#look i don't know the g1 humans well
transingthoseformers · 8 months
"Optimus why do baby cybertronians look so weird?"
"Do newborn humans not look odd?"
"... Fair point"
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Hiiiii! I read your cozy Starscream comfort fic on Ao3 and have followed you here :3
You mentioned being open to writing prompt requests; if this one strikes your fancy, I have one for you!
Something comforting about a Human!Reader who lately feels overlooked because they are inclined to be quiet in a group, and their shyness means they don't speak up or assert themselves unless something is really, really important. They listen far more than they speak. And even when they do speak up in a group... it's like no one hears them often times, and they get talked over.
Starscream, Soundwave, Optimus, or Mirage, if either of those four 'bots stir your muse?
Ahhh! Thank you for your request, and I’m sorry for the wait. I haven’t had the opportunity to write for Soundwave, OP, or Mirage so I’ll do blurbs for all four, but you mentioned Screamer is one of your favorites, so I made his a little longer! I hope you enjoy!
Soundwave (G1) WC: 608
The Decepticon site of operations is lively in the face of the most recent win against the Autobots, meaning high grade is being passed around like no one’s business. As the resident human, on site to assist the Decepticons with tasks that only small hands can manage- even smaller than the minis and the cassettes can manage. Only problem is- with how tiny and squishy you are, it is important that the cons watch their step- a task they frequently forget to do, even the Leader of the Decepticons himself, who made the declaration. 
With the high grade flowing and inhibitions lowering, the pedes around you hold no caution, making it obvious your… friends(?) have forgotten your existence… again. Having had enough of nearly becoming a smear on the floor, you make your way to the side of the room and press yourself to the wall as you scooch your way to the doorway. As soon as you make your escape from the room, you slam into someone’s shin and fall back on your rear.
“Inquiry: Why are you distressed?”
Looking up, the one and only Soundwave looking down at you with his helm tilted, a reminder that you’re so small and often forgotten surges through you and forces your eyes to well up with tears. It was such an odd feeling, crying at the pedes of one of the high command officers, who you can only imagine is staring blankly at you through his visor. Instead of waiting for any answer, the mech lifts you with his thumb and index digit and carries you away from the scene. It’s hard to keep track of where he’s taking you, your blurred vision keeping you from mapping his walking patterns.
After a few moments, your tears have slowed enough for you to wipe them away, just in time to see Soundwave briefly stop before a door and have him open it with a couple of buttons on the wall. Walking in, you notice Frenzy and Rumble in a halfhearted argument, Lazerbeak perched on the edge of the rather large berth, and Ravage curled up in the middle who, upon hearing Soundwave’s return, lifts his head to regard him. The Commander approaches his berth, Ravage moving temporarily before curling up in his master’s lap, once he made sure you were comfortable. Rumble and Frenzy grinning, their previous conversation dropped at the prospect of a recharge of a new entertainment source, run and climb their way onto the berth on either side of Soundwave, and on his shoulder, Lazerbeak finds his new perch.
“Ooo, is the human going to tell us about human stuff?” Frenzy’s grin doesn’t waver as he leans in toward you. Normally, the cassettes are much too wrapped up in either infighting or Soundwave’s orders, so they don’t really talk to you much, unless you’re needed for something.
“They will speak if they want. Or they can recharge.” Soundwave, as per usual, speaks plainly- it would be easy to misunderstand his tone for uncaring curtness, if you didn’t know him and the care for his cassettes better. 
Rumble and Frenzy both look to you, hopeful, and even Ravage, with his head in your lap, looks up to you in mild interest. It was a nice change of pace in comparison to the giants who would often forget you were even there. It briefly occurred to you to thank Soundwave later for not only helping you get away from the so-called party, but giving you some well-needed attention. You smile gently to the cons looking to you and clear your throat,
“Um… well, what would you like to know?”
Optimus (TFP) Gender-neutral reader WC: 692
“I’m not sure if that’ll work, Ratchet.” Arcee peeks around the medic’s frame, looking at the plans for intercepting a possible shipment of energon the Decepticons were planning on transporting, if their movement patterns indicated anything. You look at the computer from your spot on the raised platform, trying to make sense of the plan Ratchet had input.
“Maybe if-” You spoke up, albeit softly, trying to find a compromise, though you’re promptly cut off by the previously mentioned mech.
“And I’m not sure when I asked for your opinion, Arcee. Shouldn’t you be looking over your ward?” Ratchet snaps back, tired and obviously agitated by the state of the Autobot’s own energon storage. 
“Ratchet, that seems a little-” You try again.
“I’m just saying. It’s not like you’re on the field much- there are better ways to plan an interception of Decepticon forces.” The blue and pink femme argues, tensions rising as her optical ridges furrow and a servo finds its way to her hip. 
“Don’t forget who-”
You don’t stay around long enough to hear whatever snide comment the older bot was going to spit at Arcee, tired of feeling ignored and make your way down the hall, wanting to be anywhere other than the main silo of the base. Passing by Optimus, you don’t say anything, not wanting the feeling of anyone else not acknowledging your existence to sting you yet again today.
“My friend, you seem disheartened.” Optimus’ deep voice reverberates through the hall, less of a question and more of a statement, not giving you the chance to pretend you didn’t hear him. You turn around and grant him a half smile, before it drops and you avert your gaze.
“Oh, it’s nothing to worry about, Optimus. You might want to lend Ratchet and Arcee a servo- they’re caught up in a bit of a feud about the next mission.” Tapering off at the end, Optimus briefly glances towards the main part of the Autobot headquarters, where he can faintly hear the aforementioned pair squabbling about details he would hear about and consider later.
“Those two have been fighting this war for many stellar cycles and will come to a solution. For now, I believe I have something much more pressing to focus on.” Taking a knee, the leader of the Autobots holds down a servo for you to step onto. Once you have taken a seat and braced yourself against one of his digits, Optimus stands and holds you close to his chassis for further stability and begins walking back to his habsuite. “You do not have to tell me what is troubling you, but you are free to do so.”
It takes you a moment- you feel silly singing your woes to someone who has been fighting in a civil war for longer than you can conceive, but the feelings simply bubble up, “I feel small… smaller than I am, I mean. I can’t imagine the stress and exhaustion everyone faces from fighting for so long, but it feels like no one sees me. And if they do, they can’t bring themselves to care.” You curl up in Optimus’ hand and take a shaky breath through your welling tears, “I must sound so selfish- you all have so much more important things to do than worry about the feelings of some human.”
“One of our human friends.” Optimus chimes in, drawing your eyes away from boring holes into your knees to his optics, “It is true that we are anxious for the end of this war, but know this, you are our friend, and we care so deeply for you. You matter just as much as any other autobot, Cybertronian or human. I can assure you, I am not the only one who holds this belief.”
Before you say anything, the mech stops in front of his door, punching in his code and sitting you on a desk that must have been built for his size and he sits himself on his berth. He gives you a rare, gentle smile that fills so many with hope.
“Would you like to tell me about your day?”
Mirage (ROTB) Gender-neutral reader    WC: 533
“Woah, woah, woah! What’s got you down in the dumps?” Mirage looks through your apartment window, forcing a yelp from your throat. You leap up from your bed and rush to the window, motioning for him to get down. 
“What are you doing?! Get down before someone sees you!”
It’s pitch black out, wherever the street light doesn’t touch, but you still worry about the possibility of Mirage being seen, like he was when you met him as he was standing outside of Noah’s apartment- which then basically sucked you into this crazy adventure of saving the world from other space robots. You had stayed behind with Bumblebee to watch over him until a sudden surge in the energon brought him back, so you unfortunately missed all of the action of the final battle.
“Nice try, but no avoiding the question. Besides, no one’s walkin’ around at like… 2:50 am.” Despite his counter, Mirage lets go of the fires escape’s railing, his new frame rattling and resulting in a resounding thud and more than a couple of cracks in the pavement below. One of his servos comes into view for you to jump on, “Come on, small fry, I wanna go for a ride while the streets are as empty as they’ll get.”
“Why not get Noah to go with you? He too busy?” Your questioning would lead the bot to believe you wouldn’t be joining him for a spin, if he didn’t feel you carefully climb aboard. He lowers you to his eye level and shoots you one of his contagious smiles.
“Naaah. I felt like a you and me kind of night. I want to hear about what you’re up to, now that I’m not locked up in that garage anymore.” For further emphasis, he stretches his arms out wide and groans in relief. It had been a few months since Peru, and while you had visited Mirage while Noah had been fixing him up, it definitely wasn’t the same as him being out and in his element.
He doesn’t wait for any further response and transforms, quickly making his way down the road, no particular destination in mind, knowing him. The city passes you by quickly, Mirage not giving a second thought to any speed limit signs he sees, remembering he considers them suggestions, not law. Snapping you out of your thoughts, Mirage clears his throat, “Well? The tread on my tires isn’t getting any thicker- what’s my favorite human been up to?”
