#look at him <3 so unaware of the chaos he’s about to be caught up in
95enthusiast · 2 months
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had the urge to draw a very arrogant rookie mcqueen ⚡️⚡️
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Flower Crowns.
masterlist || ask my anything <3
anniversary masterlist here !!
authors note - hi!! this is the last post ill be doing for my anniversary week and this is one of my most favourite little one shots ive wrote in my opinion so i hope you enjoy, it’s a little bit dark so if that’s not your cuppa then feel free to skidadle ☺️
word count - 1k
in which, harrys your body guard because your father is a mafia boss and instead of him taking a bullet for you, you end up taking a bullet for him.
warnings - mentions of guns and shooting, mafia, vulgar language and blood.
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With your books hugged close to your chest and your backpack thrown over one shoulder, The campus is bustling with students, the energy vibrant and contagious. You and your best friend Rayleigh chat animatedly, caught up in the ease of your conversation.
"I can't believe Professor Thompson assigned us another case study," Rayleigh groans, rolling her eyes. "Does he think we have no other classes?"
You laugh, adjusting your grip on your books. "I know, right? As if we didn't already have enough on our plates. But I guess it's good practice."
Rayleigh nods in agreement, her expression softening. "Yeah, you're right. Still, it's going to be a long night. Coffee later?"
"Absolutely," you reply, grinning. "I wouldn't survive without our study sessions."
As you walk through the corridors, you spot Harry leaning casually against your locker. His presence is striking, a mix of calm and vigilance that makes him stand out from the crowd. He's dressed in a plain black T-shirt and jeans, his tattooed arms crossed over his chest.
"There's your shadow," Rayleigh teases, nudging you gently.
You chuckle, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and amusement.
Rayleigh gives you a quick hug. "See you later."
"Bye, Ray," you say, waving as she heads off.
You approach your locker, where Harry straightens up as you get closer.
"Hey," you greet him, opening your locker and starting to put your things away.
"Hey," Harry replies, his voice steady and calm. "How was class?"
"Busy, as usual," you say, glancing over at him. "Professor Thompson assigned us another case study. I'm starting to think he enjoys watching us suffer."
Harry chuckles softly. "Sounds intense. Y’handling it okay?"
"Yeah, it's all part of the deal," you shrug, organizing your books. "How about you? How's standing guard duty treating you?"
He smirks. "S’a bit different from m’usual assignments, but I don't mind. Keeps me on my toes."
You finish putting your things away and close your locker, turning to face him fully. "I appreciate it, you know. Having you around makes me feel a lot safer."
Harry's expression softens slightly. "S’the goal. M’here to make sure nothing happens to you."
You nod, feeling a sense of comfort in his presence. "Thanks, H. It means a lot."
He nods in return, his gaze steady and reassuring. "Anytime. Ready to head home?"
As you walk towards your car, chatting with Harry about inconsequential things, a sense of normalcy begins to settle over you. The campus is still busy, students milling around, completely unaware of the tension that shadows your every step.
Suddenly, you notice a red dot flickering on Harry's chest. Your heart stops. Your mind races, realizing the implications—someone knows Harry is protecting you, and taking him out would make it easier for them to get to you.
Without a second thought, you push Harry out of the way. "Harry, look out!"
A gunshot rings out, splitting the air, and you feel a searing pain in your shoulder. You scream, falling to the ground in front of him.
The world spins as you hit the pavement, agony spreading through your body. Students around you scream and scatter, the chaos erupting in the once peaceful campus.
Harry is at your side in an instant, his face a mask of panic and horror.
"No, no, what have you done?" he cries, crouching down next to you. "Silly, silly girl."
A tear slips down his cheek, and your heart aches at the sight. You've never seen him cry before, not once in all the time you've known him. The anguish in his eyes is almost too much to bear.
You manage to smile weakly through the pain. "Harry... you're too pretty to cry."
"And you're too pretty to die," he replies, his voice breaking. "S’was never supposed to happen. S’my job to protect you."
He presses down on your wound, trying to stop the bleeding, his hands shaking. "Everything is going to be fine. Just hold on, help is coming."
You focus on Harry’s face, seeing the raw emotion and determination in his eyes.
"Promise me….you'll be careful," you manage to say, your voice barely audible.
"M’promise," he says fiercely, more tears falling. "But y’have to promise me you'll fight. Fight to stay with me."
You nod weakly, using every bit of strength you have left. "I'll... fight."
As the world around you blurs and fades, Harry’s face is the last thing you see, filled with raw, heartbreaking emotion. He leans closer, his voice trembling.
"I love you," he whispers, his words like a lifeline pulling you back from the brink.
You had always loved Harry, you can’t pinpoint a time when you first felt it, perhaps it was when you first met him, or when your lips first connected to his, but it was a feeling you had always felt and always would feel.
"I... love you too," you whisper back, your voice barely more than a breath. The pain is overwhelming, and you can feel yourself slipping away.
"Tell my father..." you start, struggling to get the words out. "Tell him I want a flower crown... when I'm buried."
Flower crowns had always been your thing, your mother had taught you how to make them when you were little and your father always had one in his office, as a reminder of both you at her.
His girls.
They were a symbol of your family.
Like a family crest.
Harry shakes his head fiercely, more tears spilling down his cheeks. "You're not going to get buried because you and I are going to get married and live forever. We'll have babies and grow old together."
You manage a faint smile at his words, the thought of a future with him a beautiful distraction from the pain. "Harry..."
"Stay with me," he pleads, his voice raw with emotion. "Keep your eyes open. Don't you dare close them."
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maddascanbe-blog · 6 months
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Part 2 of the life-swap series! Oddly enough when I asked those close to me, none of them anticipated that I'd swap Chloe and Luka. Honestly it made more sense to me? Both have sisters, have at least one obscenely rich parent, and have crushed on the two leads?
Now onto the plot-
After finding out about the twins Jagged decided to battle for custody. He managed to get full custody of Luka, but not Juleka, and out of spit decided to cut the twins off from each other, causing Anarka to move to the the US. But despite having a young son now, this didn't stop Jagged from touring, often leaving Luka behind in Paris to be looked after by whoever was available. Even when he was in Paris he often avoided Luka, instead leaving Penny to watch him.
Luka grew up bitter at his fathers lack of care for him, and took it out on everyone around him. Mostly the staff of both Le Grande Pari, where he lives, as well as whatever caregiver his father/Penny had hired. When he went to school, he immediately began taking his anger out on everyone there too. Once Adrien's mom passed he took a special hatred to the blonde, in some ways seeing himself in Adrien. Both now children of single fathers, but Gabriel is in his sons life (whether that's good or bad doesn't matter to Luka).
And Luka, being an empath knows exactly how to get under ones skin. Because even if you don't show your emotions outwardly, he still can tell when he's struck gold. The only person he doesn't hate is Marinette, his childhood friend and the only person unaware of his attitude.
And yes, we are going for Cannon Chloe swap here, so no redemption for Luka. Sad. I'll draw Akuma-Viperion later.
Onto Chloe, once Andre found out about Audrey's infidelity he gave her two options. The first, he expose her and her career be permanently marred. Or she give him full custody of both Chloe and Zoe and the could divorce peacefully. Chloe hasn't seen her mom since she was 3 and quite frankly had no interest in her. Zoe only being a half sister to Chloe is a carefully guarded secret, one that Zoe thinks even Chloe doesn't know.
Chloe, not wanting to emulate her mother grew up with a very different mindset. Instead being taught that being both too aggressive and a pushover will lead to a mess. So she instead learns to govern her hive with a firm but steady hand. The staff of Le Grand Paris greatly respect her, and she is often the one sent to head off a Luka temper tantrum, as the only person unimpressed by both him and his father. She's more of an Clara Nightingale fan anyways.
She fast tracked her way through school, and decided to take Highschool online as to give herself more time to work both at the hotel and at her event planning company. As Queen Bee, she is fierce but kind. The favorite of the secondary heroes, since she is not only efficient at stopping the akuma, but will stick around to comfort and reassure both the victim and the civilians who were caught in the attack.
Due to her calm voice and good advice, Ladybug and Chat Noir have turned to her many times for comfort on both the chaos hero life and civilian troubles. She's always willing to listen when they need her. As such Hawkmoth sees her as the most beneficial to target. Only he seems scarred to akumatize her for some reason...
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fastboatsmojito · 30 days
And they were ROOMMATES - Luca x reader one-shot
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|AN; basically influenced by the entire short n’ sweet album 💋
|WC;4k ish
|CW; smut BTC, roommate trope obviously, some annoyance and frustration in general and also sexually lmao, vibrator + masturbation + getting caught sorta kinda, uh ruined orgasm just for a moment + general desperation, touch-starved characters, fingering SORRY im obsessed with his hands, annoying horny mfs, brief pnv eventually but I got lazy at the end, soft dom?? Luca <3 🙂‍↕️
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You groaned and shoved a pillow over your face as you were subjected to listening to the blender at 7 am. Your roommate was currently in the kitchen overworking himself once again, blissfully unaware of your annoyance.
You took the pillow off of your face as soon as it stopped, opting to stay in bed to complain instead of walking all the way into the kitchen.
“Luca! Can you please be insane a little quieter? I don’t have a class for two more hours.”
“Oh shit, my bad!” He called back, focusing on something else for just a few moments before moving back to the blender, pressing the button for the softest option this time.
You just got comfortable before the distant whirring started again. perfect.
You fell asleep eventually, holding the pillow over your ears. The muffled buzzing of your alarm barely enough to wake you up just over an hour later. You moved the pillow away from you, alarm now blaring in your ears as you quickly leaned over to turn it off.
Yawning before you looked at the time; 8:45. You had just five minutes to make it out the door before you’d be really late. Later than your usual ‘just make sure to eat before class’ late.
“Fuck.” You groaned as you rushed out of bed, grabbing whatever clothes were cleanest and closest to your bed. You hastily moved through your typical morning routine, grabbing your bag before dashing to the door.
“No breakfast?” Luca was still in the kitchen, covered in sugar and glancing at you as he was making your apartment smell mouthwateringly delicious.
“No time. Your fault by the way.” You pointed at him, shaking your head as he put a hand to his heart.
“I know, I know. I’m sorry, just had to fix up a recipe I’ve been working on.” He wiped his hands off before grabbing a banana and tossing it to you.
“Just don’t let it happen again, chef.” He nodded and smiled at the name.
“I won’t.. probably.” He whispered the last part, looking down as you rolled your eyes and walked out.
You walked back into your apartment after your class was over and shrugged your bag off by the door, rubbing your sore neck as you walked into the kitchen for some lunch. It was quiet and cleaned up so you assumed Luca was at work.
You had homework to do but figured some food and a nap was more pressing, quietly making yourself a sandwich and grabbing a drink before moving to your room.
You put on your usual comfort show and sat in bed after throwing on some comfier clothes, enjoying the peace that came with having an apartment off campus.
That morning wasn’t the first time Luca had gotten a little too into his work and disturbed your sleep but his work schedule and cleaning habits made up for it.
He takes up space in the kitchen a lot but he always cleans up after himself, oftentimes sharing some food he brought home from work as a wordless thank you for putting up with his early morning chaos.
You weren’t perfect either, procrastinating long enough to cause plenty of late nights reading, writing; and pacing in the living room that bled into his said early mornings.
You had a few arguments about both of your faults, usually ending in both of you apologizing and trying to figure out a plan to fix it for the future. Clearly they haven’t worked very well but you were still getting used to him. Used to each other, including your weird, occasionally annoying habits.
You finished your lunch and tried to take a nap before your next class, closing your eyes and sighing into your pillows as you tried and failed to get comfortable.
Usually you had no problem falling asleep; Imagining some faceless entity in whatever romantic scenario you could think of lulling you off, but now you were getting increasingly frustrated as you couldn’t turn your brain off.
Anxious thoughts racing through your brain were making it impossible to relax; Are you doing enough? Do your friends really like you?
The repetition was making you second guess yourself and stress out too much to sleep. You felt exhausted, eyes heavy and drooped but you still couldn’t fall asleep.
You rolled around on the bed, irritated sighs falling from you as you finally accepted the defeat. You were tense, stressed out and frustrated, racking your brain for solutions.
You reached into your nightstand for a hair tie when you found just what you needed; your vibrator. Duh. It’s been a while since you used it so it hadn’t crossed your mind, getting caught up in your work and forgetting to take some time for yourself.
You took it out, placing it on the bed beside you before you put your hair up and laid back down.
Similar to how you slept you usually imagined some faceless figure moving their warm hands over you instead of your own, sometimes dreaming up the face of whatever celebrity had caught your eye recently.
As you moved under the covers, hands slowly making their way down your body to tease yourself, you closed your eyes and found yourself thinking of someone you hadn’t anticipated.
Hands rougher and bigger than your own moving over you as you imagined him lying behind you, leaving open mouthed kisses on your neck as you sighed into him.
“Luca,” You gasped, your hands paused and you opened your eyes quickly, surprising yourself by saying it out loud. Oh. You sat up for a moment to think.
Okay weird, but it didn’t mean anything, really. You were just desperate and he’s a familiar face. People have thoughts like this about people they’re just friends with all the time. It’s normal. There was no reason to punish yourself for something you couldn’t control.
You shook it off, taking a moment to relax again as you grabbed the toy next to you.
You were so close. Soft breaths and sighs leaving your mouth as the muffled buzzing sound filled your ears. Your body relaxing as you got closer and closer - until you heard your name followed by a knock at your bedroom door. The sudden sound surprising you and pulling you off of the edge you were about to fall over.
You moved quickly, turning your vibrator off and tossing it on the bed somewhere before fixing your pants and standing up.
You opened the door, warm face accompanied by a clear look of annoyance.
“Hey! I just uh,” He stopped himself to look at you, taking in your disheveled, tense figure.
“You just what?” Your voice was full of irritation, crossing your arms as he leaned in the doorway.
“Right. I just- I was about to go to the store for a few things if you need anything?” He asked, eyes looking into your own as he focused on not staring at the thin line of black peeking over your sweats.
“Oh I don’t need anything, thanks.”
“Of course. Did your uh, class get cancelled?”
“The one at 1? No, why?”
You leaned over, glancing at your alarm clock, you were about to be late for the second time partly because of him.
“Shit.” You mimicked your morning with a few less steps, throwing on your shoes and grabbing your bag before walking to the door when you realized you forgot your phone in your room.
Luca was already on it - walking into your room and reaching over your bed to grab it, where it had been lying right next to the vibrator you just put down a few moments before.
You walked in to him glancing at it for just a second, grabbing your phone and walking it to you with a grin he was trying to hide behind his hand.
“What?” You took your phone from his hand and rolled your eyes.
“I didn’t say anything.”
You walked back to the door as he followed you, pulling your tote up to your shoulder when you got there.
“Don’t look at me like that.”
He laughed softly as you turned to glare at him.
“I’m sorry I just didn’t realize I was interrupting something-“
You stopped him with a shake of your head, biting your tongue to hide your smile as you opened the door.
“Shut the fuck up.”
By the time you got out of your final class of the day it was almost 5, you were still tense, and stressed out. The pestering heat between your legs driving you even crazier after the man flooding your thoughts had unknowingly ruined your form of stress relief.
You stopped by a cafe on the walk home, ordering a sandwich and an iced tea. While you waited you texted a friend of yours, wanting a second opinion.
Elena; I don’t think that’s weird, is he hot?
:I mean YEAH, but that’s not the point?
Elena; Okay so he’s hot, single, and he cooks for you? I’d be dreaming about fucking him too
You giggled when their message came through, fidgeting with a straw wrapper in between texts.
;But what if it’s weird? We live together and I’d like to continue having a place to live
Not to mention the lack of sleep I’m already getting because of him.
Elena; Noise complaints aside, if he’s as nice as you say he is I really doubt he’d kick you out for that Plus if he did you could always move in with me !
;Then we’d both be losing sleep. I think I just need to talk to him about it
Elena; well I think you should just fuck and get it out of your system
You left them on read as your order was called, grabbing your food and walking back to your apartment.
You walked in and put your bag down, sighing when you saw Luca in the kitchen.
He looked up from whatever he was making as you glanced at him before grabbing a glass.
“Woah, what’d I do now?”
“I didn’t say anything.” You mocked his sentence from a few hours before, pouring yourself some water before walking around and pulling out a chair from the island he was working on.
He was chopping some vegetables while a pot of water on the stove was simmering. “Pasta?”
He just nodded as he continued, the smell of onion and garlic filling your nose as you decided to start working on a research paper you had due soon.
You got up to grab your laptop before sitting back down. You could never work in your room without falling asleep and the calming sounds of the kitchen were enough to keep you focused.
You stretched your arms after opening your laptop, rubbing over where your neck meets your shoulder before getting to work.
“Tense?” He was standing over the island as he started on a sauce, glancing up at you with a smirk as you worked.
“You’re such a dick.” You replied, eyes focused on the words in front of you, not looking at him until he was turned away from you.
He went to grab something from the spice cabinet, your eyes falling to the hem of his shirt as he reached up, giving you just a peek at his happy trail. Your eyes followed him as he moved back in front of you, mind stuck on the thought of your hand moving under his shirt.
It was no more than a few seconds but he caught you staring, smiling as he ‘stretched his arms’ to give you a better view. His shirt moved up just above his stomach, giving you a direct view of his abs, successfully distracting you from your work.
He moved his arms down, shaking his head when you sighed and looked back at your laptop, placing his hands on either side of it to look at you.
“What?” You leaned back in your chair, glancing at him before looking down at your hands.
“I didn’t say-“
You shut your laptop and stood up, moving your hands as you suddenly went on a tangent. You planned on just talking to him about it but the exhaustion was getting to you, your words rushing out one after the other.
“You’re so fucking frustrating, Luca. You’re distracting and you use the fucking blender at seven in the morning and you’re used to it so it doesn’t bother you but it bothers me,” He was just looking at you in surprise as you started pacing around.
“you apologize and cook me food and clean and that should all make up for it but it can’t because you’re also really hot. And I can’t even do anything about it because you’re my roommate and you’re usually here when I’m here so it’s not like I can just deal with it myself or fuck someone else.”
Your hand moved to your head as you continued, avoiding his eyes until you were done.
“You know, I’m trying to actually graduate but if I’m not sleeping and I can’t even get off around here without you interrupting me I’m going to fail my classes and get kicked out-” You took a deep breath as he walked closer to you, taking your laptop out from under your arm and placing it on the table beside you and looking into your eyes.
