#lord champa
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angel-whis · 9 months ago
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my masterpiece
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dballzposting · 1 month ago
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Lord Beerus & Lord Champa meet Tarble & Vegeta
Drew these at school last week Yes That's Right . I attend college . So that I can get smarter . To make better dragon ball posts
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1v31182m5 · 10 months ago
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Beerus and Champa's mom
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swkciforum · 8 months ago
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justme068 · 2 years ago
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Its the group chat
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makorinhitaki · 1 month ago
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justasaiyangirl · 2 months ago
imagine with me... beerus fursuit.. champa fursuit...
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alialmans · 2 months ago
Deities are not in any way "venerable"
Huh? Is that about my lord Champa ask?
If so...
How dare you!
He is the goodest of bois and deserves all the veneration he wants! (he seems to want a lot of it)
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alialmans · 3 months ago
Yoooo, is there any way I could buy that?
I'd pay for even just one
I love those so much
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Initiates of the hidden world use spintriae to pay for services. Bronze spintriae usually display the act of shaping on their reverse side.
hi cultist simulator fandom. i made bronze spintrias real had a chance to work with real metal and create something for once. used bronze for this for realism's sake i don't know which bronze alloy i used actually. i can ask my professor if you need that they were created by investment casting technique. after they were tumbled, i used a bit of niello (which, imo, didn't really stick to em) and then polished them until they became shiny i enjoy them so much
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l-kita-san-l · 2 years ago
Some of the best manga panels I could get before I pass out, of or angels and gods of destruction
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jazzystudios82 · 7 months ago
Black Magic - Chapter 1: Surprise Visitors
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Arc Three: Tournament of Destroyers
Table of Contents. . . . Next Chapter. . . .
Location: Beerus' Planet. . . .
Brier couldn't believe what was happening in the movie she was watching, something she believed to be called to called Pride and Prejudice. It was a recommendation from Bulma, though Brier didn't think that she'd like it that much. She was wrong. So so wrong. 
Though before things could become even more interesting, Brier received a call on the communicator that Whis had given her, which forced her to pause the movie. She checked the caller ID to see that it was her son, Blanc, calling her. The goddess then answered the call, not wanting to ignore him in case he had something important to tell her. “Hello?” “Hello Mother. How have you been lately? Good I hope?” Blanc asked. “I’ve been well. And you?” Brier replied. “I’ve been fine. Rosa’s been doing good as well. How are Beerus and the others?” Blanc questioned.
“Well, they’ve been doing good also. They certainly love visiting Earth for its food.”
“Of course they do.” Blanc said, releasing a quiet laugh from his lips. “So, has anything interesting happened lately?”
“Well, the last time that Beerus, Whis and I went to Earth, we had a little bit of a. . .problem.” Brier said. “Problem? What happened?” “Well, you know that tyrant named Frieza?” 
“The one who destroyed Planet Vegeta? What about him?” Blanc asked. “Well. . .he was resurrected and attempted to destroy Earth, so-” “WHAT?! That bastard’s back?!” Rosa interrupted, greatly startling Brier. “Rosa, lower your voice!” Blanc exclaimed. “Blanc, has your sister been listening to our conversation?” Brier asked. “Yes, but that’s only because I left this call on speaker.” Blanc replied. “Anyway, what did you and Beerus do about that pompous jerk Frieza?” Rosa asked, impatient. “Well, Beerus and I didn’t have to do anything. Son Goku and Prince Vegeta handled him.” Brier answered. 
“Who?” Rosa asked. “They’re the ones that Whis took in as students. Remember when Kero told us about them?” Blanc told his sister. “Oh yeah! Wow, those guys are really something aren’t they?”
“Yes, I suppose they are.” Brier replied, turning her projection off and getting up from her bed. She walked through the halls of her and Beerus’ home as she continued her conversation. “They even managed to achieve a new transformation.” “Huh? Oh right, Saiyans have that ability, don’t they?” Rosa asked. “Yes, they do. Now stop interrupting Mother and let her finish the story.” Blanc told his sister, and then asked, “So what’s this transformation called?”
