#look how fucking CLEAN the knife one came out oh baby now that's what we call sex vol. 2
majimasleftasscheek · 5 months
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some new merch eventually coming to my shop ✌ the last one was for a joke, however...
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“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!” Noah groaned loudly. Jax and Tig turned and went to ask him whats wrong but Noah, their recently patched member of Samcro, was already making his way out of the TM Garage. There was a girl making her way across the lot, swinging a baseball bat from her shoulders. She wore black vans, blue denim shorts and a white vest top. Tattoos littered one leg completely and the thigh of her other. Her arms were also covered but she was too far to see the designs properly. She was beautiful, her hair was dyed a bright purple on one side and black on the other and it was tied up in a messy bun. If she didnt have a face full of anger Jax would definitely of hit on her. “You cheating fucking scumbag.” The scream from the girl got the rest of the clubs attention as they made their way out of the clubhouse. Even Gemma came out of her office. “Em please! I dont know what your talking about!” The girl laughed in Noahs face. “Oh so your gonna try and lie to me again? I FOUND HER FUCKING UNDERWEAR IN OUR BED YOU PRICK!” Jax watched as the girl swung at Noah’s bike, taking the wing mirror clean off. “Get the fuck away from my bike you psycho!” Noah shouted. “OH YOU MEAN THE BIKE I FUCKING PAID FOR?” The girl took another swing at the bike, this time taking the other wing mirror and headlight out in one. “Yeah tell your little fucking biker buddies, how you wouldnt even have a bike if it wasnt for me! Tell them that the subs you pay them each week come out of my fucking paycheck!” Swinging at the bike again, the girl took the exhaust clean off. “ Thats what you do to me is it Noah? I support you. Pay for all your shit, pick up after you like your a goddamn child and you have the fucking Nerve to cheat on me? In my own fucking home!” The girl pulled a pen knife from her pocket and slashed both of Noahs tyres. “No baby! i didnt! I wouldnt!” Noah tried to reason with her but clearly it was getting him nowhere. “Your fucking pathetic.” The girl pulled a pair of underwear from her pocket and threw it in Noah’s face. “I bet you gave her the best 5 seconds of her whole life. Newsflash mate, your shit in bed. If you fucked her like you fucked me she probably had to go to the bathroom after to finish what you couldnt.” Noah went bright red at the insult and Jax couldnt help but laugh. The girl turned her attention towards him and made her way over. “I suggest when you next pick someone to join your club, dont pick a lying prick who doesnt even own the bike he sits on.” And with that, the girl turned and made her way out of the lot. 
Clay shook his head at Noah. “Church now.” He called and everyone started making their way into the Clubhouse. “I like her. Shes spunky!” Jax shook his head at his moms comment. Ofcourse Gemma likes the new Psychopath in charming.  Making his way into the meeting room, he took his VP seat next to Clay and watched the chaos unfold. "So your telling me your girl has been paying your way? That's a fucking joke Noah." Every member of the group nodded in agreement. Yeah sure alot of them stepped out on their old ladies, especially with the road rule. But living off your woman and cheating in your home town? That was a no no. "Look, she supported me. With everything. She pays my subs and yes she owns the bike. Even gives me fuel money for the runs we go on. I didn't mean to get caught cheating. I thought I was on Top of it. Never thought she would find out." Jax shook his head at Noah's admission. "It's not that she found out Asshole! It's how you've treated her. A good woman that supports you like that is hard to fucking come by! The road rule is there for a reason! Fuck half of us round this table would kill for an old lady like that. But the fact is, a man that dont pay his way aint a man at all!" Piney snapped at a panicked looking Noah. Piney rarely spoke but everyone knew the level of anger that old man could reach, oxygen tank or not. Noah fell silent at Piney’s Outburst. What the hell was he supposed to say to that? “Your busted back to prospect.” Clay announced before taking a drag on his Cigar. Noah’s eyes widened, “Thats fucking Bullshit! I’ve not even had my patch 3 months!” Tig’s eyes glossed over in anger as he watched the newbie shout at his president. Reaching out, he grabbed the back of Noah’s neck and slammed his face on the Redwood Table. “Did you just raise your voice at your president?” Noah squirmed against Tigs hold. “Now, you either prospect for another 18 months, pay your own fucking way and earn your patch back. Or you leave, and you know what happens then.” Clay gave Noah the ultimatum and the rest of the club fell silent as they waited for Noah to make his choice. “I’ll Stay.” Tig Released his hold on the young lad before pulling him up by his kutte and roughly dragging it from his shoulders. Happy smirked as he threw a prospect kutte in Noahs face before Tig Pushed him out of the room, slamming the door behind him.
Jax looked at Clay confused. “We’re really gonna give him another chance? He doesnt even own a bike?” Clay shrugged his shoulders. “Everyone around this table knows he’s gonna fuck up. Especially not having that girl keeping him in line. But when he fucks up i want him close, where i can see it and deal with it. We really do not need a loose cannon right now. Anyway, go see that girl. All her details are on the paperwork for the bike, Gemma’s gonna need to know what to do with it.” Jax shook his head in disbelief at Clay. He couldnt believe it. Noah should be kicked out of this clubhouse head fucking first. He didnt earn his place in this club, his woman did. He also couldnt believe the nerve of being ordered to visit the firecracker that was this girl. For all he knew, she would never want to see a Son’s of Anarchy Patch again. So Clay really was throwing him in the line of fire here. 
However, despite his obvious disagreement, Jax got up from his seat at the table and made his way out of the clubhouse. The only thing he could think on his way out of Teller Morrow was maybe he should’ve stopped for his bulletproof vest. 
Pulling up to the address that his mum text him, Jax was Suprised at how quiet it was. Considering her performance at the lot earlier, he was expecting screaming and a trashed house. Instead he found her sat on her front porch quietly smoking a cigarette. "Hey" he spoke softly as he approached her. Like she was a wounded animal that could kick out in fear and pain at any moment. She looked up at him through glossy eyes. Her cheeks were red and hair falling out of her messy bun, but despite her upset appearance Jax still thought she was beautiful. That couldn't be denied. "Hi, look I'm sorry for my outburst today-" she started to explain, but Jax cut her off quickly. “Dont Sweat it Darlin’. From what i heard, he deserved it.” He spoke as he took a seat next to her on the porch steps. Pulling a cigarette out of his pocket he lit it and took a few puffs. “I’ve been sent to ask what you want doing with the bike. It aint his and after everything the clubs not letting him keep it. Your names on the paperwork, so what do you want doing to it?” Jax watched as she rolled her eyes. “What the fuck am i gonna do with a Harley? Just Fix it and sell it. Strip it for parts. Fuck burn it for all i care.” She shrugged at Jax’s shocked expression. “Thats an expensive Bike, surely your gonna want it back?” Jax tried to encourage her to take the bike. “Yeah, ofcourse it was expensive. But i honestly couldnt give a shit. You like it, you  have it.” Jax raised his hands in mock surrender as the anger in the girls eyes flashed. “Okay Darlin’ you win. You’ll have to come by the garage tomorrow tho. Sign the bike over.” She sighed and pushed her fallen hair behind her ear. “Yeah, sure.” Jax stood and started to make his way down the path towards his bike. “Oh and my name aint Darlin’ either.” She called after him making him turn to face her. “Its Emily.” 
Hi Guys,
This is something new I’ve been working on. I have 2 more chapters if you turn out to like it. Please please let me know what you think!!
Love to you all!!  
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httpjupiterbby · 3 years
𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 - 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨
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𝐍𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞, 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰. 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐝𝐧𝐢 ®
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐚 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬:18+ 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡, 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 •𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐢𝐟 𝐢 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐲•
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3266
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two weeks later:
A man walks out of a brown door, walking straight to a podium, he moves the mic close to his mouth, clearing his throat he speaks, "I would like to welcome you to this celebration of the life of Natalia, Y/N Romanova, their unborn child, Steve Rogers and James Barnes, who passed, on August 21, 2023"
He continues talking, speaking about how they are with God now, and how God is taking care of them in heaven. The church was packed with people who Natasha had impacted, people who knew Y/n, people who knew Steve and Bucky, and people who were just nosey. That's all Tony saw when people gathered to say their goodbyes to the closed caskets. He saw two familiar faces, he wanted to scoff, he wanted to get up and yell at them, tell them they don't deserve to be here after what they've done but he remains seated, looking away from them, eyes now on the photo of you, Natasha, Steve and Bucky. The words underneath hurts his heart.
Natalia Alianovna Romanova
December 3, 1984 - August 21, 2023
Y/n Y/M/N Romanova
Y/B/D - August 21, 2023
& their unborn child
- August 21, 2023
James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes
March 10, 1979 - August 21, 2023
Steven Grant Rogers
July 4, 1980 - August 21, 2023
"C'mon, let's get out of here" Tony says, standing up and holding out his hand for Pepper to take, she takes it and stand as well as Wanda, Carol, Sharon, Maria, Laura and Clint. They all walk out the church and into their car. Just as Tony sits in his seat, his phone starts to ring, pulling it out he answers the phone, “Yeah?”
“Huh… yeah… y/n’s parents came, fucking bastards… yeah, I know… alright, see you soon” He says then hangs up the phone, starts the car and leaves.
one year later and nine months later:
"happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Eleanora, happy birthday to you...blow the candle, babylove!"
The little one tries her best to blow out the candle, her mother who sat next to her blow it out for her but pretends it was her little girl who did it.
"Yay!" Everyone shouts as the candle blew out. The other mother pulls out the candles and lets the little one go at it since it was a small cake made for her. The little girl looks at the cake before slamming her small hand in it, grabbing a piece and stuffing the cake in her mouth, creating a mess around her mouth. Everyone around her laughs, some taking videos of the whole thing.
"I can't believe my baby is one" The y/h/c hair mother says, pouting as they watches their baby stuff her face. "We could always start trying for a sibling" a husk voice broke you out of your thoughts. You look at your wife and roll your eyes seeing her wiggle her eyebrows at you.
"Yeah. No" Getting up, you pulled the big cake towards yourself, grabbing the knife and starting to cut pieces of the cake. Wanda moves next to you, holding the plates while you put the cake on it, she stands a fork in the cake and hands out the cake.
Once the cake was handed out, you turned to look at your baby and see her face covered in cake, “Oh boy, look at you” you say making her look at you, giving you a cheesy grin, “Come on, little love, let’s get you cleaned” You take whatever’s left of the cake, placing it on the table, then pulling her out of her high chair. You walk to the kitchen, grabbing a napkin, wetting it a little before wiping off her face and hands.
“I’ll take her” Yelena comes from behind you, taking Eleanora from your arms, “Say bye bye mommy, Ellie bear, we are going outside” She says making Elli clap her hands in glee.
You smile at them, “Please be careful” You tell them, “We will” Yelena calls out, walking out the door. You throw the napkins away and clean up a little before heading outside with them, closing the door behind you, you sit down on the steps.
Watching Yelena run around with Eleanora, you couldn't help but think of life before her. Before coming here and living a now somewhat normal life. The life you thanked Natasha for everyday, if it weren't for her amazing plan, you three would've been dead or maybe just you and Ellie.
To think, you probably wouldn't be living this life if it weren't for Natasha's plan. The day of the shooting, after your big fight, Natasha came to realize that you were right, you couldn't raise a baby with that lifestyle and she didn't want to lose you or the baby from her choice of wanting to stay in that lifestyle. So later that night, she called Yelena setting up the plan to build your dream house in Norway, making sure to have everything perfect and ready before you both move over there with Yelena, who was already living there, which was supposed to be in three weeks or less.
Natasha was going to surprise you the next day but when the flowers were delivered, Natasha realized that you both will have to leave earlier than expected and the surprise would be ruined by him.
Flashback to the day after the shooting.
"Yelena, I need your help"
"What do you need sister?" Yelena asked, putting down her knife.
"I need those people to work fast with the house, we'll be going there a lot sooner than planned"
"Alright, I'll tell them now" Yelena pulls the phone away from her hears and sends a quick text to the construction worker, "Natasha what's going on?"
"Rumlow. I thought I would leave this life peacefully but it looks like he doesn't want me to live it at all" Natasha tells her, "This guy is stupid, thinking he can kill me" She scoffs, "he sent flowers to me pretending they were from you, what the dumbass doesn't know is that you only send flowers on special occasions"
"Why did he send you flowers?"
"To listen to me. He put a fucking microphone in the damn flowers" Natasha growls, waiting by the front door of her building, holding up her finger to Bucky, telling him to give her a minute.
"Are you gonna put the flowers somewhere else?"
"No" Natasha sighs, "I want him to hear me"
"So what's your plan?"
Natasha felt her other phone buzz and looks at it, seeing a message from you, "I have one phone cal left on this phone, I'll call you back when I get home so I can tell you and the guys together"
"Are you going to tell y/n?"
"Of course, she's part of the plan" Natasha says before hanging up, she turns to Bucky and motions him to go, He opens up the door, walking out first, looking around before opening up the back door letting Natasha go first then goes in as well. Looking down at her phone, she sends a few text messages.
"I have news of Rumlow" Bucky tells her as the car starts going, heading to your shared house. Natasha glances at him, "What is it?"
"A guy sold out on him for two million, saying that Rumlow is sticking with his plan to kill y/n" Bucky tells her.
Natasha jaw clenches as she closes her eyes, taking deep breaths, "Did he say when?"
"No. Just says that he's gonna get her alone or not, he might get you to if he's.. what the day say" Bucky thinks, "Oh, if he's feeling lucky"
Natasha hums, looking out the window as the car comes to a stop, "He's got balls"
"What do you want to do?" Bucky asked her, taking a glance at her.
Bucky gives her a crazy look, "Nothing? Natasha, he's coming after y/n. Like actually coming after her!"
"I know. I have a plan but it's doesn't involve hurting him" Natasha tells him, trying to calm him down, her heart warm at his protectiveness over you. Her door opens and she climbs out, waiting for bucky. She sees her other guards walking around, turning to the one that opened her door, she tells him, "You can go home, make sure you tell the other guys"
Bucky hears what she says and gives her a confused look. The guard nods and walks away to yell the others. "Why are you letting them go? I'm the only one here"
"You'll see" Is all she says before walking into the house, Bucky following behind her.
Natasha heads to the living where she sees Clint standing with his wife, "Everyone gone?"
"Yeah, they just left right now" He tells her, Laura goes up to Natasha and gives her a hug, "Hey, Nat"
"Hey, Laur" Natasha hugs her back before pulling away, looking at Clint, "The others here?"
"Yeah" He nods, Laura says a quick 'hello' to Bucky. Natasha walks into the living room and sees everyone there. Wanda, Carol, Sharon, Maria, Steve, Tony and his wife, Pepper.
"Where's my wife?" Natasha asked noticing your absence. You walked into the living with a tray of drinks coming from the kitchen, you put the drinks down on coffee table and look at Natasha.
Natasha walks over to you, placing her hand on your waist and pulling you towards her, "Hi, baby"
You look up at her, keeping your hands to yourself, "You left me alone this morning"
"I know, my love, I needed to get some work done so I can come home early to give you a surprise" She tells you, leaning down to peck your lips, "are you mad at me?"
"Not anymore after hearing you have a surprise for me" You give her a cheeky grin. Natasha chuckles, peck your lips again, "Brat"
"Yours" You whispered against her lips, "All mine" Natasha whispers back.
"Okay, enough with the make our session. Tell us why we are all here and why you sent the guards home" Tony interrupts your moment, Natasha pulls away from you, rolling her eyes, "Go sit with Wanda" She tells you and you did as told, sitting besides the redhead.
Natasha takes a deep breath, walking the the front of the living room, calling Yelena, putting it on speaker and putting it on the coffee table, "You're on speaker, Yelena and everyone is here" She tells her, "I called you guys here because I'm leaving the business"
Everyone looks at her shocked and confused, some shouting 'what?'
"I'm leaving because I want to give my child a normal life and if you guys choose to have kids one day, I want you to give them a normal life too" Natasha tells them, "How though?" Tony asks her, "How are we supposed to have a normal life after this if everyone knows who we are"
"Come with us to Norway" Natasha says, "I have Yelena getting our house built, you guys can stay there for a bit until you guys either buy one or make one yourself, just to get settled"
"What about our identities?" Clint speaks up, "You don't need to change them, we're going to another country, they can't do anything for the shit we've done here" Natasha tells them.
They all look at each other, the couples talking before deciding. Tony and Clint look at each other, giving a little nod before Tony looks at Natasha, "Okay, we'll go with you guys"
"Okay, we'll talk about more on living situations. For now, we just worry about getting out of here" Natasha tells them, "Why would we need to worry?" Wanda asked her.
The guys look at each other, already knowing about Rumlow's plan. Natasha looks down before looking up and saying, "Rumlow is planning on killing y/n. He also stashed a microphone in flowers he delivered under Yelena's name so he can probably hear if i'm in the office away from her"
"Why is he coming after her?" Laura ask her, "Because I made a deal with Howard, someone he's been wanting to be do business with but Howard came to me and Rumlow wanted me to back out of the deal which was the warning he gave me"
"And the warning was shooting up the car I was in" You voiced, making Natasha nod.
"Did you stop the deal?"
"I tried, I really did but Howard said it was too late" Natasha explains, "Besides I didn't really think Rumlow would actually do anything, I thought he was bluffing"
"He gave you a warning" Carol pointed out.
"Yes but he always does and he doesn't do shit after"
"Natasha, he shot at y/n while she was in the car" Wanda points out, not forgetting that scary day.
"Yeah, he's never came at me" You look at her confused, you've never been in the middle of any of her enemies.
"He hasn't but others have. Though I should've known he would tried but I brushed it off" Natasha tells you, looking down,
"I'm sorry, baby. I really am, that took me by surprise and I honestly didn't think he would try to come after you"
"It's okay, love" You tilt your head, giving her a sad smile even though she's looking down.
"No. It's not. I should've known he wasn't bluffing this time, he's been wanting a deal with Howard for the longest time and me being cocky I took that from him" Natasha looks at you, shaking her head.
"We all make mistakes boss" Bucky tells her, than Tony speaks up again, "So what's the plan exactly?"
"When you guys get back home, pack as much as you can, Clint will go by each house with a moving truck and get your things" Natasha turns to Clint, "Take the truck home than in the morning take it to Andrew, he'll send everything to Norway"
"Got it, boss" Clint nods, Natasha looks at Steve, "Tomorrow I need you to grab Dave, Andrew, Nate and Sebastian"
"Why do we need them?" He asked you, "They owe a debt plus need stunt doubles otherwise how are we gonna fool them" She tells him, "Got it" he nods.
"I'll give you some clothes of mine and Y/n, I'm sure the strippers left some wigs in the back room" She turns to Bucky, "You are gonna get Alex, who we all know has been working with Rumlow" She says, "Have him drive, say it's an order. I'm sure he wouldn't want to be the suicide driver so he'd try to her out of driving"
"Got it" Bucks says, "You'll be with him to pick up Y/n who will be going to my office. Make sure he stays in the car, you get off with Y/n then take us to the back where you" She then points to Steve, "Will wait after taking the boys to the other car, your car will stay in the back, get off the car, go to the camera room, freeze the camera that points to the back then head out to the car"
Steve nods again, "Y/n will come to my office" Natasha says and looks at you, "You'll tell me you're leaving me, we'll argue about me not wanting to leave than I'll say I will but I would need two weeks, we leave out the back door" She tells you, "Now before you get to my office, I need you to grab your suitcases, Bucky will put them in the car in the morning. Please make sure Alex doesn't grab any otherwise he'll know something is up if he feels lots light" She explains to you and Bucky, then turning back to Tony and Clint, "Those two weeks burn all the documents we have, get rid of everything than plan a funeral for us, when it over you two and all the girl will get on the plane to France, from France to go Sweden than to Norway. I'll send you guys to tickets and where exactly to go. Yelena will pick you guys up and take you to our house"
"And we'll all be good and live a normal life" Natasha says looking at you, you gave her a smile, happy that you will get that chance to give your baby a normal childhood.
"What are you thinking about?" Natasha asked you sitting down on the chair. You behind your shoulder at her, giving her a smile, "About your genius plan" You tell her, standing up, you walk to her and sit in her lap.
"Ah yeah" She smirks, wrapping her arms around your waist, "My genius plan got us to live this life we all love" She says, you roll your eyes, "I should've never said genius, your head is getting bigger"
"You know what really makes it bigger" Natasha gives you a sly smirk, "When I make you cu-" You cut her off by pressing your lips against her, she moans against your lips, her tongue running against your bottom lip, you open your mouth slightly and her tongue slips in, both your tongues fighting over dominance, obviously Natasha wins. She lightly bites your bottom lip and pulls it with her as she pulls away from the kiss, "Mmh wanna go upstairs for a quickie?"
You hum as she lets go of your lip with a pop, "Nope, I want to stay with my little love all day. It's her day"
"C'mon, it'll be fast" Natasha pouts making you smile and shake your head, "No, besides who's gonna watch her?"
"Yelena" She says, you give her a pointed look making her change her answer, "Wanda?"
"I heard my name" Wanda says walking out of the front door and standing in front of us, "Can you watch Ellie while we have a quickie" Natasha asked her.
Wanda raises an eyebrow, "What if I wanted to join. I mean it's not the first time i've had"
"Okay" You stand up, "Behave you two, we are not have a quickie" You grab Natasha's hand and pull her up, "We are spending this whole day with the birthday girl"
"You're no fun" Natasha groans, wraps her arm around you from behind, laying her chin on your shoulder, Wanda walks up in front of you, "Yeah, kotenok, you're no fun" She playfully pouts, running her knuckles against your cheek.
Blushing bright red, you move out of Natasha's arms, sliding to your left away from the horndogs, "I just said to behave" You scold them, "I'm going with Ellie and Lena" You tell them, walking down the stairs of the product and walking to the two crazies.
"Tonight?" Natasha yelled, Wanda hits her on the shoulder and shakes her head.
"Mommy" Eleanora runs to you, as fast as her little legs can. You smile brightly and once she was close to you, you picked her up, kissing her cheek, "Hi, baby. Are you having fun with Auntie lena?" You asked her, she nods, "Yeah!! Leelee!!"