He spoke before you could finish,
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was upsetting you that much, the last thing I want is to add stress to your life. I’ll go to work earlier and work on it there so I don’t wake you up. I’ll figure it out, I promise.”
He sounded the most sincere you’ve heard him since you moved in. You nodded and he grabbed your hands to pull you into a hug, your heartbeat getting faster when he put his arms around you. He smelled faintly of pasta dough, reminding you of the food that was probably burning now.
“I think your pastas fucked.” You said, pulling away from him. He looked at his watch and walked back into the kitchen.
“Nah, its still got a minute or two. Hungry?”
The way he was looking at you as you ate was making you nervous and desperate. You always hated when people watched you eat, but you assumed he just wanted to know if you were enjoying his food.
You gave your ‘compliments to the chef’ to no avail, he continued to look up at you between bites like he’d miss something if he didn’t.
He reached for his glass and you stared at his watch, silver sparkling on his wrist. There was an energy you couldn’t place as both of you finished, eyes on your plate as you could feel his gaze over you.
“Done?” His voice brought you out of your head, soft tone he reserved just for you echoing in your head as you nodded, handing your plate to his outstretched hand.
He brought your plates to the sink as you sat, wondering if you should get back to your paper.
“You want some cake?” There was that tone again.
You got up and walked into the kitchen, sitting on the counter in front of him as he grabbed the cake he put aside before you got home, icing it in silence as you watched him. His controlled, steady movements in the kitchen were making you dizzy.
“Try this for me?” A common request, he usually let you try whatever new dessert he was working on; he liked your honesty. So you did, opening your mouth for a spoon, when you got an icing dipped finger in your mouth.
You looked at him in surprise for a moment before grabbing his wrist and obscenely licking the icing off while you looked into his eyes. You let his finger drag over your teeth as you pulled it out, licking your lips as you let go of his wrist. He was looking at you so intensely, you wanted to know what he was thinking.
“So you think I’m really hot, do you?” He grabbed one of your hands, putting it to his mouth as he kissed over your knuckles. You could feel your heartbeat speeding up once again as he moved his mouth up your arm, open mouthed kisses placed over your skin as he went, stopping when he got to your shoulder.
“Yeah I mean, I also mentioned you were really fucking frustrating, if you remember.”
He laughed softly at that, thumb stroking over your hand as you pressed your thighs together for some semblance of relief.
“I’m so sorry.” He whispered, kissing your shoulder between each word. The hand that wasn’t in his own was gripping the counter you were sat on, restraining yourself from jumping onto him like a dog.
His other hand moved to push your hair away from your face, exposing your neck to him. The back of his hand rested right over your pulse point as he leaned back to take you in.
“You really are tense, d’you want some help with that?” You didn’t trust your voice to be stable at this point, nodding under him as he moved both of his hands to your shoulders. The hand you weren’t using to steady yourself moved to his forearm as he started gently massaging your muscles.
Your eyes were closed as you leaned into him, focusing on breathing through your nose so you didn’t moan at the soft touch.
“Does that feel okay?” He was closer now, smooth, deep, voice close to your ear as his hands continued easing the tension out of you.
“Mhm.” His hands felt so warm over you, for the first time in a while you didn’t feel like you were carrying weights on your shoulders.
He moved one of his hands to your jaw, thumb moving to let out the lip you were absentmindedly holding between your teeth.
“It’s okay, darling, if it feels good I want to hear it.” He places a soft kiss to your jaw before moving his hand back, making you close your eyes again at the sweet gesture.
You leaned your head back when his hands moved to the back of your neck, letting out a soft sigh as you melted into him.
Your mouth was open then, stress and quick breaths leaving your body with every stroke of his hands.
You were adjusting your hips to gain some friction when one of his hands moved to support your head as the other moved to the outside of your thigh.
He lifted your head, resting it under your ear when you looked at him. His grip on your thigh tightened as he smirked at the desperation on your face.
“Luca, please.” You wrapped a hand over the wrist on your thigh while the other moved to the hem of his shirt, pulling him closer to you.
“Now who’s being loud in the kitchen?”
“Fuck you.” Your voice fell short of the bite you anticipated, desperately breathing over his mouth.
“I think you’d like that.” Your hand moved to his back, pushing his lips into your own. The kiss felt hungry, messy, exactly what you needed. Both of your hands moved to his face, deepening the kiss as his hand on your thigh moved to slot between your legs so he could stand between them.
You couldn’t get him as close as you wanted, wrapping your legs around his hips to sloppily grind into him as you moaned into his mouth, letting go of any promise you made to yourself to stay calm.
His hand moved up your thigh while the other moved to your waist, keeping you in place. Your whole body felt hot, trying to keep your mouths connected as his hand rested on your inner thigh right under where you could feel your pulse.
“You okay? Do you still want this?” His reassuring nature still present as you’d basically beg him to fuck you at this point.
“I still want this.” Your voice almost sounded like someone else’s, whiney and desperate as you tried to move towards his hand.
“Good.” He punctuated with a kiss to the corner of your mouth. He lifted you up, wrapping his arms around you as he carried you to your room, trying to keep his eyes open as you started to kiss his neck.
He laid you down on your bed, hands moving over the soft sheets under you.
“Soft bed.”
“Thank you.” You laughed softly before he moved his hands over your body, from your shoulders to the waistband of your pants, pausing for a second to look at you.
“Luca - please touch me already.”
“Okay, okay. I got you, I’ll make you feel better, promise.”
He pulled your pants and underwear down at the same time, goosebumps showing up on your skin as the cool air hit you.
“Have you been this wet all day? Poor thing.”
One of his fingers moved between your lips, collecting some of the wetness there and bringing it to his mouth as you gasped at the sudden action.
He cleaned off his finger as you’d done to the same one earlier, dragging the wet digit up your inner thigh and pushing it into your soaked cunt.
You moaned at the intrusion as he added a second one, slowly dragging them in and out, separating them to let you feel the stretch of his fingers.
He pressed into your clit with his palm as his fingers moved, kissing over your stomach and softly biting at the skin over your ribs. He kept moving up, nose and mouth pressing into your skin as he continued to draw moans and praises out of you.
The vibrator you were using what felt like forever ago was still on the bed next to you, he leaned over to your ear as he grabbed it,
“Think I should use this on you, love? Finish what you started earlier?” He stopped his fingers for a moment so you could answer
“Please.” You whined, moving your hips up into his hand.
“I know, I know. You want it so bad don’t you?” Your eyebrows scrunched together as you nodded, closing your eyes and letting your head hit the pillow under you as he turned the toy onto the lowest setting and placed it onto your clit.
Easing the tension out of you as he began to move his fingers again, curling them up and making you gasp at the sensations. You felt insane. He was all you could feel, see, hear, he was everywhere.
“Luca- Luca I’m so close, please-“ you were murmuring between moans, begging for permission you didn’t know you needed.
His face was right over yours, kissing along your hairline as the hand that wasn’t inside of you rested on the side of your neck, thumb stroking over your throat lightly.
He was kissing your face, your temple, your cheeks, your nose, and your lips, capturing the breaths falling from your lips. “You’re doing so good, darling. Let go for me. I got you, you can take it.”
You came soon after, his fingers mixed with the vibrations from the toy assaulting your clit sending you over the edge. Tension you didn’t know you were holding leaving your body as he worked you through it, your brain finally turning off.
Once you were shaking and grabbing his wrist he removed his fingers and turned the toy off, tossing it back in its original place on the bed.
“Feel better?” He asked, face still close to your own as he placed soft kisses all over you. You hummed, hand moving to his hair to lightly scratch his head.
You wrapped your legs around his hips, pulling him into you and helping him out of his pants. You slowly moved your hand over his hard dick through his boxers, granting you the sound of him moaning into your open mouth.
You pulled him out and stroked his leaking cock over your sensitive before slowly pushing him into you, both of you groaning into each others mouths as he stretched you open.
“Now I feel better.”
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I’ve been looking at this too long and I can’t tell if I love it or hate it
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writerlyhabits · 2 years
March 10th
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female reader
Word Count: 7.2k
Summary: You’ve got a surprise planned for the big day, and Bucky is anxious to get it out of you before you head back home to DC. 
Ch 13 of the Neighbors Series | Masterlist | Ch. 12 | Ch. 14
Warnings: mild language, AnGsT, pet names, make outs and lots of kisses to balance the angsty bits, Rebecca Barnes is a warning that’s all I’m legally allowed to say. 
AN:  I was crying while I wrote this so…. buckle up. If anyone thought New York was going to be anything but the chaos I have produced, you’re dead wrong 😂 I’d also like to make a public service announcement, because the next few chapters are going to be an adventure… and I think that’s all I can tell you without any spoilers 😬 Thank you @deceiverofgodss for reading through my nonsense as usual, ily 💛 
I have a couple links I found in my research for this chapter that I thought were really neat, so if you’re interested, take a look at these once you’re done reading: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 
Gif from @unearthlydust 🤍
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Bucky stirred awake at the sound of laughter and began to stretch his limbs, managing to keep his large frame from rolling off of the twin mattress in the process. The sounds of commotion downstairs brought a smile to his face, the two voices managing to overpower the music playing from the radio in the living room as usual. He cracked his eyes open to confirm that his sister was one of them, finding her bed made and empty on the other side of their childhood bedroom, smiling to himself when he heard his mother’s amusement bubbling up through to their room. 
He preferred sleeping in his own bed in his Brooklyn apartment a few blocks away, but when his mother caught wind that Steve would be busy and he’d be alone on his birthday, Winnifred Barnes couldn’t be dissuaded from getting him to come home. 
“It’ll be good for you and your sister, you know she’ll be gone for school this time next year,” she had pleaded, the final push that had him agreeing and running back to his apartment to pack a bag. This was what had led him to sleeping on the spare mattress he’d helped push into the room – which was now only Becca’s – the night before, leaving him a little more achy than he would have liked. 
He forced himself up out of bed and stretched again when he was up on his feet, working out the kinks of his muscles, and rubbing the sleep from his tired eyes. And after throwing on a pair of slacks and a nice shirt while he had the chance, he made his way downstairs to greet the rest of the family. 
Bucky’s steps were damn near silent as he descended, always accused of sneaking up on people when he suddenly appeared behind them without a sound. While the Barnes were unaware, he saw his father propped up in his arm chair by the radio, his morning coffee replacing the tobacco pipe that usually occupied his hand. He’d gotten George the pipe for some birthday or fathers day once they were in a comfortable place after the depression, silencing the complaints about how much more sophisticated he would look holding a pipe instead of a commonplace cigarette. The rest of the family had rolled their eyes each time it left his mouth, and were equally relieved when the gift had silenced his complaints – one of them, at the very least. 
Turning to the kitchen he found the culprits, his mother was laughing as she turned eggs over in the pan, and his sister standing by the table entertaining herself with the piping bag full of chocolate in her hand. Becca’s brown curls bounced as she cracked herself up, no doubt having written something crude on the chocolate cake that sat on the cake display in front of her. 
He reached the bottom of the stairs as he watched them, and when Becca looked up to include George in her shenanigans, her matching blue eyes caught his and she scrunched up her face. 
“Bucky, what’re you standing there like a creep for?” she snarked, her cheeks already rosy with her own amusement. He rolled his eyes, only seeing his mother turn around to look at him out of his peripheral vision. 
“Geez, when did it become a crime to walk down the stairs?” he teased right back, and any further retaliation was cut off when Winnifred came gliding across the kitchen to greet her son. 
His mother was the picture of grace, at least he’d always thought so. She moved with a purpose, managing to be light on her feet while also being strong and sturdy; a Barnes family trait, she couldn’t be moved by anyone’s choice but her own. As always, she looked perfectly put together, even at early hours of the morning when the rest of the world should have been asleep. Her dark, auburn hair was pinned into neat rolls on top of her head and tied back with a yellow ribbon – her favorite color. 
“Oh James, look at you,” she gushed, brushing her hands on her skirt apron before they were reaching up to cup his face. “You’ve grown into such a handsome young man.” 
“Thanks Ma,” he smiled, leaning down as she engulfed him in a hug. He was almost sure these hugs got longer each year, but he always refused to be the first one to let go, letting his mom squeeze the life out of him until she got what she needed. He turned to give her a kiss on the cheek, and she pulled away with a smile and an extra glisten in her eye. So emotional…
“C’mon George, come help us light the candles,” she beckoned, turning to walk back towards the kitchen so it wasn’t obvious she was dabbing under her eyes to fix his makeup. 
“This is breakfast?” Bucky giggled, following his mom back up to the table and pulling out the chair his father always sat in, the older man hoisting himself up out of the cushioned arm chair and ignoring the limp in his right leg. “I mean… flour, milk, eggs, that’s a great breakfast.” 
He peeked up at his sister and saw her subtly shaking her head. Bucky groaned. 
“Did you make the mayo cake again?” He whined, and his mother turned around with furrowed brows. One look directed at Becca – a ‘you weren’t supposed to say anything’ glare – and one more back at him. 
“There is nothing wrong with that cake, you’ve been eating it for years.”
“It’s the principle of the thing, Ma. You literally have eggs cooking on the stove.”
“And they’re still expensive!” She defended. “You try feeding four adults. If you want a cake for your birthday and a decent egg breakfast, then compromises have to be made,” she huffed, turning back to the stove and shutting off the burner before dividing the last of the eggs onto the plates she laid out on the counter. 
“She’s right, y’know,” his father said quietly as he approached, more than used to his wife’s passionate temper. Bucky looked at him for a moment and the two shared a look; they’d had this conversation before. ‘They’re always right. It’s easier to just agree with ‘em. When you have a lady of your own, you’ll understand.’ 
Bucky wasn’t sure how much his mother would agree with his thought process, but in this moment, his father was right. 
“You’re right, m’sorry.” Becca shot him a look, he shot one back at her. “The cake’s gonna be great, thanks Ma,” he offered. He watched her turn to look at him, her face softening. He gave her a small smile, and she returned it. 
“Alright alright, I don’t need to be the only one doing stuff. Becca, can you put the candles on for me?” 
Becca did as she was told, more than happy to place the handful of candles in just the right spot so that her drawing of a middle finger could be accentuated. Winnifred shook her head as if she was disappointed, but none of them were fooled. George lit the candles as the girls sang Bucky Happy Birthday, a perfect excuse for him not to have to join in himself. And after Bucky had blown out the candles, his father clapped him on the back and gave him a half hug. 
“Happy birthday, son,” he smiled.
“Thanks, Pop,” he returned, knowing his father well enough to see through the stoic expression, taking the veiled affection with a smile. His mother left nothing to be assumed, rushing to grab his face and plant lipstick-covered kisses on his cheeks before his sister tackled him from behind, and Bucky only staggered a little as she clung onto his back like she had since she was three years old. 
“So, Steve’s stuck in that class today… that means it’s just you and me for the movies right?” She asked excitedly, and his smile was easy to hide when she was on his back. He played the part of the annoying older brother, but he loved that his sister was still genuinely excited about spending time together.  
“Yeah. Why, you got a thing for Steve?” 
That didn’t mean he wasn’t still annoying. 
“No,” she shot back with no hesitation. 
“Aw c’mon, Steve’s a good egg,” Bucky defended. 
“Do you really want me dating Steve?” She snarked, and he made a face before he made a sound of disagreement. “That’s what I thought.” Their parents laughed as they settled at the table, digging into the breakfast their children were ignoring. “Besides, he’s too skinny. I can’t help that I like ‘em big and tall.” 
“You come by it naturally, you’re my daughter,” Winnifred smiled, and he felt Becca shrug her shoulders in agreement. Bucky watched his father smile sweetly at his wife, giving her hand a squeeze. Whenever he decided he was ready to settle down – which was not anytime soon – he wanted whatever his parents had. 
“What’s playing at the theaters?” George asked as Becca released Bucky’s shoulders, and he followed to sit next to her at the table. 
“Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm!” She pronounced dramatically. Bucky shook his head as he cut himself a slice of cake. 
“Of course… I thought we were going to watch the Donald Duck cartoon? Because it’s my birthday?” He whined.
“Well… we’ll watch that one too.” Another round of laughter followed her comment, the walls of their house no stranger to Becca’s quips. 
As they all started digging into their plates – the wacky cake tasting just as good as the real thing, his mother would be glad to hear – he heard someone whisper his name. Looking over at his sister, he found her snarking at their parents. He tried to pay attention to the conversation, but he heard his name whispered once again as their voices started to fade. 
Bucky closed his eyes to try and focus in on the voice, and the sounds of the Barnes family dining room were gone. All that was left was the back of his eyelids. 
“Bucky…” He heard his name in a whisper once again, and when his brows creased as he processed his surroundings, he heard a light hum of amusement that made him feel warm. 
Your lips ghosted over his cheeks, featherlight kisses against his skin as his body adjusted to being awake. He instinctively lifted the arm wrapped around you to run his hand soothingly against your lower back, causing you to giggle against his cheek while you were laying half on top of him. 
“Are you awake, birthday boy?” You asked quietly, your lips traveling to place kisses against his temple. 
“No,” he whispered back, just to feel your lips curl up at the corners. “M’dreaming.” 
“Ah shit, I tried to wait, I thought I was in the clear. I didn't mean to wake you up,” you pleaded, and he chuckled quietly as he shook his head. “What’d you dream about?”
“My birthday… in 1938.” He finally opened his eyes to see the sun filtering in through the large window, giving you a golden glow as you shielded him from its light. You looked ethereal, and he lifted his free hand to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear, holding your face in his hands. Fucking beautiful.
“Oh yeah?” You asked in a sweet tone, which he knew by now meant ‘tell me more.’
“I took Becca to go see a Shirley Temple movie, and then I think we ended up just going back home to help Ma cook dinner,” he rambled, more focused on the way your eyes were dancing across his face, drinking him in. 
“Sounds like a fun time,” you smiled, but there was something you were hiding behind it he couldn’t quite place. “How’d you know it was that year specifically? Was there something special about it?” He took a breath before he answered. 
“That was uh… that was the last time we all spent my birthday together,” he admitted. And just like clockwork, your brows shot up in concern, your melancholy emotions written clearly on your face. “The year after that my sister was in Indiana for school, and two years later my parents died. It wasn’t much longer until I enlisted… and you know the rest.” 
Why did that realization hit him like a brick wall? It certainly wasn’t news to him that he hadn’t seen his family in eighty years, that he’d been alone. 
That part wasn’t true. He had you. 
“Sorry peach, I didn’t mean to put a damper on your morning,” he tried to smile, and you rolled your eyes at him while shaking your head. 