“Your favorite, huh?” Whether or not he really meant it, the thought brings a smile to your face. 
“Well, duh. I got out of that garage, and the first thing I did was come see you, so spill the oil- gimme drama.”
“...You won’t believe what Elena told me happened at the museum the other day-”
The rest of the evening was spent driving the backroads outside of the city, telling Mirage anything and everything. Mirage listens aptly, responding when needed, and takes pleasure in knowing he’s distracted you from whatever was dragging you down. You’re part of his home team, and he’s not just going to stand by while you fall victim to your thoughts.
Starscream (TFP) Gender-neutral   WC:1431
“Starscream! I have something to-” Running towards the seeker, his back plate remains facing you as he keeps his focus on Megatron. He normally turns to you, happy to see what his little human has to tell him. Your smile faltering after recognizing he has no plans to turn toward you, “Starscream? Are you ok?”
Megatron glances briefly towards you, but doesn’t say anything to neither you nor his second in command, likely due to the fact that they were waiting for Soundwave to return with more information before choosing any action, so your presence isn’t much of an interruption. Trying to hold onto the hope he just has yet to hear or notice you, you give his heel strut a tap, remembering how he had once told you he keeps special attention to that area for you. You furrow your brow at the confirmation of him ignoring you, your voice lowering in volume, “Starscream, what’s going on?”
“Starscream, I suggest you see to your… pet, before it becomes too much of a distraction.” Megatron growls at him, not bothering to glance back down at you.
“Of course, Lord Megatron. It was just leaving.” He still didn’t look down to you, keeping his optics glued to his leader.
Without further ado, you quickly leave the room, not having any desire to stay where you are not wanted. Storming down the hall, you aren’t sure where you’re heading, but the plan was getting out, even if just for a few hours. There was no leaving the Decepticons- especially not with everything you’ve overheard, been told, and seen- you’d be hunted down in less than a day. 
“Woah-ho-ho! Where are you headed off to?” Breakdown, despite standing to the side to allow you to pass without the possibility of disaster occurring. The blue mech and his partner have been a nice comfort and support system ever since Starscream first brought you onto The Nemesis, often shielding you from Megatron’s ire when Starscream wasn’t around. 
“I’m finding a way off this ship, since I’ve obviously worn out my novelty.” You sniffle, refusing to shed a tear over someone you thought cared about you. 
“...How about I take you to the lab, so you can tell Knockout and me about what happened.” Breakdown smiled down at you, letting it grow when you nod and allow him to lift you up and onto his shoulder. And before long, you were sitting in front of Knockout and Breakdown explaining what happened on the bridge. 
“-and then he goes, ‘it was just leaving’. He called me an it.” Whispering, you were sitting on one of the medical tables while both mechs lean against a parallel table. You fiddle with the hem of your shirt, finally looking up to gauge their reactions. There stood Knockout with his mouth slightly agape, and Breakdown’s frown was deeply set in his faceplate.
“That slimy, scrawny-”
“Now now, Breakdown. I think there’s a lesson we can teach our superior.” Knockout, being broken out of his aghast stupor, rested a servo on his partner’s shoulder and smirks. He returns his attention to you and raises an optical ridge, “How does that sound?”
“Depends on what you mean, I guess.”
“Well, I deduced that you likely ran from the room after you were disrespected, am I right?” As you nod, he continues, “Right, so the last time Starscream saw you, you were in quite the distressed state. My idea is to let him believe that you left and let the slagger squirm in a panic.”
“He won’t. He didn’t even look at me earlier. Why would he care now?” The hem that you’ve been playing with during this conversation now scrunched in your fingers, hating the thought you’ve been discarded with so little thought.
A digit lifts your chin, forcing you to face the medic and his assistant, who smile down at you, “Trust me, dear. Starscream will care, he’s just an aft.
*        *        *        *        *        *
“Starscream, sir.” Breakdown hastily walks onto the bridge, mentally noting the lack of Megatron. 
“Breakdown… what is it?” Starscream turns to face the destructive warrior, face obviously in no mood for foolishness.
“The human-”
“What’s happened?” Starscream’s optics widen, panic already setting in.
“They’re gone, sir.”
“What do you mean, they’re gone?! They are to remain on this ship at all times, unless they are accompanied by myself!” Starscream grabs Breakdown by the edge of his chassis plating and pulls him forward to better snarl in his face. 
“They said something about being done with their stay here and made their way to one of the storage bays with the airlocks.” Breakdown shrugs, not showing any care for the mech who is beginning to dig his talons into his frame. Knockout wouldn’t be happy about his partner’s scratched paint and plating, but that would be a problem to deal with later. 
“Why would you not stop them, you incompetent-” Starscream pauses, unlatching himself from the larger mech. His optics narrow and he sneers, “They haven’t left this ship, and I’m willing to bet my next share of energon that they’re in that lab. Get out of my way!”
Shoving his way past Breakdown, he passes through the doorway and changes to his alt mode to faster get to the doctor’s lab, Breakdown quickly following behind him. Reaching the lab in record time, Starscream slams his fisted servo into the doorframe as the metal door swishes open, revealing Knockout gently speaking with you about how everything is going to get worked out one way or the other.
“What is the meaning behind trying to fool me into believing my star has left this ship?!” 
“I don’t know, screamer. Why do you make your star feel ignored and unwelcome?” Knockout stands to his full height and crosses his arms.
“Know your place, doctor.” His voice is low and holds promise for consequences, if your friend continues to display disrespect.
“I know my place, Starscream. Do you?”
“Why you-”
“Would you both stop it?!” You yell, startling everyone in the room. It isn’t common for you to raise your voice, always preferring to stand down, listen, and stay calm. But this was just all too much. 
The room was quiet, everyone not knowing what quite to do next, all mechs looking between themselves, then turning their optics to you. Another moment passes and Starscream turns to Knockout, much more calmly than before, “Knockout, I would like some time alone with them… please.”
The flashy Decepticon makes sure you’re ok before taking his leave, with Breakdown close behind.
“My star-”
“I’m not your anything. I am not some object or a pet, as Megatron so quaintly put it.” You snip, putting on the show of having no desire to hear what he has to say, despite wanting nothing more for him to give you a good reason for his behavior earlier and for him to apologize. “And you didn’t- … you - do I really matter so little to you?”
“Of course not. My star, you are the most important being in my life. But it is becoming increasingly difficult as Megatron’s fury and impatience grows. He anticipates my betrayal at every turn and has, on more than one occasion, threatened your life because of this.” Starscream gently scoops your figure up and presses his derma to the crown of your head, “I am sorry I have hurt you in my attempts to protect you, but I cannot fathom surviving this torturous world without you. Please… forgive me, my brightest star.”
“You’re such an idiot, Starlight.” You bring your arms up to cling to his face plate and lightly cry into his chin. You didn’t expect the weight that was lifted off your shoulders at his confession, but you were so grateful for the fact that it was just Starscream making a foolish decision.
“I would have to agree with you in this instance.” Starscream’s small, airy chuckle blows past your hair, and he presses yet another kiss to your forehead. “Will you forgive me, my dear?”
“I’ll forgive you just this once, but don’t ever make such a decision without telling me again.”
“You have my word. Now, why were you so excited earlier?”
“Well I…”
You spent the next few cycles regaling him about what the vehicons were up to and how silly Steve was behaving, knowing their idea wasn’t going to work. You love being able to talk to Starscream, knowing you were one of the only people he would give his full attention to. You love your mech. Your silly, silly mech.
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in1-nutshell · 4 months
Remember you said this "These resquest will be opened for a short amount of time, so get them in before I close once more."
I have a lot of request for you 99% of them I can't remember but they will pop up again I think now I don't think you ever wrote a story or have a buddy thats from our universe that found some random watch that allows her to go to different transformers universes? her the first universe she goes to is G1
So when she meets them she like literally fan girls over them all she wasn't even afraid of the decepticons, so when the cons captured her she somehow got out of her restraints and just went around asking the cons for their autograph her first autograph was starscream ofc and well you can take it from their
I don't recall see that one in the inbox, it could have been lost in the inbox and disappeared (been noticing that happens). But better late than never!
Hope you enjoy!
Human Buddy from the real world traveling to meet the G1 Bots and Cons
SFW, Platonic, Human reader
No one knows where Buddy came from or why she knows so much about them, but she is fun to be around.
Buddy can be serious and kind when needed.
… but there are certain things that have both sides questioning the sanity of this human.
For example, her interactions with nearly every human ally the Autobots had befriended.
Buddy looking at Sparkplug and Chip working.
“… You guys are doing your best and we all love you for that.”--Buddy
“What?”—Sparkplug and Chip
Buddy walks off to go find Wheeljack.
“I have so many questions about that kid.”--Sparkplug
A little while later…
“Carly if you could pick a bot to have as a partner, who would it be?”--Buddy
“Buddy I’m in a happy relationship with Spike.”--Carly
“I mean you and Ironhide might have some potential, Wheeljack or hey maybe even Bumblebee!”--Buddy
“Buddy, I have Spike.”--Carly
“And if there was no Spike?”--Buddy
Carly sighs and shakes her head.
