#los eleven
armaleo · 2 years
Tuenti Pianista D. Los Eleven Df. Jorge Dumitre P. Rebolucion Color. Roy Bermúdez
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a Stranger Things billboard in Hollywood, CA
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eky11 · 6 months
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Hey hey @feu-ardent ! I'm your Secret Santa this year! I hope you are having great holidays, and at the time I'm posting this, a very very happy new year!! I almost never draw the members of the Earth Eleven, so it has been fun.
I tried to more or less follow the prompts, this is meant to be a photo taken by Minori in the library while they are trying to help Kusaka with his math homework 💚
Thank you @ina11secretsakka2022 for hosting this!!
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heyclaudiadaro · 2 months
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Pensamiento random:
Alguien sería tan amable de explicarme cómo sobrevivió el Axel al Sector Quinto estando tonto como está? Porque vamos, es la pregunta que no me deja dormir desde que leí Honosuto
Eng: Random thought:
Can someone explain me how Gouenji survived Fifth Sector if he’s a complete dumbass? Like, that’s the question that doesn’t let me sleep after reading honosuto xD
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raiberryz · 5 days
Es gracioso pensar que a Gouenji se le mira de cierta forma, se le considera del tipo edgy frío, debido a lo que dicen los Inatubers (que al final solo dan su opinión), y luego te das cuenta por el IE Everyday, IE SD, HonoSuto y los 4komas que él no es NADA como lo describen los youtubers, sino todo lo contrario.
Gouenji Inatubers: Cool y gran delantero, pero un personaje plano al que la trama endiosa.
Gouenji CANON: Chismoso, metiche, solo tiene dos neuronas que le funcionan para el fútbol, le asustan los fantasmas, quiere ir a la derecha y se va a la izquierda, le desagrada y a la vez le da miedo su club de fans, es estricto porque le frustra ver que todos en el Raimon original eran flojos; le gusta dormir, los estudiantes piensan que es cool hasta que abre la boca y se dan cuenta de que es un niño normal, complejo de mamá. Le gusta ayudar, sobre piensa lo mínimo, no quiere preocupar a los demás porque siente que puede llegar a ser una carga; bueno en repostería, bromista, cuenta chistes terribles, quiere a Endou más de lo que puede decir, espió la confesión de Aki y también anima a Natsumi con sus sentimientos; lengua venenosa sin querer, no nota cuando dice algo que no debía. Se ocultó bajo la capa de Kidou para no mojarse, Kidou le regaña merecidamente, le preocupa más la boda de su hermana que la suya propia, hermano amoroso, hermano y amigo un poco celoso. Ansioso, introvertido, medio depresivo, socialmente inepto ¿le sigo?, porque hay más 😂
Fandom que habla español difunde la palabra: Gouenji es un meme andante.
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panes-feacientes · 8 months
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Alguna fea pero guarra en Benalmádena?
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rencoons-trashcan · 2 months
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Other selfship doodles I forgor to post
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horocandy · 2 years
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hensaki thoughts are hitting especially hard tonight and I realized I forgot to repost this sakiyama doodle here
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bitofaditz · 2 years
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no little american girl dont take the shady psychiatric drug 
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mimi-croissant · 2 years
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I need to see more of them
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comfymoth · 1 year
whoever reblogged my post and tagged it los quackititos pls know it’s my favorite tag. you’re so right. esos son los quackititos de verdad es la única palabra para describirlo
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neutrallyobsessed · 2 years
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estate quieto, Victor te va a dar una pegatina~
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castelobyers · 1 year
Hey, let's have some fun?
So... I'm gonna put you in a situation that the characters had been and you are going to tell me how you would proceed, okay?
So now you are William Byers. You are in your bedroom in Lenora with Mike. He just told you that Hawkins isn't the same without you, that he wants to be best friends again. You answer with "cool" and he says it back. You are looking into each other's eyes, smiling. Suddenly Mike seems to pay attention in something else. He got up from the bed, catch the painting and says "Oh, is this the painting El told me you made for a girl? Can I see it?". Before you can stop him, he opens it. When he sees the painting, he looks confused for a while but then he seems to realize something. He turns to you...
How do you proceed?
I'm not the best fanfic writer you're putting me in a rough situation lmao but I'll try
"El said it was for a girl?"
"yes, in her last letter, she said you're acting weird and was probably liking some girl..."
"this is not for a girl Mike... i made it... For you"
"yes! I was willing to give it to when you arrived but..."
"Oh! Oh... I'm sorry... I'm sorry i was- i was being an idiot"
"it's okay, don't worry. It's yours now! You're allowed to open it"
He open the painting just like in the van scene
"Wow! This is amazing! Did you paint this?"
"yeah! yeah I did"
"this is really cool! You're the most talented person i know! And i know that this is nothing because i don't know any real artist beside you but you understand... I'm trying to say that you're an amazing artist and-"
"i think got it, thank you Mike"
Thank you for the ask 🤍🤍
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heyclaudiadaro · 3 months
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Años con Inazuma Eleven y recién me fijo que Tsurugi se parece a Larvitar...
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krongulous · 2 years
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The fuck did they do
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