“You do that a lot,” you teased, grabbing his face so you could pull him closer, littering his cheek with kisses. “And it’s your birthday,” you stopped for a few more kisses at his temple. “If you wanna put a damper on it…” A kiss to the tip of his nose. “That’s up to you.” You shifted so that you could reach his opposite cheek, covering it in the same amount of your little pecks, balancing your enthusiastic affection. 
You pulled a chuckle from deep within his chest as you continued your barrage, and he wrapped his hands around your waist to encourage you to stay there, kissing every inch of his face but the one place he wanted you most. But he didn’t mind. He could get on board with spending his mornings lying underneath you in bed, being showered in your loving glow. 
“Well if it were up to me, we’d do this.” He gripped your waist a little tighter before he flipped you over on the bed, using his knee to make a spot for himself between your legs as he hovered over you. You giggled happily as he fitted himself to your body like a mold, one hand curving around your ass to bring your legs up around his waist, and the other grabbing your jaw to hold you still. 
When his lips hit home, all the tension in his body evaporated. Kissing you was like stepping into another world, his body lighting up when your hands found their way into his hair, his tongue slipping between your lips and dancing with yours. You traded pleasured groans and desperate whines, making music for your bodies to move together in perfect rhythm. 
When he reluctantly pulled away, your breathing was heavy as he traveled down to kiss your jaw – he didn’t have the power to stop himself, the need to have his lips attached to you anyway he could get it was all-consuming. It was hard to sift through everything in his brain to find any coherent thoughts outside of you… only you… 
“I’m having a pretty good time laying in bed with you,” he husked, dragging himself back up your skin to kiss your pretty lips once again. What started as a punctuation to his sentence quickly turned into a little more, being pulled back in by the sheer taste of you, encouraged by the needy whimper that escaped you. But he had a point he was trying to make. “Unless you’ve got any objections, how’s about we stay here and… enjoy the view,” he finished with a wiggle of his brow, hinting that the view he really wanted to enjoy was not the one outside the window. 
You hummed in amusement as he managed to only steal another chaste kiss from you, your hands sliding down to his shoulders as you came up with your answer. “Any other time, I’d love to take you up on that… but I do actually have a surprise planned for later today.” 
His interest was piqued.
“Really? What is it?” he asked excitedly, his previous intentions fading to the back of his mind as he shifted gears, caressing the side of your thighs as he waited for your response. 
“I think you’re missing the point of it being a surprise, Buck,” you laughed, and he only pouted. 
“Yeah, but… c’mon, you can tell me, what’d you plan?” He tried, and this time he heard the difference when a little bit more of his Brooklyn came out, hoping it was working to his advantage. You smiled bashfully, but you didn’t seem to budge any further than that. 
“I’m not gonna, you’ll find out when we get there.” 
“Okay, so it’s somewhere you’re taking me…” he mused, listing off the details as if you’d given him a puzzle to solve. You closed your eyes and scrunched up your face as you cringed, realizing you’d already revealed more than you wanted to. 
He could work with that. 
He nuzzled himself back into the crook of your neck to place kisses at your sweet spot, definitely not trying to weasel more answers out of you, he would never… “Aw baby, gimme another hint, I can’t stand the suspense,” he crooned, and when you were about to make a sound of rebuttal he poked a vibranium finger in your side, right where you were the most ticklish. 
You flinched against him as you tried to get out of his hold, managing to get his full name out through your laughter as you pleaded for reprieve. It was kind of cute, he had to admit, the way you were trying. But as strong as you were… his super soldier strength didn’t exactly make it a fair fight. You didn’t stand a chance.
“James please, I- I can’t breathe,” you laughed, and when he realized the attack hadn’t even moved you an inch, he let up, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your cheek. “Are you trying to suck up to me now?” You sassed. 
“Is it working?” he mused, earning a huff of amusement. “Alright, I won’t ask you anything else about what it is… but what else can you tell me? When are we going, how far away is it?” 
“It’s… well, it’s a little bit of a drive, so it’ll be the last thing we do today,” you answered, and he didn’t miss the way your demeanor shifted ever so slightly, like you were nervous. “We can go do anything else you want while we’re still in the city, this can wait until whenever you’re ready to go.” 
He observed you for a moment, studying your features. Mapped the curve of your cheeks, the softness of your lips, and was somehow able to keep himself from getting lost in those pretty eyes of yours. Whatever this was, it made you nervous, but you didn’t seem to be any less excited about him finding out. 
“Okay… then let’s get to it,” he smiled, leaning down to capture your lips in a sweet kiss, slower and softer than all the ones before it. “I say we start with an easy morning. Take our time getting ready and getting out of the hotel, and we can meander through the rest of my stomping ground.” 
He felt your laugh rumble through your core as he continued to lay over you, settling himself down so he could gaze up at you from his spot on your chest. “I love it,” you sighed as rested one hand over his back, threading the other through his hair, and he closed his eyes as he enjoyed the feeling of it. 
“How does chocolate cake for breakfast sound?” you lilted, amused at the mere suggestion. When the words left your mouth there was a warmth that blossomed in his stomach, spreading out to the furthest points of his being. 
“Sounds perfect.” 
You were fucking nervous. Beyond nervous, borderline nauseous at the mere thought of what was coming.
The rest of the day had gone by smoothly, and you had actually been able to enjoy most of it. You had spent a blissful morning in the hotel room, half dressed as you basked in the golden light of the morning sun, and you watched in awe as Bucky packed away three quarters of the five inch cake from the bakery and damn near half of the loaf of banana bread. “S’not as good as yours,” he shrugged while shoving a fourth slice into his mouth. It was giggly and relaxed and wonderful, cuddling him close to your chest and listening to each other's heartbeats, and managing to sing him Happy Birthday despite his best efforts to kiss you quiet. 
After everything had been packed up and loaded into your car – having made it out with only seconds to spare before your check out time – you ventured into the heart of Brooklyn. He took you down to the pier and cornered you into the railing, keeping you close to his chest as you gazed out at the Statue of Liberty, enjoying the early spring breeze. You went as far as venturing into downtown Brooklyn, not surprised in the least when Bucky didn’t recognize a thing, but just as excited when he would point between a Macy’s and a Foot Locker to tell you what used to be there. 
The end of your day came sooner than expected, just after you’d finished the hot dogs from the park he’d justified as your afternoon snack. You shouldn��t have been surprised though, he was nearly bursting at the seams in anticipation for what you had waiting for him. While he was giddy, you were trying to keep your heart from coming up your throat. 
You had to give yourself credit though, because when you “accidentally” happened upon a cute little florists shop just outside of the city, he was either playing into your act or he actually believed you when you suggested getting a bunch for the drive home. “It’ll be dead before we get there,” he’d reasoned, but he caved when you whined about how pretty they were, acting as if you hadn’t messaged the shop and asked them to make it for you ahead of time. 
But now, with Bucky holding a prettily wrapped bouquet of daffodils while he sat in your passenger seat, you had no other distractions. 
You felt like you were going to be sick. 
“Apparently these are the flowers for March… did you know that?” he’d piped up, and you tore yourself away from your laser focus on the road to see him glancing at the information card placed inside the wrapping, detailing tidbits about the flowers included and what they meant. 
“I didn’t! No wonder I was drawn to them,” you winked, and he gave you a boyish grin before you turned back to the road. 
“It says that once daffodils bloom winter is over, so they’re supposed to be a sign of good news,” he continued reading. God you hoped that was true… “I wonder if my sister knew. I think I’ve told you that these used to be her favorite flowers.”
He had told you. 
“You know, that sounds vaguely familiar,” you tried to laugh, focusing back on the directions your car was displaying, not daring to look at him and put your composure at risk. 
You were almost there… not much longer… You didn’t know if that made you feel better or worse. 
“I’ve been out here before,” he muttered, and you realized he’d been studying you, glancing between your worried expression and the steps your map was giving you. 
“Oh yeah?” 
“We buried my parents out here.” 
You couldn’t look at him. 
Instead, you made a noise of interest, encouraging him to continue and hoping he would ignore that you were not yourself. “My sister was on her summer break, so she took the train out here from Indiana to help me sort everything out. They had everything laid out in the will. Apparently they’d picked out a place before the depression, and had enough money set aside to cover the funeral and all that.”  
You could see him out of your peripherals, his brows raised in concern as he watched you avoid him. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t have to talk about this. I don’t wanna ruin whatever you had planned,” he started, resting one of his hands against your thigh comfortingly. 
“No, no, I’m okay,” you managed, somehow finding it easier to reassure him than it was to do so for yourself. You turned to try and give him a smile, and when your eyes landed on his blue ones your resolve started to crack, resorting to a tight lipped grin instead. “Really, you know I want to hear everything. The good, the bad, and the ugly.” 
He gave you a soft chuckle and shook his head. “That’s a movie reference I’m not getting, isn’t it?” You managed to laugh. 
“Yeah… but it’s old, I think there’s a lot of people who probably don’t get it,” you shrugged, and he gave you one more bright smile before he turned back to the road, and you did the same. 
Not even five minutes later, you were there. 
Canarsie Cemetery. Est. 1843. 
You both saw it at the same time, but when he opened his mouth to speak you turned on your blinker, and he held his tongue. You were positive he could hear your heart beating through your chest as you turned into the drive and found a spot in the almost empty gravel lot just inside the gates. 
“Doll… I don’t…” He started, but he didn’t finish his statement, looking to you for an explanation instead. When you finally turned to face him, you knew he was already starting to piece everything together. 
“Just… just trust me,” you managed, the silence around you making it that much harder to formulate a sentence. 
He gave a small nod. “I always do.” 
You walked up hand in hand, Bucky insistent on holding the flowers in his other hand, your intentions with the flower shop no longer secret. Neither of you said anything as you walked through the tight rows of headstones, but everyone and then he would rub his thumb soothingly across your skin, and you would do that same in return. You were mostly following Bucky, trusting his perfect memory to lead you through the maze of names. 
Mostly. He hadn’t strayed too far from the path you had studied obsessively for the past week. 
He kept your hand interlaced in his while he walked in front of you down one of the rows, his steps slowing as he approached his destination. He came to a stop in front of a combined headstone slightly larger than those around them, and you followed his gaze to read the inscription.
Loving parents, married 1914
George, 1889-1941
Winnifred, 1892-1941
“Not exactly how I imagined I’d be bringing a girl home to meet my folks,” he offered, no doubt trying to make light of the somber atmosphere. 
You cracked a smile and let out a huff of amusement, stepping closer and giving his hand a squeeze. He returned it before letting go, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you in to place a kiss on your forehead. You wrapped your arms around his middle and took a deep breath, the two of you standing like that for a few moments in silence. 
“They would’ve loved you,” Bucky admitted quietly, and you tilted your head up to look at him, his blue eyes trained ahead. “Pop wouldn’t have told you outright, he would have just started a conversation one day and never shut up. Ma would’ve gone crazy.” 
You turned to look back at the gravestone, smiling for a moment when you thought about how that scene might have played out. And then of course a wave of emotion hit you once again, your imagination conjuring up a picture of George Barnes shaking your hand before Winnifred took your face in her hands and wrapped her arms around you. 
“I’m sure I would have loved them, too,” you assured him. He kissed your hairline in response, pulling back just enough to give you a soft smile. 
Bucky looked back over at the headstone one last time before he made to step forward, raising the flowers up so that he could position them at the base. But before he could get too far you put a hand on his chest to stop him. He raised his brows in concern as he looked back at you. 
“Not yet,” you explained, using the distraction to slip out from under his arm. You laced your fingers with his once again and took one step back, a sign for him to follow you. “There’s someone else I want you to see.” 
The detour had been a welcome one, and although it put you a little bit more at ease, it did nothing to calm your racing heart as you led him back out of the row the way you came. Trying to take things slow, you kept glancing back over your shoulder to check on the man following behind you, and every time you did he gave your hand a squeeze as if he was trying to reassure you. 
Maybe you needed it. 
Using one of the names as a guide, you turned to walk along a path a few rows past his parents, your throat constricting as you approached the real reason you had brought him here. One … two… three more steps and you stopped, turning to Bucky to let him know you were here. 
And the second he looked at the gravestone ahead of him, you broke. 
In memory of a beloved sister, wife, and mother. 
Her friendship was an inspiration, her love a blessing. 
Rebecca Proctor, 1920-2012
You watched the confusion cross his features, his brows furrowing for half a second before realization dawned on him. His eyes darted across the epitaph, settling on the engraving of her name and swallowing hard. You felt a tear roll down your cheek as he turned to look at you, melting. 
“Sweetheart…” he cooed, and you shook your head at him to try and communicate ‘I’m okay.’ You weren’t, but this wasn’t about you, it was about him. It was about her. 
“You said you always spent your birthday with your sister, so…” you explained shakily, gesturing towards her as another tear threatened to spill over. 
Before you could try to get anything else out, Bucky took your hands in his large ones and gently wrapped them around his neck. His muscular body engulfed you in a hug, slipping his arms around your waist to hold you tight against him and burying his face into the crook of your neck. And only once you felt him settle did you release an uneven breath. 
“How long have you known?” he asked gently, tracing soothing patterns into your lower back, grounding himself. 
“Do you remember when I had a bad day at work last week, and you gave me a massage when I cam home?”
“Mhmm. You didn’t want to talk about what happened…” 
“I um, I had this idea. I thought that, if I could find her… I thought that you might be able to see her again.” You were audibly crying now, too far gone to even try and hide it. “I just got so swept up in this picture in my head, I forgot how old you are,” you managed, earning you a choked laugh. “I went looking for her while I was at work, and…” 
You didn’t have to say anything more. Bucky gripped you impossibly tighter, and you did the same, one hand on the back of his head as you clung to him. You tried to hold it in, you really did. But the moment you felt his quivered breath fan against your neck, a sob wracked through your body. 
There was nothing more you could do for a few minutes, holding each other while you let your emotions take over you. Your crying was much more audible than his. You couldn’t even be completely sure he was crying, but he was at least giving himself a chance to soak in his emotions with no thought to anyone else. 
By the time you had calmed down, he pulled back just enough to be able to look at you, bringing his thumb up to wipe a stray tear from your cheek. His eyes were noticeably bluer and slightly puffy, the only evidence tears had been shed. 
“I uh… I don’t know if this is overkill. Don’t feel like you have to read it right now,” you started sheepishly, resting your hands against his chest so that you could reach into the purse hanging off your shoulder. “When I was looking for her, I came across these and thought you might like to read ‘em. Just, sort of share a moment with her,” you rambled, fishing out a folded up piece of paper and handing it to him. 
He took it gingerly from you, and you took the bouquet of daffodils out of his hands so that he could focus his attention on unfolding it. And when he did, he took a sharp intake, coming face to face with the digital newspaper clippings you had found in your search. 
“Rebecca Barnes Graduates From Indiana State University. Distinguished as one of the top students of her class of 1943, Miss Barnes – from Brooklyn, New York – graduates with all honors, earning a Bachelor's degree in Nursing…” 
“Rebecca Barnes Completes Plans For Wedding. The marriage of Miss Rebecca Barnes and Mr. Lawrence Proctor will be an event for Sunday, June 15 1947. Miss Barnes’ dress will be…”
“Mr. And Mrs. Proctor Welcome First Child. Lawrence and Rebecca Proctor bring their first son, James Thomas Proctor, into the world…”
“Proctor Family Hosts A Lovely Party. Mr. Lawrence and Mrs. Rebecca Proctor hosted a wonderful garden party at their home this Saturday with their three children – James, Joann, and Jack – to kick off the summer festivities…” 
Her whole life… he had pieces of her entire life in his hands. Things he thought he’d never get to learn about his sister, things he thought would be lost to time. She graduated with honors, got married, had kids… Rebecca had gotten everything she’d ever wanted. 
“Thank you,” he managed, holding the paper like his life depended on it as he looked up at you, the tears already starting to well back up in your eyes. 
“Happy birthday, Bucky,” you said softly, resting your hand on his arm as you stood on your toes to kiss his cheek. You didn’t go far, linking your arm with his and resting your head on his shoulder. And while his eyes danced between Rebecca’s grave and the her children’s names on the paper in his hands, you stood together in silence, giving him a minute to sit with all of the emotions swimming through his head. 
He wasn’t even sure he knew how to make sense of it all. There were feelings leftover from when his parents had died in the accident, feelings he thought he wouldn’t be affected by so many years later. Though maybe he hadn’t had enough time to truly process it all before he was swept up in a war that changed his life far more than he could have ever guessed. 
Rebecca… he wasn’t quite sure he had even given himself the chance to grieve. Once he came out of Hydra’s hold, he assumed the only person he had left was Steve, and hadn’t let himself dwell on anyone else he’d lost. And while technically that was true, it wasn’t until his neighbor started asking about his sister that he let himself wonder about Rebecca and the life she had created. Until today, she had existed as very little but a fleeting memory in his mind. 
Now, she was a real person again. All grown up and happy, having left behind a legacy all her own. 
He had you to thank for that. 
You had brought his sister back to him. You and all the waves of emotions he felt when he thought of you. The way his skin anticipated your touch, longed for it. Your voice calmed the noise in his head, and his hands felt whole when you were in them. Your hearts reached for each other, pulling him to you by some invisible force… 
“Hey,” you whispered, pulling him out of his thoughts. He had no idea how long you two had been standing there; it could have been a few moments or a few hours, he wouldn’t have known. But when he met your gaze, your soft smile put him at ease. “I’m gonna go wait by the car, give you a minute alone with them.” You nodded towards Rebecca to illustrate your point as you rubbed gentle circles into his bicep. 
“M’kay… I won’t be long, I promise,” he assured you, his voice crackling with the lack of use. 
“I’m not rushing you, take your time,” you said warmly, and he nodded in acknowledgement. He folded up the page with all your clippings and tucked it into his back pocket as you stepped in front of him to slot yourself in his arms. You were gentle as you got up on your toes and lifted on arm around his neck, the flowers still secure in your other one as you went to give him a kiss. 
Bucky, however, was overtaken by his emotions the second your lips had met his in what was supposed to be a sweet kiss. He needed you under his skin, wrapping his arms around you to hold you firm to his body, pouring his soul into you as he kissed you back. It was hungry, desperate, but not in the same lustful way he had the day before. That was the last thing on his mind. He was consumed by his need for you in its most genuine form. 
