#look. i just cannot comprehend getting genuinely bent out of shape about this. like are you also still made about origins' epilogue slides?
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aces-to-apples Ā· 6 months ago
I'm gonna be real, so little of previous games have actually mattered in any way beyond flavor text that I literally could not give less of a shit about this whole debacle. Like it's such a non-issue to me. Idk what games y'all have been playing for 15 years but truly this is the norm. Barely anything carried over from Origins to Hawke and all pretty minor shit, and I genuinely cannot think of anything beyond flavor text carrying over to Inquisition. Oh you could customize Hawke and they can answer a few vague questions with vague bullshit? Cool, presumably that's what the Inquisitor will give us. Like idk guys but I think maybe building up your expectations for a decade has had a detrimental effect on what should be reasonable expectations for a video game that's truly been in development hell for like eight years and wants to be functionably playable to brand new players without alienating them.
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rollinouttahere-writes Ā· 9 months ago
Hi thank you for doing my Luffy request! Love every second reading it !! Would it be alright if I request Luffy again ? Please Love to see what you come up with ; G ,P , R, T , U šŸŖ anonĀ 
I added W and Z to this because I wanted to finish his alphabet and those were the only letter left.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Luffy loves a good, fun game. But this is not one of them. He'll grin and bear it if you don't get far and try to treat it as if you're just messing with him, but serious escape attempts piss him off. He hates the sneakiness of it the most. If you want to try and leave, at least say it to his face. It won't sway him, but he could at least respect it more than trying to run away from him when he isn't looking.
He's just trying to love and support you, why are you being so difficult and ungrateful? None of the other Straw Hats have given him this much hell, so why are you? Knock it off before he gets angry.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
He's patient to an extent. He's willing to shrug off a lot while doubling down on his affection. He won't get angry just because you didn't succumb to him immediately, he's willing to wait for you to come around on your own time. So long as you don't escape or lash out at him or his crew, he'll take your outbursts with stride.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Not at all. He believes that you are better off with him than you were on your own, and you'll never be able to convince him otherwise. With him, you're safe and closer to achieving your dreams than you ever would have been on your own. You just need a little help realizing it, that's all. He's never letting you go. You're his treasure, and he wouldn't be a very good pirate if he just let his treasure walk away from him, now would he?
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Seeing you scream and cry makes him feel sorry for you. Not because he feels bad, but because it makes you seem so pitiful. He'll wrap his limbs around you and sit in silence with you as you cry it out. After you've quieted down, he'll try to cheer you up by making you laugh and roping you into some games. He won't talk about it afterwards, but you'll notice that he seems to be lurking around you even more than usual.
Don't bother trying to isolate yourself. As soon as he finds you, he's picking you up and dragging you into whatever shenanigans he's into today without a second of hesitation. Luffy genuinely cannot comprehend the idea of anyone wanting to be alone.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
You have a lot of freedom and plenty of friends, you just have to remain at Luffy's side for the rest of your days. Luffy genuinely wants to see you live a happy and fulfilling life. He's also pretty relaxed about a lack of cooperation/reciprocation from you and won't get bent out of shape just because you aren't acting like his significant other from day one.
Witā€™s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Yes. As discussed in other letters, he will hit you back if you strike first. He won't do it unprovoked, though, so you don't have to worry about him attacking you over disagreements or anything like that. He also hurts you psychologically when he puts you into isolation for days at a time over an escape attempt, because that will definitely leave a mark on your mental state. Especially if it happens repeatedly.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
No. He doesn't want to see you broken and would become distraught if you ever did break. He cherishes your smile and it would hurt him deeply to be the reason he never gets to see it again.
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basic-otaku Ā· 4 years ago
My thoughts on Xue Yang's character (based on the drama and novel)
Xue Yang is a character I didnā€™t fully understand until I finished The Untamed. I looked back on him with a bit of pity but little understanding. It wasnā€™t until I listened to his character song that I truly began to dissect his character. Reading those lyrics completely flipped my perspective on him, and I went back to watch the Yi City arc again. I was shocked by how much I had missed. Xue Yang has since become one of my favorite characters of the series. Iā€™ve spent so much time thinking about him and his motives that I finally decided to write down my thoughts. This analysis comes mostly from what I perceived, so it may differ from other peopleā€™s opinions. You are free to disagree with me.
Letā€™s start with what we know: Xue Yang was a street kid with a hard childhood. We know he was abandoned at a young age, but we donā€™t know how young. However, he must have been old enough to survive, so he couldnā€™t have been younger than four when he started fending for himself. We donā€™t know who his parents are because he doesnā€™t remember them, nor does he remember anyone else who had potentially taken care of him. His parents could be dead for all we know, or they could have dumped him somewhere when they no longer wanted to take care of him. Itā€™s all up to speculation. He also has a very high pain tolerance, probably due to constant beatings as a child.
When youā€™re all alone in the world, you have to learn to put yourself first. Thereā€™s no one to care for you, so only you can care for yourself. I believe that Xue Yang wasnā€™t always a bad person because no one is inherently evil. However, because he was alone, there was no one to nurture him and teach him right from wrong. When all you experience is violence and hatred, that becomes your response to similar situations; you donā€™t expect kindness or want to give it in return.
