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Yall showed y’all’s overgrown asses this week…
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robfrid · 3 years ago
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I'm behind! #lol This was #thursdaynight #karaoke #bam #friends #pizza #singing #tryingtosing #lordhelpus #funfunfun #anighttoremember #happy #paris #parisnight https://www.instagram.com/p/CVH6jirtYU6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thespiceboy · 5 years ago
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What a March it’s been!! I’ve never in my entire life seen any scarier situation. People are dying. People are flooding hospitals in the entire world. The Coronavirus is not something we should take lightly, it’s a pandemic. I’m begging you my friends, stay socially distant and keep at least 3-6 feet between you and others. Act like you have the virus. Save yourself and save others. The elders are at a huge risk and we should all make it as easy as possible for them to get their groceries and give them a chance to stay inside as long and content as possible. That doesn’t mean the rest of us are immune. Basically, we ALL are at risk. And safety starts with each single one of us. Wash your hands every 30 minutes. Use antibacterial soap, sanitizer and wipes. Be mindful and be very careful please. #covid_19 #searchforhope #corona #coronavirus #staysafe #savealife #quarantine #washyourhands #useyourbrain #bemindful #USA #lordhelpus #keepdistance #stayaware #mindfulness https://www.instagram.com/p/B-AxWKGBSOl/?igshid=j6zfs6aclt4a
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kenhoward · 5 years ago
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SOS: cornered! Pray for those trapped! #lordhelpus #prayforaustralia #fire #australia #disaster https://www.instagram.com/p/B62e8dxBZeo/?igshid=k1i4ve52zo17
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platinumd15 · 2 years ago
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She....is....simply.....ART!😍❤️ I'm just blessed to be her mother🥹🤗😘 #myfavoritegirl #ilovemesomeher #theteenyears #LordHelpUs #mothersanddaughters https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmg0ySTrgoltDDCacJssfXAfPW2tFSL-XvH7bE0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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never2old2baswiftie · 2 years ago
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Oh boy… here we go!!! #permitted #lastone #lordhelpus https://www.instagram.com/p/CkMPbl2OaLj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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earlsings · 3 years ago
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Reposted from @malyndahale These are the people we are supposed to trust? Not one of these people cares about the fact that 19 Latino and Latina babies and two Latina teachers were murdered. NOT👏🏿ONE👏🏿OF 👏🏿THEM. #fixitjesus #lordhelpus #burnitdown #guncontrol #endgunviolence https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd_sDIsvZXE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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trillionaireminds · 3 years ago
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My wife @_lifeasali had went to the doctor and come to find out we about to have two more children #LordHelpUs (at Emory University Hospital Midtown) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb0pRDePCuI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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3lwtv · 3 years ago
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I AM AMERICAN. #mitchplease #lordhelpus #america #1619project @nikolehannahjones https://www.instagram.com/p/CZAozr2LV5T/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gabyglifestyle · 3 years ago
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Starting the year light as a wet ostrich feather… #frenchtoastandporkbelly #lordhelpus #agourmetfarm #superfoodenhancedeggs from @fortechichens @beelaforteagroforestryfarm (at Carmel Valley, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYUhBjXviOK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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arctos21 · 4 years ago
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I have no words to express what I’m feeling right now. I’m angry and my heart is broken. As a mom I can’t begin to even imagine. These brave souls were the same age as my own children. As a wife to a veteran again no words other than sorrow. I don’t voice my personal/political opinion much on my business account but this is just one of those times when we need to stand up as a nation!! There needs to be accountability for this! Remember them always and remember the price they paid for all of us to live in this country 🇺🇸 may they all Rest In Peace 🙏🏼😭 #rememberthem #saytherename #usa #army #brave #military #loss #instagram #blessthem #mom #lordhelpus https://www.instagram.com/p/CTI4wYzrhCY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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chaplaincate · 4 years ago
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"#LordHelpUs to take time to pray (or contemplate) about situations before we react or speak." #YouCanNeverGoWrongWhenYouGoRight. Make it a great day. #ChaplainCate https://www.instagram.com/p/CSZYfyIrOF8lFgeIMVMsaCeCyKP9MJJftJGAYo0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dvnprops · 7 years ago
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Learnt many things tonight 🤣 . It's my buttday and I need help. @cutetoboewolf is a snake. @arlemarle shouldn't wear white and has a juicy sack. @azuremistie is leaking. If @ianstevens3312 gets going he can't stop. Jan has eyes down for a full house. @lightramblekat is staying out of it and we all feel sorry for Fiction Bill . Had the best evening at @byronhamburgers with this crazy lot and the staff couldn't have been better, really commend them for putting up with our crazy shenanigans!!! 💗 . . . #fictionalbill #byron #we'reallmadhere #lordhelpme #lordhelpus (at Manchester, United Kingdom)
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candislv · 4 years ago
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#DailyAffirmation #HappyNewYear #JustPuttinItOutThere #HopeThisHelpsSomeone #NoteToSelf #SpeakIt #LordHelpMe #LordHelpUs #ABreakThroughIsComing https://www.instagram.com/p/CJhzfWqHrsh/?igshid=wvolp6sjndgr
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doubtfullyyours · 4 years ago
The Great Halloween Playlist 2020!
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Time for the yearly post! Here’s my traditional Youtube Halloween Playlist to get you in the mood! 
It's the work of 8+ years, 250+ videos, and hours upon hours of Halloween content. Movie clips and trailers! Halloween specials! Weird animations and commercials! Interactive games, feature length films, music, even an interrogation into a piece of cardboard that appears in Dracula: It's all here! Watch, share, enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD2A913452CFB5F5E
PS old pal @bogleech did it first and you can see the playlist that inspired me all those many years ago right here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE7322D53A36C8776
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blessedmamasheaven · 5 years ago
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AMEN 🙌🏼 We have slid so far from this 😢 We need to be UNITED, again 🇺🇸 Lord, please heal our land 🙏🏼 #UnitedWeStand #LordHelpUs #LordForgiveUs #DividedWeFall #Amen https://www.instagram.com/p/CFChQNXHropG43uuCktDTFyzn7Nk2t5cmxAQck0/?igshid=1sifr1zoo7ej6
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