#looking at the syllabus for the class with the prof whos awful and realizing we have something major due much sooner than i thought
ilostyou · 2 years
SERIOUS school anxiety on this fine evening
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Wolf Moon - Part 2
Season 1 Masterlist
Word count: 1614
Warnings: none
Note: Sorry it took me so long, guys! God, I'm not good at this. I have a test week coming up, but after that school will be over. Then I'll have time to wrte again. Sorry, guys!
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Y/n, 2:13AM Scott, are you okay?
You stared at your screen, sending another text when he didn’t respond.
Y/n, 2:14AM Scotty?
Y/n, 2:14AM We’re so sorry for leaving you behind in the woods!
Why wasn’t he answering?
Y/n, 2:15AM Please say you’re alive.
You decided to give it a sec. When he didn’t react, you grabbed your phone again.
Y/n, 2:30AM SCOTT!
Y/n, 2:38AM C’mon!
You started to get really frustrated.
Y/n, 3:04AM Scott, please answer!
He didn’t answer. He probably wouldn’t. You gave up and tried to sleep. Then, a few minutes later, you heard your phone buzz.
Scott, 3:30AM Hey, just got home. Got attacked by some wild animal. Don’t know what it was. Pretty nasty bite, man!
Relief filled your body. You didn’t even read the text, you just immediately answered.
Y/n, 3:30AM Scott! Oh, thank god, I thought something terrible had happened!
After a few minutes, you realized what he’d said.
Y/n, 3:46AM Wait, what? Are you okay?!
Scott, 3:50AM Yeah, I’m okay. Tired, tho. Goodnight, Y/N/N xx.
You grinned. Goofball.
Y/n, 3:51AM Sleep well Scotty. See you tomorrow. Oh, ps, make sure you’re not gonna bleed to death tonight. Okay loveya <3.
“Okay, let’s see this thing.” Stiles said. Scott lifted his shirt and showed a large white patch with some blood leaking through. Stiles ooh-ed and you frowned. “Oh my god, that’s- ew.” You squirmed. Stiles tried to touch it, causing Scott to jump a little.
“It was too dark to see much, but I’m pretty sure it was a wolf.” Scott told. “A wolf bit you?” Stiles said in awe. “Uh-uh.” Scott hummed.
“No, I don’t think so. It couldn’t have been.” You said. “I heard a wolf howling.” Scott said with a ‘try to explain that’-tone. “No, you didn’t.” You pondered. “How do you know?” Stiles asked.
You rolled your eyes. “California doesn’t have wolves, you dumbasses. Not in, like, sixty years.”
“Really?” Stiles and Scott asked in sync. “Yes, really. Can we just believe y/n for one single time?” You said.
They both stared at you for a second, then turned to each other, turned back and stared at you with looks of regret. They didn’t believe you. Great.
“Well if you don’t believe me about the wolf, then you’re definitely not gonna believe me about when I tell you I… Found the body.” Scott told. Your eyes widened with surprise and Stiles jumped a little. “Are you kidding me?”
“No, man, I wish. I’m gonna have nightmares for a month.” Scott whined. Drama queen. “Wh- Oh my god, that is… Disgusting, but pretty cool.” You said. “Dude, that’s freaking awesome! I mean, that’s seriously gonna be the best thing that’s ever happened in this town since…”
He got distracted by the beautiful, somehow perfect Lydia Martin. She was a friend of yours, but for some reason always ignored Scott and Stiles. Oh, and an important detail: Stiles was hopelessly in love with her.
“…Since the birth of Lydia Martin. Hey Lydia! You look…” Lydia brightly smiled at you as she walked by the three of you, not even spending a second looking at Stiles nor Scott. “…Like you’re gonna ignore me.” He looked at you with a defeated frown. “Sorry Stiles, I don’t know why she doesn’t talk to you. I can’t do anything about it.” You apologized.
