#look its not my fault i stayed up till 4am last night
skeletonmaster69 · 2 years
taking all my willpower to avoid walking downstairs rn and playing the 5 hour kingdom hearts 3 analysis while playing the first game
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moon-lv3r · 19 days
the white hyacinths on the floor (i don’t know what to do) ~ yuzugiri pt 3
🦋 category: angst, hanahaki
🦋 characters: yuzuriha, sagiri,
🦋 summary: in which sagiri tries to find yuzuriha before its too late
part 1 - realisation
part 2 - revelation
part 3 - solution
🦋 warnings: nil
🦋 notes: sorry this took so long !! a lot has happened during my school term. basically i was drowning in a shit load of projects and burned the midnight oil almost everyday towards the end. my mother also decided to kick me out of the house because i wanted to have a late lunch (i was rushing for something) i ended up travelling an hour to a friend's house LMAO
and my dad forced me to apologise to my mom like a week later, despite knowing ONLY my side of the story (my mom didn't want to tell him) and knew it was his goddamn wife's fault but still made me and only me apologise. yeah i am mad at them both, my dad hit me with the "shes your mom" as if i am not their kid
anyways turns out my mom also has some illness that relates to her temper or whatever. shes a bad mom so idc anyways
anyways i finished this story just in time for pride month!!! have fun reading, i stayed up late till 4am 5 nights in a row to complete
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 It has been at least a week since Yuzuriha was last seen. No traces of the woman have been found anywhere. It seemed as though she just vanished into thin air, turning herself into a mystery.
  Her intentions were clear, to find someone who would rid her lungs of those impurities. Someone who would help her live… 
  Nobody claimed to have spotted the girl wondering about. Sagiri was beginning to panic, she had to find Yuzuriha before it was too late.
  Before all that was left of her was a floral corpse. A breathless sight of tragedy. 
  They didn’t escape that island for this to happen. They remained alive, and they will stay alive. Sagiri was willing to do anything to ensure that. 
  Yui’s words rang in her mind as she went to the couple’s house after finding the mystery. The potential solution…
  “Perhaps you need to navigate your own feelings as well?”
  What was there to navigate? Haven’t they just been pure friends? It was all purely platonic on Sagiri’s side, was it not? They were always close, clicked, right for each other. 
  She just had to find Yuzuriha. She was afraid.
  What if she found her remains? What if Yuzuriha was too far gone as Sagiri finally reached her? What will she do then? What could she do? 
  Endless pessimism ran rampant in her mind as her actions sprung towards her goal. 
  She had no idea where to start looking for her lost platonic companion. Where has Yuzuriha really gone? The panic in Sagiri rose with each passing second, her stress growing heavier and heavier…
  Her carefully constructed questions led to nowhere in her mind. Few clues presented themselves to Sagiri. She wondered if Yuzuriha had done it on purpose, so that she would not be found. Perhaps Yuzuriha had it all planned out, maybe she knew what she was doing, and she knew she did not want to be found.
  What if Sagiri wanted to find her then, what should she do?
  Perhaps she should start to think like Yuzuriha. What would she do? What would she cover up? Given her condition, what would she do? What was the best course of action she would take? 
  Of course she had to be on her way, looking for someone to rid her of the roots of the problem. How would Yuzuriha start her search? There had to be some hint…
  Walks often led Sagiri back into the abandoned confines of Yuzuriha’s home. Silence was the sole thing that remained in the room. Ever so deafening it was, loudly reminding Sagiri of the impending, potential doom. 
  Time was working against her. Every second she spent, Yuzuriha was closer to death. The final breath that could come any moment. Flowers bloom as doom showers down on them…
  To find Yuzuriha after her final breath was a nightmare Sagiri wished never came true. What would she do if she lost her dear friend…
  They have been friends all this while right…?
  What made Yuzuriha cross the line? Did she willingly cross it? When did she realise? How did she realise? Did she only realise when the flowers were taking over her?
  What did the flowers symbolise? 
  Why the white hyacinth specifically? 
  The flower symbolised love and prayer. The days they had spent praying for each other’s safety while on that island…
  Was that the moment Yuzuriha realised she fell? Because they cared for each other? Sagiri didn’t want Yuzuriha to die, but she did not feel the same feelings as Yuzuriha… Was it even possible to fall for each other like that, they were both girls…
  Sagiri was slowly beginning a spiral down into the core of her emotions. Suddenly all that she knew became unknown. All that she was familiar with suddenly became foreign. All that she believed became a lie. What was in her mind? 
  What was she feeling?
  It felt foreign, yet so familiar? Like something she had been experiencing before, but she had no idea what it was. 
  Would figuring out her emotions now be of any good? Would it help? Surely Sagiri wasn’t lying to herself about her own emotions. She knew what she felt towards Yuzuriha, and it was all but romantic… right?
  She kept asking herself the same questions over and over again, as if it made any difference.   What really was the difference that separated both feelings? How does one realise which one was which? What was the turning point? How does one step across it? How did Yuzuriha allow herself to cross it?   So many questions, and Sagiri had no idea what to do. What could she do? 
  She followed trails of whatever she could find, hoping to hunt down who Yuzuriha decided to visit to drive her away from her impending doom. Some doctor a few villages away… was he that skilled? Sagiri knew she had to be fast, or else Yuzuriha might already be gone. 
  What would be left of her then?
  What would Yuzuriha leave behind?
  That’s it… There was no way Yuzuriha would leave absolutely nothing behind, right? Maybe there was a clue, something Sagiri has missed. The doctor… There had to be something laying somewhere.
  Maybe Sagiri was looking in the wrong place. Maybe it was outside. Surely some trails were left behind for Sagiri to tail. Footprints, whatever. There must be something.
  Sagiri decided on the nearest town to begin her search. If Yuzuriha were to seek a doctor, surely they must be from elsewhere. Why hasn't she thought of this earlier? Something was wrong with her. 
  Sagiri wasn’t usually like this. Maybe she was just stressed out, tired. That must be it.
  She was glad that the journey over to the next town wasn’t a long one, one that didn’t take days. In a few hours, she would be there. If all goes well, she could be able to see Yuzuriha in at least a day. 
  The foreign town bore no sense of familiarity, Sagiri could not sense Yuzuriha. Perhaps she was not here after all.
  She walked about, mingling with the foreign faces. Sagiri didn’t realise that she missed being called Sagirin. It was a silly nickname, one she had missed as time lingered on. 
  As the sun began to set, Sagiri tried to find an inn. She could not just sleep on the streets. The one she found was at the very end of the street, dimly lit, yet it held the most guests out of every inn. 
  Sagiri went in and got herself a room. Her dinner went by silently as well, until the inn owner decided to strike up a conversation with the swordswoman. It was his first time seeing a sword being welded by a woman, so naturally his curiosity was piqued. 
  “A woman doing a man’s job, not easy eh?” The inn owner began.
  Sagiri shrugged, “I don’t find it hard.”
  The struggles she went through flashed in her mind. The hesitation she used to hold before being able to perfect herself. It was never easy, but it never stopped her. The bloodshed was something her eyes had to be used to. The colour red had to be welcomed by her sight everyday. 
  “Why not other jobs? Surely there must be one that is easy for a maiden like you.” The inn owner continued.
  “I’m a maiden that enjoys holding onto a sword,” Sagiri replied. She wanted to change the topic.
  The inn owner laughed, “You know… you remind me of a customer that left yesterday. She’s like you. Kunoichi… whatever. One hell of a woman, that girl.”
  Kunoichi? Yuzuriha?
  This was her chance. She had to use it. To find out where she went. Who knew another clue would fly so easily into Sagiri’s hands? It was almost as though Sagiri was meant to find Yuzuriha. 
  “Was she… by any chance, wearing purple?” Sagiri asked.
  The inn owner nodded enthusiastically, “How did you know?” 
  “Just a guess,” Sagiri replied.
  The inn owner laughed, “You know… that girl did mention a word or two about a samurai. Thought she was talking about a man, guess that's not the case. So… what happened between you two?” The inn owner asked.
  Sagiri went silent. What lie should she say? What would be believable? 
  “We just… uh… fought. Girl stuff. You know… yeah, something like that,” Sagiri stumbled upon her words. 
  “Well I can tell you that she’s off, heading towards a doctor in those dense woods out there. Find her quickly. Navigate those feelings while you’re at it. There’s something you’re not telling me, and her. If you want to fix what’s left, communicate all that you’re hiding,” The inn owner advised. 
  He left her alone after that. 
  Alone with her own thoughts. 
  What was she hiding? Surely Sagiri herself would know. How could everyone around her know she’s hiding something when she doesn’t even know what she's hiding from herself? What was she not realising about herself?
