#looked it up; it's a known issue with the devices and none of the little fixes worked
quaranmine · 2 years
i genuinely think someone in the must have given me a Curse of Wifi Issues because my long and legendary string of wifi connection issues is starting to get to me (aka im losing my mind)
6 notes · View notes
astroboots · 1 year
Every You Every Me | Issue #7
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COLLABORATED WITH @thirstworldproblemss
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x female reader
Summary: You finally get some answers out of Miguel about who you are to him.
Word count: 5,700 words.
Series Masterlist | Spiderverse Masterlist | Astroboot’s Masterlist | thirstworldproblemss' Masterlist
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"So let's take it from the top," you tell him, as you sit down and put down the Trenta-sized caramel flavored hot chocolate with extra whipped cream and chocolate syrup in front of the man named Miguel O'Hara.
The two of you are sitting across from each other at a small booth at the nearest Starbucks you were able to find, seeing as you're homeless now, and there's nowhere else you could think of to go.
He's dressed in a large fitted hoodie that drapes down to his thighs. Where he's managed to find something that is oversized in length on him, you don't know because he's not exactly short.
"I'm from a dimension known as Earth-928," Miguel says.
Before he can continue, you raise one hand, and you can see his right eyebrow twitch unhappily at the interruption. 
"Just to clarify, so we don't have another ‘coffee cake’ misunderstanding. When you say Earth-928, do you mean a different version of the Earth we’re on now? Or is this a habitable planet in another galaxy that happens to be partially named Earth?"
"It's a parallel universe characterized by distinct physical parameters and initial conditions, accounting for the diverse manifestations of our observable universe. So still Earth," he says, sweeping his gaze across the café, nose wrinkling the way one does when there's something off-putting in their vicinity. "Just a little bit less primitive."
Of course he would say that, wouldn't be able to resist the jab would he.
You peer up at him across the table. He is very technical and thorough with his explanations. But as grateful as you are for him finally being willing to answer your questions, you hadn't expected those answers to be quite so information dense. You need to pick your questions more carefully or you are going to have to go down the street to buy yourself a notebook in order to keep up.
"How did you end up on this Earth?" you ask.
"Where I'm from, I'm a scientist, a researcher. One of the things I studied was the theory of physical cosmology and the existence of the multiverse. My work was concentrated on the theoretical ability to navigate between distinct universes within a hypothetical multiverse–”
Ah shit, you should've been more narrow in your question. Should have asked him to simplify it a bit more for you. Because now you're sitting here blinking up at him, pretending you understand half of what he's saying. 
It makes sense that he’s STEM. He speaks like the type. Smart as hell with none of the social skills to gauge whether the other person is following the conversation. 
Listening to him reminds you of that time in college, when you'd walked into the wrong lecture hall, wound up in advanced chemistry instead of your math class, felt too awkward to leave and just sat there drawing doodles with an attentive expression until the class was over. 
And he’s still at it, “– employing advanced mechanisms that manipulate or transcend conventional spacetime frameworks, enabling exploration–"
"Okay, wait, hold on a sec," you interrupt, once it becomes obvious he’s not going to stop any time soon on his own. "Can you... simplify, please?"
He stops mid-sentence, taking a deep breath as he looks up at the ceiling and considers your request, with a serious expression as if he's thinking really hard on it. "I’m a scientist. I study the multiverse. I built a parallel universe traversal device, it allows me to visit different dimensions." Your brain feels insulted that it clearly took more mental effort for him to dumb it down for you than to just give the supergenius version.
“So… a machine that allows you to jump between alternative universes?” 
There’s a pause between you as you run through the questions in your mental list you want to tick off now that he’s turned cooperative and talkative. But with everything that’s happened in the last handful of hours, a lot of the questions you previously had seemed outdated. The one question, the most important one, you’ve wanted to ask from the start though remains. 
"Who am I to you?"
Miguel takes the large sized drink in his even larger hands and somehow this big paper cup still manages to look tiny in his grip. "You and I were... involved," he says.
You frown. ‘Involved’ is such a vague term. It belongs in the trash with other useless terms to describe relationships: “situationship”, “complicated”, you hate them all. 
"So I was your girlfriend?"
"Yeah, something like that," he concede, fidgeting with the thin gold chain looped around his neck, his eyes not quite meeting yours, like he's embarrassed to use the term.
‘Something like that,’ you chew on his answer unhappily, sympathizing with your other dimensional self and how the other you seemed to have snagged a commitment phobe. 
Other-you, who isn’t here in this dimension with Miguel. You wonder why that is. 
"What happened to me?" you ask.
His eyes are glued to the table,  not looking up at you as he answers you in a voice so quiet you can barely hear it. "She died."
The revelation shouldn’t take you by surprise. 
Every time Miguel’s brought up your other self, it’s been tinted with earth-shattering sadness. It's not hard to put one and one together and come to the conclusion that whatever happened to you in this other dimension didn't end happily.
Still it's an odd feeling to know that out there, somewhere, a version of you has died. A version of you that was clearly very important to the man in front of you.
"I'm sorry," you tell him.
It feels silly to say. It's bizarre to give your condolences over your own parallel death, but Miguel looks so heartbroken. He’s slumped in his seat, large shoulders rounded until his frame looks so much smaller than you're used to, and you don't know what else to do.
"So what is happening to me now," you start, not sure how to word what the phenomena that you're going through is, "these continuous near-death experiences, is that how she died?"
"And do you know why that... kept happening to her? Why is it happening to me?"
"I don't, and I don't know how to stop it. Believe me I tried."
He cradles the paper cup in his hands, the grip a little bit tighter now until he's creasing the paper and the caramel liquid oozes and leaks from the top.
"What I do know is that the universe isn’t going to stop trying to kill you, no matter what you do. And with every near death incident you manage to survive, these incidents will escalate in nature, until..." he stops, eyes flickering away from the cup to meet yours, but it's like he loses courage and doesn't want to say the last part.
"Until, what?" you prompt.
"Until your dimension collapses."
The blood freezes in your veins. "Wait, collapses!? What do you mean?"
"I can't guarantee it will happen again. But that's what happened last time. When the other you kept cheating death, the universe eventually started to collapse in on itself."
You slump back in your chair, trying to process what you've just been told. What does that mean? That even if you managed to defy all odds to survive, doing so would doom the rest of this universe as you know it?
"When will that happen?" you ask, and you're surprised you manage to get the words out because there is a hard lump in your throat that makes it hurt to even swallow.
"Judging from the trajectory and escalation of events, you have about three months give or take."
The two of you sit in heavy silence, for the moment you're not sure what else to ask him. Because it feels like you are trapped in a building looking for an exit sign, but all that’s tacked onto the brick wall is your death certificate, waiting to be signed and formalized.
There’s no way out. Nowhere to go.
"Give me your hand," he says, breaking the silence. 
You give it to him without hesitation, watching, puzzled, as he takes off his watch and secures it around your wrists.
"Why are you giving me your watch?"
"It's not a watch," he says, then he presses something on the face of it, and an image of a young woman flickers into existence in the space above your wrist, vaguely see-through. A hologram!
"This is Lyla," he introduces.
Wait, wait? Lyla? As in your mom Lyla? You watch the tiny woman floating above your wrist. Short bob-cut, and flashy heart-shaped sunglasses, with a twinkle in her eye. 
The hologram looks nothing like your mom. You part your mouth, about to ask about the name but you're interrupted by the energetic buzz of a female voice greeting you.
"Boss-girl! Long time no see. Want me to catch you up on the latest multiversal gossip? I compiled an edit of highlights set to Despacito."
"Lyla," Miguel warns, tersely. "Not now."
"Ruuuuude! You're the one who woke me up you know."
"Lyla, go back to sleep."
The female avatar grumbles, but then her image flickers away and the watch turns back into, as far as you can tell, just an ordinary watch.
"Why did you name the watch Lyla?"
"It's not a– " He cuts himself off, sighing with exasperation. "Lyla is an advanced A.I. she's going to be with you at all times. She's an added layer of security, built to protect you."
He didn't answer your question. Completely sidestepped it as if the two of you are having two different conversations.
Built to protect you, he'd said. Does that mean he still intends to do that?
"So you're not going to leave?" you ask him.
He leans back in his seat, eyes drifting towards the table. "No."
You look up at him, stumped. Not sure you're understanding what he's saying. Because not even a few hours ago, when the two of you were in your apartment, this man was adamant there was nothing to be done to save you. That he was going to leave and you were never going to see him again.
Right now though, his actions seem to be contradictory to that. You can't make heads or tails of him. Hot and cold doesn’t even begin to cover it. 
"Why not?" you ask, "I mean, not that I’m not grateful, but you seemed pretty set on the whole ‘I can’t save you’ thing. What changed your mind?"
“You did.” His eyes narrow as he looks down at you, crossing his arms ever his chest, "You told me you wanted to live. Have you changed your mind already?"
“Wha– NO! I just want to know why you changed yours.”
“I–” He hesitates, another wave of sadness passing over his face. “I’m a superhero. I save people… or try to. It’s what I do. I’m not gonna just leave you to die after you tell me you want to live.”
It’s a good answer, even if you don’t buy that it’s the whole truth. 
You look down at your wrist, and the shiny chrome of the not-watch he's just gifted you winks back up at you. "Do you think I have a chance of surviving all this?"
"It's pretty hopeless," he says, and there’s no break in his expression as he continues. "Your chances of making it out alive are pretty much mathematically impossible."
It's odd though. Even though he's outlining the futility of your situation, basically telling you to raise the white flag and surrender, there's something contradictory in the tone of his voice. 
"What do you want to do?" he asks you.
It’s a challenge, you realize. An encouragement. He has faith in you. It's all of these things rolled into one. As if he's telling you to prove the universe wrong.
"I want to live," you answer. "If the universe collapses in three months, then please stay with me. Give me time to solve this and find a way to stay alive."
His mouth curls into a hint of a smile. The very first you've seen from him since you've met. It's bright and boyish, erasing the harsh lines of his stern expression until it gives way for something much softer underneath that makes your heart leap in your chest with triumph.
You grin, a strange elation of happiness buzzing in you as you stretch out your hand to him, in an invitation for a handshake to seal the deal.
Miguel leans over the table, clasping your hand in his much larger one as he squeezes it back gently.
"Deal." That small smile from before is still there. "So what's next?" he asks.
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The thing you never realized, being an ordinary person bereft of super genes or other superhuman powers is just how convenient commuting can be if you have them. 
No longer do you have to brave the Lynchian nightmare that is the NYC subway system. Half-naked manic street preachers giving sermons as you’re held hostage, with nowhere else to go in the carriage. Being chased down by a drunk trumpeting Mariachi band. Instead, all you need to do to get from point A to point B (A: being the Chrysler building and B: the building formerly known as your home) is to hold on tight to Miguel as he swings you both above the city gridlock.
You imagine that this is what paragliding must feel like, except it's so much better because here you don't have to do the safety training beforehand or pay $3,000 for the privilege.
The city skyline is a dark evening blue, dotted with the sparkling lights of office buildings, cab roof lights and street lamps, as the wind ruffles through the fabric of your clothes.
It's such a different sight when you're flying above instead of walking on the streets below, that you don't even clock that you're in your neighborhood, until you see a building with a collapsed wall that's been blocked off, looking like a crash site. Only then do you realize... you're home.
Miguel carefully sets you down on your feet on a small patch of concrete that is clear of the rubble and destruction.
"Why did you want to come back here again?" he asks. 
It’s a good question. Now that you're here, standing in the middle of charred debris and cracked bricks, you're not sure either. You had some vague plans of seeing what you could salvage, hoping for some clothes, maybe your electric toothbrush, or really just any of your stuff. Something that’s yours, no matter how small, to hold on to after the events of today have ripped away life as you know it.
But there’s nothing left. The furniture, all your books and knick knacks, and even your dirty laundry piles have been demolished. Your home as you know it is gone. There's only piles and piles of rubble and traces of white fire extinguisher foam on the ground. The fire has been out for hours, but the pungent smell of smoke and sulfur still pervades the air. 
"You okay?" Miguel asks.
He's still standing at the outer edges of the apartment, close to where your window would have been if a helicopter hadn't crashed through it.
"Yeah... I guess the silver lining is that I didn't have anything expensive. Though it'd been nice if I could've saved my mom's Le Creuset set or at least the nanny-cam so I could return it and get a refund," you joke glibly. 
You nudge aside some concrete rubble with the cap of your shoes. There's nothing under there, no treasured memorabilia that's still miraculously intact. Just more burnt concrete and rubble.
"Why did you have a nanny cam?"
You turn around at his question, to see him hovering close to you, one eyebrow raised with an unhappy set to his jaw. 
From the displeased expression on his face, he's probably misunderstanding something here. Probably thinks you're operating a very unlucrative Onlyfans business, when what you've really been doing is spy on him and his nightly visits. You don't know which is worse to confess to, so you don't confess to anything.
"No reason," you say, ignoring the way his already raised eyebrow twitches with irritation at your lack of an answer.
"Come on, let's go," he says, and he waves towards you in a come hither motion like he's commanding a dog.
"Go?" you ask him. "It's past midnight. My place, as you can see, is wrecked. Go where exactly?"
Miguel shoots you a strange look. "A hotel," he says, like it's the most obvious thing, and– okay, he's not completely wrong in that assumption.
Problem is, you didn't have time to pick up your wallet or phone before your impromptu interdimensional visit. They’ve been incinerated along with all the rest of your worldly possessions, which means you don't have any way to pay for a hotel.
Plus Manhattan hotel prices average $400 a night. Even if you still had access to your debit cards, your budget’s pretty tight right now after all the capital you invested in your unhinged quest to trap the superhero before you. 
"In the city? I don't have that kind of money and it will take months for any insurance payouts to come in."
You should know. As an insurance claims adjuster, you know you’ll be lucky if your claim is processed before the end of the year. And, ugh, just the thought of the paperwork you’ll have to fill out is enough to give you an anxiety migraine.
"I’ll cover the room," Miguel says casually before holding out a hand to you, "Come on, let’s go."
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When Miguel said he’d cover it, you expected a reasonably-priced room at one of the Days Inn across the river or the like. Hopefully a place with no rats or bed bugs, and maybe clean bedding over a somewhat comfortable mattress for you to pass out on if you were lucky.
You didn't expect this.
Standing in front of the Midtown Four Seasons, you find yourself on sleek marble so polished you can see your own reflection. You haven't even stepped a foot inside yet and there are two old fashioned doormen, wearing immaculately fitted suits, with an even more impressive posture opening the majestic double-set doors for you as you approach.
It's swanky as hell, and you can’t help gawking like a tourist, eyes glued to the decadent carved ceilings that must be at least 30 feet tall, soaring above you. Honey-colored limestone that looks like it’s been looted from Ancient Rome.
You feel more than a little bit out of place. This is way outside of your budget. You could probably work your job for a lifetime, and not have enough disposable income to stay the night at a place like this.
"Uhm, Miguel... this place is way too–" you start, turning towards him.
But as you were busy lamenting the state of the housing market, he's already walked away from you (for such a bulky guy, he moves swiftly and silently) and as you whip your head around to find him, he's already standing in front of the receptionist.
Damned antelope legged man, would it kill him to wait up for you once in a while? You run up after him and have to tip-toe in order to see over his shoulder because the giant mammoth is blocking the check-in counter.
And wow, even the receptionist here is of a different caliber than the ones you'd find at Holiday Inn. A fashionable bob-cut with razor sharp edges, looking like a model cut out from a Vogue cover.
"Do you have a reservation, Sir?"
You half-expect him to say no, and that the two of you would have to tuck your tail between your legs and walk out of here to the backdrop of a sad trombone playing.
To your astonishment he says your name. The receptionist tip-taps away at her keyboard and then she nods and smiles gracefully at you both. 
"Yes of course. After reviewing your reservation details, I am pleased to inform you that all necessary arrangements have already been made, including advance payment and verification of your identification. Your room is ready for you, we trust you will enjoy your stay."
She flashes you a pearly white smile so shiny it's almost blinding and hands you a hotel key card. 
When you turn around, to your confusion Miguel is no longer next to you. How does he keep disappearing like this? 
"Cielito," Miguel’s voice calls. The nickname doesn’t register at first. It doesn't even occur to you that he’s referring to you, until he barks it out a second time. 
Your head darts up to see him standing by the elevator, tapping his feet impatiently as he waits for you to make it over to him.
"How did you do that?" you whisper loudly to him as you step into the elevator. "Where did you get my ID? How did you make a reservation? How did you--"
He takes your hand, mid-sentence, turning your wrist upwards and taps the watch.
"The computer systems in this universe are child's play for Lyla to manipulate. Reservations, money, ID, she can take care of all of that easily," he explains.
"She can do that?" you ask, and Miguel merely nods at you as the elevator closes behind the two of you.
You tip your head down to inspect your gifted watch. In awe of this technical marvel that would make Siri look like it’s from the stone-ages. You wonder if she can boost your credit scores. She could probably hack any wi-fi password so you'd never have to worry about data throttling again. She could get you table reservations for Libertine! The possibilities are endless!
You turn to Miguel. "Can Lyla get me Beyoncé tickets?" you ask. 
He just shakes his head at you with what almost qualifies as an amused smile.
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The room upstairs is massive. 
It’s easily three times the size of your little studio apartment, and the ceilings are twice as tall, with a hanging glass chandelier that’s sparkling bright enough to blind you. It looks like one of those places featured in Architectural Digest. 
Everything is in an art deco style, with expensive looking furniture and even more expensive art hanging on the one spare wall that isn’t covered in floor to ceiling windows. There are large shelves and a sleek looking kitchen, complete with an opulent looking velvet lounge chair of emerald green that looks like something a Roman emperor would be fed grapes on. 
In this colossal space of a room, there is only one bed. One colossal, plush-mattress-topped, goose down duvet and probably 1,000,000,000 thread count sheet covered bed.
You tense up, not sure what the arrangements Miguel had in mind. Did he want the two of you to sleep in the same bed?
Miguel did pay for the room, so you’re not going to start voicing objections. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time in the short time span that you two have known each other to do that. This bed is also a lot wider than your tiny double bed, so it wouldn’t be the cramped disaster it was last night. You’d just have to make sure to use the bathroom before bed this time so he doesn’t jab your full bladder in the morning again. 
Without saying anything, Miguel strides across the length of the room with impatient and determined steps. His hand reaches for the balcony doors and slides them open. 
"Wait wait, where are you going?" you ask him as you run up to the middle of the room. 
“I’m sleeping outside,” he says over his shoulder, and your mind boggles with that. 
“Why? Isn’t it better for you to stay here?”
"This is the 62nd floor. That’s about as safe as you’re going to get. I’ll keep a lookout to make sure no more helicopters come crashing in.” 
You’re not sure if he means the last part as a joke or not, but as you watch his broad back retreating as he walks away from you, a sickening sort of the deja vu twists through your chest. 
I can’t save you, he’d said back in your apartment, Nothing can. 
The feeling clawing at your chest feels alarmingly like panic. It screams that he’s leaving you. That he’s never coming back. That you’ll never see him again. 
You’re being irrational, and you know it. You remind yourself that he wouldn’t have done this much for you only to bail in the middle of the night, but that doesn’t stop the fear that’s festering, sharp and urgent, under your skin, or the way your heart races, your whole body flashing hot and cold at the same time. 
You want him to stay. 
“Miguel,” you call out, and he immediately stops and turns to look back at you, one eyebrow raised in a skeptical question. 
Please stay. 
You open your mouth, but the words won’t come out. You can’t ask this man—this big, sarcastic, rude hulk of a man—to have a sleepover with you because you’re scared to be alone in the dark. He would laugh you out of the hotel room.
“Uhm… thank you,” you say instead, but it’s no less sincere, “For everything.”
His eyes soften, the sharp narrowness of them easing up. “It’s fine,” he mumbles, and despite the cold chill of the evening, you think you can see a faint flush blooming in his cheeks, before he quickly ducks his face from you. “I’ll be right outside if something happens.” 
He turns back around and walks out, closing the patio doors with a gentle click behind him, leaving you by yourself. 
It’s quiet. 
You survey the empty room you’re in. Without Miguel’s large frame taking up space, it seems even bigger than it did before. 
It’s a beautiful room. Something that you’re pretty sure you’ve seen in a movie set. You don’t know why you’re not as excited as you were before. This is you living your Pretty Woman moment. You should be filling up the big jacuzzi tub you saw with bubbles. Heck, maybe ask Lyla to order you a bottle of champagne from room service. 
Instead, your eyes linger on the glass patio doors leading to the balcony terrace. You walk over to the bed, perching yourself down on the edge of the mattress, then flop down. 
Might as well try to sleep, you think to yourself as you climb under the covers and switch off the light. The best thing you can do right now is catch yourself some rest so you’ll be alert while trying to figure out your next steps tomorrow.
3 months… That’s what Miguel told you.
That’s all the time you have left. 
That means you don’t have time to waste, but you also have no idea where to start. The local library doesn’t exactly carry any resources on how to stop the universe from trying to kill you. 
The Universe. 
An infinite cosmos, grander than any human being can possibly comprehend. This vast space containing all the galaxies with its billions of stars and planets, where an individual being does not even register as a speck, and it wants you dead. How can you possibly fight against those odds? 
You lie wide-eyed and awake staring into the dark of the room, and the feeling of dread gnaws into you. 
You don’t want to be alone right now. Turning in the bed, your eyes find their way back to the blank slate of the pitched night outside the balcony doors. 
You really wished he had stayed with you. 
Sitting upright in the bed, you consider your options. You can lie back down. Suffer insomnia and the existential horror of knowing the universe is trying to murder you. Or you can man up, swallow down whatever tiny morsel of your pride you have left and ask Miguel to come back inside and stay with you. 
