#lori reads asoiaf
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lori133 · 4 months ago
Asoiaf reread
After a dizzying long summer filled with House of the Dragon Omegarverse fanfiction, I have made the brave decision to re read the whole Asoiaf saga.
To be completely honest, the thought of it fills me with both anticipation and anxiety. Anticipation because this is a much beloved saga filled with interesting characters and plotlines, and I want to go back through it with another mentality and putting more care in the details and conspirations that teenaged me ignored.
The anxiety part comes from the memory of the hurt these books cause.
The first time I read them I was a teenager who picked the Game of Thrones book because John Snow looked hot on the cover. But as I read it became way more than that. I was the same age as most of the children and suffered with them the indignities bestowed by adults and their powerlessness in preventing being used like pawns for the furthering of their houses. I have until today never quite recovered from reading Sansa's POV and her extended suffering and I am a woman marked by it.
Anyways, I haven't seen the TV series and have only passing knowledge of the changes they made to the plot tho I, like most people with interenet, know who ends on the Iron Throne (LOL) and who dies at the end.
Regardless my memories of the books are pretty vague and I stopped being as into them in the interim six years before Adwd so ironically that is the book I remember the least.
I have a bit of a strong impression of most of the Stark children's plots and chapters (me coming from YA and rooting for all of them only to be punched in the guts again and again) but quite frankly skipped through most of Dany's eastern adventures and thought Stannis to be as boring as Renly claimed him to be.
All these impressions have since changed after reading and reblogging so much asoiaf meta.
Lastly, I used to be really into kings and princesses and nobles but growing up in a country with a King, I have since become an antimonarchist and I believe I'll find myself squarely on the smallfolk side.
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joanna-lannister · 6 years ago
margaret-rhee replied to your post : margaret-rhee replied to your post :...
Oh I think my favorite theory is that Bran somehow messes something up in time and makes the mad king mad (like saying burn them all is referring to the white walkers) kind of like Hodor. This is my favorite mostly because Bran annoys me and I would believe that this whole show is his fault somehow 😂 What about you?
I just hope they do Maggie justice whatever happens. I really liked how they wrote her this season (and how she was actually in scenes) so I’m hopeful that she might get a good end If she has to be written off at all
Oh, I love that one too! Some people hate and tried to debunk it but if that's true, it's pure genius imo! I don't hate Bran but I understand what you say, I think he will have a big part to play against the Night King tho. I love this theory too : Bran=The Night King. Still don't really get how it works but I love it.
Oh my dear I have so many theories, for almost everything! The GoT/ASOIAF world is so rich! I always wanted to write down my favorites somewhere but I'm kinda afraid to receive hate because the fandom is so messed up, but now it's the right time, I guess? It will be long and I'm so sorry, if you read everything : THANK YOU ❤️ So... let's go!
the Night King & the White Walkers win: everybody dies and everyone is sad lol
no more Wall: and no more Night Watch, the White Walkers are totally annihilated and the human race survives
the Iron Throne will be melt down: by wildfire? dragon fire? not sure. they fought so many years over this ugly piece of shit metal, it would be cool in the end if no one sit on it and if the human survives, they symbolically destroy it to rebuild a better world. as for Westeros, they are either united under one King or Queen or each Kingdoms are ruled by noble family, just like before Aegon's Conquest (the North=Stark, the Westerlands=Lannister...)
Sansa is queen: in her own right? consort? in the North? of Westeros? I don't know but I truly believe she will survive and be in charge one way or another, the Sansa queen imagery is too strong and it would be such a waste to kill her just for shock value so she will be happy in the end i hope or i will hunt D&D
Sansa marries Jon: my shipper heart talks here but i believe to unite the North or Westeros these two are the perfect match
Arya marries Gendry: okay I have big doubts about Arya survival, don't know, a bad feeling but I think she will marry him, maybe not in a tradional way but some kind. We still have Robert quote "I have a son, you have a daughter. We’ll join our Houses." I always tought it was a foreshadowing for these two. So maybe she marries him before the big battle and dies here or she marries him at the end and they have somehow a happy ending. honestly i just want her to be happy with Sansa 😊
Melisandre dies saving Davos: oooh the sweet irony...