  Was it bad?
  Was it good? 
  That very night, Sagiri watched the ceiling. She laid on the bed. Her mind being endlessly plagued by the words of Yui and the inn owner. Was she overthinking this? Maybe she was underthinking her own emotions. What could she really be hiding from herself?   Or rather… What does she not want to believe about herself? 
  Could she really be in love with Yuzuriha?
  How does one tell the difference between romantic and platonic? 
  How was Sagiri supposed to figure herself out? Was she supposed to just find out as she goes on the damn journey? How does one just… realise it?
  Maybe she just has to look into how she has been feeling all this while? The dread… maybe it would finally tell her something. 
  But what separated it from worrying for a friend? What caused the change? Maybe this was the thing she had to figure out. 
  Figure out her true feelings. Surely that can’t be too hard, she hoped.
  How did Yuzuriha realise her’s?
  The thought of losing her forever, the thought of her never having any more adoration for Sagiri… The thought of seeing Yuzuriha’s corpse… after all that they have been through. The thought that Yuzuriha might just end up different after her surgery…
  All of it.
  It was haunting Sagiri.
 In the deathly silence of the night, where no sounds could be heard, Sagiri’s head was being pounded by her own thoughts. The imaginary noise was draining her. 
  The vague mental image of Yuzuriha… Her eyes soulless. Her hair riddled with mud. Her body laying in the middle of the woods. Her mouth overflowed with white hyacinths. Her limbs twisted, surrounded by vines. Her body being used as a flowery display.
  Yuzuriha being no longer human. Her body not looking humane to the eyes. Resembling the corpses of those who went to the island they escaped from…
  Sagiri was just glad that Yuzuriha only left the inn a day before Sagiri arrived. She was not too late. Maybe the surgery hasn’t started yet.
  The thought of venturing into the woods was beginning to plague her mind.
  Could she really afford to waste time? Laying on the bed, pondering over her emotions? Sagiri was being so irrational…
  She wasn’t like her usual self. The way she was whenever Yuzuriha was around.
  Sagiri wasn’t normal when Yuzuriha was gone…
  Was that it?
  Was that the answer she needed?   The answer has always been there, she just never saw it, did she? But she could always feel it. 
  Maybe she should’ve realised her true feelings sooner. The way she was with Yuzuriha and the way she was around everyone else. It was very telling wasn’t it? The answer has always been in her mind, hasn’t it?
  She can’t just let Yuzuriha go, she had to get her back. It was not too late. There’s still time. The doctor in the woods…
  She needed a map, or at least just some sort of an indicator. She had no idea how the doctor’s even looked. Was it like a little hut? What was she supposed to find? Could she wake up the inn owner and inquire more from him? Would he even help?
  She was all alone on this journey, was she not? 
  The first thing she was going to do the moment the sun rose was to find Yuzuriha. She would hunt her down, no matter what it takes. She will find her, before the surgery. 
  Sagiri finally realised all that she felt.
  It’s clear to her now. 
  She figured out most of it. 
  She has the answers, and it can help Yuzuriha. 
  The morning sun arose as Sagiri got ready to set out. She was not going to let a single drop of the sunlight go to waste. She was determined. Yuzuriha was not going to die, nor will she rid herself of the flowers feeding off her feelings. 
  Each step brought forth uncertainty. She did not know what to expect, most importantly, she did not know her entire way. She had stolen a map before leaving, but was that really going to help her?
  Rumours in the town have it that some mysterious doctor stays in a little hut in the middle of the woods. That was all that she knew. 
  Would she reach in time? She sure hoped so. 
  The tree branches blocked off some of her source of light, the shadows stayed on the ground. The light and dark remind her of the two possibilities.
  Seeing Yuzuriha, and her still having the light in her eyes.
  Seeing Yuzuriha, but her eyes being empty, dark and soulless. 
  The two outcomes.
  What if Yuzuriha never even made it to the doctor’s and died on her way? There were so many possibilities…
  What if the doctor didn’t even exist?
  Sagiri was already on her way, she could not just stop now. She could only continue, she could only hope. It was all that she had
  Please… Yuzuriha… Be safe.
  The same thought repeated itself in her mind.
  She hoped that Yuzuriha wouldn’t die in her arms. Her blood dripped on the ground below them… the white hyacinth she had been coughing up in her hands, tainted with her own blood…
  A sight Sagiri hoped will never come true. 
  The path she was on, she could only hope it was leading her to where she wanted to go. Leading her to Yuzuriha. 
  The deeper she was in the woods, the more nervous she grew. Her palms increased in sweat as the overwhelming sense of uncertainty washed over her mind. Sagiri could not let those negative feelings take over her mind, she had to maintain her confidence. Yuzuriha had to be safe. 
  The morning sun grew brighter, the path luminating before her very eyes. She was getting closer and closer to her goals. 
  Each and every step brought her closer and closer. Soon she would be there, standing right before the answers she had been waiting for. Everything she would ever need.
  She would soon be there… Please Yuzuriha just be alive. Be safe…
  That was all Sagiri requested. 
  She could see smoke rising above the trees, a sign of life amidst the trees. That was it, the hut, the doctor.
  Sagiri ran towards the source. Her eyes remained fixed on the smoke, hoping that she was on the right track. She was getting closer and closer. Her heart thumped against her chest, excitement, fear, anxiety ran rampant in her mind.
  There was no backing out, not that she intended on doing so anyway. Sagiri finally found what she was searching for. She just hoped that she was not too late.
  The hut was situated in a clearing. It seemed normal, does not look like somewhere a doctor would be at, much less a place for a surgery to take place. Was she at the wrong place? This place seemed to accommodate all of the rumours about the doctor… Sagiri decided to take her chances. 
  It was peaceful however, quiet and away from all of the people. She wondered if that was why the doctor chose to be away. Maybe the doctor just wanted a peaceful life. 
  Sagiri approached the hut, stopping right in front of the door. Her hand outstretched, ready to knock. Hesitation stopped her. What if this wasn’t the right hut? What should she even say if this was the right one? 
  At this stage, what did she have to lose?
  She knocked.
  An old, short man with an overgrown beard answered the door with a smile. “How may I help you young lady?” 
  Sagiri took a deep breath. What was the worst that could happen? “Are you a doctor? I am looking for someone.”
  The old man nodded his head, seemingly understanding of the situation. He said nothing, except for motioning for Sagiri to enter his cosy confines. 
  “I understand now,” the old man answered as he shut the door.
  Sagiri turned around to face him, “Understand what?”
  “Come out girl,” the old man announced.
  A door beside the kitchen opened. An all too familiar face revealed herself to Sagiri. She was wearing a robe, with a cheeky smile plastered over her face.
  “Why did her flowers disappear on their own overnight. Her white hyacinths and coughing fits ended,” the old man announced. “We still have the hyacinths from previous fits if you’d like to see.”
  Sagiri frowned, “Her flowers are gone?”
  The old man nodded, “The cause of the flowers is unrequited love. I guess it’s returned now. I’ll let you two talk.”
  The old man took his cane and slowly walked into the room beside the one Yuzuriha exited from. The two girls shared an awkward glance before Yuzuriha sat down beside Sagiri.
  “How did you realise that I am the most amazing girl on earth and that you can only fall for me?” Yuzuriha teased with a grin. 
  Sagiri sighed, “I hear one more word from you and it’s going back to unrequited feelings.” 
  “You really want me to die huh,” Yuzuriha laughed. 
  Yuzuriha was having horrible coughing fits the night before. She doubled over in pain as she puked blood alongside the damn white hyacinth. She didn’t even know if she could live until the very next morning. Even the doctor was worried, but he could only start the surgery the next afternoon when he received his new equipment from a delivery.
  Suddenly she woke up feeling perfectly fine in the morning. She was confused. Yuzuriha had multiple thoughts in her mind as she realised what her state was. She had thought that Sagiri was dead, for some reason.
  It wasn’t until she saw Sagiri right before her eyes that she finally realised what happened.
  “I really do like you… Yuzuriha. The thought of seeing your dead body… just you being gone. Or our relationship being different after your surgery… I don’t know, I just… can’t handle it…” Sagiri began, clenching her fists, her eyes failing to meet Yuzuriha’s.
  Yuzuriha laughed, “You would never lose me. That’s silly, I am right here Sagirin. There’s nothing to worry about. I’m… glad you’re here.”
   Sagiri threw her arms around Yuzuriha, embracing her in the tightest, loveliest hug that Yuzuriha has ever felt in her life. “I am just glad you’re alright… You’re safe…” Sagiri cried.
  “You really missed me that bad huh,” Yuzuriha hugged back, wiping away some of Sagiri’s tears. 