You chuckle and put her down, letting her run around the grass with Yelena. Natasha comes running from behind you and grabs Ellie, spinning her around making her squeal. You smile brightly, laughing at them as Natasha runs away with Ellie, Yelena following behind her, watching them run around in the grass, laughter filling the air. This is all you wanted and you couldn’t be happier. ─────────────────────────
a/n: i tried my best with the funeral scene but i don’t know much about it.
< 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯.
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astranva · 4 years
TikTok Compilation (pt.2)
Word Count: 1.8k
Category: Fluff
Warning: Some language, very, very slight implied smut; like, it’s a line.
Summary: Yet another compilation of Y/N and Harry content on TikTok as a couple.
// masterlist //
a/n i’ve been receiving loads of tiktok requests so i combined some here! y’all have been asking for this for so long, sorry it took me long to post! let me know what you think. stay safe, friends!
Surely, you had hoped life would have taken a turn a long time ago with the pandemic.
Going outside without masks and crippling fear seemed like a dream, despite it all having been a reality for most of our lives. And while it was cliché, you truly don’t know what you have until it’s gone, like the boring routine you had complained about but now wished to get back.
And in your case, you also didn’t know that one app could have the ability to make things slightly easier during these times – TikTok.
Call it as you may, but quarantine TikTok content was a blessing and while you could swear by that, so could the fans and everyone else on the app since the moment you (and Harry) joined.
Having had tried so many pranks, challenges, and dances, you showed no signs of coming to an end of finding humor and pleasure from the app that Gen Z dominated with the wildest spirits.
With wild spirits, came wild content and for a generation that is openly expressive, there was also wholesome content; all of which Harry’s fans had tagged you to do and try with him.
‘Make your partner impersonate you’
For that one, Harry seemed to be the most excited to do, face beaming with a thousand spiraling ideas of things he could do and say.
The moment the video began, Harry was seen under your white covers, your pink velvet headband that everyone considered iconic rested on his head to show that he was acting like you, pretending to be sleepy as he spoke in a softer voice than his, “Don’t want to get up. More cuddles, please, baby.”
Then video then cut to Harry in the kitchen, you following behind him.
“I wonder where H is, need to pinch his bum.” He said in the same pitch he used for the previous shot.
The video then cut to Harry sitting on the couch beside you, holding his phone, “Baby, look at that!” He showed you his phone, showing you a video on TikTok, “Can we do it?”
‘Wipe your lips after your bf kisses you’
For this, you were picking Harry up from the studio.
Waiting in the parking lot, you had your phone placed behind the box of tissues.
To stay safe, you began recording a normal video for you to edit later as you waited for Harry to show.
When he did, Harry looked right and left as he searched for your car before his eyes fell on you and despite the mask on his face hiding half of it, you could tell that he smiled.
Getting inside the car, Harry took off his mask with a sigh, “First time to actually breathe since morning.” He said before leaning closer to you, pressing his lips against yours.
Doing your part, you looked ahead as you wiped your lips with the back of your hand, noticing Harry’s body stiff as he looked at you.
“Did you just-” He paused, “Did you wipe your lips?”
You hummed in confusion, acting as if you hadn’t heard him as you looked at him.
“Did you-Come here,” he frowned before pulling you close by your hoodie’s drawstrings, pressing his lips against yours in a kiss again.
Again, you wiped your lips.
“Why are you doing that?” He asked, not only confusion being evident in his tone, but hurt, too, “Why are you wiping my ki-Babe, I’m clean.”
“What?” You asked, looking at him as you smiled amusingly, trying to contain your laughter.
“Why are you wiping my kiss?” Harry almost whined, frowning.
“I’m sorry, it’s for TikTok,” you giggled, breaking into laughter when he groaned with a roll of his eyes before he grabbed your jaw, kissing your lips more aggressively.
“Never again.”
‘Let go of your partner’s hand and see what they do’
If there was one thing Harry liked to brag about, it was knowing how to multitask; drive with one hand, hold yours with the other.
It was a natural occurrence for the both of you to hold hands when he drove, no matter what.
Deciding to try that one trend, you took advantage of Harry being focused on the road to film your intertwined hands on your thigh for two seconds before taking your hand out of his.
Instantly, Harry glanced at you, seemingly unaware to you tilting your phone in the other hand to film his face, “Why’d you leave my hand?” He only mumbled before opening his palm towards you once again, smiling when he heard you softly giggle as you put your hand back in his, cooing when he raised it his lips, pressing a soft and gentle kiss on your knuckles, “This stays right here.”
‘Film yourself acting like your partner’
Since the TikTok of Harry acting you like received so many reactions, among them were fans asking you to act like Harry as well, and Harry was down to watch that happen.
Harry recorded you, first shot of video being a little shaky as he couldn’t contain his giggles while watching you in his flared pants, an oversized shirt, his cross pendant on your neck between the valley of your chest, rings on your fingers that showed chipped black polish on your nails.
Your hair was gathered up in a scrunchie, one leg over the other as you sat on a chair, “I’m Harry Styles,” you began, “And like, I never explain my music, I let people interpret it the way they want because music,” you sucked a breath, “Is art. It’s a form of expression that isn’t limited, it’s, like, very open. Like the ocean.” You said slowly, mimicking Harry’s accent and smiling at the end when Harry burst out laughing.
For the next shot, you were in Harry’s white bathrobe, coming out of the bathroom before leaning on the doorframe and looking at Harry as he filmed you, “You sure you’re going to let me shower alone, love?”
Another shot was of you in Harry’s joggers and TPWK black hoodie, sprawled on your couch with the hood on, looking at Harry in disbelief as you still mimicked his accent and deep voice, “Excuse me? Why are you standing there and not cuddling me?”
In a grey tank top of his that you dramatically spilt water on to make it look like sweat and sweat shorts, you had Harry’s boxing gloves on your hands as you bumped your fists together, approaching Harry as he recorded, “God, I’m so sweaty, I have to go hug my girlfriend.”
For the final shot, you had Harry’s guitar in your arms, adjusting the strap as you stood, “I’m going to write a song that is so sexual and record it but I’m not going to release it because I’m a biiiiiitch.” You sang, dramatically strumming the guitar.
‘Pretend to take a mirror selfie with your partner then whisper something dirty in their ear’
You enjoyed the sun; the way it sneaked inside yours and Harry’s room from the sides of your curtains, lit up the room so warmly.
You enjoyed how the natural lighting looked for pictures.
You also enjoyed teasing the shit out of your boyfriend.
“Come here,” you made one grabby hand at Harry who entered the room, scratching his chin, “Let’s take a picture.”
Already used to random pictures being taken together, Harry reached you, standing in front of your vanity mirror as he wrapped his arms around you from behind, pressing a kiss against your temple.
Oblivious to it being a video, Harry leaned his chin on your shoulder, giving his famous smug look to the mirror as you held up your phone.
Turning your head, you made sure your voice was low so that your phone wouldn’t pick what you said;
“Want you to pound me.”
And instantly, Harry’s smug look faltered; his eyes widening, face brightening as he looked at you as you giggled before releasing a squeal once you felt him carry you and move you from where you stood, and to the bed as you laughed.
‘Tell your partner your ex wants to return a hoodie of yours’
Propping your phone up, you made sure it showed Harry as he cooked while you sat on the kitchen stool.
You folded your arms on the table, clearing your throat as you eyed Harry while he was chopping carrots.
“Hey, H,” Harry hummed, stealing a glance at you before looking back at his chore, “My ex called earlier,”
At this, Harry’s eyebrows furrowed before he looked up at you, putting down the knife and leaning his hands on the counter, his arms seeming to look bigger as he tensed, “What did he say?”
Trying not to laugh, you looked down, beginning to play with your fingers before giving him a shrug, “Just that he still has a hoodie of mine at his place,”
“And asked if I need it back.”
“What did you say?”
You gave him another shrug, “Said I’ll let him know.”
“Well, do you need it?” He asked, “Like really need it?”
“Yeah, it was my high school’s.”
“But baby, you have a lot of hoodies,” one hand of his reached to his lips, fingers grazing his bottom lip for a moment, “Can get it for you.”
“That’d be so awkward, H,” you sighed.
“Why? I’m your boyfriend.” Harry reasoned, “Maybe I can just come with you,” he said again before his face lit up, “I can have it customized instead. Just tell me how it looked like and-”
“Baby, no,” you chuckled, “It won’t be the same.”
“Come on, love,” he frowned, “He calls you 3 years later to tell you he still has your hoodie. You don’t think that’s suspicious? He knows you’re with m-Everyone knows we’re together.”
“Maybe he forgot,” you shrugged, “Actually, let me call and as-”
“Oh, fuck no!” Harry instantly rushed to you.
‘Aggressively tell your partner you love them’
Chilling on the couch, Harry was watching the TV, unaware of your phone that had been resting on the shelf to record you beforehand.
You stomped where Harry was, whose head snapped to you, his mouth chewing his banana bite slower as he eyed you carefully, taking in your angry state.
You threw your notebook on the couch beside him, “I love you!” You said aggressively, a frown on your face as you pointed at him, “I fucking love you!”
Harry took a moment, his face shifting to one of amusement before he raised his hands up – one holding his banana – before pointing at you, “I fucking love you, too!” He screamed.
“No, no,” you shook your head, still aggressively speaking, “I love you more!”
“I’m so fucking in love with you!” Harry said as aggressively, standing in an instant, towering over you as he pressed himself against you before wrapping one arm around you, “Why are we shouting, you weirdo?”
‘Stick your hand out and see what your partner does’
Harry was sat beside you on his laptop, music blasting from it as he emailed himself some tasks.
Recording him with one hand, you reached your arm out, opening your palm at him.
Harry looked down at your hand, a smile making its way to his face before he looked at you before placing his chin on your hand, closing his eyes as he gave you a dopey smile as you squished his cheeks while giggling, “Hiii.”
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Bound Blood (Cassandra Dimitrescu/Reader, Soulmate AU) Pt. 1
Fandom: Resident Evil: Village Rating: T for blood, language, brief nudity. Later chapters will be M Warnings: Nah fam Summary: Local vampire finds out she can't kill soft human (because they're soulmates, baby), human becomes insufferable bastard, oops they fuck later. Soulmate AU where if one person gets injured, their soulmate feels the same amount of pain and receives a scar in the relevant area.
1: Sharing Is (Not) Caring
It’s not that you had expected to survive this- being locked in the dungeon of Castle Dimitrescu, waiting for the day you’re picked to be someone’s meal. Oh no, you had given up on surviving long ago, it was just that… well, you had hoped that someone with a softer touch would do you in. But here you were, too exhausted to cry, hanging naked in front of none other than Cassandra Dimitrescu. Her eyes were trailing you up and down, examining every inch of your skin, every flaw, every unique trait. It was like she was making a mental map of which parts of you would taste best. Goddamn, you wanted to spit in her face, or scream, or say something, anything that might make her feel even an ounce of what you had felt for weeks.
But you know that she’s already planning to kill you, and to make it painful. Why give her any more reason? Why dare her to find a worse way to end your life? There was no good answer, so you stayed still, just watched her move. Maybe if you looked bored enough she’d make it quick, just stab a knife in you and drink you up like a capri sun. Or, maybe, if you kept a straight face, she would admire your courage. Oh, how you longed for people to think of you kindly now, in your last moments, when dying clean and pretty was no longer an option.
Pulling a blade from some hidden sheathe, Cassandra approaches you with a wicked grin. There’s still blood on her lips from her last victim. Had they not sated her? Or had she been like this for some time? When she inevitably drank from you, how long would your blood remain on her lips? You weren’t sure that you wanted to know. In your mind, you picture her cleaning up as soon as she was done with you. It does not make you feel any better. Neither does the way she traces a finger across your chest, left to right, practicing for the incision to follow. She pauses to lick her lips, making direct eye contact as she does.
What happens next passes by so quickly that you don’t process any of it until the whole ordeal is over. The blade’s tip digs into your chest, just below your collarbone, before dragging along half the width of your torso. It hurts like hell, but you manage to keep your misery to yourself. But your pain is soon replaced with confusion; Cassandra screams, loud enough to echo throughout the basement, doubling over herself. In an instant her knife has clattered to the floor, forgotten. Instinct takes over your brain, the default programing kicking in, and you say something that fills you with instant regret.
“Are you okay?” Your voice is a bit quiet, and raw, worn out from lack of hydration. But it is enough, evidently, for Cassandra to hear. She’s rising back up and glaring at you, one hand clutching her chest. Something in her expression tells you that she thinks you’re mocking her. While that wasn’t technically the case, there was a part of you that found joy in this, watching your captor get a taste of their own medicine. The question left in your mind was why she was in pain. “I’ll take that as a no,” you said, again left with regret at your choices.
Now her hand is swiping at your face, nails cutting you open. Once more she hisses in pain, now clutching her head, shaking a little as she does. When she meets your gaze, you see that she’s more confused than anything. More than that, you see the marks on her face, knowing instantly that they match your own. Oh hell no, you thought, grimacing.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Cassandra growled through clenched teeth. Bouncing back and forth on her heels, she seems tense, unsure of how to process what’s happening. You feel the same way, desperately wanting to pretend that this doesn’t mean you’re her soulmate. Maybe the universe had just messed up, crossing some wires, or decided to pull a prank on the two of you. Either way it was better than the alternative. Eager to think about something else, you start considering your options. The first that comes to mind is ridiculous. Stupid, really. But would it amuse you? Absolutely.
“Not gonna lie, I feel better about the idea of you killing me now. Feel free to make it painful, darlin’, I won’t mind,” you snarked, lips curling up into a smirk. Oh boy was it satisfying to watch Cassandra’s response. One of her hands raises to smack you, only for her to freeze before releasing a torrent of swears. Hurting you meant hurting herself. “What’s the matter? Can’t handle a little aching? Haven’t you ever imagined what it’s like to be on the other side of things? Under the blade yourself, blood soaking your skin, eyes too dry for even a single tear? Poor thing,” you purred, tone as teasing as it could get. Apparently it’s aggravating enough for Cassandra to fight through the pain, as she slams her fist into your stomach, leaving both of you gasping for breath. “This is fun-” you pause to cough out a few drops of blood- “really, really fun. Hey, if you kill me, how bad do you think you’ll feel?”
Before Cassandra can react, either to speak or hurt you worse, the sound of approaching footsteps draws her attention. From where you hang you can’t see much, too many cells and hanging bodies blocking your vision. But your “soulmate” seemed to know who was coming. Her face scrunches up a little, and she adjusts her robes, trying to cover the mark on her chest. Had you not still been coughing, you would have sarcastically asked her how she intended to hide her face.
“What the hell is going on, Cassandra?” An unfamiliar voice asked. The footsteps grew louder, and faster, until the new figure stood in the same cell as you. Not even bothering to spare you a glance, she approaches Cassandra, reaching to examine her face. “Did a prisoner manage to get you? I’ve told you a thousand times-”
“Don’t fucking touch me, sis,” Cassandra snapped, pushing away her sister’s hand. Both of them are visibly tense, and for a moment they stand still, staring each other down. Then the sister (who you assume to be Bela, from things you’ve overheard recently) shifts her focus to you. Something tells you that she has no intentions of being gentle.
“Did you do this, you rotten little thing?” Bela questioned, glaring at you hard enough to send a shiver down your spine. But that doesn’t stop you from trying to have some more fun.
“Oh, of course I did! I rattled my chains real good, scared the shit out of her, made her fall on her own knife a few times. You know, like that one musical?” You must look insane as you speak, grin wide but face dripping with blood. If it unnerves Bela, she hides it well, though you doubt it does. As soon as you’re done poking fun she’s pulling out her sickle. Still grinning, you make eye contact with Cassandra, who realizes what’s happening a second too late. Then the two of you cry out in unison, as the blade carves into your shoulder. Instantly Bela pulls back, stunned, turning to her sister with genuine concern. “I might have lied. Rest assured though, it was for comedic purposes.”
The next thing you know the two sisters are shuffling away from you, Cassandra begrudgingly being dragged along by Bela. Though the younger of the two had been adamant about not receiving help, she now had little choice in the matter, skin searing from your blood bond. Even you are starting to breathe harder than you’d like.
“Was it something I said?” You barked, barely able to manage a fit of giggles between your coughing. Bela shoots you a glare over her shoulder, but quickly returns her attention to her sister. They talk, quickly, soft enough that you can only make out a few words here and there. It’s hard to make meaning from it, especially considering their vastly different tones. Cassandra is pure anger, gestures fast and wide, while Bela is oddly solemn, even regretful. When you finally catch a couple full sentences, things start to make a little more sense, though you wish they didn’t.
“We can kill them painlessly, in their sleep. That way you won’t have to suffer,” Bela whispered. She’s doing her best to comfort her sister, despite the tension in the room, gently patting her on the back. Briefly, you make eye contact with her. In that moment she looks equal parts executor and unwilling jury. But she looks away quickly, even shifting her angle to prevent it from happening again.
“No, fuck that, fuck this, I’m… I’m not killing them. Nobody is,” Cassandra growled, daring to emphasize her point by pushing Bela away. Now it’s her turn to look at you, brows furrowed, eyes betraying something more than just anger. Somehow it’s a million times worse than when she first came in. You strain yourself trying to look away, cursing the chains keeping you in place, resorting to closing your eyes and pretending none of this was real. “I don’t care what you think, Bela. They’re already my ‘meal’, might as well get what enjoyment out of this that I can.”
Again, footsteps echo through the basement. Tension locks your muscles in place, and your eyes are still clamped shut, to the point that you don’t realize your chains are being undone until you’ve hit the ground. Cursing under your breath, you finally open your eyes again. There’s blood on the floor, only some of it yours, and you’re suddenly aching for a bath. More than that, though, you’re praying for something to cover yourself with. Certainly Cassandra didn’t need to see everything, now that you weren’t a piece of meat for her to enjoy? As if reading your mind, the middle Dimitrescu daughter flings open a nearby cabinet, messily searching for something. Eventually she gives a hum of approval, then tosses a blanket in your direction.
“Put it on, dipshit, then follow me,” she snapped, already walking away. For a moment you’re tempted to stay there, sitting still, waiting to see how long it would take for her to notice. But one look from Bela sends the thought back to whatever crevice of your mind it crawled out of. So you’re moving, hastily, awkwardly wrapped in a somewhat itchy blanket. Other prisoners eye you as you pass, some shouting curses or even spitting at you. At first Cassandra takes no notice, or simply doesn’t care, but eventually the noise seems to irritate her. Turning back, she takes her sickle in hand and slams the handle into the bars of a cell. It’s loud, making you flinch, but gets everyone’s attention. “Next one to make a peep gets the blood eagle!”
“Is that, like, a sex thing?” The words leave your mouth before you can stop yourself. Laughter rings out around you from the few prisoners capable of it. Cassandra is seething again, looking about ready to kill you. Then she’s shifting into swarm mode, spreading out wide, insects barreling through half the occupied cells. A few cries escape the prisoners, as the flies take bites out of them, cutting a perfect balance between pain and (a lack of) lethality. They’d be suffering for days to come, every movement making their wounds ache. “Not a sex thing, got it,” you muttered to yourself, just as Cassandra reforms in front of you. This time she grabs the blanket you’re wrapped in, using it to tug you forward, sending you towards the exit.
“Shut up for five minutes and I might let you put on actual clothes,” she growled, keeping one hand on your back to guide you. The offer is the closest thing to kindness you’ve seen from her, and you have half a mind to do what she says. Would you actually manage to keep quiet for that long? Well, you were certainly looking forward to finding out...
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golden-barnes · 3 years
Plum tarts and red carnations
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Pairing: Florist! Bucky Barnes x F! Reader
Summary: Bucky is enamored with one of the employees of the bakery in front of his store.
Category: Fluff
Warning:s some self-doubting thoughts and cursing .
Word count: 2.5k
Author’s note: I have been thinking about this since that one anon and thank you @buckycuddlebuddy because you helped to inspire me further with this. Also think of Bucky as Beefy because I'm a softy for a gentle giant. Comment and reblog pls and thank you!
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“Damn Jerry. You’ve been growing nicely. A little bit more, and you will be ready to find a new home, bud.” Bucky whispered to the little sprout he was watering. Bucky loved his morning routine.
Before opening up his shop, he would check on his nursery. Water the plants in his greenhouse, checking them to see how they have grown. He liked talking to them; they never judged him or ignored him. He even named them. Sam would help, too, though he treated it more as a joke.
After checking on the nursery, he would focus on making bouquets and arrangements for the store. Nobody knew he was the one who made those beautiful arrangements, and he liked it.
It was like therapy for him. Matching the flowers and creating bouquets with meaning was a talent Bucky didn’t know he had. By this point, the shop was opened and ready for business.
While preparing a rose bouquet, he saw a woman in an apron running out of the new coffee shop from the table next to the cash register. Oh shit, she’s pretty. He thought. He kept staring at her and forgot the fresh roses next to him, grabbed one carelessly.
“Fuck.” He accidentally pricked his finger with a thorn. He applied pressure to his wounded finger.
“Oh, are you okay, sir?” The pretty woman from the bakery asked. Bucky didn’t notice her entering the shop, and now she was here. Looking disheveled but incredibly beautiful.
“Yeah, happens all the time. What can I help you with?” He said, trying to sound as composed as possible. He could hear Sam’s voice in his head. “Play it cool, Buck.”The woman let out a sigh.
“I’m co-owner of the coffee shop, and it’s our opening day. I was encharged of the decorations, and I ordered some flowers from this other place, but when they got here, they were horrible. Like really bad. And oh god, I’m rambling, but I need a brand new arrangement.” She said all in one breath. Bucky had to fight a smile from appearing. Adorable.
“It’s okay. What colors did you want?” Bucky asked. The woman smiled at him.
“We wanted white and purples. Something simple. But honestly, I know nothing of flowers. I don’t understand why Wanda put me up with this? Now we are late, and I still have to finish decorating the cupcakes.” She explained while Bucky started to search for the flowers in his shop.
