don't wanna know how much I spent. I had one of those moments where I realized I had been frugal all year and decided.. I deserve this. And spent a lot of money on having costumes commissioned and also bought wigs and jewelry. The whole nine yards!
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And wouldn't you know.. within a couple of weeks, my husband lost his job. He is the sole breadwinner in the household, so that leaves us with no income. Mind you, this has happened every year for 3 years now, but in this case, they actually canceled his contract before it was up (we had another 5 months to go!)! The job market has just been so incredibly unstable, and I'm getting so sick of feeling like I'm on a sinking ship in life. At my age, things should be settled, but I'm realizing nothing will ever be settled.. and that is hard to come to terms with. So, I spent all this money on costumes, then he loses his job.. and I'm thinking... Well - at least I still get to dress up as some Targaryens for Halloween and try my best to make it look good and have fun! There was a costume contest I was planning on attending and everything on the 26th. And I have literally everything else ready to go except for the costumes. Which were mailed out early October, but were from out of country. So wouldn't you know.. They got to the US more than a week ago.. and have just been sitting in customs, after being cleared, and I tried calling them, but it's the Usps and that's basically not helpful at all.. There's two days left for them to maybe come by some miracle.. but I am having to accept now that it's probably not going to come in time. It might not even come in time for a later party if I can find one, which I already looked long and hard for this one on the 26th xD So, FML, right?? I spent the money, lost the job, and now can't even dress up all fancy and get to show off how well I can accessorize my Targaryens. :( It sucks.. and I am feeling gutted. And I am honestly having trouble wanting to do anything. I should be writing, but I can't even put myself in the mindset of a fantasy, because I just keep thinking about how much life sucks. If I wrote something now.. It would probably be about one of my characters going to a costume party and having some asshole run a carriage past her and getting mud all over it. T_T or something along those lines. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention... how everyone was just sick in my house maybe two weeks ago.. and then my eldest son got sick again.. and my youngest had a fever last night.. Which means.. even if the costumes do come.. everyone (myself likely included) will probably be sick for Halloween! Like.. why?! Can nothing go right?? It's just gotta be suck all the time!? Sigh.. That's all I got for a closer. Just sigh.
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bitchesgetriches · 2 years ago
I Lost My Job and It Might Be the Best Worst Thing That’s Ever Happened to Me
Keep reading.
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lifewithcraig · 11 months ago
“In fact, I took it personally that people would reject a perfectly good house because of circumstances beyond the house's control.”
Martha Grover, The End of My Career
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heeheehoohoo8 · 11 months ago
Past month of drawings 🖤
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Kinda proud of myself ngl cause even though life has been whooping my ass lately I’ve still managed to draw a lot more in the past month then I used to.
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gothicnerdyperv · 1 year ago
Lost my job. Not that it a great job. Wasn't even good, honestly. But it was paying the bills. So, now a rapid job hunt begins with no savings. Life just sucks sometimes. I'm still for fighting to have a decent one, but the world seems to hate the idea of me being mildly successful.
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liliz26 · 5 months ago
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hellsxhunnysworld · 2 years ago
Help help help SOS 🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘
So I need help with raising money since I’m homeless and in debt.
I need to get a place to rent & everything that goes inside the house (mattress, dishes, tables, couches, etc)
I need to get a laptop or tablet that I can use to apply for every assistance I can get through my county.
Also need the laptop or tablet for content creation and posting. I havent been able to post anything or take any new photos or videos because I now don’t have any of my lingerie or a good spot to take pictures/ videos. 😩
I need help with content creation and I need money for random things I need from different stores that aren’t covered by ebt. (Amazon, SHEIN, etc)
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c0pernicus · 2 years ago
how to find a point and will to live again
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oasisr · 2 years ago
I feel such despair in my heart.
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escarietson · 19 days ago
Now officially jobless
My final day of work has ended with my official termination set for tomorrow. I am no longer employed as my workplaces final few days tick down.
With the job market not in good shape given the upcoming recession I may have to apply for Unemployment.
It was fun while it lasted...
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mentallydr4in3d · 1 year ago
I have currently started my 6 month full time job. Finding out i have been let go from my casual. I feel sick inside but i know it was ok. It was a new job, but one little mistake they terminated me Str8 away. I didn't even know
I am finding a new outlet to let go of all this sadness and harsh world.
Something good happens and then BAM something like this happens. What will i tell my parents
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