“It’s called ‘Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan’.” Brier answered. “Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan. . .well, that’s certainly a mouthful. Someone could bite their tongue trying to say all of that.” Blanc said. “Yes I know, that’s why everyone agreed to simply refer to it as ‘Super Saiyan Blue’.” Brier told him with a small smile on her face. 
“Super Saiyan Blue? Why’s that? Does their hair turn blue or something like that?” Rosa asked. “Yes, exactly.” Brier answered. “Anyway, enough about that. When do you two get here? I’m getting impatient. I haven’t seen you two in almost a year!” Brier questioned. “Funny that you ask us that, Blanc and I are currently traveling to Beerus’ planet.” Rosa said. “Really? How long will it take until you two arrive?” the goddess asked, near the entrance hall. Just then, Brier felt the ground beneath her feet tremble. Her ruby red eyes then saw a brilliant flash of pinkish-white light appear from the entrance of Beerus’ palace. The light disappeared, revealing two figures standing at the entrance. 
The first was a tall, pale skinned man with handsome youthful features, and long flowing silvery white hair that reached his shoulders, which was tied into a loose ponytail. He was wearing a long silvery-blue and black coat, an off-white suit, and black leather shoes.
The young woman next to him was shorter, reaching up to his chest. She had a pretty face, a petite build, and had short crimson hair that was styled into a cute pixie cut. She wore a pinkish-white blouse with lantern sleeves and gold buttons, tight black pants, and black boots that had a slight heel. 
The only thing that the two had in common was that they had slightly pointed ears, pale skin, and they both shared the same eyes as Brier, with the only difference being that their sclera wasn’t black, it was white just like a regular human being. The young man with white hair looked at his mother and said with a small smile, “We’ve arrived. We’re sorry to have kept you waiting for so long.”
Brier ended the call on her communicator, and after putting it away, she immediately ran straight towards Blanc and Rosa, engulfing them both in a tight hug. The sudden force of the unexpected hug caused both Blanc and Rosa to fall to the ground with their mother. “Mom!” Both Blanc and Rosa shouted, surprised. “I’m sorry! I’m just so happy to see you both! You have no idea how much I’ve missed you two!” Brier told them. She released her son and daughter from her grip and helped them get back on their feet. “Oh, I think we’ve got a pretty good idea.” Rosa said jokingly, dusting herself off.
“Besides, we’ve missed you greatly as well, Mother.” Blanc said, causing Brier’s smile to get even bigger. “Anyway, I’m sure that Beerus, Whis, and Kero would be delighted to see you two.” Brier said as she led her children out of the entrance hall. “This would also be a good time for you two to meet Son Goku and Prince Vegeta.” 
Whis and Beerus stopped watching Goku and Vegeta sparring to look at the palace. They sensed two familiar energy signatures in the palace. “Oh my, it would seem that they’ve finally come to visit us.” Whis mumbled. “About time.” Beerus said, he then looked at his attendant and asked, “Whis, are their rooms prepared?” “Yes. Kero and I cleaned them yesterday.” Whis answered. “Good.” Beerus simply said. 
“Hey, Lord Beerus? Whis? What’s going on? What are you guys talking about?” Goku asked. Whis looked at the Saiyan and said, “Don’t you remember? Lady Brier’s son and daughter have come to visit us. I believe I told you and Vegeta about it during Frieza’s invasion.” Goku thought about that time, and remembered the conversation he had with Whis. “Oh yeah! I remember now! They’re Lord Beerus’ step-kids, right?” Goku asked, wanting to be sure that he was correct. 
“Yes, that’s right.” Beerus told him. “Remember to be on your best behavior, you two.” ‘Yeah yeah.’ Vegeta thought, but he still nodded respectfully. Goku, Vegeta, Beerus, and Whis heard the sound of laughter from up above. The four men looked up to see Brier arriving with two young adults not far behind her. The three then gently descended to the grassy ground beneath them. “Ah! There you are! I was looking for you all.” Brier said, a big smile on her face. 