“Lilacs, with white peonies and lavender roses, would make a nice bouquet. How does that sound?” Bucky showed her the flowers he was referring to. The woman gasped.
“Oh, they are so pretty! You, sir, are a genius.” She gushed, still looking at the flowers. Bucky felt his cheeks getting red from receiving praise.
“I can bring it to you,” Buckywhispered, afraid that she might not like that idea. “You know, because you still have some stuff to finish, so you can do it, and I’ll bring it to you in less than 10 minutes.” She looked at him and went to hug him. Bucky tensed, not expecting the hug, but soon relaxed.
“You are literally my hero. Just ask for Y/N,” She said, walking towards the exit. “Wait, what’s your name?” She added, opening the door to leave.
“Bucky.” Y/N smiled at him. “See you later, Bucky.”
Bucky has never worked on an arrangement as hard as this one. He was already meticulous, but he really wanted to impress Y/N. Can you blame him? The pretty girl needed his help, and he wanted her to be happy. He even added some baby’s breath and this new white ribbon that had come in for weddings. He was very proud of it but also very nervous.
With a deep breath, Bucky entered the coffee shop. A brunette was at the door, cleaning the tables.
“Sorry, Sir. We are still aren’t open.” She said. Bucky gulped.
“Uhm. I’m looking for Y/N.” He told her; she looked at the flowers in his hands and understood. She yelled for Y/N, who came out of the kitchen with icing on her check, giving him the brightest smile.
“Hey, Bucky! That’s beautiful! How did you make such a pretty arrangement in less than 20 minutes?” She grabbed the vase out of his hands and set it on the counter. Bucky blushed and scratched his neck, shying away.
“It’s nothing.. I’m just happy you liked it.”
“How much do I owe you?” She asked. Bucky put his hands up.
“Oh, it’s on the house. Don’t worry. Call it a welcome gift.” He explained; Y/N jumped and gave him another hug. This time Bucky wrapped his arms around her.
“You are the nicest person on this fucking planet. I have to make it up to you. What’s your favorite fruit?” She pulled away from him and looked at Bucky in the eye. Bucky felt his breath hitch, and his palms get sweaty.
“I-I like plums.” He stuttered. She gave him a big smile and handed him a cookie.
“Hmm, I can make something with that.” She winked at him.
“I still haven’t named you, but honestly, I don’t know. You look like a Janelle, but also, I feel like that doesn’t fit.” Bucky said to the new cactus that arrived yesterday, in the afternoon.
“I think she looks like a Lucille.” Bucky turned around and saw Y/N with a box in hand.
“Oh, hi.” He felt embarrassed. She had heard him talk to his plants. Not even Steve had seen that. It was his private thing.
“She’s cute. What type of cactus is it?” She looked at it, not looking weirded out or anything.
“It’s called a Bishop’s cap. They grow to be very pretty and sprout a yellow flower. Not very popular in the shop, but there’s this new cactus crazy going on, and I thought to stock up.” Bucky explained, putting the cactus down next to the others.
“Do you name all your plants?” Bucky gulped and turned around to face her.
“Yeah, and talk to them too.” Bucky fought the urge to punch himself. Why would he say that? Fuck, now she is gonna think he is a fucking weirdo.
Much to his surprise, she smiled at him. She suddenly remembered the box she brought and opened it.
“For saving me yesterday, I made you a plum tart.” She opened it and pulled out the tart. Bucky felt his heart beating faster, and his hands get clammy.
“You didn’t have to.” “Ah! I beg to differ. Everyone that walked into our shop loved the flowers. They were really something. Like I couldn’t stop looking at them. So I had to show you my gratitude the only way I know how. With treats.”
“I couldn’t possibly eat that all alone. Want to share?” Bucky asked, giving her puppy eyes so she wouldn’t say no.
“You drive a hard bargain, Bucky. Has anyone ever told you can get away with murder with those eyes?” Y/N joked.
“I think my grandma’ probably said it. I have some silverware in the shop’s kitchen. When you have to be at your shop?” Bucky said, signaling her to follow him.
“I’m on break—perks of being the boss.” She explained while Bucky grabbed a few paper plates, forks, and a knife. She grabbed the knife and cut a big piece, and gave it to Bucky. Then she cut a piece for herself.
Bucky took a bite and accidentally let out a moan.
“I take it; you like it.” She winked at Bucky. He diverted his gaze from her. Why the fuck did I do that? Bucky screamed internally.
“It’s delicious. I can see why your shop has been packed since yesterday. Reminds me of my ma’s.” Bucky admitted.
“I’m glad, but I can’t take all the credit. You should see the coffee mixes Wanda came up with. They are the real star.” Bucky smiled at her. Nice and pretty… She let out a cough.
“How did you get really good with plants? Like sorry for the personal question, but you have a talent.” She inquired.
“Well, uhm. After getting discharged, my friend Sam suggested that I take classes to handle stress and PTSD. One of the classes was gardening, and I just found it so calming. So I started taking more courses and learning ‘till I decided to start my own business. I don’t think I could ever work anywhere else.” Bucky noticed her staring at him. “What?” He said, smiling awkwardly at her.
“Nothing. Just thinking about how you are the nicest man I’ve ever meet.” She said nonchalantly. Bucky chuckled.
“It’s nothing major. I just found my calling.” Bucky stated.
“I feel the same. I baked a lot in college, and then suddenly I was like fuck, this is what I want to do for the rest of my life.” She recalled. Her eyes glowed under the light of the kitchen.
“I felt the same way when I started this shop.” Bucky admitted, she bit back a smile.
“By the way, I like the name—Howling’s flowers. Oh, and how pretty this store is, it looks like I walked in a magical forest.” She complimented.
“I- thanks. I named my store after my squad and the decor well; that’s kind of an embarrassing story.” Bucky chuckled nervously. She rolled her eyes.
“Oh, please. I own a coffee shop named Magic café, and all of our items are named after magical things. I am the last person to judge.” Bucky bit his lip nervously while listening to her.
“I based it on The Hobbit. It was my favorite book when I was younger, and I just couldn’t imagine decoring this store anyway else.” Y/N looked at him with an open mouth.
“Okay, are you government android? Because you are friendly, great with plants and well-read. You are too good to be true.” She laughed. Bucky needs to find a way to blush less in her presence because this is like the fourth or fifth time it has happened.
They finished eating their pieces of tart and talking for a while. Y/N decided to go back to the shop, not realizing how much time she spent there. Before leaving, Bucky gave her some more lavender roses.
“Oh, Bucky, you don’t have to.” She protested.
“It’s just to add to the arrangement. I feel like it was missing a few more roses. You’ll be doing me a favor.” He assured. She grabbed the flowers and smelt them before smiling and giving him a small thanks.
Little did she know that lavender Roses mean love at first sight.
They played that little game for weeks, almost 2 months. Y/N would take her lunch break at Bucky’s shop. Feed him some food and pastries that she was experimenting with, and he would give her flowers.
“To put on the counter. Your store deserves fresh flowers every day.” Bucky claimed. But in actuality, all the flowers meant something. The white camellias? He was telling her that he admired her. The amaryllis? That he found you beautiful. The white and purple stocks? A silent plea for bonds of affection from your part. But he couldn’t bring himself to say these things out loud.
Speaking to Y/N in flowers was much easier. Maybe because she didn’t know and couldn’t reject him.
“Bucky, you gotta tell her, man.” Steve would try to reason with him. “She likes you; you like her. Just tell her that you like her or ask her out on a date.”
“You don’t get it, Steve.” Bucky would argue, which led to an entire discussion on how Bucky is being a coward that ended with him telling Steve and Sam to fuck off.
But they were right; it was simple. She has been an absolute doll with him. She doesn’t mind hearing his rants about the new book he read and helped him water his plants. She even bought waterproof labels to put their names on their planters. She even asked (more like demanded) Bucky to send her the pictures of every bouquet and arrangement he made. She loved seen his creations.
And he loved being her test subject. She would bring him new pastries to try. He was her official taste tester. Anything new in the store, Bucky had already tried it in every one of its variations. Y/N would speak to him of all of her special interests and all of her new hobbies. He had even met all her friends, and they loved him.
So why was this so difficult? Bucky groaned while arranging the flowers at the front of the shop.
“What’s got you all groaning and gloomy, Bucky-bear?” Y/N asked him. She looked radiant in her work clothes. Ugh, Bucky had it bad.
“Nothing, j-just thinking.” He nervously replied.
“Don’t overthink. You might over-heat your brain, bubs.” She joked, entering Bucky’s shop. And like the hopeless romantic he is, he followed.
“Soooooooo I have been trying out this new pasta recipe, and you are the only one I trust to give me the truth.” She said, opening the Tupperware she brought. Bucky’s heart fluttered at her words. He felt light-headed; maybe that’s why he couldn’t stop himself from opening his mouth.
“I like you.” He blurted out. He slapped his hand over his mouth. Y/N turned to him, widen eyes, and mouth gaped.
“Bucky, do you mean that? Because if you are playing with me, I will fight you with this.” She warned Bucky, threatening with a spoon.
“I like you a lot. Actually love you. I- that’s what those flowers meant.” Bucky explained. Y/N put down the spoon.
“What flowers?” She asked, in the softest tone he has ever heard her speak in. Bucky turned his gaze to the floor, embarrassed that this was his confession.
“All of them. They all meant love in one form or the other.” He admitted. Y/N stood in front of him and put her hand on his cheek. He felt his heart do backflips.
“What flower means I’m in love with you, Bucky?” She asked, caressing his cheek.
“Maybe red carnations.” He joked, leaning into her touch.
“I’ll ask this handsome florist with a heart of gold to make me a bouquet to give you.” Bucky chuckled while she let out a little giggle.
“I would love a bouquet, but I would much rather have a plum tart from the sexy baker on the store out front.” Y/N hummed.
“I think I can make that happen.” She said, pulling him closer. “Can I kiss you, Bucky?” She asked; Bucky could only nod.
She grabbed his face and pressed her lips against his. Bucky wrapped his arms around her, pulling her even closer, molding her body against him. Their lips gliding over each other smoothly, as if they were made for each other.
They pulled away to take a breath, and they both had the same dopey smile. Tarts and carnations. Who knew they mixed so well?
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secretbangtnn · 3 years
Best Of Me | One
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Pairings : →ot7 x reader, poly!BTS x reader
Genre : → vampireau, yandere!au, age gap, gore, obsessive behavior, ddlg/caregiver, poly, fantasy, supernaturals
summary : It’s quite unusual to find a little baby on your doorstep, especially that their area was not of the poorest - you could say that a vampire town was efficient with money and snobby creatures. However over time the first idea of just giving back the little girl seems more and more radical and those moody vampires slowly start perceiving deeper feelings to human they even wanted to kill.
notes ~
So im not really as happy as i wanted to be with this chapter, but its the first one that i needed to translate. Suprisingly Its easier for me to write the whole thing myslef than translating it from my native language. + Remember to leave something and im happy to say that we can start an ask game with the characters from my books
Surprisingly this day was awfully ugly for such a beautiful season. Heavy rain was falling on the ground creating the big sheets of wall with those millions droplets that practically covered the whole view outside of the freshly cleaned window.
Tired sigh pierced the quiet, as for the household members, house only causing the weird tension to increase that was there from the early morning. Dark hair of the boy moved with him, now facing the cold, wet window.
Hyung…” Groaned the boy crashing on the couch closing the eyes in the process a little frustrated. Walking just next to him, a little taller man with bright yellow hair, looked at the dark haired one with a tired stare.
“I don’t have time Jungkook, go torture Yoongi or something.” A snort came out of the older one after the not so innocent proposition, as he kept carrying the big basket full of clothes.
And again he was alone. The youngest of the brothers, being the one who never knew what to do with his free time, wandering in the halls and every couch he could spot in their cosy house. His dark chocolate hair falling on his face, a little too long for his liking, but he was too lazy to actually do something with them.
Again that not happy groan left his lips, and wriggling similar to a child that did not get a toy he wanted, in the end forcing him to sit on the couch with a big pout. It was not normal in this household, the whole quiet and calm act, especially considering the residents he shared the home with.
They are more similar to animals than gentelems that appreciate a quiet time. So the weird atmosphere was definitely an unsettling thing for the youngest.
Again looking at the dark view outside the window, he tried to see the cause of all of this. Completely as if something was meant to happen, like the quiet before the storm.
And let me tell you, Jungkooks 6th sense never fails. Just as he thought that maybe just maybe this time he was wrong, a ring echoed in the whole household.
“Someone is gonna open it?!” He shouted being too irritated to even do it himself, despite being the closest to the doors.
Of course, nobody answered. So angry he was at this moment he got up from a nice cozy couch and with heavy steps he came to the big chunk of the wood.
He opened the door not that gently, mumbling an annoyed “what?”
So how irritated he got when he saw nothing, a void, the same doorstep and gate that stood there everyday, now with a big wall of rain to spice up the view. He looked around, now a little confused, while thinking that maybe someone was in the mood for jokes. But how stupid the idea of that was when he remebered, that for his hundreds years of living in this world the first time that actually someone managed to make fun of him was today.
And oh god he started to get so pissed.
So imagine how shocked he was when just before he closed the door he heard a really unusual sound coming from his feets. Unhappy sobs rang in the quiet afternoon immediately attracting his attention.
The young vampire was more than shocked, looking at the child in the pille of pastel colored blankets. Small sobs now increased in a big crocodile's tears with disturbing sounds of the kids crying.
“”No, no, no, please be quiet, we don’t want to wake up the old, ugly, moody grandpa. do we?” He panicked, whispering the words to the child that now laid in his arms. He just prayed that the actual old vampire really didn't take up because of the cries.
As the kid started to calm down, he stared at it with an unreadable emotion. It was a weird feeling, holding the delicate creature in his arm, knowing that just one wrong move, and the child would never cry again.
So what was that feeling that stirred down his stomach as the little creature grabbed his finger with a big open mouth. The sick emotion only made him panic even more, while looking back inside the house.
He decidied,. Sneaking was nothing new for his ninja move, and he strongly believed in his skills of not getting caught with a surprise in his arms. In the end the spiderman socks were a good choice, as their soft material made nearly no sound on the floor.
His stress level went higher with each step that brought him closer to the room that he knew he could not miss. The sound of a knife and cutting rung in his ears is similar to the music in horror music he likes to watch, now making him understand a feeling of pure fear.
Eyes closed while praying that the blonde man won’t turn around catching him in his act. But how wrong he was to believe in such a miracle. Nothing and absolutely gets past Kim Seokjin.
“Jeon Jungkook…” He died, completely freezing in place. Not opening his eyes he waited thinking that maybe it was just his head messing with him, and the blonde boy never actually turned to him. “What have you done again. If I need to clean the mess once again from the ketchup, I'm not going to…”
And as Jungkook thought that nothing can go worse, the little chil laughed a happy giggle while making the grabby hands for his bracelet.
“Jungkook?...What exactly are you holding?” The question like a knife cutted the heavy atmosphere in half. The silence just after that louder than everything he has heard before. He was even sure that he felt his nonexisting heart stopping. “Did you fucking steall a child?! I can’t be…”
“No! It’s not like that I swear I found it on our doorstep.”
“Do you really think think I am that stupid? How even the child could just appear there hm? Rolled there or better flyed on its plush unicorn?”
“Hyung, please you are going to wake up others.” He didn’t even hesitate to beg, looking at the blonde with such terrified eyes. The child in his arms happily munching on his bracelet completely unaware of the tension.
“Why would I care about others! You brought a child Jungkook, how can i be calm!?”
Dark haired unconsciously looked around with gritted teeth, now just waiting for the rest to appear. And he did not need to wait long, as just after he looked back at the blonde, someone came from the other side of the kitchen door.
Tall man with peachy hair and raspy voice, trying to get rid of the rest of his sleep, now scratching his head with confused expressions. Who wouldn’t be confused in this place, seeing a literal child in a house full of old vampires.
“What is this mess all about? You know what hour it is?” Said the tallest one. Blondie one only snorted as if offended while crossing his arms. “What?”
“Nothing.” Oldest mumbled irritated. The tallest only raised his brow, and repeated the question once again. Jungkook being now forgotten with the child trying to catch his attention with little sounds. “You dare to remind me of the hour?! Do you know how many nights I didn’t sleep because of you! If I just could silence you for good, you would have long ago ended like the voldemort, yes i'm talking about that nose of yours”
The taller one immediately touched his nose gasping not believing in what he just heard, now trying to silently disappear from the harash stare of his older brother.
As the peach hired one hid behind a counter, the attention now came back to the snaking Jungkook. More pairs of footsteps rang in the quietness of the home, slowly showing other people.
“Jin-hyung is angry again? What happened I want to see.” Announced the newcomer, sliding on his perfectly white socks.
“Who is angry here?! You want to see how angry I can be you...you…”
“You silly goose?”
“No that's to lame.”
“You dipshit! Thank you Namjoon.” He finished with a red face. The newcomer only rolled his eyes, while making the shortest of the brothers that came with him laugh.
“Since everyone is here…” The tallest started.
“Wait, where is Yoongi.” Asked the red haired one, while leaning on the counter with a mysteriously made coffee.
“Here.” All of them shouted, hearing the sudden voice, and seeing the new person that appeared with a lightning of thunder. “So what’s this mess about?”
Everyone in the room simultaneously looked at the dark haired boy that immediately stopped in his tracks hoping for some power that could help him disappear. All the eyes slowly drifted down his arms, now staring at a bundle of blankets that started to move as if it knew of the attention.
“What is that?” Asked the tallest looking straight at the irritated blonde.
“Don’t ask me, I’m not the one that gives such a stupid example, making those idiots steal children.”
The kitchen is now again quiet, all the eyes on the little creature in the arms of the youngest. Only sound now being the child starting to sob again, making everyone tense.
“Shut it up you morons.” Said second oldest, annoyed at the loud cries. The blonde didn’t waste time, knowing how bad noise is for the black haired. Small body now shuddering because of the sobbing making the oldest coo at the little child.
His arms soon hold the bundle of blanket, trying to calm the kid down with his baby voice. It wasn’t hard to get lost in its eyes, them being mysterious and full of innocence, drawing up the blonde one. His big hand now on its red cheek, trying to feel the texture of the soft skin under his fingers.
And as the cries never happened, the child started giggling again trying to grab Seokjin hands with such a beautiful smile. It was a really soft sight to see making them all calm and giddy inside. But as the child opened its mouth Seokjin's smiles disappeared.
“What the matter?” Asked Namjoon a little bit taken aback by the change of his hyungs mood. The oldest only looked back at the rest of them with a terrified expression.
“It's a human.”
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For Us Sinners
Soulless Sam x Reader
Word Count: ~4130
Warnings: This is 100% pure smutty religion-themed filth. Sam is dressed as a priest. There’s sex in a confessional, severe perversion of the Hail Mary prayer, and a lot of blasphemy happening. Like. A lot. Orgasm denial. Squirting. Non-explicit mentions of Winchester threesomes, gun play, and knife play. 
A/N: For @stusbunker​‘s “Jam Basket” fic exchange! This is for the lovely @rockhoochie​. I managed to squeeze a decent amount of her jams in here. Sarah, my dear, I hope this makes you even a little bit as happy as your friendship makes me. 
Thanks to @cracksinthewalls​ @fangirlxwritesx67​ and @fookinghelljensensthighs​ for lore, encouragement, and inspiration! 
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You’re frowning at the trunk arsenal, wondering if it’s possible to sharpen a machete too much, when movement catches your eye. Sam rounds the corner of the old warehouse, and you grab a knife and a whetstone just to have something to focus on that’s not him and his stupid smirky face or the way his shoulders look in that suit. 
The whole priest thing is a really good look on him. 
“Dean’s not back yet?” he asks, without preamble, sitting on the edge of the trunk next to you. You focus very intently on your knife. 
“Nice to see you too, Sam,” you snark, to cover the way you’re blushing. “Why yes, I did have a super fun afternoon of doing fucking nothing! Waiting around for you two is exactly how I wanted to spend the last three hours, thanks for asking.” 
He laughs. “Weren’t you just telling me that I should stop pretending to be normal polite Sam?” 
“Whatever,” you mutter. 
“Lemme see that,” he says abruptly, and plucks the knife from your grip before you can protest. He takes one look at it and laughs at you, twirling the blade in his fingers. “Working out some frustration, huh?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“What’s really going on? You’re only like this when you’re hungry or horny.” 
“Bullshit,” you snap, but he’s totally fucking right. He’s way too perceptive these days. 
You��ve been refusing to play poker with him ever since this whole soulless deal came to light. He’s like a walking polygraph test… a very attractive, muscled polygraph who’s really good in the sack. 
He’s analyzing your expression with his head cocked. “The knife thing?” 
“I don’t know what you’re — that’s not—”
He holds the tip of the blade to your throat, and you stop stammering immediately. You close your eyes and swallow hard. 
“That’s not new, though,” he says thoughtfully. 
When you open your eyes, ready to protest, he’s tucking the knife back in its sheath and twisting to set it in the trunk. 
“How’d you know about that?” you ask reluctantly. 
He just smirks, that godawful not-Sam not-smile, with his dimples popping and his eyes glittering. 
“One of these days you’re going to realize that I’ll never judge you,” he says, low and sly. “C’mon. Tell me.” He puts on a prim, sanctimonious face, pointing at the collar, and says, “Confess your sins and all will be forgiven.” 
He ruins the pious effect by licking his lips and aggressively eye-fucking you. 
You try to laugh, but it comes out all squeaky. You’ve never been good at poker, and if Sam’s smirk is anything to go by, he can see exactly what’s written all over your face. 
“Shut up,” you say preemptively. “Asshole.” 
“This is totally doing it for you, isn’t it?” Sam asks. 
“Shut up.” 
His smile is gleeful. “Oh my god, it is!” 
“That’s not — I’m not—” 
You grit your teeth and stand up abruptly, and it’s not like you can go anywhere but you need to move; it’s impossible to think straight when he’s right there and he smells so good. 
