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ho-oh-aole · 1 month ago
He’s so cute omg 😭 get this baby a lil snack please
Calappa lophos
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weirdmarioenemies · 9 months ago
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Name: Dilophosaurus wetherilli
Debut: Real Life, Circa The Early Jurassic (roughly 280 million years ago)
Hi I'm gonna talk about my favorite dinosaur now and you're gonna like it! Or maybe you won't, I don't know you! But y'know what I do know? Dilophosaurus!!! It's my best friend. They named it after the fact that it's got two (di) crests (lopho) on its head and also it's a reptile (saurus). A big reptile at that! In fact, it was the largest known animal of its time to walk the land in North America, and was almost certainly the apex predator of its environment, the Kayenta Formation (located across several of what are now the South-Western United States).
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As you can see, this size chart demonstrates that the largest specimen discovered was about 7 meters (23 feet) long; no Tyrannosaurus rex, mind you, but still far larger than... some popular depictions might lead you to believe.
Also contrary to what some popular depictions might lead you to believe, Dilophosaurus would not have required the use of various biological mechanisms such as, for instance, retractable neck frills or venom-spitting to take down its prey; mechanisms which, mind you, are exclusively seen in animals as methods of self-defense, and would therefore only serve to scare away potential prey items.
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Speaking of prey items, this stunning piece by Chase Stone depicts a pair of Dilophosaurus as having just brought down a prosauropod (a name for early sauropod relatives). Dilophosaurus did in fact live alongside at least one prosauropod, Sarahsaurus, the Holotype specimen of which bears tooth marks very likely left by a certain two-crested culprit! On that note I want to address another prevalent misconception in regards to life reconstructions of this animal...
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On the left we have a (frankly hilariously sock-puppet-like) restoration by a sadly unknown artist, and on the right is another absolutely breathtaking rendering by Chase Stone. As you can pretty clearly see, the way the crests (among other things) are restored is very different between the two! For a long time, the crests were restored as seen on the left: very thin, and with a little protrusion jutting out of the back. This is due to something called shrink-wrapping, a trend in paleoart exemplified by the omission of tissues such as muscle or fat when reconstructing the animal, leading to much of the skeleton being visible through the skin, particularly in the case of the skull.
Stone's restoration, on the other hand, wraps the skull in a much more naturalistic-looking amount of soft tissue, and completely envelops both crests in a keratinous structure, much like the casque of a cassowary or a hornbill (in fact I believe the coloration is actually referenced specifically from a knobbed hornbill's beak).
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This is due to the fact that the crests were likely a kind of bony core which would have supported a larger keratinous structure as is to be expected of... sigh... horny structures such as this. Stop smiling. Don't you know there's no fun allowed when you're learning about things? That's what school taught me, anyway. Ahem. As I was saying, the original shape of the crest was extrapolated from incomplete remains, which you can see a restored illustration of above.
Also worth noting is the inclusion of a thin, fluffy covering of feathers along the head, neck, and back of Stone's restoration. This is entirely plausible, as the current consensus is that dinosaurs and their close relatives, pterosaurs, were descended from a fluffy common ancestor due to the fluffy-feathery coverings seen in both groups being found to be basically the same stuff!
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I could go on about so many things, like how tremendously fucked up and addled with tumors and infections the Holotype specimen was, or how we have a trace fossil which seems to preserve a Dilophosaurus sitting down in the mud like a big dumb bird, complete with an impression of its butt, but I trust that if these things pique your interest enough, you'll seek them out on your own time. Just remember not to have fun, because as we all know, fun is the one thing learning should never be.
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theoihalioistuff · 8 months ago
The Murder Trial of Hermes
"Anticlides, following Xanthos the Lydian, describes the gods' response to the first murder performed by one of their number: "When Hermes had killed Argos, the guardian of Io, at Zeus' behest, he was brought to trial. He was arraigned by Hera and the other gods, because he was the first god ever to be stained with death. Now when the gods were holding this trial, they were afraid of Zeus, for Hermes had acted on his orders. They wanted both to remove this stain from their presence, and to acquit the god of murder: agitated as they were, they threw their voting pebbles at Hermes, so that a pile of stones grew at his feet." (FGH 765 F 29; 140 F 19; Eust. 1809.38-43. The sources note that passers-by are required to throw an additional stone on the pile). Both ancient and modern readers treat the incident as aetiological in design: it can elucidate the term Hermaios lophos, a cairn of stones dedicated to Hermes (Schol ad. Od. 16.471), or might supply a fanciful origin for the practice of voting with pebbles at trials." Stoning and Sight: A Structural Equivalence in Greek Mythology by Deborah T. Steiner
I wonder what Hera felt when she was tossing the stone (and if she was aiming at Hermes' head)
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cool-cube · 6 months ago
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I was inspired by this reddit post by u/Transylianic to do this, so thanks for the inspiration: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ben10/comments/1e8yyqj/if_you_could_turn_any_incidental_alien_into_a/
I decided to make a few undertown residents into transformations. Powers aren't final so if you have any other suggestions, i'm open.