“Beerus, look! Blanc and Rosa are finally here! Can you believe it?” she said, excited. Beerus simply nodded and smiled, now looking at Blanc and Rosa. “It’s been awhile, you two. I hope you’ve been well.” Beerus said. “Oh come on! You know that you don’t have to be so formal with us!” Rosa told him, walking towards him and giving him a tight hug.
“!” The scene before the two saiyans was truly a shock. But what really surprised Goku and Vegeta even more was that Beerus returned the act. 
He even had a small smile on his face!
“Wow, Beerus sure acts like a different guy with those two, huh Vegeta?” Goku softly whispered, watching as Beerus then went to talk with Blanc. “I suppose so. But they’re his family, so it makes sense.” Vegeta whispered back. 
“What are you two whispering about?” Whis questioned, now between the two. “N-Nothing!” both men shouted, alarmed.
“Oh really?”
“If you say so.” Whis said. Blanc and Rosa both looked over Beerus’ shoulders to see who Whis was talking to, their eyes landing on Goku and Vegeta. “Oh, so you two must be Whis’ new students!” Rosa said, walking towards them. “Yup! That’s us!” Goku confirmed. “My name’s Go-I mean, Hello, good sir and madame.”
“I am Goku, and this gentleman next to me is Vegeta.” Goku said, gesturing to his sparring partner. “Wha. . .Kakarot, what are you-” “It is an honor for you two to meet me. And now you.” Goku told Blanc and Rosa.
Brier, Beerus, and Whis were doing their best to not laugh, while Vegeta was simply confused at what was happening. ‘Did Kakarot hit his head before we got here?’ Vegeta wondered silently. “Uh, ok?” was all Rosa said. “Anyway, it is nice to meet you, Son Goku.” Blanc said with an amused smile. “My name is Blanc. And this is my little sister Rosabella.” 
“Rosabella? That’s a pretty name.” Goku said, now acting normal again. “Thank you. But you can just call me Rosa.” the crimson haired girl said. Having composed herself, Brier stepped forward and said, “I apologize for this. For some reason, Goku thinks that this is the proper way to greet a deity.” “What in the world made him think that?” Blanc whispered. “I’m afraid I’m not sure.” Brier whispered back.
Someone had tapped on Brier’s shoulder, causing her to turn around to see Beerus. “Did you need something, dear?” she questioned. “I just wanted to speak with Blanc and Rosa for a little bit. Is that alright?” he asked. “Of course. Go ahead.” Brier replied. Beerus nodded and gestured for Blanc and Rosa to follow him, which they did. The three of them levitated in the air and flew to the palace.
Seeing that they left, Whis looked back at Goku and Vegeta and said, “Anyway, I believe that it’s time to go back to training. Don’t you agree?” “Yes, finally!” Vegeta agreed. “Let’s get back to it.” Whis looked at Brier and asked, “My lady, do you wish to see how their training will go down?” “I suppose.” Brier said as she sat down on a nearby tree stump, making sure that her posture was perfect. She then used her magic to communicate telepathically with her familiar, Kero. ‘Kero, can you hear me?’ ‘Of course I can, Lady Brier. What do you need?’ Kero asked. ‘Whis is going to train Goku and Vegeta today. Do you want to watch alongside me?’ Brier told him through their bond. 
‘Indeed. I’ll be right there.’ Kero said. Brier then saw something move in the shadows, and out stepped Kero in his humanoid form. In his hands was a tray filled with macarons and porcelain tea cups. One was filled with spearmint tea, and the other was filled with blood from Brier’s Blood Fruit tree. It was obvious which cup was intended for. 
