#look this is the only original work I've written and I feel self conscious putting it up
mizjoely · 1 year
I've got a bit more written than just this bit, but I thought I'd share and see what people think. :) Inspired by this post.
A faerie introduces himself. Then, holding out a hand, asks, “And your name, please?”
And, like a fool, you give it to him.
(You didn’t know he was a faerie at the time, how could you have? And even if you did, it’s likely you’d still have given him your name. How could you not? The rock solid fact that by doing so you have given him the same power over your soul as if you'd made a deal with the devil is almost immaterial.)
“Molly,” you say, holding out your hand and smiling (awkwardly, you always smile awkwardly when meeting people, especially devastating handsome people). 
He cocks an eyebrow, tilts his head in a questioning manner. “Just…Molly?”
You blush. “N-no, of course not!” you titter, even more awkwardly. “Molly Hoo - um, Molly Anne Hooper. Originally from -”
“Nottinghamshire,” you finish together and you gape at him, wondering how he knew - and wondering also why you felt so compelled to give him your middle name as well as your last name.
You’re distracted from both questions as he takes your hand and murmurs, “Molly Anne Hooper,” as if your name has given him some clue to a mystery that intrigues him (oh how apt THAT metaphor will turn out to be!), your mind sort of…blanks out. Because his hand is cool but the feel of those long, elegant fingers clasping yours is like an instant immolation, a chemical reaction going from cold to hot in a split second.
The heat is in more than your hand, but you sternly tell both your fluttering heart and nether parts to calm down.
(They never really do.)
“Sherlock Holmes,” he replies, his lips quirking in a slight smile, as if sensing your reaction (or, you’ll muse once you know him a little better, as if deducing you to the very core).
You smile back. He retrieves his hand, smoothly turning as he removes it from your grasp, and a slight frown furrows your brow as you watch that smile vanish as quickly as it had appeared. As if he’s only put it on for politeness’ sake, and you give yourself a mental shake and tell yourself of course that’s all it was.
Why would someone as devastatingly handsome, as charismatic, as this man take more than a polite interest in you?
(Once you realize that intelligence - genius - is actually his most devastating characteristic, you berate yourself for your foolishness even more. You’re ordinary, why would someone like Sherlock Holmes take ANY notice of you?)
Mike Stamford is nattering cheerfully about his new - protege? Friend? Oh, neither, you realize as his words start to penetrate the mental fog into which you’ve fallen. A new colleague of sorts, some kind of consultant working with NSY and that dishy silver fox of a detective, Greg Lestrade. The one you crushed on right up to the very moment you looked into Sherlock Holmes’ gorgeous, blue-green eyes with those mysterious flashes of silver you later decide you must have imagined at that first introduction.
(The curls, the cheekbones, the perfect Cupid’s bow lips, at least you know all of THOSE are real. Sorry, Greg, that perfect smile and short crop of silver hair simply can’t compete.)
That never goes away, that first breathless feeling of  ‘Ohhh’ when you first looked into Sherlock Holmes’ eyes, even after he opens his mouth and proves just what a snotty, self-centered, cold-hearted bastard he can be. (Then again, once you know the real truth about him, the truth buried so far beneath his conscious mind that even he’d forgotten it, you realize he never really was as good at imitating humanity as he so vainly thought he was.)
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iamthecomet · 2 years
Hi Comet! Do you have any advice on getting more involved in the Ghost fandom? I’m mostly just reblogging things because I’m too self conscious to post my original works/headcanons/etc. but I want to be more active and make friends and I’m not sure how -A
Hi!! Yes! I can do my best to help! I've been chewing on this for a little while trying to figure out what I want to say--and the best way to say it. But it still might be a little disjointed--I have a lot of thoughts. The biggest one is: talk to people. Send people asks. Reblog stuff and add your two cents. Insert yourself in conversations (this one is scary, I know). Tell people how much to love the things they're creating. You don't have to do it off anon if you don't want to, we have plenty of anons who are staples in the community who we know only by their signatures, and they're no less a part of it than people who talk off anon. This community is full of an unbelievable amount of love and support. It is constantly surprising me with just how warm it is. I love talking to people, I LOVE when new people show up in my ask box (usually at the strangest times, it's wonderful). And I will make space in this community for you--in whatever capacity you need me to. That being said.
You should post your stuff. You should post your works and your headcanons. Because those things drive conversation to you. And look. This community LOVES fics, and artwork, and headcanons. We go fucking FERAL over them. Head canons are a GREAT place to start. I could literally talk about them all day. Once I start I have to force myself to shut up. And I'm not the only one.
In fact, send ME your headcanons. I NEED THEM (do it on anon if it makes it less nerve-wracking, but I WANT them I want to talk to you about them!). And I KNOW it's terrifying. When I wrote Flip of a Switch I buried it in my documents so deep I hoped I would forget it existed and tried to tell myself that writing it was enough (it wasn't). I hadn't written fanfiction in ten years. The idea of having other people look at it made me physically ill. And then I didn't forget about it. and I looked at it. over and over again. And then, I still don't know what possessed me to do it, I posted it. And then it got a couple kudos, and no one commented on it for a LONG time (until well after I'd posted other fics). And I told myself I was done, ghost brain rot conquered (lies). But then I resurrected my ancient Tumblr, and looked at this community longingly (like pressing my face against the glass to look inside). And then I wrote another fic. And I tried to wiggle my way into conversations with varying results. And then I wrote the boot fucking fic (it's my claim to fame at this point, god damn it), and things...just...happened after that. It wasn't all the fics, but they helped. They opened up conversations and relationships. Posting my stuff made it easier to talk to people (because I had something to talk ABOUT). It's REALLY hard to take the leap. It feels impossible. I know the doubt is LOUD. But believe me, we WANT your works, we want your headcanons. We want YOU. There is more than enough room in this community for you and we are SO happy you're here. You are a part of it already, I promise you, even if you don't feel like it yet. And, if you want to share your stuff with a test audience before you put it all the way out there--you can always DM me about it (or about anything else). I'm sorry this turned into an essay. And I really hope it's helpful. And if anyone else had other advice, feel free to chime in. ♥♥
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fukouiro · 2 years
i've got that damn konbini song stuck in my head again for the first time in about 12 years!!