“I know, I know. It’s Scott. Scott, you’re the cause of this, you know. Dragging me down to your nerd depths. I’m a nerd by association. I’ve been scarled nerded by you.” You rolled your eyes and grinned as the bell rang. The three of you turned and walked into the building. The new school year had officially started.
In the first class, you sat next to Scott and in front of Stiles. Your teacher was a chubby man, probably in his late 50s, maybe in his 60s. He was writing something on the whiteboard in front of him, standing with his back to you. “As you all know, there indeed was a body found in the woods last night.” He began. Scott and you looked over to Stiles, who winked and soundlessly snickered.
You looked around and saw that the three of you were the only ones actually listening. People were quietly talking, passing notes, applying make-up and playing on their phones.
“And I’m sure your eager little minds are coming up with various macabre scenarios as to what happened. But I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody.” The teacher turned around, revealing what he had written on the board. “KAFKA’S METAMORPHOSIS”. We looked over at Stiles again, who had a confused frown on his face, then he shrugged at us.
“Which means, you can give your undivided attention tot he syllabus which is on your desk outlining the semester.” You groaned. This was the last thing you wanted to do right now. You wanted to start writing, when you saw Scott flinching next to you.
He looked around, picked his ear, then froze when he looked outside. There was a girl sitting on a bench, going through the stuff in her bag. She was calling someone, then hang up when the principal walked up to her. She must’ve been new.
“Scotty, are you okay?” You whispered. Before he could answer, the door of the classroom opened. The principal walked inside, the girl following. While the principal introduced her as Allison Argent, I observed the girl a little.
She had long, dark brown curls that were draped over her shoulders. Her brown eyes looked around the classroom nervously, her hand fumbling with the gloves she was wearing earlier. You saw Scott staring at her in complete awe.
Allison sat down in the chair behind Scott, and Scott immediately turned around with an awkward smile, handing her a pen. She frowned at the pen, then looked at Scott and smiled sweetly while taking it. She quietly thanked him, while he turned around with a proud smile on his face while the teacher continued the lesson.
When class was over, you were basically kindapped by Lydia. “Have you seen that new girl, Allison? She seems really cool. I wanted to invite her to the party this weekend. Wanna walk with me to talk to her?” She asked. “Yeah.. Sure.” You said. It’s not like you didn’t like Lydia, but sometimes you felt like you couln’t really be youself around her.
You decided to ask her something. “Hey Lydia, is it okay if I invite Stiles and Scott too?” “Who?” “Stiles and Scott. My two best friends, the boys I’m always hanging out with?” You said. You hoped for a yes. “Oh. Them. Whatever.” You took that as a yes.
“That jacket is absolutely killer. Where’d you get it?” Lydia asked Allison when you were at her locker. You saw Scott staring at Allison with heart eyes, and Stiles was discussing something with a random girl.
“My mom was a buyer for a boutique back in San Francisco.” You hummed with impression. Lydia pointed at Allison with a smirk. “And you are my new best friend.”
Lydia’s boyfriend, Jackson, appeared behind her. “Hey, Jackson.” Lydia greeted him with a kiss. Allison and you just kinda stood there , awkwardly looking and grinning at each other.
Lydia turned away from Jackson to talk to Allison. “So, this weekend, there’s a party.”
“A party?” Allison asked. “Yeah, Friday night.” You answered. “You should come!” Jackson finished.
“Uh, I can’t, it’s family night this Friday. Thanks for asking.” Allison confessed. You personally didn’t believe her, but you didn’t blame her for not wanting to hang out with Jackson and Lydia. They could be absolute jerks sometimes.
“You sure? I mean, everyone’s going after the scrimmage.” Jackson tried to convince her. “You mean like football?” Allison asked. Of course she didn’t know that lacrosse was the sport in Beacon Hills High School.
“Football’s a joke in Beacon. The sport here is lacrosse.” Jackson laughed with a cocky smile. “Guys, is it okay if I go tot he field already? I want to talk to Scott before practice.” You said.
