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luludeluluramblings · 8 months ago
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Smalltown!Neglected!Meta!Reader x Yandere!Batfam ☁️ Part Five
Part One ☁️ Part Two ☁️ Part Three ☁️ Part Four ☁️ Part Six ☁️ Part Seven ☁️ Part Eight
A/N: Starting to realize I need to slow down, things are really getting complicated and I want everything to be included. Including proper warnings and important plot details and to really keep things more polished.
A/N: Also, going through the doubts on my writing, but we is gonna persevere, y’all. I’m going to take some time to focus on Obsessions.
Warning(s): Yandere themes, Obsessive behavior, Kidnapping, Vomiting, Slight Stalking
After running Date’s life, Tim starts to investigate Reader full throttle. Before it was just something he did to relax between cases when he couldn’t shut off his brain. Now, he didn’t want to miss anything. Not a single detail. He’d also been having trouble digging up an information on reader’s small town.
Apparently, they weren’t up to date on their technology. Can’t hack computers for information if the computers don’t exist. Still, it was nice to find out about Reader’s childhood. (Making notes for Bruce to add certain flora and fauna to the Manor’s garden and looking up any restaurants in Gotham that he could possibly take Reader too. You know, as friends.) But, Tim was nothing if not stubborn.
Reader, having a bit of whiplash from Dick’s comforting and sudden departure starts trying to fill their time by hanging out with Cassandra, Duke, and/or Stephanie.
They also call back home informing Nana about the Date incident. Surprisingly enough, Nana was sympathetic. (Though Reader couldn’t help thinking she was using that condescending small town sarcasm. Maybe they’d just been in Gotham for too long?) Regardless, Nana lends a comforting ear and even talks about BFF and their older brother, Childhood Crush, to Reader in an attempt to distract them. Telling them what the two have been up to. (How much they miss you. They can’t wait for you to come home visit.)
Reader, however, is a tad more concerned with Younger Brother. Making sure to ask how he is fairing and if he could come visit them in Gotham for a bit. Just to give Nana and Grand Daddy a much needed break since their age is catching up with them. (Aren’t you so sweet? Caring so much for your real family.)
But, Nana brushes reader off. No need, he’s been hanging out with Childhood Crush and BFF. They’ve really taken him under their wing. (They’d make great a great partners. Don’t you think, dear?) It does arouse Reader’s suspicions, but when they call their Younger Brother, he sounds… fine… Said he was having more fun with BFF than Childhood Crush, but that’s a given. (BFF knows Reader best, and won’t let anything happen to him or Reader.) They’re probably overthinking things about things back home. (That pang of homesickness just doesn’t seem to go away.)
At school, however, things were changing.
Damian wasn’t lying to himself about scaring off Reader’s friends. A few started to avoid Reader suddenly. But, a few, mostly the wealthier ones, stayed close. Not at all bothered by Damian’s sudden campaign. Some even introducing Reader to their closer circles.
Reader’s happy to have more friends, but the loss of Date and Reader’s more down to earth friends weighed on them. Reader’s new group felt like an isolated bubble cage that encloses tightly around them (and wouldn’t let them go.)
Bruce has been pretty strict about who Reader spends time with since the gala. But, Reader, going stir crazy when Cass, Steph, and Duke, respectively, are to busy (have patrol and missions), decides to ask Barbara if they can hang out with her. (A stranger is better than nothing.)
Tim’s seems to be too busy with whatever he’s doing. (He’s technically spending time on Reader, rather than with Reader.) Reader loves Alfred, but they’re always helping him cook. Dick’s gone off on some errand in Buldhaven or Gotham (Reader can’t remember, they’re a bit annoyed by how finicky he can be with giving Reader attention.). Jason might actually choke reader if they suggest hanging out. And, Reader is still pissed at Damian for being a rude little shit (Plus, they suspect he has something to do with their friends leaving them. They just can’t prove it.)
Barbara agrees to bring Reader to work with her at the Gotham City Library. Fully expecting Reader to mostly stay to themselves or possibly sneak off. (As members of the family are prone to do.) She is pleasantly surprised that Reader actually tends to stay by her side. Of course, Reader goes and gets a few books to curl up with. But, they quietly chat with Barbara, occasionally assisting with task, and mostly just enjoy silent companionship.
Reader doesn’t expect Barbara to entertain them, they can entertain themselves. They just don’t want to be alone at the moment. (Reader hates being alone when they’re sad. Hate. Hate. Hates it.) Barbara finds the silent and soft companionship to be a balm for the soul, so to speak. There’s no pressure. No duty. Just companionship. (It’s eases her mind how Reader is willing to stay safe. They’re not being dramatic or doing something foolish. I can get used to this.)
After the day is over, Barbara reports how Reader behaved back to Bruce. (Didn’t wander, stayed close by, wasn’t rude or sarcastic. That Gala had to have been a fluke. It has to be those horrible friends of Reader’s corrupting them.) If anything, it builds a level of trust with Bruce that Reader can be cautious and they won’t have to worry about them leaving. (Running away. Ha!)
Bruce decides Reader deserves a little more trust. (He wants to spoil his child.) Giving them more leeway to spend time in Gotham. But, only with members of the family. Which would be fine, if they were available. There’s, unfortunately, been an Arkham Breakout.
The entire family is on high alert for the next few days, especially since Joker escaped this time. (Hell, no. The family isn’t risking it. They won’t allow it. If Joker does something to Reader he’s dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Batman won’t stop anyone for killing him this time if he dares.) The family prioritize his capture, even recruiting the Gotham Sirens and the Superfamily to get the job done. It’s probably the fastest Joker’s ever been caught. (Joker is definitely pissed over the matter. And, will be making it everyone’s problem next time he gets out. What are you protecting Batsy? What are you trying to hide from me? Are we not friends?
Reader gets a brief introduction to Clark Kent during this ordeal. Before, Reader had only seen Conner and Jon around the manor hanging out with Damian and Tim respectively. (Conner would always try to flirt, which annoyed Reader. And, Jon was avoid on principle of being near Damian. Though, Reader was nice if they caught him alone in the manor. Which was growing more frequent recently.)
Clark is charmed, surprised by the Reader having grown up in a Smalltown. For Reader, it’s nice to meet someone who understands the longing for simplicity. Though Clark personally felt like he had something bigger to achieve outside of his town. Still they appreciate each other’s mindset. (Clark also wouldn’t mind inviting Reader out to the Kent farm. It would be fun to annoy Bruce. Plus, Reader is clearly struggling in Gotham. He’s not wrong.)
With Joker locked up, the family relaxes… Somewhat. They still have the rest of the rouge gallery to catch and have to work overtime to do it. Hardly any of them are seen outside the Batcave, which Reader is eighty-four percent certain is in the library.
Reader spends a lot of time pacing the halls. Looking at the paintings and furniture. It’s lonely. It’s like living in a house that’s haunted by ghost you’re supposed to know, but don’t. (If I have to live in a house haunted by ghost, I’d rather be haunted by the ones that loved me. I wanna go home. I want Momma and Daddy. I hate being alone. I hate it here.)
Stephanie, however, having made plans with Reader, finally gets a chance to take them out into Gotham. It takes a nearly a week, but they do manage to get out into the city together. Stephanie showing Reader all her favorite sights, pointing out landmarks and fun things. It’s possibly the funnest day Reader’s had since coming to Gotham. Arcades, Ice Skating, food trucks, street performers, it’s all new and exciting.
Nothing good last in Reader’s life it seems.
In broad daylight, Reader is forcefully grabbed and thrown into the back of a truck.
There’s a massive down side to being Bruce Wayne’s child. You easily get taken hostage and held for ransom.
Stephanie is helpless. She can only watch it happen too far away to make it to Reader in time. The horror and fear on Reader’s face made her stomach turn violently.
She immediately called Barbara to start tracking the vehicle and the thugs, sending an alert out to the entire family.
Once done she couldn’t stop herself from letting the disgust and shame bubble from her gut out on to the pavement. Just the thought of Reader being hurt making her physically ill. (Give them back. How dare they take what’s mine? It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have left them alone. They’re helpless without me.)
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inkandapex · 1 month ago
In the Slopes
Lando Norris x Reader
Chapter Summary: Lando and Y/N have always been inseparable, but during a snowy getaway with friends, their usual dynamic starts to shift. Unspoken feelings begin to resurface.
Word count: 6.1k
Warnings: some swearing angst & fluff
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Winter isn’t exactly Y/N’s favourite season; she’d much rather be lounging under the warm sun, with her feet in the water and sand tangled in her hair. But alas, Quadrant's annual team-building getaway was set in the snowy slopes of Whistler.
"What could you possibly need this for?" Lando pauses his game and turns in his seat as he hears Max hysterically laughing at the whistle he found in Y/N's luggage.
"Give me that! Why are you two even here? Don't you have to pack your own stuff or something" Y/N whines and snatches the whistle from Max, tossing it across her bedroom.
"Max, be nice. It took a lot of grovelling to get her to agree to be in the video, let alone come with us," Lando laughs, turning back around to focus on his game.
"You better not be messing with my sims Lando, I spent hours building that house from scratch" Y/N sighs as she sits on the floor with a pile of clothes in her arms
"I don't know what you're so worried about Y/N, I'm not the best at skiing either. You'll pick it up quick" Max says as he sits on the floor helping her fold the clothes
"Yeah, remember you did so well when we did that karting video. You even ended up liking it more than you thought you would"
"Alright enough pep talk, i'm not used to you muppets acting so nice. Pizza's here. Norris get your ass off my computer and help me fit all of these into my bag" Y/N stands up as she receives a notification on her phone
Lando sits across from Max as Y/N leaves the room. Max watches his friend attempt to tidily fold a shirt before he lets off a scoff.
"Please tell me you're finally telling her this week, I can't keep a secret any longer. P is starting to notice"
"Keep you voice down! And what do you mean P's starting to notice" Lando hisses, leaning back to peek out the door checking if Y/n was anywhere within earshot
"Mate, I get so nervous when she asks about you two! The other day, she asked if you two were together, and I just got all weird and defensive, trying to explain why you'd be hanging out together, when she was clearly just asking cause you both played padel that morning and she needed to ask Y/n about a dress" Max explains, almost out of breath, running his hand across his hair
"You're acting like it's so easy for me. Oh, thanks for being such a great friend for the decade I’ve known you, Y/N. By the way, I have feelings for you—no, scratch that—I’m in love with you." Lando chucks the shirt at Max, rolling his eyes as he lies back on the floor.
"That works"
"Shut up.... I just— its y/n, you know? I fuck this up, everything changes. Its not just about me and her"
"Look, I don’t want to get in your head, but I honestly think she might feel the same way. She shows up to races, she’s there for you whenever you need her, shit your family loves her. You're overthinking this, tell her how you feel. That's a good start"
Lando sits up, propping himself on his elbows, a defeated look crossing his face. "Exactly, she might feel the same way... if she doesn’t, it’s gonna get weird. I can't ruin our friendship like that"
"I can meddle"
"No! No meddling! This ski trip is for the team. When I find the courage to tell her, i will"
"More like when you find your balls..."
"Foods here! Come out here, no eating in my bedroom!" Lando kicks Max's leg just in time for Y/N to announce her return, pizza boxes in hand.
After a long day of skiing and filming, the group made their way back to the cabin just before sunset, just enough time to unwind before dinner. Y/N sank into the plush sofa by the crackling fireplace, the warmth from the flames making her sigh in relief. Wrapped up in a thick, soft blanket, she leaned back, absentmindedly scrolling through her phone.
"Wanna grab a little snack before dinner? I saw this cute cafe near by" Pietra plops down beside her, laying her head on her lap
Y/N lets out a groan, putting her phone away "P, please i'm so sore. I honestly think you'd have to drag me by my feet for dinner tonight"
"Oh but you did great today. You should've seen Max his first time on the slopes, it was almost sad." P sits up to give y/n some relief
"Where is he anyways? Go ask him to go to the cafe with you- bring me back a muffin while you're at it"
"He’s with his boyfriend, going over clips from today…" Pietra pauses, crossing her legs and narrowing her eyes at Y/N, a mischievous smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Speaking of my boyfriend’s boyfriend—what’s going on between you and Lando?" She leans forward slightly, her gaze sharp and accusing, as if she’s piecing something together.
This makes y/n frown, confusion spreading across her face "Me and Lando? What do you mean?"
"Come on, Y/N," Pietra says with a playful grin, leaning in as she pokes Y/N’s arm. "Ever since the season ended, you two have been hanging out way more. And didn’t you spend Christmas with his family? Oh, and let’s not forget today! On the slopes, he was literally stuck by your side the entire time—he’s usually off showing off or racing with the guys." She wiggles her eyebrows, clearly enjoying the tease, her gaze never leaving Y/N as if waiting for some kind of confession.
Y/N laughs, giving Pietra a gentle shove. "Did you hit your head out there?" she teases.
"I have no idea what you're talking about. Lando and I hang out all the time, it’s just that we’ve had more time recently. Plus, it’s not the first time I’ve spent Christmas with the Norris family." She shrugs casually, then continues, her tone softening slightly as she recalls the day. "And as for today, well, it was my first time skiing, and Lando insisted I join the trip to begin with. I guess he just wanted to make sure someone was there to keep me from falling on my face the whole time." She laughs again, shaking her head, clearly not fazed by the teasing, but her explanation still carries a hint of warmth.
"Huh... I could've sworn you were hiding something. I mean even Max acts all weird whenever I bring the two of you up"
"Max? What? About Lando and I?"
"Yeah, he gets all defensive whenever I bring up the two of you," Pietra says with a shrug, her eyes narrowing playfully. "I thought you two finally sucked it up and acted on whatever’s going on between you."
"Whatever's going on?"
"Come on y/n. You clearly have feelings for Lando. You may lie to everyone else but I see through you" Pietra laughs
"I’m— no. Me? Feelings for Lando?" Y/N stutters, her voice faltering as she shifts uncomfortably in her seat, suddenly feeling a knot tighten in her stomach. She tugs at the edge of her blanket, avoiding Pietra's gaze.
She forces a nervous laugh, but it sounds hollow, the tension in the room thickening. "Yeah, right. No— no, that’s not…" Her sentence fizzles out, her mind racing, but she can’t quite find the right words.
Pietra's jaw drops, her eyes widening in surprise before a sly grin slowly spreads across her face. "Oh my gosh..." she murmurs, her voice rising with the realization. "I was just messing with you, but—" She leans in closer, her smile growing wider as she watches Y/N squirm. "You do have feelings for him!"
Y/N's heart skips a beat, the words hitting her harder than expected. Was it that obvious? Did everyone see it? The weight of it all settles heavily on her, her stomach flipping in a way that both unsettles and excites her. "No, I—" she starts, but her voice is barely a whisper, unsure of what to say next.
"Y/N!" Pietra exclaims, her voice filled with a mix of disbelief and excitement. "He obviously feels the same way. Why else would Max be acting like that whenever I ask about you two?"
Y/N's stomach tightens, a wave of nervous energy making her insides churn. Could it be? Was it really possible that Lando felt the same way about her? Her heart skips at the thought, but then the doubts creep in, drowning out any sense of hope. No, he couldn’t possibly... Lando was Lando, the guy who was always surrounded by people, always the center of attention, effortlessly charming everyone around him. And she... she was just Y/N. Just a friend.
He only sees me as a friend. The words loop in her mind. Nothing more than that. They’d always been friends, nothing had ever suggested anything different, right? She feels a strange tightness in her throat, as if even acknowledging the possibility of something more would shatter the delicate balance they’d always had.
"Oh, honey, I’m sorry," Pietra says softly, her tone shifting as she notices the distant look in Y/N's eyes.
"I didn’t mean to make it weird," she adds, her voice softening. "But you know, everyone’s been kind of... wondering." Her eyes meet Y/N’s, a mix of empathy and understanding in them, as if offering a lifeline in the middle of the uncertainty.
Y/N lets out a laugh, shaking her head as she looks at Pietra. "You're just saying that to make the voices go away," she teases, trying to deflect, though her tone carries an edge of nervousness.
Pietra grins, unfazed. "No, seriously! A few of the newer people on the team genuinely thought you two were a thing when they first joined Quadrant." She leans back, raising an eyebrow as she watches Y/N's reaction, knowing full well that the thought might have crossed her mind too. The comment lingers, like an unspoken truth that makes the room feel a little smaller.
The sound of footsteps coming from the stairs behind them makes both Y/N and Pietra turn their heads in sync.
"You're not getting ready yet?" Max says, his voice teasing but with a hint of impatience. "Our reservation's in an hour, and we're starving. We can't be late."
He walks down the stairs with Lando trailing just behind him, moving toward the two on the sofa. Max leans down, planting a gentle kiss on Pietra's head as he passes, a small smile tugging at his lips. Lando follows closely, his gaze briefly flickering to Y/N before he glances away, his expression unreadable. The atmosphere shifts again, subtle but charged, as everyone feels the undercurrent of what’s unspoken.
"We might have to drag Y/N by her feet to the restaurant—her words, not mine," Pietra laughs softly, her voice playful as Max sits beside her, pulling her closer for a quick cuddle.
This catches Lando’s attention, and he pushes away from the counter in the kitchen, his footsteps quick and purposeful as he strides across the room toward the couch. He stops just short of them, his eyes narrowing slightly with concern. "Why? What’s wrong? You feeling okay?" he asks, his tone laced with genuine care, though his usual confident swagger seems a little softer.
"No—yeah, I’m okay, just sore, really," Y/N says, her voice a little shaky as she forces a smile at Lando. "I’ll be fine. P, we should get ready."
She stands up quickly, giving Lando a brief but reassuring smile before turning towards the stairs. As Y/N begins to head up, Pietra stands too, shooting Max a knowing look that doesn’t go unnoticed. Max raises an eyebrow, but Pietra simply follows Y/N up the stairs.
Dinner went by smoothly, the lively chatter and laughter around the table giving Y/N the perfect distraction from the lingering thoughts she’d been trying to push away. Lando’s presence felt comforting, like a steady anchor, though she couldn’t help but notice the occasional glance he threw her way—just enough to keep the butterflies fluttering in her stomach, but not enough to make her feel overwhelmed. For now, she was content to enjoy the evening, letting the connection with her friends fill the space that her doubts had briefly occupied.
Y/N lies on her bed, the soft glow from her phone casts a faint light across the room, but her mind is still tangled in the conversation earlier. She barely notices the time passing until a soft knock at her door pulls her attention away.
She sits up quickly, smoothing her hair back, and calls out, "Come in."
Lando slips into her room quietly, a bottle of water in his hands. He stands at the foot of the bed "Hey, sorry, were you about to sleep?" he asks, his voice gentle but with an undercurrent of concern.
"No, you're good," Y/N replies with a small laugh "Just on my phone... struggling to sleep, honestly." She smiles up at him, her eyes warm as she pats the space beside her. "What's up?"
Lando hesitates for just a moment, he crosses the room and sits down, the familiar weight of his presence settling next to her. He reaches into his hoodie pocket and pulls out a small pill bottle, offering it to her along with the water bottle.
"Painkillers," he says, his tone casual but with an underlying kindness. "Thought you could use some if you want to be able to hit the slopes again tomorrow. We’re doing the sled race, remember?"
Y/N lets out a relieved sigh, her shoulders relaxing as she takes the pill from him, followed by a sip of water. "Thank you," she says, her voice soft. "I can’t believe I forgot to pack some."
Lando waves it off with a small grin. "All good," he says, his eyes meeting hers briefly. "Take one tomorrow before we head out too if you're still hurting."
She nods, feeling the knot in her shoulders start to loosen. The warmth of his presence is more comforting than she expected, and for a moment, the weight of everything else melts away.
"Do you fancy an ice cream?" Lando asks, a mischievous smirk creeping across his face as he nudges Y/N gently with his elbow.
Y/N raises an eyebrow at him, laughter bubbling up in her chest. "Ice cream? It’s almost midnight— and, uhmm... oh right, it's freezing outside," she says, her voice light with amusement. She shakes her head, grinning at his antics, but the playful glint in his eyes makes it clear he’s not giving up on the idea so easily.
Lando shrugs dramatically, the smirk never leaving his face. "Who says you can’t have ice cream in the middle of the night?" he teases, nudging her again as if trying to convince her to join his impromptu late-night mission.
The two walk back to the cabin, their laughter echoing in the crisp night air as they reminisce about the day’s adventures. Every so often, their arms gently brush against each other, the shared warmth a quiet comfort between them.
"Aren’t you glad I made you come up here?" Lando says, a playful gleam in his eye. "Next year, you could even try snowboarding" He wiggles his brows at Y/N, his voice teasing as if he’s already picturing her falling all over again.
Y/N groans dramatically, her breath visible in the cold night. "Can't we just go to the beach or somewhere warm that doesn’t require me to fight for my life and fall on my ass every couple of meters?" She stops walking, planting her feet firmly in protest, her face scrunched in exaggerated annoyance.
Lando laughs, his eyes twinkling as he glances at her. "Come on, you big baby," he teases, reaching for her hand and pulling her gently toward the cabin. "Let’s get inside. Your nose is so red."
Y/N huffs but lets him pull her along, the warmth of his hand in hers making her forget the cold. She can’t help but smile, even if she’d never admit how much she enjoyed their little banter.
They stand just outside Y/N's door, Y/N looks up at him with a playful smirk, her arms crossed loosely in front of her. "Thank you for tonight," she says with a hint of warmth in her voice. "Though if I wake up with a cold tomorrow, I’m blaming you and your ice cream escapade."
Lando chuckles, his eyes softening as he leans against the doorframe, his smile lazy but genuine. "I’ll be sure to nurse you back to health," he says, his voice low and easy, but with an undertone of sincerity. "I’ll be across the hall if you need me."
For a moment, neither of them speaks. Silence hangs in the air, a tension growing, subtle but undeniable. Their eyes meet and linger, flicking back and forth between each other's lips, the space between them feeling smaller with every passing second.
Lando’s breath catches slightly as he notices the way her lips part just a fraction, and Y/N, almost without realizing, shifts a little closer, the energy between them thickening.
Y/N takes a deep breath, her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her jacket as she glances at Lando. “Lando... I— I’ve been thinking about us—” Her voice is quieter than she meant it to be.
Lando’s eyes widen in a split-second of panic, and he quickly cuts her off, almost too quickly. “Us? About us?” His tone is a little too sharp, his expression tight, as if he’s bracing himself for something.
Y/N freezes, but then gathers her thoughts, forcing herself to look him in the eye. “Yes, our relationship—” She bites her lip, her heart pounding in her chest as she takes a step forward.
Lando blinks rapidly, trying to process her words. “—our relationship?” His voice cracks slightly, and his gaze shifts to the floor before quickly snapping back to hers.
Y/N nods, her hands trembling slightly at her sides. “Yes, well, no, I mean, our relationship as friends, of course!” She laughs nervously, her voice trailing off, trying to downplay the growing knot in her stomach.
Lando lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, his shoulders relaxing slightly. “Yeah, of course... uhmm, what about it?”
Y/N’s heart sinks a little, but she tries to push through the discomfort. “I just… I don’t know, Lando. I’ve been wondering if maybe we’re both feeling the same thing, you know? About... more than just friendship?” Her voice falters at the end, uncertainty creeping in.
Lando’s face flushes slightly, and he takes a step back, a defensive edge to his tone. “Oh well I mean, yeah we’re good friends, right? Best friends even, you and Max.” He says it quickly, almost too quickly, his words stumbling over themselves as if he's trying to convince himself just as much as her.
The silence that follows feels like an eternity. Y/N looks away, her stomach sinking, the words she was about to say hanging heavy in the air between them. She clears her throat, trying to force a smile, but it feels like it’s made of glass, fragile and thin. “Right,” she says softly, her voice almost too quiet. “I get it.”
Lando stands there for a moment, his expression caught somewhere between relief and regret. He can feel the weight of the situation, but he’s not sure what to say next. He couldn't bring himself to tell her how he really felt. "You... feel that way right? I mean you see me as your best friend?" he says quickly, reaching out as if to comfort her, but stopping short when he realizes how awkward it feels. "Maybe even your bestest friend, even over Max or P" Lando lets out a nervous chuckle in the attempt to ease the uneasiness filling the air.
Y/N nods, her eyes not meeting his. “Yeah, of course. Max isn't even top 3. Hey, I’m gonna head in and get some rest.” y/n attempts to return the banter as she turns slightly, her hand already on the doorknob, her pulse still racing from the conversation.
She pauses at the door, giving him a quick glance over her shoulder, the faintest trace of a smile tugging at the corner of her lips, though it doesn't quite reach her eyes. "Goodnight, Lando," she says softly before stepping inside and closing the door behind her.
Lando stands there for a moment, his hand still lingering in the air, unsure of whether he should follow her or just walk away. After a few moments, he sighs, shaking his head as he walks back toward his own room, the unspoken tension lingering in the silence of the hallway.
Lando laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling for what felt like hours, the thoughts of the conversation with Y/N replaying over and over in his mind. He couldn’t shake the feeling of regret, the missed opportunity to tell her how he really felt. Every time he closed his eyes, her face kept coming back to him, the look in her eyes that made him realize he might have just ruined everything by not saying what he’d wanted to say.
The sun was barely up when Lando found himself standing in the hallway, his heart racing as he made his way to Max and P's room.
"Max, you've got to get up, mate," Lando whispered urgently, his voice low but insistent, shaking Max awake.
Max let out a groan, his eyes barely open as he tried to make out his friend’s figure in the dim light of the room, the sun just starting to peek through the closed curtains. "What? Lando. What time is it?" His voice was thick with sleep.
"It’s... it’s early, I know. But I need to talk. I can’t stop thinking about it, mate. I messed up."
Max rubbed his eyes, finally managing to sit up, his confusion turning into concern. "Wait, what happened?" He yawned and stretched, still groggy but fully aware that Lando was rarely this urgent unless something serious was going on.
Lando ran a hand through his hair, pacing a little as he tried to find the words. "I didn’t tell her how I really feel, Max. And now I’m just stuck. I can’t stop thinking about it. I— I think I might’ve blown it." His voice was strained, frustration seeping through every word.
Max sat up straighter now, fully awake as he processed his friend's words. “Wait you’re talking about Y/N, right?” He rubbed his face, trying to make sense of Lando’s sudden shift in mood.
Lando paused, looking at Max, his face tight with the weight of everything. “She brought it up, she asked about us- our friendship and I just froze. I panicked, Max. I said I think she's my best friend, my closest friend and if you could've seen the look on her face... now I don’t know what to do. It’s messing with me."
"You idiot" a sharp toned voice makes the two look to the other side of the bed, a once sleeping P has now pulled her eye mask off, a dissatisfied look on her face. "She obviously likes you too Lando. You two are just too scared of actually facing how you truly feel. I literally had her confess to me last night before dinner"
Lando blinked in surprise, the realization hitting him harder than he expected. He opened his mouth to respond, but no words came out. Max, on the other hand, sat back with an amused expression, taking in the scene unfolding before him.
"Wait—what?" Lando managed after a beat, completely caught off guard.
Max let out a heavy sigh, his tone softening. "Lando, you’ve been dodging it for how long now? What did you expect? That she’d just magically figure it out? You’ve got to be honest with her, mate. If you really feel something for her, you can’t just pretend it’s nothing. You owe her the truth".
Lando nodded, taking in his friend’s words. "Yeah, you're right. I just... don’t want to mess things up more than I already have."
Max shook his head, a knowing look on his face. “You’ve got to take the chance, mate. Just... talk to her. Don’t wait any longer. I can't even begin to think about whats going on in her head right now- you pretty much shut her down”
Lando sat back down on the edge of the bed, rubbing his face in frustration. “I don’t know what to say. What if she doesn't believe me— I don't want her to think i'm playing with her feelings on purpose, it was a genuine lapse of judgement I panicked.”
"Well, that’s the risk, isn’t it?" Max replied, his voice matter-of-fact. "But at least you’ll know for sure. The worst thing you can do is keep holding back. You’re already in deep, mate. Just go for it."
Lando sat silently for a moment, taking in Max’s advice, feeling a mix of relief and anxiety swirling inside him. He knew Max was right, but it didn’t make it any easier. With a long sigh, he stood up from the bed, a new sense of determination in his steps.
“Alright,” Lando said, giving Max a look of appreciation.
Max gave him a reassuring nod. "Just don’t overthink it."
Lando nodded, heading for the door. Before he left, he turned back to P speaking up as she put her eye mask back on. “You know, if it goes horribly wrong, I’m gonna kick your ass for hurting her.”
Max chuckled, leaning back into the pillows. “Yeah, i'd take that as motivation to fix this. Go get her, Lando.”
As Lando walked down the hallway, his mind was set. He couldn’t let another day go by without telling Y/N how he felt. It was now or never.
Lando had been pacing around the kitchen for what felt like hours, trying to gather his thoughts. Max and P walk towards him, the nervous energy was starting to crawl back under his skin.
"Have you guys seen—" he started, but P immediately cut him off, her tone firm yet surprisingly quiet.
"What did you do?" she asked, a knowing look in her eyes as she crossed her arms. "I thought you left our room this morning ready to fix things between the two of you."
Lando's mouth went dry, his words caught in his throat. He shifted from foot to foot, suddenly feeling like he was fifteen again and in trouble with his parents. "I tried, I peeked in her room and she was sleeping and I felt bad i didn't want to wake her. I came back a few hours later she wasn't in her room" His voice was a little shaky, and his hands fumbled with the sleeve of his jacket as he tried to avoid their eyes.
P raised an eyebrow, her expression a mix of frustration and disbelief. "So you didn’t do it? That's why she won't leave her room" crossing her arms even tighter, clearly not buying his half-hearted excuse. "You’re seriously going to stand there and tell me you didn’t even try again?"
Lando swallowed hard, the weight of the situation settling in. "I... I didn't know she was back. I don't even know where she went this morning— wait she won't leave her room?"
"She said she's feeling sick and that she caught a cold but she's clearly been crying. Lando she won't even tell me about what happened last night, she's hurting"
Max, who had been listening quietly. "Mate, you’re a mess," he said, sitting down on the counter with his arms crossed, his tone matter-of-fact. "You’ve been overthinking this for months now. It’s honestly exhausting. Now you've managed to drag her into this mess."
Lando exhaled sharply, running a hand through his hair, his frustration clear.
Max gave a short laugh, shaking his head. "Mate, you’re already screwing it up by not talking to her. Go up there and fix it"
P stepped forward, her voice a little gentler now, but still firm. "Just go talk to her. Tell her exactly how you feel. You’ll either get your answer, or you won’t. But you can’t keep pretending like nothing’s going on."
With a deep breath, he nodded. "I’ll go talk to her. Try to occupy the rest of the team while we're gone" He straightened up, trying to shake off the nervousness that had settled in his stomach like a knot.
Max smiled, though there was a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Don't worry, we'll figure something out. And Lando?" he called as he started to head for the door.
"Yeah?" he turned back, his mind already racing with what to say to her.
"Don’t come back until you’ve told her. And if you screw it up, you’re buying us dinner for a week" Max said with a wink.
Lando shot him a look, but couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at his lips. "I’ll keep that in mind," he muttered, and with one final deep breath, he turned to head toward Y/N’s room.
This time, there was no turning back.
Another knock echoes through the room, causing Y/N to stir in her blanket cocoon. She sniffles and clears her throat, trying to hide the evidence of a long night’s worth of tears.
"P, I told you I’ll be fine. I don’t want anyone catching my cold. You guys go have fun," she calls out, her voice thick with exhaustion.
"It’s me," Lando’s voice filters through the door, catching Y/N off guard. She sits up quickly, her heart racing—what on earth could he want now?
Y/N hurriedly wipes at her face, but the mirror doesn’t lie. Her eyes are swollen, her cheeks streaked with dried tears, and her nose is a fiery red. She exhales in defeat.
With a soft groan, she cracks the door open "I already told Max and P I won’t be joining you guys," she says quietly, her voice heavy with guilt. "I’m really sorry, Lando. You should go... Everyone else is probably waiting."
Lando’s gaze softens, his brow furrowing as he steps closer, his tone gentle but knowing. "You’re upset about last night."
"I don’t know why I said what I said, but that’s not how I really feel," Lando insists, his voice laced with frustration, but the sight of the frown etched on Y/N’s face only deepens his anxiety.
Y/N’s gaze drops to the floor, her voice barely above a whisper, soft and tinged with hurt. "She told you, didn���t she?" The words feel like a weight she can’t shake off. She never imagined P would share something so personal, and now, she feels more exposed than ever.
Lando hesitates, shifting uncomfortably. "Yes, well… technically, she overheard me talking to Max about last night and—"
"You told Max about last night?" Y/N interrupts. She lifts her gaze, her eyes wide with disbelief. "What, me trying to confess my feelings for you and you immediately dismissing it wasn’t embarrassing enough? You had to go tell Max?"