You were both panting when he finally released you, resting your foreheads against each other as he came back down to earth. You tilted your head to nudge his nose with yours, giving him one more chaste kiss before stepping back. You squeezed his hand before removing it, placing the bouquet of daffodils there instead and removing a handful from the bunch. With one more reassuring smile, you were on your way. 
All he could do was watch you for a moment, walking gingerly through the rows of headstones and gracing each of them with a moment of your kind consideration, like you saw each name for the person it represented and their story. He should have been able to guess your intentions, but instead he watched in awe as you returned to his parents headstone, and – like the wonderful woman he knew you were – set the flowers you had taken below their names. 
You were speaking as you rested a hand gently over the tall stone, but he couldn’t hear you no matter how hard he tried. 
Which meant you wouldn’t be able to hear him either. 
“She’s really something, Becca,” he sighed, tearing his eyes away from you to look back down at his sister. 
Rebecca Proctor… he’d have to adjust to that. He spared a glance to the right to see her husband – Lawrence, apparently – beside her, the dates signifying that she had passed first. At least that was one more heartbreak she didn’t have to suffer through. 
Bucky crouched down to be eye level with her epitaph before he kept speaking, fiddling with the bundle of flowers in his hands. “You would’ve loved her, I know it. You would have done that thing where you tried to steal her away from me, claim that she was your new best friend. She asks about you so often, sometimes I think she might’ve let you,” he laughed, imagining you all dolled up while engaged in a sort of custody battle between the two of them. 
“You told me once, when you were being mean, that you didn’t think I could fall in love. And at the time, I didn’t care whether it was true or not. But after everything that’s happened… I started to think that you were right, maybe that just wasn’t in the cards for me.” He spared a glance back over to you, seeing you walk away from his parents and turn towards the entrance where you would wait for him, passing slowly to read names as you went. 
His heart shot up into his throat. 
“She proved us both wrong, Becca. I’m in love with her.” It felt right coming out of his mouth, wrapping him in a warmth he had yet to feel in years, a warmth he’d gotten glimpses of in the past few weeks with you. And as he set the bouquet of yellow flowers, ones you picked out specifically for this moment, he knew it was true. 
Bucky loved you. Wholly, profoundly, endlessly. 
He loved you when he walked back out the front gates to find you leaning against the car waiting for him. You hugged him tight and made no attempt to rush him away, almost hesitant to leave yourself. 
He loved you when you sang the wrong words to a song on the radio he’d never heard before. You lit up as you danced along the best you could while driving, and he knew it would become one of his favorites. 
He loved you when you were stopped in stand-still traffic, a slew of colorful expletives leaving your soft lips. He kissed the angry expression off your face when someone managed to cut you off in the slow moving chaos, and soaked up the bashful smile that replaced it. 
He loved you when he took your suitcase out of the car, and you fought him about carrying it inside. You didn’t win, he was far more stubborn than you were, but he chuckled to himself when you grumbled about “fairness” as you unlocked your apartment to let him in behind you. 
He loved you when your cold hands trailed up under the hem of his undershirt, giving him an innocent smile as you urged him to take it off so you could wear it to bed. That would be another one he would find “accidentally” placed in your pajama drawer instead of the one he’d started to fill with his own clothes. 
He loved you when you cuddled up close to him in bed, sharing soft kisses and quiet words in the darkness. Your legs tangled with his, cold feet tickling his skin while you informed him he ran hot like a furnace. 
And when you finally fell asleep, he watched contentedly as your pretty features relaxed and your breathing slowed. He was captivated by your very presence, awed by the hold you had on his heart. In that moment he knew that – if for no other reason – this was why he was here. You were his silver lining, the reason for this over-extended life he’d been given. This life with you, this love for you, made everything he’d ever gone through make sense. 
Bucky drifted off to sleep feeling lighter than he had in a long time, his entire world curled up peacefully on his chest. 
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Thanks for reading!! If you’d like to be notified when I post a new fic, be sure to follow @writerlyhabits-library + turn on post notifications! 💛
Masterlist | Ch. 12 | Ch. 14
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sminiac · 8 months
i forgot you write for p1harmony! with that being said can i ask for a "bf intak" please? tysm if you do write something :D <3
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⋆ Hwang Intak + Reader
💌 — Bf!Intak I’m sobbing, ofc love!!
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Bf!Intak gives off older brothers best-friend that you’ve been secretly admiring from an adequate distance, at least enough to keep it out of your brothers own shortsightedness although the mutual interest is quite painfully obvious to any outsiders perspective, and Intak to your surprise was more aware of your presence than you could’ve anticipated, maybe being stupidly unaware of your surroundings was hereditary?
Ex: Just a lil thought- but sneaking around with Intak, sharing short lived kisses when everyone else leaves the room, always trying to keep you to himself for as long as he can with a beckoning hand on your waist and a tender hold at your jaw as he pulls you into his lap. Having to stop him despite aching to do more, to be his for just a little while longer, but the fear of being caught, picked apart until you’re left spilling the mess of details that make up your arrangement out from your mouth and to your feet is terrifying. Especially if it’s your brother.
Bf!Intak who would be relentlessly teased by his members about how he always somehow manages to keep you within arms reach whenever you’re around, how pliable he becomes in your presence, so easily swayed, instigating chaos wherever the two of you go. He’s like your “partner in crime.” Keeho would explain it, but quite literally due to how easily you enable eachother.
Bf!Intak who isn’t hesitant about coming to you when he’s failing miserably at multitasking, which initially you thought was quite silly since that’s literally a highlight in his job description, but you help him where you can, when you can.
Ex: He’d be so cute trying to focus on one thing whilst simultaneously trying to also pay attention to another, inevitably giving up from his frustrations, asking for your help with a frazzled pout that he doesn’t realize has found its way onto his face. If he’s anything like me (#mybdaytwin😝) and doesn’t like being shown what to do then you’d have to make up for the tedious process in kisses. Just wants your lips on his, all over him all the time.
Bf!Intak who undoubtedly developed an almost irreversible habit of slapping your ass or grabbing at you… like it’s bad, really bad. He’s just such a hands on guy, so implementing a rule that he can’t touch you inappropriately in public is something he’d struggle immensely with.
Ex: Needs an incentive to keep his hands to himself, and the way you apply lipgloss is starting to kick his brain into thinking about things that makes it even harder to restrain himself from touching you the way he wants to.
Bf!Intak who finds entertainment in dressing you up in his clothes, goes out of his way to pick out the most ‘masculine’ looking pieces he owns so that you’re really a mini Intak. Takes so many silly pictures of you, has the most endearing laugh ever and being able to hear it while he’s telling you how cute you look is so 🫠
Bf!Intak who has a playlist full of your music and frequently listens to it to try and memorize your current favorite songs so the two of you can bond even more. Adds a few of his current on repeat tracks, a few that you can find a personal meaning behind when listening carefully to the songs.
Bf!Intak who is the type of boyfriend that likes doing absolutely nothing with you, frequently messages you asking of you to come over just to nap together because he misses the feeling of being able to squish your warm thighs as he fall asleep. Likes slipping his hand between them and insisting he keeps it there moments before he crashes out.
Ex: Likes being babied when cuddling, melts from the soft tone of voice you use when speaking to only him, a certain lightness to it as to not disturb the sleep that’s thick in the atmosphere of his room. A favorite sleeping position of his is when his heads on your chest and your fingers are playing with his hair, placing gentle kisses to his forehead as a reminder that you’re still aware of his place on you.
NSFW under the cut! MDNI.
Bf!Intak who for suuure has riding as one of his favorite sex positions, because there’s no way it isn’t??? And remember the bad at multitasking bit? Yeah same thing applies here, he’s either focused on fucking up into you, his grip firm on your hips that aid you in bouncing on his cock, or his mouth is running, praising, a lick of some tame degradation thrown in, only goes so far as to remind you of what a mess you’ve made on him, that he likes it, wants you to continue.
Bf!Intak who can finally slap your ass to his hearts content once he’s finally, finally got you alone, just loves something about the sound of his palm striking your skin, watching the short lived ripple that disappears into your body. “Missed your pussy- such a, fuck- long flight ‘nd all I could think ‘f was fucking you.”
Bf!Intak who likes seeing you all prettied up just for him to completely ruin you, smearing the tinted product on your lips as his thumb pulls at the bottom, leaving a fingerprint behind on your jaw as he forces you to watch through the mirror as he fucks into you from behind with an unforgiving pace that’ll surely leave your legs feeling weak under your weight once attempting to stand on your own two feet again.
Bf!Intak who isn’t shy about sending a nude or two when he feels like it,, which is almost always so there’s definitely more than just photos to look at, has to make sure his sweet girl has all the visuals + all the filthy sounds.
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janetbrown711 · 2 years
Anxiously Waiting
The Warner Family remains anxious as to what the queen plans to do after Lena's confrontation
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9
Ao3 Link
The royal family had been on the edge of their seats in anxiety ever since the day Angelina locked Wakko up in the tower.
Well- that wasn’t entirely correct. Dot seemed blissfully unaware of the tension surrounding her due to her barely-not-a-toddler levels of social skills, and Wakko was trying his best to just enjoy the fact he didn’t have to stay in that tower any longer than he already had anymore. His and Dot’s spirits were admirable, but the rest of the family simply couldn’t share the same feelings.
Lena had been practically pacing 24/7 ever since her conversation with her mother, of which she refused to give the kids details about, but from how easily her worry spread to their father, and the massive bruise on her face she tried so very very hard to cover with makeup, it was safe to say it went very poorly. She was constantly checking up on them, making sure to keep a special eye out for Wakko, of whom Yakko was pretty sure she never let out of her sight anymore.
William had been nervous too. He was off at the training stations at night far more often than he used to, practicing his sword fighting. This effort failed him, however, when he sprained his arm from overworking it. Without his main source of stress relief, it became very clear something was eating him alive, and Yakko wished his parents trusted him enough to tell so he could help. He was the eldest brother, after all, he was supposed to help watch over his sibs too.
Yakko was anxious because of his parent’s anxieties, the fact they wouldn’t tell him what was going on, and a mysterious letter he had caught a glimpse of at his last lesson.
He had arrived early to his grandmother’s study, and she must’ve been writing to someone right before he came because she left a letter to dry there. Yakko only caught a glimpse, but recalled it saying:
“…they are the priority. However, if the younger were to be lost in the chaos, I wouldn’t mind in the slightest-” and his grandmother snatched it from his hands before he could read further.
Yakko wished he hadn’t started reading it from the middle, because he couldn’t make sense of it. It sounded ominous, but not wanting to stress out his parents any more than they clearly were, he kept it to himself, figuring he was smart enough that he’d decode it eventually.
He was pretty sure his parents could tell how tense he was, because they kept patting and rubbing his back and assuring him things would be fine, but the bruise on his mother’s face refused to let him believe that.
“Alright kiddos, it’s past your bedtime, let’s pack it up,” Lena looked at the clock in the playroom. Wakko and Dot groaned in protest.
“C’mon, you heard her, you two,” Yakko rolled his eyes and assisted his younger siblings in cleaning up. Slowly but surely the Warner siblings successfully cleaned up and put everything back in its place, before tiredly dragging themselves to their bedroom.
Wakko went straight to his and Yakko’s room, and Yakko was pretty sure he was out cold once he hit his bed.
Yakko however, lingered by Dot’s bedroom, cracking open the door just a little so he could listen in on the conversation the two were having.
“Mommy, are you okay?” Dot asked.
“Of course, dear, whatever would make you think that,” his mother said as she tucked in his little sister. Dot reached up, and her hand hovered over her bruise.
“I’m fine, Dottie, it’s okay. You don’t need to worry about me, you need to get to bed,” Lena booped her nose.
“I want a lullaby,” Dot said, sitting upright in the bed.
“Ah ah, what do we say?” Lena scolded lightly.
“May I have a lullaby… please?” Dot said. Lena nodded.
“Let’s see now…” His mother thought to herself, tapping a finger on her chin.
She then proceeded to sing a lullaby he was very familiar with– The Wanderer’s Lullaby. It was certainly fitting with how tense everything felt right now, and frankly even if it wasn’t, Yakko liked hearing it anyways. His mother was the best singer he knew.
“Goodnight, Dot. I love you very much,” She said, pausing for a response, but Dot was fast asleep, as was the plan. Lena smiled softly before taking her candle and heading toward the door. Yakko panicked and started to run back to his room.
“Yakko, I know you were listening,” Lena said as she closed the door to Dot’s room.
“Sorry, sorry, I know– I’ll go to bed now,” He apologized and continued on his way.
“Stop it right there mister,” Lena ordered, and Yakko stopped dead in his tracks. his mother approached him slowly.
“You’ve been so anxious, Yakko. I’m worried about you,” she put a hand on his shoulder.
“Well– so have you,” Yakko shrugged.
“Yakko, you’re so much younger than you realize… you’re barely twelve, for crying out loud. Our burdens should not be your burdens too,” she stroked his cheek.
“But I wanna help,” he frowned.
“You help out in many meaningful ways, Yakko, but worrying yourself to death isn’t going to do any of us any good,” Lena said. “We need you to take care of yourself, alright?”
Yakko thought long and hard about that.
“But I want to help you with grandma stuff too,” he said. Lena sighed softly.
“I know honey… but for now, the best way to help is to take care of yourself. Try to get some sleep, alright?” She gave him a weak smile. Yakko bit his lip.
“I can try,” was all he promised, which was good enough for the tired princess. Lena gave Yakko a soft kiss on the head.
“Goodnight honey,” She said.
“Goodnight, mom,” He replied, and before he knew it, she was gone.
Yakko frowned at his bedroom door. He knew for a fact he was likely to be unable to sleep, so instead, he headed to the family study, which was quite a bit away from him and his sibs room, but he didn’t mind the walk. Once there, he pulled out one of his favorite books, lit a few of the candles, and got to reading.
However, as his eyes scanned the pages, the words from the letter rang in his mind over and over again.
The younger of who? A priority of what? Why wouldn’t she mind? What ‘chaos’? There were simply too many questions in his head.
Perhaps he should have shared them with his mom– that might’ve helped.
Then again, it could also just make her more nervous, which was the last thing he wanted.
He made the right decision.
Yakko wasn’t sure how long he was reading or attempting to do so, but somehow he had managed to fall asleep against the table. However, a loud crash sent him straight up, as his mind scrambled to wake up with his body.
The crash sound faded and for a moment Yakko pondered if he just imagined it. With a sigh, he got up and closed the book before another crashing noise froze him once again.
It came from the opposite direction of him and his sibs rooms, which meant-
His parent’s room.
Yakko heard shouting, swearing, and fighting of all sorts. He ran to the door to open it, but realized that might not be the best idea– but there wasn’t really any other way out.
He pressed his ear against the door– he heard a muffled voice that sounded half-familiar, but the group must’ve split or something because one half went in the direction away from both his sibs’ room and his parent’s room, whereas the other went down the path to his parent’s room–
Once the voices got far enough away, Yakko didn’t hesitate to swing the door open and run. He had to find his mom and dad- he had to make sure they were okay.
It wasn’t hard to follow the mob, as they left a path of destruction behind. Shattered glass, torn-down curtains, mud, and other filth on the carpets. Yakko stayed focused on finding his parents above everything else.
Yakko dashed around corners, around furniture, and under a few tables when he thought he might be caught.
However, he was moving so fast, he could hardly stop himself when he dashed around a corner and one of the men saw him, and grabbed him before Yakko could even think to turn around.
“You the little princey we’re lookin’ for?” He laughed, spitting in his face.
“Let me go!” Yakko demanded, but of course the man didn’t. Instead, he kicked him down, and dragged him down to the end of the hall where he saw-
“Mom!!!” Yakko shouted.
His mother looked awful. Her fur was disheveled, she had a boot mark on her face, and a horrible gash on her shoulder that was truly gruesome to look at. Her wrists were tied in front of her with rope that looked like it had to be extremely uncomfortable. But her eyes– god– they were quivering with pure terror when they met Yakko’s.
“Let him go! It’s me you want, not him,” Lena pleaded, quickly breaking the eye contact.
“Wh-what? What’s going on?!” Yakko thrashed against the man holding him.
“Not so fast, your highness,” one said in a mocking tone. “We were told one of ‘em could be collected as a bonus.”
“Please. I’ll do anything- just let him go,” She pleaded.
“Mom, no! Y-you can’t give up– I-i wanna stay with you!” Yakko began to cry.
“No Yakko, your siblings need you,” Lena closed her eyes, unable to bear looking at him.
“But I need you!”
“Yakko? Aren’t we supposed to be lookin’ for a Wakko?” One man said.
It was then the letter’s meaning clicked in his mind.
The younger one. Priority. Chaos.
They were going to come for Wakko.
“We were told to leave the crown prince alone, and get the middle one,” The tallest one smacked the one holding Yakko over the head. The man holding Yakko let him go, and he ran to his mother.
“Other way, stupid,” One of the men snarled at him.
“Mom, I-i’m not leaving you– I-i can’t–” Yakko said.
“You have to. You have to protect Wakko,” Lena put her forehead against his and finally met his eyes again.
“I-i can’t…” He cried.
“Scram or we’ll make you regret it!” The tallest shouted at him.
“Yakko, go,” Lena pleaded and it took Yakko all of his strength to tear himself away from her and run the other way.
However, he didn’t make it too far, as when he ran he suddenly felt someone hit him in the back of his head with their gun and he was out instantly.
When Yakko finally opened his eyes again, it was morning. He was surrounded by shattered glass, mud, the smell of torches and firewood, and a throbbing headache in the back of his head.
His parents.
Where were they???
Yakko shot up, ignoring the increase in the throb, and immediately began his search, checking every room he went by.
No, not their bedroom… not the bathroom… not the parlor… not the painting room, not the dining hall, not the kitchen, not the lounge room, not the playroom, not the nursery, not the family study, not this bedroom, not the next, not the next, not the-
“Yakko?” Wakko groggily rubbed his eyes.
“Wakko, you’re okay,” Yakko sighed a breath of relief to find out his brother was still in his bed. He immediately ran and hugged him tight.
“What’s the matter?” the half-asleep prince asked.
Yakko’s stomach dropped as he went completely mute, unable to speak even if he wanted to. Instead, he kept silence and got out of his brother’s bed and continued with his checking.
“Hey-! Wait! I wanna help!” Wakko protested his leave, and followed him. Yakko still didn’t say anything, checking Dot’s room quietly.
She was still there too, thank god.
“What’s the matter Yakko? I wanna help,” Wakko said just a tad too loudly, and Dot was awoken.