“You haven’t answered the question, Carly! Answer it!”--Buddy
A little while later…
Buddy is holding a wrench in their hand looking at Ratchet.
“It’s all in the wrist Buddy. Try throwing it.”--Ratchet
Buddy throws it just as Spike turns the corner and gets knocked out.
Ratchet gets startled by the sudden injury.
“He’s fine.”--Buddy
“He’s bleeding from the forehead!”--Ratchet
“He’s survived worse.”—Buddy
Another while later…
Buddy is flying with Astoria and Powerglide.
“Hey Powerglide, why does Astoria call you babygirl?”--Buddy
“How about we stop talking.”--Powerglide
“Well, I call him that because he doesn’t like it when I call him—”--Astoria
Another while later…
Buddy is having a beach trip with Seaspray and Alana.
“Seaspray what’s that on your arm?”--Alana
“Nothing Alana. Just some Cybertronain list for parts.”--Seaspray
“No, its not. You put Alana’s name on your arm.”--Buddy
Alana blushes heavily.
Seaspray looks like he’s about to short circuit.
Another while later…
Tracks was waiting for Buddy and Raoul in the parking lot.
Raoul and Buddy come sprinting to Tracks opening and nearly slamming the door.
“What on Cybertron’s moon was that for?!”--Tracks
Tracks transforms into his flying car alt mode and is flying through the skies.
“What happened down there?!”--Tracks
“Raoul thought it was a good idea to try and steal a candy bar from the vendor and got caught.”--Buddy
“And the vendor thought it was Buddy and she accidentally decked him.”--Raoul
“You what?!”--Tracks
Buddy loves spending time with the bots no matter what they are doing.
Buddy could be watching the birds in the park with Beachcomber and wouldn’t complain one bit.
They could be with the Twins speeding down an empty road and she wouldn’t scold them too much.
Buddy could be helping Cosmos and the Aerial bots with cleaning and the only complain that would come out of them would come from a potential cold if they didn’t dry themselves correctly.
Even then!
Buddy is just happy to be here with everyone.
Buddy looking up at Grimlock.
“New human?”--Grimlock
Buddy runs up to his pede and hugs him.
“I have been waiting for this moment for so long.”--Buddy
Grimlock looks down.
“Human… okay?”--Grimlock
Buddy just tries hugging his pede tighter.
“Human trying to tackle Grimlock?”--Grimlock
Swoop and the others come over to see the human hugging their leader’s pede.
Buddy squeals and practically launches themselves on Swoop.
“Me Swoop have no idea what happening… but this nice.”--Swoop
The bots enjoyed having Buddy around.
Meanwhile with the Decepticons…
Otimus and Megatron both agree for a temporary ceasefire until they could get Buddy back home after their encounter with the Cons.
So many of the Cons are confused why this human is happy to see them and trying to hug them.
Starscream is one of the victims of these hugs.
Starscream pointing his null ray at Ironhide.
“SO long Autobotscum!”--Starscream
Starscream makes a startled noise as he see her coming closer.
“Get away from me!”--Starscream
“There is no escape from the hugs Starscream! Just let me hug you!”--Buddy
Megatron is considering keeping them as Starscream repellent.
But he has questions on why they want to use him as target practice with soda cans.
Not all bots are so reluctant from the sudden affection.
Though some would rather have rust in between their joints than to admit they enjoy having these little hugs from a strange Fleshy.
Megatron also has to implement a search every time they retreat to their underwater base.
“Soundwave open up.”--Megatron
Soundwave reluctantly opens his sub space to have Buddy inside with a smile on her face.
“Hey Megs!”--Buddy
“Soundwave we’ve talked about this…”--Megatron
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partikron · 1 year
G1 Michigan has seen and done it all.
Before we meet him as the leader of the Balam Redguns, he was the commander of the Furlong Armed Fleet, a hero of the Jupiter War, and once we get the chance to fight him we see why he is known as "Hell on Four Legs".
We don't know what the Jupiter War entailed, but since he commanded a fleet he's gotten the chance to fight in space, perhaps even on the moons of Jupiter (which is cool just to think about), perhaps even in and around space colonies, all before he becomes the leader of the Redguns and gets involved in the Coral War, dealing with the corps, the PCA and the horrifying Coral tech they send your way. You have to wonder what his infiltration of Rubicon was like. Knowing him, he was probably firing on the Planetary Closure Satellite the whole time.
While C4-621 might be the Wallclimber and the Wormkiller, Michigan is nothing less than a force of nature in his own right, and he's right there with you when you face down the Ice Worm. Despite all of this, he's still got some humanity in there, as he knows all his subordinates by name, which I imagine is its own hell because he KNOWS that Balam is gonna throw his Redguns and MT squads into certain death whenever the profits look good. I wonder how he chooses to mourn his comrades, if at all.
After a lifetime of sending people across the river Styx, his own end comes at the hands of one of the best AC pilots ever to live. Whether it's 621 or V.IV Rusty, it takes the absolute best to defeat him and his massive MT squad, and he re-earns his nickname just in this fight alone. He's urging his men on the whole time, too, knowing full well that there's probably nothing he can do to save them, but hey...why should they die despairing, right?
He even cracks a joke in his last moments. The guy goes through every kind of hell even before landing on Rubicon-3, then watches his MT squad get massacred, and amidst shrapnel and explosions he meets his end with a chuckle.
What a legend.
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random-fandom1984 · 4 months
hello! How are you? I have a question, Optimus is like a dad that doesn’t get sleep so what would happen if he accidentally called someone his son/daughter? It can be any Optimus you want but I’m just curious on what you would think
When I saw this request, it made me think of a certain scene I saw somewhere, and I don't know if it's fine with you or not, but this is scenario
-G1 Op & Mech! Reader-
The scene opens up to the Ark, and there had been a report of a human robbing stores, to which you caught and are now questioning. You appointed yourself to the Human Services Department (That you made up yourself) because you want to help out the humans while the others take care of Decepticons. You were one of the young bots on the ship, Bumblebee being one of them but he's older than you, and your responsible to know not getting into battle with Decepticons will be way over your helm, so you help with evacuating humans from the area. Anyways, back to the scene.
C/n: So, again, your alibi is a Decepticon handed you the gun, made you put your prints on it, robbed the store, and then hid the gun in your underpants? Robber: Well, uh, when you say it like that, it does not sound believable.
C/n looks to the side, suddenly spotting the big man in charge, Optimus Prime.
C/n: Oh, hey, Prime. Did you get my report on the Decepticon sighting near a power plant? Optimus: Yeah, I looked it over. Nice work. C/n: Good. Thanks, Dad.
The moment the words left his intake, everybot and or human - Spike, Sparkplug, Carly, and Chip - in the room and close by in the halls stopped what they were doing, all eyes and optics on you.
C/n: Why is everyone staring at me? Jazz: You just called bossbot "Dad". You said, "Thanks, Dad." C/n: What? No, I didn't. I said, "Thanks, Sir." Optimus: Do you see me as a Sire-figure, C/n? C/n: No. If anything, I see you as a bother-figure because you're always bothering me. Prowl: C/n! Show your Sire some respect! C/n: I didn't call him Dad! Optimus: No, no, no, no, C/n. I take it as a compliment.
Spike: It's not a big deal. I called Carly "Mom" once, and she's my girlfriend. C/n: Guys, jump on that! Spike has psycho-sexual issues. Bumblebee: Old news. But you calling Optimus Daddy- C/n: Hey, "Daddy" is not on the table here. Robber: But you did call him "Dad", dude. C/n: You shut up. You've done nothing but lie since you got here. Robber: All right, all right, I was lying about the holdup. But the dad thing, that happened.
C/n then jumped from his seat, a confident expression on his faceplate, pointing to the Robber.
C/n: Aha! He admitted that his alibi was a lie. It was a trap, all part of my crazy, devious plan. Optimus: I believe you. C/n: Thank you- Optimus: Son.
C/n's lip plate thinned as his optic ridges furrowed, looking to the side as he put his servos on his hip plating, internally screaming in embarrassment.
Optimus: Do you want to talk about it over a... game of catch? C/n: ...I'd like that.
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yaspup9000 · 11 months
By Popular demand, here’s some of my LPS Hot takes
Some of the later pets weren’t That bad. Like yea I do agree that the tv show based toys from like 2013-2016 weren’t that great and kinda fugly looking, but with some of the 2020 pets, why yes not as iconic as the 2000s lps that we know and love, I still believe some people were really harsh on some of these pets cuz like they did look really cute tho! My only problem with the pets was the fact they had names tbh 2. Not every g2 lps molds were perfect. Some really good examples of older lps molds being kinda ugly were the first Jack Russel and poodle molds. I’ve also mentioned about the skunk/Squrriel molds were pretty lazy since it’s just the same mold . They didn’t even try to make them different from each other. Like say what you will but at least with some of the newer pets between 2013-2020 they were at least trying to make the skunk and squirrel molds different from each other. also the opossum molds was not all that great tbh..