“Y/N, no! That’s not what I—" Lando stammers. He takes a breath, gathering his courage. "I like you. I’ve liked you for months now. Max was the only person I’ve told.” The confession spills out before he can stop it, and for the first time, a sense of relief washes over him.
Y/N’s expression falters, a deep frown settling on her face as she tries to process his words. "Don't do that... please," she says softly, almost pleading. Her voice cracks slightly as she shakes her head. "You don’t have to lie to make me feel better about this." She struggles to fully comprehend what he’s just said.
"But I'm not lying!" Lando insists, his voice filled with urgency. His hands shake as he tries to convey the truth, the weight of his feelings finally spilling out. "For months, I’ve been debating whether or not to act on it. I didn’t know if you felt the same way... I didn’t know what I’d do if you didn’t." He reaches out, his hand trembling as he gently tries to take hers, hoping for a sign that she might believe him.
Y/N is still caught in the confusion of it all, but as his hand brushes against hers, something settles in her chest. The warmth of his touch brings a surprising sense of comfort, and she swallows back the confusion that’s been choking her. "But... last night?" she asks quietly, her voice shaky.
Lando’s eyes soften, and he looks down, clearly conflicted. "I panicked," he admits, his words coming out in a rush. "You bringing up how we might feel about each other was the last thing on my mind. Fuck, I didn’t even think it was possible. All the scenarios I made in my head were about how I’d finally tell you... how much I wanted to be with you." He looks up at her then, vulnerable and raw, his expression filled with regret. "I was just so scared you wouldn’t feel the same."
Y/N takes a deep breath, her chest tight with emotion. She finally meets Lando's gaze, and the moment their eyes lock, it’s as if time slows. The words that have been tangled in her mind for so long finally slip free, and she whispers, "I do... feel the same way."
A small, almost hesitant smile begins to form on Lando’s face. It’s the kind of smile that tells her he’s been holding his breath, waiting for this moment, unsure if he’d ever hear the words he desperately needed to hear. His eyes soften as he takes a step closer, and for a moment, everything feels like it’s falling into place.
Lando’s hands gently cup her face, his touch tender and careful, as if she’s something precious he’s afraid of breaking. His thumbs lightly brush against her cheeks before he reaches up to tuck a few stray strands of hair behind her ear. He lets his fingers linger there for a moment, feeling the warmth of her skin under his touch, before his hand gently rests on the side of her neck.
There’s a quiet intensity in the air now, a shared understanding that neither of them wants to break.
Lando’s smile widens ever so slightly, his thumb brushing along her cheekbone in a way that sends a warm shiver down her spine. "You have no idea how much I needed to hear that," he says softly, his voice still tinged with disbelief, as though he can’t quite believe this is happening.
Lando leans in, his forehead gently resting against hers, as if allowing the moment to sink in. There’s no rush, no need to fill the space with words anymore. All that’s left is the feeling between them—a feeling that says more than words ever could.
Lando’s breath catches as he hovers just inches from her face, his gaze flickering between her eyes and her lips. In a voice barely above a whisper, he murmurs, “I’m going to kiss you now.” his breath warm against her skin.
Y/N’s lips curl into a soft smirk, her eyes glinting with a mix of playfulness and something deeper. “About time,” she teases, her voice light, but there's a knowing edge to it. “For an F1 driver, you're quite slow.”
Lando’s eyes flash with amusement, a soft laugh escaping him as he shakes his head. “You’re lucky I really like you,” he responds, his voice warm with affection and the lingering hint of a smile. Before she can say another word, he closes the gap between them, his lips brushing gently against hers.
The kiss is slow at first, a gentle exploration, as if both of them are savouring the moment that’s been so long in the making. Lando’s hand moves to the back of her neck, pulling her a little closer as the kiss deepens, a surge of relief and longing finally being released between them. For all the uncertainty, the teasing, the games—they’re here now, and everything else fades away.
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luveline · 11 months ago
If you're taking request for Spencer and Bombshell!reader I think it would be so incredibly adorable if they were both on the way to a case (or coming back) and their little baby Amanda was face timing them to say hi to them and the team 🥺🥺
“Video call for you, momma,” Penelope says, plonking a laptop down onto the desk in front of you, and then quickly being called away by Emily for help.
You ditch your pen immediately, nail scratching the laptop trackpad as you slide the cursor to ACCEPT. 
Amanda’s face fills the screen, a shy smile like her dad’s close to the camera, her eyes almost cut off by the top of the screen. 
“Amy, babe, you’re too close to the computer! I can’t see your lovely face.” 
Amy sits back in her chair. “Is this okay?” 
You take her in. You trust your babysitter to take good care of her, but nothing is as reassuring as seeing her unhurt and smiling. “Hi, baby.” 
“Hi mommy,” she greets. “Where’s daddy?” 
“He’s in the bathroom. Be back any minute. Are you being a good girl for Mrs. Gamorrah? How’s your tummy?” 
“I’m being good,” she says, ignoring the important question, “did you see my t-shirt?” She brings her shirt closer to the camera. She’s wearing her favourite pyjamas with the butterflies she had for her birthday, “Look, Mrs. Gamorrah got the soup stain gone.” 
You beam at her. You miss her like crazy when you’re not there. You and Spencer take turns staying home most of the time, and so being apart from her and knowing she doesn’t have Spencer to soften your absence makes it easier to worry about her, and harder to concentrate on the work. 
The door opens. You twist your head. 
Spencer’s drying his hands on a paper towel. “Is that Amy?” 
“Quick, she wants to see you.” 
Spencer hurries to the laptop, bending at the waist to see the screen and his impatient daughter. 
“Amy!” he says, like she’s the only person he’s ever wanted to see, voice enthused with his most dad-appropriate saccharine. “Hi, bunny, hi, hello. I miss you so much, are you okay? I miss you.” 
You tap his leg gently. Calm down. 
“Daddy, I am so happy, and I miss you too! We’re doing pictures.” She holds up a sheet of paper covered in crayon drawings. “Are you okay too?” 
“I’m great now I’m seeing you. I really miss you, sweetheart, I’m sorry we’re both away at work.” 
“It’s okay. Me and Mrs. Gamorrah are gonna have pizza and jiffy pop and soda tonight. It would be good with you, but it’s still fun.” 
“That’s good,” you say, putting your hand on the keys, wishing you could feel her soft arm in your hand, stroke her silken forehead. “We’re gonna be home soon. Maybe even tomorrow.” 
Spencer wraps his arm behind your shoulder. “Me and mom miss you so so much, and we’re so proud of you being a good girl at home. We’re gonna bring you a big present for being by yourself.” 
“I’m not by myself, dad, I have Mrs. Gamorrah. Plus, Uncle Morgan said he wants to take me and Hank swimming on Sunday.” 
“I’m sure we’ll be home before Sunday.” You smother your frown. Spencer kisses your cheek. 
“Give one for me, dad!” 
Spencer kisses you again. “That one good enough?” he asks. 
“Another one!” 
When you get home, you’re gonna spoil the death out of her. Like, worse than you’ve ever spoiled her before. Spencer presses another great kiss to your cheek and smushes your faces together, Amy on the screen reaching for you both for a ghost hug. “I wanted to say hi before we go to the store. Can I call you again before bed?” 
“Yeah, baby, call again!” You rush to answer. “Call daddy’s phone, okay? Mine’s not working right. I’ll answer you, we’ll talk all about your day. Okay? I miss you very much.” 
“I miss you too. Bye bye.” 
“Okay, bye bye,” you say, “I love you.” 
“Love you, Amanda,” Spencer says. 
She waves her little hand until it looks like it might fall off of her wrist. Spencer waves back just as hard.
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jenoroyals · 1 year ago
Cigarettes After Sex - Lee Jeno
Tumblr media
pairing : jeno x fem!reader
synopsis : Starting your first year of college in a different country was exciting to you. Everything fell into place - your roommate, your friends, and even your apartment. The only thing that didn’t was Lee Jeno - your roommate’s boyfriend’s best friend.
word count : 17.7K words
content/warnings : college au!, fluff, angst, strangers to lovers?, one bed trope, smoking usage, heavy drinking usage, cursing, cheating (not jeno or mc), perv!jeno, semi sexual content, etc.
featuring : yunjin (lesaraffim), mina (former gugudan), jaemin (nct), mark (nct), haechan (nct), renjun (nct), chenle (nct), jisung (nct), giselle (aespa), & shotaro (riize).
During your childhood you dreamed of growing up, being on your own and going out was all you’ve ever wanted. Hearing stories from your older relatives about how wild they were in college just made it more severe.
“Yn? What college are you thinking about?” Your older sister asks.
You think for a moment before replying. “Well, I was thinking of Seoul National University.” You say and she furrows her brows.
“Well, that’s far from home.” She says, staring at you.
“I know but they have a great nursing program.” You defend while looking at her.
“Schools around here have great nursing programs too.” Your sister argues and you shake your head.
“Not like the one over there.” You say and she sighs defeatedly.
“Can you even speak the language?" Your sister asks and you nod your head.
“Yes, I took classes all throughout high school. I’m basically fluent.” You say and she scoffs lightly.
“Nerd.” She says and you slap her arm. “Hey!” She laughs and looks at you before getting serious again.
“Have you talked to mom and dad?” She asks and you shake your head no.
“I’m pretty sure they won’t mind.” You say and look at her before getting up. “I might not even get accepted. I’m still thinking about what colleges to apply to.”
“Well, as your older sister, I don’t want you to go that far. But, I know that you’ve always taken your education seriously, so if that's where you want to go, then you should apply.” Your sister says and you snort.
“I was going to anyway.” You say with a roll of your eyes, jokingly.
She pushes your shoulder and mumbles “Whatever.” before walking out of your room with a laugh.
You walk over to your computer and start looking at the application to SNU. Sighing, you click on the application and start typing in your information. “Let’s hope.”
You smile thinking about that memory while packing your bags. Tomorrow, you’ll leave your hometown and go to South Korea.
“Are you excited?” Your mom asks while zipping up one of your luggages.
“Yeah I am.” You say and she smiles while looking at you.
“Is your roommate nice?” She asks and you nod with a smile.
“Yeah, we’ve been talking a lot lately. She seems nice.” You say and your mom asks for her name.
“Yunjin. She was born in Korea but moved to New York when she was little.”
You were online looking at the dorms, hoping to find a suitable roommate when an ad listing popped up. Curiously, you clicked on it and found a girl named Yunjin who was looking for a roommate to help pay for her apartment. She looked nice and the apartment was close to the university.
Hesitantly, you clicked on the apply button and started reading the conditions before applying. You were sure that you could pay for half of the rent with your card. Your parents were both brand owners so money wasn’t an issue.
The next day, you received an email saying that she would be glad to have you as a roommate and that's when a new friendship formed.
Your mom nods her head and starts running her hands through your hair. “I’m gonna miss you.” She says and sniffles which causes you to turn around.
“Mom, don’t cry. I’ll be okay, I promise.” You say to her and hug her.
“I know you will, I’m just gonna miss my baby.” She says and you coo at her.
“I’m okay.” You mom says and pulls away while wiping her eyes.
“Now finish packing up. I’m going to start preparing dinner.” She says and walks out of your room.
You sigh and grab your phone, looking at the messages you received.
facetime? - yunjin
You quickly type a response before you get an incoming call from her. “Hello?” You ask while placing your phone on your vanity.
“Hi! I’m so excited to move in and finally meet you in person.” She says and you laugh while packing away your accessories.
“Me too! I can’t believe we’re finally going to meet tomorrow.” You say and look at her through your phone.
“Are you still packing, girl?” She asks and laughs.
“Just last minute things.” You say and she nods her head.
“What time does your flight land?” She asks and you quickly look at your boarding pass.
“I should be landing at 5pm. You’re picking me up right?” You ask her and she nods. “Yes I am.”
The two of you stayed on the phone until it was time for you to go eat dinner. After dinner you showered and laid down on your bed. You couldn’t sleep due to the excitement and nerves. You were going to be far away from home, your family, everything you’ve ever known.
It was like you were finally starting your life, this was all that you dreamed of while growing up. Now that it’s finally happening, you couldn’t help but be nervous. You don’t even remember falling asleep but somehow you get woken up by your alarm.
Your flight was at 5am and you had to be there about an hour early. You woke up at around 3am and walked into your bathroom. You brushed your teeth and hair, trying to make yourself look comfy but somewhat presentable since you were going to be on a flight for 12 hours.
After getting ready and grabbing your bags, you brought them downstairs where your parents were already preparing snacks and food for your flight.
“Are you ready, sweetie?” Your dad asks and hands you the bag of food and snacks.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” He nods and hugs you, squeezing you tightly.
“My baby girl is leaving the nest.” He says and you laugh.
“I’ll be back dad. I’m not leaving forever.” You say and he laughs along with your mom.
“Okay, we should start leaving. It’s already 3:45.” Your mom says and starts grabbing your luggage.
You follow her out into the car with 2 suitcases in your hands, along with the bag full of food. After putting everything into the car, the three of you get inside the car and drive to the airport.
Your parents followed you all the way through the airport until they couldn’t anymore. You turned to face them and hugged them tightly.
“I’m going to miss you guys.” You say and they both sniffle, trying hard not to cry.
“Be safe please.” You mom says and you nod your head.
“I will, I promise.”
“Flight 423 to Seoul will now be boarding.” Was heard over the intercom.
“I love you guys.” You say to them and hug them tight once again before turning around.
You wave goodbye to them before you can’t see their figures anymore. Pushing your glasses up, you make your way into the first class section of the plane. Setting your bag down, you quickly take your glasses off and look out the window.
Another 20 minutes went by before the plane started to take off. You watch out the window as the city lights start becoming smaller and smaller.
Goodbye home.
After a 12 hour flight, you finally landed in Korea. Grabbing your bags from the baggage claim, you walked out into the front of the airport, hoping to see Yunjin.
“Yn!” You hear your name being called and turn to where the voice came from.
You let out a squeal and run towards Yunjin. She wraps her arms around you and laughs.
“You’re finally here!” She says and you nod your head before pulling away.
“The air feels different.” You joke and she laughs.
“You haven’t even stepped outside yet.”
“I know but it just does.” You say and she laughs before helping you with your suitcases. The two of you walk out of the airport and to her car.
As you’re looking out the car window, you see different types of scenery. Buildings, people, trees, rivers, and bicyclists.
“Oh wow, the college looks huge.” You say and she laughs.
“I’m so not excited for school.” She says and you nod your head.
“Me too. Thank god we have two weeks before we have to start attending classes.” You say and the both of you continue to talk until she parks inside the apartment parking garage.
She popped the trunk open so you could get your luggages out. She helped you with them before the both of you walked towards the apartment building. There were two different apartment buildings.
“Okay, so we are in the building on the left on the fourth floor.” She says.
You follow her and get into an elevator. The elevator arrives on the fourth floor and you guys walk down the hall.
“124...125…126…and 127.” She says to herself and turns to you.
“Are you ready?”
“Yes, I’m dying to just lay down for a bit.” You say and she laughs before unlocking the door.
The walls were white with pictures and decorations adorning them. She had black leather couches surrounding a glass coffee table.
“You can put your stuff in here.” She says and leads you to a room. There was a queen sized bed with black bedding.
“I hope you like it. I wasn't sure how to decorate it.” She says and you shake your head.
“It’s perfect.” You say and she nods her head.
“What time are we going to dinner?” You ask her, starting to unpack.
“At 6, and I hope you don’t mind but I invited my boyfriend and some of our friends.” She says and you shake your head again.
“Not at all. I’m excited to make new friends.” You say and unzip another suitcase.
“What’s his name?” You ask while she helps unbag your skincare and makeup onto the vanity table.
“Jaemin.” She answers and looks at you.
“You know, his friends are also super cute.”
“Yunjin don’t.” You say jokingly and she laughs.
“What? I’m just saying. You said that you’ve never dated before. Why not try new experiences? I mean, that’s what you’re here for right?” She asks and you sigh before looking at her.
“Well yeah but-”
“But, nothing. Come on, you’re in a foreign country, you’re sweet, and you’re hot. You could probably get anyone you want.” She says, walking closer to you.
“Let’s just see how this goes.” You say and she smiles while clapping her hands.
After unpacking, you showered and started getting ready for dinner. After applying makeup and doing your hair, you looked through the drawers for clothes. You decided on a pair of low rise jeans with a baby pink cropped tank top.
After getting ready you grabbed your phone to look at the time but the doorbell rang. Confused, you walked out of your room and knocked on Yunjin’s bedroom door.
“Ynn, it’s my boyfriend and our friends. Can you let them in?” She yells from the other side of the door.
You yell back a yes and walk to the front door to open it. Three guys all dressed differently looked back at you in a confused manner.
“Are you sure this is the right one, dude?” The guy in a plain white long sleeve asks.
“Yes I’m sure. Hi, you must be the new roommate.” The guy in the middle asks.
“Yeah, I’m Yn. Nice to meet you. Please, come in.” You open the door wider for them to enter.
“Yunjin’s in the room.” You tell him and he nods before walking into her room.
Feeling awkward, you gesture for the other two boys to sit in the living room. They both walked over to the couch and sat down.
“Hello, I’m Mark. It's nice to meet you.” The guy who spoke earlier says and smiles at you.
He holds his hand out as a gesture for you to shake it. You grab his hand and smile back at him. “Yn.”
“I’m Jeno.” The other one says.
You quickly look at him and observe him. He was dressed in black ripped jeans with a plain white tee and a black leather jacket.
He was oozing with charisma, from the way he talked to the way he dressed. He had rings adorned on his fingers, paired with silver metal bracelets and multiple necklaces around his neck. You almost felt intimidated by him until he flashed a bright smile at you. His eyes formed into cute little crescents of the moon.
“Nice to meet you.” You say and walk away to grab your shoes. You grab your pink dunks and walk over to the couch to put your shoes on but before you could, Mark speaks up.
“Where’s the bathroom?” He asks and you direct him to it before continuing to put on your shoes.
As you bent down to slip your foot in, Jeno noticed how he could see your cleavage poking through the opening of your tank top. He smirks and licks his lips before looking back at his phone. After putting your shoes on you sat there in silence.
“Nice shoes.” He says and you look at him.
“Thank you.” You look down to his shoes to compliment him as well when you notice he’s wearing the same shoes as you just in black.
“You too.” You shyly say and he chuckles softly.
Jaemin and Yunjin finally walk back into the living room.
“Is everyone here?” She asks and Jamein shakes his head.
“We’re waiting for Mina.” Jaemin says and your eyebrows furrow.
“Who’s Mina?” You ask and Yunjin walks over to come sit next to you.
“Mark’s girlfriend. She lives further away from campus.” Yunjin says and you nod your head. Just then, Mark walks out and sits back down where he was sitting previously.
The atmosphere was a little awkward and you felt yourself curl up into a ball. You could feel Jeno’s eyes on you but you choose to ignore it, looking at anywhere but him. Finally, the doorbell rings signaling Mina’s arrival. Mark goes to open the door and greets her with a kiss.
“Okay, let’s go.” Yunjin says and walks to Jaemin, intertwining their hands. You’re the last one out of the door and you turn around to lock the door humming to yourself.
You turn back around and see Jeno waiting for you as the rest of them start walking to the parking garage.
“You didn’t have to wait for me.” You joke and he laughs.
“It’s okay, I didn’t want to really be with the couples anyway.” He says and you laugh, the two of you trailing behind the rest of the group.
Mark and Mina walk towards her car and you follow the rest of them into what you assume to be Jeno’s car since Jaemin was getting in the back seat. You turn to look at Yunjin who wiggles her eyebrows at you teasingly. You jokingly roll your eyes and get into the passenger seat.
“The usual?” Jeno asks and Yunjin nods her head.
He waits a moment for his phone to connect to the car before pulling out of the parking garage and heading to the restaurant. The music started to play and you recognized the song.
Apocalypse - Cigarettes After Sex
“I love this song.” You say out loud, hoping to make conversation.
“Yeah?” He asks and looks over at you quickly.
“Yeah, I love Cigarettes After Sex.” You say and softly laugh.
“What’s your favorite song?” You ask and turn to look at him with a smile.
“Probably ‘K.’ What about you?” He replies and you stop and think for a moment.
“It’s hard to say because I love all of their songs but I’ve been listening to ‘Sunsetz’ a lot recently.” You say and start playing with your fingers.
The conversation dies again but this time it’s not an awkward silence, it’s a comfortable one. A while later, you guys finally reach the restaurant and Jeno parks the car. The four of you get out of the car and meet up with Mark and Mina who were inside the restaurant already.
The six of you sit down at the table and start looking at the menu. It was a Korean Barbeque place. You were at the end of the table, closest to the wall with Yunjin on your left and across from her was Jaemin. Mark and Mina took up the remaining seats.
You look at the menu, debating on what you should get.
“The spicy pork belly is pretty good.” Jeno says across from you. You look up at him and smile.
“Yeah I was thinking about getting that.” You say and he smiles before looking back down at the menu.
“So, Yn. What are you majoring in?” Mina asks you before taking a sip of her water.
“Oh I’m majoring in nursing right now.”
“Oh, no way! Me too!.” Jaemin says and holds out his hand for a high five. You shyly high five him and the conversation continues.
Mark and Mina were both in their second year of college. Mark wanted to become a music producer and his girlfriend wanted to become a veterinarian. Yunjin and Jaemin were in the same year as you and like yourself, Jaemin wanted to become a nurse. You knew that Yunjin wanted to be a lawyer from previous conversations.
Jeno kept quiet most of the time, letting his friends talk before he did. After Jaemin finished speaking you turned to Jeno with questioning eyes.
“What about you?” You ask him and he softly smiles.
“I want to be a car designer.” He sheepishly says and you nod your head.
“That’s cool! I think you’d be good at it.” You say and he laughs.
“How do you know?” He asks teasingly and you look back at him.
“Your car! You added on all of the modifications right?” You say and he nods his head.
The four friends look at each other with knowing smiles before looking back at you and Jeno.
Before you know it, the food arrived. Jeno grabbed a piece of the spicy pork belly and placed it into your bowl of rice.
“Thank you.” You sheepishly say before eating it.
Everyone was so focused on eating that there was almost no conversation. Small conversations here and there but not too long lasting.
After 3 rounds of meat, everyone was stuffed. You wanted to treat everyone since they made you feel so welcomed but Jaemin beat you to it. He slid his card into the tab and gave it back to the server. You pouted a bit and Jeno noticed.
The way your cheeks filled up with air and your lips curled into each other, pressing against each other. He softly laughed and looked away.
“You guys want to drink tonight?” Mark suggests and everyone agrees.
“Yn and I can go grab alcohol and meet you guys back at the apartment.” Jeno says and everyone agrees with the plans.
You softly smile at the thought of spending time alone with him. You walk to his car and get in the passenger seat while waving bye to everyone else. Jeno starts up the car and the music starts playing.
Sunsetz - Cigarettes After Sex
You smile at the familiar instrumental intro of the song. You look over at him and he already has a smile forming on his face.
“Do you want to play 21 questions? We can get to know each other that way.” He asks and you nod your head yes.
“So, what made you come to Korea?” He asks you when the car gets to a red light.
“They have a good nursing program. One of the best in the whole world.” He nods his head at your answer.
You think for a moment before a question pops up in your head.
“How did you meet Jaemin?” You ask him and he softly laughs at your question.
“We were deskmates in middle school. I met him when I was 14.” He says and you smile at the thought of a younger Jeno.
The rest of the car ride was filled with questions bouncing back and forth between the two of you. Walking into the convenience store, you ask him a question.
“What’s your favorite color?” You ask and he laughs loudly at it.
“That’s what you’re asking?” He asks and laughs again when you nod your head.
The both of you walk over to the section with the soju bottles and he grabs a case that has 12 bottles in it.
“Blue.” He answers while walking to the register.
He started pulling out his wallet but you were faster. You tapped your card and when Jeno hears the noise the machine makes he looks up.
“My treat.” You say and he sighs softly.
“You didn’t have to.” He says and you shake your head.
“Your turn.” You say to him, gesturing for him to ask a question. Before he can ask you a question his name gets called.
You turn to look at the girl who called his name. She was gorgeous. Her hair was in all the right places, her makeup looked flawless, and her outfit looked like it was chosen by a stylist. Feeling insecure you wrap your arms around your body and avert your eyes.
“Jeno? That is you!” The girl exclaims and runs over to bring him into a hug.
Jeno keeps his arms down by his sides, not reciprocating the hug back. She pulls away from his embrace and pouts at him.
“What? You don’t even want to hug me?” She asks, batting her eyes at him but he keeps a stoic poker face.
“What are you doing here Giselle? I thought you were in Japan.” He says calmly and she turns her head to look at you. Ignoring his question she walks up to you.
“Hi, I’m Giselle. Jeno’s girlfriend.” She says and your eyes widen a bit.
She holds her hand out for you to take but before you could Jeno steps in front of you and blocks you from her vision, his taller frame towering over her.
“Ex. Girlfriend.” He clarifies and she rolls her eyes.
“Same thing. Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?” She says with a smile that looked all too fake.
He sighs and turns to look at you before grabbing your hand in his.
“She doesn’t need to be introduced to you.” He says bitterly.
His left hand wrapping around yours while holding the case of soju bottles in his other hand. He glares at the girl in front of you guys before dragging you out of the convenience store.
He pops open his trunk and lets go of your hand to place the case of alcohol in there. You awkwardly observe him let out a sigh before walking to the passenger door. He gets in the driver's seat and turns the car on.
You look at him and frown when you see his eyebrows furrowed with his eyes closed. Hesitantly, you poke at his eyebrows and his eyes open in shock.
“It’s not good to furrow your eyebrows for a long time.” You say and smile at him.
He softly smiles at you while looking into your eyes. Seeing him up close like this made you realize just how attractive he is. His strong and arched brows, his mole under his eye, his perfect nose, his full lips, even his chiseled jaw. Realizing what you’re doing, you quickly turn away from him and look straight out the window of the car and he softly laughs.
“I’m sorry.” He says and you frown before looking at him.
“Why are you apologizing?” You ask and he sighs again.
“Giselle.” He says, pointing out the elephant in the room. You nod your head and look at him furrowing his eyebrows again.
“We uh… we broke up last year. We dated for about two years before she had to move to Japan. Her dad got a job transfer over there and so her whole family moved. We tried to do long distance and it was going well, until I found out that she cheated on me.” He says and closes his eyes again.
You pout again and look at the man in front of you. How could anyone ever cheat on him? He was so damn perfect. Sure, you only met him today but you knew how genuine he was.
“I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve that.” You say and he softly chuckles.
You quickly look down for a second, trying to focus your attention on your hands in your lap. You slightly jump at the feeling of his hands under your chin. He grabs your chin in between his thumb and pointer finger, your eyebrows furrow feeling the coldness of his rings directly on your skin.
He tilts your face up to look back into his eyes and smirks. You slowly swallow the saliva in your mouth and look into his brown eyes.
“Don’t apologize, you did nothing wrong.” He says and you slowly nod your head.
He lets go of your chin and you sit further back into your seat. He laughs at your action and puts his car in reverse, heading back to your shared apartment with Yunjin.
“Finally!” You hear Yunjin say as you open the door.
“Sorry, we had to drive to the one further away because the other one didn’t have any soju in stock.” Jeno lies easily through his teeth.
You furrow at his words before plastering a smile onto your face. “Yeah, the detour was like 20 minutes.” You say, hoping that it made the lie more believable.
Jeno smiles at you, backing him up before placing the case of soju on the counter. He opens up the box and pulls out 3 bottles from it. You walk over to help him put the rest in the fridge and he grabs your hand. You gasp softly and look up at him.
“Thanks.” He says and you nod your head, knowing what he was referring to.
Jaemin had suggested a game of ‘Truth or Drink’ so the six of you were sat around the coffee table . Everyone agreed to let loose and be completely honest, no matter how raw the questions were and if they didn’t want to answer it, they could just take a shot of soju.
“Okay, Yn.” Jaemin starts off and you look at him.
“What was your first kiss like?” He finishes and everyone looks at you, waiting for you to answer.
“Hm, my first kiss.” You repeat and cringe thinking about it.
“It was gross. He kept trying to push his tongue in my mouth.” You say and everyone laughs at the thought of it.
“Okay, Mina. What’s the worst pick up line you’ve ever heard and who said it?” You ask with a smile and she laughs at the question. She looks over to her boyfriend who gasps offendedly.
“The worst pick up line I’ve ever heard was at the club.” She says and Mark groans upon hearing that causing the group to laugh.
“Mark came up to me and said ‘Hey, you owe me a drink. Because when I saw you, I dropped mine.”
Mark screams and cringes as the words leave his girlfriend’s lips. The group laughs and starts teasing him.
“I would’ve thrown my drink at you if you said that to me.” Jeno says and laughs when Mark flips him off.
As the night went on, half the soju case was almost gone. You could feel the alcohol getting to you, your eyesight was starting to blur a bit. The game continues and it was mark’s turn to ask.
“Have you and Yunjin ever got caught doing ‘it’ by someone?”
“Plenty of times.” Jaemin answered quickly with no thought.
Yunjin, feeling embarrassed, hides her face in her hands.
“Oh my god Yunjin, you said you were innocent!” You exclaim and hit her shoulder lightly.
“She’s not innocent at all, one time she wan-mphh” She covers her boyfriend’s mouth before he can embarrass her even more.
She removes her hand from his mouth and he laughs before scanning the room. He looks at everyone before stopping on his best friend.
“Okay, Jeno. Are you completely over what happened last year?” He asks his best friend who tenses up at the question but then relaxes again.
The smile that was once on his face disappears and he clears his throat.
“Um yeah, I would say I am.” Everyone nods their head at his answer and he looks over at you with a smirk.
“Oh no.” You say with a sigh playfully. He just laughs at your reaction and smiles even more.
“You’ve been asking me questions all night, aren’t you curious about anyone else?” You ask jokingly and he shakes his head.
“Nope. Just you, princess.” You cheeks flush at his use of a pet name and you look at him with wide eyes. He chuckles and playfully pinches your cheek.
“What’s the kinkiest thing you like to do during sex?” He asks and your cheek flushes even more.
It’s not like you’ve never had sex, you’ve had a few encounters of it. Keyword, a few. Both times however, were really vanilla so you’ve never experienced anything remotely kinky.
Clearing your throat you slowly pour the soju into your shot glass and take the shot.
“Oh come on princess.” He says and you shake your head no.
“Not telling.” You say and cough when the alcohol goes down the wrong pipe. The group laughs at your misery while Jeno pats your back, also laughing.
Not long after, everyone was slowly starting to drift off to sleep. You slowly were starting to sober up and decided to start cleaning up the mess. You grabbed the empty bottles and placed them in a trashbag.
After cleaning up, you looked around at everyone. Mark and Mina were fast asleep on the couch, cuddled up. You walked over to your bedroom and grabbed a spare blanket from the closet for them.
As you were walking out of your room, you met Jaemin and Yunjin in the hallway. “I’m guessing he’s sleeping with you?”
She nods her head and drags a drunk Jaemin into her room. You walk into the living room and drape the blanket over Mark and Mina. Jeno was fast asleep with his head on the coffee table. You walk over to him and shake him.
“Jeno? Wake up.” You say softly while shaking him awake. He mumbles incoherently before tuning his head to face you.
“Jeno, come on. Go sleep on the couch.” He shakes his head no and whines softly.
“You don’t want to sleep on the couch?” You ask softly while crouching down to him. He shakes his head again and you furrow your brows.
“Where do you wanna sleep?” You ask him and he slowly lifts his head up. He looks towards the hallway and points in your room.
You sigh softly and weigh your options. You could leave him here and have his body be sore tomorrow or you could take him to your room and let him sleep on your bed while you come back to sleep on the couch. Sighing, you grab his hand and help him up.
“Come on, let’s go to my room.” You whisper and he obliges.
He stands up, albeit a little wobbly but he manages to balance his weight, never letting go of your hand. You drag him to your room and place him on the bed. Reaching over. You take off his shoes and place them on the tile floor.
You stare at the sleeping man in front of you and sigh softly. As you go to walk away, he grabs your wrist. You stop in your tracks and turn to look at him.
“Don’t leave me, Giselle.” You hear him say and you widen your eyes.
So he was lying when he said that he was over it. You knew he wasn't with the way that he reacted inside the convenience store. You sigh again and furrow your brows before grabbing his hand that was holding onto your wrist and pull his grip away.
You stare at him again and he has a sour expression on his face. You hesitantly poke at his eyebrows to ease them before walking out of your room, leaving him in there. You walk into the bathroom and look at yourself in the mirror.
Your eyes were red and your mascara was smeared everywhere. The pink lip tint you applied is now gone due to the oil of the food. You take out a makeup wipe and start removing your makeup, all the while thinking about the man in your room.
You barely met him yet he had you wrapped around his finger. You sighed again for the hundredth time that night. After removing all of your makeup, you brushed your teeth before walking back out into the living room.
