#look its my son flirty evil!marvin and also my other son bartender!ethan
poppyknitt · 6 years
Spencer, Silly Boy!- A story from the Darkness and Desperation AU
Summary: Ethan Nestor, the bartender at Marvin’s favorite nightclub, discovers a stray puppy out in the back alley of his workplace, and grows very attached to him. After that, he brings at least one scrap of food out for the poor dog every day, doing his best to make sure that no one caught him in the act, for fear of loosing the good boy. However, one day, Marvin sees him slipping out the back door, and, after making sure no one would see him following, went after him, only to discover Ethan playing around and having the time of his life with the stowaway puppy.
Ethan sighed dejectedly, dragging the heavy, filled-to-the-brim trash can outside, trying to finish up his shift as soon as he could so the next guy could take over quickly. God, he hated his job. It wasn’t the people or the coworkers involved, no! He loved the people there! It was just... the work almost made it totally not worth the time. Not to mention all the people who would get totally wasted and start hitting on him. Made him really uncomfortable, at least, until someone stepped in and yelled at them or smacked them. He always felt bad, but he knew no ill will was meant by any of it.
The back door smacked into the wall, interrupting his thoughts, and making a loud sound not unlike that of two large metal objects clanking into each other, even though the wall was brick. He flinched at it, his ears hurting a tiny bit from the force of the sound waves.
But, regardless of the minor pain and the noises that the trash can made against the ground, he still thought heard the sounds of a dog whimpering, and paused, listening closer.
It was a dog! It... It kinda sounded like a puppy! He listened for where it might’ve been coming from, and, to his surprise, realized it was under the dumpster.
He kneeled down onto the ground, placing his hands on either side of his head, as he looked under the small crack. His eyes widened, and he was almost spooked, as his vision adjusted and he found himself face-to-face with a skinny, shivering puppy. He immediately picked it up, and sat up, placing it in his lap. Oh, the poor thing! It was so cold!
“Hey, hey, shhh, it’s okay... I-I’m not gonna hurt you, lil’ man... I-I just wanna hug you... I-It’s way too cold for a little pup like you to be out in the cold like this...” He whispered soothingly, as soon as he saw the pup recoil a bit. He knew it wouldn’t understand too well, but, he didn’t care. He wanted so dearly to take the pup home, but... He knew he couldn’t afford it. Besides, his landlord wouldn’t let him have a dog, anyways. That old cook hated animals, especially dogs.
The dog whimpered weakly, and pressed against him, trembling tremendously, as he wrapped his arm around him.
“... I’ma call you... Spencer.”
Ethan slipped out the back door, holding a hidden scrap of meat for his stowaway puppy. He had gotten him a fuzzy bed, a heated blanket, and a decent source of shelter over the past few months, and Spencer was content to staying in the alleyway now. He smiled happily as he was greeted by the pup’s usual frenzy of jumps and licks to his face as he flopped back onto his butt.
Spencer finally detected the smell of food, and snapped his head to Ethan’s hand, nosing at it, until the young man finally let go of the cut of meat he’d brought in to work today. He didn’t care about how long Spencer took, because the rest of his coworkers all knew about his puppy now, and they were willing to cover for him, especially because Spencer had become his only reason to even be at work anymore.
After a few minutes of roughhousing with the puppy, Ethan stood up, and ruffled his fur, “Sorry, buddy... I gotta go. Break’s over in a few.” Spencer sat down, his ears perked and head tilted, as he watched the boy leave.
Ethan beamed on the inside, as he gleefully realized his break was almost upon him, and he could finally run outside to greet Spencer with the gift he’d gotten last night at the store- A squeaky toy! Oh, he just knew Spence was gonna love it! The little goofball had torn up the last toy, but that was okay, because this time, he’d gotten him a rubber one.
The clock hit break time, and he quickly slipped out of view, hoping none of the customers saw him.
Ethan was happily playing with Spencer as the dog happily squeaked the toy, but his heart froze when he heard the sound of a heel hitting the pavement. He almost turned around, but the familiar voice of Marvin rang out, and his anxiety lowered... kind of.
“Ethan, darling, what on earth are you... Oh.”
He instinctively hugged Spencer close to his chest, and whipped around, as he stood, “D-Don’t tell anyone! T-T-They’ll take him away from me..!”
“Aw, don’t worry, dear, I wouldn’t dream of it. He really is an adorable puppy, you know.” The flirty magician cooed, walking closer and putting his hand under the poor pup’s chin. Ethan was almost on the verge of tears, though, they were more happy than sad or distressed, though, that didn’t stop him from trembling almost as much as the pup had been when they first met. Even after having known him for so long, there was always something about the magician that seemed... off to him.
Marvin let go of Spence, ruffled the fur on top of his head, and stood up straight, now looking directly down at the small, terrified, and fragile boy before him, “Now... Do you mind explaining why you have to have him here, in such a dreary, soul-drooping place?”
“... my... landlord doesn’t like dogs...”
“... He... What?” He didn’t like the way Marvin said that, nor did he like the look on his face, but, he didn’t pry, for fear of agitating him even more, “Well! I’ll just have to fix that, now won’t I? After all, we can’t let such a delicate thing go without his best friend for so long! How often do you come back here?” He didn’t know which one he was calling delicate, but honestly, that was yet another thing he didn’t want to know.
“... Um... once... a day...?”
“Oh, that simply cannot do! Come on, now, sweetie! Let’s get you back to work, and once your shift is done, you can introduce me to this landlord of yours!” Marvin wrapped his arm around Ethan’s shoulders, a tiny, malicious twinkle in his eyes as he spoke. Good lord, it almost made him look like some kind of murderer or something...
He quickly forgot that thought, as Marvin walked forwards, half-shoving him along, too, as they went back into the nightclub with Spencer still in his arms. At this point, Ethan was too confused and concerned to fight whatever was happening, so, he just went with it.
... Oh boy... Spence, lil buddy, what have we gotten ourselves into this time..?
“uh... marvin... do you know why my landlord hasn’t come to collect my monthly payments on my apartment yet..?”
“the who on the what now? speak up, sugar cube, you’re not making any sense.”
“... did you have something to do with this?”
“mayyyyybeee...” (hiding bloody knife)
@antis-loyal-puppet @tiny-septic-puppet @rorald-spooks @chaoticcrimsonrose @septic-dr-schneep @insaneangel18-blog @ihaveanunhealthyteaaddiction @startschantingpma @acheybeauty
guys look i made a new au called Darkness and Desperation
it’s basically where all the good egos are evil and the evil/neutral egos are... whatever the plot needs them to be, but usually good/neutral
I’m almost done with all the character sheets i promise
... i just... gotta... finish anti, chase, and jj...
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