it's pretty interesting though, since the last time i heard it was so long ago that i knew basically nothing about japanese. it's not every day you get to have such a direct sensation of "wow i've come so far" when it comes to learning i guess, haha
also, kinda like anything that was translated by some random person 15 years ago, the translation used in the subbed versions of all those animation memes is a little questionable... it misses out on some humor in the original and also has some completely changed lines.
i wrote some notable lines cuz i was bored, so let's take a look!
"さあ 不良を過ぎれば..." ・actual: "so, after getting past those punks..." ・fansub: "so, after getting rid of those punks..." not much to say about this line... odd choice of wording is all.
"エロ本読んで��オヤジとならんで 雑誌読んでから" ・actual: "after reading some magazines next to an old man looking at porn" ・fansub: "an old man next to me looks at dirty magazines" not really a mistranslation, but for some reason they just didn't translate the latter half of the line where the narrator reads magazines
"何を買いに来たわけじゃないけど 買うものを探す" ・actual: "i look for something to buy even though i didn't really come here to buy anything" ・fansub: "i don't know what to buy, so i try to decide" again, it's not exactly a mistranslation but i think it loses a bit of the humor because in the original song they just went to the convenience store for no reason and then are like "yeah i guess i should buy something huh", while the fansub makes it sound like they already went with the intent to buy something
"無口なアルバイト" ・actual: "a silent part-timer [is there]" ・fansub: "a mute-looking part-timer works there" i just think "mute-looking" is a funny way to word that haha
"私はすっぴん(眉毛もかかずに)" ・actual: "i've got no makeup on (and i haven't even drawn on my eyebrows)" ・fanlation: "and i'm wearing no make up (with drawn-on eyebrows too)" i feel like the translator had a brainfart here because drawing on your eyebrows would be doing your makeup... probably didn't understand that the ず form is a negative or something?
"ちょっと おつりの渡し方! 私の手の平 勝手に使い 小銭をぶんちん代わりにレシート置くな! 財布に入れにくいのよ! ちょっとムカッとしちゃうのよ! そんな時は 私からも仕返しするの"
・actual: "what's with the way you're giving me my change?! don't put the coins on top of the receipt in my palm like some kind of paperweight! it's so hard to put this in my wallet! it's kinda getting on my nerves! that's when i decided i'd return the favor"
・fansub: "the way he gave me my change as i open up my hand the coins pile up like a receipt paperweight i can hardly keep all this change together. as i get furious, i have to do something so i planned some mischief"
in the fansub, this whole part isn't written like it's dialog, unlike the original. also, i think it kind of misses out on the detail that the following antics are revenge. when i read this as a kid i always thought it felt like the narrator is self conscious that they're hogging the line while trying to deal with the change so they were just trying to order more stuff... that might just be me though. i'm sure other people probably understood it lol
"おでんください" ・actual: "i'd like some oden" ・fansub: "excuse me" i don't know why this is different... maybe if they misheard the line as ごめんください? oden is a japanese dish cooked in broth. you can look up more about it if you care about food, i'm not a food-knower, but...
"おつゆ多めに" ・actual: "and make it with a little extra broth" ・fanlation: "and lots of tempura sauce too" i don't know why they changed this to tempura sauce either? maybe the translator heard the line as 天つゆ, or only knew つゆ in the context of tempura sauce... no idea though. it could also be changed to tempura sauce since they didn't translate the earlier line asking for oden? i do think it's kind of funnier if they just randomly ask for 3 eggs one-by-one without a reason, but other than that it does make everything else a little weird. i don't think that even works
"からしつけてよ" ・actual: "add some mustard too" ・fansub: "give me change, then" this is after the narrator gives the cashier 10,000 yen for a 220 yen order to get back at him for putting the change in her hand in an annoying way. the fanlation line is funny for not making any sense because of course the cashier is going to give you change you they can't just take your money!! plus originally they were angry for getting change in an annoying way, why would they ask for more change?! kind of a self-defeating prank... also (kinda like the oden line) they just changed it to something that sort of makes sense in context but isn't related to the original line at all
"(いちいちうるせーな)" ・actual: "you're being annoying asking for things one-by-one" ・fansub: "slow down, please" like the oden and mustard lines, this is just a line that kinda fits in context but isn't related to the original line at all. plus, in the first place the cashier wants the narrator to hurry up because she's taking too long, not slow down...
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ezrisdax-archive · 6 years
a while ago I wrote an original story and submitted it to an anthology. it was about girls flirting at a con (all though you weren’t allowed to mention fandoms by name which was a hassle). it didn’t get in and I moped for a bit and I didn’t post it here but after the stuff I read today I don’t feel quite so bad about it so whatever, also here on ao3
At nine in the morning the con wasn’t quite the bustling zone of bodies it would become in the afternoon. It was why Hazel had talked herself into buying a deluxe ticket, she wanted to avoid as much of the crowd as possible. While she was certainly enjoying being around so many people who shared the same interest as her she didn’t want her anxiety to flare up too badly that day.
