#looks like I can still come up with topics to moan about regarding this series
Rick Riordan has no scale for what it means to give characters positions of power or influence
I have seen a trend recently while thinking about the positions of power in PJO and HOO and who occupy them. A post that I can't find again also has breached this topic on a much smaller scale, so credit to them. (I'll try to find them and tag them.)
What I mean by positions of power and/or influence is this: positions from where a demigod has the ability to control organisations (i.e. the Hunters of Artemis and Camp Jupiter) or influence how and why things are done in a certain way (i.e. Annabeth's redesigning of Olympus and Jason's designing some of the other gods' cabins).
The first example is THALIA and how, upon becoming a hunter for Artemis, she is instantly catapulted to the top of the chain. Artemis bestows upon her the role of Lieutenant of Artemis. She is Artemis's second in command if the goddess herself isn't present.
But what does Thalia know of the inner workings of the Hunt? Next to nothing, because until a few days before, she hated them and what they stood for. She gets over her hate, which is part of her development, but it doesn't make her any less informed. One can't speculate that at some point she and Zoë have talked about the Hunt, because we have no hint of that happening in the books. One can headcanon that they'd had such a conversation, but we are speaking about canon. So she is blind. That would be fine, because she is a newbie, and has time to learn.
But no. Riordan gives her the most important place a hunter can occupy in the hierarchy. Why? The way I see it is Riordan decided that now that Thalia's completed her arc, she needs a physical reward. But going by book logic, I would also assume that Artemis was displaying some major nepotism. Because look, that is her sister, and she is in a meeting with daddy and she'd already crossed a line when interacting with her father. (I mean that she wants to reward the heroes while Zeus, most probably, just sees what they did as their duty and not something to be rewarded.) So Artemis boosts her sister up in the hierarchy so she wouldn't slight Zeus again.
Also, we've been ignoring the fact that there are far more experienced and reliable huntresses in the Hunt. Some of them have been with Artemis for many, many years bordering on millennia.
Next up is ANNABETH, about who I've already vented my frustrations, but let me say it again: Annabeth, while inspired by architecture and wanting to be an architect, is not trained and has no experience with it besides a few books and what I can assume is trying her hand at drawing potential projects. She isn't fit to redesign Olympus and certainly not able to think about all the facets of what it would entail, because she doesn't have the practical knowledge and the studies.
Yet Riordan writes it so that the gods offer her the opportunity to redesign their city state (is Olympus considered a city state??? Because it's what I've been thinking of it as). Why so? Because she has survived the war? (not like he was going to kill her, and I didn't think he would do it at any point in TLO.) And therefore she should get what she wanted besides all the PTSD and other disorders that most survivors get?
Because this is what I see.
We already know that the structure within Camp Jupiter is hinging on the child soldiers they train. The Senate is made out of centurions and ghosts and older citizens of New Rome, and we weren't shown that there had ever been adult Praetors. This is what Riordan intended, because this is what he wrote.
But it begs the question, why have REYNA and JASON specifically done to be awarded the position of Praetor that early in their lives? We are told that they went on at least a quest together, so they must have been pretty close before being made partners, and they seem to have worked well together.
We know that Reyna is a highly capable leader and managed to lead Camp Jupiter on her own for roughly 6 months. Jason was raised as a leader, so it is natural to assume that he knew how things worked. But that doesn't show why they were specifically chosen, especially after such a big conflict.
Just because Jason defeated a Titan single-handedly, it doesn't mean that there weren't any more capable hands for the duty to fall on. Also, has Reyna's POV ever revealed why she was chosen? Because I can't remember.
What I mean to say is that there were other, adult, people for the reasonability to fall back on. Because there had been said to be adults in the Senate. But Riordan, like before, has decided that the duty should fall on hormonal teenagers that have dumb ideas (not referring to Jason and Reyna, but more like stereotyping) instead of the adults. The excuse that demigods older than late teens and early twenties doesn't exist in New Rome. And don't tell me that not one of those people would take the duty, because there is shown to be influence and political power associated with being Praetor.
Alongside this, lets go to PERCY. Riordan decided that the Romans would raise Percy as Praetor because they'd seen him fight and the fact that he kind of saved their asses. Cool, I could understand this reasoning if the Romans had more time to get to know him. Because Percy's great! but he still is a child of Neptune, who they don't trust, and they don't trust him, because he was there for only a few hours a few days ago.
There is no basis on which to raise him straight from probation to praetorian-ship.
But Percy saved them! So Riordan decided, against all common sense, that he should get a position of power somewhere he knows next to nothing about, because of plot reasons and drama. Why couldn't Percy have just been seen as a great help and on that the Romans would build their trust upon him? To start to value his opinion?
But the plot of HOO moves so fast is was no room to take a breath and let things unfold naturally. So Riordan gives political and military powers to characters willy-nilly because it will help the story along.
Again to JASON, the cabin design things is the same as Annabeth's, so there is nothing to really say again. Other then the fact that they parallel each other in this way, and not in the good way when talking about writing.
Riordan has no scale of what it means when he gives his characters power and authority where they hadn't achieved it. He gives them upgrades in authority as a way to pay them for their good behaviour and character development, or simply because he hadn't thought all the way through what their positions would entail, and their ramifications.
I hope that I made a great job at explaining what I wanted. If you didn't understand what I said at some point, please do reach out. I can talk about this for a while.
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sebstanseabass · 3 years
Afterglow (A Bucky Barnes AU fan fiction) - Chapter 15
WARNING: Mature scenes ahead!!! ;)
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A/N: Future u, i hope ur ok
Afterglow chapters
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
The moonlight glimmered among the stars in the now pitch-black skies, fighting off against the bright lights hanging from above the tent. Bucky's digression to topics regarding his real family (or lack thereof, I think) never wore off, clearly avoiding talking about, dare you say, "the real stuff." But the classic "favorites" section of a date was indeed a delight. You had already covered favorite films (his was The Truman Show, while yours was Forrest Gump; but you also talked about other films that you both shared a liking to — Pulp Fiction, Me, Myself & Irene, Dead Poets Society, The Godfather, the Harry Potter series, Inception, and of course, any films that star the legendary Tom Hanks), favorite music to listen to (you both loved vintage rock and roll), and so much more favorites and would you rather and what ifs and if you weres. But you mostly talked about films — an in-depth discourse on their themes, writing, and cinematography (things you never thought you'd be able to talk about with anyone).
"Have you ever thought about shooting films?" Bucky asked.
You were now lying down on the blanket-covered ground, bodies upside down-like: your forehead aligned with his chin, and his chin aligned with your forehead, as if characters from The Fault In Our Stars.
"I did." You replied. "But I wanted to focus more on photography."
You turned your head, your breath fanning the side of his face. "There's something about the stillness of moving things, of people around me, beautiful people that strikes me as fascinating."
He hummed, closing his eyes. He was saying something, about how art, in all kinds of medium, connected people from all walks of life, how the beauty of it all can be different to each, and how he wished he could make one of his own: to give life to a canvas, to freeze a moment in time, to put his thoughts in pen and paper, and to embody a character different from his. At some point, you could feel him peeling down all his layers but then he stopped talking.
You respected the silence between you and took your sweet time studying his face. The wrinkles on his forehead looked like ridges of sand, ridges people would like to walk on for days, ridges that held untold stories of — perhaps — heartache, failure, and pain. His closed eyelids looked like a sleeping moon, gleaming. Almost touching his cheeks were his long, curved eyelashes. Then, my eyes trailed down to his nose, dotted with freckles, his nostrils releasing small puffs of air; then down to his mouth, slightly agape, and then down to the stubbles on the sides of his face. There was a small scar, almost concealed by where his beard started to grow.
You turned your body sideways, tracing the scar with your finger.
Bucky's body tensed under your touch.
"What happened to this fella?" You whispered, tracing the small scar.
He soon let himself relax, opening his eyes. "Car accident." He replied. "But I don't remember much of it. I don't know where it happened, or how it happened or if I hit something or worse, someone. But Tony told me he took care of everything. I haven't been behind the wheel since then. I fear history will repeat itself."
Then, you remembered all the times you've been in a vehicle with Bucky. Not once was he driving. "How old were you?"
"Nineteen? Twenty? I really don't know." He sighed, closing his eyes once again. It was the first time Bucky told you something so real — a fear, something personal, something close to home. "Hey, y/n?"
"Yes, Bucky?"
"Can you kiss it and make it feel better?"
You giggled, poking the scar. "You've got to be kidding me."
He pouted, his eyes still closed. "Please?"
You sighed, feigning exasperation. "Fine." You planted a soft kiss on the scar, your lower lip catching the rough edges of his beard.
"I'm still not feeling better."
"Oh Bucky, you are such a child." You laughed, giving it another kiss, and then another, and then another and then another, until rough edges turned into the soft textures of his lips. With lips entangled in an unusual position, you brought myself onto your knees, and positioned yourself on top of him — knees on each side of his hips, crotch pressed against his, hands on his jaws, lips on his lips, tongue inside of his mouth.
His hands found your neck, then up your jaws, cupping your face and pulling it closer to his. He then started to rake the roots of your hair, tugging it lightly, making a moan escape your lips. You felt one corner of his mouth turn a bit upward at the sound. He tugged your hair tighter and harder until your lips left his with your head pulled backwards, leaving your bare neck exposed.
Without any hesitation, his mouth moved onto neck. Gratified by the series of moans coming out of your mouth, he sucked deeper into your skin, biting every inch of your neck, making sure to leave damn marks. On impulse, you moved your hips against his, grinding his clothed crotch. Bucky groaned against your skin, his hot breath fanning your neck. You could feel your own wetness in between your thighs as you moved your hips more, Bucky's bulge growing under you getting bigger and bigger. The sensation left you breathless.
And you needed more.
You broke away from his grasp, returning the favor. You kissed him on the lips and moved your way towards his earlobes in which Bucky very much liked; so much that he thrusted his hips upwards, slamming loud onto yours.
"Oh, fuck." You moaned, moving your way towards his neck.
Bucky's hands immediately flew under your shirt. His cold hands making contact with your skin, sending you shivers.
"Wait." He said, pulling away from you. "Is this okay? Are you okay with this?"
You giggled and nodded, kissing him on the mouth to give him permission.
He cut the kiss short. "I'm sorry, but we live in a litigious society so I'm gonna need a verbal reply from you, especially that you're years younger than me."
You chuckled. "Yes, Mr. Barnes. You have my full consent."
He smirked. "Keep calling me that and I'll give you my full consent."
"Shut up already, Mr. Barnes."
He lifted the hem of your shirt and pulled it over your head, revealing a cotton white bra.
You bit your lip. "If you'd told me about the date, I would've worn a much better one."
"I don't mind." He breathed, sitting up. "I like white on you." He traced the lining of the bra with his finger, together with his eyes. He licked his lower lip before planting a kiss between your breasts. "So pure. Innocent."
"Innocent is not the word to describe me." You smirked. "Remember what I told you before?"
"Hmm, I seem to have forgotten." He teased. "What was it again?"
"I'm a devil on the sheets, Bucky."
"Then show it to me, doll." He purred.
As soon as those words left his mouth, all the worries and fear you talked about with Nat all washed away. And like always, she was again, right.
It was exactly like riding a bicycle.
And you were ready to be in control, in control of a man your senior, and to unleash something inside you you've never seen in quite a while.
You grabbed Bucky's face and kissed him on the mouth while pulling his shirt over his head. Every inch of his naked sculpted upper body glistened under the lights, like dewy grass under the sun.
You kissed his collarbones, shoulders, and chest. Before you could even move on to his tummy, a strong force came, flipping your body, your back hitting the blanket-covered ground.
"But not before I show it to you first." He growled, reaching something from above. He closed the front of the tent, pulling something from above. Within a second, the lights above went dim. The only light you now had was the moonlight.
You liked it this way. Darkness made you feel safe — but it was the kind of darkness with a sliver of light and Bucky was it. The inside of the tent grew hotter, making your body sweat, or perhaps it was just the sexual heat between you and Bucky as Bucky removed your pants, as well as his, leaving you in just your undergarments.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, pressing up against him, making him feel that you were already dripping for him, that you wanted him.
He moaned inside your mouth as you grinded against each other. His teeth pulled your bra down. With your bare chest exposed, you usually had the instinct to cover them up because they were small for people's taste but you didn't do that with Bucky. He admired them with his eyes, and admired them more with his lips wrapped around your nipples, pulling each of them softly. He then left fluttered kisses on your breasts before moving down to your belly, kissing every curve, every wave fold there ever was, and every stretch mark he came across upon.
His mouth stopped right on the folds of your lower belly, his fingers making their way on your wet cotton panties. His lips went back to yours while his fingers were circling all around you, clothed, making you wetter each second. Then, he slipped your panties aside, taking no time at all in inserting a finger inside.
A moan escaped your lips, opening your mouth more, giving access to Bucky's tongue. With another finger slipping inside, you bit Bucky's lower lip, pulled it away from him. He watched you gasp for air, listened to each moan, and felt you deep inside as he continued to thrust his fingers in you.
"You're quite tight, doll." He said. "I'm going for another to ease you up, okay?"
You nodded then whimpered as soon as a third finger made its way inside. Because you were, in his own words, quite tight, Bucky had a bit of a difficult time moving inside. He pulled away after a few moments, giving you time to catch your breath. He folded your knees, and held your legs in place using his veiny hands. He left a trail of soft kisses on your inner thighs, his teeth grazing on your skin every once in a while. You watched him inched forward, nearing your core. You watched him take delight in each mark he imprinted.
He hooked his thumbs on your panties and slowly slid them down your legs. On his knees, he ravished your body with his eyes, then your face. He leaned down, kissing you
"Beautiful." He mumbled in the kiss.
He soon devoured your pussy, his tongue moving up and down your folds, his upper lip nibbling your clit. You closed your yes, threw your head back and raked his hair with your fingers, guiding his mouth deeper. With his mouth still exploring every bit of you, he inserted two fingers inside. You whimpered at the sensation of both his tongue flicking your clit, and his fingers fucking you.
You moaned louder, arching your back, rolling your eyes at the back of your head. You badly wanted to see him, to watch him greedily eat you but his mouth and fingers felt so good that you couldn't even keep your eyes open. The more you tried to, the faster his mouth and fingers moved. It made your legs tremble under his touch, your thighs pressing closer and closer to his ears, which he didn't like as he kept spreading your legs wider with his other hand.
"Bu-Bucky, please." You gasped. "I'm gonna cum."
"No. Not yet."
With that, he released his mouth and fingers, leaving you suspended in ecstasy. You opened your eyes, seeing Bucky on top of you, his face studying you. Then, he brought his fingers — the same ones that were just inside you — to his mouth, licking them. Now, you really did wish you could've kept your eyes open the whole time.
"You taste good, doll." He said, giving you his fingers.
You opened your mouth and reached for his fingers, sliding up and down, the taste of you sitting on your tongue. You could feel Bucky weaken above you as you continued to suck his fingers. Your right hand moved to his boxers, stroking his clothed hard-on. His eyelids quivered for a moment, losing touch of his dominance. You kissed his fingers one last time and flipped him over, not wasting any damn time taking his boxers off.
He sprung up in front of you. He was big (the biggest you've encountered), and was throbbing under your touch. He was hot, and a little bit wet. You looked at him while you pumped him slowly, then kissed him, returning the pleasure. A breath escaped his mouth as your pace went faster, and faster. His body became weaker under you, his lips agape, surrendering to submission, to your dominance.
Bucky felt so fragile underneath you, not being able to regain the control he once had. He wanted this. He wanted you to show him how much of a devil you were.
You pulled away from his mouth and moved lower on his body, his large, throbbing dick between your eyes. You kissed the top, making his legs quiver. You soon took him in — all of him, which made Bucky grab your head, pull your hair, and guide you all the way. You looked at him as you worked him all the way up, then down, then up and down: his mouth was kept open, a series of moans coming out, and at the same time, gasping for air; instead of eyes closed, his eyes were wide open, looking at the unlit lights above him.
Usually, giving head to people wasn't at all satisfying to you. What would it give you, anyway? It was either forced, or just because they told you to suck them. But with Bucky, you didn't even hesitate on doing so. It wasn't an itch you were trying to scratch away. It was on impulse, an instinct, a desire you wanted. And seeing Bucky in this state gave you so much pleasure.
So much.
Bucky let out the loudest moan, sitting up straight, his chest heaving, trying to catch his breath.
"I need you." He rasped. "Now."
You nodded, satisfied with what you received on his end. You straddled him, grinded on his bare dick, and glazed it with your wetness. He groaned, guiding your hips with his one hand, the other on the ground, keeping himself straight up.
"Don't worry. I'm on the pill." you whispered.
"I thought it's been over a year since you — "
"It's for acne, dumbass." You chuckled. "You can cum inside me if you want. You have my full consent."
You held onto his broad shoulders as you lowered myself onto him and within a second, you felt his tip inside.
You bit your lip as you inched yourself lower. With his whole inside you, you leaned your forehead on his shoulder, and let out a small whimper.
"Are you okay?" He whispered in your ear. You nodded and placed a kiss on his neck, reassuring him.
You moved your body up and down, biting your lip to keep small cries from coming out, but soon enough, you were taking in pleasure within pain until all there was was pleasure.
Sweet, sweet pleasure.
You bounced on top of him faster, — god, he felt so big and so good in you — skin slapping on skin, echoing against the thin sheets, with his lips on yours, then on your neck, then on your breasts; his hands on your jaw, on your neck, your breasts (sometimes, together with his lips), on the small of your back, on your hips, then on your ass.
"Oh god, you feel so fucking good." Bucky said, kissing your skin as you kept on bouncing on top of him. "But it's my turn, babydoll."
You moaned at the nickname, making your body frail to move and then the next thing you knew, you were flipped over, with Bucky on his knees, thrusting faster, then deeper as he inched forward, your chests pressed together. Your fingers clawed on his back, his hot breath on your neck, your breath on his ear where he could hear you moaning his name.
"That's right." He whispered, kissing your neck. "Say my name."
You wrapped your legs around his waist (a kind of intimacy you had never done before), and with it, pulled him closer, deeper, giving you an astounding pleasure, making your whole body tremble under him, getting you higher and higher on staggering ecstasy, and sending you over your edge.
You cried out his name one last time, feeling your white juices come on his dick, mixed with his inside you.
"My god," he whispered, "I think I could never get enough of you."
"You just read my mind, Mr. Barnes."
"Hey, I feel a whole lot better now." He winked.
You chuckled.
You caught each others' breaths, kissing one last time before he removed himself from you, and laid down beside you where he wrapped his arms and legs around you, your head on his chest. You weren't the one to cuddle but at that moment, your body, frail and vulnerable, gave in. You didn't want to fight it, anyway. You were both surrounded with each others' pool of sweat but it didn't matter.
You were bathing in bliss.
In this bliss he had given you.
"You're not gonna kick me out the next morning, are you?" You asked, half-joking, scared that you'd be in the same position as that of the woman from before.
"No, doll." He replied, "you have my word," then kissed your forehead.
Bucky pulled you closer, his chin on top of your head. You listened to his heartbeat slow down every five seconds, giving you a rhythm you soon fell asleep to.
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maivalkov · 3 years
I have seen not long ago a post about "spain's dark side" so...your opinion about that? (I kinda have a feeling of knowing why himaruya came up with that and, if I am right, I am not sure if I like it. It's not that I don't like the dark side thing, but if the reason is what I think, then I don't fancy it)
Great question! Please excuse the length of this response in advance, and if I go off on any tangents. To directly answer your question: I have a horrible feeling that Dark Spain is inspired by the Spanish Black Legend/La leyenda negra, and I don't like that at all. You've really hit on an important topic here, so I'm going to extend this discussion. I call this upcoming piece: Why I don't like Dark Spain and why we, as fans and creators, need to be mindful of how we enjoy our beloved series.
Side note before we begin: I'm going to be talking from a writer's perspective, since this is what I mostly do. My opinion is just that, nothing more. Some will agree with me, others won't, and that's okay. If you're happy with the terms, let's crack on.
Part 1: "Dark" characters I'm not against 2P or "dark" versions of a character if it's required for a particular setting. Let me show you what I mean, using some fic plots I just pulled from my head: Example one: You've got this gritty, fantasy gangster city plot. You use a real city as your location, but the characters are human. Antonio's the leader of a huge criminal organisation and therefore he will do incredibly bad things. It's trigger warnings ahoy. Is this portrayal okay? Sure. (read on before you hit that reply button) Example two: You're writing a horror fic. Antonio's a sexy merman who's more likely to decorate his cave with your entrails, than serenade you on a beach. Is this plot fine? Absolutely. It's dark af, but you're writing sexy merman horror. It kinda’ comes with the territory. Did you see how I wrote "fantasy" and "human" in bold? And did you see that I used Antonio, not Spain? There's a reason. I personally believe in this: When your story uses Hetalia characters in their human form (i.e: Antonio is just Antonio, he does not represent Spain), there's much more freedom and flexibility. I've read many excellent works with darker themes who use real locations alongside human versions of the characters, and do so brilliantly. They're wonderful stories, and they don't cause harm. They're fiction. Fantasy. Fiction. Did I mention fiction? On the flip side: When we are writing the characters as country personifications, who represent the people and the history, we must take proper precaution. The same applies to writing about historical events. (To be continued down below.)
Part 2: Dark Spain
As someone who's been in fandom 10+ years now, my problem with Dark Spain is this: a number of creators back in the old days seemed to agree with my Black Legend theory/concerns, and yet they willingly made content for it. Not everybody did this, but I certainly saw some who thought "wow dark crazy Spain because Inquisition", applied it to certain ships because "ohh angst leads to romance, what a plot" and that is wrong on so many levels. If you know the Spanish Black Legend, then you know how bad this is. It's an incredibly difficult topic because it is, in the simplest sense, massive propaganda designed to seriously damage a country's image. I welcome Spanish input on this, but personally I think using this as some edgy portrayal of Antonio in your fics is insulting. Don't bloody well do it.
(Please note that the fandom is MUCH better now, but it doesn't change the fact it has, and could still happen. I used past tense for a reason, as I do think things are improving.)