  Sagiri gave a small nod.
  “I won’t lose you again I promise. I won’t let you run off like that again.”
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peachycoreroo · 3 years
what about some haikyuu boys trying to explain how morning erection works to their s/o? if you could include Kuroo, Sugawara, Oikawa and Satori I'd be more than grateful 🥺
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characters: kuroo tetsurou, sugawara koushi, oikawa tooru, tendou satori
genre: smut, a miiiini plot bc i can't control myself
word count: 1.2k
warnings: fem!reader but can be read as gn!reader, also kinda oblivious!reader?, established relationships, the slightest somnophilia (reader is just grinding while oikawa is asleep, he wakes up immediatly tho), handjob, morning wood (obvs), implied sex
authors note: omg this was my first ever request, thank you sm anonnie! i'm so sorry bc i'm pretty sure i got carried away and only kuroo and tendou really fit your request, but i still hope you'll like it<3 this was actually really hard bc i was so anxious about fucking up my first request, i also didn't really know much about morning woods (well now i do heh) and i find tendou kinda hard to write for but i really wanted to make anon happy. i stayed up till 4am for this🧍‍♂️here's a link to my masterlist<3
pt.2: kageyama tobio, haiba lev, hinata shoyo
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kuroo tetsurou:
„your dick does what, why now?”
kuroo rolled his eyes. this is the third time he has to repeat himself and you still look at him as if you’ve never heard anything more complicated in your life.
sighing, the tall male leaned back against the headboard of your shared bed, trying to make himself as comfortable as he could, with you finally quenching your curiosity about his morning wood, and said morning wood pressing against his boxers and your sheets.
“one more time, y/n, there’s a number of reasons. first of all, the male body has its peak of testosterone in the morning. basically, the sudden increase of the hormone in the changing stages from being asleep to waking up, can get your guy up.” as he saw you open your mouth to ask a question, he immediately followed with: “yes, even without actually being aroused”, effectively making you shut your mouth again. the fact that he knew exactly what you wanted to ask, made him chuckle. kuroo knew you like the back of his hand.
“another one is that my body is aware of what’s going on, even when i’m asleep. if your ass grazes my dick, it’s gonna react.” grinning proudly, you sat yourself in his lap, wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders.
“mhh, i’m glad you can’t resist me, even in your sleep. so… you want some help with that?”
the dark-haired male decided to play along, putting his large hands on your waist, pulling you closer and leaning in, just to stop a few inches from your lips and murmur: “you know, i could also just need to pee really bad”, making you lean back and stare at him dumbfounded.
as much as he wanted to actually teach you about this topic, kuroo would never pass up an opportunity to tease you.
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sugawara koushi:
as suga jerked awake, he immediately became aware of his severe case of a morning wood. not only that, but he could also feel your ass pressed up snugly against it.
once the sleep slowly drained from the man’s eyes, he noticed that it was still dark outside and quickly checked the time to see his alarm clock reflecting the numbers 5:50 a.m. back at him. he knew he had to get up at 6 if he wanted to be an exemplary teacher and get to school earlier to prepare for class, but with the way your ass was pushing against his hard dick, his mind was too clouded by lust to care. he needed you, and he needed you now.
“baby, wake up”, in suga’s husky morning voice was the first thing you heard as you were gently stirred awake. when you cracked your eyes open, the silver-haired man was already kneeling between your legs, cock heavy and leaking against your panties.
yawning, you asked concerned: “kou’? what’s wrong? is everything okay?”
not being able to wait any longer, sugawara slowly started grinding against you through your shorts, making your breath hitch and legs spread wider.
“y-yeah, just a morning wood emergency. i can’t go and teach like that. let me use you quickly, princess”, suga almost whined, pained.
trying to hold in your whimpers to understand what led to this, your eyes jumping from the male’s handsome face to his pretty, hard dick, you wondered: “what’s gotten into you?”
at that, suga scoffed, amused at you wanting to know what led to his erection instead of getting to business right away.
“woke up to your pretty lil’ butt all snuggled up against my dick. you make me hard, even in my sleep y/n”, he rasped impatiently, but still wanting to quench your interest.
despite the fact that this was definitely not the most romantic thing you have heard from sugawara koushi, you couldn’t stop the butterflies erupting at the thought of him craving you this badly, even while asleep.
“c’mere kou’”, you softly murmured, pulling him down for a kiss, ready to help your boyfriend’s morning problem.
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oikawa tooru:
tonight, wasn’t your night. you barely got a wink of sleep, while your boyfriend slept like a stone beside you. you knew it wasn’t his fault you couldn’t sleep, but that didn’t stop you from sulking like a spoiled child.
you were tired but also incredibly horny, and as if some gods heard the prayers you didn’t even direct at them, you noticed oikawa’s morning erection standing loud and proud under your shared sheets like every morning.
not wasting a moment, you ripped the sheets off him, straddling his lap and grinding your soaked panties against his erect boxer-clad cock. it’s not the worst feeling oikawa has ever woken up to, in fact it was definitely one of the best. everything’s better than being slapped awake by iwa-chan’s shoe hitting him in the face back in high school.
as the tanned man started to fidget and his calloused hands landed on your hips to guide you along his cock, your curiosity about his daily morning wood got the best of you.
“why are you hard every morning, tooru?”, you asked innocently, while not-so-innocently continuing to tease him with your hips.
“u-uh, something about hormones a-and, oh shit, faster babe”, oikawa needily pleaded, not in the mood to be explaining the scientific reason behind his reoccurring morning problem.
unsatisfied with the answer, you stopped the grinding to frown at him and complained: “but i wanna know more, tooru.”
the brunet looked up at you, groaning but knowing you wouldn’t just let it go. “fuck, okay. how about this: you make me cum, and i answer all your questions about… morning woods, after. deal?”
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tendou satori:
you woke up before tendou, feeling his hard-on press against your naked thigh, making you want to continue the fun you had last night.
luckily, your boyfriend also woke up, though not as happy about his morning wood problem as you.
“’tori… i need you”, you seductively purred, letting your petite hand slide down to his erection, wrapping around it and giving it a few slow, lazy pumps. to your surprise, your usually vocal-in-bed boyfriend didn’t moan, but only tensed at your ministrations.
not thinking much of it, you attached your lips to the base of his throat, sucking and licking while giving his cock a hard tuck, hoping to get a pretty moan out of him.
what you didn’t expect however, was for tendou to jump up and run to your bathroom while squealing like a little schoolgirl. dumbfounded, you froze in the position you were in, leaning towards where your boyfriend was laying just a few seconds ago, with your hand in a half-fist.
after a few minutes, the red-haired man sheepishly re-entered the room, scratching the back of his blushing neck with a matching blush on his face.
“i-i uh…”, at his voice cracking, tendou cleared his throat before continuing: “i’m so sorry sweetheart, i didn’t mean to run off like that.”
finally breaking out of your stiffness, you looked at him, puzzled, before asking: “why did you run off? if you didn’t want to make-out, I would’ve understood a simple no.”
“it’s not that! it’s just… morning wood doesn’t always mean i’m horny, sweetie. sometimes it happens when you desperately need to pee.”
“oh”, you awkwardly remarked, “i didn’t know that ‘tori, i’m so sorry. i just thought…”
chuckling, tendou leaned down, kissing your forehead and reassuring you: “don’t worry angel, you never stop learning.”
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Hi! How are you doing? ^^ ☆
Just wanted to know if you could make a headcanon about how would it be like after an argument with Armin? Please
Tysm for reading me, I love your work ♡♡♡
You're so sweet and nice ♡ of course I'd love to do one and tbh we must be on the same wavelength because i was just thinking about that yesterday!!!
I really liked your idea so imma do both a scenario and a headcanon! Hope you don't mind?
After an argument with Armin
{ Armin x reader | tw: hurt/comfort, self-image issues | angst with happy ending | modern }
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{ "Moonlit View" byOscar Kleineh 1846 - 1919 }
Being with Armin had its many, many perks, one being that he's really empathetic and understanding, he doesn't assume things without evidence and knows misunderstandings happen.
When facing problems or disagreements, he thinks of a solution, not argue. He rather you work together against the problem than against each other.
Whenever you were in a bad mood he'd assume the best and think of what might have caused it instead of taking it personally, he knows you still love him, he knows you're just stressed. Maybe comfort could help? Maybe a lovely cuddly evening? Or maybe you need some space?
He's just really good at reading people's emotions and handling these situations, thanks to his efforts you both successfully managed to avoid any kind of arguments or fights most couples go through.
Which is why it was a shocking surprise to everyone when Eren got a call from Armin late at night, asking if he can stay over because you two just had, what he described as, the biggest fight.