Lydia and Allison nodded and sent you a friendly smile while Jackson just kept talking about his success in lacrosse. Such a selfish reptile. (hehe)
“Scott!” You called, jogging up to him. “Hey.”
“Hi, Y/N/N! Something wrong?” He greeted. “No, not necessarily. Um, earlier today, I saw you looking a little weird, almost like you were… lost. It was right before Allison was introduced.” You noted.
“Oh, yeah. That… that was nothing, don’t worry. It-It was probably just a fly irritating me or something.” He muttered.
Stiles walked up tot he two of you, his hands full of his lacrosse gear. “Scott, if you play, I’ll have no one to talk to on the bench. Are you really gonna do that to your best friend?” He whined. You coughed loudly, trying to prove a point.
“Y/N, you’re not here every practice. You aren’t even always at games!” Stiles explained. “Well I’m here now!” You snapped.
Scott ignored your discussion, answering Stiles. “I can’t sit out again. My whole life is sitting on the sidelines. This season, I make first line.”
As he walked towards the field, his eyes were drawn to Allison, who sat down on the stands with Lydia.
You had a minor inside debat about who you were gonna sit with; Allison and Lydia or Stiles? You decided to join Stiles, since he now sat all alone.
You jokingly poked him in the ribs, causing him to quietly laugh. Then you heard the coach yelling. “Let’s go! Come on!”
Practice had officially started.
 Tag list: (tell me if you want to be added or removed)
@prof-scribbles @logophileharry @jurrasicpork @koizorahana @thebestof-spn
Inspired by: @bilesbilinskix
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milesgonzalomorales · 6 years
1-50 for studyblr (all or nothing motherfucker ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
I owe you my life anon I wanted to answer these 
What year are you?Third-year as of summer 2018
What’s your major/what do you think you want to major in?Double major in Political Science and History
If applicable, what is your thesis about?                                                        n/a
Do you think you picked the right major?                                                      For sure. At first I was uncertain in my choice bc I switched quite a bit in my first/second year bw English and History, but then I realized that English classes were making me dislike my relationship w/ literature. I love my poli sci and history classes 
Ultimate educational goals?                                                                                 Getting my PhD in International Relations but i have no job to pay for it 
Career goals?                                                                                                         Working with an international organization like the UN or the IMF
Do you think your goals are realistic?                                                                 Certainly. They may be difficult to reach, but they are within my grasp so long as I keep working towards them. 
What classes are you taking right now?                                                             Canadian government/politics, introductory political theory and a comparative history class on race relations in the US and SA                                      
Favorite class out of everything you’ve ever taken and why?                          Introduction to international relations parts 1 and 2, I took them both in my second year back to back (one in the fall, the other in the winter) while I was still in the political science minor. I loved this class for several reasons. First, the content was so interesting that reading the textbook was never a chore and I was always in the first row of the lecture hall ready 15 minutes before classes even started. Another reason I liked this class was bc I had a really good experience with the ta who was my tut. leader in both semesters - there is only one other ta that I’ve had who has been that phenomenal in their teaching. This ta along with another prof have been really influential in my learning and I don’t think thank you will ever be enough for what they both did.  It was actually through these classes that I decided to major in poli sci bc I loved it so much. 
Least favorite class ever and why?                                                                       An Ancient Greek history class bc it was at night and the prof had us read exclusively from a sourebook and his slides sucked.                                
Current favorite class and why?                                                                          Canadian government, I’m learning a lot of cool stuff about my country that high-school teachers never did justice to. Also the prof is really enthusiastic and it’s contagious. 
Current least favorite class and why?                                                                 Political theory… it’s not that I hate it, but some of the texts are really difficult to read at times. Lectures are fun though, the prof really knows how to keep an audience engaged.                                                                                   
Favorite STEM field?                                                                                            I took an anthropology class in first year and loved it, the tutorials were really interesting bc we actually got to handle bone material!! It was nothing like humanities tutorials where you discuss and debate. A fun experience overall and I loved learning about the science parts too even if it was a little complicated sometimes…                      
Favorite humanities subject?                                                                               Political science, hands down. 