He gets up so quickly you barely have time to blink before he’s in your space. He backs you against the warm metal of the door, caging you in with one big hand planted on either side of your head, and you have to tilt your chin up to meet his wickedly sparkling eyes. 
“Don’t lie to me,” he says, soft and heated, lips curling up in a familiar dangerous smile. “Lying is a sin.” 
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” you huff, but you can’t stop staring at his mouth. 
“Besides, I can always tell. Admit it.” 
“You are so fucking—”
Without warning, he’s tugging at your zipper, yanking the button open, and shoving a hand roughly down the front of your jeans as he murmurs, “You are so fucking into this.” 
Before you can protest (not that you’d really want to) he’s got two fingers sliding into you, curling sweet and easy where you’re ridiculously, undeniably, outrageously into this. 
“Maybe a little bit,” you sigh. 
He’s just smiling, watching you squirm, playing with you like a cat might play with a mouse, and as much as you’d like to be angry about it, he knows exactly how to use those clever fingers. Then — 
“Dean’s back,” he says calmly, and before you can even process that, he’s sucking his fingers clean and walking around the car to greet his brother. 
You have about three seconds to button your pants, thank your lucky stars that you were on this side of the car, and generally get your shit together before it’s back to business. 
“It’s a goddamn garden statue,” Dean is saying. “Some crazy old bat donated it to the church and then just up and left town. First person disappeared the next day.” 
“So we wait til dark, take it down, break the curse.” Sam shrugs. “Easy enough.” 
“Like a chant ‘n’ smash,” you offer. Both the boys give you blank looks, and you try to pretend like your brain isn’t totally scrambled. “You know. Like a salt and burn. A good old-fashioned chant and smash… no? Okay, whatever.” 
Sam is barely containing his laughter. Asshole. 
“I could use a nap before we do that, I’m wiped,” Dean grumbles, taking off his clerical collar as he slides into the driver’s seat. Sam keeps his on. 
As you’re all getting buckled, he says, “Why don’t you just let us handle this one, Dean? You should take the night off.” 
“If you guys want some privacy to bone, you can just say so,” Dean grouches. “But get another motel room, don’t bring Baby into it.” 
“Yeah, we know. We will,” Sam reassures him. 
Dean does not seem reassured. He looks at Sam suspiciously. “So, what, you’re just being nice?”  
“Oh, absolutely not,” Sam says bluntly. “You look like shit and I don’t want you hunting with me when you’re this sleep-deprived.” 
Dean rolls his eyes. “Yeah, okay, that I buy. Man, this whole soul-free honesty shit is gonna take some getting used to.” 
“You and me both,” you sigh, and Sam gives you a wink in the rearview mirror. 
 * * *
“That is the creepiest-looking angel I’ve ever seen,” Sam comments, striking a match. “And l’m including Zachariah in that. Okay, here we go.” 
He lights up the little bowl of herbs he’s concocted and says a few things in Latin, and then the smoke coming up from the bowl turns eerie green and seems to sink into the worn concrete. 
“Is that it?” you ask dubiously. “How do we smash it?” 
“That’s the fun part,” Sam says. He attaches a silencer and loads his gun, quick and practiced, and when you’re both out of shrapnel range he aims almost lazily while you try not to stare at his fingers. Bad enough that he’s still wearing the priest getup. Watching him shatter an angel with a few perfect shots shouldn’t be a turn-on, but…  
“Shouldn’t” is one of those words that lost most of its meaning when you and Sam started fucking. In the last two weeks, he’s managed to discover kinks you’ve never even admitted to yourself. 
Speaking of — 
“C’mon,” he says, and when the gun is deposited safely back in the arsenal, he grabs your hand without waiting for an answer, leading you around to a side door. The door isn’t even locked. Sam’s smile is gleeful in the moonlight. 
“What are we doing?” you ask, as he leads you inside. 
It’s almost completely dark, just a faint glow from the emergency exit signs to light the sanctum, until Sam takes out his matches and lights a few of the tall pillar candles that are arranged in nooks around the altar. The golden glow flickers and dances on the walls. 
Sam grabs you by the wrist, and you halfheartedly attempt to tug your hand away. He’s got that glint in his eye that can only mean trouble. 
“We really shouldn’t be here,” you hiss, as he pulls you over to the confessional. 
“What are they gonna do, condemn my soul to hell?” he says flatly, and you stifle a giggle. “We established a while ago that my immortal soul is fucked.” 
“Mine isn’t,” you mutter. 
He looks at you with another of those smirks and says, “That’s why you’re the one who needs to confess.” 
“Oh, you gotta be kidding me,” you sigh, but instead of answering, he crowds in close, pressing you up against the smooth dark wood of the confessional, and kisses you, all teeth and tongue and liquefying heat, until your lips feel bruised and your entire body is tingling. 
“Confess,” he whispers, and with one last grin, he points you toward one curtain and slips behind the other. 
If you’ve learned anything about Sam over the years, soul or no, it’s that there’s no point arguing when he’s made up his mind about something. 
Sam seems to have made up his mind. 
You pull the curtain closed behind you and sit on the little bench, and you have to breathe through some long-buried memories before the words come to your lips. 
“Bless me, Father, for I have sinned,” you whisper.  “It has been… a long time since my last confession.” 
The flickering candlelight cuts through small gaps around the curtain, casting dancing shadows through the cramped space. Your cheeks are burning. 
“Sam?” you ask tentatively. “This feels stupid.” 
He lets out a low, cocky chuckle, and his voice is all sorts of promising when he replies, “Trust me, I’ll make it worth your while. Play along for me.” 
“Where do I start?” you mumble. “I drink, frequently. I have been dishonest. I gamble, and I do not dress modestly, and — I don’t know. What else?” 
“Do you have impure thoughts?” You can hear the smile in Sam’s voice. 
“About what?” 
You swallow hard, closing your eyes, thinking about the way he looks right now. No preacher has ever looked so good in that black suit. “About… about you.” 
“Go on.” 
“About the way you feel inside me. About the way you fuck me.” 
“What did you think about last time you touched yourself?” 
Your breath hitches. “I thought… I imagined that you —” 
“Lying is a sin.” 
That’s the thing about Sam; he won’t let you get away with politeness, or with half-truths, or with telling him what most guys would want to hear. 
Fuck him and his creepy polygraph spidey senses. 
“I imagined that it was Dean,” you whisper, cheeks burning. 
“And how did that go, in your fantasy?” There’s no trace of surprise or hesitation in his voice. 
“I was — he bent me over the hood of the car.” 
“That’s not the first time you’ve thought about him, is it?” 
“Sam, I don’t — this is weird,” you say, squirming slightly. 
“Why?” he says, and you keep waiting for the jealousy or the disgust to color his words, but all you can hear is curiosity. “Do you think about him while I’m fucking you?” 
You let out a long, measured exhale. “Yes.” 
“Have you thought about him walking in? Listening to us?”
“Yes. Sam, I don’t—” 
“Were you thinking about him a couple days ago, in the middle of the night? When you couldn’t seem to keep quiet?”
You shudder, pressing your thighs together. “Yes.” 
“Tell me.” When you hesitate, he continues, “I wondered… felt the way you were squeezing around my cock every time it got too loud. You wanted him to hear.” 
“I wanted him to — to imagine. I hoped he was awake, and that he was turned on, and—” 
“You wanted him to join in,” Sam supplies, when you falter. His voice sounds husky, now. “You were imagining both of us, huh? What else?” 
“Sitting in your lap, in the backseat, while he watches in the rearview,” you mumble, and now that you’ve started talking, it’s hard to stop: “I think about getting on my knees for both of you. Letting him have my mouth while you fuck me, or… one of you holding me down.” 
“Have you imagined us handcuffing you? Taking turns with you?” he asks calmly. 
“Well now I’m imagining it,” you huff, and your nervous giggle breaks the tension for a moment. 
“I know you’re holding out on me,” Sam purrs, when the silence starts to stretch. “Leave my brother out of it, if you’re getting all hung up on that. What else?” 
“I don’t know,” you mumble. 
“Trust me. God isn’t judging you and neither am I. Tell me what you want me to do to you.” 
You can’t bring yourself to spit it out, even like this. “That’s it.” 
“Don’t lie to me.” His voice is silk and steel now. “Why don’t I take a guess?” 
“Knives,” he says bluntly, and your inhale is too sharp to be innocent. “You like the way a knife looks in my hands, the way it’d be dangerous if I didn’t know what I was doing.” 
“You want to know what it’d be like: cold metal on your skin. A knife at your throat, or... a gun to your temple.” 
You’re shaking. 
“How’d you know?” you whisper. 
“I pay attention,” he says simply, voice ragged, and then there’s a long pause before he asks, “Is that the end of your confession?” 
You’d almost forgotten where you are. You’re grateful the screen is still between you and Sam. 
“Yes,” you say, and because old habits die hard, you add, “I am sorry for these and all the sins of my past lives.” 
“As for penance…” You can hear the teasing note in it, and some of your self-consciousness dissipates. “You can begin by taking off your clothes.” 
“Here?” you laugh. “Sam…” 
“Here. Now.” 
You let out a tiny, nervous whine of protest, but you’re too turned on to care, not when you’ve already crossed so many lines tonight. 
Then you strip, taking off your clothes with shaking hands and setting them in a neat-ish pile in one corner of the tiny booth. It’s chilly, and you wrap your arms around yourself, feeling goosebumps run down your bare skin. 
“Okay,” you say softly. 
“Now... you can say ten Hail Marys,” Sam says, with that smirk in his voice again. 
“I — really?” you ask. 
Just as you’re thinking that’s all?, Sam is ducking through the curtain of the confessional, crowding you in and pushing on your shoulder until you sit back down on the narrow bench. Even in the barely-there flickers of light you can see the wicked smile on his face as he drops to his knees in front of you.  
“And you may not come until you’re finished,” he orders coolly. 
Then he’s hooking his arms under your knees, grabbing you by the hips and pulling you forward so that he can get that filthy smirking mouth on you. He licks a hot slick stripe up your center, swirling his tongue over your throbbing clit, and —
“Holy fucking shit,” you gasp, letting your head fall back against the wood with an echoing thunk, because whatever Sam’s doing with his lips is sending sweet fluttering waves of heat through your belly. “Oh my God, Sam, that’s—” 
“If you keep taking the Lord’s name in vain,” he growls, nipping at your inner thigh, “I’ll double it.” 
“Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee,” you start, and it’s been a while; Sam’s not the only reason you have to pause. “Fuck. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the — the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now—” Your voice breaks as you whimper, and you finish in one long rushed breath: “— and at the hour of our death, amen.”
“There you go,” Sam says, practically moaning the words against slick skin. You’re already having trouble thinking straight. 
You start all over again, trying to rush through it as quickly as possible, but you stutter as Sam fucks you shallowly with his tongue.  
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Sam says, curling two long fingers into you.
Except it’s bad. In the short time you’ve been doing this, Sam has learned your sweet spots like nobody’s ever learned them before, and he’s not touching them now. This is barely a tease, compared to what you know he can do to you. It’s bad, and it’s going to get so much worse. 
You start to stammer through the third prayer. You’re so wet — from the thrill of the setting, as much as what he’s doing with his tongue — you can hear the slick thrust of his fingers inside you, dirty and distracting. 
When you pause for breath between “Mary” and “mother of God,” Sam hums low against your cunt, and you know he enjoys this, you know he gets off on it, but he lets out these noises that never fail to make you feel feverish, and now is no exception. It doesn’t feel chilly any more. By “amen,” you’re burning up. 
“Three down,” Sam murmurs. 
On the fourth “grace,” he closes his lips around your clit and sucks gently, and you make a high, squeaky, mortifyingly desperate sound. Your voice keeps breaking as you stumble through the next lines, until you end on a long, relieved groan. 
“Good girl,” he croons. “Six more.” 
“I can’t,” you hiss. 
“You can. And you will.” 
On “full,” Sam twists his knuckles, and you gasp, arching your back, squirming. He fucks you in the same rhythm as your words, dragging friction across your g-spot with every syllable, and when you try to speed up, rushing through it, you can’t even get to “sinners” without breaking off in a moan. He stops completely as you pant for breath, and as you mumble through the last lines, painfully slow, you’re rolling your hips, trying to fuck yourself on his fingers, desperate for more. 
“That’s five,” Sam says. “I’ll give you a second to catch your breath.” 
With his free hand, he grabs one of your wrists, guiding your hand to the back of his head. His eyes flick up to you, watching hungrily, until you slide your fingers through the silky strands and tug lightly. 
You sigh. “You’re gonna kill me.” 
“Hope not,” he says, smirking against the crease of your thigh. “I’m into some weird shit, but I like ‘em warm and breathing.” 
“Ha fucking ha, Sam, that’s — fuck,” you choke, as he fits his mouth to your clit again, and this time he sucks lightly in time with the slow thrusts of his fingers.  You forget what you’re saying, somewhere around “God,” and stumble to the end in bits and incoherent pieces. 
“Six.” You realize you’ve got a death grip on his hair, all your muscles tensed-up and rigid with electricity that’s got nowhere else to go, but when you ease up, he pumps his fingers in deep and growls, “Harder.” 
He adds a third finger, and it’s so fucking good, so fucking much, filling you with fizzing pressure, and it takes most of your willpower to stop yourself from going under. 
You grit out, “HailMaryfullofgrace.” Lightning lances up your belly, and you squirm— “TheLordiswiththee.” — twist your fingers in Sam’s hair— “Blessedartthouamongwomen.” — muscles quaking, cunt clenching around perfectly curled fingers— “Blessedisthe. Fuck. Fruitofthywomb. Fuck — Jesus!” — tension surging and swelling  — “Holy Mary, mother of God, prayforussinnersnow, fuck, Sam!” — you’re almost there, almost, and he stops, refusing to give you what you want as you gasp out, “And —at the— the hour of our death, amen.” 
“Seven,” he says harshly, and you can feel him breathing hard, damp hot air teasing your slick swollen skin, and his mouth is so close to where you want it. He gives you a second and then: “Keep going.” 
You babble out a few words at a time, and your voice is ragged and broken, but it must sound close enough to what he wants; he’s winding you up again, fingers crooking expertly against that sweet spot. The heel of his other hand digs into your lower belly, right over that point of white heat, and it’s so intense, suddenly, that everything goes sparkly and distant.  
“Pray for us,” you groan, and he sucks, fast and hard. “Pray for us — us sinners —” 
There’s this pressure, right there, right where his fingers are stoking a fire, and it’s blazing, and —
“Sam, I can’t. I can’t, I’m gonna—” 
He’s not holding back, and you can’t either. You buck helplessly against the incredible suction of his mouth, holding him with both hands fisted in his hair as you bow up and cry out. All that pressure peaks, crashing down in wave after wave of relief, pulling you under like a rip tide as you come dripping-wet and messy. 
It blinds you, for a moment. You’re out of your body for who knows how long, lit-up and paralyzed by the high-voltage shock of it. 
When you come back to yourself, Sam is scooping you up and swapping places with you in one smooth movement, manhandling you so that you’re straddling him; he’s got his pants open just enough, can’t seem to wait any longer, and the breathless urgency is so unusual for him that your head spins. 
You’re still clenching through the lingering quakes of your orgasm, trembling, boneless like a rag doll, and it’s not you sinking down on his cock so much as him pulling you, filling you up inch by inch as you squeeze and quiver around the thick length of him. 
When he’s as deep as he can be, his arms wrapped around you and practically crushing you to his chest, you both pause and take a ragged gulp of air. 
“What even was that?” you slur, bracing yourself with a hand against the wall and trying to adjust. He lets out a rough groan through gritted teeth. 
“That is what I’ll be seeing every time I look at a confessional now,” he pants, starting to rock up into you. “Never gonna be able to walk into a church without getting hard.” 
He wraps an arm around your ribs, and the heat of his splayed hand on your shoulder feels like it spans half your back. Your naked skin seems even more obscene as it brushes the stiff cloth of his suit, and you can feel your own wetness soaking the fabric in places. You shiver, roll your hips, and you can feel the way he reacts, shuddering under you. 
“Seems like I’m not the only one who likes this a little too much,” you say, breathless. 
“Who said anything about too much? No such thing.” He barks out a laugh, bucking up in a way that makes you moan. “I’ve been to heaven, and trust me when I say, this right here—” He twists his hips viciously to emphasize the word. “— this is so much better.”
“God, this is so —” you whimper. He fists a hand in your hair and bites your neck, and you jerk helplessly against him. 
“God doesn’t care,” he growls. “God wasn’t listening to you just now.” 
“That’s not —” You’re pretty sure he’s missing the point, but with the way your cunt is throbbing at every perfect thrust, you can’t remember what that point is; you can’t remember anything. 
“God’s not going to answer those prayers,” he says hoarsely. “I’m the one who’s going to handcuff you and bend you over the hood of the car and fuck you until your legs give out.” 
“Holy shit, Sam.” Your brain is shorting out. 
“I’m going to make sure Dean sees you when you’re all strung-out and begging for it,” he promises. He jerks up with a vicious twist of his hips, and you grind down to meet him, every inch of your skin singing. “I’m going to hold a gun to your head while you ride me. I’m going to give you anything you want.” 
“Please.” Your moan sounds more like a sob, and you can’t see straight anymore; it’s all going distant, until the only thing that feels real is the aching, pulsing heat of him inside you. 
Sam claws at your back, dragging his open mouth up the side of your neck until he can snarl against your ear: “God doesn’t answer prayers, but I do.” 
He surges up to meet you one last time. Your vision flashes bright white as you come, one exquisite pulse after another rolling through you, and it feels like a purer sort of ecstasy than any religious experience you’ve had in a church.
This is worth a little hellfire. 
There is now a follow-up drabble here!
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thekillingjoke-haha · 3 years
Summary: Sacrifices are often made for the ones we love....even if it might hurt.
Parings: Sam Winchester x Male!Reader, Hinted at Male!reader x John Winchester, and Sam Winchester x Unmentioned girls
Warning?: Bi Sam ,Dean still flirting with reader, No jess death for M/n, Reader is a hunter...and never told Sam, Yellow-eyes, mention(hint at) smut
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Sam looked up at M/n with a smile he wore a sexy fireman outfit for the bar outing the yellow shirt looked like it was going to rip if the surprisingly taller male flexed a little too much the red suspenders held up loss fitting brown pants and a axe that leaned on the door frame. "Come on Babe dress up a little." He said tightening the suspenders straps.
"You know I don't like Halloween." Sam sighed as his boyfriend came up to him kissing his cheek with a mischievous smirk. "Too bad guess I can't give you your treat." The h/c man growled nipping his ear as he walked out of their shared bedroom. With a fake pout he chased after him. "If I put on a Halloween shirt will it pass?" He said hopefully putting his arms over M/n shoulder causing him to put his hands on his hips. "Hmmm....If I get to pick the shirt." Sam chuckled and nodded. He'll soon regret that.
Luis was loosing his shit laughing at the shit while M/n smiled proudly at what his boyfriend was wearing it was a plain dark gray t-shirt with the words 'Just the tip. I Promise.' And a knife. "This has to be your best work, N/n." Stephan, M/n best friend, said dressed as a cop high fives the awaiting hand.
M/n gave Sammy a small grin and winked causing him to blush slightly. It was time to celebrate with friends Sam's accomplishment he can wait later to celebrate with Sam his own way.
(Time skip past smexy times~might do it later)
M/n woke up in a empty bed to the sound of a fight he quickly got up in only his boxers to see what was wrong. He knew it was human since he had symbols all under wall paper and floor boards. Turning on the lights he sees Sam and a shorter man next to him "Sammy?" He said causing both of them to look over maybe he should have put on pants eyes raked down his form. "Woah. Hi I'm Dean Rapunzel's older brother. You must be his roommate..." The green eyed man bit his lip looking down south of the s/c man before him. "...I just love Scooby-Doo.~" Dean said keeping his gaze on the mystery machine briefs M/n was wearing. Sam quickly got between both of them pushing his brother back. "Dean this N/n my boyfriend" A confused look crossed his face. "Where's Jess you girlfriend?" He asked. "She was my roommate graduated a year ago and M/n moved in."
Dean looked back at M/n the flirtatious smirk back on his face. "You're way out of my brothers league." Sam put a around his boyfriends waist pulling him close. "Why are you here Dean?" There was a pause of silence. "Dad hasn't been home in a few days." The blonde said before it was shot down. "Let me rephrase. Dad's on a hunting trip and hasn't been home in a few days." With that Sam tensed up and looked over to M/n. "I'll be right back." His tone rushed as he peeked him in the cheek and left their shared apartment brother in tow.
Once the sound of their foot steps were heard going down the stairs M/n sighed his hand running through his bed head. "Fucking Winchester’s." He mumbled before going back up stairs going to his old room. M/n went to the closet moving boxes out of the way till he got to the duffel bag he was looking for. A burner phone weighed heavy in his hand as he wandered back to bed. "If he goes I go." He mumbled to himself looking at the mirror on the nightstand. M/n has been off and on with hunting ever since he started dating Sam and he knew who he was the moment his last name left his lips, but he only put on a smile and gave him his first and middle name since L/n were famous in the community.
Sam came back to the apartment and started to pack a bag. "Sam what's going on?" M/n said innocently as he watched more of his boyfriends clothes fill the bag. "Just going to help look for Dad. Probably just went out with a old friend and didn't bother to pick up." Sam zipped up the bag as he threw it over his shoulder. "You know what's Monday right?! You can't just not show up it's your dream on the line, Babe!" M/n stepped forward slowing down the rushed pace. "I know...you're right and I'll be back on Monday." We walked out of the building. "Promise to call me when you get there." The h/c man said hugging the long haired brunette close. "I promise." With a final kiss goodbye M/n waved him off before going inside. Time to jump back into the L/n family business. Pulling out the burner it rung as the first number was dialed. "I don't give a damn of you are the IRS or girl scouts selling fucking cookies it's one am you idjit!" The familiar voice rung out. "Good talking to you to Uncle Bobby." M/n chuckled and the older man's breath caught in his throat. "Well I'll be damned do my ears deceive me or is that little F/n all grown up?"