One of Xue Yangā€™s flaws as a child was his naivety ā€” he was much too quick to trust. Thatā€™s how he got himself into such a bad situation. He was eager to have something he was never able to have (candy), so he immediately trusted that shopkeeper when he said he could have some as a reward for running an errand. What he got in return wasnā€™t candy, but a brutal beating and a severed pinky. If Xue Yang had still had any faith left in humanity, this is the point where it would have left him. The remaining childhood innocence in him was gone. This brings me to an interesting piece of dialogue. In Yi City, when Xue Yang confronts Song Lan and tells him what heā€™s been up to, Song Lan curses at him, calling him an animal. Xue Yang laughs at him and says, ā€œI quit using those words when I was seven.ā€ And what happened to Xue Yangā€™s finger? ā€œOne finger was ground into battered flesh on the spot. The child was seven.ā€ Even Xue Yang himself knows that moment was when everything changed, and he still carries the resentment with him now.
Back to the cart incident. This event scarred him for life and was the primary reason he became a sociopath. Now heā€™s bent on revenge. He was powerless as a child; just another street rat who shouldnā€™t be treated like a human being nor spared any pity. So, when he realizes he can do the same to those that hurt him, he takes it much further. When he was old enough and strong enough, he exacts his revenge. He wanted to make the Chang Clan feel his pain ā€” not only for the finger he had lost but for his whole miserable life up to that point. If no one deigned to understand him, then heā€™d make them understand in the only way he knew how. With violence.
Xue Yang was only fifteen or sixteen when he slaughtered the Chang Clan, killing more than fifty people. This is where he meets Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan. From the first moment, Xue Yang hates Xiao Xingchen. Heā€™s so righteous, so full of light. He thinks he makes the world better just by doing a little good. What a hypocrite. Where was he when he was needed? Where was he when Xue Yang was a seven-year-old boy left crying in the streets after having his finger ground to a pulp? No, nobody can be that good.
When Xue Yang is captured by Wei Wuxian and the others, Xiao Xingchen takes him back to Qinghe to be apprehended, and Xue Yang vows to get his revenge on Xiao Xingchen for it. It isnā€™t long after he escapes from Qinghe that Xue Yang slaughters Baixue Temple, blinding Song Lan in the process. According to Xue Yangā€™s logic, hurting Xiao Xingchenā€™s friend is just as bad as hurting Xiao Xingchen himself. This is what causes the rift between Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan. Without this incident, Xue Yang and Xiao Xingchen may never have met again.
A few years have likely passed while Xue Yang was working for Jin Guangyao. He is probably closer to eighteen or nineteen when Jin Guangyao injures him and throws him out, which is how Xiao Xingchen and A-Qing find him. Xiao Xingchen doesnā€™t hesitate in bringing Xue Yang back to Yi City with him and A-Qing and caring for his wounds. Xue Yang wakes up pained and disoriented, but he immediately tries to back away when he realizes who is tending to him. He doesnā€™t know Xiao Xingchen is unaware of his identity, and probably thinks that Xiao Xingchen is getting ready to take him to face justice or something. But Xiao Xingchen insists that he doesnā€™t need to know who Xue Yang is and that heā€™s only doing whatā€™s right. Xue Yang is clearly shocked by this admission. He truly cannot comprehend kindness, and this is the first time heā€™s ever experienced it.
This is also the first time we get to see his genuine smile. Itā€™s shocked and incredulous, like he canā€™t believe this is happening, but itā€™s there. Throughout the series, Xue Yangā€™s snarky words and sly smirk are a token of his character, but now we know they are just a mask he uses to hide the small, broken child inside of him. If no one can see the hurt he hides, then no one can hurt him further. But with just one kind gesture, Xiao Xingchen was able to bring out the young boy who just wanted love and comfort.
This kindness is such a foreign concept to Xue Yang that he doesnā€™t think itā€™s genuine for a long time. But as the years pass, Xue Yang comes to realize that Xiao Xingchen isnā€™t a threat. This is something he scoffs at. Xiao Xingchen is ridiculously naĆÆve; so stupid. If he knew who he was living with, who he was eating with, he wouldnā€™t act like this. He would treat Xue Yang the same way everyone else had. So, Xue Yang decides to trick Xiao Xingchen into murdering innocent people for revenge. Xue Yang canā€™t wait for Xiao Xingchen to find out what Xue Yang has made him do because itā€™ll break him. What this revenge is for is up to interpretation. Maybe heā€™s still angry about being captured and sent to Qinghe. Maybe heā€™s angry at the world for treating him so badly. Maybe Xue Yang wants to show Xiao Xingchen that his worldview is stupid and that there are no good or pure people in the world. I choose to believe that itā€™s the last one.