You decided to sleep on the other couch. After grabbing another blanket from the closet, you laid down and felt your eyelids getting heavy. Sleep slowly overtaking your body. You closed your eyes and let it devour you, not wanting to think about what just happened in the last 20 minutes.
You hear voices coming from next to you and open your eyes. The sun was blaring from the balcony window. Squinting your eyes, you sit up and see that everyone was up besides Jeno.
“Want some breakfast?” Jaemin asks from the kitchen and you slowly nod your head.
Your head was pounding and your mouth felt dry. Last night was the first time in a long time that you’ve drank that much. You tried to swallow some saliva to help quench your thirst but it didn’t help at all. Yunjin and Mina came over to sit next to you on the couch. MIna handed you a glass of water and you softly thanked her.
The water was cooling against your dry mouth and throat. Gulping down the water you slowly looked around.
“Where’s Jeno?” Yunjin asks you and you bring the cup down from your lips.
“He didn’t want to sleep on the couch so I took him to my room and came to sleep out here.” You answer and they nod their head.
“Food’s ready.” Jaemin says and the three of you walk over to the dining table where Mark was setting up plates.
“I’m gonna go wake up Jeno.” You say and walk towards your room.
You slowly opened the door, hoping not to wake him up. He was softly snoring and you observed him again before walking closer to him on your bed. The events of last night flash through your brain and you stop in your tracks. Deciding to not think too much, you walk up to him.
“Jeno.” You say and shake him to wake him up.
He slowly opens his eyes and blinks up at you before sitting up fastly. He looks around the room and notices that he’s in your room. You softly laugh at him and shake your head.
“Jaemin cooked breakfast, go eat.” You say and he slowly nods his head before getting up from your covers.
He grabs his shoes and walks out of your room. You sigh once he's out and lay down on your bed, not even caring that you haven’t washed them after he used it. You stare up at the ceiling for a moment before getting up to change into more comfortable clothes.
You fell asleep in your jeans last night and it was itching your legs. Locking your door, you change into a pair of gray loose sweatpants and a tight white long sleeve that was cropped. You looked for your brown fluffy slippers and put them on before walking back out into the kitchen to eat.
It’s been a few days since that day and you haven’t seen Jeno at all. You and Yunjin were watching a movie in the living room when you looked over at her and decided to ask the question you were dying to know the answer to.
“Yunjin?” You call out and she turns to look at you.
“What’s up?” She asks.
“Who did Giselle cheat on Jeno with?” You ask and she makes a confused face.
“How did you know about that?” She asks and you panic. You didn't know if you should tell her about what happened at the convenience store but you do anyway.
“When Jeno and I went to go get alcohol, she was there.” You answer and Yunjin sits up from her position.
“She was here? In Korea?” She asks for clarification and you nod your head yes.
“That bitch.” She says softly and looks away before looking back at you.
“She cheated on him with this guy named Shotaro.” She says and you slowly nod your head.
“DId he love her?” You ask again and Yunjin looks at you confusingly.
“Jeno.” You clarify and Yunjin sighs.
“Yeah, I think he did. But once she broke that trust, it was hard for him to get over it.” She explains and you stay quiet.
“Why are you asking?” She asks and you shake your head.
“I was just curious.” You say and she looks at you with squinted eyes before looking back at the tv.
You sat there in silence, thinking about the information that you just received. You grabbed your phone and looked up the name ‘Shotaro’ on instagram. It wasn’t hard to find him after all, there weren't many Shotaros in the world.
Clicking on the first profile that popped up you looked on his page and saw different posts with girls and guys. One picture in particular caught your eye though. It was a picture of Shotaro, Giselle, and Jeno.
She was standing in the middle with her head on Jeno’s shoulder. You frowned and zoomed in on the picture. Her arms wrapped around both of them but even though her head was on Jeno’s shoulder, Shotaro was standing closer to her than Jeno was.
You looked at the date it was posted, 2021. You zoomed back onto Shotaro’s face. He wasn’t bad looking but he definitely wasn’t as handsome as Jeno was. It seems like Jeno and Shotaro were friends or acquaintances at least.
You clicked on the picture to look at the tag and found Jeno’s account. He had no posts but he had story highlights. You clicked on one and saw Jaemin and Mark along with other guys. Tapping through them you looked at them before it changed to another highlight. You noticed that this one had just him.
There were pictures of him at the gym, him biking, him at parties, and more. Just as you were about to look even more, the doorbell rang. You looked up and saw Yunjin looking at you.
“Are you expecting anybody?” She asks you and you shake your head.
Getting up, you walked over to the front door and opened it. Jeno was standing there in a muscle tee and sweats. His biceps were out for everyone to see and you slowly widened your eyes.
“Jeno? What are you doing here?” You ask and look back to see if Yunjin was watching but she wasn't.
“Can we talk?” He asks and you nod your head before walking out to talk in the hallway.
“What’s up? Are you okay?” You ask and he nods his head.
“Yeah. I just wanted to apologize about the other day.” He says and you scoff slightly.
“It’s okay. You were drunk, don’t even worry about it.” You say and he smiles softly. You look up into his eyes and feel yourself smiling as well.
“Is that all?” You ask and he nods his head.
As you turn to walk back inside he grabs your wrist. “Wait!” He exclaims and you turn back to look at him.
“Um, someone I know is throwing a party tonight. Would you like to go with me?” He asks and you furrow your eyebrows.
“Tonight?” You ask and he nods his head.
“Sure, what time should I expect you to pick me up?” You ask and he smiles softly.
“I’ll be here at 9.” He says and you smile with a nod of your head. You turn to walk inside but before closing the door, you wave to him and he does the same.
“Who was it?” Yunjin asks and you drop your smile.
“Uh, Jeno. He invited me to a party tonight.”
“Oh, it must be Haechan’s party.” She says and you furrow your brows.
“How do you know?” You ask and she shrugs her shoulders.
“Jaemin invited me but I declined because I thought we were hanging out tonight.” She says teasingly and your eyes widen.
“Oh shit. Sorry, I already accepted his invite. I can cancel on him.” You say and Yunjin laughs.
“It’s fine, if you’re going then I’ll go too.” She says and grabs her phone to text Jaemin.
You smile and walk into your bedroom. It was already 5pm and you needed time to get ready. You walked into your closet, hoping to find something to wear. Looking through your tops, you found a black tube top and decided to pair it with a blue denim mini skirt.
You knew it was going to be a bit chilly outside, but you didn’t want to ruin your outfit so you opted for freezing tonight. Laying your outfit down on your bed, you walked towards the vanity mirror and started applying makeup. You knew you wanted it to be subtle but still bold enough to compliment your features.
“Hey, what are you wearing?” Yunjin asks while walking in and looking at the outfit on your bed.
“Oh, this is cute!” She exclaims and grabs your jacket to inspect it closely.
“Well, I was going to wear low rise jeans but I thought the skirt was cuter. What about you? What are you wearing?” You say while applying some lip gloss.
You turn towards her and see her in a green mini skirt with a white top. You smile and nod your head yes. “Oh hell yeah! You look hot as fuck.” You say and walk closer to her to look closely at her outfit. She smiles and does a quick turn while posing like models do. You laugh and gently hit her shoulder.
“Is Jaemin picking you up?” You ask and she shakes her head no.
“We usually uber since we both drink but Haechan’s place is really close so we usually just walk.” She says and you nod your head.
“I think he’s coming with Jeno so the four of us will probably just walk together.” She says and walks into your bathroom to look at herself in the mirror. You walk back over to your vanity table and finish getting ready. You finished curling the last strand of hair when the doorbell rang. You hear Yunjin going to open the door and quickly look at yourself in the mirror before grabbing your black platform boots.
As you were putting them on, there was a knock on your door. “Come in!” You yell and the door opens revealing Jeno.
“Hey.” You softly say and smile at him.
He stays near the door, mesmerized by you. Your outfit, your hair, your makeup, everything was so beautiful. He slightly clears his throat before looking away and greets you as well.
“You look beautiful." He says and you shyly smile.
“Thank you.” You say and finally look up to get a glimpse of his outfit for tonight.
He was wearing a purple and black striped shirt with black ripped jeans. His signature leather jacket was draped over his shoulders. His jewelry completed the look. He had the same rings adorning his fingers and you slightly felt a chill run up your spine, remembering the way they felt under your chin. His jet black hair was styled properly this time, showcasing his forehead. You slightly blush and get up to grab your bag. Slipping it over your shoulder, you look at yourself in the mirror one last time.
You turn to Jeno and smile while gesturing for him to leave first so you could close your door. The both of you walked towards the living room so that you guys could all leave. Yunjin and Jaemin were the first ones out of the door and you stayed behind to lock the door. Feeling a sense of deja vu when you see that Jeno was waiting for you.
“Is Giselle going to be there?” You ask Jeno who shakes his head.
“I don’t know. I hope not.” He replies and you nod your head before trailing behind Jaemin and Yunjin who were joined at the hip.
“I think I have a new favorite song from Cigarettes After Sex.” He says and you turn to look at him while walking.
“Really? What song?” You ask curiously and he slightly chuckles.
“Sunsetz.” He says and you gently laugh while pushing him away from you.
“You’re such a follower.” You joke and he laughs before walking close to you again.
The both of you continued small talk while walking to Haechan’s house. Your hands slightly bump into each other since you were walking so closely to each other. Your cheeks flushed every time your hand accidentally brushed against his.
As the night went on and more people came you lost sight of your friends. Sighing, you lean your back against a wall and take a sip out of the nasty concoction that was made by Haechan himself. Suddenly you felt someone come stand next to you. You turn to look at the person when you notice how familiar he looked.
“Hi, I’m Shotaro. What’s your name?” You gape at the person in front of you. He was the guy Giselle cheated on Jeno with. You slightly smile awkwardly and give him your name.
“Pretty name for a pretty girl.” He says and you slightly back away from him to put some distance with a fake smile plastered on your face.
“I haven’t seen you around before. Are you new here?” He asks and you nod your head.
“I’m here for college.” You reply dryly and he smiles at you.
You hated to admit that he was an attractive man but you couldn’t do that to Jeno. The two of you just stood there in silence looking at each other.
Unbeknownst to the both of you, Jeno stared from across the room. His hand clenched onto his cup while his tongue poked his cheek. Why the fuck was Shotaro talking to you? And why was he standing so fucking close to you?
Hachan sluggishly wrapped his arm around his friend and laughed. “What’s got you so pissy?”
Jeno huffed and pushed his arm off of him. Haechan follows his gaze and sees Shotaro. Furrowing his brows he straightens up and turns to Jeno.
“I didn’t know he was back.” He says and puts his hand on Jeno’s shoulder.
Seeing enough, Jeno removes Hacehan’s hand from his shoulder and gulps the last of his drink before throwing the cup on the floor. His eyes stayed on Shoitao the whole time he was making his way over to you two.
“Do you want to dance?” Shotaro asks and holds his hand out. Before you could even answer a hand pushes him away.
You look up and see Jeno standing next to you. His nostrils were flared and his eyes were abnormally cold. Glaring at the man in front of him while Shotaro just chuckles.
“Jeno Lee.” He says and smiles while looking straight back at him.
Jeno didn’t reply, he just glared at the guy in front of him before grabbing your hand. As he turned to get the both of you away from him you felt Shotaro pull on your other arm.
“Hey, we were talking!” Shotaro yells and Jeno turns quickly to look at him.
“Let go of her.” He says through clenched teeth and Shotaro just smirks.
He slowly lets go of your arm and continues smirking while Jeno keeps his eyes on him. You slightly tap Jeno’s shoulder, signaling for the both of you to leave. He softly looks back at you and the both of you walk back over to where the rest of his friends were.
“Why were you talking to him?” Jeno snapped and you turned to look at him.
“He came up to me, what was I supposed to do? Ignore him?” You sass back and Jeno just sighs.
“Do you know who he is?” He asks, never letting go of your hand.
Of course you knew who he was but you didn’t want to admit to stalking their Instagram pages so you shake your head no. He sighs and pulls you towards the kitchen counter. Your back hits against it and you let out a soft yelp from the pain.
Jeno steps in front of you, keeping you trapped between his own body and the counter. His taller frame towering over you and you felt a little shy looking into his eyes. You avert your eyes and look down but Jeno grabs your chin to make you look him straight in the eye. Your lashes flutter against your eyes and he softly chuckles.
He leans down so he could whisper in your ear. You freeze up because he was too close to you. His necklace dangling onto your shoulder and the cool metal against your bare shoulder makes your cheeks flush again.
“You’re cute.” He says and you softly giggle.
You can feel your heart rate going up. Trying to calm it down, you inhale a short breath but Jeno catches it. He can feel your heart pounding against his chest and he softly chuckles.
“Do I make you nervous?” He asks and you quickly shake your head no.
He pulls away from your ear and looks at you again with a smirk.
“You sure?” He whispers, leaning closer to your face.
You could feel his breath hitting in your face and it makes you back away a little bit. You didn’t get too far because his hand goes around your waist, pulling you right up against his body. The alcohol in your system and the closeness of your bodies make you start to sweat a bit. It was too hot in here, you needed to get some fresh air.
“I need to- I need to get some air.” You say quietly for him to hear and he smirks while letting go of you.
You huff out a breath and step away from him. You walk towards the sliding door and feel the cool breeze against your skin. Your heart is racing a million beats per minute. You slowly bring your hands to your cheeks and feel how hot they are.
Shaking your head, you try to calm yourself down but a touch on your shoulder scares you. You jump away from the contact and turn around to see Yunjin and Mina there.
“Oh, hi.” You say softly and they both look at you.
“Are you okay?” Mina asks and they both walk closer to you.
“Yeah. I just needed to get some air.” You reply and they both nod their head.
“We saw Shotaro trying to talk to you.” Yunjin says and you sigh.
“Yeah, it was awkward.” You say and inhale a sharp breath.
“Was Jeno friends with him?” You ask and they both look at each other before looking back at you.
“They were very close in high school because they were both in dance club.” Yunjin says and you nod your head again.
“Come on, let’s go drink.” Mina says and wraps her arm around your arm with Yunjin doing the same.
The three of you walk back into the house and walk to the kitchen where the rest of the guys were at. You quickly catch Jeno’s eye and he smirks at you. You shyly smile at him before walking with the girls to the other side of the counter.
You were across from Jeno but you tried not to look at him. Instead, you kept your eyes on Renjun, who was pouring the shots. He passed out the shot cups and you shyly thanked him before grabbing it from him.
The eight of you cheered and clicked your shot cups against each other before downing the shrink. The alcohol was burning your throat and you let out a sour look after swallowing it down.
“That’s nasty.” You say and Renjun laughs.
“It’s Bicardi.” He says and lifts up the bottle to show you.
“It tastes like shit.” You say and Hachan screams.
“Don’t say that about my baby.” Haechan says and grabs the bottle to pat it.
“Don’t worry, she didn't mean that.” He says and you laugh at him.
Jeno kept his eyes on you the whole time. Maybe it was the alcohol in his system or maybe it was his dirty mind that wanted to corrupt you. You seemed so innocent to him, with your sparkling eyes, your skirt riding up so high that he could basically see your panties but you didn’t even notice.
You stupid perfect lips that curl up so sweetly when you smile. Your hair that looked so soft, your belly button piercing that always adds fuel to the boner he was already springing. He was imagining all sorts of things.
His necklaces dangling in front of your face as he pushes himself into you. Your belly button piercing that would glimmer so bright as he was on top of you.
“Jeno!” Renjun’s voice snaps him away from his thoughts. He looks over at his friend who has a knowing smile on his face.
“She’s pretty cute right?” Renjun says and laughs softly when Jeno looks back at you.
“Shut up.” He grumbles and pushes Renjun away slightly who laughs at his friend.
You felt your head spinning and decided that you had enough to drink. You sat down on the counter to keep your body from falling down. You close your eyes to help your headache when you feel a presence in front of you. Opening your eyes, you see Jeno in front of you again.
‘You okay, princess?” He asks and you nod your head.
“Yeah, I just need to calm down a bit.” You say and he nods his head. His hands come to rest on the counter, trapping you again.
Your belly button piercing was on full display for him, the butterfly charm draws him in. He reaches down to play with your piercing and you giggle at his actions.
“It tickles.” You softly say and try to wriggle from his hands but he softly laughs and places his other hand on your waist to keep you from moving.
Feeling bold, you grab his necklace and pull him in closer to inspect it. You smooth your fingers over the cross and he smiles softly watching you. His fingers never leaving your belly button piercing either. You look up into his eyes and smile softly.
“What?” You softly say and he shakes his head.
His eyes formed into those cute little crescent moons. This man was going to be the death of you. You let go of his necklace and sigh.
“My butt hurts.” You say and he softly chuckles again.
He lets go of your piercing and holds his hand out. You take his hand in yours and jump off the counter. You go to grab your bag but he grabs it for you and holds it with his other hand while leading you to the couch.
The smell of marijuana was piercing and your nose scrunched up at the smell. Jaemin was smoking a blunt with Yunjin on his lap. He blew the smoke out away from his girlfriend before passing it to Hachan. Jeno sits down on the couch and pulls you onto him.
You yelp when your butt lands on his thighs. Everyone was lost in conversation and you were lost in your thoughts. Mark passes the blunt to Jeno who takes a drag before blowing it away from your face. You look at him as he takes another hit.
“Wanna try, princess?” He asks and holds out the blunt to you.
You shake your head no and he shrugs his shoulders before passing it back to Mark. Jeno’s hands were wrapped around your waist and he pulled you in closer. His chin resting on your shoulders as he closes his eyes.
You smile softly and place your hands against his. You grab one of them and start playing with one of the many rings he has on. Jeno opens his eyes and watches as you get lost looking and playing with his rings. You shyly smile at him and go back to looking at his rings when a figure catches your eye.
Giselle was walking over and you quietly tapped Jeno’s arm to signal him. He opens his eyes and lets out a soft hum. He looks up and sees her in front of the both of you. The conversation died down as everyone looked at her.
“Can I get a hit?” She asks, looking Jeno straight in the eye. He sits up and squeezes your waist tighter.
“It’s not mine, don’t ask me.” He says and looks at Jaemin.
Jaemin shrugs his shoulders and hands out the blunt to her. She smiles and sits down next to Jeno and you. You roll your eyes at her and go to stand up but Jeno’s hold on you gets tighter. You turn to look at him but he shakes head. He places his chin back onto your shoulder.
“I’m comfortable.” He whispers in your ear and you giggle softly while he laughs.
Giselle looks at you two with a nasty look before hitting the blunt again. Yunjin and Mina look at each other with a roll of their eyes.
“What’s your name?” Giselle asks, looking straight at you. You turn to look at her and plaster a fake smile.
“Yn.” You say and she softly laughs.
“You don’t smoke?” She asks again and you shake your head no.
“Oh, I thought you did because Jeno likes girls who smoke.” She says with a raise of her eyebrows.
You know she’s trying to rile you up and you hate that it’s working. Jeno sighs and opens his eyes to look at her again. He releases you from his grasp and you take that as a sign to get up from his hold.
“Let’s go.” He says and grabs your hand in his again. You shyly take it and look at Yunjin who gets up as well.
“This was fun Hyuck, but I think it’s time for us to go.” She says and holds onto Jaemin as he gets up too.
You wave bye to everyone and walk out of the house with Jeno, Yunin, and Jaemin. Giselle gals at your figure disappearing and scoffs.
“It was just a joke, jeez. What’s their problem?” She asks and takes another hit of the blunt.
Mina scowls at her as she gets up to leave with Mark.
‘You know what the problem is, bitch.” She says angrily and the two of them walk off.
You and Jeno were walking into the direction of your apartment. The chilly air was blowing against your skin and you shiver. He notices and stops walking to take his jacket off. He places them around your shoulders and smiles at you.
You thank him and he grabs your hand to continue the walk. Unbeknownst to you both Jaemin was taking pictures of you two with a big grin on his face.
“Okay, that’s enough.” Yunjin says softly with a giggle and pushes his hand away.
He laughs and puts his phone back into his pocket before grabbing her hand. The four of you finally made it to your guys' shared apartment. Jeno walked you to your room and sat you down on your bed. He kneels down to take your boots off. Your head was pounding so hard you lay down against your pillows.
After he was finished he looked at you fast asleep on your bed. He smiles softly and bends down. He places a quick kiss to your head and whispers a soft “Good night.” before walking out of your room.
“You good to drive?” Jaemin asks and he nods his head.
He takes the keys from Jaemin and the both of them walk out of the apartment to head back to their dorm. Jaemin noticed the way Jeno's lips curved up into a smile. He noticed the way Jeno’s eyes lit up every time he looked at you. He noticed lots of things in his friend that he hasn’t seen in a long time. He smiles softly at his friend who continues the drive home.
You woke up the next morning, still in your clothes from last night and your makeup half rubbed off. You walk over to the bathroom to remove your makeup and shower when you notice Jeno’s jacket around you. You smile and go to grab your phone.
you left your jacket - princess
i left it on purpose ;) - Jeno Lee
You smile and heart his message before getting ready to remove your makeup.
It’s been a week since you started classes and safe to say, you were not expecting that much work within the first week. It was finally Friday and you just got back to your apartment. Yunjin didn’t have any classes today so she was already home.
“Are you done packing already?” You ask as you walk into her room.
“Yeah. Are you?” She asks and you shake your head no.
Jaemin had a beach house and he invited you all over for the weekend to destress from the first week of school.
“I’m too tired to pack.” You say and she laughs. “Well you better hurry up, They’re meeting here at 2.” She says and you groan.
“That’s in like 2 hours.” You say and she nods her head.
“Yeah, so hurry up. Princess.” She teases you and you hit her gently.
“Shut up! Don’t call me that.” You say laughing and she laughs as well.
“Just go pack.” She says and you laugh before walking to your room to pack for the weekend.
You were only going to be gone until Sunday so you packed 2 bikinis, a few pairs of jeans and sweats, and a few baby cropped tees. You walk over to your undergarments drawer when Jeno’s leather jacket catches your eye.
You smile thinking about the memory last weekend and walk up to it. You grab it and fold it up to put in your bag so you could give it back to him. You tried to give it back to him earlier but he kept trying to push it off, claiming that he had other ones to wear.
You place it into your bag and grab new undergarments to pack. Lastly, you packed your makeup and skincare into a smaller bag and placed it into your duffel bag. After zipping it up you change into comfortable clothes.
You changed into your black one piece spandex and grabbed a white cropped sweater that falls off your left shoulder perfectly. You put a pair of fuzzy white socks on and slipped your feet into your UGG platform slippers. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you smiled before grabbing your bag and walking out into the living room.
You had makeup on already from school so you just touched it up a little bit. You wanted to look cute since you were going to be riding with Jeno. Jaemin and Yunjin were taking Mark and Mina, while Haechan and Renjun brought along their other two friends.
“They’re here.” Yunjin says and you grab your bag and place the strap around your right shoulder.
“Let’s go!” You say and walk out of the apartment first. Yunjin locked up the apartment before following you down to where everyone else was.
You notice Jeno’s black 2023 Mercedes Benz C-Class first. You smile and wave at him as he opens the trunk and grabs your bag from you. You open up your bag and pull his jacket out from it and hand it to him.
He smiles and takes the jacket from you and places it in his trunk as well. He closes the trunk and you walk over to the passenger side door and get inside the car. He gets in the car as well and waits for Jaemin to take off first.
“Are you excited?” He asks and you squeal.
“Yes! I need a break from school.” You say and he laughs.
“It’s barely been a week.” He says and you giggle.
“Yeah but the classes are so hard.” You say and he softly laughs.
“Who’s coming with Haechan and Renjun?” You ask and he looks over at you.
“Our other friends, you haven’t met them yet. Their names are Chenle and Jisung. They’re a bit younger than us.” He says and you nod your head.
He pulls out something from the back seat and gives it to you. It’s a small velvet box. Furrowing your eyebrows you look at him.
“What is it?” You ask softly and giggle.
“Just open it.” He says and you do as he says.
Inside was a thick metal ring adorned with jewels. It was the same one he had on middle finger. You gasp and pull it out from the box, bringing it closer to you so you can inspect it.
“You liked playing with mine so much, I figured I’d just buy you one." He says sheepishly and you smile at him.
“Oh my god, Jeno! It’s so beautiful, thank you.” You say and slip it on your middle finger on your left hand, exactly where it was on Jeno’s finger.
You lift your hand to show him and he laughs at the placement of your ring. Excitedly, you take out your phone and grab his hand to place yours on top. Snapping a quick picture of your guys hands together with the rings on display. You smile in satisfaction and show him.
“Send it to me.” He says and smiles.
You nod your head and quickly pull up his contact to send the picture to him. He looks over at your phone and sees his contact saved as ‘Jeno Lee.’ He scoffs and grabs your phone from your hands.
“Hey!” You exclaim and try to get it back but he pushes your hand away.
He changes his name to ‘jen’ and saves it before handing your phone back to you. You laugh once you see his contact name and look at him.
“What’s my name saved as?” You ask with a smile on your face.
He pulls out his phone and goes to your contact before turning his phone around and showing you. You stare at the ‘princess’ and laugh, pushing his shoulder away.
“You’re annoying.” You say and he laughs before charging his phone.
“You got your nails done?” He asks, grabbing your hands to inspect your nails closely.
You recently got them done with Yunjin and Mina. They were a nude pink color with glitter and charms adorned around them. You nod your head as he plays with the butterfly charm on your middle finger.
“I wanted to make them pretty.” You say and he softly laughs.
You look out the window and notice Jaemin’s car leaving. Jeno lets go of your hand and puts his car in reverse to follow them.
“Can you GPS the way just in case we get separated?” He asks and you nod your head before grabbing his phone.
“Password?” You ask and he quickly says the password code before you click on the group chat with the 10 of you.
You click on the address that Jaemin sent earlier this week and it starts showing the map on Jeno’s dashboard. You swipe out of the app and go to his Spotify. You look through his playlist and find one titled ‘Princess.’ Smiling, you click on it and see that it’s all Cigarettes After Sex songs. You click on ‘Sunsetz’ and the song begins to play. Jeno lets out a laugh at the song choice and shakes his head.
After a two hour car ride, you and Jeno finally arrive at the house. Jeno parks his car and you undo your seatbelt. Stepping out of the car, you walk towards the trunk and grab your bag. He follows you and grabs his bag as well.
The two of you walk inside the beach house and notice how big it was. It was squeaky clean like a brand new house. You walk through the house, looking in awe at how beautiful it was. After you finished looking at it, everyone was gathered in the living room.
“So there’s 5 rooms, everyone is going to have to share a room.” Jaemin says and grabs his girlfriend’s hand.
“Me and Yunjin, Mark and Mina, Jeno and Yn, Haechan and Renjun, and Jisung and Chenle.” Jaemin finishes and everyone nods their head in agreement.
“Every room is available besides the master bedroom, that’s where Yunjin and I will sleep.” He says and you and Jeno rush to get the best room.
You open the door and squeal when you look inside. There was a beautiful balcony with a view of the beach right outside. You were in awe of the balcony that you barely noticed the one bed but when you did your eyes widened.
You’re sharing one bed with Jeno. You look over to him and he laughs at your expression. He walks over to you and looks out the window with a smirk.
“Don’t worry, I’ll behave.” He says and walks to the bed to set his bag down. You awkwardly laugh and play it off.
“I’m not worried at all.” You say and shake your head.
Jeno raises his eyebrows at your lie and smirks before sitting on the bed. You go to place your bag on the bed as well when Jeno grabs your wrist and pulls you down onto the bed. His body hovering over yours causing his necklaces to dangle in front of you.
You eyes widen and you try to get up from his grasp but he pins your arms down above your head. He smirks and laughs at you before getting up and letting go of you.
“Not worried at all, my ass.” He says and chuckles. You sit up and huff at him.
“Shut up. You just caught me off guard.” You lie again.
He lets out an amused smile and nods his head knowing the truth. You get up to unzip your bag and grab your makeup bag to put on the desk table in the corner of the room. After doing that, you walk out into the kitchen to help Mina and Yunjin prepare the meat so Jamein can barbecue it.
Jeno sat on the bed and pulled his phone out. He looks at the photo you sent him and stares at it for a second before saving it and going to Instagram. He clicks on the photo and puts ‘Sunsetz’ as the music background before posting it.
He smiles looking at the finished product and turns his phone off before joining the rest of you guys in the kitchen. He can hear your laugh and it brings a smile to his face again. He walks outside and over to Jaemin who's preparing the grill and helps him.
You were washing the rice when Yunjin let out a gasp. You and Mina turn to look at her and she squeals before showing her phone to you guys. The picture that you just took earlier today blaring through her phone. You widen your eyes and clear your throat.
“That’s you right?” Mina asks while looking at you with a shocked face.
“No.” You shake your head and try to lie but the two of them smirk.
“Yn, we all got our nails done together.” Yunjin says and grabs your left hand to match the nails and the ring to the picture.
“Oh my god! Are you guys dating?” Mina asks excitingly and you shake your head.
“No we aren’t. I don’t even know what we are.” You say and Yunjin pouts at your words.
“Do you like him?” She asks and you sigh before nodding your head.
“But, I know that he’s not over whatever happened with Giselle so it’s impossible.” You say placing the bowl into the rice cooker.
Mina and Yunjin pout before walking over to you. They both hug you to comfort you and you smile at them.
“I’m okay, I promise.” You say and the two of them look at each other before looking back at you. They let go of you and the three of you continue to prepare the food.
After Jaemin finished grilling the meat, everyone was sitting outside enjoying the food and the weather. You were sitting in between Mina and Jeno. The latter’s Instagram story is still reeling in your mind. Why did he even post that? What was he trying to do when he posted it? 
You looked over at him laughing along to something Haechan said, you didn’t bother to pay attention to the conversation. Jaemin must’ve caught you staring because next thing you know you feel a kick on your leg. 
You looked across to him and he smiled while raising his eyebrows teasingly. You shake your head and laugh. 
“I just spaced out.” You say, trying to defend yourself. 
“Sure you did.” Jaemin teases and you flip him off jokingly. 
The conversations continue until Haechan screams and runs away from Jeno who's chasing him. You laugh at them and sip on your water. Setting the glass down, you start playing with the ring on your middle finger. Twisting it around to help distract yourself.
“That’s a nice ring.” Mark says with a smirk.  
“Oh, thanks. It was a gift.” You say and smile while he slightly laughs. 
“From who?” He asks again, leaning closer to get a good look at you. 
“Um, I forgot.” You lie and take a sip of your water. 
Mark laughs at you again and goes to say something but Mina nudging him makes him stop talking. You slightly scoff and go back to eating when Jeno sits back down. He goes to grab his glass of water but it’s empty. 
He looks over at yours and grabs it before drinking out from it. He sets the glass back down where it was and smiles at you. You don’t say anything as you continue to eat the meat that Jaemin barbequed. 
As everyone finished eating, you started cleaning up along with Mina and Yunjin. You gathered up the dirty plates and put them in the sink while the other two went to retrieve more dirty dishes. You started washing the dishes when Jaemin came over to help you. 
“Oh, it’s okay Jaemin. I got it.” You say and he waves off your comment. 
“It’s fine.” He says and starts rinsing the soapy dishes.
“Anything you wanna talk about?” You ask, hoping to ease the conversation. 
“Not really.” He says while looking at you causing you to laugh slightly. 
“How do you like the friend group so far?” He asks. 
“Oh, you guys are really fun. It’s very different from my friend group back at home." You say and continue to wash the dishes. 
“How so?” Jaemin inquires. 
“Well, for starters there’s not a lot of us in the friend group. There’s only four of us and we didn’t really hang out with guys. I mean, we did, but they weren’t part of our immediate friend group.” You explain and he nods. 
“Do you ever miss home?” He asks and you sigh quietly. 
“I do. But, at the same time it’s good to have new experiences so I’m really glad I came over here for college.” You say with a smile. 
“I see why Yunjin likes you so much.” Jaemin says and laughs. 
“What do you mean?” You ask and laugh as well. 
“You guys are just so alike. You always want to see the good in things, even in people.” He says and you laugh again. 
“Like you?” You tease and he glares at you playfully. 
“I wasn't that bad.” He defends and you laugh. 
“Yeah right. You turned from this playboy who slept around to being in a fully committed relationship.” You say and he shrugs his shoulders. 
“Maybe I was just waiting for the right person to come along.” He says and looks over at you. You just nod your head at his answer and he almost groans in frustration.
How could you not understand that he was also talking about you and Jeno. You both were the most dense people he’s ever met. Of course he and his girlfriend gossip about you guys- you’re her roommate and Jeno’s his best friend for Christ's sake. 
He knew you liked his friend, Yunjin told him. And, he knew that his friend liked you as well, even if he didn’t want to admit it. The way that Jeno acted around you was different than how he was around any other girl, even Giselle. 
