#look at the fluff!!! I could gag!!! /j
uluvjay · 8 months
Drunken confessions- J. Marino
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John Marino x Hughes! Sister
In which you drunkenly admit your feelings for your brother’s teammate
Warnings?; fluff, talks of embarrassment, crying, drunkenness, cursing, throwing up and mentions of it, kissing, slight age gap(5 years), I apologize for any errors.
The sound of the front door bursting open along with stumbling feet and mixed curses caused John to jump up from his spot on the couch.
Making his was to the entryway of the house he found both of your brothers holding you upright as they did their best to get you into the house.
“What the hell happened?” He questioned the younger men as he moved forward to give them a hand.
“Someone was upset about failing her test so let’s just say the vodka shots were never ending tonight.” Luke grumbled as they finally made way into the living room and laid you onto the couch where John had just been sitting.
John laughed lightly at the sight of your snoring form, your hair was messy and makeup smudged, yet to him you still looked just as beautiful as earlier in the evening when you first emerged from your room for a night out with your brothers.
“Um My girls here, I’m gonna head out.” Luke coughed before he quickly rushed out of the house.
“Okay?” John laughed as he looked at Jack who looked just as guilty.
“I-would you be okay watching over her till morning? She usually doesn’t puke or anything and Vodka tends to knock her out so she shouldn’t be an issue.” Jack rushed, rocking back onto his heels while he awaited his teammates answer.
“Where are you going?” John questioned confused.
“There’s a girl in my car….waiting to go back to her place…” Jack breathed.
“Oh, uh yeah I can look over her. Go enjoy yourself man.” John shrugged, you were snoring pretty loud and it looked like you wouldn’t be waking up anytime soon.
“Thank you! I swear the next time we go to dinner I got you covered. You’re the best man!” Jack beamed.
John watched as your brother placed a kiss to the top of your head before rushing out the door and making sure to shut it quietly behind him.
John grabbed the remote off the coffee table before he sat on the opposite side of the gray sectional, he unpaused his show and picked up from where he had left off.
However he had trouble keeping his eyes on the tv for long, they seemed to continuously drift over to your sleeping form. He didn’t understand how someone could be as beautiful as you, he still remembers when Jack introduced you a few months back.
You’d alway been around and he knew he had met you before but there was something different this time. You were in college, had just transferred over from the university of Michigan so you could attend a better program.
He knew he shouldn’t have looked at you the way he did, you had barely just turned twenty-one but there was something in those blue eyes and dark hair that captivated him.
Especially once his apartment building had to be shut down due to an outbreak of termites and your brothers offered their last spare room to him three months ago.
He thought he’d be fine living under the same roof as you, you’d always be at school, him at practice or a game, however he was very wrong. He couldn’t help the way his eyes followed you throughout the house, how his heart warmed at the sound of your laugh, or how he blushed like a teenager anytime you came within a foot of him.
The sound of you coughing pulled him from his thoughts and before he knew it you were jumping up and sprinting down the hallway towards the bathroom.
Hearing your gags echo throughout the hall he quickly followed behind you and grabbed your hair just in time for you to empty the contents of your stomach into the toilet.
You don’t register who it was behind you even as there was a cold rag placed onto the back of your neck;something your brothers never did, however that didn’t stop you from thinking it was one of them.
“Thanks Jacky.” You mumbled as your head rested on the back of your hand.
“Uh, I’m not Jack but you’re welcome.” John spoke softly.
Your body went stiff at the sound of his soft voice, there was no way you just puked in front of him, dread filled your stomach and before you knew it tears of embarrassment were streaming down your cheeks.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” The older man quickly kneeled beside you on the cold tile of the bathroom floor.
“S’ nothing” you grumbled slightly pushing him away.
John pushed away the flash of hurt in his chest and grabbed your chin to lift your head, his free hand pushing the hair that had fallen in your face back.
“Don’t say it’s nothing, what’s wrong Y/n?” He asked gently.
“That was embarrassing” you mumbled, eyes looking everywhere besides his.
“Throwing up? There’s nothing embarrassing about that sweetheart, trust me I’ve cleaned up Jack’s vomit more times than I can count.” He laughed.
You tried not to swoon at the nickname he let slip, but the alcohol in your system wouldn’t let it go as your cheeks flamed bright red.
“I didn’t just throw up John, I threw up in front of you!, my crush, the hot guy that’s older and can have any girl he wants, the guy that doesn’t want some sloppy college girl.” You cried.
John swore his heart skipped a beat at your admission, but he couldn’t lie that his brain made him think it was just your drunken words.
“See you don’t feel the same and it’s all because I threw up in front of you.” The alcohol spoke for you and John couldn’t help but giggle lightly.
“How about we talk about this tomorrow? When you’re sober.” He asked softly.
“Okay.” You agreed.
John smiled and helped you off the floor, his hands gripped your waist and walked you towards your bedroom a few doors down. He sat you on the bed and turned to your large vanity looking for makeup remover, finding what he needed he made his way back towards you and began to wipe your face.
“Are you taking my makeup off?” You whispered.
“Mhm” he nodded.
You smiled as he ran the wipe along your forehead before coming down and running it over your cheeks and eyes, doing his best to get everything off.
“Do you want some pajamas?” He asked.
“Yes please, they’re in the drawers on the right.” You smiled softly.
He nodded and made his way over to your dresser grabbing you an old T-shirt and a pair of shorts he sat them next to you.
“I’ll be right back.” He spoke as he left you to get dressed and to collect a bottle of water and Tylenol for you.
He came back to find your bedroom door open once again and your body tucked comfortably under your large comforter.
He sat everything on your bedside table and wished you a goodnight but before he could exit your room he heard your voice speak up.
“Yeah?” He replied as he turned back to face you despite the now pitch black room.
“You promise we can talk tomorrow?” He heard you ask quietly.
“Goodnight John.”
“Night Y/n, sleep tight.” He smiled and made his way to his own bedroom for a long sleepless night.
The following morning you woke up to the smell of bacon flowing into your room making your severely dry mouth water.
Sitting up you looked down at the shirt you wore and the shorts on your legs, confusion wracked through your body for a moments until the memories of puking in the toilet and John taking care of you came floating back.
Butterflies filled your stomach as you remembered how well he took care of you and made sure you got into bed safely. However your smile quickly faded as you remembered that you drunkenly admitted your feelings to the older man last night.
“Fuck!” You groaned as you slumped back into the comfort of your bed.
It took you a few minutes to get the guts to go out to the kitchen where you knew John was no doubt cooking breakfast.
Shuffling into the large kitchen of the house you found him standing him at the stove, shirtless with sweatpants low on his waist, his rib cage tattoo on full display.
“Morning sleepyhead” he smiled as he heard you take a seat at the island.
“Morning.” You greeted with an awkward smile.
You watched as he turned the the fire off and turned to place the last few pieces of bacon onto a plate, looking around you noticed pancakes and a bowl of fresh fruit.
“Eat up, you definitely need it.” He spoke up nudging a plate in your direction.
You wanted to but you couldn’t take the feeling that weighed down on your chest, the anxiety of what you admitted last night lingering over you.
“John, I’m sorry.” You mumbled quickly.
“For what?”
“For what I said and did last night. I shouldn’t have drank as much as I did and you shouldn’t have had to take care of me while I was a mess, I was probably a handful and I’m real-” You began but the feeling of soft lips touching yours cut you off.
It took you a moment to respond due to shock but once you shook it off you were tangling a hand into his curls and pushing your lips harder against his.
He placed a large hand on your jaw, tipping your head back as his tongue slid into your mouth and ran against yours.
You whined when he pulled his lips away from yours, embarrassingly following his mouth as he pulled back.
“Don’t apologize.” He whispered, hand still holding your jaw.
“Did you really mean what you said last night? About me being the guy you like?”
You nodded softly, “I’m sorry if it’s weird.”
“It’s not weird, especially since I feel the same way.” He smiled.
“You do?”
John laughed lightly, “Thought me kissing you was enough of a give away.”
“Hmm, I’m not sure I’m convinced. Maybe you should give me another one.” You smirked.
“Is that so?” He asked, spreading your thighs a bit more as he slipped between them.
“Mhm” you nodded, teeth sinking into your bottom lip as you looked up at him.
He smirked before dipping down and kissing you breathless this time, it was different from the first kiss. This one was full of passion, his hands tangled into your hair as kissed you deeply.
Once he pulled away he rested his forehead against yours.
“Are you sure you’re okay with me only being twenty-one?” You questioned softly.
“As long as you’re okay with dating an old man.” He laughed.
“You are not old!” You giggled.
He gave you one more kiss before backing up and beginning to make himself a plate and you followed behind him to make one of your own. And after a delicious breakfast you two cleaned up and made your way to the living room to relax on the couch, this time cuddled up next to each other instead of on opposite ends.
“How should we tell my brothers?” You questioned.
“Tell us what?” You heard from the entryway.
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leeknow-thoughts · 2 months
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𝝑𝝔 cw : silly!mimo, fluff!, one joke about sewerslide, slice of life
𝝑𝝔 a/n : guys I love mimo he's so sweetieful to me
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"Jagi, look at it!" Minho teases you as he holds the fish that is flopping around in his hands.
You do your best not to gag at the sight as your face falls in disgust, "that is so... gross."
"Oh hush, you won't be complaining tonight when you're eating it," Minho grumbles at your disgust and puts the fish in the cooler.
"Yeah, I will be, I'll be thinking about that fish and it's family that it could have had before you murdered it," you huff and take a seat in one of the chairs at the campsite.
"You take the girl out of the city not the city out of the girl," Minho supposes as he rebaits the fishing line.
"I'm happy with being a city girl if it means not murdering innocent fish and shit like that," you cross your arms.
"You know we can go back home right, you're the one who wanted to go camping with me," Minho reminds you.
"Yeah, whatever," you roll your eyes, "honestly I'd choose bear."
"What?" he looks at you with disbelief.
"Like being stuck in the woods with a man or a bear," you watch as he walks behind your chair to grab a different type of bait, "I would choose bear for obvious reasons and at least the bear would keep me some what entertained!"
You feel Minho's hands suddenly wrap around you tickling your sides, while you swat at his hands but can't help the smile that breaks across your face, "I'm sure they'd keep you very entertained, jagi," Minho chuckles and lets you go.
"I can't believe you just touched me with lake water! Lee Minho!" you exclaim and sit up as you try to shake the water off you.
You have a new focus as you lunge at Minho, he is faster though, swiftly evading your capture. Which leads to a game of tag as you run around trying to capture him.
You accidentally slip though, no big deal if it wasn't into the lake. Straight into the freezing cold, dirty water.
When your head pops out of the water you watch as Minho stares down at you and you can see that he is doing his best not to laugh, biting his tongue in order to keep himself from laughing. "Ja-Jagi," he almost laughs, before cupping his hand over his mouth, doubling over in laughter.
"Minho!" you shriek, splashing him with lake water.
"I-I'm sorry!" he chuckles, "you look like a s-soaked cat!"
"I feel like one too! Help me out!" you cry and have to bite your tongue to prevent tears from escaping your eyes.
Minho reaches over and helps pull you up, out of the water. "J-jagi, you're shivering," Minho points out.
"No fucking shit!" you exclaim as you try to warm yourself up.
Minho can't help the yelp-like laugh that escapes his lips before he's completely doubling over, practically rolling on the ground with laughter. "Ugh, fuck you!" you huff before marching off to the large tent you both would be sharing.
Luckily the tent had it's own shower, Minho opting for one because you would be joining him. The shower was small though, and there was no hot water, but at least it was something. You stripped off your dirty clothes, throwing them in a plastic bag before stepping under the freezing water.
You can't help but letting tears fall from your eyes as you try to gulp down the uncomfortable feeling that resonates all over your body.
"Little love?" Minho calls out to you, and you hear him step into the shower room.
He pulls back the shower curtain and takes one look at your teary-eyed state before his face falls. "Oh, jagi," Minho sighs, he reaches his hand out to you, "don't cry jagi, I'm sorry I laughed at you earlier," he coos.
"Was mean," you sniffle.
"It was mean," he agrees, gently cupping your face, "let me make it up to you. How can I make it up to you?"
"Go jump in the pond," you request.
"Jagi, I can't swim," he reminds you, "unless you're telling me to kill myself."
"That's so embarrassing, I hope you know," you sigh, shampooing your hair, "not being able to fucking swim."
Minho stifles his laughter before he begins stripping off his clothes, "what are you doing?" you question.
"Jumping in the pond," he answers.
"It's not like anyone will see me," he hums.
He runs outside before you hear a splash, a moment after that Minho is running into the shower, he smells just like pond water, and he's drenched from head to toe. "Ew, you smell like pond water!" you shriek.
"Yeah," Minho sniffs you, "so do you."
"I can't believe you did that, how did you not drown?"
"Went in the shallow part," he explains as he kisses your shoulder.
You turn around, facing him. The limited shower space means you and Minho are practically pushed right against each other. "You're crazy you know?" you hum as you place a kiss on his lips.
"I'm fully aware, jagi," he hums against your lips, "also when did you get this?" he taps your inner thigh, the scar from a recent incident being what he was talking about.
"Oh, it's nothing," you brush off, "honestly didn't think you'd notice it."
"I know every inch of your body, obviously I'd notice a scar I haven't seen before," he sighs like it's obvious.
"You're sexy like this," you confess.
"Like how? Soaked in lake water?"
"Naked," you giggle, pressing a kiss to his lips.
A kiss that he happily returns.
After the shower you laid in bed while Minho began frying the fish he had caught earlier. "You should wear that shirt more often," you comment from your huddle of blankets on the cozy bed.
"Yeah?" Minho teases without looking at you, "you like it?"
"Yeah," you can't help but bite your lip.
"It's just a black compression shirt, jagi," he taunts.
You look over his form again, baggy jeans paired with a long sleeve black compression shirt with his long brown hair a mess on his head. "Still," you mumble, "looks fucking good."
"I bet it does," Minho agrees, making you whimper in frustration.
"You're confident today," you mumble as you turn over, looking at him.
"It's cause I'm around you," he smirks, looking back at you.
"What's that supposed to mean!?" you slap your forehead, tears of embarrassment threatening to fall.
"It means," he drags out the word while turning back to look at you, he notices your almost teary embarrassed face, "that you're the best," he hums turning back, "and you shouldn't be embarrassed about falling in the lake, or finding me sexy."
"I don't find you sexy!" you shriek.
"That's a fucking lie," Minho muses, "you said it yourself!"
"Shut up!" You slam your face into a pillow.
"You like me this way, jagi," he giggles before turning back to look at you.
"Loud and obnoxious," you raise your eyebrow,
"Yeouch, you're mean today, jagi," Minho hums before turning back to the food.
"Yeah yeah," you murmur before laying your head back down on the pillows.
"It's okay," Minho hums, "I like you a tiny bit mean."
You rise up out of the bed and join him in the small kitchenette area of the tent, wrapping your arms around his middle. Your chest to his back while he stands over a grill, rotating the salmon, making sure it's evenly cooked on both sides. "Your hands look good," you compliment, burying your head into his back with flushed cheeks.
"Mhm," he hums, "thank you, jagi. You know I think that's the nicest thing you've said to me today," he teases.
"I'm sure it is," you agree.
Minho flips around, now facing you, gently cupping your face, pulling you in for a kiss, "I'm glad you decided to come along, jagi," he mumbles through kisses planted on your lips.
"Me too, even if I did fall in the lake," you murmur.
You both eat over a campfire, no words exchanged between the two of you. Always preferring the silence that came with meals over talking with food in your mouths.
"Y'know," Minho starts, cutting through the silence like a knife to butter, "I'd let you drag me to hell if it means you'll hold my hand."
"I hope you know what an off putting thing that is to say over dinner," you tease.
"I'm aware, that's why I said it."
"You're very peculiar, I hope you know," you say through bites of salmon and vegetables.
Minho smirks, "it's okay, you're peculiar, just like me."
"I prefer to be called unique, thank you," you retort.
Later that night the two of you laid in bed together, Minho's fingers tracing that new scar on your thigh while you read a book. "You're perfect," Minho whispers in your ear.
"You're one to talk," you hum, putting your book on the nightstand and running your fingers through Minho's hair.
"Hell yeah I am, I'm the only person who gets the privilege of calling you perfect," he laughs.
"Yes you are, yes you are," you affirm.