Mediogre is a Newtrocian from the metropolis planet of 1-ZUK. Newtrocians are often mistaken for deformed atrocians, which is something Ben also picked up on when naming this alien. Mediogre's body is made of a non-newtonian fluid. Meaning he's squishy & malleable most of the time, but enough pressure applied to him turns his skin rock-solid. While this does give him an excellent defense, he has little to no offense, much like an actual atrocian. his three antenna are quite sensitive. If all three are pulled at once, it leaves his body flip-flopping between hard & soft, which also causes immense pain for Mediogre.
Wayfind is a Pocharidyte from the oceanic planet of Lopho. He's a member of Rad Dudesman's species. I was looking on the wiki to see what Rad could do & found out his species have innate navigational abilities, so I took that concept & stretched it as far as I could. Wayfind's primary abillity is a low, practically untraceable, radar pulse that lets him know absolutely everything around him. This pulse is always active & is surprisingly potent, essentially turning him into a walking GPS. Alongside that, he can also glide short distances & is rather agile, but is barely above the average person strength-wise.
Thriller Whale is a Belu-Jeian from the aquatic planet of Smoov-Krimzul. Thriller Whale is covered in barnacle-like vents on his body that function almost like secondary mouths. Thriller Whale can replicate any noise he's heard before & blast it back out of his barnacles. He can do whatever he wants with the sound once he's heard it, like sentence-mix it, change the volume, change pitch, etc. This, combined with his more musical personality, allows Ben to blare out a "battle-theme" as he's fighting. Thriller Whale's attacks are always on-beat with whatever music he's playing, so as long as you can stay in-tune with him you can practically predict when he's gonna strike next.
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invasato · 2 years ago
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para lopho saurus <- definitely that guys name
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rebuiltproject · 1 year ago
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Nível Criança / Seichouki / Rookie  Atributo Vírus  Tipo Dinossauro  Campo Rugido do Dragão (DR) / Império do Metal (ME)  Significado do Nome Lopho de Dilophosaurus, Dilofossauro em inglês. 
Lophomon é fruto de uma experiência realizada por algum grupo pertencente ao Império do Metal que adquiriu dados de uma espécie antiga e a modificou, usando o Anticorpo X, com o objetivo de adaptar essa criatura ao ambiente hostil do Mundo Digital, como também pensando em atualizar seu código com características comuns entre Digimons Máquina. 
O resultado de tudo isso foi esta criatura que, mesmo mantendo quase 100% de sua aparência original, projeta membranas de energia nos braços e em volta da cabeça, estas que são afiadas o suficiente para cortar vários materiais, graças às altas temperaturas que emitem. Suas cristas também são capazes de rasgar seus oponentes, ainda que não sejam tão poderosas quanto suas membranas. 
Lophomon foi considerado um sucesso como Espécie de Combate, mas incapaz de ser submisso e seguir ordens pois seus instintos mais primitivos são de um predador solitário. Inclusive, é extremamente difícil formar qualquer tipo de laço afetivo com Lophomon, pois ele vê isso como fraqueza, e muitas vezes a primeira coisa que faz quando alguém se aproxima é expandir suas membranas e atacar. 
No fim, foi apenas solto pelo Mundo Digital para que observassem seu impacto no ambiente, dando tempo aos pesquisadores de acharem uma forma de controlar essa criatura que demonstra um potencial destrutivo além das expectativas. 
Crista Dupla (Double Crest) Corta o oponente com as cristas em sua cabeça. 
Rasgo Dino (Dino Gash) Usa as garras das mãos ou dos pés para ferir o adversário. 
Lâmina Predatória (Predator Blade) Usa as lâminas em seus braços para desferir um corte poderoso. 
Fulgor Relâmpago (Lightning Glow) Expande as membranas de sua cabeça e lança uma rajada de energia que queima aqueles que estiverem e seu raio de ação. 
