future-buttercream · 5 years
Down by the River - Conor Maynard part 2
   Having stopped off at Conor’s, he jumps back in the car with a rucksack and begin the short journey to Y/N’s flat. Once inside, Y/N heads straight for the bathroom and turns the shower on before getting undressed.
   Conor dumps his rucksack in Y/N’s bedroom, before sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling out him phone to send a group message to the lads.
Conor: Lads, 7pm as Y/N’s. Time to get messy! Bring the booze.
   Whilst he waits for replys, he pulls off his still slightly damp clothes and gets changed into the fresh clothing he picked up from his apartment. By the time he has changed and packed his clothes back into his rucksack, he already has several messages from the lads.
Caspar: Me and Josh are in xoxo
Joe: When you say messy, you mean time for me to get messy yeah? See you then LOL
Mikey: Yes mate! 
Oli: I will be there x
   Y/N climbs out of the shower, pulls on her robe and pads along the hallway to her bedroom to get dressed. Conor is still sat on the edge of her bed, so she kicks him out starts pulling clothes from her wardrobe. Once dressed, she slicks on her make-up and goes off in search of Conor. She finds him in the kitchen with an open glass of Prosecco with two glasses already poured. Conor picks up one as she picks up the other. ‘Cheers’ they say in unison, clinking the glasses together before taking a sip. Y/N picks up the bottle in her other hand and heads towards the living room. She had a feeling tonight was going to be a good night.
   The lads soon arrive, one after the other. The drinks are flowing, the music is blasting through the apartment, and the kitchen counters are covered in take-away pizzas that someone ordered. Whilst walking down the hallway to the backroom, Conor bumps into Y/N.
   ‘You look beautiful tonight by the way,’ he grins.
   ‘Ahh you don’t look to bad yourself Maynard,’ Y/N laughs as she jabs him in the shoulder. She is so glad that even after the kiss earlier, nothing had changed. She still had her best friend. ‘Come dance!’ Y/N grabbed Conor’s arm and dragged him back towards the living room. 
   ‘How long till they get it on?’ Jack and Caspar were stood in the corner watching Y/N and Conor, placing bets. ‘I am going to say maybe another month,’ Caspar added, giggling to himself.
   ‘A month? I say tonight. No way can they be that drunk, and that close, and not end up in bed together surely?’ Jack slurred his words as he had drank far too much booze. ‘Or maybe that’s just what happens with me?’ Jack laughed at his own joke, before calling Joe over. ‘Joe, placing bets. How long till they get it on?’ He asks, repeating Caspars earlier question.
   ‘Fucking soon I hope, I can’t take the sexual tension. Could cut it with a knife.’ Joe slices his arm down in a knife motion to iterate his point before falling about laughing.
   Everyone was drunk, which meant that the night had been a success. It was 4am before the last of the lads headed off home. Y/N disappeared off to the kitchen to grab glasses of water and painkillers for the morning. She would be her future friend. When she got to the bedroom, she placed a glass on each bedside table, pulled her jeans off, and climbed into bed in her t-shirt and knickers.
   Conor walked in, having been to the bathroom, and also removed just his jeans before climbing into the other side of Y/N’s bed. ‘It has been a fucking brilliant night,’ he slurred and he rolled on to his side to face Y/N, even though it was dark so he couldn’t see her.
   ‘It has! The best,’ Y/N replied sleepily as the alcohol started to pull her into a deep sleep.
   Y/N awoke early, with a piercing pain behind her eyes. The hangover had begun. She grabbed the painkillers and water from the side, swallowed them down and closed her eyes again, waiting for sleep to drag her back under. As she lay half awake, Conor rolled over, still asleep, wrapping arm around her waist and tucking his head into the back of her neck. Y/N wasn’t used to this. They had shared beds before, and he just stayed on his side, no touching involved. But sleep soon dragged her back under and she was none the wiser.
   Conor awoke an hour or two later. He lay half asleep, warm and content, for a few minutes before he realised what he was doing. That warmth was coming from Y/N’s body, which he just so happened to be spooning. Oh shit, after this afternoon this probably isn’t a good idea was the first thing to cross his mind. The second was she is asleep, so its only me who knows, therefore I am going to enjoy it. Conor lay still, breathing in the faint scent of yesterdays perfume on the back of her neck. Conor so wanted to believe that they could stay best friends, but deep down, he knew he wanted more. And that could get tricky if Y/N didn’t feel the same.