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hey-august · 10 months
You can do it | NSFW (Buggy x GN!reader)
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GIF from goodsirs
Y'all, this isn't even what I was trying to work on this weekend. I was working on a different stories, one involves doing a favor for Buggy and the other one involves doing a favor for Buggy...and the Cross Guild. (ˊᵕˋ ) And some other sweet fluff.
Anyways, here we are.
Description: I don't even know how to describe this, sorry.
Word count: 1033
A/N: One shot smut with an established relationship. I question some of the biological physics here, but the concept wouldn't leave me alone. Have fun!
Warning: NC17, → MDNI ← Oral M receiving, deep throat (i mean it), misuse of chop chop powers, tears, lil bit of praise, name calling, dumb buggy humor. GN!reader, no use of Y/N or pronouns, no physical descriptions. Hardly proofread - let me know if you see any errors or typos! ♡
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ ✩ ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ ✩ ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ ✩ ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Your tears blurred the lights on Buggy’s vanity, creating a dazzling light show only you could see. Your knees knocked against the underside of the small table as you shifted your body. There wasn’t much space for you to move. Buggy’s firm body was seated beneath yours, his chest tight against your back, and the station trapped you from the front.
His arms were wrapped around your waist, pressing you into his lap and keeping you steady. Buggy rested his chin on your shoulder and watched the mirror with rapt attention, his disembodied ungloved hands orchestrating a beautiful concert. One hand caressed your neck while the other was busy thrusting his disconnected cock in and out of your mouth.
“So good, so fucking pretty,” Buggy murmured, pressing his face against your neck and inhaling your sweet scent. His pace didn’t afford you a moment to really respond, so all you could do was blink away hot tears and moan in acknowledgement.
“C’mon, let’s try it again. I know you can do it…” The words were encouraging but his low voice was saturated with overwhelming desire. You’re not sure how many times you’ve tried tonight, but this was a fixation he couldn’t leave unfulfilled yet. 
Buggy’s movement slowed at the frown on your face. He pulled his aching cock out of your mouth until the tip rested on your beautifully swollen lips. You gratefully accepted the respite and took a deep inhale. The increase in oxygen added to the delicious dizzy swirl in your mind. Glancing at the mirror, you saw Buggy’s green eyes focused on you, waiting for your response. How they looked at you with hunger and adoration. As if you were a treasure map and the final treasure was in sight.
You nodded and licked the tip of his cock. Buggy’s fingers twitched against your throat in anticipation before he encouraged you to tilt your head back more. Spit, drool, and precum eased the way as he slid his length back into your warm mouth, earning a deep groan from the pirate.
“Th-that’s it… One more deep breath,” Buggy panted against your neck. He loosened his embrace as you sat up straighter in the space you had and inhaled deeply, filling your lungs with as much air as they could hold. You gave Buggy another small nod and he continued to press his cock into your mouth.
Buggy’s body was tense and tight as he tried to keep his cock from throbbing while it was so deep in your throat, but it was fucking hard. Watching you take his entire length wasn’t new to him. The sight of you, nose pressed against his blue curls, gazing up at him with watery eyes is one he’s seen countless times. This time was different, though.
“J-just a little more, just keep your fucking, hahhhh- f-fucking throat open…”
Finally, his fingers touched your lips. With one shaky finger, he pressed his cock deeper until you were able to close your lips around the entire member. A desperate hand clasped over your mouth.
“Fuck, baby. Th-that’s it, you did it. What a good j-job.” 
You gripped the arms of his chair as his cock throbbed deep in your throat, fighting against your gag reflex. Buggy felt your body tense and tremble, knowing he didn’t have long. His other hand massaged your stretched throat, feeling some of the firmness below. Fuck. Between being encompassed by you entirely, and being able to feel the slight pressure from his hand on the outside, Buggy only needed moments to finish. He lightly stroked his cock through your throat and moaned into your neck, immediately giving into the sensations. You felt his lips move against your skin, although you could hardly hear what he was saying.
“W-what a good f-fucking slut.” “M’so close…” “Thank you, baby, you did s-such a good job.” “My pretty c-cocksleeve.” “J-just a little, ahh- longer, g-gonna come.” “You’re d-doing so f-fuck- fucking good.”
His cock pulsed and throbbed aggressively as he released deep in your throat. The increased movement and lack of air were getting to you as tears poured and you pressed into Buggy’s chest, a sign of your body’s rebellion. You gave the signal by tapping against the arm of his chair and Buggy immediately released you in every way he could. Your throat and mouth were instantly vacant as his hands reconnected back to his arms, which pushed you both away from the vanity a few inches. 
You breathed in. The air felt coarse against your overworked throat, causing you to cough. Panicked hands grabbed at your waist, letting you know that he’s there for you. When the coughing finally ended, you looked in the mirror. Your face was streaked with fresh and dried tears, your lips were puffy, and drool was dripping off your chin. Next to your face was Buggy’s, eyes wide. You weren’t sure if it was out of concern or awe. 
“I did it!” you said hoarsely, breaking into an assuring smile. The light that bounced in his eyes let you know that any feelings of concern had fallen away.
“That’s right, my fantastic superstar. You fucking did it! I’m so proud of you.” He peppered your shoulder in celebratory kisses.
You twisted your body so you were facing Buggy and leaned in for a kiss.
“Wait, you kiss your captain with that mouth?” he asked, pulling away in pretend disgust. The cheeky joke earned him a look of shock and a small shove.
“Well, I guess if you don’t like it, we don’t have to do it again,” you stated, getting off his lap and walking away with a wink.
“Oh, no, baby! I didn’t mean it! You were marvelous! Please, let me kiss those filthy lips of yours!” Buggy leapt out of his chair after you.
“I think I deserve more than a kiss for what I did,” you suggested coyly. 
Buggy caught up in a few steps and swept you off your feet in a tight embrace before smothering you in kisses, adding his smeared face paint to everything else adorning your face.
“Tell me, what else does my shining star have in mind?”
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thatone-brightstar · 1 year
Amy's kinktober alphabet blurbs w/ special guest Carmy Berzatto! (3/6)
a/n: I snuck in a bit of fluff in two of these but i had to bc they're pretty adorable. Don't forget to show up in the comments and lmk your favorite! PS. lmk if you wanna be added to the taglist!
Warnings: Minors DNI, p in v unprotected sex (birth control is mentioned), creampie, choking, semi public, oral sex (both f and m recieving), edging, I'll add more as they come up.
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I is for: Insubordination.
You yelled at him, not for something he did but for many little things that amounted to the knot in your throat that you couldn’t swallow down any longer. The Bear kitchen staff fell into an eerie silence at the unusual octaves and Carmen only stood perplexed, eyes dead centered on you.
‘Office. Now.’ Is all he gave you, before turning around and stalking into the empty room.
You expected to be yelled at, fired and told how incompetent you were. You expected tears, but for a different reason than for the one they were rolling down right now. 
Your throat gagged around the thick shape of his cock as he pushed himself deeper into your mouth and another tear slid past your cheek. Carmen shushed you with a tender hand caressing your moist cheek, down to your plump bottom lip.
‘C’mon baby-fuck- I know your mouth can do more than talk back.’
J is for: Jealousy.
Your nails clung to the edge of the flimsy desk, breathing in short bursts, interrupted by the weight of your thighs that pressed to your chest. Carmy’s panting fueled the growing fire in your cunt and you couldn’t pull away from the fierce look behind his eyes.
The memory of your sweet laugh at that son of a bitch’s joke pushed his thrusts harder into you, making your breast bounce against your shaking legs. 
‘Not so funny now, huh?’ He mumbled between breaths, eyes glistening as he leaned down to run his tongue along your salty skin.
K is for: Kisses
Kissing Carmy felt like fireworks. The moment right before they explode, when you hold your breath and wait in wonder for the lights to color the sky. And when they finally do- and the warmth of his lips expands on yours like thousands of shimmering specks- you find yourself at home. Surrounded by the picket fence of lean arms and hands, that hold on to your face as if you held the last breath of air in the world. 
L is for: Lipstick.
His head was so full with all the important tasks he had to complete upon opening that he almost didn’t notice it. He stopped dressing abruptly and pulled out the one arm from his chef’s whites to inspect them properly. A soft blow through his nose and a shy smile adorned his face once he noticed the red shape he knew too well, barely visible on the inner neck of his uniform. He dressed again with new found fervor and before buttoning up, he pulled the neck slightly to the side and pressed his lips over the stain of yours, as if he could almost feel their warmth.
Taglist: @pearlstiare @teteminne, @beebslebobs, @harrysmatcha, @yum-yahgurt, @pussy-f41ry, @kirakombat, @redsakura101 , @hobisunshine13, @feyhunter78
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codyswhitebelt · 8 months
(18+) la knight x fem! reader
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my masterlist part two
pairing(s): la knight x fem!reader
word count: 1.6k
summary: shaun seems to hate you. but does he?
genre(s): filthy filthy smut, fluff, enemies to lovers, little bit of angst, porn with a slight plot
warning(s): unprotected p in v (wrap it b4 u tap it fellas), swearing, pain kink, oral (male receiving), spit as lube, use of the name shaun bc that's his legal name, PETNAMES, no use of y/n!!, slight dumbification, lowk shit writing, choking, fingering, j alot of poorly written smut
a/n: nobody get mad at me for not writing requests 🙁. sex is much easier to write than an intricate fluffy story. i love you babies
“get the fuck out of my dressing room, shaun.” i state as i hear someone come through my door. “c’mon, darlin’.. be sweet to a man for once.” he grabs his chest, faking his heartache as he smacks his gum. i turn around to look at him. “can’t you tell i’m trying to get ready?” i question, pointed to the makeup laid out on my vanity. “mama, you don’t need all that makeup..” for a split second i think he’s being serious. “you could never use enough to cover up all that ugliness inside.” my heart twinges at his comment. standing up from my chair, i get close to him. “get the hell out, asshole.” i grit my teeth as i yell in his face. he turns around and opens the door. “you know you love me, doll!” he shouts as he walks out. i slam the door behind him. “cunt.” i whisper to myself.
after successfully retaining the women’s world title, i head back to my dressing room to change out of my gear. after changing, i sigh and run my fingers through my hair. sitting down, i start to take off my makeup. shaun comes knocking on the door. "come in!" i shout. he walks in and i look in the mirror and see it's him. "what do you want, dipshit?" i ask, not turning to face him. "to see you pretty lady, the sexy champ." he says, strutting over to the small loveseat. "yeah, sure.” i finish wiping my eye makeup off as he begins to talk. “how do you know?” he inquires, removing his reflective glasses. “i actually happen to think you are incredibly attractive." he gets up and walks toward me. he pulls a chair up next to me and we make eye contact. "you're beautiful, sweetheart." he cups my face. "shaun, what are you doing?" my voice barely a whisper as i move closer to him. "this." he presses his lips to mine. i kiss back softly and his free hand rests on my thigh. we break for air and he smiles at me. he pulls me back to capture my lips in another heated makeout. i move myself on top of him so i'm straddling his lap. grinding down on him, we break away for air and he attaches his lips to my neck. i moan at the pleasure as he bites down on my neck. "don't stop.." i plead as i keep rocking my hips on him. "you like that, baby?" he asks, moving his hands to grab my waist. i whimper slightly in his ear as a response. "as much as i would love to continue this here, doll, we should head to my hotel, yeah?" he suggests. i nod as he lifts me off his lap.
quickly we walk to his car and hop in. throwing my gear in the back, i buckle my seatbelt before he starts to drive to the hotel. as he drives, my mind wanders to an idea. i reach my hand over the seat and rest my hand on his bulge. "mm, what're you doin' girl?" he asks as i start to massage him through his jeans. "nothin'." i say innocently, popping the button open. i slide my hand down into his boxers and start stroking his cock. "fuck.." he whispers, knuckles turning white from how hard he's gripping the steering wheel.
stopping at a stoplight, shaun quickly pulls down his boxers and jeans enough to let his cock spring free. i lean over the seats and he lifts his arm up so i can get my head under. i start to lightly lick the tip and i feel his whole body twitch. teasing him, i swirl my tongue around the head of his cock. feeling fed up with me, shaun removes one hand from the wheel and forces my head down onto him. i gag when i feel him hit the back of my throat. "just like that, baby.. you're doing so good for me, mama.." he praises. i speed up my movements and deepthroat him as far as i can go. "oh fuck, baby. if you don't stop i'm gonna cum." he says as he pulls my head off of his cock and tucks it back in. i whine as he wipes the spit from my mouth with his thumb. "be patient, doll." he says and kisses me.
finally, we arrive at the hotel and i hop out and grab my bag. shaun comes and grabs my hand, interlocking our fingers. after checking in, we head up to the room and as soon as i set my things down, shaun slams me against the wall. he pins my arms above my head and kisses me. holding my arms with one hand, he slides his hand down into my shorts, rubbing my clit. i moan into the kiss giving shaun the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. he brings his hand out of my shorts to put his fingers in his mouth, only to slide them back into my shorts.
he starts teasing my clit before entering two into my aching core. releasing my hands, he lifts my shirt and i lean forward off the wall to take it off. moaning loudly, i bite down on his shoulder harshly. "oh fuck, keep doing that." he groans, curling his fingers inside of me. the sensation of his fingers inside of me is enough to have me crying. tears flow down my face as he continues. “baby, i’m gonna cum..” i whine as the pad of his thumb rolls on my clit. “oh, fuck, i’m cumming!” my nails run down his back as i squirt all over his fingers.
removing his fingers from my heat, he brings them to his mouth to taste me. "as sweet as i imagined, baby." he says. i open my arms and whine slightly for him to pick me up. "aw, does baby wanna be picked up?" he teases. i nod. "use your words, princess." he says, stroking my face. "please, pick me up?" i ask, looking at him, eyes red from my tears. he pulls off his shirt before grabbing me. my arms wrap around his neck and my legs around his torso, instinctively.
placing me on the bed, he fully removes my shorts and underwear. whining, i try to pull his head towards my core. "you want me to fuck your pretty little pussy, don't you?" he asks, rubbing my inner thighs. "mmhm." i mumble, fingers barely brushing the denim of his jeans. "mm, what's the magic word, pretty girl?" he backs away, ever so slightly. “please.” i beg, tears beginning to well up in my eyes again. “you’re lucky that i have been waiting for this for months.” he states. shaun’s jeans are pulled down as fast as possible along with his boxers.
even though i had him in my mouth before, i was nervous to have him inside me. “you ready?” he asks, hand coming up to caress my cheek. i nod but he shakes his head. “no baby. i need you to say it.” he searches my eyes for any sign of doubt. “i want you, shaun. i need you.” as soon as the words left my mouth i felt the delicious stretch of his cock inside me. breathy moans left me as he fully bottomed out. we stayed like that for a moment before he started to slowly thrust into me. “fuck, you’re so tight.” he groaned as he sped up. “s’good shaun-“ i was cut off by a guttural moan as he grazed my cervix. “takin’ me so good baby” shaun praised as he rutted into me.
his hand came up to lightly squeeze my throat. “tighter.” i spoke, moans following my bold statement. he squeezed tighter, almost cutting off my airway. the control he had over me almost seemed to make him even more turned on. “fuck, baby ‘m so close.” i whined, small, sharp breaths being taken between the words. “that’s my girl. you’re such a good girl for me.” his hand loosened up as i felt his cock throb inside me. his hands gripped my hips as he started fucking me harder, the tip of his cock destroying my g-spot. “i’m gonna cum- fuck!” i cried out as i came undone all over him. his thrusts held steady as i came.
“where you want it, angel?” the petname made your heart flutter. “i want it inside, please.” shaun’s speed began to wane. “please.” i begged, making sure he knew i was serious. “whatever you want, baby.” his thrusts sped up momentarily before he pressed his forehead against mine, the light layer of sweat connecting. i moaned as he began to move slowly. “‘m gonna cum.” i pulled him down to kiss me harshly as he came. i felt the hot, thick ropes of his load inside me as he moaned into my mouth. my eyes clammed shut as he kept his slow motions.
we laid there for a moment before he pulled out of me, his cock already softening. when i opened my eyes, i saw shaun with a towel and he began to clean me up. “you did so good for me, mama. took me like a champ.” he smirked as i giggled. “i might actually be a mama now.” i laughed. his eyes widened. “what?” his face went pale. i started loudly cackling at his expression. “shaun, honey, i’m on the pill. don’t worry.” i reassured him, grabbing his face and pulling him down for a kiss. “oh, thank God.” he breathed.
the pill did not work. we now have a 2 year old. what the fuck.
a/n: hii thank you soo much for reading! i hope you enjoyed it as it took me so long to work up the courage to write and post this! i love you guys, have a super awesome day💕
taglist:@harmshake @cellard0ors@anomalisa92
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mingtinysworld · 7 months
Addicted {Part ll}
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Pairing: Park Seonghwa x fem!reader
Genre: drug dealer au, strangers to lovers, angst, fluff
Word count: 2.3k
Summary: being kidnapped by drug dealers was not on your bingo card. Neither was having a pretty boy end up in your arms.