Jeno cares for you in more ways than one. Like when he gave you his jacket, or when he was holding your hand, or protecting you from Giselle, or buying you a ring, or posting you on his public social media account for goodness sakes. 
After finishing up the dishes, you changed into your bikini to go swimming in the pool. Walking out onto the deck you placed your towel on the chair before jumping into the water. The coolness of it relaxes your tense body. 
You swam alone for about five minutes until you heard the door open and close. Looking over, you find Jeno walking towards the pool in nothing but his black swimming trunks - matching your black bikini. You smile slightly and continue swimming when he gets in. 
“Didn’t find you in the room.” He says and you laugh. 
“I just wanted to clear my mind a bit.” You reply while swimming to him. 
“Something wrong?” He asks and you shake your head immediately. 
“No, nothing’s wrong.” You say and he stares at you. 
He knows that you’re lying, whenever you lie you always avert your eyes and press your lips together. He walks closer to you and backs you up against the wall of the pool. 
“Jeno.” You softly say but he cuts you off by placing his hands around your thighs. 
You whimper quietly as he places your legs around his waist. His dark eyes staring abc into yours and you have to bite your tongue to not release a moan. 
“Jeno.” You say quietly and he brings his face closer to you. 
“Hm?” He asks and you try to avert your eyes but he stops you. 
“Look at me.” He says and you listen to him. 
You look into his eyes and say nothing. He leans down further and starts pressing butterfly kisses on your neck. You let out a soft whimper before biting your lip. 
“Tell me what’s wrong.” He says before kissing your neck again. He makes his way up to your jaw and starts placing kisses there as well. 
You grip his shoulders tightly as you try to answer him but you couldn’t think of any words. Your mind was hazy, trying to tell him what was bothering you. You let another whimper when he harshly sucks on your neck, leaving a mark there. He pulls back and smiles devilishly at the mark he left before placing one last kiss on it. 
“If you don’t tell me, I’ll stop.” He says and you whimper again while shaking your head. 
“I can’t- I can’t concentrate if you do that.” You admit and he softly chuckles. 
He pulls back fully and looks into your eyes, his eyes begging for you to answer him. With a sigh, you look away from him and close your eyes before opening them and speaking. 
“What are we?” You ask and he furrows his brows. 
“What do you mean?” He asks for clarification. 
“I mean what are we? Why are you buying me gifts and acting like you’re my boyfriend when you’re not.” You say and feel your eyes getting teary. 
“I don’t like feeling like this Jeno. I don’t like feeling like the second option.” You say and he puts your legs down to hold your waist and bring you closer. 
“What do you mean it feels like a second choice?” He asks and you sigh again. 
“The first night we met and you slept in my room. You called me Giselle and begged for me to not leave you.” You admit and sniffle. 
Jeno shushes you and brings your head into his chest. After you calmed down a bit, he pulled back and looked at you again. 
“I promise, I’m over her. I don’t know why I said that, it was probably because Jaemin asked me about the situation and seeing her again… it was just too much for me.” He explains and cups your face into his hands. 
“I would never hurt you, princess.” He says and you whimper at the pet name. He chuckles at your response and brings his face closer to yours. 
“Can I kiss you.” 
You nod your head and that’s all Jeno needs before he crashes his lips onto yours. His lips were soft and tasted like mint. You followed his rhythm while wrapping your arms around his neck. His hands go lower to your butt and cups them, earning a moan from you. 
He smiles at the sound and pulls away from you to place kisses on your neck once again. “Jeno.” You moan his name, and he smiles into your neck. 
He smiles at the sound and pulls away from you to place kisses on your neck once again. “Jeno.” You moan his name and he smiles into your neck. 
“We should head inside.” You say unwrapping yourself from him. 
He nods his head at your suggestion and lets go of your waist. You slowly back away from him and smile shyly before turning around to walk out of the pool. He stares at your ass as you walk out and lets out a groan. 
“Do you have to look so hot walking out of the pool?” He retorts to you and you turn to flip him off jokingly before grabbing your towel and wrapping it around your body. 
He steps out of the pool as well and grabs his towel. You wait for him to dry himself off before the two of you walk back inside the house. A shy smile adorned your face the whole time. You still didn’t know what you and Jeno were, but at least you knew that he was completely over Giselle. 
You walk into your room and grab your skincare as well as a change of clothes before heading to the bathroom to shower. Slowly, you took off your clothes and stepped into the shower. The hot water burns your skin but that’s how you liked your showers. 
You lathered your rose scented shampoo into your hands before thoroughly applying it into your hair. You couldn’t help but think about what just happened. Your heart was bursting just remembering the kiss. You felt like a teenage girl experiencing some kind of first love. 
You softly giggled at your thoughts as you finished your shower. Stepping out of the tub, you reached over to a new towel to dry your body and apply some moisturizer on your face. As you rubbed the moisturizer between your hands, you glanced at the ring on your middle finger and smiled again. 
After changing into your pajamas (a pair of blue loose sweats and a white cropped tank top), you blow dried your hair. Once you were done, you walked out of the bathroom and into your shared room with Jeno. He was laying on the bed, having finished his shower earlier than you. 
He smiled and watched as you put your things away. He shuts off his phone and places it on the nightstand next to where he’s sleeping. You walk over to the bed and lift the covers up so you could slide in next to him. 
“Hi.” You softly say to him and he shortly laughs before greeting you back. 
“How was your shower?” He asks and you snuggle into the pillow. 
“It was relaxing, how was yours?” He turns his body to face you. 
“Good, I feel clean.” He replies and you stare into his eyes. 
Hesitantly, you bring your pointer finger up and trace his facial features. You traced over his eyebrows and nose before making your way to his mole under his eye. He laughs and his eyes turn into those little crescent moons that you love so much. 
“I love your eyes.” You say and trace over his eyelashes. 
“I like when they turn into moons when you smile.” You say and he laughs before grabbing your hand and placing it on his chest. 
You can feel his heartbeat, it was speeding up. You chuckle softly and look at him with your eyebrows raised. 
“My heart does that every time I think about you.” He softly says and you nuzzle your face into your pillow, getting shy. 
“Stop it.” You say and giggle. 
‘It’s the truth.” He says and brings your hand to his lips. 
He places a chaste kiss onto the back of your hand before placing it back onto his chest. 
“When we get back home, would you like to go on a date with me?” He asks, staring straight into your eyes. 
You nod your head and your lips curl up into a smile. “I would love to.” 
You lift your head up from the pillow and Jeno opens his arms to let you embrace him. His arms wrap securely around your figure and he sighs in content. 
“Goodnight, Jen.” You say to him and nuzzle in closer to his body. 
“Sweet dreams, princess.” He says and places a quick kiss onto your head before nuzzling into it. 
The both of you stay in that position all night long. His heartbeat and touch brought a sense of comfort to you and you didn’t ever want to let go of that feeling. Meanwhile, the boy next you was feeling the exact same way. 
Jeno wakes up the next morning reaching for your body only to be disappointed when he opens his eyes and realizes you’re not there. He rubs the sleepiness from his eyes and gets out of bed. 
Making his way to the kitchen, he’s greeted by the sight of you cutting up some fruit. You were so focused on cutting the watermelon that you didn’t hear him approach you. You slightly panic when you feel arms wrap around you from behind but once you recognize the rings, you instantly smile. 
“Good morning, sleepyhead.” You say to him and he grumbles in response. 
He places his chin on your shoulder and looks over at the watermelon that you’re currently cutting up. 
“That looks good." He comments and you giggle softly. 
“Do you want a piece?” You softly ask and feel his head nod on your shoulder. 
You grab a piece that you’ve already cut up and raise it to his lips. He opens up and eats the fruit from your hands. 
“Yummy?” You ask and he nods his head again in response. 
The conversation dies down after that. Occasionally, you would feed him pieces of fruit while he gladly ate them. Once you cut up enough fruit for all of you guys to enjoy, you turn around in his embrace to look at him. 
He smiles at you and leans in closer. He closes his eyes, going in for a kiss but you’re quicker. You shove a piece of strawberry into his mouth and he grumbles. 
“Someone might walk in.” You say softly and he shakes his head. 
“I don’t care. Let them see.” He says and leans in again. 
You shriek and escape from his grasp with the bowl of fruit in your hands. 
“Go wash up.” You tell him and he grumbles softly before walking into the bathroom. 
Today, you were all going to the beach and having a bonfire night. You put sunscreen, sunglasses and two towels in your bag, one for you and one for Jeno. After packing up the bag, you walk over to your duffel bag and pull out your baby pink bikini. 
After changing into it, your hickey was on display for everyone to see, so you looked into your bag for an oversized shirt. Jeno walks in just at that moment and whistles at you. You stand up from where you’re bending over and roll your eyes at him. 
“What are you looking for, princess?” He walks closer to you and you sigh. 
“I’m looking for an oversize shirt to wear over my bikini, but I don’t think I packed any.” You pout and he laughs before unzipping his duffel bag. 
He digs through his bag and pulls out a gray t-shirt. He looks at it for a second before walking over you and handing it to you. 
“Here you go.” He says and smiles when you grab it. 
You slip it on and look at yourself in the mirror. His shirt barely covered your ass but at least you were more covered than before. 
“Thanks, Jen.” You say and turn to place a quick kiss on his cheek which makes him blush. 
He waits for you to grab your bag before holding his hand out for you. You take his hand in yours and the both of you walk to the beach, catching up with the rest of your friends. 
You were sitting on the big beach towel with Mina and Yunjin and catching up on last night’s events. 
“I knew it!” Yunjin squeals and pulls you into her embrace. 
You laugh and pat her back while observing the boys play in the water. Haechan was on Mark’s shoulder, Chenle on Jeno’s, and Jisung on Jaemin’s while Renjun was the referee. They were playing chicken fight and trying to knock each other off. 
You grabbed your phone and quickly took photos of Jeno just for you to keep before taking pictures of the three of you. After spending about 3 hours in the sun, you all agreed that it was time to go back to the house. 
Once everyone was back, they all went to their separate rooms, tired from their beach day. You quickly washed your feet before slipping into bed with Jeno for a nap. Jeno’s arms were around you and he had that devilish smirk he always has on. 
He sits up and lays on top of you, his necklace dangling over you. He slides his shirt over his head and  you widen your eyes and try to stop him but he pins your hands above your head. He leans in and starts placing kisses on your jaw before going lower. 
You softly moan and try to break free from his grip, wanting to touch him. He slightly chuckles before releasing your hands. Instantly, they travel to his hair and you slightly pull on it. He sucks particularly hard on your soft spot and you let out a loud moan. 
“Quiet, princess. We don’t want everyone hearing you do we?” He says to you with his head tilted as if he was mocking you. 
You whimper and bite your bottom lip to keep the noises from coming out. His hands teasingly run up and down the sides of your torso. 
“Jeno.” You softly whisper and he chuckles. 
“I know, baby. You gotta be patient okay? Can you do that for me?” He asks, looking into your eyes and you nod your head. 
“Good girl.” He says and his fingers slowly go towards the waistband of your shorts. 
Your belly button piercing on display for him to see and he groans at the sight of it glimmering underneath him. He pushes his fingers against your core teasingly which draws out a whimper from you. 
“Take it off please.” You beg and he almost cums at how whiny you sound. He slowly pulls your shorts down and sees the growing wet spot on your pink lacy panties. 
“You’re such a slut.” He degrades and you whine from his usage of words. 
“M’ not.” You defend and writhe underneath him. 
“No?” He asks teasingly before sliding a finger in between your folds through your panties. 
“Jeno.” You moan loudly at the contact and he brings his hands over your lips to muffle the noises. 
“Quiet baby.” He says and removes his hands from your mouth while leaning into your neck. 
‘You’re so wet, princess. Who are you so wet for huh?” He asks while sliding your panties down to your thighs. 
Your glistening folds make his dick grow even more and he can’t help himself. He slides his finger through your folds teasingly as you try to contain your moans. Your hands go around to his back and grip him tightly. He slips a finger into your hole and you squeeze your eyes shut. 
You moan loudly at the feeling of his fingers inside of you, not answering his question. Jeno groans at your lack of answering and rips your panties off your body. You gasp as you hear the tearing of fabric.
“Jeno! Those were my favorite.” You say and he darkly chuckles. 
He moves one of his hands from your waist to your neck. His grip tightens and you gasp at the feeling of your airway being blocked. 
“You answer me when I ask you a question, princess.” He says seductively and stops pumping his fingers into you.
You whine at the loss of friction and he squints his eyes at you before pulling out completely. 
“No.” You quietly whimper out and Jeno tightens his grip around your neck even more. 
“Answer me.” He growls and you can feel your heat getting wetter. 
“You!” You say, trying your best to get the words out. 
He smirks and brings his lips back onto yours. His grip gets even tighter making you feel light headed from the loss of oxygen. He slowly lets go of your neck and pushes his finger into your heat again. You moan into his lips and he feels his cock getting harder. 
He pushes in another finger and you moan into his ear. “Jeno please!” You beg and he laughs cockily at you. He kisses your cheek before moving to your ear. 
“Please what, princess? What do you want?” He asks and you groan in frustration. 
“Please. Mphh… Want you inside me.” You say, whining when his fingers start to pump faster and harder into you. 
“Jeno! M’ gonna cum!” You babble and he groans into your ear. 
“C’mon princess, cum all over my fingers. I know you can do it. You’ve been such a good girl.” He says and edges you on even more. 
Your moans grow progressively louder and Jeno has to clamp his hands over your mouth again to muffle them. You feel the knot in your stomach tighten before it breaks. You finish with a loud moan that’s muffled but he doesn’t stop his ministrations. He moves his fingers even faster causing you to try to push him away. 
“Jeno! M’ sensitive!” You muffle out, gripping his arm hoping that he’ll remove his fingers but he doesn't. 
He grabs your hands and pins them against the bed again. He licks a stripe up your neck and sucks harshly again, leaving a trail of his marks starting from your ear all the way down to your chest. 
“Jeno, I’m gonna-” You're interrupted when a second orgasm washes over you and you let out a shrilling moan, hoping that no one was awake to hear. 
"That's it baby.” He says and slowly pulls his fingers from your heat. 
You babble and hum out incoherent words as you try to catch your breath. He pushes his shorts past his dick and gets on his knees. You look at his angry red tip. He was so huge and you gasp as you try to squirm away from him. 
“Jeno, I can’t.” You attempt to say through heaving breaths but he just laughs and grips your thighs to bring you back closer to him. 
“Yes you can, baby. I know you can take it." He says and spreads your legs further apart. He lines up his tip with your entrance. He lets out a quiet groan when he feels your gummy walls around him. 
You bite your lip to not let you moans out as you feel his bare dick inside you and you try to catch your breath. He was so much bigger than you expected. The stretch was too painful as he quickly pushed himself all the way in. He was bigger than anything you’ve ever taken before.
“S’ too big.” You mewl out and he laughs. 
You were fueling his ego even more and you didn’t even know it. 
“I know, baby. I know.” He says and stays still for a bit so you can get used to his size. After a minute, you nod your head and give him the green light. 
He pulls out and slams himself back into you causing you to put your hands over your mouth. You chant his name in your hands like a mantra and that only fuels him more. 
He starts thrusting inside you harder, faster, and deeper. You quickly wrap your hands around him and shove your face into his neck. He was reaching places that you didn’t even know existed. Your vision was so blurry, you felt like you were seeing stars. Your freshly done nails scratched against his back and biceps. 
“I can feel you, baby. You’re almost there.” He says into your ear and you nod your head. His grip on your hips were so tight, you were sure there were going to be bruises tomorrow. 
‘C’mon baby, cum. Cream all over my dick.” He says raspily into your ears and that’s all you need before the knot comes undone, creaming all over his cock. He groans at the sight and chases after his own orgasm. 
He finishes inside of you and leans his head into your neck. He places kisses all over the marks he left on your body. You smile and run your fingers through his hair. Giggling, you pull his head away from your neck and place a quick kiss on his lips. 
He smiles and leans his forehead against yours. He breathes you in deeply with you doing the same. The smile never leaves both of your faces. Your tummy was so warm with his cock buried inside, you didn't want him to pull away. 
However he does and you wince at the loss of him. His cum leaks out of your whole and he reaches down to push it back in. 
“Jeno!” You yelp and he laughs before sliding his finger out. 
“Didn’t want it to go to waste.” He says while looking at his art work. Your core was throbbing with spurts of white escaping and he felt himself getting hard again but he knew you couldn’t go on anymore. 
He grabs his discredited shirt off the floor and wipes at your core before grabbing another pair of panties from your bag. He slides it up your thighs and places a kiss over them before pulling his own shorts and boxers up. 
You get up from the bed to go pee before getting back into bed with him. He wraps his arms around you again as you lay close to him. You sigh blissfully as he places his head in between your boobs. He gets a perfect view of your neck covered in his marks from there and smirks. Your hands go to his hair and you start playing with it. Sooner or later the both of you pass out from exhaustion. 
Your eyes flutter open as you look around for Jeno but he is nowhere to be found. The sunlight from earlier is now gone. You get out of bed and change into a pair of sweats. You knew it was a bit chilly outside since you could see the tree leaves swaying back and forth. 
You go to Jeno’s bag and pull out a black hoodie. Quickly slipping it on, you walk outside to the bonfire where everyone is sitting. You walk up to Jeno who gestures for you to sit on him. You sit down on his lap and wrap your arms around his neck. 
He passes the blunt to Jaemin before wrapping his arms around you. 
“Do you want a drink, Yn?” Jisung asks and hands you a cup filled with jungle juice. You slightly thank him before taking a sip. 
“Good?” The man under you asks and you nod your head at him. 
He glances at your hoodie and notices that it’s his. He doesn’t say anything but he smiles at the thought of you wearing his clothes again. 
You watch the fire as everyone around you engages in their own conversations. Looking around, you catch Jaemin looking at you and Jeno. He brings his hands up and gives you a thumbs up which causes you to laugh slightly. 
You look back down to Jeno to find him already staring at you. He slightly chuckles and intertwines your hands together. You smile sheepishly and he can’t help but to plant a kiss on your cheek. You gasp and hit his shoulder lightly with your free hand while he laughs. 
You pull your phone out from your (his) hoodie pocket and furrow your eyebrows when you see that Giselle started following you on Instagram. Quietly, you show it to Jeno who rolls his eyes. 
“Just block her, that’s what I did.” He says and you nod your head but you don’t actually do it. You just turn your phone off. 
Unfortunately time flew by too fast and you found yourself in class 3 months later. Your professor was rambling on about something that you could care less about. You looked at the clock and let out a breath of relief when you noticed that there was only 5 minutes left of class. 
Quietly, you start packing up your bag and shutting down your laptop. Just as you finish packing, the professor dismisses you guys while talking about the assignment due next week. You jump out of your seat as soon as she’s done talking and quickly walk out. 
Your phone pings and you look at it while walking. 
we’re waiting for you baby -jen
okay, coming! :) -princess 
You quickly speed up and walk over to the parking lot where everyone was gathered around their cars. You happily skip to Jeno who’s leaning against the hood of his car. His arms open wide as he waits for you to embrace him. 
He groans when you throw your arms around his neck and smiles. 
“Missed you.” He says and squeezes you tighter to him. 
“You just saw me this morning.” You say with a giggle and he shrugs his shoulders. 
“I always miss you.” He admits and kisses you quickly on the lips. 
Jeno and you finally made it official a few weeks ago after “talking” for two months. You guys were on a date like usual only this time you guys were walking in the park and enjoying the first snowfall of the season. 
“I love the snow.” You say, smiling wildly as you catch a falling snow in your hand. 
Jeno observes the way your eyes light up as you bring it closer to your face to inspect it. He felt his heartbeat fasten and he knew he had to ask you right then and there. He tugs on your hand that he was holding and you look up at him. 
What’s wrong?” You ask as you stare into his eyes. 
Jeno inhales sharply before looking at you. 
“Will you be my girlfriend?” He asks quickly and your eyes widen. 
You softly let out a laugh and wrap your arms around him and he reciprocates. You pull away and plant a kiss onto his lips before pulling away and squealing with a “Yes!” 
He laughs at your reaction and brings you in closer. His hand going to cradle your head as he connects both of your lips together again. 
Your arms go to his waist as you hold him tightly while kissing him back. He pulls away and you nuzzle your head into his chest. His arms squeeze and pull you in closer. The snowfall started falling harder but you both didn’t care. You stood there in each other’s embrace as the snow hit the ground.
“Let’s go.” Jaemin says and the eight of you pile into the cars to head over to lunch. Jeno opens the passenger door for you and you quickly get in before he closes it and rushes over to the driver’s seat. He gets in and places his hand on your thigh. 
You smile and grab his hand that’s on yours before he reverses his car and pulls out of the parking lot. Jeno wasn’t in your plans when you first arrived but you’re so glad he meddled his way into your life. As you look over at him, you smile and press a kiss to his cheek which makes me smile. 
His eyes make those cute little crescent moons that you love so damn much. He brings your hand to his lips and kisses the back of it before placing your hands back into your lap. You fell hard for Jeno and you still continue to fall hard for him. 
No amount of measurements could measure how happy you feel right now. If falling for someone felt this good, you would’ve done it a long time ago. But then again, maybe it only feels good because it’s Lee Jeno you’re falling for. 
Thank you So much for reading my first ever fic! I spent so much time planning and rewriting this, but I'm glad to finally have it out for you guys to read. Sending you lots of love and kisses!
xoxo, jenoroyals
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taylorman2274 · 10 months ago
We Care About You (Part V)
You are forcibly summoned to Teyvat via dream trawling for answers. A long awaited discussion ensues...
Content Warning(s): Xiao Story Quest Spoilers
Notes: SAGAU; GN!Reader;
Word Count: 1.4k
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Taglist: @silverstarred; @victoria1676; @angelofdarkness2; @areaderspov; @andromeda-gay; @ash1; @mercy-not-merci; @toodledoodl3; @jellyedkazoo; @namine123; @innuwu; @agaygothicmushroom; @tired-of-life-86; @fantasyhopperhea; @sweetsourbxtch;
After you had decided you were no longer going to play Genshin Impact, you felt as if a massive weight was lifted off your shoulders. Had the past few weeks really taken that much out of you?
"I suppose it did," you assumed as you were playing another game with your friend group. "I haven't felt this relieved in a long while."
You and your friend group spent many hours talking, laughing, raging, and sharing memes. When you noticed it was just past midnight, you felt that it was the best time to get some sleep. You bid goodbye to your friends, closed your computer, and went to take a quick shower.
While in the shower, thoughts began to ruminate in your head. "It's gonna be hard for me to find another game that will get me addicted as much as Genshin did. But maybe something in my backlog might work for now."
The thoughts continued after the shower, after brushing your teeth, and after getting in bed. "I almost forget what game I was playing before I started Genshin. Was it something I finished? If not, maybe I should go back to that."
Before long, you fell asleep. However, unbeknownst to you, your computer mysteriously turned itself back on and began to launch a certain application...
"Do I need to remind you again how to perform Dream Trawler?" Xiao asked.
"Nuh-uh," Paimon shook her head, setting down a Seven-Star Lamp. "Paimon has a great memory! First, we offer incense with respect for Rex Lapis. Next, we meditate and think of our target. Then, we shout 'Bring Forth Sin'!
"It's 'Devayaksha, Bring Forth Sin'," the Traveler corrected as they were adjusting the position of the censer.
"Right!” Paimon nodded, setting down another Seven-Star Lamp. “Lastly, we let loose a couple of arrows towards the two yaksha statues to... to uh... uhhh...".
"Tsk. Fools."
This conversation was taking place while the Traveler and Paimon were setting everything up for the Dream Trawler ritual. However, instead of going back to the two yaksha statues on the southern face of Mt. Tianheng, Zhongli suggested they perform the ritual at Luhua Pool.
"If my guess is correct, [Y/N] will most likely panic upon realizing where they are. If that's the case, it would be better for them if they weren't so close to the harbor. It's best if we do not attract any attention."
Both the Traveler and Paimon agreed. Neither of them wanted [Y/N] to be afraid. They only wanted to give them the warmest of welcomes.
"Are you two done yet?" Xiao asked, annoyed at how long it was taking to get everything set up.
The Traveler and Paimon walked up to Xiao. "Yep! Everything's set up just like last time."
Xiao nodded. "Good. Get ready to initiate the ritual."
The Traveler and Paimon nodded in return. They put the incense inside of the censer and began to meditate.
"Since we are dealing with someone from another world, I would imagine that a great deal of focus should be needed to summon [Y/N]. This is especially true since we have no idea what they look like. I'm sure Xiao warned you of the consequences this could cause should you not take this seriously.
Zhongli's words echoed in your mind as you put all of your focus towards [Y/N].
[Y/N], who has been with them since the beginning.
[Y/N], who has done their best to guide them along their journey.
"Ahh... Hmm..."
[Y/N]. [Y/N]. [Y/N]. [Y/N]. [Y/N].
"Devayaksha, Bring Forth Sin!"
... ...
... … …
It's cold.
You shifted in your sleep and immediately felt the lack of bedsheets surrounding your body.
Instead, you felt... rock? Sand?
Slowly opening your eyes, you were met with the cloudy midnight sky, trees with orangish-red leaves, and tall, rocky mountain peaks.
"...Wait. ...Why am I outdoors?"
Your eyes slowly began to adjust to the moonlight.
"...And why does this look so familiar?"
You brought your hand to the ground to begin pushing yourself up, but stopped moving once you noticed the light blue glow surrounding it.
"What the hell?!"
Shocking the exhaustion from your body, you quickly rose up from the floor, nearly losing balance as you stood due to how light you suddenly felt. You looked around the rest of your body and found that you were completely surrounded by the light blue glow.
"This has to be a dream... This has to be..."
"My job is done. I'm leaving now."
Startled, you quickly turned around to find three familiar persons standing a couple of yards away from you.
"Huh? Why don't you wanna stay?" A floating pixie asked.
A short, tattooed man with azure hair scoffed in response. "I don't deal with mortals."
You let out a crazed chuckle. "I've got to be dreaming."
Paimon, oblivious to your decreasing sanity, shook her head. "Nope! We summoned you here via dream trawling. Isn't that great?!"
You were silent for a few seconds before you responded. "Dream... trawling...?"
Sensing that you were still confused, Xiao sighed in annoyance. "You are [Y/N], right?"
Hearing the sound of your name shook some sense into you, but you still involuntarily nodded.
"Good. When you're ready to send them back, speak my name." Xiao told the Traveler before disappearing.
However, seeing Xiao disappear right in front of your eyes shook you even further. "Woah...! That looked way too realistic."
The Traveler let out a small cough to grab your attention. "If you wouldn't mind, [Y/N]. We summoned you here because we've been wanting to talk to you for some time now. Please, grab a seat."
They gestured toward a stone table that was definitely not there the last time you visited. They then sat down on the stone seat facing you. When they looked up, they realized that you hadn't even moved as much as an inch. Additionally, you stared straight at them, yet still appeared lost in thought. Sensing that you may still be bewildered about your current situation, they spoke up.
"You don't need to worry about anything, [Y/N]. There is nothing around here that will hurt you," they gestured to the seat again. "Please."
Had they been unable to see your chest moving in and out, both Paimon and the Traveler would have thought you to be a statue.
"This is a dream. This is real. This is a dream. This is real. This is a dream. This is real..."
Paimon shared a worryingly glance at the Traveler before floating on over to you. You were too oblivious to your surroundings to notice her approaching, but when she finally reached out a hand to tap your shoulder, you flinched back. Hard.
"Wahh! Sorry! Paimon's sorry!" Paimon quickly apologized.
Meanwhile, your brain was working in overdrive to assess the situation. "I felt her! I felt her! I'm not dreaming! I'm not dreaming! This is real! This is real! THIS IS REAL!"
"Paimon get back," the Traveler commanded, standing up from their seat. "They're in shock."
"In shock!? What do we do about that?" Paimon questioned.
The Traveler didn't respond, instead, they slowly began to walk towards you.
Becoming more aware of your surroundings, you noticed the Traveler approaching and slowly began to back up, raising your arms in front of your body. "No no no no. Don't come any closer."
However, the Traveler continued to walk forward one step at a time. They raised their hands up in the air. "It's okay, [Y/N]. It's okay."
You shook your head. "No, it's not okay," you rapidly spoke, breathing loudly. "I'm not supposed to be here."
"Yes, you are. We summoned you here."
You backed up into a broken stone pillar. "Why?" you asked, looking behind you for a quick second. "What did I do?"
They stopped in place before a sorrowful gaze appeared on the Traveler's face. "You’ve done nothing wrong."
Silence hung in the air for an agonizingly long time. Finally, you spoke:
The Traveler nodded. "That’s right. We just want to talk."
You slowly lowered your arms. "About... what?"
Both the Traveler and Paimon smiled. "About our future journey together."
Confusion set upon you once again. "What? But I… I said I was done."
The Traveler sadly shook their head. "We know, but we can't let you leave. Not after all you have done for us."
Paimon chirped in. "Exactly! You're our friend after all!"
Your breathing stopped upon hearing Paimon. After all that effort you put into making amends with them. After believing that it was all for naught.
"You... you see me... as a friend?"
The Traveler nodded, their smile growing bigger. "We do."
Silence fell upon the three of you once again. This time, it was the Traveler who broke it.
"I think it's time we all grab a seat. Shall we?"
Author's Notes: I was originally going to make this longer, but I once again struggled at trying to write this scene out. It's hard trying to figure out how people should believably react to this scenario.
Because it's never happened before, duh.
Anyways, the next part will be the end of this series. Stick around for the ending!
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the-tarot-witch22 · 8 months ago
Personality of your future spouse - Pick a pile
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Pile 1/ Pile 2
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Pile 3/ Pile 4
Hello everyone ! This is my another pick a pile or pac reading so please be kind and leave comment or reblog, and let me know if it resonated with you!
Note : This is a general reading or collective reading. It may or may not resonate with you. Please take what resonates and leave what doesn't. And it's totally okay if our energies aren't aligned!
How to pick : Take a deep breath and choose a pile which you feel most connected to! You can choose more than one pile, it just means both pile have messages for you!
I worked really hard on this pile please show some love by leaving comments, likes and reblogs!
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Pile 1:
(The cards I got for you guys - 6 of swords, king of wands, 4 of pentacles, king of swords and 9 of wands)
Okay so the first thing i heard and feel is they are quite chatty or like to talk a lot, or travel a lot too when they are sad or not happy with circumstances at hand, They are also very masculine and dominant, like a leader or very bossy, They are also quite outspoken like they won't be quiet, if they see something which doesn't sit right with them, they might tend to not indulge in things which are holding them back, they are quite a problem solver, their advise and wisdom is to die for, they will speak right thing at right time, they might be extrovert too, but they will balance you out well, they like to move forward, they are comfortable in their own skin, they might have had a time or phase where they didn't like how they looked and how they were but time changed them now they comfortable in their own skin, and they try to make other person very comfortable as well, they are not very judgemental, for some of you guys travelling is so prominent, like your future spouse goes to different place, experience different cultures, try different food, it's a part of their personality, they also seem very mature regardless of their age, their situation might have caused them to grow early, they might like to go out or have fun in adventure parks, greenery, they also like to run or keep themselves in shape, for some of you your future spouse seems like a computer geek, they have a very unique and very charming personality, they attract people both genders towards because of their unique sense of humour and personality, they have transformed very much in their lives, for some of you your future spouse has gone through so many changes, hardships which caused them to where they are, they also seem very focused and determined, if they want something they will get it type of attitude, "i heard failure doesn't scare me, not trying enough does" spoken like a real business man, they seems very wise guys, they are also very seductive and sexual , like they are secure in their body, they don't have fragile masculinity, they are very respectful towards people and others, they might not seem to show emotions very well, but you will know they care for you, their action speaks louder than words, they are also quite private about their personal life, they won't be spilling secrets to everyone, just to someone who are close to them, they are also very quite protective and jealous, they won't like anyone clinging onto you, let it be anyone even a pet, like "they are mine", they will make sure the other person knows, you are with them, their temper is calm unless someone provokes them, then they are like they don't even see who is in front of them, they won't hurt you, but their anger is quite bad if someone gets on their bad side, they also seem bit materialistic, because off their past, i feel, they also seem very logical and intellectual a great person to talk to and spend rest of your lives with, they don't take betrayal easy, they might cut off people easily, they sometimes tend to hang on past or just look back at things that has happened but they try not to do that, they know its only gonna waste time and nothing can happen, but they also get proud of their growth, quite confident, they also seem hardworking independent and the person who stands their ground very well, they also don't care what others think of them. They also seem very passionate.
Honestly? They are wonderful! You guys are lucky and so is your future spouse!
They could be fire and air sign in their big 3 or 6. Especially Sagittarius or Aries, or might be you guys as well. Or they can have fire or air midheaven.