Linha Evolutiva 
Pré-Evolução  Fossilmon 
Evoluções Rasiermon
Artista Jonas Carlota  Digidex Empírea 
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444namesplus · 6 months ago
Ahderden Ahle Algagyel Alheh Alhop Alne Alrepran Amden Amgwo Amompe Anpan Apba Apda Apdongremtwo Apgelopo Apgolpralte Apha Apron Aptem Argeram Argerhorothyem Argremhol Arnalotpore Badamol Badren Baet Balne Balom Balpwanpa Bamnatgal Bamon Bamopgyer Banrerdal Baroptatom Battet Behmal Behnarnemnel Belmel Bepegahdweno Bephebantlargo Bepmotanrahdep Berme Bettrer Blalrotehon Blate Boal Boble Bohrap Bolno Bomelgat Bonlopnaennen Botepbatben Bottlenap Bradeoh Bradet Brahorror Bwabepran Bwenar Bwolmet Dabwamaman Dada Dagle Dahblotwerrah Dalre Damam Danbemgol Dargopbwoha Darne Dehra Denpapneah Deparorte Derbyerbenpyan Derel Dethra Dlamben Dlandwe Dlannalel Dloltrodoeh Dohdohnarbam Dolhompanma Dolop Dolormar Domdoh Domregar Donbarolter Doolgro Dorda Dortap Dradop Dradwopwe Drarohpa Dratrantremdopde Dreba Drelgepgrer Dronapnetom Dronat Dwana Dwarnehran Dwoltam Dwompyorplan Dworhoal Dyaatlata Dyaha Ehponple Ehtegrehe Ehtlan Eldaat Eldappronapbam Elhel Elte Embyedre Emgrandam Empo Enatno Enmennep Enra Entap Entem Eramdyarmot Erhlodrepeh Erne Ertraalbaphom Etdohge Etne Etpenhyenblol Ettwon Gahtaet Galal Galon Galram Ganoerno Gaor Gappronmereh Gatla Gatrorannam Gedat Gemepettwen Glehet Gohop Gohro Gomop Gorgrol Gotenam Grahoma Grelar Grememhopmo Grendoptol Grepragyarderpo Grerohdodep Grorba Gwamnolon Gwembah Gyamhol Gyanblom Gyanpwen Gyolman Gyomodarnoon Haalemmanma Haar Habwetrar Hangeten Hanhol Hannapom Harda Hatgyoram Hedarlantom Hehblomhen Hekrotwolredron Helbal Heldrom Hemhahpamba Hena Henhlarlapbeol Henprel Heplel Hepopre Herah Herdar Hetdon Hlento Hlotomem Hoglambyotor Hohbelbelol Holom Home Hopdah Hopop Horaketra Hradwam Hralba Hranten Hrantlo Hremtoh Hreno Hroldep Hwanbar Hwarbwatopwon Hwedeotde Hyahep Laha Laltal Lanemhel Lape Lapohpwolhrar Lathwemomtra Lebwemrehyale Lehol Lehtwo Lemtoplalne Lenemhwaep Lenlaho Lenranlokalbren Lerap Lernar Lettyolah Loget Lohya Lonhar Lonlala Lopho Maer Mahtet Malmanmeh Mapa Mapbyo Maplompet Marap Marme Matbelgan Matgahra Matra Mebal Mederhonot Megal Melol Memdo Menal Menen Menerlar Menpwearrelem Mepma Merah Merplolbweleh Mertle Metamren Mettlamta Mobrem Moda Mohbem Mohdle Mondle Motpwam Motwoneneh Nahloge Nalbam Naltan Namlop Namnap Namtorhwaon Nanlel Nanor Napdanadyadyal Napontemhra Napwo Nargraror Natbahglom Natoletgo Natpwerhetdya Neap Negenhal Nemdogor Nemeneh Nemman Nenoh Nerbla Netal Netbop Noholhyopor Nommemtlam Nompren Nompyommem Nonel Nonenbremgan Nonter Notman Nottya Ohba Ohnel Ohrennenhaal Oldapar Olga Olprorta Oltogen Oltol Omnetop Onah Onotha Ontarderdyorlat Opatdral Opepat Opma Oprepla Optal Optroal Otamargel Otgyorbapyol Otple Pagro Pahehtyomgom Palgem Pamerahrarger Panme Panobaglelol Papra Pata Pedwar Pedyam Pehom Pehoplaramap Pelar Pemeh Pemhyo Pemtyemponnodra Penam Penmar Penomanhah Peom Permegap Perparadanbron Petgatblanatdam Plalpor Plehot Poal Poar Polbap Ponlat Popdem Poptetet Potonhrapremep Pramberdahet Praop Prardre Prenba Prenlep Promretnom Pronhap Prool Pwaran Pwempahglor Pyaletmeppwal Pyalrorbolar Pyegolnar Pyelhetgobopem Pyolone Pyomom Radyol Rameah Ramerrobeh Ramot Ramtre Ranardlollaman Rapnenah Raptwaltlolop Raror Rarpaan Rarpatbrengwe Ratplamo Rebo Reda Redarganha Reem Reldamtagya Relgaopah Remdyamtyolmahma Reop Rerdeldaem Rerdeltyeah Rerel Rergyalmat Rerpogle Retbyam Retpo Retwe Romen Rotam Rotbet Rotrodat Tabepnet Tagodraalpom Tagor Tamendrornah Tannapyem Tanto Tatem Tatgromgamhyomlal Tatnan Teblol Tehrerhya Tema Temenher Temenpanemte Temtotpler Tendempwental Tengerreh Tengral Teonhol Teophe Tepra Tertwam Tetdel Tete Tetelronmode Tetploanet Tlanongel Tlelten Tlemeppertam Tlengral Tlolrer Toder Togaop Togat Tolmeh Tommot Topwen Tordworler Tortar Totom Tottwemplada Tralben Tramep Tramtatya Tranehblanpan Tregwam Twadyen Twalbollem Twelom Twenenpel Tweom Twompeho Twoteraren Tyalemat Tyeldradadwem Tyenle Tyepe