   As Conor continued to lay awake, Y/N suddenly rolled over in her sleep. She was now facing Conor - her face just inches from his, as she remained asleep. Conors arm was still in the same place, so he was still hugging her, but where he had been snuggled into Y/N’s neck, he now had her face. Damn she is fucking beautiful he thought to himself, trying to resist the urge to gently kiss her whilst she slept. He closed his eyes and decided the best thing for him to do was to go back to sleep.
   When Y/N awoke again, she could feel a kind of warm breeze on her face which confused her. She struggled to slowly open her eyes, only to be faced with Conor’s face, quite literally millimetres from her own. He had his arm tucked over her waist tightly, holding her close to him. She knew he was asleep and it wasn’t his fault, but damn - how did this happen again.
   Y/N stared at his face for a few minutes, the temptation very similar to Conors only an hour or so ago. She decided the best thing to do was gently nudge him till he woke up so that they could separate and pretend it hadn’t happened. After a few nudges, Conor made a low groaning noise before slowly opening his eyes.
   ‘Now that is a good view to wake up to,’ Conor joked as he realised that they were so close their noses were practically touching. ‘Good morning to me,’ he winked and playfully pushed Y/N’s face upwards, tucking his between hers and her pillow. ‘Its too early and bright for this hangover,’ he mumbled, pulling Y/N even closer to him.
   ‘Oi. Con, you know what happened yesterday. We can’t do this or its going to get messy,’ Y/N whispered into Conors ear, secretly enjoying the gentle cuddle. ‘You need to move. Please,’ she added as an after thought.
   ‘But my hangover told me it needs a snuggle, and you are the only one here to give it to me,’ Conor replied is a mock sad voice and he snuggled his face deeper into the crook of Y/N’s neck.
   Y/N could feel his hot breath on her neck, and although it shouldn’t be happening, she really didn’t want it to stop so she didn’t push it. Conor snuggled in deeper yet again, placing what felt like a tender kiss on her shoulder. Conor pulled back so that he could look at Y/N in the bright morning light. He couldn’t control himself, wrapping his hands around the back of her neck and pulling her into a kiss. 
   This time is was Y/N who deepened the kiss, pulling him closer and wrapping her fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck. After a few minutes Y/N grabbed the hem of his t-shirt, pulling upwards. Conor understood instantly, sitting himself up, pulling Y/N with him. He lifter his arms so that Y/N could remove his shirt before reciprocating with hers. Conor then wrapped one arm around Y/N’s back, unclipping her bra before gently pushing her back onto the bed.
   ‘I never thought this was what I wanted until today,’ Conor whispered between kissed. ‘Then I saw you laid on the grass, clothes soaking wet and though holy shit this girl is beautiful’ he added as he tangled the fingers of his right hand into her hair, gently pulling her head back to expose her bare neck. Conor peppered kisses along Y/N’s jaw and down onto her neck as he expertly slipped his other arm underneath her, rolling onto his back so that Y/N was sat on top of him.
   Y/N pulled away from Conors grasp, grabbing both of his hands and holding them down to the bed either side of his head. She gently kissed him on the lips, before moving across his cheek and down his neck finding the sweet spot. He gently moaned against her ear and she kissed and nibbled his neck, but not putting up a fight against the position he had found himself pinned in.
   ‘Are you sure this is what you want?’ Y/N whispered into his ear, letting her grip on his hands slip. Conor took this opportunity and flipped back over, pinning Y/N into the position he had just been in.
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future-buttercream · 5 years
Buttercreams as the Seven Dwarfs- Preference
Joe- Doc
Jack- Sleepy
Conor- Happy
Josh- Sneezy
Oli- Grumpy
Caspar- Bashful
Mikey- Dopey
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future-buttercream · 6 years
Down by the river - Conor Maynard Imagine
   Y/N lays in bed, cocooned in her duvet. Its early morning and she needs to study, but she’s tired after a restless nights sleep. Grabbing her phone from the bedside table, she notices a message from her new friend Conor. 
Conor: Morning babe, you home today? I want to come hang out! 
Y/N: I gotta study, but I should be free from noon. Whats the plan?
Conor: You choose x
   Y/N unfurls herself from the duvet and heads to the bathroom for a shower. Once clean, she dries her hair, throws some joggers on and head to her office. Y/N is a university student, studying law from home. Y/N spends the morning studying new material, checking over an assignment and revising some previous units ready for her upcoming exams. At 11am she checks her phone and sees a new message from Conor.
Conor: Getting in the car now, will be there in 30. I grabbed some lunch so don’t eat.