Pile 2:
(The cards I got for you guys - 4 of pentacles, king of cups, 9 of cups, 5 of swords, The hanged man and page of cups)
Okay so the first thing i felt they wear heart on their sleeves a very honest and open book type of person, they are emotionally mature in tune with them, knows what they want in a person, so forget the fear of mixed signals, because your future spouse will tell you thousand times they want you, give you reassurance, the love you want and desire. They are the kind of person who would not like people eyeing you, very protective some of you can say over protective, but don't be scared they are not controlling but just scared to lose you, because you mean so much to them, they tend to think they are not enough for you and end up overthinking and becoming jealous, and honestly in a good way, i don't feel any negative and ill intentions from them, they tend to give you the world and love you want they won't be like refusing you, they will make sure your needs have been met, they are self sufficient too, and has a good job too, they seem very soft and loving, as i said an open book, so they won't hide things from me, they embrace their both sides, in bed they can be a switch, or be very versatile they tend to make you feel at home and very comfortable, their energy is calm, even while doing your reading i felt sleepy, very soft spoken and soft person, they also seem very curious to learn new things, they might have trouble saying no or might be you as well, They have a good heart, they don't like to cause pain to someone if they end up hurting someone , it will affect them too, they are quite sensitive too, they don't like conflicts they rather avoid having them, they also seem very loyal and honest, i heard "I will die for you queen", i also heard they are very caring towards environment, they will cherish you so much, they might sometimes take things to their heart, they are very sincere too, values honesty a lot, They also seem to have spiritual side, or they seem lucky in money or financial department, they tend to get anxious at times, like at time of conflicts it doesn't seem to suit them, i also feel their manifestations comes easily to them and they just don't realize it , for some of you they could be very religious, they might just be also lucky in general, they also have a tendency to win, or have competitive side to them, when it comes to their profession or you, they are very laid back to or might like procrastinate at times, for some of you your future spouse could be very lazy or just like to sleep in, very attractive and young personality, or they seem younger they might look young or have a heart of child, pure they seem to be very charming, can be quite flirtatious without realizing it, i heard "was it a coincidence, we met?", "i don't think it was i have dreamt of you so many times yet i can't remember you", wow, they just gave me something for you guys.
Your future spouse seem like a sweetheart honestly, so loving, love it for you guys!
Their possible zodiac signs could be - water signs in their big 3 or 6 especially Cancer and Scorpio , or for some of you - earth signs or they can have a water midheaven.
Pile 3:
(The cards I got for you guys - 7 of wands, 3 of cups, The empress, Temperance, knight of cups, 3 of swords, 5 of pentacles and the star)
Okay so the first thing i felt was they are quite hardworking, for some of your future spouse could be workaholic and they have so many responsibilities and burden on them, They tend to overthink a lot, they are quite righteous and stand up for people who have been wronged, they like to earn but with their strength and hard work, they also seem kind of serious but warms up when you know them, they like indoors, they might be ambivert and they seem very adaptable, they tend to find happiness in small things around them, their might be someone they are close to or helped them come out of their shell, they tend to have many people or friends but only few of them seem genuine, they also could be teacher or have that teacher personality they like to correct you or tell you things teach you stuff, they might be quite experienced in bed, they also seem very focused and determined to get things done, they don't like to left things on tomorrow, more like do it now, they also seem to like to have parties or small celebration with their loved ones, as i said small things can make them happy and small things can make them angry too, they really seem to focus on self and self growth, i heard "self - righteous person", they have so much to give, the love, the things to their loved ones, their love language could be act of services, they tend to meet their friends or pals a lot, they don't like to do flirting or leading someone on, they are very nurturing and caring too in touch with their feminine side, they also seem to love kids, or they might be good with them, they are financially abundant too, but all because of their hard work, they don't like people who are very codependent, they will care and open up but at their own pace, for some of you they could have a water venus, they are good and caring boyfriend as well as husband, they are also very balanced, or have became balanced, after the traumatic or bad experience in past, but that's for another thing and pac, i won't go in details, but i also feel they got their heartbroken or for some of you they broke someone's heart, but later they now realize their mistake and respect people's emotion, they also seem very gentlemanly, or charming person, they are quite a listener more than a talker, for some of you they like to things slow or for some of you they are quite forward, for some of you they might had trusted wrong people in their friendship or business or work, they seem to be vulnerable too, but with right people, not with everyone if you earn that, they love you, i also feel for some of you they might have brought up in poverty, but now they are doing very much better now and has good job or money, or had a hard time when they were kid or younger, they value for things and money, as i said very caring, i also feel their aura is quite healing or they might work in medical field. They might at time be judgemental or jump to conclusions too, but nothing too bad. I also they are quite happy, when they achieve their desire goals.
They seem like chill person honestly! love it for you guys <3
Their possible zodiac sign in big 3 or 6 - Scorpio, cancer, Gemini, Libra or Virgo and Capricorn, Aries or Leo too.
Pile 4:
(The cards I got for you guys - Wheel of fortune, 6 of cups, 9 of pentacles, strength, the star, king of pentacles, 4 of pentacles, 5 of wands and 10 of pentacles)
Okay so wow the first thing i heard and feel is they are quite the provider or has that let me do it energy, for some of you, your future spouse is very mature, they seem very lucky and have things on their fingertips when they need it, if their is a situation they don't like, the situation seems to improve on its own somehow, they believe in "time is precious don't waste it" very understanding, and have figured out their life purpose, they seem to move forward, for some of you your future spouse seems introvert, but they like to move forward in their own way, they like to win and go ahead, they also feel loved when someone appreciates them and shows them with their actions, they might like to read as well, like self help books, or might be you guys, but they seem into reading anything news, articles, they likes to be updated on political affairs, or what is happening around them, "i also heard timid and shy" so for some of you might be that at first, they created their own fame and luck type of vibe i am getting, they also has a very transformative personality, or went through changes, they might have lost someone young a pet or someone close to them, a grandparent, but all the changes and ending has made your future spouse stand on their own which makes sense why they are very wise or mature, you guys can check pile 1 too, i somehow got similar messages for pile 1, your future spouse personality is very interesting honestly, sweet, spicy and calm, love that vibe i am getting, they seem to like and feel nostalgic things, for some of you animals or helping people make them happy, they seem very sweet, they like to help people and go beyond for that, they might like flowers or nature a lot, they are also quite very independent, and self secure, like they know they are good, they don't need someone's opinion, they value facts or honesty, for some of you they are quite confident, they have worked hard and has achieved their goals, as i said they created their own fame self made person, they are brave , courageous and very spiritual too, they like to believe in old myths too, not a blind follower don't worry, they are quite focused and determined to make their life a better for themselves and others, they believe in equality, They will go to lengths to protect their loved ones, their love is healing, their personality is healing so maybe they have at times attracted broken people in their life, they like to go with the flow, they don't let people treat them as pushover either, in past for some of them could have been, but now it's very different for them, As i said they changed a lot, they definitely are a sugar daddy very rich guys very rich, they might also like to have everything their heart desire let it be anything, when they love they love very deeply, they are also very possessive over their materialistic things and their loved ones, "its mine, so its mine" no one gets to have it, but in a good way, its hot honestly, they are self build and for some of you they have gotten inheritance or comes from old money, they might have been close to their grand parents, i also feel they have stress or they take sometimes too much work pressure which causes them to have inner conflict with them, but they are learning with time, They are also very practical and logical a very much problem solver, they are quite ambitious too and love to work on their goals.
Your future spouse is a package <3, good for you guys!
Their possible zodiac sign in big 3 or 6 - Earth signs especially Capricorn.
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Thank you for stopping by! Take care and remember you are loved <3
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ondeemand · 5 months ago
Transformers One Review
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For the sake of convenience, I’ll be referring to the characters as their new names (Optimus Prime, Megatron, Bumblebee) instead of their old ones (Orion Pax, D-16, B-127).
Also, I didn’t grow up with Transformers, so this will be mostly from an outsider’s perspective. I can’t tell what possibly was or wasn’t a retcon or how accurate to the source material it was, but I think the background info on their world held up very well and they were able to explain it clearly to new viewers like me. It definitely would have hit harder if I grew up with Transformers and knew more than just facts from cultural osmosis, but I still enjoyed the movie a lot.
Notes/Things I’m Neutral On
Very weird to hear my name (Dee) being said throughout most of the movie by Chris Hemsworth’s bad American accent.
Also, I forgot that Megatron has transformed into ground vehicles before. I only ever knew him to turn into a jet, so I was kind of confused that he was a tank in this movie. I hope we get to see him get upgraded to a jet in the next one, but the tank is still cool.
Pros/Things I Liked
Simple but effective color theory with their eye colors. Main good guys have blue while Megatron has yellow, sitting between good and bad. Still a friendly color at first, but slowly turns closer to orange and then fully red as his anger and hatred consume him (and after he met the red-eyed Starscream, a cowardly man who ends up enabling Megatron‘s more violent/aggressive tendencies)
○ Also I don’t know if I was just seeing things, but it looked like Megatron’s eyes got more yellow whenever he looked at Optimus which is so sad and so gay.
I really thought they were gonna push a romance between Elita and either Bumblebee (goofy manchild x competent woman trope) or Optimus (male lead x female lead, blue x pink), but I was pleasantly surprised that they didn’t. Sadly, there’s still time for it in future installments, but I can dream.
Not to be gay, but spider woman sexy. Airachnid was so obviously evil that it was funny, but I can’t fault Sentinel for having her around because I, too, would want a deadly goth woman to be my right-hand lady. They felt like the evil, less developed versions of Mustang and Hawkeye. I am in love.
The animation is gorgeousssss. The environments, the character designs, the fight choreography, the transformations, the lighting, the texture, mwah mwah MWAH STUNNING!!!
○ Sorry, I’m never gonna stop talking about this. The way they were able to make square/blocky figures move so fluidly was fantastic (and proof of concept that a fully animated Minecraft movie would have worked). ○ The camera angles were also great for framing both the dramatic, intense, and/or high-action moments like fights or chase scenes, while also adding a lot to the comedic moments. Like when the camera stays tracking Optimus’ face when running through the forest, only for him to suddenly fall down a cliff neither he nor us saw coming, only to then zoom out to the perspective of the guards below, showing them stumbling and falling. ○ The contrast between the mechanical and organic elements on the surface were really cool, and the way it was introduced was able to convey this idea that organic life was this strange, alien thing. ○ The way the surface just rebuilds itself into these jagged, blocky terrains was really unique and interesting! It felt like a glitched computer model because of its rougher shapes which really added to the fear and hostility of the surface.
90% of their jokes landed and they landed hard. The bit where Optimus looks like he’s about to transform and then just fucking books it is incredible. The audio and camera work help add to these as well, like the music building as Optimus pretends to transform, the camera zooming in close to different parts of him, only for all background noise to cut out as it shows Optimus running away. I won’t name every joke and quip I found funny or we’d be here all day, but they’re certainly a highlight of the movie.
I love Keegan-Michael Key, but I wasn’t a fan of him as the comic relief character of Toad in the Mario movie. When Bumblebee showed up I got a little nervous, but I really loved his performance of the character.
I really liked the midpoint pep talk about hope. That’s a really nice reason that Optimus is the leader despite not being as skilled as other people. He has the hope for a better future and it was a core part of his character from the beginning, and I really like the idea that a leader is someone who can envision a brighter future no matter what.
Alpha Trion transforming was SICK AS FUCK!!! I love that he was more animalistic when the rest of the cast become vehicles. His final fight was so cool, and it actually made me kind of emotional to see him at the end with the rest of the Prime ghosts.
The stabbings? The beheadings?? The branding??? The way Megatron tore Sentinel in half and then ripped his heart out on-screen holy shit???? This movie was incredibly brutal and I loved it. It’s such an interesting phenomenon that children’s media is allowed to be about as graphic as they want as long as it’s against robots, even incredibly sentient ones like in the Transformers series.
○ I watched the 1986 Transformers movie for a class earlier this year, and while it also had a lot of brutality in it’s fights, the new movie felt more intense. Part of this could be attributed to me watching the 2024 movie on a big screen vs the 1986 movie in my living room, but there are other reasons as well. The 1986 movie had more upbeat songs playing over the fights, specifically songs like The Touch and Dare, which helped keep the tone lighter and more exciting. The 2024 movie didn’t have anything like that, allowing the action, while still cool and exciting, to take on a more serious tone. This is also emphasized by the graphics of the movie being 3D instead of 2D. While the 2D 1986 movie is a stunning masterpiece, people still view it with the idea in mind that, since it’s a cartoon, the stakes and story will be less intense. The 2024 movie being 3D with very detailed graphics and lighting already has more visual intensity. The characters are still these bright, poppy colors, but they can come across more moody and dark due to the environments, lighting, and textures that the 3D medium more easily allows. And while the painted backgrounds and cell shading of the old movie are great, the CGI backgrounds are a lot closer to realism, so the harsher elements like metal and rock, which make up a vast majority of the environment and characters, look real too.
The way Megatron’s hate consumed him to the point where he started acting more villainous and, while not entirely similar to Sentinel, still ended up hurting innocent people was tragic. Trying to push away and deny everything about a person only to wind up being just like them. This was perfectly shown in the end credit scene where Megatron is branding himself and the new Decepticons with Megatronus Prime’s face. To him, it may be him reclaiming the traumatic experience and literally using it like a badge of honor, as well as thinking he’s honoring Megatronus Prime. But in reality, he’s just inflicting the same trauma done to him onto others, just like Sentinel. Such a cool way to show how every villain is the hero of their own story.
The doomed yaoiiiiii I’m never gonna get over them. The only other Transformers media I’ve consumed is the 1986 movie, which kills off Optimus Prime in the first 25 minutes and Megatron becomes Galvatron, so I never knew the depths of their homoerotic relationship.
I’m a sucker for “the hero and villain used the be friends (and maybe even lovers?)” trope, so Optimus and Megatron’s relationship and the general premise of the movie was already a slam dunk for me.
I’m also a fan of legacy stories like Avatar and She-Ra. While this movie didn’t get as in-depth with the concept, I enjoyed that they played with the idea of legacy and taking up the mantle of the former Primes.
I absolutely loved the end message that Optimus gives us. Hope, freedom, and autonomy are incredibly important things to learn, and as a trans person who very much wants to keep control over what I do with my body, I really resonated with that last one. I think it’s really cool that they included a message like that in this children’s movie about robots that turn into cars.
Regarding the message of autonomy, I love that it gives the term Autobots a new meaning. Auto meaning “automobile”, since they transform into cars, and Auto meaning “self”, as they are now fully their own bots with control over themselves.
Cons/Things I Disliked
Mid vocal performances from everyone except Brian Tyree Henry and Keegan-Michael Key. And as I mentioned before, it was hard not to focus on Chris’ attempts at an American accent, not to mention how recognizable his, as well as Scarlett Johansson’s, voices are.
The plot felt a little disjointed in the first 1/3-ish.
○ Good setup with the main characters being an oppressed working class with one dreaming of better things and the other hesitant to fall out of line or take risks. But then suddenly there’s a race, and then they’re in it, and then they lose, and then their leader wants to promote them. At first it feels like there are hints that he’s a scummy celebrity-type and that meeting their hero is what will spur on the disillusionment with their society. But then some random douchebag that doesn’t like them reassigns them which goes against their leader’s command, and that’s how the plot kicks off? ○ Also, Elita’s involvement felt kind of rushed/hand-waved. They all get stuck on the surface, but instead of trying to make her way back to report them like she was saying she would for the past few minutes, she makes a complete 180 and heads the expedition herself. ○ It all just felt a little strange, but once it got going the rest of the plot felt fine.
Megatron’s descent into “evil” felt kind of rushed. I understand that he feels betrayed and I really love where the character ends up by the end, but it felt like a real 180 without a lot of build up.
Some jokes fell flat or felt annoying and kinda cringe. That’s the territory of children’s movies though, so par for the course.
Overall, this movie was a really fun watch and I’d love to go see it again. While some parts fall a little flat, the movie is lifted from mediocrity by its many Pros. From the stunning visuals, to the quick humor, to the tragic origins of two friends driven apart by their ideals, I’d recommend this movie to anyone interested in animation or the Transformers brand.
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queenbrucewayne · 2 months ago
Barley Noticed
A/n: this was lowkey inspired by the anime Spy X family, if you couldn’t catch it. Lol.
"Hey Y/n, do you mind running this upstairs? I gotta get a few things finished before the next conference meeting."
Y/n glanced up to see her coworker holding out a thick yellow envelope, most likely all the report sheets from this past week stuffed inside.
"Yeah, I can do that." Getting up, she walked over to grab the envelope. "Where exactly is this going?"
"Floor 83, Craig who runs some of charity planning will get it, you can just leave it on his desk. Thanks." Her coworker turned around but abruptly stopped himself. "Hey! The team and I were going to go out to drink tonight, you wanna come?"
Y/n smiled, shaking her head. "I would, but I think I'll just head home tonight."
"On a Friday night? oh common Y/n..." He teased, "you reject us every weekend."
"It's just not my scene, maybe next time!" Y/n walked a little bit faster towards the elevator. The doors opened and she stepped right inside.
"You say that every weekend!" He called out, shaking his head smiling, she watched as he turned his chair around back towards his desk.
Sighing in relief, she leaned back against the elevator wall. The whole floor she worked with had been trying to get her out since she started working 6 months ago. The night life of drinking and dancing in clubs and bars just wasn't her scene. It probably would’ve been a great way to get to know her coworkers better, but staying in the shadows and background was where she felt most comfortable. She was hardly noticed most of the time, and she was quiet on her feet. Most women who worked here would wear heels that could be heard from down the halls, Y/n on the other hand would softly walk with her flats that had a very comfortable bottom and could hardly ever be heard. She already has a quiet and soft presence. Unless she spoke up, most people would never notice her there. That was exactly how she liked it.
The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened, she stepped out and walked over to the front desk of the floor. A sweet looking girl was sitting down and focusing on whatever was on her computer.
"Hi, I'm supposed to drop this off on Craigs desk, do you know which one is his?" Y/n asked. The girl glanced up at her.
"Oh, go down this hallway and take a right, his names on the front door, he isn't there right now, but the doors open, he doesn't lock it unless he's gone home." She pointed in the direction down the hallway.
"Thank you." Y/n smiled and the girl nodded, going back to her computer.
This floor was pretty open, lots of huge windows and natural light. Instead of individual desks, there was long tables with tons of chairs around them, picture boards of all the past charities in the past with some of the biggest donations hanging on the walls.
Y/n turned a corner and there was indeed an office with Craigs name on it, the door was open but nobody was inside. Y/n set the yellow envelope down on his desk and turned back around to leave.
She was about to pass the front desk again when she saw two men who were there now in a conversation with the girl. Both men were in nice suits, one had blonde hair with a comb over, the other one had black hair, slicked back smoothly. She was gonna wave bye to the front office girl but didn't wanna interrupt their conversation.
Walking behind the the man with black hair, she slipped pass him, making her way to the elevator she pressed the button, waiting patiently for it to arrive.
Y/n stood there for a few minutes when she started to feel a little uneasy, like someone was watching her. She glanced over to catch the man with black hair staring intently at her. He was leaning against the desk with one arm, his gaze completely on her, even with the blonde man standing next to him talking he didn’t break away.
She looked back to the elevator, trying to ignore him. Shifting her feet side to side she felt anxious as the elevator seemed to feel like it was slower then ever. When the ding finally came, she couldn’t help but sigh in relief as the doors opened. Passing the few people who came out she slipped inside, quickly pressing her floor number.
The doors began to close, but halted as a shiny black dress shoe stood between the doors. Y/n felt herself breathe in deeply as the elevator doors opened and the man from before stood before her, a smile on his face.
Y/n took a step to the right as he came in and stood next her. There was something unnerving about his smile. It was friendly, but seemed to hold something else behind it. She didn’t know what, but she wanted nothing more then to get to her floor.
The doors closed and they began their decent. Guess he was going to the same floor since he hadn’t pressed another button, great…
“I don’t remember these things being so slow.”
Y/n smiled to herself, she thought so too, but probably not for the same reason.
The man looked over to her, holding his hand out, “Bruce Wayne. I haven’t seen you around before, have you just started?”
Y/n cursed in her head, that’s why he looked so familiar. He was her boss. She turned to him, “Yeah, about 6 months ago.” Shaking his hand gently.
Something about what she just said must have caught Bruce off guard, she swore she saw his smile fall slightly.
“Well pleasure to meet you, hope you’re liking it here so far.” Bruce leaned back, putting both his hands in his pockets.
“I do, everyone has been very nice and helpful. Its actually been a lot easier to come in new as I thought it was going to be.” Y/n smiled, looking up at him she caught he was already staring at her back. His eyes held some bit of curiosity….or confusion? Like he was studying her and having trouble understanding the problem.
The elevator dinged and the doors opened, jumping slightly, she tugged some fallen hair behind her ear as she made her exit.
Turning back around, noticing he hadn’t moved from his spot, his arms crossed as he was leaned up against the wall. Before she could say something, the doors closed and she watched him put up a hand goodbye as both doors shut him inside.
Looking up, Y/n saw the elevator floor number changed to the top floor of the building, most likely his office.
So, he purposely stopped the elevator to get inside and follow her to the area she worked? Why? What could she have done to promote him to do that? Whatever it was left Y/n confused, and she would probably be thinking about it the rest of the day.
Meanwhile, Bruce leaned against the elevator wall, thinking hard about the whole thing.
He hadn’t even felt her pass him, she was quiet and made almost to no sound walking by him. It was hard to get by him without him noticing, he thought he was starting to slip up, that he kept his guard down too much.
When he finally noticed someone was waiting on the elevator, he was taken back to see her standing there, as if she appeared from thin air. Curiosity got the best of him and he quickly said a quick goodbye to his employees he was chatting with and followed her.
He was even more surprised to find out she had been here 6 months. He was always checking in new employees, or making an effort to talk to as many as he would pass by outside of conference room meetings. Not once had she come across his radar, and maybe that would’ve been normal for as many people worked for him but no longer then 2 months without him leaning a name.
She was a ghost, a presence that was barley noticeable unless you tried hard enough. It definitely left Bruce with more questions then answers, and he would be getting those answers soon.
Despite what caught his attention about her lack of presence, it definitely gave Bruce a feeling of calmness talking to her, as opposed to the high energy and over enthusiastic conversations he was used to getting from his employees. He felt almost at lease, relaxed even.
And that feeling definitely was worth getting again.
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deanscherrypie420 · 8 months ago
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A/N: Hi everyone! This is a requested story (If you look on my page, its the angel!reader one :) ) I hope you like it @fruitmilkshake !
Characters: Angel!Reader Y/N, Castiel, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
Pairing: Sam Winchester X Reader
Warnings: Angels, Demons, toxic ex-relationship, violence, angelic powers, abduction, death scare, angst with a happy ending, clingy-ish reader, slow burn, fluffy ending (Let me know if I missed anything!)
Summary: After a bad break-up, you run to your closest friend. You knew he had company, but you didn't know you'd fall head over heels for a Winchester.
The brothers were minding their business, Dean cleaning his guns and Sam working on his computer. Castiel was sitting and talking to Dean about an odd feeling he's been having.
"Something is not right... I've been sensing it throughout the week. Dean, I think something is wrong." He explained, waving his hands around his lap.
Dean shook his head, pointing a disabled gun at his friend. "It's nothing, Cas. You're just bein' a paranoid son of a bitch." He nodded and stared his lap, processing Dean's words.
Suddenly, he felt a wave of energy overwhelm the room. He sensed it before the brothers did, a loud screeching burning their eardrums. Sam's laptop screen shattered, along with all the dishes in the sink.
Castiel took a moment to stand up, a force nearly holding him back. Accompanying the deafening sound was loud bangs at the door. He swung the door open and suddenly everything went silent.
Dean jolted up from the bed, gun in hand. Sam turned and grabbed his knife, standing next to his brother. They couldn't see past Castiel's shoulders, but they noticed how his demeanor softened.
"Y/N?" He breathed out, forcing you into a tight hug. "What happened?" She pushed him away, hot, rage filled tears streaming down her cheeks.
"I need help." She muttered, wiping her eyes with the back of her wrist. He nodded and pulled her into the room, closing the motel door behind them.
After a lot of explaining, Sam and Dean finally came around to her. "So, you're an angel, you were dating a demon, he's crazy and now he's trying to... Kill you?" Sam summarized, raising a brow.
She nodded, holding eye contact with the man. He cleared his throat, a bit uncomfortable. "Okay, so what the hell are we supposed to do?" Dean scoffed, tossing his phone onto the nightstand.
His brother glared at him, trying to be empathetic with her situation. Her fists balled, nails pressing hard into her palm. "You aren't gonna do anything. I came here to be with my friend. Not you." She remarked, standing up moving away from them.
Sam stood up and came to her side, pressing a reassuring hand to her shoulder. "Hey, we can help you. We've dealt with way worse than a crazy demon." She pushed his hand off and scowled, brows furrowed tight.
"Castiel, are you going to help me, or not?" She asked, ignoring the brothers completely now. He nodded and stood up as well, standing incredibly close to her.
"Of course, you have my word."
Sam was cooking breakfast in the bunker. They had returned home from a case the night before, beat up and exhausted. He figured this would lighten the mood.
Y/N had been going with them, and honestly it wasn't terrible. She was a great asset, always healing them when needed. She was a lot stronger than Castiel when it came to their powers and she understood social cues better, which they all liked.
Sometimes, she would still get a bit confused with the brothers slang, but she was overall really smart. She had been around for thousands of years, with the same body and same age. She had seen horrific crimes throughout her life, slowly losing faith in her human companions.
Sam was different though. Both of the brothers were different, but Sam consumed her mind. His personality, his smile, and oh god, his kindness. He was so generous to everyone, even to her, and she adored it.
"Hey, Angel. How'd you sleep?" He asked her, dragging her away from her thoughts. She smiled and walked towards him, wrapping her arms around him and resting her head on his back. "I don't need to sleep, Sam. You know that."
He chuckled and nodded, clicking the stove off. "How could I forget." He joked, turning to wrap his arm around her. She picked up a piece of potato from the pan and ate it, giving him a grin. "Delicious, tastes like nothingness."
Dean cleared his throat in the doorway, raising a brow suspiciously. "Hey, lovebirds." He muttered, still a bit tired from waking up. Sam's cheeks warmed and he patted her arm, "We're just friends, Dean." He responded, moving away from her and serving the food.
She felt a small pit in her gut. Unsure as to why, she brushed it off and sat down with them, something Castiel made her do to be "a part of the family."
They chatted about the case, but her angel companion made the conversation short-lived. "Has Kedron interacted with you at all, Y/N?"
She stiffened, giving him an awkward look. "No... We can talk about this privately, if you wish to continue." She mumbled back, earning a concerned look from Sam.
"We're here to help, too. We are all going to be involved in this fight." He told her, engulfing her hand in his. He gave her a reassuring smile and squeezed her hand.
"Yeah, okay. Fine, but I don't want you getting hurt." She murmured and he smiled. Dean scoffed and rolled his eyes. "But I can?" The table broke out in a small fit of laughter, Y/N clarifying that she wants everyone to be safe.
But especially Sam...
"Cas, this was a bad idea!" Dean hollered, his head slamming into the pole he was tied to. All of them were tied up, Dean doubled-down inside of a devils trap.
Sam was half conscious, and Castiel was only restraining himself because a blade was being held to both the brothers throats. Y/N was knocked out, a man circling her like she was prey.
"I've missed this..." He cooed, twirling a knife in her hair. Sam lulled his head to the side, groaning quietly. "Get away from her." He muttered, squirming against his ropes.
Kedron laughed, an obnoxious sound that made the brothers cringe. He pranced over to Sam and nodded to the man behind him. He yanked the Winchester's head back, a firm hold on his hair. A guttural sound left him, bellowing deep from within.
"You, Sam Winchester... I've learned so much about you, and God! You make me sick." He spat at him, his blade tracing Sam's jawline. Behind him, Y/N was waking up, eyes fluttering open slowly.
Her pupils nearly disappeared when she realized what was happening. Kedron was slicing a line down Sam's chest while Dean and Castiel begged for him to stop.
The lights in the room began to flicker and explode, glass showering the ground. The demon lit up, a wicked grin highlighting his features. "Good morning, Sunshine!" He exclaimed, and she heard Sam struggling.
"What did you do to him?" Her voice was quiet but sharp, anger seeping through her skin. He just smiled, toying with the hem of her clothes. "Is he hurt?" She reiterated, and her answer was Sam screaming out in pain.
She watched over Kedron's shoulder as a man then moved over to Dean, cutting deep within his belly. "No!" She screamed, but he continued torturing them.
He was whispering something in her ear, but she was so overwhelmed, so furious. She watched as a man returned to Sam, sitting him up pressing a blade to his throat.
Within a second she had blasted everyone back, freeing herself from her bindings. She brought the blade Kedron was holding to her hand, holding it with an iron grip.
She got on top of him, holding him by the throat. "You shouldn't bring a demon-killing blade to a fight. You buried your own grave." She growled before stabbing his heart.
After butchering everybody in the room, she finally reached a sense of control. She dropped the knife and ran to Sam, holding her hand to his chest to heal his wounds. "Sammy, answer me. Answer me, dammit!" She pleaded, tears welling in her eyes.
She turned when she heard a thud, adrenaline coursing through her body. Castiel nodded at her as he took care of Dean, letting her know she was fine.
She didn't feel fine. Sam wasn't waking up and she couldn't stop shaking. Her breath was shallow as she tried to heal him again. She couldn't focus, couldn't get it right. "Wake up, Sam!" She screamed, hard sobs following after.
He just laid there, motionless and stiff. She crawled backwards, repulsed by what she caused. "It's my fault... It's my fault." She choked out, her palms digging into her eyes.
She was crying so hard, coughing and choking on her own tears. Her eyes were swollen and bloodshot, shut tight as she cursed herself. It's all my fault, I killed him, it's my fault. She chanted in her head over and over again, tearing herself apart.
She gasped when she felt two strong arms wrap around her, pulling her flush with his chest. "Hey, hey... It's okay," Sam croaked, his throat incredibly dry.
"S-Sam?" She sighed in relief, wrapping her arms around his neck and squeezing him tight. She rambled incoherent apologies and other statements, but he just quieted her and did his best to soothe her.
Y/N wouldn't leave his side, constantly making sure he was okay. Right now, he was in his room watching T.V and she was sitting next to him, fidgeting with the blanket.
She kept glancing over at him, as if to check he was still there. After this repeated for a good thirty minutes, he sighed and grabbed her arm, pulling her onto his chest,
"What are you doing?" She blurted out, pawing at his chest to push away. He hugged her waist tighter and chuckled. "Calm down, Angel. I'm just cuddling."
She nodded and instinctively started tracing the outline of his abs, her hand enjoying the warmth beneath his shirt. "Why?" She mumbled and he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Because, it's not just your job to make sure I'm comfortable."
She raised a brow and maneuvered fully on top of him, his hands finding their place on her thighs. "But it is my job... I mean, I don't get paid for it, but it's my responsibility." She countered, and he smiled, resting his forehead to hers.
"And it's my responsibility to make sure you're okay, too." She tried to protest, but he continued. "Don't argue with me, just accept it." He finished, and she couldn't help but smile.
She reached her hands up and started playing with his hair, his smile growing as well. "Sammy, you know you're the nicest human I've ever met." She whispered, and he tilted his head. "Yeah?"
She nodded, a quiet giggle escaping her lips. "Yeah, you are, and I really like you for it." She added, and he chuckled. He leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek, stroking her hair back.
"I really like you too, Angel."
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed! This was my first angel reader fic, this took WAY longer than I expected and I am SO sorry. I didn't proof read it so let me know if there are any mistakes <3
Like, reblog, follow, and comment <3 :)
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theanimeroom · 9 months ago
Thinking about Sae pressing himself into you as you talk in the phone with your friend, gasping as he wraps his arms around you ♡♡
okay okay so here’s my take on this one right here brother ☝🏽
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everyone knew how itoshi sae was. cold, ruthless, emotionally constipated, if you will. he wants the type of person to really care for one’s feelings or sentiments, yet he cared about you.
you were the only thing in his life aside from soccer that he would go to hell and back for, rather than just letting it slip away from him. you were his release on a stressful day, his breath of fresh air when he felt like he was suffocating. the smell of your shampoo staining his bed didn’t leave him feeling agitated, nor did the random texts and calls checking in on him. you were like his breath of fresh air, an escape from the constant cycle he found himself looping in.
it was exactly that privilege that left you so enamored by the man.
he treated you like you deserved the universe and then some, despite his usually gruff nature. his eyes were always softer whenever he looked your way, his words although still rude sometimes, were much nicer when they were directed towards you. “are you gonna eat sometime today, or are you trying to beat your previous record?” you knew he meant well, no matter how much he sounded like a dick.
after you started dating, you could say that you let the favoritism go to your head a bit, always trying to push the man’s buttons to see how far you could go before he snapped. usually it would take all of five minutes before a glare was being shot at you, low eyes telling you everything you needed to know.
you’d always tried to get some form of attention out of him, make him expose his true feelings for you in ways that he never did before. on a typical you would get ignored by the man, only catching his attention when he would allow it. but on very special days, you wouldn’t have to ask for a thing.
it was his refusal to be affectionate that made you so hung up on the act, so the moment he gave you a sample of what you were looking for, it went straight between your legs.
on this day you were trying to schedule plans with a long time friend who’d be traveling for the past few months, your phone pressed to your ear as you stood at the vanity in your bedroom.