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petnews2day · 7 months ago
Watch: Zookeeper gets bitten by giant snake in chilling video | Viral Videos
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/LOPHo
Watch: Zookeeper gets bitten by giant snake in chilling video | Viral Videos
Zookeeper Jay Brewer was lucky to escape the bit of a giant snake. Watch chilling viral video. Washington DC: Zookeeper Jay Brewer is quite popular on social media for his fearless video. In a video going viral, Brewer was seen handling a massive giant snake. Despite being fearless, Brewer was almost bitten by a massive […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/LOPHo #ExoticPetNews
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magnesar · 1 year ago
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Cryolophosaurus with sexual dimorphism (the male has vibrant colours on the crest)
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onlinelvrs · 1 year ago
3 things i want to anynoumsly know about you : fav cactus, steamdeck total play time, last manga you read that made you cry
omgg 😳 ure aware of me
fav cactus has to be lophophora lOVe the way they look when they flower. especially all the variations they can come in. i’m very much a “branching/paddle/arm” cactus type lover but i make the exception for lophos bc i find them to be so CUTE.
probably 6–12 hours lOL. i spent like a month customizing and tweaking. but only played like 6-12 hours in total. i could very much be underestimating tho. around the time i was starting to actually play on it i got distracted by minecraft so it’s been neglected 😅😅😅
last manga… yikes when was the last time i read anything o-o. sorry i really can’t remember right now >~<
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stumbleimg · 6 years ago
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European crested tit
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thedailycactus-blog · 7 years ago
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Euphorbia obesa calva disponibile in asta in questi giorni https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F232801089963 #cây #tree #trees #houseplants #crazyplantlady #burrostail #stringofpearls #toronto #apartmentgarden #horticulture #cactusforsale #lophophora #lopho #lophophoralover #lophophoradiffusa #diffusa #cactusthailand #cactuslover #cactusgarden #ไม้หนาม #จำหน่ายแคคตัส #ขายกระบองเพชร #ขายของออนไลน์ #ขายของ #ต้นไม้ #ต้นไม้เล็ก #cactussociety #cactustattoo #cactusinlove #blairbrittcreative
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precious-cactus · 7 years ago
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Make the nature great again ! 🌵❤️🌵🌄Grow your own sacred peyote at home ! 🙌🏻💦🏜 We have fresh seeds from different species available : -12 lophophora seeds for 9.95$ -30 lophophora seeds for 19.95$ -50 lophophora for 29.95$ Safe, discreet and guaranteed shipping to USA 🇺🇸🛬🌎and worldwide. Pm me for more info or referring you to my website: https://precious-cactus.com #lophophora #peyote #peyotecoyote #mescaline #lopho #lophophorawilliamsii #lophophoralover #lophophorathailand #lophophoracaespitosa #peyöte #peyotedreams #trippy #lsd #hippy #walkwithgod #thedivine #cactus #cactusclub #preciouscactus #cactus🌵 #treasure #growyourown #seeds #cactuseeds #fresh #harvest #usa #cactusland #cactuslove #cactusfruit #cactusgram #cactusforsale #pme #germination
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crabbuckit · 3 years ago
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Bought crabs
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maoyeamh · 6 years ago
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aticketplz · 7 years ago
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