“Yakko?” She asked, rubbing her eyes too. Yakko still couldn’t get himself to speak, so he continued his search. Wakko shrugged at his little sister, and Dot decided to join her brother in following Yakko.
Yakko didn’t care that they were following, or that they were confused or worried by his silence. He didn’t care they were asking question after question about the state of the castle, and why so many things were destroyed. He needed to find them. His parents had to be okay. They had to be.
Not in his room, not in Dot’s room, not in the laundry room, not in the tailoring room, not in the dressmaker room, not in the storage room, not in the supply room, not in this bedroom, not-
Angelina’s private study.
Maybe she’d have some answers.
Yakko didn’t even knock before going in.
Their grandmother was already completely in black mourning clothes, including a thick black veil that concealed any possible emotions she was feeling.
“Where are they?!” Yakko demanded.
“They’re long gone, Yakko,” she said, not even looking at him.
“Y-y… you’re lying! Th-that’s what you do– you’re a big fat liar!” Yakko refused to accept it.
“Believe what you will, but you won’t find them here,” She said coldly, clutching her handkerchief tightly.
“C’mon, let’s go,” Yakko commanded his younger siblings as he left the room.
“Yakko, who are you talking about? Who are we looking for?” Wakko didn't understand the situation.
Yakko’s mute state returned.
Not in the meeting room, not in the food storage, not in the tower, not in the ballroom, not in the dance lesson room, not in the theater room, not in the foyer-
Yakko saw something shining on the floor. Quickly he bolted down the stairs as fast as he could before he realized-
It was It was the royal broach from his mother’s robe. I-it was never just laying like this– they had to be close– maybe she was even looking for it–! Y-yeah! Maybe that’s all it was–
They had to be here.
“Mommy’s flower…” Dot frowned and went to it, but Yakko held his arm out, not daring to disturb it.
“Yakko, why is mum’s flower here? Where is she?” Wakko asked him.
“Yeah, where’s mommy and daddy? I-I’m scared…” Dot looked up at him.
“they have to be here,” Yakko said to himself, dashing all around to look for them but corner after corner, they were nowhere to be seen.
“P-please– I can’t do this alone…” He whispered weakly as he went back to the center where the broach was.
He looked around the room once more, but his eyes were becoming clouded by tears rapidly filling his eyes. He called out for his parents again, but only a painful echo replied. A sharp dagger plunged into his chest as reality settled in.
Yakko collapsed onto his knees and sobbed.
His parents were gone.
He looked around the room, but his eyes were becoming clouded by tears rapidly filling his eyes. He called out for his parents again, but only a painful echo replied. A sharp wave of pain and numbness washed over him. 
Yakko collapsed onto his knees and sobbed. 
His parents were gone. 
0 notes
moonlight-presence · 2 years
After the fight (Marc Spector X Reader)
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Category: F/M
Fandom: Moon Knight (2022)
Relationship: Marc Spector X Reader
Words: 4 656
Summary: Marc leaves in the middle of the night without any warning, leaving you worried sick. When he does come back, he is covered in blood and exhausted. You confront him about it, and things escalate a bit...
Warnings: Dom Marc Spector, Doggystyle, A bit of bondage, Rough sex, Blood is involved, Oral sex, Teasing, Begging, Dirty talk, Basically Marc being kind of an asshole because he is scared of confrontation
You look outside, the moon is high in the sky and, around it, a sea of stars can be seen. The city of Cairo is quite awake even though it´s around midnight, you can see and hear cars, multiple shops are still open and the noise of the crowds is still very much present.
You have been living in Cairo with Marc for a while now. You are a mercenary, just like him, and your latest mission was to raid an Egyptian tomb. You really didn´t know Marc that well before working with him but, after several months stuck in an apartment together, you got to know him more and more. In fact, a couple of weeks ago, you finally decided to act on your feelings and you two had sex. After that, things stayed the same... You occasionally had sex but nothing more. It was as if Marc was too scared to admit something...
It didn´t really matter, though. This was just a bit of pleasure in the middle of such chaos, nothing more...
But now there you were, worried sick because he decided to leave in the middle of the night without any warning. You normally would not care if he left or not, but now everything was different.
Last week, during the raid, things went a bit sour and now you were forced to stay hidden until further notice. Every time you two left the apartment, you were very careful not to reveal much of your faces or identities... And now he had fucking left in the middle of the night on his own. No warning, no explanation note, nothing.
You looked around the area again and suddenly your eyes caught a man running down the street. You watch as he got closer and then, around 3 men, also appeared behind him, they seemed to be chasing him. You squinted your eyes to try to see better and then, immediately widened them as you realize it was Marc.
You gasped and caught yourself from yelling his name- if you revealed your position, everything would go to shit- so you stayed quiet and observed as Marc ran from the men. He seemed tired but he was quite fast.
You followed him with your eyes and watched as he suddenly turned to his left, his path being interrupted by the rapid action. Marc stopped running and put his body against the wall, his chest heaved as he watched his chasers run down the street, completely unaware that he had changed route.
You sighed in relief and tried to catch his attention but Marc simply looked up at you and then proceeded with his run. He disappeared into the street and you immediately went inside, the crowds were beginning to look around and trying to find somebody to blame for the damage Marc and the men had caused.
You paced around the living room, your heart racing as you thought of what you should do next. Should you go after him? Should you stay quiet and wait for him? Fuck, you had no idea.
This was madness... Pure and stupid madness. What was Marc thinking by going out alone and fighting some random dudes? Who even were they? He was supposed to stay hidden and don´t raise too much attention towards you or him. Stupid bastard... Fuck, you really hope he is okay.
Suddenly, you hear noise in the room where you sleep, and your body freezes. You gulp and then grab the gun that was on top of the table next to you, your hands checking if the weapon had any bullets before aiming the barrel towards the noise.
You begin walking towards the room, your heart racing and your hands shaking as you hear a bunch of noise inside. It seems like somebody has entered the room through the window... Fuck, you should have closed that fucking window.
You hear footsteps approaching the door and then it bursts open, you get ready and hold the gun with more force. You hold your breath and then your body immediately relaxes as you see Marc looking back at you.
He lifts his hands in the air and you start dropping the gun, your eyes scanning his face. He has fresh blood on his face and his hair is a mess, it seems to be covered in sand and dirt. His clothes are also quite ragged and he seems to be quite exhausted... You hated thinking how good he looked because now it wasn´t the time for that.
“Are you fucking nuts?!”, you ask with anger. Marc inhales and shows you an apologetic grin, the gum you didn´t know he was chewing showing around his teeth.
“I can explain...”, he said and you rolled your eyes and dropped the gun to the ground. You were so angry at him but quite relieved he was okay.
“You better start right now! What were you thinking, Marc?! Leaving in the middle of the fucking night without any warning?! Running away from those random guys... Is that blood on your face, too?!”, you ask with urgency and he sighs before cleaning the blood with the back of his hand.
“I know you are confused and scared, and I am sorry, but let me explain before you jump to conclusions, alright?”, he says with an annoyed voice and you arch your eyebrows at his audacity.
This man goes out and fights random people and he is annoyed at you? You begin feeling your blood boil at his words, anger clear in your body language. You stay quiet as Marc walks past you, his steps going towards the kitchen. You hear the freezer open and then you look at him as Marc takes out a bag of ice and puts it on his cheek.
You don´t move, your hands are crossed beneath your breasts and your cheeks are flushed by how hot it is. That was the thing you hated the most about Cairo, it was always really fucking hot...
“So? Are you gonna start talking or?”, you ask as he chews the gum with a cocky smirk on his lips. He doesn´t seem bothered by how annoyed you are and that annoys you even more.
“I have just been in a fight, give me a second okay?”, he says back and you roll your eyes and walk towards him. He doesn´t move as you grab the bag of ice and throw it into the sink.
“Hey, what was that for?!”, he finally says without that stupid cockiness.
“Stop being an asshole, Marc! I was worried sick!”, you say, just inches away from his face. He stares you down with an intense gaze, drops of blood still on his jawline. He smells kind of sweaty, too, but you don´t mind that much.
Fuck, you absolutely hate that even when is beaten up pretty badly, he looks really hot. How can you hold a serious conversation when he is looking at you with those beautiful eyes of his? No, you have to focus for a minute.
“You were?”, he asks with genuine curiosity between chews, “There was no need, okay? It isn´t like I am dead or whatever.”
You open your mouth in shock and then give him a harsh push on his chest making Marc back up a bit. He is quite close to the kitchen balcony but you don´t care as you look up at him with murder in your eyes.
“We are being hunted, you fucking asshole! W-we have to stay hidden or we will get killed! Don´t you understand that?”, you give him another push and another, and he simply backs away with every push, “If you died tonight, I would be fucked, Marc! I-if you died tonight, I-I... Fuck you!”
“Calm down.”, he simply says without any emotions, and you grunt and keep pushing him.
“Calm down my ass! Who were those guys? Why were they chasing you?”, he suddenly hits the balcony and you keep your hands on his sweaty shirt, your fingers trembling on top of his chest.
“They worked for the Egyptian police, okay? I went back to the tomb because of something... It doesn´t matter, they found me before I could do what I wanted.”, he says and you frown at his words.
“Marc, you should have told me... We are in this together, you can´t just run off into a suicide mission because of some secretive shit!”, you state and he tilts his head at your words, you see a brief expression of shock on his face.
“I mean, yeah, I get that but why do you care so much? What if I died, uh? It isn´t like we have something going on between us or whatever...”, he says with a monotonic voice.
You feel your heart tighten at his words, your hands still on his chest as he tries to read your face. You don´t want him to know he just hurt you a lot so you drop your gaze towards the ground. You breathe in and shake your head a bit.
“Whatever, Marc... If you want to get yourself killed, be my fucking guest.”, you whisper and then turn around to leave. However, Marc grabs your waist making you stay quiet, “Let go of me.”
“Why are you acting like this? Y/N, what´s wrong?”, he asks with curiosity as you turn your head to meet his gaze. His hands are soft but quite sticky from the dirt on his fingers.
“Nothing is wrong just...”, you put your hands on his chest again and try to fight that urge to kiss him, “Let me go... Marc... Please.”
“Why? You want to say something, don´t you? Fucking say it.”, he says this but removes his hands from your waist gently- you don´t move away from him.
“Stop trying to fucking read me or whatever. You don´t know me, Marc.”
You feel as he brings his hands up your torso, his fingertips brushing your skin as he reaches your ribcage. You are wearing a loose tank-top, quite thin, so he can still kind of feel your skin as if nothing was covering it. Marc gives you small rubs just beneath your breasts and you feel your body shivering.
“I don´t? Really?”, he smirks cockily and then puts his other hand down your stomach. You suck in a shaky breath as he chews the gum while sneaking his hand inside of your shorts, “I know you are fighting yourself from giving in, right now... I know you like when I do this-”
His fingers find your clit, underneath your panties, and he gives it a small rub making you swallow dryly. His eyes immediately glow at the action and he smiles, the gum now on his left cheek.
“I-I... Fuck you.”, you spit back at him but Marc doesn´t seem bothered by this as he continues circling your clit slowly making your entrance get wetter and wetter.
“Fuck you, uh? If that´s what you want..”, he jokes with a cocky voice and you want to punch him in the face.
You look at him one last time and then curse mentally before grabbing his face and connecting your lips. You moan into his mouth and press your body against his, his hand still on your clit while his other hand stays on the back of your head.
You feel him open his mouth to give you more access and then you lick his tongue slowly, the action making Marc move his hand away from your clit. You whine a bit but he simply moves towards your ass and gives it a harsh grip making you gasp.
“I want you... Fuck, jump.”, he murmurs between your teeth and you arch an eyebrow. He squeezes your ass as if signaling for you to jump and you do so.
He immediately grabs your body as you wrap your thighs around him. He spins you and then you feel the cold balcony hit your thighs as you sit on it. Marc presses his boner against your clothed core and you moan softly making him rub again.
“Can you feel how hard I am for you?”, he asks as if it wasn´t obvious that you could. You are still quite mad at him so you stay quiet making him press again harder this time, “Don´t be a brat, answer me.”
“No.”, you say and he arches an eyebrow at your words. You know you have fucked up when you feel him growing very serious.
“Oh? You wanna be like that, okay then...”, he says and then drops to his knees. You feel him harshly taking off your shorts, his fingers basically tearing your clothes apart.
You gasp at the roughness and then almost hit your head on the cabinet behind as he presses his mouth against your clit. You part your thighs on the balcony and feel him suck and lick your sex. Marc puts his hands on your thighs and holds them in place, his mouth working on you with precision and roughness. You moan his name and close your eyes at the immense pleasure you are feeling.
“Oh fuck... Ah... Oh my God...”, you whisper as he licks a long stripe from your clit all the way down to your leaking entrance.
Marc circles his tongue on your tight hole slowly and you bite your lip before bucking your hips towards his mouth. He groans in a filthy way and you feel his nose rub against your flushed bud as he enters you with his tongue.
The blood on his cheeks starts dirtying your thighs a bit but you don´t mind. Something about being covered in dirt and sweat makes the whole experience better.
Marc starts fucking you with his tongue at a fast pace and you let out another moan, your heart racing as he devours you. You know you are getting close so you grab his curls and gently pull at them with pleasure.
“Fuck... Marc, I am gonna cum... Just like that.”, you whisper and then feel that wave of pleasure almost hitting you.
Before you can drown in it, Marc pulls his tongue out making you open your eyes. You see him smirking at you and you tug his hair gently, the gesture making Marc shake his head and get up.
“Uh-Uh, you aren´t in control tonight... Open your mouth.”, you think about it and then do as he tells you.
You watch as he puts the gum on the tip of his tongue and then drops it inside of your mouth. You widen your eyes but start chewing on it before it falls down your throat by accident.
“Hold that for me, will you?”, he pats your head like a dog and you shake your head at him while a small smile appears on your lips. Why does he have to be funny, too? It isn´t fair.
You feel him smirk up at you while you chew his gum and then he puts his hands on the hem of your tank top. You watch as he lifts it from your torso and soon you are completely naked on top of the kitchen balcony. He scans your body up and down with hunger in his eyes.
You lick your lip and part your thighs wider to give him a better view. This seems to make him curse under his breath and palm his cock gently. You look at how his pants are tighter than usual around his crotch and then Marc puts his fingers on your chin and makes you look up at him.
“You know how good I am gonna fuck you tonight?”, he asks with a whisper. You slowly shake your head and he grabs your wrist and guides it towards his erection, “Can you feel how much I want you?”
You give his cock a slight squeeze making him suck in a breath and then you smirk at him. Marc´s face becomes very serious and, without any warning, he grabs your body and takes you off the balcony. He quickly spins your waist so you are facing the wall, your stomach against the counter as he puts his crotch against your ass.
“You aren´t being very good tonight... Arguing with me, not obeying my orders... Touching my cock like that...”, he makes a disappointed sound with his mouth, his breath against your ear and his hands on your throat.
“Yeah? Do something about it then.”, you spit back with confidence. Marc grips your throat with a little more force making you throw your head against his shoulder and then you feel his other hand go down your body, towards your burning core.
“You are gonna wish you hadn´t said that...”, he whispers again in a way that makes your stomach curl. You suck in a breath as he loosens up the grip and then turns your head so he can give you a messy kiss.
You gasp into his mouth as you feel his tongue grab the gum and guide it back into his mouth. While he does this, his fingers find your clit again and he starts rubbing small circles. You moan into his mouth and Marc pulls away from you, his gum between his teeth again.
“I am gonna do vile things to you, baby... I am gonna fuck you until you have some manners.”, he teases between each small circle of your clit. You watch his jawline clench with every chew, his eyes dark with lust... Fuck, you never wanted him so badly before.
“Then do it.”, you tease him back and Marc stops rubbing your clit and immediately begins to unbuckle his pants.
You shiver with anticipation as he drops his pants to the floor and then takes out his hard cock, the tip is already wet against your ass. You moan a bit at the contact and then he puts his hands on your back.
He pushes your torso down and you obey while putting your hands on the counter. He puts his foot between your ankles for you to spread your thighs and you do so, the action making your wetness almost drip down your legs. You can feel your clitoris throb with want.
“Look at this fucking pussy... So wet. So fucking filthy, uh?”, he teases you while gently rubbing your ass. You look behind but he grabs your head and forces your head still, “Did I permit you to look at me? Stay quiet.”
You groan in frustration but look at the wall, your arms trembling as you hold your body up. You feel Marc circle your entrance with the head of his cock and you bite your lip. You really want him to fuck you soon.
“Fucking hurry up...”, you say without really thinking and Marc freezes. You feel the grip on your hair get tighter and that´s when you feel it.
Marc pushes his entire cock inside of you, the action making you arch your back and let out a loud gasp. You don´t even have time to adjust to his size as he begins fucking you roughly, every thrust giving you a mixture of pain and pleasure.
He tugs your hair roughly and his other hand goes to your waist to guide you better. You really want to see his face but all you can do is stay quiet and hear him moan gently. He makes little noises of pleasure that make you go insane but you just close your eyes and take it.
It´s been a while since he had fucked you this roughly and you didn't realize how much you missed it.
“You like that, uh? You like when I fuck you like the brat you are?”, he asks and you moan his name and nod softly.
He harshly pulls your hair and then your whole head moves towards his shoulder again. The change of position makes his cock reach deeper places inside of you and all you can do is moan and whimper a bit. It feels absolutely overwhelming but you are loving it.
You open your eyes and watch as he puts his hand on the cuts on his face. He cleans the blood with his fingers and you don´t understand what he is doing but then you realize his actions as he brings his bloodied fingers towards your breasts. You watch as he cleans the fresh blood on your skin, the image absolutely vile, and you can´t help but moan.
Marc groans against your ear and thrusts harder and harder, his cock almost shivering inside of your tight walls. You look down at the lines of blood around your breasts and then whimper as Marc grabs your boob and squeezes it roughly.
He rolls your nipple and you feel a new wave of pleasure go through you. It´s absolutely insane how good you feel... Everything is on the edge. Your senses are tuned to the maximum, your body is burning hot, your lungs are struggling for air... It´s pure chaos that you can´t escape.
“Am I fucking you good?”, he asks between breathy moans. You bite your lip and nod making Marc go in deeper, “Answer me!”
“Y-yes... Oh my God, yes...”, you moan and he smirks before moving to your other breast.
“Who do you belong to? I want you to tell me.”, he orders and you swallow as he pinches your other nipple.