Eren almost didn't believe him at first, he thought Armin was playing a prank on him. But then he heard the quivering in his voice and the hiccup that followed. Armin was crying, things were serious.
The last thing he said to you while putting his coat on was "I'm sorry, I'm weak, you and I know that."
Him saying that, in that tone, with those tearful eyes, made you want to get up and yell at him that no he isn't. He shouldn't just say that about himself like it's a fact and not just the results of years of self-doubt.
You wanted to hug him, to pull him closer till all those awful thoughts leave his head, till he sees at himself like how you see him, incredibly brave and determined.
But you didn't, you stayed there on the couch as he put his shoes on. His eyes pleading for you to say something, anything. To tell him to stay, to come sit near you. He even looked at you one last time before opening the door.
As you stared at him in silence, the realisation that you don't even remember what you were fighting about hit you, you can't, how could you? The minute the door closed behind him is when you realised how real the situation is.
How quiet the house is.
Has it always been this cold?
And just how much worried you are about him.
It hasn't been a full minute and you're missing him already.
It's 4am
It's hours since he left, how much exactly? You can't even remember.
Still haven't moved from the couch, you're not sure what you're feeling, you've been going through different emotions each hour.
Guilt, sadness, regret, anger, denial, pessimism, you name it.
It doesn't matter, none of that really matters to you right now. It's Armin who you've been worried about for a while that matter.
You know for a fact Eren and Mikasa aren't the most emotionally open people, you know Armin is already struggling with letting out his emotions without feeling needless guilt or shame.
You know he needs someone right now, he needs a shoulder to cry on and a reassuring voice. You've been both these things for him since even before you got together.
Just like he has been these things for you too. You need that someone just as much now. You didn't even know it's possible to feel this lonely.
Is he also thinking about you? Is he sleeping soundly on Eren’s couch? Or is that one stain from last week's party bothering him?
...is he just as miserable as you are right now? Probably not, you think. He's far stronger than he gives himself credit for, you know that better than everyone else.
Your thought process gets interrupted by a buzz from your phone, a text. Your eyes light up, you pull the blanket you dragged from the bed tighter around you, it's Armin.
[ hey ] it said, [is it okay if i call you?]
You reply back, he starts typing again, you stare at those three dots like your life depends on them.
[Okay, give me a minute please ]
You pull the phone closer to you, it's brightness contratsing against the dark living room. Some minutes pass...nothing, you feel your heartbeat rising. Phone still clutched in your hands.
It rings, it doesn't get past the second ring before you've pressed the accept button. You can hear the wind on the other side, alongside the distant sound of passing cars. Your heart only slows down after hearing the fimilar and oh so lovely sound of soft breathing
Suddenly the world doesnt seem so dim anymore.
"Sorry, it took more time than i thought, Eren keeps his keys in really weird places...I hope i didn't make you worry"
Oh If only he knew..
Dozens of possible replies run through your mind.
I missed you, did you miss me too?
Please come back, I hate feeling this lonely.
How does it feel to take my heart and run away?
Was your voice always this captivating or am i just high on sleep-deprevation?
I miss your kisses, i wish i could feel your lips against mine. Could you kiss me through the phone?
...in the end, you settle for "It's okay" you say, "It's alright."
"That's good...hey listen." You listen, "I'm not going to skirt around the subject, i called because" he takes a deep breath, "i want to apologise for how i acted, for what i said, both to you and myself."
Hearing him admit to his faults and own up to his mistakes, fills you with courage to do the same. You apologise, you mention how you've been thinking about him, you leave out the embarrassing parts.
You tell him you love him, and miss him.
You're met with silence. So you call out his name.
"Wait..you're not mad at me?" He says.
What? Mad? You?
"No." You say. "Why would you think that?"
You hear a chuckle that evolves into a laugh, it's contagious.
"Fuck...oh god I'm...im so stupid, i left because I thought you were mad and didn't bother you more by making you look at me." Even he seems to realise just how ridiculous that concept is.
It's 5am now, you're both laughing over the phone. The world is good again.
You ask if he's mad at you.
He instantly replies with a no.
"I could never be mad at you..." he says, "I love you so much it hurts. I love you like I've never loved anyone else before that it terrfies me, I'm scared one day I'll wake up and you won't be beside me anymore, you've made me love myself in ways i never though i would, you made me believe in myself because you believed in me."
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{ Headcanons }
After an argument, Armin tries giving both of you space to calm down.
It doesn't last long because he will approach you after and talk about his emotions and explains why he did the things he did. He will also apologise for the things he did wrong like yelling or saying something hurtful.
If you give him the okay, he will instantly hug you. Physical touch is a great comfort for him so don't expect him letting you go anytime soon.
He will hold your face gently, tell you how much he missed you despite it being only hours.
Doesn't even care about the argument anymore or attempt to bring it up, he just wants to make up asap.
You're both gonna have a heartfelt conversation and actually process your emotions together. As a result you two come out stronger and closer after each argument.
He doesn't hold grudges, so he won't ever act passive aggressive after an argument. if he's got a problem he will tell you.
Just 100% honestly and transparency with this golden boy.
Will want to spend more time together post argument, he will really love it if you watch something together or you let him read you something.
Give him love and affaction, he loves you deeply it's actually rare these days.
When you go to sleep on those nights, he will hold you tighter and stroke your back.
He doesn't hold grudges yet he still remembers each fight you had and instead of it being a sour memory, he thinks of it as a learning block. Just a step towards understanding each other more.
Pamper him more after an argument and he will feel so loved, hearts in his eyes as you brush his morning hair.
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curly-bangtan · 4 years
Heatwave Anniversary Drabble: i miss u like ... a lot (M)
[Heatwave // Godless // Heatwave Drabbles] <- read first! but this drabble can be read alone
Pairing: Taehyung x reader
Summary: One night until Taehyung is back from his boys’ trip but you miss him too much.
Genre: fluff, smut, kinda crack?, boyfriend/established relationship au
Warnings: unprotected sex (oc on contraception so don’t u do it), teasing over the phone, riding and grinding, just kinda vanilla i-missed-u-so-much sex, a particular selca
Word count: 5k
A/N: It was Heatwave’s one year anniversay on the 17th so I decided to write a quick(?) drabble for this. I fully intended on posting this on time, but wanted to change up some stuff so only managed to finish this now. Happy birthday to my first fic and forver my baby!
The absolute one thing you hate most about your boyfriend being away from you is your boyfriend being away from you.
You have never been the clingy needy type, that is more his role in this relationship, nor are you really one to show affection. In fact, you would hate for that false image to be perceived of you because all that sappy shit makes you want to throw up your dinner. But one thing you’ve learnt since Taehyung had gone away on a week-long boys’ trip down by the coast is how cold the house feels in his absence, despite being in the middle of a sizzling summer.
Everything is so eerily quiet without his random outbursts into song and fits of laughter. Having spent 3 years living together, you have gotten so used to his constant presence that you had even caught yourself several times calling out for him only to remember that he isn’t here. Waking up without his arm draped around your waist, slided up your top at some point during the night, impacts you more than you’d like to admit.
Are you glad that he’s having a great time with his friends by the beach, relaxing all day and drinking all night? Of course. Are you having a great time all by yourself over here in the absence of your boyfriend? Certainly not.
Though, of course, this isn’t something you would confess to out loud, especially to him. He doesn’t need to know how often the thought: ugh fuck, I miss Tete is crossing your mind, lest you want him to rub his smugness in your face.
It isn’t just that. Your relationship hasn’t been without its tests in the course of its years and things have only finally stabilised. It’s not that you don’t trust Taehyung to be with his ladish friends for seven days, shirtless dusk till dawn, intoxicated to the point where he calls you thinking that you’re the pizza delivery guy but…
A hammered Taehyung at a beach full of girls who are no doubt thirsting over him leaves a bad taste in your mouth. You trust him to be loyal to his core, but you don’t trust anyone else to keep their hands from copping a feel. No matter how you look at it, you would just so much rather he be at home with you right now.
You have endured this for six days. Six full days without Taehyung. Six full days with no sex, no tummy kisses, no clammy hand holding even though you’re only to get groceries. Just one more night and this torture will fucking be over, praise the lord. But you also don’t know how much more you can hold back that I miss you text because you’re combusting from the need to see him again.
It’s almost 4am. Your sleep schedule is fucked and it’s really his fault.
The bright screen of your phone offers the only luminescence at this hour. Your messages from him in the past week have not been shy of your daily dose of Taehyung - clips of the beach (always mischievously caption with something along the lines of “thinking of Mykonos ;D” where you went on your first holiday together), selfies that you dwell way too long staring at because you miss that face buried in your neck, drunk videos of the antics him and the boys get up to that you’ll definitely chastise him for when he comes back yet can’t help but laugh at. You find yourself scrolling through them every single night.