Russia is another character which suffers this treatment, and I do think we have a responsibility to be considerate. Many countries have done awful things, mine (the UK) included, and yet our characters have escaped receiving this Dark persona. It's not fair, it really isn't. It's a poor judgment call on Himaruya's behalf if my theory is true. If I'm wrong, then this argument is void. Either way I feel like Himaruya should've specified how and why Dark Spain came about. Part 3: Historical writing
Here's where it gets interesting. I'm not saying "don't write historical hetalia fanfiction", and I never will say it because historical fiction exists. You can go in your local bookshop and boom, people are making real money off it.
I'm not one of those lucky sorts, but I am contributing to that genre myself. Despite lots of magic, fantasy and general artistic license, my story Gatito can be considered historicaI.
It's set in England, 1569. Spain and the Netherlands are two of the main characters, and yes, their conflict is referenced. It coincides with the timeline, and all the while I write them as personifications, I can't pretend that tension between them doesn't exist. If I did, that'd probably be even more insulting to their history, and no doubt confusing for the reader.
The main plot is a daft mash of Arthur misusing his magic, a vile fictional man from Antonio's court who wants his head, and poor Netherlands and Portugal get wrapped up in the drama along the way.
The Dutch conflict is featured, but not the plot. The event is occurring right in the middle of a fictional disaster which Antonio is trying to overcome. It's acknowledged, but it's on the side, to put it simply.
I use human names (Antonio and Abel) and explore that situation from an emotional, human perspective. I do not claim that Abel is a victim, and no one thinks he is either. Personal HC time here: I don't think any of the characters look back at their history and think "wow, poor me". Everyone's made mistakes, and they've all played a role in hurting someone else. My history teacher once told me this: The more you look, the more you see. There's many sides to a story, and even to this day, I doubt historians have truly, faithfully documented events so that it's fair on every nation involved. That's why we need to try and learn history from multiple perspectives, and why when writing hetalia characters during a historical event, we should show the reader as many viewpoints as possible. If you don't, then... well. I frown at you. More on this in part 4.
Part 4: Conclusion/advice
I won't pretend to be a saintly figure in the fandom, and this rant is a bit of a mess, but I hope you get what I'm on about. Thank you if you're still reading.
I'm going to finish with a bit of advice that has helped me have a positive time, and allowed me to create works for a series I really love:
1- If your story is historical, and you purposely want to paint a country in a bad light, think before you do. Don't slander another country for the sake of your comfort character or ship. If your story is set during a battle then yes, they can moan about the opposition, but don’t go hardcore. You know what I mean.
2- Research, research, research.
3- You want to write a particular character. Their human name is unconfirmed, or you don't know a part of their history, but you want to write about it. What should you do? Talk. I had this very dilemma regarding Portugal's surnames, and I just asked Portuguese mutuals on Tumblr for help. I received numerous valid responses in under an hour, and I felt better for it. 10/10 highly recommend.
4- If you've gotta' write Dark Spain: Keep. It. Fictional. If you don't believe my theory behind it, cool, crack on. But if you agree with me, then yeah, I've said it enough. Respect the country.
5- DO explore history. It's fascinating.
6- If you write historical hetalia and you feel that something might be misunderstood: PLEASE USE DISCLAIMERS, END NOTES ETC. I write number 6 from experience. There is a scene in Gatito where a significantly stressed Antonio attempts to summarise the Dutch conflict. He's being blamed for countless fictional issues, and rather than think things through, he blames himself for Abel's pain as well. He does it on a purely emotional basis. Have you ever had that really bad day, and things keep getting worse? Someone comes along and says "you did x y z and I'm mad", and rather than argue your side, you accept it?
That's Antonio in that scene. I know it is, because that's how I intended it to be read. His answer is flawed, to say the least, but in his human heart, he can't help it. I used the end notes as a warning/apology/explanation for this scene. I don't want it to be misinterpreted, and I don't want to disrespect Spanish history.
7- If someone does comment/ask about a sensitive, historical part of your work: don't rant. And don't get offended. I believe we all need to talk more. Have conversations about HCs, how we would write/imagine different scenes, and use it to improve your work.
8- Have fun, and be sensible. Thank you again for reading, I hope this helps to some extent. I know I've thrown my opinion out here, but if you strongly disagree with me, don't @. Move on, embrace what you believe, and everyone's a winner. (This really should've been number 9 on the list haha.)
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dejayoonw · 4 years
hold tight , jjk 
part 13 | in deep
pairing: jungkook x reader ft jimin
word count: 3.9k
warnings: threesome, dirty talk, praise, teasing, pet names, degradation, oral(m & f receiving), male on male action, deep throating, face fucking, fingering, double penetration, unprotected sex, rough sex, ass play, anal.
a/n: this is part 13 of my jungkook social media au, hold tight. i do recommend reading the series to understand this written part, but did try to make it easily understandable even if you haven’t read the series.
taglist: @silentlyimpractical @lovelymultiwrites @itboykook @kimnjss @hannahdinse8 @ashleyjoyx
Waking up next to Jungkook had become a regular occurrence for you since the two of you started your arrangement. It made the most sense, spending the night together then parting the next morning since you often met up late at night. Plus, you hated to make him drive home so late and he didn’t like you taking ubers alone. Neither of you thought anything of it, it didn’t mean anything, really. Though you definitely caught shit from your friends for it. 
“Oh you decided to come home before noon this time?” Taehyung teased when you tried to quietly sneak into the house. When you’d seen Hoseok’s car parked outside you knew if they saw you you’d never hear the end of it. 
“Aw leave her alone Taehyungie, she’s young and in love. I think it’s cute.” You groaned at your older friends teasing and sat down in between the two boys on the couch leaning your head against Tae’s shoulder.
“We’re not in love.” You whined adding a pout for good measure. Usually this method worked on the majority of your friends, but not Taehyung. 
“Then would you mind telling him to stop staring at you like you’re the most perfect little angel baby he’s ever seen anytime you so much as sneeze.” Your best friend groaned. You couldn’t help but bite back a laugh at his complaint. You knew he hated the flirty stuff, it had always been cringy to him especially if it was you. He saw you as a sister and no one wants to see their sister flirt. 
“I can't help it if I am the most perfect little angel baby he’s ever seen, Taehyungie.” You said pinching his cheeks making him roll his eyes at your antics. He wasn’t really mad, in all honesty he liked Jungkook. You’d been single for a long time now and he knew you were scared to date again. Seeing you happy after feeling so defeated was really nice. ”Anyways, I’m home early for a reason, I need to get ready for a scene we’re shooting today.” 
“Oh doing another one with Jungkook?” Hoseok asked you. You smiled to yourself, it always made you feel good when any of your non cammer friends asked you about your work. It made you feel more comfortable about your job.
“Yep, and Jimin.” You were honestly nervous for the scene today, though you weren’t sure why. You were comfortable with both guys and you trusted them, so why did your stomach do flips every time you thought about it? 
“Oh fun, I guess that’s why you wanted to hang out today.” Hoseok said regarding Taehyung who was visibly uncomfortable with the current topic. 
“I knew she was filming today, I didn’t know what though. Kinda wish I still didn’t.” You had made it a point to always check with Taehyung first before scheduling a shoot at your shared home. You respected him & never wanted to make him feel weird in his own home. You’d both talked when you started this job and he made it clear that while he was a bit uncomfortable hearing details he still supported you and wanted you to do whatever makes you happy. 
Once the boys left you started getting yourself ready. You’d already planned out your outfit, so after a nice long shower you put on your soft pink lacy set from La Perla, courtesy of Somin, and a silk pink robe. 
Just as you were finishing your hair you heard the obnoxious banging on your door that could only mean Jimin had arrived. 
“Damn babe, look at you gettin’ all fancy for me and your boy toy.” Jimin said taking your hand and spinning you around.
“Oh please, this is all for my viewers.” You teased earning a smack on the butt as you tried to run away. 
“You two better not have started without me.” Jungkook called from the open doorway that you and Jimin had abandoned. His appearance nearly took your breath away, your stomach doing that flipping thing like from before. He had his ink covered arms on display in a plain white tee with some ripped blue jeans. Such a simple outfit but Jungkook made it look so, so good. 
“You didn’t drool over me like that when I came in.” Jimin pouted. His mood wasn’t down for long though, noticing the bags Jungkook was carrying. “Hey, what’s that?” 
“Oh, well I know Yn likes to eat after filming but I also know she never has food, so I picked some up for all of us.” Jungkook explained. You couldn’t help but smile at how thoughtful he could be. Especially since the two of you were just friends, how would he be if you actually dated? Wait, you didn’t really just think that did you? 
“Damn, you want another fuck buddy? ‘Cause if that’s the treatment you’re giving out count me in.” Jimin teased, snapping you out of your thoughts. 
“Go call Taemin if you want a fuck buddy, this one’s mine.” You said pulling Jungkook into the kitchen, feeling a sense of possessiveness wash over you.
“Yours huh?” Jungkook mumbled, smiling down at you teasingly. You rolled your eyes and lightly shoved him away feeling your face heat up. Jungkook’s hands gripped your hips, pinning you back against the counter before kissing you, already missing your lips even though you’d just seen him a few hours earlier.
“This is adorable, truly, but shouldn’t we get started on filming so we can get them both done today?” Jimin said from the kitchen doorway. The smirk on his face told you he just wanted an excuse to tease you. 
“Jimin, you know I can film my video without you right?” You threatened, keeping an innocent smile on your face. Jungkook chuckled beside you before throwing his arm around your shoulder. 
“Easy tigress, lets not kick Jimin out just yet.” He said, pulling you along with him towards your bedroom. 
“Hurry up and get the camera ready Jungkookie or else Jimin and I might just start without you.” You teased not knowing he had just hit record on his camera. He looked over at you with a playful glint in his eyes as if to tell you you’d just messed up. 
“If you don’t watch yourself little girl I can think of more than enough ways to torture you, as I’m sure Jimin here can. You glanced over your shoulder where Jimin had made himself at home on your bed, only to find him nodding along with Jungkook. “Think you can behave so we can all get what we want tonight?” 
You nodded, keeping your eyes locked on your fidgeting hands, not able to keep Jungkook’s intimidating gaze for more than a few seconds. You felt the bed dip in front of you and before you could react Jungkook's grip was on your throat, forcing your chin up with his thumb.
“I didn’t hear you baby girl?” He said, you should know by now Jungkook never lets you get away with a simple nod, he always wants to hear you. 
“Y-yes, I can be good.” Jungkook hums at your response, letting your throat go. You fall back slightly only to land against Jimin’s chest, you feel him chuckle before he wraps his arms around your waist, letting his hands wander inside your robe. Once his hands reach your breasts your back arches against him, letting out a soft sigh at his touch. 
Before you could get too into his ministrations Jimin unties your robe, letting it fall down between the two of you. He pulls your legs apart, giving the camera and Jungkook a perfect view of your clothed pussy. Jungkook locks eyes with Jimin, wondering if he's getting at what Jungkook hopes he’s getting at.
“Go ahead Kook, taste her, then remind me how she tastes, it’s been so long.” Jimin tells the younger man. Jungkook wastes no time, diving in to lick a stripe up your lacy panties pulling a whine from you. You softly beg him for more and he’s happy to oblige, pulling down the pretty panties to reveal an even prettier sight. Jimin spreads your legs further to give a better view. Jungkook let out a grunt before getting to it, latching onto your clit right away. Your high pitched whines were filling the room as Jungkook ate you out like it was his last meal. Squirming against Jimin you quickly felt yourself getting close to the edge. 
“How is she, Jungkook?” Jimin questioned, his breath on your neck making you shudder. Jimin’s fingers dug into your thighs to hold you still while Jungkook dipped down to lap up some of the wetness you’d spilled. You let out a frustrated huff when Jungkook stopped. 
“Don’t be greedy, little girl. You heard Jimin, he wants a taste too.” Jungkook hummed, shooting you a devilish grin before shoving his tongue into Jimin’s mouth. You heard Jimin moan into Jungkook's mouth and felt his already hard cock get harder against your back. The sight of them making out so close to you, their tongues fighting each other for dominance, it was almost enough to send you over the edge. 
As if he could hear your thoughts Jungkook pushed two of his fingers into you, making you moan loudly. With Jimin’s fingertips pressing into your thighs, surely to leave little bruises, and Jungkook's fingers pumping in and out of you, you couldn’t hold out anymore. You came all over Jungkook's fingers, your walls pulsing while he let you ride out your high.  Pulling away from Jimin, Jungkook grinned, placing a kiss on your shoulder. 
“I think our little slut liked seeing us kiss.” Jimin commented, biting down on your other shoulder before running his tongue over the marks he’d left. Clearing his throat, Jimin pushed Jungkook back to rest against your foot board. “I bet she’d like even more to choke on your cock.”
It was then you noticed just how hard Jungkook was. Guilt flooded over you as you realized how neglectful you’d been to the both of them, just letting them please you while you sat there like a limp noodle. You rushed to make it up to them, fumbling with Jungkook’s pants to get them off before pushing your ass up for Jimin to fuck you. Jimin chuckled at your eagerness but to your surprise he tapped you on the butt telling you to sit back down before he joined you at your side. 
“We’ll get to me in due time, baby. For now, I’m going to help you get our friend here off.” Jimin said, his smooth voice turning you on almost as much as his idea. “How about you help Jungkook finish getting out of his pants, you know better than to halfway do a job don't you baby?”
“Yes sir.” You breathed, quickly pulling Jungkook’s jeans down the rest of the way. You looked up at Jungkook, really looking at him for the first time since you had gotten started. His eyes were already on you, hooded and tired looking but you knew he was far from sleepy. Reaching out to you, Jungkook caresses your cheek softly, pushing your hair back behind your ear. You loved how soft Jungkook could be amidst all the demanding and dominating behavior. He knew you loved being handled like a slut but praised like a princess. To help you out, Jungkook pulled his member from his boxers before nodding at you to start. 
You made sure to get the okay from Jimin before diving in to take Jungkook in your mouth. It had only been some hours ago you had his cock down your throat, something about him wanting to treat you to breakfast in bed. Regardless of the short amount of time since you’d last tasted him, you couldn’t help but feel like you’d been starved up until this point. 
Jimin’s hand tangled in your hair, lightly guiding you up and down Jungkook’s cock. He gave you just a few seconds to adjust to Jungkook’s size before he was forcing you further down until your nose had started to touch Jungkook’s pelvis. Holding you there for a moment until you let out a gag, Jimin pulled you off of Jungkook by your hair. He smiled at you, wiping the drool off your chin before silently asking you if he could take over. You knew he and Jungkook had discussed what they were okay with as had you and Jimin. You’d already told Jimin that as long as Jungkook was okay with it he could do anything he wanted to do with your fuck buddy. 
Watching Jimin suck cock was always a sight to see, it wasn’t the first time the two of you had tag teamed someone, usually it was Taemin but still. This was a new one for you and Jungkook but you could tell he was thoroughly enjoying himself. You couldn’t keep your eyes off his face, his mouth hung open, eyes shut tight as his grip on Jimin’s hair tightened every time Jimin did something he liked. Is this how he looked when you sucked his cock? 
“Aw, look at the little slut, getting so turned on watching you get your dick sucked. Greedy little thing cant stop rubbing her thighs together. You’re the only one here who’s gotten to come and here you are, looking so desperate to come again. Get over here and finish Jungkook off like a good girl.” Jimin commanded, grabbing you roughly and forcing you to take Jungkook’s cock to the hilt. Jungkook already knew this was how Jimin was with you when filming. He also knew you must like it from the way you were whining at every word, practically begging him with your eyes to keep going. Still Jungkook couldn’t help but want to give you what you really wanted. 
“Isn’t she doing such a good job, Kook? So eager to gag on your cock like the little slut she is.” You could tell Jungkook was getting close from the way his fists were tightening and releasing your sheets, which only fueled you more. You started to bob your head faster, staying as far down as you could for as long as you could, swallowing around his cock. You were getting ready for him to release down your throat when Jungkook pulled your head back off of him. 
You weren’t confused for long when Jungkook shoved you back onto the bed, hovering over you. You nearly moaned when you felt the weight of his cock against your inner thighs. Jungkook swallows your whimpers in a kiss, his tongue colliding with your own. You could still taste yourself on his lips which only lit the flame in your belly more. Reaching out to search for Jimin you felt Jungkook chuckle into your mouth before pulling away. 
“Always looking to please, huh?” Jungkook smiled down at you, rubbing some of the tears and drool off your face from moments ago. “Jimin, I think our little girl wants you.” 
“Both of you.” You whined, giving Jungkook your best pleading eyes, you knew they worked best on him. 
“You think you can handle both of us?” Jungkook questioned, he knew you could. His girl could handle it, but he wanted to make sure you weren’t feeling nervous like you had been before. 
“I can handle it daddy, want to feel both of you.” You said, grabbing at his shirt to pull him back to you. Jungkook ran a finger through your hair, silently asking if you were sure before giving you a soft kiss when you nodded at him. Jimin had to bite back a smile realizing just how much you and Jungkook really cared for each other. He wondered when or if either of you would realize it. 
“Jimin,” Your soft whines brought the older man back to reality. “please come back.”
“I’m coming angel, I was just getting this.” He told you, standing next to the bed now undressed and waving the bottle of lube you’d set out. “Kook why don't you take off that shirt and lay back and let our baby girl ride you?”
Jungkook definitely wasn’t going to say no to that. Once he’d gotten comfortable on the bed Jimin helped you, grabbing your waist and setting you down onto Jungkook's dick. The unexpected stretch burning so good making both you and Jungkook let out moans. Jimin held you up slightly so Jungkook could pound into you from below making your legs want to give out completely. 
“How does she feel Kook?” Jimin asked, reaching down to rub at your clit. 
“Like heaven, so fucking tight and warm.” Jungkook told him, his thrusts never letting up. You could already feel yourself getting close again. Jungkook reached up to grab your tits, while Jimin kept up with Jungkook’s pace on your clit. All of it was too much, you couldn’t hold out anymore. You nearly screamed out feeling that coil snap, your eyes shut tight. Jungkook himself cursed at how tight you’d gotten. He rode out your second orgasm until you finally collapsed on top of him. Both boys silently agreed to give you a moment after that one, knowing how intense it had been. 
“You okay pretty girl?” Jungkook mumbled in your ear, his large hands rubbing up and down your back soothingly while Jimin prepped himself for the next part. 
“Hmm, I’m okay.” You hummed, nuzzling into Jungkook's chest. Jungkook chuckled lightly at you, thinking you were the cutest in this state. 
“You okay to continue angel?” Jimin asked, rubbing his hands over your ass. 
“I’m ready, sir.” You nodded, arching your back slightly to give him a better view. The view couldn’t get any better, your pretty ass on display for him, Jungkook’s cock still sheathed inside you. Not wanting to waste another second, Jimin uncaps the lube in his hand, dripping some over his fingers before spreading your ass apart with his free hand, adding some over your tight muscle. Jungkook’s chest is used to muffle your whines when you feel Jimin’s finger circling your entrance. 
“Feels good, angel?” Jimin practically sings, teasing you about how much he knows you enjoy this. You answer him by pushing your ass towards him, practically chasing his finger. Jimin chuckles before giving in, normally he’d tease you, but his throbbing untouched cock was pleading with him to get on with it almost as much as you were. The feeling of Jimin’s finger entering you pulls a whine from your throat. It burned, but still somehow felt so, so good. Jungkook soothingly whispered praises into your ear, and that’s when you remembered he was still inside you, probably dying to cum with your tight walls around him. 
Just as you moved to kiss the poor boy below you, Jimin added another finger, making you practically scream into Jungkook’s mouth. Between that and the fact that every time Jimin did anything new you’d clench around him, Jungkook was getting so close to cumming. He willed himself to wait, knowing it would be worth it. 
Jimin’s fingers worked to get you ready for him, scissoring in and out of you to stretch you open for his needy cock. Quickly all the burning pain turns into pure pleasure and you’re whining for more. 
“Look at the pretty little slut, practically begging to be fucked.” Jimin taunts, curling his fingers inside you making you moan into Jungkook’s chest. “You think you’re ready, angel? Want me to fill up your needy little hole?” 
“Please.” You cry, clenching around both Jimin’s fingers and Jungkook’s cock at the thought.
Jimin covers his cock in lube, adding some more to your waiting hole for good measure before lining himself up to your entrance. Inching in slowly so as not to hurt you, Jimin makes sure you have time to adjust before pushing himself in to the hilt, moaning at how tight you were around him. The feeling was all too much, with Jungkook’s cock twitching inside you and Jimin’s filling up your other hole you were falling apart between the two. 
In all the times you’d done this with Jimin, and there were many, he’d never seen you react like this. Shaking beneath him you were crying into Jungkook's chest from how hard your orgasm had hit you. All he could do was watch in awe as Jungkook soothed you, trying to calm you down. “If it’s too much we can stop, Yn.”
With your tear stained cheeks you sniffled, looking back over your shoulder at Jimin. “No, I’ll be fine, please, please use me. Want both of you to fuck me.” 
How could either of them say no to that? Jimin nodded at you, moving slowly before you dropped your head back down, begging him to go faster. Jungkook remained still beneath you, not wanting to overwhelm you. “Please Daddy, please fuck me, want to feel your come inside me.” 
“Fuck..” Jungkook bit down on his bottom lip looking down at your wide eyes, pretty and innocent looking. How you could look so cute in a moment like this Jungkook would never know. “Okay pretty girl, if you’re sure you can handle it.”
You knew it wasn’t meant to be challenging, but it made the need to please him that much stronger. Biting down on his collarbone you pulled one of your hands between the two of you to play with Jungkook's nipples, knowing how sensitive they were. That was just what he needed to be pushed over the edge. His grunts and moans along with the feeling of both Jimin and Jungkook pounding into you had you hitting your fourth orgasm of the evening. This one hitting you so hard that your vision blurs and your ears are ringing.
