#look for an equal outside of joe and cherry so he’s the one to leave them
rizeenthusiast · 2 years
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sk8 was so fucked up for this
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xsugarysweetsx · 4 years
hehe the way I smiled when I saw that your requests r open!!Thank you😗
May I request Cherry X Reader where they r in an arranged marriage. Like maybe the reader is from a traditional family and she agrees to it anyway since she loves her parents but is low-key scared of being his wife/a mother. They have a rocky start but end up falling in love. Maybe one day cherry takes her to S to see him race and meet the gang and she loves it. You can make it spicy at the end if you like 👀
idk why but I always think about this when I see him and also braiding his hair coz it's so much prettier than mine 😒💖
A/N:I don’t understand how a man can be so beautiful// much longer than I expected it to be....
Please enjoy~🍰
Warnings; Some mention of smut; Nothing too detailed, but it’s there
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“Come here your kimono isn’t tight enough“ your mother said as she went behind you to tighten it even more than before 
“Mom! I can’t breath if it’s this tight!“ you said almost wheezing for air.
“You have to make sure your waist looks small and appealing” she said, even though, looks are not everything in a relationship. As much as you didn’t want to, you had to look your best today, it was important. You were going to meet the man you were to marry. You were part of an important family in Japan, and of course your family was very traditional. This only meant you were already expecting an arranged marriage.  
 Today you were meeting with him for the first time. From what you heard, he was a successful calligrapher, and popular with women. You didn't quite know how to feel with that, but this was your future. Most people wouldn't agree with arranged marriages but, you love your parents and this is what they wanted.
They told you that he was a gentleman, and very respectful. Well your hopes were up now, hopefully you’re not disappointed. Could you possibly end up in a good marriage? walking into the home you were greeted not by someone work there, but by a voice.
“Welcome, master Kaoru is waiting for you in the meeting room.“ for someone who is traditional he sure had a good AI system. Walking off to the right your father opens the sliding door and there he was. A young man with long pink hair and glasses, he wore traditional clothing and seemed very proper.
“Mr & Mrs Y/L/N, welcome please take a seat.” Not a hint of emotion on his face.
He was stoic but not cold. He poured you all some tea and your parents begin to discuss the marriage. Now that you say there and listened to everything, it really started sinking in. You were getting married to a complete stranger. You didn’t know the first thing about marriage! Or being a wife! Oh gods.....what if they expected children??
A million things were flooding your mind, you felt so lost. In all honesty, you were scared of what was to come..
“Y/N..” you were brought out of your thoughts by your mother gently shaking your shoulder “are you alright? You look sick”
“O-oh, yes I’m fine!“ you assure her swallowing the lump in your throat
“If you say so, we need you and Mr.Sakurayashiki to sign the papers as well. In 2 weeks time there will be a wedding ceremony but for now, we must fill out the papers.“ you watch Kaoru take the pen read the line and signs his name next was your turn.
He hands you the paper and pen, you bite your bottom lip as you read ‘spouse sign here’. You let out a shaky breath as the ink forms your name on the paper. After some more discussions on the wedding it was your time to leave. You all thanked him for tea and his time. Before you walked out the door he asked t speak with you for a moment, making your heart drop. You parents wait outside as you have a word with the pink haired man.
“Y/N, I just want you to relax, I noticed you were nervous before and you should know I won’t mistreat you and will try to be a proper spouse“ 
“Oh, uhm thank you Mr-“
He interrupts you “Please call me Kaoru“
Just as planned the wedding happened 2 weeks from then. You couldn’t stop blushing that day, from anxiety, to shyness, to even Kaoru. He looked very handsome that day, and he was just as much as gentleman. The ceremony was calm and heartfelt, friends and family gathered to witness your union. He saw you were very nervous that day so, instead of a general kiss he gave you a quick peck.
Only for you to duck you flustered face, he found it quite cute actually. He thought you looked beautiful that day in traditional wedding attire. He took mental note son how you were as a person. Although you seemed somewhat intimidated, you were considerate and kind. You helped people who needed it, and you put others before yourself. He just hoped this marriage will have a good outcome.
