#looks like someone's a unionist
beggars-opera · 9 months
you need help
Yes this is why I'm on tumblr, next question
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theoutcastrogue · 2 years
A story about a wall
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This wall is in my old neighbourhood, and it didn’t always look like this. When I was a kid, it was painted grey and was always covered with graffiti – not art, just words and phrases and maybe a symbol. The majority of these, I’d say about ~60%, were football-related.
[rival team fans] you are cunts
[neighbourhood] belongs to [our team]
[rival team fans] we fuck your mothers
suck our cocks [rival team fans] faggots
And so on. Another ~20% were anarchist.
free [political prisoner]
down with the state
anarchy forever
fuck the army
And so on. Another ~10% were otherwise political. The names of big and small political parties (and some MPs) showed up at election season, not scrawled with spray but painted professionally with rollers in huge letters. Sometimes a union urged people to join a strike or rally. Very very rarely a fascist graffiti would show up, but it would get defaced immediately. There were a lot more anarchists than fascists back then.
And the rest was about love and/or lust.
[name] I love you
I miss you so much
[name] when will you let me fuck you?
the ass is hell / and the cunt a well / and he who ass never tried / goes to Hades blind
And so on. Defaced graffiti was a big part of the wall. People spared no spray cans crossing out each other’s messages, and at times it all looked like the deranged scrawlings of an eldritch abomination, you couldn’t make out a single word.
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And here’s a very important detail about that wall: it’s facing an elementary school.
My school, to be exact. Small children (i.e. we) would go out to the schoolyard at recess, look across the street, and see what I just described. Needless to say, a lot of adults were quite displeased with this situation. But what could they do? The mayor would send a cleaning crew once in a while, but 5 minutes after they left someone would inaugurate the freshly painted wall, and a day later it would be full again. Walls in cities be like that.
AND THEN, long after I was gone from the school, someone had a stroke of genius. They said, we’re not gonna paint the wall that awful monochrome grey again. Instead, we’ll cover it in street art. BUT, we won’t ask street artists to pitch their ideas. We will ask the children of the elementary school to come up with the designs, draw them themselves or pick them from wherever they want. We’ll hire a crew to paint what they chose. And we’ll make sure everyone knows that the children picked the street art. Which heartless bastard will spray over that?
AND IT FUCKING WORKED. The football hooligans, the anti-authoritarian rebels, the politicians’ stooges, the unionists, the lovers, the assholes: no one had the heart to spray over that. The street art went up, and stayed up. It didn’t get defaced, it didn’t get covered, it’s still there. (Not quite unblemished, there are still margins where football fans do their thing, but it’s a very small percentage of the total surface.)
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yeah, that part looks like the old wall
So while the street art itself on that wall is not particularly jaw-dropping, its origin story is just crazy. I’m sure that the children weren’t given totally free rein to pick designs, and that teachers and/or the city council made the final choice. And it’s probably they who picked the theme – bicycles. All neat and proper and kid-friendly. Still, one little rascal managed to slip this past:
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“Till theft give us parts”, i.e. bicycle parts, get it? (DON’T JUDGE THE PUN, IT WAS A LITTLE KID.) And it makes me so happy.
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In her answer to the "get to know your moots better" tag game, @justaboot mentioned she'd love to go backpacking in Ireland.
As someone who lives here, I am making this post for anyone who wants to visit Ireland at any point, and I figure now's as good a time as any.
It rains like 24/7 here so bring a fucking rain coat. And an umbrella. I'm so serious. There will be mornings where you'll leave your hotel/tent/wherever you're staying and you'll think "It doesn't look like it's going to rain" NO. BRING THE COAT. The sky is lying to you. Just because it doesn't look like it'll rain does NOT mean it's not gonna rain!!
The west and north tend to get worse weather, but rain happens everywhere here.
Not gonna get into it here because that'd be wayyyy too long of a post, but a lot of our tourist attractions rely on people having at least some kind of knowledge of Irish history and/or folklore. It's interesting, if a bit depressing at times, but I'm pretty sure that goes for all countries.
Long story short we were under British control for a really really really REALLY long-ass time, and we fought like hell to get our independence. Oh - speaking of which, if you're anywhere near the border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, it's a good idea to avoid wearing orange ESPECIALLY in or around July. This is because orange is seen as a symbol of Unionist beliefs (ie, the belief that Ireland should be part of the UK) and it's a REALLY touchy subject for a lot of people. Do your research. Trust me on that.
First off, most people speak English here (unless you're in a Gaeltacht region, where people mainly speak Irish. These are located in Cork, Donegal, Galway, Kerry, Meath, Mayo and Waterford, and they can be a great cultural experience but it's not for the faint of heart.) However, there are like a zillion different regional accents so good fucking luck trying to understand people 😂😂
The way Irish people talk has some nice quirks, some of which I'll share here.
Craic (pronounced "crack") No, it's not drugs. The word craic generally means a good time or other happenings. There are three main ways the word is used.
"What's the craic?" = What's up?/Any news?
To have the craic = To have fun, especially at a party
"No craic" = Boring, nothing happening at all.
If someone invites you for a "cuppa" or better yet, a "cupán tae" (pronounced "cup awn tay") they want you to come in and have a cup of tea with them. This is usually accompanied by a LOT of small talk, which Irish people are experts at.
Other expressions vary WILDLY by county and sometimes even by region, so I'm afraid I'm not much help to you here.
Things To Do Here
First off, our restaurants are quite overpriced, as are our hotels. However, our healthcare is fairly cheap.
We have SO MUCH NATURAL SCENERY. If the weather allows, definitely go out and explore it! Just watch out if you're hiking, as the rain makes a lot of places muddy and slippy, so maybe bring the good hiking boots. We also don't have a lot of animals that can kill you, which is great!
As I mentioned, we have a lot of places to go that are based in our history, and they can be great places to learn about Ireland's past. But if you're not interested in history (which is fine) there are plenty of other options. We have a wax museum in Dublin, a theme park called Emerald Park (formerly Tayto Park, after an Irish potato chip brand) and a LOT of great theatres, pubs and clubs. Oh yes, if there's one thing we do well here, it's our night life!
We even have a coastal trail called the Wild Atlantic Way, which stretches all the way up our western coastline, from Cork to Donegal.
And lastly, if you're in the area, there is this fucking LEGENDARY ice cream parlour in Sligo called Mammy Johnstons. It's RIGHT next to the beach, and (in my limited experience) it's the BEST ice cream place in the country.
So yeah! Enjoy your trip!
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union-combine · 1 year
Greetings citizens of the Union and beings from beyond! Welcome to Union News Central, I'm your host Bluglakkag Flublabbak, and yes you may have seen me before on GUN session broadcasts. Hello! This is the recent news! ::3
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With all the votes tallied, the first parliamentary election of the Union is at an end. The first act the our new government was to create a publically supported news network, this network, to keep the people updated and informed.
While we love our Replicant friends, and they won't mind us saying this, communication outside their interlink isn't one of their strong points.
Before we get into the details of the new government, we welcome you to take a moment to celebrate democracy.
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Just like on Feforia, or Nillor Prime as the Replicants call it, revellers have taken to the streets, enjoying a new invention taken from the @vegvasignal cultural databanks, 'beer'. I'll have to try that later! From the @elepharchy archives, someone made 'fireworks'. Oh, and something called 'dancing'!
It all sure looks fun, I'll have to join the party later. But for now, on to politics. It seems there was some confusion in the public about a 'leader' or 'leading party', another miscommunication of the old system, I assume!
No matter, I can explain. Though some parties and MPs represent more people and have more influence, all parties and MPs have an equal voice in Parliament, all will have their voices heard. Each MP is a member of the Parlimentary Council which will lead as one. While the parties with the most votes will have more sway, this does not mean smaller parties won't be able to make progress.
Now... Coming in with the majority of the votes, is the UCP, the Union Constitutionalist Party. Their main ethic is Libertarian.
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When asked for a comment, MP Zolisa Ah-Shasad had this to say: “The people can breathe easy now we have a solid system in place, but the work has only just begun. The priority of the Union needs to be the creation of a constitution, to act as a foundation to this new democracy, to reflect the will of the people and establish the rights of all Union citizens. I will make it my priority to work with the other MPs to come to a consensus and form such a document."
Very well spoken, and a constitution? Oh this is exciting!
Next, coming in second with 25% of the votes, is the Institute of Industry, Innovation and Independence, or IIII or Quad I for short. They hold that the original ethics of the Union should be maintained.
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When asked to make a comment, MP HKA-301 stated the following: “Confirmed. The Union must preserve its values and focus on moving forward into a new era of technological advancement and industrial resilience and strength which will allow for the needs of all to be met. That is all, comment over.”
A very straightforward statement!
Like me, HKA-301 was also our representative in the GUN for a brief time, I'm glad they found their purpose in politics as I did in media.
Just behind Quad I was the CSF, the Combine Syndicalist Front, with 24% of the vote. The CSF holds the Libertarian and Cooperative ethics as equal priorities for the Union.
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We asked Lugrik den Hodol for a comment, this is what he had to say: “I like you, cute round friend. Hm? Oh, a comment? Yes... The workers and their right to a democratic society and a democratic workplace will always come first. There can be no Union without the unions. My first task will be to draft regulations for workplaces, in opposition to the formation of workplace hierarchies. And then convince the others to back it, shouldn't be too hard, they seem nice."
They do indeed seem nice! As does Lugrik! It was a pleasure holotexting him.
And lastly, XO, the Xeno-outreach Organisation, whose ethics are Pacifism and Xenophilia. XO came in last with 12% of the vote.
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We reached out to Gloglogagg Klaglugoo for a comment, and it quickly and eagerly replied: "Friends, Unionists, country-people, I'm so glad we've finally set up this system! It's great! But we've got a problem. Union space should be made accommodating to all forms of life, and it's not. We should always be prepared for refugees from across the galaxy, but few places exist for the oxygen-breathing beings. And we should have a surplus of resources ready for interstellar aid, but its all being reinvested into new industries and expansion. As MP for XO, I plan to rebuild the ruined habitat approrpiately named Libertopia, which will become a haven for the oxygen breathers. We just have to find out where it crashed, or build a new one. Anyway, thanks for listening!”
Certainly some good points there from Gloglogagg Klaglugoo!
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Well, that's all we have for now, I'm going to enjoy this 'beer' beverage and try 'dancing'. This is Bluglakkag Flublabbak saying thanks for tuning in to our signal here at UNC. Be sure to bookmark our wavelength for future updates.
Solace in the Union.
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headcanonsandmore · 1 year
'Glad All Over (Cake By The Ocean)', Chapter One
Summary: Nyssa Traken, a dentist from London, finds herself in the small Cornish town of Tregonnereth. While initially in the town for a short break from the big city, upon meeting Tegan Jovanka (a jack-of-all-trades), Nyssa begins to find herself falling in love with the charms of the close-knit local community (and maybe a certain someone as well)...