Warnings/content: none other than slight violence (barely any lol), reverse comfort, soft hwa
A/n: honestly, this storyline is complete shit I’m sorry, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless. This soft Seonghwa made me wanna cryyyy. If you liked it, please like, comment and reblog!! I appreciate y’all mwah - J
part 1 of Addicted
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As you gain consciousness, your eyes open with a hazy fog. You can feel a pounding headache coming on, having to hold your head in your hands. As you look around, you can see that you’re in an empty small room. The walls are a cold gray, reminding you of a jail cell.
True panic sets in as you realize there’s no way out. You push and pull on the metal door with no use. Deciding that crying will not solve anything, you resort to shouting. You shout as much as your lungs can handle.
“Help!! Let me out of here!”
You go on for a few more minutes, banging on the door with all your might. Your voice starts getting hoarse from the effort, intense coughing taking over your body.
The door gets pulled open abruptly, causing you to lose your balance and almost falling down. In front of you stands the last man that you saw before your world went black, the one with the collarbone tattoo. He sneers at you with his disgusting looking teeth.
“How was your night sweetheart?”
Oh how nice it would be to punch his stupid face right about now. But the more rational part of your brain tells you this will not end well, so you choose to stay silent. You stand up straight, rolling your shoulders back. He chuckles at your act of bravery.
“Aww look at you being all brave. Aren’t you just adorable.” He crouches down to be on your level, and you have to resist gagging at his putrid breath.
“Please, I just want to go home.” You silently curse yourself for your wavering voice.
“You’re not going anywhere until we get what we want.” His voice is now laced with barely detectable poison.
“And what is it that you want?”
“Your little boyfriend, Seonghwa,” his lip curls with disdain, “he owes us money. A lot of it. And you’re not getting out of here until he brings us the money.”
Your heart sinks at his words. Seonghwa barely knows you, he’s not even gonna care that they kill you. There’s no way he’s gonna give them money to save your life. Trying to keep it together, you ask more questions.
“Does he know I’m here? How much does he owe? Could I pay instead? Why does he owe you money?” You ramble off nervously.
“Woah woah, that’s a lot of questions missy. First of all, yes he is aware. And we’re just gonna have to wait and see if he saves your pretty face. And trust me, you cannot pay your way out of this.”
Having run out of speech, you mumble incoherent words, too deep in thought.
You hear a stifled laughter and look at the man in front of you. He seems to think this is very funny apparently.
“Your face of panic is hilarious oh my god. Come, come, I’m not gonna keep you here the whole time. I can give you a room of yours if you’d like.”
He leads you into a surprisingly warm looking house. The walls are beige, covered in countless paintings of floral sceneries. As you go through multiples hallways, your nerves are somewhat settled, either due to the house or numbness. You come upon a door at the end of the hallway.
“Here we are. This is your room for the next…however many days you’ll be here. Make yourself home.”
You almost laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. How can you make yourself at home when you could be killed any moment? You enter anyways, jaw dropping to the floor. All around you is the fanciest furniture you have ever laid eyes on.
“What. In. The. World. Why do you even need whatever amount of money Seonghwa owes you if you have all this? I don’t understand.” You keep staring in awe, exploring the whole place.
The man lets out a grunt of discontentment. “It’s honestly just for…a personal revenge.” He sounds almost sheepish. The need for more information is killing you.
“What did Seonghwa do to you?” You ask.
He lets out a heavy sigh, folding his arms. “He used to be a part of our group for a while. A bunch of shit went down, and…long story short, my sister ended up getting involved and Seonghwa killed her.” He said those last few words with a broken whisper.
Your heart clenched at his emotion, along with the shock of Seonghwa killing his sister. You don’t know how to feel. You feel empathy for this man for losing his sister, but you also can’t find it in you to be mad at Seonghwa, no matter the messed up situation.
“Oh I am so sorry.” You whisper an apology for his loss.
He gives you a bitter smile. “It’s been a couple years, it’s gotten better. But I want the money he owes for some kind of consolation. Even if it’s not much.”
You ponder over his words for a few moments. You can understand his pain, and his desire to avenge his sister’s death. You feel conflicted. You want to sympathize with him, but you also can’t help but think he could very well be lying. You also don’t want to think of Seonghwa as a murderer.
“I’m sorry, didn’t mean to get a little sappy there. Anyways, just stay in your room, and I’ll will bring up food for you.” He flips around and exits out the door.
Strangely enough, you don’t feel scared of him. His admission of his feelings softened you up and he didn’t seem to be like the big, bad monster facade he put up. After the exhausted events, your body feels completely worn out. You lay your head on the soft pillow, letting out a long sigh. Before you know it, your mind and body have gone to dreamland.
You slowly stir awake, having to squint your eyes due to the bright sun coming through the window. As you come to, your ears pick up yelling. Your body tenses at the sounds, fearing the worst. You slowly make your way to the door and inch the door open a bit. Your mouth is agape at the sight that meets your eyes.
Seonghwa is in the living room, wrestling with the giant body that is your kidnapper. You hear him yell. “Where is she?!!” Your stupid heart can’t help but flutter at the urgency in his voice.
You feel stuck. Wanting to go to Seonghwa but also fearing him from what you heard. Your fast moving thoughts are interrupted as a gun shot rings in the air.
You let out a shrill scream, not having seen who fired and if anyone got hurt.
At the sound of your scream, Seonghwa’s head swivels in your direction. He’s filled with relief as he sees that you’re unharmed. He takes his gun and pushes the immobile man down to the ground.
He runs to you and attempts to grab your hand but you stumble back in fear.
“W-wait, Seonghwa, I don’t-” you stutter over your words, not even sure what you’re trying to say.
He gently grabs onto your arms, and looks into your eyes. “Hey, I know this is all scary. I will explain everything later, I promise. Just trust me please.” He speaks with an incredibly soft voice.
You give him a nod, signaling that it’s ok to go. He puts your hand in his and leads you out. Passing through the living room, you see the man on the floor. He’s moving very slowly, wincing due to the wound in his shoulder. You cling onto Seonghwa tighter, and he squeezes your hand in response.
“He’ll be ok, it’s just his shoulder. We need to leave.” You two step outside into the bright light. He leads you to an awaiting motorcycle and you come to a stop. His hand tugs you forward but you resist.
“I am not getting on that thing.” You stubbornly huff.
“Y/n, please, I promise I’ll keep you safe. I’ve been riding this motorcycle for so long now.”
You fold your arms. “Absolutely not. I’m not going on that dangerous-” you squeal as Seonghwa picks you up and throws you onto his shoulder.
“Sorry Princess, but we gotta get goin.”
He sets you down gently and grabs a helmet for you. Before he puts it on you, he secures a loose strand of hair behind your ear. Your breath hitches and you’re glad to have the cover of the helmet to hide your reddening face.
He slips in front of you and turns on the bike. You have no choice but to snake your arms around his waist. “Ok are you ready for me to move?” You let out a ‘yes’ and he takes off.
You can’t help but notice how tiny his waist is. You selfishly indulge in holding him close and you put your face against his back. Surprisingly, you really enjoy the ride. About 15 minutes after, he parks at an apartment complex. He gets off while taking off his helmet. He helps you with yours and you jump down.
“I hope it’s ok that I brought you to my place. I just figured it’d be safer for you.”
“Yeah that’s fine. I don’t mind. As long as I get an explanation.” You quirk an eyebrow at him in challenge.
Seonghwa chuckles at that. “Of course, I definitely owe you an explanation. Let’s go up.”
You walk up two flights of stairs, getting to his door. You don’t know what you were expecting his place to look like, but you definitely didn’t think it would be so clean. Not a single speck of dust lives on the furniture.
“Wow, not bad at all,” you acknowledge the cleanliness and decor of the space.
He gives you a toothy smile at that. “Thanks!” You both sit down on the big couch, and get comfortable.
“Alright, I’m gonna tell you what actually happened. I’m not sure what he told you, but it’s most likely not the whole truth. So me and those guys, we used to be a group together, selling drugs and honestly just getting ourselves into really dangerous situations. One night, we were on a run for a very wealthy and loyal customer, and we got in the car. Ten minutes in, we finally realized that his younger sister, Tess, sneaked into the car.”
You interrupt him with a question. “How old was she?”
“She was seventeen I believe. And we just had to keep going because we couldn’t be late. We told her to stay put in the car, but of course she didn’t listen. While we were inside the house with the customer, she sneaked out and the guards stopped her. She told them that her brother was in there but they wouldn’t let her go. I guess she got hysterical, so angry that they were being like that. And somehow someone called the police on us, so they had us cornered and we were trying to get out. Tess was right in front of the police. Our only way out was to shoot through. We were almost done, one more officer left. I aimed at him and last minute he jumped behind Tess, and I shot her in the chest.” At this, he had to take a moment to breathe, his throat choking him up.
“We ran to her, trying to stop the bleeding. We rushed her to the hospital, but it was too late. Since that day, Asher hasn’t forgiven me. I don’t blame him, I wouldn’t either. But I didn’t mean it. It was a complete accident. Not a single day goes by that I don’t wish it was me instead of Tess. God she was so young.” He throws his head into his hands, sobbing quietly.
“Seonghwa, it’s not your fault. What happened was completely fucked up, yes, but like you said it was an accident. You can’t do anything about it, but don’t let it eat you up. You’re not a bad person.” You let your hand rest on his knee, trying to comfort him. He looks up at you with teary eyes, countless emotions residing in them. He wraps his arms around you, enveloping you in his scent. You can tell he really needed that hug and validation. You grab onto him tighter as if to squeeze the sadness and regret out of him.
You stay like that for a few minutes, his head burrowed into your neck. You hear his breathing steady and you pull him back up. Taking his hands into yours you ask him if he needs anything.
“What can I do for you? Are you hungry? Need sleep? Tea? Anything.” He seems to tear up even more at that.
“Can we just…cuddle?” He asks while sniffling.
“Yes of course we can. Here or in your bed?” Your heart melts at the vulnerability in his face.
“My bed, if you’re okay with that.”
“Of course, let’s go!” You grab his hand, letting him show you to his room. You decide you’ll take a closer look at his room later, comforting Seonghwa being your priority at the moment. You both get into bed, and he immediately grabs onto you. He turns to his side, nestling his head against your chest. His arm goes around your waist, tugging you closer. You start playing with his long locks of hair, hearing his soft sighs of relaxation.
You look down and realize he’s fallen asleep. He looks so pretty while sleeping. You think back on your last two days, and almost laugh at how absurd it is. So much has happened in the span of 48 hours, but now you just feel so relaxed. Of course, things won’t be this easy for long, you’ll have to deal with some things later.
But for now, you let yourself indulge in Seonghwa’s softness. You give him a fond kiss on the forehead, and allow yourself to drift off with a content sigh.
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beautifulfuckup99 · 1 year
I NEEEEEEEED A J HOBI IMAGINE! Pls! Anything is fine, as long as its FLUFF OVERLOAD!
Yes! Of course!
Title: My Goofball
Rating: G
Author's Note: Enjoy the "Fluff Overload"!
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"Babe! Stay still!" You whine as your boyfriend, of almost a year, spins happily in his computer chair as you try setting up the rest of your lotions and oils and spray bottles.
"Weee!" Hobi happily cheers as he spins around and around until you stop his chair completely. He playfully pouts as you move his chair back over to yours.
"There. Now stay." You basically order as he smiles at you. "Anyway, sorry about that, guys..." You say as you go back to talking to the fans in your livestream as Hobi waves and does a few finger hearts.
"So, you guys have been begging for a skin care routine and because I can never multitask right, I asked my lovely boyfriend Jung Ho-seok, who you all may know as 'J-Hope', to be my face model for the evening." You say as you motion to him.
Hobi starts posing a bit for the camera as you giggle at his actions, playfully rolling your eyes at him. "And while I do his skin care, we can answer a few couple questions." You explain as you finish getting everything in order.
Hobi smirks slyly at the camera and slowly begins sliding away from you. "Hey! Come closer!" You chuckle as you pull his chair to yours again. He eyes the questions on his phone so you two could answer the first one.
"So, you always have to start with the cleanser." You say as you get a generous amount in your hands. "I always use the La Prairie's foam cleanser..." You say and rub your hands all over your boyfriend's face.
"Mm... Smells good." Hobi nods. "Close your mouth." You chuckle. "And it should. It's about $100 for the bottle." You say casually.
"A HUN-" Hobi is cut off from his exclamation by some cleanser getting in his mouth. You gasp as he moves back fast to start blowing raspberries to get the bit of foam out of his mouth.
"Honey! You have to close your mouth!" You fuss as you hold back a laugh while Hobi makes a big show of gagging and complaining.
"Am I gonna die now?" He asks, completely overdramatic, a hand covering his mouth as if completely serious and fearful. You roll your eyes.
"So dramatic." You mutter. "No, you're not." You assure with a wave of your hand. "Question?" You ask and he gives you a look. You pull his chair back towards you.
"How did we meet?" He asks as he pouts to the camera as if you were holding him hostage now. You grab the next bottle.
"How did we meet..." You trail off as if trying to remember. "You forgot!" Hobi gasps in playful offense.
"No! No, no. I remember now." You say. "We met at a store. We were both their buying something, and at a certain point, you walked over and asked which sweater looked better." You nod as you shake the water mist spray bottle.
"Now, for this step, I use La Mer 'The Mist'-" Hobi cuts you off.
"Baby? Isn't that just water?" He asks as he eyes the small bottle.
"No. It's full of marine botanicals, and some 'cell-renewing Miracle Broth'..." You say. "Now, close your eyes." You order and he hums before squeezing his eyes shut. You smile and spray a generous amount on his face.
"It... it just feels like water." He says as he opens his eyes. "How much was this?" He asks as he grabs the bottle from you.
"It... Not much." You shrug as Hobi sees the comments on the livestream.
"Baby!" He gasps. "They're saying it costs $85!" He says.
"Next question!" You say fast to change the subject. You eye Hobi's phone for question number two. "Who said 'I love you' first? That's easy." You say as you grab the antioxidant serum.
"Me." You and Hobi say at the same time.
"No, you did not!" You laugh as you grab Hobi's face to apply the oil droplets. "Oh! And this is La Mer's 'The Regenerating Serum'." You say to the chat.
"I did say it first!" Hobi argues playfully. letting you work on his face. "Because I told you the night before you told me!" He explains.
"I was sleeping! That doesn't count!" You playfully shout.
"It does count." He says simply.
"No, it doesn't!"
"Yes it does..."
You playfully glare at your boyfriend as he smiles pleasantly. "I did it first." He assures fans as you playfully swat his shoulder as he laughs.
You grab another oil bottle and Hobi pauses. "How much oil do I need?!" He asks.
"Babe. This is the hydrating serum now." You defend as he shakes his head. "And how much was this one?" He asks as you gather the oil in the tube. "Eh..." You mutter.
"Eh?" He mocks as you drip the oil on to his face and rub it in.
"I-It's also from La Mer." You shrug. "How Much-Mm..." He murmurs when you cover his mouth with your hand to rub in the oil.
"Where was our first date?" You ask the third question of the tag to change the subject yet again.
Hobi playfully glares at you before scrunching his nose at the oil being all over his face. "Um... My place for dinner." He says and you grab the eye cream next.
"La Mer again? Honey, I think you have an addiction..." Hobi snorts and you nudge him playfully.
"When..." You trail off as you focus on putting the right amount around Hobi's eyes, all while he's moving more to try and read the next questions.
"Hobi! Stay still!" You complain as you try grabbing his face, but he turns his head to look at himself in the camera.
"Oh my god!" He gasps and you cover your mouth to not laugh.
"I look like a greasy racoon." He laughs. "I look like I was normal, but then I started melting..." He laughs some more as you grab his face.
"Baby! Focus!" You laugh as he throws his head back dramatically.
"I'm melting, I'm melting..." He cries out like the evil witch, and you laugh and playfully shake his shoulders. "Focus!" You plead in an overdramatic and playful way.