Brier then used magic to summon forth a small table in front of her and Kero, and a comfortable chair for her familiar to sit in. Kero then placed the tray on the table, sitting next to Brier. “So my lady, what kind of torture do you think Whis will put them through today?” Kero asked in a joking manner. “I’m not sure." was Brier's reply. "We’ll just have to wait and see.” 
“Alright boys, let’s get started!” Whis declared, using his staff to transform Goku and Vegeta’s uniforms into weighted beige colored suits. “H-Hey! What’s with these heavy suits?!” Goku exclaimed. “It’s to help progress your training.” Whis said, then he added, “Also, it’s a little punishment for stealing my fruit tart that Kero made me earlier.”
“Yes, I know that you two ate it.” Whis said with his signature smile on his face, but his cold tone suggested otherwise. 
“They did what?” Brier wondered aloud. “Did they actually do something so stupid?” Kero mumbled. It was common knowledge that like Beerus, Whis didn’t like anyone messing with his food. Curious, Brier then used her magic to read Goku and Vegeta’s minds to find out what they were thinking. To see if they did eat Whis' special dessert like he claimed.
'Dammit! That was his?! If I had known, I wouldn’t have eaten it!’ ‘There was so much food in the fridge! How were we supposed to know that belonged to Whis?! It’s not like it had his name on it!’ they both thought. ‘Ah. So you two did eat it.’ Brier thought, allowing both Goku and Vegeta to hear her in their heads. “W-Wait a minute! Lady B-” 
“Oh my, are these two your new apprentices, Whis?” a pretty feminine voice asked, surprising everyone. They all turned around to see three new people behind them, one male cat-like humanoid and two humanoid women. The male wore an outfit similar to Beerus’, only his was red. Not only that, but looked like him too! Only he was chubbier than him, and his tail was much stubbier than his. The woman on his right looked like a female version of Whis, having a tall and slender build like he does.
Unlike Whis, however, her hair was styled into a simple high ponytail, instead of it being styled elaborately like his. Her outfit was also similar to Whis’, only she wore bright green robes with puffy shoulders, a red sash, and bright green tights. The only thing that was similar were her shoes, with them being the same color. 
The woman on the left had a petite, curvy build with pinkish-white skin, long bright pink wavy hair that reached her shoulders, pointed ears, ruby red eyes with white diamond-shaped pupils, and dark magenta colored lips. She wore an outfit that was almost an exact replica of Brier’s, except hers was colored candy apple red, and she wore dark pinkish-red trousers with built-in boots. Due to their physical similarities to Brier, Beerus, and Whis, Goku and Vegeta wondered if they were all related somehow. They had to be, right? That was the only explanation.
“It’s been a long time, Whis.” the woman with white hair said. “Oh my. I didn’t expect to see you three any time soon, especially you Vados.” Whis said to the white haired woman with a smile. He looked at the other two and bowed, saying, “Greetings Lord Champa, Lady Camellia.” They bowed as well, with the pink haired woman saying, “Greetings to you as well, Lord Whis. It’s a pleasure to see you again.” 
“Please, the pleasure is all mine.” Whis told her. “Now, how may I help you today?” “Go get Beerus out here.” the one called ‘Champa’ ordered.
‘Right now? But he’s speaking with Blanc and Rosa.’ Brier thought to herself. “Alright, if you say so.” Whis said, getting up in the air and flying to the palace. 
“I suppose tea time will have to wait.” Brier whispered to Kero, who nodded his head in agreement. The two then stood up from their seats and walked towards their guests. Camellia noticed and her neutral expression transformed into that of a happy one. “Brier!” she exclaimed as she quickly walked towards her, embracing the woman in black. “It’s so good to see you!” Camellia said happily. “It’s good to see you too!” Brier replied with a big smile. “How are you?” Camellia asked. 
“I’m doing quite well.” Brier answered. “And you?” “I’m great!” Camellia responded. “How’s Frost? Is he good?” “Of course! He’s-” The scene made Vados and Champa smile ever so slightly, while Goku and Vegeta were confused. 
