#lord vallamir
dirk-menace · 2 months
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what if this freak is real and approaching your location
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aftout · 26 days
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Håller mina löften nu på avstånd åt två håll … or whatever
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oriiduckko · 1 year
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Dark lore vallamir…
He orple and eevil,,,,
Bonus , a doodle page I made of him,,,, and his dark lord design from the stream I made few days ago,,,
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sonarsunbeam · 6 months
Character headcanon ask u NEED to give me vallamir he’s my googa
Sexuality headcanon: aro gay man. not interested really in romance but hes generally fruity
Gender headcanon: cis guy but also he's a cloud of purple smoke so he doesn't exactly care. in his eyes his gender identity is pretty fluid
A ship I have with said character: again, the "irving and vallamir don't have a concrete romantic relationship going on but theres Something happening here" thing appeals to me
A BROTP I have with said character: chandrelle and vallamir have the "girl with gay best friend" dynamic but like. evil. however she had several chances to get rid of him (before the "inserted in her head" thing) and just didn't so
A NOTP I have with said character: N/A
A random headcanon: he has the capacity to be incredibly intimidating, and his "true form" that would've been seen in his bossfight was more akin to the soundtrack art for SoL/the "spawn of vallamir" enemy in walk. however he doesn't bother with keeping it up unless absolutely needed. also has the ability to do the stereotypical booming evil lord voice too however he doesn't because it "kills his throat"
General Opinion over said character: GOD AWFUL VAPE CLOUD /AFF. hes such an asshat and i really like how this was the route daniel mullins chose to go for the evil dark lord character. never getting over the "hey girly"
ask meme
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Morri!!! first of all, how are you???
I wanted to tell you that I started for the first time playing a solo ttprg with like the whole deal (well this one uses 2 d10 and a d6 but I added a d12 to make a scale yes/no/maybe answers bc sometimes you just gotta ask fate no?) and I look up to you a lot for all your DnD ocs so the moment I started I was like "damn, gotta tell Morri!"
anywayyyy I am playing Iron Valley which is basically a big what if Stardew Valley were a solo (or +2 people! but idk anyone irl to play ttrpgs with so I'm going solo) ttrpg?? Is not DND cause... I need friends for that I think. And it intimidated me. BUT I am having so much fun???? And since is solo there's a lot of writing down and journaling involved so is SUCH an amazing wiring exercise?? (← hasn't written her wip since uhhhh April? yeah more or less)
would you mind if I asked you about your ocs?? I am so curious!
CARMEN! HI!!!!!!!!
Congrats on your first ttrpg!! I've never actually played a solo one before, but that's mostly because I kind of need other people to keep me focused. (I get distracted way too easily, adkjasd.) But Iron Valley sounds so cool!! I love that you're adding your own mechanics!
And yeah!!! Playing ttrpgs is GREAT for your creativity!! My DnD characters are my current biggest source of inspiration, and they're the focus of most of my creative output right now.
(I also haven't written anything in MONTHS, so don't worry. You're not alone there. <3)
As for asking about my ocs, of COURSE you are welcome to ask!!! I'm obsessed with these ridiculous people in my head!!!!
(putting discussion about OCs under the cut, because I talk too much.)
My two current characters are Rook (half-elf swashbuckler rogue) and Asola (aasimar oath of vengeance paladin). And I adore both of them SO MUCH.
I'm obsessed with Rook to an unhealthy degree, lmao. He's the love of my life, and a complete disaster of a man. (You can find all the stuff I've posted about him on my personal blog here.) Me and my DM are currently plotting on how to absolutely ruin his life.
Our current plans include forcing him to face his intense trauma from Captain Wolf (the woman who held him prisoner for two years and tortured him), and also dealing with cursed nightmares sent by a literal demon lord. My boy is NOT going to be having a good time soon.
Asola is a little less developed, but she's growing with every session!! Just last session I realized that her oath of vengeance isn't against just one person or group, but rather against the unfairness and shittyness of life as a whole. Specifically, she takes anything that hurts the people she cares about personally.