“I belong to y-you... Fuck... You feel so good, oh my God.”, you praise him, your mind too drunk on pleasure to think clearly. You should be mad at him but, right now, you just want to cum.
“You wanna cum?”, he asks, and then his hand goes down towards your clit. You actually let out a scream when his fingers meet your flushed bud and Marc digs his teeth into your neck.
“Y-yes! Please...”, you beg as he sucks on your skin with roughness. Marc gives the area a gentle lick before shoving your head down again making you stay in the original position once more.
Your head nearly hits the cabinet in front of you but you manage to hold firm. It´s getting quite hard to stay still considering every thrust nearly makes you move two meters.
“Give me your hands. Now.”, he orders and you let out another moan and do as he tells you. You give him your right wrist first and he holds it harshly before gripping your left arm.
Soon, you have nothing to hold onto as he keeps your body up with his grip on your wrists. The position is making your body ache but you are too high on pleasure to care.
“L-let me cum... P-please...”, you beg with a shaky voice.
“I will think about it...”, he says and you let out a loud grunt of frustration, “Say you are sorry. Fucking apologize to me and I will consider letting you cum.”
“Fuck...I-I am sorry... Marc, baby, come on...”, you beg and he fastens his pace. You arch your back at the sudden change of speed and try to fight back the tears that are forming in your eyes. You want to cum so badly.
“For what? Fuck...”, he moans as he feels you tighten around his member. You can feel he is getting close too.
“F-fuck... Sorry for t-talking to you like that... Oh my God...”, you aren´t thinking clearly. You aren´t even sure if you should be apologizing, but you do it to cum. You would do anything right now just to feel that sweet release.
“Hum...”, he simply says and you want to fucking turn around and kick him in the balls but you endure this torture for a little bit longer.
His hands are on your waist, your body dripping sweat, and your heart racing beyond your control. You are on the edge of a cliff, just inches away from falling but he is holding you down. He has the control and he decides when you fall.
“You don´t understand how pretty you look right now... So tight for me. So fucking good for me...”, he praises and you nod rapidly. He does know how to make your stomach flutter, you will give him that.
“Y-yes, so good for you... Marc, please... I can´t hold it any longer. I wanna cum around your cock.”, you tease with filthy words making him curse. You know that is going to make him break.
“So fucking hot. Okay, baby, I think I accept your apology... You can cum. Cum for me.”, he says and you moan in relief and then let yourself go.
You feel your whole body shake with your orgasm, your thighs trembling and your walls contracting around his shaft. You moan his name over and over again, your vision blurry and your ears ringing with the shock. You don´t feel anything except pleasure and it´s absolutely chaotic.
But it feels like Heaven on Earth...
“F-fuck...”, he curses and then he stills inside of you and starts cumming.
You give him a weak moan as you feel his seed fill you up, it´s hot and creates a new sensation on your body. Your legs are about to give out but you do manage to stay in position. All those months of training are finally paying off.
Marc gives you another slow thrust and then stops moving, his shaky breath fills the room as you sense him massaging your back. He gently removes his grip on your wrists and you almost fall.
He catches your body and holds you still while you feel him pull himself off of you. Marc kisses your back and then you turn around slowly to meet his eyes.
“That was... Fuck, I can hardly walk.”, you confess with a small laugh. Marc chuckles and then grabs your legs, your arms going to his neck for support as he carries you towards your bed.
He gently puts you down and you give him a soft smile. His pants are already pulled up again, he must have pulled them up while you were trying to stand up, and his messy hair is now filled with sweat. Despite all of this, he looks so pretty... Absolutely beautiful.
You look down at the dried blood on your breasts and nearly moan at the sight. It looks like he has marked you and, for some reason, that turns you on.
“Get some rest, okay? I am gonna bring you some towels and your clothes.”, he informs but you grab his hand making him look at you.
“Lay with me? Please...”, you ask and he stares at you for a while before doing what you proposed.
You feel him move next to you and you put your head towards his chest, both of you smelling like sex. It´s such a strong mixture of smells but you love it... It feels personal.
You lay there for a while and then Marc speaks, his fingers are brushing your arm gently, “I am sorry... I shouldn´t have said those things to you or left without any warning...”
“It´s okay..”, you say back and he looks down at you, his tired eyes scanning your face.
“No, it´s not... You deserve better than this, Y/N. Much better...”, something about his words makes your heart tighten but you don´t say anything.
Instead, you close your eyes and enjoy this small moment with him. It has been a while since you have felt such peace... Fuck, you have missed this.
In the morning you know things will be a mess again, but you choose not to think about it. You want to enjoy every small moment you have with him before it´s all over... So, right now, all you care about is the way his fingers seem to melt into your skin.
So soft, so gentle... You wish you could feel him forever. You really do...
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slasherhaven · 4 years
HI, I discover your blog and i really love it. i dont know if youre already done it but could you do how the slasher would react to dreaming about they killed their s/o and wake up finding his s/o peacefully asleep next to them? im pretty curious (and sorry for my english :,3)
The Slashers having a dream were they kill you:
Thomas Hewitt 
It was horrible and he woke up feeling sick.
In the dream you had been terrified of him, pleading with him to let you go, but you didn’t seem to recognise him. He didn’t recognise you either, you were just the next victim in the basement. Just a job. He woke up just as his dream self killed you.
He panicked, suddenly terrified of losing you, needing to see you.
But there you were, where you always were at night, practically laying on his chest, sleeping peacefully. You even had a small smile on your face. Nothing like in the dream.
He didn’t want to wake you, he knew it was just a dream but it had really shaken him. So, he just wrapped his arms around you tighter, holding you close and refusing to let go as he buried his face into your hair.
He loved you so much, he didn’t want you to get hurt, and the thought of being the thing that hurt you killed him inside.
“Tommy, are you alright?” you asked quietly, barely even awake. Still, it made him jump a little, he didn’t mean to wake you.
He just nodded, making you smile to yourself as you cuddled up to him some more, placing a light kiss on his chest before falling back to sleep.
Michael Myers
He hadn’t even realised it was a dream at first, he was stalking a house like he usually did, targeting the person inside. But then he realised that the house was his own, the one he now shared with you, and the victim inside was you. That didn’t seem to stop him though, he found his way into the house, taking you by surprise and driving his knife into your stomach.
You had looked up at him with wide eyes, hands clutching his arms. “Michael?” you sounded scared, betrayed...it wasn’t an image he would soon forget.
But then he woke up, finding himself in your shared bedroom, looking up at the ceiling of the dimly lit room.
It felt so...real...
He sat up and looked down at your place on the bed, finding you sleeping peacefully, unaware of the inner turmoil he was feeling. He did not like this feeling.
Killing somebody had never once left a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach but this did. If he killed you, you would be gone forever, and that was something that unsettled him more than he would like to admit.
You were sleeping deeply, so he luckily didn’t wake you up. He didn’t want to have to explain himself to you if you found him laying back down, shifting closer, and wrapping an arm around you, holding your body closer to his. He focused on your breathing and your warmth.
Maybe he was only just realising it but now, for once, he had something to lose.
Jason Voorhees
The dream was horrible. The scream, the blood, your limp body. You had been so afraid, so afraid of him, and he had killed you mercilessly, something he couldn’t even consider doing in reality. You had screamed before choking as the machete hit you. Jason had lowered you to the ground, your hand raising and leaving a bloody handprint on his mask before falling limp, the light leaving your eyes. You were gone...
And that was when Jason woke up, eyes wide and panicked.
The first thing he did was look for you, reaching out to touch you. Finding you sleeping soundly in his embrace.
You were here, alive and happy. Sleeping by his side, completely unafraid of him.
He didn’t want to wake you, he just wanted to hold you. So, he did. 
He couldn’t help but tear up as he held you. It had all felt so real, for a moment he really thought he had lost you and it was painful, it had broken his heart before he realised that none of it was real. He wouldn’t be able to get that vision out of his head, of him stained in your blood...
You would wake up the next morning held in a tight embrace with Jason’s face buried in your hair, refusing to let you go.
Brahms Heelshire 
In the dream, you had been busy and he was having a tantrum. You tried to shush him while getting on with the work you needed to do, but you kept denying him, ignoring him, telling him to give you a moment. Then you shouted at him. And then there was blood...so much blood. One moment Brahms had stabbed you, the next he was trying to stop the bleeding, begging you to stop. He couldn’t stop it, and he saw you die.
He woke up, shooting up straight in the bed, breathing heavily with tears in his eyes.
He was absolutely panicked. He hadn’t done that right? No, he couldn’t do that!
Frantically looking around, he saw you sleeping beside him, having clearly been disturbed by his sudden movement.
You woke up a little, sleepily asking if he was okay. He swallowed the lump in his throat before laying back down, cuddling up to you, holding you like his own personal teddy bear.
“I’m sorry, Y/n. I wouldn’t ever hurt you. I’ll be good” Brahms promised you, the pain obvious in his voice.
“Of course you wouldn’t, Brahms. You’re a good boy. Why are you saying these things?” you asked but he just buried his face into the crook of your neck. “Bad dream?” you asked and he nodded. You sighed before petting his hair, slowly lulling him back to sleep before joining him.
The next day he would be on his absolute best behaviour, he couldn’t do enough for you. He would also be extra clingy, not letting you out of his sight for a moment.
Bo Sinclair
Bo had his fair share of bad dreams, he just wasn’t very open about them, but you knew. This dream was different though, it wasn’t about his childhood, it was of present day. He was taunting you as you begged him to let you go, promising to do whatever he wanted, asking him why he was doing this. But he only laughed at you, not caring, all before killing you. Watching the life leave your eyes as you reached out to hold onto him, your hand wrapping tightly around his wrist as you feel to the ground.
Bo woke up suddenly with an uncomfortable feeling in his chest. It was a dream, he reminded himself, chastising himself for being so pathetic.
Then he felt you shift beside him, moving closer and getting his attention. Bo looked down at you and slowly felt that feeling in his chest fade, replaced by warmth.
You were alive and well, and sleeping peacefully right beside him.
He wrapped his arm around you, letting you cuddle up to him some more. 
He wasn’t going to wake you up because he didn’t was to share the dream with you, not just yet anyway.
For now, he was quite happy to just lay with you and hopefully get some more sleep.
Vincent Sinclair
Everything had happened so fast in the dream. A new group of victims had come into town and Bo had sent him after them. He did, as he always did, finally catching up to the last victim, stabbing them, killing them. Only then did he realise that it was you, looking up at him in horror, your blood coating his hands.
Vincent woke up breathing heavily, eye wide as he tried to ground himself back in reality.
He instantly looked to you, gradually calming down as he watched your body rise and fall with steady breaths.
He didn’t want to wake you up or disturb you, he just needed some comfort.
He carefully shifted closer to you, wrapping an arm around you and pressing his chest to your back, nuzzling his face against your hair.
He felt a tear threatening to fall and he just allowed it, as long as he was quiet as to not wake you. 
All he wanted right now was to hold you and calm down. Everything would be alright in the morning, he knew that.
Lester Sinclair
Lester had a bad dream every now and again, just like everyone else, but they had mostly stopped since you started sharing a bed with him. Tonight seemed to be an exception. Lester never did the killing, he brought the victims to the brothers. This was no different. He had taken you into town, handed you right over to the twins, even when you begged him not too, both of you knowing what your fate would be. As Bo walked you away, followed by Vincent, you had looked back at Lester, begging him one more time, a look of complete betrayal and heartbreak on your face.
Lester startled awake, breathing heavily and sweating slightly.
His sudden movement woke you up, making you roll over to face him, rubbing your face sleepily. “Lester? You okay?”
“Y-yeah, just a bad dream...you’re okay, right?” Lester assured you, looking over you as if checking for any injuries.
“Of course I am” you frowned slightly, confused by his question. But he seemed to relax then, joining you in bed again.
“Good...good” Lester sighed as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you towards him as he buried his face into the crook of your neck. You just wrapped your arms around him and held him as the two of you fell back to sleep.
Bubba Sawyer 
It had been an accident in the dream. He was chasing down an intruder, chasing them through the house, nothing too new. He thought that he had caught up with them, dealing with them using his chainsaw...but once the chaos was over, he saw you laying on the floor, your blood pooling around you.
Bubba woke up, instantly panicked and searching for you. But he found you sleeping with a content smile on your face right beside him.
He quickly moved closer, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you against his chest in a tight embrace.
The movement woke you up but you knew it was Bubba so you just happily moved closer and cuddled into him.
“You okay, Bubs?” you asked and he nodded, letting out a few concerned coos. “Bad dream?” he nodded again.
You lifted your head, kissing his cheek, silently assuring him that everything was alright, before cuddling up to him again. Falling asleep in his arms.
Billy Lenz
Bad dreams weren’t new to Billy but this one was. He was walking through the house and he had a knife in his hand, he had a destination in him, a victim was waiting for him. He slowly pushed the bedroom door open before stepping in, the slither of light illuminating your sleeping face. He moved over to you, raising the blade above his head before forcing it down into your chest. 
Then he woke up with a gasp, eyes wide and frantic as he sat up.
The suddenness waking you up slightly. You asked if he was alright, altering him that you were alright.
“Bad dream” Billy murmured as he returned to you, tangling his limps with yours and clinging to you. “Billy wouldn’t hurt you. Billy loves you” he mumbled.
“Did you hurt me in the dream?” you asked softly and he hesitantly nodded. “It’s okay, Billy. I know you wouldn’t hurt me in real life. I love you too” you kissed the top of his head, feeling him hold onto you a little tighter before trying to get some more sleep, you joining him. 
Asa Emory (The Collector)
For Asa, bad dreams usually related to his childhood, not anything from his present life. Sometimes he would dream about his crimes but he wouldn’t call them bad dreams, he was very neutral on them. This...even he couldn’t feel neutral about what he was dreaming about right now. Of hurting you, not even making it quick, drawing your pain out before finally doing you the mercy of killing you.
As soon as he wakes up, he steadies his breathing and focuses himself. 
It was a dream, nothing more. 
But that didn’t change the sense of contentment he felt when he looked down to see you sleeping, arm around his waist and head on his chest. A perfect reminder that it really was just a dream, that you were still here, and he wasn’t going to hurt you.
He wrapped his arm around you some more, just holding you more securely without waking you up. He wasn’t going to discuss this with you, not right now anyway.
Jesse Cromeans (Chromeskull) 
In the dream, it was like you were just another victim. He had subdued you but you were still away, tears staining your face as you pleaded with him to show mercy. He just took the camera off of his shoulder and zoomed in on your terrified face, he was enjoying it. He soon put the camera back in place before pulling out his knife.
Your piercing scream of agony rang through his mind as he woke up, greeted by the ceiling of his bedroom.
He turned his head to the side, seeing you sleeping beside him. Perfectly well and unharmed, your arm resting over his waist.
You were alright, you were safe. He would never hurt you.
Jesse wrapped his arm around you, gently pulling you closer to him.
It was just a dream, he was well aware of that, and knew not to let it effect him too much. Still, the thought of hurting you made him cringe. 
That would never happen, he would protect you, he promised himself that.
Otis Driftwood 
It was a violent dream that unsettled him more than he cared to admit. Just him carrying out his true nature but on you instead of a victim he couldn’t care less about. You had cried, pleaded, tried to get through to him, but he didn’t stop, he didn’t care. And then, you were dead. He had killed you, your blood staining his hands and clothes.
Otis is pretty used to disturbing dreams, they rarely bothered him, but this one definitely did.
He woke up, instantly focusing on you. How your head was resting on his chest and your legs was draped over his hips. Very much alive, not a spot of blood on you, perfectly content.
He never thought that somebody outside of the family could have such an effect on him. That somebody’s loss could...scare him so much.
His arm remained around you as he made himself more comfortable, causing you to shift closer as well, letting out a quiet, sleepy hum.
He pressed a kiss to the top of your head, nearly chastising the fond feeling he felt when you smiled in your sleep.
Baby Firefly 
Gory dreams never bothered her, they couldn’t be any worse than reality, in fact she wouldn’t consider them nightmares at all. This though, this was certainly a nightmare. You were bleeding, crying, and in pain, but she was just giggling, being the person hurting you. And, just like that, you were dead and her giggling stopped, a look of worry spreading over her face.
She woke up, running a hand over her face and brushing off the dream. It was just a dream, you were alright.
There you were, sleeping right beside her. She knew that, she was looking at you.
Still, she shifted into a more comfortable position, brushing your hair out of your face and beginning to scatter kisses over your face.
She wasn’t going to mention the dream right now, it was silly. She just wanted to hear you wake up giggling at her playful attack.
Yautja (Predator) 
Dreams weren’t all that common for him, at least not like this one. Even in teh dream it was an accident, him forgetting how fragile you were compared to Yautjas. And it cost him everything.
He woke up just as you died in the dream, leaving him with a sickening feeling.
But when he felt you shift, making him relax.
You were curled up on his chest, sleeping peacefully, just like you did every night.
He purred soothingly as he gently combed his clawed fingers through your hair, purring some more when you smiled and nuzzled into him.
You trusted him. Trusted that he wouldn’t hurt you, that he wouldn’t let anything like that dream happen. He just had to trust himself, and he could do that.
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shinescape · 3 years
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Her Innocence
Cat Hybrid Seonghwa x Fem Reader x Cat Hybrid San
tw: poly relationship, innocent reader, men being disgusting
note: i had slight difficulty while writing this but it's done! Hope you like how this turned out anon. Enjoy the read <3
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Your boyfriends are aware of your part time job at a cafe. They weren’t opposed to the idea and even visited you at your job once in a while. Well, you’ve been working there for quite some time and they know almost everything that happens in the cafe.
How? Because they morphed themselves into cats and followed you to work everyday without you knowing of course. If Seonghwa had classes while you had to run to your job, San would be the one to secretly accompany you, as a cat of course.
It’s not that they don’t trust you but there has been a number of times where you would stop and help someone and eventually fall victim to ill intention strangers.
The fact that they had been doing this for a couple of months and you still thought it was random street cats that helped you was a good sign to keep going with what they were doing.
You didn’t suspect a thing because one of them usually picks you up after work so you assumed that they were at home most of the time if they had no classes to attend.
“I might be late today, have dinner without me alright?” You pouted as you typed a reply to your manager saying you’ll come to work as soon as possible. “What? It’s your day off, no you can’t go. Come home with us.” San clung his arm around you, holding you back from moving.
“I’m sorry but I have to go, they’re short on staff. Good luck on your test. You too, Hwa.” You pulled your arm away from San and waved at them before jogging off, leaving two very anxious boyfriends behind.