Here's my new multi-chapter fic, everyone! I hope you enjoy it! I've been wanting to write a chill, cosy, slice-of-life rom-com for a while, so I hope you enjoy it! This won't have so much of a dedicated release schedule, but -given the more relaxed pace of this fic- I think that fits it quite well.
Read on AO3.
Nyssa Traken sighed, stretching her toes out on the sand.
To be honest, when she had started her working week that Monday in London, she hadn’t been expecting to end it sat on a beach, in Tregonnereth, a small town in Cornwall. For one thing, she had a job in London.
But her job as a dentist was growing increasingly unfulfilling. Dental practices across the country were becoming increasingly geared towards the rich, with a noticeable reduction in patients from the NHS. It saddened Nyssa; one of the greatest health services on the planet was being broken up piecemeal and sold off to private companies for profit.
Nyssa, the daughter of a dyed-in-the-wool Welsh trade-unionist, felt an immense sense of anger towards the people responsible for this.
Many dentists were either leaving the profession, or moving abroad for better pay. She’d read somewhere that, in the decade since 2010, the amount of dentists throughout the UK had severely declined, especially outside of major cities.
Nyssa sighed again, drawing her knees up in front of her and wrapped her arms around her legs.
So, why Cornwall? Why this particular town in Cornwall?
To be honest, Nyssa had only been to this place once. On a family holiday when she was a small girl. Her parents had taken her here to get away from London, from the noise and frantic pace of life. Nyssa remembered walking with her parents along the sandy beach, looking forward to the promised ice cream for a mid-afternoon snack.
It was the last holiday they had been on, just the three of them.
Nyssa let out a small sigh, staring out to sea. It was a calm day, and the first signs of summer sunshine were peaking through the clouds. Whenever she had looked at weather forecasts, it had always seemed as if Cornwall got an astonishing amount of both rain and sunshine. Mercifully, today was highlighting the latter.
She imagined she probably looked a rather strange sight; a woman sat on the sand in a suit (the fabric of her waistcoat, of course, contrasted nicely with the Edwardian-styled knee-length skirt, the jacket having been tidily folded into Nyssa’s bag due to the warmer weather). But she found it difficult to care; the sand was dry and this suit had done her in good stead for years. The warm wind was pleasant on her exposed forearms, as she had smartly folded the sleeves of her blouse up to her elbows.
There was a buzz in Nyssa’s leather messenger bag. Frowning slightly, she rummaged through the contents, past her jacket and socks, and extracted her phone.
‘Hi, Mel,’ she said, climbing getting to her feet. It was more comfortable to walk on sand barefoot anyway.
‘Nyssa, where exactly are you?’ came the confused voice of Mel Bush. She was both a friend and a colleague; the two of them had even been housemates for a while at one point.
‘Er… Cornwall.’
Nyssa heard the redhead take a large intake of breath.
‘Why are you in Cornwall? You barely like going further than the M25!’
‘I…’ Nyssa put her head in her other hand, as she walked along the beach. It was so deserted that she wasn’t concerned about her shoes being stolen, as she might have been back in London. The sea breeze ruffled her Gibson-Girl-inspired up-do of brown hair. ‘I… I needed somewhere quiet.’
‘And… you decided on a seven-hour drive through the West-Country instead of just going to a park?’ Mel asked, sounding concerned. ‘Nyssa, is something wrong?’
Nyssa sighed, grateful for the worry her friend was showing.
‘I’m sick of practicing in London, Mel,’ she said. ‘Looking into the mouths of rich people who just want their teeth whitened and spend half their time in the surgery treating the clerical staff like rubbish. Our NHS patients can’t afford our fees, and I’m not high-up enough to do anything to help them. I just… I feel like I’m not helping anyone doing what I’m doing.’
Mel made sounds of sympathy.
‘Maybe Cornwall will be good for you. Wellness, and all that.’
Nyssa chuckled. Mel was a bit of a keep-fit nut, and her latest interest was a combination of mindful meditation mixed with yoga.
‘The sea breeze is pretty nice here,’ she said, looking out through the waves. ‘There’s no traffic. No taxi drivers yelling at each other. And the air is so clean.’
‘Hey, you focus on you,’ Mel said. ‘Have a nice long weekend, and do that breathing technique I recommended the other day.’
Nyssa chuckled.
‘I’ll try, Mel. Thank you.’
‘No problem,’ Mel replied, warmly. ‘See you next week; bye!’
Nyssa hung up, placed her phone in her bag, and turned around, heading back to where she had been sat.
Both her shoes were missing. In their place was the tide.
Nyssa hurried forward. Sure enough, she couldn’t see a thing. Well, shoes probably didn’t float, so that was unsurprising. Still…
Nyssa sat down on the sand, and groaned. Yes, she could always buy another pair, but that pair had seen her through so much. They were a good pair of shoes; comfortable yet smart. Nyssa had always been very particular about her personal belongings; when she wore something out, she tended to just replace it with something either identical or something very similar. It was the way she had always been-
Nyssa’s shoes landed on the sand.
‘These yours?’
Nyssa looked up.
A woman was standing in front of her. She was a couple of inches shorter than Nyssa, wearing a wetsuit. Her hair -shortly cropped- was wet and swept back to keep it out of her eyes. Her bicep bulged under the material of the wetsuit as she held a surfboard under her arm, and her stance on the sand was confident yet relaxed. Her accent was Australian, and Nyssa could see herself reflected in those large brown eyes.
‘Y-yes!’ Nyssa stammered, stumbling to her feet and picking up the shoes. ‘That’s-how-thank you- I-’
‘They washed up on my board,’ the woman said, not seeming to notice Nyssa’s flusteredness. ‘I’m guessing they got caught by the tide?’
Nyssa nodded.
‘Thank you; that’s very kind of you.’
The woman shrugged.
‘They almost stabbed me in the eye! You need to be more careful what you’re doing with your shoes.’
Nyssa stared at the woman, startled.
‘I… they just got swept out-’
‘You can’t just leave your shoes lying around when the tide is coming in,’ continued the woman, clearly irritated. ‘What if this had gotten stuck in the fishing nets- hang on, are you from London?’
‘Yes, I am!’ Nyssa exclaimed, feeling very thrown off. ‘How could you tell?’
‘Just a feeling,’ the woman said, wiping her nose with her free hand. ‘Most locals don’t tend to wear suits on the beach.’
Nyssa frowned, feeling irritated by the woman’s tone.
‘You’re being rather rude.’
‘This, coming from the person who almost blinded a surfer with her shoes. Whatever, just be more careful in future.’
Without so much as a backward look, the woman walked off, her board under her arm, leaving a trail of wet footprints in the sand and a very angry Londoner.
Nyssa turned, fists clenched as she sat down on the sand. The cheek!
Eventually, once she had cooled down (that breathing technique of Mel’s was surprisingly effective), Nyssa put her now-dried shoes on her feet, left the beach, headed across the road, and into the café. It wasn’t a chain shop, but she didn’t really mind; coffee was coffee.
The place was well-made-up, with lots of seaside paintings on the walls. There was no queue at the counter, although a couple of teenagers were sat in the back.
‘One cappuccino,’ Nyssa said, as she approached the counter, rooting in her bag for her purse. ‘I think I’ve got some spare change here-’
‘Don’t tell me you lost that in the surf too?’ came a familiar voice.
Nyssa looked up.
‘You again!’
‘My name is Tegan, actually,’ said the Australian, who had presumably changed from her wetsuit into a black shirt, trousers and a matching apron. Not that Nyssa was taking notice, of course. ‘D’you want that cappuccino with dairy or non-dairy?’
‘Er... non-dairy,’ Nyssa replied. ‘Thank you.’
‘No worries,’ said the woman called Tegan.
‘Er, sorry about earlier,’ Nyssa said, slowly. ‘I… well, I’ve been having a rather strange day, and I took it out on you.’
‘I kinda gathered,’ Tegan said, chuckling a little. ‘Apology accepted. What’s your name?’
‘E-er,’ Nyssa said, suddenly feeling flustered. ‘I-’
‘It’s for the cappuccino,’ Tegan said, without missing a beat.
‘Nyssa,’ said Nyssa.
‘With a ‘y’?’
Nyssa nodded.
‘Welsh family, I take it.’
Nyssa repeated her nod.
Tegan chuckled, bemused.
‘Do baristas not talk much in London, then?’
‘Not really.’
‘Sounds rough.’
The Australian began making the cappuccino. Her biceps strained slightly against the fabric of her button-up shirt as she worked the coffee machine. Nyssa blinked quickly, feeling rather warm all of a sudden.    
‘So… Nyssa with a y,’ Tegan said, mouth twitching into a lopsided smile as passed over the coffee, and then leant against the counter. ‘What’s a big-city girl like you doing in Tregonnereth? Most tourists don’t arrive until later in the summer.’
Nyssa took a sip of the coffee. It was just right; not scalding, but warm enough to taste good.
‘Needed some quiet,’ she said, inbetween sips as she started to drain the mug. ‘London can be… a bit much.’
‘So I’ve heard.’
Nyssa finished the mug, and placed it back on the counter.
‘Thank you; that was lovely.’
‘No worries,’ Tegan said, smiling as she moved the mug away. ‘Would you like a cookie? We get them from the bakery in the high street.’
‘No, thank you,’ Nyssa said. ‘Too much sugar.’
‘Let me guess; you’re a dentist?’
‘Er… yes, why?’
Tegan shrugged.
‘You look like a scientist to me.’
‘Well, I did train as a doctor initially.’
‘Gotcha,’ Tegan cheeked, grinning. ‘You’ve got that vibe. Like you read science textbooks for fun. But -then again- I read airplane manuals for fun, so I suppose I’m not one to talk.’
Nyssa suddenly found herself snorting with laughter.
The Australian grinned, as she watched the Londoner double over with a fit of the giggles.
‘There we go,’ Tegan said. ‘Something tells me you needed a laugh, right?’
‘Y-yes,’ Nyssa gasped, mouth stretching into a smile ‘I did. How could you tell?’
Tegan shrugged.
‘Just a guess. You were carrying a lot of stress in your shoulders. Stress that I may have inadvertently added to, now that I think about it,’ -the Australian grimaced apologetically- ‘Sorry.’
Nyssa waved a hand.
‘It’s fine. You weren’t to know. And you made me laugh, so I would say we’ve even.’
‘Is that how it works?’
‘Yes. Equal and opposite reactions. Trust me,’ Nyssa said, smiling. ‘I’m a scientist.’
Tegan grinned.
‘See you around, Nyssa.’
‘Thank you… Tegan.’
Nyssa smiled, softly, as she turned and headed out the door. As it shut behind her, she couldn’t help but feel strangely buoyed, as if she had been given a second wind. Well, a pretty Australian smiling at you might well do that, she supposed.
She headed up Tregonnereth’s high street, away from the main harbour. It sloped upwards at a decent rate, meaning that Nyssa felt herself begin to tire as she approached a small square situated roughly halfway up the slope.