Daenerys dies beyond the Wall: (or what's left) when I watched GoT the first time, I thought "She is going to win and will be the queen" but then, the Red Wedding happened and it totally change my perception of the show and more I watched it more I realise her visions in the House of the Undying are a metaphore : she never touch the throne, she hear her dragons, follow the sound and pass the Wall and find Drogo & Rhaego. (And here people will hate me) I think when she's gonna learn Jon has a better claim than her to the throne, she will get angry. Jeez, she fought men for years, she survived in their world, and just like that, one man has more claim than her because of a piece of paper ? She will lose control and make a huge mistake and when she realise it, it will be too late and she will try to fix it because at her core, she's a nice girl. maybe by killing Viserion? but she will die with Drogon (like Rhaego, he's her baby and he carry Drogo's name) and she will find some peace because even if she fail, she did the right thing in the end if i'm right, i will cry my ass off for days lol
Alliance Lannister-Stark: okay if the Dark!Daenerys or Dany is the Night Queen theory happen and Winterfell destroyed, i want the Starks to ask for help to the Lannisters. This alliance would be so ironic but in the end, the Starks betray the Lannisters and execute them like Ned
Cersei dies in childbirth: i know most of her fans hate this idea but this is probably my favorite. her love for her children made her do terrible things, she wanted their safety but it backfired her. she blamed Tyrion for Joanna's death (jeez, i understand). it's kind of poetic, tragic and ironic. i can see her sacrifice herself in order to save her baby, maybe Qyburn performing a c-section like Maggie did to Lori? D&D could totally write this for shock value plus it somehow fulfills the Valonqar prophecy twice: Jaime, her little brother, got her pregnant and indirectly caused her death and baby!Lannister, the little brother/sister of her children, caused her death
Baby!Lannister survives: two possibilities here : 1) he's raised by the Starks, he know nothing about his birth parents and hates the Lannisters. I think about this quote : "If I give him sons, he may come to love me. She would name them Eddard and Brandon and Rickon, and raise them all to be as valiant as Ser Loras. And to hate Lannisters, too. In Sansa’s dreams, her children looked just like the brothers she had lost. Sometimes there was even a girl who looked like Arya." It would be funny that Sansa save the last Lannister and raise him as his own. 2) Tyrion promises Cersei to take care of the child, just like Ned with Lyanna, and escape with him. And because History repeats itself, they end up like Daenerys & Viserys. Flashforward 16 years later : baby!Lannister is all grown up, wants to avenge his family and say "I will take what is mine and they will hear me roar". Black screen. End of the show. LOL And then they can make another spin-off
Jaime & Cersei die in fire: If Cersei don't die in childbirth, I can see her burned with Jaime. Maybe by Daenerys or, imo, the White Walkers attack King's Landing (like Stannis in Blackwater), they have no way to escape, Cersei uses wildfire and burns the city. They exchange one last kiss and turn into ashes... "A day will come when you think you are safe and happy and your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth" I mean... it's pretty poetic and romantic
Cersei kills the Night King: As above : the White Walkers attack King's Landing, Cersei uses wildfire and burns the city. Like, she saves the world by accident 😂
Jon dies: no comes back, no magic, he dies. Period. LOL
Sam wrote ASOIAF: cliché but i love it!