At least, this is his motivation at first ā€” he slowly loses the will to harm Xiao Xingchen. This brings me to another interesting point. In episode three, Xue Yang says he doesnā€™t fear death, he fears boredom. But isnā€™t this domestic life heā€™s living with Xiao Xingchen and A-Qing considered boring by his standards? I think the boredom he speaks of is really the fear of being alone and having nothing at all. Now heā€™s happy, however reluctantly heā€™s willing to admit it. He wouldnā€™t have put up with A-Qingā€™s petulant behavior if he didnā€™t enjoy the time they spent together. Although they didnā€™t get along at first, Xue Yang protects A-Qing and takes care of her like an annoying older brother. He teases her, sure, but he also cuts her apple slices in the shape of rabbits and gives her advice on how to scare away the people who bully her (even though killing them isnā€™t great advice). Xiao Xingchen and A-Qing were the family he never had. Now he would do anything to preserve the life he is living.
After about a year, Xue Yangā€™s plan stopped being about revenge. Iā€™m not completely sure how he justified this change of heart, but I like to think he told himself he was still biding his time and that heā€™d get back to it eventually (even if he had stopped thinking about hurting Xiao Xingchen). Based on what A-Qing told Song Lan when he arrived at Yi City, Xue Yang hadnā€™t taken Xiao Xingchen out on one of those night hunts in a long time. And most of the people that Xue Yang made Xiao Xingchen kill were the merchants that made fun of his blindness and cheated him with bad vegetables and high prices. It was a messed-up way to get revenge for Xiao Xingchen. Xue Yang hates being looked down on, so shouldnā€™t Xiao Xingchen feel the same way?
Nevertheless, the time they spent in Yi City was probably the only time Xue Yang had been happy in his entire life. Xiao Xingchen was so in tune with what Xue Yang needed that Xue Yang came to care for him deeply. Whether those feelings were romantic or platonic in nature is up to the viewer, but I believe Xue Yang had fallen in love with Xiao Xingchen in the only sick and twisted way he could. Xiao Xingchen understood him more than anyone ever had, going so far as to listen to his idle ramblings and bring him a piece of candy every day after hearing that he had loved sweets as a child but could never have any. He managed to tame the savage beast in Xue Yangā€™s heart with only his presence and basic human decency. Xue Yangā€™s bloodlust was satiated as long as he had Xiao Xingchen to take care of him. At this point, I donā€™t think he would ever actually kill Xiao Xingchen. He had stopped wanting to hurt him a long time ago. A-Qing? Sure. Sheā€™s expendable, but Xiao Xingchen is irreplaceable. Even if Xue Yang reluctantly came to care about her, it wasnā€™t the same kind of bond. She had never shown him the same kindness that Xiao Xingchen had. He wouldnā€™t hesitate to hurt her if she betrayed him, but she was important to Xiao Xingchen, which meant he couldnā€™t do her any harm if he didnā€™t want to disrupt their happy life.
If Song Lan hadnā€™t found them, how long would Xue Yang have stayed? I donā€™t even think he knew. He just knew that he didnā€™t want to leave anymore. Xiao Xingchen gave him too much for him to want that. The viewer can easily see the happiness in his eyes when he looks at Xiao Xingchen. Xue Yang acts like a kid around him ā€” playing games, joking around, making him laugh with childish remarks. Even in the quiet moments, heā€™s happy. This was especially noticeable in the campfire scene. It wasnā€™t shown in the original drama, but in the special edition, Xue Yang smiled at Xiao Xingchen from across the fire, and the look in his eyes as he gazed at his daozhang was so tender that it honestly caught me off guard. It seemed to catch Xue Yang off guard too because he caught himself, and the smile slowly fell. Itā€™s like he realized what heā€™s doing and remembered that this should be about revenge.
Where in the past, Xue Yang hated Xiao Xingchen for his righteousness, he now loves him for his naivety. Without it, Xue Yang knows that Xiao Xingchen would be disgusted with himself. There would be no more laughs, no more games, and no more smiles. Then Xue Yang would lose the one person who didnā€™t treat him like dirt. So, when Song Lan finds them, Xue Yang immediately perceives it as a threat to their domestic life. He knows how important Song Lan is to Xiao Xingchen, and thereā€™s no doubt in his mind that Xiao Xingchen wonā€™t hesitate to leave with Song Lan when he discovers Xue Yangā€™s identity.
Furthermore, Xue Yang resents Song Lan for taking Xiao Xingchenā€™s eyes (even though it was voluntary on Xiao Xingchenā€™s part and was essentially Xue Yangā€™s fault). His logic tells him that having Xiao Xingchen kill Song Lan would be the perfect way for Xiao Xingchen to get his revenge. What Xue Yang doesnā€™t understand is that not everyone thinks about things in the context of revenge. I donā€™t believe Xiao Xingchen ever truly regretted giving up his sight. But Xue Yang canā€™t comprehend how someone could be that selfless.
This is where it all falls apart. A-Qing sees what happened to Song Lan, and she runs to Xiao Xingchen and tells him everything. When Xiao Xingchen comes back to confront him, Xue Yang spills it all. Thereā€™s nothing left for him to lose. His mask falls again, and he basically bares his soul to Xiao Xingchen. This is probably the first time heā€™s told the story about his finger, and I think he genuinely thought Xiao Xingchen was going to understand him; that if he knew what Xue Yang went through, heā€™d sympathize with him and justify his action (thereby justifying his feelings). Instead of that, however, Xiao Xingchen calls him disgusting, and it flips a switch inside of Xue Yang. How can Xiao Xingchen call him disgusting when heā€™s killed people too?