3. The worse thing that ever happened to lps was the Blythe loves lps toy line. No joke idk why they thought this was good. I mean if you guys loved the Blythe dolls that’s fine, to me I always found them off putting since well, they just didn’t fit personally. Like you’re the one who’s caring the pets or this is a world where it’s run by pets. There was never any mention about humans tbh. Again this is prob coming from bitter younger me lol. But in all seriousness though, never really liked Blythe dolls tbh
4. People need to Chill out about the some of the rerelease of lps. Yes I understand, I’m just as nervous and excited as the rest of you guys however I genuinely feel as if people are really making a mountain out of a hill over some prototypes and a blind bag. Like I understand that everyone’s burned out by bad decisions after bad decisions within the lps Franchise. And yes blind bags are overused and annoying however, Guys.. they’re not just gonna make only just blind bags, they’re gonna do other stuff for lps soon just be patient. Not to mention at the end of the day, they’re still just silly little pets for kids. Can you critique the toys? Of course! But just remember that it ain’t that deep. 5. They should bring back that one brown poodle mold
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yes this one! its cute as hecc! and i wish they would bring this back 6. This cat isn't a "Wolf-Cat" Its a maine coon. This isn't even an opinion or anything, i just wanna let people know that its suppose to be a maine coon. also the actual "wolf-cat" is called Lykoi and idk how that breed of cat would look as an lps.
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7. the main reason back in 2013 Lps was having a reboot was due to MLP having a reboot. that's just my theory tho.
8. I feel like a lot of people keep forgetting that 90s LPS exist. Like whenever people say "g1" they don't think about the kenner Lps toys, they were thinking about the 2000's lps that was popularized by hasbro. and tbh that kinda sucks.. cuz why yes the kenner toys were more into realism, i still geninually, like the kenner lps figures they were rad.
9. The sticker eyes lps were cute, I actually liked them 10. One pet peeve I had with LPS popular, is that technically, Brook should of been arrested or at least suspended since she did attack Savannah first. Not to mention, doesn't this school have like cameras or something!? i know this has been years since I've watched LPS popular but like, bruh, Why don't her parents believe her!
Umm.. I dont really have any other opinions nor thoughts at the moment. idk feel free to ask me anything lps related and I'll give my honest opinions.
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howlingday · 2 months
Hey kids back again with a new companion for ya.
Meet ravage, g1 series variant, a robotic feline that specializes is recon & espionage. And he can transform into a handy little boom box. And yes it can play music.
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Want a companion for more combat purposes, well look no further then the G2 series variant of ravage. Still capable of the some functions as the g1, but offers more fire power. Also it's........sharper
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Jaune: I have two robot cats and I don't know how to take care of either one.
Nora: Oh, how hard could it be? It's not like they're any more destructive and threatening to the human race than the cats on Remnant!
Ren: What an odd thing to say.
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renee-ckstrong · 4 months
My Favourite Wrestling Match of all Time
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In 2006, a Canadian wrestler became Captivated by a Japanese man for whom standard limitations on human athleticism don't apply. Twelve years later, they had the greatest professional wrestling match of all time.
I'll keep the background explanation brief because there is already a better explanation than I could ever do. Read here if you do not know the story of the Golden Lovers: https://medium.com/we-need-to-talk-about-wrestling/that-one-tweet-thread-about-the-golden-lovers-annotated-e9fc604e3a7f
Now Kenny Omega and Kota Ibushi have wrestled each other three times in their lives. And their second match from 2012 is arguably better than their the 2018 match that I am supposed to be looking at. So why would I say that the best match is worse than another one from six years prior. Well the twenty twelve match back in DDT is generational, and the greatest spectacle of athleticism in wrestling ever. The 2018 is far more emotional. With six more years of context they put on a match that made me feel more than any other match.
An important thread in the plotline of their story is this, Kenny Omega has never beaten Kota Ibushi. And because of that there is an unconfirmed insinuation that Kenny Omega can't beat Kota Ibushi. And it was because of this that Kenny grew resentful of how much better Kota was than him, and he turned to the dark side.
Kenny Omega is a fighter who compromised his morals to become the best in the world.
Kota Ibushi is a fighter who ran away from a fight and lost his chance to become the best in the world.
Kenny would join the Bullet Club, which at the time was like a villainous biker gang. He not only joined Bullet Club but he also distracted Kota costing him the top men's singles championship in all of Japan. After this Kota left New Japan Pro Wrestling unable to face the person his boyfriend Kenny was becoming. Kota did have some success in his absence, including but not limited to getting to the final of WWE's Cruiserweight Classic (but it has come out since that the plan was for him to win but the plan was changes when he expressed that he didn't want to sign with WWE). But he wasn't achieving success to the level he perhaps could. Kenny on the other had become THE GUY. The first non-Japanese person to win the annual G1 Climax tournament, won the IWGP Heavyweight Championship and had a match against Kazuchika Okada that broke the scales of how good wrestling matches could be.
So that is the state of play going into this match. Kota Ibushi had returned to NJPW after Kenny had taken over the Bullet Club and become the top star in the company. It is during the 28th G1 Climax tournament and these two have been matched up to fight each other. Kenny Omega is the best wrestler in the world right now, so can he beat Kota Ibushi now.
Another important detail is that the two men (in storyline at least, I can't speak for them in real life) are in love. Like genuinely actual queer storytelling, and it's not shit if you can believe it. So they obviously want to win but they don't want to hurt each other. They are worried that they will go to far.
And that's I think the beauty of it. The question of whether Kenny has surpassed Kota or whether he's still unable to beat his boyfriend even after all he's done. And the question of how far they'll go without wanting to do permanent damage to the other. Like their 2012 match is technically more impressive simply because men in their 20s can do feats of athleticism that men in their 30s can't. But that helps build the plot of the G1 match. In their 2012 match they do a disgusting spot where Kenny takes a hurricanrana of the top rope to the floor. In the 2018 match they tease doing it again but both men know that it isn't the kind of thing that either of their bodies can take these days.
It's brilliant. It's really beautiful. And I want to talk about the result of the match but I shan't because I want anyone reading this who hasn't seen it to go watch it. You can probably find it in full somewhere if you search 'omega vs ibushi g1'
So yeah that's my favourite wrestling match. It's pretty cool.
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witchofthesouls · 7 months
The last option for the Decepticons/Autobots to discover a Gadget is hilariously on point. No one but the whackiest inspector around would stumble upon actual aliens on their break but also ruin the enemy faction's cover. Spike just staring when the bots mention the encounter before he shows them the Inspector Gadget movie.
Prowl being friends with a Gadget just gives me Good Cop/Bad Cop vibes as the latter definitely isn't that threatening in an interrogation. Plus Go Go Gadget Toothpaste Slick is a funnier possible way to deter the science bots cause its sticky and feels weird. Also something a Cybertronian shouldn't try to rub off their optics haphazardly cause it smears.
A Gadget could happen in Aligned, Animated, and Earthspark. The latter being in the same (sorta) universe as G1 so it's a bigger possibility. For Aligned, it's because of Rescue Bots side since the whackiest shit tends to happen there, like Optimus going T-Rex, so a Gadget being made plus ending up entangled in Prime's shenanigans can happen.(Prime deserves an extra dose of weirdness.)
Finally Animated is another possibility cause the human villains being insanely diverse from serious to absurd leads to the possibility of a Gadget hero. Plus Captain Fanzone as their police chief makes it funnier. The poor man knows what shenanigans their rookie gets into and them accidentally kicking Sentinel in the bearings because of a glitch is expected for him.
Exactly! Just imagine the resident Autobot-aligned humans going, "Are you sure? Did Megatron throw too hard? Ratchet needs to look at the dent in your helm."
Meanwhile, the Decepticons are furiously searching for such a terrible and terrific monstrosity! Megatron is howling that "abomination" under his command!
Prowl and Inspector friendship because both of them understand how to be an outsider from their own kind from specialized equipment and situations outside their hands/choices. Prowl helps the poor Inspector from being shanghaied by the science 'bots. They become known as Prowl's "squishy new bird" since the Inspector is generally found perched on the mech's shoulder or using the propellor to buzz around him.
The Inspector is very much aware of how much their supplies are written off by taxpayers' dollars. If they're not on the job or in danger, they don't want to utilize the armed gadgets. At least the propellor can use gasoline. It's awkward to fuel as a station, so they have an empty fuel container they lug around on vacation or their downtime in the car trunk.
Ngl, I thought of TFA as well, but there's a whole lot of dark implications in that universe and I wanted to keep it light-hearted fun. Plus, you would think with all that sci-fi, futuristic stuff going on, there would be humans with cybernetic prosthetics and a lot of other supplemental or augmentation gear. Something from I, Robot, Cyberpunk Edgerunners, My Hero Academia, or Overwatch. Having an Inspector Gadget wouldn't be so far-fetched or as fun and hilarious.