Flinging the duvet from your body, you get up to walk over to the balcony. You hesitate for a moment before tapping the window pane the way you might knock on a door, giving a polite head's up before you slide the balcony patio open. But when you poke your head out, turning your head left and right, Miguel's nowhere to be found. 
Okay, that’s weird. He said he’d be right outside if you needed him. You walk up to the ledge of the balcony terrace, leaning over the rail and peer down to see him dangling upside down, from the ledge of your balcony. The sight nearly makes you scream. 
At you calling his name, he pulls himself up, one clawed hand gripping at the concrete wall as he climbs his way up and over to you. He makes it look easy, as if gravity does not exist for him, and it’s only a moment until he’s perched on the ledge of the balcony, facing you. 
“What’s wrong?” he demands, eyes concerned, and you’re suddenly aware of how very close he is. His face mere inches from yours, your noses nearly touching.
“What’s wrong? You’re hanging upside down from the 62nd floor! What are you, a bat?!"
“Why did you come out here?” he clarifies, and his words give you pause. You try to gather your thoughts after the bizarre sight you just walked into and remember what you came out here for. 
He’s still looking at you with his full and intense concentration that makes your skin prickle with warmth.
God, it’s embarrassing to ask. You feel like you’re five years old, asking your parents to turn the nightlight on, even though you know you’re a big girl now and aren’t supposed to be afraid of monsters hiding under your bed any more. 
You look down on your hands, where you’re wringing them together, then back up at him, and make yourself spit it out, "Could you… maybe… stay with me tonight?" 
His eyes widen at your question, but he doesn’t actually answer you and gives you no physical indication one way or the other. 
"I feel safer when you're with me,” you admit. 
“I am with you out here,” he counters, because of course he can’t make this easy for you.  
“I can’t see you out here.”
The line of his shoulder eases, and he ducks his head down with a resigned sigh. "Fine. Get back inside, Cielito. You're going to catch a cold like this."
You shuffle back inside to your bed, watching out of the corner of your eye as  he follows you inside and settles himself on the lounge sofa. He’s so tall that his feet are sticking out over the armrests, like a long-legged stork. 
Hiding a smile, you climb back into bed, wrapping the bedding all around yourself.
“Good night,” you call out, and he makes a grumpy noise of acknowledgment. 
Your head drops back onto the soft pillow, and you close your eyes, ready to sleep. It’s such a nice bed. The sheets are cool and soft against your skin and smell of fresh eucalyptus. The mattress is the most comfortable you ever remember resting on, firm but somehow soft at the same time. You feel like you’re sleeping on a cloud. 
Moments go by, and you revel in the sumptuous bed, waiting for the best sleep of your life to claim you. 
Except it doesn’t. 
Somehow… you still can’t fall asleep. Is it… too soft maybe? You turn in the bed, twisting your torso to get into a position you can comfortably sink into, but something doesn’t feel right. There’s no lumpiness like at home, but that should be a good thing. 
Except… despite the decadent softness of the bed. Despite the fact that the sheets probably have a thread count with more zeros than your checking and savings accounts combined. Despite all of the luxury that surrounds you, you still find yourself tossing and turning and wide fucking awake.
The bed is too big. You don’t know what to do with all this space. Your body is not accustomed to this sort of decadence. What if you suffocate sinking into this soft fluffy pillow in your sleep? What if you toss and turn until you fall off this massive bed and break your neck? Maybe that’s how out of all of the universe’s attempts to kill you, you end up dying? 
You can’t sleep. 
You turn to your side and stare into the velvet lounge chaise on the opposite side of your room, where Miguel is. 
Quietly, you pad up to his still form until you’re standing in front of him and hunch over, trying to decide how rude it would be to wake him up again when there's nothing he can do about your stupid insomnia anyway.
In the dim light, you spot something glinting at you. Looking closer, you notice that the thin chain looped around his neck has escaped his shirt to pool on the fabric of the sofa cushion under him. You gently drag the loose end of the necklace toward you, and find a smooth golden band threaded onto it.
Picking it up cautiously, you flip it in your hand and find that there's something engraved on the inside.  It's hard to see in the darkness, but when you lean closer and squint your eyes, you can just make out what it says.
'MO'—undeniably the initials of one Miguel O'Hara.
Twisting the ring slightly, you find a tiny plus sign followed by your own initials, and your heart drops into the pit of your stomach.
The memory of sitting across Miguel at Starbucks returns to you, when you had asked him who you were to him. You think of the avoidant gaze and how he couldn't look you in the eye.
‘Something like that,’ huh?
Guess the other you wasn't just his girlfriend after all, you think, chest drawn so tight it’s painful.
Holding the wedding band in the palm of your hand, you slide down to sit down on the floor with your back pressed against the chaise lounge.
Your heart aches for the man in front of you and everything he's lost.  You really, really hope you're not going to end up as just another regret on his list.
~ Next Issue
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Dedication & Credits: As always to my best friend @thirstworldproblemss I am half asleep and running on fumes. I'm wording things poorly but I just want you to know that I am very happy I have you. Thank you for being my friend and for the time we get to spend together. I have the most fun when I'm with you.
Also to @guruan who is my muse, my source of inspiration. This chapter is dedicated to her because have you seen this beautiful piece of artwork she did for EYEM?!
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botgal · 3 months
Sorry to bother you but how are the age verification laws/bills gonna work? Are they just going to make you use your ID when you buy a new electronic? How are they going to enforce any of these
So the issue is that I'm really not sure any of the people making these laws know themselves how they plan to implement these. A lot of websites and platforms have a little known but documented feature where if for whatever reason their system thinks that you may be under 13 (the baseline age for basically any website with a user agreement for signing up), regardless of how long the account has been in use, you have to upload a picture of a photo ID with your picture and birth date to the individual website to prove to them that you're of age.
The problem, of course, being that even if their terms of doing so denote that any record of the presented ID will be erased after its been cleared, there will be no way to confirm that this has been done. Or even to prove that it's done right away and they don't keep a record of the ID for a period of time afterward.
I believe the assumption is that most sites with this requirement will have individual users upload their IDs in order to purchase age verified products on an online store or to view age verification required websites. Which can of course be dangerous to be flashing pictures of your sensitive data to any old unsecured site on the internet. And data breaches happen all the time, too.
There is also another idea I've seen floated around based on an idea from Europe. That certain devices will be "designated" as owned by adult users and will by default have access to these things.
Or, which I find to be even More egregious than even flashing your ID fo individual websites. They'd require a biometric scan which is intended to determine if the person who wants access physically Looks to be the age they claim they are. Which is not only asinine because individual humans don't always have a set standard of how they'll look at a certain age, and because allowing your biometric data to be taken anywhere you want to see can be even More dangerous.
Any of these can happen, a lot of the bills floating around I think don't even have a singular standard of how this will be enforced. Just open to possibilities. But just know that none of them are good.
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razorblade180 · 1 year
9 Days of Lancaster Day2: Roommates
Jaune Arc is no stranger to roommates. His entire life has known no such thing as a free space for him alone. This didn’t bother him. In many ways it prepared him for team living and other similar situations. However, he might have found the toughest situation yet.
Beacon is in the middle of a leadership workshop/retreat. All leaders of teams were sent off to take a special class far off on the other side of the kingdom. They had all been given money for living expenses near the site but everyone was pretty quick to figure out choosing the wrong place to stay or indulging in the revenue too much would leave them broke and miserable. Fortunately for Jaune, none of that was problem because Ruby and him decided to live together; giving them more than enough money left over to tackle anything.
The plan was solid and he didn’t regret it. However, it’s been three days so far and Jaune had learned his fellow leader was a tad messy at times and pretty laidback left to her own devices. These weren’t bad things, but has he grabbed the cover off the couch to put away, the sight of a red bra casually on the furniture again left him a little in distress.
Jaune:(Brothers give me the strength to endure…)
He dropped everything and ran towards the horror scream behind the bathroom door. Jaune didn’t even get a chance to knock before Ruby came running out with her hair still wet and body wrapped in white towel as she hid behind Jaune. The boys mind was barely functioning already and now this!? He quickly faced forward into the steamy bathroom and noticed a sizable spider hanging from its web.
Ruby:Kill it!
Jaune:Ruby…we fight monsters. This is where you choose to fold?
Ruby:Grimm don’t sneak up on me in the shower and do you see Crescent Rose on me!?
Jaune:Yeah that’s fair.
Without wavering, Ruby watches Jaune cuff the spider in his hands before flinging it into the still running shower. For it to meet its watery demise. She cheered in his honor, but quickly noticed his reluctance to fully look her way.
Jaune:Y’know if you kept your change clothes in the bathroom then you wouldn’t have to sprint out in a towel.
Ruby:But then they’ll get wet.
Jaune:Hang them! The steam gets out wrinkles. This is like the fourth time I’ve caught you in a towel.
Ruby:*raises brow* So you’re looking down the hallway every time I come out the shower. That’s interesting timing.
Jaune:I turn instinctively when I hear a door open! If I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re planning your exits.
Ruby:Pfft, you’re thinking of the wrong sister.
Jaune:I’ve met your dad. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree when it comes to either of you.
Ruby:You can turn the shower off by the way. I’m finished.
Jaune turns the faucet and turns to leave before remembering Ruby is still chillin in a towel. Now she has a second one for her hair. Thanks to Nora and sometimes Pyrrha, but mainly Nora, Jaune had gotten pretty good at hyper focusing on eyes. It was only difficult earlier because Ruby was much closer and well…short.
Jaune:While I have you here, can you please make sure not to leave your clothes out and about?
Ruby:Oh, where they everywhere?
Jaune:Not…everywhere. I just like to try and keep things tidy. Also…maybe change faster? You do have a speed semblance.
Ruby:Trust me, dashing out of here while wet ends with a hole in the wall and a bloody nose.
Jaune:That makes sense. Then maybe we could-
Ruby:Are you okay? I know we’re working out the details but I gotta say I’m a bit surprised. I’m not messier than your siblings am I?
Jaune:No, far from it. It’s more about the clothes and towel issues.
Ruby:But…*pouts* you never flack to Nora about it. I’ve seen her change in front of the two of us a bunch of times and you’re fine.
Jaune:That’s different!
Ruby:Wha- how!?
Jaune:Because….*red* She’s not you.
What a way to answer. Ruby noticed the redness on his cheeks and the brief moment his eyes betrayed his gaze before he completely turned his head. Ruby couldn’t say she was the greatest at reading in between the lines, but what he said was pretty darn obvious. Even so, Ruby now found herself a little red and choosing to respond in a way that truly was like her sister and father out of curiosity.
Ruby:Whatever do you mean~
His silence spoke volumes. Ruby looked down at herself and back up. Suddenly it was a little bit embarrassing to stay like this. She dried her feet on the carpet before dashing in and out of her room, now wearing her night tank top and some shorts.
Ruby:Sorry. I have gotten really comfortable around you, hehe… my bad.
Jaune:It’s okay. I mean why wouldn’t you be? We’re always so casual with each other so-
Ruby:No! I mean…*rubs arm* Why is this so weird to explain? It’s not that I’m simply comfortable enough to change around you. *blush* I am comfortable with the idea of you looking at me.
Ruby:…Sorry, was that weird to say?
Jaune:No it was…something that needed to be said.
Ruby:Umm sooo I’m reading what you correctly, right? You see me as not just a friend or fellow leader, but a girl? I girl that you…
Jaune:Yes, I’m attracted to you. I…like you.
Ruby: Ah, neat. That’s flattering actually. I think you’re pretty handsome soooo yeah. I’ll be more mindful.
Jaune:I mean if it’s intentional then-
Jaune:…I’m gonna stop talking now.
The knight awkwardly shuffles past Ruby. Thank goodness she lets him by. The girl stands there, pensively thinking about her actions. They weren’t all intentional but they were far from oblivious. Ruby dare say most were testing the waters. With concrete confirmation that Jaune saw her in a more alluring way, Ruby couldn’t help but feel very happy as well as a little nervous. After all, they had live under the same roof for at least 4 more days.
Ruby:This is gonna be a long workshop.
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scruffyplayssonic · 11 months
Are the ArchieSonic comics actually an 80's/90's syndicated cartoon? Episode 53: Henchman joins heroes for one time only
Welcome back to my look at the ArchieSonic comic series, and how it shared a lot of the same story tropes as a typical ‘80s or ‘90s syndicated cartoon! In most cartoons the contrast between the heroes and the main villain is pretty black and white. Good is good, bad is bad, and never shall they be able to find common ground. But what about the lesser villains? The henchmen, the mooks, the hired help? Sometimes those guys are portrayed in shades of grey instead…
Episode 53: Henchman joins heroes for one time only 
There could be any number of reasons a henchman might temporarily team up with the good guys. They could be a victim of memory loss or brainwashing, they might have had a disagreement with their boss that drove them into the arms of the heroes before they decide to go back to being a bad guy, they might need the heroes’ help to defeat an even bigger bad that’s usurped their boss, or they might join up with the heroes while claiming to have been reformed but secretly planning to stab them in the back. 
So what about in ArchieSonic? The best example we have here is a scheming little weasel of a man (not literally) named Colin Kintobor Jr, but who is better known as Snively Robotnik.
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Hoo boy, now here’s a guy whose loyalties seemed to change at the drop of a hat in ArchieSonic. Let’s take a look at this guy’s history, shall we? 
During the Great War Snively came to Mobotropolis to join his Uncle Julian, supposedly in service of King Acorn. But they were actually plotting a coup and successfully took over the Kingdom, exiling the King to the Zone of Silence and transforming most of the populace into robotic slaves.
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Snively remained in the service of the newly rechristened Dr. Robotnik afterwards as his right hand man, although that role was often seen being fulfilled by the badnik Crabmeat in the early issues before Snively was introduced (and sometimes even afterwards). As the years went by Snively started to become more disillusioned and less trusting of his uncle, as Robotnik suffered defeat after defeat at the hands of the Freedom Fighters and started growing more abusive towards Snively. Snively longed to take control of Robotnik’s empire and prove that he could do better, and took full opportunity to try and do so in Sonic #30 when Robotnik was accidentally trapped in another dimension called the Void.
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Robotnik soon returned though and the status quo returned to normal (aside from Uncle Chuck having regained his free will and joined forces with the Freedom Fighters). Snively started scheming about how to once again remove his uncle from power and was finally given the chance in Sonic #50 when Robotnik tried to use his superweapon, the Ultimate Annihilator.
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The device was programmed to erase Knothole Village from existence, but Snively sabotaged it so that it instead fired on Robotnik himself. Snively didn’t have long to enjoy his self-promotion to CEO of All Things Evil though, as he was captured just a few days later when the Freedom Fighters came a-knocking at the front door.
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Snively was imprisoned in the Devil’s Gulag, which led to the stuff I mentioned in one of the recent previous episodes. First there was the mysteriously engineered prison breakout, after which the other escapees put Snively in charge as they believed he was one who had freed them. Following that came the kidnapping of Nate Morgan, and Snively’s supposed death from a giant squid explosion when Nate’s rescue team barged in to save the day. However what actually happened was that at the last possible second he was teleported away and ended up in the clutches of none other than his supposed murder victim.
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Maybe he would have been better off with the squid.
So, here’s the bit where I get to the topic of the day. In Sonic #73 the Freedom Fighters finally figured out someone was using a series of satellites to wreak havoc on the planet - causing meteor showers, earthquakes, prison breaks, the re-enslavement of all the formerly freed Robians, fun stuff like that - and went into orbit to investigate. This led to them discovering that the satellites had now combined to form a large space station, run by none other than the very much not-dead Dr. Robotnik. Except surprise, it was a trick!
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After taking an accidental acid bath and melting off his fake skin, the big bad revealed himself to actually be Robo-Robotnik, the alternate dimensional counterpart of Robotnik who had tried to rule over all of reality with the Giant Borg. The Freedom Fighters were captured in an electric prison forcefield, but to their surprise Snively released them.
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He explained that he needed their help to escape, as Robo-Robotnik intended to roboticise him too. The Freedom Fighters weren’t exactly keen on teaming up with Snively, but they let him escape with them before blowing Robotnik’s space station up and heading back to the surface. Once back on the ground, Snively pointed out that their plan to evacuate back to Knothole Village was doomed to failure, as Robo-Robotnik would have escaped the explosion by downloading his memory into a new body back in Robotropolis (giving birth to his modern Eggman design) and would have a file telling him Knothole’s exact location.
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In exchange for keeping him safe from Robotnik’s shadowbots, Snively reluctantly agreed to join Sally and Sonic to sabotage Robotnik’s database and infect him with a virus (literally). 
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After that Snively disappeared for awhile, going out on his own and not reappearing until after the Sonic Adventure arc. Robotnik’s army recaptured Snively in Sonic #94, and he agreed to go back to working for Robotnik when he was offered the chance to deal with his previously unmentioned daddy issues.
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Having gotten that out of his system - and again, I mean that literally, as Snively willingly let himself be robotocised until the Bem intervened and deroboticised him - Snively stayed in his uncle’s employ until the Xorda invasion of the planet in Sonic #124, during which he mysteriously vanished. For awhile it was believed that Snively had been roboticised again, but this turned out to just be a duplicate that Eggman built for… some reason?
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He got bored of it pretty quickly though and had the “Silver Snively” project scrapped. The real Snively resurfaced in Sonic #152 though, when Sonic and his “Angels” (ew) were investigating a city made of nanites that had popped up overnight and was rapidly spreading across the land.
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Snively had developed some EMP detonators to halt the nanites, and after he explained himself to Sonic he worked with them to try and end the threat. Surprisingly, after this incident he actually joined the Knothole “Brain Trust” and continued his work on nanite experiments with them for a time.
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But he soon wondered what he was doing there and felt that it really didn’t suit him that well. So it was no surprise that when Eggman came sniffing around Knothole and offered Snively his old job back that he accepted the offer.
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But what was surprising was that this opportunistic, back-stabbing, power-hungry little man actually did have a moment of hesitation, because he was concerned for the well-being of his “step”sister Hope, who had been living in Knothole as a refugee ever since Eggman had roboticised her father and grandmother.
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Snively actually caring about anyone other than himself was something that hadn’t really been seen in the series before, but here he was trying to convince her to leave Knothole so that she didn’t get wiped out with everyone else when Eggman attacked, although of course he didn’t tell her that was the reason. After ensuring Hope’s survival Snively returned to the Eggman Empire, and this time he got a spiffy new uniform to go along with his new position.
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Snively stayed on the side of evil all the way through the rest of the pre-reboot era of the series, and ended up paying the price for that when he tried to break from the Eggman Empire and begin his own evil regime.
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Following the reboot Snively eventually showed up again, now sporting a beard (possibly to prove he could at least grow hair on his face? LOL) and working as a scientist for GUN.
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Commander Tower was rightfully suspicious of his motives, as Snively and Eggman had both previously worked for GUN as a step to creating the Eggman Empire and overthrowing King Acorn while trying to prevoke a war between the Kingdom of Acorn and the United Federation. In this timeline Snively left Dr. Eggman’s service much earlier than in pre-reboot. In fact, he returned to GUN right after the events of Sonic and Knuckles, claiming he’d been forced into working for Eggman and that he had in fact been spying on him the entire time and looking for an opportunity to escape.
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Commander Tower let him come back to work for them, expecting that he was planning something shifty and that he would try to stab them in the back, but hoping to catch him in the act. Sure enough, Snively did have some sort of evil plan in the works.
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Unfortunately the series was cancelled before we got to see exactly what he had cooking.
I would also like to give a brief shoutout to Bean and Bark for this segment. It’s true that they weren’t part of the Eggman Empire, but they did take on jobs for Eggy as mercenaries for hire - in fact, they were working for him for almost the entirety of the post-reboot series. But there were a couple of times where they briefly joined forces with the heroes too. In Sonic #187 Mammoth Mogul put out a bounty on Sonic, and pretty much every scruffy ne'er do well Sonic had ever fought joined forces to try and take him out.
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During this battle Sally offered Bean and Bark double whatever they were being paid to take out Sonic if they helped her fight back against the other mercenaries instead. They quickly agreed and started attacking their former allies, but when the mercs managed to capture Sonic Bean and Bark decided to cut their losses and quickly switched sides again, figuring they might as well get paid by someone. Bean and Bark later also briefly joined forces with Blaze, Marine, Amy and Cream in the Sol dimension to take on the dreaded Captain Metal. Having been sent to the Sol dimension during the second Genesis wave that came with the comics’ reboot, Bean and Bark had initially joined forces with Captain Metal.
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But after they stole Captain Metal’s Sol Emerald they came into conflict with both his pirate crew and that of Captain Whisker, and so they ended up working with Blaze’s team against their common enemies.
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Are there any other instances of henchmen briefly joining forces with the good guys in ArchieSonic that I missed? Let me know in the comments! Next time I’ll be looking at - what is it again? Let me see here… “Random child rescues hero. The episode’s all about him now.” Hmmm, that’s another tricky one. I’ll have to think hard on that one and see what I can come up with.
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caniaska-question · 2 years
Part five! Of the the communal parenting au, Jon himself!
They’re similar to canon in a couple ways (workaholic, socially awkward, cares for people a lot but doesn’t show it), but being raised by not-humans, even just the other avatars, has sort of enhanced that.
Things that most people know about (laws, social contracts, how to act Normal) the Entities just don’t especially care about- the avatars do their best, Annabelle mostly teaches him how to be socially normal, even if it’s from a place of ‘how to make people like you’, Robert Montauk teaches them about laws and police, although Jon still doesn’t get it (he and Julia are friends in this). He is quite literally communally raised, and there are still times something human will catch him and they have to go on the group chat he has with the avatars to make sure he’s understanding it.
They also give off a vibe- it changes depending on the entity he’s channelling, but it’s always there. He’s gotten it down to only affecting people if he’s overly emotional, which is also when they become a bit more eldritch looking (think season 5/post ascension), but it’s still an issue.