A fair-sized building (presumably the town hall) faced the square, with another side being taken up by a church. In the middle of the square was a war memorial and -stood in front of the memorial- was a group of children. There was all roughly school age, between nine and fifteen, and were all staring at a woman. The woman, dressed in a skirt, blouse and cardigan, had a commanding presence, like teachers Nyssa had known when she was at school herself, and possibly in her early forties. It was difficult to tell, as she had one of those beautiful ageless faces.
‘Now,’ said the woman, speaking to the children. ‘As you all know, Tregonnereth has existed for almost a thousand years, in one capacity or another. Can anyone hazard a guess as to why?’
‘Near to Plymouth?’ a young girl asked.
‘Partially, yes,’ replied the woman. ‘The trade heading along the Tamar valley passes here, and so there has always been a harbour of sorts.’
‘Not much here now,’ muttered a boy.
‘Oh, that’s not entirely true,’ said the woman. ‘Well, granted, the dental practice has closed, the library is now a mobile library and the GP surgery is on reduced hours, but-’
‘No cinema, no good shops-’
‘Yes, thank you, Andrew,’ interrupted the woman, frowning at the teenager who had spoken. ‘I will grant you that things are rather sparce in the town as of late, but you shouldn’t be pessimistic about it.’
The church bells rang for six.
‘Okay; let’s leave it here for today,’ said the woman, clapping her hands together. ‘All of you, make sure your parents know about the next town meeting, alright?’
There was a chorus of agreement, and the children dispersed, heading into the streets nearby.
As the children hurried away, the woman noticed Nyssa and walked across the square towards her, a warm smile on her face.
‘Hello, I’m Barbara Wright,’ the woman said, reaching out and shaking Nyssa’s hand. ‘Hope you didn’t mind my lecture; I’m one of the teachers at the school here.’
‘Nyssa Traken,’ Nyssa replied. ‘And I didn’t mind at all. I found it very interesting, actually.’
‘Thank you,’ Barbara gave a kind smile. ‘Oh, that’s a lovely name, by the way; are you old Cornish?’
‘Er, my father’s Welsh,’ Nyssa said.
‘Still Celtic,’ Barbara replied. ‘People often say that, when they come to Cornwall, it’s like coming home.’
Nyssa nodded, thoughtfully.
‘I was curious about something,’ Nyssa said. ‘Tregonnereth doesn’t seem to have a dental practice?’
Barbara sighed.
‘I’m afraid so. It’s the same in a lot of rural places nowadays; I’m afraid there just isn’t the population needed to keep a practice open. At least, that’s the official reason we were given.’
‘People still want a dental practice, surely?’
‘Absolutely; not everyone can drive to Plymouth or Truro, and -for the elderly- it’s not that easy to get the bus.’
Barbara sighed, folding her arms.
‘I wouldn’t say it in front of the children, but I am concerned about the town’s future. There’s nothing here for young people; most move to the nearest cities when they leave school, and the ones that leave for university rarely return- oh, hello, Tegan.’
Nyssa startled, as the Australian came to stand next to her.
‘Hi Barbara,’ Tegan said. She was now wearing a pair of dungarees over her black shirt, the sleeves of which she had folded up to her elbows. ‘I see you’ve met Nyssa with a y.’
Nyssa felt her face burn at the nickname.
‘Yes,’ Barbara said, clearly noticing Nyssa’s reaction but deliberately not saying anything. She gestured to Tegan. ‘Nyssa Traken, this is Tegan Jovanka; our resident… jack-of-all-trades, I suppose. Tegan, Nyssa and I were discussing things in the town; you remember how the dental practice closed down back in February.’
‘Hang on, weren’t you a dentist back in London?’ Tegan said, turning to Nyssa. ‘Why don’t you start our local practice up again?’
Nyssa stared at her.
‘What?’ Tegan asked. ‘You could do it! The building is owned by the town itself, so the rent is basically none-existent.’
‘Oh, that would be wonderful!’ Barbara said, smiling widely. ‘That would mean so much to us! But… are you sure? We are a long way from London, and I understand the change from the capital to a small town would be a big ask.’
Nyssa looked, between Barbara’s barely-disguised delight and Tegan’s encouraging smile, and found herself unable to mount a counter-argument.
Well… she had been growing tired of working in London, after all. It wasn’t as if she had much to go back for; her father had moved back to Wales years ago and, with the exception of Mel, Nyssa didn’t really have any friends back in London.
‘I… well, I’d have to see the practice,’ she said, slowly.
Tegan grinned, and Barbara smiled even wider.
‘It’s just down the road,’ Tegan said. ‘C’mon; I’ll show you the way-’
Without warning, she reached out and took Nyssa’s hand. Nyssa felt the heat rise in her cheeks, but she found herself unable or unwilling to resist Tegan pulling her away. She cast one last quick look at Barbara, who gave a rather knowing smile.
The premises for the old practice had definitely seen better days, she had to admit.
Granted, it wasn’t the roof was falling in, but the place had definitely not had much TLC in a long while. The front door urgently needed painting, and the grass outside was very overgrown.
‘What do you reckon?’ Tegan said, smiling at Nyssa. She had dropped Nyssa’s hand as they had come to a stop in front of the practice, and didn’t seem to have noticed Nyssa’s flusteredness. ‘Great location; just off the high street, but far away from the road to avoid the noise. The town’s car park isn’t too far away, either.’
Nyssa stared at the building.
‘The place would need a lot done to it,’ she said. ‘I mean, the pipes probably need seeing to, and then there’s the matter of getting it redecorated-’
There was a flutter, as Tegan opened her wallet. A long chain of licenses descended halfway to the ground.
Nyssa’s mouth fell open.
‘Carpentry, interior designer… even plumber?’
‘I’ll consider myself hired,’ Tegan said, grinning cheerfully as she closed up the wallet. ‘Shall we have a look?’
Nyssa stared at the woman, mouth still hanging open.
‘You amaze me, Tegan.’
‘Er, thanks,’ the Australian said, a slight but rather attractive flush rising in her cheeks. ‘So… shall we?’
Nyssa smiled, feeling her cheeks dimple. She nodded, and followed Tegan towards the door.
About an hour later, the two women emerged from the practice. Nyssa’s phone was now full of pictures of the various rooms, as well as possible ideas for what she could do with each of the rooms. A lot of the furniture could still be used, although it would need some cleaning first. Tegan had politely listened as Nyssa had excitedly rambled about requirements for dental practices, the Australian nodding along in a state of cheerful bafflement. If she didn’t care much for the discussion, she hadn’t made it known.
‘Listen,’ Tegan said, as she locked up the door behind hind. ‘I know we kind-of hassled you into this, but the final decision really is yours. You’re the one who’ll be running the place, after all.’
Nyssa smiled, appreciative of the Australian’s kind words.
‘Thank you, Tegan. I… I think I’ll need to think about it about it some more, especially in terms of the financial side of it. Starting up my own practice is a bit decision.’
Tegan nodded.
‘I find surfing normally helps me think.’
Nyssa chuckled.
‘I wouldn’t know the first thing about surfing.’
‘Maybe a walk around the harbour, then?’
Nyssa nodded, smiling.
The sun was already beginning to sink towards the horizon. Tegan had pointed out a hotel in the high street that Nyssa could stay in overnight, before a flat or house could be found for Nyssa in the local area.
The two women reached the harbour. A few small fishing boats were nestled against the harbour walls, and the sounds of seagulls could be heard echoing above the town. Judging from what Tegan had mentioned, the birds were menaces, often attacking dogs and even small children.
‘It’s pretty quiet in the winter,’ Tegan said, leaning against the interior of the sea wall. Her brown eyes reflected the setting sun. ‘On my first day here, it was blowing a gale and chucking it down with rain. But… I dunno, I knew I’d found a place I wanted to live.’
Nyssa nodded, quite unable to take her eyes away from the Australian’s face. Despite only knowing Tegan for that afternoon, she felt as if she’d known her for years. Was that strange? Or was that just wishful thinking on Nyssa’s part?
‘Halfway around the world?’ Nyssa asked. ‘How did that happen?’
Tegan chuckled, giving Nyssa a quick wink that sent a happy shiver up her spine.
‘Nyssa, I can’t be mysterious if you know that, can I?’
Nyssa giggled.
‘Fair point. Alright, keep your mysteries for now, Ms Jovanka.’
Tegan’s mouth quirked slightly.
‘For now?’
Nyssa gave a wink in return, chuckling.
The two women laughed together for a moment. Nyssa now knew that her initial assessment of Tegan had been rather misplaced; the woman wasn’t rude, she was simply forthright and straightforward in her opinions. And she had a kindness behind her eyes that was intoxicatingly endearing.
‘Hey… please stay,’ Tegan said, softly, turning to stare at Nyssa. Behind her, the sun was beginning to set, casting a cosy pink halo around the Australian’s face. ‘Build something with us here.’
Nyssa stared at the Australian, feeling herself lost in those lovely brown eyes.
‘I… I suppose I’ll need to have my things sent down from London over the next few days.’
Tegan stared at her for a second, before letting out a whoop. Dashing forward, the Australian pulled Nyssa into a hug. Nyssa felt her cheeks flesh at the sudden contact, and gave a squeak as Tegan hoisted off her feet and swung her around and around in an arc, laughing with delight the entire time.
‘T-Tegan!’ Nyssa stammered, very aware of how close they suddenly were. ‘P-people might stare!’
‘I don’t bloody care!’ Tegan exclaimed, eyes shining as she beamed up at Nyssa. ‘You’re wonderful, Nys!’
Oh, dear, Nyssa thought, as she stared into those gorgeous brown eyes. This had all gotten rather complicated…
Thanks for reading, everyone; hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Stay tuned for the next!
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joy-haver · 11 months
The thing I like most about the term utopian is, for me, that it takes one to viewing society on the full scale of time.
To be a utopian is not to be a trade unionist, or an electoralist, or even necessarily a Marxist. any political term that is rooted only in the here and now, these conditions, is limited in the face of time. Those can be compatible, but to a utopian, they are stones on the walkway to liberation, not liberation themselves. A utopian knows time is on our side; that, by taking steps, each one carefully towards our direction, we are always approaching our goal.
It is an orientation rather than a particular tactic, movement, or positionality. It is a view with measured urgency, instead of the exhaustive urgency of most left movements. It is wholistic, thought provoking, and as much about the personal as the social.
To me it’s a very good grounding. When I am looking to spend a lot of time with someone, as a partner or a friend or whatever, I like to ask “what does an ideal world look like for you?” I can’t imagine a better way to take the measure of compatibility than that. And often, it opens people up to imagining betterment in ways they’d never thought were possible.
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cheekypeakyblinder · 2 years
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚋𝚢 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚢
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 (18+) | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17
Wordcount: 1,8K
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The girls were sitting in the living room with a cup of tea. When Thomas barged in again. 'Ada, Fran, Pol. You need to get to the Bull Ring where there are lots of people.' Thomas said 'What's going on?' Franny asked.' We've been fucking betrayed.' Thomas said. 'Someone let slip, Kimber's men are on their way here.' Thomas said while caressing his hand over his face.