"Glad you didn't trash this number."
"What are you calling for boy its still 1am?" Bobby asked.
" I need to pick up my truck. I'm going hunting."
~~~~Time Skip~~~~
Sam sat in the motel room trying to call M/n, but he didn't pick up. If only he knew that right at that moment he was beheading a vampire while laughing like a sadistic prick. After cleaning the blood off and burning the barn that held the nest M/n tried calling back when it picked up he heard Sam's distressed voice. "M/n now is not a good time. I'm so cold hold me" A voice spoke over Sam's. "Who the hell was that?!" I heard a loud hissing noise. "Sam!" That's when a shotgun went off, glass shattered, and the lime went dead. M/n stood up and paced un his room it would be late before he got home he'll have to hall ass to get there before Sam.
Going out to the truck he opened the bed lifting the metal cover and false bottom loading the weapons. He had no time to drop it back off. The road was silent till a voice interrupted it. "Hello, handsome. What's the rush?" Almost swerving into a ditch M/n looked over and saw a man with graying blonde hair. Reaching for a weapon the man's eyes flashed yellow gazing at him. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." He snapped causing the h/c make to look straight and push hard into his seat. "You're the little Winchester’s boy toy. Well in two hours he'll be home and dead by the time you arrive." M/n's breath caught in his throat. "Liar. I'm not stupid every hunter has heard what happened to Mary it doesn't take a genius to see they weren't the only one's. You need him alive and well, so why are you hear?" He growled low in his throat as the demon chuckled. "Got me there. You see Sammy boy needs to get back in the life and you being, I don't know, alive is getting in the way." The pressure grew stronger on the restrained man's chest till he almost could feel his lungs squeeze. "But I'm a business man. You work for me you live and maybe see Sam again or die in a blaze and the last thing he sees is your burning corpse. Can't be a protective boyfriend if your dead."
"What will happen to me if I agree?" That's when a sick smile pulled on his lips. "You become a demon. No a demon doesn't possess you! You yourself become one you memories and personality intact. So deal?" He held his hand out to the s/c man as he sighed taking his eyes from the road. "Deal." The demons yellows eyes shined bright as he yanked the young man forward pressing their lips together sealing it. "You are mine." He growled possessively as M/n pulled out his phone and dialed Sam's number. It went to voice mail. "Hey Rapunzel. I want you to know...I love you. Hold on to that, never let that go. You mean the world to me...so once you figure out how to open you voice mail this is waiting for you."
Sam woke up from his nightmare of his burning apartment building. It been almost three years since then and he never gotten over it. It took a year to get to his messages and what M/ n left behind gave him more questions then answers. He couldn't even get into the apartment before the flames erupted. Sam had doubts about M/n in the fire, but after the police report was released only one casualty of M/n Middle/n. Dean tried to tell my it would at some point get better, but the guilt still felt heavy in his chest. Nightmares of M/n in the fire not in pain, but seeming to absorb the flames made him question what really happened. The brothers had a lead on yellow eyes that their dad led them to. It all seemed to convenient that after the fight he knew to much about the demon that pledged his nightmares. The warehouse was falling apart it was in shambles as Dean parked baby next to it. "Are you sure this is the place?" Sam asked his brother. "Dad said this was it. Load up." Dean got out the car popping the trunk. This didn't feel right.
Tied up, beaten, and tortured. The Winchesters look up at their own fathers face with those horrid yellow eyes. "You boys never questioned a thing didn't even hesitate to come inside!" He chuckled darkly as the surrounding demons grinned. "This would have been the part where I laugh at you kill you dragging your sorry souls to hell to be my toys for the next millennium, but I have something better!" Signature Winchester grin lifted his lips as he called out seeming to no one. "Oh, honey bear! Come say hi." The sound of a strong gust of wind came from behind them as the clack of well made dress shoes hit the shifty floor boards. A man wearing black dress pants, shoes, and a open f/c(not black) silk button up. His back was to the brothers as John lifted his head up to kiss the man's cheek. Turning around white eyes looked at them, but that face was unmistakably M/n's a scar on his brow but it was him. Sam was chocked up M/n was in front of him looking well and oh God he's with enemy that took their dad's body as a meat suit.
"Do you like him, Sammy? Hells best torturer!" John said running his hands over M/n as the man kept his gaze locked on the tallest Winchester analyzing him as he seethed with anger at the demon touched his boyfriend. "Oh the things he's done would make Lucifer blush." Yellow-eyes trailed his hand down the scarred chest biting his lip making Sam struggle more. Snapping his fingers the other demons took Dean, but Sam was left there. "You're not useful to me dead Sammy boi." The demon circled him. "What's the best kind of torture, love?" M/n seemed to move for the first time getting right in front of Sam dropping to his knees being face to face with him. Cupping the beaten cheek of the hunter in his s/c hand his white clouded orbs turned the lively e/c giving a sympathetic look before it switched off. "Physiological." Sam didn't notice the room shifted into their old apartment tears pooled in those e/c eyes. "Where were Sammy?" A hiccup in between silent cries ended the sentence as a scene played out of M/n on the phone trying to talk to Sam before it cut off. "I needed you!" A scene of M/n chained to a wall seeing figures of his past hurt him till he gave in. "You were mine. And you threw it all away, threw me away like garbage!" The images went to Sam being with girls, but he could see familiar h/c hair in the background.
Tears rolled down Sam's face as white eyes filled his vision the eyes he loved fading away. What felt like hours happened in only a few seconds and within those seconds Sam was broken. He buried his face into the palm still cupping his cheek. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!' Sam would do anything for his M/n back even if it meant killing the monster his father has become. A gentle kiss stopped the trail of tears. "You are mine."
A/N: Quote= I love you. Hold on to that, never let that go. -The Vampire Diaries
Tagged: @spnquotebingo
First male reader it was fun.
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your-highnessmarvel · 3 years
From Bleak to Bright Part Six
All other parts on on my masterlist, link provided below.
AN: damn okay wow i REALLY loved writing this part ommggggg
Warnings: angst, language
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You went to bed late, tossing and turning, replaying Loki’s words in your mind like a mantra. He couldn’t eat too. He suffered just as bad as you did. You fell asleep somewhere around two in the morning, clutching your sheets. The dreams took you back to him, momentarily dropping you in a reality you knew could never exist when you woke up. 
The sky was a deep purple - like a bruise - when you woke up. You lay there, staring at the ceiling. You knew sometime during the day Steve and Nat and probably Bruce would listen to the call from Loki last night. You groaned just at the thought, sighing under the covers. 
You got up and showered, mentally preparing yourself for the day. When you got out, there was a missed call from an unknown number. You entered the contact as Idiot, then opened up the messages to text him. You weren’t sure if Loki had bought a burner or a full phone, but you tried anyway.
Stop calling me.
You didn’t wait for an answer. You got dressed in a green hoodie and black jeans, pulling your hair into a ponytail. 
Your phone dinged.
Do you prefer we talk here?
Oh so Loki had an iPhone. Texting in blue texts and all. 
You debated answering, wondering if it would just spur his insanity. You left your phone in your room, deciding that it would only be a distraction. 
You went down to the kitchen, eating breakfast alone, enjoying some peace before the storm. 
And here it came.
Bruce came barreling through the dining room, eyes round, wide, fear written clear on his features. 
“Loki called you last night!?”he exclaimed, leaning over hands on the table.
That was quick. “The line’s tapped,” you answered, fighting a blush, gulping down the last of your cereal. “And he didn’t say anything about where he was or whatever.”
Bruce sighed, hanging his head. “Did you do what Nat and Steve trained you for?”
You shrugged. “He saw me coming.”
“That was to be expected.”
You struggled with the lump in your throat, fighting the want to go to Bruce and wrap your hands around his shoulders. Tell him everything would be fine. That Loki would never get you. 
But you weren’t so sure about that. 
Instead, you sighed, playing with the last Cheerio floating in the milk. “Bruce,” you began, biting the inside of your cheek. “How - how am I going to do this?”
He looked at you, all that older brother worry written clear on his face. “It’ll be fine,” he said, covering his hand with yours. “We’ll all be there to back you up. He won’t hurt you.”
It came out all in a rush. “But that’s not what I mean. What am I going to do about the fact that he’s my fucking soulmate?” You heaved, fighting tears brimming in your eyes. 
Bruce stood there silently, then took a seat, dusting off imaginary dust from his dark blue t-shirt. “Y/N,” he started, voice low, serious. “The soulmate bond is... the research proves that it’s mostly based off the animal instinct to provide better genes to your progeniture.”
You frowned. “Ew.”
He rolled his eyes. “It’s what the science says,” he chuckled, trying to hide the reddening of his cheeks. “And I know that there are stories out there about people finding their mates and it all goes well, but sometimes, it doesn’t. Nature gave you the most perfect match for yourself, but evolutionarily based, it’s all about babies.” 
“Oh my God, Bruce, stop being so gross.” You played with your cereal, fighting your blush. You didn’t want to imagine yourself making babies with Loki because then, that’d be all you thought about. You didn’t want to go there. 
“My point is, little sis,” he continued, tone soft. “You don’t have to fall in love with him. You don’t have to do anything. Trust me. You can get over the bond.”
Nat had told you that you simply got used to the emptiness. Wouldn’t that make you... miserable?
There was a burning in your chest, spreading slowly like melting butter down your limbs. It was longing. 
Bruce got up without a word and left you to your one-Cheerio bowl and coffee. You stared out the window, at the greying sky, the rising sun, the freedom of the world beyond the trappings of the Avenger’s compound. 
Nothing kept you, really, from leaving. There was no law keeping you here. You could actually walk out and find Loki. You weren’t the criminal. 
He was. He was a war criminal. A psychopath. A mass murderer. You could leave here, go find him, tell him you’d stay by his side, but at what cost? Losing your family? Your friends? A normal life? It’s not like Loki would play the good boyfriend and bring you coffee at work. He’d burn the place down for a stupid reason like they didn’t give you enough vacation days. 
All this thinking had you boiling at barely nine in the morning. 
And the one person you wanted right now was Loki.
You cleaned up your dishes methodically, then rushed back upstairs to your room. The sun was now out and shining through your windows, and you used the light to gather a few items into a bag. There was no one in the hallway, which gave you all the peace you needed. Most of the Avengers were out dealing with whatever Loki had unleashed on the city, and the other half, like Nat and Bruce, were downstairs in the computer lab.
You grabbed a baseball cap and loosed out your ponytail. You grabbed your phone. Heart pounding, knowing you must have less than fifteen minutes before you were found, you sent a quick text.
Number. Now.
It took a few seconds until a reply came in. It was a phone number. You quickly scribbled it on the back of your hand, deleted the messages - even though you knew it was futile - and left the phone on the bed.
Something wild was stirring in your chest, something akin to adrenaline. Your blood roared as you leaped out of your room, quietly down the hall, down the stairs, hands trembling as you exited the front door. 
If only Nat and Bruce were here, it could give you a head start. 
You slid into the garage through the side door and took the keys to the Jeep. It was a thirty minute ride to the city, and you were not about to take the Maserati.
You slid into the Jeep, breathing erratic, and threw your bag into the passenger seat. The second the garage doors were open, you sped out. 
The Jeep wasn’t the most fast car, but it took you the edge of the property in a matter of seconds. You’d never driven like that before; wild and fast, but you had to get away as fast as possible. The country turned into the suburbs, blurring by you, but you only had eyes for the distant, gleaming horizon of New York city. 
You kept looking in the rearview mirror, but no one was tailing. A frantic tremble had begun in your fingers, urging you to press just a little more on the gas pedal. 
When the city began to manifest itself, molding out from the horizon, you ditched the Jeep by the side of the road. You left it visible enough and grabbed your bag, hitching it on your shoulders. Leaving off at a small jog, you left behind not only the Jeep but also the life you could have had if you’d never met Loki. 
There was a tenacious voice reminding you that Bruce would suffer from this. 
But the pull in your belly, deep within your chest, was calling you elsewhere.
You made it through the back streets of the city, slowing your pace to a walk. By now, Nat and Bruce would have noticed you gone. They would have seen the message you’d sent to Loki and his response. Maybe they’d try contacting that number, but you knew for a fact, Bruce would be in a car on his way here. The Jeep definitely had a tracker. 
You went into a Deli Meats, catching your breath in the doorway, your heart hammering vehemently in your chest. 
You asked to borrow the phone and they had a fucking honors system so you bought a sandwich and dumped it in your bag. No appetite. 
The phone only rang once before he answered.
“Where are you?”
“I’m in New York,” you answered, breathlessly.
“Have you been running?”
There was rustling on the other side of the phone. “They know you’ve left,” he said. “They’ve tried tracking this number.”
“And did they succeed?” you asked, heart in your throat. 
“No.” He inhaled sharply. “I want to trust you, y/n,” he mumbled. 
“Then come and get me,” you replied, your mouth dry, your heart hammering. “I’ll meet you wherever.”
He laughed, more like a hum than a chuckle. “Okay.”
He gave you an address on the other side of town, and told you not to call a taxi or an uber. He said if you made it there on foot, without any intervention by either the Avengers or your brother, he’d know they hadn’t found you. Or that you weren’t being followed. He had eyes everywhere. 
You thanked the clerk and left in a hurry, mentally replaying Loki’s instructions on the directions. Just the sound of his voice had been a relief, like taking a long, deep breath after being under water for so long. 
Something sharp had lifted from your ribs, where there’d been an imaginary knife twisting. 
The day had warmed, the city had awakened, and there was no way to identify you within the crowds moving steadily. You kept your eyes to the ground, the cap low on your brow, your hair around your face. 
The address Loki had given you was a subway’s sandwich, squeezed between a Moroccan restaurant and a hair salon. You frowned. Was this the right address? It was closed, the sign hanging in the door, the lights off in the store. 
You pulled on the door slightly, and it opened, your heart leaping as a wind of fresh air swept against your hot cheeks. 
Stepping inside, the eerie silence greeted you. No one was there. Only silence and the dark store. A fridge where they kept the cold drinks hummed, the blue light beckoning. You went to it, ripping it open wildly and grabbing a water bottle. As you chugged it, you pulled a rolled dollar from your pocket and put it on the register.
“No need for that.”
You jumped, spilling water all over your green hoodie. With a curse, you set the bottle on the counter and grabbed for the napkins. 
“I’ve got it.”
He was close now, and you could smell pinewood, your senses invaded by him. You looked up. He smiled, his lips pulling gently at the corners. Your heart was hammering wildly, but you swallowed, looking down at him as he looked down at you. He wore the same all-black ensemble as two weeks ago, his short raven locks pulled neatly behind his ears.
He was a specimen. 
His hands, which you swore were previously empty, came up with a green t-shirt. “More fit for the current weather,” he said with a quirk of his brow. 
You licked your lips, carefully reaching for the garment, fingers grazing his. A short shock slithered through your arm. 
“Thank you,” you mumbled, feeling heat crawl into your cheeks. 
You motioned for him to turn around, and with a roll of his eyes, he did. You quickly changed, discarding your hoodie in the trash. Once you were done, he turned and took one good look at you.
“Wow,” he said, making your heart sputter back to life. 
“So, what now?” you asked, both to dispel Loki’s current fixation and to actually know what was the plan. 
He straightened. “I have to get you out of the city.”
“Okay,” you breathed. “Where?”
But he didn’t have time to answer. Something came crashing through the front windows, loudly, sending a million little shards of glass flying. As quick as lightening, Loki came rushing to you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders, shielding you from the tiny little projectiles. 
You felt the heat of him, the pressure of his arms, his front against yours, your cheek against his chest. You smelled him everywhere. You sensed him on every inch of yourself. He invaded your senses, and for a brief instant, that nagging pull in your belly ceased. 
And as quickly as he came, he vanished. When you opened your eyes, fingers trembling, the smell of him clinging to you, he had changed his attire. The illusion previously placed on him, the one of the elegant man dressed in all black, had made way for the God. 
Long, golden horned-helmet on his head. The same green and gold breast plate, the black trousers. And in his hand, a golden staff, the tip gleaming menacingly, a blue light hovering within it’s extremity. 
Standing before you both, on the glittering pieces of the broken window, was Thor and Tony. The former stood in the light of day, his hammer raised, light gleaming off of it threateningly. Tony stood, arm erect, suit gleaming red in the mid-morning sun. 
“Nice work, kiddo,” he said, the helmet coming undone, revealing his face; stricken with fear and concentration.
Loki turned a glare on you, eyes dark, and your insides burned. Tony was making it look like you had a hand in this. That you’d betrayed Loki.
You opened your mouth to say something, but Loki took one step towards you and grabbed your wrist.
Thor roared something like, “Loki no!” But Loki was faster. Quicker than Tony’s blast you heard charging, quicker than Thor’s hammer. In a flash, the tip of Loki’s staff glowed a clear, crystal blue, and your entire world vanished to black.
tags:  @subtlemalice @yallgotkik @buckyandlokirunmylife @kaz11283 @legolas-bromance @shylittlemountain @tofeartheunknown @feelmyfckngsoul @kind-of-crazy-butthatsokay @caffiend-queen @tomhollandsslilslut @lady-loki-ren @nathan-no @rosaline-black @abundanceofcarolines @my-own-oracle @it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream @marvelouslovely @drbaureid @bored-as-hell-666 @youhavemyfantasticbeasts @theinfinitenerd @toe-vind-ek-jou @ink-and-starlight @blank-bakabane @sunshineonloki @holaamishamigos @palegoopbearlight @heyarely16 @pleaseexecuteme 
243 notes · View notes
“Did we fuck last night?” Smut starter w/ our baby boy Santiago ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ love your work :)
A/N: Thank you so much for the prompt and the kind words! I hope you enjoy it! Thank you for every reblog, comment, and like. 
Pairing: Santiago ‘Pope’ Garcia x F! Reader 
Warning: 18 + (For language, oral (F! Receiving), vaginal sex, alcohol use NSFW
My Masterlist 
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Last Night at the Party 
Unknown number: Good Morning. 
You: ...Morning...who is this? 
Unknown number: Santiago Garcia, ya know Frankie's friend. 
Santiago Garcia: Quick question...did we fuck last night? 
You groan and fall back into the bed, your hand thrown over your eyes as the sunlight fights to sneak through the crack in the curtains. Your head pounds from the amount of alcohol you consumed the night before. Frankie and his fiancé, not wanting to be apart even one night, had a joint bachelor/bachelorette party. 
You worked in the front office at the tour office. Frankie flew for and had quickly become fast friends. He was funny, sweet, and a wonderful friend. But with Frankie came Santiago Garcia, the man who stalked your dreams. He was handsome as fuck, with salt and pepper curls and deep brown eyes. His arms always straining against the fabric of his t-shirts. The man had an ass that was simply divine. Many a night, you had dreamt of kneading it in your hands as he slammed into you. 
But he never noticed you. Not at least in the way you wanted to be seen. You tried on the days you knew he would be coming by. Wearing tighter clothes or shorter dresses and attempting your best at flirting. The only thing gained by any of this was Frankie's amusement as he slung an arm around your shoulder and told you there were better men than Pope. 
That's another thing, the nickname; Pope. You once asked Frankie about it jokingly. Frankie told you it was because Santi in the army brought people closer to God, and all the women he fucked. You had just about given up all hope, till last night. 
The party was in full swing when you arrived—wearing a dark blue halter dress that stopped just above your knees, converse, and a black leather jacket. Frankie and his fiancee greeted you with a hug and gave you the rundown of the land. It was casual. They had rented out a private space in the local brewery. You could order anything on the menu and open bar. Thank fuck for that as you watched Santiago flirt with some redhead at the bar. 
You walk down to the opposite end, sit down, motion for the bartender, and ask for an IPA. You try everything in your power to keep from looking over at him, but your eyes stray without your knowledge. Gazing around at the way the denim hugs him in all the right places, the top buttons on his shirt opened up to see the sun-kissed skin peeking through. It's almost magnetic the way his eyes drift up to meet yours across the sea of strangers. You see him smile and turn back to his partner before he grabs his beer and heads over to you. 
"Is this seat taken?" his deep baritone snaps you out of your head, and you look at him, nodding. "You're the girl who works in Frankie's office, right? The secretary?" 
"Yep, that's me, the secretary," you take a deep drink from your beer and try to keep the passive aggression out of your tone, turning snarky instead. "And you're that guy who comes and talks to Frankie and interrupts my office with idle chit chat." 
He looks a little taken aback, but he brushes it off, grinning, "I never knew you had this much fire in you. What's your name?" 
You roll your eyes, "I have told you my name on four separate occasions, and now you want to know it again? Why don't you guess?" 
"Okay," he smiles, taking a drink, "how about ginger?" 
"I think your thinking about your friend on the other side of the bar," you laugh and gesture for another drink. 
"Fuck," he mumbles under his breath, going through a plethora of names, none of which is your own. You've finished two beers before he actually guessed your first name correct—each name sinking the knife deeper and deeper into your chest. 
"Ding ding ding, we have a winner," you sarcastically chime, and he smiles, a real genuine broad smile. Fuck him and his perfect smile. "With how many names you had to guess, I'm actually delighted you never noticed me. I'd probably have an STD." He spits out the drink in his mouth, coughing and patting his chest with his fist. 
He laughs, looking at you wide-eyed, "I do not have any fucking diseases. I get tested regularly." 
"When was the last time?" you can tell he's thinking back. 
"Tuesday," he says triumphantly, "and I haven't fucked anyone since then so." He takes another sip of his drink, grinning at you over the glass. 
"So if I wanted to fuck you, it would have to be tonight?" You casually sip your drink, staring at him, bold from the alcohol flowing through your system. 
He sputters and coughs again, choking on his drink. "Are you trying to kill me?" he puts a hand to his forehead and looks at you. "Are you serious?" 
"I want you to fuck me Santiago," you take his hand down the rest of your drink and pull him towards the back of the brewery. Your eyes connect with Frankie, and you give him a wink pulling a shit-eating grinning Santi behind you. He walks past you and pulls you into the cold night air of the alley. 