His connection to the entities is difficult to explain- they aren’t an avatar of anyone except the Eye, but they do have a connection. He explained it to Annabelle once as showing the Entities what the Eye wanted them to See, sort of a communication device between the Entities- he also sometimes does side quests for them, which makes the Entités like them more. If the Eye had a conscience in the way the Web does, it would be Jon. The other entities sort of influence him, rather than outright have a hold. Annabelle responded saying he was sort of like a web between the entities, and has called them ‘little web’ ever since.
He likes humans more than the Entities advise, especially his group of them- all archive staff, the later staff, Georgie, Gertrude, ect- but so long as none of the fears try to feed off them, he’s fine. He doesn’t justify it as anything other than the Entities trying to feed, and since they’ve never known anything different, so long as the people are able to keep living, he’s alright with how the avatars get people (he still would rather they don’t kidnap and seriously hurt them, but they try not to interfere with other avatars work).
Also, that idea of him going into a coma to talk with the Entities- very real. The avatars don’t believe him at first, since direct contact is difficult enough with only one Entity, but Jon said it was a little like being in A Space and also nowhere he knew, and some of the Entities talked to them, the Eye especially, and kept asking what he wanted and gave some small ideas and advice on how to deal with the whole ‘I’m technically possessed by one but also lots of eldritch fear Gods, but one specifically.’ They asked him to stay, but he wanted to see his Grandma and Annabelle and Julia and everyone again, so they let him go (the corruption agreed that he needed a group of people- a hive, it called them- in order to flourish, and argued for them). The avatars believe it only because their Gods agree. It’s sort of cute, hearing Jon talk about the Entités as some kind of extended family/parent group, but also very terrifying that this child talks to Fear Gods every time he goes into a coma (it happens very often).
The first time this happens in front of the archive staff, they forget to tell them that if he ever collapses and just stops breathing or having a pulse, it’s fine, he’s not dead, they’re just having a quick chat with the Vast about proper safety on airplanes. Jon got yelled at quite a bit when they woke up while the assistants were having a collective panic attack.
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To save a mockingbird (4)
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Word count: 1300
Warnings: none
I thought the sequels could do with more representation and that Rose shouldn't be the only one. I firmly believe that if General Hux allowed himself to enjoy a Jaleebi, the man would have left the First Order long ago, now that Jaleebi is canon in the Starwars universe based on Visions 2 😆
Chapter 4
The house was quaint, his ankle itched. The tracker was strapped to his skin that even when he took a bath, he would not be free of it. While she was given a device, to monitor his location and to make sure he was within bounds. He entered, his nose scrunched up. The ceiling was quite low but it was homely and maybe that’s why he didn’t like it. It was easy to tell that she had a cherished family with how artefacts lined the wall and the space looked lived in. A stark contrast to his quarters, he didn’t even own a pair of favourite slippers or a caf mug. Detached, much like the fleet itself, all this felt new to him. A frail woman sat in a seat as she remained busy with her crochet needles.
“This isn’t much.”, Marjorie chose her words as she turned to him. She felt overprotective of this space, of Aachi. This place was not up for strangers and yet, here he was. It felt like he was evening out the scores, because she had infiltrated his space, he had now chosen to do so.
“But it is my home.”, she told him and he marveled at her as she commanded the room.
As she spoke, the old woman had spotted him and to his surprise she smiled at him. Was everyone in her family mad? He waited and observed as she hobbled into the kitchen, to soon return with a plate full of colourful sweets. What was this custom?
He hated sweets, he preferred his caf without sugar, delicacies often reminded him of his mother or gave life to dormant memories that he would have much preferred to have forgotten now. He spent his early days relating to her like the kitchen maid, never once thinking twice about the love in her eyes. Only when he got to know who she was, he was sent away to the academy, never to return, never to see her again.
“It’s been so long since we’ve had visitors.”, she held the plate to him but his eyes shot to see Majorie and in the brief time he had known her, he saw sadness flicker over her features.
“She’s never brought a man home.”, the lady continued to say with a mischievous smile and Hux wasn’t sure if he should just say something cruel, to kill whatever this was that other people could pick up on his thoughts. Instead he took a step back, unbothered, not wishing to respond.
“He’s a little skinny but that’s an easy fix.”, she continued but he watched as Marjorie enveloped her grandmother in tender care and led her away into a room, explaining that he was only someone from work. Interesting, the spy had a weakness.
He inspected the device on his foot. He took in the space around him again. A week here and he was certain to go insane. The door creaked and she was back in his line of sight.
“I don’t like this, just as much as you don’t.”, Marjorie spoke clearly.
“I apologize on behalf of my grandmother, she’s just been …”, she grew silent and the words bubbled in his mouth.
It wasn’t an issue.
But he stayed quite again, he was never chivalrous or charming and he didn't know why he wanted to show her that he did have a couple manners left within him. He thought of questions but was in a war with himself. He didn’t need to know more, about the sweets or the old lady or the tapestry on the wall or why she was sad?
What was it to him? Collecting information would prove useful later, a thought eased him. He convinced himself that this was a mission and his mouth spit out the words his mind had strung together.
“Anyone else I need to know about?”, he said it without care or concern and watched as her faced twisted slightly.
“My father hasn’t been around since I was a child.”, she answered him still.
“My mother is …”, she met his gaze and there it was, that sadness, that moment causing his heart to twitch for the first time.
“She was on Hosnian Prime.”, she said softly and he looked away. He was certain it was the lack of a breakfast but a void in his heart tore open and all he wanted was to leave, his body craving the untouchable silence of his quarters on the fleet. Her soft gaze now made his skin crawl.
“Her room is the only one that’s vacant. But there’s nothing in it either way, so you do not need to worry.”, she spoke as though she had seen through him.
As he turned to enter the room, he heard her shuffle closer and as he turned, the tip of his nose was an inch away from hers when he spotted she had caught the edge of his shirt, mindful to not touch him in the process but enough to draw his attention.
“I know you plan to escape. I can’t stop you. But if you ever, bring down harm to this house or to my grandmother,”, she paused but he felt the air turn electric.
“Let’s just say that wouldn’t be favourable for you.”, she said calmly but her eyes were a storm, one he was entranced by. Her warning held a deadly note and it only made his blood sparkle.
She let go and turned away. That it was a question which only had one answer. He had to comply to win her over just long enough for the betrayal to hurt. He was an expert at this.
“The door stays open. You show up for meal times, you will help around the house and keep your head down.”, she barked her orders as she pulled out sheets of paper.
“Each week contains tasks for you to complete and at the end of each day, you bestow us with the secrets you know or help with decrypting messages.”, she instructed him.
“You’re working with the mechanics tomorrow.”, she wasn’t sure how good he was with vehicles or anything outside of sitting in powerful places.
His hands looked soft and free of callouses that she could deduce he wasn’t one to have any experience with manual labour. He didn’t respond to her, while he stood there, while his green eyes read her gestures and expression. Arrogance, she never liked it. So instead of letting her mind dwell on his features and mannerisms, she moved on.
“Found these in the 'Lost and Found' department.”, she picked up a box that was next to her and held it out to him. It was full of clothes and objects that would prove useful to him in his stay here.
He took it but never said thank you and she wondered if he even knew the basics of human communication and etiquette.
She lead him into the room but her mind had forgotten him, although there was nothing here, she still felt the coldness and the vacancy. The bed was in the corner, the walls were bare making it devoid of any life. Turning around to see him take in the surroundings, she was certain he was going to keep it in the same state.
“Lunch is an hour’s time. You could start off by helping in the kitchen for today.”, she couldn’t stay another second here or notice the inquisitive look on his face that was washing away all the kindness she had left in herself because now she wanted to yell at him to spit it out. Was he sorry? Or could he ever feel remorse?
She didn’t have anything left to tell him, so she left.
The room was cold and empty, just like she had said. It felt like home, he thought as he took it in, inhaling deeply to catch the faint smell of Marjorie's perfume which was the only attribute he didn’t mind or rather wanted to memorise. Because when something felt like home, that was when the monsters crept to take a hold of him. The box had shirts and pants, none of which he would ever be found in. But it seemed better that the brown jumpsuit so he dropped the box onto the mattress as he took a seat next to it by the corner.
His life had decided to remind him of his past and all his wrongdoing was finally catching up to him. He let his head fall into his hands finally. The kitchen of all places was his first test.
He sat alone and in the quiet, he’ll escape tomorrow, he was sure of it. He will steal an x-wing and before anyone caught on, he will be back as the General to rain hell on this base. The rage burned deep within, there was no redemption for him.
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wilson120 · 2 years
Having a reliable source of ice cubes is a huge time saver, and those lucky enough to own an LG refrigerator with an ice maker already know this. An ice maker that suddenly stops working or doesn't work due to a malfunction can be highly unpleasant. Luckily, your LG refrigerator's ice maker is easy to reset, which can usually fix the problem. LG is a well-known home appliance brand for its reliable products and innovative features. If you have an LG refrigerator, you like how modern it looks and how easy it is to use. And if your ice maker isn't working right, you might need to reset it to get it going again. If you are worried about your ice maker and wondering How to reset your LG refrigerator ice maker, then this article will explain all about it. We'll describe how to locate, press, and hold the reset button and what to do if it doesn't reset your device. You can enjoy a continuous supply of ice cubes by following these instructions. How do I reset my LG refrigerator ice maker? Let us Know the Reason. To know How I reset my LG refrigerator ice maker, we will first take a tour of why my ice maker stopped working, what the solutions are, what safety warnings and precautions, maintenance, and common issues are, and finally, how to clean it. So, let's move to unveil all of the above: Why is my LG fridge freezer not making ice?/ What causes the ice maker to stop making ice? Many homes have ice makers because they are helpful. But, like any other appliance, they can break down. If your ice maker isn't making ice, there could be a few problems. Problems with Water Supply: Your ice maker may not be working because of a water supply problem. Ensure the water line is connected and the water pressure is high enough. Also, check to see if the line has any knots or breaks that could be causing the blockage. Frozen Water Lines: Frozen water lines could be another cause if your ice maker stopped working. It can happen when the freezer is set to a too-low temperature. If the water in the supply line freezes, it can block the water flow to the ice maker and stop it from making ice. Faulty Water Inlet Valve: The valve that lets water into the ice maker controls how much water goes in. If this valve breaks, water won't be able to get to the ice maker. You can use a multimeter or call a professional to test the valve. Ice Maker Not Working: If none of this is the problem, the ice maker is broken. It may occur for several reasons, such as a broken motor or thermostat. In this case, it's best to call a professional to find out what's wrong and fix it. Thus, several things could have caused your ice maker to stop working. If you know what could be causing the problem, you can try to fix it yourself or call a professional for help. What are the Safety warnings and Precautions for LG refrigerator icemakers? Ice makers are helpful home appliances, but following some safety tips and precautions is essential to avoid accidents or damage to the appliance. Here are some things you should remember: Always read the instructions carefully and do what they say. It includes setting it up, using it, and keeping it in good shape. Keep the ice maker area tidy. It prevents appliance damage and risks. Avoid touching the ice maker's interior. Metal pieces are sharp and can injure. Unplug and switch off the ice maker before moving it. It will avoid electrical mishaps and appliance damage. Put only a little ice in the ice maker. It can make the machine break down or stop working. The ice maker should be level. It won't fall over or shake. Keep kids and pets away from the ice maker. It's not a toy and can be harmful if used poorly. Clean and replace worn ice maker parts regularly. It will make sure it works well and lasts a long time. By taking these safety warnings and precautions, you can enjoy the convenience of an ice maker while keeping your family and home safe. How to Maintain Ice Maker? If you have
an LG ice maker, it's essential to take care of it to keep it working well and make clean, fresh ice. Here are some ways to keep your LG ice maker in good shape: Clean the ice maker's exterior regularly with a damp cloth and mild soap. Clean the ice bin and tray with warm water and mild soap to keep minerals or bacteria from building up. To maintain clean, crisp ice, replace the water filter as the manufacturer directs. Look for leaks or damage in the water supply line, and replace it if necessary. Check the temperature settings to ensure the ice maker is set to the best ice-making temperature. Maintain a clean space around the ice maker to avoid risks and appliance damage. You should have a professional check on your ice maker once a year to ensure it is in good working order and prevent any problems. Using these tips, you can keep your LG ice maker in great shape and always have fresh ice on hand. Common Issues LG ice makers can break down sometimes, just like any other appliance. Here are a few of the common problems you might face: If your ice maker isn't making ice, it could be because the water filter is clogged, the water inlet valve is broken, or the thermostat is broken. If your ice maker makes cloudy ice or a different color, this is usually a sign of a dirty ice bin, water supply line, or worn-out water filter. If your ice maker makes ice cubes that are too small or need to be the proper shape, this could be because of a problem with the temperature settings or a clogged water supply line. If your ice maker is making loud or strange noises, it could be because the motor is worn out or a part is loose or broken.   If you have any of these problems, it's best to check the manufacturer's manual or call a professional to help you figure out what's wrong and fix it. How do I reset my LG refrigerator ice maker? Now come to the main issue that you are facing and fix it. Just scroll down! The LG Ice Maker Doesn't Work When the LG ice maker doesn't work, it's usually because the water line is kinked, the water filter is in the wrong place, or the water filter is dirty and needs to be replaced. Before moving on, check the system. If the LG ice maker tray doesn't turn, you may need to press a button to get it going again. If the LG ice maker tray doesn't turn, you may need to press a button to get it going again. f the LG fridge isn't making enough ice, check for kinks in the water lines. Ensure sure there are no clogs, either on the inside or the exterior of the tubes. Check that the water line is connected to the ice maker and that the water supply is on. If the ice maker in your LG refrigerator isn't filling with water, this is probably the problem. If you roughly open and close the refrigerator doors, the ice maker can get moved enough to stop making ice cubes. If you turn on the ice maker, the machine can take up to 24 hours to start producing ice. Before turning the ice maker back on, Clean off any ice cubes stuck to the machine or that have fallen and stuck to its outside. When you shake ice chips loose while using an ice maker, they can fall into puddles. Have some towels on hand to help keep the floor from getting slippery and making it dangerous. After checking everything and seeing that it works, reset the LG ice maker. LG makes a few ice makers, so using the manual will make things easier. LG Ice Maker Reset The on/off switch for the ice maker is on the left side of the unit. An icon for ice on/off will be displayed on the refrigerator's screen. A test/fill button is on the bottom of the front of the tray. Hold that button down until the ice maker starts to turn and go through a cycle. You must take the bin out if the ice maker doesn't work. LG says to give the ice maker a few firm but gentle shakes before putting the bin back in and turning off the unit for 30 seconds. Turn on the device again. Give the ice machine about four to six hours to start making
ice. It might need to be fixed or replaced if it won't turn on or make ice. Replacing the ice maker should be easy if you know how to work with electrical systems. FAQ Q: Where is the LG Maker's button to start over? A: The filling and testing button is on the tray's bottom. Keep pressing until the icemaker rotates and cycles. If the maker doesn't cycle, you must take the bin out. Q: How long does it take for the LG maker to make ice? A: The icemaker can make about 100 cubes in 24 hours. It may take up to 90 minutes to empty the bin and 24 hours to refill it. Q: How can I reset the LG refrigerator's fault code? A: If your freezer shows the error code FF, it means that the motor of your freezer fan is broken. After 20 minutes, you can unplug your LG refrigerator. Then connect it to power again. Conclusion Pushing and holding the button labeled "reset" for around five seconds will allow you to reset the ice maker on your LG refrigerator. Alternatively, try unplugging the fridge for a few minutes. Remember that it could take the ice maker up to 24 hours to produce a full batch of ice once it has been turned back on. See the user guide with your LG refrigerator, or contact LG's support team if you need help. You can easily reset the ice maker on your LG refrigerator by following these steps, and then you can get back to enjoying freshly made ice in no time.
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wayland23 · 2 years
Having a reliable source of ice cubes is a huge time saver, and those lucky enough to own an LG refrigerator with an ice maker already know this. An ice maker that suddenly stops working or doesn't work due to a malfunction can be highly unpleasant. Luckily, your LG refrigerator's ice maker is easy to reset, which can usually fix the problem. LG is a well-known home appliance brand for its reliable products and innovative features. If you have an LG refrigerator, you like how modern it looks and how easy it is to use. And if your ice maker isn't working right, you might need to reset it to get it going again. If you are worried about your ice maker and wondering How to reset your LG refrigerator ice maker, then this article will explain all about it. We'll describe how to locate, press, and hold the reset button and what to do if it doesn't reset your device. You can enjoy a continuous supply of ice cubes by following these instructions. How do I reset my LG refrigerator ice maker? Let us Know the Reason. To know How I reset my LG refrigerator ice maker, we will first take a tour of why my ice maker stopped working, what the solutions are, what safety warnings and precautions, maintenance, and common issues are, and finally, how to clean it. So, let's move to unveil all of the above: Why is my LG fridge freezer not making ice?/ What causes the ice maker to stop making ice? Many homes have ice makers because they are helpful. But, like any other appliance, they can break down. If your ice maker isn't making ice, there could be a few problems. Problems with Water Supply: Your ice maker may not be working because of a water supply problem. Ensure the water line is connected and the water pressure is high enough. Also, check to see if the line has any knots or breaks that could be causing the blockage. Frozen Water Lines: Frozen water lines could be another cause if your ice maker stopped working. It can happen when the freezer is set to a too-low temperature. If the water in the supply line freezes, it can block the water flow to the ice maker and stop it from making ice. Faulty Water Inlet Valve: The valve that lets water into the ice maker controls how much water goes in. If this valve breaks, water won't be able to get to the ice maker. You can use a multimeter or call a professional to test the valve. Ice Maker Not Working: If none of this is the problem, the ice maker is broken. It may occur for several reasons, such as a broken motor or thermostat. In this case, it's best to call a professional to find out what's wrong and fix it. Thus, several things could have caused your ice maker to stop working. If you know what could be causing the problem, you can try to fix it yourself or call a professional for help. What are the Safety warnings and Precautions for LG refrigerator icemakers? Ice makers are helpful home appliances, but following some safety tips and precautions is essential to avoid accidents or damage to the appliance. Here are some things you should remember: Always read the instructions carefully and do what they say. It includes setting it up, using it, and keeping it in good shape. Keep the ice maker area tidy. It prevents appliance damage and risks. Avoid touching the ice maker's interior. Metal pieces are sharp and can injure. Unplug and switch off the ice maker before moving it. It will avoid electrical mishaps and appliance damage. Put only a little ice in the ice maker. It can make the machine break down or stop working. The ice maker should be level. It won't fall over or shake. Keep kids and pets away from the ice maker. It's not a toy and can be harmful if used poorly. Clean and replace worn ice maker parts regularly. It will make sure it works well and lasts a long time. By taking these safety warnings and precautions, you can enjoy the convenience of an ice maker while keeping your family and home safe. How to Maintain Ice Maker? If you have
an LG ice maker, it's essential to take care of it to keep it working well and make clean, fresh ice. Here are some ways to keep your LG ice maker in good shape: Clean the ice maker's exterior regularly with a damp cloth and mild soap. Clean the ice bin and tray with warm water and mild soap to keep minerals or bacteria from building up. To maintain clean, crisp ice, replace the water filter as the manufacturer directs. Look for leaks or damage in the water supply line, and replace it if necessary. Check the temperature settings to ensure the ice maker is set to the best ice-making temperature. Maintain a clean space around the ice maker to avoid risks and appliance damage. You should have a professional check on your ice maker once a year to ensure it is in good working order and prevent any problems. Using these tips, you can keep your LG ice maker in great shape and always have fresh ice on hand. Common Issues LG ice makers can break down sometimes, just like any other appliance. Here are a few of the common problems you might face: If your ice maker isn't making ice, it could be because the water filter is clogged, the water inlet valve is broken, or the thermostat is broken. If your ice maker makes cloudy ice or a different color, this is usually a sign of a dirty ice bin, water supply line, or worn-out water filter. If your ice maker makes ice cubes that are too small or need to be the proper shape, this could be because of a problem with the temperature settings or a clogged water supply line. If your ice maker is making loud or strange noises, it could be because the motor is worn out or a part is loose or broken.   If you have any of these problems, it's best to check the manufacturer's manual or call a professional to help you figure out what's wrong and fix it. How do I reset my LG refrigerator ice maker? Now come to the main issue that you are facing and fix it. Just scroll down! The LG Ice Maker Doesn't Work When the LG ice maker doesn't work, it's usually because the water line is kinked, the water filter is in the wrong place, or the water filter is dirty and needs to be replaced. Before moving on, check the system. If the LG ice maker tray doesn't turn, you may need to press a button to get it going again. If the LG ice maker tray doesn't turn, you may need to press a button to get it going again. f the LG fridge isn't making enough ice, check for kinks in the water lines. Ensure sure there are no clogs, either on the inside or the exterior of the tubes. Check that the water line is connected to the ice maker and that the water supply is on. If the ice maker in your LG refrigerator isn't filling with water, this is probably the problem. If you roughly open and close the refrigerator doors, the ice maker can get moved enough to stop making ice cubes. If you turn on the ice maker, the machine can take up to 24 hours to start producing ice. Before turning the ice maker back on, Clean off any ice cubes stuck to the machine or that have fallen and stuck to its outside. When you shake ice chips loose while using an ice maker, they can fall into puddles. Have some towels on hand to help keep the floor from getting slippery and making it dangerous. After checking everything and seeing that it works, reset the LG ice maker. LG makes a few ice makers, so using the manual will make things easier. LG Ice Maker Reset The on/off switch for the ice maker is on the left side of the unit. An icon for ice on/off will be displayed on the refrigerator's screen. A test/fill button is on the bottom of the front of the tray. Hold that button down until the ice maker starts to turn and go through a cycle. You must take the bin out if the ice maker doesn't work. LG says to give the ice maker a few firm but gentle shakes before putting the bin back in and turning off the unit for 30 seconds. Turn on the device again. Give the ice machine about four to six hours to start making
ice. It might need to be fixed or replaced if it won't turn on or make ice. Replacing the ice maker should be easy if you know how to work with electrical systems. FAQ Q: Where is the LG Maker's button to start over? A: The filling and testing button is on the tray's bottom. Keep pressing until the icemaker rotates and cycles. If the maker doesn't cycle, you must take the bin out. Q: How long does it take for the LG maker to make ice? A: The icemaker can make about 100 cubes in 24 hours. It may take up to 90 minutes to empty the bin and 24 hours to refill it. Q: How can I reset the LG refrigerator's fault code? A: If your freezer shows the error code FF, it means that the motor of your freezer fan is broken. After 20 minutes, you can unplug your LG refrigerator. Then connect it to power again. Conclusion Pushing and holding the button labeled "reset" for around five seconds will allow you to reset the ice maker on your LG refrigerator. Alternatively, try unplugging the fridge for a few minutes. Remember that it could take the ice maker up to 24 hours to produce a full batch of ice once it has been turned back on. See the user guide with your LG refrigerator, or contact LG's support team if you need help. You can easily reset the ice maker on your LG refrigerator by following these steps, and then you can get back to enjoying freshly made ice in no time.