Thomas was usually very calm and collected but this was not what he had hoped. 'Yea, but you can handle them, Tommy?' Polly asked. 
'It's just us.' He answered. 'All the Lees are on their way to Worcester we're outnumbered.' 'FUCK!' He smacked his hands on the table. 'Who else knew today was the day you were moving on Kimber?' Franny then asked. 'You said you kept it secret. Who else did you tell'
Suddenly Thomas fell quiet. 'There's only one thing that could blind a man as smart as you Tommy. Love.' Polly said. 'Grace.' Franny said. 'I'll deal with Grace.' Franny said while standing up. 'If you set eyes on her again, you might kill her.' Franny explained. She gave Thomas a hug which he did not give back.
'Focus Tommy. I'm not going to let you get John killed.' She said as she lifted his chin. 'I'll deal with her.' Thomas left the house and Franny put on her coat. 'Ada wear black. We're going to stop this nonsense.' Franny said as she smacked the door shut. The Garrison.
Grace was about to leave and put her purse on her shoulder when Franny stepped in through the back. 'Going for good?' Franny asked Grace. 'I heard there's trouble.' Grace answered. 'Instinct is a funny thing.' Franny told her. 'See normally I can tell about a person. But with you... ' 
 'Look the fighting is about to begin. We need to get out of here.' Grace said.
'We know who you are.' Franny then said sliding a butterfly knife out of her hair. 'Tommy knows as well. Turns out that copper as good as told him this morning. But I wanted to hear it from your lips.' Franny said holding the knife in her hand. Grace opened her purse. and held a gun up in Franny's face.
'I'm an agent of the crown. I have the power to arrest and right to use force. So please step out of my way.' Grace said still pointing it at Franny. 'Like I say, Instinct is a funny thing.' Franny started as she walked over to the bar. Grace followed her with her gun. 'You fell for Tommy for real, didn't you?' she filled a cup with whiskey. 'This gun is loaded.' Grace told her. 'I'm not afraid of you.' Franny said shaking her head and taking a sip.
'I feel sorry for you.' she told Grace. 'Slip of a thing. Thought you'd come in here and stitch us all up. Well we have had some coppers narks in here before but you? You're the queen of them all.' Franny said finishing her glass and picking up her pin again. 'So who are you?' Franny asked her looking at the gun. 'A little rich girl, I'd guess? Unionist, an Ulster volunteer? you thought fenians, communists ,low people, they're all the same. Scum.' Franny explained looking her in her eyes.
'then you met Tommy.' Grace walked to the bar and put her gun on the bar. 'I'd fight you with my fists and show you how a rich girl fights. I'm from a tough family too' Grace told her. Franny who was still holding the pin stepped closer to her. And then put the pin back in her hair.
'Nah.' she said and then turned away from her. 'Pour the both of us a drink.' Franny said sitting down getting her cigarettes case out. Grace actually did what she said and took a bottle and two glasses from the bar. Franny lit a cigarette. And offered her one. 'So am I right?' Franny asked. 'Did you fall for Tommy?'
Grace didn't say a thing before sitting down and then softly said yes. 'Then I pity you.' Franny said with a smile taking a sip from her drink. 'I think he'll try to kill me.' Grace said looking horribly scared. 'Nah.' Franny said putting her drink back on the table. 'He's too soft.' 'Soft?' Grace asked. 'Soft like you.' Franny said. 'You saved his life the night the coppers came. That's why we're drinking and not fighting. We owe you.' Franny said taking another sip from her drink.
'What was he like before France?' Grace asked. 'I'm not sure.' Franny said earning a funny look from Grace. 'Polly hired me when everyone was in France. So I'm just like you, I know them since France.' Franny said.
'But. Polly told me He laughed a lot. And he wanted to work with horses.' 'He won medals.' Grace said. 'Threw them in the cut.' Franny said. 'All of them.' 'Not a single man came back the same.' Franny said. 'You know.. after all this is over, he might forgive you. He might take you in. You can never tell with men. They go for whoever their dicks point at and there's no changing their minds.' Franny said.
'But I'll tell you something.' Franny said looking at her. Her happy face was again replaced. 'The girls will never forgive you, trust you or take you in. And it's Polly who runs business of the heart in this family. And as far as I'm concerned, you're a snitch from the Parish.' Franny her facial expression turned again. 'And if you're not gone from this city by tomorrow, I'll kill you myself.  And If John get's killed here in a few minutes. It won't be tomorrow morning.' Franny said.
'Now go.' Franny told her putting her cigarette out in the ash tray in front of her. Grace went and left. And Franny thanked Harry for the time she's got here. before walking off. She saw John and he walked up to her and explained the situation. 'I'll kill him for you and what he has done to you.' John said to her as he kissed her. 'Good.' she told him before she let him go.
It didn't take long before Kimber's men had arrived and they all stood across from them. 'All guns and no balls, right Billy boy?' John said with a dirty smirk on his face. 'It doesn't have to be like this Kimber.' Thomas told him. Kimber scoffed. 'To late for all that. You bit off more than you can chew, you little toe rag. And now I'm gonna take over this shit hole.' Kimber told him.
 'Well if we have to use guns. Let us Proper guns!' Thomas spoke up.
In came Freddie Thorne. 'Sergeant Thorne reporting for duty, Sir.' Freddie said holding an enourmess gun. 'You were saying something about being out-gunned?' Thomas said as they looked around to the guns Kimber's men had. And everyone held up their guns pointing at each other. They all looked at each other and the men were waiting for an command. When suddenly their were heels clicking.
'Move!' Franny's voice sounded. In came Ada with Karl in a pram. Behind her was Franny both completely dressed in black. 'What are you doing?' Freddie yelled up seeing his wife. 'I believe you boys call t his no-mans land.' Ada said. 'Fran.' John then spoke up. 'Shut up.' Franny said to him. 'have you both lost your mind.' Freddie then spoke up and they both yelled 'SHUT UP!'
Kimber looked paralyzed at Franny. To which she turned around looking at him. 'Now most of you were in France.' Ada started 'so you all know what happens next.' 'I've got brothers and a husband here but you've all got somebody waiting for you.' Ada said. 'Now, I'm wearing black in preparation.' she said. 'I remember you.' Kimber then said as he pulled on Franny's arm.
'You were that who...' he couldn't continue his speech. Because Franny had taken her gun out of her pocket and placed it on his forehead. 'Tell me. what were you going to say.' she told him. Kimber didn't answer. 'FRAN!' John yelled. 'Stop it.' 'No.' She said coldly. She pulled Kimber on his arm to the middle of the street. He followed her.
'Now let's see Mr. Kimber Do I look like a whore with the clap?' she asked him sweetly holding the gun of his head and taking a step back. He still didn't say a thing. 'I'll answer that for you here. No I'm not. Tommy saved me from you that day because you're a horrible person who thinks he can get what he want.' 
'I've been mad at Tommy for putting me in a situation like that. But then I realized he isn't the problem here.' Franny said now squatting in front of him.
'You are. Thinking girls are all just whores who you can get with lot's of money and being a complete ass.' 'Well Mr. Kimber. I've come to a solution to everyone's problem here. 'He finally spoke up. 'And what do you think you're going to do about it, you're just their little play ball putting you where ever they please. I bet you've been pushed to fuck all of these men.' he had the balls to say this out loud which Franny was rather impressed by. She turned around.
'No just by one. And very good too, I've compared your sizes. And now I know why you need all this money and big ego because that's all you've got.' she said while cocking the gun back at his head. 'To come back to my solution. The only way to make everyone happy here. Is to pull this trigger.' she told him.
'She's right you know, why should any of these men die. It should just be the ones who caused it.' Kimber said as he fastly pulled out his gun from his pocket and shot it towards Thomas.
'Fuck me.' She told him as she jumped off him and wanted to shoot him.
But John was faster. 'She's great by the way sad that you couldn't have it.' John said to Kimber before shooting him through the head.
'ENOUGH!' Thomas then yelled at everyone. There was blood dripping of his finger tips. 'Kimber's dead. Go home.' He told Kimber's men and they wisely listened to.
'Tommy you're hurt.' Franny said as she walked over to him. 'Why did you do that.' He looked Franny straight in her face. He was mad but he was also proud.
'you were outnumbered. John was here. Freddie was here. I couldn't just do nothing, I've wanted to do it myself since we drove of his property. I wanted him to know it was me.' she told him. 'Now lets take a look at that wound.' Franny said as she pushed him towards the Shelby house.
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rovingicams · 2 months
The acolytes of the new god have been openly boasting for years of the horrible vengeance they had planned to mete out upon the educated, the journalists, the trade unionists, the brown people, the yellow people, the rainbow people, the acronym people, the women people, the in-between people, the neither people, the working people, the unemployed people, the anyone else who doesn't look like them people, the anyone else who doesn't think like them people, and so on, and so on, and scooby-dooby-dooby.
But now that someone's actually had a go at it, they're whining about how dangerous it is to “incite political violence” – their term, I suspect, for daring to highlight all the other stuff that's come before, as I was listing just now.
Not entirely unexpected, to be honest. And also sadly predictable.
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eavanyhuang · 10 months
Teaching in Madness
Last night, among many of my other dreams, I made the decision to reorient my pedagogical relationship to the world. Teaching elite academics & white male (or white adjacent) unionists while learning from struggles on the ground, instead of the other way around which is the norm in academia. This way, my academic writing is pedagogical, and revision is merely a matter of making the content more digestable for an audience with slow pace and learning difficulties. And of course, always start with a more receptive audience, this way there can be a momentum to push the project forward. It is just that, sometimes your “students” drive you crazy, you know, the kind that is full of themselves and refuse to listen. This is the source of the madness and loneliness I experienced over the past two months. But it is perhaps the teacher’s job to be as patient as possible, even though the world suffers from the slow pace that the students are privileged enough to follow in their learning. And indeed, sanity is an ideological construct. When your students look at you like you are a gorilla in a zoo, that pedagogical relationship is twisted into a spectacle: you scream, they tune you out in laughters and apathy. How do you teach someone that madness is the only viable way of living in this world as we know it? I feel so fucking insane among grads in my department, among members of my union local, among academic feminists, and among unionists who are mostly cis men (especially those growing up as one of the dominant group in their society) and white or white passing women. Yes, when the whole world is insane you are just a gorilla walking among humans and their vanity. All of these remind me of the BCRW’s conference on “Living in Madness: Decolonization, Creation, Healing”.