 The convention hall was large and split in to two sections, a dealers room and an artist alley. Last year it had been crammed in with the autograph area as well but they’d since moved it to a more suitable location while still being in the same building.
 Saturday was going to be the busiest day of the con and Hazel had only planned on sticking around for an autograph she missed yesterday and a panel for a show she loved. Most of everything she’d planned to do she’d gotten done yesterday, today would mostly be about going up and down artist alley in the morning and looking for trinkets and fan made items. Tomorrow would be scouring the dealers room for last minute Sunday deals.
 She was tempted to stop at a few of the dealers’ booths but reminded herself that last year she’d spent all her money there and hadn’t gotten anything from artist alley at all. She was determined this year to get something, she’d already missed out on buying a handmade plush of one of her favourite characters.
 At least it was easier to dodge around people with so few of them there which made getting to artist alley simple despite being so far from the entrance of the hall. Whitle a few of the artists were still setting up or weren’t there yet, most were at their table sipping on coffees or some form of caffeine and looking as bleary eyed as Hazel felt. She could sympathize, she’d woken up early to take the subway in to town and she didn’t have to trek boxes of materials with her.
 A button booth caught her attention and she bite her lip in consideration. Her bag was already carefully decorated with only a few buttons, it doubled as the bag she took in to work and had been cautious at over decorating or drawing attention to it. She didn’t care for the arguments that she’d had with boys before who wanted to quiz her on her interests. But surely one more couldn’t hurt, she argued with herself as she stepped towards the booth and looked down the rows and rows of buttons.
 She recognized a few characters from popular shows, the kind that were common at artist alley and were known as bigger fandoms around the net so even if you weren’t in the fandom you’d still recognize them. Some were from science fiction shows she’d watched and those ones were already really tempting her. Her eye caught on one in particular though, her brow furrowing asshe tried to place a name to the character.
 “If you can figure it out you can have it.” A voice drew her attention and her head shot up in surprise to look at the artist who was manning the booth. She looked amused, like she was expecting Hazel to get it wrong.
 Her skin was darker than Hazel’s tan skin and her hair was much longer than Hazel’s own which only fell to her shoulders. Where hers was a light brown the artists was a deep black and kept up in a braid that kept her face clear and Hazel could see way she crinkled her eyes as she smiled.
 While Hazel’s mother had named her for the colour of her eyes that were similar to her mothers – and because she’d thought ‘Hazelnut’ was a cute nickname for a kid – the artists were a much deeper brown that Hazel could get lost in. At the thought she felt her cheeks get warmer but cleared her throat as she processed what the artist had said.
 She couldn’t help but quirk her lips up in amusement at the challenge. “You promise?” She asked and nearly backpedaled when she realized that could have come out as flirting. Thankfully the artist just grinned and slightly tilted her head to the side, causing her long dark braid to dislodge from its place.
 “No one’s been able to yet, I guess it makes sense, the show only got a season.”
 “Is that a hint?” Hazel raised one eyebrow, for all her normal anxiety at talking to someone she didn’t know she also couldn’t resist a puzzle of sorts.
 “As much as you’ll get one.”
 She must have been feeling braver than she thought because she blurted out, “Does it come with coffee?”
 The artist’s eyes widened for a second and Hazel felt a stirring of guilt in her stomach which turned into cool relief when the artist just laughed in a genuinely amused way. “Maybe if you get lucky.”
 Hazel breathed out a sigh of relief, glad she hadn’t screwed that up by possibly hitting on a straight person who could have gotten insulted at her for it. It was never easy to tell and since she’d become sure of her sexuality and attraction to girls it made dating even harder for her.
 Pushing her luck a little more Hazel ducked her head a bit and smiled coyly, “Can I at least get a name now?”
 The artist stuck out her hand, it dangled with the bracelets that she must have also made that were being sold at her booth. “I’m Meenu.” She flashed Hazel a grin. “And you are….”
 “Hazel.” She took Meenu’s hand which felt warm and dry to her own and she tried not to linger too much, letting her hand fall back down to her side.
 “What a coincidence.” Meenu reached for her coffee and held it up, “I like a shot of hazel.”
 Hazel snorted at the joke, “I’ve heard that one before.”
 Meenu pouted, deflating only a little, “Give me time, I’ll come up with a new one.”
 “At this point I think I’ve heard every pun.” Hazel wrinkled her nose, “Or well,” She admitted, “Made them myself.”
 “If I got a nickel for every time someone tried to use ‘me and you’ as a pun with my name I could buy out Hollywood. Even if that’s not how you say it.” Meenu confided and she looked like she was long since sick of it except then another slow smile crossed her face, “Except of course maybe if you were to offer me and you I might listen to it.”
 It was said so ridiculously and coupled with Meenu wiggling her eyebrows that Hazel broke out into laughter. She honestly didn’t want to leave this booth at this point, she was having fun with Meenu which was nice considering none of her friends had been able to come that year. That Meenu also was very attractive and seemed conductive to her flirting certainly also helped.
 Hazel tried to play it cool, “I’ll think about it.” She grinned to show she was joking and bounced back on the soles of her shoes. “But maybe I’m just in to you for the free stuff.”
 “It’s only free if you make the right guess.” Meenu reminded her and leaned back in her chair. “Which so far you haven’t.”
 “Haven’t tried.” Hazel was quick to correct.
 “No guess is still the wrong guess.” Meenu said, playing along.