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partida752 · 2 years
Having a reliable source of ice cubes is a huge time saver, and those lucky enough to own an LG refrigerator with an ice maker already know this. An ice maker that suddenly stops working or doesn't work due to a malfunction can be highly unpleasant. Luckily, your LG refrigerator's ice maker is easy to reset, which can usually fix the problem. LG is a well-known home appliance brand for its reliable products and innovative features. If you have an LG refrigerator, you like how modern it looks and how easy it is to use. And if your ice maker isn't working right, you might need to reset it to get it going again. If you are worried about your ice maker and wondering How to reset your LG refrigerator ice maker, then this article will explain all about it. We'll describe how to locate, press, and hold the reset button and what to do if it doesn't reset your device. You can enjoy a continuous supply of ice cubes by following these instructions. How do I reset my LG refrigerator ice maker? Let us Know the Reason. To know How I reset my LG refrigerator ice maker, we will first take a tour of why my ice maker stopped working, what the solutions are, what safety warnings and precautions, maintenance, and common issues are, and finally, how to clean it. So, let's move to unveil all of the above: Why is my LG fridge freezer not making ice?/ What causes the ice maker to stop making ice? Many homes have ice makers because they are helpful. But, like any other appliance, they can break down. If your ice maker isn't making ice, there could be a few problems. Problems with Water Supply: Your ice maker may not be working because of a water supply problem. Ensure the water line is connected and the water pressure is high enough. Also, check to see if the line has any knots or breaks that could be causing the blockage. Frozen Water Lines: Frozen water lines could be another cause if your ice maker stopped working. It can happen when the freezer is set to a too-low temperature. If the water in the supply line freezes, it can block the water flow to the ice maker and stop it from making ice. Faulty Water Inlet Valve: The valve that lets water into the ice maker controls how much water goes in. If this valve breaks, water won't be able to get to the ice maker. You can use a multimeter or call a professional to test the valve. Ice Maker Not Working: If none of this is the problem, the ice maker is broken. It may occur for several reasons, such as a broken motor or thermostat. In this case, it's best to call a professional to find out what's wrong and fix it. Thus, several things could have caused your ice maker to stop working. If you know what could be causing the problem, you can try to fix it yourself or call a professional for help. What are the Safety warnings and Precautions for LG refrigerator icemakers? Ice makers are helpful home appliances, but following some safety tips and precautions is essential to avoid accidents or damage to the appliance. Here are some things you should remember: Always read the instructions carefully and do what they say. It includes setting it up, using it, and keeping it in good shape. Keep the ice maker area tidy. It prevents appliance damage and risks. Avoid touching the ice maker's interior. Metal pieces are sharp and can injure. Unplug and switch off the ice maker before moving it. It will avoid electrical mishaps and appliance damage. Put only a little ice in the ice maker. It can make the machine break down or stop working. The ice maker should be level. It won't fall over or shake. Keep kids and pets away from the ice maker. It's not a toy and can be harmful if used poorly. Clean and replace worn ice maker parts regularly. It will make sure it works well and lasts a long time. By taking these safety warnings and precautions, you can enjoy the convenience of an ice maker while keeping your family and home safe. How to Maintain Ice Maker? If you have
an LG ice maker, it's essential to take care of it to keep it working well and make clean, fresh ice. Here are some ways to keep your LG ice maker in good shape: Clean the ice maker's exterior regularly with a damp cloth and mild soap. Clean the ice bin and tray with warm water and mild soap to keep minerals or bacteria from building up. To maintain clean, crisp ice, replace the water filter as the manufacturer directs. Look for leaks or damage in the water supply line, and replace it if necessary. Check the temperature settings to ensure the ice maker is set to the best ice-making temperature. Maintain a clean space around the ice maker to avoid risks and appliance damage. You should have a professional check on your ice maker once a year to ensure it is in good working order and prevent any problems. Using these tips, you can keep your LG ice maker in great shape and always have fresh ice on hand. Common Issues LG ice makers can break down sometimes, just like any other appliance. Here are a few of the common problems you might face: If your ice maker isn't making ice, it could be because the water filter is clogged, the water inlet valve is broken, or the thermostat is broken. If your ice maker makes cloudy ice or a different color, this is usually a sign of a dirty ice bin, water supply line, or worn-out water filter. If your ice maker makes ice cubes that are too small or need to be the proper shape, this could be because of a problem with the temperature settings or a clogged water supply line. If your ice maker is making loud or strange noises, it could be because the motor is worn out or a part is loose or broken.   If you have any of these problems, it's best to check the manufacturer's manual or call a professional to help you figure out what's wrong and fix it. How do I reset my LG refrigerator ice maker? Now come to the main issue that you are facing and fix it. Just scroll down! The LG Ice Maker Doesn't Work When the LG ice maker doesn't work, it's usually because the water line is kinked, the water filter is in the wrong place, or the water filter is dirty and needs to be replaced. Before moving on, check the system. If the LG ice maker tray doesn't turn, you may need to press a button to get it going again. If the LG ice maker tray doesn't turn, you may need to press a button to get it going again. f the LG fridge isn't making enough ice, check for kinks in the water lines. Ensure sure there are no clogs, either on the inside or the exterior of the tubes. Check that the water line is connected to the ice maker and that the water supply is on. If the ice maker in your LG refrigerator isn't filling with water, this is probably the problem. If you roughly open and close the refrigerator doors, the ice maker can get moved enough to stop making ice cubes. If you turn on the ice maker, the machine can take up to 24 hours to start producing ice. Before turning the ice maker back on, Clean off any ice cubes stuck to the machine or that have fallen and stuck to its outside. When you shake ice chips loose while using an ice maker, they can fall into puddles. Have some towels on hand to help keep the floor from getting slippery and making it dangerous. After checking everything and seeing that it works, reset the LG ice maker. LG makes a few ice makers, so using the manual will make things easier. LG Ice Maker Reset The on/off switch for the ice maker is on the left side of the unit. An icon for ice on/off will be displayed on the refrigerator's screen. A test/fill button is on the bottom of the front of the tray. Hold that button down until the ice maker starts to turn and go through a cycle. You must take the bin out if the ice maker doesn't work. LG says to give the ice maker a few firm but gentle shakes before putting the bin back in and turning off the unit for 30 seconds. Turn on the device again. Give the ice machine about four to six hours to start making
ice. It might need to be fixed or replaced if it won't turn on or make ice. Replacing the ice maker should be easy if you know how to work with electrical systems. FAQ Q: Where is the LG Maker's button to start over? A: The filling and testing button is on the tray's bottom. Keep pressing until the icemaker rotates and cycles. If the maker doesn't cycle, you must take the bin out. Q: How long does it take for the LG maker to make ice? A: The icemaker can make about 100 cubes in 24 hours. It may take up to 90 minutes to empty the bin and 24 hours to refill it. Q: How can I reset the LG refrigerator's fault code? A: If your freezer shows the error code FF, it means that the motor of your freezer fan is broken. After 20 minutes, you can unplug your LG refrigerator. Then connect it to power again. Conclusion Pushing and holding the button labeled "reset" for around five seconds will allow you to reset the ice maker on your LG refrigerator. Alternatively, try unplugging the fridge for a few minutes. Remember that it could take the ice maker up to 24 hours to produce a full batch of ice once it has been turned back on. See the user guide with your LG refrigerator, or contact LG's support team if you need help. You can easily reset the ice maker on your LG refrigerator by following these steps, and then you can get back to enjoying freshly made ice in no time.
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marion485 · 2 years
Having a reliable source of ice cubes is a huge time saver, and those lucky enough to own an LG refrigerator with an ice maker already know this. An ice maker that suddenly stops working or doesn't work due to a malfunction can be highly unpleasant. Luckily, your LG refrigerator's ice maker is easy to reset, which can usually fix the problem. LG is a well-known home appliance brand for its reliable products and innovative features. If you have an LG refrigerator, you like how modern it looks and how easy it is to use. And if your ice maker isn't working right, you might need to reset it to get it going again. If you are worried about your ice maker and wondering How to reset your LG refrigerator ice maker, then this article will explain all about it. We'll describe how to locate, press, and hold the reset button and what to do if it doesn't reset your device. You can enjoy a continuous supply of ice cubes by following these instructions. How do I reset my LG refrigerator ice maker? Let us Know the Reason. To know How I reset my LG refrigerator ice maker, we will first take a tour of why my ice maker stopped working, what the solutions are, what safety warnings and precautions, maintenance, and common issues are, and finally, how to clean it. So, let's move to unveil all of the above: Why is my LG fridge freezer not making ice?/ What causes the ice maker to stop making ice? Many homes have ice makers because they are helpful. But, like any other appliance, they can break down. If your ice maker isn't making ice, there could be a few problems. Problems with Water Supply: Your ice maker may not be working because of a water supply problem. Ensure the water line is connected and the water pressure is high enough. Also, check to see if the line has any knots or breaks that could be causing the blockage. Frozen Water Lines: Frozen water lines could be another cause if your ice maker stopped working. It can happen when the freezer is set to a too-low temperature. If the water in the supply line freezes, it can block the water flow to the ice maker and stop it from making ice. Faulty Water Inlet Valve: The valve that lets water into the ice maker controls how much water goes in. If this valve breaks, water won't be able to get to the ice maker. You can use a multimeter or call a professional to test the valve. Ice Maker Not Working: If none of this is the problem, the ice maker is broken. It may occur for several reasons, such as a broken motor or thermostat. In this case, it's best to call a professional to find out what's wrong and fix it. Thus, several things could have caused your ice maker to stop working. If you know what could be causing the problem, you can try to fix it yourself or call a professional for help. What are the Safety warnings and Precautions for LG refrigerator icemakers? Ice makers are helpful home appliances, but following some safety tips and precautions is essential to avoid accidents or damage to the appliance. Here are some things you should remember: Always read the instructions carefully and do what they say. It includes setting it up, using it, and keeping it in good shape. Keep the ice maker area tidy. It prevents appliance damage and risks. Avoid touching the ice maker's interior. Metal pieces are sharp and can injure. Unplug and switch off the ice maker before moving it. It will avoid electrical mishaps and appliance damage. Put only a little ice in the ice maker. It can make the machine break down or stop working. The ice maker should be level. It won't fall over or shake. Keep kids and pets away from the ice maker. It's not a toy and can be harmful if used poorly. Clean and replace worn ice maker parts regularly. It will make sure it works well and lasts a long time. By taking these safety warnings and precautions, you can enjoy the convenience of an ice maker while keeping your family and home safe. How to Maintain Ice Maker? If you have
an LG ice maker, it's essential to take care of it to keep it working well and make clean, fresh ice. Here are some ways to keep your LG ice maker in good shape: Clean the ice maker's exterior regularly with a damp cloth and mild soap. Clean the ice bin and tray with warm water and mild soap to keep minerals or bacteria from building up. To maintain clean, crisp ice, replace the water filter as the manufacturer directs. Look for leaks or damage in the water supply line, and replace it if necessary. Check the temperature settings to ensure the ice maker is set to the best ice-making temperature. Maintain a clean space around the ice maker to avoid risks and appliance damage. You should have a professional check on your ice maker once a year to ensure it is in good working order and prevent any problems. Using these tips, you can keep your LG ice maker in great shape and always have fresh ice on hand. Common Issues LG ice makers can break down sometimes, just like any other appliance. Here are a few of the common problems you might face: If your ice maker isn't making ice, it could be because the water filter is clogged, the water inlet valve is broken, or the thermostat is broken. If your ice maker makes cloudy ice or a different color, this is usually a sign of a dirty ice bin, water supply line, or worn-out water filter. If your ice maker makes ice cubes that are too small or need to be the proper shape, this could be because of a problem with the temperature settings or a clogged water supply line. If your ice maker is making loud or strange noises, it could be because the motor is worn out or a part is loose or broken.   If you have any of these problems, it's best to check the manufacturer's manual or call a professional to help you figure out what's wrong and fix it. How do I reset my LG refrigerator ice maker? Now come to the main issue that you are facing and fix it. Just scroll down! The LG Ice Maker Doesn't Work When the LG ice maker doesn't work, it's usually because the water line is kinked, the water filter is in the wrong place, or the water filter is dirty and needs to be replaced. Before moving on, check the system. If the LG ice maker tray doesn't turn, you may need to press a button to get it going again. If the LG ice maker tray doesn't turn, you may need to press a button to get it going again. f the LG fridge isn't making enough ice, check for kinks in the water lines. Ensure sure there are no clogs, either on the inside or the exterior of the tubes. Check that the water line is connected to the ice maker and that the water supply is on. If the ice maker in your LG refrigerator isn't filling with water, this is probably the problem. If you roughly open and close the refrigerator doors, the ice maker can get moved enough to stop making ice cubes. If you turn on the ice maker, the machine can take up to 24 hours to start producing ice. Before turning the ice maker back on, Clean off any ice cubes stuck to the machine or that have fallen and stuck to its outside. When you shake ice chips loose while using an ice maker, they can fall into puddles. Have some towels on hand to help keep the floor from getting slippery and making it dangerous. After checking everything and seeing that it works, reset the LG ice maker. LG makes a few ice makers, so using the manual will make things easier. LG Ice Maker Reset The on/off switch for the ice maker is on the left side of the unit. An icon for ice on/off will be displayed on the refrigerator's screen. A test/fill button is on the bottom of the front of the tray. Hold that button down until the ice maker starts to turn and go through a cycle. You must take the bin out if the ice maker doesn't work. LG says to give the ice maker a few firm but gentle shakes before putting the bin back in and turning off the unit for 30 seconds. Turn on the device again. Give the ice machine about four to six hours to start making
ice. It might need to be fixed or replaced if it won't turn on or make ice. Replacing the ice maker should be easy if you know how to work with electrical systems. FAQ Q: Where is the LG Maker's button to start over? A: The filling and testing button is on the tray's bottom. Keep pressing until the icemaker rotates and cycles. If the maker doesn't cycle, you must take the bin out. Q: How long does it take for the LG maker to make ice? A: The icemaker can make about 100 cubes in 24 hours. It may take up to 90 minutes to empty the bin and 24 hours to refill it. Q: How can I reset the LG refrigerator's fault code? A: If your freezer shows the error code FF, it means that the motor of your freezer fan is broken. After 20 minutes, you can unplug your LG refrigerator. Then connect it to power again. Conclusion Pushing and holding the button labeled "reset" for around five seconds will allow you to reset the ice maker on your LG refrigerator. Alternatively, try unplugging the fridge for a few minutes. Remember that it could take the ice maker up to 24 hours to produce a full batch of ice once it has been turned back on. See the user guide with your LG refrigerator, or contact LG's support team if you need help. You can easily reset the ice maker on your LG refrigerator by following these steps, and then you can get back to enjoying freshly made ice in no time.
0 notes
ibrian1476 · 2 years
Having a reliable source of ice cubes is a huge time saver, and those lucky enough to own an LG refrigerator with an ice maker already know this. An ice maker that suddenly stops working or doesn't work due to a malfunction can be highly unpleasant. Luckily, your LG refrigerator's ice maker is easy to reset, which can usually fix the problem. LG is a well-known home appliance brand for its reliable products and innovative features. If you have an LG refrigerator, you like how modern it looks and how easy it is to use. And if your ice maker isn't working right, you might need to reset it to get it going again. If you are worried about your ice maker and wondering How to reset your LG refrigerator ice maker, then this article will explain all about it. We'll describe how to locate, press, and hold the reset button and what to do if it doesn't reset your device. You can enjoy a continuous supply of ice cubes by following these instructions. How do I reset my LG refrigerator ice maker? Let us Know the Reason. To know How I reset my LG refrigerator ice maker, we will first take a tour of why my ice maker stopped working, what the solutions are, what safety warnings and precautions, maintenance, and common issues are, and finally, how to clean it. So, let's move to unveil all of the above: Why is my LG fridge freezer not making ice?/ What causes the ice maker to stop making ice? Many homes have ice makers because they are helpful. But, like any other appliance, they can break down. If your ice maker isn't making ice, there could be a few problems. Problems with Water Supply: Your ice maker may not be working because of a water supply problem. Ensure the water line is connected and the water pressure is high enough. Also, check to see if the line has any knots or breaks that could be causing the blockage. Frozen Water Lines: Frozen water lines could be another cause if your ice maker stopped working. It can happen when the freezer is set to a too-low temperature. If the water in the supply line freezes, it can block the water flow to the ice maker and stop it from making ice. Faulty Water Inlet Valve: The valve that lets water into the ice maker controls how much water goes in. If this valve breaks, water won't be able to get to the ice maker. You can use a multimeter or call a professional to test the valve. Ice Maker Not Working: If none of this is the problem, the ice maker is broken. It may occur for several reasons, such as a broken motor or thermostat. In this case, it's best to call a professional to find out what's wrong and fix it. Thus, several things could have caused your ice maker to stop working. If you know what could be causing the problem, you can try to fix it yourself or call a professional for help. What are the Safety warnings and Precautions for LG refrigerator icemakers? Ice makers are helpful home appliances, but following some safety tips and precautions is essential to avoid accidents or damage to the appliance. Here are some things you should remember: Always read the instructions carefully and do what they say. It includes setting it up, using it, and keeping it in good shape. Keep the ice maker area tidy. It prevents appliance damage and risks. Avoid touching the ice maker's interior. Metal pieces are sharp and can injure. Unplug and switch off the ice maker before moving it. It will avoid electrical mishaps and appliance damage. Put only a little ice in the ice maker. It can make the machine break down or stop working. The ice maker should be level. It won't fall over or shake. Keep kids and pets away from the ice maker. It's not a toy and can be harmful if used poorly. Clean and replace worn ice maker parts regularly. It will make sure it works well and lasts a long time. By taking these safety warnings and precautions, you can enjoy the convenience of an ice maker while keeping your family and home safe. How to Maintain Ice Maker? If you have
an LG ice maker, it's essential to take care of it to keep it working well and make clean, fresh ice. Here are some ways to keep your LG ice maker in good shape: Clean the ice maker's exterior regularly with a damp cloth and mild soap. Clean the ice bin and tray with warm water and mild soap to keep minerals or bacteria from building up. To maintain clean, crisp ice, replace the water filter as the manufacturer directs. Look for leaks or damage in the water supply line, and replace it if necessary. Check the temperature settings to ensure the ice maker is set to the best ice-making temperature. Maintain a clean space around the ice maker to avoid risks and appliance damage. You should have a professional check on your ice maker once a year to ensure it is in good working order and prevent any problems. Using these tips, you can keep your LG ice maker in great shape and always have fresh ice on hand. Common Issues LG ice makers can break down sometimes, just like any other appliance. Here are a few of the common problems you might face: If your ice maker isn't making ice, it could be because the water filter is clogged, the water inlet valve is broken, or the thermostat is broken. If your ice maker makes cloudy ice or a different color, this is usually a sign of a dirty ice bin, water supply line, or worn-out water filter. If your ice maker makes ice cubes that are too small or need to be the proper shape, this could be because of a problem with the temperature settings or a clogged water supply line. If your ice maker is making loud or strange noises, it could be because the motor is worn out or a part is loose or broken.   If you have any of these problems, it's best to check the manufacturer's manual or call a professional to help you figure out what's wrong and fix it. How do I reset my LG refrigerator ice maker? Now come to the main issue that you are facing and fix it. Just scroll down! The LG Ice Maker Doesn't Work When the LG ice maker doesn't work, it's usually because the water line is kinked, the water filter is in the wrong place, or the water filter is dirty and needs to be replaced. Before moving on, check the system. If the LG ice maker tray doesn't turn, you may need to press a button to get it going again. If the LG ice maker tray doesn't turn, you may need to press a button to get it going again. f the LG fridge isn't making enough ice, check for kinks in the water lines. Ensure sure there are no clogs, either on the inside or the exterior of the tubes. Check that the water line is connected to the ice maker and that the water supply is on. If the ice maker in your LG refrigerator isn't filling with water, this is probably the problem. If you roughly open and close the refrigerator doors, the ice maker can get moved enough to stop making ice cubes. If you turn on the ice maker, the machine can take up to 24 hours to start producing ice. Before turning the ice maker back on, Clean off any ice cubes stuck to the machine or that have fallen and stuck to its outside. When you shake ice chips loose while using an ice maker, they can fall into puddles. Have some towels on hand to help keep the floor from getting slippery and making it dangerous. After checking everything and seeing that it works, reset the LG ice maker. LG makes a few ice makers, so using the manual will make things easier. LG Ice Maker Reset The on/off switch for the ice maker is on the left side of the unit. An icon for ice on/off will be displayed on the refrigerator's screen. A test/fill button is on the bottom of the front of the tray. Hold that button down until the ice maker starts to turn and go through a cycle. You must take the bin out if the ice maker doesn't work. LG says to give the ice maker a few firm but gentle shakes before putting the bin back in and turning off the unit for 30 seconds. Turn on the device again. Give the ice machine about four to six hours to start making
ice. It might need to be fixed or replaced if it won't turn on or make ice. Replacing the ice maker should be easy if you know how to work with electrical systems. FAQ Q: Where is the LG Maker's button to start over? A: The filling and testing button is on the tray's bottom. Keep pressing until the icemaker rotates and cycles. If the maker doesn't cycle, you must take the bin out. Q: How long does it take for the LG maker to make ice? A: The icemaker can make about 100 cubes in 24 hours. It may take up to 90 minutes to empty the bin and 24 hours to refill it. Q: How can I reset the LG refrigerator's fault code? A: If your freezer shows the error code FF, it means that the motor of your freezer fan is broken. After 20 minutes, you can unplug your LG refrigerator. Then connect it to power again. Conclusion Pushing and holding the button labeled "reset" for around five seconds will allow you to reset the ice maker on your LG refrigerator. Alternatively, try unplugging the fridge for a few minutes. Remember that it could take the ice maker up to 24 hours to produce a full batch of ice once it has been turned back on. See the user guide with your LG refrigerator, or contact LG's support team if you need help. You can easily reset the ice maker on your LG refrigerator by following these steps, and then you can get back to enjoying freshly made ice in no time.