Same reasons why TFP/Aligned and Earthspark were out as well.
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tossawary · 1 year
I watched 3 seasons of "Transformers: G1" and the 1986 movie. I think it's generally very bad but I also enjoyed myself very much. Can't recommend it unless you already like Transformers and are interested in taking a look at the roots.
I watched 3 seasons of "Beast Wars" and then bailed on "Beast Machines" because I just... I couldn't take the 90s 3D animation anymore (I KNOW they were doing their BEST for the time period and it is SO IMPRESSIVE in so many ways but it's also SO UGLY) and I wasn't super vibing with the characters or their voices. I found it less enjoyable and bad in a different way, but some parts of it were neat for how they went on to influence other shows. Can't rec this one either. Even less than G1.
I tried to watch "Transformers: Armada" (2002) (I think?) which was one of the Japanese ones with the minicons. The human characters broke me within 3 episodes and I quit. The whole "I'm an ordinary high school student! This is my best friend! This is the girl I like who hates me! I was living a totally normal life unless giant robots fell from the sky and now we're friends!" cheesy shounen speech and narration routine snapped me like a twig. I couldn't do it. I can't stand that. Also, Megatron looked like Galvatron and it was weirding me out a little. Possibly gets better but I'm not strong enough to find out right now or possibly ever.
"Transformers: Animated" (2007) was very refreshing. The 2D animation is VERY dated now, but I respect a lot of the things it was trying to do. Fun shapes in the designs. The writing wasn't as good as I hoped it would be, but it had a lot of fun concepts and good moments. Lots of potential that it didn't use as well as it could have. It reminded me a lot of the original "Teen Titans", but it didn't really ever have the same emotional depth or resonance as the really good episodes of TT. I watched 3 seasons of this one. I don't know if I would rec this one to non-fans either, but I wouldn't call it bad. It was fun. I enjoyed myself a lot. The character work was pretty good at times. There are worse Transformers shows, for sure.
"Transformers: Prime" (2013) feels like a shock to the system. I'm on the first season now. I think my standards have been run over by a truck thanks to everything else, but it's... immediately pretty good? Love the quick start into an ongoing story. Love the violent fight scenes. I'm very, VERY biased because I love stylized 3D and I think the Cybertronian designs look great. The writing is generally significantly better so far. If I HAD to pick a Transformers show to rec so far, I'd pick this one, hands down, almost just for the way that it looks. Bonus points for how Igor-shaped Starscream is, and for the creepiest looking Soundwave so far. I love him.
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sillyromance · 8 months
Hello! I don’t know if you know this character well enough, but I’ll try my best. Can you please make some kind of scenario with G1 Sunstreaker?
Good day, dear anonymous!
I'm very sorry that completing this has taken so much time... But, finally, I've come up with an idea for the writing. Perhaps, it has turned out too fluffy...
Nevertheless, hope you enjoy!
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Not alone.
- Y/n!
You turned – your eyes locked on the lemon-yellow frame of Sunstreaker. Your big autobot friend had just returned from the mission: his crimson brother was somewhere nearby too since you could hear his loud crispy voice; he was buzzing annoyingly like a big bug in a child's fist. Definitely, boasting again… If there was a battle, those two inevitably found themselves right in the middle of it – and none of the twins was shy to show off, talking about their victories and crazy adventures. Though, that time it seemed like one of the young heroes decided to spend some time with a little human instead…
- Hi, pal! How’s it goin’? – You tried to make your voice sound in the most optimistic way possible, though a careful listener would easily recognise you pretended.
- We’ve fried some ‘cons, obviously! You should have seen how their armor got covered with that appetizing crisp! – He went down on his knee, his blue optics looking attentively in your eyes. – A usual day, really… But I see there’s somethin’ wrong. Mind to tell me?
- It's nothing. Well... I don’t know. It’s not that important. – Your gaze avoided his, your hands going back and forth, rubbing your hips and leaving long white stripes on the jeans.
There were many other bots around. Optimus, Ironhide, First Aid… Of course, they were very compassionate and understanding - but you didn’t want to talk about your problems while it was so crowded. As for Sunny, you felt grateful for being cared about, especially if it was someone who usually cared about himself more than about anyone else… Still, such stuff were not for everyone to know…
There were many things going wrong in your life lately. It would be hard to count them all… However, it didn’t mean you would let yourself act like a baby and cry on a random shoulder – no matter fleshy or steely. The bots and people working with them had a lot of things to do. Decepticons never lost a chance to cause even a tiny trouble – though, honestly, usually it was a complete disaster. It was a war… There was no time for being weak. The world wouldn’t save itself.
Sunstreaker titled his helm on a side and smiled softly.
- I thought of a ride around the base… I wondered if you'd like to join me, huh? I doubt you will reject such a cool guy like me.
- Sure not, Sunny. – You couldn’t help but smirked teasingly at his charming behaviour. - Though, I’m afraid to burn down like those ‘cons. It’s getting kinda hot around here, haven't you noticed?
He laughed lightheartedly, you accompanied him. Then he turned into his vehicle mode. Getting in the car, you heard Wheeljack calling for you two:
- Hey, guys! Where are you going?
- Oh, doc! It's just a little ride!
- Don’t you remember, Streaker – you and Sideswipe are helping me in the lab this evenin’!
- Don’t worry, doc! You know, you can count on us!
- Yeah… I don't think so after the previous time I…
- Whatever, bye!
Before the inventor could say anything else, the Lamborghini drove off the place at full speed, heading to the exit.
Evening air was refreshing; it carried soothing scents of warm sand and wild flowers. Rubby-gold clouds swam in the peach sky; tired ochre sun was slightly touching the edge of the horizon. The bot was silent. It was a little bit surprising, though you was grateful. You didn’t want to chat at that moment.
Looking at the rocky, orange landscape, you sighed with satisfaction. That was exactly that you needed. Noisy and humid atmosphere of the base tired you up; Sunstreaker saw this perfectly at the very minute he spotted you on that corner. He knew you well enough. You two didn’t waste much time on long preludes at the first meeting and got along just fine. The more you hanged out together, the closer you became. So, you quickly reached the point when friends start reading each other’s minds.
He was enjoying your presence, your body lying conveniently on his cushy seats and your hands touching the steering wheel. Though you weren't a cybotronian, you were one of the most important souls in the world for him – after his beloved brother, of course. And your low spirit concerned him much. He really wanted to speak to you there and then, however, he saw it wasn’t a good moment. Well, you would be at your secret place soon anyways – there he would ask…
After one-two kilometers he slowed down and pulled over to the side road which soon made its way upwards a sloping hill. There were much more plants than before; slim and dry trunks of acacias surrounded you, throwing long lavender shades at the car and the passenger inside. Endless blue sea of the heavens was broken into pieces of rainbow glass with thin, blooming brunches. The bot stopped; you hopped out and ran forward to a long pink cliff looming behind the trees. Sunstreaker followed, already on his feet too.
The cliff was a good spot for relaxation. It was calm, quiet, peaceful; a colorful blooming plain and a small bunch of the trees created a beautiful, almost wild landscape. Everywhere you could see was a domain of prairie. Though, downwards, there was a small town in a valley; the streetlights always switched on pretty early, they looked like fireflies sitting on the ancient eastern carpet. At that moment they were shining too – tiny stars floating in the violet air. Tough stone was drowning in plants; yellow grass tickled your bare ankles. The grove on the left rustled softly in the coming twilights; wide waves were walking over the fields.
- So… Now, we are alone. – The bot began, looking at the transparent, smoky moon starting its way above the world. – Maybe, now could you tell me?
You shrugged your shoulders, then looked at your boots – a tiny ant was running around your foot helplessly. You took a long stalk and helped the insect down on the ground.
- I don’t know. It’s… a lot.
The bot chuckled.
- I’m all audio sensors.
- Since when have you become so thoughtful, buddy?
- Since I’ve known you!
- Really? Ok, ok…
You were talking till the sun sat and the sky got covered in its cute glittering freckles. The wind rose; it was already chilly, almost cold. Thin summer shirt wasn’t able to protect you from the cooling night weather. You rubbed your forearms, trying to regain warmth; Sunstreaker glanced at your shivering figure, worried.
- Are you cold, little one? – He asked.
- Yeah… A bit. I think, it would be better for us to return.
- Agreed… - He responded, transforming…
At base everyone had been sleeping when you came. Trying not to wake the comrades up (especially, Wheeljack), you sneaked inside and turned into one of the corridors, heading to your quarters.
- Are you sure you’ll be all right on your own? – Your friend kneeled and let you climb on his large flat palm. His optics were gleaming softly in the darkness.
- Are there any other options? – You smiled.
- Well… - His voice became shaky. – I could… take you with me…
- It would be uncomfortable for both of us, don’t you think?