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In particular, I am juxtaposing David Graeber’s Pirate Enlightenment with La Marr Jurelle Bruce’s How to Go Mad Without Losing Your Mind. With da Silva, we know that the modern Subject of science and history is a construct that necessitates the death of racial others. This accounts for the various types of madness: phenomenal, psychiatric, emotional, and deviant, that Bruce documents in his book. Madness is clearly a product of the maddening “stage of (regulatory) exteriority” and “stage of (moral) interiority” of the modern text of self-determination that da Silva carefully laid out. As such, critiques of Enlightenment Reason is in no way a reinvention of the West, but a historical method that investigates the discursive production of the modern Subject. White anarchism has a tradition of bypassing the whole discussion of modern discursive power with its fetishism of libertarian sanity. With this there is something uncomfortable and culturally appropriative about Graeber’s claim that:
“the blanket condemnation of Enlightenment thought is in its own way rather odd, when one considers that this was perhaps the first historically known intellectual movement organized largely by women, outside of official institutions like universities, with the express aim of undermining all existing structures of authority. What’s more, if one examines many of the original sources, Enlightenment thinkers were often quite explicit that the sources of their ideas lay outside what we now call ‘the Western tradition’ entirely” (x)
This might be a good starting point to talk about the global supply chain of sanity and the draining effect on the global South.
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kylandara · 2 years
Quora Repost #3 April 2022 Edition: What do you think of Daenerys' comparison with Hitler? (For example, Tyrion's "First they came" speech?) Do you think this is justified or an insult to her character?
Kelsey as usual (this may be a bit more controversial this time, but why not generate good discussion)
She isn’t a Nazi, even considering that the show’s aesthetic choices in terms of composition, camera angle, color, visual triggers, etc. were seemingly very Nazi-inspired. But that’s using the framing with which audiences are the most familiar as a one-size-fits-all generic totalitarian visual cue; it doesn’t speak to motives or ideology, and Dany’s are clearly not parallel to Hitler’s.
I’d frame her more as a failed revolutionary, who ends up making things just as bad if not worse than the oppressive system they seek to replace. “Breaking the wheel” (to borrow the show’s phrase) turns into a dictator-led cult of personality, and the rest is bloody history. It’s horrifying when it happens, but it’s not Nazism. I also think it’s a mistake to go down the road where as long as Dany isn’t a Nazi then she must be on the whole good or undeserving of a bad end. There are not two flavors, “Nazi, bad” and “not-Nazi, good.” Dany is not absolved of anything just because she’s not literally Hitler.
More than that though I think there’s a misunderstanding of the intent of Tyrion’s last speech to Jon, where to some ears it sounds like Tyrion is telling Jon that the slavers and Dothraki khals were innocents or sympathetic such that people should have defended them against Dany and that they were “persecuted” groups the way the Nazis persecuted Jews, socialists and so on. If you choose to read it that way (i.e. like a one-for-one version of Niemöller with the same intended meaning), then yeah, it does look like Tyrion’s trying to throw a retroactive sympathetic glance at Dany’s purged opposition, which is distasteful given who that opposition was.
But I don’t think it’s saying that.
Here’s the original operative piece of the poem by Niemöller:
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
It’s not cruelty or evil acts or moral condemnation that prevents Niemöller from speaking out; it’s lack of membership in the persecuted groups. They’re an “other,” so he thinks he’s unaffected by their persecution. But eventually lack of membership doesn’t save anyone when everyone is on the block. More than that, lack of membership wasn’t enough to absolve people of the responsibility to act even when they weren’t the ones being persecuted. It’s about collective responsibility and moral obligation.
The structure of Tyrion’s speech might look the same, with the callbacks. But it’s not so much about belated moral obligation, such that Slaver’s Bay and a bunch of rapist khals should look to us like targets purged solely for political expediency and warped racial ideology.
It’s about context. That is what made me perk up when Tyrion started his spiel, because it’s what I’ve been saying for so long: Dany is nothing spectacular. She’s not really a great leader, or an effective governor, or a morally righteous arbiter of capital-J Justice. She’s just as ruthless and power-driven and egotistical as anyone else, made more terrifying because she genuinely thinks she’s on some destiny-driven crusade and because she has awesomely asymmetrical firepower with which to carry out her will.
What made people think for a while that she was as good as advertised was that her opposition was, to a man, morally repugnant in the extreme. Next to slavers and khals, Dany looks pretty good. “Next to” being the operative point. It’s easy to cheer someone on when they’re burning through a bunch of literally “evil men,” but this isn’t the Niemöller argument — it’s not merely a lack of action out of low stakes or bland apathy, it’s that people were actually, proactively fist-pumping Dany’s righteously indignant volence (not only violence, but extreme violence: crucifixions, burning people alive and feeding them to her dragons). But take that context away from Dany — where she looks good because her opposition is not only worse, but cartoonishly worse — and what’s left? Not a whole hell of a lot besides raw killing power, which was supposed to be the thing that separated her from and made her better than someone like Cersei.
In Niemöller’s context, failing to speak out meant that the targeted groups list kept expanding and expanding because of the aforementioned apathy and membership mismatching. In Dany’s context, the quality of her opponents (deliberately, I have zero doubt) gave the false impression that she was something much better than she really was, and allowed people to overlook or cheer for methods that were always off-putting even if they were aimed at bad people, the point being that they wouldn’t stay aimed at universally acknowledged bad people forever.
In Dany’s case, her sense of morality was so warped that there was no difference between civilians and genuine “evil men,” but what fueled that expansion was, as Tyrion said, a continued validation feedback loop such that Dany could keep expanding her targets because she was encouraged to do so thanks to approval for and applause of her prior acts. It wasn’t just bare complicity by means of looking the other way when an Other group was targeted; it was people giving Dany the impression that stuff was right, in a moral/good sense, simply because she was the one doing it. It’s one thing to cheer it when we agree with her on who the “evil men” are, it’s another to keep having it happen wherever she goes because now she and only she gets to determine who the “evil men” are. (Surprise, it’s literally anyone who doesn’t want to live under her thumb.) (Kylandar'sAddition: *Cough*Sansa and the North*Cough*)
It’s not about a perceived retroactive moral obligation to marginalized and persecuted political or religious groups. It’s about the danger of cheering on a tyrant’s self-righteous violence because you think that tyrant’s enemies will always be yours, and because you think the tyrant is made Good merely by having Worse opposition (for a while). People are confusing the same overall structure — i.e. the callbacks — for the same overall intent. And it’s easier to get indignant about the perception that we’re meant to have retroactive sympathy for poor persecuted rapists and slavers than it is to actually dig into Tyrion’s actual point.
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brian-in-finance · 3 years
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'Belfast' Star Jude Hill on His Star-Studded Awards Season and Marvel Dreams (Exclusive)
In in Oscar-nominated Belfast, director Kenneth Branagh is telling his most personal story yet, about a young boy and his family living in Belfast, Northern Ireland, in the 1960s, at the beginning of the period known as "The Troubles," in which division between factions of Catholics/nationalists and Protestants/unionists led to violent clashes, riots and bombings.
Branagh, who grew up in Belfast, before moving away at age 9 to escape The Troubles, found his star for the film in 11-year-old Jude Hill, who plays Buddy, a wide-eyed, fun-loving character based on the director and screenwriter himself. Belfast is seen through Buddy's eyes -- and Hill marveled about seeing his face on a massive Hollywood billboard when he joined ET's Denny Directo for an in-studio chat this week.
"It's kind of crazy," the young actor admitted. "I mean, my face, and a bunch of people seeing it every single day. It's pretty, pretty crazy. It's very cool."
Belfast is Hill's first feature film role, so it's an extra thrill that the movie has scored critical acclaim as well as several nominations and big wins this awards season. So far, the young star has won the award Best Young Actor/Actress at the 2022 Critics' Choice Awards and the Newcomer Award from the Hollywood Critics Association, among others.
"It's pretty crazy that I'm here on my first job, and I'm going to try to keep it going, try to stay on the actor lifestyle," Hill shared with ET.
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Jude Hill in 'Belfast' / Universal Pictures
At this Sunday's Academy Awards, Belfast is nominated for Best Picture, and Ciarán Hinds and Dame Judi Dench, who play Buddy's grandparents, each earned nods in the supporting acting categories.
"Working with Judi Dench was such an honor," Hill noted, adding with a laugh, "She's funny. She's inappropriate... a lot of dirty jokes."
The cast was also lauded with Best Acting Ensemble at the Critics' Choice Awards, and Belfast won Outstanding British Film at the 2022 BAFTAs, which has meant a lot of star-studded moments during Hill's first red carpet season.
"At the [Critics' Choice Awards], I was in the room with some of the most famous people on the planet, and it took everything to keep the flood down," he shared, noting that the favorite celeb he's met so far is Andrew Garfield.
"It just happened so quickly," Hill recalled. "I mean, we were on the red carpet, and someone tapped me on my shoulder and pointed over and there he was. And then he saw me and he was like, 'Hey, what's up man?' And I was just like, 'Hi.'"
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Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Critics Choice Association
"I had such a dizzy feeling after," he added. "I'm a massive Spider-Man fan... and he was amazing as Jonathan Larson in tick, tick, Boom!"
For now, Hill is content to enjoy the rest of awards season in Los Angeles with his family, noting that his siblings are "in the pool every day." But what's next for the young actor?
"I do sing. I do musical theater," Hill said, noting that he also recently got a chance to brush elbows with Lin-Manuel Miranda, which was a thrill. "I'm a massive Hamilton fan, honestly. I know half the songs by heart."
However, for a dream project, the young star is looking to something a bit more super-sized.
"I love Marvel, Star Wars, DC, all this superhero stuff," he shared. "Because when you're watching it, you just think in the back of your head, 'How cool would it be to be doing that?' Beating up bad guys, using superpowers or whatever. Just the idea of it just thrills me."
The 2022 Oscars air live on Sunday, March 27 at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT on ABC. In the meantime, stay tuned to ETonline.com for complete Oscars coverage.
Video 📹 clip from full video in link ⬇️
Remember… it’s kind of crazy. I mean, my face, and a bunch of people seeing it every single day. — Jude Hill
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Northern Ireland’s justice minister has said the government’s “dishonesty” over the consequences of hard Brexit has contributed to the anger felt by loyalists, as police counted the cost of 41 officers injured during violence on the streets over four nights.
Naomi Long’s remarks came as tensions escalated in Northern Ireland, with the first minister and Democratic Unionist party leader, Arlene Foster, hitting out at the “arrogance of Sinn Féin” and telling the BBC the IRA council still existed.
Can someone fill me in on the happenings in northern Ireland, and what the future looks like? I don't like how the media talk about it
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hermits-that-craft · 3 years
Heyyyy arti,, I agree with some of the stuff you're saying about jk? But also seamus was absolutely not a stereotype of irish people I am saying this as someone with very close irish blood and history. That's actually just how irish and english people act. Seamus is characterized that way because he is an english speaking european boy and they are rowdy twats who like blowing stuff up have you ever met one./possometimes things don't have to be stereotypes and people don't have to be completely evil just because they're shit about one thing./gen/nm She's transphobic, and I can kind of see where you're coming from with antisemitic, I feel like she's more racially insensitive in that way that most people were in the 90s, but regardless seamus is literally just accurate.