Your personal favourite: a pouty selfie he sent you after he dropped his ice cream, the picture you always go back to and the one you’re staring at right now. His hair is frizzy from the sea, lips jutted out childishly and cheeks puffy. Your chest constricts, fuck...
Just one more night, you remind yourself. And then he’s back and all yours again.
Then suddenly, the phone in your hand vibrates, short and abrupt. The bar slides down from the top of your screen reading New Message from Tete. Surprised, you scramble to open it, maybe a bit too desperately for you to be proud of.
Tete: bby
You blink at those three letters, lips pressed together because your heart is cinching.
Tete: ur prob aslep rn but
Tete: i missu
Tete: <334
The typos indicate that he is wasted, and you take a guess that he has just returned from their last night out of the holiday. The corners of your lips turn up knowing that he is thinking of you right now.
You: no im awake
Your fingers are itching to reply with i miss u too, and it takes all your willpower and stubbornness to stay true to your steadfast self. There is just something so unpleasantly moist about these kinds of texts, something that makes you cringe and gag when you read them. You refuse to be one of those people. A heart is all that you allow yourself to reply.
You: <3
You: r u drunk?
Tete: drunk in love
Tete: yes
A giggle escapes you at his god awful cheesiness - drunk, sober alike. Insufferable. But probably Taehyung’s most endearing quality.
You: did u have fun!!
Tete: yeah
Tete: but i miss u
Tete: more than i had fun
God, you feel like a teenager again, suddenly overcome with this gushing urge to roll over and scream into your pillow. You’re glad he’s merely texting this to you right now because if he had said this to you face to face, your skin would most definitely stain scarlet from neck to hairline, scalding to the touch. Even months into officially being his girlfriend, these curveballs of overwhelming affection throw you off guard.
Again, the compulsion to tell him you miss him too yanks at your heartstrings. You truly don’t understand why it’s so hard for you to say how you feel, let yourself be soft and vulnerable. You know it’s one of your flaws so it’s something that you’re working on, but you can’t say you’ve made much progress.
But just as you decide that maybe you should take the plunge, suck it up and just text him those three words, he sends you a picture.
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No, not just a picture. A selfie, of him in bed, shirtless under the covers. “Oh, fuck…”
Hand clasped over your mouth to prevent any sound from involuntarily escaping, it takes a moment for your breath to return to you and for you to stop gawking. At this hour… Really? Is he seriously doing this to you right now?
His sleepy eyes. His messy curls. And his fucking nose mole.
The undoing of your existence.
Tete: this boy misses u :]
You: bruh
You: bruhhhhhhh
You: taehyung
Tete: oui my lady :))
You: 👁👄👁
You: can u not do this to my heart
You: y did u send me this </333
You: what was the reason
Tete: coz i miss u
Tete: do u like it
Tete: :D
‘Do u like it’... Actually, you have tears in your eyes, albeit mostly due to staring at a screen for too long so late at night, but it’s certainly contributed by this selfie. You tell yourself you’re acting out because it’s been six days since you last saw him. Perhaps Taehyung Withdrawal Symptoms is the explanation behind why you want to print and frame this picture because that is definitely not a normal reaction to a picture. But this is a masterpiece.
You: taehyung my soul left my body
You: like i could weep
You: u look so soft and fluffy
You: :’(
Tete: lollll
Tete: simp
This boy has some nerve?! Simp! He called you a simp?! Laughing like a maniac, you can’t even pretend to be mad at him, not after this picture he sent anyway. So you guess you are a simp. This selfie is your kryptonite.
Tete: jkjkkkkk
You: hahahaha
You: y r u doing this to me
You: its 4am
You: u can’t send me this rn
You: i won’t be able to sleep
Tete: o yeah how come ur still up?
Tete: go to sleepppp
You: can’t sleep
Tete: aw no whyyy
Because you miss him that’s why.
You miss Kim Taehyung. You miss Tete. You miss your boyfriend, your best friend, your other half. You miss his touch, his smile, his wide eyes when he’s confused. You miss his morning snuggles and late night kisses. You miss the way he hugs you from behind as you prepare your meals. You miss the wandering hands that he can’t help when you’re out in public. You miss playing PUBG together until the sun comes out then both sleeping past noon. You miss taking baths together where bubbles would get into your mouth as your kisses get heated.
You just miss him.
It’s only been six days and you’re in this state. What has he done to you?
Fingers hovering over the keyboard, you let out a great sigh and deflate. No other reason offers itself for you to be awake at this hour; he knows you cherish sleep above anything. Teeth digging into your lip, you inhale long and hard, then exhale the gust of your cowardice. It’s not that deep, stupid. Fuck it.
You: coz
You: i miss u
You: like … a lot
You: 🙄
It’s final - you guess you’ve become a mushy wet sap. Truly it is embarrassing how big of a step this is for you; but the sense of pride and accomplishment feels oddly validating. Baby steps. The eye-rolling emoji right after is subconscious because you could only betray the core of your character that much. Forgo it and taehyung might not believe that it’s you.
Tete: omg
Tete: :D
Tete: rrly?
You: *blank kissy emoji*
Tete: wow
Tete: u actually don’t know how hard i’m smiling rn
You: simp
Tete: ofc that’s my middle name
Tete: i miss u a lot too
Tete: like a lotttttt
Tete: i’ll show u how much when i’m back
Ah… Of course, the Taehyung specialty - smothering you with his affection. You freeze at the thought of his wildfire kisses and head between your thighs. Nothing screams of how much you’ve missed each other more than a good dicking down, climax after climax until you’re both panting messes of sweat and entangled limbs. The anticipation makes you squirm under the sheets, legs pressing together.
You: pls do
You: i need u
It’s uncertain what spirit has possessed you at this ungodly hour for these words to come out of you. There’s an instant flash of ickiness, but you let the self-cringing simmer and dissipate into the realisation that this is okay, this is normal. Taehyung’s your boyfriend, couples text like this. You need to grow some.
Tete: fuck baby
Tete: i’m so not used to u texting like this, it's driving me crazy
You: crazy how *cat smirk*
If you weren’t smiling before, you’re definitely grinning like an idiot now. His reaction is predictable, yet oddly still, an incredible wave of satisfaction hits you. And because you want to savour this moment, maybe give him a taste of his own medicine, you send him a picture of yourself.
Camisole strap slid off your shoulder, hair splayed out, bottom lip deep red from biting down on it too much. Just to return the favour.
Tete: y/n
Tete: call me now
-Incoming call from Tete-
Laughing to yourself, you wait a good few seconds before picking up to prolong his torture. “Yes, Taehyung?” You put your thumb between your teeth to suppress the laughter.
“Fuck.” Against the silence of the night, the low rasp of his voice permeating into you from the speaker of your phone sends tingles up your toes. You’ve fucking missed his voice more than you thought. “Y/N… You can’t do this to me.”
“I told you, I miss you. Like… a lot.” The saccharine tone in your reply is foreign to your own ears, but you like the sound of it and the deep rumble it elicits from your boyfriend.
“How much?” Taehyung eggs you on. His words are barely slurred, so you gather that he has sobered up at least for the most part by now. Yet there is still a slowness to it that suggests
“Hmm, like… I touched myself every night at the thought of you a lot.”
A sharp inhale. Then silence. But you know better so you give him a moment to gather himself.
“You shouldn’t be putting that image in my head.” Exasperation is evident in his voice, desperate and yearning. You can imagine him now, one hand on his phone, the other sliding over his pants that are getting a bit too tight for comfort. Your breath hitches.
“Then you shouldn’t have sent me that picture, Taehyung…”
“You said it was soft and fluffy. What you sent me back was not soft and fluffy.”
“Just because it’s soft doesn’t mean it doesn’t turn me on. You do things to me… okay?” Heat trapped beneath the skin of your cheeks, your grip on the phone against your ear slackening as your thighs rub together.
“Fuck, I’m getting hard, baby…” Nothing gets him going more than the knowledge that he turns you on, it’s his weakness but somewhat his strength.
“That’s… unfortunate. Are you going to do something about it?”
His gulp is audible even over the phone. “Uh…” A sigh. “Um. Maybe. Thoughts are being thought.”
“What kind of thoughts? Thoughts about me touching myself and moaning your name? Thoughts about how much I wish my fingers were your cock thrusting so deep into me that I feel it in my guts? Or are you thinking about what you’ll do to me when you’re back tomorrow? Fucking my mouth until I’m crying or filling me up with your cum first?” Your hips buckle at the filth leaving your mouth. This is more like you; you haven’t abandoned your nature after all.