‘Who are those three?’ Vegeta wondered. Before he could do anything, Goku descended to the ground and walked straight towards the visitors. Well, more like waddled due to the weighted suit he was currently wearing. Vegeta descended to the ground and followed Goku, who had walked up to Brier and Camellia. “Hey Brier, who are these guys?” Goku asked. 
“Oh, right! This is Lord Champa, Beerus’ twin brother.” Brier said, gesturing to the purple cat god. ‘Woah! I didn’t know that Lord Beerus had a twin!’ Goku thought. “The woman next to him is Lady Vados, his attendant. And this one next to me is my little sister, Camellia.” Brier added, placing her right arm around Camellia’s shoulders. It was obvious that the two were close. “It’s nice to meet you! My name’s Goku, and the guy behind me is Vegeta.” Goku said to Camellia. “I’d give you my hand to shake, but it’s a little hard with this suit Whis made me wear.” Camellia smiled and said, “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Goku. And you too, Vegeta!” 
Vegeta simply nodded in response. “Is he shy? Or is he incapable of speech?” Camellia asked Brier and Goku. “Vegeta’s kind of shy. But don’t worry about it, he’ll come around.” Goku whispered in a joking manner, causing both Brier and Camellia to laugh a little. “Hey! I heard that, Kakarot!” Vegeta exclaimed. “I am not shy!” Ignoring Vegeta, Goku looked at Camellia and asked, “Hey so can I ask you something?” “Go ahead.” she said.
“So be honest with me, who’s stronger: Lord Beerus or his brother?” Goku asked.
“!” This captured the attention of everyone there. 
“Oh, I’m. . .not sure I should answer that, actually.” Camellia said honestly with an apologetic smile. She leaned in close to Goku and whispered, “This is kind of a sensitive subject with Lord Champa.” Goku made an ‘o’ shape with his mouth and said, “Ok. Thanks anyway, miss.” He looked over at Vados and asked, “Hey, so who’s the stronger one between them?” This made both Brier, Vegeta, and Camellia stare at Goku in disbelief. He's practically begging Champa to wring his neck. 
“Isn’t it obvious, as a God of Destruction, Lord Champa has to be on a similar level as his brother.” Vados said, not seeming to mind Goku's question. She glanced over at Champa’s build and added, “Although I’d say that Lord Beerus is the slightly better God of Destruction. You can tell just by looking at him.” “Vados!” Champa shouted, embarrassed. “Oh my! Ha ha ha! I apologize, Lord Champa, I couldn’t help myself!” Vados said. 
“Vados. . .” 
“Again, my apologies, Lady Camellia. I’ll stop now.” Vados said. She looked at Goku and Vegeta and said, “And in case you’re wondering, Whis and I are also siblings. Although my power is slightly stronger than his.” 
“Sister, I disagree with that! It’s already been a millennium since we last trained together!” Whis said from behind. Everyone looked to see that the angel had returned with Beerus, Blanc, and Rosa with him. “Oh? Would you like to prove yourself?” Vados said. “I’d hate to make you look like a fool in front of a. . .certain someone.”
“Easy now!” Whis said with a closed eyed smile, which made Goku and Vegeta slightly scared of him even more since it seemed off from his usual one. Although Goku was curious about something. Who was Vados referring to as ‘a certain someone’? He was brought out of his thoughts when he saw Rosa walking towards Champa, Vados, and Camellia, embracing all three of them in a hug. 
“It’s so nice to see you all, especially you Uncle Champa! You too, Aunt Cami!” Rosa said, grinning. “It’s nice to see you too, Rosa.” Champa said, embarrassed by the act of affection. "It's lovely to see you again as well, Rosabella." Camellia responded. When Rosa released them from her hug, she asked, “So what are you guys doing here? It’s no one’s birthday, is it? If so, I'm gonna have to fix my calendar.” 
"It's no one's birthday, kid." Champa told her. "Oh."