I think one of the reasons Xue Yang led Xiao Xingchen to kill those people was to bring Xiao Xingchen down to his level. Xue Yang doesnā€™t think that anyone can be as good as Xiao Xingchen claimed to be, so he had to taint his perfect record. Maybe if he killed people, Xiao Xingchen would understand him. Xue Yang thought that when Xiao Xingchen found out, heā€™d stay with him. Now heā€™s not the same righteous person he used to be, so how could he be good enough to travel the world with Song Lan? No, he should stay with Xue Yang instead and live a happy life together.
So, when Xiao Xingchen calls him disgusting, Xue Yang was probably confused and upset, which made him instinctively put his mask back up. Being vulnerable only hurt him again, so heā€™s back to harsh words and smirks, telling Xiao Xingchen that this is why heā€™s always hated him and that all of this was fun. Fun in every sense of the word: the killing and the happiness.
Xiao Xingchen finding out that he killed Song Lan was the last straw. Xue Yang is still laughing as Xiao Xingchen slits his own throat. It takes a moment for the realization to set in, but as it does, the smile falls from Xue Yangā€™s lips, and his hands begin to shake. This is the third time his mask has fallen. His eyes begin to well with tears, but he tries to keep up his act, saying that dead ones are easier to control, but the only one heā€™s acting for is himself.
The next scene is the one that really solidified Xue Yangā€™s feelings for me. He cleans the blood from Xiao Xingchenā€™s skin with the same care that Xiao Xingchen had shown him when he first found Xue Yang in that ditch. Xue Yang clearly thinks that Xiao Xingchen is going to come back and that the ritual will work, that he staves off his tears and sets out food for both of them. He considers eating his candy but then decides he should wait until Xiao Xingchen comes back. If heā€™s back, then Xue Yang is sure to get another piece.
When he realizes that the ritual isnā€™t working and Xiao Xingchen isnā€™t coming back, he breaks down. The tantrum he throws is so full of rage and anguish that it really shows the depth of his feelings for Xiao Xingchen. Again, he goes back to acting, trying to guilt Xiao Xingchenā€™s dead body into coming back to life by telling him all the terrible things heā€™ll do to Song Lan and A-Qing if he doesnā€™t reawaken. Obviously, Xiao Xingchen canā€™t hear him, and Xue Yang knows this, even if he doesnā€™t want to admit it. He finally dissolves into tears, screaming and crying over Xiao Xingchenā€™s corpse. This may have been the first time heā€™s cried since he lost his finger. Crying is for innocent, naĆÆve children, and it doesnā€™t help anybody. But now Xue Yang has had a taste of pure sweetness and doesnā€™t want to go back to the bitter life he has known, so he finally lets himself weep for all the things he could have had.
Xue Yang spent the next seven years trying to bring Xiao Xingchen back to life with no success. We donā€™t know much about his activities after Yi City, but we have gotten information through rumors that Shuanghua was being used to kill innocents. It seems like Xue Yang wanted to keep a part of Xiao Xingchen with him. He even continued his sick revenge plot after Xiao Xingchenā€™s death by gouging out the eyes of and killing the remains of the Chang Clan, including their leader, Chang Ping, by lingchi. Xue Yang doesnā€™t blame himself in the slightest; he just thinks that Xiao Xingchenā€™s death was an unfortunate consequence of the situation. He will put the blame on anyone and everyone other than himself. Thus, instead of performing lingchi on himself like Wei Wuxian suggested, he takes out his anger on the remains of the Chang Clan.
Everything Xue Yang does in the present is tied to Xiao Xingchen, yet he still canā€™t bring him back. So, when he heard that the Yiling Patriarch had suddenly come back to life, Xue Yang knew it was his last chance. The sword ghost/ghost arm is what led Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji to Yi City. It was pointing to its murderer. Iā€™m sure Xue Yang could have avoided a confrontation if he wanted, but this was intentional. As for the juniors, I have a feeling that Xue Yang was behind the cat corpses that led them to meet up with Wei Wuxian. This is still unclear though because Xue Yang doesnā€™t have a real reason to get them involved. The only person he needs is Wei Wuxian.
Xue Yang has tried everything at this point. So, when Wei Wuxian finds him in Yi City, pretending to be Xiao Xingchen, he is completely desperate. I do wonder if that is something he has done more than once. Did he often go around dressed as Xiao Xingchen? Was he playing with the life they had in Yi City? Pretending he was still there? Or was it a one-time thing to trick Wei Wuxian into dropping his guard? I also wonder how often he used his own sword because only after Lan Zhan took Shuanghua from him did he pull out Jiangzai. That could be because he was acting as Xiao Xingchen, but we canā€™t be sure. However, that isnā€™t the point. Right now, Wei Wuxian was Xue Yangā€™s only option because the Yiling Patriarch surely knew things he didnā€™t. Xue Yang had lived with Xiao Xingchenā€™s corpse for those seven years, keeping him in pristine condition. Iā€™m pretty sure the only way Xue Yang could have done this was by giving him spiritual energy every day, which would be incredibly draining. I donā€™t think Xue Yang had an exceptionally strong golden core to begin with either. He is primarily a demonic cultivator, which means he doesnā€™t use his golden core often. It must have taken most of his strength to keep Xiao Xingchenā€™s body in such good condition. But anything for daozhang, right? Xue Yang needed Xiao Xingchenā€™s body to be perfect when he returned. He also put aside his pride and used Song Lan for protection all those years. He kept the one person he continued to hate with a burning passion around him for so long.