“Oh, fuckkkk.” His moan resonates into your skull, not quite as if he’s here with you but good enough to fill your desire. “Y/N… I need you so badly.” Breath ragged, you hear movement of his sheets in the background as he adjusts into a more comfortable position.
“Are you stroking your cock right now?” A warm slick oozes out of your own entrance. There’s something about Taehyung masturbating to you that elevates you to a different kind of high.
“What do you think, baby?” As you listen closely, you hear the slow rhythm of his pumping, and your fingers ache to pleasure yourself. ‘The things I’ll fucking do to you when I’m back.”
“Mmm, but it’s late, Taehyung, why don’t we go to sleep.”
“Wait, what?” The stroking stops instantly and surprise in his voice releases a smug satisfaction into your veins. The equivalent of pouring a bucket of ice water over his head right now. Teasing is an old undying habit, what can you say? “You wanna end the call now?”
“Yeah, we should sleep, babe.” Grin unsuppressed, you turn over onto your side, probably a bit too pleased with yourself at your success. Taehyung is an easy victim always.
“What the fuckkk?” Your boyfriend groans. “You’re seriously going to tease me this hard then leave me high and dry?” When you offer no more response than a sly chuckle, he add, “You’re so evil.”
“Save it for tomorrow, Taehyung. Think about it, we’re one sleep away from seeing each other again.”
“Fuck, I know. But you just got me so fucking horny, bruhhh. I thought we were gonna have phone sex.” You are still laughing at his whining, basking in the victory you’re holding over him.
“Taehyung, save it for the real sex.” The idea of phone sex crossed your mind several times to be honest, but you really want to collect every single drop of desire and longing and unleash it tomorrow. Raw and pent up. Nothing to dampen the fire.
A sigh of defeat down the line. “You’re going to be the death of me, you know?” You know. “How am I supposed to sleep now though? I’m so rock hard that it hurts.”
“You can figure that out yourself, big guy.” Your cheeks ache from smiling for too long; they often do during calls with him. “One sleep away, okay?”
“Ugh, fine, you demon. I can’t believe you sometimes.” He lets out another sigh. Your heart skips at the anticipation of how he will punish you for this. “Good night, I miss you.”
“Good night, I miss you more.” There’s a sudden change of tone with these words. Because you truly mean it. Sex and physical intimacy aside, you really just missed his voice, his banter.
You fall asleep almost immediately.
You don’t think you’ve heard a sweeter sound than the keys rattling at the door the next day. Practically leaping off the couch where you had been awaiting him in your Taeyhyung-less boredom, you run to the door.
As it swings open, heat courses to your chest when your eyes land on his, so full of comfort. Your boyfriend is home. Handsome as ever, much more tanned than your memory of him and much more attractive. White t-shirt and loose black shorts, a mundane outfit that only he could make look exceptional.
And as much as you want to sprint up and throw yourself onto him, your feet stay planted on the floor.
“Hey.” You barely breathe out.
Stay calm and composed, you tell yourself. It was only one week without him, it’s not like he’s returning from war.
But Taehyung doesn’t even reply, because in two long strides he is standing before you, bags tossed to the side, a sign of their insignificance in the presence of you. His arms find their home circled around you, face buried in your hair before you can utter another word. You don’t hesitate to return his embrace, holding his waist as you let yourself fall into his chest. He smells like what summer should, the ocean, sweat and young love; his familiar musk greeting you as if he never left.
Your lips meet his, strong and full of intent. He’s so unexpectedly soft when he kisses back, a timeless romantic dance like he is saviour your taste on his tongue.
With your weight leaning on him, he slowly topples back, stepping hastily until your bodies land on the couch. You fit your legs on either side of him as you burrow your nose in his neck and breathe him in, memorise him. In nothing but a large shirt, your bare thighs are exposed for his roaming.
When you pull away and face each other, you are struck by his beauty. His skin is sun-kissed and glowing, hair an effortlessly beautiful mess, the slightest hint of a stubble peeking through below his nose. Your heart belongs to him forever, you know it without a doubt.
“You smell so good. I missed you so much, baby.” And his voice… That deep baritone honey that you have taken for granted all this time - music to your ears.
“Imissedyoutoo…” You mumble, shy under his undivided attention and mercilessly unbroken eye contact.
With your chests pressed together, his chuckle rumbles into you. “What was that?”
“I missed you too… I guess.” Face flaming, you can’t bring yourself to meet his eye at your admittance, fingers twirling around his curls to preoccupy yourself.
But he cups your chin and turns your face to him, forehead pressing up to yours until your noses are touching, breaths mixing. “That’s not what you said last night.” Taehyung smirks, hands sliding down to your waist, the material of your shirt bunching up in his hands. “Do I need to remind you?”
“No…” You find yourself unable to keep your eyes open, your core pulsing mercilessly as you grind onto him. “How are you already hard, Taehyung…” And though you mean to scold him, it comes out breathless.
Lips hovering, he traces the edge of your jaw, tingling the sensitive little hairs on its way to your ear. When he reaches the shell of your ear, warm breath infiltrating so relentlessly into you, you almost lose yourself right there on his lap. “Don’t you know how much I love you?” He whispers.
“Show me.” Is all you make out.
His hands are already beneath your shirt before you even notice, palms kneading into your breasts as he takes your nipples between his two fingers and rolls. As he kisses you again, the same tenderness exchanges between your lips. It’s a different kind of desperation to be so slow and gentle, one that means so much more than sex, one that’s telling of how much you truly missed each other. Your hips roll with a mind of their own over him. One hand of his comes down to your ass, guiding the waves of your rocking. And each time his stiff clothed member digs into your clit, you whimper into his mouth.
Carefully, Taehyung rolls you over onto your back, sucking your bottom lip to keep the seal from breaking. He pulls away when he’s on top of you, and a string of glistening saliva bridges between your mouths. “Foreplay or no? Tell me what you want?” Compliant as ever.
“I need you to fill me up right now. Anything else can wait.” You watch the devotion ignite in his eyes. His fingers are in a hurry as they pull your panties off, knees spreading your legs open as he kneels between your gaping entrance. He tugs his shirt off from the collar, such smoothness in his action that your insides coil up. His newly-bronzed rich skin revealed, you can’t help but reach up and run your hands down from chest to navel, revelling in his blemishless ridges.
A low sound reverberates from the back of Taehyung’s throat as your touch travels down to unbutton his shorts. They fall loose. His hard throbbing members springs free, a glistening bead oozing from his slit. “You didn’t wear boxers?”
When you glance up, you notice his sheepish grin. He presses his mouth onto yours, still smiling, guiding you back onto your back. “I just couldn’t wait.” Taehyung whispers. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you, especially since last night… Ah, fuck.” Another deep groan erupts from him as you reach down and slather that bead of precum all over his tip. His head falls onto your neck, writhing under your merciless stroking.
His tip brushing against your clit, your toes curls at the teasing of your weakness, hips jolting up involuntarily and perhaps a bit too violently. You’re so embarrassingly sensitive after this many days without Taehyung, and he notices from your breathless reaction. Smirking, he takes his shaft in his hand and runs his stiff head over your clit mercilessly. And as you roll your head back helplessly, he nibbles onto your exposed neck, faint stubble grazing your skin.
“Quit the teasing…” You whine, unable to withstand the build up of twisting pressure begging to be fulfilled between your legs. “Just put-”
Taehyung pushes himself into you so abruptly that you yelp. And there it is, that mind-melting stretch of your walls that you’ve so much missed. “Fuck, Taehyung…” Your entire core feels ablaze, so numbing that your nails dig into the leather of the couch before they find grip on his arms.
“Like that, baby?” His voice his strained, as if he’s struggling not to lose his mind as well.
Nodding because you can’t make out a word as he slowly pulls out, you grab his face and pull him up to meet your lips. You whimper into him mouth when he rams into you again, hitting your walls in full force, no mercy. His kiss doesn’t lose its sincerity despite the juxtaposition of his vigorous thrusts, though you can’t say that he is quite as gentle with as before. You pinch his bottom lip between your teeth, sucking on it as your fingers get lost in his hair.
After seven days of deprevation of his cock, your cunt is leaking with the fluid of your arousal, aiding in the ease of each plunge. You feel the stiffness of his ridges pulling you open as he slides in and out of you. “Fuck…” He pants, mouth hovering over yours.
“Let me get on top.” Taehyung’s eyes flash at your suggestion, instantly rolling onto his back. He slips out during the switch of position and the wetness of your cunt is assailed by a sudden rush of cool air.