It was dark and deserted; the country music blaring from inside echoed off the exterior's red brick wall. For an alley, it was relatively clean. The sidewalk to the public wasn't visible from around the dumpsters. Not the most romantic spot, but when Santiago latched his lips onto the soft skin below your ear. The spicy scent of his cologne overwhelming your senses. 
"Does that feel good?" he whispers huskily in your ear, nipping the lobe lightly. The moan you release has him smiling against your skin, "that's a yes," he chuckles. 
"Stop teasing me," you whine as he gropes your breast through the thin fabric of your dress. He pulls away from your neck and tilts your chin up to look at him. 
"Do you want this?" he whispers, a ghost of his lips on your lips. 
You don't answer, only lunging forward and recapturing his lips in a moan. He uses the opportunity to sweep his tongue into your mouth. You fight in a battle for dominance that he eventually wins. His hands moving beneath the shell of your leather jacket and running over the smooth skin of your exposed back. 
He takes his time moving down to your cheek, your neck, and then sucking hard into the skin of your collarbone. You are sure to have bruises tomorrow, but at this point, you don't fucking care. His hands move further down and cup your ass before moving under your dress, sliding your panties down slowly, he unlatches from your sensitive skin. Dropping to his knees and groaning, pulling down your panties over your converse before pocketing them. 
He throws your dress over his head and dives into your folds, his tongue working against your throbbing clit. You grab the side of the dumpster as you feel the scuffle from his face, scratch against your thighs, as he rocks his tongue back and forth over you. "Fuck," you moan as you feel him slip one thick finger slide into your pussy. Your head drops back, hitting the brick wall. He chuckles, and the vibrations draw another deep moan from inside as you pant. 
The sound of the backdoor of the brewery opening snaps your head to the side. Your bottom half is covered from the dumpster, and you frantically hit Santi on the head. Still, he doesn't stop, instead adding a second finger, stretching you deliciously. Frankie's signature cap pops out into the alley, and he turns to look at you. You try your best to smile and bite down hard on your tongue, almost drawing blood as he sucks your clit into his mouth. 
"Hey! We're about to do speeches, and Santi's my best man. Have you seen him?" 
"N-n-no," you stutter, and Santi reaches a hand on your ass to push you even further into his mouth. "We came out here to talk, but he left like five minutes ago? Maybe he went out f-f-front." 
Frankie looks at you, questioningly, "Are you okay? You're acting kind of strange." 
You yelp, throwing a hand down on top of the dumpster with a laugh, "I am just fantastic, you know, if I see Santiago, I will be sure to tell him he's needed." 
"Okay, thanks," he throws out a wave going back inside with a click of the door. 
"Such a good girl," Santi chuckles from beneath your dress, and you feel yourself cum all over his tongue gushing around him as he adds a third finger pulsing inside you. 
You bite down hard on your lip, and he keeps licking and fucking you with his mouth. His nickname making more and more sense as you literally feel closer to God. You dig your fingers into his curls and pull his mouth away. Dragging him up to kiss you again, you taste yourself on his tongue, and it makes you even wetter. 
He steps back and unbuttons his jeans pulling out his cock. He's thick and rigged, the tip spewing pre-cum. He grabs his wallet and pulls out a condom making you giggle. "Hey, every good soldier comes prepared," he laughs, pulling it on. 
He pushes you back further into the brick, bringing your legs up around his waist and bunching your dress up. He lines himself up, and you look into his eyes, stifling a scream as he slams into you. You've never felt so full in your entire life, clenching around him as he starts to slowly rock into you. 
You converse crossed against his back as he kisses you again slowly and passionately. Not the quick fuck you thought he would give you. For the location and the time, it was strangely intimate. "Are you okay?" you pants against your neck. 
"Yes," you gasp as he hits inside you just right, "just, please don't stop." He pulls away from your neck and kisses you again, licking into your mouth. 
"Don't worry, baby, I'm gonna treat you right." He picks up the place and reaches down between you to your sensitive clit rubbing it in time with his thrusts. 
"Oh fuck, right there, Pope," you moan, and he picks up the pace. The brick digging into your back as he furiously fucks into you. Your orgasm slams into you without warning, and you tug on his curls, throwing your head back as you stile a scream. 
"Yes, cum for me," he praises you through a second orgasm. Three more thrusts and he's cumming, biting down on your exposed shoulder as he groans. You both come down from your high, and he pulls away, smiling at you. You laugh at his mused hair, lipstick smeared across his face, he looks freshly fucked, and you feel a sense of pride knowing you did that to him. 
The awkward, you've just fucked a mutual acquaintance in an alley moment comes faster than you anticipate. He pulls out and ties off the condom throwing it in the dumpster and pulling up his jeans, relatching them. You straighten your appearance the best you can. Running your fingers through your mused hair. You search the alley floor for your panties hoping to throw them away or better burn them when you hear a whistle. 
Santi is standing before the back door holding your panties on the crook of his finger and smiling. "I have to go back and give my speech, but after… I would really love to buy you a drink. Maybe we can go back to my place for another couple of rounds?" 
You bite your lip, nodding, and he smiles, pocketing your panties and going inside. The door latches, and you sigh, closing your eyes and trying not to freak out. The door slams open; you jump as Santi runs back out and closes the distance kissing you again. The kind of kiss you feel down to the tips of your toes. He places his forehead against yours. "I really want to see you again, don't run away, okay?" he whispers before kissing you again and running back inside. 
You look at the text message again. The perfect night of passion with Santiago, and he doesn't even remember if you...The phone chimes again. 
Santiago Garcia: I'm a moron. I don't know why I said that. I know that we did. It was one of the most incredible moments of my life. 
You: Then what the fuck, Santiago?
Santiago Garcia: I want to take you to breakfast, on a date. It's the least you could do after bailing on me last night. 
You: Well, I'm not sure I want to. 
Santiago Garcia: Well, that makes this awkward. 
You: What? 
Knock Knock 
Taglist: @oldstuffnewstuff @yespolkadotkitty @heythere-mel @justanotherblonde23 @artsymaddie @anetteaneta @a-seeker-of-imagination @aellynera @lucifer- @houseofthirst @phoenixhalliwell @letoartreiides 
Also tagging @josepedropascal Oscar Train toot toot 
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r0zyp0zy0zy · 4 years
✾A.J.- Like a Teen Again?☼✶
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Master list
Words: 2968
Warnings: masturbation, overstim, bit o’ begging, smut
Pairing: Amajiki Tamaki x FEM!reader
Summary: Tamaki gets hit with some sort of mood enhancement quirk, and it’s effects are questionable 
You weren't totally caught up on Tamaki's situation, but you did know his predicament revolved around a mood type quirk. You didn't know what to expect when you arrived at the hospital he was in. Apparently he was in great physical condition, which didn't really shock you. It also didn't shock you when Tamaki was leaning his forehead against the hospital wall, and you had to reassure the nurses that this was normal.
He was let out soon after you arrived, and the doctor filled in more of the details.
"This quirk isn't powerful," the doctor explained, "Just enhances Amajiki-kun's emotions; his moods are that of a fifteen year-old boy, basically."
You nodded along, not worrying too much about Tamaki. He would just be a bit more nervous and worrisome than usual; he'd have to take a few days off to recuperate. The doctor prescribed some medication if it got really bad.
"—typical teens have sudden waves of depression, so if he shows any serious symptoms he should take one of these in the morning. You shouldn't need to use them, but it's better to be safe than sorry," the doctor smiled, handing you a small vile of what you assumed to be anti-depressants.
You thanked the doctor, and Tamaki just gave a stiff nod as he followed you out of the building.
"I-I don't feel particularly different..." Tamaki stuttered, curling his pinky with yours.
"You just seem a bit off, is all," you flashed him a smile.
"Uh- hn," he stammered, his face flushing a bright pink. You didn't think much of it when you hopped into the car with Tamaki, but you did have to help him with his seatbelt because his hands were shaking.
"Why are you so shaky, Tami?" You placed your hand on his, and his eyes widened and he seemed to freeze.
"—uh, um. Ghn," Tamaki sputtered, his cheeks becoming impossibly redder. "S-so... so... you're so hot!"
Your jaw hit the floor, and you analyzed his terrified expression. He didn't mean to say that, you realized. Was he.. really like a teenage boy right now?
"I- oh my g-god. I didn't- I, I'm so sorry," Tamaki whimpered quietly, tears forming in his eyes.
"Oh butterfly, don't cry!" You leaned forward and cupped his face in your hands. "It's ok for you to say that, I'm your girlfriend, bub."
You bit your lip trying to think of what Tamaki was like in his first year of UA. How should you comfort him? Has he always been like this?
"O-ok," he gulped, wiping away his tears.
He was silent the rest of the way home, staring out of the window and probably overthinking what he did two minutes ago. His cape surrounded him like a blanket, and his face was hidden in his hood. Damn, was he really like this all the time? You wondered.
Tamaki practically ran out of the car when you finally got to the apartment, hardly waiting for you as he strode up the stairs to your guys' room. You caught up to him a few moments later, and he stood at the door waiting for you to unlock it.
"I would ask 'what has gotten into you?', but I already know," you said as you let him in.
"Y-you do?!" Tamaki sweat dropped, and he looked as though he was going to faint.
"Tami," you deadpanned, hanging up your coat, "not twenty minutes ago did the doctor explain to me your state of mind."
"Oh, r-right," Tamaki whispered, scratching the back of his neck. "I-I'll just be in o-our room."
You watched, flabbergasted, as he disappeared into your room, not quite closing the door behind him. Aaaalrighty then.
After you started prepping dinner, you realized that you probably shouldn't leave Tamaki alone for too long, incase something happened. You quickly finished chopping the carrots, and put down the knife. You hung up your apron and opened the door to your room a crack. Your eyes nearly popped out of your skull; there Tamaki was in all his glory, hero outfit stripped to the floor, sprawled out on the bed with his hand on his cock.
"B-bunny~ p-please, oh you feel so good," he whimpered, eyes scrunched tightly shut.
Oh. Now this was a rare sight. Tamaki was usually very careful to not masturbate with you in the house, fearing that you would be disappointed that he didn't just come to you instead, (Only when you walked in on him and he started crying did you realize how he felt; integrating mutual masturbation into your sex life made him feel better about doing it).
"Oh fuck, y/n," Tamaki stumbled, his toes curling. "S-so good~ your hands— so.. good."
You couldn't help but walk in and close the door behind you. The sound of your arrival startled Tamaki, and his face reddened yet again, "I-I... uh.."
"It's ok Tami," you purred, edging closer to the bed. "Do you want me to... touch you?"
Tamaki could only nod, shock still in his eyes. He gulped as you crawled towards him on the bed, taking off your shirt and reaching out your hand to his cock. His head threw back once you teased a finger along his length, fisting the bedsheets under him, "I-I'm close."
You didn't tease Tamaki, instead you encouraged him, "c'mon, Butterfly. Come for me."
You gripped him loosely, using your other hand to gently rake your nails up and down his chest. His breath quickened, and his eyes hid behind his hair, trying to conceal his desperate state. You flicked your wrist in the way you knew he liked, and he came with a long groan. You licked his cum off your hand and his chest, not breaking eye contact with his awed expression.
"I'm sorry!" Tamaki squeaked, sitting up and pressing his knees to his chest. "I didn't— I just— I c-came super fast, a-and that was r-really weird and e-embarrassing-."
"Tama, baby, it's alright," you comforted, scooting closer to rest a hand on his exposed knee. "I'm always honoured whenever I make you cum. Doesn't matter how quick."
Tamaki peeked up at you through his hair, and gave you a shaky smile, face heating up considerably. You saw his eyes widen, and you knew immediately that he was getting hard again. Tamaki squeezed his legs closer together, attempting to hide his growing erection.
You leaned down to whisper in his ear, "let me finish making dinner, and after we eat I'm all yours for the night."
Tamaki's breath hitched softly, and he gave you a slight nod, gulping down his nerves. You rubbed his knee before standing up and walking towards the bedroom door. He let out a hefty sigh once you closed the door as you left, relaxing his legs and running his fingers through his hair.
He couldn't help but feel guilty. He was the horniest he'd been since high school, and he didn't know how to cope. It was so sudden, and his body was so overwhelmed with feeling. He tried to relax and close his eyes, waiting for you to be done with dinner.
Tamaki padded down the short hallway, now clothed with sweatpants and a T-shirt, to eat with you. He rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes, the short nap he had taken made him feel a tad bit better.
"Hey, Butterfly!" You cheered from the sink, a dishcloth on your shoulder, "dinner is just on the table. I'll be there in a sec."
"Thank you, Bunny," Tamaki blushed, pulling out a chair to sit in. "I-It smells really good."
You hung up your cloth and smiled at him brightly, "of course, Tama-chan!"
You steered over to the table, (hair askew, and) some flour on your cheek. Tamaki couldn't help but admire your slightly disheveled appearance; he felt wrong to think of such lewd things at your flushed face. He felt his own cheeks heat up again, and bowed his head down to his meal.
Tamaki listened to you ramble about your day, a small smile adorning his face at your enthusiasm. He couldn't finish his food, too flustered about what was to come later. "let me finish making dinner, and after we eat I'm all yours for the night." He shuttered at your words, sort of restless and impatient.
You giggled at your spot by the sink, watching Tamaki drown in his thoughts as you slowly started to undress. He hadn't even realized that you took his plate from him, chopsticks still in his hand. Once you were completely naked, you tied the apron back on and continued cleaning the dishes.
A clatter from Tamaki's chopsticks sounded a few minutes later, and you assumed that he had finally come back to his senses, "can you pass me your cup and chopsticks please, Tami?"
You could practically feel the heat radiating off of Tamaki from behind you, his utensils being placed beside you on the counter. You took a few more minutes to clean up, enjoying the tension in the air. When you finally turned around to face Tamaki, it was like he'd hardly moved. He was leaning against the table, cheeks completely red, head bowed to the floor, and a raging hard-on in his pants.
"Don't you have room for a little dessert, Tama?" You teased, leaning your forearms behind you on the countertop.
You saw him visibly gulp, and nervously look up to you. His knuckles were white, still gripping the edge of the table. Usually he wouldn't be too scared to step closer and engage in a kiss, but tonight was different. You had to initiate. You slowly walked towards him, reaching out a hand to lay on his shoulder. He was tense under your gaze, and looked to the floor again.
"B-bunny, I-I-," Tamaki shook. "I'm s-so overwhelmed. I'm so- t-turned.. on. I can barely function."
"Just try and relax, Butterfly," you cooed, stroking his cheek. "How about we start off here, by the table, hmm?"
Tamaki's eyes met yours, wide and dilated. He gave a stout nod, and swallowed harshly. You guided your hands to his hips, signalling him to sit on the table. He did as he was told, now around the same hight as you. You grasped his shirt with one hand and leaned in to kiss him, causing Tamaki to let out a muffled sob. A little bit of sanity came back to him and he wrapped his arms around you, eagerly deepening the kiss.
Your hand inched lower, hovering over his sweatpants' strings. Tamaki chirped when you grazed over his cock, bucking his hips up in an attempt to get more friction. You could feel him begin to pull away, prepared to apologize, but your other hand came up and fisted the back of his head, forcing him to stay put. Tamaki whined loudly, his crotch bucking up continuously to make contact with your hand. With another rut of his hips he let out a glut of groans and whimpers, desperately clinging to your figure.
You pulled away from the kiss to catch your breath, and you peered down to examine Tamaki's stained pants.
"Oh Bu-Bunny~" Tamaki said in a daze, head lolling to the side.
"Second time today, huh?" You ribbed, patting the wet spot with the pad of your finger.
"N-no," Tamaki shook his head. "Third time. I-I had a wet dream after you left and I took a n-nap."
You grinned at him, marvelling at the afterglow on his flushed face, "hm, maybe we won't even need to continue~."
"W-wait," Tamaki's eyes widened desperately, "I- I can go a few m-more rounds. Please."
You bit your lip at his puppy-dog eyes, pretending to think about his plea, "well, I don't see why not. You do have tomorrow off..."
"Thank y-you, Bunny," Tamaki cracked a wobbly smile, "I love you..."
"I love you too, my little Butterfly~," you kissed the tip of his nose, "y'think you can come to the bedroom with me?"
Tamaki nodded, hungrily licking his lips. You guided him to your room, hand interlocked with his, and lay him down on the bed. He was already semi-hard again, grasping the sheets beside him. He looked at you longingly as you slowly unraveled your apron, taking care to fold it neatly and setting it on your dresser.
Even though you stood butt naked in front of him, you still felt powerful from his zealous gaze. You took a slow turn, walking towards the dresser and pulling out a tube of lube. You placed it on the bedside table and went back to Tamaki. His chest rose and fell unevenly, elated from his past orgasms. His wide eyes watched as you slowly dragged down his soiled sweatpants, stuttering nonsense when you saw that he wasn't wearing any underwear.
"I-it was just, um. I, uh— well, y'see.." Tamaki rambled.
"S' ok, Butterfly," you soothed, throwing his pants in the laundry basket. "I was wondering why you looked so much more delicious this evening."
Tamaki whined when you gripped his tumescent cock, gleaming with leftover cum, "I-I'm so sensitive. It almost hurts, b-but I want more. So, so b-bad, bunny."
"Hm, how about I fuck you real good? How's that sound?" You asked, picking up the pace of your pumps.
Tamaki nodded eagerly, "yesyesyesyesyess pl-please."
You sat up and positioned yourself above his twitching cock, eager for his gorgeous moans and whines. You slowly dropped your hips, quickly adjusting to his size, and bottomed out.
"F-fuck, bunny," Tamaki cried, throwing his head back against his pillow. "You feel so-ho good!"
Tamaki's indigo halo of hair was spread out; sheening with his sweat. He looked dazed, his body sprawled out on the bed, and his thighs slightly sticky with cum. He sobbed in pleasure as he watched you bounce on his cock, his hands were too weak to even grip the sheets underneath him. He rubbed his hands along your thighs and waist, squeaking out moans and jumbled sentences.
"You look so pretty like this, Butterfly," you lulled, swaying your hips in teasing motions, "you're doing so well, baby. I love you."
"Iloveyoutoo~!" Tamaki griped in reply, hardly able to decipher your words. He felt like he was wrapped in a cocoon of clouds and pleasure. Is that what they mean by 'cloud 9'? He didn't have enough brainpower to think about that; or much of anything, really.
You reached over and grabbed your vibrator, having a feeling that you wouldn't be able to come from the slow pace you were set at for Tamaki. Soft buzzing filled the room as you pressed the button a few times, and you pressed it to your clit.
"Feels so good, Tama," you moaned deeply, trying to egg him on.
He seemed to stir, eyebrows scrunching up, and letting out a small whimper. Tamaki honestly felt like he was dreaming, or maybe even in Heaven. He squinted his eyes open, gazing at your blurry figure riding him. He weakly bucked his hips up, wanting you to bounce harder.
"Please," he whispered, "h-hard— harder."
You did as he wished, laying the vibrator on his stomach so you could get more leverage. Your pussy clenched deliciously around Tamaki's cock whenever your clit made contact with the vibrator, practically forcing groans and whimpers out of Tamaki.
He felt his abs clench once again, alerting him that he was close. Again. His abs were sore as hell, but he still wanted more. He wanted you to absolutely ruin him, ride him into oblivion, and milk him completely dry of his cum. Your pussy felt so good, and he thought he could feel his tongue lull out of his mouth. So... good...
A long keen left your lips as you watched Tamaki's face contort in pleasure. He was so fucked out, babbling pleads and whines. You scrambled for your phone, still riding him, and snapped a few pictures. Your little Butterfly was so hot.
You gripped the vibrator again, pressing it against your delicate clit, desperately chasing the upcoming high. "You're being so good for me, Tama. Come again with me. You can do it."
Even though your voice was muffled, your words urged him on. Tamaki nodded helplessly, not sure whether he was sobbing or moaning, (probably both).
"Please, Bunny," he tried to call. "Cum. Want you to cum on m-my cock."
"Fuck!" You exclaimed, rocking your hips faster. "Oh fuck, Tamaki. So good, so good~"
Tamaki couldn't tell if he was coming once again, or if he was just feeling really good. He heaved out a sharp whine, squirming and bucking up from under you. Yeah, he was coming again.
"Yes!" You hollered, eyes rolling back and legs uncontrollably shaking. "Yesyesyesyesssss~ Ta-ma-kiiiiii."
"Thank you thank you thank you," he pleaded, vision turning white and fuzzy. "I- cum- I came so h-ard."
You switched off the vibrator, and tossed it on the bed. You weakly lifted yourself off of Tamaki's now soft dick, a few glops of cum falling onto his stomach. Tamaki was a trembling mess, whimpering 'thank you''s, and 'let me come one more time'. You sneakily snapped a picture before rushing off to grab a warm soapy cloth.
"How are you feeling, Butterfly?" You soothed the cloth carefully around his pelvic area, cleaning up dried cum and sweat.
"A-again?" He mumbled weakly. "Please?"
"No, not until you rest up. You're over your limit and you're way too out of it to be thinking clearly," you explained, wiping his face clean of drool and sweat, "I'll get you some water and then we can cuddle."
He nodded weakly as you left for the kitchen, and you made a mental note to phone the doctor that you were pretty sure this wasn't any normal mood quirk Tamaki was hit with.
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pufflyhallows · 4 years
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Gif not mine
Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader
Summary: Business is going bad after the war and Fred is not feeling so great, so you decide to cheer him up with a special trip.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, smut, language, tiny tiny bit of angst, still fluffy tho
a/n: this is my FIRST smut EVER so... be nice? also, Fred fucking LIVES bc I’m in denial forever lol
Word count: 4,3k
You wanted to surprise Fred.
He had been feeling down lately. Ever since he and George reopened the shop after the war, things had been a little tough. The movement was still quite slow, given the fact that people were still recovering from the war, mourning their lost ones and starting new lives. It was a difficult time for everyone, and of course it affected Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes as well.