   Y/N realises that Conor sent the message 15 minutes before so closes her laptop, packs her books away and quickly changes into some jeans and applies some make up. Y/N lives alone in London, running her own small business from home to pay the bills and get her through university. It can be lonely at times as she has to spend so much time at home, but she has built a great network of friends with Conor taking top spot. He’s always up for getting together when he’s not in the studio, dragging her to nightclubs and stuffing their faces with nandos.
   There is a knock at the door followed by a yell from Conor. ‘Where you at?!’ He yells as he closes the door behind him. ‘Kitchen,’ Y/N replies as she sets plates, glasses and cutlery on the breakfast bar.
   ‘Hey you!’ Conor pulls Y/N in for a hug as he dumps his bags on the counter. ‘Not been working too hard I hope?’ He winks as he plonks himself onto a bar stool and starts pulling food containers out of the carrier bag.
   ‘Me work too hard? Never,’ Y/N laughs as she takes a seat beside him, pouring fresh orange juice into two glasses. ‘And what about you? I haven’t heard from you for a few days!’
   ‘Sorry, was in the studio late, then I overslept so was rushing to get back into the studio, then finished late again. But I dragged myself out of bed early this morning to make up for being so shit the past two days,’ Conor laughed as he grabbed a fork and started stuffing his face.
   Once the food had been eaten and plates stuffed in the dishwasher, Y/N and Conor moved into the living room, lounging on the sofa. Y/N had her laptop out replying to emails, and Conor was engrossed in his phone. Suddenly Conor stood up.
   ‘Right, its hot and sunny, and we are hiding away in your flat like hermits. We are going out!’ Conor grabbed Y/N’s laptop, put it on the coffee table and then proceeded to grab Y/N’s hand, pulling her to her feet. ‘Get your shoes on, lets go!’
   ‘Do I get a choice here?’ Y/N laughed as she padded over to the door to pull her trainers on. Grabbing her bag and keys, she opened the door, motioning to Conor to go first. ‘So where exactly are we going?’ she asked as she locked the door behind her.
   ‘I know just the place,’ he winked as he pressed the button for the elevator.
   Conor heads straight out of London and Y/N soon has no idea where they are. After about an hour he pulls into a small gravel carpark off of a small back road. All Y/N can see around them is trees, which gives her no clues as to their destination. They jump out of the car, grab their bags and bottles of water from the boot, and Conor guides Y/N down a small path towards the trees.
   ‘Please tell me you haven’t bought me for a hike in the woods Con, I don’t do exercise for fun,’ Y/N laughed as she followed Conor along the path through the woods.
   ‘As if I would dare,’ Conor laughed back. ‘It’s literally just a minute down this path, I promise,’ Conor added as he gently pushed Y/N in front of him. The trees began to thin, and soon they were at the edge of the trees. In front of them was the most beautiful river, surrounded by lush green grass. And best of all, there wasn’t a single person in sight.
   ‘Con, how on earth did you even know about this place?’ Y/N exclaimed as wandered over to the waters edge. ‘This is beautiful!’
   ‘It was a possible location for part of one of the recent music videos we have been filming. Not many people knows it is here. I thought about going to a park in London, but I’m not sure I want to deal with other people on such little sleep.’ 
   Y/N slipped her trainers off and sat on the grass at the edge of the river, dipping her toes into the freezing water. The river looked to be at least a few feet deep, so no chance she was going to paddle. Conor followed suit, and they just sat there in silence for a few minutes taking in their beautiful surroundings. It was Conor to break the silence first.
   ‘Fifty quid says you won’t get in’ he laughed, nudging Y/N in the side.
   ‘Not a chance in hell Maynard’ she laughed, nudging him back.
   ‘Hundred quid?’
   ‘Still not a chance.’
   ‘Five hundred?’
   ‘You could offer me your life savings and I would still say no’ Y/N giggled as she pushed Conor playfully towards the water. ‘How about you get in, and I will give you my bottle of water and a chewing gum?’ The bribery she shoving continued for a good ten minutes before they both gave up and laid back on the grass, staring up at the cloudless sky. They talked about everything and nothing, planned a night out together and came to the mutual decision that neither was brave enough to take a dip in the river. 
  A few hours passed, and Conor disappeared back to the car to grab more water. When he returned Y/N would stood at the water edge stretching out her legs whilst engulfed in her phone. Conor snuck up behind her, quietly placing the water bottles on the grass before creeping towards Y/N. He grabbed her phone from her hand, dropped it on the grass and gave Y/N a gentle shove towards the water. She immediately lost balance, grabbing onto Conor to stop herself from falling in the water. Conor wasn’t expecting her to grab onto him and went toppling with her, both landing in the freezing river with a splash.