You swing your leg over and mount him, watching him watch you pump his dick, your own liquid slathered over him sticky in your hand. Letting his member fall against his abdomen, you grind over him between your folds, hands splayed out over his chest. The friction created each time your clit would slide over the thin pinch of skin where his tip unfolded into his shaft has Taehyung a groaning mess.
He looks remarkable under you.
You push his sweat-dampened curls out of his forehead, eyes half closed in euphoria, half watching you roll your cunt so lewdly over his length. You know you could make him cum like this if you continue. But you want him to cum inside you first, you want to feel that thick hot spurt of his desire shoot again and again into you until his cock is twitching.
So slowly, lubricated by your wetness, you sink inch by inch down until the skin of your ass meets his thighs. This angle fuck with your mind; you think you feel him at your cervix. Then your hips start to do what they know best, pounding over him with a rhythm that you’re proud of.
Taehyung grabs hold of your waist, your breasts, fury in his eyes as he watches you ride him with such determination. “I love you so much.” He heaves between heavy breaths.
“I love you, I missed you more than you could imagine.” You huff, thumb running over his red swollen lips.
“I love when you admit it.” He sits up and takes the swell of your breast in his mouth, making his way to your nipples where his tongue relentlessly flickers over.
Your thighs are starting to burn, core aching because his cock is thrusting up into you so deep that you feel it in your guts. The signs are appearing - your vision is going hazy, walls squeezing tightly around him, tangle upon tangles knoting in your stomach. His are too - his head is slumped against your chest, arms crossed behind your back as he holds you close to him, whole body starting to tense as he begins to curse.
Pace quickening, you don’t let the tire of your muscles stop you from your chase. The slap of your skins ringing in your ears, you keep riding, cunt swallowing his cock whole each bounce. Taehyung breaks first. “Fuck!” He calls out into your neck. His cum squirts into you, pulse after pulse, your boyfriend’s hips jolting each thrust.
“I’m so close, babe, keep going for me.” You plead, knowing how sensitive he is right after his climax. He nods wordlessly, face still buried in you hair. The lubrication of his cum abolishes any resistance, letting you slide over him easier than sitting down. And not five thrusts later, your own coil snaps. You through your head back at the wave of pleasure that drowns you, your entire core on fire as your moans echo through the room. It takes maybe twenty seconds for your walls to stop throbbing and for the orgasm to slowly die down.
Taehyung is already growing limp inside you after his orgasm. “Thank you.” You whisper against his forehead while you dismount. His cum flows out of your slit and down the insides of your thighs, but he refuses to let go of you.
When he looks up, you are struck by an overwhelming sensationf of adoration. His long dark curls fall slightly over his eyes, in disarray but just the way you like it. His eyes are so full of genuine love and gratitude of having you that you can’t help but capture him with your lips. “No, thank you.” He mumbles against you, falling back onto the couch with you in his embrace.
After a long kiss of after-sex affection, you pull away before it leads to a second round. “I want you to know that I really missed you a lot. I can’t even call you a big baby anymore because I stared at all the pictures you sent me every night till the sun came out.”
Taehyung’s boyish smile melts your heart. You’ve missed him way too much. His smile, his goofy comments, his tender kisses. “My heart… is squeezing…” If his smile doesn’t tell how smitten he is, his eyes definitely do. “I missed you so much too. All the boys made fun of me for being such a wettie ‘coz I couldn’t shut up about you.” The thought is so endearing that you can’t help but hide your face.
“So how was your trip? Plenty of hot girls drooling after you?” Trick question of course, you know that for a fact already.
“Haha, it was good, fun. Bet you couldn’t sleep ‘coz you were trembling from jealousy.” Scoffing you land a smack on his chest. “But nah, no hot girls. Nowadays there’s only one hot girl in my eyes.”
Your own lips spread like a cheshire cat. “Shut up, cutie.”
“Rachel McAdams.”
“Let go of me. Don’t even touch me.”
A/N: Moral of the story, never sit on their couch if you’re a guest at the Heatwave house.
© Copyright 2020
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[NF/MF] 2am
It was dark and silent as I sat internally screaming at myself for denying my need for an early night. I had been planning this for the entire week, the earlier I could fall asleep the less time I had to sit and dwell on the dare. It was going to be hard already to sleep that night, because five years before to the day still haunts me in reality and in nightmares.
I sat on my bed in the pitch black of winter nights just hoping for a distraction, looking back I only wish that distraction could have been a positive one. But then the text came through to my phone and as soon as I saw it I swallowed my wishes for a distraction with a bitter taste.
Have you ever sat, at 2am on a Thursday morning, trying to talk your best friend off a ledge. Maybe you did it at 4pm on a Saturday afternoon. Maybe even 9am on a Wednesday morning. So many times that you can’t even count them on all your fingers and toes, but it still kills off a piece of your soul every time. It’s not a literal ledge. That would have been easier. I could have flung my arms around her and clung on for dear life. The mental ledge is so much harder, so much more unpredictable. That ledge she so often balances on the edge off is why I feel guilty visiting home, because when I’m home I can't be there to sway her back to safety. I can’t grip her in my cuddles and stroke her hair and shush the voices back down by telling her its' okay.
This particular 2am on a Thursday morning was a hard one, you see something in particular my best friend struggles with is coping with death. Ironically nobody in her family had ever died. She was so scared of it happening, spending more time fearing them not being there, than being present in life itself. And it was at 2am, on this particular morning, she had one of her moments. A moment where she needs pushing further back from the ledge, and as the tears streamed down my face, and I felt my fingers tiptoeing across the keys as if I was barefoot, and finding my way through a glass room. The slightest slip could draw blood.
This particular 2am on a Thursday morning, I was over 100 miles away, trying to comfort her over text as she poured her deepest fears to me, frightened of life after someone else’s death. She desperately believed she had to die before her grandma and granddad, and she was even surer that it wouldn’t be long. As she clawed at her mind, I clawed at mine, because on that day when she had a moment, I had one too.
The biggest difference, she was mourning a possibility, a what if. I was already mourning what had. On that Thursday morning at 2am, the 6 year anniversary of my grandma’s death had already caused my heart to ache. I didn’t share this with her. In fact outside my family not a soul knew of this date. So she wasn’t to blame. But the pressure was pushing down on my shoulders as I tried to explain, how it becomes a manageable pain, which it does, except on memorable dates. And that date, was about as memorable as it gets.
Now its 2:45am and we've progressed a little and I think I may have helped subdue the urges, knocking them back down, for a week or even just for a day. But we’re mid conversation and she hasn’t replied in 8 minutes and my brain is on fire at all the possibilities, as hard as I try to be rational I sit in my pyjamas in a cold dark room, clutching my car keys trying to fight the urge to race to her, from over 100 miles away. Firstly because I know she'll reply as soon as I hit the M62. Secondly because I don't even know her address, she comes to my house for the distraction, and we avoid her house in fear of a trigger. The third reason, if anything had happened, if she’s done anything, I’d be too late. And I’d rather live in denial than regret.
When it hits 16 minutes since she last replied I message again, telling her anything and everything I can to remind her that she is strong and brave and just anything I can to make my voice louder than the ones that play in her mind like it’s a circus and she’s the clown that everyone uses as a target. She might be vulnerable, but her strength usually counteracts it, and for that I'll be forever thankful.
After another 30 minutes I don’t know what to do and I’m trying to calm down but I can feel the panic rising through my throat like bile and its at the point I’m happy the acid is burning through my tonsils because right now its firing me up enough to stay awake. Even if its to panic I have every possibility running through my mind and every worry possible. Is this my fault? Could I have said something more to help? If she has done something have I made the wrong decision by staying home and not knocking on every door in her neighbourhood?
Now its 4am and I'm still awake because the tiredness has evaporated and the now the tears are just fuelling the fear because I’m scared to go to sleep, and wake up to bad news. If I don’t sleep I don’t have to wake up to that text or missed call telling me there’s been another incident . I don’t want to skip the hours sleeping sound when I can stay awake and prepare myself for dealing with her parents heartbreak.
Its 5:39 and I’ve messaged our other best friend telling him how scared I feel and just hoping that he’ll know what to do. He doesn’t. He stays with me in panic but then he has to go to work leaving me in my pit of despair, wrapped in my quilt with the edges sodden with tears.
Now it’s 6:12 and I’ve messaged her 43 times with no response and the tears have dried but the knots in my stomach have tightened and I don’t think I can breathe. My phone battery light flickers to alert me its in need of charge, leaving me sitting in the corner of my room too scared to let it to go dark and miss a message.