“We don’t have to do this” he simply said beginning to disrobe
“But-“ usually it was on the first night of the wedding when. It should happen
“If we get to that stage in our relationship, then you can tell me. You don’t have to force yourself. I can leave the room until you’re done getting changed” he left the room so that you can change. You take a moment to assess the situation, and you smile to yourself
“How considerate...“ you think to yourself. after changing, you both ordered room service and have dinner for the night. He was nice to talk to, it had some interesting topics to share with you. Even his calligraphy job seemed interesting. He offered to take a different room while you slept in this one's may be comfortable, but you said it was okay and you were fine with sharing a bed.
he's not like most men I hear about an arranged marriages. He's not forcing you to do anything, he's asking if I'm comfortable with everything. All the stories really kind of scared me into this, maybe it won't be so bad....maybe....
“Y/N, get dressed we’re going out tonight“ he says coming to you and kisses your cheek. It has been about 11 months, almost a year, since you married and it has been better than you thought. of course you had fears of Nami and expectations of a “good wife”. He made sure to tell you how much of a good job you were doing, even if you didn't do much. He thought you were perfect the way you are. He also believe that he could trust you enough to share secret with you--he was taking you to “S”
Usually you both go to events together, especially ones that associated with his work. But tonight was different he had different attire on. He wore his hair in a ponytail, no glasses and a mask covering the bottom portion of his face.
“Where are we going? A costume party?“ you joke 
“After seeing one person you mat think that“ he said but was still serious about you getting ready ““make sure you dress comfortably you don't need to wear kimono for this.” he gave you more detail “Now listen to me, where we are going you cannot speak of after. Not to me, nor to your parents or anyone else if they know about it.“
“Huh? Are we joining some secret society?“ you giggle coming back out in some jeans and a t shirt with a sweater. 
“In a way, let’s go.“ if you thought tonight was strange you only got stranger, you would expect a person like him to have a motorcycle. Or to be carrying a skateboard for that matter, just who was this person and was he really your husband. Holding on to him you take off into the dead of night. eventually make it to the gate where he showed an s-shaped sticker and was granted entry. There multiple women started to scream 
“Cherry!!”  “Master Cherry!!” Were they referring to Kaoru?
“Yo Cherry, ya made it- and you finally brought a girl with ya. It’s about time” a tall muscular man with green hair said patting Kaoru on the back roughly. Next came a man with dramatic makeup and a cape. Two boys who seemed to ebe in high school, one with red hair and the other with blue. Finally a much younger looking boy with a cat hoodie. Huh, interesting crowd...
“Get off me!“ he said kicking him in the ass “This is Y/N, she’s my wife“ he said standing next to you and all their jaws drop
“Cherry is married?!“
“Huh, she’s pretty quiet compared to these girls...it’s kinda nice“
“Damn, and to think you could have gotten anyone but got married.“ Kaoru seemed very annoyed at this point 
“Yes I am married, she’s better than the screaming women here, and I will not toy with women like you do!!“ he answered all their questions in one go “Y/N, this is a place where skateboarders come to race, it’s called ‘S’, these are JOE, MIYA, Reki, Langa, and SHADOW“
“H-hello..“ you wave to the small group and they waved back 
“Y/N, do you mind stay here with Reki and Langa? I need to race and I’ll be back“ he asked laying hand to the top of your head and you nod. He leans down and places his covered lips to your forehead. He then picked up his board, it was black with some purple lining and goes to the start. 
There he and JOE get ready to race as a traffic light counts their start. After it turns green they were off like rockets. It was still a lot to swallow...how he kind of had a double life and you were just now finding out about it. It was a bit overwhelming when you really watched him go. The way he picked up speed and rounded corners, made you hold your breath and gasp with each trick he did. 
When they approach the finish line he had won and the crowd was chanting his name. They both made their way back bickering about who was the best skater, when they were both equally amazing. Crowds joined around them but you just stayed behind still processing everything. It wasn’t a bad thing, but you were just wondering so many thing. Cherry pushes his way through the crowd and to your side lifting your head without warning captures your lips in a kiss. 
This was the most intimate you had been with him, and in public! The crowd went quiet and some of the girls there complained or whined about not being in your place. After he pulls away he whispered to you
“Let’s go home...“ and you were on your way back to the comfort of your home. That night he had made love to you for the first time ever. It was passionate, and steamy, and full of love. He was your first ever so he made sure to go slow for you. Everything about it just felt so good, the way he held and kissed you. He handled you like glass but did not fail to meet your pleasure.