0 notes
conley748 · 2 years
Having a reliable source of ice cubes is a huge time saver, and those lucky enough to own an LG refrigerator with an ice maker already know this. An ice maker that suddenly stops working or doesn't work due to a malfunction can be highly unpleasant. Luckily, your LG refrigerator's ice maker is easy to reset, which can usually fix the problem. LG is a well-known home appliance brand for its reliable products and innovative features. If you have an LG refrigerator, you like how modern it looks and how easy it is to use. And if your ice maker isn't working right, you might need to reset it to get it going again. If you are worried about your ice maker and wondering How to reset your LG refrigerator ice maker, then this article will explain all about it. We'll describe how to locate, press, and hold the reset button and what to do if it doesn't reset your device. You can enjoy a continuous supply of ice cubes by following these instructions. How do I reset my LG refrigerator ice maker? Let us Know the Reason. To know How I reset my LG refrigerator ice maker, we will first take a tour of why my ice maker stopped working, what the solutions are, what safety warnings and precautions, maintenance, and common issues are, and finally, how to clean it. So, let's move to unveil all of the above: Why is my LG fridge freezer not making ice?/ What causes the ice maker to stop making ice? Many homes have ice makers because they are helpful. But, like any other appliance, they can break down. If your ice maker isn't making ice, there could be a few problems. Problems with Water Supply: Your ice maker may not be working because of a water supply problem. Ensure the water line is connected and the water pressure is high enough. Also, check to see if the line has any knots or breaks that could be causing the blockage. Frozen Water Lines: Frozen water lines could be another cause if your ice maker stopped working. It can happen when the freezer is set to a too-low temperature. If the water in the supply line freezes, it can block the water flow to the ice maker and stop it from making ice. Faulty Water Inlet Valve: The valve that lets water into the ice maker controls how much water goes in. If this valve breaks, water won't be able to get to the ice maker. You can use a multimeter or call a professional to test the valve. Ice Maker Not Working: If none of this is the problem, the ice maker is broken. It may occur for several reasons, such as a broken motor or thermostat. In this case, it's best to call a professional to find out what's wrong and fix it. Thus, several things could have caused your ice maker to stop working. If you know what could be causing the problem, you can try to fix it yourself or call a professional for help. What are the Safety warnings and Precautions for LG refrigerator icemakers? Ice makers are helpful home appliances, but following some safety tips and precautions is essential to avoid accidents or damage to the appliance. Here are some things you should remember: Always read the instructions carefully and do what they say. It includes setting it up, using it, and keeping it in good shape. Keep the ice maker area tidy. It prevents appliance damage and risks. Avoid touching the ice maker's interior. Metal pieces are sharp and can injure. Unplug and switch off the ice maker before moving it. It will avoid electrical mishaps and appliance damage. Put only a little ice in the ice maker. It can make the machine break down or stop working. The ice maker should be level. It won't fall over or shake. Keep kids and pets away from the ice maker. It's not a toy and can be harmful if used poorly. Clean and replace worn ice maker parts regularly. It will make sure it works well and lasts a long time. By taking these safety warnings and precautions, you can enjoy the convenience of an ice maker while keeping your family and home safe. How to Maintain Ice Maker? If you have
an LG ice maker, it's essential to take care of it to keep it working well and make clean, fresh ice. Here are some ways to keep your LG ice maker in good shape: Clean the ice maker's exterior regularly with a damp cloth and mild soap. Clean the ice bin and tray with warm water and mild soap to keep minerals or bacteria from building up. To maintain clean, crisp ice, replace the water filter as the manufacturer directs. Look for leaks or damage in the water supply line, and replace it if necessary. Check the temperature settings to ensure the ice maker is set to the best ice-making temperature. Maintain a clean space around the ice maker to avoid risks and appliance damage. You should have a professional check on your ice maker once a year to ensure it is in good working order and prevent any problems. Using these tips, you can keep your LG ice maker in great shape and always have fresh ice on hand. Common Issues LG ice makers can break down sometimes, just like any other appliance. Here are a few of the common problems you might face: If your ice maker isn't making ice, it could be because the water filter is clogged, the water inlet valve is broken, or the thermostat is broken. If your ice maker makes cloudy ice or a different color, this is usually a sign of a dirty ice bin, water supply line, or worn-out water filter. If your ice maker makes ice cubes that are too small or need to be the proper shape, this could be because of a problem with the temperature settings or a clogged water supply line. If your ice maker is making loud or strange noises, it could be because the motor is worn out or a part is loose or broken.   If you have any of these problems, it's best to check the manufacturer's manual or call a professional to help you figure out what's wrong and fix it. How do I reset my LG refrigerator ice maker? Now come to the main issue that you are facing and fix it. Just scroll down! The LG Ice Maker Doesn't Work When the LG ice maker doesn't work, it's usually because the water line is kinked, the water filter is in the wrong place, or the water filter is dirty and needs to be replaced. Before moving on, check the system. If the LG ice maker tray doesn't turn, you may need to press a button to get it going again. If the LG ice maker tray doesn't turn, you may need to press a button to get it going again. f the LG fridge isn't making enough ice, check for kinks in the water lines. Ensure sure there are no clogs, either on the inside or the exterior of the tubes. Check that the water line is connected to the ice maker and that the water supply is on. If the ice maker in your LG refrigerator isn't filling with water, this is probably the problem. If you roughly open and close the refrigerator doors, the ice maker can get moved enough to stop making ice cubes. If you turn on the ice maker, the machine can take up to 24 hours to start producing ice. Before turning the ice maker back on, Clean off any ice cubes stuck to the machine or that have fallen and stuck to its outside. When you shake ice chips loose while using an ice maker, they can fall into puddles. Have some towels on hand to help keep the floor from getting slippery and making it dangerous. After checking everything and seeing that it works, reset the LG ice maker. LG makes a few ice makers, so using the manual will make things easier. LG Ice Maker Reset The on/off switch for the ice maker is on the left side of the unit. An icon for ice on/off will be displayed on the refrigerator's screen. A test/fill button is on the bottom of the front of the tray. Hold that button down until the ice maker starts to turn and go through a cycle. You must take the bin out if the ice maker doesn't work. LG says to give the ice maker a few firm but gentle shakes before putting the bin back in and turning off the unit for 30 seconds. Turn on the device again. Give the ice machine about four to six hours to start making
ice. It might need to be fixed or replaced if it won't turn on or make ice. Replacing the ice maker should be easy if you know how to work with electrical systems. FAQ Q: Where is the LG Maker's button to start over? A: The filling and testing button is on the tray's bottom. Keep pressing until the icemaker rotates and cycles. If the maker doesn't cycle, you must take the bin out. Q: How long does it take for the LG maker to make ice? A: The icemaker can make about 100 cubes in 24 hours. It may take up to 90 minutes to empty the bin and 24 hours to refill it. Q: How can I reset the LG refrigerator's fault code? A: If your freezer shows the error code FF, it means that the motor of your freezer fan is broken. After 20 minutes, you can unplug your LG refrigerator. Then connect it to power again. Conclusion Pushing and holding the button labeled "reset" for around five seconds will allow you to reset the ice maker on your LG refrigerator. Alternatively, try unplugging the fridge for a few minutes. Remember that it could take the ice maker up to 24 hours to produce a full batch of ice once it has been turned back on. See the user guide with your LG refrigerator, or contact LG's support team if you need help. You can easily reset the ice maker on your LG refrigerator by following these steps, and then you can get back to enjoying freshly made ice in no time.
0 notes
I Don’t Want You To Go
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A/N - I haven’t posted here in a while but I’m back and itching to write some stuff about our favorite spider-bros. Yes, I read through the script for this (and changed/skipped a couple things) and no, I wasn't prompted to do this.
Pairing(s) : Peter Parker TASM x Reader
Summary : While you and your friends are trying to save the city from the villains of the multiverse, you also find yourself fighting internally over your feelings for Peter 3.
Warning(s) : Fluffy floof with a side of angstttttttt...
Word count : 8,008
Your hands shook in your lap as you sat in Ned’s Lola’s house, Ned and MJ skittish along with you as the news plays in the background. Ned continued to check his phone per MJ’s request but you knew he was wasting time, a text would be the last thing on Peter’s mind after everything that had happened.
You couldn’t believe that May was dead. It didn’t feel real, none of this felt real, but when you pinched yourself... you could feel it. You knew you couldn’t deny the truth but that didn’t top you from wanting to as tears begin to fall from your eyes.
You’d known May since you were little, she’d been like another mother to you ever since you’d met Peter at the beginning of Middle School. Always packing extra snacks in his backpack for you, always inviting you over for dinner or a movie, she even let you sleep over whenever your parents were screaming at each other. You couldn’t help but mourn for her. And if this was the loss you were feeling, the pain in your chest almost too much to bear, you couldn't even begin to imagine what Peter was going through.
“Still nothing?” MJ asked as she stared at Ned, Ned checking his phone once more and shaking his head. Her voice shook with fear but she was staying strong, likely for Peter, and maybe a bit for you as she knew how close you and May were.
You mentally curse the public for continuing to view Peter as a villain, as the Spider-Menace, when he’s the sweetest boy you’ve ever known. He was the boy who gave you half his chocolate chip cookie when Flash had stolen yours. He’d done nothing wrong, he’d been taken advantage of and framed, and like everything else good in this world, he was destroyed. Everything he loved had been taken from him, everything but you three.
“I’m going to press it,” MJ muttered, turning to the device that glowed on the table, the device that had ruined everything. It’s green glow both inviting and foreboding.
“No,” you mumble, speaking for the first time since you entered the house. The two turn to you, surprised that you’d say anything. You weren’t much of a talker, preferring to remain quiet when other people were around, only speaking up when you were with Peter, Ned, and MJ.
“I know he told me to wait, but... I’m gonna do it,” MJ reiterated, her hand moving towards the box. You swatted it away with a warning glance she took seriously. You weren’t openly passionate about a lot of things, even with them, so this issue was very important to you and she had to take your opinion and feelings into account.
“I just wish... I just wish we could see him,” Ned says as he gestures around, the gold Sling Ring glinting on his fingers. Before him, a small circle of sparks begin to appear but fizzle out when he stops moving his hands.
“Ned?” You ask as you stare at the sparks, watching them disappear as fast as they’d appeared. Hope sparked deep inside you as you got an idea, maybe Peter wasn't so lost to you three, “do it again, maybe we can see him. Maybe we can find him.”
“Yeah,” Ned responds, beginning to make circular motions with his hands again.
“I just wish we could see him.” Just like before, a small circle of sparks appear, but no portal. Not yet at least. The three of you look at each other excited, coming to the same conclusion at the same time, you needed direction, something specific.
“I just wish we could see Peter!” This time, a portal appeared and you three saw a figure standing in a dark alley.
“Woah...,” Ned mutters, staring at the portal, at what he’d done. The three of you too stunned to move.
“Salamangkero!” His Lola exclaims to Ned as they look at each other, her sudden appearance scaring you slightly as you jumped towards MJ.
“Lola, you’re right! I am magic.” Ned exclaims, getting excited.
MJ and you stare at the portal, squinting. The red and blue spandex, the spider on their chest, it had to be Peter. No one else had a suit like his, no one could recreate the suit he had, not even the best of cosplayers.
“Peter!” You both exclaim, the figure hearing you and running towards you. That’s when you realize his suit was different, the darkness having hid the differences. The spider on his chest had longer legs, the suit had a more distinctive web pattern, and it wasn't ripped or bloodied from battle like it should have been. This wasn't Peter, it couldn’t be, not unless he changed his suit, which you doubted.
Lola screamed and threw a pillow at the man as he jumped through the portal and into the room with you. Your breath hitched as she does so, moving even closer to MJ who takes your hand and gives it a small squeeze in silent support.
“Hi... hi!” The man exclaims, “no, no, no... it's okay, it’s okay, it’s okay. I’m a nice guy.” His voice was deep, and it sounded kind, like he wasn't a threat. But you couldn’t be sure, not yet. You hadn’t been so willing to trust a “superhero” recently, not after Mysterio ruined Peter’s life, and in conjunction, ruined part of you and your friend’s lives too.
Not until he pulled off his mask and revealed the most attractive man you’d ever seen. The fluffy hair, the sharp jaw and features, the kind look in his eyes, he was everything you liked compiled into one person and you didn't know how to respond. Luckily for you, MJ responded for the three of you.
“Who the hell are you?” MJ asked, staring at the man with distrust. Her words snapped you out of your stupor, reminding yourself that this man was impersonating one of your best friends. You didn’t want to believe that he was a bad guy but there normally wasn't a good reason as to why a person would pretend to be someone else.
“I’m Peter Parker.” He responds, and as much as you want to believe him, you can’t. He’s not Peter Parker, Peter Parker looked nothing like this tall man in front of you. It’s impossible.
“That’s not possible.” MJ responds, echoing your thoughts as she sizes up the intruder. “I am Spider-Man... in my world. But then yesterday, I was... I was just here,” he muttered, turning around to gawk at the portal Ned had made. “My world”, you didn’t know what did he meant by that.
“Wow... string theory, multidimensional reality and matter displacement... All real?” He asks, to which you responded this time, finally understanding what had happened. All these villains, this new Peter Parker, it had to be the multiverses coming together.
“It would seem so,” you mumble softly, drawing his attention, “seeing as you’re here.” You could feel his gaze on you, intense but in a good way, making you blushed and looks away, your friends noticing but making no comment.
“This has to be because of the spell.” Ned concludes, the three of you nodding. That was the only explanation, it was the only reason you could think of as to why this was happening. And if villains could appear out of nowhere, so could another Peter. You guessed. “’The spell?’ Like magic spell?” He asks, overhearing the conversation between you three.
“Magic’s real here too?” The three of you shake your heads fast, denying the fact that magic was real because it didn't seem to be real in his world. Any bit of knowledge about your world that he learned could seriously complicate things. It was in every time travel book you’d ever read, and while the situation wasn’t entirely the same, the same rules likely still applied.
“Prove it.” MJ suddenly turns to the Spider-Man.
“Prove what?” He responds, a confused look on his face. It was cute.
“That you’re Peter Parker.” You add on, wanting him to prove it as well, wanting to believe that he wasn't just another person trying to ruin your best friend’s life even more.
“I don’t carry an I.D. with me. You know, it kind of defeats the whole ‘anonymous superhero’ thing.” He explains, making a whole lot of sense. “Your” Peter didn't carry around an I.D. either. It was too much of a risk to have during a fight.
MJ, still skeptical, grabs a Yama roll and chucks it at the man. He doesn’t move as it bounces off his chest and rolls along the floor. You want to laugh at the sight but you hold it back, knowing it wasn't the time to break out in laughter. It wouldn’t be time to laugh for a long time.
“Why’d you do that?” He asked, rather confused.
“I was trying to see if you have the tingle thing.” She responds.
“I have the tingle thing, just not for bread.” At that response, you let out a soft laugh, the three other people in the room turning to look at you.
“Sorry, sorry,” you mumble shyly, blushing at the attention, mostly his, “I couldn’t help it. I know it’s an inappropriate time.”
MJ smiled slightly before grabbing another Yama roll.
“Can you not throw the bread again? You're a deeply mistrusting person... and I respect you it.” He holds out his hand in a “stop” motion, jumping up and sticking to the ceiling with his other hand. With that, you and Ned believed him, but MJ wasn’t so convinced.
“Crawl around,” MJ orders, to which the other Peter shook his head.
“This is plenty,” he responds. “No it’s not.” MJ fires back, sending them on a mini tangent.
“Yes, it is.”
“No it's not.”
“It is.”
“Nu uh.”
“How do I stick to the ceiling?!” He exclaims, asking a fair question. Sadly for him, it didn’t convince MJ who threw the roll anyway and reloaded another.
“Ned,” Ned’s Lola asks, beginning to speak in Tagalog, pointing to the Spider-Man. You didn't understand anything she was saying but you loved hearing any spoken language that wasn’t your own.
“My Lola is asking if you could just get the cobweb,” he translates, “There. Since you’re, like, up there?”
“Yeah,” Peter responds, gripping onto the ceiling and crawling along it until he reached the cobwebs, swatting it away with his hands. You didn't know if it was Ned’s Lola’s plan but either way, it got him to crawl, which hopefully would convince MJ that he was Peter Parker. “We good?” He asks, dropping down.
“For now,” MJ responds, still a bit skeptical but finally believing that he was Peter Parker slash Spider Man. Just not yours.
The portal behind him closes just as quickly as it had opened, Ned and MJ discussing the use of portals to find your Peter, and you thinking about the Peter in front of you.
He was different, slightly older, but still had some characteristics of your Peter. It made you smile wistfully because you were scared for your Peter, you were scared for your practically brother so much that your chest ached. You were so deep in your thoughts and worries that you didn't notice the other Peter walking over to you until he finally spoke.
“Who are you guys?” He asks, scaring you a bit but getting your attention all the same.
“Oh gosh,” You mumble as he utters quiet apologizes, “I’m Y/N, the boy who opened the portal is Ned, and the girl who throws bread is MJ. We’re your, the other you’s, best friends.”
“Ah,” he nods, the air turning awkward as you two searched for what to say. You weren’t good with new people, it was something your Peter and the others knew very well. They would talk and you would observe, a system you quite liked. “So how did you even get here? Did you just regain consciousness in this world? Did you walk through a portal? Did you get teleported? Am I asking too many questions? I’m asking to many questions,” to which you got a laugh out of him as he shook his head.
“No, no teleportation or portal, at least not that I know of. I just sort of, appeared in your world I think.” He responds, to which you nod. That made sense, asking about a portal was stupid as Ned’s seemed like the first one he'd ever seen.
“Makes sense,” you say, “did it scare you?”
“Somewhat, but it was mostly weird. I wasn’t were I was supposed to be, I was somewhere completely different but, not at the same time. There were things I didn't recognize that seemed to just appear. And of course the people going after your Peter went after me.” He answered, making you feel bad for him. No one deserved the amount of hate Peter was getting, especially not the two who hadn’t done anything wrong.
“Hmm,” you hummed, taking in his features. His fluffy brown hair stuck up in random places, his jaw was well defined, as was his nose, and his lips looked so soft. It took you a while to realize you were staring which made you turn into a blushing apologetic mess.
“Sorry,” you mumble, “I didn't mean to stare. I’m just a quiet person, I observe, I don’t talk a lot.” To which he shook his head.
“I don’t mind,” he responds, as Ned begins to open another portal. You both turn your head, watching curiously from the side as a man steps through. This wasn't your Peter either, he was too old for that, older than the first Peter by a few years.
“Great, it’s just some random guy.” Ned complains, upset that this wasn’t your Peter either.
“Hello. Um, I hope it’s okay, I just came through this, uh...,” he says as the portal closes behind him, looking around at his surroundings, “oh. It just closed.”
“You're Peter?” MJ asks.
“Yeah. Peter Parker. I... I’ve seen you two...,” he says as Ned’s Lola blushes and waves. He waves back kindly but awkwardly, exactly like your Peter would if he was in the same situation. It made your heart ache at the memory of Peter meeting you, that awkward boy who’d come to be part of your found family.
He pauses his statement as he notices the other Spider-Man in the room, the two sizing each other up. Peter pushes you behind him as the second Peter, who you deemed Parker, tensed.
“Wait, he’s... He’s not your friend.” Parker mutters, and everything begins to slow down for you. You never believed in this phenomenon but you also didn’t quite believe the multiverse theory until a second Peter was sticking to the ceiling. You were a “until I see it with my own two eyes, I won’t believe it” kind of girl, and right now, you were believing.
Peter shoots his web-slinger towards Parker who dodges it quickly before firing his own shot that Peter dodges just as quickly. Parker fires off another shot at Peter’s web-slingers, and this one hits, sticking and stopping him from firing again.
“Wait, so you’re Spider-Man too. Why didn't you just say that?” Parker asks.
“Okay, Peter, this is Parker. Parker, Peter,” You exclaim quickly, wanting to skip the long introductions in order to find your best friend. All this web slinging was making you more and more worried for your Peter who was still out there in the dark, dealing with May’s death all alone.