 Hazel’s eyes darted back down to the button that had started this whole conversation and she stifled her laughter. As soon as Meenu had said the show only had one season she’d been quick to guess what it was. In a move that made her feel more confident than she was she leaned in to whisper her answer to Meenu glad that it was morning and she could still be heard without the buzzing of the convention around them.
 Meenu straightened, her mouth falling open in surprise as Hazel pulled back.
 “So am I right?” Hazel asked and stamped out the worry that she’d guessed wrong based on Meenu’s face.
 Meenu started laughing, a sound that was delightful to Hazel. “I didn’t really expect you to get it.” Meenu said when she stopped laughing, “I was planning on offering you pity coffee for losing, figured you’d get my company so it was still winning either way.”
 “But I do get the button right?” Hazel pointed down at it, grinning widely, and acting like that’d been all she was after.
 Meenu had that crinkle around her eyes again Hazel noticed. She nodded her head. “You get the button.” She rested her chin on one of her hands, elbow on the table. “I’d offer coffee now but I can’t really leave my booth until my sister gets here to help watch it.”
 Hazel deflated a little, “To be honest I hadn’t intended on staying for very long, just artist alley this morning, off to a signing, and then a panel. But how about I give you my number and you can let me know when you’re free?”
 Meenu tapped her fingers on her cheek idly, “I’ll tell my sister to get her sooner rather than later.” Hazel felt a bubble of excitement in her stomach as Meenu pulled out her phone and was glad she managed to recite her own number without fumling. Then Meenu plucked the button off the table and held it up for Hazel. “For the victor.”
 Hazel couldn’t help but giggle a little and took it with her thanks. “I’ll wear it with pride.” She promised and pinned it to the strap of her bag instead of the front of it. She was afraid the conversation was starting to feel stilted and she wavered in leaving but eventually pulled herself away with a grin and wave to Meenu.
 She reminded herself that this wasn’t it, Meenu would text her and then they’d get coffee and- her phone buzzed in her hand and she looked down at it curiously, opening up the message and seeing it was from Meenu.
 “See you soon!”
 “Can’t wait.” She texted back and smiled to herself, wondering if Meenu was the type to go for a kiss on the first date because it certainly seemed tempting. As she put her phone away her hand brushed against the new button she’d gotten.
 It was a cute button, artistically drawn and had Meenu’s signature just barely visible underneath the character on it. Still the best thing she’d gotten out of artist alley, she thought, was Meenu’s number and the promise of a date.
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warabidakihime · 3 years
Invisible Strings Chapter 7
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Characters: Uzui Tengen x Reader | Modern AU Synopsis: Sequel of Parallel Lines Content Warnings: profanity, smut, sleep paralysis, eventual violence, blo0d, slight manga spoilers (tho i strayed away from the original plot but yeh), can be a bit psychologically triggering for some so proceed cautiously.
Previous Chapter: Prologue Next Chapter: Chapter 2
Again, huh?
It was late, and for a couple of peaceful days, that recurring dream had stayed away. But there it was again, haunting your sleep.
You woke up, sweat and tears mingling on your face, trying to shake off the confusion. Slowly, your breathing steadied, and the colors of reality seeped back in.
Checking the clock, it was only four in the morning. With a groan, you realized there were still a few hours until you had to rise for work. You dragged yourself to the kitchen, craving some water to ease the lingering tension.
Standing by the counter, you absentmindedly scrolled through your phone until your eyes fell on the necklace around your neck. Taking it off, you examined it closely, almost accusingly.
"Aren't you supposed to keep me safe?" you muttered, recalling the cryptic words of the woman who spoke of battles within.
As you pondered, a dull ache pricked your chest, a feeling like someone was trying to snatch away your heart. Chugging down more water, you hoped to douse the uncomfortable feeling.
Glancing at the mirror, you couldn't help but pause.
Had I lost weight?
Indeed, your reflection showed a slimmer face and looser clothes. Maybe it was just the stress of recent days, especially with that business expo looming over you these past few weeks.
Shrugging off the unease, you crawled back into bed, choosing to ignore the questions swirling in your mind. Soon, sleep reclaimed you, oblivious to the mysteries that danced in the shadows of your thoughts.
"Do you look at people like that all the time?"
"Like what?" 
"Like that."
"Are we playing charades, Tengen?" Your brow furrowed, bewilderment written all over your face.
Tengen chuckled and sighed as he sat back in his seat. You were on a lunch date in a mall near your office. You both agreed on Chinese food.
"I'm not sure how to put it without sounding sexual, but I've seen how you look at people. You look like you're undressing them with your eyes."
"What?" you exclaimed, your cheeks flushing.
"I wish I was kidding, but I'm not. Your gaze is intense," Tengen laughed.
"How so?"
Tengen took a sip of his drink, studying you as if you were a puzzle. "Well, maybe it's your whole demeanor. It's honestly what I found attractive about you. You have this natural magnetism."
You glanced away, feeling suddenly self-conscious. Then you turned back, your lashes fluttering in a flirtatious manner unintentionally, confirming his observation.
"You find me attractive?"
"I do."
You smiled coyly at him.
“You’re one to talk. You're quite sexy as well.”
You subtly linked one of your legs around his, pulling him closer as you looked into his eyes.
"Would you like to come over tonight?" you asked softly, for his ears only.
Tengen grinned, sliding his foot up your bare thigh beneath your dress. "Mhm."
He looked at you with utter adoration. "I have to stay late at the office, though. There's something I need to finish."
You hummed. "I can keep you company if you'd like."
