#look at the Kurds! very few people can read or write kurdish bc their schools are taught in farsi
At 4am without looking for sources, I have to say that my biggest issue with theocracies is that while the politicians are your general mix of “genuinely want to help everyone/their people” and self centered power mongers, theocratic governments tend to also be more likely than most to have the sort of politicians that believe Gd a) thinks exactly the same way they do and b) meddles actively enough that any act not stopped by clear divine will are 100% theologically correct, which means anyone perceived as even slightly against them must be entirely against Gd.
Which is a totally safe mindset for any minority group that makes any noise about a right to have the UN human rights they’re not receiving. Clearly, that can’t go wrong for anyone.
And as a not so fun fact to make note of: “genocide” means 1 in 10 members of the cultural or ethnic group have been or are being killed. I don’t know where anyone stands in relation to that percentage in any of the world’s ongoing battles.
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