When Wei Wuxian tells Xue Yang he canā€™t bring Xiao Xingchen back to life because his soul is too broken, Xue Yang refuses to believe it. Itā€™s been seven years already; he canā€™t give up now. Deep down, I believe Xue Yang knows Xiao Xingchen wouldnā€™t want anything to do with him even if he did come back, but he canā€™t figure out why. Because nothing was his fault, of course.
Something Wei Wuxian said really struck me as I went back to rewatch episode 39. Before the fight, Wei Wuxian turns to Xue Yang and says, ā€œyou disgust him to the core, yet you still want to pull him back to play this stupid game.ā€ Xue Yang responds with ā€œI want nothing of the kind.ā€ And heā€™s being honest. He doesnā€™t want a stupid game ā€” he wants something real. He wants a life where Xiao Xingchen knows his identity and stays with him in spite of it. He just wants one person to accept him as he is, but that will never, nor could ever, happen ā€”not with all the crimes he has committed.
When Lan Wangji cut off his arm, leaving Xue Yang bleeding on the ground, I think he knew it was over. There was nothing left for him now. He was never getting Xiao Xingchen back. He never had him in the first place, not in any way that counted. So he laughs, blood spilling from his lips, to cover up the tears he wishes he could cry.
Heā€™s ready when Song Lan stabs him, dying with a smile on his face as he gazes at the last piece of candy Xiao Xingchen had ever given him. Itā€™s blackened and inedible, yet Xue Yang held on to it for so long; it was a reminder of his daozhang and of why he was fighting so hard. Like his character song said, he was ā€œtoo determined to let go.ā€
Itā€™s kind of sad that even in death, he was never respected by anyone other than Xiao Xingchen, and all of that was built on a lie. He didnā€™t even get a proper burial, although I suppose he kind of deserved it. Xue Yang is the character I pity the most in this series. He isnā€™t a good person, nowhere near it, and he deserved the end he got, but I wish things could have been different. What hurts is that it just as easily could have been Wei Wuxian. If Xue Yang had been taken in as a child; if heā€™d had his own Jiang Fengmian, his own Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli, he could have been happier. Maybe none of this would have happened. Maybe he would have met Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan and started a sect with them. Realistically, he and Xiao Xingchen would never be lovers because Xiao Xingchen was so strongly connected to Song Lan, but I think they could have been friends.
However, one question I still have is did Xue Yang fall in love with Xiao Xingchen because of how he treated him or because of the person Xiao Xingchen really was? If they had met under different circumstances (and if Xue Yang had had a support system when he was young), would Xue Yang have still fallen in love with him? I guess thatā€™s up to the viewer to decide.
Ultimately, Xue Yang is still a sociopath who canā€™t understand empathy or feel remorse, so I donā€™t think he regretted any of his crimes. However, I do believe that Xue Yang regretted the consequences of his actions in Yi City. He didnā€™t want Xiao Xingchen to die, but his actions were what caused his death. Itā€™s more of a dissatisfaction with where things ended up than feeling guilty for his death. Although I donā€™t think Xue Yang felt remorseful, that doesnā€™t mean he wasnā€™t grieving, nor does it mean his feelings for Xiao Xingchen werenā€™t as genuine as they could have been.
I donā€™t know where Xue Yang or Xiao Xingchen will end up now, but I hope theyā€™ll both be happy in their next lives. The same goes for A-Qing and Song Lan (when he finally meets his true end). There are so many things that contributed to Xue Yangā€™s unstable mind, but I think the moral of the story is that it pays to be kind. If just one person had taken pity on him as a child ā€” had shown him that there was good in the world ā€” I wonder what kind of person he would have become.
I already know how cruel fate is
Not looking, not asking, not grieving, not hating
Waiting to relive my life just for a single person
Ups and downs in life
I would leave no regrets
I tried searching in the darkness of night
When I am trapped in the past
I still hope that a flicker of light will appear in my heart
The legend of this lonely city
Who came here before?
And gifted to me my karma
I am waiting for this karma to liberate spirits, liberate souls, and liberate me
Even though I am already too determined to let go
If I get rid of these inner demons
Would you forgive me?
Gaining freedom from destiny, starting all over again
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miu-paras Ā· 6 years ago
Lvl. 5 ā‹® Red // Chapter 1
April 13th, 2019. 3:00 AM. ā™Ŗ - Sidewalks and Skeletons / Memory
Evening. On the 21st hour of Sandis Munvar.Ā 
The meeting was meant to be private, instructed to take place in the undercroft of the Aedonnoe estate. It was also not something the Grand Minister had planned for their day; Kalar received word earlier of a discovery made in Sen by Eshta kar Ulmervis, a brilliant mulverri inventor and newest member of Kalarā€™s advisory council. They and a few of their apprentices left Essa many months ago to explore the uninhabited island. Upon their return, a transmission was made to the Minister, urging them to call a meeting. ā€œIt is of the utmost urgency,ā€ they said, made evident by their wording and tone.