OMG! I have so many others ideas but I stop here, this is so long! I'm so so sorry... If you have read this big mess, BIG THAAANK YOU. If you haven't, it's okay I understand 😂
Same! I really liked her too this season (Lauren is so goooood), guess it's the Angela Kang effect (hell I even liked N*gan dialog but i still hate him lol). Maggie deserves a happy ending with baby!Gleggie and all the love in the world, she has already suffered enough. And even if she unfortunately don't come back, I'll tell myself she's okay, she's safe and she's doing good like this 😊
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thestagthatlovedthewolf · 7 years ago
Okay, I just realized something, one of the reasons that led me to pick up The 100 was a lie… It was the lowest of reasons, so it wouldn’t have stopped me, but it was still a reason…
I picked it up winter break of season 2, and it was because the photosets looked really cool in here and a lot of the asoiaf fandom liked it, and then most important Burke and Stephen were in this (Burke and Grey’s Anatomy is instrumental to who I am, and Stephen was my favorite in Scandal and I wanted to see why he left the show and Abby – god, he and Abby were so GOOD!!! Sure, David and her great too, but she and Stephen are my favorite ship on that show overall and I wish he had come back for something in this last season…)
But now the other reason was that when I had watched one of the seasons of 90210 (I don’t think I even watched a full season), I had really liked Annie’s mother, Debbie, and her relationship with a teacher (I think??) – it was my favorite storyline and you see I’ve always been attracted to the adult storylines in teen shows, I’ve just never lasted as long watching one as I do with The 100 –  and I was sure that was Paige Turco, and while it was less important to me than Isaiah Washington and Henry Ian Cusick were in this, it made me also think I like her on that other show so let’s see her here. And now I was going through her filmography and it wasn’t her, but an actress called Lori Loughlin, and I was reading more about her, she’s in Full House and Fuller House, and really just two days ago I stopped on a photo from that show and asked myself if that was Paige, but that I knew she had never been a main on that show, but now realizing it’s the same actress – I just mix them up it seems… And it’s really messing with my head, it took me like four/three years to figure this out…
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hollygoeslightly · 6 years ago
I was tagged by the lovely @fortunatelylori
Relationship Status: Single
Favourite Colour: Blue
Top Three Ships:
1. Dan Humphrey and Blair Waldorf, Gossip Girl
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I mean, just look at these adorable dorks. Sorry Lori!
2. Gereon Rath and Charlotte Ritter, Babylon Berlin
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These guys have crazy chemistry and just genuinely really, really, really adore each other - broken pieces and all.
3. Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, Harry Potter series
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Because they spend seven years fighting and laughing and saving each other and being delightful magical idiots the whole time.
OTP: Jon Snow and Sansa Stark, ASOIAF/Game of Thrones
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I mean... look at them! They need to stop.
Lipstick or Chapstick: Red lipstick all the way
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Last Song: John Wayne Gary Jr. by Sufjan Stevens
Last Movie: What We Do in the Shadows - highly recommend
Currently Reading: The Last Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris
I’m tagging @sillyanshe, @mamadenerds, @survivor-reborn, @nutellaninja0001 and @voices-not-echoes
Have fun!
Funky Tag Game
I was tagged by @madkskillz thank you bb  (every time you tagged me in things, I just ☺️😍❤️💖😚😍💞😍😌😆 )
Relationship Status: single bb yeaaaah!!
Favourite Color: Blue (every shade of blue)
Top Three Ships
1. Jon x Sansa
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look at these dorks, I love them. Season 8 can’t come soon enough 🙌 🙌
2. Jaime x Brienne
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It’s gonna happen bb!! 
3. Gendry x Arya
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otp: A nice oak tree
Lipstick or Chapstick: I won’t choose and you can’t make meeeeee
Last Song: Just a friend by biz mark (well not exactly listen to the whole song I just rewatch IASIP: Dennis and Dee go on welfare 😂 love them my trash twin )
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Last Movie:  Sense & Sensibility
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Currently Reading:  Poison: A Wicked Snow White Tale by Sarah Pinborough
I’m tagging: @lady-and-lemoncakes @dinazulu @survivor-reborn @mycrazyfangirl21 @hereyesblueasice @wynafryd-manderly
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lori133 · 4 months ago
Me reading the first chapter of Games of Thrones despite knowing perfectly well what will happen:
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lori133 · 2 months ago
The Mystery Knight
There are two common elements in the Dunk and Egg books.