I don't know how to tell you this, but Seamus is the only Irish character, the only character to repeatedly blow things up (Ron accidentally blows his wand up in like,,, book 2 or something and im pretty sure its book 5 that the twins blow up some stuff in the school halls).
I'm assuming you don't know what the Irish troubles are. I'm going to save you five fucking seconds of googling to tell you about it.
The Irish troubles went for thirty years, starting in 1968 and ending in 1998. Do you want to know how many civilians died as a direct cause of the troubles? 1,840 Including children. There were 3,532 total deaths.
There were schools bombed. London was bombed. Derry was bombed. Dublin was bombed.
The Protestant loyalist beat Catholic unionists. Catholic unionists beat Protestant loyalists. There was grafiti saying 'you are now in protestant teratory'. People were killed or severly beaten for their religion or even what side of town they lived in.
Soliders shot protestors and civilians. The IRA bombed towns. The Irish, in general, were treated like shit before all of this started, and now they were treated worse because people were scared. No one wanted to be hurt. So they treated their Irish friends and neighbours like shit. Yeah. Even in America.
And the troubles are still effecting Northern Ireland to this day. I'm sure if you've been on tiktok you've seen the tiktok about someone being asked if their protestant or catholic 'on the wrong side of town'. The peace hasn't even been around for thirty years. We've got 7 more years until the peace has lasted as long as the troubles did.
So now that I've gotten the easy to learn about literally just look up The Irish Troubles and read a bit out of the way, lets get into your dumbass arguments.
Rant under the cut. You made me mad anon. You fucked around in my inbox, read below to find out.
"sometimes things don't have to be stereotypes and people don't have to be completely evil just because they're shit about one thing./gen/nm"
"I can kind of see where you're coming from with antisemitic"
this is a whole other can of worm i dont want to open, but try listening to jewish voices on this topic. I'm not jewish, so go and listen to a jewish person speak about this. Because it was antisemitic.
"But also seamus was absolutely not a stereotype of irish people I am saying this as someone with very close irish blood and history."
You. Are. Not. Irish. You cannot decide what is and isn't a stereotype, full stop. And you certainly can't decide what is an isn't harmful towards actual Irish people. One of my classmates was born in Northern Ireland, and his father lived through the troubles. His father came and spoke to us about it. The whole 'Irish people like bombs/blowing things up' stereotype still gets him turned down from jobs. 23 years later. In Australia. You are probably as Irish as I am.
"I feel like she's more racially insensitive in that way that most people were in the 90s, but regardless seamus is literally just accurate."
1. she should have apologised for it. It was racist of her to use Native American culture for her little expansion pack back in, oh, i dont know, 2016
2. You talk mad shit about having irish heriatage for someone who is perpetuating negative stereotypes of what is aparently you.
"Seamus is characterized that way because he is an english speaking european boy and they are rowdy twats who like blowing stuff up have you ever met one./pos"
I lived in Europe and keep in contact with my host family. Have you ever met a european?
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comrade-meow · 4 years
“Kill all Terfs”. “Shoot a Terf today”. “All terfs deserve to be shot in the head”. “Would you kindly suck on my womanly dick – preferably choke on it”. “Terfs can choke on my Girl Dick”. (These misogynists love the idea of women, especially lesbians, being forced to suck their dicks and preferably choke). “All terfs need to cease existing. All of them. Gone. Wipe them from the Earth. They are a plague to be purged”. “I’m not into mass murder but I’ll commit terf genocide if I have to, tbh”. “What if someone traced the ip of that emily person and went and killed her because i’d do that but I’m a bit far”. “That’s the only thing terfs deserve. being doxxed and killed”. “I wanna direct a snuff film where multiple TERFS get shot in the head but don’t die, they just suffer in agony”. “Murder Germaine Greer”. “Hope someone slits Germaine Greer’s saggy fucking throat”. “Rad fems and terfs make me extra stabby”. And on and on and on it goes relentlessly.
These are documented by the hundreds and hundreds at sites such as ‘Terf is a Slur’ and ‘Peak Trans’.
Not exactly the language of a liberation movement.
This violent misogyny, however, is all fine and dandy with a large section of the left. Especially males.
Who would have guessed that the left involves quite so many men who have a massive chip on their shoulder against women and women’s rights and advances in society and have finally found a way of letting out their previously suppressed inner violent misogynist, albeit vicariously through going along with this vile material? Where they can look woke – pro-trans – instead of obviously looking like the vicious misogynists they clearly are?
Not hard to see where people like “Comrade Delta” and co. come from then. (Comrade Delta was a central leader of the British SWP, their national secretary no less, who sexually assaulted and raped female members and who was protected by other leaders.) The British SWP, not surprisingly, has massively drunk of the trans ideology kool-aid.
And look at the International Socialist Organisation in the United States. ISO was the largest organisation on the US left for several decades, before imploding earlier this year. ISO drank massively from the trans ideology kool-aid and was viciously hostile to gender-critical leftists. And, yes, of course, it also turned out to have been harbouring violent misogynists.
Indeed, it was the discovery that members of its central leadership had been acting rather like the Catholic hierarchy – in this case harbouring and protecting men assaulting women, while the Church hierarchy protected priests who raped kids and nuns who bashed kids – that brought ISO down like a pack of cards in a puff of wind. (American ISO is the group that NZ ISO linked to in the States and whose postmodernist identity politics they have recycled in relation to women’s rights.)
But it’s not just a man thing. There are also lots of “third-wave feminists” – you know, the ones who have benefited massively from the struggles waged by second-wave feminists and leftists but who have nothing but contempt for the very people who fought and partly won those huge battles.
It’s third-wave feminists who dismiss the women’s liberation activists of the late 1960s and early 1970s who actually got struggles for the right to abortion, equal pay and opportunities in the professions and workplaces in general, off the ground, along with progressive trade unionists and left-wing groups. Third-wave feminists haven’t really done much fighting for women – their ‘feminism’ often seems to be more about molly-coddling super-entitled males who can’t grow up and cope as adults, especially men who claim to be women and want to gate-crash women’s sport, women’s changing rooms, women’s toilets, women’s prisons, women’s health resources, and even the definition of what a woman is.
When I was young you had to have empathy with oppressed people to be leftwing. You didn’t pretend to be them, just empathised and solidarised with them. But, apparently not now, according to the new left. Indeed, it positively helps to be violently misogynist and also dismissive of the people who went before and won you so much. And if they complain, pretend to be them and claim they are oppressing you.
In acting like ungrateful spoilt brats, a chunk of younger leftists mimic the capitalists who have contempt for the workers whose labour-power provides their profits. British gender-critical transexual Miranda Yardley has, not surprisingly, called this layer of youthful faux radicals “the pampered offspring of neoliberalism”.
The people who write the vile stuff in these tweets actually believe they are on “the right side of history”, another of their bizarre ideas repeated by a bunch of people, mainly men, on the left. Sorry lads, but violent misogyny will never put you on the right side of history – rather, it puts you well and truly in the cesspit of history.”
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oceanmonsters · 3 years
I guess this is technically a callout post but none of this is new stuff, it’s stuff that’s already featured on my blog that I’m just collating together and explaining. I am not doing this to try and stir up drama or expose this person or bring them down or whatever. I’m just tired of myself and other poc getting told we’re overreacting or deluded or reaching when we call someone out on their shit and so I wanted to make an actual record of the reasons why I am against this person that I & others can can direct people to rather than having to repeatedly explain ourselves. If you read this and still decide that we’re wrong and overreacting then feel free to unfollow/block me.
@/ayeforscotland brands himself as a progressive left leaning “woke” person but fundamentally the thing he really cares about most is Scottish independence, and he weaponises progressive causes to support his own agenda. He has a long history of downplaying racism in Scotland and Scotland’s own imperialist history. He has somewhat changed after being called out for doing these things on several occasions but instead of recognising that he was wrong in the past and only changed his tune when people called him out, he lies and pretends that he never tried to whitewash Scotland at all even when there is obvious evidence to the contrary. (I don’t have more specific sources on his downplaying racism in Scotland/whitewashing it’s colonial history but poc on here have been talking about it for a while so if anyone has any links please lmk!)
While he reblogs antiracist posts and publicly denounces racism, he also seems to only care about racism when it furthers his own arguments. While I don’t have receipts for every single post, I’ve seen multiple occurrences of him trying to link racism to being pro-England/anti Scottish independence. As well as the previous post linked in which he he posted a video of white supremacists but made it all about how terrible the English are (while ignoring similar occurrences in Scotland) here is another example of the type of post I mean (warning for antiblackness) - making posts in the BLM tag literally trivialising racism and treating it as a joke to dunk on the unionists. It is really disgusting for a white person to be weaponising the racism of people who don’t agree with them to garner support for their own cause. While I think AFS may genuinely believe himself to be antiracist, he is clearly very performative and that he ultimately only truly cares about his main agenda of Scottish independence and is happy to use the experiences & suffering of English and Scottish POC as a tool to push his own agenda.
He is also incredibly disrespectful towards POC who call him out for the above. In this same thread linked earlier, he repeatedly tone polices after being called out (for purposefully inciting people to be racist on his posts/in his inbox so he can “expose them”, which is obviously disgusting in itself).
As well as the tone policing, in that thread he also gives a perfect example of being performative and not actually caring about racism: he basically expects that instead of calling him out when he does something wrong, we as poc should be expected to have a constructive chat with him and walk him through what he should and shouldn’t say. He says that he’s “happy to have a chat with [her] and learn about how [he] can improve in the future”. How gracious of him to be “happy to” have her to spend her time and energy walk-in him through how not to be racist in a perfectly friendly deferential way 🙄. He’s not willing to do any of the labour to actually learn or read about racism himself (if he was, he would know that inciting racists to spew hate speech and sharing it on his blog is not good allyship, and neither is expecting poc to personally educate you), he just expects poc to calmly educate him every time he messes up so he can learn not to do that same thing again, while never actually engaging with his own role in racism. My post here goes further into this topic. Furthermore, he has since blocked both me and @pakisstani for calling him out for his racism in all of the linked threads. Blocking the POC who repeatedly call you out for racism is really not a good look for a self-proclaimed ally.
AFS would no doubt profusely deny that he is a racist person. However, his actions and words in the threads linked WERE racist and until he takes responsibility for them and makes any effort to educate himself he has absolutely no business building up a platform marketing himself as progressive ally. If you’re a white person who still supports him after seeing all this then I don’t trust you any more than I trust him.
(+ bonus: this post isn’t racist but it is an ignorant and weird perspective, implying that people labelling themselves as from the UK/British because of the negative connotations are somehow shirking the blame of colonialism and responsible for enabling white supremacists to claim the label of English (completely ignoring the fact that there are plenty of poc living in England who do not want to claim the label for obvious reasons...). Maybe not particularly relevant to this post but I feel like it helps paint the picture as a whole.)
ETA: some things from others rbing this post, obviously I don’t have sources for these things but I have also seen similar occurrences and they fit into the attitude I’ve seen from AFS in the past (before he got called out and then pretended he never did those things).