The most recent example of this is our party's 16-year-old bard, who has a very fucked up past. At the end of last session, he was abandoned by his only real friend (who he's known for 11 years). None of the rest of the party even knew this "friend" existed, since he communicated with / lived inside Val's head. But when Sola finds out, she is going to be FURIOUS. (But not at Vallamir.)
(Sola's tag is here.)
I'm also eagerly awaiting the moment I get to use my Grand Fuck You. (Screenshots to follow.) The way I have it flavored is that Sola doesn't know she's an aasimar, and she has no control over her Radiant Consumption. Instead, it activates in times of extreme emotion, usually anger or grief. The only time it's happened in her life to date was when she found out her family had been killed. So I'm just waiting for the day that the DM does something that will break her enough for me to use this. (Also, as a fun bonus, none of the other characters know she's an aasimar either, since even she doesn't know. So it will be fun for them to find out. Especially since they might be trying to help her, but she will be burning them if they get close.)
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(if you do the math, and assume I was level 20, and only rolled exactly half on the dice, that one hit would do 70 points of damage, not accounting for any weapon bonuses.)
I have another character, who I'm going to use after Rook's campaign is done. We're going to be playing Pathfinder (which I don't like, but I will survive), and my character is a fetchling witch named Morana Novak. (Her tag on my personal blog is here.)
As for other DnD ocs, I have about 20 more that are in varying stages of development, but talking about them all would require me to write a novel, lmao.
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I wish more people played The Hex honestly.
I was watching a streamer playing Inscryption and he was browsing the video files and Luke Carder went "Today we're opening Secrets of Legendaria Packs! Let's hope for a foil Vallamir" And every time I look back at that Easter egg I scream because DAMN GameFuna really managed to somehow commercialise what was arguably Lionel Snill's greatest failure, and no one yet picked up on that.
Secrets of Legendaria is a level in the Hex where you play as Chandrelle, a elven mage that was literally created by Lionel as the ONE female character in his overwhelmingly male fighting game, and was designed as a eye candy for the player to ogle at.
She hated her existence for this, so she tried to get herself erased by the fighting game, only for her to become the protagonist of a Zelda like RPG, Secrets of Legendaria.
Secrets of Legendaria, however, is a massive flop. She sabotages the game, and during the debut twitch stream (with twitch chat at the side as an actual game mechanic to help you with puzzles) she lets Vallamir, the dark lord, win, ultimately ruining the game and its creator.
Secrets of Legendaria should have ended there. Both Chandrelle and Vallamir are banished, with the dark lord now stuck in her head, and Lazarus, her paladin companion, is repurposed as a Space Marine in a top down shooting game.
The game was tainted beyond repair by its debut day. So, the fact GameFuna, to whom Lionel sold his intellectual property ages ago, managed to not only reverse all that, but also to commercialise it as a Card Game, with DARK LORD VALLAMIR in it, arguably THE worst part of the original videogame, is something Incredible.
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scover-va · 2 years
In case anyone wants to see the roleswap list
Azazel + Beelzebub
Asmodeus + Buer
Baphomet + Vallamir
Theodore -> Lucifer
Lucifer -> Hopeless Soul
Hopeless Soul -> Louey
Louey -> Theodore
Carla + Lionel
Weasel Kid + Junior
Mr. Shrewd + Moji
Mr. Squarrel + Gene
Bryce + Fisher (Beneath The Surface Protag that I named myself for convenience purposes)
Chandrelle + Lazarus
Rust + Rocky
FPP becomes Carla’s self insert
Sado + Irving
Reggie + Jeremiah
Bhakto + Jay
Wizarro + Rebecha
Po3 + Grimora
Magnificus + Leshy
Subordinates swap accordingly (Ghouls + Bots, Pupils + Woodlings)
Trader + Trapper (Trader becomes subordinate, Trapper becomes extra)
Woodcarver -> Mycologists
Mycologists -> Bone Lord
Bone Lord -> Woodcarver
Luke + Kaycee
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aftout · 4 months
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[wearing a t-shirt that says ‘I want the Dark Lord Vallamir in ways that are concerning to feminism’] Hey guys why’s everyone looking at me weird
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aftout · 3 months
(In a haze, my eyes glazed over) i gotta dye my hair purple …. For the Dark Lord Vallamir ….
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