#look at them! there's a dodo!
danhalen · 6 months
the little animal emojis remind me so much of sandylion stickers and i want to put them on everything
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Lookbook: Araminta Hearst-Irsay
Since it will take a while to get my head back into gameplay, here's a super quick thing I threw together of how I would have dressed Araminta before I shipped her off for @akitasimblr to torment😉, was I using cc at the time. It's fairly maxis-match and some are completely vanilla.
Very much missing Paint 3D on my new computer, need to find a replacement stat as that's being gradually phased out.
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Everyday and Formal. Dress is by @sentate, top is an edit of that Tiny Living t-shirt dress. She could be walking on the sand so neither her formal nor partywear shoes are all that high or with stiletto heels. Plus as a professional athlete, she veers towards comfortable footwear anyway.
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Exercise and Sleep. Shorts in the exercise fit are cc, top in the sleepwear fit is.
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Party and Swim. The skirt in the party outfit is the only cc. I'd be tempted to swap out the bikini for the string one by @trillyke, but for desert island living Araminta would want something relatively practical that can double up as a second bra and underwear if needs be. Plus her entrance was kind of iconic, if I may say so myself 🫡
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Hot and Cold Weather. Hot is as it was, Cold is with a cc pair of jeans since for the life of me, I could not find a vanilla pair that wasn't torn or frayed without also being Mom jeans (not that there's anything wrong with that, but it's not Araminta's style). Bear in mind with the Cold Weather fit, the BC is set in Sulani and Araminta's originally from foggy Henford-on-Bagley. She likely wouldn't wear both the sweater and the jacket at once - girly is just being prepared.
(I need a new editing program - and a cas backdrop, though this didn't look half bad by simply using the capture function.)
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i still cannot believe that people actually read my posts. case in point: i got this notification (from @tumblemumbler, thank you) and laughed until there were tears.
it's true: i want to take fox mulder to the zoo. i'm guilty as charged. i wanna point at some lions and be like "woah", and see if he thinks the lions are amazing, or if he tries to play it cool and deny that sense of wonder you get from seeing a magnificent beast. is it so wrong to want to take a full grown man out to see the Creatures, and then watch him enjoy the gift shop.......? to find a nice little novelty tie with the funniest animal from the day on it...? to say, hey fictional man, let's put aside that decades long quest for answers on the existence of aliens, and marvel at some otters splashing about... now wouldn't that be lovely?
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dodorimo · 8 months
since everyone is sharing their smash or pass tier lists I'll share mine too
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where im taking the doctor for a date tbh
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moonbeansally · 10 months
got a bunch of DIYs out if anyone wants to trade/take them awayyy <3
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nervocat · 2 months
I wanna learn abt extinct animals now
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0vergrowngraveyard · 3 months
favorite extinct animal?
huge fan of dodos
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littleaipom · 1 year
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I once imagined this story where a raptor gains heightened intelligence/self-awareness and goes through an existential crisis. Although fighting off madness, he keeps looking after this dodo bird that he suspects got the same dose of awareness. He can't prove it, but that doesn't matter to him.
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demigodofhoolemere · 8 months
To the guy on Facebook trying to insist to me that this woman named Jackie Lane is the same woman as the Doctor Who actress Jackie Lane…
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… dude.
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myster-tea · 2 years
I would die for Winchester <3
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ijustwantanswers · 2 years
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I was bored last weekend, and my brain decided the dodo is pigeons post was as good a thing as any to poke with a blunt ikea pencil for entertainment.
The nearest relative of the dodo, the nicobar pigeon, is still alive, so how hard would it be to get a modern dodo? A dodo sapiens, if you would?
Well, first of all, the nicobar pigeon is near threatened and looks pretty, so people are trying to keep it un-hunted and out of the pet trade. Zoos can breed them, but I'm pretty sure they would ban you from most zoos worldwide if you asked one to borrow their very hard to get birds for selective breeding of the "bored Internet user with a passably good grade in high school biology" kind.
So what if you take a different pigeon and try to work from there? Create a modern dodo. From a European wood pigeon, perhaps? A European wood dodo. You'd need to make it 50-75% bigger, somehow. And also get neoteny without killing its fertility or compatibility with life. But that feels... Doable? Maybe?
My skills in the subject are limited at best, but I've got a cousin who grew up in an animal loving home whose dad's love for parakeets culminated in her keeping a significant number of pigeons. She is a kindergarten teacher with a newborn child these days, so she doesn't have oodles of time, but she perked up at the mention of her sweet feather babies in my little thought experiment.
Her take: "I've not got any pigeons left that are at an age where I'm comfortable breeding them, but I don't think it'd be too-too hard. There's fancy breeds that are already quite big, but they have issues with mobility... Still worth looking into, though. Tell me if you need help sourcing some."
Not quite ready to turn my second floor apartment balcony into a pigeon coop, I turned to my other bird loving cousin, who researched the everloving crud out of optimal living circumstances for her brahma chickens. Her scientific background is a master's in psychology, and she works in various "do not get us sued, you unethical conifer of a human being" roles professionally, so I asked her how she'd go about getting a pigeon the size of her brahmas and induce neoteny.
Her plan: "If you're not starting with the right pigeon anyway, just go completely left field. See if you can cross breed whatever pigeon is readily available with, say, a brahma to speed run the size, then see if there's other birds you can get the neoteny from. Then breed selectively to fine tune the dodo-ishness."
Would this work? It seemed unlikely. It certainly would get questions from the vet if anyone tried.
So I asked my baby sister, who has two degrees in biology, but one of them is in worms and the other, somehow, in Python. The programming language, not the snake. She works in ecology, assessing what cleanup needs to happen if people want to stop having to pay pollution fines and/or make their land suitable for anything but industrial waste management. Her home is eco friendly. Her child has organic wood toys recommended by pedagogical experts. Not crunchy, not hippy, but... solarpunk accountant. How would she go about it? Make a wood pigeon big first? Or select for neoteny, so you wouldn't lose size from that?
"That takes too long. Just CRISPR that shit into activating, then troubleshoot until it's compatible with life, then see what else you need to tweak genetically to get to a dodo."
That... Felt like a big thing to do in the back yard of my thought experiment.
"You don't have a back yard. You've got a tiny balcony. And probably some strict animal hoarding laws."
I also don't have access to CRISPR.
"Eeeh, I know some people. Just talk to [pigeon cousin] first about how to take care of them."
I just want to point out, dear reader, that at no point anyone in my family questioned why anyone/I would want to recreate a dodo. I also never said I was going to, but it was just assumed I was picking it up as a casual hobby, a natural next step after my... Knitting, sewing and baking.
If questioned, they'll just say I'm the weird one in the family, but it is very important to keep in mind that absolutely nothing and no one forces them to readily and enthusiastically entertain my whimsies.
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misfittq · 8 months
placing this here for fun bc why not (this is from s1 to s20 AKA doctor 1-5)
this only include my favs of the companions while i was watching (sorry adric, barbara etc. 💔)
classic (favs order):
sarah jane
ramona (astra - regeneration)
jo grant
Ramona (1st body)
liz shaw
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dodorimo · 9 months
My pictures are best viewed on desktop until I can get a better monitor fyi
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l00opy · 7 months
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do tou guys like reg tavtor becia.se. meTOO!!!!!!!!!!!! okay have pilbly
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I have a lot more elevator game dodoes here so look out 4 them I guess
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