“Screw this test, I’m going after her.” Seonghwa held onto the younger’s arm, pulling him back to the bench. “We go after the test.”
“To be honest, I didn't have a good feeling the moment she got that message.” Seonghwa kept quiet because he too felt the same way, as if you’ll be in danger.
The fact that this happened on the day where all three of you were supposed to be free from schedule, doesn’t sit right with them.
Today was different and you were nervous as heck. Not only was it your first time working on your off day, it also happened to be Wishing Wednesday. A themed day specifically made to raise awareness for stray animals.
“I hope you’re fine working at the front today.” Your manager patted your back as you smiled back at her. Fixing the cat ears on your head, you waited by the counter to greet the incoming customers. You mentally cheered yourself and gave your best smile as a customer walked in the shop.
Later on, a group of young men entered and you ushered them to a vacant spot. As they were discussing, you looked outside and observed life through the floor to ceiling window. Two cats passing by caught your attention briefly when one of the men called you. “It says here, for every order you will do a little performance for us. Is that true?”
You took the single laminated paper and read it before nodding your head. “Ah yes, so are you ready to give your orders?” With each order, you had to act cutely which was starting to get uncomfortable. Halfway through their orders, you were fully embarrassed as some of them started to record you but you didn’t know what to do.
“Come on, don’t stop. You still have three more orders to go, sweetie.” A round of laughter emerged from the table. Leaving you who was trying to ask for help from your colleagues but everyone was dashing about the place unaware of your situation.
“Hey, why did you stop catgirl, dance for us?”
All of a sudden, two cats jumped onto the table and messed up everything on it. They went to scratch anyone that was in sight before jumping back down to your side. You had no time to stop the chaos as it happened in a flash.
The group of men started to stand up as one of them pushed you down. “What kind of place lets stray animals in like this?” He was about to get his hands on you when someone else kicked him back to his group of friends.
“The one acting like a stray here is you. Leave before you end up getting more than scratches.” San threatened them. They glared back at San before rushing out from the cafe.
Seonghwa was helping you stand back up and inspecting every part of you, looking for any injuries. “You’re coming home, right now.” Seonghwa stated and you knew better to listen then argue back with him.
The mood back at home was heavy and quiet. You had just finished explaining to them what Wishing Wednesday was and why you insist on a day off for it.
“So you wanted to spend every Wednesday with us because the event reminded you of us?” You nodded trying to win their heart back after what had happened earlier.
“Well both my boyfriends are cat hybrids and we coincidentally have no classes every Wednesday. It’s only natural to spend the day with both of you.” You reasoned smiling at both of them.
"We got so worried, maybe you should stop working altogether.” San pulled your head to his chest and hugged you tight.
The nauseating feeling you had earlier at the cafe was slowly disappearing when both your lovers gushed over you. You can’t deny that they always make you feel safe.
“No, I can’t stop working. I don’t want to be a burden.” You loosely hugged him back as you locked eyes with Seonghwa who was watching the both of you.
“You’re not a burden, sweetheart. But if you insist on continuing then just be prepared for us to walk you every single day from now on.” Seonghwa bent over to ruffle your hair.
“But, we’ve been doing that. Haven’t we, Hwa?”
You noticed Seonghwa glaring at San a bit too hard before looking back at you. “What did he mean by that? Have you been sending me to work all this time?” You looked up at San who nervously laughed back at you.
Seonghwa rubbed his temples before explaining to you what they’ve been up to all this while. At each word, your mouth went agape and eyes widened in surprise.
“You’re saying the two cats that have been with me while walking to work were both of you?” Memories of a Shorthair black cat walking beside you as it hissed at incoming passersby rushed back to you and not forgetting the Siamese cat that keeps on circling your legs as you head to work.
Now that the cat’s out of the bag, they don’t need to worry about you getting hurt or about them getting found out by you. Only then you realised those cats were wearing collars similar to the ones around your boyfriends right now. “How did I not notice the collars?” You mumbled to yourself.
“We both wondered the same thing too, my innocent baby.” San squished both your cheeks before pressing a kiss on your lips. You giggled at the touch before cupping his face in your palms.
“Thank you for always being there for me.” You pecked him again on the lips before getting up and dropping yourself into Seonghwa’s open arms.
“Thank you too, Hwa.” You smiled at him before snuggling your head on his chest. “Don’t I get a kiss too?” You gasped and tilted your head to kiss him when he lowered down and surprised you with a kiss instead. Seonghwa pulled away and pecked your forehead before turning over to San.
“Should we get her a collar too, in case anything happens to her like today?” He was obviously being playful but you were listening very seriously to his words.
“I think we should, seeing how cute she was in those cat ears earlier. Others might think she’s a hybrid like us.” San added before he glimpsed over at you.
Your innocence made them want to protect you even more. No matter what form they’re in, keeping you safe has always been their top priority.
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aithorin · 3 years
An Exception to the Rule - All Smite x Reader (18+)
Summary: Now All Smite was by no means a hero. In fact, he was quite literally the opposite, but for you he might be willing to make an exception. 
Warnings: Mentions/threats of rape (nothing actually happens), Villain Au, Villain!All Might, Blood and violence, Threats of violence, Slight gore, hostage, Protective!All Might (i.e. he basically goes on a rampage cause someone tries to hurt you), Soft ending with hurt/comfort
Rated M for violence
Flying through the city, a smirk made its way onto All Might’s face as he heard a scream echo throughout the night. God, he reveled in the chaos. The chaos that he created. His very presence had allowed the chaos in Japan to fester and grow throughout, and thus every time he heard crimes being committed, his chest swelled with pride. It made his ego surge to watch the fruit of his efforts be harvested and taken advantage of. There was just something so immensely satisfying about it, knowing that every villain in Japan owed the success of their crimes to him. It provided a rush of gratifying adrenaline like no other.
Deciding he had a few minutes to spare, All Might quickly set course towards the sound of the disruption. At the very least, it would provide some entertainment. But, depending on what they were doing to the unfortunate soul, he might even decide to join in. It would be a nice way to unwind before going home to you. God knows how much fun he had seeing the way people cowered at the very sight of him.
Landing silently behind the group, he quietly observed the scene unfold, trying to decide if he wanted to step in.
“Eh this one’s a looker, isn’t she boys? Before the night’s over, I think I’ll use her for the whore that she is.” The one All Might assumed to be the leader taunted, stepping forward to tower over their victim.
Manic laughter floated throughout the air as the two lackeys accompanying him moved in to completely surround their target. “That sounds like a great idea boss! You always have the best ideas. Can we get a turn too? Please. Please. Please!” The one on the right begged.
“Maybe once she’s unconscious. You know it’s only fun for me when they’re awake so I can see the look of fear in their eyes. God, just the thought of it is giving me a hard on already.” The leader chuckled out.
”Pl-please,” A woman’s shaky, frightened voice whimpered out, “let me go. I-I have money. Just tell me what you want!”
At the sound of the woman’s voice, the blood in All Might’s veins turned ice cold. That-that was your voice. And just like that, the overwhelming pride he had been feeling moments ago withered away, consumed by something much more deadly-a feral rage. How dare they talk to you like that? How dare they even try to lay their hands on you? Fists clenched and shaking in anger, All Might stalked towards them, blue eyes blazing and filled with an unquenchable, seething bloodlust.
Unaware of their impending doom, a harsh slap echoed through the night as the leader thug slammed your head into the dumpster you were backed against. He looked down at you, sneering, “Shut up, bitch! You’ll be lucky if you make it out of here alive tonight. You should be grateful that I’m even considering it.”
“I’d leave the girl alone if you know what’s good for you.” A gravelly voice spoke from behind.
Turning around halfway, the leader scoffed, not even bothering to see who the person was. “Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do about it? This one’s ours, so why don’t you scram before I decide to kill you t-”
He was cut off as a hand shot out, quick as lightning, to wrap around his throat. Before he could even register what was happening, the thug’s eyes bulged as the hand began choking him. He felt himself being lifted 3 feet into the air, and soon came face to face with a set of flaming blue eyes. At the sight of them, his body went stiff in fear. The rest of the newcomer’s face was hidden by the shadows of the night, but just the sight of his eyes were enough to make the thug cower.
“Who….the….hell….are….you?” The leader gasped out, vision going spotty from his quickly draining air supply.
Letting out a sinister chuckle, the newcomer stepped into the light emitting from a nearby streetlamp. Seeing who it was, the leader’s mouth went dry as a sweat broke out on his forehead. His already tight throat closed up even more causing his breath to come out in wheezes as a chill of fear worked its way down his spine, causing his body to tremble in mid-air.
“Al-All...Might” He rasped out, hands pointlessly tugging on the one large hand curled around his throat.
A wicked smile crept onto All Might’s face. “Good,” He purred out, “You know who I am, so there’s no need for introductions. Maybe you aren’t a complete imbecile.”
Tilting his head to study his prey, All Might reconsidered, “Although it is hard to believe you actually possess a brain, considering you tried to steal something of mine.”
Nodding his head toward your shaking, huddled form a few feet away, All Might’s face hardened. “That girl over there belongs to me, and you just tried to touch her. Now if you remember anything about me, you should know that I don’t share. Do you want to know what happens to people who try to take things that belong to me?”
Eyes darting back and forth, the thug frantically shook his head as much as he could while being held in All Might’s grip. “Pl-please… I-I… didn’t know!”
Ignoring the man’s pleas completely, all the previous traces of being dangerously coy with the thug were wiped away as All Might murderously intoned, “They die.”
With that, All Might began to squeeze the hand wrapped around the man’s throat even tighter. Garbled chokes escaped the man’s lips as with each passing second All Might added more and more force. Reveling in the sound, a sadistic, twisted grin made its way onto All Might’s face. If he was feeling generous, he could have just snapped the man’s neck and been done with it, but that would have been too easy. The bastard had to pay for what he did, and so All Might made sure to drag it, delighting in the way the man’s neck slowly began to crack in his grasp as the life drained from his eyes. Sickening sounds floated into the air, mixtures of bone breaking and strangled gasps as the man gagged on his own saliva. His hands flailed, desperately clawing at the limb wrapped around his neck in a futile attempt to break free. Much too soon for All Might’s liking though, the thug’s efforts slowed before stopping altogether, his hands falling lifelessly back down to his side.
Letting out a sneer, All Might finally released him from his grasp letting his body carelessly crumple to the ground with a revolting thud. “How pathetic, he didn’t even last 2 minutes.”
Taking one last glance at the body, he kicked it to the side before turning his attention toward the two lackeys trembling in the corner. Blinded by bloodlust, he stalked toward them, licking his lips in anticipation and clenching his hands together, imagining their necks were in between them.
All Might was almost upon them when a flash of movement captured the corner of his eye. Momentarily ignoring his prey,  he shifted his body slightly and caught sight of you, shivering in a seated position with your arms wrapped tightly around your legs while slowly rocking back and forth. Gooseflesh had broken out along your skin from the chilly night air, only agitated by the cold sweat that had broken out upon your brow from the night’s events. Stray hairs stuck to your skin as wide, fearful (e/c) eyes looked up to lock with his own, and instantly All Might felt his bloodlust melt away, replaced by an overwhelming need to go to you.
Spinning back around, he addressed the two lackeys quivering in the corner. He pointed a disgusted, raging scowl at the thugs before thundering his ultimatum. “You have exactly 5 seconds to get out of my sight. Otherwise, you’re gonna end up like your boss over there.” He stated, throwing a finger back over his shoulder in the direction of the corpse.
Leaning down, he pulled both of them up by the collar of their necks. “And if I ever catch you even looking at this girl, trust me when I say you won’t live to tell anyone about it. But, feel free to tell your buddies about what happened here tonight. It’ll be a good reminder to everyone out there about what happens when you try to take something that belongs to me. Remember boys, I. Don’t. Share. So spread the word that this girl’s mine.”
Then, without another word, All Might threw them towards the opening of the alley. Not needing to be told twice, they scrambled back, hightailing it out of there. Watching them go, a small smirk passed over his face at their show of naivety. He’d let them go, for now. He had more important matters to take care of. But come tomorrow, they’d be dead. All Might was nothing if not a man of his word, and so they, too, would have to pay with their lives for trying to steal from him. He could see it now. The look of shock their faces would portray at his appearance tomorrow. The way it would morph into a look of fear as he approached them. And finally, the acceptance that would fill their eyes as he squeezed the life out of them, realizing, at last, that he had never intended to let them truly escape. Yes, tomorrow would be a very good day indeed.
Turning around, he started to approach you, making slow, small steps when your face darted up in fear, like a deer caught in headlights. Seeing that it was just him, All Might watched your tense body start to relax as you buried your head back into your legs. Reaching you, he squatted down to be eye level with you, hesitantly reaching an arm out to place it on your shoulder. Now that you were no longer in danger, All Might felt unsure of what to do. He didn’t know how to comfort someone in distress as he was much more used to being the one causing the distress. Finally, he decided to settle for asking basic yet somewhat obvious questions.
“Are you alright?” He gruffed out.
Hearing no reply, a worry that he tried to push away started to creep into his mind the longer you stayed silent. Were you hurt? Had he gotten there too late? Had they touched you? He started to become lost in thoughts until a sudden force jolted him out of it. Looking down, he saw that you had attached yourself to his body, clutching at him like your life depended on it. He debated with himself for a few moments before choosing to reciprocate the gesture, wrapping his large arms around you and encasing you within his body heat. At his touch, your body started to shake with silent sobs, tears from your eyes beginning to wet his shirt. You stayed that way for a long time, bodies holding onto each other as you tried to process the events from the night. All Might didn’t say anything, choosing to offer you support quietly for as long as you needed it. Eventually though, your cries subsided and your frame slumped against him, exhausted from everything that had happened.
Eyes heavy, you were vaguely aware of your body shifting as All Might stood up. Lifting you with ease, he placed you into both of his arms, saying “Come on. Let’s go home.”
Slowly being lulled to sleep by the rhythm of his footsteps, a feeling of warmth and safeness washed over you. Right before you drifted to sleep, an inkling of a smile crossed over your face as you thought of the irony that you felt completely protected in the arms of the number one villain. With him, you knew that he would always be there to keep you safe. Although he was a villain, if tonight had proven anything, it seemed that you were an exception to the rule.
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bethanysnow · 3 years
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“I didn’t give it” (A fic for @maneskinbrainrot​ )
Måneskin was invited to perform for New York Fashion week with Gucci. Paraded around by the luxury brand was not a exactly- fun - thing for them to experience, but it paid the bills. Their manager knew this about them, so it wasn’t a big surprise for her to get a text message from Thomas saying they were ‘escaping’ and would be back by dinner. They were in New York City after all! Play tourist for a while in a country they felt a little more safe not to be spotted in. Especially on fashion week where all the art hoes came out of the woodwork. A couple Italians were nothin! With some rudimentary googling Vic found a cafe and a thrift store to barricade themselves in for the next hour or so. The streets of New York were messy and smelled funny, but were alive. The ground hadn’t been smoothed flat with a millennia of people. The brick buildings rose into the sky and the skyscrapers tore holes into heaven. 
People around them didn’t give them the time of day. No one was shouting their name. No one knew who they were, and if they did no one gave a flying fuck by the looks of it. It really was heaven. They loved their job of course, music was their life. But fame was bitter, grainy and left something stuck in their teeth. Here it was like they were nobodies. Not that they minded of course. Vic led the way to the thrift store she had found online, under a block of apartments was the glass window front. A green awning with golden letters of the store. The neon open sign was lit up so the band walked in. A brown countertop near the front of the store was personless. Racks on racks of clothes covered the floor. 50s-60s ball gowns hung from the ceiling beams. The air was musty just in the way vintage thrift stores tended to be. History on all sides by the articles people have worn. Rock music left the speakers pinned to the walls, playing Arctic Monkeys, Queen, and others. 
The band split up to look for a clerk of some kind. A store wouldn’t just be open by itself- right? 
Damiano went down a long aisle of what looked to be 70s memorabilia by the avocado green and bright yellow clothes. A neon red glow caught his attention. Making his way to the back of the store the glow came from a neon sign bent to look like a naked lady. Strategically placed ribbon over certain areas. A paper taped to a hanger with ‘XXX Lingerie section’ printed on it piqued his interest. Even more so when he looked in to find a beautiful woman laying on the red shag carpet cuddling up to a nighty asleep. 
“‘Scusa- Miss? Are you- do you work here?” Damiano asked quietly. Her eyes shot open and looked at where the voice came from. She held a hand to her heart, taking a breath.
    “Sorry! No uh, my best friend works here. I am just visiting, but I can help I guess. Whatsup?” She said getting up. Brushing off imaginary dirt from her hands as she reached her full height. She was shorter than him, her hair was slightly a mess from an interrupted nap. She’s cute. Damiano was lost in admiring her beauty until he blinked and she was waving her hand in front of his face, unaware that he was staring. 
    “Earth to dude, you ok?” She chuckled though still slightly concerned for his wellbeing. 
“Sorry- I'm Damiano, I’m here with friends of mine and we were checking things out. What was your name? I didn't catch it.” 
    “Cuz I didn’t give it.” She winked and Damiano’s blood pressure went higher. Attractive and a flirt too??? Fuck! 
He grinned at her as she was about to put the nighty she was using as a pillow up back on the rack. Damiano took his shot. 
“You know, it might look good on me. What do you think?” Holding it up against his body, the white silk ending just above the waistline of his pants. Leaning on the clothing rack he tilted his head to catch her eyes looking at the garment. “Look better on you though-” Whispering as her face froze and flushed a bright red. Quickly grabbing it and putting it back where it belonged she cleared her throat. 
    “No- uh I don’t wear that kinda stuff. But on you sure. You looking for anything specific?” 
“Besides your number? ...I was looking for some shirts honestly” She nodded and pointedly ignored his previous comment. 
The rest of the band were busy debating on a pair of corduroy pants Ethan was wearing as Damiano showed up with another person in tow. Introductions were made of who they all were and the woman offered some suggestions to the debate going on. But Damiano couldn’t help himself. 
“So Bellissima we have a gig going on later tomorrow if you want to join. Be our plus one as it were-” Vic raised a brow at that. Asking some random girl to go with them to something was one thing, but to ask a random girl to a gig at fashion week was another. And to top it off, a runway of one of the most well known luxury brands in the world. Her concerns were met with their singer giving her a look that meant he knew what he was doing. Or at least he thought he did. 