“Then why exactly are you here, Champa?” Beerus asked, his golden yellow eyes glaring daggers at his twin. “Don’t tell me that you came all the way here to challenge me again?
“Ha! Oh please!” Champa said with a grin. “As if I’d be here for anything else! Now get ready for a good old fashioned showdown!” Brier looked over at Goku to see that was practically shaking with excitement. “No way! They’re gonna fight?” he asked her. Brier shook her head and said, “No exactly.” “Huh?”
“It’d be best if you just watched, Son Goku.”
Whis and Vados had used their respective staff to transport the group to the inside of Beerus’ palace, specifically to the dining room. The two angels then used their staff again, only this time to bring forth what their lords were going to use for this ‘showdown’. For Champa, Vados had summoned a couple of hard boiled eggs, the shells colored greenish-yellow with big purple spots all over them. For Beerus, Whis summoned a cup of ramen. “What is this?” Champa asked, grabbing the ramen cup. “You just pour hot water into it and that's it? How odd.” “Indeed.” Brier said, agreeing with her brother-in-law. She still never really got used to the idea of instant ramen.
“By the way, what the heck is this Champa?” Beerus asked, picking up one of the eggs. 
“Try it! It’s my newest discovery! It’s a DonDon Bird Egg, and its godly taste will leave you speechless!” Champa told his twin. Beerus sniffed the boiled egg and took a bite. Everyone else grabbed an egg and did what Beerus did. Brier wasn’t really impressed by the taste. In fact, it also tasted like a regular egg from Earth. 
Brier looked over to Goku and Vegeta to see what they thought of it. 
“I don’t get it, it tastes like a normal egg.” 
Brier then looked at Beerus and Whis to see their reactions as well. Beerus finished the whole egg and looked at his brother to say, “I’m not impressed.” “Yet you ate the whole thing!” Champa shouted. While the two bickered, Goku looked over at Whis and asked, “Hey. . .so is this just some kind of food contest or something?” “Indeed. This is what happens when Lord Champa comes to visit us.” Whis answered. “What the heck?! And here I was expecting to see what Lord Beerus was capable of.” Goku muttered.
“Yeah, well they can’t exactly do that, I’m afraid.” Rosa told him, deciding to join the conversation. “Huh? What do you mean?” Vegeta asked, curious. “Well, if they were to fight one another, it would mean that both Universe #6 and #7 would be destroyed.” Rosa revealed. “!” The two Saiyans looked at Whis for confirmation. 
“It’s true. If things go too far, Vados and I have to intervene.” Whis said. 
“Oh who cares?! Just admit that Universe #6 has the best food in the Multiverse!” Champa shouted, bringing everyone’s attention to the two destroyer gods. Beerus cooled down and said, “Just shut up and try the food, Champa.” 
Champa rolled his eyes and took the ramen cup in his right hand. Vados and Camellia did the same with their respective cups. Champa’s eyes widened and he immediately began to devour the whole thing. “Well well well, it seems that you really like what Universe #7 has to offer!” Beerus declared, feeling superior. Champa growled and slammed the ramen cup down. “Oh please, it wasn’t that good! So don’t get all high and mighty!”
“And yet you ate it all.” Beerus said. “A-Anyway, where did you get this?” Champa asked, ignoring what his brother said. “From a little planet called Earth.” “Earth?”
“And that’s not the only delicious food that they have!” Beerus revealed. “I can’t even begin to tell you the many wondrous foods that they make!”
Brier looked back at Kero, Blanc, and Rosa and whispered, “This may take awhile, so why don’t you three go? Kero can help you two get settled.” “Are you sure?” Blanc asked. “It’s fine. I don’t want this to bore you.” Brier told him. “Don’t have to tell me twice!” Rosa said as she went off to her room. Blanc sighed and followed suit, muttering a soft goodbye. “I’ll go help them unpack.” Kero said, following the two. Brier turned back to look at the others, and saw that Champa and Vados were looking at the orb on the angel’s staff.