Jimin wasn’t far behind, his fingers digging into the flesh of your ass as he releases his load. Reaching over to grab the camera off its stand, Jimin points it where you and him are connected, getting the perfect shot of his cock pulling out of you, his come trickling down to where Jungkook is still inside of you. “Come on pretty girl, lets see that pretty pussy full of Daddy’s come.” 
You lift your hips up, Jungkook’s softening cock falling out while Jimin films your come filled hole. You let it all drip out, unfortunately onto Jungkook’s stomach just before Jimin ends the video. You mumble an apology to Jungkook who clearly does not mind, before collapsing onto the bed next to him. Jimin disappears to your bathroom to get the two of you a washcloth and also to give you a moment alone with Jungkook. 
The younger man pulls you close to his side, brushing back your hair that had stuck to your forehead before giving you soft kisses all over your face. He’s humming words of praise to you telling you you’re such a good girl, did so well when you feel yourself start to drift off. You don’t remember falling asleep, or Jimin coming back in and giving Jungkook a cloth to clean you off. You also don’t remember Jungkook putting a shirt and panties on you and helping you get comfortable underneath the covers. You don’t remember him turning the lights out and going into the kitchen where Jimin had gone to get you water. 
All you remember is waking up in the middle of the night to a glass on your table with a note from Jungkook telling you he was in the living room only to get up to find him asleep with the tv illuminating his features in the dark room. You remember waking him up and telling him to come lay down with you, only for him to pull you down with him on the couch, holding you close and falling back asleep. You remember thinking he looked cute when he slept, and was his nose always this pretty? All before you fell asleep realizing just how in deep you were and hoping you could at least hide it for a bit longer.
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crimson-snowfall · 5 years
Ikemen Vampire: Language of Flowers - Isaac
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Flower: Crimson Polyanthus
Meaning/Symbolism: The heart’s mystery
Word Count: 1576 (mildly NSFW)
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In the world of Isaac Newton, if something cannot be explained by logic, then perhaps it best to steer clear of it. The universe holds a never-ending amount of secrets that’s just waiting to be unraveled, and through mankind’s conglomeration of knowledge, Isaac believes that in due time, humanity will arrive on a logical explanation to even the most perplexing things on the contemporary.
Thus, Isaac has made it his purpose in life to discover and understand as many as possible of the universe’s unknowns, and consequently, he would rather not dwell on things where logic seems to be rather inapplicable or inconsistent most of the time… such as human interactions and emotions.
However, when all is said and done, no matter how Isaac may try to close off himself from his others and his emotions, the saying that “no man is an island” remains applicable to him, and no amount of suppression can ever deny that the emotion called “love” are among the many emotions that exist within him.
Delving deeper onto the topic of love… just like all other emotions, Isaac used to think of it as a product of biochemical reactions, and trying to go further than that just makes everything complicated. He specializes in physics for a good reason, so he thought the topic of love and other emotions are best left at the hands of experts who are actually interested. Frankly speaking, Isaac just can’t imagine himself being ever involved with another being so much to the point that the he’ll ever be interested with the mystery of love and other emotions.
And for the entirety of his human life and a good few years of his life as a vampire, that had been the case– until you came along.
Now everything is a mess, and destiny is having Isaac experience first hand this emotion that baffles him so much, which he considers the most illogical and subjective emotion there is. It’s not one of those things where he can just go like, “maybe if I ignore it, it will eventually go away.”
No. Just no. And it drives him nuts.
Isaac realized that until he has this emotion called “love” figured out at least, then he can’t go on normally with his academic pursuits, because nowadays can’t think of anything else but you, you, you. Your smile, the sound of your laughter, and even the scent of your hair haunts him even in his dreams. He was also dead wrong in thinking that perhaps confessing his love and entering an established relationship with you would wash away a little the sense of novelty that has him so excitable over every single thing you do, because if anything, things just took a turn for the worse and you always leave him acting like a love-struck, hormonal teenager.
You found Isaac sulking on the library, obviously frustrated over the complicated set of theorems he’s been working on for months now. He may not have realized it himself, but your lover has been eating a little less lately, so you brought him something to snack on.
“Isaac, I brought you something to eat.” You set down the plate over the closest spot on the table that wasn’t covered with reference materials. Isaac was caught a little off guard by your sudden appearance that he jolted a little from his seat. Perhaps giving him a tender smile after witnessing that wasn’t the best idea after all, because now he looks like he’s about to have a heart attack, his emotions rapidly shifting from that of surprise to love.
“I’m sorry Isaac, I didn’t mean to surprise you,” and with that, the blush on his face is probably now from embarrassment over you apologizing for something like that.
What a ride, Isaac thought. Can he even go a single interaction with you without having to ride this roller coaster of emotions? He couldn’t form any coherent thoughts in the interval it took him to calm down his emotions, and by the time he had composed himself, you figured that it’s best if you leave him be for now, since the teasing can always be saved for the night.
But just as soon as you had declared your intention to leave, a hand firmly held yours, halting you in your tracks. “N-no. Stay here… don’t go.”
“Are you sure, Isaac? Wouldn’t my presence here be too distracting for you?” Isaac looked away, cursing his inability to hide how much of a mess his emotions are when it comes to you. You felt yourself being tugged down, and the next thing you know, you were sitting on Isaac’s lap, his arms around your waist, his face buried on your chest.
“I don’t mind… no, I don’t even care anymore about what I was doing… j-just…” he trailed off, mumbling incoherently as he pressed his face harder on the comforting softness of your chest.
“Isaac? I’m afraid I can’t understand what you’re trying to say. Or are you trying to emphasize that you love my breasts that much?” Isaac abruptly brought up his head, but when he saw that smile on your face, he thought he might as well just go with the flow. He rested his chin back on top of your breasts but kept his gaze averted.
“That’s not what I was trying to say... but y-yes, I do l-love your b-breasts.”
“Oh, is that so?” The teasing smile that graced your lips is one of Isaac’s guilty pleasures. Under normal circumstances, being teased irritates him to no end, and such is the case with Arthur and Dazai. So just what the hell is it about your smile? Not only does it dispel his aversion towards being teased… but it does a terribly good job at making him aroused.
Isaac finally met your gaze, but only for a short while, before you’re consumed in a flurry of kisses that started with your lips, and ended with buttons flying off your blouse as Isaac ravaged your soft breasts. You did well stifling your moans, but the great physicist doesn’t like that. Isaac may be an introvert, but he sure likes it loud and lively when it comes to you– and he will stop at nothing just to get you chant his name like a passionate prayer for salvation.
“You shouldn’t have bothered with the snacks if you were coming here yourself,” was all he said before leading you off to the most secluded part of the library. You knew that Isaac had a lifetime’s worth of unattended sexual desires, but you weren’t expecting having sex with him outside a bedroom this early into your relationship, and in the library no less. Still, it was a pleasant surprise, so you didn’t mind at all as he pinned you against a sturdy bookshelf.
“You know, I’ve thought about it over and over,” his words were hushed as he spoke in between the downpour of kisses and bites he’s raining down your neck and shoulders, “but darling…” a finger help up your chin so that his unwavering and lust-filled gaze locked with yours, “just why do I love you so?”
Without waiting for your answer, he sealed your lips with his as he made quick work of hoisting up and spreading your legs, before he finally allowed his body to do the talking. Isaac has yet to learn everything about being gentle, and before long his name filled the room in lustful moans that were just as erratic and needy as his thrusts… just the way he likes it.
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Isaac apologized over and over again as you helped him return the books he had borrowed to the shelves. For starters, your blouse was missing a couple of buttons, and while it wasn’t so obvious, anyone with an observant eye would notice that there’s something quite off about the way you walk.
“Come on, stop apologizing Isaac. We had a great time, didn’t we?” You pulled him in a hug as you finished shelving the last book. He sighed in exasperation.
“Great? What’s so great about walking weird?” Isaac returned your embrace as he regarded you with concern.
“Hmmm… maybe you can think of it as proof that you’ve loved me oh-so-passionately today?”
Your retort earned you a perplexed look, but as much as you take pleasure in teasing your lover, you can tell from the moment you walked in the library that he’s suffering again with his thoughts. So you wracked your mind and came up with some words of comfort, something that would at least take him off his worries.
“Isaac, I know you would probably disagree but, I think not all mysteries are meant to be understood. Some mysteries obtain their charm by remaining a mystery, and when faced with a mystery like that… well, you just have to enjoy it. I’m not an expert on love myself, but I believe that’s just the kind of mystery love is.”
Isaac looked as though something had dawned on him, before his expression returned to that of concern. He took your hand and kissed the puncture wounds he had left, before conceding, at least for that day. “Well, if you say so. I’m still not fully convinced, but I guess…” he looked away as though finding the right words, then looked back at you with a genuine smile,
“I guess I’ll take you up on enjoying this warm, happy feeling.”
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Whew the bias really shows, and yeah this is definitely going to be longest one in this fic series. Isaac is my best boy and I’m so looking forward to his route release on the EN server . Oh and btw, Happy Valentines everyone! Hope you’re all having a great day~
More on this series:  [[Napoleon]] [[Mozart]] [[Leonardo]] [[Arthur]] [[Vincent]]  [[Theodorus]] [[Dazai]] [[Jean]] [[William]] [[Comte de Saint Germain]] [[Sebastian]] [[Vlad]]
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shesawriter39049 · 5 years
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SUMMARY: Jimin's your "Plug" whose low key kinda becoming your man... so the two of you decide to play a deep yet equally cheeky game of 21 questions in an attempt to get to  know each other deeper than JUST sex!
They’ve both been through some shit, and I think secretly they could always sense that, which is part of why they're drawn to each other.
They're also still coming down from there “Post sex euphoria” so everything's a little hazy
Jimin’s just fuckin perfect….and he can’t keep his hands off the OC to save his life, so there is a lot of kissing and touching mixed in!
Jimin does not have the typical gang-related backstory..so your in for a treat
You CAN read this as a stand-alone but “The Plug” is a series
NON-SEXUAL WARNINGS: Language, Mentions of abuse, drugs, mental illness, death, violence, coming from a broken home....
SEXUAL WARNINGS: Just a lot of touching, kissing, teasing, light dirty talk,mentions of kinks ...implied smut...it’s gonna end with some actual smut though lol
“ I cannot believe you really won't share your Slurpee with me, after I stood there, mixed your 29 thousand flavors. Strategically layered in your random ass gummy candies in the processes..mixed it so damn well you would've thought I was a certified mixologist! Yet you won't share?!”  Both brows completely furrowed in the middle of his face...
I don’t know what’s funnier, the fact that he was genuinely offended or the level of unbothered that danced along your face as you laced your lips around your straw! Accompanied by an almost possessive hold on your cup, from under the over-sized fabric of your hoodie, well Jimin's hoodie actually! You were gripping that cup for dear life, the more he talked!
"Ugh exactly, you had the opportunity to make your own..you didn't…” Shrugging nonchalantly unbothered actually wasn’t even a strong enough word to describe you right now! “I'mma teach you something real quick Y/N is an only child...I don't share.."  
A snort leaving his lips at that "Fuckin brat.." This man sounds far too fond for you to even be offended.
 The minute the two of you approached the light he gripped you by the front of your hoodie. Effortlessly licking his way through your mouth with a low groan that almost sounds impatient. I guess he decided if you wouldn’t actually share..he'd taste it one way or another. A slight moan leaving your lips as you recline your jaw giving him more room to explore your mouth.  I think Jimin's new goal when kissing you was to leave you completely and utterly breathless. The slow, yet skilled languid roll of his tongue against your own, it’s crazy how well he knows your body already! Then, like clockwork, once he has you damn near clawing at his shirt to pull him closer…..
 "Traffic lights are around 120 seconds by the way..." Pulling back with an amused smirk just as the light turned green...you actually wanna choke him out at this point!  
FIRST OFF, I don't think you've ever seen someone look so effortlessly sexy as they drove, posture laxed, seat reclined. One hand on the wheel the other gently stroking your bare thigh, hair slightly wavy, messily tousled out of his face. The angle also reminded you how disrespectfully sharp this man’s jawline is...then your eyes traveled down to his sinfully thick neck, and that's when your first question popped into mind.
(1)“Why do you like to be marked?” The words zipped through the air, thankful that your first question seemed to pop into your head naturally! You didn't want this to feel forced...you just wanted the two of you to almost flow off of each other...
A slow exhale left his chest, reaching over to turn down the radio, licking his lips “I thought we were saving all sexual questions for last? " Brow quirked in your direction as he glanced over briefly, just enough for you to be reminded that Jimin was fine as fuck.
"We are...but I don't think your reasons purely sexual..." Adjusting your posture so you were almost laying on your side. Gazing over at him a little too fondly for your liking ...but you couldn't help it...
You could already see the smirk playing on his face even though he wasn't looking at you "It's not that I like to be marked...I just like to be marked by you…” Turning his head just enough to catch your expression as he said what you kind of already knew. Still, you can’t help but find yourself repeatedly baffled by how straightforward this man was. Throat feeling dry as all hell, regardless of the fact that you’re currently inhaling your Slurpee as we speak! “And your right… I've grown to realize ..the reason stems deeper than just my dick getting hard every time you do it …though...that’s diffidently a plus”
Humming low around the straw, you’re all ears…and if you didn't know any better the man next to you may have been blushing!
”Do you remember what color lipstick you had on the first time we met?” Eyes going completely wide at the question, mind drawing straight blanks because what!? The lack of response triggered a low chuckle to rumbled in his chest. “I do,it was a deep red..almost burgundy actually...”
The fact that he even remembered that, you’d be lucky if an ex remembered your damn birthday nevertheless a lipstick hue....
”We were both drunk as hell, but I’ll fast forward because I have another question for you separately in regards to that night in general…”
Already well aware of what he was getting at, whelp, the chances of you getting through this without crying are completely out the window now!
“When we were making out, and dancing all over each other in the club, you ended up kissing me every damn where..one place, in particular, was my neck. Which is common” Shrugging slightly, pausing to temporally focus on the road as thee was someone in front of you going negative two!, So Jimin opted to swerve lanes. 
“I didn't even notice until the morning but when I woke up it was like...I still had little memories of you crawling all over my skin. I couldn’t get you outta my head even if I wanted too....” Now theirs no hiding it, he, is blushing and it has your toe curling. 
“ Then...months later when I came over for the delivery, and we ended up actually having sex, the first thing you did when I slid you onto my lap was latch onto my neck like it was yours! As if to mark your territory.” Turning his head to yours lightly a slight smirk before bringing his attention back to the road. “Of course sexually it felt amazing because I like pain, and you went, in..fuck” A slight moan fell off his lips as he released the moment, and suddenly you really wanted to straddle his lap again. 
“...Then the next morning even though you were gone..you really weren’t, every time I looked at my shoulder, or my neck...it was like I could  feel every second of that night, over and over again....” Suddenly Jimin went from just rubbing your thigh to kneading them between those skilled fingers of his....edging higher and higher. 
“ I was never one for hickeys or bite marks, not because I think it’s trashy or anything clearly I'm not one to judge. But because I never liked someone leaving their mark on me. I didn't like the idea of someone looking at me and knowing someone’s had me..that someone left a piece of themselves on my skin...until you…”
There was a slight pause that felt like it lasted for HOURS, why did you wanna do this again!?  This was only the first question and you felt light headed!
“For some reason I just really liked the idea of having you on my skin, of knowing you were there and that spot it just as much yours as it is mine…” Sinking his teeth into his bottom lip trying to hide the very timid almost bashful smile that moved up his face “I don't know...even from jump there was just always something very intimate about that..with you… Something that’s stemmed a little deeper than just a pain kink..”
Fuckkkk, your face was hot, your entire body was hot, and not even in a sexual way...just ...damn, Jimin just flat out admitted he likes the idea of almost “belonging to you” in the most primal sense of the word! You know he’s very open, not one for games which is refreshing to a the least but that doesn't make his bluntness any less dizzying!
Your eyes screamed how flustered you were, as you gazed up at him, not even sure how to respond to that, but before you even had a chance too…..
(2)“Why do you sub for me...effortlessly....beautifully actually...when your clearly not a sub by nature?” His pause was intentional...trying to read your body language a little. 
“ And yes, in the same notion...I’m pretty sure your reasons not purely sexual either baby…” Continuously rubbing soothing circles in your thigh as you slouched down in your seat even more….it was like he knew he was probing at a sensitive topic even before he gauged your reaction. 
“Well, ugh..fuck” A shaky breath fluttered through your chest and you can’t help but chuckle at how awkward you currently feel...Believe it or not, you actually didn't see this one coming/ However this was your idea, he didn't hold back so neither were you!
“I’ve always felt the need to have control in my life which isn’t necessarily a bad thing but sometimes it’s exhausting to be real. Honestly, it’s because I’ve been let down a lot, so I find it hard to just...let go...” It’s actually a little sad how nonchalant those words left your lips, as if you aren’t even phased by disappointment anymore!
The slow nod he gave as you spoke was comforting, almost as if to say he kinda already figured that played a major part in your sexual preferences.  Your issues with being in “control” trusting people…his coloration also shows that both of you were actually very much in tune with one another ..more than just sexually! Even if you’d never realized it until now.
“So ya know the saying…”if you want something done right, ya gotta do it yourself…” I guess I applied that to my sex life as well!  I’ve always wanted to be able to just lay there, and let my partner have free reign and control over my body ...” 
A pregnant pause fluttered through the air and it wasn’t at all intentional ..for some reason you felt felt..nervous...being this open and honest and he could tell right away…
“Take your time, it’s just you, me and the highway for another 30 miles baby...I got nothin but time…”
Clearing your throat before continuing, voice a little shakier this time around, “I’ve always wanted to be able to give someone full control and still be comfortable and confident enough, that I didn’t have to be in control to get what I need. Of course, shit like that doesn’t flow well in one night stands, because you don’t have time to get to know one another. So I am speaking in the instances of a reoccurring partner, somebody that could take over and I  could still be purely satisfied because in case you can’t tell I’m not one to fake a damn thing…” An airy chuckle fluttered into the air breaking up the tension a little.
“Up until I met you I never felt like I could just kind of “be”...in the moment ya know? Not think about a damn thing...or HAVE to give instruction to feel like my needs would be fulfilled.”
The cool breeze wisping through the car was a good filler..as you stumbled through your thoughts.. The slight hum from the wind silenced any awkwardness that tried to linger in the air.
“I don’t know how to explain it..my mind and body was just naturally at ease with you...I just felt safe....which is odd because I didn't really know you. Yet for some reason I could just tell..that in “that” moment..when we were tangled up doing whatever..I didn't have to worry or think..I could just close my eyes and feel. Have a little escape from reality..live in a world where someone else was in control and it wouldn’t all go to shit! I don’t know...It probably sounds supid but-” Flagging your hand in the air almost as if to disregard your entire statement.
“What??!” Turning his head so his eyes could meet your briefly, he actually looked offended, to be honest, “Nothing about that was stupid, Y/N thats what sex is...it’s pleasure but it’s also an escape...it’s meant to make you feel good..to relive your body of all it’s stress and bullshit! There’s nothing wrong with you just wanting to...be in the moment, and just let yourself be used in any way you want…anyway you need” His entire delivery changed within seconds your thighs were instantly humming, as Jimin’s bedroom voice slid through the air.
The circles he was tracing up your thigh with his fingers..started edging higher and higher up your leg “Aye..” Pausing until you made eye contact with him, “Do you know how sexy that is!? How damn good that makes me feel?” I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again...this man’s voice...just the right about of need laced through his tone. Just enough to make you wanna give him whatever the hell he wanted! 
“To know that I can be that for you..that you trust me enough when I’m wrapped around you to just do whatever the fuck I want? Be the one to give you everything you need.... and then some….”  There was just the perfect blend of genuine care, appreciation, and of course pure, PURE smugness that moved between his tone and his face. Ya know what!? You couldn't even be mad because dammit he deserved it!
“I mean...there’s a reason I keep comin right??” Brow quirked at the blatant innuendo laced within that…. Biting down on your bottom lip tentatively as you pondered how to transition to this next question. Placing your hand over his..intertwining his fingers with yours instantly….
A humm leaving his lips at that, kissing the back of your hand...
(3) “Ummm...hopefully this isn’t too personal but you were the one that brought it up earlier so of course I’m curious. What’s the deal with your family, you don’t have to share more than you’re ready to but I am just- “
“My dad’s a total piece of shit” Was the first thing that slipped past his lips more casual than expected….. Your lips forming the “O” shape...as you stared back at him...not sure how to process that actually…
“He was barely around, and very, very abusive... “ The emphasis on that had your stomach doing 386373 knots “I’m first-generation Korean -American...so both of my parents are Korean born with very thick accents, they struggled with jobs. My sperm donor did manual labor and my mother often cleaned houses ..and or waitressed.” The grip on he held on your hand only got tighter the more he spoke.
“When I was 15, my father left for 5 months, so my older brother and I both got jobs to help support my mom. Luckily the house was paid off so we didn't have many bills..but my mom fell into a very..very deep stage of depression ...” Bringing his hand up to your mouth..kissing it gently which made him smile a little. Even though it was clear he was letting himself fall back into that headspace..almost as if he were reliving it all over again...
“ She was one of those women that I think... felt like she needed validation from my father and felt as though there was something wrong with her because HE couldn't pull his shit together.  One night I got a call at work, my “dad” had beat my mom to the point of her almost going unconscious…” You could literally hear the lump in his throat at that..slowly running your thumb over his palm….repeatedly. Dusting your lips over the back of his hand...as you watched his jaw, and grip on the steering wheel tighten.
“She cried to me and my brother, that she couldn't afford to leave him...I had saved up some money...from working at a bowling alley...and at multiple little mom and pop restaurants. We moved her into a trailer...so she could have freedom! It was low income the rent wasn't shit! She went back to waitressing...shit was cool for hell I don't know maybe 2 months! Then I come home one night after working a double at fucking 16 years old..and all his shit is moved back in...”