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Adding some screenshots for posterity in case links go down (all screenshots are from posts linked here)
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Not fic: Cursed Twilight addition
So I’m about to have my BNHA rights revoked but I just finished Midnight Sun (at the time when I started writing this) and started thinking about the characters and that Rosalie and Bakugo are weirdly similar so now here I am outlining a Twilight Au that no one asked for (except me but I’m garbage) that I will never write because I can’t focus long enough to write an actual story (fun fact this outline is taking months to complete). To be honest though this is more of a background on all the characters as opposed to an outline of the Twilight story (oops) which may or may not come later. Author’s notes are in parenthesis if you haven’t figured that out.
Basically I’m replacing Twilight characters with BNHA characters, not everyone will have the same back story, it’ll be blended(future me: um so that was a lie). Everyone’s quirks are still mostly the same but as their vampire gift with some variation to fit the word. It still takes place in the Pacific north-west because I’m not super sure if there’s a place as cloudy as there in Japan besides the mountains like Mt.Fuji (but that’s more misty I think) but there’s too many people around places like that I feel. But then again I’m not actually writing this whole fic so you’re welcome to imagine them still in Japan. If I did write this as a fic I would actually do proper research to decide where to put them but meh, this is a not-fic. As it is I’m calling the town it would take place in Forks/Crossroads cause that would be a cool alternative name. The backgrounds take place all over the word but I never actually say where. My bad.
Also if you do read this I love you very much and I am so sorry, this is ramble-y and has way too many run-on sentences and is written as if I were speaking to you as opposed to an actual written story. It’s also taken so long to complete things I wasn’t sure about in the beginning become solidified later but it’s also written out of order so probably reads really bad. Again my apologies.
So the characters are as follows:
The Olympic Coven/Cullens - The Might Coven/Aizawa-Yagis
Carlisle Cullen- Toshinori Yagi
So obviously I made Toshi Carlisle because suave blond everyone loves is both of their MO. Toshi is probably around 500 years old and like Carlisle was turned while hunting vampires. I still want him to have two forms but I’m not entirely sure how to do that within the confines of the Twilight universe. Maybe he was injured in a battle where he literally lost parts of himself and can’t fully heal so he’s become weak but still can’t die? He’s a doctor but might be semi-retired because of his injury, the cover story is an undisclosed chronic illness. He’s also a part time stay at home dad. He definitely used his vampirism to help and protect humans in the past.
Probably had a coven when he was younger with Nana and Torino but Nana was killed and Torino sent Toshi away for his own safety. He may or may not have started out as vegetarian, I can see Nana as veg or only eats bad people, Torino is an eats bad guys type but will eat anyone when pressed. Toshi either started out as a vegetarian before meeting Nana or if she found him immediately and took him in he would go animal based pretty quickly, She always respected his lifestyle. Grand Torino respects it to an extent but now that Toshi is hurt wants him to drink from humans because he thinks it’ll help Toshinori heal or at least be better for his body. He was in his 40s when turned.
Esme Cullen- Shouta Aizawa
It should surprise literally no one that I’m making this Erasermight because I am soft for my boys and anything is an excuse to ship them. Shouta is honestly the person who has taken the longest to work out along with Shinsou. Like so, so, long. These two are also related, they’re cousins or uncle/nephew or something. They’re also the most different from their counterparts, probably because it’s taken so long for me to work their stories out I’ve just completely changed them from original Twilight.
So the time period is really vague with him, it’s either the late 1800s or WWI. Hitoshi was an orphan around the age of 12 and Shouta his guardian is 30-31. Either way there was a war (and I looked at the wars in the second half of the 1800s, it’s just so many wars. What is wrong with this world?) and it could have easily been the civil war (and if so they were Unionist, obviously.) But wherever he and Hitoshi lived there was a war happening and he was probably not in the army at the time, just protecting his home and neighbors. At the same time Toshinori and Izuku were in the area trying to help civilians because wars suck and they’re basically un-killable so they can help and with the chaos of everything if someone started to suspect something of them they could fake their deaths and leave. And they probably did. But while traveling through they stop in a town/village and meet Shouta and Hitoshi.
Shouta is his gruff no nonsense self and Hitoshi is a little in awe of Yagi because this is still pre-injury so he’s this huge imposing man who’s gentle and knowledgeable about medicine. Eventually even Shouta comes around to liking Yagi, who has the nickname All Might because of his strength, even though he thinks his over the top enthusiasm in front of others is exhausting. In private Toshi ends up letting his guard and persona down with Aizawa because he realizes he doesn’t have to keep it up, he doesn’t need to make Aizawa like and trust him the way he does with the others, it’s just natural the way they click. Toshi probably fell in love first, vampires fall in love fast and long and all encompassing in a way that if they were human would be rather unhealthy (and probably is anyway because this is fiction but I don’t really care because this is fiction and I relate to unhealthy love way too much). Shouta was more reserved because he is a cautious man by nature and probably loves in a similar but more healthy way to vampires, long and devoted, but he must be careful to whom he gives his heart. I still don’t think he meant to fall for Toshinori, loving a man in the time that they lived was dangerous and inadvisable if one could avoid it. But Toshinori Yagi is the kind of man one cannot help but loving.
They didn’t tell each other how they felt though. A few months after Izuku and Toshinori’s arrival there was an attack on the town, Hitoshi they found safe but Toshinori caught wind of Shouta’s scent and followed, finding him mortally wounded. Desperate to keep him Toshi turned him and split off from Izuku and Hitoshi while Shouta adjusted to vampire life. They quickly became lovers, though Shouta had a brief stint as a human blood drinker as revenge for the destruction of his village. But it started to test their relationship and in the end Toshi and his own morals were more important to him than human blood. The four of them reunite a year later and they try to keep their relationship a secret but both of the boys figure it out pretty quickly. Izuku accepts it immediately because his dad is finally with someone and is happy while it takes Hitoshi a bit of time because period typical homophobia and it’s going to take a while for Yagi to earn his trust back after turning Aizawa in front of him.
Aizawa has an erasure power same as in canon. Since he doesn’t need to blink he’s a bit op but opponents who are faster than his eyes can track and multiple opponents are his weaknesses. He’s a history teacher at Forks/Crossroads high but purposefully does not have his own kids as students. He’s a mystery to most of his colleagues who probably haven’t even figured out he’s got five kids in the school.
Rosalie Hale- Katsuki Bakugo
Bakugo has a pretty similar start to Rosalie but because what happened to her is so awful and  I have problems doing that even to fictional characters that part is different. He’s still a rich kid from the early 20th century, probably turned in the 1920s, but he and his explosive temperament pissed off the wrong people who jumped him in an alley and beat him almost to death, like actually thought he was dead so they left him there (I know this isn’t that much better than what happened to Rose but man she had a horrific end to her human life). He was around 17-18 when he was turned.
While human he had met Dr. Yagi, who was probably treating one of his parents for a chronic ailment, along with his son Izuku and his ‘companion’ Aizawa and Aizawa’s ward Hitoshi. All of the others gave him the creeps but Izuku was a relatively normal boy, a bit younger than himself and accompanied his father when visiting the Bakugos. Their relationship is pretty much the same as canon where Izuku likes Bakugo a lot and Bakugo is nothing but awful to him. They end up with a sort of ‘I hate you but you’re my best friend’ relationship except neither actually hates the other. When Yagi finds Bakugo half dead in an alley he turns him because he was weirdly fond of the angry young man and more so because he thought that the relationship between the two boys was growing into something more, he and Izuku hadn’t talked about it, as he was waiting for his son to come to him, and he didn’t have time to ask. He realizes later that no, Katsuki and Izuku are not star crossed lovers like he and Shouta but he can’t say he regrets turning Bakugo other than Bakugo’s own hatred of being a vampire. He loves his angry son okay.
Bakugo had a life goal which was probably taking over the family business though based off canon that would be fashion and I can’t see him interested in that. Whatever it was he was pursuing it with the same single mindedness that he possesses for heroism and since he can no longer achieve his goals as a vampire he resents it along with the fact that the decision to become a vampire or die a human was taken away from him. He does have a good relationship with Toshinori and Shouta even though he still acts like a brat. His cover story is that he’s Toshinori’s cousin’s son and is an orphan who they took in. He kept his family’s name.
Like a number of vampires Bakugo has a talent or gift. His is his incredibly powerful and dangerous explosion ability. He can cause explosions from his palms. So far the League has not discovered him but everyone worries that one day they will and the Might Coven will be hunted and slaughtered for Bakugo’s power.
Emmett Cullen- Eijirou Kirishima
Sometime around the 1930s  Bakugo was hunting and found a bleeding almost dead Kirishima. It was either an animal attack like canon or an accident where he fell off a cliff (that feels like something he would do). I don’t think he decided to turn Kirishima, he just smelled blood and lost control. He’s still ashamed about how he reacted to this day as he’s typically better than that around humans. Luckily the others were hunting with him and were able to pull Bakugo off. He’s never held what Bakugo did against him and his enthusiasm and friendship actually endeared him to Katsuki despite his guilt. Eijirou was turned at 19 and has never had issues with being a vampire, it sucks that he had to leave his human family behind but he loves his vampire one just as much and he got the love of his life out of it. It took awhile but Katsuki and Eijirou eventually admit their feelings and they start dating. They’ve been married a few times now because Bakugo is extra and Eijirou loves confessing his love.
With Kirishima’s gift it doesn’t work the same as in cannon where you can tell it’s activated. In fact they still might not know Kiri has a gift or if they do it’s only a suspicion. He’s just harder than the other marble like vampires. Where the others have almost certainly had mild injuries (mostly from Bakugo’s explosions) like cracks that heal immediately, Eijirou has never been injured as a vampire. At all. He’s also immensely strong, because he was as a human, and that has been enhanced but he’s nowhere near as strong as Toshi was pre-injury. His cover story is he’s a foster kid they took in and he keeps the last name Kirishima.
Alice Cullen- Denki Kaminari
Like Alice Denki spent the end of his human life in an insane asylum (I refer to it as such because these were not hospitals and more like institutions of torture). I honestly can’t figure out if mental health care was so bad in the early/mid 20th century that a 15-16 year old boy with ADHD being sent to one is unrealistic or not. I’m pretty sure it was similar to Alice where he saw something he shouldn’t and was put in it to silence him.( I should probably figure out what that was sometime) Either way that’s where he ended up and of course he had to deal with electroshock ‘therapy’ which both severely messed with his memory and sorta brought out a natural resistance and even control over electricity, so he had to receive stronger and stronger sessions. This manifested in Denki’s electric power when he was turned into a vampire.
While hunting in the woods surrounding the institution, Hitoshi spotted Denki in the window and was instantly taken by the boy with eyes as golden as his inhuman family’s. He would make trips by the asylum just to get a glimpse and eventually took a night job there to meet him against his family’s advice. When they met Denki recognized him despite how careful, and honestly far away, Hitsohi had been and instead of being creeped out he was happy just to make a new friend. They would talk as long as they could and Hitoshi would bring Denki little bits of the outside world like flowers or decent snacks. And he would take care of Kaminari when his ‘therapies’ would leave him incapacitated and the nursing staff would neglect him.