Dating your boss still felt surreal, especially since he found you attractive. You weren't insecure about your looks, but landing someone like Uzui Tengen, arguably the hottest man alive, was a pleasant surprise.
"Why me?"
Tengen raised an eyebrow. "Hmm?"
"Why me, Tengen? What made you want to date me?"
"You're stunning, for starters. When I first saw you, I was blown away. And you're incredibly dedicated and kind, and there's just something about you that captivates me."
"When did you start liking me?"
"From the moment I laid eyes on you."
"You're just saying that," you teased.
Tengen shrugged, flashing his trademark smile. "I don't lie, Y/N."
The tension between you was palpable, escalating with each passing moment. It was only a matter of time before one of you crossed the line.
"When did you start liking me?" It was Tengen's turn to ask.
"The first time I saw you too," you admitted.
"Maybe the tarot lady was onto something; maybe we're soulmates with a connection from a past life."
The mention of the tarot lady brought back memories of your recent dream, and Tengen noticed the change in your demeanor.
"It's nothing," you said with a wistful smile. "I'm just thinking about what that lady said and the dream I've been having."
Tengen winced. "Again?"
He didn't need clarification; he knew what you meant.
"Yeah, it was terrifying this time. There was a voice speaking directly to me."
"What did they say?"
"Something about bearing his will and being the key to his rebirth," you recounted, feeling a chill down your spine.
"No way, there's no way," Tengen muttered, his mind racing.
"Is something wrong, Tengen?" you asked, noticing his sudden freeze.
"Mon chéri?"
Tengen realized he was zoning out and worrying, but your touch brought him back.
"It's nothing; I'm just worried about you. Having dreams like that must be stressful."
"Tell me about it. It's getting annoying, and these chest pains are weird. I should probably get them checked, huh?" you said, concern lacing your voice.
"Yeah, you should," Tengen said, a lump forming in his throat.
"Did you see anything else in your dream? What about the guy who left you?"
"There was a moment when he screamed, running towards me. But that's it. The funny thing is, I woke up yelling your name," you admitted, a bit embarrassed.
"My name? Why?"
"I don't know, maybe you resembled him in some way. He was tall, like you. I couldn't see his face well, but he sounded terrified. Remember when I told you something attacked me? Maybe he was trying to save me, but everything happened so fast."
"How would you feel if it were real? 
How would you have felt about them abandoning you and failing to save your life? "
"It depends on the situation. If he abandoned me deliberately, of course, I'd be upset. But if it was beyond his control, I'd understand. He sounded genuinely scared for my life, so I think he cares for me, even if he couldn't save me."
"What would you say to him?"
"That it's not his fault. Assuming no one saw it coming, no one's to blame. If he's in deep regret, I want him to stop blaming himself or at least forgive himself. Knowing he wanted to save me is enough."
Tengen's eyes misted, quickly masked by a fake sneeze.
"Way to ruin the moment, Tengen," you teased, giggling.
"Sorry," he muttered, wiping his eyes.
"Ready to go back? Lunch is almost over," you said, shaking off the melancholy vibe.
"Yeah," Tengen nodded.
You hurried back to your building after paying.
"Ah, I have so much to do—Tengen?"
As you were about to stretch while waiting in the elevator, Tengen pulled you into a tight hug, burying his face in your neck.
You instantly reciprocated the hug and lovingly caressed his back.
“Mon chéri?”
After a few seconds, he drew away from the hug, only to kiss you full on the lips. Despite your surprise, you joyfully reciprocated the kiss. 
Tengen has always been loving towards you, but there's something different about today's hugs and kisses compared to the others.
It felt as if he was penning a love letter with his kisses. 
He really does seem to be kissing you like there's no tomorrow, but you're not complaining. Tengen drew you in closer, making you whimper gently against his lips. 
His hands tremble slightly as he strokes your back while kissing you, forcing your dress to lift up and expose your legs and thighs.
"Tengen," you murmured, attempting to remind him of the elevator, but it came out garbled. You eventually drew away from each other, a few seconds before the elevator would open. 
The kiss became so heated that a trickle of saliva connected your lips together. Panting, you looked at one another with nothing but adoration and love in your eyes.
Tengen kisses you one more time.
"Got carried away there," he chuckled sheepishly, but his eyes were devoid of regret.
"It's okay," you said, your cheeks flushed.
"Let me straighten your hair," he said, and he wasted no time smoothing both your hair and your clothes. 
You did the same thing for him. 
Thank you, Y/N.
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TAGLIST: @babygirl-panda19
@hypnocountrymusicfunnyfan @exodarkwolf16 @qdreamueen @vesta-ro
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hak-7 · 4 years
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From Wonderland To The Promise Land
The Bible says that the first mother was made from the rib of our first father, that G-d had made our first father complete. Then He forgot that the man had a lonely nature. Then G-d said: "Oh, I've got to make him a mate." Now, I'm not laughing at the Bible, I don't laugh at it. To tell you the truth, I respect it. But I'm giving it to you in this language so you can see the kind of childish ideas that we grown-ups have been holding on to. It says, He took a rib one rib from the man, and filled up the hole no ... it gives you the impression that it was just gouged out He's not even a good surgeon. He put the flesh that was taken out, back in its place just a patch-up job, a butcher's job—and then made the woman with this rib. What does that make the woman? It makes her a different creation from the man.