“of course! what time?” you’d chirp, smiling at your reflection as your best friend talked about this new cafe they’d found. as you tried to make sure your appearance was presentable, you caught a peek of sae as he slipped from the bathroom silently. the steam from his shower escaped behind his figure, sweatpants low on his hips as he tossed his towel on the computer chair near him. his low cast eyes peered over towards you when he heard you giggle slightly, nodding your head. “yeah, that’ll work just great,” the sarcasm oozed from your words. “did you forget what happened last time?”
when you laughed a bit louder sae paused his movements, watching your figure from where he was standing by the bed. he wasn’t sure what spurred him on but the next thing he knew, his body was stalking up to you, watching as you paid him no mind through the mirrors reflection.
you only acknowledged his presence behind you when a warm hand placed itself on your waist, fingers dusting about the skin of your stomach. your voice aired out a bit, eyes slipping shut as your hand hand came down to cover his.
you hummed as your friend continued their tangent, letting your hand match the feather-like touches from your boyfriend asking his forearm.
a small gasp would escape you when you continued talking to your friends instead of shifting your full attention to sae, both of his strong arms wrapping around your mid section. the pressure of his muscular arms made your body go warm, your thighs pressing together and breathing growing uneven.
“y-yeah… yeah it c-could be a while then…” you could barely even comprehend your friend anymore, huffing out when sae’s body crushed against yours, pressing your lower stomach into the edge of the vanity table. when a pair of soft lips started to trail down from under your ear, moving along your collar bone, you felt the last remnants of control slip away.
“hey, but something…um…something just came up, so just text me when you’re on the way there alright?” you spoke hastily, tightening your grip on the phone when your now clammy hands felt the device slipping away from you. when your friend made a sound of agreement, you quickly pulled the phone away from you ear. “okaybye!”
the moment sae watched you press the end call button his hand wrapped around yours, snatching the phone from your grip. you barely had time to register the sound of the box hitting the floor before one of the hands that were wrapped around your waist picked around your neck, forcing you to turn around. your eyes were wide as you stared at sae’s nonchalant visage, trying to read his eyes in hopes of figuring out what he might do next. your body was effectively on fire, complying to his will when he decided to lighten the pressure on your throat, still keeping his warm fingers against your skin.
“looks like you’re going somewhere,” he said flatly, not giving away any ideas as to what he was thinking. when you nodded he let out a hum, the feeling of his nails dragging down your exposed chest making your breath fake. “my trophy looks so pretty, i’m not sure i can let her go out like this.”
his words were punctuated by the dip of his head, lips coming into contact with your cheek. they trailed along your face, light kisses covering every piece of you that he could find. you didn’t notice the way you held your breath when his mouth hovered over yours, waiting and ready for the man before you. “b-but, we already made the plans.”
sae didn’t respond, only staring at you in seemingly contemplation, before smothering your lips with his. this kiss was much different than the ones he was peppering you with earlier, slow but full of tongue. the slight desperation seeped through in the way he slotted his thigh between yours, hips shifting when your hip brushed against his growing cock.
an overwhelmed moan slipped from you, trying to keep up where your mind was falling behind.
when sae pulled away he had to hide the smirk that threatened to expose him, your glassy eyes and swollen lips giving him every reason to keep you at home, rather than going out with your stupid friend.
he couldn’t let you walk around outside with that look on your face, now could he?
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bonus info: sae will never admit that he only becomes affectionate when he gets jealous. you were his, his baby, and when you decided to put other people ahead of staying right next to him, he had to make sure you remembered who you were coming back to at the end of the night.
BONUS bonus info: you already knew all that information, which is why whenever you did go out, you made sure to wear your prettiest outfits just so he could ruin them before you left, and after you got back <3
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wlntrsldler · 11 months ago
If the boys played “never have I ever” in an interview, what would be revealed to the public?
here's the transcript of poisoned mercury's buzzfeed interview where they played never have i ever as part of their press tour to promote their new album:
interviewer: thank you guys for coming!
luke *smiling while he fixes his mic*: thanks for having us :) we were just talking about how we used to do buzzfeed quizzes when we were younger.
travis: there were many days where we'd be in luke's house back in connecticut and completely forget that we were supposed to be rehearsing because we got caught up trying to figure out which inside out emotion we were.
interviewer: well, i'm glad to hear it because today we're gonna play a game of 'never have i ever.'
chris: unrelated but i fucking love that show. team paxton for life.
luke: dude no. ben is clearly the right choice.
connor: ok mr. enemies to lovers, of course you'd say that.
luke: shut up???!
travis: i think if we took the inside out quiz again right now, i'd get disgust because that's how i feel being in a band with two idiots who are so in love with their girlfriends.
connor: swear to god if i hear another "no you hang up first," from either one of you *looks at chris and luke* i'm blowing my brains out.
interviewer looks around the room, trying to ask the producers what she should do. the video editors are already stressing because they know they have to bleep out a lot of the words the boys are using.
interviewer: .... so let's start with the first question. never have i ever gone skinny dipping.
chris: fuck, how did you get all of us on the first question?
connor: yeah we've gone skinny dipping a few times, but the most recent was last summer. mama c-- shoutout mama c, we love you!
luke: yeah, we love you mama!
connor: she put all of us on timeout and we spent the entire summer at a music camp and on our last night, we all went skinny dipping at the lake with our roommates.
luke: oh shit, i forgot about that. those were good times. *looks at chris* i miss camp bro.
chris: me too.
travis *stares deadpan into the camera*: do you see what we have to deal with?
interviewer: never have i ever had a crush on a friend's sibling.
travis: guilty.
chris *turns his head so fast*: given that you're related to connor and luke is an only child, you better be talking about a non-band friend.
travis *shrugging*: your older sister is hot, rodriguez.
chris: stay away from my sister.
luke *looks at the interviewer with wide eyes*: next question or you'll have a video to submit to worldstar.
interviewer: oh! uh, okay-- never have i ever accidentally posted something to my main account instead of my private or close friends one.
connor *cracking up*: castellan, wanna take this one?
luke *blushing*: this feels like a targeted question because we know the infamous video of me with the handsome squidward filter on (the hozier incident) that was supposed to go on my close friends story! i was so embarrassed. to be clear, i was JOKING. i don't actually flirt like that.
travis: i've seen you flirt with y/n, and you in the squidward video had more game than you normally do.
luke *teasing because he knows travis does not want a relationship*: and yet who's single between the two of us?
connor: oh he got you there.
travis: y/n, if you're watching this, you deserve better. he's a loser. i have better friends i can set you up with.
luke: five star, if you're watching this, you're stuck with me. there's no going back.
interviewer: never have i ever had a song written about me.
chris: this is a great pivot to promote our sophomore album's lead single, "kiss her you fool!" we wrote this song about our front man, luke, here. our second album "optimism don't come easy (unless it's with you)" is out now.
interviewer: i love that shameless self-promo.
connor: i think we as a band can benefit from having some shame, but thank you.
chris *turns to luke*: this will also come as a shock to you, but there's another song out in the world that's kinda about you.
luke: huh? which one?
travis: quinnie, remember her? she was in cabin 7. she wrote the bulk of it, but y/n actually gave her the idea. chris and connor helped her with instrumentals and the song is sick.
connor: it was amazing. quinnie is so talented. if you guys haven't heard her music, i highly, highly recommend it. the song we're talking about is called touch tank. you guys should check it out.
chris: agreed. she's also just a fucking cool person. she's one of our closest friends in the industry.
travis *making a heart with his hands*: we love you, quinnie!
interviewer: okay, final question since we're running out of time. never have i ever gone on a world tour for my band's second album.
luke *laughs*: i see what you did there. that was good.
connor: we are soooooo excited to announce that we're going back on tour! this summer, we'll be seeing all your beautiful faces again. tickets go on sale this friday! we hope to see you there!
luke: check out our band's twitter for more information on how to get tickets and to see if we'll be coming to a city near you.
chris: we miss seeing you guys!
travis: see you guys so soon! we love you!
interviewer: that's all the time we have for today. thank you guys so much. it was a pleasure!
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hmhas-00 · 2 months ago
Ch. 6
Hit Me Hard & Soft
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A/N- Don’t forget to like and rb if you’re liking the series so far! ♡
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Remy’s POV
I poured some homemade almond milk over the cereal in my favorite ceramic bowl. “Bills, do you want any cereal?” That’s when the intercom rang.
“Who’s that?” Billie asked, all the way from my room.
I press the button, “Can I help you?”
“Remy! This is Rachel! Hii!”
Unbelievable. How the fuck does she know where I live?
“Uhh hi? What are you doing here?”
“I need your help with something I’m working on, is it okay if I come up? Joseph told me your address, I hope that’s okay.”
I roll my eyes and buzz her in. It’s literally 6 o’clock on a Wednesday. What is this.
I let her in when she knocked. Her stupid, pretty face annoyed me. “Rachel, it’s getting late. Why didn’t you talk to me earlier at the office?”
“Listen.” She clapped her hands together. “I want you to help me write this column. You’re friends with THE Billie Eilish, right?”
“I want to write next week’s column about her new album.” She smiled, really, really big. It was kinda creepy how perfect and white her teeth were.
“You want to use me to be able to talk to a celebrity for an exclusive interview?” I blinked.
“Who’s this?” Billie walked out, furrowing her brows.
“Oh my god! Hi! I’m Rachel, SO nice to meet you!” She walked past me to give Billie a hug.
Billie looked at me over her shoulder and laughed, probably knowing I was hating every minute. “Nice to meet you too, Rachel. I’ve heard so much about you!” She mouthed at me, What the hell?
I rolled my eyes and walked back to my cereal. I sat on a bar stool, watching them. She would not shut the fuck up. She’s insufferable. And Billie just ate it the fuck up. When I finished my bowl, I placed it in the sink, eying the way Rachel constantly felt the need to touch her when she spoke.
“You’re much more beautiful in person. I’m like, mesmerized!” She giggled
“Girl! Thank you, you’re so sweet. You’re gorgeous, are you kidding?” Billie blushed.
“Rachel, can’t we do this at the office?” I cut them off, leaning over the counter.
Billie looked at me, scratching her eyebrow.
“I just thought we’d get to know each other… Before starting on the column we’re gonna write together.” She smiled at Billie.
“You’re writing the column with her, Rem? That’s great!” Billie cheered.
I crossed my arms, “Ask her what it’s about-“
“It’s about successful artists that blew up overnight, and their advice for any up and coming artists.” Rachel said, proudly.
“Which artist.” I raised my brow, looking at Billie.
Billie looked at Rachel, waiting for her to answer.
“Only the coolest, most badass, talented-“
“It’s you.” I interrupted.
Billie looked at me, tilting her head. “Oh?” She let out a small laugh. “Well… then you guys better get to work!”
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Throughout the next few days, Rachel spent most of her time in my apartment. It was my very own personal hell.
Of course, Billie joined us each time, wanting to be in on everything we did. Rachel was loving every bit of it, I could tell.
“Remy, is your section ready?” Rachel interrupted my train of thought. She laid on her stomach on the floor, kicking her feet in the air. Billie sat up next to her, probably feeding her ego.
“Yeah, I just have to edit a few things.” I typed away on my laptop from the couch.
Occasionally, I’d look up from my screen, only to see Billie’s gaze stuck directly on Rachel’s body. Her icy eyes stared into her soul while she talked, pissing me off to the max. Who would’ve known she’d steal my job, and my best friend.
“Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s great.” Rachel’s smiled at me, shutting her computer down.
“You wanna join us for dinner tonight, Rach?” Billie asked.
Rach? Really? She had a nickname now?
I looked over at Billie, not at all happy with her proposal. The look of disdain on my face had to be evident enough for her to notice.
“Oh, no, I’d hate to intrude on y’all’s plans.” Rachel looked at me. “I gotta head out anyway-“ Getting up from the floor, she picked up her belongings.
“No really, I insist.” Billie got up, grabbing her arm. She gave me a disapproving look, which I didn’t appreciate. There’s no way she’s eating with us. I frantically shook my head no at Billie when Rachel looked away.
“You sure?” She asked
I held up a giant X in the air with my arms.
“Yeah! My treat.” Billie ignored me.
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At dinner, Billie sat between Rachel and I, in a round booth. They did most of the talking while I stuffed my face with pesto pasta.
“No, for real, I’ve met some rude ass famous people.” Billie lowered her voice, not wanting others at the restaurant to hear. She adjusted her sun glasses and held onto her hoodie.
“Me too! It’s sad but so many of them are too far gone.” Rachel shook her head, looking over her shoulder.
It felt like over the past few days, they shared their own little secrets. Their own little gossip session I wasn’t allowed in. Of course, I was sitting right there, but I didn’t want to be.
“Like for example…” Billie got closer to her, leaving some space between us.
I couldn’t help but feel like I was third wheeling. The way they looked at each other. The way Billie’s eyes wandered to Rachel’s lips when she talked. The way she accepted every compliment from her, even though she barely ever believes any of mine.
Out of nowhere, an obnoxious laugh startled me. Billie laughed too, but Rachel’s laugh was exceptionally loud. Billie was trying to finish her story, which wasn’t even that funny to begin with.
“She thought I was just a fan, it was super awkward!” Billie laughed. “So I just vibed with it and asked for her autograph. She was a bitch though.”
“You’re hilarious! I cannot!” Rachel’s laugh continued. It wasn’t even that funny! I sat there, straight faced, trying to get the waiter’s attention.
“The bill, please.” I quietly asked the waiter.
Billie noticed, putting a hand on my lap and mouthing
I got it.
“It’s fine, I’ll get my plate and be on my way.”
“Rem, I’m your ride home.” Billie scooted towards me.
Rachel broke out in laughter again, acting like that was even remotely funny.
“What’s funny, I’m confused.” I furrowed my brows slightly, squinting a bit.
She cleared her throat and took a sip of water, shaking her head, looking a bit embarrassed.
Billie looked at me as the waiter brought the bill. She handed him her card.
“Thank you, really, I so appreciate your invite, guys. Rem, to our column!” She held her drink up, waiting for me to clink her glass with mine.
I returned the favor, shooting down the last bit of my watered down gin and grapefruit soda. I could feel Billie watching me down my drink, leaving a hole on the side of my face.
“Ready guys?” Billie finished signing the receipt.
“Yup.” I scooted out of the booth, walking towards the exit.
Billie stayed with Rachel, allowing her to walk ahead of her. She followed behind her, through the restaurant, and opened the car door for her as the valet attendant pulled up.
The car ride was loud, and annoying. Rachel still would not shut up, and Billie was now starting to laugh at her dumb jokes.
All night, my mind overwhelmed me with hate. Whether it’s directed toward the wrong person or not, I’m still completely over it. Maybe it’s the fact that this girl has my dream job, waltzed into my home, and made herself comfortable because she thinks she can. Maybe it’s the fact she instantly got along so well with Billie, even though they’re not at all alike. Even though, Billie knows I don’t like her. After all the arguing and convincing me to quit, she invites the reason why to dinner?
“I have to admit, I hate that the column is almost finished. I loved hanging out with you.” Rachel reapplied lipstick from the front seat. “Both of you.” She looked at me through the little mirror.
Maybe I hate the way this girl throws herself at Billie. Usually, this bothered Billie. It didn’t seem to bother her as much as it did me. I mean, I could be exaggerating, I could be so heated that everything tastes sour. Logically, Rachel wasn’t at fault for getting the position. She showed up for the interview and got the job. But I wanted to hate her so much, it made me question if my heart was in the right place. Her attempts to include me and be kind made me want to pull back even more for some reason.
“You too. You’re cool, Rach. You know where to find me.” Billie smiled.
I just don’t get why Billie was being so damn friendly with her. I felt betrayed. Jealous, even. Only because of how unfair it all was. It made my stomach turn. I’d never do that to her. The slight touches, the forced laughter, the looks they shared. I swear to God if they don’t stop… If they start dating I’m going to throw up. I could imagine them kissing, ignoring me completely. There it was again. My mind going to a place it didn’t need to. I hate it, I don’t know why.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Rem.” Rachel smiled, getting out of the car after giving Billie a hug. Only Billie called me that, I thought. She waved at me as she walked around, toward her building. I looked out the window, seeing the stunning sky-rise covered in glass windows next to us. I waved back.
“Oh, you’re not gonna go with her?” I said, sarcastically.
“Shut up. You gonna come up to the front?” Billie pats the seat next to her. “Ooh it’s warm.” She scrunched her nose.
“I’m good here.” I brought my knee up and hugged it.
“Dude. Get up here before I drag you out.” She lowers the music.
I rolled my eyes.
“Do I have to beg you?”
“Can you just take me home, I’m not in the mood.” I scrolled through my phone, knowing there wasn’t a damn notification to check.
“What’s up your ass, Rem.” She pulled out of the lot, driving toward my place, which apparently wasn’t too far from Rachel’s.
“Oh, you mean besides the fact that all night the two of you bonded over the dumbest shit, and she basically sat in your lap the whole time?”
“Huhhh?” She squinted. “What are you talking about? I was just being nice to your new boss?”
“My what, bro?”
“You know what I mean, I’m trying to help you! She gets to write her column about me, you get to impress her with your insane writing, and maybe your hard work isn’t all for nothing.” Billie looked at me through the rearview mirror every once in a while.
“Oh, is that what this is?” I laughed.
“Yeah, me helping you, is what this is.”
“You looking at her with fuck me eyes is supposed to help me? Thank you!”
“Rem, you’re actually implying I’d fuck your coworker?” She raised her brows, in disbelief.
“I don’t know, you keep looking at her like you’re going to kiss her or something. Like she’s not literally using me to get an interview out of you!”
“Okay, what if I was? What’s the fucking problem, then?” She turned into my building’s parking garage.
I laughed, getting defensive now. “Nothing, go right ahead, absolutely no one is stopping you.”
I could tell she stopped herself from saying something more petty. “Rem, I think she’s just trying to be nice by including you, and that’s better than coming in and making you her bitch, is it not?”
I didn’t answer. I knew she was right because I had similar thoughts, but I still wanted to hate her so badly. It was either her, or myself, I guess, instead of quitting and proving everyone right.
“Rem?” She looked at me again, through the mirror.
I stayed quiet.
“What if I was trying to fuck her?” She quietly asked, shrugging a little. “Why would you care?”
I struggled to get the right answer out. “Because!” I stuttered, “She’s my boss- no- my coworker. It’s weird.”
Billie stayed quiet for the rest of the car ride. I felt embarrassed, like I overreacted, which I knew I did. It made sense. She was trying to play nice, get me ahead, or something.
I unbuckled my seat belt, as did she. She got out of the car and climbed in the backseat with me and closed the door. She looked straight at me, not saying a word. She leaned back, resting her head on the window.
“So, you gonna apologize?” She crossed her arms. “Because you’re being mean.”
“I swear to you, I hate her with every fiber of my being. And I know I shouldn’t, but she pisses me off. This isn’t fair, Billie.”
“Was I supposed to be rude to her? And mess up your chance at being published on the column?”
I barely shook my head.
“I haven’t heard you once talk about how awesome it is that you’re co-writing a column. Who cares who it’s with. Your name is gonna be on that magazine!”
She’s right. This is what I wanted.
“You’re not happy, see?”
I looked in her eyes, trying to find out what she’s getting at.
“You’re not going to be content there. Because you want more.” She read me like a book. A book with really sticky pages that are hard to turn without skipping a few.
I shook my head, not wanting to accept it.
“Yeah, you’re just projecting. You’re trying to find someone to hate, when you’re tolerating everyone’s bullshit, just to prove something to yourself.”
“Billie, I’ve just had such a shit week. I wanted that job so badly. It was- it is my dream job. And I wanted it alone-”
She cut me off, “She’s giving you that chance. Maybe she hates Joe too and wants you to have what you deserve. You wanted me to support you? Well here you go, Remy.”
I nodded, “okay.”
Billie sighed, leaning forward towards me.
I watched her mouth open to say something, but she stopped. It felt like she did that a lot recently.
“I’ve always been this honest with you.” She played with her rings.
“I know… I need it.”
“You do. You need me.”
I looked up at her. “I need you to come inside so we can finish our show. We were rudely interrupted earlier by Rach.” I mocked her.
“Okay.” She laughed a bit, rolling her eyes playfully. “There’s my Remy.”
I got out of the car, glad that the tension thinned out. I walked towards the elevator and pressed the up button, noticing Billie was still in the car. I watched her sit there for a moment, then get out.
“You alright?” I asked, my voice echoing in the dim parking garage.
“Yeah, coming.” She finally caught up, putting her hoodie up, over the green bandana in her hair. Her voice was hesitant.
From this moment forward, I promised myself not to make it about myself. My time with Billie was limited, and I wasn’t going to waste it. Tour starts next week and I plan on making the last few days memorable.
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miniwheat77 · 2 years ago
Brat pt. 2 (dbf!Captain Price.)
!CW! NSFW, Smut, unprotected p in v sex, John being a gentleman 🥰, virginity loss, mention of body shaming, thigh riding (sorry if I missed any.)
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“How has Y/N been lately?” John asks your dad.
It’s been a few weeks since you’ve seen him. “Oh she’s been great, I’m not sure what was going on with her.” He shrugs. You were off at a friends house right now, it was just John and your dad. They’re in your back yard, making burgers for dinner on the grill. “Maybe she just needed out of the house.” He smiles. “Yeah maybe. I’m sure she’s going stir crazy being done with school and all that.” He laughs, flipping one of the beef Pattie’s with a spatula. “She’s been out so much lately.” He sighs. “Is that bad?” John asks. “No of course not, it’s just hard. She’s eighteen now yeah but she still had to abide by my rules. I just hate that she’s growing up. I don’t want her getting herself into trouble thinking she’s more mature than she actually is.” John is listening, choosing to let your dad vent versus talking.
“I mean.. even when she was a little girl, she always liked older guys. Like.. thirties and above. She’s never liked guys her age. And I understand. Boys her age are nothing but.. sex driven assholes. I just worry so bad about her walking into the arms of the wrong man.” He sighs. For a minute, John feels bad. Like he’s taken advantage of you. You seemed so mature for your age, maybe he’d missed it.
“I’ve always monitored her stuff. Cell phones, computer. Everything. Behind her back of course. Just to make sure she never started talking to anyone online or any of that but I stopped because she’s adult now, deserves her privacy n all that. I never found anything out of the ordinary.” He shrugs. “She’s a smart girl. I’m sure she’ll be just fine.” John shrugs. “Yeah, I know. I just worry cause it’s my kid. Even though her attitude kills me sometimes.” He laughs. John smiles. “She does got quite the attitude.”
Your dad shakes his head with a smile. "Sometimes she's real nice, a real good girl. Other times I just wanna strangle her." He groans. John laughs, taking a drink of his beer. "She'll get better mate, it takes a while. I'm sure she's just figuring everything out." Your dad nods. "Yeah. You try saying that when she's being a brat." He rolls his eyes. "Send her my way. Little military training wouldn't hurt" He laughs. Your dad smiles. "That's a great idea actually. Although with how mean she can get she might humble you a little bit. Got a bite just like her dad." He laughs. "Sure it's nothing I can't handle."
He laughs. Just then, they hear your car pull into the driveway, an awful squeak coming from your car as you come to a halt. "Fuck." Your dad grumbles. "What?" John asks. "I told her I'd look at her breaks last weekend and never got around to it." He sighs. "I'm not doing anything, I can look at 'em while you're at work." He shrugs. "Oh that'd be great, thanks John." He smiles. You step out the back door, smiling when you see the both of them. Sundress blowing in the wind. "Are we gossiping out here?" You smirk. "Yeah about you. John's gonna take a look at your brakes so you can quit bugging me about it." He nudges you. "It just needs new brake pads." You roll your eyes. "I'll find something else to bug you about just because you said that." You smirk. "Yeah. I'm gonna send you John's way when you’re acting like a brat. He'll get you whipped into shape." He winks. Patting your shoulder. Your heart falls into your stomach, and your dad passes by you into your house, John nearly spits his beer out at your expression. Your cheeks are bright red and your eyes are wide. "He meant.. military punishments. We were joking about it." He laughs. "Oh.. Okay." You breathe. You needed to get the hell out of there. "Bring your car over, I'll look at it." You nod your head, hurrying off to hide your blushing cheeks.
Your heart settles in your chest as you climb into your car, starting up the engine. You notice John’s garage door opening. You pull out of you driveway and maneuver your car into his, pulling into his garage until he tells you to stop. He closes the garage door behind you. “I already have the brake pads and rotors.” You fidget with your hands nervously, you’re alone with him again. “Alright, so this will be easy than.” He smiles.
He gathers everything he’ll need. Tools, car jack. He even had some extra oil laying around. Figuring he’d just do it while he’s working on your car.
As he’s working on it, he starts asking questions. Not easing into it, jumping in head first. “So. I’ve heard your dad mention more than once that you’re into older guys. There a reason?”
His blunt question sends crimson up your cheeks. “Uh…” you pause. “Because guys my age suck.” You breathe. “Well yeah, but there’s got to be a reason. Have you ever even dated someone your age?” He asks. “Yes.” You breathe. “That’s the reason I don’t like them.” You laugh awkwardly. “What happened?” He asks. “Um..” you shift uncomfortably. He emerges from underneath the car, he’d finished up already. He leans up against it, crossing him arms. You’re sitting on a bench by his toolbox. “Go on.” You sigh. “Tried to pressure me into having sex with him. I wasn’t interested.” John nods his head. “That’s it?” He asks. You groan. “No. He was controlling. Wouldn’t let me wear shorts, monitored my social media, told me my thighs were too big and that he didn’t like my stretch marks. And I know it could be all guys but older men have been much kinder to me than guys my age.” John smiles. “Sweetheart.. I hate to break it to you.” He adjusts his beanie that he’s wearing. “But guys will be nice to you no matter what if they want something from you.” His eyes travel to the sweet spot between your legs, noticing you shift yourself uncomfortably. He can see the way you’re sitting now, eyes filling with tears. He feels like an asshole. You probably weren’t ready to hear that.
“Not all of them. Especially if I don’t tell them that I’m a Virgin to begin with.” You avoid his gaze. He nods his head. “Y/N. You’re a sweet girl and I’m not trying to be a prick here. But all men have some kind of flaw, even your dad does. I can be mean when I don’t want to be.” He shrugs. “You have to find someone you tolerate the most, because we all suck.” He laughs. “I didn’t mean to upset you, darling.” He moved toward you, placing his hand on your thigh. “It’s okay.” You mumble. “I can be mean too.”
He smiles, looking down. “Did you only touch me because.. because you want to use me?” You look up at him. “No, no.” He breathes. “I gave you a bad example.” He sighs. “What happened between you and I Y/N.. it wasn’t right. I wasn’t right to touch you like that.” He chuckles. “I’m not right for you, you deserve far better than anyone like me. The reason I brought this up is just because I don’t think anyone will be good enough for you. You’re the perfect, pretty, bratty girl.” He smiles. “And you deserve the fucking world.” His hand is still on your thigh, he’s close to you. “John?” You look up at him. “Yeah?”
“You said what happened was bad..” he nods his head. “Am I a bad girl if I liked it?” You bite your lip. Your tone of voice, the way you’re looking up at him. It’s killing him. He hisses under his breath, the way you’re looking at him should not be allowed. It’s pure sin. “No. Because it feels good. It was wrong of me to put you in that position.” He breathes. You sigh. “I liked it.” You breathe. “I think about it all of the time, try to replicate the way I felt myself but I can’t even come close.” You whimper, pushing your hips toward the end of the bench, clenching your thighs together. His eyes travel down, seeing your reaction to just the thought of him alone. He turns away from you, he needs to get the fuck out of here before he does anything else. “You’ll learn. It’s best you figure out what your body likes best before you trust someone else with it.” He reassures you. You nod your head. “It’s been years and nothing makes it feel better.” You laugh. A part of you knows that you’re teasing him. But another part of you doesn’t realize just how hard you’re making him. “What do you mean?” He asks. “I.. I’ve been getting this.. tightness in my stomach. I didn’t know that.. it was.” You blush. “I didn’t know it was because I was turned on. Until I was talking to some friends at school a couple years ago and heard them talking about sex and what felt good. No matter how I touch myself, it just doesn’t feel right.” You breathe. “But.. when you did it..” you shift in your seat. “Changed everything.” You breathe. You’re a horny mess on his bench right now, and he’s doing everything he can to hold himself back.
He notices your dad pulling out of your driveway though the small window in his garage, off to work. Your mom had already left for her night shift job as well.
You were completely alone with John. For hours.
“What does it feel like?” You ask. Looking up at him. He moves forward, sitting next to you on the bench. Turning himself toward you. “What?” He asks. “Sex?” You chew on your lip. “For me? It’s amazing. It feels.. you know how I touched you? It feels like that but a hundred times better.” He breathes. “But for you? It’ll hurt. Because you’re still a Virgin.” He sighs. “Does it always hurt?” You ask. “No, just the first time. The second time may be a little uncomfortable. Your body just has to get used to it.” He explains. “How bad does it hurt?” You look up at him. “It.. it depends.” You tilt your head. Looking confused. “Depends on the size of your partner.” He avoids your curious gaze.
John had to clench his eyes closed so that the thought of you, whimpering as you take him down travels through the depths of his mind. “Would you take advantage of me?” You ask. “What? Of course not.” He breathes. You reach out, grasping his hand and pulling it into you. Setting it onto your thigh. “Y/N.” He breathes. His chest is tight. He hasn’t felt this riled up in forever, how on earth you’re making him feel like this is beyond him. It’s wrong, so wrong.
“I can’t stop thinking about it, John.” He draws his hand away from your thigh, pushing it up passed your cheek. Resting it there. “I was wrong. To touch you like that. I shouldn’t have done what I did.” He breathes. He can feel the frustration radiating off of you. “Please..” you mewl. “I can’t do it, no matter what I do.” You whimper. You’re breaking him. He sighs. Placing his hand down on your thigh. Sliding it up a little bit. “It’s wrong darling. I don’t want to take advantage of you, you’re just desperate.” He breathes. You climb up into his lap, breathing out as you straddle one of his thighs. “Shit-“ he breathes. You rock your hips into his thighs, whimpering at the friction you feel. He hisses at the warmth between your legs. He can’t keep it together anymore. Something about you using him to get off just sends him spiraling. He rests his hands on your hips, pushing your dress up onto your hips. He guides you into him, groaning out. “John..” you whimper. “Yeah?”
“I want to know what it feels like.” You look up at him. “What?”
“Sex.” You whimper. He holds your hips steady. Looking deep into your eyes. “Y/N.” He sighs. “You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into. I’ll hurt you, real bad.” He breathes. “I trust you, John. I want you to do it.” You breathe. “You said so yourself, you wouldn’t take advantage of me.”
He sighs. “Of course not, but.. this is so important and it should be with someone you love.” You look up at him. He sighs at the look you have in your eyes, gleaming so bright, so full of trust for him. He feels like a creep for having such relations with you. He lifts you up, walking you inside of his house. He sits down on his couch with you still in his lap, looking at you. “I can help you out, but you should save yourself for someone special. Yeah?” You nod your head. He moves your panties to the side, rubbing gentle circles into your clit and you whimper, rocking your hips into his hand. He circles your wet hole with one of his fingers and pushes it into you. You grind down into his finger.
“So desperate..” He trails off, admiring you. You’re basically riding his fingers and he’s enjoying it, lifting his hand into you. “John.. please.” You whimper. “Baby.. you don’t know what you’re asking for.” He chuckles at your desperation. You look at him, wiggling away from him. “What are you doing?” He asks. You slide down onto your knees and his eyes widen when you slide your hands up his clothed thighs. He rests his hands at his sides, letting you do this even though he knows he shouldn’t let you. “Do you even know what you’re getting yourself into?” He smirks down at you. You glare up at him, that same bratty attitude showing through.
John never thought he’d see the day, you’re pouting because he won’t take your virginity.
You nibble at your lip nervously as you unbutton his jeans, they needed to be washed because he smelled like gear oil and dust but something about him, dirty hands, messed up hair since he’d discarded his beanie somewhere between here and there. He looked messy and that’s enough to want him. Aside from the fact that he’s who he is. The first man that’s ever put his hands on you, drew fire into your skin and put it out with his cold touch. You’re zoned out as you work his cock from his jeans, thinking about that day on his boat. What he did to you. What he started. He lit a fire inside of you that day, made you crave him. You can’t sleep without thinking of him. Can’t eat without imagining him and his tongue and the way he devoured you like it was the tastiest meal ever put in front of him.