It’s 7:45 and I’ve texted her parents trying to be nonchalant asking about an assignment and her phone being dead so can they get her to text me in the hopes that they’ll walk into her room and check before telling me she’s still sleeping and I’ll finally be able to sleep but the message stays unread and by now they’ve already left for work assuming she’s sleeping soundly. I still don’t know.
When I see a glimpse of the clock again it’s 8:14 and I’ve checked how long it’s been since she’s been active on Facebook about three hundred times and it still hasn’t changed as the hours that pass so slowly mock me.
Now it’s 10:38 and my phone vibrates again, my eyes barely staying open as they flicker over the text.
“sorry hun, fell asleep, was just having a bad night... thanks for being there. Love ya xx”.
My eyes can finally close as I know she’s safe and all I can do is be thankful that this is over for another night. As much as I hope I’ll never have to relive this I already know it wont be long till another restless night leaves us both immobilised in fear. I can only hope it ends in the same positive way.
No matter what happened, I'd always be there to help.
submitted by /u/jodieleighda96x [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2BtM6TC
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future-buttercream · 5 years
Down by the River - Conor Maynard part 2
   Having stopped off at Conor’s, he jumps back in the car with a rucksack and begin the short journey to Y/N’s flat. Once inside, Y/N heads straight for the bathroom and turns the shower on before getting undressed.
   Conor dumps his rucksack in Y/N’s bedroom, before sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling out him phone to send a group message to the lads.
Conor: Lads, 7pm as Y/N’s. Time to get messy! Bring the booze.
   Whilst he waits for replys, he pulls off his still slightly damp clothes and gets changed into the fresh clothing he picked up from his apartment. By the time he has changed and packed his clothes back into his rucksack, he already has several messages from the lads.
Caspar: Me and Josh are in xoxo
Joe: When you say messy, you mean time for me to get messy yeah? See you then LOL
Mikey: Yes mate! 
Oli: I will be there x
   Y/N climbs out of the shower, pulls on her robe and pads along the hallway to her bedroom to get dressed. Conor is still sat on the edge of her bed, so she kicks him out starts pulling clothes from her wardrobe. Once dressed, she slicks on her make-up and goes off in search of Conor. She finds him in the kitchen with an open glass of Prosecco with two glasses already poured. Conor picks up one as she picks up the other. ‘Cheers’ they say in unison, clinking the glasses together before taking a sip. Y/N picks up the bottle in her other hand and heads towards the living room. She had a feeling tonight was going to be a good night.
   The lads soon arrive, one after the other. The drinks are flowing, the music is blasting through the apartment, and the kitchen counters are covered in take-away pizzas that someone ordered. Whilst walking down the hallway to the backroom, Conor bumps into Y/N.
   ‘You look beautiful tonight by the way,’ he grins.
   ‘Ahh you don’t look to bad yourself Maynard,’ Y/N laughs as she jabs him in the shoulder. She is so glad that even after the kiss earlier, nothing had changed. She still had her best friend. ‘Come dance!’ Y/N grabbed Conor’s arm and dragged him back towards the living room. 
   ‘How long till they get it on?’ Jack and Caspar were stood in the corner watching Y/N and Conor, placing bets. ‘I am going to say maybe another month,’ Caspar added, giggling to himself.
   ‘A month? I say tonight. No way can they be that drunk, and that close, and not end up in bed together surely?’ Jack slurred his words as he had drank far too much booze. ‘Or maybe that’s just what happens with me?’ Jack laughed at his own joke, before calling Joe over. ‘Joe, placing bets. How long till they get it on?’ He asks, repeating Caspars earlier question.
   ‘Fucking soon I hope, I can’t take the sexual tension. Could cut it with a knife.’ Joe slices his arm down in a knife motion to iterate his point before falling about laughing.
   Everyone was drunk, which meant that the night had been a success. It was 4am before the last of the lads headed off home. Y/N disappeared off to the kitchen to grab glasses of water and painkillers for the morning. She would be her future friend. When she got to the bedroom, she placed a glass on each bedside table, pulled her jeans off, and climbed into bed in her t-shirt and knickers.
   Conor walked in, having been to the bathroom, and also removed just his jeans before climbing into the other side of Y/N’s bed. ‘It has been a fucking brilliant night,’ he slurred and he rolled on to his side to face Y/N, even though it was dark so he couldn’t see her.
   ‘It has! The best,’ Y/N replied sleepily as the alcohol started to pull her into a deep sleep.
   Y/N awoke early, with a piercing pain behind her eyes. The hangover had begun. She grabbed the painkillers and water from the side, swallowed them down and closed her eyes again, waiting for sleep to drag her back under. As she lay half awake, Conor rolled over, still asleep, wrapping arm around her waist and tucking his head into the back of her neck. Y/N wasn’t used to this. They had shared beds before, and he just stayed on his side, no touching involved. But sleep soon dragged her back under and she was none the wiser.
   Conor awoke an hour or two later. He lay half asleep, warm and content, for a few minutes before he realised what he was doing. That warmth was coming from Y/N’s body, which he just so happened to be spooning. Oh shit, after this afternoon this probably isn’t a good idea was the first thing to cross his mind. The second was she is asleep, so its only me who knows, therefore I am going to enjoy it. Conor lay still, breathing in the faint scent of yesterdays perfume on the back of her neck. Conor so wanted to believe that they could stay best friends, but deep down, he knew he wanted more. And that could get tricky if Y/N didn’t feel the same.
   As Conor continued to lay awake, Y/N suddenly rolled over in her sleep. She was now facing Conor - her face just inches from his, as she remained asleep. Conors arm was still in the same place, so he was still hugging her, but where he had been snuggled into Y/N’s neck, he now had her face. Damn she is fucking beautiful he thought to himself, trying to resist the urge to gently kiss her whilst she slept. He closed his eyes and decided the best thing for him to do was to go back to sleep.
   When Y/N awoke again, she could feel a kind of warm breeze on her face which confused her. She struggled to slowly open her eyes, only to be faced with Conor’s face, quite literally millimetres from her own. He had his arm tucked over her waist tightly, holding her close to him. She knew he was asleep and it wasn’t his fault, but damn - how did this happen again.
   Y/N stared at his face for a few minutes, the temptation very similar to Conors only an hour or so ago. She decided the best thing to do was gently nudge him till he woke up so that they could separate and pretend it hadn’t happened. After a few nudges, Conor made a low groaning noise before slowly opening his eyes.
   ‘Now that is a good view to wake up to,’ Conor joked as he realised that they were so close their noses were practically touching. ‘Good morning to me,’ he winked and playfully pushed Y/N’s face upwards, tucking his between hers and her pillow. ‘Its too early and bright for this hangover,’ he mumbled, pulling Y/N even closer to him.
   ‘Oi. Con, you know what happened yesterday. We can’t do this or its going to get messy,’ Y/N whispered into Conors ear, secretly enjoying the gentle cuddle. ‘You need to move. Please,’ she added as an after thought.
   ‘But my hangover told me it needs a snuggle, and you are the only one here to give it to me,’ Conor replied is a mock sad voice and he snuggled his face deeper into the crook of Y/N’s neck.
   Y/N could feel his hot breath on her neck, and although it shouldn’t be happening, she really didn’t want it to stop so she didn’t push it. Conor snuggled in deeper yet again, placing what felt like a tender kiss on her shoulder. Conor pulled back so that he could look at Y/N in the bright morning light. He couldn’t control himself, wrapping his hands around the back of her neck and pulling her into a kiss. 
   This time is was Y/N who deepened the kiss, pulling him closer and wrapping her fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck. After a few minutes Y/N grabbed the hem of his t-shirt, pulling upwards. Conor understood instantly, sitting himself up, pulling Y/N with him. He lifter his arms so that Y/N could remove his shirt before reciprocating with hers. Conor then wrapped one arm around Y/N’s back, unclipping her bra before gently pushing her back onto the bed.
   ‘I never thought this was what I wanted until today,’ Conor whispered between kissed. ‘Then I saw you laid on the grass, clothes soaking wet and though holy shit this girl is beautiful’ he added as he tangled the fingers of his right hand into her hair, gently pulling her head back to expose her bare neck. Conor peppered kisses along Y/N’s jaw and down onto her neck as he expertly slipped his other arm underneath her, rolling onto his back so that Y/N was sat on top of him.
   Y/N pulled away from Conors grasp, grabbing both of his hands and holding them down to the bed either side of his head. She gently kissed him on the lips, before moving across his cheek and down his neck finding the sweet spot. He gently moaned against her ear and she kissed and nibbled his neck, but not putting up a fight against the position he had found himself pinned in.
   ‘Are you sure this is what you want?’ Y/N whispered into his ear, letting her grip on his hands slip. Conor took this opportunity and flipped back over, pinning Y/N into the position he had just been in.
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