He thought for a minute or two, then turned to you, expression of his faceplate showing a mix of hope and... embarrassment?!
- Actually, I have an idea… But I don’t know if you…
- Just say it out loud, boy.
He took a deep “breath”, stabilizing his systems.
- I could… I could put you in my fuel tank. So, you would be safe while sleeping and… not alone as well.
You heart skipped a beat.
- Wait, wait, wait… But transformers’ fueltanks work in the same way human stomachs do, don’t they?
- Still, we can’t process organic materials, remember?
He had a point. You exhaled.
- Right… Nevertheless, it sounds so crazy…
- I understand. So... It’s your choice.
You rubbed your chin, considering the offer. On one hand, you were about to be swallowed(!) alive by a metal titan and spend a whole night inside him without any guaranties that something wouldn’t go wrong. But at the same time, he was your best friend; you could trust him. After all, that all was just a matter of trust.
You met his gaze once again - the bot waited for your decision, though you could see the flames of impatience jumping in his optics.
- I… I don’t mind. I know you won’t hurt me.
You could tell he was happy to hear that; tension released the bot’s figure, he grinned joyfully like a big cat.
- Wow! Thank you, Y/N! I swear it's gonna be the best experience possible for you!
- Fine, big guy! Let’s get it over with…
He opened the door of the room he and his brother were sharing. Sideswipe was snoring peacefully on his berth; he didn’t notice neither of you and didn’t hear how Sunstreaker closed the door and lied on his own bed.
- Shhhh… - He whispered as he saw you trying to say something. – He won’t bother us. Sides won’t open his optics even if the skies crack on two.
You giggled. But the bot’s faceplate suddenly went sober.
- Are you still sure?
You nodded confidently.
- Perfect… If anything scares you, just call for me - I'll stop and let you out. Don’t be shy, Ok?
- Ok.
- Good… Now, please, hold still…
His grip tightened a little as you were lifted to his opening mouth. Your feet were laid on something wet and warm – it wrapped around them, coating you in heavy, slick slime. Tingles ran down your spine as you realized it was his glossa tasting you, and the slime was the drool coaxing your limbs, preparing you for… for the way down. Sunstreaker’s throat produced a silent moan of pleasure – it seemed he liked your flavor! Huh… You couldn’t help but blushed, thinking about you being such a tasty tiny candy.
Meanwhile, the bot very gently pushed you further, to the pharynx. Your hands finally met with the pulsing, smooth tongue which leaned to them eagerly, then slipped behind you back. The servo loosened up; now you were in the bot’s mouth entirely, being held by his long, plushie glossa. Misty, hot air filled your lungs; it was too dark to see, but you could feel your toes wriggling in the open space – the awaiting entrance of the esophagus. Streams of oily saliva vanished in that black hole with loud, delicious sounds of gulps. At first, they frightened you; instinctively, you grabbed the flesh of your improvised bed and made an attempt to crawl away from the danger. However, the very minute you did that, the swallows faded. Sunstreacker froze still, granting you a chance to stop – undoubtedly, it would disappoint him, but he didn’t want to startle his human friend. You took a big breath and forced yourself to calm down. There was nothing that would mean harm to you. The mech wouldn’t hurt you - he loved you! You went through so many things together – undeniably, he was reckless sometimes, but he wouldn’t do anything that would lead to death of those he valued the most.
Hesitantly, you patted the glossa – it licked your cheek playfully, comforting, then bend over, letting you slide back to the throat. Powerful metal muscles contracted around your ankles and tugged you in the comforting embrace of the esophagus.
Trembling, the bot outlined a small round bulge on his neck with his digit as you were fully pulled inside his throat. He swallowed hard, yet carefully, sending your warm, fragile body further down his huge tough body. The mech could still sense you wriggle, moving deeper and deeper inside beneath his chest plates. Some more slow seconds – and you arrived at your destination, being dropped into whining chamber of the alien “stomach”, making a nice little bulge on Sunstreaker’s abdomen.
His servo leisurely traced your path and stayed on the lump, massaging it slightly. Inside, it was gurgly and wet, but cozily warm and soft. You felt your friend’s indecisive caresses and pressed your hand against a thick grey wall permeated with long thin energon cables from the bottom to the top.
- How are you, Y/N? Is it OK?
- Yes, Sunny, it is. Don’t worry so much! You did great, by the way…
- Oh… That’s good to hear, I guess… You too.
- Thanks…
It was awkward to have a conversation in that position, so neither of you said a word anymore. You rested against the plump bumps of the fueltank rubbing at you lovingly; soothing quiet sparkbeat and dim light coming from the walls as well as gentle growling sounds and warmth made its work – your eyelids soon grew heavy, you yawned and snuggled into the squishy metal.
- Sweet dreams, Sunny.
The bot curled up around you, hugging his growling, full middle.
- Same for you, dear.
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ask-a-bot · 2 months
Hi hi hi!
How is everyone today? Did you have a good sleep? Bumblebee and Starscream sounded really cozy! What time did Megatron go to bed? What are your beds like and what is your routine like when you settle down?
Uh, hi... do you really want to know mundane stuff like this? Well... OK. I'm very well, thank you for asking. I did have a restful recharge.
My berth is firm and made from woven metal. It does have sturdy sheets, a warm duvet and soft pillows, because our human friends have introduced us all to luxuries and comforts that are completely alien to Cybertron. Recharging is very pleasant in that berth.
Bedtime routine? You mean showering and stuff? Well, I... take a quick solvent shower... clean my dentae plates... the usual stuff. Then I usually listen to some music in berth. Or a radio drama. I like radio dramas.
Uh, I left Megatron to lie in this morning. I still think he's going down with something and he stayed up pretty late last night. His berth is a lot like mine, but with a lot more purple involved. I don't know what his routine is and it isn't my place to talk about it anyway.
I like music too! I listen to all kinds of music in berth. I'm making a Spotify playlist with all the songs in it that I feel are about me. There's a song called Firework that could have been written for me and there's a new song by the Feeling as well – My Way Up. You should look it up.
I have a Hobbs plushie that I like to cuddle with (two troublemakers, recharging together – isn't that cute?). We watch movies together before recharge. Or G1. I like watching the G1 episodes that Megatron gets especially humiliated in! 😆
My routine is a lot like Prime's. I always make sure I'm clean, shiny and smelling good! I like flowery scents because those were always the opulent scents on Cybertron and I have expensive tastes. I had a good recharge and I feel great, today!
OK, my turn! I've got a Winnie the Pooh plushie (he was a present from a friend, so he's really special – I can't recharge without him). We watch sports together sometimes – or a good comedy!
I like to listen to soothing electronic music best, if I listen to music to help settle down. Optimus says that's the kind of music they had on Cybertron. There were lots of good musicians before the war, he says.
I did have a really great recharge, thanks for asking! I was really cosy – it was nice.
My night routine is a lot like Optimus's and Starscream's, so I won't go over that again. I like a solvent that smells like chocolate or vanilla or fruit, because I like sweet stuff.
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ipostonceinawhile · 1 year
I have a question, what is the hierarchy in Monster High?
For example in both g1 and g3 it seems to show that Dracula is on the very top of the hierarchy. He seems to be known well by both the humans and the monsters (even if there opinion of him is bad). It is also shown through out the books that people and monsters are both scared of him.
I originally thought Ramsey and the de Nile family would be on top but then I remembered despite their wealth they all were underground for over a thousand years which would have lead Dracula to be the one who helped monster society gaining his reputation.
I also don't know much about g3 but I do know Heath is the son of Hades( The Devil ) yet doesn't seem to be respected for his title and just gets treated like everyone else. This makes me think that either people are scared of the devil and or don't respect him so idk where to put him.
After the de Niles are humans because they live the best and have the most control. Then monsters because they are treated worse and have had a way harder time growing as a society.
After that then I have monster/monster hybrids. When they were first on screen all the monsters seemed to be confused by them or scared of them. They got treated poorly but are know being treated as equals but that's only in monster high so i'm assuming everyone has different opinions of them.
Then there is monster/human hybrids. For them it heavily depends on what they are able to pass as for example, Deuce Gorgon gets respected and treated well by monsters because he looks like one while hybrids like Jackson and Holt get treated depending on what they look like and not who they are.
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Alright, I don't typically comment on stuff like this but, I can't not do that since this is something in the Transformers community that is just absolutely wild.
The fact that Nightshade from Transformers: Earthspark is causing such controversary is driving me up the wall with the amount of stupid takes I've been about this. It's literally a little over one minute part of a 22 minute episode wherein Nightshade tells one of the humans that their pronouns are they/them and the human says their pronouns are she/they and that is the extent of it.