His fingers moving through you expertly, painting out the finest art, drawing the sweetest symphony from your lips and calming the harshest ocean brewing in your stomach with just a swirl of his tongue.
Your breath hitches in your throat when you reveal him to you for the first time and you’re realizing exactly why he’s said what he said.
You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.
But there’s some beauty in the unknown right?
You take the tip of his cock into your mouth, swirling your tongue over the tip, and his eyes widen. A gasp leaves his lips as you suck gently on the tip, taking him further and further with each bob of your head. “Huh- oh fuck-“ he breathes. Hands clutching at the cushions of his couch. You’re nervous to do something wrong, worried about hurting him.
The lewd noises coming from your lips as you suck him harder, his eyebrows raising as you cup his balls, showing them some attention too. He lets his head rest back onto the couch. Wrapping a hand in your hair, guiding you to take him further down. “You’re so pretty.” He breathes. “Such a good girl, could fool me with how good you are at this.” He smiles, knowing his praises egg you on more and more. He rests one of his arms over the back of his couch and when you look up at him, pretty eyes, gleaming with need. He’s got his answer.
He pushes you off of him, nearly busting right then and there with that look in your eyes. He lifts you up, helping you wrap your thighs around his waist. He holds you into him, only one arm wrapped around your back. He walks with you back into his bedroom. The walls are a dark grey color, silk sheets to match. He has dark curtains that keep the daylight out and he sets you down on the edge of his bed. He grasps the hem of his shirt, pulling it up and over his head. You don’t fully register what’s going on, but excitement settles into your stomach because a part of you knows what he’s going to do to you. “I can’t imagine fumbling a girl like you.” He breathes. Pushing you back onto his bed. “I just realized through all of this I haven’t even kissed those pretty lips yet, such an asshole of me.” He breathes. He hovers over you, leaning into you and kissing you. He holds a hand over your throat, not putting an pressure against you but holding you still as he attacks your lips with his. You’re a mess, turned on and desperate for him. His facial hair scratches you, leaving a permanent burn behind as he pulls away. He cups your breasts through your dress, massaging them gently. He kisses your bare chest, moans slipping passed your lips. He pushes your dress up onto your hips, pulling you forward so that he can help you take it off. He missed the sight of you, exposed to him. “If I would’ve been your age, had a chance to be with a girl like you…” he trails off, shaking his head with a laugh as he pushes your legs apart. “I would worship the fucking ground you walk on darling, and you’re telling me they’re out here- insulting the sexiest parts of you..” he kisses down your stomach, the attraction you feel for him is overwhelming, you want his hands on you.
You want him between your legs.
Your wishes are granted as he presses a gentle kiss to your clit and a whimper leaves your lips. At long last, he’s finally touching you again. Panties pulled to the side.
It doesn’t last long. He laps at your entrance with his tongue for just a couple minutes before he’s pulling away, licking his lips. “If I do this..” he breathes, moving himself up the bed once more. “You can’t take it back.”
You nod your head. “I know.” You whimper. He sighs.
He’s an awful friend. An awful person.
He pushes his jeans down the rest of the way, pulling your panties down your legs, discarding everything between the both of you, in the way of him taking what’s his.
“I’m a little out of practice. I have nothing..” he breathes. “It’s okay.” You look up at him.
He spits in his hand, slicking up the tip of his cock. Pushing your legs up on him and brushing the tip of his cock over your opening. Your heart is pounding in your chest, pumping blood through you at a rapid rate. “I’m going to hurt you okay? You just have to get through it once and I promise I won’t hurt you anymore.” You nod your head. “I trust you John. It’s okay.”
He’s such a scumbag. He’s got to be at his lowest. He shouldn’t be doing what he’s doing.
But he can’t pull away from you. He’s too far gone.
He pushes the tip of his cock through your folds and you clutch hard at the bed as he starts to slide himself into you more. He’s surprised how easy it is despite the way you’re clamping down around him. “Fuck.. you’re so wet pretty girl.” He gasps. A whimper leaves your lips as he slides deeper, a sob leaving your lips as he wraps his arms tight around you and burying himself into you in one deep thrust. You’re shaking a little bit, he knows it hurt. Knows how uncomfortable you are. Tears are gathering in your eyes, filling up the channel of your tear ducts. “It’s okay darling. It’s over.” He breathes. He nudges your cheek with his nose, kissing you as an attempt to soothe you. You’re panting hard, biting your lip.
That’s it.
His cock is nestled inside the tight cavern between your legs. He’s taken it.
He slides out of you, and you clutch at his blanket, whimpering out. Tears stream down your cheeks. “It’s alright baby. You’ll get used to me. Just relax.” He kisses you again, rocking his hips into yours. He’s going slow, letting you get used to the way your walls wrap around him. It takes a few minutes but eventually, you’re pushing him away from you slightly, widening your legs so that you could see him, all of him. His cock is wet, a little bit of your blood from the tear but mostly your arousal and you’re watching him slide into you.
“Oh my god-“ you whimper. “I.. I feel so full.” You cry. He chuckles at your reaction. “Yeah.. you’re taking all of me.” He smiles. Pushing your thighs up so that you could see him disappear inside of you, burying his cock to the hilt. “Fuck.. I can’t believe.. you just took my-“ you moan out when he picks up his pace. “Your pussy is so fucking sweet.” he shakes his head, in complete disbelief that someone could feel this good. He speeds up his pace even more, you can’t keep yourself together at the feeling of him. You’re a mess, moaning out, whimpering his name. Just like he imagined you would be. He rests his hand on your lower stomach, holding you steady. He lowers his hand, pressing the pad of thumb against your clit, smiling at how swollen it is. You’re so horny, so needy for him. He rubs gentle circles into it, knowing how easy you’re going to get overstimulated. “You’re such a brat.” He chuckles. “My spoiled little brat. Can’t make yourself cum so you have me do it all for you.” Your eyes are closed and your head is tilted back but you’re smiling. “Are you complaining?” You giggle. “Not at all.”
A gasp leaves your lips as he pushes down on your clit harder. Feeling your hips squirm away from his touch. He feels you clench down around him, and he knows you’ve got to be close. He tilts his head back, adams apple bobbing as he swallows hard, he’s got a death grip on your thighs. “John!” You mewl. “That’s it baby. Cum for me. Cum on my cock.” He breathes.
Those 4 words, you’ve heard in every filthy movie you’ve ever seen, never imagined that you’d ever hear them for yourself, from John Price, your dads best friend of all people. You’re tumbling over that abrupt edge, coming around him with the loudest moan you’re sure you’ve ever let out. You’re clamping hard down around him. Pussy pulsing around him. It’s the hardest you think you’ll ever cum, vision going white. John shivers at the tightness of you, barely remembering to pull out of you as he reaches his own orgasm, gritting his teeth as he coats your stomach in thick white ropes of his cum.
He relaxes, taking in deep breaths. “Fucking hell.” He pants.
He smiles, turning his head away from you to hide the way he blushes at the sight of you. Watery eyes, swollen lips. Your cheeks are flushed red. You look completely fucked out.
He lays next to you, calming himself down.
He helps you get cleaned up and holds you close to him for a few hours, talking about random things until your eyes are growing heavy. “How about we go get you tucked in Ah?” He smiles. He’s let you borrow one of his shirts, and you swim in it. It smells like him.
You nod your head. “I want you to stay but.. we’d both fall asleep and your dad would freak out.” He laughs. You smile at him. “Damn right he would. Thank you for working on my car John.” You smile. He leads you out to his garage once more. “No problem. If it has anymore issues just let me know. I’ll take care of you.” He kisses your lips one more time before you climb inside. He opens the garage door and you pull out, giving him a small wave.
His touch lingers on you, traces of his fingers where they permanently etched into your skin.
This was a night you’ll never forget.
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@sonyanightmare @kou00 @queen-ilmaree
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 8 months ago
i'm not sure if you take asks like this or not, but when i was around eight or nine, i somehow found pornhub. i don't actually remember how i found out about it but i specifically looked for it and continued to watch it for probably months. my parents eventually found out and were really mad at me and kinda freaked out. they took away my computer for literally ever (i never got it back) and they wouldn't let me watch tv at all unattended for months. i've always felt really guilty about it and i guess ashamed of it. i've only told one person and they tried to comfort me about it by saying that i was just a kid and i didn't know any better, but that just makes me feel worse because i obviously did know better if i kept going back to it over and over again. it makes me feel like i've always been some sex crazed freak and it makes me feel like i'm disgusting for masturbating or looking at sexual stuff. not all the time, but kinda often enough that it's not very fun. i don't know how to work through this so i can have a normal relationship with sexuality and stuff and it's very tiring. what if i get a partner one day and they want to have sex with me and it turns out i am completely obsessive and freaky? i don't know it's just a lot
hi anon,
have a seat, get comfy. we're gonna go through this piece by piece.
your friend is completely correct. you went back to something that was interesting to you over and over again? you were eight. returning to something that wasn't great for you doesn't mean you knew better, it means you were eight. kids will happily do all kinds of things that aren't great for them unless someone makes them stop; have you ever seen a child on a trampoline? that's absolutely not on you.
it is on your parents, who not only let that go on for months without noticing (listen, I do think kids deserve some measure of online privacy, but parents should probably be paying enough attention to notice their eight year old visiting pornhub repeatedly for months) and then reacting in a way that involved shame and distrust rather than, you know, talking to you about why they were concerned and wanted to change that behavior. that's also not your fault.
I want you to imagine your little eight year old self standing in front of you, and try telling them that they're a disgusting sex-crazed freak. if that sounds like a needlessly harsh and fucked up thing to say to your young self, guess what: it's also not an okay thing to say to yourself now.
the anxiety you're feeling around sex and intimacy don't come from seeing porn as a child; they come from the shame you've been carrying around from your parents' response. if you're able, I'd really genuinely recommend seeking out a therapist to help unpack this; you deserve to live without this baggage and be able to have a healthy relationship with your sexuality.
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1moreff-creator · 6 months ago
DRDT is back!!! Here’s my live reaction to everything that happened this week! Obviously take everything I say with massive piles of salt, these are in the moment reactions and aren’t supposed to be fully coherent thoughts.
DRDT CH2 EP12 SPOILERS (Oh that feels good to write)
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We’re back!!! Teruko we fucked up!!!
The theory that Charles was going to bring up the possibility of a wrong time of death was true! There weren’t really any other theories about what he was going to say from what I saw, but it’s still cool we got that right. You have no idea how giddy I am to finally hear him talk about it, after waiting so long for him to finish the sentence lol.
Also Teruko’s face lmao.
Oh, poor Teruko, she looks so sad. She’s gonna bring up the marks on the wrist, right?
Or, yeah, the swinging.
(Does this screw up any theories? No, her body was still likely strung up at 7:30 AM, which is what most people thought I’m pretty sure)
Ah, Whit. I missed how shady he always is even when he has, like, an airtight alibi for the time the fish were taken (which is still around 7:30 PM to nightime btw, don’t forget Nico’s account).
They’re not gonna bring up the time the fish were taken, are they? That furthers my belief that the person who took the fish and the murderer are different. Nothing concrete obviously, just kinda narratively works better that way.
“Or did you do it on purpose?” Veronika how I’ve missed you :D
David’s face lmao xD
“I’ll fix that mistake” (Paraphrased) Hell yeah! Go Teruko! :D
I missed you too, Literature Boy Insane. That “pathetic” voice line was cool. Also, thank you Hu.
J: “The body would have been cold if it was drenched at some point.” (Paraphrased). Interesting point about the water, I wonder if it’s important or not. We know she wasn’t drowned because the relax room wasn’t open at 7:30 AM, right? So I don’t know how she could have gotten drenched.
Ace no genuinely how do you not know how water works what.
“The range of human stupidity is larger than I thought.” Charles, you’re great.
[Levi and Nico complain about Arturo’s medicine skills] Okay, but like, Arturo has repeatedly told you he’s not that kind of doctor. Like you can blame the guy for a lot of shit but this one ain’t it chief.
(Also don’t think I don’t see how Levi throws suspicion on Arturo. Small point towards Levi!Culprit and Levi!Accomplice)
“You shut your whore mouth!” Okay maybe I don’t need to defend Arturo actually, he seems like he has it handled. You good my guy?
Oh shit we actually brought up that Arturo is ridiculously young for someone in the medical field. I did not have that in my (hypothetical) bingo card.
Twelve?! Dude my guy wanted out of that house yesterday damn.
Dude he’s kinda going off! I was not expecting Arturo fans of all people to eat this good this episode, but this is interesting!
Oh right the crazy lady- “Adorable”? Verturo shippers eating!
“Feel free to add to the number of dents in the computer lab” (Paraphrased) PFFFT Charles!
Wait wasn’t there actually a dent there? Wasn’t that a thing I saw on people’s theories? Holy shit is that actually going to get addressed?
[Whit explains] AHAHAHAHAHA HOLY-!
“I let it slide because it was funny” I missed MonoTV too actually.
And no fish! Nico’s account of the fish still being there last time they checked goes unmentioned, meaning it’s likely going to be used for a twist later!
New alibis? Could be possible.
Whit: “I don’t have an alibi. Neither does Charles” (Paraphrased) Which you know because…?
Oh so that’s not addressed. I repeat the statement of Whit being unnecessarily shady all the time.
????? DAVID AND J ALIBI???? This could be kinda huge actually.
David: “Oh. Shit.” This is the reaction of a man being cleared of murder. That’s so funny.
Didn’t David usually wake up late? Inconsistent sleep schedule ig.
J: “Oh yeah, and Veronika.” Girl you gotta say this shit earlier.
Yeah, look, J, you went and made Veronika sad! >:( /j
David: “Whoops” Holy shit every line this man says is gold actually what?
David? Lying? Noooo, how could you say that? I forgot how funny post magical girl transformation this man was.
David I am going to need you to give an actual answer. I spent hours looking at That Video and I still don’t know what your deal is please-
“And she’s Teruko” J’s also really funny actually. Hold a knife to someone’s throat once and they hate you forever, smh.
“Oh and don’t say something like “I wanna kill myself” that’s boring” (paraphrased). Holy shit I missed Veronika- that’s my second fave right there! (Min you will always be N1 don’t worry).
David-Veronika duo is great actually.
By the way David said “the truth is…” I am not expecting a serious answer.
You know, for a moment I actually did think he genuinely thought he was the blackened. But my first instinct was right.
“I would have actually tried looking at the crime scene” Bro what the fuck is he actually cooking.
“A good person” drop!!!! If you know, you know!
Also, I wanted to point this out here, I might have accidentally misinformed a part of the fandom a bit? One point that I brought up was that several important people to this chapter have been called “a good person”, and one of the examples I gave was Hu calling David a good person. Which… I don’t think happened? I evidently misremembered a line where Hu called David a “good friend”, which is a different phrase with different connotations in DRDT, and I genuinely apologize for that. Especially because I have seen people repeating that David had been called a good person in the past.
But now David has called himself “a good person”, if in a roundabout way, so the point actually stands lol.
Oh shit the Xander name drop.
… He was trying to kill Teruko wasn’t he. Because Xander tried it, and because David has Teruko’s “the killing game is all your fault” motive. Oh shit.
Speaking of the “good person” point, that argument might actually be dead lmao. Given that Xander got called that and he’s, well. Not particularly important to chapter 2, let’s say.
[Hindsight Post-Video: Actually, the argument could now be “anyone referred to as a good person is deeply important up to chapter 2”. Or, alternatively, argue that Xander is somewhat important to the Chapter 2 trial because he inadvertently caused David to magical girl transform. The “good person” list in case you don’t recall is Teruko, Levi, Eden, Arei, and as of this episode, David and Xander. We’ll see what we make of it once the chapter ends ig]
Oh Teruko is pissed I am loving this.
Holy shit the voice acting is amazing holy shit Teruko is going off she said Xander didn’t treat David like a human (“No Longer Human” reference??? I might just be insane though) oh this is incredible!!!
Oh he knows something deep. This motherfucker knows what was written in Xander’s “kill Teruko” note I bet.
Motherfucker you are going to tell us what Xander did before Hope’s Peak and why you know his work or I swear to God-!
Okay actually, David, I am going to need you to give… a straight answer at some point? Like I get you’re canonically bisexual (and it’s showing) but a single straight answer isn’t going to kill you.
Also, the music?! Is peak?!
David: “If the answer is no…” Neat sprite! Just thought it looked nice, and the line’s cool too :>
The return of the Teruko Baffled Sprite, long awaited.
Secret reveal? The killing game’s her fault?
Okay not the angle I was expecting in the slightest. Obviously gonna have to analyze how truthful he’s being at the moment, but he’s basically pulling a DRV3 ending logic thing. Cool!
So… Xander is absolutely Opening Guy, right? Like, I know that was the most common theory, but c’mon.
Voice acting going crazy too!
I adored Hu’s screaming section. How long till it’s revealed she has the “hopeless child” secret?
Hu’s a queen, hell yeah.
Pffft J’s high horse voice line-
Thank you Charles for being the only competent one (affectionate). Btw what does Veronika think of David’s reasoning? I was kinda hoping we’d see that.
[Red herring joke] Whit. Whit /disappointed/silly
Oh shit I was not expecting that line to actually cause a reaction damn.
You know, I’ll be honest and admit Eden’s really not acting that much like a culprit. I still think she is, I’m just surprised I’m not able to confirmation bias my way into suspecting her through her voice lines :v
Aaaand we’re back to Ace v Nico! Woo!
Okay wow the new alibis are like, laser focused on going against the most popular theories, huh? I’m not going to say anything’s deconfirmed yet obviously, but Hu!Culprit, J!Culprit, even Veronika!Culprit and theories surrounding David being involved have some questions to answer damn.
[To the question of if anyone else had alibis] “Nope” Whit how do you know this.
Levi!Accomplice also takes a hit because Eden and Levi aren’t trying to alibi for each other, but it can be explained. If they never prepared to give each other alibis, it’s safer to just… not, since they can’t actually say what they were doing during that time. And yes, possible explanations like this is why I’m not calling anything outright deconfirmed yet.
I wrote that before Levi three dotted directly after Eden, looking like he was thinking of trying to give her an alibi. Now that’s confirmation bias that can’t be safely used for theories!
Oh right J still hates Arturo xD
[The whole thing about excluding suspects who had an alibi at night and not in the morning] Oh God, Levi really wants me to think he’s the culprit huh? The method’s still too crazy for me to really believe that, but still.
This is also bad for Levi!Accomplice. Not a dealbreaker, but still weird that he’d say something that could point in Eden’s direction. I am not even going to try to defend that yet.
Cool. Can we finally talk murder method?
Levi: “That’s my secret.”
Oh okay, we’re not talking method yet.
Wait, WHAT?!?!?!!?!!!?!
THAT’S-! That’s not-! What the hell?!
Okay, so. Cool, Levi’s the remorseless murderer, we got that one right. But, the reveal is so insanely out of left field holy shit…
I am not lying when I tell you I had to get up and start PACING like I was not ready for this. I am vibrating. He just- He just said that shit! What the hell?!
I have genuinely no idea how the hell this is gonna play out. Holy shit I cannot wait for the next episode. It’s just… so peak!!! We are so back!!!
General Closing Thoughts: This episode was awesome! I was lowkey a little worried that the first episode back wasn’t going to be as insane as it ended up being, but wow it blew me away. And it was only twenty minutes? When the episodes go up to possibly an hour??? It’s just… holy shit.
It was awesome to finally start getting some insight into why David Did That, and I’m genuinely super excited to see where this goes. I’m still trying to figure out the exact angle on things like hiding Teruko’s secret, if he even is doing that because I now believe there is a non-zero chance he isn’t actually lying. Like, it’s low, but not zero. I do find it strange Veronika didn’t react to it, though, but at least we got that one line before David started talking.
But that’s only the cusp of the iceberg. I genuinely adore the details we got on Arturo’s backstory, and Hu’s blowup, and Teruko’s remorse- it’s all so awesome.
(The fucking dent in the wall of the goddamn computer room got an explanation I still cannot believe that. Wow)
Props to the voice acting and the music btw, absolutely incredible all throughout.
Btw, correct me if I’m wrong, but there weren’t any “minigames” this episode, right? Nothing wrong with that, just found it interesting.
Theory-Related Initial Thoughts: This episode is… possibly one of the biggest theory slaughters I’ve ever seen?
Like, obviously, again, it’s still too early in the trial to fully rule out anything, so I’m going to leave it to the other DRDT scholars to revise their own theories to fit the new evidence, but wow those new alibis are something. Between Hu, J and David having alibis for 7:30 AM, that’s three of the top suspects who weren’t there at that exact time to either kill Arei or mess with the body. Again, maybe there’s explanations for it, I’m not calling anything unconfirmed yet, just that many theories were inconvenienced.
As for my theory, Eden!Culprit Levi!Accomplice… ups and downs. The more Eden speaks, the less I’m convinced she’s the actual culprit, even if I’m a decent 80% sure she took the tape; the more Levi speaks, the less I’m convinced he’s an accomplice. I’m not going to deny that their dialogue isn’t 100% what I would expect. I don’t think it’s disqualifying, I still believe it to be the theory with the best evidence, it’s just that some things strike me as odd.
That was what I thought… until the end. Because I have no idea what’s about to happen with Levi revealing the secret like this, but… there is a very possible Levi!Accomplice turn here? Like, it’s the “Levi’s holding the glove” idea; the moment Eden loses her alibi, Levi does something that immediately puts a target on his back, potentially trying to get himself voted off before people catch on to Eden as a possible culprit. First he tries to argue that he shouldn’t be a suspect because of the alibi thing, which could make him more suspicious in some people’s eyes (maybe that’s too much 4D chess but it could work), then revealing the secret. I don’t know how likely this is, but it’s a genuine possibility.
Otherwise, I’m… not entirely sure what the angle is? I need to rewatch the trial to figure out why Levi’s talking about “detailing the trial” then immediately revealing his secret. I didn’t rewatch any DRDT before the episode, hence the confusion. But… at this moment, I don’t know what Levi’s cooking, other than possibly accomplice behavior. And even that feels more confirmation bias-y than anything.
There’s also the really weird line where Whit just… knows, Charles had no alibi at 7:30 AM? Unless they discussed it or I’m forgetting something, I don’t actually remember how he’d know that? Was he stalking Charles? Was he just wandering the halls? What kinda-?
(I don’t think that’s likely, but I don’t have a really good read on what’s happening there)
Other than that, here’s a crackpot one to lighten the mood. Mastermind business. I’ve never brought this up before, but I’ve always believed that were Veronika to be the mastermind, she would get revealed early. As in, possibly at the end of this trial, given Teruko had some idea to end the killing game after her chat with Veronika in the movie room.
I’m bringing this up only because Veronika didn’t react to David’s explanation of what he was trying to do by claiming to be the blackened. She was set up for a reaction with the whole “please tell me it’s not boring” thing, and then she… didn’t. It’s possible, in a conspiratorial sense, that she didn’t react because David hit the nail in the head, and Veronika was genuinely upset at the idea. If that’s the case, her reaction could be postponed to the end of the trial, maybe the end of Trial 3, for the early mm reveal there. It’s a very half-baked idea I’m failing to communicate properly ‘cuz I’m eepy, but it’s there.
I rank it in the same level of mastermind evidence as “Nico is unafraid of grabbing MonoTV by the tail.” Immensely silly and should not be considered solid evidence by any means, and yet it’s still probably gonna get mentioned if I ever make a mm probability ranking lol.
Anyways, absolutely incredible episode all throughout. Holy shit were so back, this was amazing. See you next week for more peeks into peak!
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bteezxyewriter12 · 6 days ago
Corruption/ 4
Pairing- Seonghwa x Named Reader
Word count- 8.9k
Includes- Angst for Seonghwa and reader, watching sex video, missionary, cock riding, multiple orgasms, interrupted sex, confrontation, so much fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@yeosxxx @seokwoosmole @jjongsbebe @wisejudgedragonhairdo @meowmeowminnie @woo-stars @borntowalkaway @usagionthered @san-realblkwife @seonghwasstar @jejeyeppeo @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @prayerofthehaim @realisticnotes @insomniacatiny @stephy-nicole13 @mknae-jongho @bykeynote @amyz78 @blueie-things @ultrapinkvoidbouquet @armystayluv23 @soso59love-blog @annalynsworld
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Corruption Masterlist
📝ATEEZ Masterlist
📝Seonghwa Masterlist
Gif Credit- There's a symbol or something in the corner of the gif that I can't make out. If someone knows the creator let me know and I'll link them
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Three months later
Seonghwa POV
I'm snapped out of my daydream of Joanne when my coworker, Seulgi, knocks on my office door
"Hey Hwa? You know it's past five right?", she asks
My gaze snaps to my computer and yeah it is
I'm supposed to meet the guys at six at Yunho's apartment for a "guys" hang out
I'm gonna be late
"Thanks, I lost track of time", I answer, shutting my computer down
"Sure Hwa", she says, leaning against the door frame, waiting for me, I suppose
I put my jacket on and grab my bag
Seulgi steps aside as I close my office door and lock it
I don't trust anyone here
Everyone is so cutthroat, wanting to handle the bigger accounts and I wouldn't put it past anyone to go in my office and fuck with my files
Seulgi and I walk to the elevator, my mind on Joanne and if she'll be awake when I get home tonight
I'm craving to have her legs around my waist, her arms around my body, just cuddling with her
God, I want it now
I'm in my thoughts when I feel a tap on my arm
"Uh Hwa? Are you ok?", Seulgi asks
I look over at her, "Oh yes. Why?"
The elevator doors open and we get in
I press P for parking lot and ask which floor she's getting off on
"Same one as you", she says as the doors close, "Anyway, I was asking if you were ok because I kept calling your name and you didn't answer"
I feel myself blush, hoping she didn't think I was ignoring her
"Oh I'm sorry", I apologize, "I was just thinking about tonight and if I would be able to do everything I wanted to do. That's all"
"Must be intense plans", she laughs
"Yes, I guess so", I say awkwardly
I don't know how to talk to girls or what to do when they speak to me about anything other than work
Even Joanne
I've known her for four years, lived with her for two, had sex with her for five months and I still can't talk to her easily
I'm just a nervous loser when it comes to girls
Seulgi just smiles at me, "Anyway, I wanted to ask you something"
"Ok", I answer, giving her my full attention
"So I wanted to ask if you'd like to go out tomorrow", she says, smiling at me, "With me"
My immediate reaction is no
Because of Joanne
And because it would be my first date and I don't know how to act with a girl for five minutes, a few hours would be a pathetic show for the girl
"We could go out to eat and then to a movie. And maybe you could come over after? To talk, get to know each other more?"
"I uh...I...", I stammer
The elevator pings, the door opening
She walks out and I follow her, both of us standing just outside the elevator door
"Look Hwa, I know you're kinda shy. And I don't want to put pressure on you ok?", Seulgi says, "I just like you a lot and I'd want to see where things could go with us"
I really don't know what to say
I'm just so confused that a girl is actually asking me out
It's so.....unusual
"I'd like it if you could just think about it ok?"
I nod as she hands me a piece of paper
"My number is on there. You can call or text when you decide"
"Ok", I agree
"Great. Hope to hear from you soon"
"Bye Hwa", she smiles widely then turns and walks into the parking lot
I put the paper in my pocket and head to my car, my mind racing a mile a minute
What do I do?
"I need your advice", I ask the guys as we sit around Yunho's apartment
They were all here when I got here and they busted my balls for being late
Until I gave them the beer and snacks I stopped to get
Then they shut up and we've been hanging around
Jongho, Wooyoung and Yeosang are playing a video game, Mingi and Yunho are playing a game on Mingi's phone, Hongjoong and San are next to me talking about who knows what
And I'm sitting here wondering what I'm going to do about Seulgi
And I figure I can ask the guys for help since some have girlfriends and the others get girl after girl to sleep with
"What's up Hwa?", Hongjoong asks
"Uh...a girl asked me out"
Everyone stops what they're doing, their eyes on me, making my face flush
"A girl....are you sure?", Wooyoung asks, shocked
"Yes I'm sure", I scowl
God, they act like I'm such an ugly dork
But I can't be
Not with the things Joanne says to me
Telling me how hot I am, how beautiful, how cute
I don't think she's lying
I hope she's not lying
"So what's the problem? You're going aren't you?", Mingi questions
"I uh...I didn't answer yet. I don't know if I should. If I can not be nervous and awkward the whole time"
"Oh my god Hwa, just go", Hongjoong exclaims, "A girl finally showed interest in you. Say yes to the date"
"You may even finally have sex", Wooyoung jabs
"I have sex", I snap without thinking
I haven't told anyone about me and Joanne yet
I just...I don't want to be asked a million questions or have them talk about her the way they talk about their fuck buddies
That would piss me off
San snorts, "No you don't"
"Not a chance in hell", Yeosang adds
"Your hand doesn't count", Wooyoung adds
"I've had sex before", I argue, "All the time actually"
"You're dreams don't count", Jongho says seriously
"Oh my god, I have sex everyday!"
It's so fucking annoying that they don't believe me
Yes, I was a virgin for 25 years
Yeah, I was naive about it
Yeah, I was scared to have sex, worried I'd suck at it
Yeah, I wondered if anyone would ever be attracted to me in that way
But they don't have to act like I'm making things up
It's insulting
"Yeah ok. With who?", Hongjoong snorts
"Joanne", I snarl
Whatever, they can ask me whatever questions they want
If they start talking shit about her, I'll tell them to shut the fuck up
"You're step sister?", Yunho gapes
I nod, "Yeah"
"Bullshit!", San exclaims
"It's not", I insist
"You're telling me your smoking hot stepsister fucks you?", San demands, "That she took your virginity and fucks you everyday?"
"Why are you lying Hwa?", Yeosang asks, "You don't have to lie to us to try to be cool or something"
"Oh my god, it's not a lie!"
"Yeah well you know what they say, proof or no go", San declares
I have proof
I have videos
She asked me one time if I wanted to make a porn like the one we watched
I definitely said yes because of course
We filmed it on my phone and I sent her the video so she has it too
And after that...we make a video once a week
"I have videos", I say
"Show us"
I shake my head, "No. She...she didn't say I could show it to anyone"
I'm not showing anyone her naked body or anything we did without her permission
I'm not like that
"Then ask her right now if you can show it to us", Hongjoong orders, "Text her"
"I don't-", I start
"I'm not believing you until I see proof", he informs me
I sigh internally
"If you're not lying then ask her", Wooyoung goads
"Yeah text her"
"I wanna see that video"
They all keep pestering me and I yell fine, then take out my cell phone
"Hey Jo. The guys don't believe me when I say that we sleep together. They want to see one of the videos. But I won't show them unless you say it's ok. Don't feel pressured to say yes ok? I'm good with not showing them. As you know, they're idiots"
"Well?", Yeosang demands
"I texted her! God, give her a chance to answer"
A few minutes go by then my phone rings
"Show them. They could learn a thing or two"
I chuckle as I answer, "Ok. Thanks"
"What'd she say?", Mingi asks
"She said ok", I answer
"Alright, pull up the video. Show us"
I sigh, opening my gallery and pulling up the first video we made
Hongjoong reaches over and presses play
"You sure Hwannie? If you don't want to it's ok", she says as my face comes on the screen
"I'm sure", I nodded
I feel my face heat up as the video progresses
The camera view switched to her, smirking up as she licks along my dick
"No fucking way!", Mingi screams
For the next ten minutes they watch her give me a blow job, deepthroating my dick and moaning the whole time
"Jesus Christ, she knows how to give a blow job", San murmurs, his eyes on the screen
I watch myself cum in the video, her eagerly swallowing all of it, then pulling off, opening her mouth to show me she swallowed all of it
"Oh my god. That's so fucking hot", Yeosang groans
Then next part of the video is me eating her pussy, with them cheering me on as if they're watching it in real time
During this we switched the camera between us, videoing me going down om her and her moaning in pleasure
"Damn Seonghwa, look at you go. She tastes that good?"