Class that you’ve always wanted to take but never had the chance?              I want to take a class on ethnic conflict and security, but it’s a 4th year class and i don’t have the prereqs (yet!) 
Do you use caffeine and if so how much daily?                                                 Never, unless Coffee Crisp counts 
What’s your preferred method of taking in caffeine?                                         ^ see above answer                                                                          
Have you ever tried study drugs?                                                                        Nope, not a huge fan of supplements like that.  
Are you a homework-in-the-morning kind of person?                                       Homework whenever I can type of person                         
Do you listen to music while you study?                                                            Used to, but now it distracts more than anything so I’ll put on some ambient noises or just work silently. 
Crowded area or quiet place?                                                                               Quiet place, but one that has people in it so I feel obligated to work 
What’s your preferred writing implement?                                                          bic gelocity 0.7 black and blue pens. i cannot write w/o them but they run out so fast.                         
Do you need to work out before you can study well?                                        work out??? haven’t heard that term in years 
Describe your perfect study environment.                                                          Idk the specifics, but good lighting, nice temperature, a rolling chair and a high desk i guess? 
Are you procrastinating right now?                                                                     Not really, I have time before assignment deadlines roll in. 
What was the last thing you procrastinated?                                                     Reading Thomas Hobbes Leviathan, the language was too complex and I shied away from it 
Are you a perfectionist?                                                                                        Not really, you make a mistake and you move on, I find that studyblr aesthetic notes are counterproductive 
Do you like easy classes or do you feel bad if you’re not working hard?       I don’t think there is such thing as ‘easy’ classes, it depends on what an individual’s strengths and weaknesses are. That being said, I had a light course load for a first year class where the prof felt bad for assigning us 10 pages of reading a week when another prof was assigning 80-100.    
Are you a good test taker?                                                                                    Most of the time, but with essays, I need to write outlines or I lose my train of thought and get frustrated and anxious about the time and my argument. 
What are you the proudest of out of all the assignments you’ve ever had?   A paper I did for my critical writing for history class 2 semesters ago, I contacted that professor regularly and was in her office all the time working with her to keep making it better and when I saw my final grade of 38/40, I cried with happiness. 
Do you talk to your teachers/professors a lot?                                                  Oh yeah, I’m that student who stays after class, spends half the time at office hours, asks questions during class, you name it. Professors are people too, just really accomplished people. Also they’re pretty cool and they want to see you succeed. 
Describe your favorite teacher/professor and why you like them.                   Okay again not a prof, but this person is training to become a prof and i truly hope he’s successful for several reasons. He has a lot of cool book recs both academic/non-academic, calls out the bullcrap that is academic writing, genuinely goes above the paygrade to make sure that students succeed and most importantly, is enthusiastic about the content himself. (press f to pay respects) 
Describe your least favorite teacher/professor and why you dislike them.     Hnghhhh there was these 2 profs who taught intro ir part 1 and one of those guys was an absolute loser, he constantly made holocaust jokes and other tasteless comments and when i went to talk to him about my final paper, he told me that i’d look like someone who might like to write mine about is/s like ://. never told that prof anything about my academic interests so shut your mouth 
Have you ever thought about becoming a teacher/professor?                         A few times, but I don’t think I could do it. I’d be one of those rambling profs who never end up finishing their scheduled content. 
Most profound thing ever said to you by a teacher/professor?                         Not a prof, but a ta once said that my ideas were worthy of respect and that i shouldn’t feel the need to apologize for contributions (ta: you are valid me: holy fuck i’d die for you) 
Best feedback you’ve ever gotten on something academic?                            Best feedback I’ve ever gotten was on a paper I wrote for my ir class in the first semester where i had a lot of pitfalls in my argumentation style so when i wrote one the next semester w/ the same ta marking it, i got a better mark bc i incorporated that feedback. 