How can the Bible say, "Flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone?" How can she be flesh of his flesh, bone of his bone and she was just made from the bone? Just one bone. In the forming of human life in the womb of the mother, bones don't come first, flesh comes first. So if this woman is made from one bone she doesn't have the full value, the full human worth of the man. Right from the beginning the woman is put in an inferior image. If you don't believe that this is the trend; keep reading about the woman as her story is told from Genesis to Revelation. She becomes more and more ugly, inferior and wicked. I'll just name a few of the stars for you in the Bible: Eve, Jezebel, Delilah, Salome. We can look right into the language of the present environment and see that these evils, these destructive concepts in human ideas or in human minds are still hurting human development. They're still being preached and they're still hurting our human development. G-d gives us the most beautiful concept of the man that He creates. The man that He creates is a mind, a human mind—a rational and compassionate human mind; and from that mind is born, not a woman, but society. And the rib of the man simply tells us, in symbolism, that society was made from the man that G-d inspired called Adam in the Bible and that society had a law, a principle. Not many, but one.
The Bible says G-d made the woman from a rib of the man. Not from all of them, but from only one. This is symbolism, telling us that this generation or this genesis of the man that the Bible is telling us about is the story of the church. You may ask how can that be the story of the church when the Genesis was revealed and written long before Christ Jesus? But it was interpolated, interpretated, and changed, and reformed long after it was revealed. They formed it to speak the church doctrine, and the church doctrine says that Jesus gave only one commandment—that you should love ye one another.The scripture gives us the proper concept of man, that man should not be seen in the individual, the male or the female, or any single individual, but in the creation of society. Man should mean humanity and humanity includes both male and female; he or she is a part of a unit. The male has to mate with a female to reproduce his physical self. And the female has to mate with a male to reproduce her physical self. How can we see society as male and as female separated one from the other? And how can we think that the whole society was generated from one man called Adam? How can any sensible, intelligent people think that G-d made a man and then reached into his body and deformed that man after forming him rightly, and made a female of his rib? That looks like guesswork to me.
What do they call the tornadoes and the hurricanes—these terrible violent forces that make human beings fear for their very lives, that take away their houses and their cattle, destroy the hard earnings they have worked so hard for and built up in homes and businesses? These strong violent forces are called by the names of women. Isn't that proof that the same mentality exists. The mentality of the writer of the Bible is still existing. "Will you attack the writers of the Bible?"You don't want to see the contradiction. You don't want to see the ugliness in the Bible, so you suppress it. You push it out of your mind. But remember, every time you push something out of your mind, you're only pushing it out of your conscious mind. It goes into your subconscious and causes mental problems if the environment doesn't do something to bring about the kind of healthy change needed for you.We've been saying that G-d made man in his own image and likeness when we should have been saying that God intended humanity society to be in His image and likeness, character-wise or morally speaking. The scripture has meaning. The scripture can attract the rational mind, the logical thinker; the scripture can attract the shipbuilder, the banker, the chemist; it can attract all men if it's taken back to its original purity: if we just take off the false dress of poetry, mythology, symbolism and allegories that take us into wonderland instead of the promised land.
Community life must exist by both our excellent human form and by material development. At the base of our community problems are the religious formed habits of seeing life and the world through mythological eyes. When I say that I'm going to cross over Jordan one day, this clearly is not a religious expression. This is an expression colored or designed by the language of mythology. When I say that I'm going to a Kingdom in the skies, that's mythology; that's not pure religion. When I say that God is a Man of War, that's the language of mythology and not pure religion.When I say that G-d created man from the dust of the earth, formed him as a person, and created a mate for him with a rib taken from his body, that's the language of mythology and not pure religion. We have been given more mythology than we have been given religion, in terms of the language that we use. How can people clearly understand what religion is all about if they are using a language that is foreign to the purity of religion? They have to have a language that is consistent, that speaks clearly the word of truth that G-d revealed to His prophets.
The symbolic concepts that we have been given of first man, of first woman, of the creation, of the origin of the races, all of this is so heavily covered under mythological concepts, the beautiful symbolism of the poets, that we can't see the reality that should be influencing our lives. We don't get the beautiful language under the surface. We get socially destructive language. When you read the Bible, you read it literally, but the hints revealing the evil of the Bible are also given in it.The Bible says that a certain religious man took another man who is called Son of Man on a tour of the city to show him the extent that evil had grown in the society. He took him to the gate of the city and he told him. "Son of Man, look at the evil that these people are practicing inside the gates of this city." He took him to the courtyard of the Temple, "Look at the evil that these people are practicing right around the Temple." He said, "Come Son of Man, let me take you into the Temple." He took him into the sanctuary where there were the holiest of the holy, and there he found the abomination of abominations.
This is in the Bible, I didn't dream this up. The Bible states it, and it's not given as something that was presently existing. It's given in the Bible as a prophesy revealing what will come. And the Bible tells us of the last day; it says that the greatest evil will be in the Holy Sea. I'm not referring to the Catholic Church. It so happens that their sea is called Holy. I'm talking about the lake that God intended to be for religious life and religious development.
The Bible says that in the end that lake would be ruled by a beast. And G-d would destroy the beast in the lake by turning it into a lake of fire. Haven't our church lives been turned into a lake of fire? Wasn't it once a cool water for us to bathe in, and now it has become a lake of fire burning the conscience of the great number of Christians who are looking for high sensation, and yet calling themselves church goers? Our conscience has almost been buried six feet and left without any sign of life in it. But there is still enough light in most of the American Christian lives to feel guilt occasionally.