You had a gut feeling this was going one of two ways...neither were the most warming
“We got into it..bad… real bad…” Eyes cutting over to yours briefly and they were almost pitch black “I beat the fuck outta  him, and I still don’t regret it, he’s lucky I didint kill his ass. He’s probably the only person I could kill with my bare hands and have no regrets…” It was utterly terrifying how calm he got when he said that, no emotion left to be read on his skin..yet you got it...you really really did. Not even able to fathom how he must’ve felt seeing his mother like that!
“I told her I was done! I can’t and I won’t fuckin do this...so it’s him...orrr me…” Eyes glancing over to meet yours again, a dry scoff leaving his chest…
Not even trying to hide the hurt laced within your eyes, as you gazed back at him like a sad puppy, you weren’t trying to pitty him but fuck!  How can you not after hearing that!? 
“Yuppp, cops were called so I dipped...at 16...I went back days later to get my shit..and when I realized nothing changed..my mind was made up! I’ve tried over the years to smooth it out but...nah….Nah…” Shaking his head in disgust at just the thought of it..there was so much more..you wanted to unwarp from that. But you didn't wanna  pry...this was about the two of you sharing what you felt comfortable sharing...nothing more nothing less
A deep slow exhale left his body as he slipped his hand away from yours..the pout more than evident as you lost his warmth. Reaching over to grab a joint, placing it between those dangerously plump lips of his. Lighting the tip with him even asking you to ...taking a long drag inhaling the smoke through his lips, blowing it all out of his nostrils…
“I’m sorry..” slipped past your lips before you even had a chance to think about it...a faint smile tugging on his lips, shaking his head disapprovingly at your choice of words
“No need to be sorry, I wouldn’t be me if that shit wouldn't have happened ...I've learned not to question my battles..”  Placing the joint back between his lips, you could see it in his eyes he was thinking of his neck question.
‘Well since you got me all in my feels, before we get a little light-hearted...I mideswell ask the question I implied about earlier…” Cocking his head to the side, blowing a cloud of smoke in your direction as you waited anxiously for the words to spill off his lips.
(4) “Why were you falling apart outside of Johnnys the night I first met you??? What had you so broken that you were crying alone behind your car?” His tone and his eyes got extremely soft as the question rolled off his tongue..leaning over slightly welcoming the joint between your lips before responding because fuck if you didn’t need it right about now…
Letting the smoke just fill your lungs before you reclined your neck...puffing out a cloud...eyes fluttering shut in the process “It was my dad's birthday...and he died when I was 20...during my junior year of college.”
You watched Jimin's eyes flutter close briefly, dropping his head a little as you two approached the traffic light. I  think he was hoping for something more along the lines of “My ex dumped or cheated on me” Not something this heavy…
“Y/N...baby I’m sorry I didn't think it was anything like that, if you don’t wanna-”
“Hey…” Gripping his chin slightly ‘I told you I wanted us to get to know each other...If I can let you come in me I can open up a little….” A nervous chuckle fell from your lips before pulling him in for a quick kiss..which wasn't so quick. “Come’re”  Pressing down hard on the breaks, using his opposite hand that was on the wheel to grab you by the back of your neck. Tongue toying around with yours almost teasingly because he didn't have time for much else. Luckily for the two of you no cars were on the road this time of night, moaning against his tongue at just the taste of him. His palms warm against your skin..already had your body at ease, little did he know how fucked this entire scenario really was. But at this moment, you were calm...heart rate slowing down with every languid roll off his tongue.
Stroking your cheek with his thumb as he pulled back tentatively it was written all over his face he didn’t wanna let you go…”You are.so.damn.beautiful...fuckk…” He almost sounded breathless as he gazed back at you, not even trying to hide the smile that stretched from ear to ear.
“ I’m really happy you choose to be my rider tonightt...that were getting to do...”this”..that I’m getting to explore your mind in the same way I do your body....”” Was it nessicary for him to be this smooth??! Just curious...Biting down on that plush bottom lip of his before leaning over to place one more kiss along your lips. Forcing himself to bring his focus back to the road.
“Me too” fell from yours in nothing more than a whisper as you got readjusted in your seat, you weren't sure if  the two of you were still in post-coital bliss or what! But this vibe was such a mood and you never wanted it to end! Placing the joint in the hand that was gripping the wheel so he could reconnect his fingers with yours.
“I grew up a daddy’s girl my mother actually had some mental issues that only got worse with age! She refused to get help so for my safety, my dad got soul custody. It was bad...like sneak in my room and try and kidnap me bad …”  You couldn't help but laugh at Jimin’s expression as his eyes damn near bugged out of their sockets...that's typically the way most people react...and or ask you when your “LifeTime” special was coming out!
“My father had a heart condition, it’s not genetic..it was a defect because his mom was a drug addict ...so with him playing super dad on top of being a firefighter! He never put himself first and I think he didn’t want to worry me while I was away at college. So shit got a lot worse than he lead me to believe..like I thought it all crashed and burned at once ya know? But as the years go on, and I really step back and think about the way things were..I don’t think that was the case…”
Jimin could feel the tension in your body as you squeezed down on his hand, thighs pattering against the floor anxiously “Sometimes I just feel...guilty... “ there was nothing subtle about the way your voice started to waiver in your chest...suddenly feeling almost light headed…
”- Because we were so close and I guess I feel like I should’ve been able to tell something was wrong...and to be honest deep down I think I did I just-Fuck-” Breaking your hand away from his, placing both of your hands over your face as you felt your chest swell, you really hated crying in front of people. Though you were completely silent your muscles were tensing painfully hard, almost as if your body was caving in on itself.  It’s been a minute since you’ve talked about this...
“Hey, heyyyy” Voice sitting barely above a whisper as he spoke, you didn't even realize it because you were too busy trying to stop yourself from falling apart!  But Jimin pulled over ...Putting the car in park, and throwing the joint in the ashtray  “Shhh, it’s okay, it’s okay...I got you…”  All you could hear was static zipping through your head as he unbuckled your seatbelt.
Effortlessly lifting you over the center council in one motion placing you on his lap, body naturally melting into his. Which only made you cry even harder once you felt his chest flesh against your cheek, legs dangling across the car in the process. Chest rising and falling painfully hard as your breath hiccuped in your chest. Jimin’s hand soothing up your back..lips pressed firm into your hair as he tried to keep you calm. Feeling like complete trash for even bringing that night up...not that he could’ve even fathomed  it would turn into this!
“I’m soo sorry, really I wouldn't have mentioned-” Shaking your head furiously cutting him off, finally pulling your face from his chest wiping it hastily with the sleeve of your hoodie. Nose and eyes bright ass red...cheeks already puffy…
“Fuck- no, no, it’s not your fault, I don’t know where this came from  I jus-Shit…” Your temples were pounding, your chest was tight you felt like you were damn near suffocating, every breath managed to knock the wind out of you repedetaly! 
“Just breathe..breathe for me baby, like I said..I got all the time in world I told Brandi and Tim I’d be to them before 7AM...they work midnights. I’m not rushing you, your my only concern right now!” You'd never met someone with such patience, he sat there silently… as you tried to pull your shit together! Stroking his hands up your back, giving you your space to do, and feel whatever you needed too.
“In reality, there's no way I couldve known...nobody’s a mind reader, and it’s clear he didn't want me to know, in retrospect I know that. It’s just really hard to make myself believe it sometimes…”  Stroking his jaw, forcing a timid smile to move up your face as you felt him lean over and kiss your fingers.
“ The day we met, I had just gotten a promotion..finally doing what my degree was for and not just someones damn assistant. I just really wanted to call my dad..and hear him tell me how proud he was of me-” Everything died off your tongue at that point..voice shattering .....you were done..next question PLEASE!
You kinda just gave up at this point...there's no way in hell you’d be able to get this story out..not right now at least...reclining back a little so your back was resting against the steering wheel. Trying to stop your breath from hiccuping in your chest! Letting your eyes flutter shut in an attempt to do as he said… breath… you felt Jimin’s hands soothe up your thighs before his lips connected to the bulging vein on your neck. Painting kisses on every inch of skin he could reach, his motives weren’t sexual...he was just trying to relax you, and he knows his touch does that..effortlessly…
Slipping one hand up under your hood, soothing his palm between your chest and your shoulder before settling on the curve of your breast, resting casually over your heart. Taking mental note as it slowly started to even out the more he kissed you. So he didn't stop...thumb gently stroking your skin...he’d do it for hours if need be.
(5) “ How did you go, from working at a bowling alley..to this??” The question broke through the silence, voice slightly husky from crying..finally letting your eyes flutter open, only to be met by the beauty man in front of you. Who was smiling fondly back in your direction
“Because of a man..named Tim, who's the only person in my life...that has ever gotten me to the point that you were just at...when talking about your dad.”
The reference alone made you smile, just thankful to know it seems Jimin DID have someone in his life that gave a fuck about him!
“He would frequent the alley at night, typically play a couple of rounds with two kids that were a couple years older than me named Yoongi and Namjoon. They actually worked for him, Tim ran his own construction company… he also grew his own bud.”
A smile spreading across his face as he noticed you already starting to connect the dots as he spoke. “They’d drink beers and just dick around a little, I met him two years prior to me moving out of my mom’s, my original plan was to just sleep in my car until I figured it out. That lasted about a week...then one night I was off, and drunk..and playing pool with Tim and Yoongi and it spilled out..Tim asked..well, told me to come move in with him!”
“Oh thank fuck!!” Fluttered from your chest with the biggest smile imaginable because the idea of 16-year-old Jimin roughing it in his car damn near broke your heart.
He graced you with that smile again, the one where his eyes disappeared into his face...the cutest shit you’d ever seen in your damn life!
“ Mmmhmm...graduated early at 16 actually, then I started working for Tim, because it was cash he’d let me work as many hours as there was work..and Tim always had work!  While living with him we’d smoke..but he also taught me how to properly trim plants! He tried to teach Yoongi and Joon but neither of them had the patience for it! I’m a night owl by nature..I guess because I got used to hearing my damn parents argue all fuckin night….”
There was a blatant shift within him at just the mention of his parents, the sudden fondness he had while speaking of Tim ...was long gone.Stroking his chin with your thumb, almost as if you were trying to pull him out of his thoughts!
“He’d take me along on his more..civil drops I guess you’d say….”
“Ahh so he’d take you with him to see his “Brandi or Tim” You chimed in playfully reaching for your Slurpee which was all syrup at this point.
“Exactly…:” Eyeing the gummy shark you had wedged between your teeth...leaning in slightly allowing him to bite half, but in true Jimin fashion there was no way in hell he’d let you get that close without stealing a kiss. Oh how easily this man got distracted when you were around! Catching the tail of the candy with his teeth before briefly slipping his tongue past the seam of your lips with a slight moan, as the two of you volleyed the piece of candy between your tongues. Laughing into the kiss which ultimately ended up pulling the two of you apart, because he reallyyyy wasn’t trying to let go anytime soon…
“Finish your story sir! No cliffhangers allowed! !”
Eyes rolling to the back of his head with an exaggerated sigh before complying “ Fineee, Long story short….because I can go on for years about that man! I don’t know what I would’ve done or where I’d be without him, honestly I’d probably be in jail right now..” Chest getting painfully tight at his blunt honesty, slightly because you could somewhat relate to it! Especially once your dad died, and you suddenly didn't have a house to come home too...you had to figure shit out reallllllll quick!
“ He had lung cancer, and of course his line of work is really hard on the body regardless, he found out he had it when I was 19. That same year he looked at me and said “If a day comes and I’m not here… I need to know your sleeping under a roof every night!”
His eyes left yours briefly gazing out the window as he nervously grazed his bottom lip with his teeth...placing your drink down so you could let your fingers get lost in his hair. Just gently massaging his scalp as he talked...hoping it would put him at ease.
“So, I had saved up a couple of thousand dollars, between working on houses...and ... other things that you may not wanna know. I used the cash and bought a really shitty, 2 bedroom house off the auction list . Obviously it needed a ton of work, but Tim , Yoongi, Joon, and some of his other guys would come over and help me fix it up for damn near 6 months straight. Even after we just worked a 10 hour day..and the only payment they’d accept was bud, beer..and pizza!” You could see him smiling through the glass, though he still wouldn't look at you,  you weren’t gonna force him...when he was ready he’s make eye contact again. You were just happy he was smiling and not crying…
“Honestly those were some of the happiest years of my life...I never thought I could be happy until I met them.” Unfortunately the smile started to fade, and again..your gut already told you why!
“As I got older and Tim got a little weaker, I got more involved with “that” side of the business. I started doing 90% of his drops,both in and out of state. He taught me how to plant them, clean them, feed them...make sure they cured properly...how to make the perfect hybrid..how to turn it into wax..butter..oils..you name it!”
Ahh so Tim was not only a father figure...but a mentor as well….
“Early 2016, his cancer got really really bad and he was in hospice and we all knew he wasn’t going to make it ! He didn’t have any kids and he hated his kinda sorta ex-wife…”
That’s when Jimin eyes finally met yours and you wished they didn’t those big brown puppy dog eyes of his were completely glazed over. “I was at the hospital with him, and he told me he wanted to stop all medications and treatments and just let whatever was going to happen, happen…:”
You watched his head recline against the glass, eyes swelling...he didn't even try and stop the single tear that fell from his face. Jaw twitching in the process…”That was the hardest shit I ever had to go through...I didn't even cry that hard when I walked away from my parents. He just- I wake up and think about him every.damn.day...shit fuckin sucks man...” You could tell he was holding onto those tears for dear life, trying his damndest not to let them leave his eyes....
Men were tricky when they were vulnerable...you weren’t sure how to read him, until he grabbed you, positioning your head in the crook of his neck. Not sure if he just wanted you there for comfort or if he just didn't want to make eye contact while he cried..either way you compiled ... Especially once you felt how hard he exhaled once your body made contact with his, almost as if he was holding his breath prior. Kissing “your spot” repeatedly as he talked, the feeling of a couple stay tears landing in your hair had your chest swelling in the meantime!
“He told me to take his spare key and take whatever I wanted.. And more importantly, make sure his plants make it to harvest and make sure I make some damn good money off of them.” You couldn't help but laugh at that..your breath tickling the side of Jimin's neck which pulled a tentative chuckle from his throat that was much needed. You heard him sniffle a couple of times, the slight shift let you know he was wiping his face on his sleeve, but you didn't look. Respecting his space..just soothing his chest, and kissing every inch of skin you could reach…
Again you wanted this to flow..not feel forced..if Jimin’s not ready to cry in front of you then he’s not ready..hopefully, someday he’s comfortable enough to do so! 
“ So that’s what I did I took pretty much all of his crop..and some other substances that he often played with...” Eyes suddenly going wide as if he just had a very vivid flashback..hoping he’d share with the class...
“Now I’m not gonna lie...shit almost got reallll ugly when I went to sell his other….” products” but that’s a long story that will save that for a different day…”
Nooo fuck no...why would he do that!? Now he knows it’s gonna flood your mind until he actually explains what the hell happened! And more importantly what was it? Coke? Heroin? Ecstasy?!  
“Real shit, I didn't take anything materialistic, except a couple of shirts, hats, and hoodies that he wore a lot. Items that just reminded me of him like I didn’t care for his TV or anything. But now, fast forward... it’s been 3 years since he’s been gone and it’s just become my thing. Tim didn’t commercially but he always wanted to, he said that would be his retirement plan, he’d stop working on houses, buy a farm and get licensed. So that’s a big reason why I eventually did it, once I had enough saved for a license and everything.... I’m just naturally good at it, I enjoy it and more importantly, I don’t look like the type to have an eighter in his trunk, soooo that helps!!”
Hell yeah I’m sure it does, when you first found out he was a dealer even years ago you legit thought your friend was joking..like is this the porn hub version orrrrr!?
“Thankfully, a lot of Tim’s clients knew me because I've been doing drops for him since I was like 17...once they realized my crop was up the par..they stuck with me. Then of course over the years, I’ve made some of my own clients too, clearly the dispensaries and stuff I got on my own. I’ve rendered a lot of really dope customers though, including this really sexy little thing I met out at Johnny's damn near 8 months ago now...! She just can’t get enough...”
The sudden change in pace had your lips heading on a different mission, not sure if Jimin just worked like that...where his moods could shift quickly or if he just needed a distraction from how deep shit was getting...either way...you decided to give him what he needed. 
“Mmm..oh yeah???” Finally doing what he’s been mentally begging for as you licked a stop up the side of his neck, before sinking your teeth right into the patch of skin right beneath his jaw. Grinding your hips down into his hard..until you pulled a restrained moan from his throat. Hand slipping up under hoodie so smack your ass, only to find.. you’re not wearing panties because of course, you aren't. A low growl slips past his lips as you bounce on his lap slightly, blunt nails digging into your bare ass. “Behaveeee..daddy..we still got like 13 questions left…” Wrapping your lips around his skin until it was your desired shade of purple, pulling back with a satisfied moan.
“Then you need to get the fuck off my lap before I just say fuck this game and make you come all over again…...it’s only been a couple of hours..I know you are still nice and wet for me” Yanking your hair until the sting traveled from your scalp to your core...nipping on the hinge of your jaw. Instantly regretting starting this little game with him..because now you wanted him...really fuckin bad!
“Now back to your game…” bringing his lips over to the side of your neck..tugging the tiny hoop that danced in your ear between his teeth. Letting the metal bar from his piercing dance between your skin and the piercing.
(6) Why do you keep coming back to me?” Pulling back letting his forehead rest against yours “ What do you want from me?”
THAT’S ALL SHE WROTE FOR NOW...LOL if you guys want more and you want me to do the other questions spread out over 2 more parts..show this some love and lemme know!
”FINAL NOTE- Hopefully you guys enjoyed my twist on Jimin’s drug dealer backstory! Probably not what you expected, but what would explain his more chill, open personality. As opposed to that stereotypical, angry, passive-aggressive, closed off , gang member facde your use to when dealing with a drug dealer.  His journey to where he is now is a little different than most in his position! For him he wasn’t forced into this...it almost saved him in a way....gave him a sense of purpose...if you will! 
Also, take note that he’s not stupid, he may not be afraid of his emotions but he hasn’t shared anything that could be “Used against him” if you will. Everything that was discussed has been past tense….
SOME upcoming questions
"Have you ever gotten caught/ almost caught/any transactions gone sideways?"
" Is there anything you'd like to do in the future..outside of ”This”? "
"What changed that night that made you finally ask me out?"
"Why do you like to be called "daddy""?
"What do you want from me?"
"Do you think you can actually handle all of this? Me going MIA at night..or even out of the state for a couple days.!? Or just knowing I'm not some corporate guy in a suite?"
"What do you actually do for a living"
"Do you feel safe with me? If you get in this deep are you worried about your safety in anyway?"
“When you called me at midnight for that delivery...was it your intention to fuckk me?”
228 notes · View notes
Teach Me [M]︳01
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Pairing: Kim Namjoon x Reader
AU: Greek Mythology (mini-series - 2nd installment)
Genre: Romance/smut
Rating: NSFW
Warning: Dirty talk, rough sex, dom/sub undertones, oral sex (m. receiving), spanking, orgasm denial, unprotected sex (wrap it people!), creampie, public sex (kinda?), very soft humiliation
Words: 10600+
Notes: I present to you the second story of the Greek mythology series! I think I’ve come to the conclusion I like writing rough sex (sue me).
For any new readers - this story is part of a mini-series! Each member has their own story - you don’t have to read each one to understand the general plot. Story order: A Taste of Honey (Jung Hoseok), Teach Me (Kim Namjoon), Flutter (Kim Seokjin).
I hope you all enjoy the story and thank you for all the support - don’t forget to leave a like, comment, or reblog <3
Masterlist ︳Prologue
❤ Buy me a coffee? ❤
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You were everything Namjoon sought after; sexy and intelligent. He watched the way you balanced on your tippy toes, ass sticking out as you placed the dusty books back in their spot one by one. He licked his pouty lips, a grunt leaving him as his hand brushed his growing bulge. He could already see it, the way you squirmed underneath him, your moans. You were stuck up, always acting better than everyone else, but not anymore. He was going to teach you a valuable lesson; you may be the boss of this library but he was the boss of you.
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Teach Me ︳Final
        No amount of words could describe the distaste and annoyance on your face as Athena patted your shoulder with a taunting grin. Eyes narrowed, nose scrunched up as your lips pressed together out of pure revulsion.
         But in all fairness, how else were you expected to react to Athena’s words? You were being forced to teach that God Namjoon, God of that stupid wine grape Agiorgitiko. And to make matters worse, it wasn’t a one-time thing, but a whole week.
         That’s right.
         Another frustrated sigh left you, causing the grin on Athena’s face to largen. “And what do you expect me to teach him? How to party? Or how to have an orgy?” You spat, crossing your arms in frustration as your tone held more venom than even you expected.
         Athena raised a brow at your words before her eyes lit up. As if she finally clued in on something. She stepped forward, crossing her arms as she shook her head, “While he enjoys a good festivity, he’s no fool. He enjoys learning about philosophical topics, even dabbles in literature and mathematics.”
         “Great, so I get to teach a God how to count to five?”
         “I think he knows how to count, he does have to count how many grapes are hanging on a vine after all.”
         Athena’s and your eyes met, a small smile flickering as you laughed at her joke. Athena chuckled, squeezing your shoulders, eyes softening, “You’re my second, the only one I could trust with such a task.”
         “I know…” You huffed.
        It was foolish to put up such a fight, letting such pointless emotions consume you. But you couldn’t help it, you didn’t like Namjoon one bit.  
         “Don’t judge him so easily, my pupil.” Athena’s words brought you back to reality, head snapping as you gazed at her. She picked up one of the books that were in your cart, opening it with ease as her eyes scanned the words, “He’s not what he seems. He’s not like other men.”
         You scoffed, turning on your heel as you started placing the books that laid in your cart on the shelves, “Trust me, child, I wouldn’t give him access to these libraries if he were.”
         She had a point.
        You trusted Athena. She was the logic, reason, in this realm.
        The single word left your lips as nothing more but a defeated whisper, placing the last book away, shoulders slumped as you turned to face her once more, “Do you mind listing some of the works he enjoys so I can start formulating a study chart?”