Worst study habit and how are you working on it?                                            My worst habit is lacking discipline and I’m working on it by trying to stick to schedules so I can fall back into routine and ultimately be on top of things 
Are you an in-class fidgeter?                                                                                moment of silence for all the pens i’ve dropped while twirling them/taking them apart. 
How’s your handwriting?                                                                                      pretty neat, not to brag. but apparently my f’s are jumping off the lines practically. 
Write “the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” and post a photo.         sorry, too late for that I’m headed to sleep soon. 
Neat or messy notes?                                                                                            A weird combo?? Like messy enough that you have arrows sticking out from all corners and sometimes things are disorganized, but the writing itself is usually very neat unless i’m tired. 
A lot of notes or the bare minimum?                                                                   A lot, for me, the slides are the skeleton and the meat comes from the prof’s mouth. 
Post a photo/scan of your notes from your favorite class.                               I think I uploaded them to my side blog?? anyway it’s late now so can’t do that 
Are you a doodler?                                                                                                I used to be, but I cut the habit bc sometimes I miss key info if I’m not paying attention. 
Post a photo of your doodles if you have any.                                                    lol i used to post a lot under the tag naailah draws 
Do you have pre-test rituals and what are they?                                                Making sure I have more pens than I’ll ever need and checking the ink refills to ensure there’s enough. 
Are you a tangent-question asker?                                                                      Yup, there’s no such thing as a dumb question. Unless it’s answered on the syllabus. That’s a dumb q. 
Do you make jokes in class?                                                                                Sometimes. I’ve cracked some awful puns in my comparative poli class once and the prof’s mic picked up on it bc i sit at the front so you have a room of 200 or so students hearing me laugh about poverty and i swear it sounds bad but it was not as bad w/ context. 
How many hours do you spend on academics per day?                                   A lot… most of my time is spent on studying/procrastinating on it 
What’s something more important to you than school?                                    Life after school and making a real impact in the world, whether it’s small-scale or large. 
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vanessessity · 7 years
talking to my own reflection pt.2
Let me tell you, sophomore year was a whirlwind. First semester was probably the most disappointing thing I have ever experienced. I was pre-med, so hopeful, with my Biology and Society major and I felt like things were really going right for me. I wasn’t going to change my career and plus, my mom would be ecstatic to hear that her dream would finally come true. So, yea. I was gonna be a doctor. “Was”, that is. First semester ate me from the inside out and spit me back out. I had to take general chemistry, retake my other biology class that I almost failed, I was faced with narcissistic deans who told me “You can’t get into medical school with that GPA. You’ll never get in, are you serious?”, I went to the pre-med advisor twice a week like she was basically my therapist, I was at the highest stress I have ever been in my life. The chemistry exam averages were 30-40% and you’d celebrate if you were within standard deviation of a failing grade. I didn’t understand anything this school was doing. Grade inflation is always talked about, but I’ve always believed that grades don’t really matter (I know I freak out about my GPA, but thats only when I think about applying to graduate school-and I mean, I’m a well rounded student). But the fact is, okay- you’re getting an A. Sure, that’s awesome. Obviously. But what have you learned? If you’re celebration comes from just the fact that you got a 35%, it surfaces a bit of doubt about how the university-the system, I should say-evaluates their students. Basically, I just didn’t like doing it-I didn’t feel like it was right. Like it was moral, almost. Though I did work my ass off for that bio class and got a final grade of a B+, so that was cool. But there was class that really had an impact on me first semester.