Something about Hobi always brought out your more childish side. You couldn't help it. It was so easy to be pulled in by his charm and extroverted behavior. It made you feel safe. Like you'd never be judged when you're around him.
You get him sitting still finally and gently rub in the eye cream under his eyes. "First kiss, was the question..." You say as he keeps his eyes closed, enjoying the way you massaged his face.
"Hasn't happened yet." Hobi mutters with a soft smile as you laugh.
"Not yet? After all this time?" You tease and Hobi chuckles and nods along to the obvious lie.
"Sure, honey..." You snort and then firmly grasp his face. "Almost done!" You cheer and Hobi pouts.
"Already?" He asks and you give him a playful glare.
"Don't act like you're sad about it..." You laugh as you grab the moisturizer. "And look," You hold up the YSL bottle. "I'm not addicted to La Mer." You say with a proud huff.
"This is really good, guys. It's an anti-aging-" Hobi cuts you off.
"Honey, you don't need any of that..." He says as he scrunches his nose.
"There's nothing wrong with wanting flawless skin." You defend and Hobi smirks at you.
"But... You already do." He smiles at you, and you playfully gag at the compliment.
"Last question?" You ask and he hums as he reads while you rub the cream on his face.
"Uh... Do you love me?" Hobi asks as you look at him with a chuckle.
"Yes. Goofball." You snort and tap his forehead lightly. "All done!" You announce and make him look at the camera. "Doesn't he look great, guys?" You ask chat as Hobi goes on posing to show off his newly refreshed face.
You giggle and Hobi sighs as he wheels back in his chair, going back to spinning himself as you playfully face palm. "Honey! Stay still!" You laugh as you move over to try and stop him again.
Hope you liked it!
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dollystuartwrites · 2 years
7&ME - Chapter 27 - Smug
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Pairing: OT7 x F!Reader
Genre: fluff, smut, idol AU, straight, bisexual, gay, threesome
Chapters: [1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - [5] - [6] - [7] - [8] - [9] - [10] [11] - [12] - [13] - [14] - [15] - [16] - [17] - [18] - [19] - [20]   [21] - [22] - [23] - [24] - [25] - [26] - [27] - [28] - [29] - [30] MASTERLIST Wanna read all the chapters right now? You can find the complete story for free on WATTPAD
Summary: Miracles do happen! Somehow you've finally managed to secure a job at a big company! Even though it'll be a 24/7 job, they promised you a fat paycheck, so you don't care what the job is... But what if the job is managing 7 grown men? Seven men who all have needs...
Warnings: swearing, unprotected sex, vaginal penetration, fingering, size kink, oral (f&m receiving), dirty talk, gay sex, threesome sex, bisexual sex, implied masturbation, this is super vanilla compared to most of my stories, let me know what I missed.
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J U N G K O O K   P E R S P E C T I V E
'So what's your deal?' Namjoon asked Jimin as we sat down at the booth again.
'What?' Jimin asked casually, playing dumb and taking a gulp of his beer.
Namjoon rolled his eyes.
'Yeah, come on Jimin, tell us,' Hobi said, putting up puppy eyes.
Jimin only grinned widely at us and kept drinking in silence.
'Did she offer to be your girlfriend too?' Jin suddenly asked. We all looked at him in surprise.
'You said what now?' Yoongi said, pulling up his brows.
'She asked me if I wanted her to be my girlfriend,' Jin said casually, but the smirk on his face gave him away. 'Although,' he said furrowing his brows slightly, 'I wasn't sure if she meant me in particular or all of us,'
Tae and I looked at each other with open mouths.
'Anyway, we made out,' Jin said smugly.
'You did what now?!' Tae said in disbelief.
'Highfive Hyung, I made out with her too,' Hobi said cheerfully putting his hand up at Jin.
Jin looked at him in surprise, as did we all.
Yoongi chuckled and we all directed our attention at him.
'She isn't as innocent as you all seem to think,' he said darkly. We all watched him in suspense as he too downed his drink.
He studied his hand for a second.
'I finger fucked her,' Yoongi said simply. All of us were struck by his comment.
'She came. Hard. And loud. Screaming my name,' he said, looking us dead in the eye.
In my mind, I could see her squirming beneath Yoongi's fingers. Panting and moaning, begging for more, like I would do when Yoongi would finger fuck me.
My dick twitched.
Jimin suddenly chuckled.
'She sucked my dick,' he said almost proudly.
'Wait what?!' Tae blurted.
The thought of her with Jimin's dick in her mouth crossed my mind. Him holding her hair, as he did with me whenever I sucked him off. The sound of her gagging and choking on his dick as he would ram it down her throat made me shiver.
Namjoon cleared his throat.
'Well, I think we have our answer to Jin's question,' he said slightly dumbfounded. 'I guess she wanted to be a girlfriend to all of us,'
Jin narrowed his eyes at Namjoon.
'What did you do with her?' he asked.
Namjoon pressed his lips together.
'Joon...' Jin pressed on.
We all knew he was dying to tell us.
'All right, all right,' he said, taking a swig from his drink. 'I fucked her,'
All of us groaned loudly. Not in despair or anger. But in jealousy and out of lust.
'So you mean to tell me,' Taehyung said through gritted teeth, 'that all of you have at least kissed her?'
All the others nodded.
'That' sounds a little disrespectful Tae,' Jin said frowning. The other guys simply laughed at Taehyung's outburst.
So she had already kissed most of us.
This meant I probably had a chance with her.
My heart started to pound faster.
'Does she...' I started saying nervous, looking around me to check if she wasn't there yet.
'Does she know about... us?' I asked the boys quietly. They all frowned slightly.
'I didn't tell her,' Yoongi said shrugging.
'I don't think so,' Hobi said shaking his head.
We all looked at Namjoon.
'What are you guys looking at me for? I didn't say a thing,' He said, raising his eyebrows.
We didn't say anything for a moment, but I was sure we all thought the same thing.
Jin was the one to speak out all of our thoughts.
'Do you think... I mean... Since she seems to be pretty open-minded... Do you think she'd be okay with it if she knew?' he directed his question at Namjoon.
Namjoon shook his head in defeat.
'I have no idea Hyung. I mean, she seemed very into it when I was doing her,' he said looking down smugly, 'But I've no idea how she'd react if she knew...'
We all sat in silence again for a minute, thinking.
'Well,' Taehyung said suddenly, grinning at me cheekily, 'There's only one way to find out,'
Y O U R   P E R S P E C T I V E
I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. My cheeks were flushed and it was a little hard to see clearly. I was definitely very very tipsy...
And goddamn horny...
I could still feel the spots where Jungkook had touched me lighting up like beacons in my skin. I wanted him to touch me more. Any of them to touch me more. At this point, I didn't give a shit who it was but I needed them on me. Asap.
I quickly washed my hands and stumbled my way out of the bathroom, trying to find my way back to our booth.
Was it left or right?
Suddenly Taehyung appeared before me. I had never been so happy to see him.
He put his hands on my waist and smiled. It wasn't his usual square smile.
'Hey princess, wanna dance?' His words tickled my ear.
As long as I could feel him touching me I would do anything he'd ask of me.
I nodded and he instantly dragged me onto the dancefloor.
He went to stand behind me, his hands still wrapped around my waist, my butt pressing into his groin and his face in my neck.
I had barely time to think how great his body felt against mine when Jungkook appeared in front of me.
'Why don't we let him join?' Taehyung whispered in my ear. His voice was like a little devil on my shoulder giving me advice. And god, how I wanted to obey.
I wrapped my arms around Jungkook's neck and pulled him close again. For a second his face seemed surprised, but then he got that cheeky smile on his face again and went with it.
I closed my eyes in pleasure as I felt both men grind against me, my frame sandwiched in between them.
'You know, Jungkook has never kissed a girl before,' Taehyung's deep voice whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes in surprise and looked at Jungkook. How could such a perfect young man never have kissed a girl before? His skin seemed flawless and his eyes just screamed "bad boy".
'Won't you fulfil his desire?' the devil's voice whispered.
Without thinking twice, I lifted my head towards Jungkook's face. He looked down at me, his lips slightly parting.
'Kiss me,' I invited him, not even sure if he could hear me over the loud music.
Jungkook lowered his face to mine and before I knew it our tongues were intertwining with each other.
He tasted so sweet.
Just like all the other boys did.
As if they were all made of honey.
The kiss might have been an hour or 5 seconds, I had no concept of time anymore. The only thing I felt was Jungkook's lips caressing mine, and the way both he and Taehyung were grinding their boners into my ass and front.
I could feel Taehyung's hands shifting over my waist, stroking and massaging me.
'You like this don't you?' Taehyungs voice fluttered in my neck.
'Yes,' I broke away long enough from Jungkook's kiss to answer Taehyung. Jungkook pulled back now too, his eyes slightly narrowed in that familiar lustful gaze.
'Why don't we continue this elsewhere? Somewhere more private. Where we can enjoy each other even more,' Taehyung suggested. He kissed and bit my neck. Shivers went down my spine.
'Yes,' I moaned.
God yes.
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dreaming-of-the-end · 3 years
Lights and Kisses: Keefitz
A/N: Hanukkah prompt for the first night: Found Family!! he/they Keefe supremacy. Guess who managed to write fluff!! Comments are better than latkes!!
Summary: Keefe’s first Hanukkah <3
TW: hmmm very slight parent stuff but other than that... I don’t think
Taglist (tell me if you want to be added or removed!):  @steppingonshatteredglass @real-smooth @sunset-telepath @dreaminq-out-loud  @stardustanddaffodils @jaxtheoraliestanner  @spellbound-fire @turquoise-skyyyy @allystobin @silveredviolets @venecs  @b-blurryyfacee  @rune-and-rising @lavender-and-rainy-days @chasteliac @confusedamphibian @hellomyfriends @cadence-talle @kai-i-guess @callas-starkflower-stew @a-harmless-poison @theogony @raedas @gay-otlc @if-ten-million-fireflies @everblaeze-and-balefire
Keefe drapes his arms around Fitz's shoulders from behind, but Fitz just sighs. He doesn't even give Keefe their usual gentle head bump.
Keefe pulls back slightly, frowning. "Is something wrong?" They cock their head to the side half-teasingly, but his humor melts away as Fitz shakes his head.
"It's just... this is going to be our first Hanukkah without Alvar. You know?" Fitz twists to look at his boyfriend, corner of his mouth pulling down. "I don't know what's gonna happen."
They sit down carefully, and Fitz lays down in his lap as if it's natural, as if they are two puzzle pieces fitting together. He tilts his head up to look at Keefe's face.
"Hey," Keefe says softly, fingering a strand of Fitz's hair that has fallen from his careful style. "Alvar isn't what made Hanukkah so wonderful."
Fitz gives him a wry grin, but doesn't respond. Instead, he says, "I made the latkes with him, did you know that? We would stand there and talk and laugh while we fried them. It was our..." His voice pauses on the last word before he continues, "It was our thing."
Keefe traces the edges of Fitz's lips, and his breath catches again as his boyfriend leans down to press a kiss to his lips. "How about I be your latke buddy?"
Fitz pushes himself up on his elbows, and Keefe grins at the new brightness in his eyes. "Really?"
They laugh. "Yeah. You're gonna have to show me how to make them, though."
"Gladly." Fitz kisses Keefe again, and when he pulls away, he's smiling again, even though there's still a hint of sadness in his eyes. Keefe will do his very best to make sure that sadness is gone by the first night of Hanukkah. "And you'll stay for dinner, too? To light candles?"
No matter how bright the flames on those candles will be, there's no way they can shine as brilliantly as Fitz's smile as Keefe says, "Of course I will!"
And it's worth it, he thinks as Cassius asks where he's been when he slips in the door smelling of potatoes and oil and Fitz's laughter still dancing in his ears.
It's worth it.
Keefe isn't Jewish. Neither are Tam and Linh, or Maruca and Wylie, or Dex.
But the Vackers are, and so are Sophie and Stina, and they're all friends enough that they all crowd into the Vacker's kitchen when it's time to light the candles on the first night.
The second night, Sophie whispers in Keefe's ear, is for family. That's when she'll be with her parents and Stina will be with her entire extended family and the Vackers with theirs.
But this night is his to spend with Fitz and everyone else they love.
So here they are, arm around Fitz's waist as everyone who knows it sings along to the blessing over the candles, and there are at least six menorahs scattered across the counter since everyone who had them brought two.
Sophie's is decorated like Noah's Ark, with all the animals with fires on their heads and a giraffe as the shamash. Stina's is a basic gold-tinted menorah, but it's engraved with little leaves that make Keefe want to run his fingers down the cool metal just to feel all the little grooves.
Biana's is sparkly and pink and decorated with messy little roses and look like she painted them herself, and Fitz's is a clear glass one with streaks of navy blue running through the center like it had been injected with food coloring, and Keefe wants to keep all of them.
The most he can do, though, is light the candles and hope that they get to do this every year until they die, because with everyone laughing and singing and talking, and the warmth from the candles matching the pride in his stomach at the delicious latkes he'd managed to make...
This is just about perfect.
Fitz plants a kiss on his cheek, and Keefe grins.
Perfect is exactly where he is.
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jaehyunnie77 · 3 years
hey babess i love your writing! can i request a jaehyun x ceo! y/n fic? (fluff + smut) something along the lines of jaehyun being the only one who can turn boss babe y/n soft & submissive?
Pairing: assistant!jaehyun x female!ceo
Genre: smut and tiny fluff
Warnings: mentions of masturbation, sexual tension, office sex, fingering, oral (male recieving), dom jaehyun, sub reader, protected sex
Word Count: 2.2k
a/n: hi love! thank you so much for the request. it makes me so happy to hear you love my writing <3. I had fun writing this one. I'm so sorry this took forever, but I do hope you like it. Also, Lemonade and Sticker Jaehyun did something to me so I got carried away a bit lol. enjoy
Knock knock.
"Come in!" you yell keeping your eyes on the computer screen. You really don't understand why people use Urgent as the subject line when it wasn't really urgent at all. The door to your office opens and the woody cologne of your assistant hits your nose. It takes everything in you to continue reading the email.
"Miss Y/LN, you have a five o'clock meeting today with design department." Jeong Jaehyun looks at his tablet in his hand to make sure there wasn't anything else he was missing. Last time you missed an important conference call all because he wasn't paying close attention to your schedule.
"Fuck." you say under your breath. You completely forgot about the meeting and honestly, didn't want to go. You stop reading and rub your temples. You look up just in time at your assistant and you both lock eyes. There is no denying there is heavy sexual tension between you both. Everyone in the office, hell, everyone in the entire building can sense the chemistry between you and your assistant.
You won't admit it to anyone, but the way he talks to you in his soft voice, makes your ovaries go in overdrive. The way his hand would slightly touch yours when handing you papers, gave you goosebumps. From your desk you have a perfect view of him, you can't help but look at him and daydream. When you two would talk about something outside of work, you can't help but smile and laugh with him. You wouldn't say you were whip for him, he was just a good eye candy to have around during stressful times.
Okay, you may have thought about him and his fingers a couple of times whenever you masturbated, but no one needed to know that.
However, you would never act on those fantasies because you are the CEO of a multimillion-fashion company. You can't afford to be distracted.
"Cancel and move it to another date and time next week. I have all of these paperwork I need to sort through." you say.
Jaehyun nods his head as his hand starts tapping away on his tablet. "Done. Is there anything else I can do for you?"
"No that is all. You may leave for the day."
Jaehyun gives you another nod and walks out of your office. You stare at his back and thirst over his figure. You wish you could run your hands all over his broad shoulders, hug around his waist, and your hands running through his gel back hair.
Jeong Jaehyun has been your assistant for the last four months and surprisingly, he is the only one who stayed the longest. All of your other assistants were either fired or quit because of how demanding you are. You were prepared to find another assistant when Jaehyun quit, but he could handle your sharp tongue and ranging mood swings.
In the end, it works out for you because you get to see his muscles flex and his dimples almost every day of the week. You get to boss him around whenever you like just to see if he would break one day. Strangely enough, he is the only one who makes you feel this way, both horny and soft for him.
If you could, you would fuck him on your desk and have your way with him. You would edge and overstimulate him over and over again, if only your reputation wasn't on the line. Your pussy clench around nothing with just the thought of Jaehyun under you. Before your imagination could run any more wilder, you get back to work.
