lorienthirteen-blog · 9 years
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Race: Loric
Aliases: Fifteen, Delilah
Last place lived: New York City, USA
Cepan: none
Alice Englert
Illusion Manipulation- the ability to manipulate or create imaginary objects and block the human eyes. Fifteen developed this Legacy first while she was still in the local orphanage. She used it to duplicate herself, to create fake objects and to trick people inside the orphanage. She also used this Legacy to escape there by creating an imaginary door, and used it to create fake swords to fight Mogs. Later she found out that her Legacy doesn’t work with Greyson when his right eye is closed and left eye (the one with heterochromia) is open. She can also change her appearance for only a matter of time, as she used it with Rex to change their selves to look like soldiers. Fifteen used this Legacy as well to change places into new one, like changing an alley into a forest. Illusion manipulation, according to herself, was vast and dark, but usually it works for only a matter of time.
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Killing Touch- also called Fatal Touch, is the opposite of Healing. It is the ability to give disease, paralyze, fatally wound or kill a person. Fifteen developed this inside the local orphanage too. When Fifteen punched a girl named Ellen, who bullies her, she crumbles into the ground, shaking. Fifteen cannot control this Legacy at first, but at the end of The Voyage of Thirteen, she already managed to control it.
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Petrification- the ability to turn someone into a stone. 
(more infos to be added, but rather not yet since it contains too much spoilers)
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