The first one is the shadows left by the blackfyre rebellion, most prominent than ever in this book.
And the second one is Dunk getting a love interest ala Bond. Tanselle for the first book and Rohanne for the second, both great a lovely characters. The one in this book left me like this:
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Spoilers for the whole novel under the cut.
I love Daemon Blackfyre, he is such a pathetic meowmeow atempted usurper. I absolutely adore how totally inefectual he is, so bad that they had to pay his adversaries to lose in a joust full of his followers. It is so bad that he cannot even begin a rebellion and gets instantly imprissioned for his troubles. Best character ever!
Also, he no one has ever thirsted so blatantly in all of Westero's history.
Right of the bat:
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And then:
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This is not the last time Daemon speaks about crossing swords or lances with Dunk and I canot be the only one to read this as an innuendo.
I may be reading too much into it but I feel like Dunk does show a bit of interest in some places, most notably in the parragraph below only to fall back into default heterosexuality, not even considering that a man may be an option
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I screamed here becasue Daemon immediately goes onto declare himself as king. All of this goes over Dunk's head an he doesnt realize Daemon is basically propositioning here.
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What are you doing Daemon, this reeks desperation:
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Yes, jousting with your lances in your bedchamber 👀
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And then when Dunk is knocked out:
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This feels like a Taylor Swift song:
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There is even a love triangle!!!!
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I absolutely loved that grrm threw me curveball here. I was definitely not expecting how blatant Daemon would be and was absolutely delighted! More disaster gays please!
I also really likedd Egg talking about his dragon egg and more tidbits about his brother Aemon. Dunk on the other hand is just as righteous as ever which is a breath of fresh air when surrounded by terrible people.
Bloodraven was a cool surprise, he came, he rocked and he conquered. Though I was a bit disapointed with Egg's supposed character growth.
Not onto the bad: The easy mysogynism; they could never make me love you Glendon Ball.
Also, despite the tourney being made in celebration of a wedding, the bride is basically there to be oggled at by Dunk and for him to reafirm his heterosexuality in his inner monologue. There is a quick reference to Dunk dreaming of a menage a trois with his love interest from the last two books and I am begging you grrm, leave us one (1) pure and courteous boy on the decadent and terrible rape fantasy epic that you've written.
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lori133 · 2 months ago
The Sworn Sword
Another short Dunk and Egg novella. A quick and easy read though not as good as the previous book in my opinion.
I am starting to see a trend in the themes in the book and they might as well be called: Blackfyre rebellion, the aftermath. I feel like the dynamic between the two main characters has changed a little bit and that they are somewhat less respectful with each other, with Dunk threatening violence and Egg being quite insolent. Also, not to my liking, the absolute entitlement in Dunk's thoughts towards Lady Rohanne; wtf why is he thinking of spanking her on their first meeting. What happened to my sweet and respectful boy? Why have you gone on to think about nipples as if you were the narrator of a Daenerys POV chapter?
Other than that, I loved the world building, all the Wats. But most of all I loved their so-sweetly-called "maester" mule and the cute mention of maester Aemond, one of my asoiaf faves. The thought of him being a happy teenager just hanging around and learning stuff at the citadel warms my heart. More please!
Spoilers to the ending:
I hated the ending so much: Can we please stop marrying girls to menthat could be their parents? Rohanne Webber goes through it twice. One when she is thirteen and married to a fifty+ old dude (she even got pregnant, please grrm I am beeging you), and the second right there in the ending where she married the old, bitter and traitorous father of her childhood crush. Less please!
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lori133 · 2 months ago
The Sworn Sword p2
After finishing all three Dunk and Egg novels, I have come to realize how precious is Rohanne as a character. She is the only one character in a sea of gratuitous sexism that is both a woman and has agency of her own.