         Athena smiled, tapping your forehead with a bounce before walking away, “It’s a free week- he’ll come to you with questions, and all I ask of you is you answer those questions of his truthfully.”
         Another tired sigh escaped you, pushing the cart forward as you watched your beloved Goddess walk away. As annoyed as you were, you still moved forward, whisper-shouting, “Safe travels!”
         Athena stopped, looking over her shoulder with a devilish grin, a grin you haven’t seen before, “Have fun and don’t be afraid to indulge - submit.”
         Your mouth dropped, confusion written all over your face. But before you could blurt out a question, Athena was gone like the wind. What in the world is she talking about?
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        You didn’t get a single piece of work done all damn day.
        Your hands shook, eyes continually flickering back and forth between your work and the damn library entrance. It was silly, how nervous you were to see that damn fool walk through those doors.
         But why?
         Why was I so nervous?
         You didn’t like Namjoon, so infatuation was out the window already. But you couldn’t help but let your mind wander…
        Namjoon was handsome.
        You’d give him that.
        But to be fair, their whole family was gorgeous.
         Seven brothers, all Gods of a particular wine grape, all sons to the great God Dionysus. They were initially Demi-Gods, but under Zeus’s authority, he declared them Gods due to their tremendous strength and power.
         You shook your head, huffing as you slammed your pen onto the table. You’re giving Namjoon too much credit. Credit that in your books, he didn’t deserve. All Namjoon did was make wine, what was so noble about that?
         The sound of the grand doors opening, a struggling groan from the wooden panels slowly being opened echoed throughout the library. There wasn’t a single soul here, it was late in the evening. But word had spread that tomorrow God Dionysus would be hosting a festivity, and it seems everyone decided to take the night to prepare rather than learn.
         You pushed yourself back in your chair, walking over to the banister as you looked down at the front entrance. Hands gripped the railing, eyes scanning through the dim light of the candles, he’s here.
         In a heartbeat, you began walking towards the staircase, leaving your books and writings behind. The sound of your gentle footsteps seemed to have caught his attention, his dark coloured eyes flickering to you.
         God, he was good looking.
         Namjoon’s hair was a bit chaotic, a hand gently patting down his lush robes and furs. It must have been windy outside, but your eyes narrowed, spotting something in his hand.
         “Wine?” You blurted, cheeks rosy because you uttered out what had been in your mind.
         The grin he shot to you, nodding, “A gift. For teaching.” Namjoon spoke, walking forward, arms outstretched as he passed you the bottle. Your hands grasped the gift, eyes scanning the dark red liquid.
        You heard about his wine, Agiorgitiko red wine. Rich in flavours with a seamless blend of spice. People would kill to get a sip of such wine, let alone a bottle.
         His eyes narrowed, undoubtedly seeing your unamused expression, “You don’t drink?”
         “It’s a distraction, prevents me from studying.” You scorn.
        And for a split moment, you realized your words may have come across a bit too gruelling. Your mouth opened, ready to apologize and re-word the sentence altogether, you were speaking to a God after all, but his voice stopped you, “We’ll see about that.”
         “What do you mean?”
        God, you hated how smug he was, the damn smirk on his face. Namjoon shrugged his shoulders, nudging his head at a near by table, “Shall we start my lesson?”
         The way those words slipped from the tip of his tongue, a huskiness that had you pushing your legs together in pure delight. You detested how much you found him attractive. He had this roughness to him, voice coarse, an alluring gaze, but you pinched your thigh, focus.
         You merely nodded your head, and turned on your heel, “What piques your interest today?” You asked, but your tone seemed anything but interested. The sound of his heavy feet trailing behind you, his low breathing, “Honey-nymphs.”
         The moment those words left that sinful mouth of his, your feet stopped, grasping the wine bottle tight as you twirled around to face him. And although you were shocked at his response, you were more shocked at how close he was to you. Your body ungracefully bumping into his, the wine swishing obnoxiously loud between your bodies.
         Without realizing you inhaled deeply, taking in his rich, husky scent that would’ve had you moaning if you weren’t in utter shock at the moment. Namjoon’s large hands grasped your shoulders, steadying you as your legs failed to keep you balanced, “Falling for me already?” He chuckled, a tongue-in-cheek smile on his face.
         Your face went red, pulling away and huffing stridently, “Why were you following me so bloody close?”
         “Why did you stop out of nowhere?” He shot back.
         You rolled your eyes, fuming to yourself - I’m going to kill him.
         “Why, honey-nymphs?” You interrogated, trying to divert the conversation to something else. Namjoon shrugged his shoulders, trailing behind you once again as you searched through the library in search of information regarding Goddess Demeter’s followers.
         “My father…he’s throwing a party tomorrow but it’s to mask another objective…”
         You looked over your shoulder, gazing at his expression. His brows were pinched together, lips pulled tight as he thought to himself, “What kind of objective?”
        Although you hated being noisy, you hated being left in a cliff-hanger more.
        There was a reason why you didn’t put a book down until you finished it, or why you always got in trouble with Athena due to your snooping. You loved learning, and that also meant your sense of curiosity bit you in the ass at times.
         Your feet stopped, eyes scanning through the endless rows of books, looking for what you needed, “It seems that my brother’s soulmate is a honey-nymph.”
         The concept was not unfamiliar to you, in fact, you spend years studying the ideology of two beings being linked to one another by a mythical bond – a connection of eros, agape, love. But it always applied to humans, and an unanswered question still laid hidden; whether the same concept of soulmates also applied to Gods. You could’ve asked the Goddess Aphrodite for the answer, but something in you told you she wouldn’t spill her secrets willingly.
         “What does that have to do with the party tomorrow…?” You muttered, fingers trailing along the spines of the books, feeling their smooth edges tainted with golden ink. “It’s a setup, a way for them to meet up. A secret that only my father, you, and I know.”
         The moment your eyes aligned with the book you sought after, your eyes lit up, carefully pulling it off the shelf while balancing the wine, “I believe it to be unwise to tell such an important secret to a mere follower of Athena, don’t you think?” You mused, raising a brow.
         But Namjoon just grinned, “Something tells me you’re much more than just a follower.”
         The book fell on the table with a loud thud, carefully placing the glass bottle off to the side. “Well, what do you wish to know about honey-nymphs, God Namjoon?” You breathed, opening the book wide.
        And just as you turned your back towards him, letting your fingers trail down the inked pages, he pressed himself up against you. His hands firmly planted on the desk on either side of you, acting as if the sudden action was anything but out of the norm.
         The shiver that ran up your spine, feeling him so close, his hot breath ghosting your exposed neck. You found yourself once again pressing your legs together, the same desire that sneaked through from earlier making another grand appearance, but this time stronger.
        “I want to know about their real personalities, what they like, what makes them smile, and what makes them tick.” He grunted, but the way he spoke into your ear, made it seem like it wasn’t so much about honey-nymphs as he was directing the question to you.
         The sound of the light breeze hitting the windows made you wake up, your face rosy as you felt his heat radiating off him. And to make it worse, you relished in it.
        “E-excuse me God Namjoon, with all due respect, you don’t have to be so close to read.” You stuttered, trying to gain control of the situation again. He chuckled, and in a bold move, rested his chin on your shoulder, “I know, but I can see a lot better from here.”
        “Well, I’ve never seen you read like this with Athena.” You shot back. He huffed reluctantly, pulling back and standing beside you. It was crazy how cold you suddenly felt after just a few mere seconds of his body pressed against yours.
        With an excessive amount of force, your hands flipped through the pages of the book, trying to hinder the unnecessary tension that seemingly built out of nowhere. “W-well, honey-nymphs are followers of Demeter-”
        “Not this nymph…” He muttered under his breath, arms crossed as he watched your finger glide across the page. You opened your mouth to question his statement but quickly pushed it aside. As curious as you were, you wanted to kick him out of here as soon as possible before you did something stupid.
        “Their responsibility is to help the bees pollinate. Not many know, but bees are of huge importance in our ecosystem, more than half of our crops rely on bees. If they die…well, I hope Hades’ has enough room for us all.”
        Namjoon nodded his head in understanding, “What about their temperament?”
        “They’re like us, each nymph has their own personality. But there does seem to be a common characteristic between honey-nymphs. They’re shy, but once you get to know them, they’re a literal ball of sunshine and awfully cheery. Easily mistaken as one of Apollo’s followers.”
        Namjoon chuckled, shaking his head as he smiled to himself, “Yeah…I think she’ll be a good match for my brother.”
        A soft smile painted your face, observing the way Namjoon chuckled to himself, “I’m guessing he’s energetic?”
         “I don’t think I’ve ever seen him not smiling.”
         “Any other questions?” You hummed, shutting the book softly. But Namjoon just sighed and shook his head, “Not for today, thank you.”
         You merely nodded at his words, “I assume I won’t see you tomorrow.”
         “And why is that?”
         You raised a brow, nudging at the book, “The party’s tomorrow. Don’t you want to meet your future sister-in-law?”
         “Yes, but I don’t see why I can’t visit you as well.”
         “Because unlike you, I’ll be tucked away in bed.”
         “Then do me a favour, and come to the party.”
         You laughed, shaking your head as you picked up the book and started walking off to place it away. And as expected, you could feel his footsteps, “I don’t do parties. I’m a scholar, not a maenad.”
         And just as you were about to turn on your heel, away from him, he gently gripped your wrist, making you look at him, “Then at least drink the wine.”
         “About that, take it back, give it to someone who would appreciate it. I don’t drink.” You insisted, but Namjoon shook his head. The way his long boney fingers tapped along your wrist, grinning madly as he stepped closer, “Drink it because from now on, you’ll be receiving one every day.”
         “That’s a waste!”
         “Not in my eyes.” He retorted. And just like that, he stepped back, his hand letting go and bowing down. Your eyes widen at his gesture, not once has a God ever bowed down to a mere follower like yourself, and to be fair, a God shouldn’t have to bow down to anyone besides other Gods.
         But Namjoon laid a hand on his chest with a smirk as he watched the way you flushed at his gesture, “I expect to see you, here, in this library, in the night. Till tomorrow.”
         How badly you wanted to bite his ear off, argue that there was no way in bloody Hades you were going to stay up, waiting for him. But Namjoon spun on his heel, opening the doors wide as he shuffled away with ease.
         You eyed the bottle of wine on the desk, and with much annoyance, grabbed it and stormed off to lock up the library doors.
        I hate that man, with a passion.
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         Your eyes felt heavy as you laid slumped against the wooden desk. A small yawn escaping from you as you fidget around in your seat to find a somewhat comfortable position for your head, but of course, how comfortable can a piece of wood be?
        With an internal scream, your head rose, staring aimlessly at the endless rows of books in front of you. Another important note to add to your growing collection of random facts – wooden tables make horrible pillows.
        This was insanity.
        The bloody owls were wide awake, stars twinkling high above you through the windows as another tired yawn escaped you. You hadn’t even bothered putting on decent clothes, wearing your pyjamas with an old nightgown on top.
        You were confident that you wouldn’t dare wait for that ignorant fool to arrive at your library at midnight. Who in their right mind would? But yet here you are, contemplating on whether or not you should try out another stupid hypothesis while you wait for that fool.
        God, you hated him.
        The way he smiled, his dark eyes, that husky voice of his…
        Your eyes widen, nearly jumping out of your seat and heart pounding heavily in your chest. But what ticked you off more was the way Namjoon’s eyes crinkled, entertained at how you cried out in fear at his voice.
        Hands swinging to your chest, trying to calm down your erratic heartbeat as you glared at him with such hatred, you knew the God Ares would’ve been proud.
        “You scared me!” You screamed, ready to slap the man silly, but Namjoon just laughed.
        The way his eyes lit up with delight, cute dimples appearing on his cheeks as he hollered at your mortified expression. You never did notice those dimples of his, and for a split moment, you swear your heart fluttered.
        “You just seemed in such a deep thought. I didn’t want to bother you, so who were you thinking about?”
        The way your cheeks flushed red as you crossed your arms, standing straight and not bothering to put the chair back into place, “W-what makes you think I was thinking of someone?” You blurted, gazing away from him. But it didn’t matter that you weren’t looking at Namjoon, because just hearing him chuckling had you weak in the knees, “I know that look. That’s the look of someone in love.”
        Your head snapped towards him, hands itching to wrap around his neck and strangle him. “You’re wrong. Now, let’s hurry up so I can go to bed.” You huffed, rolling your eyes at him.
        But Namjoon just kissed his teeth, still entertained, “I thought you were already going to be in bed? I didn’t think you’d wait for me.”
        Nostrils flared as you heaved in annoyance, “I swear, if you don’t pick a damn topic I’m going to kick you out.”
        His hands rose upwards, acting as if he surrendered, but the coy grin on his face stayed. “Alright-alright!” Within seconds you turned on your heel, flicking your wrist and beaconing him to speak, “Soulmates.”
        And just like last night, you stopped dead in your tracks.
        With a turn on your heel, you felt his body crash onto yours, but you also felt a coldness grazing your chest, a faint swishing sound to go along with it. Your hands fell upon his torso, falling headfirst into his chest. “Are you alright?” Namjoon gasped out, a grasp of his pulling you back as his eyes frantically studied you.
        But your eyes fell upon his chest once more. He was holding a bottle of wine, how did you not notice before?
        “I-I’m fine, sorry.” You muttered because you were utterly embarrassed. And not so much because of the fall, but because you felt the muscles that lurked underneath Namjoon’s silks and furs as you reached out towards him.
        You felt every divot, every muscle tense as your body collided against his. Not once did it come across your mind that while he had a handsome face, he had a body to go with it.
        Namjoon let out a sigh of relief, taunting slightly as you brushed back your hair into a bun once again, “You really need to stop doing that.” He muttered, head shaking as his eyes still wearily overlooked you.
        But without a second thought, you reached forward and grabbed the bottle from his grasp. The way he held it, it was screaming for disaster, was this man always so clumsy? He held the neck of the bottle like it was a toy, not made out of glass that could shatter into a billion pieces. “It’s for you.” He spoke, and your eyes lined up with his once again.
        “Thanks…” You muttered softly, cheeks still rosy from the whole situation.
        And there you two stood, in awkward silence as you hug the bottle to your chest. The unexplainable euphoria that ran through your body as you held the wine. Were you actually happy that Namjoon gave you a gift? It’s not like you drank anyways, but your fingers anxiously tapped the glass.
        You were tired.
        That’s why your body was seemingly in high alert to his every stare, every touch. You didn’t like him one bit, it was just you being tired…right?
        “S-soulmates. Why do you want to learn about that?” You asked, trying to fill the void of silence with something. As if your words reminded him of the task at hand, he stepped forward, “It’s more of a question than anything.”
        “And that question is…?”
        “Can two people fall in love with the same person?”
        You were in full alert, choking on air at his words. How did this man come up with such questions? Maybe you did judge him a bit too harshly, he was undoubtedly a man with a creative mind. “It’s rare, but not impossible amongst humans-”
        “What about Gods?”
        “What is this about Namjoon?” you asked with narrowed eyes. His questions were too specific. Was he in love with a woman? Suddenly you felt your heart squeeze - an unexplainable pain in your chest at the thought of him liking someone.
        But you pushed the thoughts aside, why am I getting possessive over who Namjoon likes? It has nothing to do with me- “My brothers. It seems they’re both heads over heels with the same woman.”
        A sense of relief but also confusion consumed you, “What is with you and love? Is your whole family on a ‘find my soulmate’ field trip?” You grumbled, crossing your arms tightly with the bottle as you watched him. It was really then you saw how tired Namjoon looked, forgetting that he did stay up all night at a party.
        His hair was messy, faint under-eye circles as he chuckled at your response. His voice was a bit deeper than usual, a certain gruffness that had your heart pounding. His hoarse voice itself was a sin in so many ways.
        “Soon you’re going to come asking about mermaids.” You scoffed, smiling at how Namjoon laughed. His smile brightens, crossing his own arms as he raised a brow, “I was saving that for day four.” Your mouth dropped, “A mermaid? One of your brothers is in love with a bloody mermaid!”
        “Tomorrow I thought we could learn about Hades-”
        “One of your brother’s is in love with Hades!?”
        This time Namjoon bent over laughing, head flung back as he wiped tears from his eyes at your expression, “Not Hades himself, one of his workers. It’s complicated, I don’t even want to try to explain.”
        You felt your body hitting the bookshelf, an exhausted sigh escaping you. No wonder this man drinks, I would too if I had to deal with a family like that.
        “What about you, were you dreaming about your soulmate?” He teased. Right away the blush you worked so hard on making disappear came fluttering back. “N-no, I told you, I wasn’t thinking about anyone!” You huffed, fingers scratching the glass of the bottle.
        Namjoon chuckled, cracking his fingers as he rolled his shoulders back with a sigh, “Let me guess, were you thinking about me?”
        “The only thing I fantasize is you leaving.” You shot back, frustration eating you away. Because you were fantasizing about him, as foolish as it was. He was a tick, a damn tick that seemed to infest your mind and have thoughts that only followers of Aphrodite would have the nerve to act upon.
        And what made it worse was that Namjoon seemed to see right through your act. He stepped forward leaning, his husky scent engulfing you once more. Your heart fluttered, drunk off his scent alone as he leaned his moist lips towards your ear, “Taste the wine, you’ll enjoy it. I promise.” He purred, only to pull back just as fast.
        You swear you’re surprised that the bottle was still intact, not crumbling away under your tight grasp. With a huff, you walked off in sexual frustration towards the entrance of the library, prying the door open for Namjoon to get the bloody hint, “See you tomorrow!” You shouted, only to hear him laughing from behind you.
        His torso grazed your back, letting his hands wander along your sides gently. Namjoon’s touch alone made your resolve crumble, gasping softly at how delicate his touches were. He hummed in your ear, voice low and sultry, “By the way, your nightgown is see-through, and I must say – I quite enjoy what I see.”
        He didn’t give you a chance to shriek, running off through the open door you held with a light skip.
        Your mind was a mess.
        Torn between chasing after him and murdering him with your bare hands and wanting to kiss the man to death. He was infuriating, but what was more infuriating was you couldn’t get enough of him.
        You slammed the doors shut, locking it before heading to the back of the library, where your quarters lurked. From the corner of your eye, you spotted the other bottle of red wine he left yesterday sitting on your counter, still unopened. You’ve seen Athena drinking plenty of times in the library with Namjoon…And another sigh of frustration left you.
        Damn it.
        You grabbed the nearest glass and pulled the cork from the bottle in your grasp, letting the scarlet liquid fill the cup. But what caught you off guard was the smell.
        It smelt exactly like him, Namjoon in a damn bottle.
        You brought the cup to your nose, sniffling the liquid, and a soft moan escaped you. It was like Namjoon was right here, in your kitchenette. And this time, you let all of those sinful desires of yours bubble up.
        Your legs pressed together, a need consuming you as you took another sniff, aroused just by the scent – his scent. With a gentle tilt, the cold liquid touched your lips, another content mewl fleeing.
        The wine was smooth, going down your throat without any slight burn. So good in fact, that you found yourself taking another swing. The richness of the red liquid, it made your eyes flutter with delight. It wasn’t acidic, but it still held a faint spiciness to it, but the distant flavours of plum helped sweeten it just a tad.
        You let the glass leave your mouth begrudgingly, licking your lips - not allowing a single drop go to waste. And it was after you finally came down from your high, you noticed that half of the bottle was already gone. You flushed, realizing how much you did enjoy Namjoon’s wine - Agiorgitiko.
        A groan of frustration ate away at you as you reluctantly placed the cork back into the bottle. You couldn’t deny it, the wine was delicious. But it also made the itch between your legs worse.
        Everything about him was godly.
        And it rubbed you both the wrong and good way.
        His deep chuckles, alluring eyes, even his long thin fingers. You blew out the remaining candles and stumbled into your bedroom, head spinning.
        Your body fell onto your bed with a soft thud, eyes watching the night sky through your window. The moon was high in the sky, stars twinkling. And it was staring at the beautiful night sky that the realization hit you.
        I like Namjoon….
        This is all your fault, Athena.
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         A soft grunt flew, standing on your tippy-toes as you tried to put the book back into place. The sun was shining brightly, and surprisingly, quite a bit of people arrived today. You figured that after the festivity of Dionysus people would’ve slept in, try to sleep their hangover away.
         Your fingertips pushed the book, and a satisfied sigh left your lips, perfect.
         The sound of your feet hitting the ground firmly resonated, as your eyes shifted once again to the cart beside you. So focused on your work, you failed to notice the set of dark eyes that watched your every move.
         Namjoon smiled softly, watching the way you grabbed another book and struggled to put it away. You were quite tall, but the shelves were higher.
         The way you leaned your body against the bookshelf, breasts squished and ass sticking out as your fingers wiggled to slide the book into place. Namjoon couldn’t help but groan. You were so damn sexy, and it frustrated him to no ends that you didn’t realize it yourself.
         You were maddening, a damn tease and a half.
        And the moment Namjoon remembered that sharp tongue of yours, he groaned once again. He found you tempting, and this was something he figured out the moment he set his eyes on you. But just from these two days alone, he realized he wasn’t just physically attracted to you, but more.
        Namjoon was addicted – to your personality, that shy smile, and the way your skin turned pink under his gazes. His hand brushed his crotch, already feeling a bulge starting to form, and he bit his lips. He wanted you so damn bad. And he knew he would treat you so damn well, have you a moaning mess and put that sharp tongue to good use.
        Because while most men in this God-forsaken realm hated the thought of an independent woman, he loved it. He treasured how smart you were, and struggled to control the urge to pin you up against the bookshelf and take you right then and there whenever you went all teacher on him. You could be talking about dog shit for all he fucking cared - because somehow, you would make that topic seem sexy.
        But the moment he saw you bend over, picking up a book that slipped from your fingers, giving him a perfect view of your perky ass, he lost it. Tonight, he’ll make his final move. And hopefully, it wouldn’t backfire in his face.
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        The book slipped from your fingers, hissing under your breath as the book caused a loud thud to sound off. Talk about listening to the library rules of being quiet.