Even after his family moved away to a location where the weather suited them better Hitoshi stayed working at the asylum not willing to leave Denki to his fate there (And to note this is around the time the others realized how serious Hitoshi’s feelings are and start planning how to help Kaminari or bring him into the family. Before this they were starting to suspect but kinda thought he was being weird about a guy he saw in a window. To be fair though he was being weird about a guy he saw in a window.) One night after an ice bath ‘treatment’ Denki developed a fever and over the course of a few days had full blown pneumonia. In his delirium he confessed his feelings to Shinsou who reciprocated and decided he would steal Denki away when he knew the trip back to his family wouldn’t kill the sick boy. Of course being a poorly run and over populated institution his condition was overlooked and ignored especially since a ‘specialist’ was coming to perform procedures on several patients, aka some guy with no degree was going to lobotomize as many people as he could fit into one day. Shinsou didn't find out until he came in that night and found out Kaminari was already in the procedure room. He flipped out and killed most of the staff there and took a severely injured Denki home to Toshinori in the hopes of saving him.
The change seemed to take longer than it had for the others but does end up working, though when he finally comes to Denki is much more quiet and subdued and remembers almost nothing about his past. All he knows is his name, Hitoshi’s name, and that he loves him. He also has weird headaches periodically for decades later and slowly becomes more like himself before the lobotomy. He never fully recovers his memories, a bit here and a piece there, all moments shared with Hitoshi. He decides he doesn’t need the rest, everything he needs is here and in his future with his family.
His cover story is typically as a foster kid so he keeps his last name Kaminari. Sometimes he decides to change things up and goes as a Yagi or even Bakugo’s brother when Katsuki is feeling generous.
Jasper Hale- Hitoshi Shinsou
Hitoshi’s early years were spent in his small town or village (I think the difference is size but I’m american and I don’t think we have villages no matter how small a place is so...) Everything was uneventful up until the war, I don’t know which war, civil war in US or WWI in Europe, but around the age of 12 his village was destroyed, his guardian was turned into a vampire and he had to go live with Izuku while Aizawa learned to manage his bloodlust. During that time he and Izuku grew really close and even now they have the most brotherly relationship out of all the siblings.
So after a year the four reunite with a vampire Shouta and an overly protective Izuku and a very weary Hitoshi. Everything goes on as it did for Toshinori and Izuku before they split but now with their two new additions. Yagi gives Hitoshi the best education he can without sending him to boarding school although they had discussed it. They were in a precarious position with a human boy knowing their vampire secret and they couldn’t run the risk of news getting back to the League, the governing body of vampires run by a mysterious head known only as All for One.
Years pass but unfortunately news of the Might Coven’s human pet gets back to the League and due to past history involving Nana and Toshi, AfO comes himself to deal with the situation and brings his two most powerful underlings, his adopted son and second in command Tomura Shigaraki and . A fight between Yagi and All for One happens and AfO rips out a piece of Toshi’s side and Toshi ends up crushing AfO’s head, killing him (maybe but probably not). Tomura, who had been fighting against Shouta and Toga who battled Izuku, realize they can’t win.
Now the vampire known as All Might is pretty popular amongst his kind but the Might Coven was at the time nowhere near strong enough or influential enough to fill the void that would be left by the dissolution of the League, which would happen if they killed all three of the vampires there. So they took a gamble and spared Shigaraki and Toga thinking their loyalty to AfO was limited, since most vampires don’t form bonds the way ‘vegetarians’ seem to, and that they would be happy with their promotion. They also agreed at Hitoshi’s insistence that he would be turned so they would no longer have a human knowing the secret about vampires. So Yagi turns Hitoshi and they let Toga and Shigaraki go and continue about their lives as much as they can with Toshinori’s injury.
Just like the rest of his family, Shinsou's quirk is the same as canon. If someone answers his question he can control their minds. It’s probably a little stronger than in canon too, at least against humans. Vampires have better resistance. His cover story is the most truthful, he’s Shouta’s orphan relative. He sometimes takes on Aizawa’s last name though in this school he decided to use his original.
Edward Cullen- Izuku Midoriya
The more I plot this out the more I’m taking Twilight, stripping it down to the bare outline, and making it into something totally different. Like the only similarities are Izuku and Shoto’s relationship follows Bella and Edwards, somewhat. Izuku is the tanned skinned, freckled, green eyed boy in a family of pale golden eyed outsiders. He seems completely human even to other vampires, til you get him in the sunlight where he literally shines.
I’m not sure when Izuku was born, maybe the 1700s, but he was still the first of the Might Coven besides Toshinori. Sometime after Nana’s death Toshi finds an ailing pregnant woman named Inko Midoriya who’s bizarre husband still hasn’t come home from his business trip to a foreign country. She’s convinced she is going to die before he returns and her pregnancy is so hard and so seemingly fast but her baby feels strong enough to survive so she begs Toshinori to please take care of her son till his father returns. Inko dies before she can give birth to her baby so Toshinori takes the baby out himself as a last ditch effort but there’s something not right, not with the baby or the amniotic sac that’s almost as hard as Toshinori himself. And when the sun shines through the window Toshinori’s arm glimmers and so does the new born baby. Dread at the thought that he’s holding an immortal child wells in him but he’s never heard of an immortal child being born and he’s especially never heard of a vampire with a heart beat. So against his better judgement he takes the child and runs, he can’t wait for Inko’s husband, and he can’t risk someone seeing the child and reporting back to the League. So he and Izuku, a name Inko had picked out before her death, stay on the run for years as the boy grew until he was at an appropriate age to be around at least vampire kind. Conveniently the half vampire boy doesn’t need blood to survive and seems to have very little if any bloodlust at all. Or so it seemed.
Now some differences I’m making will be Izuku’s aging. I know Rennesme ages fast and stops when she looks 21-25 but I’m thinking Izuku either ages very slowly or stopped when he looks closer to 15-18? Probably the first one. Also I think male half-vamps have red/gold eyes but Izuku has green because I said so.
His cover story is that he's Toshinori’s son from a previous relationship. They tried to call him a foster child in the past but they’re too close and Izuku uses Toshinori’s given name and dad interchangeably. He likes to use his mom’s last name as a way to honor her. Not every school but it is a pretty common thing for him to do and he’s using it in Forks/Crossroads this year. He doesn’t seem to have a gift but he’s a half vampire, his presence is a gift.
Bella Swan- Shoto Todoroki
Time for ‘technically main character number two but I preferred everyone else in Twilight over Edward and Bella so he and Izuku get put down lower on the list’. So Todoroki and Bella’s similarities are: new kid comes to live with other parent after the parent they lived with got married. I really don’t think there’s a lot else similar? But Bella doesn’t have that much back story to begin with.
So Shoto’s parents grew up in Forks/Crossroads but moved somewhere sunnier before he was born. He grew up in a city, maybe Phoenix (almost certainly Phoenix for the name alone). His parents had an unhappy marriage but I honestly don’t think it was full on abuse, I feel like Enji still neglected them but never physically or verbally hurt anyone. And since Shoto moves back in with Rei I don’t think she gave him his scar either, I think it was an accident where young Shoto pulled maybe a hot kettle onto himself? It probably was the catalyst for his parents divorce but ultimately that was happening either way. Both parents blamed the other for his accident but I think the courts realized it was just that, an accident, maybe some negligence (I don’t really know how custody courts work and what happens when a kid gets hurt and this isn’t a real fic so I’m not researching) but either way Enji gets Shoto (maybe all the kids but Rei gets visitation, comes down for the summer like Charlie? Kids go up there for vacation and holiday? Or split the kids 50/50? No idea this is still more backstory than Bella got) Enji is still a workaholic and Toya ends up running away/leaving probably shortly after the divorce anyway and Fuyumi and Natsuo eventually leave for college and are still closer to Rei even if they lived with their dad.
So when Enji gets remarried Shoto asks to move in with his mom since she’s all alone and Enji wouldn’t be and ‘wouldn’t it be nice to just be two newly weds with the house to themselves’. He makes a very convincing case and Enji is trying to let his youngest make his own choices so he agrees. Shoto moves north and it isn’t the worst, he likes both the heat and the cold unlike his parents, Rei hates the heat and Enji hates the cold. School is weird because people actually want to be his friend; there’s a group of stoic, pale, intimidating students he’s 90% sure are vampires; and there’s a  beautiful boy who hangs out with them who looks partially horrified and disgusted by him, or like he wants to eat him alive, literally.
Renee Dwyer- Enji Todoroki (Technically)
So I ended up making Enji considerably less awful.
After the divorce Enji figures out his sexuality and eventually starts dating a much younger model who goes by Hawks after he saves him from a burning building (Enji is a firefighter). Shoto offers to move in with Rei after Hawks and Enji get married, he has nothing against Hawks and they get along as well as can be expected but they are newly weds and Enji might be going into semi retirement to travel with Hawks for his career. And the thought of being around his dad so much, who can get a little overbearing when not working, is just not something Shoto wants to deal with. Though it is weird his dad is married to someone so much younger, Shoto knows several other people in his class in Phoenix whose dads did similar and they cheated on their wives and didn’t even have a sexuality crisis in their forties so he’s letting his dad slide on this. Shoto definitely has a better relationship with Enji in this than canon Shoto but they don’t have Enji’s shity eugenics baggage here either. Overall Enji in this is just a neglectful workaholic who’s learning to work on himself with the guidance of the love of his life and is letting Shoto make his own decisions like living with his mom and this is all growth.
Charlie Swan- Rei Todoroki (Technically)
So Rei after the divorce moves back home because she hates Phoenix and hot weather. Maybe she gets custody in the summer or has Fuyumi and Natsuo since Toya took off and they split the kids? (I still haven’t decided how the custody went with those two but they don’t live in Forks/Crossroads or Phoenix so it doesn’t matter.)
After returning home she either started working at or opened up a yarn shop, I see her enjoying needle craft and she’s definitely not a sheriff type. She’s just a quiet, keeps to herself woman with a few close friends; children mostly grown and just happy to spend more time with her youngest.
Phil Dwyer- Keigo Takami
He’s a model who gets saved by Enji when his apartment burns down. He offers to take Enji to dinner and keeps offering to reward him until at Moe’s insistence Enji agrees. They hit it off and the rest is history.
Things I would have said in the tags but there’s a limit so I put the actual important stuff there and ramblings here:
It took me three weeks to finish this (midnight sun) audiobook. I literally drive for a living and couldn’t finish it in less than the entirety of my library rental time. Jake Able deserves more money.
I have read twilight three times now and it never gets easier. Yes I do have terrible taste.
I hope someone reads this. It took like three months to finish this post. I still have so much in my head. I haven’t even started talking about the League. Please ask questions, I want to actually write this but my brain won’t let me write full fics so this is what we get.
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