What ached your heart the most was the fact that there wasn’t much you could do to help him. Every day you watched as he took longer to get out of bed in the morning, how he sounded slower and quieter when talking to you and, the worst part, how he acted quite mechanic when doing his chores around the shop, the same ones he enjoyed so much in the past and had always gotten done with a bright smile on his face. And although he never stopped caring for you or being loving to you, the bedroom had become… inactive. And you missed it. You missed being intimate with your boyfriend, but every time you tried to initiate it, he would softly decline, claiming to be too tired. You believed it. You could see he was indeed exhausted. And not only physically, but mentally too. Perhaps the latter was actually the one weighing more.
George, however, was quite the opposite. He kept his optimism high and was always the first to wake up every morning, excited with the new day and new possibilities. He would often go out and promote the shop, talk to people and sometimes even manage to bring a customer in.
This big difference between them worried you. No, you did not expect the twins to act the same, but you hoped in secret that Fred would follow his brother’s steps and cheer up a bit.
Cheer up. Yeah. That was exactly what he needed. And what better way to cheer up someone than a surprise trip? That’s how you were going to take his mind off of work. With Hermione’s help, you planned a very romantic weekend trip out of town. You talked to George beforehand, of course, but he assured you he could take care of the shop by himself for two days. He agreed Fred needed this.
“It’s not like we’re getting many customers anyway,” he had said.
So, as Friday approached, you felt the excitement building up. You managed to act completely nonchalant around him, making sure he didn’t suspect a thing. It wasn’t a big, expensive hotel because you knew he would worry about money and that was the opposite of what you wanted for this trip. Hermione had helped you pick a small, comfy hotel that was quite charming and fit your pocket perfectly. You wanted to make sure Fred felt loved, cared for and relaxed. There was also a little extra surprise inside your suitcase that you really hoped he would like…
What you didn’t know was that Fred felt guilty. He reckoned he hadn’t been the boyfriend you deserved lately, but he couldn’t help it. The stress was almost eating him alive and his mind was always wandering back to the shop, worrying about its future. You had been so kind and patient with him, he knew you deserved better than that. The whole thing was snowballing and sometimes he couldn’t see it ending.
That Friday, when you got home from work, the shop was still open and there was actually a customer inside, talking with George. You felt relief wash over you, because you knew what that meant: Fred was probably in a good mood.
You walked straight to the flat, not daring to interrupt George, but you stopped in the middle of the stairs to watch. He was speaking with such enthusiasm, showing and explaining his products to the young boy, that it filled you with pride. You caught his eyes for a brief moment and noticed the smallest of smirks appear on his lips. Smiling back, you nodded at him. Fred was nowhere to be seen, though, so you went upstairs.
There was a delicious scent coming from the kitchen. The older twin was there, cooking. You smiled to yourself at the sight. His favorite The Weird Sisters record was playing somewhere in the flat, adding a familiar, comfortable feel to the whole scene. Fred’s back was facing you while he chopped… carrots? on the counter. He didn’t seem to notice your presence just yet, so you took advantage of that. Placing your bag on the nearest chair, you walked in quiet steps towards your boyfriend. The fresh mint aroma coming from him meant he had probably just showered. Oh, and how you missed showering with him.
You couldn’t refrain your smile from growing even bigger once you noticed Fred’s body was swinging from side to side, so imperceptibly that you almost missed it. Carefully, you wrapped your arms around him from behind, resting your cheek on his back. You felt him tense up for a mere second before realizing who it was. He soon relaxed, letting go of the knife and placing his clean hand on yours.
“Didn’t hear you coming in,” he stated, voice low and raspy.
You hummed in response and placed a soft kiss on the nape of his neck. Fred turned around and briefly met your lips with his.
“It’s gonna take a while. Why don’t you go take a bath?”
“I will,” you nodded, running your hand from his chest to his shoulder and squeezing it gently. “How was your day?”
He shrugged. “Okay.”
“Okay”, you repeated. “Well, I hope I can make it better. I have a surprise for you after dinner.”
“A surprise?”
“Yes. I have an idea of how we can spend your days off.”
“Hm… Making plans already, are we?”
“Very good plans, yes. But you’ll have to wait until dinner.”
“Or you could tell me right now so I won’t have to.”
“But where’s the fun in that?”
You smirked and gave him another peck on the lips before rushing off the kitchen and leaving your boyfriend to his curiosity and imagination.
The warm bath made you think about a lot of things and you came to realize you were very lucky. The war was over and there you were, taking a bath in your boyfriend’s flat, the person you loved the most in the world. So many people lost their loved ones, their homes, their entire lives in that war. You knew you had many reasons to feel happy and should not take them for granted. Life was good for you right now, and you acknowledged it, promising to yourself that you were going to enjoy it the best you could, with Fred by your side.
George joined the two of you for dinner, which turned out to be the best you had in months. Not because of the food, although it was perfect, but because it felt like everything was back to normal, like all the meals you had shared before the war. Maybe it was the idea of a day off and the mention of a surprise from you, but you could see that Fred was already less gloomy or aloof.
After the meal, as if sensing you wanted to reveal your plans to Fred, George excused himself to his bedroom, claiming he still had to finish some work. You wished him goodnight, not missing the discrete wink he gave you.
“So…” you started, watching as Fred emptied his glass of pumpkin juice. “Remember when I said I had an idea on how to spend your days off?”
“Oh, yes. The surprise.”
“Well… I figured you could use a little rest from everything, so I made a reservation at a very nice hotel for the two of us to spend the weekend at.”
“You what?” Fred asked, a small smile starting to grace his lips.
“The portkey is set for our departure at 10 a.m. tomorrow.”
“Nope. No buts,” you shook your head. “I have already packed our bags.”
“Y/N, doll, I don’t know what to say.”
“Tell me I’m amazing, the best thing that ever happened to you, an angel sent from heaven…  Something humble like that.”
Fred chuckled, that contagious sound you missed hearing so much. “You’re amazing. You are the best thing that ever happened to me, a true angel sent from heaven.”
“I know! We’re gonna have so much fun,” you smiled excitedly, clasping your hands together.
“What exactly are your plans for us, though?” your boyfriend questioned, curiosity dripping from his lips.
“Oh, you’ll find out once we’re there.”
“The surprise doesn’t end here, I see.”
“Exactly. I have everything planned, baby.”
The look in Fred’s eyes seemed to indicate he had an idea of what you had planned, but he did not say a word about it. He would like to see the surprise reveal itself in the right moment. He wasn’t going to spoil your plans in any way.
You always had your doubts when it came to ads, but this time you had to admit this was spot on. The hotel looked exactly like its pictures and descriptions.
“Mr. and Mrs. Weasley?” the receptionist asked as soon as you stepped in the lobby.
It was something so small, so simple, but it made your heart flutter and stomach fill with those restless butterflies. Mrs. Weasley. Were you ever going to become that? You wondered if Fred even noticed the little misunderstanding.
“Um,” you cleared your throat. “Actually, it’s just one Weasley. Fred Weasley. I’m Y/N Y/L/N.”
Your slight flustered manner didn’t go unnoticed by Fred. Despite the obvious nervousness, he thought it was rather cute. In fact, he liked to hear you be called that. Perhaps he should do something about it…
“Oh, I apologize. Mr. Weasley and Miss Y/L/N,” the receptionist corrected herself as she checked the reservation’s book. “You’re right on time, your room is ready for you. I just need your wands for ID confirmation before I give you your key.”
Both of you handed your wands to the young woman behind the desk and she did as she was supposed to. Sooner than you had anticipated, you were in the lovely suite you had reserved.
Fred placed the small handbag on the bed – blessed be the extension charm, that’s all you had to carry for that trip – and walked around the room curiously. You went straight for the big window and opened the curtains. There it was. The view you had seen on the ad and that had made you instantly choose this hotel.
“Fred,” you called softly, looking behind you. “Come see.”
Your boyfriend let go of the catalog on the nightstand and approached you, eyeing the outside in awe.
“Wow,” he breathed. “It’s beautiful.”
“Isn’t it?”
When making the reservation, you were met with the question: would you like a room with view to the street/village or to the beach? And you chose the beach, although the village was a lovely sight. Now, seeing Fred’s reaction, you were absolutely sure you had made the right choice.
The hotel was in a small village where both wizards and muggles lived. With a little help from magic, the wizards could go unnoticed and the muggles lived everyday life without a single clue of the existence of such peculiar neighbors. The beach was right behind the village, and your room being in the back of the hotel, you had a wonderful privileged view of nature’s beauty.
“Wanna go down there?” you asked.
“What’s in your plans?” he asked back, switching his gaze from the window to you.
“Beach,” you replied with a small smile. “Basically the entire day at the beach, lunch at a muggle restaurant down there too. But dinner here.”
“I’ll follow your script, doll.”
Fred placed his hand on your waist and pulled you closer, pressing his lips ever so gently on yours. You instantly let go of the curtains so you could run your fingers through his soft hair. The light fabric fell back to its place, covering the windows again and leaving the room a little darker than before. Fred’s gentle kiss wasn’t so gentle anymore.
No, not yet.
You broke the kiss and pulled back, biting your lip as you started to feel that you might not be able to wait until the right time for your surprise.
“I’m starving,” you whispered against his lips.
“Me too,” he pulled you closer again.
“Let’s go, then.” You managed to get out of his embrace and grab the handbag before heading to the bathroom to change into your bathing suit.
A hungry Fred was left standing by the big window.
It had been hard.
It had been hard seeing you in so little clothing, dripping wet, skin glistening as droplets of water reflected the sunlight. But Fred managed.
All he had in his mind every time he saw you leaving the water was how he wanted to take you then and there. He had to distract himself from those thoughts, paying attention to what you were saying but not too much to your moving lips. He knew you had something planned and he was appreciative of how much effort you had put in this weekend for him. That was the only reason he wasn’t indulging to his not-so-pure thoughts.
Lunch was a good distraction too, specially since you had to convince a muggle child she had imagined it when she saw Fred stop his falling fork mid-air.
Now, as the two of you walked hand in hand back to the hotel, he wondered if he was going to be rewarded for the self-control test he had just passed. You were humming a song as you observed the houses, trying to guess which ones were muggles and which ones were wizards.
“What’s next?” he asked.
“Dinner!” you answered excitedly. “But, if I were you, I wouldn’t go overboard.”
“Why, if I may ask?” but Fred already suspected why.
“Well… there might be plans for after dinner as well.”
Fred held your hand tighter and pulled you towards the hotel in a faster pace. You chuckled, feeling the excitement grow bigger and bigger.
“Dessert?” the waiter asked as he took the empty plates from your table.
“No, thank you,” Fred replied before you had the chance. “We’re calling it a night, aren’t we, sweetheart?”
“Actually,” you smirked at your boyfriend before looking at the waiter. “I’d like chocolate pudding, please.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
As soon as the waiter left, Fred gave you a look.
“What?” you asked nonchalantly.
“I thought you said we wouldn’t go overboard.”
“I’m not going overboard. I had a small plate,” you shrugged.
“Right,” Fred sighed, bouncing his leg under the table.
When your chocolate pudding came, you grabbed the spoon and took a small amount to your mouth. Fred watched your every move, arms crossed and brows slightly furrowed as he saw you slowly lick the spoon. You pretended you didn’t know he was watching, eyes on the tiny bowl in front of you, and you mouthed another spoon, unintentionally getting pudding all over your lips.
Your boyfriend gulped as he watched you run your thumb over your lower lip, getting rid of the chocolate there, and gently suck on it.
“For fuck’s sake, Y/N,” he mumbled.
“Hm?” you looked at him innocently.
“Just eat the damn thing.”
“You want some?” you raised the spoon at him.
“Yes, I want some.”
You felt your cheeks burn just a little bit with his remark, heart begin to race as the ideas for what you wanted to do to him tonight started to flood your mind.
“If you wait patiently, you might get what you want,” you teased, looking back at the bowl and already serving another spoon, which you quickly brought to your lips, licking all the content off of it.
Fred shook his head, one corner of his lips going upwards ever so slightly, eyes glued on you.
“You sure you don’t want to taste it?” you offered again, lips glistening as you cleaned them with your tongue.
“I will taste it,” his eyes pierced through your body and suddenly the hotel was too hot.
You had barely served the last spoon of pudding when Fred stood up and let the waiter know you were headed to the room.
“I haven’t finished yet,” you protested and he immediately took the last spoon from your hand and into his mouth.
“Now you have,” he said as he pulled you from the chair.
The way back to the suite felt much longer than it actually was, but as soon as you reached the door, Fred’s lips were on yours. You had trouble to get the key with your boyfriend’s hands all over you, pulling your body hard against his.
“Fred,” you breathed, stepping back. “There’s another surprise.”
Before he could say anything, you unlocked the door and went inside.
“Sit down,” you slowly pushed him to the bed. “And close your eyes.”
Fred complied with no protests, but you could see he was getting flustered, probably guessing what was coming.
You blew out most of the candles illuminating the room and left only a few to create the romantic atmosphere you wanted. You went to the bathroom and changed into the expensive lacy lingerie you had bought for this exact occasion. It was red, a color you had learned Fred was very fond of when it came to this kind of clothing, and had one small, delicate bow right between your breasts.
“Are your eyes closed?” you asked from the bathroom, hand on the doorknob.
“Yeah,” you heard in response.
“No peeking ‘til I tell you to,” you warned.
You opened the door and stepped out of the bathroom. Fred was still sitting on the bed, one leg bouncing impatiently, and a slight frown between his eyebrows.
Slowly, you approached the bed and stood right in front of him.
“Open your eyes,” you whispered.
As soon as he did, Fred sucked in a shaky, quiet breath. He eyed you from head to toe, not hiding his astonishment.
“Baby,” he mumbled in a deep voice, already feeling his pants get a little too tight as his eyes still traveled through your entire figure.
“Do you like it?” you asked.
“Mm-hmm,” he nodded, biting his bottom lip.
“Good,” you smiled, placing your hands on each of his shoulders. “Now let me show you how proud I am to be your girlfriend.”
Your lips met Fred’s in a slow, deep kiss as you climbed the bed and straddled him, your arms thrown around his neck. Fred let out a soft moan when he felt your weight against his lap, his hands going up your back, fingertips sending shivers down your spine as they searched for the bra clasp. However, you stopped them and placed them back on your hips.
“Not so fast,” you whispered against his lips.
Before he could protest, you kissed him again, now pushing him all the way back to lay down on the bed. Hovering above him, you started pulling up his shirt, which he quickly got rid of for you. You chuckled. Maybe you weren’t the only one who had missed this.
Now that you had free access to his torso, you began to place soft, wet kisses on his neck, slowly moving down to his chest and stomach, painfully taking your time.
You could feel Fred’s breathing get deeper and deeper as you kissed his abs, working your way down to his pants. Once there, you stopped the kisses for a brief moment, so you could focus on getting rid of that piece of fabric. Again, Fred quickly helped you out until you were both just in your underwear.
The sight sent goosebumps through your body and you inevitably bit your lower lip. He was already so hard, you felt the anticipation building up inside you.
You decided to torture him for a little bit – just a little bit – and carried on with the kisses, not taking off his underwear quite yet. However, Fred’s impatience was growing and he didn’t think he would manage to wait for too long. His hand found your hair and he started stroking it, running his fingers through it, a disguised way to guide your head to where he needed you the most. You realized his intentions, but you did not stop him. You let him take you where he wanted and soon your lips found his still covered length.
“Shit, Y/N.”
You smirked.
Slowly, you started pulling down the last piece of clothing until you completely freed him. He was so beautiful. You still had a silly smile on your face as you ran your tongue all the way up from the base to the tip, where you placed a gentle kiss. Fred’s soft moan reached your ears, a beautiful sound that made you even more wet.
You took him in your mouth and started sucking the tip in a slow, teasing pace, while your hand loosely stroked him. You didn’t want him to cum yet. You wanted him to last. And you were going to make him last.
Fred’s hand never left your hair, and he began to slightly pull it, asking for more. He needed more.
“Y/N,” he moaned. “Y/N, please.”
You ignored him and kept going in that insanely slow pace, taking your time. What was the hurry?
You heard a low groan, and felt him move his hips against you. You stopped.
“Behave yourself, Weasley.”
“Baby… Please.”
You smirked again, giving him one last stroke, and you let go of him.
Fred looked at you in a way you hadn’t seen in a while. His eyes were dark, full of pure lust. But also desperation and discontent with the sudden lack of touch.
You crawled on the bed until your face was right above his, and you kissed him. It was a deep, passionate, hurried kiss between two people who were eager for each other. This time, you didn’t stop Fred’s hands from going up your back and unclasping your bra. He took it off and you quickly felt his left hand on your right breast, squeezing it. His right hand, however, was going up and down your side, sending shivers through your bare skin. He rested it on your waist for a little bit before going down to your ass and squeezing it tightly. You moaned against his lips, your own impatience growing.
You only stopped the kiss to get rid of your panties, the last piece of fabric separating you from him.
Fred watched as you got off of him and started to pull it down your smooth legs. He could feel his cock throbbing at the sight of your completely naked body. You were breathtakingly, heart-racingly beautiful. He loved the lingerie, he really did, but he loved your body a thousand times more. And he would never get tired of looking at it.
When you straddled him again, skin to skin now, he thought he would cum right then and there. You smiled at him, that beautiful smile that never changed, and kissed him one more time. Fred placed his hands on your waist, squeezing it gently, as if to encourage you. Not wasting another second, you guided his tip to your entrance and slowly sank down on him, allowing him to get all the way inside you, quite easily given how wet you were.
“Oh fuck, baby,” he moaned.
Letting out your own whimpers, you placed your hands on his chest and started riding him, still slowly, still teasingly. Fred’s moans soon turned into groans, complaints. He was getting tired of the teasing, he was already on edge. He couldn’t take it anymore. With a swift move, Fred shifted the both of you so now he was on top. He started thrusting into you, quite roughly, earning a loud approving moan from you.
“Fred,” you gasped, digging your nails into his shoulders.
He kept going, pounding harder and harder, moaning as he did so.
You started kissing his neck, biting, sucking, anything that would leave a mark.
“Yes, baby,” you cried out as he thrusted even deeper.
The bed was making a discreet creaking sound that you weren’t sure if the people in the other rooms could hear. You hoped not, but honestly? Right now you didn’t care. The sound of Fred’s heavy breaths, moans, groans and whimpers were all you were paying attention to. Beautiful sounds that had the power to shut down anything else in your mind.
The rhythm he had created was sending you to heaven with every motion. His lips soon found your own again and he kissed you as if he hadn’t done it just minutes before.
“Fuck, Y/N. I’m close.”
“Me too.”
As you felt your body tense, Fred came inside you with a low groan, slowing down just a tad bit. He kept thrusting, however, knowing you were about to reach your climax too. And not long after him, you felt a wave of pleasure wash over you, and your body relaxed completely.
Both of you were panting against each other’s neck, your arms still loosely around his shoulders as he slowly pulled out and collapsed on top of you.
Hugging him more tightly, you felt Fred leave small kisses on your neck, and you closed your eyes, enjoying the extra-tingly sensation. You started to run your fingernails up and down his back, the other hand caressing his hair.
If you concentrated hard enough, you could hear the waves crashing on the beach, the giggling of children playing down there, and the muffled music coming from the muggle restaurant. You felt so at ease.
After a long moment of peaceful, comforting silence, Fred looked up and smiled. “I love you so much.”
You smiled back. “I love you too.”
Not bad for round one.
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Minors dni
This contains: extreme levels of sexual tension, friends to lovers, oral (fem receiving), tiddy worship, squirting
You work at Origini miya and Osamu loves to make messes
You aspired to be a great chef and open your own restaurant one day. So naturally you decided to work at a restaurant to get a feel for it. You decided that working with your best friend was your safest route considering he already owned his own restaurant. You ate here all the time anyways so what's the harm. Plus you know free food.
“Hey boss!” you teased, placing all your belongings in your usual spot in the kitchen. The back of the shop was all very home-like. The counters were filled with small nick nacks. Your favorite being the volleyball salt and pepper shakers.
“Hey pumpkin, bad news. We have to work pretty late today.” he spoke over his shoulder and continued cutting away at vegetables. There were small neat piles on his cutting board of all types of veggies.
“I don’t mind but may I ask why?” you questioned as you tied your apron strings. It was canvas colored with a small cartoon origini on it. He loved hearing you ramble on about how cute it was.
“My stupid brother wants to pass by with his team which means 10 professional athletes will be eating here tomorrow. Hence all the sacks of rice on the counter,” he points to the table with rice cookers and rice bags lined up ready to be prepared. He places down the knife and walks over to you. “And who better to help me than my pretty little assistant.” He flashes you a taunting smile.
“Alright big guy, where do you want me?”
“Preferably on my bed but getting the meat from the freezer is fine too.” he blew you a comical kiss which you gladly caught and placed on your cheek with a fake lovey dovey sigh.
And so the day began. The third staff member was in charge of the front counter and attending to the guests while you and Osamu made the meals for tomorrow. He was a shy but funny highschool student looking to get some extra cash for video games. Osamu had a soft spot for him so he was often given raises. Hours flew by as the two of you made rice and all kinds of fillings to suit the players' tastes. There was endless chatter about random nonsense, some tv shows you both watch and a shit ton of middle school humor.
“Does it taste good?” you gave him a spoonful of the meat and sauce mix to try. You decided to try something new and surprise him, miixing his favorite meat in with his homemade sauce.
“That’s what she said.” he giggled at his own joke before trying it. “Hmm goof.” he hummed in satisfaction.
“Swallow before you talk, nasty.” He couldn’t handle it. He spit out the mix at your face and burst into laughter. Gripping your shoulders to stabilize himself.
“Do you think before you say these things!” He clutched his chest as his breath stabilized.
You gave him a sour look and so he shuffled over to grab his towel and clean your face off. Your eyes were closed as he worked away, wiping all the food off you. He stopped at the side of your cheek to admire your features. “Pretty” his voice was so hushed you didn’t hear him. He leaned in closer, your faces inches apart.
“Sir my shift is over and the shop is all closed up and clean so have a good day!” The poor kid knew he walked into something. He quickly waved goodbye and left as quickly as he came. Slamming the door on his way out.