Controversies about Inequality. I hadn’t even known I signed up for it. It was just on my schedule, so I gave myself a high-five because it sounded quite interesting and so I went. I started to learn that it was one of the most popular classes at Cornell and it was super hard to get into. I didn’t even know what department it was. Sociology? I haven’t even- I didn’t even know what the fuck that was. I knew Ms. Robinson taught it in high school, but what the hell. What was I doing in this class? The professor seemed cool and excited to teach, the syllabus was pretty interesting and I was curious. I guess that’s all it took, really. I started really getting into that class. I attended a lecture-I suppose my first of its kind-for extra credit and it was the best talk I have ever been to (’til this day). It changed my life-my whole perspective on what everything was about. It was about mass incarceration and wow, did it move me. I remember getting home at around 9 or 10pm and I went straight to the internet to do more research on this horrible, horrible injustice of the system and lo and behold, I found a paper my professor wrote. She was an expert on mass incarceration. That was her field. Not only that but how mass incarceration affects black boys in school. Listen, this night was a pivotal moment in space and time and everything between that for me. Immediately, I emailed her (which I do not, do not, do not do. But, I did) and I thanked her for the opportunity to attend and I told her that I was super interested in her research and she emailed me back saying to come into office hours. So, I did. And I literally fell in love. She was-sorry, is-one of the most passionate, caring, thoughtful, most insightful person I have ever talked to. She spoke to me about her research and I left her office in awe. Sociology was a whole other field I hadn’t discovered until now and I was flustered. I loved it, but I was flustered. Thought the coming months, sociology was like that spec on your glasses you always tried to rub off but it just wouldn’t budge. Everywhere I looked, it was there. It really made me think about things in ways that was similar to how I actually wanted to. There was no “I got a 30%. Nice”. There was no “I have to study my ass off and then some and get a C”. Everything was genuine. Haskins really didn’t care about grades either to be honest, she always said she wanted us to succeed and she gave extra credit opportunities every other week, to be honest. There was a time at the beginning of one lecture where the undergraduate advisor in the sociology department gave a speech on majoring in Sociology and it was there that everything came full circle. Once I had time, I went into Prof. Cornwell’s office and poured out my heart-“I want to be a pediatrician. Sociology is so cool, but I’m going to medical school and I don’t know what they’ll think. I really want to do this”. And she pushed me to think about what I wanted. So, from then on, I decided I would switch my major to Sociology. From that moment, I started thinking about why I was doing things rather than its contents. “I have to do this to get into med school.” “Does this meet my requirements for med school?” “Is med school really going to take me with my GPA? Was my faculty advisor right?” But, why did I care? Why did I want to be a doctor so much?
Winter break came and I dropped the whole pre-med fiasco. It was just a waste of my time. I told myself, maybe in the future but definitely not now. Especially not at this school- I won’t feel accomplished. Well, I was majoring in Sociology… then what? I had to rethink my whole career path from the very beginning and I really had to dig deep and ask myself tough questions. Why do I care about sociology? What is it about it and why is it so interesting to me? Then I thought, wait. I just started majoring in it because it was interesting to me. That’s all, it’s that simple. That’s when I knew there was a second piece missing from all this. I immediately knew where my heart was and all it took was some little tiny steps here and there. Talking to Haskins, exploring sociology, majoring in it. I knew there was something else I had to add. My once star-crossed field of study became my focus-psychology. Always, always, always have I been interested-more than anything-in the field of psychology. It all came back to psychology. Why was I studying Biology and Society? To learn more about the brain. I didn’t care about anything else, I thought to myself I just had to get through the easy classes and then I would be able to finally learn about the brain and its anatomy, its functions, its biological processes, how it works, how it perceives information, how humankind needs it. That’s where my true intentions laid. I always knew, but I just didn’t have the courage to tell myself that it was the right thing to do. It was too easy for me, I thought. I need something that is challenging. But listen, pre-med kind of wanted to make me jump off a building and may in the middle of the road. Yea, it was challenging but I also was not having a great time. And my girl told me something that I haven’t really thought about. Maybe psychology was so easy for me because I actually understood the material and I was actually interested in it and I wanted to learn more about it. I never really thought about it like that and she was right. Of course, as always.