That night was when you opened up about your fears of being his wife
“..and seeing how amazing you were tonight only made me more aware of who you were. I just...hope I can live up to your standards as a wife, and don’t get me started on children. Imagine having a plain mother“ you vented to him as he held you close 
“Don’t say that,“ he snapped back “You’re an incredible wife and you’d be an even better mother one day. When I heard about the arrangement I was honestly nervous. And the day I saw you only raised my anxiety, I thought you were stunning, and your shyness only made you cuter“ he admits with a chuckle 
“I guess....we’re both nervous wrecks who married each other then?“ you giggle looking up at him as your head lays on his chest 
“You’re my nervous wreck“ he said poking your nose with his finger “...I have something else to tell you...“
“What’s that?“ you ask. He cranes his head down toward you 
“...I love you“ he whispered as he catches you lips in a kiss
I hope this was okay!❤️
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dipulb3 · 4 years
January 6 fallout: Congress stalls on probe
New Post has been published on https://appradab.com/january-6-fallout-congress-stalls-on-probe/
January 6 fallout: Congress stalls on probe
In a meeting earlier this month to discuss the task force’s recommendations, McCarthy blasted Honoré in front of his team, rebuking them for meeting via Zoom when Pelosi had an in-person meeting and accusing the task force of working to deliver on Pelosi’s wishes. McCarthy also read aloud some of Honoré’s past tweets, which were critical of Republicans. Honoré said he wrote the tweets before he knew he would get the key security assignment, according to sources familiar with the matter.
“He called him out in front of everyone,” said one House Republican, who asked not to be named to discuss the private exchange between McCarthy and Blodgett.
The clashes underline a breakdown in bipartisan cooperation and what sources describe as a poisonous atmosphere in the House over how to secure the Capitol and respond to the failures of the January 6 insurrection. Talks about forming an independent 9/11-style commission to investigate the riot have stalled, and Democratic sources tell Appradab that they are preparing for the issue to drag out — potentially for months — until they get bipartisan support, which will be needed in order for legislation to create the investigatory body to be cleared by the Senate and become law.
Things have gotten so bad, even passing a bill to award a Congressional Gold Medal to Capitol Police became mired in partisan fighting.
Republicans are deeply skeptical over Pelosi’s plans to push ahead with a sweeping probe and are wary it will focus heavily on former President Donald Trump and his role in inciting the attack. Instead, they have insisted the investigation look into an array of incidents beyond the January 6 riot, including the violence that occurred during protests of police brutality last year, a request Democrats view as a smokescreen designed to avoid scrutiny of the actions of Trump and several of GOP colleagues who egged on the pro-Trump crowd on the day of the deadly attack.
Democrats say their House GOP colleagues have no grounds to complain after a majority of them voted to overturn the electoral results of two states — even after the rioters stormed the Capitol to stop congressional certification of Joe Biden’s win, leaving death and destruction in their wake.
After an initial flurry of hearings on the attack, the next steps for the congressional investigations into the January 6 failures appear to be murkier. Multiple House committees are conducting a joint probe into the attack, which remains ongoing and appears wide in scope. A congressional aide said more briefings on the attack and domestic terrorism are in the works and the committees continue to receive documents.
The Senate Homeland Security committee investigation appears to be the furthest along in either chamber, as aides say the panel intends to move forward with a months-long look focused on the delayed National Guard response and intelligence sharing breakdowns leading up to the insurrection.
‘I wouldn’t be interested’
Pelosi this week has reiterated her desire for an outside commission to examine the January 6 attack, saying that the commission should “get to the truth of how the January 6 assault happened” and that it should be bipartisan.
“It is essential that we proceed in a bipartisan way in order to have a respected outcome,” Pelosi wrote.
When Pelosi initially unveiled her plans for a commission last month, Democrats were optimistic it would quickly get adopted. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said he hoped the House would vote on the commission this month, a scenario that seems all but impossible now with discussions at a standstill.
But there are still lingering disputes over the partisan makeup of the commission and what it should investigate — including the role Trump played — that threaten to stymie any kind of bipartisan agreement.
On Tuesday, McCarthy told reporters that House leaders are stalled on negotiations over how to formulate the independent commission.