        Without a second thought, you bent over, huffing in frustration as you grabbed the book that slipped from your fingers. And just as you straighten out, a pair of hands upon your hips caused you to jerk forward, bumping into the bookshelf in surprise.
        “Be careful.” A deep voice droned into your ear, your body pressed against the shelf. But you didn’t need to turn around to know who it was – because the sound and scent alone had your body heating up.
        A soft gasp escaped you, biting your lips as Namjoon’s hot breath hit the back of your exposed neck once again. His scent alone made the thoughts of last night come flashing back. The wine he gave, damn it smelt just like him.
        His hands ran up your back, along your sides, the same gentle touch from last night. “W-what are you doing here so early?” You mewled, struggling to get your voice steady under his caresses. You hated it, how much your body yearned for him.
        To think that this was the same man who you hated with such passion not even two days ago, now the only desire you had was to feel his fingers move downwards to do unspeakable things. The chuckle, the way his chest rumbled on your back as you gasped breathlessly, “I wanted to visit you, make sure you’re ready for tonight’s lesson.”
        Your hands gripped the wooden shelf underneath you, trying to understand his words, “O-of course I’m ready. I’m Athena’s second for a reason.” You spoke, taken pride in your intelligence. But the way Namjoon kissed his teeth into your ear, “Oh no, tonight, I want to teach you something.”
        The shiver that ran up your spine, it was wicked.
        “Teach me what?” You panted, forgetting that you two were out in public, dozens of people who could easily see you pressed up against the bookshelf, Namjoon pressing himself against you. And you swore, you could feel something hard, something throbbing against your ass.
        “Whose boss.” He grunted.
        Your knees buckled.
        Namjoon pulled away, and with a flick of his wrist, spun you around, your back hitting the bookshelf. Seeing his face, his eyes dilated as he licked those plump lips of his, “See you tonight. And wear what you wore last night, I liked it.” He hummed, before walking away.
        Finally, you breathed, observing how he walked away with not a care in the world, as if he didn’t just have you under his finger for a split moment. The gnawing on your lip brought you back to reality, a few innocent bystanders gazing at you and Namjoon with a look of confusion.
        Indulge…suddenly that word made too much sense now.
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         Without realizing it, you found yourself anticipating for Namjoon. The sky was dark, and foolishly, you found yourself twirling the thin fabric of your nightgown in your fingers. It was silly to think that you listened to his words, his plea for you to wear the same lingerie from last night, and a part of you wanted to revolt and wear a suit of damn armour.
         But you would also be lying to yourself because you were eager to know what Namjoon could teach you. You were well educated, a living, breathing compilation of useless facts. Yet the urge to understand what Namjoon could show you, something that you didn’t know excited you.
         This whole time, you viewed Namjoon with tainted eyes.
        You always assumed he would be like every other man who roamed this realm, an absolute sexist jerk. But he wasn’t. He was a flirt, that was for sure, but he did genuinely seem interested in learning, and what was more shocking was he never once undermined you for being a woman with high authority.
         If you said stop, he did, hell you kicked the almighty God out of the library last night when he decided to get a bit too handsy with you. And it was because of that, you found yourself fluttering.
        “Don’t judge him so easily, my pupil.” – That was what Athena said to you before she left. And now you understood why. Maybe…he wasn’t as bad as he seemed. That while he may be the God of wine, he was still powerful and wise. That he did deserve his title of being a God after all.
        Your head fell against the wooden table at which you sat, you were officially crushing on Namjoon. Let Hades take pity over your soul.
        The sound of your fingers patting aimlessly drifted throughout the empty library, your eyes started feeling heavy. When is that bloody man going to-
        “Miss me?”
        Hearing his voice made your body energized, sleepiness disappeared, and suddenly you were on full alert. Your head snapped upwards, looking in front of you to see him with crossed arms, and of course, holding a bottle of wine.
        The thoughts of last night came rushing back, how just a sniff of that wine made you press your legs in desire and a wetness pool. He was so damn addictive and frustrating at the same time, always challenging you, keeping you on your toes – and you loved it.
        A small scoffed escaped your lips, sitting upwards, “Keep dreaming, I didn’t miss you, I saw you this morning.”
        “So I guess I could just leave then-”
        “N-no-” you blurted, the word flying out of your mouth before you could process what you had just said. The cocky smirk on his face, the way he stepped forward, letting the bottle swing between his fingers, “What was that? You don’t want me to go sweetheart?” He mused, raising a brow.
        The way your cheeks turned a bright red, hearing the way he called you sweetheart, but also the way he strode towards you - like he’s getting ready to bounce.
        “W-well why leave when you came all this way already? That would be a waste of time.” You huffed, crossing your arms, keenly walking away from the situation itself, because the itch between your legs was intense.
        You could feel your wetness starting to build, so much it stuck to your inner thighs. The sound of him putting the bottle on the table, his footsteps trailing behind you as you hastily walked to whatever bookshelf was close, trying to look somewhat busy.
        “You wore the nightgown for me?” Namjoon spoke, a hint of pleasure lingering. Your steps stiffen, itching to slap the man behind you silly, “I wore it because it’s late at night, time for bed.” You shot back, finally coming to a complete stop at a bookshelf, your fingers dragging along the spines of the books. And your eyes widen when you realized what section of literature you decided to stop at - ‘erotica.’
        You got to be kidding me.
        Namjoon’s hands fell upon your hips, his long fingers digging into the thin material of your dress, “I warned you, this dress is see-through…” He purred into your ear, pressing himself onto you, caught between his body and the novels. And that alone was enough to cause your head to fall, sighing softly as you bit your lips.
        The way he trailed up your sides, his lips sweeping against your neck and ear, “Did you taste the wine yet?” He buzzed. You closed your eyes, indulging in the sound of his voice so damn close to you, feeling his massive frame, his scent.
        “I-I did.” You moaned breathlessly. Namjoon had this effect, the ability to make you lose all sense of logic. He chuckled deliberately into your ear, his hands moving along your bare arms, goosebumps rising on your skin, “Did you enjoy it?”
        “Do you want another taste?”
        You hesitated - you didn’t just want another bottle, you wanted him.
        “Then turn around.”
        Namjoon’s hands squeezed your arms, flipping you on your back and slamming you against the bookcase. The books shook at the sheer force, but he didn’t give you a chance to lecture him, because he slammed his lips against yours.
        You couldn’t stop the moan that exploded from deep within in, eyes fluttering shut as his hands wrapped around your waist. The way he moved his lips, sloppy and eager, borderline frantic. His wet muscle grazing your lips, urging you to open your mouth and submit, but you weren’t that easy.
        He grunted, pushing you firmer against the books, no longer playing nice and letting his teeth brush against your bottom lip. But as he concentrated on the kiss, your hands wandered his body, wrapping around his neck before letting your fingers run wild in his hair. The animalistic groan that he unleashed as you tugged on his hair, panting slightly as his eyes rolled back.
        And the sight alone made you mewl, pressing your legs together, feeling the way your wetness dripped down, your core clenching to feel him inside you. He swore under his breath, eyes heavy as he gazed at you, “Why do you hate me so damn much woman?” He huffed, and his question caught you off guard.
        Mainly because now that you thought about your reason for disliking him, it was stupid. You bashfully looked away, but he grasped your face with a strength that made your eyes line up, “Because you’re a man.” You blurted.
        He grinned, pushing himself against you, and that’s when you felt it - his manhood pulsing underneath his robes, just missing your own heat. A soft moan left you, and he kissed his teeth, “Good observation, I am a male – a 100% if I do say. Now, what does that have to do with hating me?”
        “I-I thought you would be like the others, as the God of wine. Lustful, a fool.” You spoke truthfully, quivering at the way he watched your lips move because you were flat out insulting a God. Somehow the fact that he was a God slipped out of your mind far too many times, and if you’re being honest, there were many times he could have unleashed his wrath on you based on the way you spoke.
        But instead of getting upset he let out a sigh, “I know…a lot of people think that. Think I’m some lustful man like my father.”
        You frowned, realizing the stigma he carried, his whole family in fact. Dionysus was notorious for sleeping around with men and woman, and to judge a man based on others, even you knew better. “I’m sorry and…”
        He raised a brow, urging for you to finish your sentence, “I don’t hate you…you just drive me up the bloody wall – literally.” The way he bit his lips, looking down at you, “I’m going to be your teacher tonight, sweetheart.”
        And the thought alone made you weak in the knees.
        With ease, Namjoon pushed his legs between yours, grinning at the pathetic whimper that escaped your lips, “I promise, I’ll never try to dominate you if you agree to be mine. I’ll let you roam free, do whatever you please, continue serving my dear friend Athena.”
        He was asking you for your hand, asking you to be his. But you found yourself shaking your head, “No.”
        His eyes narrowed, Namjoon hissing under his breath, “What do you want from me, woman? I’ll do anything-” he groaned, his lips brushing your neck and causing you to shake. You tried helplessly to push your legs together, seeking some sort of relief but his legs prevented such action, “Teach me.”
        The way Namjoon’s eyes darken, a stifling grunt leaving him as he watched the way you squirm, “Teach you what.”
        “Let me have my way, yes. But when it comes to love – devour me. Consume me. Make me yours.” You purred, letting your nails dig into his hair, tugging at his lush locks, and that alone made him snap. He lifted his knee, rubbing it against your core and causing you to whine out in delight.
        Indulge and submit.
        Two words you never understood, until you met him.
        Submitting is not weakness, it’s not you losing control, because you were willingly letting him devour you. You wanted Namjoon too – and that is not a weakness but strength, power. Because with a flick of your wrist you could make Namjoon stop dead in his tracks, ending this.
        That was real power – and he gladly gave it to you.
        Namjoon’s knee rubbed teasingly slow, hissing into your ear, “Your soaking wet, I can feel you dripping on my knee. You like this, huh? Getting off on my fucking knee.”
        The way he spoke, voice low and coarse as he humiliated you just made you whimper. You unknowingly bucked your hips, gasping as you felt your bundle of nerves hit his thigh. Your eyes rolled back, “Fuck, you love this, huh, sweetheart?”
        The way he rubbed his knee got faster, deliberately letting your clit rub against his skin, lips readily nipping at your neck. There was so much stimulation, his hands trailing upwards, cupping your breasts and folding them. Your head swung back, pleasure coursing through your body.
        How you dreamt of this, dreamt of him just pinning you up against this bookcase and fucking you stupid.
        Your cries got louder, grinding your hips harder against his leg, “Namjoon~.” You gasped, not bothering to hush your moans. It was just him and you in this damn library, you would be as loud as you wanted. The way he always managed to get your clit rolling, nails digging into his skin as you felt a pressure so heavy building in your stomach.
        The way your hips bucked, knees giving out and causing you to fall against his knee, “You’re already going to cum for me, sweetheart?” He groaned, enjoying the sound of your whimpers, your weak cries as you shut your eyes. It was everything he fantasized and more, his member getting harder, aching to be inside of you and feel your walls clenching.
        Your mouth parted, whining, “N-Namjoon, I’m so close.” You gasped. Fuck, you couldn’t believe it. A whimpering mess from Namjoon’s thigh alone. Your legs trembled, spots flooding your vision despite your shut eyes as the pressure built to a new peak. You were so close, your cries getting louder, his rubbing more furious.
        “You think I’m gonna let you cum?” Namjoon whispered into your ear, fingers tugging on your perked nipples through your nightgown. Your back arched, your release coming close, but his words dawned on you, “Please, please Namjoon.” You gasped, head shaking as you struggled to open your eyes.
        When your eyes finally did flutter open, and you looked at his face, you almost lost it.
        His heavy breathing, eyes half-lidded and cheeks coloured as Namjoon leaned into your body, lost in ecstasy, “After all the damn trouble you put me though, oh this is just the start of your punishment.”
        He pulled his knee back, leaving you a soaking mess, cheeks glowing, looking at the sticky chaos all over his legs. Sexual frustration took over, hands hitting his chest in defeat, “You asshole.”
        You were so damn close – so bloody close, but Namjoon didn’t seem to care at all. The grip on your breasts became aggressive, puffing as you felt the fabric starting to strain under his touch. “I’m gonna punish you, make sure you learn that I don’t like being teased.”
        And that’s when you heard the rip. Your eyes widen, feeling the cold air on your skin, white fibres floating as your dress ripped in half. “M-my dress!” the words flew, gasping as your boobs bounced and Namjoon hungrily pushed his body forward, “Worry about yourself first.”
        He gripped your wrists, dragging you away from the bookshelf and leading you to one of the many study desks that littered the area. The red tinge that painted your face spread throughout your body, trying helplessly to cover yourself even just a tiny bit. Namjoon was still fully clothed, still wearing the finest of silks and furs and in your eyes, you seemed very underdressed.
        But just as you were about to complain, his lips slammed against yours, shushing your cries for good. He tasted just like his wine, so smooth and addictive – that denied orgasm of yours had you begging already, “Please-please just touch me.” You spoke with jagged breath, struggling to stand up straight as your body leaned against the wooden table.
        “I’ll touch you, alright, teach you your first lesson.”
        “And what’s that?” You kittenishly spoke, a bit more bite in your voice than needed since you were utter putty in his hands.
        “What happens when you tease me – what your punishment is.”
        His body sat on the chair, tugging on your wrist harshly, letting your body fall along his lap. The way your ass stuck out in the air, his member poking your lower stomach, itching to be touched had your pussy throbbing with need.
        It was such a submissive position and something you never in a million years thought you would ever do. But the way his hands ran down your back, grabbing your ass with such vigour and want, “You don’t know how long I’ve stared at this pretty ass of yours.”
        And the thought of him checking you out all this time had your heart fluttering, knowing that he actually sought after you, that you broke this man, a God, and made him work hard. “Are you going to stare at it or punish me?” You huffed, looking over your shoulder and giving him the snarkiest smirk.
        The way he bit his lips, his hand falling down on your ass with a smack that bounced off the walls of this library with such volume. You cried out, not anticipating such strength, Namjoon’s hands running over the spot he just hit softly, “How’s that?” He taunted, this time bearing the smirk.
        You glared harshly, “That’s all you got?”
        Just because you were book smart didn’t mean you knew when to shut your mouth, and this was a perfect example of that. You swore you saw the vein in Namjoon’s neck bulge in infuriation, hand raising high and smacking you once again. You hissed, the pain radiating, but also the pleasure.
        The way his hand rose and fell over and over again, your voice shaky as you whimper out in pure delight and anticipation. It was like Namjoon knew, how hard to spank, breathing heavy as his blows never wavered once.
        How badly you wanted to turn around and look at his face – you could already image the sweat on his forehead, biting his lips as he watched the way your ass jiggled with each slap. And despite the tears that streamed down your face, you loved it. The pain he inflicted, but also the soothingly rubs he did between.
        “Namjoon~.” You whimpered.
        “What’s wrong, is someone tapping out?” He huffed, mocking at the way you trembled over his knees.
        It was shameful how wet you were, and you knew you were leaking down your legs and all over his expensive robes. It wasn’t a matter of your body not being able to handle his punishment anymore, but more so you wanted him to just fuck you already.
        Without realizing, your legs pressed together, seeking temporary relief, and the gesture didn’t go unnoticed. “Look at you, getting punished and your fucking soaking wet.” He grunted, and instead of receiving another slap, his hands ran down your buttock, only to tease your core.
        The sharp gasp that left your lips, eyes fluttering closed as he let his fingers slid over your slit, scooping up all of your wetness. Your hips jumped upwards, squirming, and you could hear him grunt, you’d been teasing his member without realizing.
        “Please, just fuck me.” You cried, hands covering your face in frustration, “You want me to fuck you? Then show me how much you want it.” And you didn’t need to be told twice.
        In an instant, he tugged on your bun, forcing you to sit up and pushing you down to your knees. The way he sighed contently, your wide eyes looking up at him with such desire that he licked his lips, “Convince me.”
        Your hands ran up his legs, feeling the way his thighs tensed, only fueling your urge to make him feel good. Make sure that he realized how good you felt, and how badly you needed him.
        But you couldn’t help but smile softly noticing that he undid the stash that wrapped around his waist, slipping the black furs he wore off his body - helping you undress him. With a final tug of your hands along the hemline, you pulled, exposing him fully.
        Your jaw shamefully dropped, seeing his cock standing proud, fully erect and already oozing pre-cum. “What you waiting for, sweetheart? Do you want me to fuck you or no?”
        And that was all you needed to pounce.
        You hands fell on Namjoon’s thighs, your mouth inches away from his member. The head of his dick red, angry and begging to be sucked. Your fingers wrapped along the base, feeling him pulse underneath you, and you dove.
        Mouth parted, slipping him between your lips hungrily with a deep suck. Cheeks hollowed, making sure he felt every ridge in your damn mouth. And as your head bobbed down him slowly, your eyes rolled back, because you were hit with a familiar taste.
        His bloody wine.
        Memories of the way the cold scarlet liquid ran down your throat, the spiciness and hint of plum, without realizing you bounced your head up and down rapidly, not caring at all at the spit that dripped out of your mouth.
        His hands tangled themselves in your ruined bun, hips bucking to meet your bobs as he grunted, “Fuck, I thought the followers of Athena are chaste.” And with that comment you pulled away, grinning, “Untrue. Athena is pure, but she doesn’t care what we do in our spare time.”
        “So fucking you in her library is okay?”
        “As long as it’s after work hours.”
        “Fuck your dirty.”
        And your lips found it’s way back to him.
        Your tongue lapped the head of his dick, engulfing him as you let your teeth slightly graze him - earning a low groan. Your hand moved up and down his shaft because as much as you tried, you struggled to fully down him.
        He was unquestionably on the longer side, and that only fueled the thoughts of how deep you’ll feel him inside of you. How Namjoon would hit places utterly unknown to you.
        With a deep breath, you swallowed, feeling Namjoon’s legs tense, enjoying the way his cock was clasped in your throat. He moaned, head thrown back and knuckles white as he gripped your hair. His hand shoved your head down on him, pushing himself farther down your throat.
        You groaned, choking on his length, causing pleasurable vibrations to course through him. Another fucked out growl escaped him as he let his hips meet your sucks. “F-fuck. I-if you keep that up I’m gonna explode.” He huffed, and just from the way his voice wavered, he was telling the truth.
        The pool between your legs was slowly eating you away, wanting frantically to slip a finger inside but you could only image what your punishment would be if Namjoon saw you do that, and right now, you couldn’t handle another punishment of his.
        Your tongue licked the head of his dick urgently, loving the way he helplessly bucked underneath you, that a mere follower, was making a God like him come undone.
        His breath hitched, hips raised, and before you could swallow him down your throat once again, he pulled away. The way Namjoon’s chest heaved, face blissed out, cheeks crimsoned as he panted, “Fuck. Get up here so I can fuck you senseless.”
        You scrambled onto your feet, his hands grabbing your hips and pulling you towards him. “Straddle me.”
        With his arms as support, your legs wrapped around his hips, feeling his member lay against your cunt and teasing your clit, “Put it in already.” You moaned, unable to wait any longer.
        You’ve dreamt of this, these past days were driving you absolutely insane with lust, but also because you’ve become fond of this God of wine. Namjoon wasn’t who he seemed, and if only you didn’t let your damn attitude get in the way, maybe you could’ve been fucking him this whole week.
        With hips raised, Namjoon grabbed your waist to steady you, “Take your time, I didn’t get to stretch you out.” He hummed, and you couldn’t help but let your heart waver at how gentle his tone was. With a weak nod, you grabbed his length and slowly started going down on him.
        Your lips parted, a small mewl fleeing as you felt him starting to enter you, stretching you completely. The burning sensation of being spread wide because of him, and you noticed the way Namjoon huffed to himself, seemingly in more pain than you, “What’s wrong?” You gasped, itching yourself on him.
        “Trying not to fuck you senseless at the moment.” He grunted, shutting his eyes close. You grinned, and despite the burning stretch, you let your body fall hard on him, the base of his dick and balls slapping against your skin.
        The way he groaned, biting his lips so hard you thought he drew blood, “You bitch.” He hissed, and you laughed because you knew what you just did. “Punish me?” You purred, wrapping your arms around his neck, and his eyes narrowed, staring at you with such passion and aggravation, “I think you like being punished.”
        “Only if it’s done by you.”
        His hands moved away from your waist, down to your ass, grabbing the flesh harshly. You winced, still sore from his smacks, but Namjoon grinned, “You’re not gonna be able to walk for days.”
        “Good, wasn’t planning on it anyways.”
        And with that, he thrust upwards. You raised your hips up and down to met his jerks, feeling the way he pulled out entirely before slamming back inside of you. Your breath hitched, because fuck. You’ve never felt so damn satisfied.
        You could feel every ridge of his member along your walls, clenching him tightly as you bounced on him. His huffing, hands frantically guiding you up and down, pulling you forward and causing your clit to rub along his pelvis. “Damn, Namjoon.” You gasped, eyes fluttering shut, your legs already trembling from the pleasure.
        He chuckled, his head falling into your neck, biting your skin crudely, “You like it rough, huh?”
        “Fuck, yes.” You mewled, letting your body rest against him weakly as you bounced on him. God, you could feel the way his legs tensed in bliss, fingers digging into your soft flesh and causing bruises to emerge. The lewd sounds of your wetness seeping, his dick slamming back into you.
        Skin on skin – it echoed loudly, and you bet that anyone near this damn library would figure out that you two were fucking. Your eyes rolled back, grinding yourself harder, letting your clit rub along Namjoon’s pelvis, giving you that extra kick to bring you to your impending orgasm. “Harder.” You gasped out, riding him frantically.
        The need to cum, it was driving you insane. That’s all you wanted, was to cum with Namjoon inside you - feel him explode.
        “You’re so damn sexy.” Namjoon panted, and you could tell he was hitting his limit as well. His thrusts become sloppy, huffing into your neck as his hips moved at an inhuman speed. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, a sweaty sheen covering both of your bodies as you rode him.
        The knot in your stomach, the knot that you’ve been denied for far too long -  desperately wanting to snap, “Please-please, I’m so-so close.” You whimpered. Head spinning, mouth hanging open, not caring at all that you looked like such a mess.