Those Christians who really are sincere and are giving their best to be Christians are in a lake of fire. Their conscience is not only on fire because of the sins that they're doing, but, also because many ministers and priests are just changing the role of the preacher or the priest into a role of an opportunist, preaching money,preaching song and dance. They preach whatever they think will appeal to your need for high sensation. I know there is still the good preacher. But look at him today. Even he has gone back, he has fallen.I saw in one magazine where a Catholic priest was sitting down in a meditation position before the bare-bone skull of some animal it looked like it was a donkey. He was meditating and saying that he didn't see anything wrong with a priest doing that as long as he kept his Catholic religion. How is he going to keep his Catholic religion and give himself to that kind of pagan exercise? The Catholic is supposed to be dignified. Though the atmosphere was ghostly, they've always been dignified. We've seen them bring in the bands, bring in the electronic . . . acid . . rock. Long ago the Christian churches turned themselves into bands.
You go to hear the preacher and you're wondering when he's going to preach. He comes up and says, "Amen." Amen is said when we finish something. He finishes before he starts. And then the choir begins to sing, and he just comes in to build the momentum up again. As soon as he gets the momentum up he says, "Have you got the feeling . . . have you got the feeling?" And somebody says, "Yeah." And the band starts again. I'm talking about the great majority of the churches in America.Where are we going to go if we only crave for sensation and don't want any sense? I thought that the correct definition for the human being is homo sapien thinking individual. I thought that's what separated us from apes and other creatures. If we're not going to think but give ourselves to sensation, to the influences in the air, then where will our lives be that G-d Created? Religion teaches the Christian, Muslim and Jew that God created the human being to be a thinking being.
Let's look at some of the so-called religious concepts. And they are religious concepts, but in the composition that we get them they are more concepts of fiction, fantasy, and mythology than religion. We're told that the world was made out of a void. There was nothing but water, and light rose, out of the water and formed the sun, moon and stars. This is the kind of ideas religious people have been given of the creation of the world.What kind of picture is this giving us of Almighty G-d? It's giving us a kindergarten story of Almighty G-d. Those who view G-d this way see Him with nostrils, and some Bibles show G-d with nostrils and breath coming out of His mouth flowing down to the people. If you ask most Christians how did man get on the earth, "Well, G-d made him." G-d made him from what? "The Bible says, from clay." Notice when they get in trouble it's always the Bible says. . . ." They will start off speaking from themselves, but the more trouble they get into the more they refer you to the Bible.
Imam W.D. Mohammed (raa)k
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renaroo · 7 years
This is so completely random, but you're very probably the only Batfam Stan that also loves the Superfam and knows the various members of both families. I was wondering, in your mind, which members of the Superfamily match up with which members of the Batfamily? Like for instance, I've always firmly believed that Linda-Mae matches up with Dick, while Karen goes with Helena. As far as Babs goes, they share her.
If I’m reading you correctly, you’re asking who roughly inhabits the same spots in the Superfam that the Batfam has, yes? It’s really a fascinating question because I think there are lots of comparisons to be made, but it’s also interesting because of the ways they don’t line up perfectly. Like there’s a big difference in their structure just by the fact that Lois is the clear matriarch of the family and almost none of the Superfam have been without a relationship with her. So getting comparisons for some positions does tend to get a little fuzzy. So, I’m just going to go through the family one by one, starting with the most obvious which is Clark and Bruce. 
Clark Kent: Obviously as the central family patriarch and the one who basically inspires everyone else to come into their own while attempting to live up to his impossible image, Clark is the most Bruce-like in comparisons. Which of course, their similarities are as strong as their differences which has been the source of their mutual respect and friendship over the decades and just make them incredibly fascinating characters to play off of each other in almost any circumstance. 
Lois Lane: In recent years Kate has kind of stepped up to be the momma of the Batfam in a sense, and to be Bruce’s equal which would be representative of Lois and Clark’s equal footing in their relationship, but Kate’s got much less of a background for this position and for obvious reasons her relationship with Bruce is nothing like Lois’. In that way I would put Lois much more as a Selina Kyle. They share a street smarts and sassiness, prefer to look out for themselves but can’t help but fall into the same circles as their romantic interests, and in most realities end up married. It’s not a perfect fit, but I would argue it on more than a few grounds. 
Jimmy Olsen: Definitely the Dick Grayson of the Superfam. Not only is he Superman’s pal, but he’s sort of the emotional bond that keeps a lot of the Superfam connected. He’s not only trusted by both Clark and Lois and inspired by both of them, but he’s also a confidante and romantic interest for Kara, was a friend to Linda, and in general is someone who is just by definition associated with Superman. It’s an iconic duo in a lesser sense than Bruce and Dick. 
Martha Kent: Originally I was going to say Pa is the Alfred, but honestly Martha Kent is most definitely the Alfred Pennyworth of the Superfamily. She is a supportive and endearing voice, full of wit, and is the first person Clark goes to when he needs advice or solace. She is beloved by all of the Superfam members and has ben denmother/actual mother to nearly all of them in one sense or another. 
Jonathan Kent: The more I think about it, the more I find that Pa is really a lot like Leslie Thompkins in Clark’s life. He has a bit of a harsher vibe to him and his disappointment is something that Clark is more conscious and fearful of, but it all stems from firm morality and a fear and protectiveness of his son. He is the guiding light for Clark’s humanity and is the sort of man that Clark tries to live up to without ever feeling he can fully achieve it. And all that despite clearly having well defined flaws of his own. 
Lana Lang: Hilariously enough, I would put Lana on the level of a far more important and far more relevant and updated Vicki Vale. Again this seems like a strained comparison (because it is) but she’s a former romantic interest and friend to Clark who loves him but also couldn’t deal as well with realizing that he is Superman or at least that he’s something beyond her comprehension. And there’s still some pining and nonsense there, fortunately Lana is with John Henry now and written much better. Speaking of which...