The good: She is cool, driven and smart.
The bad: All her terrible husbands. Grrm, you could have made her a widow four times over and still have her married to men her age. It absolutely baffles me howfucking uncaring fathers are in the asoiaf world even when they claim to love their daughters and even when they only have a daughter as a heir.
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lori133 · 2 months ago
The Hedge Knight
After the drag that was my AGOT re-read, because apparently, I am a masochist, I have read The Hedge Knight. I found myself quite enjoying it and blew through the book in a few hours. Not much merit because it is pretty short and pretty light.
Quite different from the rest of the asoiaf book as there is a clearer divide between "good" and "bad" characters. Everyone on Dunk's side is unmistakably good and everyone against him is either a coward, an asshole, fickle, arrogant, or a combination of all four. Aerion would not be out of place in a Disney movie, silly outfit included.
But once you think about it, these are the people who rule the country and who have so much power over the lives and deaths of all the peasants, as proved by Aerion. While the main line of the royal family seems honorable and dutiful, the narration keeps reminding you again and again how privileged they are: not only can they act like twats and escape their responsibilities without consequences; but even the most dutiful, Valarr, gets an easy pass and endless praise for his mediocre performance. It is especially jarring when compared to someone like Duncan who actually has to work for what meager possessions he has.
Another thing many characters comment on how unworthy Duncan was of the sacrifice of Baelor prince of Dragonstone. And yet, despite Duncan being a peasant and a lowly hedge knight he does go and serve the realm, perhaps doing even more good than Baelor could have ever done. I know that this is what grrm intended to say, that all lives are equal, but at the risk of going into a rant: what is with these monarchy-centered books that make people forget they too are peasants and that they would NOT give their lives for a random royal. Would I die for William (Baelor's equivalent)? No, definitely not. Will he do more good to the world than me: Also probably not lol. His carbon print is probably x10000 times higher than mine and his house is a steep cost on taxpayers purses.
As Joffrey put it best:
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lori133 · 4 months ago
GOT II - The Bran Saga
Second day of reading seventy pages from Catelyn (2) till Catelyn (3). A lot happens but also, not a lot that's not Bran centric happens. I got too lazy to do the chapter per chapter thing, so I'll just write down my thoughts while reading.
Catelyn (2)
First we start with Cat and Ned being intimate when she gets the secret message from her sister.
While reading her wishes to give Ned another child, I kept wondering... what for? I mean, I know that before the more children you had, the better. But Cat is a sensible woman, she must have known that at some point a son of hers would be sent to the Wall as was Stark tradition, right? The only reason I can think of her wanting another child is the coveted youngest daughter; Sansa is bound to marry a high lord and Arya is not the kind to stay at home with her eldery parents.
Going back to the plot, Ned was totally right to try to nope out of the drama of being hand of the king. He was also super on point on comaring himself to his father who went south and never come back. Foreshadowing is mad strong for Ned.
I loled at Cat being surprised she and Robb were staying north. What did she think? That they'll let a steward in charge? I mean, they do exactly that one book from now, but still, it makes sense to leave and adult and the heir in charge.
Lastly, Cat was totally right to tell Ned Jon was his and not hers. He should have taken Jon to the south with him, or sent him as a ward to another northern house if he was afraid because of Jon's hypothetical Targ blood. This will be an unpopular opinion but Cat's bad relationship with Jon is all on Ned, he should have made up a story about Jon's origin (he already told Robert there was a Wylla, why not repeat the story) and assuage Cat's fears of ursurpation.
Arya (1)
Ah the glorious war of sisterly rivarly. To be fair to Sansa, it was Arya who butt in her gossiping, Arya who yelled, attrating the Septa's attention, and Arya who was not paying attention to her stitches. It isn't Sansa's fault she is more suited to the role society expects of her.