        Namjoon groaned watching the way you fucked yourself on him, breasts bouncing, body flushed and twitching. “Fuck look at you-you can’t even open your eyes.”
        His harsh words made the knot tighter, moaning, “I-it’s so good.” Namjoon thrust upwards once more, the angle causing him to brush against a particular spot that made you see stars.
        You screamed, and you could hear him snicker underneath you, “Found it.”
        He didn’t give you a chance to ask what he meant, Namjoon’s hands holding you steady, taking charge and fucking you at such speed and hitting that spot over and over. The way he pounded into you, seeking out his high, chest heaving. Your walls clenched, causing him to grunt passionately.
        Your bun came undone, hair flying everywhere as your head fell into his chest, and the release that you’ve long sought after fast approaching, “Fuck you’re so tight, you’re going to cum aren’t you?” He hissed, his hands letting go to only smack your ass.
        The whimper that left your lips, unable to speak but just nod, “Fuck, I’m going to cum.” He huffed, and at the sound of his words, you gasped, “Cum inside me, please.”
        “You want my cum that bad?”
         “Yes, inside, please~.” You whimpered.
         Your legs stiffen, eyes struggling to keep open, “I’m going to-I’m going to-” You couldn’t even finish your sentence, a cry escaping you as you bit his shoulder, legs trembling and your clit rubbing frantically against his pelvis as your orgasm ripped through you.
        Namjoon groaned noisily, feeling the way you tightened, holding him inside of you as he tried to fuck you. His name slipped off your tongue like a song, crying out Namjoon’s name as he thrust, “F-fuck-” he stuttered.
         His hips shot forward, planting himself deep inside as you trembled. A sudden warmth shoot inside of you, a desperate cry escaping his lips, head thrown back, breath hitched.
        You could feel it, the way his hips sloppily fucked you, riding off his high. Long spurts of his seed filled you, and you could only moan in pleasure. Your chest rose up and down, struggling to control your limbs, shuddering as you milked him dry.
        His hands left your ass, still inside of you as he ran his hands up your back - pulling you close. Your face nuzzled his neck. The only thing you could hear was your pants - enjoying his touch, his warmth, his honey skin underneath you as you embraced.
        Namjoon’s hand stroked your back, soothing your quivering body, sighing in pleasure. You could still feel him inside of you, hard in length as your wetness and his cum slowly seeped out of you. And while the thought of him releasing inside of you would have disgusted you last week, you were currently basking in it. Blushing as you never felt so close to someone before as you did now.
        “So…give me two minutes, and I’ll be ready for round two,” Namjoon muttered. You head shot upwards, looking at with wide eyes and a face of disbelief. “I can’t believe you’re still hard.”
        “Are you joking? I have the sexiest woman on my lap, what man wouldn’t be?”
        Your cheeks turned pink at his words, not used to such compliments. He gave you cheeky grin, “You’re crazy we aren’t going for another round.”
        The way Namjoon lifted his hips, causing a bolt of pleasure to run up your back, gasping softly and eyes fluttering. You didn’t have to look at his face to know he was smirking, “You sure about that?” He mused, slapping your ass and grabbing it lustfully.
        You could feel his member twitch inside of you, and you mentally kicked yourself, “…let me lock the library doors at least.” You muttered shyly.
        But before you could process what was happening, he stood.
        Your arms wrapped around his neck frantically, your body falling into him, his dick hitting new spots inside of you that had you moaning. “W-what are you doing?” You gasped out, Namjoon walking with you wrapped around his waist, balls deep, “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m fucking you to the main doors.”
        But he just grinned, every step towards the door causing you to bounce, moaning at the pleasure. And although you wanted to slap the man silly for not being able to wait the five minutes it’ll take you to lock the doors and come back you smiled.
        “How the pupil has become the teacher…” You muttered.
        “Trust me, sweetheart, I have much more to teach you.”
        You smiled, “Teach me.”
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Copyright © 2019 Mystic-Kitten, inc. all rights reserved. No reposting, modifying, or translations of any kind allowed. Thank you for your cooperation.
❤ Buy me a coffee? ❤
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Only You
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@amofbebbanburg​   eyyyy thank you for the request!!! sorry it took me a little while to get to it but i hardly check this account anymore cause it became a bit dead lol
i hope this okay! 
pairings - Henry Cavill x (female) reader
words - 1782
warnings - swearing, smut smut smut (but turned out a little fluffier than i expected ngl)
You found yourself in the same position whenever he finished a project. Except this time was worse - much worse. Superman, whilst attractive, was not quite as thirsted after as Geralt was turning out to be. And the series had only been out a day.
Watching everyone else lust after your boyfriend was bad enough, but there was already a part of you that was jealous about his worryingly realistic on-screen. You had mentioned your feelings to a couple of your friends but they told you that the feelings would soon pass. You had also mentioned it to Henry, but he seemed preoccupied at the time. This, of course, left you with a weird mix of emotions that you found incredibly hard to navigate. What worried you most, however, was if your emotions did get the better of you, how that would then impact your relationship with Henry. Why the fuck was adulthood so fucking hard.
A call from Henry drags you out of your daze, and you realise you had been sitting at the breakfast bar for so long that your tea had gone cold. You pour the tea down the sink before answering the call.
"Hey, love, how're you doing?" The sound of his voice instantly brings you down from your panicked state, as it always does.
"I'm okay, you?" You reply as you set about making another cup of tea.
"Tired, but good. I'm nearly home, by the way."
"Define nearly?" As the kettle comes to a boil and clicks off, you hear the doorbell ring. You practically run over to the door and open it wide, a smile spreading across your face.
"I forgot my key."
"It was unlocked already, babes." Henry shrugs whilst grinning and you take the opportunity to hug him tightly. His large arms engulf your form as you revel in his presence. "I've missed you."
"I was only gone a week."
"It's felt like so much longer!" You release him slightly and give him a loving kiss. He kisses you again before picking you up and carrying you into the house. "Did you not miss me too?" You ask after he sets you down again.
"Of course I did, why do you ask?" He takes out another mug and finishes your abandoned tea for you whilst making one for himself. You perch on the edge of the breakfast bar and tuck your hands underneath you.
"You didn't say it back is all." You look down at your swinging feet as he brings your tea over for you. Henry tilts your head up to look him in the eyes.
His voice is lower when he next speaks. "Is there anything bothering you?" Sighing, you launch into a monologue regarding your feelings and how you do trust him, honest, it's just sometimes hard to remember how you hold me sometimes and if that's actually real when the things you do on-screen with people feels so much more real, yknow? He chuckles a little at this before kissing you slowly.
"I'm sorry it's just -"
"Sweetheart, I know." He tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear before taking a sip of his tea. "That is good fucking tea."
"Henry stay on topic!" You couldn't help but giggle, yet the niggling feeling is still preying at your mind.
"Right, yes, sorry. The fact that my on-screen kisses are so realistic. Do you want to know the truth?" A wave of panic rushes through you, and you feel your cheeks flush and your heart hammering against your chest.
"Please." Your voice is so much quieter now. He leans in, kisses up your cheek to your ear and whispers, "I always imagine I'm kissing you." He slips a hand towards your waist, drawing you forward so you're pressed up against him.
Neither of you speaks for a moment, and the silence is broken by Henry muttering, "I love you, and only you, and that is never going to change." Your breathing is becoming heavier now, and you can feel the heat radiating off Henry's skin which only adds to your already flustered cheeks. He kisses you more passionately now, and in response you wrap your arms around his neck, drawing him even closer. He starts kissing along your jawline, and down your neck, lingering over the most sensitive parts.
"I believe you," you whisper, breathless.
Henry leans away, smirking a little. "You sure? You seem to have doubts." He picks you up, and you automatically wrap your legs around his waist. "I think I might have to show you exactly who you belong to."
"Might you now?" You kiss his forehead gently as he carries you into the bedroom.  
"Yes, princess, I might." He throws you down onto the bed and you let out a small giggle, but you quickly grow quiet as you see how serious Henry is. He raises a single eyebrow as he joins you on the bed, leaning over you and, once again, kissing your neck. But this time he starts to suck and bite a little. You let a small moan escape your lips as you feel warmth spread across your body.
"I've got meetings tomorrow," you complain, but secretly hoping that it will only encourage him more. Sure enough, he only moves onto the other side of your neck to continue his mission there, before moving across your collar bones.
"Even better then," he replies, looking up at you from his position on your chest and grinning a very wide grin. He moves back up to your mouth, kissing you deeply and passionately, moaning a little. You can feel his arousal against your leg, which only makes you even more desperate to feel him inside you.
"I need you, Henry," you manage to get out between breaths. He gives you one last kiss before sitting up, taking off his shirt quickly and you follow suit. Your hands fumble at his belt as his expertly take your bra off. Once you are both free from your constraints, and your naked torsos come into contact, you wonder how on earth you had any doubts about where his love lay. The emotions passing wordlessly between you overwhelms you, and the only way you know how to fully express everything you are feeling is to hold Henry even closer despite him attempting to take his trousers off.
"Let me go a little, love, I promise I won't go far." You reluctantly relax your grip on his back a little as he kicks off his jeans. "There we go." He moves your legs slightly more open with his knees so he can rest between them. After getting comfortable, he places gentle kisses along your chest and breasts, smirking a little as he notices the rising bruises on your neck and collar bones. You lie back and close your eyes, feeling Henry navigate your body through touch, shivering every so often as his cool breath comes into contact with your warm body.
When he gets to your pants, he pauses a little which makes you glance down at him. You give him a small nod and, with your blessing, slips your pants off, leaving you completely exposed to him - the thought alone sending another wave of heat through your body. Henry places kisses across the inside of your thighs as his fingers start teasing you.
"Oh, (Y/N), you really do need me." He licks upwards, catching your clit at the end and sending a jolt through your body.
"Speak for yourself." He sends his fingers in deeper, in an attempt to stop you from speaking. It worked, of course. You draw a deep breath in and let out a soft moan as Henry continues to tease you and pleasure you. After a few more minutes, your breathless voice says "I'm getting close, Henry."
"Cum for me then baby girl," his teeth graze the inside of your thigh, drawing more blood to the surface and giving you yet another hickey, but this time in a more private spot. The sensation makes you cum, and you feel the shivers run up and down your body, your pussy clenching around Henry's fingers. Once you've come down, he takes out his fingers and licks them clean, moaning a little. After he's done, he stands up and kicks off his own boxers, before leaning back over you.
"You're not expecting me to cum again are you?" You giggle, playing with his hair a little. He flips you over and moves you upwards, closer towards the headboard.
"You might want to hold on to that, love." You do as you're told, drawing yourself up onto all fours and grasping the top of the headboard with both hands. He moves your hair so it's hanging over one shoulder, before trailing his fingertips down your back, scratching it ever so slightly.
"Henryyyy." You moan, getting restless yet again.
"Patience, princess." You could hear the smirk in his voice without having to turn around, and you hang your head between your arms, praying that he would just hurry up and -
"Fuck!" You gasp as he enters you deeply and unexpectedly. Henry also mutters a few expletives before grasping your hips, his hands holding you tightly against him before he starts pumping in and out of you. Your grasp on the headboard becomes weaker as you feel a cool wave run over your body and through your shoulders. Henry, noticing this, pulls out and lays down beside you, guiding you on top of him.
You happily oblige and begin riding him, enjoying watching his face as you pleasure him. His hands run up and down your sides, cupping your breasts every so often. Henry holds onto your hips and keeps you in place as he rucks up into you, obviously getting closer. You let your own hands run scratches along his chest, giving him his own reminding marks of who he belongs to.
"I love you, (Y/N)," Henry grunts before he finishes, and feeling him tense inside you causes your own second release. You both breathe heavily and moan quietly, each in your own world of pleasure. Once you've both come down, you rest on his chest.
"I love you too, Henry," you whisper back, running your fingertips along the scratches on his chest.
"Your meetings tomorrow - how important are they?" Henry asks after a moment.
"Not very."
"You might need to cancel them then," he looks down at you, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. You just roll your eyes and settle down beside him, enjoying having your boyfriend back with you once again, along with the helpful reminders that will probably last a few days.
want to request an imagine? 
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btsqualityy · 6 years
Taehyung x Reader Toddler Series Drabble 
Genre: fluff, slight angst
Author’s Note: Since a few people posed the question of what impact Spencer’s partiality to Taehyung could have on reader, I decided to write this little drabble to shed more light on the topic of “parent preferences” so I hope you guys enjoy it!
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You laid in bed, mindlessly scrolling through your social media as you waited for Taehyung to come to bed. For the past week, you had been the one on bedtime duty with Spencer since Tae was working hard on preparing the new comeback with the other members. However, this was the first night when he’d made it back home before Spencer’s bedtime and you let Tae have the honor of getting her to bed.
“Hey,” Tae sighed as he trudged into your bedroom. Setting your phone down, you watched as he pulled off his shirt before climbing into bed with you.
“Since when did it get so hard to get her down to bed?” Tae wondered as he made himself comfortable on you, his head resting in your lap. You set your phone on the nightstand next to the bed and then set your hands in his hair, playing with the strands.
“She was probably just excited that you were home so she didn’t want to go to sleep,” you mumbled, focusing on parting his hair.
“Y/N-ah,” Tae called and you looked at him. “Can I ask you something?” 
“Does it still bother you that Spencer prefers me?” Your hands freeze as you look down at him. 
“Why do you ask?” 
“I don’t know,” he shrugs. “It was just, when I came home today, she ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug and I thought I saw you look a little sad.”
“I’d never be sad about our daughter loving her father,” you clarified. “But to answer your question, it does get a little,” you paused to try and find the right word. “Tiring, I guess. I mean, knowing that I’m chopped liver in comparison to you isn’t that great of a feeling.”
“Why haven’t you said anything then?” 
“What is there to say Tae?” You wondered. “I mean, I love the relationship that you have with Spencer and I wouldn’t want to change that for anything in the world.”
“But I don’t want you to ever feel like you’re an outsider or something,” Tae explained and you smiled at how thoughtful he was being.
“Do you remember when I first mentioned being a little jealous of how much she prefers you?” You asked and he nodded. “At that point in time, it bothered me a lot because I thought it meant that she loved me less but I realized that so much more goes into it than that.”
“Like what?” Tae questioned and you sighed heavily.
“Well for one, she tends to choose you over me whenever she has the choice because you and her are extremely similar, in regards to your personalities.”
“You really think so?” Tae queried, making you nod your head.
“She’s a extrovert with a huge personality who also loves being around people, just like you,” you giggled. “It’s normal to want to be around other people who are more similar to you.”
“I guess so,” Tae grumbled as he ran his hand over his face once. “I just know how sensitive you can be sometimes and I didn’t want you to be upset.”
“That’s another thing that I had to realize: Spence doesn’t do it on purpose,” you explained. “You are an amazing father and you were right there with me every step of the way throughout my entire pregnancy and when she was born, you always stepped up to help me take care of her whenever you weren’t working so it makes sense that the two of you built an extremely close bond.”
“I was overcompensating,” Tae interjected. “I knew that I was gonna have to be gone a lot so I didn’t want you to have to lift a finger if I was here to help you. That’s probably why she prefers me, because I was always so eager to jump in and take care of her.”
“Ok, you are not about to condemn yourself for being an involved father and helping me,” you stated firmly. “I’m so grateful to have an amazing husband like you and Spence is lucky to have such an amazing father, ok?” You whispered and Tae nodded his agreement. 
“And lastly, I realized that her and I needed our own little things that were just for the two of us,” you smiled. 
“Is that why you started that regime of washing and taking care of her hair?” Tae quizzed and you nodded. 
“Yep and now that’s something that she knows only her and mommy do together and it’s a way for us to bond.”
“Wow,” Tae let a rush of air out of his mouth as he processed everything that you had just explained to him. He then looked up at you and smiled lightly. “Munchkin and I are so lucky to have you, you know that?”
“We’re lucky to have each other,” you corrected. You leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to Taehyung’s lips, moaning when he set his hands on your cheeks and held you in place.
“What do you think about seeing how lucky we really are and making another Munchkin?” He teased and you rolled your eyes playfully.
“Maybe someday but that day isn’t today,” you giggled. “Get the hell off me,” you laughed as you pushed Taehyung’s head off of your body, making him yelp as he fell face first into the bed.
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
Different Kisses with Key
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Thank you so much for requesting Key! It’s been such a long time since I’ve written for SHINee properly and I’m glad I get to write about Kibum today! Your Kihyun request will be released on his birthday later this week :)
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Kissing Kibum is very tender and affectionate, and you can tell with every kiss just how much he adores you.
First kiss:
Your first kiss with Kibum wasn’t surprisingly far into the relationship. You had both connected from a debate that had sparked up between a group of people in an elevator ride, exercising your thoughts in a way that had obviously evoked interest from Kibum. And from there, a lot of time was spent talking and getting to know how one another’s brains worked. You liked his honest, blunt approach to dealing with situations and opinions; it suited your own belief that talking with people should be dealt with in a similar way.
And to Kibum you only became more attractive to him because of how your mind worked. Sure, you were gorgeous in your own way but it was your words that had him thinking of more topics to converse with you over, to find out what you believed about on things he held strong opinions for. This went on for a month before he met you in an elevator ride again, smiling over at you warmly since it was only the two of you taking it down to the ground floor. You seemed to be waiting and he merely smiled to himself, wondering if his lack of questions bothered you.
“Nothing to talk about today?” you asked and he couldn’t help but laugh at how he had you just as addicted to hearing his thoughts now too.
“What do you think about elevator kisses?” he asked nonchalant, watching you out of the corner of his eye. You didn’t move at first and Kibum finally turned to you, shifting closer. “It’s the topic of today.”
You nodded softly and looked up at the panel to see the digital countdown of the remaining floors. “I’m intrigued to see how well you can kiss with eight floors left to descend.”
He accepted the challenge, holding your face in his hands as he kissed the lips he was crazy for now, tasting all those words he had heard from you in the past month. It was passionate and yet sweet, his lips moving in a way that made you whine when the floor you both needed arrived. The doors opened as you pulled away and without a single word, Kibum turned to hit the highest level on the dashboard, smirking at you before riding all the way up and back down, his kisses leaving you so overwhelmed that when you stepped off the elevator in the end you stumbled on your jelly-like legs, Kibum’s hand soon grabbing yours and not letting go.
Public kisses:
Whilst Kibum enjoys being out with you in public, he’s not going to be overtly affectionate of you. It’s more about the connection of the activity, doing a lot of shopping, eating good food, walking his dogs, or other entertaining fun. But this doesn’t mean he keeps his hands to himself, he still craves to be close to you, holding your hand or an arm around you. Sometimes when lining up he’ll wrap his arms around you from behind but it’s not all that often.
He will kiss the side of your head out of habit of doing so if you snuggle into him in a darkened environment like a movie theatre, and he loves to hold your hand in his lap as he drives, but apart from that, PDA is limited when out and about.
Private kisses:
Despite the sassy, opinionated front most people associate Kibum with; he’s actually a very affectionate person. He’s definitely more of a kisser than a cuddling type and when at home together, he’s all too happy to shower you in his love. I will say that Kibum is definitely engaged in this relationship communication wise. So his affections are shown through his words more so than through physical connection, but there are still a lot of soft touches when doing something together and his favourite is to gently caress your cheek. Touching you here is so tender and you can see the love pouring out of his gaze as he smiles at you. Even when he’s teasing you incessantly, he will still touch your cheek, reminding you that he’s being playful with you because he loves seeing you smile. Kisses are rather similar, there are a lot of pecks during the day, filling the gaps or improving the mood as you worked through whatever you’re doing as a couple/individually around the house.
And whilst he’s affectionate towards you, he’s still going to tell you his honest thoughts. He’s a nagger by nature and a lot of the time his words are said because they need to in the moment. He can get a little carried away though and much like he’s good at rolling his eyes at some things people say, you are good at doing it as well at him, making him gasp and come at you, chastising you for not taking his words seriously and attempting to grab onto you so he can teach you a lesson. Of course, this starts a game of chase but we all know that Kibum isn’t going to chase you all day, sitting down on the couch and declining playing with you anymore. It’s a great tactic because you fall for it almost every time by approaching him, his arms shooting out to grab you and pepper you in little kiss bullets. Punishment is so sweet with Kibum!
Seems I’m writing a lot about idols in the kitchen lately in this series, but because Kibum loves to cook it made little sense to leave the kitchen kisses out of this section. I don’t think he’s going to play around in the kitchen, cooking is a hobby of his but he’s also pretty serious about it. He’ll be full of smiles and praise as you help him with preparing a meal, maybe talking to you in a bit of a babying voice, telling you how well you did. I feel again he’d be the type to kiss you in passing as you move around the kitchen on the cheek or head, leaving kissing you on the lips for when the meal is completed.
I was going to make a section for this but because I have few others to get through; I’ll add it here as this is more the personal section most of the time. Kibum is good at spoiling you, especially with fashion items. And because he’s very observant when it comes to you, he knows your clothing and shoe sizes as well as what works well on your body shape. It doesn’t matter whether he’s working and stumbles across a store at home or halfway around the world in Italy, he’s always thinking of you and what would look good on you. So when he comes home with gifts or you come home to find a note and a box/bag waiting for you, even if you tell him to stop buying you things, it really warms your heart to know just how much you’re on his mind, kissing him as soon as you can in a breathtaking manner, wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing into him whispering a thank you when you pull away. And he’ll be thanking you back because that is a gift that he loves to receive from you just as much.
Making out:
Making out with Kibum isn’t lengthy most of the time, and it’s not because he has no self-control. Rather, it’s because he has too much strength to not fall into complete pleasure with you, happy to unwind after a stressful day by pressing into you, his lips running along your jawline accompanied with little moans. He’s definitely the type to kiss passionately, wanting to heat you up quickly and hear your breathing change all because of his attention on you. He loves pulling you into his lap and gripping at you as he focuses on kissing your lips, sucking at your neck and trailing his mouth over your collarbones.
Making out happens a lot of the time when he has been away from you for too long, and he’s quick at attaching himself to your lips before he can sit down anywhere, pressing you up against walls, hoisting you up into his arms and kissing you with demand.