“What are they looking at?” Brier asked.  “They’re checking for a version of Earth in their universe.” Beerus told her. “Champa wants to see if he can get the same food as Beerus.” Camellia whispered. 
Brier felt a tap on her shoulder, and she turned around to see Goku and Vegeta behind her. “Lady Brier, can you please explain what this ‘Universe #6’ and ‘#7’ thing that everyone keeps talking about?” Vegeta asked. “Oh that’s right. We haven’t told you.” Brier said. “You see, there are 12 universes in total. The one that we live in is Universe #7. The one that my sister, Vados, and Lord Champa live in is Universe #6.” 
“What??” the two Saiyans exclaimed.
“I can’t believe this. . .I’ve never heard of something like this before.” Vegeta mumbled. “To think that we’re a part of a multiverse. . .it’s just like those superhero movies that Goten and Trunks like to watch with Gohan!” Goku muttered. 
‘Superhero movies. . .?’ Brier was curious about what Goku was talking about, but she decided to ask him at a later point in time. 
“Lord Champa, I’ve found planet Earth.” Vados announced. This caught everyone’s attention, so they listened in. “Really? Let me see.” Champa ordered. He and Camellia looked closer into the orb to see the planet. But so far, all they found was something similar to an asteroid field. “Vados, what are you talking about? I don’t see Earth anywhere.” Champa said. 
“That’s the thing, my lord. It appears that this planet had a stupid civil war that led to the extinction of humanity and the destruction of the planet.” Vados revealed. “WHAT?!” Champa shouted, shocked. “Vados, are you sure?” Camellia whispered. “Unfortunately, yes.” Vados answered.
“Ha! Too bad for you, Champa!” Beerus shouted. “There’s no more Earthlings that can cook delicious food for you!” “Beerus! Don’t rile him up!” Brier scolded. “Oh please, my lady. You know that he won’t listen.” Whis told her, causing her to sigh. 
Champa growled at Beerus, his claws digging into his palms. 
“Well that’s too bad. Our Earth has faced destruction plenty of times.” Goku said. “I mean, even Vegeta’s nearly destroyed the planet!” “Don’t bring that up!” Vegeta whispered harshly. Champa then looked at Beerus with a serious expression. “Beerus. . .let’s have a match!” he declared. “?!” 
“Huh? A match? What exactly do you mean?” Beerus questioned. “What do you think I mean?! I’m talking about a hand to hand fight! If I win, I get to keep the Earth from your universe!” Champa told him. “Wha-?! Lord Champa, you can’t be serious!” Camellia shouted. “You know of the consequences if you do such a thing!” “I know that! That’s why for this match, it’ll be between warriors hand chosen by us from our respective universes!” Champa revealed. 
This caught Brier, Beerus, Whis, Goku, and Vegeta by surprise. A multiversal tournament?! Beerus composed himself and took a step forward. “Go on,” he said. “!”
“It’ll be a fight between a team of five. One-on-one battles, and whoever wipes out the other team first wins. This’ll be a God of Destruction Invitational Tournament!" 
AN: We're so back! I'll slowly be updating this through the months as I'm going through a bit of writer's block.
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angel-whis · 2 years ago
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*yowling sounds*
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dballzposting · 2 months ago
Lord Beerus's Fatass Brother hasn't discovered yet that one has control over oneself and can alter the current state of their relationships . Destroyers dont typically need to know that since they're immortal and independent, but Champa is a unique case in that his own brother is also an immortal destroyer.
It's. I think. A beautiful and empowering feeling . To realize & remember that you have self control. You dont always feel that way. And nothing can dampen Champa's stupid fucking temper tantrums . But if he could at least realize how to avoid pissing himself off & giving himself brain damage from the rage , then that would be a fascinating and unexpected development.