“Parker?” Parker asks, slightly confused as to when he received that nickname.
“Why the last name for him and the first name for me?” Peter asked softly, bumping her shoulder teasingly.
“It's just easier that way,” she bumps him back, “would you rather I call you thing 1 and thing 2?” To which both men shake their head.
“That’s what I thought.” She finished, crossing her arms and leaning against the wall.
After that, Ned’s Lola enters the room and gives a long and passionate speech in Tagalog about the men cleaning up their messes, before she heads off to bed. The men then spend a few minutes cleaning up their webbing, a sight that gets a soft laugh from you as it looks rather comical.
“Uh, this might seem kinda weird, but... I’ve been trying to find your friend ever since I got here. I just have this sense that... that he needs my help,” Parker says to you guys.
“Our help,” Peter adds as he joins into the conversation. You smile softly at him, happy to see at least someone else wanting to genuinely help Peter. You didn't know why you were just smiling at him when they both wanted to help so you turned your smile towards Parker, not noticing the darker look on Peter's face when he sees you turn away.
“He does.” You say quietly, “and um... we’re kind of, all he has... right now...”
“Well, uh, is there some place that he might go that has meaning to him? Like a place where he would go to just...” Parker began.
“Get away from everything?” Peter finished, both of them nodding at each other in confirmation.
“For me, it was the top of of the Chrysler building.” Parker muttered, remembering his spot fondly.
“Empire State. It’s just... it's a better view,” Peter states, also thinking of his spot.
Suddenly you and your friends come to a conclusion, you knew where he'd go. It was the place you’d spent hours at, doing homework, talking about “nerd” things, avoiding Flash. It was your safe haven. He’d go to the roof of Midtown High, he’d always go there.
After the heart to heart between the three Peters, something neither you, nor Ned, nor MJ would every understand, you stood within the lab, everyone working on the plan to cure the villains. It wasn't perfect, but it was the best you could do with the limited resources and time you had.
Your Peter had assigned himself Dillon and Marko, Peter had assigned himself Connor’s as he’d already cured him once, and Parker assigned himself Osborn’s after a weird look from your Peter.
You couldn’t understand how he was feeling about curing the man who killed his aunt but you know he would do it, because that’s the sort of guy your Peter was, always wanting to help people. In all honesty, even you were skeptical about curing the Green Goblin after all the pain he’d caused your family and and the other two Peters. It made your blood boil, and not in a good way.
While Ned spoke with Parker and MJ spoke with your Peter, you decided to speak with Peter. You made your way over slowly, shyly, not used to approaching people first.
“So,” you mumbled softly, “you’ve cured Connor before?” Your question caught him off guard as he hadn't expected you to ask it. He'd expected you to simply observe as you seemed to enjoy, but he enjoyed your engagement with what he was doing.
“Yeah, I did it once,” he responds softly, continuing to mix chemicals and work on his antidote.
“That’s really cool,” you smile softly, watching his hands as they work, feeling a pull towards him that you couldn't explain. You never started conversations, never, and you knew that your friends would comment on it if they ever heard. Unknowing to you, they did.
You didn’t know why, but for some reason, he was different. You would approach him for conversation, you would talk to him first, and it frustrated you because you didn't know why. You wanted to know why, but you also didn’t care all that much. You just like talking with him.
“I suppose,” he brushes it off, his blush going unnoticed by you.
“It is, it's really cool. You cured a villain, you saved his life and thousands of others.” You repeated, not wanting him to brush off the compliment for some reason.
“But I couldn't save the person who mattered the most to me,” he muttered so quietly you almost didn't catch it. But you knew that that was his loss, his Uncle Ben, his Aunt May, the loss that crippled him.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble softly, shying away, “I didn’t know.”
You felt stupid for saying what you said, for throwing him right back into his grief after he had obviously done his best to climb out of it. You fiddled with your hands, picking at your skin, before he grabbed your hands.
“It’s okay,” he told you softly, “I’m okay, I promise.”
You nod slowly, not believing him but knowing it isn't your place to question it. You’re about to walk away when he starts talking.
“I couldn’t save her, when she fell,” His voice is shaky as he explains, “she was the most important person in my life and I couldn’t save her.”
So he’d lost his version of MJ, which meant he lost who he loved most. He lost the person who would patch him up, who would be waiting up for him after patrols, who would calm him down after a bad day or a bad fight, who would make him smile at the stupidest things, who was his everything,
You stare at him, your expression soft as you hug him, another first for you. Why you hugged him, you also didn't know, but you were and you didn't care. You felt the need to offer him comfort, something he probably hadn’t felt in a long time from what you’d gathered.
“It wasn’t your fault,” you mumble, moving to try and get his attention as he looks away, “but you don't know that... do you?”
“It was my fault. If I had done more...”
“You still wouldn’t have been able to save her. You did your best Peter, I may not know you, but I know you did your best.” You interrupt, not letting him blame himself for a second longer. You knew that road.
“Don’t go down that road, wondering what you could have changed isn’t healthy. Wondering what you could have done differently isn’t healthy. Wondering about the different outcomes isn’t healthy. What happened, happened, and you can’t change that. You also shouldn't blame yourself for it, it happens to everyone at some point.” To which he nods.
“You can't save everyone,” she gestures around the room, “Look around you, neither could any of us. Parker couldn’t save Uncle Ben, our Peter couldn’t save Aunt May, and Ned, MJ, and I couldn’t save our Peter from everything that’s happened to him.”
“We’re all doing our best, including you. And you three have saved a lot of lives, countless lives. Try not to forget that,” you finishes, letting it settle in as he gives you a small smile, something you returns with a soft smile of your own.
“Thank you,” he mutters softly, looking a little brighter than before. You wished you could freeze time, to stay in this moment, where he looks just a little bit unburdened.
“Could I have another hug,” he asks softly, “I haven't had one in a long time.”
You nod, “always,” standing on your tip toes and wrapping your arms around his neck. His arms circle your waist slowly, tightly, pressing you to his chest gently, his large form cradling your body. You’d never had a hug like this and you hated yourself for wanting to pull him back when it finally ended. But now wasn't the time.
“Peter,” Ned called out, causing Peter to turn his head towards the boy at the computer, all three of them starting to respond before apologizing to each other.
“Peter, Peter...,” Ned tried again, the three Peters saying they’re all called Peter.
“And this is why I nicknamed you Peter and him Parker,” you laugh softly at Ned’s failure to get the right Peter’s attention, bumping Peter’s shoulder, teasing him for earlier when he questioned your nicknaming.
“Peter Parker?” Ned tried, getting the same response.
“And what about your Peter?” He asks mischievously.
“I’ll just call him our Peter.” You responded, smiling at your tiny victory when he nods in agreement.
“It’s uh... the computer!” Finally Ned got it through to your Peter as he moves towards his laptop to check the diagnostic results of the cures.
He says his cures are ready, the other two Peter’s saying they're ready too, and the plan begins to take form. Your Peter would lure all the villains to the Statue of Liberty with the box and they’d cure them as they come. The only problem Peter could think of was how everyone would get there, to which Ned explains that he has magic, everyone nodding and agreeing.
“Yeah, he’s right. He can.” You add.
“No way!” Your Peter exclaims.
“Yeah! And I promise you, I won’t turn into a super villain and tru to kill you.” Ned responds, getting a back pat from Peter who stands beside you. His arm brushes yours as it falls from Ned’s back, a blush forming on your face that you think no one notices.
“Okay... thank you?” Your Peter says, “Um, all right. Here goes nothing.”
“What's the thing you always say : ‘Expect disappointment and...,” Peter starts, trying to quote MJ’s classic line.
“No, no, no... we’re gonna kick some ass.” MJ interrupts.
“Cure. Cure some ass.” Parker corrects.
“Cure some ass.” You add, laughing softly at his correction.
“I hate this,” you mumble as you stand within the classroom, the portal to the Statue of Liberty open for when Peter would throw the box to MJ. The air blowing through it was brisk and cold with a hint of salt that tangled into your hair. 
You could just barely make out the silhouettes of the heroes and their respective villains as they worked in perfect tangent. It had taken a bit of time but they really seemed to be acting as a team now, helping each other rather than getting in each other’s way.
Even so, you didn't want to just sit around waiting as the Spider-Men were fighting for their lives and the safety of everyone else’s. Even though they told you not to join the fight, you were itching to. You hated feeling helpless, useless, it was a feeling you never wanted to experience again.
“I do too, but we can't do what they do,” MJ tells you gently, giving you a gentle hug as she stares through the portal, worried about her boyfriend. You were worried about your Peter too, but you were worried for the other two Peters just as much.
“What if they can't do it?” You mumble, feeling anxiety creep up into your chest. The sharp pain you hadn’t felt for a while returning deep within you, creeping upon you as your head made you imagine what things would be like if they failed.
“They can do it.” MJ states firmly, not letting your fears get to you as she continued to mutter soft reassurances into your hair. Her arms are a welcomed feeling as they stay wrapped around your shoulders, supporting you. She was the big sister you’d always wanted, and you were the little sister she always wanted.
You nod, slowly beginning to believe that they could pull it off. It wasn’t that you didn’t believe in them, you really did, it was just the fact that they were going up against multiple villains at the same time, something none of them had ever experienced before. But they seemed to be pulling it off, a sight that brought a smile to your face every time they, mainly Peter, swung by the portal.
“What’s got you smiling that way,” MJ asked in her classic MJ way, quizzical and questioning, always knowing something you didn’t expect her to know.
“What way?” You asked softly, tilting your body to the left get a better view of the Spider-Men as they swung around the statue.
“You know what I mean, you and Peter 3.” She mused, noticing how you were dodging the question by using another question, something you often did when you were trying to hide something.
“There’s nothing going on between me and Peter three,” you respond, hoping she would notice how quickly you answered the question. But of course she did, she was MJ and she knew you like the back of her hand.
“Okay, there’s technically nothing there,” you start off before being cut off.
“But you want there to be.” She finishes for you.
“MJ, now isn’t the time. They’re out there fighting for the lives of this entire city, ours included.” You try to reason with her, still dodging the question.
“You didn’t say no,” she smiled mischievously, having got you. Knowing when to cut your losses, you sigh in defeat and nod.
“Okay, maybe I do wish there was,” you begin, “but there isn’t. And there never will be. He has to go home at some point, it would never work.” As you speak, you realize how true those words are. He would be going home, and you’d be here, you’d never see him again. Anything with him was dangerous.
Thankfully you were dragged from your spiraling thoughts as your Peter swung towards you.
“MJ! Head’s up!” Peter yells as he throws the box through the portal.
Due to your positioning, you’re the one that lunges forwards to catch the box, MJ’s arms falling from around you as you clutch the box close to your chest. It radiates with power and you almost drop it before securing your grip on it.
“Got it! Close it!” You exclaim as Ned begins to try and close it with no success.
“Uh... Ned, it’s not closing.” MJ mutters, your anxiety beginning to spike as you notice the lizard man spotting you with the box in hand. You begin to back away from the portal, desperately trying to pull MJ with you as he makes his way towards you.
“Um, guys...,” you try to get their attention.
“Okay, wait, wait... wait...Yeah... wait... We’ll just keep going,” Ned speaks over you.
“Guys,” you try again.
“All right, all right, we got it, we got it... we got this!” Ned speaks over you again.
“Guys!” You exclaim, gesturing to the lizard now crawling quickly towards the portal and you three. You can't seem much in the dark but the light of the portal reflects off his long claws and teeth as he lunges at you.
You dodge quickly, doing your best to keep something between you and the lizard at all times. Lab equipment and beakers come crashing down to the ground behind you, chairs and tables being destroyed in his violent wake.
You can see that MJ and Ned had already exited the portal onto the scaffolding of the statue and you followed them as quickly as you could. You finally feel your feet hitting the metal as you sprint full speed ahead through the portal, weaving around the metal bars trying to lose him.
Your Peter notices the three of you running away from the lizard, yelling out as he slams into the lizard, tackling him and buying you guys some time to get further away.
You don’t get far before the lizard slams your Peter down hard into the scaffolding, continuing to chase you. As you run around the tower, Ned tries desperately to open a portal to anything, anywhere. Finally a portal opens, a portal to the bottom of New York Bay, sending a huge wave of water at the lizard, knocking him back as scaffolding falls around him.
The lizard stops as the water blocks him from getting to you three, your Peter swinging in and kicking him backwards.
“MJ,” he yells, indicating to her to throw him the cure, which she does. They watch as their Peter shoves it into the lizards mouth, releasing the gas that transforms the lizard back into a man.
“Woah!” Ned exclaims, impressed as the lizard staggers to the ground, slowly turning back into a man.
“We’ve got to hide this thing,” you say to Ned and MJ who nod immediately, Ned trying to make another portal. You feel a warm dessert breeze as a glaring Dr. Strange steps out of the portal.
“Where is he?” He asks, using magic to get the box from you.
“Wait!” You and MJ exclaim together.
“Before you do anything Mister... Doctor Strange, sir... Peter’s plan is working,” you desperately say as Dr. Strange looks around mystified, spotting the lizard man slowly turning back into Mr. Conners.
“Well, I’ll be damned.” He answers, surprised by what the Spider-Men were accomplishing. Part of you wanted to berate him about underestimating your Peter but at the same time, it was him who got everyone into this situation in the first place.
“Did you just open a portal?” Dr. Strange finally turns to Ned.
“Yes... yes, sir. I did.” He responds nervously, fiddling with the Sling Ring on his fingers.
“Hmmmm...,” Dr. Strange mutters, rather impressed by Ned’s abilities, giving Ned an approving nod. A nod that Ned would likely never forget.
He then proceeds to portal away to the crown on the Statue of Liberty, the box in his hands. Your Peter jumps down in front of him trying to convince him not to press the button as their plan is working. He introduces the other two Spider-Men to a very done Dr. Strange, and right as he’s about to press the button, a voice calls out.
“Can the Spider-Man come out to play?” The green goblin asks evilly, the last villain they had to cure. He appears on his glider, the one that killed Aunt May. He glides around quickly, throwing bomb after bomb after bomb at everything in sight.
Dr. Ock springs into action, grabbing bombs out of Dr. Strange’s path. You, Ned, and MJ safe as he hasn't noticed you three yet, focusing instead on the heroes trying to stop him.
During the chaos, Green Goblin manages to steal the box from Dr. Strange, beginning to glide away. Before he can however, one of Doc Ock’s tentacles grabs his glider, keeping him in place as Dr. Strange uses magic to grab the box back.
It doesn't take long for the Spider Men to sense something's wrong.
“Strange, no...!” Your Peter yells as the box suddenly explodes, the unstable spell sending a shockwave through everything around it. The shockwave ripples through Captain America’s shield, making it creak and fall into the scaffolding, breaking and bending everything around you.
You manage to dodge the debris but don't realize the scaffolding beneath you crumbling until you begin falling. Ned and MJ manage to grab onto a bent pole, but you don’t. You reach for MJ as she reaches for you but you continue to fall as your fingers just barely graze each other’s, a scream ripping from your mouth.
Your Peter, hearing your scream, dives after you. He’s so close, your fingers are touching, but the Green Goblin’s glider slams into him, knocking him away from you as the Green Goblin laughs maniacally.
As you fall, you realize that you were going to die. Your life didn’t flash before your eyes but everything slowed down once more as you took in what you believe to be the last moments of your life before you slammed into the pavement below you. No one could save you. No one but Peter.
He leaps into action, swinging down towards you and wrapping his arms around your waist. He webs a not broken part of the scaffolding before gently landing on the ground, you held tightly in his arms.
“Are you okay?” He asks, emotions rolling off him and onto you when you realize that he had finally done what he couldn’t do in the past. He’d redeemed himself, he’d caught you, he’d saved your life.
“Yeah, I’m okay, Peter,” you mumble, pressing your face into his neck, still getting over the feeling of free falling, still getting over the feeling of accepting your death. You were so close to death, so close to making your Peter grieve another loss, but you couldn't dwell on that.
“Are you okay?” You asks softly, pulling away just enough to see his tear-stained face as he nods in affirmation. He’s okay, even though he’s crying, he’s okay. It's happy tears.
He gently lets you go, even though you both want to hold on.
“You should go,” you says softly, “ they need your help right now.”
“Bu...,” he begins but you cuts him off.
“No buts,” you says, placing his hand above your heart, “still here, and I’ll be here after. Go find them.” With that, he nods, kissing the top of your head and swinging off to go help the other Peters.
You stand there for a few moments, shocked by the kiss. It was your first kiss from a boy, even if it was only on the forehead. And it was from him, of all people. 
You smile softly to yourself as you begin to look for Ned and MJ, walking around the base of the statue, climbing over fallen debris and piles of tarp, calling out for your friends. You see them standing at the base, likely looking for you.
“Ned! MJ!” You call out as you spot them, running towards them. They hear your shouts, yelling your name before running to meet you. The three of you crash into a group hug as you three mutter reassurances that you’re all fine.
You finally release each other when you hear your Peter calling MJ’s name from the edge of the shield. You watch as he then turns on Green Goblin, attacking him with all the pent up rage he has from May’s death.
Green Goblin breaks free, releasing his arm blades and swinging them at your Peter who dodges with ease. Your Peter gains the upper hand, using it to bash him into the ground, violently punching him.
“He’s going to kill him,” you whisper softly, scared for Peter as you watch him pummel Green Goblin, “he’s going to kill him.”
You sigh in relief when Parker gets in front of the glider, successfully stopping your Peter from killing Norman along with the Green Goblin. But your relief soon turns to horror when the Green Goblin stabs Parker in the back, Parker stumbling to the ground.
The Green Goblin continues to taunt your Peter but it doesn't get through this time. You watch as Peter throws the cure to your Peter, your Peter jabbing it into the Green Goblin’s neck, successfully curing the last of the villains.
Norman looks around in shock and distraught at what he’s done but Parker seems to be okay as he leans on both Peter’s. You heard something about, “I’ve been stabbed before,” and rolled your eyes. Spider-Men.
Finally, after everything's settled, your Peter swings over to you three, dropping down and immediately being pulled into a group hug. You sigh contently, happy to have your family in your arms, safe and sound.
“You’re okay,” MJ says softly, looking at him affectionately, a look reserved for only him. She would look at you and Ned with affection but her looks for him were always something special, a little crack in her facade.
“Are you okay?” He asks you three, pulling away from the hug just enough to ask the question.
“Yeah, we’re okay,” you respond softly, ruffling his hair and smiling.
“Um, we should go, right?” MJ asks him, beginning to tug you in a random direction, assuming Ned or Dr. Strange would get you all home.
“You’re gonna forget who I am.” Peter says abruptly.
You stare at him, trying to gauge if you heard him wrong but deep down you know you didn't. Forget Peter? No, you could never forget him, not with all those years and all those memories. Would you? Would they just be gone? Just like that?
“What?” Ned asks, looking to your Peter for an explanation.
“Forget who you are, what are you talking about?” MJ asks.
“It’s okay. I’m going to come and find you, and I’ll explain everything,” your Peter says with conviction, “I’ll make you remember me, and it’ll be like none of this every happened. Okay?”
You feel panic rising in you as MJ asks all the questions you wanted to say but didn’t have the courage to, “Okay, but what if it doesn’t work? What if we can’t remember you? I don’t want to do that.”
“I know, MJ. I know,” he responds.
“Is there nothing we can do? We can’t come up with, like, a plan or something, you know? There’s always something we can do?” She tries to fight it but from Peter’s expression, you know it’s all in vain, there’s nothing you can do. This is going to happen, no matter what you want.
“There’s nothing we can do,” he says, trying to reassure her with a, “but it’ll be okay.”
“You promise?” Ned asks.
“Yeah, I promise.” Your Peter states, as the two do a bittersweet version of their handshake for possibly the last time. You decide to stand off to the side, letting them have their last moments together in peace before he turns to you.
“I’ll come find you, I promise. And I'll tell you everything, everything we did. From those horrendous finger painting, to the time Aunt May made us go to the school dance, to the time you tried to convince me to ask MJ out, all of it.” He tells you softly.
“You better,” you mumble softly, beginning to tear up, “or I’m going to be really pissed when I find out.”
He laughs, “that’s what you’ll all be if I don’t.” Trying to make light of a rough situation, but it didn't work this time.
You pull him into a hug, trying to cement the feeling of his hugs into your memory. You feel his tears dropping on your jacket and you pull back, giving him a wide smile and a fake laugh, your own method of trying to cheer him up that doesn't quite work.
With that, you let him and MJ have their moment before he swings away, out of your lives for who knows how long.
“Goodbye,” you mumble softly, wiping away your tears as MJ and Ned hug you tight.
“You should say goodbye to him,” MJ tells you, making you tilt your head in confusion.
“Peter 3,” she adds and you nodded in confirmation, making your way down to the other two Peters. Your steps were light, quiet, but they knew you were coming the moment you stepped on the shield.
“So,” you drawl, “you guys excited to go home?” You asked softly, looking at both of them but really only addressing one, Peter. You don’t know why but that was how it was.
“Very,” Parker muttered, “I need to get back to my wife.” You smiled at his words, happy that in some universe, Peter was with his MJ, alive and happy.
“I’m going to give you guys some space.” Parker states, walking a little ways off to where he wouldn’t be overhearing what you guys said in your last moments together.
“So this is goodbye?” Peter asked softly, reaching out to touch your hair, a gesture that sent a flurry of butterflies wild in your stomach.
“I don’t want you to go.” You blurt out, quickly covering your mouth with your hands in shock.
When he takes a few seconds to answer, you begin to turn, ready to break into a sprint away from him as your broken heart throbbed. But you didn't get very far as his webbing caught your side, pulling you into his embrace.
It was just like before, his arms circling your waist tightly, you pressed gently against his chest, his body cradling yours as he held you. He smelled of clean shave and another scent you couldn’t describe in any other way but “him”.