The following day, you were overwhelmed with the stacks of paper work that sat on your desk. Jaehyun has been helping you sort through most of it the entire day and by the time you look at your clock, it was well past eleven o'clock. You sigh as you glance over at Jaehyun who looks just as tired as you.
"Jaehyun that should be it for today. We can sort through the rest on Monday." you collect the papers in front of you and put them in your file cabinet. "You should go home to your girlfriend or whoever is waiting for you at home." you mentally slap yourself for even saying that aloud.
Jaehyun sees your flustered state and grins as he puts the stack of papers on one side of his desk. "It's fine and for your information, I don't have anyone waiting for me."
You try your hardest to breathe and tighten your cross legs. It was his voice and the way he said it that sent shivers down your spine. His sexy sulky voice that you've heard once and made your pussy clench. Oh how you want to fulfill your fantasies right now.
"Miss Y/LN?"
"Yes Jaehyun?"
You didn't notice Jaehyun getting up from his chair and walking towards you.
You finally look up surprise to see him leaning against your desk right beside you. He has a cocky smile and even from this angle, he looks like a hot Thor, but hotter.
You gulp as you regain your composure, "What is it Jaehyun?"
Jaehyun leans down, his face comes closer to yours, and you don't dare back away. When his face was inches from yours, you whisper, "This is unprofessional."
He gazes into your eyes, still smirking, "Was it unprofessional all the times we've been eye fucking from across the room?"
You sigh as you gave in and close the gap connecting your lips. It was cold a minute ago, but now it was hot. Hot and sexy. He grabs your neck to keep you in place as you get up from your chair and your hands finding their way to his neck. Both of your hands wander all over each other, until you start to unbutton his white shirt and he unzips your dress.
The height difference is making you weak, but you want to show him you're the boss and dominate him. Jaehyun notices what you're doing and you feel him smile in your heated make out session.
"Still trying to be the boss Y/N?"
"I am the boss Jaehyun." You finally get rid of his shirt and damn, does this man work out. You stop to admire his hardened abs, while Jaehyun finally takes off your dress, admiring you in just your bra and panties. You both take each other in.
To be clear, this has never happened before to you. You were always the one to set the pace, to show your partners for the night you were in charge, but this was different. Jaehyun was different. He was captivating and you wanted him to destroy you now that you've seen what it's like to be kissed and touched by him.
He leaves kisses on your jaw, your neck, to your chest and as he senses the sudden change in attitude, he growls. He captures your lips once more as he picks you up to sit you on your desk. He pushes everything on top of your desk away onto the floor and lays you down. He continues his kiss attack by leaving purple bruises all over your chest, boobs, and stomach. When he finally reaches where you need him the most, he teases you over your panties.
"Jaehyun." you whine.
"Yes baby." Even the nickname is driving you crazy.
"Stop teasing."
"If you say so." Jaehyun pushes your panties to the side and slides a finger between your folds.
"You're dripping wet. All for me?"
Without an answer or a warning, he pushes in a finger, then a second. The stretch makes your back arch as he pumps his digits into you. He curls his fingers and set a rapid pace as your walls pulsate around his fingers making you see the stars. Before you could reach your orgasm, he stops and takes them out.
"No. Be a good girl and don't come until I tell you to."
"I would do no such -"
He reinserts his fingers pumping into you again and when you clench, he stops again. He loves to see your expression when you were right on the edge and can see the frustration take over.
"I said, be a good girl and come when I tell you to. If not, you won't come and we'll do this all night if we have to."
Fuck was he hot.
You whimper as you slowly nod to his command.
"Good girl. Now get on your knees."
You sit back up and get down on your knees anticipating for what's to come. Just as you were about to unzip his pants, he stops you with his hand on your wrist. "Don't. Hand behind your back." Once again, you did as you were told as you watch Jaehyun slowly unzip his pants and bring down his boxers. His long hard cock standing proud almost hitting your face. Precum visible as it leaks from his tip. You unconsciously lick your lips wanting nothing more than to have him in your mouth.
With your hands still behind your back, you inch forward and put him in your mouth. Jaehyun groans at the feeling of your warm mouth around him. You bob and twist your head as you slurp on his dick. Saliva mix with his precum are coming out of the corner of your mouth. You pull off him to catch your breath but Jaehyun wasn't having it. He grabs the back of your head, pushes his cock into your mouth, and fucks your mouth. You feel him hit the back of your throat and gag around him.
Jaehyun hisses when you moan and gag around him, "You're fucking sexy."
When he feels himself almost coming, he pulls you off, helps you up from the ground, and bend you over the desk. "Spread your legs."
You do as you he says and spread your legs best as you can. He grabs a condom from his wallet and rolls it on, pumping himself a few times before finally entering you. You let out a loud moan when his girth stretches you out perfectly. You feel so full.
Jaehyun doesn't wait for you to get use to him as he starts to pound into you. The way his hips thrusts into you has you moving up on your desk. You try to grab onto anything, but Jaehyun kept your hands behind your back still. Your head laid to the side and Jaehyun has the perfect view of your fucked out face.
He leans down next to your ears, "Do you think you could boss me around as a lost boy?" he thrusts harder.
"J-Jaehyun, ahh!"
"Do you think you could make me your bitch boy and tell everyone to reschedule your meetings every day?"
"Ah, do you think you could tease me every day when you wear those short dresses and skirts, bend over in front of me, and don't expect me to get hard?"
"Fuck fuck fuck!"
"What would everyone say when the CEO is getting fucked by her assistant?"
"Th-they w-won't b-believe y-you."
He growls in your ear, "Even when I'm balls deep in you, you still want to be the boss."
He pounds into your harder and faster making you see the stars, "Please Jaehyun."
"Who's the boss Y/N?" Jaehyun pulls your hair bringing you up to his chest. The new position as him hitting in deeper as you continue seeing the stars as tears fall out of your eyes.
"Jaehyun! You are! Oh my fucking God! Please don't stop, don't stop."
"You like that? You like getting your hair pulled?"
"Fuck yes! Only for you. Please let me come."
He was getting close too, "Come on my dick baby." You didn't need to be told twice as you let go and cum on his cock and soon enough he also reach his climax.
His hold on your hair loosens up as you fall forward on your desk with him falling on top of you, both of you worn out. He kisses your glistening shoulders as you feel him go soft inside of you. He pulls out throwing the condom away and helps you get dress.
Standing there with clothes back on and hair slightly messy, you suddenly feel shy. Jaehyun caresses your cheek as you shyly look up at him, a warm smile on his face with those beautiful dimples showing.
"Hi." he whispers.
"Hi." you feel yourself get butterflies in your stomach.
"I know this is reverse, but do you want to get dinner tomorrow?"
You study his face for any remorse or seriousness, but all you found is adoring eyes staring back at you.
"I'd love that, but," you pause. Jaehyun's expression falls.
"But I'm still your boss and," you wrap your arms around his neck while his found your waist, "you're fired."
You smile up at him, feeling the rumble of his laughter. "That is fine by me as long as I have you by my side." He kisses your lips and you kiss back.
"About time honestly." you joke as you detached yourself to get your purse.
Jaehyun smiles at you, "Well if you weren't so busy bossing me around and playing this cat and mouse game -"
You lightly smack his chest laughing and you both walk out of your office interlocking your hands.
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plutominho · 3 years
happy new year || hyunjin
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✧ GENRE: established relationship, new year’s eve/new year’s kiss au, fluff
✧ PAIRING: hyunjin x fem!reader
✧ SUMMARY: hyunjin new year’s kiss with a splash of salty seungmin + supportive parents (you wish that was you huh /j)
✧ WORD COUNT: 1.3k
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
at the sound of the doorbell, you heard your mom’s footsteps scurry to the door before hearing the locks click open and the door hinges creaking ever so slightly. 
the creaks were drowned out by greetings being exchanged and shoes being taken off at the door. 
you hurried to finish getting ready, and you shoved everything back to where it would’ve been. fixing it properly could be done later. 
you hurried out of your room to the front door, where you greeted your boyfriend’s family. you went first to his parents, welcoming them with a hug and thanking them for spending new year’s with your family. 
then you went to hyunjin, who gave you a quick kiss on the lips before snaking his arm around your waist.
you heard exaggerated gagging noises from the back, and you turned around to see seungmin standing there. he picked up on your confused reaction and laughed a little. 
“i’m spending new year’s here, too. i’m practically another child to hyunjin’s parents anyway.”
“don’t believe him; he just wanted to avoid being asked if he had a significant other yet or not,” hyunjin whispered in your ear, loud enough so seungmin could hear. 
seungmin’s jaw dropped and he playfully hit hyunjin’s arm, sending hyunjin into a laughing fit and a rant about how he was ‘right and seungmin should admit it.’
your mom, ever the gathering host, led everyone to the main part of the house for food and drinks. 
there was a little under three hours to spend before the countdown began, which you all filled with countless board games and karaoke. 
with just an hour left until the countdown, you and hyunjin were on the floor, hyunjin laying down and resting his head on your lap. as you absentmindedly played with his hair, the two of you watched as seungmin sang a song he’d selected on karaoke. 
“damn, he’s really good.” you muttered, and hyunjin looked up at you. 
“yeah, it’s not like he’s our main vocalist or anything, right…” 
you rolled your eyes, and hyunjin looked up at you with a teasing smile on his face. 
behind you, your parents were sitting on the couch chatting up a storm. their chatter had died down to watch seungmin, much like you and hyunjin. but your short conversation with hyunjin seemed to have snapped them out of seungmin’s trance. 
“the two of you… are so adorable. i just wanna take a picture and frame it.” hyunjin’s mom said, making a motion with her hands as if she was pinching a child’s cheeks. 
“mommm” hyunjin groaned, lifting his hands to cover his face in embarrassment. you laughed at his flustered state. 
“it’s true!” your mom agreed, “and your wedding would be so cute, and then your kids would be too, oh my goodness.” 
your gasped and you laughed awkwardly. you looked down at hyunjin, who was now laughing at your embarrassment, seemingly unfazed. 
“that was so much worse than mine. you gotta pay up for that.” he said in between fits of laughter. 
your jaw dropped and your hand reached up to cover your mouth, having completely forgotten about the bet the two of you had made the day before. 
knowing your parents, you and hyunjin made a bet that whoever’s parents made the most embarrassing comment, the respective child would have to pay the other. 
you sighed, lifting hyunjin off of you to get your wallet as he gasped for air between laughs. you went into your wallet, knowing that your mom’s comment really was worse. 
you came back and glumly handed hyunjin the money, which he kissed and waved in the air happily before laying back down in your lap. 
“oh! speaking of bets… neither of you guys have paid us.” your dad spoke up, looking up from the karaoke machine to seungmin and hyunjin’s parents. 
they all got quiet all of a sudden before bursting into laughter and taking out their wallets to pay up. you exchanged a glance with hyunjin, who was clearly also as confused as you were. 
seungmin noticed your perplexed state, and took the liberty of explaining the situation at hand. you and hyunjin listened intently, each detail providing even more twists and turns. 
apparently, before you and hyunjin had gotten together, ‘the signs had been obvious’ that the two of you were ‘head over heels’ for each other.
the thought of it made you blush, thinking about the hwang hyunjin being head over heels for you. you looked down at the boy in your lap, smiling in embarrassment. 
but because of the lengthy time the two of you spent dancing around each other, seungmin and each set of parents had opted to make a bet on how long it would take for the two of you to finally get together. 
seungmin had bet on a year, your parents on half a year, and hyunjin’s parents on two years. and lucky for your parents, they’d gotten it right. 
“hmm, but you have to pay us for the second half.” hyunjin’s parents said. 
“hey, hey, hey, we don’t even know who’s right yet!” your parents defended. 
“there’s a second half?!” you exclaimed, shocked at how elaborate this all had been. 
“yup,” seungmin said, popping the p. “we also bet on who would be the one to confess first… but we need you guys to confirm this.”
you exchanged a knowing glance with hyunjin, fighting back laughter as he looked at you with a look of embarrassment on his face.
seungmin continued, “i bet that it would be y/n, hyunjin’s parents also bet on y/n, and her parents bet on hyunjin.”
hyunjin looked at his parents, his jaw dropping with a look of betrayal on his face.
“do you really have that little faith in me?!” hyunjin exclaimed, sitting up dramatically. 
“we didn’t think you’d have the guts to make a move!” his dad said. 
you burst out in laughter, knowing that he was right; you had been the one to first confess to hyunjin. 
“i mean they weren’t wrong…” you said softly, your face turning red as you looked at hyunjin and recalled your rather awkward confession. 
your parents groaned as seungmin and hyunjin’s parents cheered and exchanged high fives. you watched as your parents got out money, and paid both parties, a small sense of pride filling you for proving your parents wrong. 
“it’s okay, hyun, we had faith in you.” your parents said, a smile on their faces. 
“i was born into the wrong family.” hyunjin muttered, sending all of you into fits of laughter again. 
“y’know, sometimes i think they like you better than me; their own child.” you joked, watching all of them file out of the room for the countdown, leaving you and hyunjin alone. 
“well, we can make it our new year’s wish to switch families! cmon, the countdown is starting.” 
he stood up and held his hand out for you to take, which you took as the two of you walked out of the room together, hand in hand. 
your hand stayed put in his as the night came to a close. all of you gathered in front of the tv, five minutes left on the countdown. 
excited chatter about the new year filled the room, and the tv volume was turned up louder. 
“y/n?” hyunjin got your attention, saying your name in your ear. “will you be my new year‘s kiss?” 
you laughed, turning to clasp your hands behind his neck, your forearms resting on his shoulders as you nodded. 
hyunjin smiled softly, snaking his hands around your waist and resting them on the small of your back. 
you could feel pairs of eyes watching the two of you, but that was the least of your worries. the only thing that mattered as the 10 second countdown began was that you were in the arms of your lover. 
the two of you looked each other in the eyes as you counted down together. 
hyunjin glanced down at your lips, his eyes lingering there for a second. 
the two of you locked eyes, ready to ring in the new year together. 
happy new year. 
he leaned forward, connecting your lips with his. he pulled your waist closer to him, closing any gap there had been between the two of you. 
you felt hyunjin smirk into the kiss before quickly dipping you, one hand supporting your back. your lips losing contact as you let out a yelp, but only for a brief moment. he quickly reconnected your lips again, and you held that position for a few seconds. for a second you could’ve sworn you fell in love with him all over again. 
he raised you back up, the two of you blushing in both love and embarrassment as cheers of adoration and fondness erupted from your parents. 
“that was… fun.” you said softly, his hands tracing down your back to meet again at your waist. 
“really? thank god, i’ve been planning that for a week now.” 
as he admitted this, seungmin groaned as he flopped onto the couch. the two of you pulled away from each other, looking at him perplexed. 
“y/n, he literally had that whole thing planned out. he kept asking me about it, whether he should kiss you while he dips you, or dip you after he kisses you? or maybe he should just lose the dip altogether? it’s the only thing i’ve heard from him all week and i feel sick to my stomach.”
seungmin’s rant surprised you, and all of you laughed in shock. hyunjin’s jaw dropped, his cheeks flushing red. he buried his head in your neck, hiding his face in embarrassment. 
“it’s okay, love, i thought it was cute.”
he lifted his head and pecked your lips once, twice, and three times. “thank you, baby…
happy new year.”
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You Make Him Blush
Genre: Fluff
Characters: Oikawa, Kuroo and Akaashi
Warning: Swearing, sorry
A/N: Ya girl is finally posting. I mean it’s 5 am right now but hey! I did it. V, proud of myself (I should sleep but no). I hope you enjoy it. (It’s not edited, I skimmed over it but I may have missed some mistakes, so sorry about that!!)
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This fucker likes to play games with you. He makes you blush all the goddamn motherfucking time. He'll wink at you before making a killer serve, lift his shirt just enough during practice that you'd see his toned abs, he'll whisper ungodly shit in your ears when you're out in public. And honestly, you're super tired of feeling your cheeks heat up every time this guy so much as breathes in your direction.  
In the start of your relationship when the two of you were still a new couple you had witnessed him blush, but it was a mild flush out of nervousness. You always felt that you never made him as flustered as he made you.
So there you were, on a Saturday evening whining to your best friend that your boyfriend doesn't get nervous around you anymore and that the spark in your relationship was dwindling.
"I don't think that it's getting mundane, your relationship," your BFF started. "He's hella whipped for you, makes me gag."
"Then? How can he make me blush, but I can't even make him mildly flustered?" you asked, your shoulders slumping in a defeated manner. "Why do you even care about that?" 