I nod, "Yeah"
They have no idea
She cums, screaming my name and I watch myself swallow her cum, craving being between her legs again right now
"Need your cock", she moans, going on top of me, my dick hard again
"You're hard again? How? That wasn't even ten minutes!", Wooyoung gapes
I shrug
I don't know, it just happens every time I eat her pussy
Makes me so horny
In the video, she immediately slides down my dick, moaning my name, her hips rocking on me
The camera pans to get her entire body on top of me, the pleasure in her face evident
She bounces and I swear I can almost feel it right now
"You're so lucky", San whines, as the video goes on, more minutes passing, "She's riding you for so long! So many girls can't do that"
"Not only that but look how many times she cums on his dick", Jongho points out, "We've been watching her ride him for twenty minutes and she came three times already"
"And the things she says to him? How good he feels? The praise? I wish the girls I fucked would say half the shit she's saying", San complains
I smirk to myself, listening to their jealousy
I'd never thought I'd see the day that they were jealous of me
"Yeah but do you hear him?", Wooyoung exclaims, "I didn't know you had such a filthy mouth Hwa"
I shrug
She brings it out of me
Her voice screaming my name blares from my phone, the guys watching her cum yet again
Then we switched positions and they watch me fuck her for the next half an hour, making her cum again and again, it ending with her begging me to cum in her pussy
My voice yelling her name comes from the phone, the guys whooping and cheering
The video stops and the guys erupt in questions and pats on my back
"You seriously dick her down every day?", Mingi asks
"Yeah", I answer
I wouldn't call it that though
It's just us being together
"How does she feel?", Wooyoung asks excitedly
"Uh, good", I say vaguely
"Just good?", Yunho asks
"Very good"
"How's her mouth?"
"Good", I answer again, purposely being vague
I don't want to talk about details
I'm not into that kind of talk
They are
I've heard so many things about girls' pussies and mouths, how they feel, if they're good or not and I always found it kinda unnecessary
I promised myself that when I had sex I'd never speak about it or the girl like that
It's bad enough I showed them the video as proof
They don't need to hear anything else
"C'mon Hwa, your stepsister is hot. Give details", Wooyoung whines
I shake my head, "No. I don't..I'm not comfortable doing that"
"You showed us the video!", San complains
"Because I had to for you to believe me!", I snap, "But I don't have to talk about anything and I'm not. Fuck off"
"Ok ok", Hongjoong interferes, stopping San from yelling at me, "Answer this question. How long have you been sleeping with her?"
"Five months"
"And you're just telling us now?", Mingi gapes
"It's private!", I exclaim, "I only told you now because you're saying I could finally get sex if I go out with this girl! Which is what I asked you about to begin with! If I should go out with her, not about my sex life"
"Well you having sex is a big deal!", Yeosang says
"It's really not", I answer, wanting this part of the conversation to be done with, "I want advice on what I asked you before. That's it"
"And you got it", Hongjoong answers, "Go out with the girl"
"I...I don't know"
"This thing with Jo. Is it just sex?", he questions
"Yeah", I nod
As much as I want it to be more, it is just sex
I don't think she feels for me the way I feel about her
She's the one I really want
She's the one I want to go on my first date with, the one I want to hold hands in public with first, the first girl I want to kiss
I doubt it will ever happen
And I know myself, I will never tell her how I feel
Just the thought of it makes me want to throw up
"Ok so if it's just sex with Jo then you can go out with this girl. Get to know her. Maybe you'll like her and want to be in a relationship with her", Hongjoong advises, "And at the very least what I said still stands, you could have sex with this girl"
"I'm not looking for sex", I argue
"You should be Hwa. God, you're 25! Jo can't be the only girl you ever have sex with!", Wooyoung yells
Why not?
If I want her, if I have feelings for her, why can't she be the only one I have sex with?
Their logic doesn't make sense
"You should be partying Hwa. Having sex with other girls. You've only known one girl sexually. You should be getting more experience", San tells me
I don't want to have sex just to have experience
That's never what it was with her
"Look whether you do or don't have sex with this girl you should at least go out with her. Give her a chance", Hongjoong advises
I guess I can try
See how it goes
If I'm uncomfortable I can always leave
"Yeah ok", I answer
"Great!", Wooyoung says, "And if you get laid, details!"
I scowl at him as I stand up and make my way to Yunho's room so I can call Seulgi
Taking the piece of paper with her phone number on it, I shakily dial her number
Here goes nothing
"Someone.....asked you out?", I ask, swallowing hard
This is confusing
Seonghwa came home from Yunho's place and this is the first thing he tells me
Someone asked him out
"Yes. Someone at work", he answers
"A girl. Seulgi. She...she said she likes me and wants to see where things can go with me and her. So she asked me to go out with her tomorrow"
Jealousy and anger flash through my body but I shove it down
I have no reason to be jealous
Seonghwa is not mine
He's someone I sleep with but we're not in a relationship
He's free to do whatever he wants
I am too even though I haven't wanted to fuck anyone else since we started sleeping together
"What uh...what did you say?"
"I uh, I agreed. We're supposed to go to dinner then a movie, I think. Then her apartment? I'm not too sure. I was kinda in shock that someone asked me out that I didn't hear all of it "
That makes me smile a little
He's so clueless that he doesn't even know what's supposed to be happening
It's endearing and adorable
And this bitch could get him all to herself
That thought immediately turns my mood dark again
"Well, I hope you have a good time", I say nonchalantly
He nods, "Thanks"
An awkward silence rises between us that was never there, even during the first time I fucked him
"Can...can you help me? Like find the right clothes to wear? Tell me what I should and shouldn't do?"
Why does he have to ask me that?
I don't want him going out with this girl and I definitely don't want to help him impress her
But he's not mine
And for some reason I don't want anyone to think badly of him, even her
"Yeah Hwa, I'll help you"
"Thanks Jo", he smiles, relief in his face, "You're a life saver"
"Yeah sure", I answer, plastering a smile to my face, "No problem"
We stand awkwardly facing each other and I can't handle it right now
"Uh well, it's late and I'm really tired from work", I say lamely
"Oh yeah ok. Me too"
I nod, "Alright well I'm gonna go to bed. You should too. Be rested for your big date"
"It's not a big date", he says, his cheeks blushing an adorable red
"Of course it is Hwa. It's your first. Get some rest and I'll help you with what you need tomorrow ok?"
He nods, "Ok. Uh thanks"
"No problem"
With that I turn from him and walk to my room
Once I close the door, it's like my entire body deflates
I don't know exactly what I'm feeling but I just know that Seonghwa going out with another girl is upsetting
It shouldn't be but it is and I don't know what to do with that
Making my way to my bed, I get in it and lay down
I'm not tired but I close my eyes anyway, wanting to sleep so I don't have to feel this way
As I lay there, I realize that this is the first day in five months that Seonghwa and I haven't had sex
It's starting already
"Are you sure this is ok?", he asks, looking at himself in the mirror, unsure, "It's not too....casual?"
I raise my eyebrow, "Uh no. Isn't this a casual date?"
I helped him pick a nice black T-shirt, a pair of light black jeans and black Nike sneakers
To accessorize I gave him a silver necklace and silver bracelet
I parted his hair to the side and added some hairspray to keep it there
His glasses finish the look and he looks so hot
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I just want to take him to my room and rip off the clothes and-
He's not yours, my brain screams
I need to get it together
"Uh I guess it's casual? I don't know, should I be wearing something fancier?"
I shake my head, "You don't want to be overdressed Hwa. This is good for what you described- dinner and a movie. Trust me, you look really good. She's gonna be swept off her feet"
Lucky bitch
He frowns, "Uh ok. I guess"
I nod, checking my cell phone, "Well it's time. You got her address right?"
He nods, picking up his phone, "It's in the gps"
"Well you should go. You don't want to be late for your first date"
God, I hate it
And I find myself wishing he was going on his first date with me
"Yeah ok", he agrees, "Thanks again Jo. For helping"
"Sure", I say, forcing a smile
I gave him good tips too on what to do
Ask questions about her and really listen to what she's saying
But offer stuff about him too so she can get to know him
Act calm
Brush his hand against hers if he wants to hold her hand; if she moves her against his, hold her hand; if she doesn't then back off
If she invites him into her apartment and he feels comfortable then go
For anything sexual make sure he gets consent and is clear that she wants it
Back off if she says no to anything
And use a condom
He didn't have any, so I gave him a few
I literally couldn't have spelled it out better than that
But he's sweet and endearing naturally if not a bit awkward and girls eat that up
I don't think he'll have a problem
And that makes me feel so upset
He puts on his leather jacket Hongjoong got him for Christmas two years ago that he's never worn but looks so fucking good on him, and he's ready to go
"I'll see you later? Or uh... tomorrow?", he says
I swallow the huge lump in my throat, my cheeks hurting from the fake smiling
"Yeah Hwa. Have fun ok? Relax and be yourself ok?"
He nods, "Ok. Thanks. Goodnight"
He leaves, my heart falling to my feet
Turning, I head to my room
I don't feel like doing anything
It's so unlike me
I can find lots of things to do alone
Passing by his room, I stop, staring at his bed from his doorway
Remembering all the times we were in it together
Having sex, cuddling and just sleeping
And wondering if he's going to start bringing this girl here if he sees her regularly, my heart twisting in my chest
My god, I need to cut it out, get a fucking grip
Getting in my room, I sit on my bed, grab a pillow and hold it to my chest, not sure what to do now
All I can think about is Seonghwa on this date
If he'll have a good time
If he'll like her
If he'll fuck her
And from nowhere my eyes start leaking, actual tears falling down my face
I'm crying
What the fuck is happening to me?
I'm crying over a guy?
A guy?
But he's not just a guy
He's Seonghwa
Seonghwa, who was so nice to me when our parents got together four years ago
Seonghwa, who offered to move in with me so I didn't have to pay rent all by myself
Seonghwa, who is always so sweet, so caring, so kind
Seonghwa, who was eager to learn all about sex and is amazing at everything
Seonghwa, who holds me at night, his fingers running through my hair, who kisses the top of my head, who cuddles with me
Seonghwa, who makes me feel things I haven't felt before
Seonghwa, who I wished would kiss me but hasn't and now I'm terrified he's going to have his first kiss with this girl
Who I'm completely in love with
I admit it, letting myself feel it
I love him
I want him
I want to be with him
I want to make him smile, make him laugh
I want to hold his hand, cuddle with him all the time, just be near him
I want to go out on dates with him
I want to make him happy
I want to love him
And the devastating thing is I can't
He's out with someone else
Another girl
Which means he doesn't have any feelings for me
He probably just sees me as his depraved slutty step sister who fucks him
I mean I haven't given him any other impression of me
This just sucks
Wiping my eyes, I stand up, deciding to take a shower then just veg out in front of the TV until it's time for bed
I need to get over this
I can't have him and that's it
Movement in my bed wakes me up
I groggily open my eyes, my eyesight blurry
"Mmmm", I whine as someone moves under the covers with me
"Jagi", he whispers, cuddling up next to me, pulling me against him
What did he just say?
I feel him kiss my shoulder, nuzzling into my neck
"Hwa?", I whisper, still confused on if I'm dreaming or not
He's not supposed to be back tonight right?
Wasn't he supposed to stay with the girl he went on a date with?
"Baby", he says softly
Lifting my head, I meet his eyes, so many emotions swirling in them that my groggy brain can't identify at the moment
His fingers move into my hair, pushing it off my face
He's really here
But why?
He moves closer to me, his soft, smooth, warm lips against mine
My body is immediately awake and on fire, heat running everywhere, my head spinning
He's kissing me
He pulls away, whispering, "I'm sorry if it sucks baby but I don't know how to kiss. Teach me"
I shake my head as I look at him, "It doesn't suck Hwa. Just do what you feel"
He nods, his lips crashing into mine again, the world feeling like it's thrown off its axis and falling away
Everything falling away until it's just Seonghwa
I fully turn my body towards him, my arm moving around his neck as I eagerly kiss him back
His arm moves around me, pulling me right up against him, holding me tightly
And being in his arms feels so fucking right, like I'm where I'm supposed to be
Licking his lips, he slowly opens his mouth and I slip my tongue in
When I brush my tongue against his, his mouth relaxes against mine, his tongue cautiously pressing against mine
I move my fingers in his hair, kissing him slowly, deeply, realizing I'm so fucking happy he's here
He's here with me and there's nothing more I could want
As we continue to make out, he gets more and more confident, his tongue now fully against mine, kissing me passionately
He's a super fucking quick learner
His hand moves under my shirt, touching my skin, his fingers sending sparks of fire through my body
As his hands slide along my body, he pushes my shirt up slowly
Reluctantly moving my arm from around his neck, I pull it through the sleeve of my shirt to try and help him get it off me
He breaks the kiss, sitting up and pulling me up with him
My shirt disappears from my body then I slide his up his body and off of him
His hand moves behind my head, pulling me to him, kissing me hard, his tongue immediately against mine
Seems someone likes kissing, which is absolutely fine by me as I officially love his kisses
Putting my hands on his chest, I slowly move down, feeling his muscles, feeling his skin shivering
When I get to his belt, I undo it, get the button of his jeans undone and pull the zipper down
My hands find their way into his boxers, pushing everything down
He pulls away, moving off my bed, taking all his clothes off
Getting back in bed with me, he kisses me, gently pushing me on my back
He pulls my pj shorts and panties down with me kicking them off to help him
He immediately moves on top of me as I open my legs, him laying between them, his mouth relentless against mine, tongue down my throat and I love every second of it
I slide my fingers in his hair, holding the silky strands, his hand around my boob, squeezing hard
"Please", he murmurs between kisses
"Hwannie", I whine, wrapping my legs around him
His hips move forward, his hard cock sinking into me
I gasp in his mouth, feeling him spread me open as he moves in a little at a time
My body arches off the bed into him, his arm moving around my waist, holding me against him
I feel every inch, every ridge of his cock forcing me open, filling me up so fucking satisfyingly
I swear he's the only one who had ever made sex so satisfying
I never felt that with anyone but him
He buries his length inside me, his head nestled against my spot and I can't help clenching hard around him
"Fuck", he groans, starting to move as he drags his kisses to my neck, "Fuck jagi"
My heart swells in happiness hearing him call me jagi
He's never called me that before
I hope it means more than just a name but I'm not getting my hopes up
"I just want you", he moans, his cock sliding in and out, his fat head brushing against my spot again and again, pleasure that only he can give me taking over
"Hwannie", I whimper
"Baby. Just want you. Only you. I don't want to be inside anyone who's not you", he whispers against my neck as he moves, thrusting a slow but hard pace, his cock going in so deeply, "I don't want anyone who's not you"
I let his words wash over me and fuck, I feel my heart fill with hope
Hope that this is more
"I only want you Hwa", I tell him, kissing the side of his face as he kisses my neck
"I want you so much Jo", he murmurs, lifting his head, kissing my cheek, "Just you"
"Hhh..how? How do you want me?", I find myself asking through the bliss
Fuck, his cock is so fucking good, splitting me open so widely, making me drench him
I keep my hands on his back, feeling his muscles move as he fucks me, my fingers digging in his soft skin
I move my hips, meeting his thrusts, his cock hitting deeper, stars blasting in my vision
"I want you to be mine. Please baby", he begs, his arm around me tightening, keeping me against him as he moves, "Be mine. My girlfriend. My jagi"
My heart bursts in utter joy at his words
"Yes Hwannie. I'm yours. Only yours. I want to be just yours", I answer then press my lips to his, kissing him desperately
He meets my desperation, his tongue playing with mine as I pour all my love into it, hoping he feels it
Our movements speed up slightly, our thrusts getting harder, his cock so pleasurably deep inside me, I can feel him in my stomach
"Mine", he murmurs against my lips as I nod
"Seonghwa", I cry, so close, his head hitting my spot constantly, my pussy clenching hard around him
"Yeah baby", he urges, "Cum for me. Cum around my cock. Show me you're mine. Show me"
"Seonghwa! Seonghwa! Oh, Seonghwa!", I moan, bliss assaulting my body as I cum hard around his length, clenching his cock again and again
"Yes, yes, yes", he cries in my neck, his hips not stopping, pounding into me as I orgasm, "Mine. Mine. You're mine"
"Yours", I cry, as the pleasure slowly leaves, "Only yours Hwa"
My arms move around his neck, pulling him right into a kiss that we both melt into
I roll him over, both of us moving until he's sitting up, I'm straddling his lap, our lips never moving from each other's
I sit on his dick, getting him all in in one shot because I'm so fucking wet for him
"Fuck", he moans, "Fuck jagi, I love being inside you. Don't want to leave"
"Don't Hwannie. Stay"
He nods, "Ride me baby"
He leans back on his arms as I move mine around his neck and start to bounce
"Oh fuck, so good", he murmurs, his head tilting back
I take in the sight of him, his gorgeous face in pleasure, his eyes closed, biting his bottom lip
He's fucking stunning and he's all mine
"My Hwannie", I whisper, kissing his neck as I impale my cunt on his cock over and over again
God, he's so thick, wrecking my pussy on his cock
I can't get enough of him
"Yours jagi. I'm yours", he assures me, "I was always yours. Only yours"
Taking his length all in, I grind against him, his head against my spot, making me shiver
He lifts my face from his neck, his lips on mine, kissing me as if he's never going to again
He just learned to kiss but he's already a fucking amazing kisser
Then again I'm biased
His arm moves around me, holding me against him, his other hand reaching between us, fingers playing with my clit
I moan in his mouth, soaking and clenching his length as the pleasure intensifies and I keep rocking on him
"So good baby", he murmurs between kisses, rubbing my clit faster, "So tight for me"
I nod, moaning against his lips, my fingers in his hair, pulling as I get closer
"Yes baby, throb harder for me", he groans, "So fucking good baby. Cum for me"
The next rub of my clit sends me over the edge, bliss hitting me hard as I cum on his perfect dick
"Hwa, fuck Hwa"
"Yes fuck", he moans, "Cum all over me baby. Fuck, cream my cock just like that jagi"
My god, the mouth on his man is fucking insane
Everything he says just turns me on more and more
As soon as I finish, he murmurs, "Bounce on my cock jagi"
I lean my forehead against his as I do just that, slipping up and down his incredibly hard cock, making him open me up over and over
His hand leaves my clit, moving behind him as he leans back
His other arm is still wrapped securely around me, his sweaty skin right against mine
"So good baby", he murmurs, "My pretty pussy is so good for me. So tight. So warm. So fucking wet"
"All for you Hwa", I confirm, riding him harder, "Only for you"
"Fff...uck", he groans, "Kiss me jagi"
I attach my lips to his, kissing him deeply as I move, bringing both of us closer
My pussy chokes his cock as he throbs inside me, loud moans escaping between our lips, adding to the completely pornographic wet sound of my cunt taking his cock again and again
Sliding down, his cock smashes against my spot and I lose it, ecstacy tidal waving over me as I cum on him
He shoves his hips up, his cock pulsing, his warm cum spilling inside me as my pussy pumps him for all of it
"Yes Hwannie", I moan in complete pleasure
"Joanne, baby. Fuck", he cries, shaking against me
Leaning down, I press kiss after kiss to his face while he cums, not wanting my lips off him
When we finish, he stops me, turning his head, his lips right against mine
I fall into his kiss, knowing I will never have enough of them
And knowing I can have them all the time now
Fuck, it's perfect
Pulling away, we smile at each other, then just fall into laying together
His arms move around me like they're supposed to while I lay on his chest, my hand tracing his muscles
As happy as I am that he's here, he's mine, I can't help but wonder how the date went
"Hwa?", I call
"Yeah jagi?"
"Was....was the date bad?"
He's silent for a few seconds then he says, "Yeah. It was terrible. It was awkward the whole time. I don't know what the movie was about and I can't remember what I ate at the restaurant"
"You were that nervous?"
"I...sort of"
I have to know if he went to her apartment
If her kissed her
If he fucked her
It won't change how I feel about him or change my mind about being with him but I have to know
"Did you go to her apartment?"
"Yeah", he answers quietly
"Did you uh-"
I lift my head, looking at him, his eyes meeting mine
"You didn't do anything with her?"
He shakes his head
"But she...didn't she.."
"She tried. She wanted to....but..I couldn't", he whispers, "I couldn't think of anything but you the whole time"
My eyes widen at his words
He thought of me?
"Me?", I repeat
He nods, "Jo, I...the reason I don't remember what I ate or what the movie was about wasn't because I was nervous. It was because I was thinking about you. I was wondering what you were doing, wondering how it would be if I was out with you instead of her. Wanting to be with you"
Ok, I'm shocked at this
It's not everyday a guy tells you they were thinking about you while out with another girl
"I missed you", he says
"I missed you too Hwa", I confess
He smiles softly, his fingers still moving though the strands of my hair
"She tried to kiss me and...I couldn't jagi", he says softly, "I didn't want my first kiss with her. I wanted it with you"
"How come baby?", I ask softly
I'm happy his first kiss was with me, god knows I wanted it to be with me but why did he want that?
"Because Jo...fuck...I wanted my first kiss to be with the girl I'm so in love with"
My eyes widen, my jaw dropping as his confession penetrates my brain
Did he say...
"What?", I breathe
"I'm in love with you", he says softly, fear in his eyes, "I...I have been for awhile and I was terrified to tell you. I didn't think you felt anything for me which is why I went on the date. But...but when she leaned in to kiss me, I couldn't do it. I moved my head back immediately, away from her and I stood up from her couch, apologizing and telling her I couldn't kiss her"
That must have been super awkward but I'm glad he stopped it
"She asked me why, I told her because I loved someone else and I had to leave. I apologized again but I don't think she'll ever talk to me again"
Yeah I don't think so either
I wouldn't
"Not that I care", he says, "I only care about you. I only love you"
I smile, stroking his cheek softly
"I love you Seonghwa", I tell him, a shocked look on his face, "I fell in love with you too. I just didn't realize it until tonight, after you left. And honestly, I...I was scared that you would have your first kiss with her"
He shakes his head, "It could never be with anyone but you Jo. I can never kiss or be with anyone but you"
I raise my eyebrow, "But I'm your first and so far your only. You may want to experience what it's like with someone else at some point"
"Why does everyone say that?", he asks, "Wooyoung said it too. He said I should be partying and fucking every girl I come across. It's stupid"
I mean I don't know
Isn't that what people do?
"Jo, I love you ok? I don't see sex as an experience I need to have with multiple people. It was never that for me. I never cared about fucking lots of girls. If I did I would of lost my virginity a long time ago"
Huh, I didn't think of it that way
"I love you and I only want to have sex with you. I don't care about anyone else. You make me happy, you are the one I want. I know myself jagi and I'm not going to want anyone but you"
I smile at him, "You make me happy too Hwa. I love you so much baby. I don't want anyone but you either"
He nods, "So how about we just forget about that stupid stuff and just be together?"
"That sounds like an awesome plan baby", I tell him
He smiles his gorgeous smile right before I kiss his soft lips, sparks running up my body
I fucking love him so much
After, we lay back down together, his arms are around me just like how it should be
As he runs his fingers in my hair, he says softly, "Jagi, will you go on a date with me tomorrow?"
I smile, nodding, "Absolutely baby"
"Great", he exclaims and I can hear the smile in his voice
"I'm excited baby"
"Me too", he says, kissing the top of my head, "But for now let's sleep ok? I woke you up and you must be tired"
"Yeah", I agree, glancing up at him, "Not only did you wake me up but you wore me out too"
His cheeks get pink as he chuckles, "I mean, you wore me out too baby"
"So sleepy time then", I answer, cuddling into his chest more
"Sleepy time", he confirms
"I love you Hwa"
"I love you Jo", he says, "Night jagi"
"Night baby"
I close my eyes and drift off to the feel of Seonghwa playing with my hair
One month later
"Come here", Seonghwa murmurs as I pass by the couch, pulling me down on top of him
He kisses me, our arms moving around each other as he lays me on the couch, my head on the arm rest, him moving on top of me
"Again Hwannie?", I laugh as he pulls his shirt I'm wearing off me
"Again", he says, kissing my neck, getting my legs around his waist, "And again and again and again"
"What about the movie?", I whimper
We've been trying to watch this movie all day
We just keep getting distracted
"Maybe later"
I giggle knowing it's not happening today
We're supposed to go out with his friends later then they're coming here to hang out for awhile
They're really cool guys and I want to get to know them better
"You know there's not going to be a later", I smile
"Yeah I know", he answers
His lips press against mine, his tongue playing with mine as his hard cock slides into my pussy
Pleasure takes over as I lift my hips and push down, helping him bottom out
He moans softly, his hands gripping my thighs as he starts to move
"Fuck so good jagi", he murmurs, dragging his kisses down my neck
Good is right
And it seems like we both can't get enough of each other
It's like once we actually got together, the sex amped up
We have frequent days like today where the only thing we do is have sex
Sometimes we have sex in public too when we can't wait
We've done it in his car multiple times
I've gone to visit him at his job and we fucked in his office a lot too
I saw the girl he went on the date with
I knew it was her by the nasty look she gave me, when she saw us leaving his office, his hand holding mine
He nodded at her, then lead me to the parking garage where we had sex in his car, then more at home
Of course we go out and do other things
Seonghwa loves to take me on dates, always planning such sweet and fun things to do
He also loves taking pictures of us and posting them on his Instagram
He's so fucking cute
Living together is the best
He moved into my room because mine is the biggest and his room became like a storage room for now
I love coming home to him everyday, love just hanging out with him, love sleeping in his arms every night
And I absolutely love hearing him tell me he loves me
He says it all the time and I make sure I always tell him I love him too
"Hwa", I moan as his cock impales me, his head constantly rubbing against my spot, making me wetter and wetter
"Yeah jagi, soak me baby", he groans, his mouth sucking on the skin of my neck, "Drench my cock baby"
His mouth moves to another spot, sucking hard and I know he's gonna leave more marks on me
He just started doing this when we got together
He sucked hard on my neck during sex one day and left a mark
He apologized profusely thinking I'd get mad
He was so surprised when I told him I don't care and to leave more
It's fine, I can cover it up with foundation for work
And ever since that day, I have his hickies all over my body
Trails of them starting from my neck going down to my chest, down my stomach, all the way to my pussy and all over my inner thighs
I love it
He lets me do it to him too but I avoid his neck
But his chest and abs are free reign and are just as covered as my body is
We both get off on looking at them
"Baby", he groans, his hips moving faster, fucking me wide open, my pussy throbbing around his cock, his pelvis rubbing my clit over and over
"Hwa", I groan, getting closer
His hands slide up my body, around my back, holding me against him as his lips crash into mine
I kiss him wildly, my arms around his neck, fingers in his soft hair
His cock throbs hard inside, feeling utterly good
Just a little more and we're both gonna cum
My head is in the clouds, the pleasure amazing, nothing in the world existing except for me and him
"Seonghwa!", a voice shouts, the front door to our apartment slamming open
What the fuck?
Who the fuck is that?
"Oh my god, Seonghwa what are you doing?", the voice shrieks
He sits up quickly, horror on his face as he grabs the blanket we threw on the floor, throwing it over my body and his lower half
I sit up and turn my head to the door, my eyes popping out when I see his fucking mother in the doorway
What the fuck is she doing here and how the hell did she get in?
"Mom", he gapes, as he puts his boxers on under the blanket, "What are-"
"What are you doing Seonghwa? Are you...having sex with your sister?"
I'm not his sister, no where close to that actually
"She's not my sister, mom. That's gross"
"And it's gross that you are sleeping with her!", his mother yells, "You lost your virginity to her! After I told you she's a dirty whore"
I just snort, grabbing his shirt off the floor and putting it on
Here we go with her weird views on sex
"Don't call her that", he snaps, "She's my girlfriend"
"No she isn't. She's your sister", his mom insists, "And you're proudly parading the information that you are dating your sister on your Instagram! The Instagram our family sees!"
So that's how she knew about us
He told me he wasn't going to tell her anything and I agreed that was the right decision because of this shit
I didn't know she used Instagram and by the look on his face he didn't either
"No one in our family cares", he argues, "Some even compliment me on finally having a girlfriend. And most of the family says she's beautiful and they're happy for me"
"Of course they say that on a public platform! They'll have something different to say in private"
Somehow I don't think so
She's just crazy
"I don't care!", he says loudly, "I don't care what anyone says! She is not my sister. We met when we were 21, we were never siblings. She is my girlfriend and I love her"
She scoffs, "Love her? Please. She's just a slut who opens her legs for you"
"Oh my god, I'm not a slut", I snap
Well, I'm a slut for him, but I doubt she'd appreciate that information
She scowls at me, "You are. Look what you're doing to my son. He never acted this way, never argued with me before he moved here with you"
I roll my eyes, "My god, he's a fucking man, not a little boy! He can make decisions for himself. I didn't force him to move in with me, I didn't force him to be with me. It just happened. And for your information, I fucking love Seonghwa very much. I'd never hurt him"
She sneers, "Yes you will. It's just a matter of time before you spread your whoring legs for another man and hurt my son"
Yeah I'm done, I'm not arguing with a crazy woman
"Stop talking to her like that!", Seonghwa shrieks, standing up, "She loves me, mom, like I love her"
"No", his mom shakes her head, "No, you will break up with her right now and move out of this whorehouse! Come back home until you find a proper girl to marry"
Goddamn, she belongs in like the 1500s with her shit
"No", Seonghwa shakes his head, "I'm not breaking up with her. I love her and I'm staying here with her"
"Seonghwa, stop this right now and listen to me", she yells, "Do what I say"
"No!", he yells back
I can see him getting angrier, which is something I haven't seen before
He's always so easy going
"I'm not leaving her", he says clearly, "I'm not doing what you tell me to. I'm an adult and I can make my own decisions"
"You can't stay with her, she's your sister!", his mother shouts
He throws his hands up in the air, "Fine, then I'm in love with my sister! I'm staying with my sister!"
"No, you don't want to accept that we are not siblings. We did not grow up together, we were adults when we met, we were more friends than anything else. We are not related in any way and us together is not wrong", he snaps, "But if you want to insist on the stupid titles that in no way describe me and her then fine. I'm dating and fucking my sister and I don't care"
"Seonghwa please. You're acting crazy"
He snorts, "No, you're acting crazy. You can't even be happy for me. You have to come here and rant, trying to get me to leave her"
"It's the right thing Seonghwa. She's no good for you"
I find it hilarious that she hates me yet loves my dad
And how my dad deals with this level of insanity, I don't know but bless his heart
"She is. I'm sorry you don't like her but I don't care. I love her and I'm going to be with her. I don't care if you don't like it", he argues, "If you don't want to accept it then I don't know what to tell you"
"I do not accept it", she snaps, "And as long as you are with her, you are not my son any longer"
Wait, hold on, I don't want him to lose his mother because of me
Yeah she's crazy but I don't know if he's prepared to be cut off from her
"If that's what you decided then fine", he says, crossing his arms
"You're making a mistake", she growls
"No, I'm not", he says, "You can leave now"
"Hwa", I call, panicking
I do not want him to make a decision he'll regret
She nods, "Fine. When you realize your mistake you can come home. Until then stay with your whore"
With that she turns around and strides out the door, slamming it on her way out
He walks to the door, locking it then coming and sitting next to me
"We need to call the landlord and tell him to change the locks", he says, picking up his cell phone
"Uh Hwa?", I say softly
He looks over at me, "Yeah?"
"Hwa, do...do you realize what happened?", I ask, "You're mom...she kinda disowned you"
"Yeah I know", he answers, shrugging
I'm a little confused
He's acting like nothing happened
"You're ok with that?"
He puts his phone down, turning to me and taking my hands in his
"Yeah jagi, I'm ok with it", he says, "Not for nothing, I know how crazy my mom is about sex and relationships. It never bothered me before because I didn't have a girlfriend. The guys, they kinda deprogrammed all the shit she put in my head from when I was a kid. I...I was a virgin because I'm a dork and bad with women, not because of her bullshit"
"You're not a dork baby", I tell him
He smiles, "Thanks baby but yeah I am. It's ok, I've accepted it. But before you, I just let her talk, yes-ed her to death and forgot about what she said. But I have you now and I'm not going to let her talk bad about you"
"But I don't want you to resent me for losing your mom", I say, "I don't want you to give up your family because of me"
He shakes his head, "It's not just because of you jagi. It's because of me too. My mom wouldn't be happy with any girl I'm with unless she hand picks her. And I was never going to go for that"
He lifts his hand, softly running his fingers in my hair
"I will never resent you jagi. I made the choice to let her leave and I'm fine with it. I love you Jo, you're everything to me. My mom doesn't have to like you or like that we're together but she has to accept it. And if she can't that's her problem, not mine", he explains, "I will never let anyone talk shit about you or call you nasty names"
I smile at him, "Thank you Hwannie. I won't let anything say shit or call you names either"
He nods, "I know you won't baby. You're the feisty one out of the two of us"
I am but he's getting there too
He's very protective
"I love you Hwa", I tell him
A smile bursts on his face, taking my breath away
"I love you Jo. So much. Always"
I nod, "Always"
Leaning closer to him, I press my lips against his in a sweet soft kiss
My god, he is my everything
The best man I could ever be with
Some of my ex's were doozies, assholes or just selfish
Seonghwa is the complete opposite and he makes me so happy
"Ok jagi, let's call the landlord to change our locks ASAP. Then we can finish what we were doing", he smirks
"Yeah baby ok", I answer, smirking back then leaning against him, his arm moving around me
I can't stop staring at his beautiful face as he talks to the landlord, thinking about how lucky I am to be his
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