The meeting was of no trouble to Kalar, who felt more than comfortable leaving their eldest child Rael to run their council and tend to any administrative duties in their stead, a task they felt wary of entrusting to their other children. And if the results of Eshtaā€™s excavation was truly of this much importance, it would be in Kalarā€™s best interest to give it priority over their other responsibilities for the time being.
Kalar reached the undercroft, albeit several minutes later than Eshta requested. The inventor looked visibly nervous, their pacing and nail biting only ceased by the Ministerā€™s entrance. There was silence for a while, broken as the inventor and their apprentices bow and say their respects.
ā€œMinistā€”Grand Minister Kalarā€¦ā€ Eshta begins, rising slowly from their forward arching position to meet the Ministerā€™s eyes, who acknowledges them with a small nod of their head. They were far more astonishing up close. They stood nearly as tall as any Mobarri, body lean and muscled and decorated in bands. They were left unhidden due to the more revealing nature of their evening gown (more revealing than their normal wear, at least), and their hair had been drawn back in elegant braids to expose the ones on their face and neck, the 27th of them etched from one temple to the next, its V-shape worn like a crown on their head. A softer look for the usually hard and professional Kalar, but it suited them. It gave them a presence both regal and intimidating, a partnership that fit them quite nicely.Ā 
A quick glance around the room and Eshta noticed that Kalar came alone. Perhaps this left them unnerved. Maybe they believed Kalar did not take them seriously, that they viewed this meeting as a waste of their time and would do away with them immediately after. It wouldnā€™t be the first time theyā€™ve done this. Many nobles of smaller houses have come to Kalar throwing their money and support at the Ministerā€™s feet in hopes they would overlook some of the noblesā€™ā€¦ less than legal activities and past transactions. They were, instead, met with swift and unwavering justice.
This, of course, would not be the case for Eshta. Kalar had a sincere amount of trust in their abilities that they did not have for most. Whatever theyā€™d found in their time on Sen, the Minister would not involve anyone else. Kalar alone wanted to know first.
Eshta straightens, clearing their throat as they collect themselves, ā€œF-forgive me for m-my sudden request, but Iā€¦. I needed to see you about thisā€¦ā€
Carefully, though with shaking hands, the two apprentices that accompanied Eshta pulled a small case from their satchel, its shell made of pure Ulterian steel. Kalar raises their brow to this, yet continued to watch as the mulverri slowly approached the box. They undid every latch carefully, hands now shaking themselves, and occasionally glanced towards Kalar, perhaps to check whether they were bored or intrigued. Fortunately for them, Kalarā€™s expression remained interested, and even a little cautious.
The box is held before the Minister, and the lid is carefully lifted. And from it, a bright, blinding light is unleashed, enough that Kalar has to squint and look away. But as their eyes adjust, they take in the sight. And, slowly, their jaw fell agape.Ā 
There before them, was an unbelievable discovery. One of insurmountable eminence. It was the [MEMORY REDACTED]
A single tear fell from Kalarā€™s eyes. I remember because the drop landed against the metal surface of my medallion form. They reached out at some point to grab the [MEMORY REDACTED] before their wrist is held in place by the mulverri, warning them of its danger.
ā€œWe do not fully understand it yet,ā€ they stated, ā€œWeā€™ll need to run someā€¦ some tests to s-see if [MEMORY REDACTED]
They are all bent on their knees, the now closed metal case held closely against Kalarā€™s chest, enough that I can hear the low, yet powerful rumbling of the [MEMORY REDACTED]. Kalar spoke softly, in almost a whisper, singing a prayer to the acient Gods. To Umer and Amur. To Aedon. Something Kalar hadnā€™t done since they were a child. Something theyā€™d never done in the time we were linked.
Kalar spoke clearly and fully after some time. ā€œWe need to [MEMORY REDACTED]
The mulverri is protesting. They are more shaken than before, voice raised and waving about as theyā€¦ they warn us of [MEMORY REDACTED]
ā€œThe damned thing itself is [MEMORY REDACTED]
ā€œTo go against me is to betray the Empire. And that is not in the best interest of you, or Iannis,ā€ A threat. Offered gently, but still made with serious intent, nonetheless. Kalar was serious, more unremitting in their stance than theyā€™d ever been for any cause.
What they wantedā€¦ it was of absoluteā€”
I am tryingā€¦
They exist in fragments nowā€¦ teetering away from meā€¦
A wasteā€¦
Kalar leaves. The mulverri stays. They look ill, burdened with consequence. With duty.
Kalar retreats into silence and solitude. Their heart races. A hand covers their mouth to smother.... theirā€¦ crying? Or laughterā€¦?
Kalar isā€”
Kalar is gone.
[ Wake up. ]
Sleeping has become somewhat of a difficult practice these days.