“I don’t want to go either,” he sighed, his lips pressed to her forehead, “but before I do, I want to give you this.” he mumbles, passing her his mask.
“I can’t take this, you need this,” she tried to fight but he shushed her with a finger.
“Just means I’ll have to come back to get it.” He responded with a cocky smile, already beginning to fade as he threw up a peace sign for Parker and a forehead kiss for her.
She felt tears streaming down her face before the ripple passed through her. When she came to, she was standing on the Statue of Liberty island at sunrise, a Spiderman mask in her hands that she didn’t know where she got it from.
She stared down at it, shoving it in her back pocket before going to look for Ned and MJ who had come to the island with her.
MJ and you are in the coffee shop MJ worked at, MJ behind the counter and you reading a book on one of the stools. Your bag leaned against the stool legs, opened far enough to reveal a crudely hidden Spider-Man mask that you’d been carrying around for a while now.
The book you read was The Outsider by Stephen King, it was good, but not good enough as it was put down the second Ned walked through the doors. You threw him a peace sign, something else you’d been doing recently, among the other little things you’d started doing.
“One sec,” MJ said to you two as another guy entered the coffee shop, “can I help you?” The boy was from Midtown, Peter Parker you think, but you hadn’t spoken to him a lot. He was the school’s resident genius of the decathlon team but stayed mostly to himself.
“”Hi, um, my name is Peter Parker. And I...,” he trails off, “would like a coffee, please.” It seemed like he wanted to say more but stopped himself, something you do yourself quite often, not wanting to blow your observational cover.
“Okay, no problem, Peter Parker,” MJ responded, beginning to make his coffee.
“Donut for my fellow engineer,” she told Ned.
“Oh, wait, what?” Ned asked, making you two laugh.
“MIT, they’re the Engineers.” You explained, before Ned started laughing too at his own lapse in memory.
“Oh, right, right, right, I should probably know that.” Ned commented, finally calming down from his laughter.
“Look at you being all school spirit missy,” you smiled from over your coffee cup, the Carmel mixing perfectly into your beverage.
“Tell anybody, I will deny it.” MJ responded, sliding Peter Parker his coffee over the table.
“Peter Parker,” she called, when he didn’t respond, she said it a second time, “Peter Parker?”
“Your coffee,” she gestured to the drink when he finally snapped from his stupor.
“Right. Thank you. Um, are you excited for MIT?” He asked, and you decided to tune them out, a knowing smile on your lips as you watched MJ twiddle the black dahlia on her necklace.
Just like you and the mask, she didn’t know where she’d gotten it, it had just been there, wrapped around her neck and she couldn’t let it go. You had both shrugged it off, deciding to not dwell in the tedious details as you both felt a connection to them.
Peter Parker began to step away when you decided to speak up, “hey Parker!”
“Yeah?” He asked, turning around to face you.
“Wanna join us in studying? I know we’re in the same chem class and you’re doing fine, but I could use some help on these formulas.” You asked, looking to Ned and MJ for confirmation that that was okay. They nodded their approval and you looked back at the guy to see that he was smiling.
“I’d like that.”
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palaceofpassion · 3 years
MAY I stop Time?
A fic done for a friend!  In which May lets her new semblance go to her head.  
“Okay… okay I can do this.”  
Here May rested, her body hanging above the man of her dreams, one of the many people of her dreams but still the only man.  Her eyes gazed upon his delectable form, his toned form gained through months and months of hard work.  His boyish face on the threshold of a chiseled deity.  Nearly losing herself in his gorgeous blue eyes she felt her heart thump in her chest.  Her beloved Jaune rested below her, his body glistening with the sweat of his hard labor.  
Even as she lowered herself upon his lap he made no distinct movements, no signs of noticing her attempts.  In fact he didn’t move at all, neither did the incredibly gorgeous women around him.  Taking the time to handle her nerves she gazed upon the other six figures in the room.  Her pulse raced in her veins as she stared at each of them, bare as the day they were born.  Their bodies much like Jaunes were coated in a thick layer of sweat.  And just like the man below her they made no special attention to her own depravity.  None of them moved, not a single person besides herself were even aware, conscious of her actions.  
Even as she pressed her virgin lips against the tip of his massive cock she couldn’t help but remember the day this all started.  The day that she unlocked her semblance, what felt like so long ago was only a month.  In that month she’d learned to control her powers, learned to use them to their best and make the most out of them.  And what else would she do with them but enjoy her beloveds to their fullest.  And here they all where, here they all sat around her.  
Closing her eyes she pushed down, the memories of yonder days returning to her mind as she did so.
It had been any other day, May had been at the shooting range practicing her sniping, she wouldn’t let that Ruby girl show her up!  Then out of nowhere one of the punks from Team CRDL decided it was a great idea to scare her, so they decided that they’d take a pot shot at her.  In her surprise something happened, before the dust round hit her the world came to a halt, everything slowed till the bullet stopped right in front of her.  
“Wha?!  What’s going on?!”  The normally quiet May couldn’t help but have a minor freak out when she realized the bullet that should have slammed her right in the face had stopped.  After a moment it dawned on her, this was her doing!  Excitement filled her breast as she stared at the bullet, completely forgetting about those jerks from CRDL.  In her excitement she dashed out of the room, not even paying attention to any of the other students as she passed by.  She only had a small group of people she wanted to tell, the most important people in her life.  
With speed that would drive Ruby to envy she found herself in the Library, where she knew her special friends would be.  Spotting them in the distance she made her way forward, the first coming to focus was her most beloved man.  Jaune Arc, the only person who would go out of their way to talk to a wallflower like her.  He’d gone out of his way to talk to her when no one else would at the beginning of initiation.  Being teamed with him had done nothing but cause her near case heart attacks.  She’d pretend not to stare when he’d come out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel.  She was only so strong though, weak willed as she was, she'd gaze upon his figure over and over.  And believe her when she says he’d come a long way.  She still held their first conversation dear in her heart, it was because of him that she’d been able to make such precious friends.  She wouldn’t admit it, but she’d had many an erotic dream about the young blonde… though speaking of erotic dreams she knew she wasn’t the only one.
To his right, was quite possibly the single most gorgeous woman in existence.  A beauty who made lesbians out of even straight women, Pyrrha Nikos.  The all Star Champion, the invincible girl, the untouchable unapproachable or at least that’s what May used to think.  If it hadn’t been for Jaune she may have never seen the real girl underneath, the one who was just as lonely as her, who only wanted to make friends.  They both owed a lot to Jaune, and if she was being honest, Pyrrha was probably her biggest rival for his affection.  At least she would have been if not for her also being a target of May’s pining heart.  The woman was amazing, strong, powerful, glorious, gorgeous!  But more than that she was just a girl, a sweet and loving girl that like herself was just happy spending time with her friends.  
Then there was the girl to his left, the dark skinned beauty Ciel Soleil, her own partner.  She hadn’t really known what to think of the girls when they first met.  But now they were as thick as thieves, even if Ciel rarely ever spoke.  She owed much of this to her previous two teammates, they’d taken the time to get everyone to sit and talk with one another.  She knew that if they’d been left to their own devices then neither her nor Ciel would have taken the time to become friends.  She would have surely regretted that decision.  Despite her cold nature, May knew she cared in the end, she herself was an incredibly sweet woman who May couldn’t help but feel an affinity for.
To Ciel’s own left, there was Penny Poledina, her odd but rather fun friend who had come along with her Atlas.  The two had originally planned to be partners, but because of Ciel accidentally running into May first those plans had become derailed.  Things had worked out surprisingly well as Penny would visit the four of them frequently, becoming fast friends.  May herself was surprised at how quickly Jaune had adapted to Penny’s inquisitive nature, he himself admitted to having seven sisters so he had grown to become rather patient.  She was incredibly adorable, and May couldn’t help but feel her heart flutter every time the inquisitive girl spoke to ehr.
In front of them were sitting the other three members of their little friend group.  One being the second year Velvet Scarlatina, a student who had somehow just kind of drifted into their little group.  May couldn’t even remember when she first showed up, but she was now a full part of their group.  And honestly she didn’t really mind her, though she saw the way she looked at Jaune, not that May could have blamed her.  The girl herself was quite the beauty, her adorable ears expressed a lot of her emotion, and well May would be lying if she said she HADN’T stared at that nice plump rear of hers.  
To her right was another odd one to join their friend group, Reese Chloris, she’d apparently been having issues with some of the girls from team NDGO, and Pyrrha happened to walk by.  Not one to let things like injustice go unpunished, she stepped in and absolutely humiliated them.  It was pretty obvious that Reese had originally joined by the simple virtue of her own lust and admiration towards Pyrrha.  But as time went on she became a genuine friend with the group.  May really liked her style, her mohawk was incredibly stylish, and her slim figure was one that May envied.
Then there was Weiss, the last member of their little group.  Member of team RWBY, Heiress of the Schnee Dust Company, she will never let you forget that by the way.  Or at least she wouldn’t have in the past.  Weiss was honestly the most surprising member of their group, she’d been a pain in her posterior when they’d first met.  Mostly because of how Jaune had been stricken by the young Heiress.  May hadn’t been the only one bothered by this obviously, as Pyrrha despite giving Jaune the go ahead had come to dislike the attention that she had been given.  Then there was the fact that she was quite mean when it came to turning down the young Arc.  He’d only asked her out three times and yet she’d gotten terribly upset with him… she wished he’d been more forward with her or at least Pyrrha or Cie.  Though things turned around near the dance, he’d realized that it wasn’t going to happen he  apologized and even helped push that Neptune guy in the right direction.  That ended up not working out, and well they’d become friends along the way.
She wouldn’t say that she was as fond of her as she was all the other girls, but for what it was worth she was very pretty.  
Even in her excitement she didn’t yell out to them, she hated drawing attention to herself, she was quite literally a wallflower.  Her parents had named her after a mayflower in itself.  Though, as she drew closer she noticed something strange, they hadn’t moved even the slightest.  That… that wasn’t normal, not even in the slightest.  Her confusion grew as she drew closer, finally reaching them.  Then she looked around… no one was moving, not a single person!  “Wha..what?!”  Fear seized her heart as she started to panic, had she done this?!  Did she freeze everyone?!  
“Please go back, please go back!”  Closing her eyes she wished as hard as she could that this was just a dream.  
“May?”  She nearly jumped out of her large jacket, her one good eye opening wide as the other seven individuals watched her with concern and confusion.  “When did you get here?”  Jaune’s warm voice assisted in calming her nerves.  
“I… uhm… I….”  She wanted to tell them about her semblance, this was a big moment!  But… but there was a part of her, concentrating once more she felt the world fall to a halt.  “I… I did do this…”  She’d stopped time!  She wasn’t sure exactly how she’d do it, or what had brought this around.  But this was amazing!  Though… though sinister thoughts fluttered through her mind.  Mustering her courage she walked in between her friends, taking a deep breath she leaned over towards Jaune.  It was quick and small, but she pressed her lips against his offering him a small peck.  
Pulling away she felt her face burn hot, embarrassment flowed through her.  “I… I did it!”  She couldn’t believe she’d done it, she couldn’t believe that she’d managed to kiss the boy of her dreams.  Though one could hardly call it a real kiss, it would suffice for the time.  She wasn’t quite brave enough, nor did she want to abuse these powers.
Moving back to her previous position she concentrated, time fell back in.  “Uh, I… I just wanted to come by and study with you guys… if that’s okay?”
“Of course it is sweetheart.”  Her heart fluttered in her chest as Pyrrha stared at her, her gorgeous emerald orbs peering into her ugly blueish grey.  “We’d love to have you… though it is quite strange how you’d gotten here out of seemingly nowhere.”  
“Yeah dude!  Where did you even come from?”  Reese’ question nearly threw her off.
“I uhm… I just walked over, maybe you guys didn’t notice me? I am really hard to notice. ”  She didn’t mean to get down on herself, and she sort of prided herself in her unnoticeable status.  But there was a part of her that really didn’t like it.
“No… no we would have noticed you.  You’re always noticeable to us.”  All of the girls nodded along to Jaune’s words, and once more May remembered why she loved these people.  All of them, each and every last one of them.  “So what brought you over here in a hurry?”  
“I uhm I!”  In her panic time stopped again, “oh no!”  She’d need to get better control of that, still she watched everyone.  Their lips puckered in worry for her, and then… then a thought hit her.  She could do anything!  Anything at all… so she made her move.  Stepping to Weiss first she gulped, her heavy chest heaved beneath her thick jacket.  Lowering herself she cleared the hair out of her vision.  
With courage that can only be found from her new found abilities she pressed her lips against the Heiress.  Just like her namesake she had a crisp icey taste to her, one that May would very much like to try again in the future.  
Not delaying she pulled away with a small pop, running her tongue around her lips.  
Next came Reese, the exotic girl proved to be quite the opposite, her lips had an earthy taste to them, it wasn’t bad, just completely different from Weiss.  
Next came Velvet, May couldn’t help but giggle against Velvet’s lips which tasted like Carrot Cake.  “Oh Vel~”  Pulling away she couldn’t help but run her fingers through Velvet’s ears, running her nails through her thin fur.  
Penny was next, copper, it tasted a lot like copper… and silicone?  It was an odd combination!  But she didn’t hate it, it was pleasant once she grew used to it and she may have dilly dallied a bit more than she meant to.  She placed another gentle kiss against her forehead before moving onto Ciel.
She took a moment staring at her partners glossy chocolate covered skin.  Oh god she felt her nerves fail as she grew closer.  Unlike the other girls she made sure this one lasted, her lips pressed tightly against the timely strict girl and she kept them pressed for a while.  She enjoyed her flavor most of all so far, it was a cool minty flavor one that sent chills down her spine.  After reluctantly pulling away she moved over to Pyrrha.
Her heart fluttered thoroughly in her chest, like a drum beating rapidly she felt her heart about to explode.  Mustering her courage she actually grabbed Pyrrha’s head.  Puckering as much as she could she pressed her lips, spice and ginger filled ehr senses as she found herself unable to pull away from the exotically erotic woman in front of her.  Running her tongue across her cherry red lips she couldn’t help but enjoy the woman’s plump lips.  
Truly reluctantly she pulled away, her heart thumped louder and louder to the point she swore that she could hear it pumping blood in her veins.  Turning towards Jaune she just went right in, her moist lips crashed against his.  One minute, two minutes, three minutes she continued to kiss him, not even coming up for air her courage turned into a burning fire as she ran her tongue across his teeth.  Pressing on she slipped into her mouth, by this points he was basically tongue fucking him.  She lost count for how long she’d been doing so but she now knew his taste intimately!  Thick ropes of drool rippled down as she pulled away, her tongue slipping out of his mouth last.  “So goooood~”  She wanted more, needed more!  She could always feel the power going to ehr head, but she didn’t care!  For now though… she needed to keep things under control.
Pulling back she made sure to take her original spot, giving herself time to calm her beating heart she finally allowed time to return.  She’d nearly missed it, but several of the girls, and Jaune, had quickly pressed their fingers across their lips.  Velvet herself had slipped her hand across one of her rabbit ears.  Once more time stood still, and a sudden realization hit her, “They can feel it… they can’ feel everything…”  This should have scared her, should have terrified her, but it didn’t, instead it excited her, it sent powerful urges and lit a strong desire inside of her chest.  
Once more taking the time to calm herself, she let time flow again, “I… I just wanted to see you.”  Despite her meek tone she felt far more courageous than she’d ever felt.  The fire that lit in her soul wouldn’t burn away, not for a long long time.  For now though, she’d take the time to practice, to truly get used to her powers.
“Uh… well come and sit down!”  It was obvious that Jaune was trying to get over the strange sensation in his mouth, but bless him for still thinking of her.
A small smile crossed her lips as she sat down with the group, this really was the good life and she wouldn’t trade it for anything… but she wanted more… wanted more with all of them.  It was small, but she knew what she would do.
The sun hadn’t even risen by the time she’d woken the next morning, the excitement of the previous day had truly gotten to her and in her excitement she’d found sleep hard to come by.  Even Pyrrha, Ms. Wakes up before the crack of dawn, was still slumbering, “Mmm~ Jaune not in front of the others~”  
A smile slipped past her lips as she listened to their Vice Leader talk in her sleep, it was a good thing that Jaune was such a deep sleeper.  Though she’d have to talk to Pyrrha about that one day, the girl’s thirst was unquenchable, not like she could blame her.  Jaune was quite the wonderful boy, she’d had quite a few dreams about him as well.
Though… speaking of the boy, her eyes glanced over at his resting figure.  The soft silver light of the moon illuminated his lithe figure.  As her eyes trailed down from his face, to his chest she felt a knot grow in her throat.  Apparently Pyrrha hadn’t been the only one to have an erotic dream that night, with only the moon’s light casting upon him she could still make out his impressive mast standing at full attention.  
Once more she had that sickly thick feeling bundle in her chest, her breathing grew heavy.  Without thinking she slid off her bed, with light steps she made her way over to him..
Activating her semblance the world grew still. Her core grew slick as she drew closer, trickles of warm juices began to run down her inner thigh.  Before she knew it she was already by his side, her hand gingerly pressed against his thick hard member.  Even covered by his rather soft onesie she could tell just how massive it was, excitement began to boil in her core.  
As her gaze fell to his slumbering face she felt herself awash with shame.  Was she about to do this?  This was an invasion of privacy!  Jaune would never do that to her… but… but this could be her only chance… the only times he’d ever get to actually see it.  Then she looked back towards his towering member, she was so very weak.  Pushing past her hesitation she slipped her right hand up his surprisingly firm chest.  Her fingers slowly pinched upon the zipper, the zipper that held her long desired treasure.  
And without even the slightest bit of hesitation or a second thought she slid the metallic key downwards.  As she slowly pulled on the last lock to her goal a thought occurred to her, how was she moving something even when time was stopped?  How could she still hear the sound of the zipper coming down?  She’d have to investigate later, but for now, for now she had a prize to unbox.  
Her heart throbbed in her heaving breast as her goal came into sight, finally she’d pulled that darned thing all the way.  She wanted to enjoy this, wanted to really let the moment sink in.  Bit by bit, she continued.  First her gaze fell upon tufts of unsheared golden fur, “Oh!”  He was as voluminous in the lower section as he was up top.  She’d… she’d love to run her nose across it, take a moment to really enjoy his scent.  
As she continued her venture she felt her boxers wedge into her quivering pussy, she would need to change after this.  Finally she reached the very tip, and with one last pull she allowed it to spring free.  She felt as if she’d used her semblance on herself, her mind went blank as everything stood still.  There it was, in all it’s massive glory, “Could… would… would it fit?”  She couldn’t help but tremble at the sight, both in awe and fear at the mighty shaft that stood at hopefully full attention in front of her.
She couldn’t help but feel in awe of how mighty it was, but at the same time, the very thought of trying to slide it inside of her frightened her.  She would need to practice, need to get ready for when the time came.  But!  That was not why she was here, no she was here to… to… to help her leader!  Yes!  That’s why she’d come this far, he must have been in so much pain, so she as his faithful teammate, had to do her duty and help… help relieve his stress… yes… right that’s what she was doing.  This was for him, this wasn’t for her…  right.  At least that’s what she told herself.  
Once she’d taken the zipper to the very end she had decided on repositioning herself.  Laying herself between his legs, she allowed herself to really get close up and personal with hopefully her future husband’s mighty… p… penis.  She felt her face flush hot at the thought of using the word!  Still… something was odd, she’d tested it before but she could definitely taste things even with time frozen.  But apparently she was also able to smell them, her nose was assaulted by a thick strong musk, one that was mixed with the scent of spice.  That in itself had answered a question that was at the back of her mind, did he shampoo his pubic hairs?  The answer was apparently a strong yes!  
Still… it was impressive, impressive with how even after he’d spent nearly 25 minutes in the shower he still had this strong… powerful… tantalizing… invigorating odor to him!  Pressing her nose forward she pressed herself between his thick heavy sack, and his impressive… massive… gorging c...c...cock… yes that’s what this was!  She felt his flesh move against her touch, she’d almost jumped back when she realized that it hadn’t been as hard as she thought.  Instead she felt warmth, felt his touch against her face.  This… this was good… she’d been worried about how well this would turn out.  But as she took in deep strong breaths she knew it was going to be amazing.  Burying her nose against the base of his penis, she allowed herself the time to take in his scent.  She was practically marinating in it, and she loved every last second.
Her instincts took control of her actions, without realizing it she’d already brought the tip of her tongue to the slit at the head of his massive cock.  Before she could stop herself she’d already moved in to get a taste, running her pink muscle across his sensitive glands, scooping up bits of frozen precum as she dug into the tiny hole.  Once she’d finished she took the moment to savor his thick and natural flavors.  She’d read that most women hated the taste, but she found herself becoming addicted to the salty tangy flavor.  
Once she’d pulled back she took the time to admire the view in front of her.  “I can’t believe I’m doing this… it’s… it’s so wonderful.”  She wanted him, wanted to feel so very full, wanted to slide that thick hard cock between her needy pussy.  She could feel her womb tighten at the thought, begging for her to mount him and breed herself on her unsuspecting love.  
However, she still had enough self restraint, it was too early for that.  She couldn’t let herself be carried away… though… though she could help him out a little right?  He’d been there for her from the very beginning, it would only be right if she were to… were to help him get off.  Just… look how hard… and pent up he must have been.  Right, she was just being a good friend… a good… a good follower!  Yes that’s what she was doing…
WIth her final bits of self control crumbling before her she took the time to move forward.  Once more she placed her nose between his cock and balls allowing his scent to invade her nose.  She couldn’t get enough of it!  She hadn’t realized just how amazing scents could be till today, but here she was stuffing her face into her beloved man’s balls like a… a… a horny little slut… “Ahhh~”  She felt her pussy clench at the thought alone, her body shook with excitement in response.  “I… I’m a dirty… I’m a dirty little slut.”  That crumbling self control was gone, and now only her desires leaked out.  