And, of course, all the conservatives are having such a problem with it. I've seen people calling this "revolting" "disgusting" and saying that "they're after your kids" or "felt uncomfortable and unnecessary" which has to be some of the stupidest ones yet, saying that this one minute part of a 22 minute episode is going to brainwash your kids. No one said that conservatives were smart. Though, the worst of the worst one said "The worst part is they imply that the world is evil and you can only trust non-binary people. This is the most sinister message you can send to a child. Absolutely revolting" which like most of that was never specified in that single minute part of the episode. There's is, of course, the typical thing of these conservatives calling this "leftist propaganda that must be repelled" like I just can't roll my eye any harder at the absolutely stupid shit these people are saying about this one minute part of a 22 minute episode that's apart of a season of show that is 26 episodes long.
Now, first thing to me is to throw part of this right back at them. I can't tell you how many military movies that I've gone to the theater to see with my dad (he likes military movies) and those movies will very often have advertising for one or two branches of the military before the movies starts. Plus, on the behind the scenes of military movies they will often talk about putting the actors through training and will gush on and on about how great whatever branch of the military is helping with the movie and it just turns the movie into pro-military propaganda which the conservatives have zero problem with, of course. Yeah, a whole two and a half hour movie of military propaganda and yet this is how they react to a one minute part of a 22 minute episode of a cartoon for kids.
Now, the part of this I really want to talk about that, for as long as I have been apart of the Transformers community, has never made sense to me. WHY DO TRANSFORMING ROBOTS NEED TO BE GENDERED TO BEGIN WITH??? I believe that these Cybertronians probably wouldn't have specific pronouns like he/him or she/her because they're just autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron. You know why I think people gave these robots genders at all? Because in G1, someone said they needed more diverse characters in the show/comics and thus they introduced the "fembots".
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I'm sorry for the hardcore G1 fans but this design is horribly outdated and is just painful to look at. Why the hell did they ever design these characters this way??? Also, the problem is just G1 either but also it leaked into Transformers Prime as well.
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Just tell me why all these robots have to have that stereotypical and wholly unrealistic hourglass shape to them??? To me, it's honestly more disgusting and revolting to see these character designs this way because the hourglass shape is just an unrealistic body shape expectation.
Look, I have not watched Transformers: Earthspark because I don't have Paramount Plus and don't want to pay for another streaming service just for one show. But, I don't see anything wrong with Nightshade wanting to have they/them pronouns because I believe that all Transformers characters should be they/them anyway and that they should do a serious redesign of these "fembots". Alien robots shouldn't have these hourglass shapes or angular chests to basically be implied boobs. If this makes people unfollow me then so be it but, I am all for Nightshade and am rooting for them to cause some sort of change in the Transformers franchise as a whole in the future. I may not have watched Earthspark and I hope that someday I can. I hope they release all the episodes on DVD or something. But, I know that regardless of that, I will definitely buy Nightshade's deluxe class figure because I am rooting for them. Keep it up, Nightshade.
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mskenway97 · 9 months
Can we get Merformers with prowl and jazz please?
No problem, I have not chosen continuity, I have based a little on g1. Both of the same size. I have somewhat fluffed it
Merformers prowl x Jazz
Song of calm
Warning: None
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Prowl didn't understand why he was so worried about that irresponsible Jazz. Again he had skipped the pod guard, it was usual for him to do it once but not all the time! This was making him angrier and angrier, as he seemed to downplay the importance of the war and the conflictb of living together with the humans.
Prowl was still swimming around keeping watch near the pens, everything seemed to be normal, quiet for what he was used to. Then he began to hear a melody in the distance, it seemed the song of one of his own trying to ask for help until he identified it as Jazz's, he swam as fast as he could, he was worried about what had happened.
Had it been the decepticons? Had some net caught him? Those frantic thoughts were on his mind all the time until the sound was closer to an area near the human shore.
His doubts were answered only to see Jazz lying on the sand, smiling so calmly.
-Hey Prowl! What's wrong with you? You look like you've seen a ghost," said Jazz as Prowl's hands were held in a fist.
Jazz was getting more worried as he was getting no response.
-You know how oblivious you are! I thought something happened to you! All this week you've been sneaking around. You clearly don't care about the safety of the Pod. All for singing!
Jazz hugged him from behind while stroking his cheek.
- I was practicing a song for you, I've been watching you all week and I thought you needed a little something to make you feel better. Although I still need to rehearse more, I didn't think it was a cry for help," said Jazz.
Prowl moved away from him, trying to keep him on the subject, he always had the ability to make him change his mind, the advantage that this mech had, apart from his great figure and his great bravery.
- Just because you're practicing doesn't mean you have to skip the Optimus rules.... If something had happened? - said Prowl
Jazz took him by the chin to look him in the eye.
You know I can talk to him, calmly, always thinking of the rules before your own well-being. Look where we are," said Jazz.
Prowl looked around and apart from being too close to the shore, he saw some seaweed and some faded corrals - Apart from a rather messy place?
Jazz shook his head as he moved closer to the corrals - They are one of the few left, besides I heard they were one of your favorites? I was preparing all this to give you a nice evening," said Jazz as Prowl softened his brow and sighed.
-You didn't have to do that
-Come on, you know I'll always try to bring a smile to your face," said Jazz.
Prowl had brought out a small smile, Jazz gave him a soft kiss.
- Come on relax just for a little while with me," said Jazz.
Prowl sighed he didn't know how the mech always got his way but he could let this behavior go this time, he was unable to say no to him.
- It's okay," said Prowl as he saw the smile on Jazz's face as he gave him a kiss on the cheek.
- Well, if anyone asks I already have a cut
-Did you know I was coming here? - asked Prowl puzzled
-I didn't know, but Bumblebee owes me a few favors..... So if they ask we're scouring the Decepticon zone.
- You're the wrong kind of guy," said Prowl as Jazz gave a chuckle.
- That's why you love me right? -said Jazz in a warm way making Prowl look away.
- Maybe, by the way you should practice that singing more, it's really out of tune.
-Oh come on, it can't be that bad
-You just have to hit the notes more, come on I'll show you.
-I didn't know that you sigh of singing
- There's a lot of things you don't know.
So they both started to practice, the melody started to improve and that in spite of the difficulties, the different personalities. Both would be there for each other. The melody along with the ambience saw the glow under the sea as the two continued to practice.
Maybe sometimes skipping the rules is a good thing.
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stickytrigger69 · 1 year
If you don't mind may I have a G1 soundwave with a Cybertronian gn reader? Lets say that soundwave has a crush on reader but doesn't know how to confess, so he drops hints about it but reader probably thinks he's joking and laughs it off and he just gets really frustrated until he realizes someone else likes you and gets more nervous and stress and the way he confesses is up to you :)
G1 Soundwave x GN Cybertronian Reader
Reader is gender neutral
Bot instead of mech or femme
Readers frame type, paint job, etc are unspecified.
(designation) = your name
I hope you like it
Soundwave was sitting alone listening to your voice recordings while looking out the window at the strange ocean dwellers. After the ship has been underwater for so long, there were finally personal quarters again. The repairs and draining had taken longer than expected, but that was anticipated what with Starscream fumbling many of Megatrons plans and even some humans getting in the way of things. Your voice is unlike any of the others and certainly not like his own monotonous one. It does wonders to soothe him, especially in person, recordings just don't do you justice, both visual and audio recordings fail you.
You're such a polite bot as well, using a softer voice when speaking to comrades, even if they were getting on your last nerve. You were patient with the mechs you lived with that you fought with, many of which would tease you for your kind nature. They would sometimes sneer at you and call you an autobot but you'd just stand there and kindly remind them where you are and that you are where you have chosen to be, where you were chosen to be. Soundwave had often seen Megatron stand behind you to scare them off, or his cassettes would stand by your side or even in front of you to snark back on your behalf. Soundwave also took his turn defending you whenever the opportunity presented itself.
He always relished in the praise and gratitude you would give to him. Your small, tired smile was what he was after the most, though. A look that said that you don't mind his monotony, that you don't just think he's cold and empty, one that, to his knowledge, is reserved only for him.
"Oh, Soundwave, can you help me with -" Your calm voice sounds in his audials while a bouyant creature with dozens of tentacles jumps around in front of the window. The way his spark swells when you call his name, when you ask for him before anyone else is nearly painful. If only you took him seriously, you never believe him when he tells you things, like how you have the nicest paint job on the ship or the nicest optics. It makes him feel sad when he's by himself like he is now, but when it happens in front of him he tends to get a little grumpy, he loves you so much but you are so oblivious to his advancements that he has started to think you have begun to ignore them on purpose.
He stops the audio recordings and heads to the door. When it opens, Ravage quickly walks in and goes to lay next to the window to rest. He watches the feline for a moment before turning to the bot at his door. You stand there with a large smile on your face as you watch Ravage get comfy. When you're content, you look up into Soundwaves visor, smile beaming on him.
"Thank you for trusting me with him. He's very pleasant to work with. He didn't get hurt or anything either, I promise." Soundwave feels like he's melting. The respect you show him and his cassettes, his companions, is more than anyone else cares to give. He just stands there for a little while, just looking you in the optics, slowly forgetting what you were here for. Your smile doesn't waver. You just continue to look at him. He tries so hard to control himself, to keep from invading your privacy, but it's so difficult.