Second semester was really when I hit it off. I changed my whole spring semester schedule and I was so fucking excited. No more hard sciences (even though I will indeed miss biology) and I was on my social science grind. This was really it for me, I thought. I found my true passion-oh gosh. I forgot to mention a big factor in me choosing [cont’d at the airport] psychology as a major. First semester, I got accepted into an integrative neuroethology lab as a research assistant. The name is kind of extra I’m not gonna lie, I just use it to sound kind of pretentious, but  [cont’d on airplane] I just research how developmental early experience manipulations affect later prosocial behavior. I really got into it, I really did. My graduate mentor is awesome and I love her very much; she’s like my idol and reminds me of myself at times. So I really got into research and went to lab meetings every friday at 8am. If that’s not commitment, I don’t know what is. First semester lab meetings consisted of reading a book and discussing a chapter each week and I really enjoyed it (cognitive dissonance? maybe). Second semester each graduate student a some undergraduate students gave presentations about their data and results. Doing research and all of those meetings and getting into the nitty-gritty, I think it’s what made me go from a stable pre-med to an on-the-fence pre-med to an unsure pre-grad-school. It definitely had a huge impact on me and I can’t believe I didn’t mention it above, but yeah. I love it. So, next semester (fall 2017) I plan on being in two- but we will see what happens with that whole situation. Anyways, second semester lmao.
I found my true passion. Psychology with a mix of Sociology and a sprinkle of Inequality Studies was and is exactly what I needed to satisfy my academic hunger. The professors actually care about their students learning, they’re always excited to teach, excited about learning with their students and growing, they put in effort and make sure we are doing the same. I love it. All very down-to-earth individuals. Second semester I really rocked it in terms of my grades and studying. I still worked my ass off, don’t get me wrong. It was just smoother and more… me. I’m really grateful I went through the realization that I had and that it happened at the perfect time. I’m really proud of myself. I really am. So, yea. That’s that regarding my career path and choosing my journey. I actually just found out a few hours ago that I got two A+s (even though they were in tagalog and lab but hey whatever), so it’s starting off pretty good. Scared for the rest to come, but it is what it is.
But in terms of my social life, it definitely has been a bit weird. I got closer and closer with *. * pops up here and there but not that often. That’s fine. But anyways, yeah. I don’t really mind. Also made a new close friend, *. He’s always great. He’s honestly the only one who I’ve really had a genuine connection with. Made friends with *, she’s nice. I have a class with her next semester so I hope we stay in touch. She’s very chill and down-to-earth. I mean I don’t know, I like keeping my circle really close so like I said, I don’t really mind. Time alone is completely fine as well cause it keeps me in check. I feel as though I’m pretty socially balanced right now but a few friends won’t hurt.
Let’s see what else… well, I mean theres my relationship and where do I start with that one? I fall more in love with that girl every waking moment and then some. She’s been so good to me and I really can’t ask for better because better doesn’t exist when I’m dating the love of my life. She makes me so happy and I am so excited to be seeing her in a few hours. OH. This summer! This summer I have the amazingly perfect opportunity with a human development lab up in NAU and guess who’ll be by my side!! I am super, super excited for that as well. It’s honestly the perfect lab for me, studying neurodevelopmental issues in children and how it affects learning and attention. It’s so fucking great, I am so excited to be on board for the summer. AND they’re taking me to my first conference. Honestly, it was so so perfect. I can’t believe everything worked out the way it did. God is real, believe #that. So, yeah. I’ll be spending the whole summer with my girl and it’ll be wonderful.
I’m really happy with my life right now. I feel like I can’t complain about anything, except I keep on losing weight so thats not good and my mom will hate me cause I’m gay, but thats usual. But other than that, I am living my almost ideal life. I really can’t wait for the future and I’m extremely grateful for the things that God has given me this past year. It has been a whirlwind and I’ve been loving every second of it. Until next year, then.
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