I remember reading this as a tomboy girl and thinking Sansa was vapid (she is) and mean (maybe, but not here), but it was just nother consequence of the conditioning that other girls are the enemy; a little like what happens here.
Bran (2)
I adore Bran and I think GRRM does as well. The prose always flows somewhat better on his chapters, as do the descriptions of the places. I feel that it is through his pov that the most worldbuilding gets done. Through his eyes, Winterfell seems like a magical place, full of adventure and wonder; contrasting to everyone else describing it as a dump.
The tower scene is still so good, just like Bran, we the readers have no context of what is being plotted and by whom. And just like him, we think everyhting will be alright until bam! Anyways, great intro to Cersei's paranoia and Jaime absolutely lack of care.
Tyrion (1)
Again Jaime dgaf, I imagine it must be very frustrating being his sibling and seeing all the privilege he gets and how unserious he takes everything.
While I did say I haven't watched the show, I must have seen the slap scene at least twenty times via reels and I have to say that while Joffrey reads nearly he same as the actor, both the Dog and Tyrion have much more flair and charisma on screen than on paper. Kudos to the actors for adding a bit of charisma to the otherwise stilled scene.
Jon (2) -> I wrote nothing on this and two hours after have literally forgotten what happened.
Daenerys (2)
And I keep on being reminded why I skimmed through Dany's chapters. Not a fan of all the coupling that's going on and how it is described basically as men coupling with interchangeable women who have no say on it. All of it was quite terrible to read, and I would never understand why couldn't Dany (and the rest of them) be a couple of years older. It is just the same shock if she were fifteen than thirteen, only Drogo wouldn't be bedding a literal child. :/
Moving on, why was Viserys so entitled??? You would think that being absolutely destitute and having no followers other than you seven years younger sister would teach him some humilty, but it didn't? He is on Illiryo's charity but still acts like his boss? It is his sister's wedding to the most powerful guy in the continent and he expects to be served first? This feels seriously like a YA mean girl.
Ned (2)
Yeah, Bobby B is a shitty king and Ned is not even in KL and his frustration is already through the roofs. I feel for him and the inevitability of his failure. That comparision with Jon Arryn... Ned can you please stop narratively dooming yourself for a second?
Note to myself: Who even put the dragon skulls in the throne room? Aerys for max Targaryen rep? Tywin in a gothic allegory of the Targaryen fall?
Tyrion (2)
Benjen/Tyrion Highschool AU anyone? Both youngest sons, both dutiful counterparts to their more celebrated brothers and controversial sisters? I'm grasping at straws I know, I just really liked their one (1) interaction. It was just the right amount of petty.
Another character with lots of foreshadowing. Being obssessed with dragons and draming of having is a very Targaryen trait. So I'm starting a count of characters who dream/want to have a dragon; so far it is just Tyrion (and Aemond and Rhaena from Hotd).
Lol the dragon skulls was Aerys. I haven't read Fire and Blood and now I wonder wether it was always like that or was it just Aerys drama? Did Viserys I have Balerion over there? Did Aegon I put Meraxes on display? Somehow I don't think so.
It is also interesting that despite Vhaghar surviving Meraxes, Meraxes skull was noted by Tyrion to be bigger than Vhaghar's. It would be interesting if Vhaghar was Visenya's craddle egg and they did the conquest so late because they were waiting for Vhaghar to grow.
Note to myself: Meraxes skull was in Dragonstone in Hotd, but for some reason it is in the Red Keep afterwards.
Catelyn (3)
The Targaryens: passing Aegon's dagger along with it's prophesy from ruler to heir. Joffrey: Giving it to the first hobo he finds for him to use as the least inconspicious muder weapon to kill a comatose boy. LMAO.
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lori133 · 4 months ago
GOT I - Prologue and first few chapters
M first impression right off the bat is that the chapters are so short, barely anything happens in there and thus it is super easy to go through five or six without noticing. I was planning to do one chapter per day but not only would that take me more than a month and my librarian will protest, but also it is quite poor as far as content consumption goes.