He wants to know, needs to know what you're thinking when you're looking at him the way you are now. But he respects and cares for you too much to allow himself the selfish pleasure. Being so close to you, though, it's incomparable to anything that could bring anyone bliss.
"Query: will you join me?" Soundwave steps aside, making more room in the doorway. You make a silly face. You look so confused, but he knows you're just thinking about what to say.
"Oh," Soundwave suddenly gets a little worried. You look down the hall, contemplating, " Sure, I can stay a while." With a shrug of your shoulders, your helm snaps back at him, a new smile on your face, and you go inside. His curiosity gets the better of him, so he decides to ask you the burning question.
"Do you have somewhere you need to be?" You stare at the floor when you turn your head toward him.
"I mean, kind of. Thundercracker said he wanted to spend some time with me, but I'm in no rush to go see him right now." You spin back around to sit on the chair at his desk. Thundercracker? He hardly ever spends time with anyone unless it's Skywarp or Starscream. Hmmm, that's an interesting development in your social circle. He'll have to have one of his cassettes watch you two for him.
"I am glad you decided to stay with me," your optics widen a little, and your smile stretches across your face, helm lowering, "I really enjoy your company, (designation)."
"Well," you chuckle and rub the back of your neck, "I like spending time with you too, Soundwave, and with your little ones as well." Ravage peeks open an optic to look at you but closes it after looking you up and down.
"Aww, that's cute, 'little ones', you hear that Frenzy?" Rumble jumps out from Soundwaves chassis, his red twin following close behind, making you laugh some more.
"I thought you two were out on a mission?" They look at you then eachother then back to you.
"Nah, we thought we'd stick around-"
"-Yeah, 'sides, we got somethin' to tell ya anyway." Frenzy finishes Rumbles sentence, you love how they do that, smiling fondly at the two. They look at Soundwave, mischievous smiles that waver from "the look," and they decide against it. When they look back at you and see the big smile on your face, they decide to just tell you about what Ravage said the other day.
They start telling you about it, but Soundwave doesn't listen. Instead, he stares at you, watches the way your smile sparkles, and how your optics squeeze shut when you laugh really hard. Ravage starts growling at the two little mechs, and you reach down to pick him up, placing him on your lap. Servos run along his smooth plating, trying to calm him down as you take his side, making the twins laugh and tease. Soundwave later moved to sit on the berth in an attempt to get closer to you. He leans closer and closer with time, petting Ravage as well.
His servo brushes against yours every once in a while, but you don't seem to pay any mind to it. Thankfully, he wears his visor and mouth plate at all times, so you can't see when he looks at you or smiles when your servos touch. Eventually, you do have to leave, but he can tell that you don't really want to. You've gotten comfortable with Soundwave and the others. A ping pops up on your HUD, Thundercracker wants to know if you're going to hang with him or not.
His message makes you smile and shake your helm side to side, deciding you should go see what he wants. You hold onto Ravage before you stand, his little legs go limp, allowing you to hold his weight completely. Soundwave stands with you.
"I gotta go, hehe, I forgot about Thundercracker. Thanks for letting me hang out for a little Soundwave, I always have the most fun with you and the little ones." You hold Ravage out in front of you, letting Soundwave take hold of him. His servos purposefully touch yours as he stares into your optics.
"I understand, I always enjoy your company as well." A small chuckle escapes you, optics boring into his visor.
"Thank you again, Soundwave." The blue mech only nods, watching you turn and leave his room. Ravage is still extended out in front of him from when he took him from you.
"Ravage: new mission: observe and report." Ravage looks at him and gives a curt nod before jumping from his servos and leaving through the door.
"Why don't you just tell 'em boss?" Rumble asks, watching the door shut.
"Yeah? I mean," Frenzy looks up at the blue mech, "you are the best bot here."
"Yeah, if anyone here deserves that bot, it's you." It's Rumble's turn to look up at him. The large mech doesn't look at them, though. He just continues to stare at the door. He can tell, feel, that they are telling the truth, he knows its their honest feelings, and that offers reassurance. Soundwave knows that all of his cassettes feel that way. He often hears them talking about it when he's not around. He's even heard them say it bluntly to the other decepticons.
'If anything, Soundwave is the only mech here who has a chance with 'em' they say and it always makes him feel pride swell within his chassis. When he finally looks down to the twins he see their concerned faces, he puts his servo up in reassurance and lays down on his berth trying to focus in on you and Thundercracker. He knows Ravage is there too, listening as closely as possible without being spotted; Soundwave can feel Thundercracker and hear his thoughts and Ravage can see him. The way Thundercracker is thinking about you, feeling about you, is more than enough to make Soundwave want to storm over there and whisk you away from him and bring you back in here.
The blue flyer is only thinking about how beautiful your frame is while completely ignoring your pleasant company. None of what you are saying is really sinking in. His thoughts and feelings are of the status you could bring him. He does have one thing right in his processor, though, and that is that you are the best bot in all the decepticon ranks, the most attractive and overall best of all of them. Thundercracker thinks that if he has you, he will climb socially. His thoughts of parading you around like a trophy or a medal really upsets him because you're more than that. You are worth more than that. You deserve more than that.
He called Ravage back earlier than he had initially thought he would, but he had heard and felt enough that he doesn't even want to know how the flier was looking at you. He continued to listen to you both the whole time you talked. He even continued to listen to you as you went into your room and laid down on your berth to recharge just to make sure you weren't left unhappy oe uncomfortable from the time you spent with the other mech. But you weren't, you were content and buzzing with happiness, you love spending time with your friends, but Soundwave feels a little sad that you feel that way mostly because you were spending time with Thundercracker.
Now that you and Thundercracker have gotten closer, he thinks he can do everything with you, shadowing you throughout the day and always checking in on you through comms. You were reporting to Soundwave when Thundercracker showed up placing a servo on your shoulder affectionately. You turn your helm to say a small 'hi' before immediately turning back to Soundwave to continue your report. Thundercracker is filled to the brim with complacent energy as he stares into Soundwaves visor, servo holding onto you tightly. He does this whenever you talk to anyone and gets close to you in an attempt to prove that you've been claimed.
Though Soundwave knows for certain that you have not proclaimed yourself to him and Thundercracker hasn't been brave enough to even ask you. It's Thundercrackers' pompous attitude that has finally begun to wear Soundwave down, and you've noticed. You pulled him aside the other day and asked what was wrong. He replied smoothly with flattery and something about not having time to see you lately, which made you giggle.
"Well, I have some free time tomorrow if you want to hang out then?" You give him a soft smile, and he suddenly feels lighter.
"I thought we were hanging out tomorrow?" Thundercracker rudely interrupts, slinging his arm around your shoulders and pulling you close. How hadn't Soundwave heard him come up or even begin to approach? Again, anger boils up from within him, and he acts upon impulse. For him, it feels like he's moved the fastest he ever has, but for you, everything happens at half speed, his servos taking hold of your shoulders gently tugging on you, pulling you from Thundercracker. His mouthpiece slides away slowly to reveal his handsome derma, a servo leaves your shoulder to rest behind your helm, and before you know it, your faces are so close, your derma are pressed to his.
Your optics are blown wide with shock, and you stare into his red visor. Thundercracker is complaining in the background, but you can't hear him, and neither can Soundwave. Soundwave can feel your frame warming up. He finally pulls away to look at you. Your optics are half lidded, and derma parted slightly. Thundercracker is talking to Soundwave still, saying that you're his and that he wants to fight with Soundwave.
"Thundercracker," your optics stay on Soundwaves visor, "I don't belong to anyone, but you can leave us. We have some things to discuss." Thundercracker is at a loss for words and just turns around and leaves, stomping grumpily away. You're still in his arms, looking into his red visor. "You were flirting with me that whole time." You say it as a statement rather than a question, as if you've just realized. Soundwave chuckles and nods.
"I have. Have you just been oblivious, or have you been ignoring it?" He smirks.
"I never noticed, I just thought, well, you were just being friendly." His smile widens. It was oblivion then. How cute.
"I have deep feelings for you (designation), I tried telling you-"
"Subtle hints?"
"Yes, I thought you would have noticed." He nods. "Is this okay? Do you like me as well?" Worry course's through him again.
"Yes, yes, it's okay, and I do, I like you too." You confess. He feels like he could fly. He presses his helm against yours, smiling softly.
"Query: will you be mine?"
"Yes, I will. I'm yours." You beam at him.
After that, you've been inseparable, at base and in the field, no one has or can come between you two. You tend to fuss over him after solo missions, taking care of him and the little ones. You love him so much, and it scares you to think he could die at the hands of an autobot. But you know better. He's stronger and smarter than just about everyone. If Megatron were to fall, Soundwave would be your first pick as the new leader, and not just because he's your lover.
Not only are you the best in the field, but you're the best when Megatron isn't around, ruling and fighting as a pair.
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