You stare at your friend, "Because, he does it all the time! I wanna do it too! I wanna see him flustered!" you whine. "I wanna make him speechless!"
 "Oh so it's a game?" your friend asks you blankly. "Listen either help me or don't judge me."
That conversation was a week ago. Today was a rare date where you and Tooru would go out rather than him practising his serves in the gym and you watching him and feeding him snacks in between.
He waited for you outside your house. You paced in your room, checking yourself in the mirror anxiously. Was it too much? Will he laugh at you? Do you look stupid? A million thoughts were rushing through your head as you looked at your appearance in the mirror. With a nervous groan, you exit your room and make your way to the front door.
As soon as he hears the front door open, he turns around with a wide grin, "Finally! What took-" he is stunned as he lays his eyes on you, "you... so long..." his words dying in his throat.
You blink in shock as you witness a deep flush spreading across his cheeks. Your face also felt hot but with embarrassment. "Th-this wasn't a good idea!" you stutter. "I'm gonna go change!" you turn to leave, but you are yanked backwards by your wrist, falling against Tooru's strong chest. "You look great," he mumbles into your shoulder. "So so beautiful..."
You were surprised, you had no idea that wearing his turquoise jersey tucked into your jeans would have this much impact on your boyfriend.
The whole time during your date, Tooru kept stealing glances at you, and every time your eyes would meet, a dark blush would appear across his face. You wanted to grin and say that it serves him right! That it was your revenge. But you couldn't say a single word, your face equally as red as his.
Because the thing is, you never realised that a blushing, flustered Tooru was absolutely way too fucking adorable. 
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It's not that you never made him flustered or nervous. You were an absolute beauty, and everything you did was enough to bring him to his knees, but he hid it well. He'd hide it behind a facade of a confident tease; when that wouldn't work, he'd strategically turn his face away from you until the redness left his cheeks.
You were under the impression that he was way too suave and that you did not have that sort of power over him. Oooh! And boy, were you wrong!
It happened right before the match between Nekoma and Nohebi. You were hanging out with the team before they went out into the court and you went to the spectator's area. 
Kuroo's team bumped into the opposing team, and obviously, your boyfriend had to shit-talk the other team. You stood to the side rolling your eyes.
Your boyfriend took another jab at Daishou regarding his ex-girlfriend. Irked, the other team's captain attempted to tease him back by saying that Kuroo doesn't even have a girlfriend.
You raised your brow, stepped forward and looped your arm around your boyfriend's and smiled sweetly at Daishou, "Now, now. I'm very offended that you think that I don't exist."
Kuroo smirked as the other guy sputtered an apology towards you. You accepted his sorry. 
You realised that it was soon going to be time for you to find a seat, so you leaned up and placed a chaste kiss to the corner of his lips. You could literally see his head exploding as a deep red blush appeared on his face. 
You almost didn't hear both teams sputtering because your eyes were blinking at your boyfriend's current state.
Yaku and Kai dragged the Nekoma team away, while Nohebi left on their own, Daishou giving Kuroo a hateful glare as he left.
As soon as it was just the two of you, he buried his face in the crook between your neck and shoulder. His knees began to feel weak. He groaned, his voice muffled by your skin.
"Tetsu, are you okay?" you asked, confused. He only shook his head still buried in your neck. "I look so lame right now..." he mumbled into your skin. He felt the vibrations on your throat as you laughed and stroked his hair. "What? You think I think you're lame because you stopped functioning because of a simple kiss?" he nodded again. This caused you to laugh loudly this time.
He pulled back and glared at you weakly, his face still flushed red. "Do you have any idea what you do to me?" he asked. You smiled and flicked his forehead, "Go out there and win, cool guy," you grin. He pouted but left after placing a quick kiss to your forehead, ready for his team to hoot for him teasingly.
As soon as he was out of sight, you placed a hand over your beating heart in your chest and took a deep breath. Did he have any clue what he does to you?
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Right. So I headcanon that this guy is not that difficult to fluster but he, just like Kuroo, tries his best to hide it afraid you'd think that he is unattractive.
It's a difficult task to control his face from getting red because everything you do is so cute he can't help it. One time he had to physically remove himself from your presence before you could see his neck turning red.
This one-time Bokuto found him in the storage room, face buried between all the volleyballs in the basket. He has never been more scared in his life than seeing his teammate, who is the epitome of calm, losing his shit because his S/O decided to be cute that day. 
You weren't unaware of the effect you had on him but you knew that he was embarrassed, whatever his reason was, so you never intentionally did anything that would fluster him.
So imagine your surprise when you suddenly come face to face with a new side of him.
The two of you were hanging out in a cafe, you guys were on a study date. Keiji was immersed in his textbook, his hand holding yours across the table. You noticed that his lips were slightly chapped, thinking that they would hurt if his skin stretches, you call out to him, "Keiji." He looks up from his book at you, "Hmm?" he hums.
Without thinking, you swipe your thumb across your lower lip, gathering up the gloss and then proceed to wipe it on his lips. He couldn't even get up and hide, his entire face flushes a deep red. He buries his face in his folded arms on the table with a loud thud. "K-Keiji?!" you call out startled. "Are you okay?"
"J-just give me a minute, I need to calm down," he says, face still buried in his arms. "Okay?" you sit back, confused, taking a sip from your drink.
After a while, he slowly looks up, his face still slightly flushed. "You good?" you ask. He nods weakly. "Sorry..." he apologises. "You must think I look stupid."
You wrinkle your brows in confusion, "What?"
"I mean, I probably look dumb with my face all red and ugly..."
"Keiji," you begin calmly. "You have this effect on me all the time, do you think I look stupid?" you ask.
"No!" he says quickly. "I think you look adorable."
You smile, "There you go! What makes you think that I don't think that you don’t look adorable?" He looks away, unable to answer. "Sweety, you need to stop overthinking about things like that. I love you no matter what."
He smiles weakly and laces his fingers with your fingers. He didn't say anything after that, but you could feel him relax. He felt giddy in his heart, you said you loved him. He didn't tell you yet but he will soon, in a way you deserve to hear it.
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snwusberry · 2 years
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「 disaster 」
pairing: huening kai x reader
genre: fluff *question mark"
warning(s): the word y/n (only mentioned once because i gagged /j)
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[ y/n ]
"don't you think you're thinking too much about this?" the voice of my almost ex best friend says as if i need any if this judgment right now.
you see this is why i don't tell people things like this because i'll be called dramatic or something along those lines.
"i'm considering all the perspectives here. no need to be so...like that." i tell him, throwing myself on the chair next to him.
"you're over thinking." taehyun sighs out earning him a glare from me.
"okay but what if i go and tell him i'm pretty much in love with him and he doesn't say it back just because you somehow convinced me that we're both on the same page? poof, there goes our friendship." i ask him, making hand gestures to what i was saying and he just rolls his eyes. nope this is too much.
"you said you think he could feel the same way."
"what if i read that completely wrong."
"i'm giving up on you."
"you know beomgyu asked me if there was something going on between us the other day. i damn near blushed." i mentioned, completely ignoring what he said.
"tell him how you feel about him."
as if it's that easy. it's not easy telling someone you've been friends with for literal years that you've developed feelings for them years ago.
"what if he stops talking to me? o. could just tell him i'm drunk and that he should ignore all that to save myself."
"you're giving me a headache. its kai, he's not gonna make it awkward if you don't. plus he's not dumb enough to believe that."
"you're right. i'll keep it to myself then." i tell him, nodding to myself because that's honestly the best idea i could come up with.
taehyun rapidly shakes his head. "you're telling him tonight. you're already having that date, no?"
"shhh,don't say that. it's not a date, he's helping me with my assignment." i quietly correct him.
"whatever. you're telling him tonight."
"fine. i'll go it. i can fo this." i tell him, trying to hype myself up.
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"i can't do this." i whisper into the phone.
i'm hiding in the bathroom because i just when i was gonna tell kai how i felt, i chickened out.
"stop being a pussy and tell him. i swear, he won't freak out or stop talking to you." taehyun tries to reassure me but i'm too far gone if i'm being honest.
"no taehyun, i don't think you understand. i'm shitting, pissing, crying amd throwing up right now, i cannot do this-"
i'm interrupted by a loud knock on the door amd kai's. worried voice.
"are you okay in there? you've been gone for a while."
"that's your cue to stop being a coward and tell him." taehyun says before hanging up.
"y/n?? are you there?"
"uhh yeah, i'm coming."
i flush the toilet to be less suspicious and i splash water on my face before wiping it off. with my sleeve. i smile into the mirror before walking out.
"let's go?" he nods and we walk back to his room to complete the assignment.
i write down some notes while he types when i decided it's time to just tell him.
"hey, you know, i really like you." i just blurt out before i can even stop myself.
"i like you too." he just nonchalantly tells me, smiling slightly but he's still looking at the screen.
sorry what?
i turn my head to look at him and he does the same.
"what?" he asks me. but im still too stunned to speak.
"you said-"
"i like you too. for a while now actually. i didn't know to tell you."
shit so taehyun was right.
"i always thought you didn't feel the same. my mind went crazy thinking that this could be a disaster."
he looks at me smiling and realized i started rambling. his smile is literally so beautiful.
"you think too much."
"taehyun said the same thing." i tell him, returning his smile.
"because it's true. how about we finish this and talk more about it after." he suggests but i barely process what he's saying because im still shocked.
"or we finish this conversation then the assignment?"
he laughs lightly before nodding his head.
"okay, let's talk about it."
his smile widens i go into overdrive, i can't process all of this. maybe i was being dramatic after all.
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writersmilex · 3 years
Stubbornness Aside.
Sick! Joey Jordison x reader. Summary : Joey is sick and denies it. (Y/n) knows better and takes are of him (A/n) : This is some pure self-indulgent Joey fluff. I'm a huge Joey simp, let me be damn you!
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Honestly, Joey feels like shit. His gut churning and stabbing, his head is aching so much that he can't think straight, it's warm yet he's shivering. He's sick and he knows it, but he can't be sick! There is to much work to do! All he wishes is for some water, perhaps that could calm down his twisting stomach. "Hang-Hang on." He mumbles, stand up from where his was sitting down and leaving the room with some of his band-mates behind. Once his band-mates are out of sight, Joey leans against the nearby wall and hold his stomach on hope to sooth it. He groans, and feels like throwing up. "Joey?" Comes a sudden voice, lacing with a hint of worry: It's (Y/n). He doesn't look up to meet their eye, he has to find a place to throw up, not willing to ruin the carpet in the hall. "urk..." He gags, quickly rushing to the nearest toilet or sink. Lucky for him there is a bathroom nearby. He can vaguely hear a set of footsteps following him, it must be (Y/n) who is worried about him. He empties his gut out in the toilet, just in time hanging over the porcelain bowl. (Y/n) stops beside him.   Joey can feel a hand gathering his hair behind his head and holding is out of his face. Another hand gently rubs up and down his back, soothing him as he gags. The drummer coughs out, wiping the drool from his mouth and tries to stand up. "I-I'm fine." He quivers, trying to stand up on his own. His knees shake, unable to hold his own weight and he nearly falls over. "This doesn't look like fine to me." (Y/n) says and snatches Joey by the shoulders, keeping him from tumbling over. "don't touch m-me." the drummer tries to argue, pushing away from (Y/n) to stand on his own. However, his legs don't agree this idea, and his legs almost give out as they're not willing to help him out. "stop resisting Joey, you need help." (Y/n) says, their tone stern. Joey already knows that he's to weak to fight back. He feels that he's being pulled over to the sink, (Y/n) opens the tap to let the water run and helps the drummer to lean over and clean his mouth of the sour taste of his stomach fluids away. Joey spits out the water and (Y/n) closes the tap. Reaching for his arm they guide it over their shoulders and help him away. "I said that i'm fine!" Joey is still defending his ego, trying to pull away from (Y/n) once again. (Y/n) is having none of Joey's resisting and pulls him back close to themselves a bit too roughly. "remember what i said. Joey?" (Y/n) asks, keeping their stern tone. Nearly asking like an assertive parent. Joey huffs out before meekly answering, "Health comes first..." He murmurs, a phrase that (Y/n) has told the band so many times. "That's right." (Y/n) pulls the drummer along, taking him to the door to bring him home. Joey has stopped fighting at this point, letting (Y/n) drag him away. "Guy! I'm taking Joey home! He's sick!" (Y/n) screams into the other room at Joey's friends to announce where they going. Joey flinches away a bit upon (Y/n) screaming so suddenly. It makes his ears ring. He groans as his friend continues to pull him along to bring him home and take care of him. At (Y/n)'s car, they struggle to open the passenger door to help the drummer get inside the car. "Stay put Joey, i hope you don't get too nauseous on the way." (Y/n) says, look of worry present on their face. Joey doesn't reply, he can't see very well. He's only glad that (Y/n) is willing to help him out while he feels so terrible. ~~~~ After a long and torturous car ride to (Y/n) house. They finally arrive at the desired location. "Where here." (Y/n) announces reassuringly as they pull up to their own drive-way. Joey let's out a sigh of relief, he feels like he could throw up again due to the motion-sickness.   (Y/n) helps Joey get out the car and gets him inside. The drummer is leaning against (Y/n)'s side, resting his head on their shoulder as best as he can while the two are walking. They feel so warm and it's really cold in here. "Maybe a bath could help?" (Y/n) asks, more to themselves than towards the only other person present.     "I have some swim trunks from my brother you can borrow, i hope you fit them." (Y/n) smiles and helps Joey towards their own bed-room in their house. Joey coughs as he is seated at the foot of (Y/n)'s bed. Sinking into the soft mattress and thick blankets. Oh, he wishes he could sleep and rest right now. .But a bath also sounds attractive at the moment. "Here," (Y/n) holds up a pair of simple swim trunks for the drummer to wear while bathing. "wh-why do I need trunks?" Joey asks shakily, clutching his own arms as he shakes from the cold. "I'm going to help bathe you." (Y/n) says, "You still gotta cover yourself." Joey doesn't reply, he is distracted by the faint sound of running water. "okay, fine..." He reluctantly agree taking the trunks out of  (Y/n) hand, and (Y/n) leaves the room to give Joey privacy to get changed. "Just scream if you need help or when your ready." They say right before leaving him alone. ~~~~ Later, after Joey has changes he calls (Y/n) back and they take him to the bathroom, where a warm bath is ready for him. The drummer is shivering even more now that he's wearing nothing more but a pair of swim trunks. "Here we go." (Y/n) gestures to the bath-tub filled with soapy steaming water. "Let me help you." (Y/n) helps Joey get him, afraid he might slip and fall then hit his head or something. Joey feels the warm water envelop his whole body, and it feels so good. He sighs and relaxed, his shivering stops.(Y/n) takes a cup of water, fills it with some water from the bath and douses it over the drummer head, soaking his head. Joey just let's himself get pampered, i can't remember being so well taking care of before, it's nice. (Y/n) takes some hair wash and starts washing Joey's long dark locks. The finger raking over his scalp makes him purr. "ah, that's nice." He murmurs, sinking into the warm. All the niceness distracting him from the sickness. He can hear (Y/n) chuckle, but doesn't say anything else as they keep work on his hair. It help with is headache. (Y/n) washes the soap away with more water. Then (Y/n) pulls the plug out of the bath tub and the water lowers away little by little. "i got some clean clothes that you can borrow also." (Y/n) explains as they turn around to grab a big hotel quality towel. Joey rinses his hair to get the water out, and (Y/n) drapes the towel over his shoulder. "I put the clothes for you on the sink counter, i'm going to make something to eat." (Y/n) says, rubbing Joey's shoulders before leaving him by himself again. The drummer take a moment as he sits there and collects his thoughts. The warmth is gone and he wants it back, it's getting really cold again. ~~~~ Joey is not sure where to go right now, (Y/n) must be in the kitchen of the house making food for the both of them.   All he wants is to rest now, so he decides to go to (Y/n)'s bed room and lay down and get comfortable in their bed. ... Their bed smells nice, just like them. Their mattress is so soft! the blankets are also soft. But there is something missing: Warmth. It seems that Joey's own body can produce it's own heat. He is shivering again. His head feels like it's going to melt into a stain in the pillow. He pulls the blankets closer to himself, hoping to keep warm again. At least his stomach ache is gone. He can hear movement walking up the stairs. And he hopes it's (Y/n) that's coming back to him. (Y/n) struggles with the door, pushing it open with the door and reveal themselves to Joey in their bed. They're holding two steaming cups of a warm meals. "made yourself comfortable already?" (Y/n) smiles kindly, walking up to the bed side with some food. Instant-noodles! "I'm not sure what you like, i hope this will satisfy your hunger." (Y/n) chuckles, holding the food up to the drummer. Joey shakily takes the cup with hot noodles and vegetables from (Y/n)'s hands, his freezing calloused hands against their warm soft ones. He can only hope that the warm meal warms him up a bit. (Y/n) grabs their own cup, handing Joey a fork before taking a seat on the side of the bed and eating. After the two are both done eating. (Y/n) takes the empty cups and leaves the room again to clean it up. The hot noodles did warm him up a bit, but he's still shivering, and he feels like his arms are going to fall off. His life would be over if that ever happened! The bed isn't warm enough, he can't warm it up with his own body heat, it's like he hasn't got any right now. Joey runs his hand throught his still damp hair. The only thing... Or person rather. that can make him feel warm is (Y/n). He blushes at the idea that his mind suggest. But still... It's better than almost freezing to death. ~~~~ (Y/n) returns to their own bedroom, seeing Joey cuddled up into their bed, still quivering from the cold only he feels. "How are you feeling?" (Y/n) asks gently, taking a seat on the side of the bed once again. Placing their hand on his fore-head. Joey quietly ravages the warmth of (Y/n) hands on his head. "i-i'm alright..." He mumbles, turning pink as he thinks about the question he's about to ask (Y/n). "You're gonna feel better in no time. All you have to do is rest." They say, stroking a lock of his hair. It's is silent for a while, Joey is building up the courage to ask (Y/n) a favor. "Um, (Y/n)? " He calls, grabbing their attention immediately. There is no going back now... "hmm? What is it?" (Y/n) doesn't meet Joey's eye, to pre-occupied with his hair, that has now dried up a bit more.   "I...uh, I'm still very cold. Can you maybe err... Ho-hold me?" He asks sheepishly, looking away from (Y/n)'s figure, his pale face shifting to a shade of peachy pink. (Y/n) doesn't respond right away, and Joey feels like he fucked up. He shouldn't have asked such a favor like that! How could he?! "sure, if it will make you feel better." (Y/n)'s answer surprises him, he has been preparing for rejection this whole time. (Y/n) makes a move, pulling back the blankets and crawling into bed with Joey. "u-uh." Joey squeaks as (Y/n) wraps their arm around his waist and pulls him closer to themselves. (Y/n) squirms as they get comfortable, heaving their other arm under the drummer's neck to pull him even closer, his head tucked under (Y/n) chin and hugging him close to warm him. "You're shivering." They comment, giving him a squeeze. The drummer doesn't answer, he flushes red. Frozen still in place in between (Y/n)'s arms. Their warmth heats him up almost instantly, and his shivering ceases. Slowly he embraces (Y/n) back, an arm over their torso. It comforts him, their warmth. And his head ache goes away. Leaving just him and (Y/n), together in one moment. Eventually, with the help of (Y/n)'s hand stroking his head and the steady beating of their heart. Joey falls asleep... _______________________________________ Done!! I'm gonna work on the requests now!. Thanks for reading. - Missalot.