And surprisingly, you thought he’d not like to mix the kitchen in with making out because he’s pretty serious about keeping the kitchen in working order but it’s probably the number one spot he’ll make out with you after the dishes are done, he’ll place you up on the counter and step in between your legs, kissing you with so much demand and little regard for his usual nagging ways about not messing around in the kitchen.
Because heated kissing like this isn’t lengthy in session time, you can have multiple moments throughout the day where you’ll drop everything you’re doing just to reach for his lips, and that’s perfectly fine by you.
Morning kisses:
Kibum usually wakes up first and is more focused on getting started with his day. He’ll get up, feed the dogs, and maybe start preparing something for breakfast before you finally wake up. Unlike most morning kisses I write for, it’s very rare for you to have a snuggle fest and kiss one another affectionately in bed, rather it’s in the kitchen, you coming up to back hug him and kiss at his back as he cooks, reaching down to pet and greet Commes Des and Garcon happily before Kibum finally turns to you, placing a chaste kiss over your lips. The mornings are not very physically affectionate, but with the smiles he’s shooting you as you both eat together, you definitely feel so loved up. And to Kibum, these sort of moments really make his heart swell too because his career is so hectic, spending time at home with you and his dogs makes him feel like family life is happening already, exciting him for what to expect when little feet start running around with the fur-children you already have.
Making up:
Kibum is pretty straightforward with his words and sometimes even though you’re used to his mannerisms now, they can still hurt. However, you have a mature relationship with a lot of communication and you don’t hesitate to speak up when you feel that way, after all, he’s so honest about sharing all his thoughts with you. He’s going to apologise for hurting you but he won’t take back what he said and will appreciate you explaining why you got hurt by his words.
But if things get into a heated argument he can turn very petty and dramatic, attacking in a way that you cannot help but forget what the problem was because he’s just so animated to watch. Without realising it, you’ve diffused the situation when you start to find things humorous, Kibum gaping at you when you try to hold back a snicker or two at his expression, unable to remain at the distance you are. You wrap your arms around him and kiss him a couple of times before apologising for laughing, but you just adore him so much when he’s that animated. And he can’t even remember what you were fighting about either, trying his best not to laugh either now and holding onto you, glad that fighting always ends with smiles and remembering how much you love each other. The problem, when you both remember it, will be resolved by discussing it and not with another argument either.
Spontaneous kisses:
Kibum isn’t a stickler for planning out his affections but sometimes he surprises you with kisses when you weren’t expecting his attention at all. He had been so focused on his own personal task that when you suddenly felt his hand grab yours as you walked passed him to go get a drink from the refrigerator and then he pulled you onto his lap, his lips hitting yours just as quickly as all this occurred, well you were a little surprised. You’re used to Kibum’s way of planning for his career and even through your relationship, ensuring when your schedules matched up to take advantage of the extra time together to go on a date but he gets rather spontaneous when stressed or tired, suggesting going out to eat at random hours in the morning, or seeing a movie, doing things at times of the day you don’t normally do. Kisses like these make you think of those times, where he seems overruled by his emotions as opposed to his mind, doing as he pleases and feeling a little reckless. Sure a kiss isn’t exactly the most reckless behaviour he’s exhibited, but it feels so different from the kisses you’re used to from Kibum that it surprises you entirely. (This idea was a hard kiss to explain, but I hope you understand what I’m trying to say here.)
Selca/selfie kisses:
Because Kibum is very big on connecting with friends and fans through social media platforms like Instagram and even has an account dedicated to Commes Des and Garcon, it makes sense that you take a lot of photos together now that your relationship isn’t under wraps so much. You naturally document your lives together and apart on your own accounts, but Kibum’s favourite photos along with the aesthetically pleasing couple goals styled photos, are of you kissing. Kissing on your forehead or cheek are the usual go to, and you have to practice a lot to take enough to find the right photo to share, so sometimes you feel like your cheeks are getting more attention than your lips are. Of course, you swap it up and kiss him too for photos but it’s always nice when these sessions are over so you can reach for his lips and kiss him properly, uncaring of where you are, just knowing you need to feel his love through his lips – and without the camera in front of you.
Expectant kisses:
Kibum isn’t going to work and receive no reward for it. Sure, he’s naturally affectionate in the way he speaks with you but he definitely expects it back in return. If he pays you a compliment once and you don’t return one back, he’ll brush it off for you being too preoccupied. However, he’s not going to let it go for long. “I just complimented you, what about me?!” he’ll ask of you, and depending on your mood you’ll either compliment him excessively and give him a peck in apology for needing to be reminded. He loves when you get like this because your attention on him means everything. Sometimes though, you never asked for the compliment, nor did you feel it was appropriate timing for you to give him one back on the spot. There were only so many “you’re so handsome” lines you could give him back before he demands more specific answers. And you’re tired or too busy to placate Kibum and his needy ways right then. He will whine, perhaps give an underhanded compliment about how excessively talented you are in being ignorant of him when he needs you the most, and you’ll do your best not to play into his games, really wanting to finish what you’re doing. When you’re finished, you’ve not only gotten through what needed your attention, but you’ve thought of a few lines you could give him, choosing to be specific with him and not gush over the top as you do at times. You can see the appreciation forming in his face as you explain what you really liked about something he’s recently done for you without being asked to, or how adorable he looked when he was dreaming in his nap earlier on. He’ll cut you off with a kiss, elated that you pick up on things that he didn’t even know he did. This is too cute, stop it.
Worried kisses:
As someone who naturally worries a lot, Kibum uses a lot of his energy caring for you. And when he’s worried his nagging increases, which is a blessing and a curse. He spends so much time concerning himself over if you’re okay, if you have everything you need in life, but he’s not focusing on himself either. In turn, now you’re worried about him.
It’s easy for Kibum to worry too. He’s faced a lot over the years professionally and personally and he’s had to fight through some really difficult times to be where he is at your side too. He’s not prepared to lose you, not for a second, and this only fuels him on when he’s concerned over your physical and mental wellbeing. Much like a few idols I write this section for, once he’s worrying about one thing, it’s not hard to worry about another and it all snowballs. Kibum definitely can get like this.
When he’s concerned over you he’s very affectionate physically. His words might not indicate his concerns but he will definitely be in your space more often, lots of hugs, touches and kisses. The constant attention is a tell-tale sign to you and you take him in your arms, smiling gently as you hold him firmly and ask him what’s got him bothered this time. It might not always come out right away, he’ll be the type to maybe try to throw you off the scent of his thought process but in the end, he’ll open up to why he’s worried, allowing him to speak all his thoughts and try to help him rearrange them. By the time you’re done, you kiss him tenderly, telling him you love just how much he cares about you.
Talking kisses:
For Kibum, there is nothing better than conversing well with someone. It’s a form of connection he craves, to have someone who understands him, who listens to what he says, who builds on his words, who enlightens him with their own thoughts too. Communication is huge for him and it’s been a big element to your relationship. Having the time to just sit in each other’s company and talk about big topics, to bond further over beliefs or to think outside of what you already believe in as a person has been one of the most rewarding experiences for Kibum. He knew when he met you that conversation with you would match well, and to this day it still sparks a passion within that has him interrupting you sometimes as you talk, kissing you with a demand from being so enthralled to have someone put as much effort into understanding him as a person and loving his mind as much as his heart. Kisses aren’t very long when you’re talking but they’re definitely the type to take your breath away, to make you giddy and admittedly your mind blanks. But that’s okay because with a chuckle from you both, you can find something else to wrap your minds around, before the I love you’s begin and maybe you’re going to need to stop talking altogether. Words excite Kibum, and if you recite your words well with him, he might be making you excited too. Love making is never sweeter than it is when it starts out from a round of connecting with your minds first.
 Dating Kibum is engaging. You never knew you could feel so challenged and fulfilled by another person verbally, physically and emotionally. He completes you in every way that you didn’t know you were lacking in, and for Kibum, you’ve given his voice a reason to continue enchanting people with – yourself included.
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trinuviel · 7 years
Azor Ahai, The Prince that was Promised and the Red Sword of Heroes (part 4)
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In my last post, I examined the legend of Lightbringer - the burning sword that Azor Ahai wielded against the dark. I also touched upon the how the legend relates to Daenerys and her dragons. This post will continue this subject but  I’ll also raise the issue of the reliability of prophecies as well as cast some doubt upon the issue on whether Azor Ahai reborn really is the promised hero. (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) 
If the hatching of the three dragons represents the three swords forged by Azor Ahai, then what would represent their tempering? This is where we enter into the realm of speculation based on the show rather than the books. I would argue that the dragons will be tempered in battle. It is a common saying that soldiers tempered in battle as an expression testing their mettle. Dany’s dragons will be tested in battle and two of them will fall – and it will Viserion and Rhaegal, their growth and strength inhibited by their incarceration in the pit of the pyramid in Meereen. Just as the the growth of the Targaryen was slowed after they were confined to the Dragonpit in King’s Landing.
In the show, Viserion was felled by the Night King’s icy spear and it sunk into the icy waters of a lake. This could definitely be considered as a tempering by water, like the first sword that AA forged. However, we don’t know if this is a plot that is exclusive to the show or whether Dany will lose a dragon to the ice zombies in the books as well. There is another possibility for a tempering by water in the books. Victarion Greyjoy is on his way to Meereen with horn Dragonbinder, a Valyrian artifact that supposedly has the ability to control dragons. The Greyjoys are associated with water (the sea) and Victarion suborning one of Dany’s dragons can certainly be considered a failed tempering by water.
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The second sword that AA forged was tempered in the blood of a lion and still it failed. If a second dragon is killed in battle (as an analogy to the tempering of the second sword), then it is very likely that it will involve a Lannister since the sigil of House Lannister is a lion. The show has already teased this when Jaime Lannister charged Drogon in s07ep4. 
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I have written elsewhere that the imagery of this scene has several points of similarity with artistic depictions of St. George the Dragonslayer throughout the history of Western art since the Middle Ages. If Jaime is to kill a dragon, it will probably be Rhaegal since the dragon in the paintings of St. George the Dragon Slayer almost always is green (like Rhaegal).
That leaves Drogon, the largest and strongest of the dragons. Is Drogon really the Red Sword of Heroes? Is this monster really the weapon that will deliver the world from an icy apocalypse?
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Make no mistake. The dragons are monsters! Even Daenerys realizes this in one of her rare moments of self-reflection:
Mother of dragons, Daenerys thought. Mother of monsters. What have I unleashed upon the world? A queen I am, but my throne is made of burned bones, and it rests on quicksand. Without dragons, how could she hope to hold Meereen, much less win back Westeros? I am the blood of the dragon, she thought. If they are monsters, so am I. (ADwD, Daenerys II)
WHAT HAVE I UNLEASED UPON THE WORLD? This is such an interesting sentence, especially in the context of Daenerys as Azor Ahai come again. The dragons are dangerous, they are destructive on a massive scale and they may do more harm than good.
In my previous post, I made an argument for Daenerys Targaryen as the fulfillment of the prophecy of Azor Ahai reborn. I feel fairly confident in identifying Dany as AA come again. Azor Ahai reborn is the Champion of R’hllor and Daenerys is connected to fire in an intimate and elemental way. Does this mean that Dany is the one who will save Westeros? In a traditional piece of fantasy fiction, she most certainly would be. When it comes to GRRM, I am less certain because he engages critically with the tropes that dominate fantasy as a genre:
The battle between Good and Evil is a theme of much of fantasy. But I think the battle between Good and Evil is fought largely within the individual human heart, by the decisions that we make. It’s not like evil dresses up in black clothing and you know, they’re really ugly. These are some of the things that Tolkien did; he made them work fabulously, but in the hands of his imitators, they become total clichés.
It is certainly a genuine, legitimate topic as the core of fantasy, but I think the battle between Good and Evil is waged within the individual human hearts. We all have good in us and we all have evil in us, and we may do a wonderful good act on Tuesday and a horrible, selfish, bad act on Wednesday, and to me, that’s the great human drama of fiction. I believe in gray characters, as I’ve said before. We all have good and evil in us and there are very few pure paragons and there are very few orcs. A villain is a hero of the other side, as someone said once, and I think there’s a great deal of truth to that, and that’s the interesting thing. In the case of war, that kind of situation, so I think some of that is definitely what I’m aiming at. – GRRM (x)
On the surface, Daenerys Targaryen is a character that conforms to many of the genre’s expectations when it comes to a hero and saviour. She’s royalty fallen on hard times. She has undergone a lot of hardship but she is ultimately rewarded with magical creatures and she quite likely is the subject of a prophecy about the salvation of the world.
However, GRRM quietly subverts the trope of the prophesied saviour. Daenerys wants to be good, she wants to be a saviour. She has empathy for the suffering of the downtrodden people she comes across in Essos. She wants to save them and she leads a war of conquest against the Masters of Slaver’s Bay in the name of freedom. However, Daenerys is a saviour who fails again and again, not because she faces overwhelming odds but because she ignorant and lacks patience. Her solution for the Lhazareen women she “saves” from rape by the Dothraki is to make them marry their rapists. The slaves she liberates in Meereen are forced to sell themselves back into slavery because she has no alternative to the slave economy she destroyed.
In the world that GRRM has created, Daenerys Targaryen being the reincarnation of Azor Ahai doesn’t necessarily mean that she will save the world. She’s not going to be a hero and saviour simply because a prophecy says so. If she’s going to save the world, then it will be because she chooses to do so! “The battle between Good and Evil is fought largely within the individual human heart.”
In the show Dany has come to a cross roads. She has to choose between her desire to be a saviour and her desire for the Iron Throne. She can be a saviour or a conqueror. She cannot be both – and she hasn’t made this choice yet. Her dragons are weapons and they can be used for either good or evil – against the ice zombies or against living breathing people.
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She can choose to be either a saviour or the Queen of Ashes. 
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My point is this: prophecy is not necessarily destiny! The hero has to choose to do the right thing – and that choice has to be difficult. It cannot be a foregone conclusion that the “hero” will make the right choice because it can be very difficult to abandon selfish desires.
There’s also another reason as to why we should be wary of the role Daenerys may play as Azor Ahai reborn. Prophecies are tricky. In fact, several warnings are issued regarding prophecies in the text itself:
“Prophecy is like a half-trained mule. It looks as though it might be useful, but the moment you trust in it, it kicks you in the head.” - Tyrion Lannister to Jorah Mormont (ADwD, Tyrion IX)
Gorghan of Old Ghis once wrote that a prophecy is like a treacherous woman. She takes your member in her mouth, and you moan with the pleasure of it and think how sweet, how fine, how good this is… and then her teeth snap shut and your moans turn to screams. That is the nature of prophecy, said Gorghan. Prophecy will bite your prick off every time.“ - Maester Marwyn to Samwell Tarly (AFoC, Samwell V)
These utterances are not just warnings to the characters within the story. They are also warnings to the reader. I find this notion of prophecy as a warning very interesting. The unreliability of prophecy goes beyond identifying who is the promised hero. It questions the very nature of prophecy itself – and I think that we should be very suspicious and wary of the prophecies that the priests of R’hllor espouses. This is a subject that I’ll examine in the next installment of this series.
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Paper代写:Laura Marling’s music career
本篇paper代写- Laura Marling’s music career讨论了劳拉·马林的音乐生涯。劳拉·马林出生在英国,因为父亲的影响,从小就开始学习吉他,也是父亲将她带进了民谣音乐的殿堂。劳拉在2007的英国独立乐界浮出水面时年仅16岁。由于在她的MySpace上发表单曲后而引人注目。一把好嗓子,一把原声吉他,以及创作民谣的天赋,她通过大量的巡演获得更多的关注。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。
As the word “pop” appeared along with the evolvement of modernization from the late 19 century, when unprecedented changes were taking place, under the influence of the industrial revolution, urbanization and immigration across the world. The pop music like jazz, rock’n’roll in the modern sense resulted from a complex interplay of social and cultural forces that can not reduce to a simple algebraic formula. (Garofalo,) As we know African American injected the decisive blood to pop music which white men spread and flourish.
However, cognition goes different when talking about folk music. They almost existed as a nation begin to speak. They come from the mysterious vulgar stories, the cradlesongs mothers unconsciously murmur out. International Folk Music Council define it as: "Folk music is music that has been submitted to the process of oral transmission.”(Karpeles, Maud)
In the long history, folk music has been closed connected to native cultures and therefore a higher culture connotation and standard are expected in folk music. That why folk music are priceless treasures to dig.
Based on the specialty of folk music, except the basic instrumental skills, folk musicians are asked for deeper culture reserves and understanding. I’d like to introduce one of my favourate folk singers “luara Marling” to state some serious thoughts the talented singer has evoked me. I can always read the reports and reviews about her with exclamation points, startled by her mature skills on acoustic guitar, her deep voice and her delicate arrangement.
Her officially started her music career at the age of 16. After completing her GCSEs, she left her hometown and settled in the outskirts of London. After collaborating with a series bands, she gradually found her own way unassimilated among them and later made several huge acclaimed albums. Her first honor was nominated for the 2008 Mercury Prize and won Best Solo Artist for 2011   N/A NME Awards, Brit Awards, BBC Radio, Folk Awards in succession.In Rolling Stone’s review of Marling’s fifth LP, they even appreciated her lyrics as resemblance to Bob Dylan:  It's a flash of lyrical left hooks on a set where the British singer-songwriter goes all Judas, like Dylan before her, recording with electric guitar and broadening her palette without sacrificing her subtly bad ass folkie persona.(Rolling Stone) By nature as an over thinker, Marling prefers some obscure issue, related to religion, ideology and deep though toward life.
As a female musician who independently chases her music career at such an young age, as vivid as an interview has described “ It strikes me how very solitary she looks up there, a young woman travelling the world without the usual retinue of band and crew, her isolation somehow emphasised by her calm, modulated voice and air of self-composure.” (Rolling Stone)Laura Marling reminds me of the legendary Godmother of Punk “Patti Smith”. Besides the similar magnetism in their voice and their poetry temperament, I notice the resemblance to their experience in youth on the way towards arty career.
After arranging a good family for the unprepared baby and drop out of teacher training school,Patti left for New York with little money in her pocket. While almost 30 years later, another girl Laura left her family in Hampshiae, from which above I guess road towards dreams stay the same over the years. Youngsters have to leave their beloved family and get out of their childhood and start the adventure in the wild world where opportunities and resources cluster. This tendency is kind of crowd acting in 1960s and 1970s, and today it is no more appear such visible but still big city show its Unstoppable attractiveness.
In Patti smith’s autobiography, she spent a lengthy piece of writing to describe her childhood full of wonders and games in colorful book stories that make sweet dreams. She particularly emphasized her distinctive imagination that she made up many fairy tales and her strong feeling and loneliness towards surroundings that nearly arose some acute agony. Her literature love prepared for her later music expression "rock poetry," which implicitly aligned the techniques of poetry with a socially deviant lifestyle involving drugs and the performance of gender ambiguity. (Noland, Carrie Jaurès)
While laura, in the paralleled world, her father brought her to the world of folk music when she was a little girl. She described it as “a bit of blessing and a bit of curse, I wouldn’t slot myself into the age-apropriate genre”. Though as she regarded it isn’t age-apropriate, she gradually developed her precocity, which embodied in the terror of death at an early age. Laura express her loneliness in the song. As lyrics read“You listen to them whine and moan About everything you can't understand ”“But darkness descends once more into my life” one could find her isolation and the unfilled gap between her peers.
People who report women artists or women in whatever industries, will conventionally highlight their female identity, Laura isn’t an exception. She does prove some feminist thought in her action as well as in her creation. Not allowed to enter a homosexual bar, she went straightly in front the door of a sex shop and started performing. With sensitiveness born within woman’s temperament, in the song , she sings “To have someone be so admired I threw creation to my king” and “but I’m your keeper, I hold your face from light” satirizing those who rely on their husbands and loose self consciousness and moaning towards men who regard their mates as keepers. In another song she illustrates the same topic through a resented story telling, in which old-lady-like Voice rings with bitterness. In this story ,she describes a wife who lost her husband and then was push back to situation at sea. By story telling and some metaphors, she expressed her thought in a euphemistic and inspiring way, indicating obviously feminist awareness has gone far in her mind.
Though strong emotion hidden behind these lyrics, Laura didn’t perform in a sharp way. While the same theme performs in a total different way 30 years ago. The feminist movement arrive at the peak at 1960s, which  also reflected to music. Girls no longer bare the restrains to music genres. The music genre “cock rock” led by Joan Jett, sing < cherry bomb > loudly and with erotic implications. The 1970s icon Janis Joplin, an opposite image compared to isolated Laura, described as “Joplin created her identity as a tough, wild, hard-drinking party girl.”(Carson, Mina et al.)
For in that time, involvements of girls in a band are regarded as bizarre in public’s view, Janis have to start with an acoustic guitar instead of the noisy, bumbling machine she dreamed. I guess her public identity later is kind of an intended rebellion against the inequity.
As people always say that“ a long history hidden behind the folk music”, but I want to express “a long history hidden behind how women pick up their guitars”. Laura has experienced the conventional unfitness within an artist and gradually been accepted. Her experience implies specialty in this time and general character in all time of choosing to become a female musician. Though, struggles and parting remain the same, but today’s society has developed, more space and focus are given to the “second gender”.
Carson, Mina et al. Girls Rock!: Fifty Years Of Women Making Music. 1st ed., : University Press Of Kentucky, 2004, http://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt130j6dp.
Garofalo,. Crossing Cultures: The Eruption Of Rock'n'roll. 1st ed.,.
Karpeles, Maud. Definition Of Folk Music. 1st ed., International Council For Traditional Music, 1955, http://www.jstor.org/stable/834518.
Noland, Carrie Jaurès. Rimbaud And Patti Smith: Style As Social Deviance. 1st ed., The University Of Chicago Press, 1995, http://www.jstor.org/stable/1343938.
Rolling Stone. (2015). Laura Marling 'Short Movie' Album Review. [online] Available at: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/albumreviews/laura-marling-short-movie-20150324 [Accessed 1 Dec. 2016].
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