John Henry Irons: A less murdery and more accepted member of the Superfam than his Batfam equivalent, John Henry Irons is a lot like Helena Bertinelli in that they both were inspired by the “patriarchs” of the family, but did things in their own style and in their own ways. He relies on his background and heritage as much as Helena does and it has influenced him to where he is today. 
Kara Zor-El: An apt comparison for Kara is actually Barbara Gordon. Not only were they good friends in the Bronze Age, but they were similarly motivated. Despite both of them having just as much heartbreak and tragedy in their lives as Batman or Superman, they make the choice to not be defined by that and instead to invent their superhero identities as a way of fulfilling an obligation they feel either to law and order or to the sense of not wanting to lose their adopted new home to the same forces that took their old one. 
Natasha Irons: Is absolutely the Superfam’s Stephanie Brown for better or worse. Nat is selfmade, has a family history of criminal activity but chooses to follow her uncle and Superman’s influences instead to make herself a superhero. Despite all she achieves, for absolutely no reason that makes canonical sense to... anyone who’s read it, basically, John abruptly decides she’s undeserving of her suit and takes it from her? That causes her to make some mistakes and play into a trap by one of the family’s worst enemies and get held hostage and tortured. Fortunately she wasn’t needlessly killed like Steph, but she did come back in spectacular fashion. 
Mae Kent: Mae is a completely different character from Linda Danvers. Mostly. Kind of. So I’m going to treat them as such on this list. Mae is actually Clark’s adopted sister in the preboot and was taken in and cared for by Ma and Pa Kent. She’s fairly independent, making a name for herself outside of Clark even if they continued to have a good relationship. When Clark dies for a year, she is one of the top contenders for taking his place and becoming a surrogate Superman herself. In this way she most reminds me of Kate Kane, self-made while deeply connected to the family patriarch and sharing a family bond. 
Karen Starr: Completely depends on which version you’re going with but if you’re going with the most common, the preboot, I think Karen is the most like Harper Row. She’s a solid member of the family, but she’s also beyond the family, and it’s not in a bad sense. She’s still connected to everyone, and every inventive and set apart almost purely based on her industriousness (making her business empire!) but as much as she does team up with everyone and join frays, she’s mostly off on her own adventures these days and most of her drama comes from civilian life rather than just her time as Power Girl.
Kon-El: This is going to be so freaking controversial but here we are. If I was to pick any analogue in the Batfam for Kon it would not be his best bud Tim, but his fellow leap-before-thinking, bit of a bad boy, fellow leather jacket wearing Jason Todd. They both like coming back from the dead and having inexplicable genre jumps throughout their histories and their main angst comes from a conflict of ideals and perspectives with their parental figures. Kon also is constantly concerned with going over the edge and turning to a villain because of his “bad genes” which reminds me a lot of how Jason felt judged for growing up and being born into a situation outside of his control. 
Linda Danvers: It’s a bit of a cheat since they’re my favorite heroes I grew up with at the time, but when I think of Linda I always think of Cassandra Cain. Linda was not born into an abusive home life, but she was part of an abusive relationship and made mistakes that eventually led to a death. Unlike Cass, however, Linda’s death was her own. That was the turning point in her origins and from that point on she was led to being Supergirl out of not just a weird combining with Mae but through discovering a deeper level of morality and humanity than she had once seen inside of herself. And that became such a strong light in her life, she was even able to inspire the redemption of the very demon that had been responsible for her murder. 
Traci Thirteen: It might be a bit early to call this, but I think Duke Thomas is the most positioned in the Batfam with Traci. Traci initially was a pretty independent character who mostly worked under the “advisement” of Clark and came into her own with her own identity and style. They both have good families they lose to tragic circumstances and slowly find their place within the gaggle of other children in their families. 
Maggie Sawyer: Like I’m not saying it’s a purely lesbian thing, but it’s kind of the lesbian friend detective in the force who goes above and beyond and may or may not be a hero in their own right thing that I compare Maggie Sawyer and Renee Montoya. It’s a thing. And it’s a thing that unites them because they both have banged Kate Kane. Which is the real dream.
Cir-El: My poor sweet daughter is of course far too similar and too unused much like my other dear sweet daughter, Helena Wayne. They are both daughters of the matriarch and patriarch of the family from alternate futures that may or may not ever happen. They hold their father’s values and their mother’s attitudes and they both have awful terrible first costumes. 
Chris Kent: Even though their personalities are starkly different, there is definitely a common thread between Chris and Damian Wayne. They come from troubling childhoods and have difficulties with the concept of unconditional love. Their only aspirations are to live up to expectations and take the mantles of their respective fathers. And for as much trouble as it may cause them they stand up against the villains they fear most in the final hour even under threat of pain or death. They both have a “I choose my real family” moment with a parent that mistreats them, too. 
Jon Kent: This may seem like an odd comparison for now, but I get a Tim Drake vibe from Jon. Hear me out, there’s a lot of superhero worship and naivety about what his new superhero identity is going to bring with it. And while he’s much younger and less detectively minded than Tim, Jon draws on his knowledge of his father’s legacy as well as what he observes from his friends and other superheroes around him to creatively get himself out of jams. Not to mention he loves giving those moralizing speeches. 
Perry White: He’s Jim Gordon. Next.
Krypto the Superdog: THE ONE THAT ACTUALLY MATTERS. Ace doesn’t go out much into the field anymore so the most apt comparison here is actually Goliath the Bat Dragon. Aaaaand that’s what I’ve got. 
I hope this all made sense I had fun writing it out lol
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