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
Summary: Fred's and Y/n's silly rivalry may have more to do with love than with hate; after a fatal incident, some confessions are made.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Genre: angst-fluff
Fred Weasley: @whiskeyn-rain @lumos-solemn
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa
Warnings: brief mention of violence, blood, language (this seems a lot darker than it is lmao)
A/N: idk man I just love this idiot so here it comes another oneshot. The reader's house is not specified btw. Enjoy <3
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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Fred spotted me and walked to stand near me before asking jokingly "On your way to kill a man, Y/n?" Oh, little did he know.
"what is that?!" I exclaimed at the sight of my friend's bruised arm.
"uhm... Nothing."
"who did that to you?" I knew the answer before I even got it. My friend had gone to break up with that Cormac McLaggen the previous night; she had finally listened to us and ended that toxic relationship they had, but apparently she got a souvenir from it.
"It's fine- he didn't mean to- Y/n don't do anything stupid." Too late, I saw red.
"I don't have time for your bullshit, Weasley." I curtly replied bumping his shoulder while I walked past him, making his smile drop in confusion. I never missed the opportunity to start a playful argument with him, but, as I had said, I didn't have time for that.
With the corner of my eye, I saw him joining my friends in the task of trailing after me.
I spotted the bastard chatting with his friends in the middle of the hallway that led to the Great Hall. "Oi, McLaggen!"
"Evening, Y/l/n." That filthy grin vanished from his face when I kicked him in the balls, triggering some gasps from our peers and a grunt of pain from him.
"Listen carefully, you loathsome pig." I leaned over to be eye to eye with him. "If you dare to lay a finger on my friend again— if you even think about it— I'll become your personal nightmare." I stood upright again, his eyes full of hate and rage following my movements. "You don't deserve a bloody warning, but I'm a generous woman." Poison dripped off my tongue, my eyes throwing daggers at him as I stepped back and turned around.
My eyes met Fred's worried ones while I made my way to my friends; they surely had told him enough for the ginger to know this was no time for joking and teasing.
His gaze then flickered behind me with panic and I realized a tad too late I shouldn't have turned my back to McLaggen; at the end of the day, pride overpowered honour in a lot of Gryffindors.
I spun around, grabbing my wand from my pocket, but I wasn't fast enough; before I knew what was happening, Fred was in front of me, serving as a human shield from the jinx.
The unknown spell hit his back and propelled us in my friends' direction. I was quickly on my knees, sitting Fred up and earning a grunt in the process, which I initially thought was caused by the fall. "Are you mental?!" My friend casted an Expelliarmus at the younger Gryffindor, long forgotten due to Fred's actions.
"My back— AH!" He yelped when I tried to pull him up.
"OI!" A first year who had made his way to the first row of students frantically gestured at Fred's back. "He's bleeding!!"
"What?!" I made him lean on me to take a look at his white shirt, now stained with blood. What I thought to be a harmless jinx turned out to be fatal.
"He's not supposed to be bleeding!" Cormac shouted, as panicked as I was.
One of my friends said something about going to look for George while the others shoot off to look for Madam Pomfrey.
"I'm gonna kill him..." Fred mumbled through gritted teeth, his voice shaky and weak. He felt so fragile in my arms, and I couldn't help the tears stinging my eyes.
"Fred—" his hands, which had been gripping my forearms, lost strength as the boy's body relaxed. "For fuck's sake don't fall asleep."
"... 'm trying..."
"FREDDIE!" His twin brother rushed to us, falling on his knees by his brother's side.
"I'm sorry." McLaggen had walked to us, keeping a safe distance.
"YOU'RE DEAD MCLAGGEN!" George stood up before I could stop him. Luckily for everyone, Madam Pomfrey showed up.
"Oh Lord! Mister Weasley, quick! Help me with your brother!" The Healer commanded, and soon they were pulling Fred off my grasp and rushing to the infirmary.
I was left in the middle of the hallway with my friends showering me with worried questions and reassurance.
What the fuck had just happened?
During dinner, several girls and a couple of boys came to congratulate me for kicking McLaggen's balls, and it would have been a lot more satisfactory if Fred Weasley hadn't stepped in the middle.
As soon as I finished my meal, I headed to the infirmary through the now quiet halls, only to find there were too many people visiting.
Of course, George was there, along with their younger siblings and Lee Jordan, but in front of them stood Professor Flitwick, Professor McGonagall and none other than Cormac McLaggen himself.
"—already told you it wasn't for you!"
"How is that an apology, Mister McLaggen?" McGonagall scolded him, refraining herself from hitting the boy herself.
"You better fucking run, McLaggen, because the moment I can step out of this bed I swear on Godric I will—"
"Enough, Mister Weasley!" I almost pitied the poor woman. Her House was probably the most problematic. "All of you must go to your dormitories, Mister Weasley needs to rest." I stood on the entrance of the room, unsure of whether I should leave or enter, until Flitwick's eyes landed on my form. He redirected McGonagall's attention to me, and I felt the need of shying away. "Miss Y/l/n," I didn't miss the failed attempt of Fred to move; luckily, he was stopped by his sister. "I suppose you wanted to pay a visit?"
"Uhm... I did, Professor." I confessed, fidgeting with the sleeves of my robe. "I know it's late—"
"Don't take too long." She spoke, motioning everyone to follow her. "Curfew is still at 10." She reminded me in a warning tone, passing by.
As soon as they were out, I made my way to Fred, who lay on his stomach in one of the beds, the sheets only covering his legs an hips in order to avoid the clothing chaffing his damaged skin.
"You have a heart after all, huh?" He teased once I stood in front of him.
"How are you?" He frowned at my genuine question; the ginger surely expected me to make a witty comeback, but again, it didn't seem the time.
"A tad better." He gave me a reassuring half smile, deciding to drop our banter for a night. "Flitwick said he used a stinging jinx but casted it wrong." Fred huffed. "A bloody tosser."
He motioned at the chair behind me and I sat down, scooting closer to the bed. I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that he had jumped in front of me. It had hit his back, but I knew it was meant to hit my face —what a mess that would have been—, and I couldn't help but feel a bit guilty.
"Stop that."
"Stop what?"
"It's not on you." I felt my face flaring up at the ease with which he saw through me. I wasn't the first time he did that, but it was the first time he didn't use it to tease me.
"I know, I just—" I sighed. "I don't know." Though my sight was casted down, I still felt his worried gaze on me. "I'm gonna murder him."
"I reckon George will overtake us both on that." He tried to laugh but ended up in a since instead. "Or Gin. Maybe they'll team up with Ron and we'll find a corpse in the Gryffindor common room tomorrow." This time it was me who laughed. "How's your friend?"
"She'll be alright." I informed, distracting myself with a loose string at the hem of my skirt.
"And you?" I met his eyes with a hum leaving my mouth. "How are you?"
"Been better." I confessed.
"Can you pass me the water?" I nodded, holding the glass in front of him and putting the straw in his mouth so he could take a couple of sips. "Thanks."
"No worries."
Silence again.
"Did you eat something?"
He scrunched his nose. "Not really."
"I'll go grab something from the kitchens." I didn't get far before his long fingers wrapped around my wrist.
"I'd rather have you here keeping my company." I then sat down again, his fingers only leaving my wrist to intertwin with mines. "I'm not hungry anyway."
More silence.
"Your hand is really soft." I reckon those words involuntarily escaped his lips by the way his eyes widened. "I don't know why I said that."
"Yours is too, surprisingly."
"Surprisingly?" He quirked an eyebrow at me, and I didn't quite realise what his grin was about until I spoke again.
"I imagined they'd be more rough." Oh no. "That came out wrong— I meant—"
"That you've imagined what my hands would feel like?" He was trying to bite back a laugh at the way my face turned red.
"You sure?"
There we went again; the white flag was out.
"Fuck you."
"Please." My cheeks turned even redder, and I wanted to think it was because of the anger. "You look really cute when you blush."
"You look really cute when you keep your mouth shut."
"Then shut me, love." He wiggled his brows at me.
"I would, but I don't wanna punch you in this state."
"You're very agressive." He pointed out, shocked that I didn't get what he was implying. "I meant with a kiss."
"Ew-" I pretended to gag. "no!"
He tugged on my hand and pulled me to my knees falling right in front of his eyes with our faces inches away. "C'mon Y/l/n, we're dragging this on now." His eyes kept falling on my mouth after I had unconsciously chewed on my lower lip.
"We're... We're not dragging on anything." I wasn't sure if I was trying to convince him or myself.
"Do you want me to start? Alright, you drive me mad." He forced his gaze to be fixed on mine. "You're annoying, rude and a pain in the arse." I huffed. "But you're also quick-witted and caring and brave." Gosh I hated how easily he made me blush. "Sometimes I want to punch you in that pretty face of yours but other times— most of the times— all I wanna do is kiss you." His thumb caressed the back of my hand. "Hell, I threw myself between you and that blonker without thinking twice!"
He raised his eyebrows, silently prompting me to say something, but I just didn't know what to say.
"Miss Y/l/n," Madam Pomfrey called, making me let go of Fred's hand an stood up. "It's almost ten o'clock! Let Mister Weasley rest." I nodded, not even looking in Fred's direction as I exited the infirmary.
The morning after the incident, Dean and Neville dragged in an unrecognisable McLaggen; they were probably the only ones who cared about that bloke enough to take him to Madam Pomfrey, though they did it half-heartedly.
I was discharged after three days in, right before lunch, and obviously, I was received as a hero; several people came to praise my bravery or ask how I was feeling, but I just wanted to see one person.
That night in the infirmary I was sure she felt the same way —hell, I had been sure for a couple of months— but after seeing her reaction, I didn't really know anymore.
I could always tell her it was a prank, and we would go back to our usual bickering. "Weasley!" Shit. "Fred!" She specified when the four of us turned at the call of our surname, almost jogging in my direction. "Can we talk?"
"Go ahead, darling." I prompted her without moving from my seat.
"In private?"
"Nah," I begged Godric for her not to see behind my grin the panic that produced me the mere thought of being left alone with her.
"Are you joking?" She huffed and, after taking a deep breath, she spoke. I wasn't expecting her to speak. "So you see, you're cheeky and stupid and not nearly as funny as you think." Ginny spit her pumpkin juice due to Y/n's harsh words. "but I... ugh! Okay— I want to kiss you too."
This time it was Ron who choked on his drink. "What's going on?"
"I feel like we missed an important part of this conversation." George commented.
This time it was Y/n who awaited for an answer. "This is literally the most embarrassing thing ever, so at least say something." She commanded in a rather rude tone, tapping her shoe against the floor.
I winced ever so slightly at the effort of getting up, but it was worth it when I saw her expression as I towered her; I reckon I had never seen her that sheepish before.
"That's a really mean way of saying you're attracted to me." I observed, quirking a brow at her. "Dunno why I fancy you so much."
"Well that makes the two of us." I couldn't help but chuckle at her attitude before cupping her cheeks and bring her lips to mine.
Despite being a short, innocent kiss, was enough to make us both blush and grin like idiots.
"Awww" I rolled my eyes at my twin's mockery, knowing damn well I wouldn't hear the end of it.
"Why do I feel like I'm gonna miss you two being at each other's throat?" I couldn't care less about Ron's question as Y/n pulled me down for another kiss.
Almost bleeding to death seemed worth it in that moment.
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hops-hunny · 3 years
Just a Touch Away
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Pairing: Neville Longbottom x Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 4k
Request: Not necessarily?? A few people did ask for this though and who am I to deny you of that?
Summary: Part two of Just a Flight Away
Warnings: Sex, just sex. There’s fluff too, a good lil 50/50.
A/N: The fact that this is longer than the original makes me fucking laugh cause how tf did that even happen?? Hope I didn’t disappoint. I also got lazy half way through editing so only like the first 2k words are edited.
Neville was beyond ecstatic to be walking hand in hand with his girlfriend. It was better than anytime his mind would wander to it during the day and anytime it’d lull him to sleep at night. He looked down at her, watching as her eyes looked at everything in amazement. It reminded him of his first year at Hogwarts, wide eyed and full of curiosity of all there was to be explored. (Y/n) seemed to be soaking it all in as if she took even the smallest of blinks, everything would vanish before her eyes.
“It’s a pretty place, isn’t it?” He started off, catching the girl’s attention. She looked up at the tall lanky Gryffindor smiling at him. God he couldn’t believe that such a doll was his. This was his girlfriend.
“Yeah! It’s amazing! I love how tall the ceilings are and all the intricacies such as the carvings around the walls and floors, the big open windows, it’s all to die for!” She exclaimed, bouncing up and down a bit. How could one girl be so cute? Neville knew that if she asked, he’d do absolutely anything she wanted without a second thought. Anything she wanted and needed he would give to her at the drop of a hat.
“Yeah, that’s not even the most magical part. No matter where you go in the castle, you can find something new almost every time. Be it a hallway, room, whatever.” he stated, smiling as the girl gasped in amazement.
“We have to explore then some time while I’m here! However, today I wanna spend time with you doing you know,” she started, looking away as she was overcome with shyness, “Doing couple things.” Neville felt his heart swell at her words, trying his best not to drown her in all of his affection.