I've read around one tenth of the book, ie seventy pages, and hopefully, I'll be able to keep this rhythm till the end.
Man that prologue still slaps so much. I remember reading it and being hooked and not puting the book down until it was almost morning (the day after was not much fun).
This is a clear proof on how good Martin is at weaving a compelling narrative. Straight to the point, drama ahoy and then bang action and death. By surverting the standard narrative of a handsome noble dying when you'd expect him to succeed, makes you want to know more about the world and about the others.
I remembered Waymar as a contrarian character and as someone clearly in the wrong. But all of his comments are correct, there is something going on and as someone from the Vale, he has no reason to fear there is something magical going on, as iirc the Others are but a myth at that point in history. To a perceptive young lord northern superstitions must ring as true as the runes inscribed on his house's armors. Still he is young and hasn't developed the sense for the eerie his companion's have and thus they are doomed.
Bran I
Great start for the book, I am that B99 Rosa meme only instead of the puppy it is the puppies and the Stark children. I love Bran already, he is so tiny and earnest and cute and only seven. I remember reading this and thinking: yasss a magical pet, nothing bad will happen ever.
Knowing what lies ahead, it makes me so sad to see Robb and Jon's interactions. They have such an easy camaraderie, and are so warm in their interactions and area also so obvious in leaving Theon out of their own small intimacy bubble of brotherhood. For some reason I was not into Asoiaf fanfiction at the time I read this for the first time (i was in my star wars/terra e era I believe) but now I want to read a fanfic where they remain together and nothing hurts.
Last thing as a question for english readers. What tree is mentioned on these 2 chapters? In spanish it is a tamarind tree which grows only on warm weather? As a tamarind lover who suffers its lack on a non tropical country, this really took me out of the immersive read.
Catelyn I
Another tamarind tree, wtf! Also, when fifteen year old me read that Ned had built a septon for Catelyn I thought it was a romantic gesture; some two decades later my first thought was: Surely Catelyn cannot be the first follower of the Seven that marries into Winterfell, right? A look at the Stark family tree later, and indeed the only time the Starks married southern houses it was to descendants of the first men like the Blakwoods of the Royce. Why would Rickard break centuries of tradition?
Goes to read the wiki page and aha! The first hint of a Maester conspiring arises, as according to Barbrey Dusting, the Stark's maester (a Hightower bastard, le gasp!) was the brain behind the two Stark cross religion engagements.
Besides name dropping a few characters and the news of Jon Arryn's death and the royal visit, not much happens. It is insteresting, however, that despite Catelyn being the one following the least magical religion in Westeros, it is her who fears and respects the portents and religious places. Also loving that Ned is such a good dad and always asks about the kids, he just loves them so much.
Daenerys I
For some reason I thought that Harry LLoyd being such a good looking Viserys was going to make Dany's chapters less painful, but I was lying to myself. She's thirteen and being molested by her brother and sold to a man more than twice her age like a hot comodity and it is terrible to read as it was the first time.
Apropos to nothing, whenever I read about her house in Braavos with the red door, I think of the song "paint it black", it is such a Dany song.
Eddard I
Ah, the begining of the L+R theory, right here on the first Ned chapter. Robert goes to appoint a new hand and for a bethodal; he is al least courteous enough to do it in person, but like, Sansa is only 11 you monsters :'(
Jon I
I had forgotten how Jon's chapters were half self pity half plot. I had also not noticed the first time, but there is a lot of Targaryen Tyrion teasing going on here. His hair is almost white, his father considers him a bastard despite Jon pointing out he is suposedly true born and that kinglike shadow hmmmm.
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lori133 · 4 months ago
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Teenaged Lori feels vindicated because John Snow good and brooding looks hold up to today's standards.
Whatever the artist was paid, they should be paid even more for this.
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