“Yeah thanks kid, have a good ni- and he's gone. Alright let’s get back to work.”
“Good idea” you cleared your throat and looked away.
Things got really awkward after that. He stopped making eye contact and his terrible jokes stopped. You had to think of something to ease the tension. You still had so much to do and you couldn’t bear to have it be like this the whole time.
“Hey ‘samu can you help me over here real quick!” you shouted from the sinks at the wash station. They were in a separate room to the rest of the kitchen so that spilt water can go down the floor drains. Which you thought was genius of him.
“Yeah whatcha need.” The second he turned the corner you sprayed him with the handheld nozzle. “Oh so that’s how we’re playing.” He grabbed a nearby cup and filled it, chasing you around for a bit trying to catch you. When he finally caught up to you he wrapped an arm around you from behind and drenched the front of your shirt, laughing into your neck. You couldn;t help but laugh along. Your laugh made his chest feel all warm.
The water had soaked through the apron and your shirt, making your shirt translucent. He could see everything from his view above you. He wasn’t going to lie, he’s always had a thing for you and this didn’t make it any easier.
“Didn’t take you as the lace bra type.” His grip on you tightened slightly.
“I’m so glad I made the staff uniform white” his hands come up to grope your pretty tits. Pushing them up and releasing them. “You’re gorgeous, you know that.”
“Can’t tell if you’re talking to me or my tits and my shirt’s still soaked.” he softly chuckled.
“Both.” he whispered into the shell of your ear. “Can I make it up to you? Maybe help you clean up?” his hand slowly trailed down to rest in your inner thigh.
“M’yeah.” You hummed in approval. His hand came behind to undo your apron knot, letting it fall gently to the floor.
“Spread your legs for me baby.” his hands smoothed over your stomach before making their way into your pants. “You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do this.” He rubbed small circles at your clit, eliciting satisfied hums to fall from your lips.
You’ve always thought he was hot but god did he just go from a 10 to 50 real quick. “Oh so you planned this, didn’t you pretty boy? Asking me to stay late, all the little hints.” you tried your best to make your voice not sound strained.
“Maybe a little, all with your permission of course.” His other hand made work of your shirt buttons. Taking in all you had to offer when your shirt finally came off. You were so pretty to him. All your small gimmicks and reactions to situations had him so in love.
“Ah. Such a gentleman.” a small moan escaped your lips when his fingers ghosted your entrance. You gripped his forearm and he stopped immediately, looking for any signs of discomfort or hesitance.
“Are you ok?” His voice was soft.
“Yeah can we just adjust positions?” you dropped your head back onto his shoulder.
He had a moment of thought, resting his head against yours. “Do you trust me?”
“One hundred percent.”
“God fuck! Right there!” your head knocks back into the wall and hips roll into his face. He doesn’t hold back any sounds either, grunting and obscene licking were the only things coming from him. He absolutely loved this. It was so messy. Cum and spit dribble down your thighs and onto the floor, his face was slick with your cum and he adored it. He could cum from this alone.
He’s had you against the wall with both thighs wrapped around his face for about 30 minutes now. His idea of trusting him was just another way to show off his strength. Gripping at your thighs like it’s his life line. You thrash against the wall, pawing at his hair and shoulders.
“‘Samu s’too much.” your words were barely understandable at this point. He had reduced you to a babbling mess. He hummed into you and that’s all it took. Your orgasm came crashing down hard. You didn’t even notice what you had done at first.
He looked up at you with cum dripping off his face and chin. The proud smirk on his face made you squirm in embarrassment.
“Hey pumpkin, I said I would help you clean up the mess. But I think I just made a bigger one.”
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ptergwen · 4 years
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w/c: 2k
warnings: smut but there’s fluff toooo
a/n: literally based this whole os off positions by ariana bc if y’all didn’t know i love her and the song came out yesterday it’s so so good go stream and YEAH everyone enjoy
“it’s been so lovely to meet you, y/n.” nikki gives you a warm smile and reaches over tom to put a hand on your arm. tom squeezes your side from his spot next to you. he’s sitting between the two most important women in his life. leaning into him more, you return the smile.
“you, too. i’m really happy we could do this,” you agree. “tom’s a lucky guy, eh?” she raises an eyebrow. “i am. almost as lucky as dad.” he beams and kisses the side of your head. your nose scrunches up. “oh, you two. do you really have to go so soon?” you look at tom to confirm. “don’t you have a call in the morning?” considering it for a second, he shrugs. “we can stay another hour.”
nikki pats your arm and shifts her gaze to tom. “why don’t you spend the night? you do have a room and wifi here.” now he’s looking at you to see what you think. you smile a little in response. “sure, mum. that would be perfect.” she nods, proud of her idea. “should we make that dessert i was talking about, then?”
tom sits at the kitchen table while you and nikki do the baking. you’re using a cake recipe she got from one of her friends. all three of you figured he’d end up burning it. she tells you stories from when tom was a kid, and he interjects whenever something embarrassing comes up. you can’t help but giggle about the time he fell off the stage during a school play.
“and he was in a tree costume. his head got stuck in the trunk hole,” nikki nudges you, both of you laughing. tom hides his face in his hands. “it was hard! you try dancing in one of those things.” “aw, tom. maybe no one noticed.” you crack an egg into the bowl with a snort. he sighs. “they had to stop the show.”
the cake is in the oven four embarrassing stories later. you were going to help nikki clean up, but she insisted you go relax. she almost had to push you out of the kitchen. the woman is a saint honestly, and now you see where tom gets it from. the two of you are back on the couch while she does the dishes.
“thanks for coming tonight. it means a lot to me.” tom leans his head against yours, which is resting on his shoulder. “and mum.” “of course. i wanted to, you know.” you nuzzle your cheek against him. he lets out a breath and grins. “she really likes you. loves you, even.” a smile pulls at your lips. “really?”
“mhm. she wouldn’t have asked you to stay if she didn’t.” his fingers trace random shapes on your thigh. you hum in content. “we would’ve been kicked out by now.” “it’s technically your house still,” you deadpan, but it’s lighthearted. “mm, but we have ours.” that makes you feel so soft and warm. you’re just so in love with him. he’s even more in love with you.
you tilt your head up to peck tom’s lips. he gives you another kiss back. “i love you.” “i love you, too,” he murmurs. he’s about to go in for a proper kiss when nikki peeks her head out from behind the wall. she looks between you both knowingly. “cake’s done.”
the three of you head back to the kitchen together. tom takes the seat the farthest away from everyone this time. he’s a little embarrassed his mom almost saw that. he looks you up and down when you bend over to take the cake out of the oven. feeling his eyes on you, you glance over your shoulder when you stand up. he licks his lips. you bite back a smile and put the pan down on the counter.
“sorry if i interrupted anything,” nikki jokes and starts to get the cake out of the pan. “no, you didn’t. it’s okay.” you’re still looking at tom. you reach up and get the icing out of one of the cabinets, then a spatula from a holder on the counter. the fact that you already know where everything is makes tom get blushy. a good blushy.
the cake is on the cooling rack, so you open up the icing. nikki moves over to give you more room. “we should add some sprinkles, yeah?” she puts a hand on your shoulder. “tom, what do you think?” you noticed he’s been unusually quiet. he clears his throat. “yeah, sounds good.” “alright, then. let’s see if we have them.” nikki goes back into the cabinet you were in.
you get a generous amount of icing on the spatula, then start spreading it around the cake. it’s chocolate. everyone knows what that does. tom can’t stop thinking about how perfect you are while he watches. with nikki, with him, with all of this. he uses that word a lot. perfect. but, he actually means it now. you’re the human embodiment of it.
you’re almost finished with the icing when nikki puts down two different kinds of sprinkles. she found rainbow and the white ones that look like crystals. you put down the tub of icing with a smile. “i’ve got this, love,” she tells you and nods her head to tom. making eye contact with him, you lick what’s left of the icing off the spatula. his eyes are hooded now. you put the spatula in the sink and sit next to him at the table.
“tease,” he says lowly to you, putting an arm around the back of your chair. “you do it to me all the time.” you shift closer to him. he only shakes his head. nikki brings over the cake and a knife balanced on three plates a few minutes later. “who’s hungry?” “me,” you’re the first to answer. tom laughs and takes the knife to cut the cake. “thanks, mum. and y/n.” you put an arm around his neck. “you’re very welcome.”
everyone stays downstairs for two pieces and some small talk. you decide to put everything away in the morning since it’s getting late and tom has to be up. the two of you say goodnight to nikki, then tom leads you upstairs to his old room.
neither of you have to say anything to know exactly what you want. you press your lips to tom’s the second he closes the door, grabbing at his shoulders. he kisses back while walking backwards to the bed. he sits and pulls down you by your waist. your legs are on either side of him. you pull away to catch your breath, resting your forehead against tom’s.
“you were so good tonight, baby,” tom pants, fingers gripping your sides. you start to undo his shirt button by button with a smirk. “i’m not done yet.” he chuckles into your next kiss, shrugging off his shirt. you toss it on the floor and push at his bare chest so he’s laying down. you’re straddling him now, your tongue running across his lower lip. he unzips the dress you decided to wear while your lips trail off to his neck.
“wanna get this off,” he rasps, sliding the straps down your shoulders. you hum against his skin in response and sit up again. the vibrations make him feel tingly. your dress is thrown across the room shortly after. tom runs a finger down your back, his swollen lips curling into a smile. “love you.” “love you more.” you’re about to show him you mean it.
his hand comes around to your front as you unzip his jeans. he rubs your hip, your thigh, almost right where you need him, then he stops. he’s getting you back for earlier. you let out a breath and roll off of him so he can get out of his jeans. he eyes you and takes his boxers off next to speed up the process.
“c’mere.” you’re quick to get back on top of him. you can feel him through your panties as you straddle him. that only makes you more needy. he pulls your panties to the side and uses his middle finger to circle your clit. it’s good, but it’s not enough. “tom,” you breathe out. “i know, i know.”
he easily tugs your panties down, and you move so you’re lined up with him. you reach down and pump his dick in your hand. he presses a long kiss to your cheek. you can feel his breath fanning across your face. you run his dick through your folds to get both of you ready. biting down on your lip, you put your free hand on his chest.
he lets out a low moan when you start to sink down on him. you let him fill you up, taking your time to get there. more quiet noises escape him when he’s completely inside of you. squeezing your eyes shut, you move on him. you go slow at first, both of you feeling every little movement.
tom’s hands hold your hips to guide you. he brings you back down again. your moan is muffled as you let him move you faster. “shit, baby,” he exhales and pulls you forward. it makes him hit a new spot inside of you. you’re bouncing on him now, grabbing onto his shoulders again for support.
“fuck,” you murmur as quietly as you can so you’re not heard downstairs. tom unclasps your bra while you ride him, trying to distract himself so he doesn’t give you two away. he can’t take it off you because of the position you’re in. he pushes it up instead so your boobs are out of it, both hands cupping them. “closer, darling.”
you lean down more so he can reach you. he massages one and takes the other into his mouth. your head is thrown back while his tongue runs over your nipple. between this and the way he feels inside you, it’s so hard not to scream his name right now.
“tom... tom you’re gonna make me-“ you whimper, gulping before you can finish your sentence. he pulls his mouth off of you with a pop and kisses your lips to shut both of you up. keeping the same pace, you kiss him back. it’s messy and breathless. you’re getting close already. you’d normally go on way longer, but he has that stupid meeting.
it only takes you a few more bounces until you get that familiar feeling in your stomach. tom’s firm grip on your hips steadies you while you come. “doing so good. keep going,” he praises, your orgasm making your walls clench around him. you let out a small moan, tom breathing heavier from the feeling. you’re not moving anymore, but it’s enough to have him coming soon after you.
your head dropping onto his stomach, you climb off of him. tom presses his lips to your hair softly and moves his hands up to your waist. “really like when you’re on top.” his voice is raspy. you’re still trying to catch your breath, but you manage a kiss to his chest. “me too. it’s really... nice.” “nice?” he teases.
“stop, i can’t think right now,” you mumble to him. you’ve rolled over so you’re by his side. you have your head laying on his chest. his curls brush your face when he leans over to peck your lips. “i figured. tonight was a good night, hm?” “mhm. we should do it again.” your fingers ruffle his hair.
“what, the sex? or dessert with my mum?” he cringes at how that comes out. you giggle and twirl a piece of his hair. “both. wow, today was a lot.” tom squishes his cheek into the pillow more. “i could fall asleep like this.” “nope, you have to get ready for bed. your call is soon.” you poke at his chest and move over so you’re not on him anymore. he sits himself up with a chuckle.
“you switch up fast.”
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nightowlfandom · 4 years
Billy Loomis and Stu Macher x Reader- 27 (Part 2)
Hey beautiful people! SOOOO I got a comment on my last Scream imagine and they said...
ok but like a part 2 where we go picking them all off one by one and tell them what happened to (y/n) before we end them? and the revenge on the parents for it too? make them feel sorry for what they did and expose them to everyone. I mean not forcing but lightly tapping an idea
Okay so you know the drill, I will let you know when to proceed with caution.
... (Picking up directly after the events of part 1)
“...My parents weren’t the most loving people around.” you stared down at your fingertips. “They were overbearing...very controlling...loved to gaslight me from time to time.” you felt a lump form in your throat. “After the Hanna thing, they tried to sent me to boarding school.”
You three sat in Stu’s basement. You sat cross-legged on the floor and Stu and Billy cleaned up the dead body. Stu had given you a rag to wipe the blood off your face and hands. 
“A while back before we all met...my parents weren’t too bad. Then Hanna came along and decided to ruin that for me too. She and her friends dragged me into the woods and beat me up...I was bleeding out everywhere...she told my parents I attacked her...she told them that I-..That I tried to kill her.” you shook your head. “My parents never looked at me the same...like they disowned me without saying they did.” you sniffed.
“What about the others?” Billy ceased his activities to stare at you. He was impressed how well you seemed to be taking everything. 
“ Dylan leaked my friend’s nudes, Jennifer is Hanna’s slave...she was Hanna Number 2 when she couldn’t torture anyone else. Rachel....I just hate Rachel, and Cameron...is my ex.” you explained. “There are others...many others.” you seethed. 
“And we’ll get to all of them.” Stu finished his job of tying Hanna’s legs together. “But first...how do you feel?”
“Like I just killed someone.” you half-joked, bringing your knees to your chest. “Why didn’t you guys tell me?”
“We didn’t want to scare you.” Billy reminded you. “We know how you are Y/N.”
“Still.” you pouted. “It would have been nice to know that you two were behind all this.” you stared at the floor. “Why didn’t you guys...y’know-”
“We wanted to...” Billy dusted himself off. “We tried...then you just had to charm us with that smile of yours.” he bit his lip as he smiled at the thought. “You just had to go and be adorable.”
There he was, standing with Stu hunched over a notebook of possible victims. They had agreed you’d be next, they really did. They had introduced themselves to you and gained your trust, but along the way, your kindness, your willingness to be so vulnerable around then...accepting them (especially Billy) for their flaws, they couldn’t...they wouldn’t.
“Can I help with anything?” you asked, standing to your feet. 
“Not unless you know a place to dump this body.” Billy replied. 
“There’s a lake behind Hanna’s house...” you recalled. “I saw it when my parents used to go over there for dinner.”
“Great!” Stu skipped over and took you in a hug. “So who do you wanna get first?”
“Me? You’re letting me choose?” you stared up at Stu who swore up and down you looked the most adorable you ever have, if that was even possible. 
“This is your list, isn’t it?” Billy casually strode over. He tilted your chin up at him. “Just let us take care of it.”
“...Dylan first.” you concluded. “It’s for my friend...he has to go.” you asserted. 
“As you wish princess.” 
...(The Next Day)
   You trudged away from your parent’s car, doing your usual habits of ignoring them as they saw you off. You saw Billy and Stu waiting for you on some benches. They glared behind you, obviously getting a good look of your parents. 
“Hey cutie.” Stu threw himself at you, hugging you super tight. “How’d you sleep?”
“Shitty...” you mumbled. “Guess who just caught word of Hannas’s...untimely demise.”
“Serves the bitch right.” Billy flicked his middle finger at your parents as they drove off. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Dylan throwing around a football with his friends. His gaze darted in your direction. He looked surprised to see you and Stu so close, so much so that he hesitated to throw the ball back to his friends. “Hey asshole, you got your turn. Hand her over.” Billy flicked Stu on the head as he pulled your out of Stu’s embrace.
“Oh you’re no fun.” Stu laughed, waving him off. Billy wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you to his chest and gingerly trailing his fingers down your back. 
“Hey Y/N...” 
You paused your momentary happy moment when Dylan came jogging up. You pulled away from Billy and faced your friend’s ex-boyfriend. “What?”
“Um...Hey.” he did that douche-bag hair flip. “What’s up?”
“I’m just spectacular.” you grimaced. He was really talking to you like he wasn’t the reason your only other friend switched schools. “Need something?”
“Yeah. I wanted to invite you to my party tonight.”
‘I’d rather-” you began, only to realize the mega opportunity you’d receive. 
“Are your other friends coming?” you shifted all your weight to one side and pretended to absentmindedly twirl your hair. 
“Um...Y-yeah.” he nodded.
“Can my friends come?” you acted oblivious and dumb, the only language he and his friends seemed to understand when it came to women.
“Sure. They can come join the fun.” he winked. “Tonight, 8:00 o’clock.”
“Splendid, you winked. I’ll be there.” 
As Dylan returned to his friends, all of them laughing about the joke they thought you didn’t understand, Billy and Stu stood at your sides.
“You’re killer is showing, love.” Stu kissed the side of your head. “Easy now.” he laughed, even though he knew he was talking complete bullshit.
“I’m gonna have so much fun slitting that one’s throat.” Billy pointed to Rachel. “This is gonna be awesome.”
...(That Night)
You had managed to make it a few hours. Without completely losing your mind. Billy had taken it upon himself to put up him brooding angst-filled sadboi attitude and Stu showed up in his honorary pimp robe. 
Now you all were sitting in a circle, playing stupid games.
“Y/N...truth or dare?” Jennifer called on you next, noticing how quiet you had been.
“Kiss, Fuck, Or Kill. Stu Macher, Cameron Kent, and Dylan Bayle.”
With a bored grin, you looked her right in the eye. She dared you to say you would fuck her boyfriend, little does she know...
“I guess I’d have to kiss Cameron...” you began warmly, recalling how you two used to date. Gross... “And as much as I love pissing you off...I wouldn’t touch Dylan with a ten foot pole...so I’d have sex with Stu.”
A few wolf whistles from the guy chorused around the circle as a few guys pat Stu on the back. Your eyes looked over at Stu whose cheeks were tinted pink. He shot you a smile and a quick wink.
“And you know what that leaves?...I’d kill Dylan.” you smirked, only to put on a front again. Before anyone could say anything else, you all heard a phone ring. Coincidentally, the phone was right next to you. 
“Y/N, get that will you. Put it on speaker.”
“I got you.” you grabbed the phone. “Hello?”
“What number is this?”
“What number are you trying to reach?” you replied.
“I dunno...”
“Sure buddy.” you rolled your eyes as you hung up.
“Okay! Dylan!” Rachel drunkenly asked. “Truth or Dare!”
“Dare baby!” Dylan laughed.
“I dare you to go into the bedroom with Y/N and do something with her!” she laughed. “You can’t leave until you do something!”
“Did anyone ask my opinion on this?” you felt disgusted as the words left your mouth. How much longer were you gonna have to put up with this? “Stu, help me out!” 
“A dare’s a dare, babe.” he laughed as he took another swig of whatever. 
“Ugh!!” you grimaced as you stood up and followed Dylan. You made sure to lightly bump your shoulder against Stu’s as you walked. You two looked eyes momentarily, sharing a discrete smirk between eachother.
You stood there, playing with your fingers as Dylan came up to you.
“You know Y/N...I’ve always liked you.”
“Oh really?” you asked shyly. “W-well why didn’t you tell me?” you half giggled half gagged.
“I couldn’t find the right words.” he reached out to touch your cheek.
Meanwhile downstairs, everyone laughed at the hidden camera footage they were watching. They couldn’t wait to post this to the school’s website. 
“Oh my god!” you screamed at you pointed behind Dylan. Everyone watched as a dark hooded figure creeped up behind Dylan and grabbed him buy the back of his head, digging a knife into his shoulder. Then he charged for you, stabbing you in the stomach...slowly but surely he creeped up to the camera, looking directly at it. “Nuh uh uh~” he sang before he punched the camera, causing the signal to break.
This caused everyone to scream bloody murder and attempted to scream.
Back in the bedroom, you had managed to hear the screaming. “Can I get up now?” you rolled over. “Pretending to die is so weird.”
“Allow me.” Billy walked over and helped you to your feet, ridding himself of his Ghostface mask. “You look good covered in fake blood.”
“Do I?” you fake pouted. Billy didn’t answer and instead kissed you. He held your face in his hands, gently moving his soft lips against yours. He would have went crazy is Dylan managed to get that far. He was glad that he could finally show how he felt about you in a personal way. 
“You do.” he bit his lip as he pulled away.
“W-what the fuck?!” Dylan, who was very much alive looked between you two. “You’re in on this.”
“Oh shut up!” you grabbed Billy’s knife and walked up to him. “Kyla Grayson, who is she?”
“Kyla Grayson?”
“ARE YOU AN ECHO?” you snapped. “Who is she?”
“I don’t know! I swear!” he tried to cower away from you.
“You don’t remember showing private pictures of a young impressionable freshman to your fucking friends?” you glared. “She trusted you...she liked you a lot...and because of you she had to move to a different county.” you raised the knife over your head. “Any last words?”
“SURPRISE!” Stu burst through the door, also dawning a Ghostface getup, only without the voice changer. He was dragging Jennifer and Rachel by the hair.
“You’re just in time for the show.” you said, not looking up from Dylan. 
“Don’t talk.” you kept your eyes on Dylan. “I’ll get to you soon.”
(Part 3 will be revenge against your parents)
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