“Of course, petal. We can do whatever you want today! How bout I take you to Honeydukes and then we end the day off with the greenhouse? I know you wanted to see that first but trust me when I say it’s even more of a beauty during the evening than it is at this time.” He said, reaching down to push a bit of her hair out of her face. He laughed some as her eyes lit up at the mention of the sweets shop. When Neville and (Y/n) would send each other things, Neville would send her treats as much as possible. He had learned early on about the girl’s large sweet tooth and second stomach for dessert.
“That sounds amazing! You know how much I love treats!” she said, clapping her hands as she began to jump more. Neville looked at her fondly as he watched her fit of excitement but quickly stopped as he noticed her frown. “I don’t have the right currency to buy things yet though. I still only have dragots. That’s okay, we can j-”
“Did you really think I was going to make you pay, flower? What kind of man would I be to invite you out and not pay? I insist, shop to your heart's content today.” He said, reaching down to stroke her cheek. She leaned into his touch, smiling up at him.
“I love you, Nev.” she mumbled, closing her eyes in content from the warmth that radiated from his hand. Neville felt his breath hitch as he looked down at her, face flushing a bright red. It wasn’t the first time they had said it to each other. Sure, they ended their letters with it more often than not but to hear it from her voice? A voice that was so beautiful, so full of love, aimed towards him? She was making it really hard for him not to just have his way with her right then and there.
“Oh angel, I love you more. Come here.” He pulled her closer, bending down to rest his forehead on hers, smiling as he leaned in to kiss her. The (h/c) haired girl met him halfway, smiling into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around her neck. He continued to kiss her, deepening the kiss before remembering that they were quite literally in the middle of the hallway. He pulled away, placing a quick chaste kiss on her lips. Confusion took over (Y/n)’s face as she looked around them. In different parts of the hallway, a few guys were looking in their direction. “What is it, darling?” he questioned, grabbing her hand as he continued to walk. She simply dismissed his question, offering him a soft smile as he guided her towards the nearest castle exit. That’s when he started to hear it. It wasn’t loud, but it was loud enough for him to hear.
“God she’s a right fitty, isn’t she?”
“Yeah I mean look at the ass on her. She’s one of those Ilvermorny girls.”
“Could’ve fooled me. Looks straight outta Beauxbaton.”
“Longbottom’s a fool, I would’ve had my way with her as soon as she stepped out the train.”
Neville felt his jaw clench, trying to calm himself down. He had to get them out of here before (Y/n) heard, because if she had? Those guys would see exactly why he was put in Gryffindor in the first damn place. “Petal, do you want a piggyback ride? I know you mentioned wanting one in a few of your letters. Come on, hop on.” he said, bending down some so she could get on. (Y/n) felt her eyes light up at the idea. She took a large running start before jumping on the boy’s back, squealing as he lifted her up. Neville secured her on his back, biting his lip at the feeling of her plush thighs filtering between his fingers. They felt heavenly, he couldn’t help but let his thoughts wander to what they’d feel like wrapped around his- they had places to be. He didn’t want his precious girl to hear anything that those twits were saying about her so quickly he took off down the hallway, smiling as the girl laughed, tightening her arms around his neck.
(Y/n) gasped as her eyes zoomed in various places all around Honeydukes. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before. She ran to various different snacks, reading the packages of them. “Look Nev, look! These look sooo good. They’re strawberry flavored! I love strawberry.” she said, holding up the box of snack cakes in his face. Neville laughed at the girl’s enthusiasm for sweets.
“I’ve had those before. They’re quite good! I think you’ll enjoy them ‘specially since you like strawberry so much. Do you wanna get them?” he questioned. (Y/n) pondered, humming slightly before nodding, setting them in his hands. She wondered how he could contain himself, especially when there were so many sweets around! Who wouldn’t wanna buy practically the whole store? 
As they walked around the store, (Y/n) would occasionally find something else that piqued her interest, ask Neville’s opinion on it, and then throw it in his arms. She did this numerous times until she realized how full his arms were. The tower of sweets and treats almost covered his face. However, she couldn’t help to admire how his arms flexed and tensed under his shirt only imagining how nice they’d feel-
“Are you done, petal? It’s okay if you’re not! You can get a few more things, I just wanna get back to the greenhouse before it gets too dark.” he explained, turning to the side so he could see her face.
“Yeah, I’m done! Are you sure this is okay? This is a lot of stuff Nev.” she questioned, biting the inside of her cheek guilty.
“Nonsense! Nothing is too much for you, flower. Let’s get going, I’ve got a few plants that I need to water in about,” he set the treats down on the counter before looking at his watch, “30 minutes. Perhaps you can help me?” 
“I’d love to! You know that’s my favorite part of growing plants is the watering part. It’s almost like you can see them do a little happy dance when you do! Well, some of the more animated plants quite literally do but you get what I mean!” she rambled on, quickly latching onto his arm once more. Neville listened to her, grabbing the bags as they began to walk out of the door only for him to bump into Malfoy himself. Great.
“Ah I see, loneliness has stricken you again huh Longbottom? I don’t know what all those treats will do for that!” He snickered out, high fiving Crabbe and Goyle. Neville rolled his eyes, frankly quite done with the bloke. He didn’t give him that same sense of fear as when he was younger. In fact, now he found him to be quite annoying. 
“Actually they aren’t for him, they’re mainly all for me! Neville’s personal pick is just this little box right here.” she said, holding up the small box before placing it back in the bag. (Y/n) had to stop herself from letting out an audible gag as the blonde’s eyes traveled up and down her frame.
“You must be Neville’s American cousin, right? I-”
“Didn’t ask. Come on babe, let’s go.” The small girl said, dragging her boyfriend along with her. Draco stood there in shock as the two walked off still in amazement in how Neville had such a hot American girlfriend already.
“Woah! I’ve read about this plant actually. Even had a small personal one of my own.” The (h/c) haired girl said, positioning the magnifying glass up and down around the leaves to view it better. Neville whipped his head towards her in excitement.
“Really? Wait, had?” he asked, watching as the girl shrugged sheepishly.
“Yeah, turns out it wasn’t really suited for the climate in America. Such a shame though! She was a real beauty.” She said, still not looking up at the plant. Neville smiled at her fondly, walking closer to her as he stood behind her.
“Yeah, she is.” he muttered, wrapping his arms around her waist as he turned her around.
“Something tells me we’re no longer discussing plants.” she joked, wrapping an arm around his neck as she brought the other to stroke his cheek. He leaned down hovering his lips above hers.
“I’m afraid we aren’t.” he closed the gap between them, kissing her with all the anger, all the passion that had built up over the day. He was tired of it, tired of men speaking about her like he wasn’t right fucking there. Obviously that wasn’t his sweet flower’s fault but god was he furious. He took one of his hands, trailing it from her waist to the underside of her skirt. With one hand he flipped it up and with the other he began to grip and prod at one of her cheeks harshly. He trailed his free hand up to her jaw, holding it tightly as he pulled away from the kiss leaving a trail of saliva in its path. “Do you want to-”
“Yes.” she cut him off, taking one of his hands and leading it under her shirt. He moved his large freckled hand up her torso until he reached her breast. His eyes widened as he felt the lack of bra.
“You little minx.” he sneered, gripping her ass in both of his hands as he sat her on top of the working table. He pushed her shirt above her breast, watching as her nipples began to harden from the cool air. Neville got on his knees pulling the girl to the edge of the table. He couldn’t help but pause and admire how beautiful she was. The setting sun reflected off of her sweaty (s/c) skin making it appear as if she was glowing. The shadows and light hit the parts of her soaking panties, revealing just how wet her cunny was. Neville let out an audible groan at the sight, adjusting his tightening pants. “God you’re bloody gorgeous. Look at you baby, all soaked just for me?” He ran a finger over her cloth covered slick, smirking as the girl jumped a bit letting out a soft whimper. “Let me treat you, yeah?” he whispered against her clothed cunt before ripping her panties down and stuffing them in her back pocket (He certainly was not giving those back). 
His eyes were glued to the sight in front of him. It was more beautiful than any photograph that she had sent. No matter how many times she had written to him about how wet she was, nothing could prepare him for the true extent to what it was. The entirety of her pussy was covered in slick, running down her folds and now onto the table. He watched as her pretty little hole clenched and unclenched around nothing practically begging to be filled. But he couldn’t just yet, he had to do what he had been dreaming of for years. He moved a steady hand forward rubbing her clit in circular motions before licking a fat strip across her slit as he began to suck on her clit. (Y/n) gasped, bringing a shaky hand down to his head pushing him in forward and, who was Neville to deny her? Sure, Neville lacked experience severely. They both did. But he’d be damned if he came up from between her legs without giving her an orgasm first.
Neville took his middle finger, gathering a bit of her juices on it before slowly sinking it inside of her. He began to pump it in and out, making sure to be gentle and slow while maintaining a steady pace. (Y/n) threw her head back, letting out a cross between a whimper and a moan. It wasn’t like she hadn’t pleasured herself before, she had...numerous times. Sometimes even multiple times a day. But god his fingers? They were so much thicker than hers, so much longer touching and hitting spots she didn’t know were possible. “A-another please.” she whimpered, bucking her hips onto his face. Neville looked up at her, humming around her clit in agreement before he slid in another digit into her tight hole. He felt his dick strain against his pants more at the sound of her moans but he could ignore it. This wasn’t about him right now, it was all about him pleasuring his perfect girl.
“Do you like that, pretty? Hm? Like when I get my fingers covered in you.” He muttered against her, groaning as she clenched around his fingers. He drove them deeper keeping with his slow pace. Neville didn’t want to rush this, he wanted to appreciate the girl who he loved, the girl who kept him up late into the night as he stroked one out. He knew they would share many intimate moments in the months to come but he definitely wanted their first to be the most memorable.
 He continued to lick and suck on her bud, pulling away every so often to lick at the stray juices that ran down her folds. “Just one more, pretty. I’ve gotta make sure you’re nice and stretched out for me.” she nodded lazily at his words, feeling herself growing closer and closer by the second. (Y/n) was in such a state of euphoria, never wanting it to end. She let out another strangled moan as Neville slid in a third finger, scissoring them a bit before beginning to make a come hither motion within her. The tips of his fingers rubbed against her spot sending her into a fit of nonsense phrases and words, the most recognizable of them being “please, please. Yes, yes, yes!” which only encouraged him further. With more force he repeatedly began to jab at her g-spot growling as the girl came apart above him. (Y/n) gasped, falling back onto the table as her body grew tense, releasing all over Neville fingers. She continued to moan as her arousal slipped past his fingers running down the table as the boy fingered her through her high. Neville pulled his fingers out, stretching them apart as he stared at the arousal that was connected between the spaces. He stuck his fingers in his mouth, letting out a soft moan at her taste. Just as sweet as he had pictured it. 
After a few moments of heavy panting, (Y/n) felt a bit better and decided to sit up. Her (e/c) eyes trailed down her lover’s body as they reached the bulge in his pants. ‘If it’s that big through his pants, I don’t even want to imagine how big it is out of them!’ she found herself thinking. No wonder he had used three fingers, she wasn’t even sure that that was enough. She reached both her hands out, beginning to unfasten his belt pulling down his pants before freeing his member. She held back a gasp as she watched it slap up against his lower abdomen. Neville’s cock was a shade darker than him, it had no curve to it but it didn’t matter. He made up for a lack of curve with the sheer girth of his cock alongside the length (which was most definitely half of her forearm, if not more). She took a deep breath before hopping off of the table and kneeling before him.
“What’re you doing, love?” he asked, reaching a hand down to stroke her cheek.
“Returning the favor?” she replied as she reached a hand forward to grasp him. She looked at him confused as he lifted her back up, setting her back on top of the table.
“You can do that some other time. Right now is about pleasuring you.” he said, moving his lips to her neck as he began to suck and kiss along it leaving a trail of marks in its wake.
“A-are you sure? What about you? I’d feel bad that I’m not pleasing you in return.” a soft frown took over her face. Neville grabbed her face softly, tilting it towards his own.
“Oh darling, taking care of you brings me a greater pleasure than anything you could give me. Tonight is about you so let me just take care of you, yeah?” he asked, looking into her eyes full of love and a deep amount of arousal. She sat there unsure before nodding, leaning up to capture his lips. Neville returned the kiss, trailing the hand that was against her face to wrap gently around her neck. He pulled away, tugging her lip with him. “I’m gonna put it in now. Are you ready?” he asked, lubing himself up with the reminisce of her first orgasm.
“Please be gentle.” she whispered, hiding her face in his neck as he pushed his tip against her entrance.
“‘Course love. I’ll do my best.” he placed a kiss on the top of her head before beginning to sink into her. He let out a hiss at the tight heat of her velvety walls. When he was in enough, he brought both his hands up to embrace her, whispering soft phrases of encouragement as he slid into her tight hole. He couldn’t help but feel guilty at the sound of her whimpers and cries, feeling awful that he was the cause of it.  After what felt like ages, his pelvic region finally met with her mound. He pulled back gazing at the sight as he let out a soft moan.
“Y-you can move now. Feels good.” she stuttered out, gasping as he pulled out some. Neville thrusted into her deeply to test the waters, watching her facial expressions. He felt himself grow relieved when he saw how deep in pleasure she was. Her eyes were clenched shut, chest rising and falling quickly. He took that as a sign to continue, thrusting into her deep and slow. He gripped her hips tightly, deepening the intensity of his thrusts. The boy was absolutely enamored. How could she be so cute in such a filthy state? Tongue lulled out the side of her mouth, hair tousled messily as sweat covered her delicate skin. Seeing her in such bliss only fueled his need to please her, to see her come undone beneath him. He continued to pound into her, every thrust filled with passion. 
“You’re so fucking pretty, angel,” he growled out leaning down to capture her breast in his mouth. He swirled his tongue around her nipple, nibbling softly before pulling away and doing the same to the other one. (Y/n) continued to let out a string of moans, tightening her grip on the Gryffindor's back. She couldn’t help but dig her fingers into the flesh of his back, trying to ground herself as her lower region received immense amounts of pleasure. She let out a cry of gratification as he began to rub at her clit with circular motions, digging her heels into his lower back. “God just look at you. You feel so fucking good wrapped around my cock. Who’s making you feel this good?”
“Y-you Nev! S-so good. It’s so deep, so big.” she whimpered as she began to feel hot tears form in her eyes. “Love you so much, I love you!” she sobbed, resting her head on her chest. It was all too much, too good for her to handle. Neville cooed at her adoringly continuing to thrust into her. “C-close….”
“Hold it for just one second of love. Let’s cum together.” He grunted. After a few moments, he felt a familiar pit in his stomach signaling his release. His thrust began to grow sloppy, hips stuttering but as he went to pull out, the girl stopped him.
“Please don’t. I’m on birth control. Want you to cum inside of me, want you to fill me up.” Neville gripped at her hips harder, pistoning them with an animalistic amount of pace. The moans of them both echoed off the greenhouse walls as they both released, collapsing against one another. (Y/n) shuddered, whimpering at the feeling of his thick seed spilling inside of her. It seemed nonstop, pouring and pouring deeper inside of her, dribbling out past him and onto the table.
Neville let out a breathless chuckle at the sight, feeling a sense of pride at the fact that it was his seed dripping out of her. No one else. Not Malfoy, not his idiot friends, and certainly not those morons from in the hallway earlier. He stroked her skin gentle, watching as she shuddered at his touch. “Sorry love, it seems I left quite the mark on your neck.” he mumbled, brushing his fingertips along the healing mark he had left. It was a big purple hickey, the same shade as the bruises on her hips.
“S’okay. I’ll have something that reminds me of you. I think I accidentally gave you one too when I came. I couldn’t help myself.” Neville viewed his reflection in the small hanging mirror across the room. Moving his long shaggy hair to the side, he saw a small reddish bruise, the indent from her teeth still visible. 
“It’s a shame that I didn’t get to show you the rest of the plants you wanted.” he frowned. He had totally forgotten that was the entire reason they had come to the greenhouse today. Neville wanted his girl’s first day at Hogwarts to be absolutely perfect in every way and he had ruined it in his own fit of selfish greed.
“Are you kidding me?” she asked, sitting up. She winced slightly but continued on. “This was way better than any sort of plant! Nothing says ‘welcome to Hogwarts’ like what we just had.” Neville let out a breath that he wasn’t even aware he had been holding.
Even though this was the first day of them meeting in person, he knew this was the girl for him. As the sun set and they both held each other in their arms, the pair couldn’t help but wonder what was in store for them. What adventures lie ahead? Only time could tell. But luckily they didn’t have to spend another minute apart. (Y/n) was no longer just a flight away, but a mere inches apart.
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