“I want you to breed me… I want you to breed me!  Breed Pyrrha!  Breed CIel!  Breed Reese!  Breed Penny!  Breed Velvet!  Breed Weiss!  Break all the other girls!”  Her right hand moved to the base of his cock, she swore that the hot burning member throbbed at her touch, but that wasn’t possible.  Her left hand moved between her thighs, slipping between her tight boxers her fingers moved along her plump moist vulva.  Unable to control herself any longer, consumed by his thick musk, she moved her hands in tandem.
Her dainty thin fingers ran along her plump lips squeezing and grinding back and forth.  She could feel herself growing slicker and slicker.  Her nose buried deep between his massive cock and heavy balls she continued to breath in his thick scent.  Her right hand continued to run up and down his thick heavy meaty fat cock, pumping him over and over running her fingers across his thick heavy veins.  Her brain could only think of breeding, could only think of pleasuring the man before her, even if he wouldn’t feel it.  But she did anyways, placing her lips against his thick, full balls she placed several heavy and hearty kisses against them.  From time to time she dragged her tongue across his sweaty savoury orbs.  
She wanted more and more, when her tongue wasn’t enough she wrapped her lips around one of his impressive sacks.  Dragging her tongue against the precious balls of flesh she began to gently suck on them.  Her pumping grew faster and faster, while her fingers continued to explore her nether regions.  SQUELCH SQUELCH SQUELCH   Over and over she ran her thin digits through her plump pussy.  Her fingers began to explore her thin hole, finally penetrating her needy little slit.  She could feel her pussy suck and clench around her fingers, she needed something bigger!  She needed his cock in her, she needed to be bred!  She wanted him to do her, to do so to so many others!  The thought of all of the girls riding this member, while the others watched invaded her mind!  The thought of him putting those nasty girls, those nasty insulting girls that liked to put him down in their place.  For him to have them face down ass up, this MIGHTY cock plunging in and out of their holes as they begged for more, begged for him to breed them like the dirty little breeding sows that they were.  Those thoughts invaded her mind like never before.
She couldn’t believe herself, couldn’t believe how easily she felt she was being corrupted!  But it wasn’t just the breeding!  No! NO! That would imply she only wanted his cock in her!  She wanted other things, wanted to run her tongue through Pyrrha and Ciel’s pussy, to eat them out and savor their flavors.  She wanted to stretch out Weiss and Reese, bend them in positions that only their thin, gorgeous, and lithe bodies could handle.  She wanted to grind with Penny, wanted to get tribal with Velvet!  
Her inner desires burned through, she’d been a good girl!  She was allowed to have these absolutely nasty thoughts!  She wanted more and more AND MORE!  Her suction grew harder till she felt her jaw grow tired, he was so impressive!  So mighty!  Even as she continued to invade her own body, with three fingers invading her needy pussy.  She found herself gazing upon his manly mane, the tufts of blonde hair that called for her to bury her nose into.  Scooting forward she placed her face against his sternum, dragging her nose against his thick fur.  He smelled so good!  The harsh fragrance from his shampoo hit her nose at the same time as his thick heavy musk, built up from the heat of the night.  “Oh god!  I’m so bad~  I’m such a bad little girl.”
She couldn’t stop herself, her cervix opened and closed as she continued to attack her own pussy.  She couldn’t stop, there was no way she could, her juices flowed freely down her thighs, her boxers were practically drenched in her own fluids by this point.  She really couldn’t use them anymore!  It would be too embarrassing, and yet, and yet a thought occurred.  What if Jaune were to catch her like this?  What if she started time up again… oh what would he do to her?  Would he push her down, breed her?  Use her massive ugly tits like… like handles as his thick hard cocked pumped in and out of her nasty… naughty...needy… pussy?  The thought was tempting!  She wanted to do it!  But she knew she couldn’t, she just couldn’t!  She was too scared, absolutely terrified!
Still the thought was there!  The thought that was pushed back into the depths of her mind!  For now though, she felt herself hit her climax, her body shivered and convulsed, her juices oozed down her thighs, her boxers drenched and unwearable at this point.  She fell forward, her chest heaving up and down as she did her best to breath, her nose buried deep against his pelvis.  
As her post orgasm clarity hit her, her face began to burn hot, burned so damn hot.  Her eyes snapped open as she pulled away, nearly tripping as her drenched underwear clung to her body.  Embarrassment consumed her at a realization of what she’d just done.  “I… I… no!  No!  I’m sorry!”  Running towards her dresser she grabbed a clean pair of boxers, she couldn’t believe what she’d just done, what she’d just THOUGHT!  It was… it was so bad!  Burying her face into her clean underwear for a moment she did her best to sling her moist used set down her slick wet thighs.  With a wet SCHLOP her boxers hit the ground.  
She shivered at the sound, her body growing hot as her embarrassment consumed her once more.  Once she’d slipped on a fresh pair, she’d need to make sure that he was fixed as well.  As she began to zip him up once more she couldn’t help but give him one last gift.  Pressing her lips against the tip of his cock she gave him one last kiss.  Once she’d finished setting him up she made sure to hide her… her shameful piece of cloth at the very bottom of her clothing hamper.  
Gently she climbed into her sheets and closed her eyes.  Her power over the world began to vanish, and she’d been prepared to fall asleep when she heard a loud thrashing sound and… and what sounded like a powerful squirting noise!
“NNNNGH!♥!!”  Her eyes snapped open as she stared at the cause of the sound, Jaune was twitching, his upper body jolted upright.  Her eyes glanced downwards as his loud moaning filled the otherwise quiet dorm room.  SPURT SPURT SPURT SPURT!  Her face grew red hot as she realized what was happening!  All the feedback from when she'd been stroking him was finally happening.  “Ah! AH AH!”  Under the silver light of the moon she could clearly see his cock twitching and spurting out thick globs as his onesie became stained in his thick seed.  
“I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry!”  She hadn’t meant for that to happen!  In her own lust she’d forgotten about it!  Now the boy of her affection was having quite possibly the strongest orgasm he’d ever had, and it… it was all because of her!  A sense of pride filled her chest, but was quickly replaced with shame as she saw the distraught face in front of her.  Her instincts screamed to move and comfort him!  But… but she couldn’t bring herself to move, she couldn’t let him know she was awake.  Instead she watched him, watched as he stared in panic at his own sputtering cock the obvious shame built upon his face… it did things to her... things she didn’t want to admit.
“Hah hah hah…”  His panting echoed and sunk into her ears, it was… it was doing things to her.  She could feel her core heat up once more.  “I… why… I… no….”  Despite how terrible she felt, that small tinge of pride still filled her chest.  “Why… I… no… I… they can’t see this… they… they’d hate me…  I can’t… I cant believe I had a… wet dream about all of them… why…”  She nearly flinched when he turned towards her.  “I’m sorry May… I can’t… I can’t believe I… to you…”
Had he been having a wet dream?!  Was she in it?!  Was that why he was apologizing?!  “You… I’m… I’m such a bad friend.”  Even with her eyes closed shut as they were, she could still make out the sounds of him heading to the bathroom, obviously to get changed and to clean off… off that thick… stain on his onesie… that rich… fresh…  and like that the world stopped once more.
Once more she got up, making her way around him she quickly unzipped his onesie, unable to resist the treat in front of her!  Once she’d gotten the zipper all the way down she was treated with his cum coated cock.  She remembered the previous embarrassment!  Remembering how bad she felt!  But how could she resist?!  Quickly she moved, running her tongue along his still thick hard shaft she lapped up his thick honeyed cum.  “Schow good!  You taste schow bery good!”  She couldn’t stop it, she couldn’t stop till she consumed every last bit.  And there was just so much!  So very much very much.  For what felt like forever she continued to lap away, consuming and gulping down as mucha s she could.  Tasting his flavors so directly had nearly lit her fire again, but she needed to control herself.  
Once she’d made sure to have consumed as much as she could, even going as far as to lick what she could off of his onesie she went back to bed.  Letting time return she heard him nearly fall over, “Wha?!”  He’d apparently grown weak kneed with her previous endeavors.  “Wha… what is wrong with me?”  His voice released a hushed whisper, but she could still hear it, hear the embarrassment in his voice.  It… it was so delectable.  She… she was awakening tos something new.  She wanted more… but for now she’d sleep, close her eyes and rest.
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sitaarein · 3 years
None Stand Equal In This Dark World
A/N: Officially my largest ever fic so please. Just read it and be nice sob because I’m kinda proud of some of it
Written for @grishaversebigbang 2021!!!
Corporalki: @homicide-depot​
Materialki: @generalnabri (x), @kolarpem (x), @aivicart (x), @maximumbluebirdpatrol , @niadrawing (x)
 (Summary: A murder mystery AU featuring Zoyalai, twists and turns, moral dilemma, and then some more
Read on AO3
Chapter One
The apartment door was wide open.
 In retrospect, that alone should have set off the alarm bells in Zoya’s head. No one left the door to their place wide open. She can’t imagine why she simply dismissed it. 
 Scratch that, she knew why. She’d been tracking this idiotic Grisha for a month now. She was tired and desperate. 
 But it appeared that- who would’ve thought- not being at the top of your game has consequences. 
 Consequences like staring down a man who’s been tied to a chair and gagged in the middle of, what Zoya guesses is, the lounge, eyes wide with terror.
 Zoya is mad at herself for not managing to guess it was a red herring- the damn door - and very, very mad at the Grisha who has, once again, slipped right through her hands. 
 She nods to one of her men, and he immediately drops to the man’s level to untie and presumably interrogate him. Zoya doesn’t stick around for the details- she trusts her people to give her good reports. Instead, after a cursory look around, she tips her head back to face the ceiling, taking in a deep breath, and leaves the apartment. 
 The weather outside took a dramatic turn in the fifteen minutes she was inside- it had been sunny before, or at least as sunny as Ravka ever could get. But now, the sun has all but ceased to exist, and the bitter cold is back once more. 
 Zoya prefers the cold. 
 (She doesn’t, not really, but no one needed to know that.)
 Zoya starts walking, pulling her coat tighter around herself. Her mind races, trying to connect all the dots, trying to figure out where her investigation had gone wrong. Start from the beginning. Don’t miss anything. The most minor of details are the most important.
  The beginning. A woman showed up to their headquarters about her missing family. Those cases were usually dismissed completely, handed over to the police forces- Zoya’s force was Grisha-centric, other cases, no matter how large or important they were, did not concern them. But this case was different.
 The woman was Grisha. 
 Her family weren’t, evidently- and neither did they know that she was. They’d been missing for six weeks, and the odds were pretty heavily stacked against them still being alive. The woman was detained (she was Grisha, this was Zoya’s job ) and a group of officers were dispatched for a search and rescue.
 The officers never returned.
 Alarm bells were now ringing, and the General assigned Zoya to the case. In the time since she officially took over, twenty more disappearances were documented, and all of them in Os Kerva alone. Saints knew what was happening in the rest of the country.
 But Zoya had never believed in Saints, so she found out what was happening in the rest of the country.
 The total number of disappearances in all of Ravka that had this case’s signature mark- an eclipsed sun left wherever the victims were seen last- was an estimated three thousand . Zoya couldn’t believe no one had connected the dots before her. Then again, the entire of the force were filled with incompetent idiots, so maybe it shouldn’t have surprised her. 
  The series of events . Zoya travelled up and down the country with the best of her underlings, talking to anyone who knew the victims, searching their last known places with tooth combs, building up working hypotheses, using all the resources they had available. Zoya was not an idiot. She knew exactly how capable she was. 
 And she also knew when she was fighting a losing battle.
 And so, when she got a call from one of her top detectives about a confirmed Grisha she’d been trailing for some time now who’d begun suspicious activity, she was clutching at straws and willing to take anything that came her way. She met up with her agent, and a few days later, they got the address of the apartment she was currently pacing in front of.
  The present . This part could be summed up fairly quickly. Zoya is, once again, at a fucking dead end . 
 Before she can kick something (or someone) out of frustration, A faint ringing reaches her ears, and frowning, Zoya stops in her tracks. Her phone is never not on silent. Calling Zoya Nazyalensky for anything was utterly pointless- she never picked up. 
  But the GIA has ways of getting into contact with its members regardless.
 Muttering a curse, Zoya digs around her pockets, looking for the infernal device with its grating, high-toned ringing. Finally locating her phone, she jabs the answer button without looking at the caller ID.
 “Yes?” she asks bluntly. 
 “Zoya,” Alina’s voice greets her.  
 Zoya immediately forgets everything that had been on her mind. When Alina calls, it’s rarely for a friendly chat. 
 “What’s wrong?”
“You need to get back here. As soon as possible.”
 “Understood. I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”
 Alina hangs up immediately, and Zoya pockets her phone, mind racing.
 She orders one of her lackeys to send her a report when they're done, grabs the keys for the van they’d used to get to the apartment from a rather distracted officer, taking off.
 Zoya reaches the Grisha Investigation Authorities in approximately half the time she’d given to Alina, and she may or may not have disobeyed quite a few traffic laws to get to her destination as quickly as she did, but that was frankly unimportant. 
 She strides through the doors, not bothering to acknowledge the many who’ve halted their paths to nod to her or, in the case of a few particularly stupid (or courageous, however you wanted to see it) people, attempt to strike up a conversation with her. She didn’t break her pace even once, until she’d reached the door to the meeting room they usually used to meet up for serious issues. After taking a moment to compose herself, Zoya pushes the door open.
 Inside, she finds all of her fellow Commanding Officers assembled- Adrik, Leoni, Alina, and Genya. Frowning, Zoya scans their faces, and mentally shifts whatever’s happening even higher on her scale of terrible shit to take care of immediately.
 Because not even Leoni, who can find positivity at a funeral, is smiling right now. There’s barely a hint of her optimistic and eternally cheerful personality in her countenance. 
 Zoya carefully takes the seat left for her around the circular table. Her gaze flits from one worried face to another, and she decides to be direct.
 “How bad is it?”
 The question seems to jolt Alina out of her reverie. She looks up, and Zoya feels her breath catch, because she looks so… helpless. Terrified.
 Genya takes it upon herself to answer Zoya’s question with another question, her mouth set in a grim line. “How’s your investigation going?”
 “We lost the suspect,” Zoya admits, her earlier frustration returning with the reminder of the infernal case. “We’re right back to where we started- but without the hope and the general idea of where to start.”
 “I’m not surprised,” Adrik mutters. “Considering who your delightful suspect is…”
 Zoya furrows her brow, and glances back at Genya. “Explain.”
 Genya looks as if she would rather do anything else, but after coming to the realisation that no one else is about to, she sighs and does so.
 “I’m presuming you remember Alina’s case that went cold about two years back?”
  A little too well. Even years later, that case haunts her- the truly horrific killings, from corpses with their body parts stuffed down their throats, to children who had clearly been still alive when burnt, the utter dead ends, Alina’s far too close brush with death, and… the person behind it all.
 “You don’t think it’s the same person??” Zoya demands, horror spreading through her veins.  She can not handle another Kirigan. 
 In lieu of replying, Genya nods to Leoni, who pushes forward a large envelope. Dread pooling in her gut, Zoya opens the package to find pictures from Alina’s investigation.
 “We revisited these when your disappearances started,” Genya says. “And… found more similarities than we’re frankly comfortable with.” 
 Zoya shifts the photos around, and then freezes at one, having caught sight of a mostly blurry but still distinctive calling card. “That’s…”
 “The eclipsed sun,” Adrik provides grimly. “You’re screwed.”
 “Hey, now,” Leoni protests. “We don’t know that.”
 Adrik snorts. “Don’t we? Need I remind you of the damage this person wrecked to the GIA and our country?”
 “How do we know this isn’t just a copycat?” Zoya breaks in. “None of the bodies of the victims this time around have been discovered,”
 “Copy cats still tend to have their own twists on kills, a signature, a mark that’s theirs. While none of the killings for either case have many similarities, they also don’t vary in terms of said signature.” Genya says.
 “Killers are proud creatures,” Adrik inputs.
 “And this one’s no exception,” Leoni says, eyes grim. 
 Zoya looks up. “What do you know?”
 Leoni hesitates, but then gives in. “We got a note this morning. A photocopy should be in the envelope too.”
 Zoya overturns the envelope, and sure enough, a piece of paper falls out. She picks it up, reads it, and crumples it up. 
 “You’re sure this isn’t a stupid joke?”
 “It was in the Director’s office.” Leoni says. 
  Shit.  Zoya glances back down at the crumpled mass she’s still clutching. You will burn on your mistakes. What mistakes? 
 She ignores the faint voice in the back of her head. You know what mistakes.
 Zoya takes a deep breath, focuses her thoughts, and then exhales. “How’s the Director doing?”
“He’s terrified.” All of the COs seemed to be equally startled to see Alina was the one to speak. Her mouth is set in an angry line, and Zoya can guess the track of her thoughts, because they were the same ones that had crossed her mind upon hearing the words- who is he to be terrified? What right did the Director even have to feel scared, when he himself never so much as interacted with the cases???
 Adrik sighs, leaning back in his seat. “Which is what has led us to our current predicament.”
 “And what do you mean by that?” 
 Genya exhales in a huff. “He wants the Mentals on this case along with all of us.”
 “He what.” 
 Alina, lips twisted in a sardonic smile, gestures to nothing in particular. “You heard correctly.”
 “Why ??? This is my case, and I will handle it.”
 “He doesn’t want a repeat of the bad press that came with my failing last time, I’m guessing.”
 “Bad press,” Zoya spits out. “I wonder how much bad press he’ll get when I-”
 “Do not,” Genya warns. “This could be helpful to us.”
  But also a personal disgrace , Zoya finishes the sentence in her head. The Mentals were practically a legend of the GIA- they were special, elite investigators, a whole mix of people ranging from scientists to- if the rumors were correct- ex-spies, who ended up with the cases no one else in the force could solve, and somehow, without fail, solved each of them within a week at the least. 
 It was irritating as hell.
 And having them assigned on your case meant that the Director did not trust you to be successful on your own. 
 Absolutely wonderful.
 “So when are these... spectacular detectives arriving?” Zoya asks. 
 Genya opens her mouth, and then closes it, before starting, “Well-”
 “I hope I’m not too late to this marvelous party?”
 Zoya swivels to see who this truly abnormally cheerful person is, and then blinks. She turns back to face the others once more- Adrik still looks glum, Leoni is smiling her most polite smile, Alina seems to have perked up and Genya is genuinely smiling. They all look… unsurprised.
 Of course they were hiding more secrets up their sleeves.
 “ What,” Zoya finally breaks and asks. “Is the damned PR guy doing here?”
 The aforementioned PR guy pouts. “Is that really what I’m known for around here? My PR duties? That’s quite depressing. Why would you focus on that when you could talk about my stunning good looks, or my undeniable charm, or even my ability to-”
 “Nikolai,” Alina interrupts. “Shut up.” she looks at Zoya, a hint of dry amusement in her eyes. 
 “Zoya, this is Nikolai Lantsov, and he is indeed our PR guy, but he’s also… head of the Mentals.”
 Zoya blinks. He’s what??? And then, wait… they knew who the special investigators were? How long have they known? Why was I not informed?
 She doesn’t voice any of her thoughts, choosing instead to stare, unimpressed, at the blond, who grins at her in response. 
 “If I had known you possessed such astounding grace and beauty, Miss Nazyalensky, I would have made your acquaintance sooner! I’m sure these upcoming days will prove to be an absolute pleasure, provided I get to spend them in your delightful company.”
 “Saints save me,” Zoya utters faintly. “The Director assigned an idiot to my case.”
 “Hey, now!” Nikolai protests. “You haven’t even met the rest of my team yet!”
 “An idiot who talks too much,” she deplores. 
 Genya and Alina both snort at that. In fact, all of her fellow COs seemed to be taking far too much pleasure in this situation. Zoya hates all of them. 
  “Well, now that we’ve gotten the pleasantries out of the way,” Nikolai says, to which Zoya distinctly hears Adrik mutter “pleasantries?” under his breath, “I think now would be a wonderful time for me to introduce you to my brilliant team,”
  Genya sits up immediately, looking eager. Zoya wonders what that’s about. 
 She finds out fairly quickly.
 Nikolai ushers in a group of people, and she recognises one in particular, one who she has, in fact, known since her college years -
 David. Genya’s husband, David Kostyk, is a part of the Mentals. Harmless old David. Zoya can’t believe her eyes. 
 She scans the rest of the group, but the others barely seem familiar. The two Shu right in front of David look similar enough to be twins, apart from the height difference. Right next to David is a woman that, with a jolt, Zoya recognises as Adrik’s sister from what she’s heard and seen of her. Bringing up the rear is a man who vaguely resemblesNikolai himself, ducking his head shyly as he enters the room. 
 “Now that your merry party is all assembled,” Adrik says glumly. “Any ideas where to start?”
 “Shouldn’t we at least get to know each other first?” Adrik’s sister asks.
 Adrik stares at her. “I’ve known you since I was born.”
 “We’re not the only ones in the room, Adrik.”
 “Oh, aren’t we ? I can’t say I noticed.”
 Nikolai interrupts their glaring match to finally provide Zoya with names to all the unfamiliar faces. 
 “Tamar, Tolya, Nadia, and Isaak, meet the officers we’ll be working with for the next few weeks or longer- Alina, Genya, Zoya, Leoni, and Adrik,” he gestures towards each person in turn. Zoya briefly wonders how he already knows their names, before realising that just because the GIA didn’t know who the special investigators were didn’t exactly mean they didn’t know the GIA either. 
 “And now,” Nikolai beams. “Let’s get comfortable. It’s time to discuss our present conundrum!”
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