Itā€™s mostly because I hardly get any sleep anymore, and because in the rare occasions that I do, Iā€™m transported into a dreamscape unlike any Iā€™ve visited. Iā€™m always left unsure how to feel about them. They feel far less like dreams, and more likeā€¦ memories. Ones that are not my own. And each one ends the same way, fragmented and tearing apart from the inside out. Then Iā€™m pushed away, and I wake up.
The first few were tame: Iā€™m walking on a beach, white locks falling past my shoulders, rose-colored sand pressed between my toes. Itā€™s warm. Itā€™s light. It feelsā€¦ familiar. Comforting. I turn to face ruins, carvings and monuments that tell stories of a past I do not know, statues that honor people of a history I canā€™t remember. I turn the opposite way, and I see society, bustling and alive as ever. I feelā€¦ pride swelling within me. I canā€™t fully explain why I do, but the feeling is there. I move towards that city. My arm stretches out to it. But once I am close, Iā€™m torn away from it, from the dream, all over again.Ā 
The next time I sleep, itā€™s another dream. Maybe a different beach, or a different scene altogether. There are sights familiar to me, some unfamiliar. But the feeling is always the same. The pride is always there. That comfort I feel is always there. I cannot name the places or the people I see, but somehow, in the back of my mind I know thatā€¦ Iā€™m at home.
This one, however, was vastly different from the rest. What made it so different was that I was aware this time: aware that it was purely a memory. And I could hearā€”I could feelā€”Redā€™s presence there.
They havenā€™t spoken to me in two months. Not since weā€™ve been back.
I could tell it was because something was bothering them. No doubt the deeply disturbing scene we were met with before escaping. My familyā€¦ my motherā€™s familyā€¦ all gone. All lying at my feet. All staring back at me.
No. Nuh-uh. I shake my head, pushing the feeling, the imagery, away from my mind. I wonā€™t go back into that dark place. Iā€™m home now. Iā€™m safe. Weā€™re safe. Maybe weā€™re a little more broken then when we left, butā€¦ weā€™re okay now. We can heal. People can heal, even from the worst that life can throw at usā€¦
[ Miu... ]
Their voice again. It yanks me away from my thoughts, and I straighten, my back pulled away from the bed post.
{ Redā€¦ Where have youā€¦ what have youā€” }
[ My apologies. ] They continued, [ Not only for disturbing your sleep, butā€¦ for my absence. Itā€™s beenā€¦ hard. ]
I knew what they meant. Seeing Kalarā€¦ it couldnā€™t have been easy for them. The connection weā€™ve had for almost a year doesnā€™t come close to perhaps the centuries theyā€™d spent with my ancestor. Itā€™s a bond Iā€™d probably never be able to comprehend, even if I wanted to.
{ Itā€™s okay. Iā€™m justā€¦ glad youā€™re here now. } I smile to myself, genuine in my response. I missed Red. And hearing them now, knowing theyā€™re okay and with me, was enough.
[ I am glad too. ] They said simply, and itā€™s silent between us for a moment. I was afraid they retreated again, afraid the next time Iā€™d feel them was in another fractured dream. Iā€™m almost tempted to call out to them, but the silence was broken once more.
[ I.. I amā€¦ trying to remember something. Something important. Butā€¦ I have reason to believe these memories have been purged from my database. ]
{ I seeā€¦ } I nodded slowly. { Soā€¦ they are memoriesā€¦ my dreams? }
[ ā€¦Yes. ] They answered, [ They are Kalarā€™s memories. But, the closer I get to something, it allā€¦ ]
{ Falls apart? } I interrupted. { Yeahā€¦ I was getting that feeling too. }
[ Iā€¦ I thinkā€¦ Kalarā€™s actions, the ones they have tried to erase from meā€¦ I think they may have led to their downfall. ]
I was standing now, pacing around my room trying to process what Red was telling me. Kalarā€™s downfall was Urrali. The downfall of everything was Urrali. Which meantā€¦
{ ā€¦You think Kalar caused Urrali somehow?? }
[ No. But I think what they found may have. ]
{ ā€¦How do you know? }
[ I donā€™t know. I simplyā€¦ have a feeling. ]
{ You told me I should never rely on feelings. }
[ Well, a feeling is all I have, considering my mind is very splintered at the moment. ]
{ ā€¦Wellā€¦ maybe weā€™re mistaken. Maybe Kalar wasā€” }
[ I donā€™t know how to feel about Kalar anymore. ]
I was cut off. And taken aback. In all the time Iā€™ve known Red, theyā€™ve done nothing but sing Kalarā€™s praises. Kalar, the Scourger. Kalar, the greatest tsanagar to ever walk the face of Ulteria. Kalar, the grandparent whoā€™s name I would never live up to. Grand MinisterĀ fucking Kalar.
And now Red was telling me they didnā€™t trust them anymore.
{ ā€¦What changed? }Ā 
[ You did. ]
I raised my brow { I did? }
[ Youā€™ve changed my perspective on some things. ]
They are silent. I am silent. I didnā€™t know what to say, what to interject with. All I could do was process their words in hopes they would continue with their thoughts, explain themselves. Which they did.