Maybe when he dies & comes back he could realize that he doesnt need to be waiting for Beerus to make the first move. He probably feels like he needs to wait for that becasue A.) Lord Champa is so super aaaawesome and his awful brother needs to realize that and APOLOGIZE and bow before him ! And B.) The dynamic to me feels like Champa is the younger brother, and hes such a child, so it's natural that he would be waiting for those older than him to tend to him. Why is it HIS responsibility to act?
But since Champa thinks that hes so cool & awesome & badass & righteous & sensitive & genius, then all he would have to do is Bear Witness to some sort of Compassionate Example. He just needs to be watching some children's cartoon where King Friendly decides to reinvite Booboo The Fool back into the kingdom, becasue it takes strength to be kind, becasue kings are strong enough to be generous.
And that would make Champa think. He would be like. Huuuuh . Huuuuuuuuuuuh. Hm. Ok. Hmmmm. King Friendly is thr most awrsomest guy, of television cinema. He CANT be wrong here . So what is he doing? Is this a ploy? I've never seen such a dumbass move before. .... But he seems to mean it. HMMMMM. Maybe ... Maybe it DOES take strength to be .... Kind.
And so since Lord Champa considers himself so awesome and perfect, he would be like, "Well I AM the most generous in the universe. And I'm merciful. Not to mention handsome as well. But King Friendly from my cartoons says that revenge is for the weak .... and that a true man chooses compassion ... and introduces warmth where there is only chill. I've never HEARD of such an inane philosophy before. BUT IF TRUE KINGS EMPLOY IT.....!!"
And so Champa would extend the paw of peace. He would see for the first time hinself, and his anger, and how it's always clouded him; and that tiny bit of metacognition enables him to navigate an interaction with Beerus that DOESNT end in disaster. He can start to see all the little things that Beerus does to retain his ice, and Champa can start to have an opinion on what that means to him.
It's a beautiful thing .. to notice all those little things ...
He would put his nose on his cheek and his cheek would feel So Cold
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jeevanjali · 1 year ago
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conherofrost · 2 months ago
Is that Lord Champa behind you?
...No, only another purple man that could potentially kill me. You're not going to make me look, especially not through my inbox where you can't even see me.
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sixth-destroyer · 10 months ago
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The blow wasn't hard, but it still knocked him flat onto his tail, which was still sore and healing. Champa looked up at his brother, who looked back at him strangely. Angrily. Loathsomely.
"You're not coming with me, Champa. You're staying here."
They'd been in so many fights before, but somehow this one was different. Beerus had effortlessly dodged and countered every swing of Champa's fist, every kick. When had he gotten so strong?
There was suddenly a startlingly bright light behind Beerus, and a tall blue man with shockingly white hair smiled pitifully down at Champa as well.
"Th... That's what you've been doing every night then? Sneaking away with that guy to learn how to fight?" Champa clamored to his feet, and pointed accusingly at Beerus. "Who is he? Where is he taking you?"
"It doesn't matter, you're not coming with me. Not this time." Beerus turned and waved. "Take care of yourself, brother. Goodbye."
Beerus had gotten a few steps away, before a rock clipped his shoulder and he spun around with gritted teeth.
Champa, shaking, reared back another. "You're not leaving! I won't let you!"
Before Champa could let it fly, he hit the ground, numb. The man had moved, striking against the back of his neck, and Champa crumpled to the ground.
"Lord Beerus, we really should be going now."
"... Did you hurt him, Whis?"
"No, my lord. He'll come back around."
Beerus wasn't Beerus anymore, and Champa could see him walk away, but he couldn't move. He couldn't stop him.
The collar seemed a little big on his shoulders, but Champa was still proud of his reflection. This collar had been passed down for eons. The stand where it had been lifted off of dusted and crumbling.
God of Destruction Champa. Lord Champa. He liked the sound of that.
He wasn't just the little brat that hid behind Beerus everywhere they went, he was going to have a title, an assistant, and best of all: power.
Power to make Beerus regret ever leaving him behind.
"Well? Shall we begin?" Vados waved her arm towards the door.
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