“Based on what she offered and what she’s said before, I wouldn’t be interested” McCarthy said.
Rep. Rodney Davis, the top Republican on the House Administration Committee, said Pelosi’s proposal suggested she was “not serious about it.”
“And if she was, she would be negotiating whether or not to have a partisan bent on it, or one that even the 9/11 Commission chair and vice chair said, this commission should be a very bipartisan one like that,’ Davis told Appradab. “You can’t call what she proposed a 9/11-style commission. It’s not even close.”
But Democrats say it’s Republicans who are playing games over the matter to avoid a full accounting of the role that Trump — and some of their members — played in spreading lies about the election results.
Several hurdles with commission
The issues with creating the commission are twofold: the partisan makeup of the commission membership and what it should investigate.
Pelosi’s draft proposal would include seven Democratic appointees to four GOP members, with House and Senate leaders each selecting two members and the White House appointing two and the chair. McCarthy reiterated Tuesday that he would not settle for anything less than an even split.
But the bigger hang-up is the scope of what the commission would investigate and whether it should examine Trump’s role leading up to the attack, as well as the rise in domestic extremism among the groups that took part in the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6.
Pelosi told Appradab Wednesday that the dispute over the commission’s membership was “incidental,” suggesting she’s open to a more equitable balance between the two parties.
“The problem is the scope — are we going to seek the truth?” she said.
Republicans have countered by arguing that the commission should also investigate the violence and rioting that occurred last year surrounding protests of police brutality.
At his press conference Thursday, McCarthy again criticized Honoré and said that the commission must have equal membership and not begin with any established findings.
“If you start with the premise that you only want it one-sided, you understand what the outcome is going to be,” McCarthy said.
Last month, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell slammed Pelosi’s proposed commission draft, accusing her of setting up a “cherry-picked” investigation that would investigate domestic extremism beyond January 6 but not violence surrounding protests of police brutality.
“We could do something narrow that looks at the Capitol or we could potentially do something broader to analyze the full scope of political violence here in our country,” McConnell said. “We cannot land at some artificial politicized halfway point.”
McConnell’s opposition is significant, because Senate Republicans could have veto power over legislation to create the commission if they filibustered it.
Democratic Rep. Mikie Sherrill of New Jersey, who co-introduced legislation on what a commission to investigate January 6 would look like, told Appradab on Wednesday that she has spoken with Pelosi about the need for the commission to be bipartisan.
“I have been pushing for, as far as those talks, for it to be bipartisan” Sherrill said. “Because I think it’s critically important if we’re doing this, that the American people have faith in the results from it and I think the only way for this to be seen as a trustworthy enterprise by much of the population is if it is a fully bipartisan commission.”
Still, a lengthy delay before creating a commission to examine January 6 would not be out of precedent with the 9/11 Commission. While Democrats have urged the quick creation of an independent commission to work alongside the various ongoing congressional investigations, the 9/11 Commission was not enacted until more than a year after the September 11, 2001, attacks.
There was resistance inside the George W. Bush White House and in Congress to create the commission, which was ultimately signed into law in November 2002 amid a push from families of the victims for an independent, full accounting of the terrorist attacks.
Bipartisan anger toward extended Capitol security
There is one area where bipartisan agreement has emerged: The security situation at the Capitol needs to change.
Lawmakers in both parties have expressed frustration over the continued security situation at the Capitol, issuing bipartisan statements criticizing an extension of the National Guard deployment and the razor-wire fencing enclosing the Capitol complex when there wasn’t a clear threat to still to the Capitol.
Lawmakers say the lack of information from Capitol Police about the rationale behind its decision to keep up fencing and extend the Guard deployment has added to the frustration surrounding the response to the January 6 attacks.
Last week, Rep. Mike Rogers of Alabama, the top Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, met with Honoré, Capitol Police and security officials. A committee aide said at the meeting, “No one could or would provide clear intelligence necessitating the extension of the National Guard.”
Later that week, Rogers and House Armed Services Chairman Adam Smith, a Washington Democrat, issued a joint statement calling for the drawdown of National Guard troops, the first bipartisan call for change to the planned extension.
This week, the acting House Sergeant at Arms announced a change, telling lawmakers some fencing would begin coming down and the National Guard presence would be reduced in the coming weeks.
Appradab’s Daniella Diaz contributed to this report.
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