[ I always used to think the source of Kalarā€™s greatness was in their power. Not merely their physical power, but their mental and political strength as well. They were cunning. Ambitious. Commanded the respect of their peers simply by entering a room. They were a great leader, and an even more exemplary tsanagar. Being linked to that mindā€¦ one with such creativity, focus and driveā€¦ I believed strongly that it was a bond all tsanista should strive towards. Because what mattered more than power? What should a tsanista desire more than to be utilized to our fullest potential? That was all I wanted. And no one, I mean no one, could fulfill that wish better than Kalar, the Scourger.
Butā€¦ Kalar is gone. And in my time apart from them Iā€™ve realized that something wasā€¦ lacking. Not only in them, but amongst most Camerians. I believe they all felt the way I did: to respect power. To follow it. Tsanista were programmed with the same ideologies, same values, same desires. And yet still there is somethingā€¦ lackingā€¦ something I didnā€™t realize until I met you.Ā 
You are nothing like Kalar, that much is certain. You share their ambition, but only in things some would consider frivolous. You are powerful, but lack any form of control. You are jovial, yet hedonistic. Brave, yet impulsive. And above all elseā€¦ you are compassionate. And I say this with earnest, because compassion is not a concept I have understood to its full extent until I crossed paths with you. This isnā€™t to say the Camerians were uncaring, certainly not, but I also wouldnā€™t say it was the trait that most defined them. But youā€¦ you were merely a child when you first met me. You did not understand what I was, or what power I possessed. But you still cared for me, held me close to your heart and wore me around your neck because of what I represented: family. Heritage. Things that were important to you, even at such a young age.Ā 
You are driven by your love for the people in your life. Not power, not access, not status. But love. For family, for friends, for those you only just met. Even without being linked, you watched over me your whole life. You showed me that same love. And for that, I... I am grateful to have you. ]
My chest rose and fell, keeping pace with my slow breaths. I was unable to stand halfway through Redā€™s speech, collapsing back onto the bed as my hands quickly wiped at my dampened cheeks. I was so used to being compared to the one who came before, so used to feeling inadequate, like nothing I did could ever come close or ever be enough. But now the song has changed.Ā 
[ You have much to learn, butā€¦ I have trust in your capacity to learn them. And while you are not Kalarā€¦ I wouldnā€™t ask you to be. I believe that one dayā€¦ you will exceed them. ]
{ Red, Iā€¦ I donā€™t know what to sayā€¦ }
My head is silent once more, neither of us talking as the room is filled with nothing but the sound of my sniffles. I call out for them again, not wanting the moment between us to pass so soonā€¦
But they donā€™t answer.
{ Redā€¦? } I call again, but no answer.
ā€œRed?ā€ I say it aloud this time.
They retreated again. I donā€™t know when Iā€™ll hear from them again. Maybe another two months. Maybe in my dreams.
Thereā€™s a warmth against my arm. I thought perhaps the hot, stinging tears breaching my lids had fallen against the exposed skin. But the warmth spread far too wide for that. And it grew hotter, and hotter. Until it was burning.
My gaze shoots down to see light forming around my forearm, right beneath Redā€™s marking on my wrist. I bite down hard on my lip to suppress the scream that so desperately wanted to escape, my hand wrapping around the golden light. It burned in a way that felt so familiar. I remember it well, the pain of being dragged by my hair across the cold, wooden floor, the heat forming at my wrist only tempered by the cool metal as Red wound tightly around it, and us, together, killing my assailant.
And thenā€¦ the burning stopped. And in its place the marking that read ā€œoath.ā€
But this one did not carry the same lettering. It didnā€™t look the same, either.
The band, not a large one by any means, but certainly not as small as my first marking. It wrapped around my forearm, the elaborate Camerata script drawn on the inside, all the way around until it met at the triangle in its center.
My heavy breathing slowed as the sensation died down. I could feel something different within me. A change.Ā 
Or maybeā€¦ a gift.
[ You will earn more once you are ready. ]
My thumb traced along the outside of the band. My eyes search desperately for meaning in the etchings that I cannot read. Everyday, my bond grows deeper. I am changed in ways I cannot explain and have yet to fully understand. Butā€¦ I am not opposed to them.
[ ā‹–ā—ˆā‹— ] Now Processingā€¦ First Band Received Repair I Function Activated
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aces-to-apples Ā· 6 months ago
Like I get being disappointed or whatever but some of you are taking this way too personally
I'm gonna be real, so little of previous games have actually mattered in any way beyond flavor text that I literally could not give less of a shit about this whole debacle. Like it's such a non-issue to me. Idk what games y'all have been playing for 15 years but truly this is the norm. Barely anything carried over from Origins to Hawke and all pretty minor shit, and I genuinely cannot think of anything beyond flavor text carrying over to Inquisition. Oh you could customize Hawke and they can answer a few vague questions with vague bullshit? Cool, presumably that's what the Inquisitor will give us. Like idk guys but I think maybe building up your expectations for a decade has had a detrimental effect on what should be reasonable expectations for a video game that's truly been in development hell for like eight years and wants to be functionably playable to brand new players without alienating them.
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