   ‘You fucking idiot’ Y/N shouted as she grabbed onto Conor to right herself in the water, which was waist deep. ‘I am fucking soaked!’ Y/N looked up to Conor to see him laughing hysterically, which only pissed her off more. She gave him a massive shove, sending him back under the water. ‘You asked for that.’ Sticking her middle finger up in his general direction, she waded back to the edge of the water. Just as she was almost back on dry land she felt a tug on the back of her t-shirt, sending her tumbling back into the water.
   ‘MAYNARD I AM GOING TO KILL YOU’ Y/N screamed as once again righted herself, standing waist deep back in the water.
   ‘It’s lovely in here once you get used to it’ Conor laughed as he slowly backed away from Y/N who clearly still wasn’t amused. 
   ‘Lovely? LOVELY? I am soaked from head to toe!’ Y/N shouted as she dived for Conor, sending them both under the water, grappling at each other to right themselves again. Y/N started to laugh, finally seeing the funny side of what her idiot friend had done.
   ‘On a serious note though, probably best we get out so we can dry off before we have to head home. No wet clothes allowed on my carseats.’ Conor’s laughing has finally subsided, and he gently nudged Y/N towards the waters edge. He helped her out of the water first, before climbing out himself. Back in his original spot on the grass, Conor laid down on his side facing Y/N, propping his head up on his elbow. ‘By the way, and bribes I offered earlier no longer count as you didn’t actually go in willingly. Plus I can’t afford them as I think I need a new phone,’ he laughed as he pulled his now soaking phone out of his pocket.
   ‘I would offer you sympathy,’ Y/N said as she mirrored Conors position on the grass. ‘However it is entirely your own fault. Play with fire and you get burned.’ Y/N checked her own (dry) phone before dumping it in her bag and taking a swig from the water bottle. ‘How long do you think it’s gonna take for us to dry? As I would rather not have to sleep in a random field over night.’ Laughing at her own joke she flipped herself onto her back staring back up at the cloudless sky.
   ‘In this heat? Not long’ Conor promised as he did the same, squinting his eyes against the sun.
   As they lay in silence, Conor couldn’t help but to think about Y/N laying beside him in wet clothes. It took him by surprise, as he had never once thought of Y/N as anything other than a good friend. They had even shared a bed after nights out and he had never once thought of doing anything more than sleep.
   ‘Con what’s up?’ Y/N broke his train of thought, gently poking him in the ribs.
   ‘Huh? Nothing, just thinking about work’ he lied, gently poking her back. He rolled back to his side to face her.
   ‘Ah okay. So, what’s the plans for tonight?’ She asked as he rolled herself to face him. ‘Thats if we ever dry off in time to get back into your precious car’ she giggled as she gently poked him again. Y/N caught his eye and her breath hitched. How had she never noticed how good looking Conor was before? She shook her head gently to herself, bringing her back to the present. 
   ‘I say we get wasted. Your’s or mine, invite the lads and play some games,’ Conor replied, absentmindedly eyeing up her mouth.
   ‘Mine, but we can swing by yours to grab some clothes’ Y/N decided as she gently poked Conor in the ribs again, laughing at the fact that the only reason he needed clothes was because his prank hadn’t gone to plan.
   Conor immediately poked her back, laughing as he pushed himself onto his knees before pushing her over onto her back. Both laughing hysterically they rolled around on the grass, jabbing and pushing each other for a few minutes before they has both used any energy they had and coming to a rest with Y/N leaning over Conor. Looking up into her eyes he simply couldn’t help himself, resting both hands on either side of her face he gently pulled her to him, kissing her gently. When she kissed back Conor deepened the kiss, gently pushing his tongue into her mouth. Conor moved his hands to Y/N’s back so he could gently roll her over onto her back, kissing the corner of her mouth and peppering kisses down her jaw and onto her neck. Conor pulled back so that he could look at Y/N, not quite believing what had just happened. Realising he had risked his friendship that meant so much to him. Y/N spoke first.
   ‘Yeah, that probably should have happened.’ Laughing she kissed him quickly on the mouth, gently pushing him to one side as she sat up.
   ‘Yeah I think you are probably right there’ Conor laughed back as he sat beside her, pulling his trainers on and grabbing his belongings from the grass beside him. Y/N followed suit before standing and helping to pull Conor to his feet. They put their rubbish in a nearby bin, before Y/N linked her arm through Conors. It was time to head back to London and get ready for a night of drinking with the lads.
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