To Damiano's surprise the woman in front of him shrugged, looked at her phone checking something and said sure. SHE SAID SURE! That was enough for him. Soon the whirlwind of the band and their new found friend were busy trying on clothes and dancing through the store. Thomas' foot got stuck in a platform boot as another person walked into the enclave that they had made that afternoon. The woman that they had met earlier smiled and introduced them as her best friend- I.E the one who actually worked at the store. Explaining what had gone on and the fun chaos that had happened since. 
The day started to wind down and the band had all gotten texts from their manager telling them to come back to the hotel. Picking out their favorite pieces, it all was thrown onto the counter. The woman placed everything in bags, handing it to them once finished. 
As Damiano was to leave the woman he had met stopped him. 
    “You forgot something-” 
“I did?” Checking for his phone or wallet or whatever he could have misplaced. 
    “Yea here- hold on” She ripped out some paper from behind the counter and wrote on it slipping it into his front pocket. With a wink they left. Getting back to the hotel he pulled it out finally after it was burning a hole in his brain.
it read-
‘###-###-#### y/n <3 P.S. Nice music btw. L’altra dimensione slaps.’
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veliseraptor · 3 years
Okay I'm new to this fandom and I'm a bit confused. Did Xue Yang and Meng Yao know each other? Did Meng Yao free him?👀Do xue yang know he has a parentage that dabbled in demonic cultivation?
congratulations, anon! you have hit the nail on the head of one of my perennial aggravations about cql-canon specific details, which is to say ‘what the hell is the deal supposed to be with meng yao and xue yang in qinghe?’
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there is no real indication that they might have known each other except some meaningful side-eyes going on that don’t make a lot of sense in context other than, maybe, pre-flagging the idea that meng yao is ~problematic~ and ~untrustworthy~ I guess? (which, ask me how I feel about the idea that everything jin guangyao does forever is bad and sinister, regardless of timeline, effect, or motivation). but there’s no real, substantive indication (up until the empathy flashback in ep 41, I’ll get there) that they are familiar with each other, or that they actually do any collaborating at that point.
you could definitely headcanon them as knowing each other previously based on the fact that they both grew up in less than ideal circumstances, shall we say, but I don’t think there’s any evidence for it in-text other than aforementioned meaningful side-eyes. in fact, canonically we know where they both grew up locationwise and it wasn’t in the same place. but like, seriously.
(and holy shit this got long, I’ll spare you all with a read more. also: I have broken my usual ‘referring to jin guangyao as jin guangyao always’ rule for the sake of this post given that it is specifically about the era where he is going by meng yao, but it did feel really weird.)
speaking specifically with what we see in text (in episode 10), we see meng yao argue against executing xue yang, but only after wei wuxian has done so first. the next explicit link between them is when meng yao leaves the fight between wen zhuliu and nie mingjue saying that he’s going to go check on xue yang; following that, we’re told that xue yang has escaped and meng yao claims he saw the captain free him.
which is, considering the fact that he’s killing the captain at the time, a highly suspect statement to make.
there’s no reason for meng yao to be working with xue yang at this point! there’s just not! it doesn’t make sense for him even from a purely self-interested standpoint and, again, at this point in canon there’s no actual reason to believe that they have any prior familiarity.
(’but lise what about the flashback-’ yes I’ll get there.)
if you want my personal reading, which I think is compatible with the text as we see it, it goes like this:
1. xue yang quickly notices meng yao as a potentially interesting person. I don’t think it’s about seeing him as an ally or knowing him from anything beforehand - I think it’s about seeing him as interesting and kind of funny.
2. meng yao registers that there’s a distinct possibility of nie mingjue dying and/or the wen sect attacking the nie in force and decides to short-circuit that by just freeing xue yang himself, because he knows nie mingjue won’t do it but if xue yang’s gone then that (at least temporarily) solves their wen problem.
my evidence for this is based around the timing of when meng yao leaves to “check on” xue yang (mid-fight, specifically after wen zhuliu, inarguably a greater threat, takes over from wen chao), the fact that he looks definitely concerned when he does so, and the fact that, given where he is at this point, letting xue yang out otherwise makes no sense.
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this does not strike me as the face of a person who is a-plottin some sinister business, and this isn’t a face he’s making at anyone, either; this is pure ‘ah fuck this ain’t good’ expression.
(yes, yes, I know, episode 41 flashback, I told you that we’d get there.)
3. meng yao frees xue yang, probably hoping he can make it as bloodless as possible; xue yang, in xue yang fashion, makes it as bloody as possible; meng yao sees his chance to do something about the guy he has always hated and who has repeatedly undermined him, and who probably also caught him in the middle of an incriminating action that nie mingjue would absolutely not accept as justifiable.
4. xue yang bounces, leaving jin guangyao caught holding the sword and surrounded by several dead bodies.
and then they don’t see each other again until xue yang ends up at jinlintai at some unspecified point down the timeline.
regarding the episode 41 flashback (see? I promised!), the view we get of meng yao talking with an unspecified person heavily implied to be xue yang doesn’t make sense in some very critical ways that also align with the selective editing that nie mingjue’s memories seem to have done on incidents we previously saw from a (presumably) omniscient perspective. many people other than me (see here, here, and here for some examples) have written eloquently about the disparities between the scenes as we see them in earlier episodes compared to what we see in the flashback, and how that suggests at least some unreliability of nie mingjue’s memories despite their presentation, since they are visually coeval with the rest of canon, as equally reliable. 
(what would be different if the empathy flashbacks were in some way visually demarcated, I wonder? it’s a thought. I like that they’re not because unreliability of narrative/narrator is such a theme, but.)
ANYWAY, regarding the section where we see that conversation between the captain and meng yao, now with bonus mysterious feet (implied to be xue yang) - a few things stand out to me.
one: nie mingjue has no way of having seen this - no personal access to what he’s supposedly seeing in his own memory. this suggests the possibility, at least, that this is a fabricated assumption of a memory. (”I believe this happened, and this is how I would reconstruct it happening.”)
two: possibly more significantly: the scene as played here doesn’t fit with canon as we see it in episode 10 itself. the scene with the captain and meng yao, as we see it earlier, includes here several additional lines of dialogue. considering the other discrepancies within the empathy flashback with previously seen canon, episode ten’s version, by virtue of not taking place within a (flashback of a) flashback and within the pov of an extremely biased character, could be read as more reliable.
see also: the flashback with the captain seeing meng yao talking to someone (implied to be xue yang) is placed directly after nie mingjue accuses meng yao of plotting with xue yang - an accusation he doesn’t make in the scene as it originally plays in episode 10. this is another place where there are several lines of dialogue that weren’t present in the earlier version of the scene, inserted apparently seamlessly into the record.
taken together, with the above where it does not make sense to me that meng yao was ~plotting~ with xue yang prior to freeing him as a way of getting the wens off nie mingjue’s back, I’m inclined to think that moment in the episode 41 flashback is a nie mingjue-generated presumption of what must have happened, rather than a factual account of what did.
meng yao’s choices in episode 10 make much more sense - as someone who, if nothing else, is definitely interested in preserving his position as part of the nie sect, but who also values nie mingjue’s life at that point enough to take a sword to the chest for him - if you don’t take that at face value.
regarding the second part of your question about the xue yang/xue chonghai connection - cql seems to indicate that he has some awareness maybe, based on his conversation with wei wuxian in episode 37? at least, he has access to Lore involving the yin iron that others were unaware of
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and had one piece in his possession apparently pre-canon.
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but honestly that’s a bit of cql canon that I pretty much ignore completely and sometimes forget about, though there are certainly interesting things that can be done with it.
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remsmoonlight · 3 years
— title : calming the waters
— word count : 2.3 k words
— pairing : rick grimes x reader
— summary : the switch from surviving on the road to living in a cookie cut neighbourhood hasn’t been easy on anyone, especially the leader of your group, you leave it to yourself to remind him it’s not all on his shoulders
— warnings : only brief descriptions of blood and violence .. usual stuff for twd
note: only at the end did i realise i left the opportunity for smut but im too tired to continue damn
Life in Alexandria has so far been strange to adjust to, you continue to find yourself waking up regularly through the night. Your body has relied so long on a broken sleep cycle it simply cannot switch off the switch as easily as you wish for it, and wish for it you do every night before bed. However, life refuses to heed to your desires, preferring to disregard them completely. Your family finds it amusing to tease you about the dark circles under your eyes, that is after you have had anything with caffeine in to rattle your system into a state of alertness.
How the residents have made it this far agitates you to no end, while you and your family have suffered tragedy and loss at the hands of people like the Governor, to the people at Terminus while they sat sheltered and safe from the horrors of this new world crawls under your skin. The thought scratching inside of you, they’ve never known pain as you have, the realisation comes as one of the sons of the Monroe family accosted you the moment you set out of the door.
“ ⏤ she keeps going on about this pasta maker. I’m telling you, she never stops. “
“ she never stops, huh? “ you ask, placing yourself on the porch step with your head lazily resting in your hands. You felt as soon as he began speaking to you it was going to be a conversation you would not be interested in.
The you from twenty five minutes ago happens to be correct.
This all began because Rick thought it appropriate to let you sleep a while longer, and while you do feel more rested than you have in the longest time you can remember, you can feel irritation tickling the back of your neck intensely. Oh, I’m going to kill him when I see him. A silent thought interrupts you rudely, you almost shake your head to be rid of it and focus back on Spencer.
“ yeah, she’s not someone you wanna be caught right now by. She can talk your ears off for days. “ he informs with a chuckle, completely unaware of your blasé attitude or uncaring for it.
“ you know, I can really imagine that. “
Every inch of you is buzzing with an uncomfortable energy, you don’t want to integrate with their community just yet, preferring to feel around and understand the dynamics of how everything works. When society fell into the flames from humanity’s last fight with the walkers, you were lucky enough to have been able to seek safety with your group back in Atlanta at the quarry, and these have been the same people you have spent time with, shared your meals with, everything done has been with them. Quiet town life has been a memory of a past life that has faded into nothing more than a grey blur, shrouded in fog. To live here? It’s like learning how to ride a bicycle after many years of letting it gather dust. Your ways are not perfect, but they’re perfect for you. For your own pace and peace of mind.
“ has my mom given you a job yet? “
“ uh, yeah actually she has. I used to be a preschool teacher before everything went to hell. “ you explain to him, your memories of the children you used to teach had been painful until Judith. The little girl had been what you needed to confront your past that you had been so quick to push away in order to survive. You can’t count how many times you’d come close to thinking about their little faces, and if they’d survived the initial chaos, refusing to even put a face to a possible death. You’d spent many days and many hours getting to know their audacious and bold personalities, it cut you deep to even imagine the days they were supposed to have, the lives they should have been promised extinguished so prematurely as if they had been no more than a flame of a candle burning in the night.
“ well, those classes are really small. You won’t have your hands full. I suppose you’ll probably be helping with the afternoon classes, we’ve got more teenagers here. “
“ mhm, I thought as much. “ your words are a small acknowledgement, though it deterred him little.
Spencer keeps talking and talking, every once in a while you mutter an ‘ yeah ‘ or an ‘ mhm ‘ and even at points humming in response. It’s obvious he means well and is trying to get to know you all but it’s just a simple clash of cultures, it’s why you’re unable to cut the conversation short so rudely. Even during the apocalypse being respectful hasn’t been wiped away.
“ hi, Spencer! “ the sugary sweet tone of Carol interrupted the interaction as she greets Spencer and yourself, the broad smile ignites her features.
Although, you know her better to know this is not one born of genuine emotion to see the man.
“ I was hoping to borrow my friend here. Rick’s looking for them. “
Recognition lights his features up, his eyes widen in understanding her words. Never have you been more thankful for the older woman than currently, if there’s one thing Carol can be, is a miracle maker. Spencer backs away with little to say, bidding a goodbye to both of you.
“ Carol, thank you. “ you breathe, your hands move up to scratch your scalp as tension eased away into the open air. “ I thought he was never going to leave. “
“ yeah, I thought you were in trouble. I thought you were ready to kill him. “
“ believe me, if he spoke for two more minutes I was coming close to getting very creative with one of those blunt dinner knives in there. “ you speak, a short giggle plummeting from your lips at the thought.
“ he’s at the gate ⏤ Rick, that is. If you want him. “
A few more words of light hearted humour are exchanged between you, just little things. You have known Carol for a long time, one of the few people to continue to see her as a human after losing Sophia, yes she was in mourning, but she was still human. You never tiptoed around her, you offered her support as best you could and for that she continues to be grateful. Even in the prison, you became closer, as time passed on she took up something of a parental role in your life. Though you were old enough at the time to not need one, you accepted it. A slice of normality granted to you for what reason you have never found out, but one you wouldn’t seek out either, for some things happen without cause or reason, a mystery of life.
Turning around a corner, you’d realised you took a wrong turn around one of the houses, your sense of direction would have been your downfall had you not found the people you now call your family. Admittedly, you’d not spent much time exploring the vast environment that is home to these large homes, you still dedicated some time to mapping all the twists and turns. However, not even that has aided you. Despite this, you find a silver lining to getting lost.. you have been able to shake off whatever blades of irritation that sorely wished to cling to your being for longer, you wanted nothing more than to approach Rick without anything that could set him off.
Though few words have been shared between you both about how you all feel about being in Alexandria, it doesn’t mean you haven’t noticed a tension building its blocks within Rick. Knowing all he has been through, you’re worried that he will reduce himself to being no more than a caged animal, biding his time to break free. It’s why you’re searching him out, a discussion is sorely needed before anything should happen, chaos has a way of trailing your family like a puppy following its master.
“ there you are. “
Rick lays his sights on you in the distance, waiting for you to move closer before saying a word. You would go so far as to say it has been one of the few instances of genuine contentment as his features relax from the lines of strain it held not even a few moments previously. Your hands move straight to your hips, standing a few metres away from him.
“ oh, you were actually looking for me? “ eyebrows raise ever so slightly, you thought Carol had been simply nudging you in his direction.
“ just to check the perimeter. “
“ and you need me for that ? “ you question him as your hands move to rest on your hips, a knowing smile lifting your expression as you observe him.
“ ‘course I do. “ Rick’s tone matches yours, it’s been a while since you’ve heard even the faintest hint of amusement associated with the intense male. It’s alien in a sense, though you’re welcoming of it.
Few words are exchanged with the Alexandrian who has been tasked with guarding the gate, exchanging the barest of information you realise as you watch Rick. You hope that even an hour outside the walls of the town is enough to soothe even the slightest of the negative energy that surrounds his being. Your situation is not perfect, and it’s inverted to what you had been experiencing previously, but you believe in your heart that this has to work. The thought of your family not being able to survive yet another bout of the outside world terrifies you to your core, the ice that is your fear erupting from your centre at the idea.
“ is there a real reason why you wanted me out here? “
“ it’s been a while since it was just us, gettin’ hard to breathe in there. “
“ Rick, you know I’m always here if you need it. I hate to see you carry everything on your shoulders the way you do. “
The hardness that had embedded itself into his face slowly eases at your words and thanks you for your support, he reaches out in between the distance that separates you to slip his fingers between yours. A comfort warms you in a way that no heat could at the action, you’re unable to stop the laugh that bursts free with a splutter. Even back on the road, and he was at his wits end, he was never this affectionate. It’s not something you hold against him though, there were many more things on his mind that required more attention.
“ somethin’ funny? “ he questions you immediately.
“ seeing this side of you, it’s just a bit weird. A good kind of weird, though. “ you assure, continuing to walk over the overgrown branches. “ you’re doing okay? Like, really? “
“ just hard to get used to. These people have just been lucky. “
You nod in understanding, it’s been your first thought every morning since walking through that gate with months of dirt and grime that had accumulated, clinging to every inch of your skin. While blood from the dead dried into your skin, becoming part of you, they lathered themselves in floral perfumes and sprays. As much as you want to allow the venom to pool within you, to form a monster born of hate ⏤ you can’t.
In this world you can’t be driven by such emotions, to aim them at innocent people. Had you been in their position, would it be such an easy position to leave this protected bubble? A piece of the previous world left untouched by the cold, ghostly grip of the dead.
“ we can’t hold it against them. “
“ they’re weak, they could get one of ours killed. “ he quietly grumbles in response, his head shaking at the thought. They’d lost too much already, and he would be damned if he lost any more members of his family, especially now they’d reached an element of safety.
“ or they might not? “ you counter his statement, your eyes pleading as you stop where you stand, your hands still connected.
“ we can’t deal in maybes, we deal in certainties. “
“ what are you suggesting, Rick? That we take over? “ you ask, your brows dropping lower. You’d seen enough death and violence to last you a lifetime, you’d had enough for now. You can’t confirm if you have enough energy for another fight. Too much has been lost.
“ if it comes to it. “
“ this is their home now, our home. They’re not bad people. “ you argue lightly, not wishing for a heated disagreement out there. Any walker around would be attracted by the noise and then the smell of the living, you’ve begun to get used to not having to slaughter walkers every day.
“ no, but they’re unprepared. “
“ so were we at some point! “ inch by inch, you close the distance. You rest your grip on his forearms, trying to calm him no matter how useless it may or may not be. “ Rick, you’re trying to create a problem. I get this is an adjustment and if anything does happen, we’ll have you back. We will fight, but for the sake of safety.. we have somewhere to actually live. “
Against his better judgement he nods, just to put a stop to the conversation. He’d wanted to spend some time alone with you that held no prying eyes from Alexandrians, nor the entertained gazes of your group.
“ let’s just see how things go, and try not to keep things bottled up. It never works out. “
“ I’m not sure you want me to share my deep, dark secrets. “ he asserts with a playful inkling hidden poorly within his words.
A smirk lines itself into your features, you’re feeling the energy from Rick and you can’t deny that it feels good. You lift your chin higher, inching your lips closer to his, the warm glow beginning to burn brighter ⏤ a silent dare in the form of a quiet whisper on your tongue. “ try me. “
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mfb-better-fury · 3 years
Episode 4
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Atop a mountain shrouded in mist, a young man meditates within a temple. In his mind, he sees flashes of light, hears battle cries, and feels uncertainty. Of these lights, four shine brighter than the others, while one pulses with darkness instead. He muses to himself that four warriors have already awoken, but that the great evil has already obtained their own star fragment.
He turns his focus toward one of the unawakened lights. It is the dimmest of them all, telling him the warrior connected to it is not only unaware of their power but has no one to guide them to it.
Opening his eyes, he briefly glances across the room at a small box sitting on a shelf. Quietly he says to himself: “It seems you were right after all. If you had only waited a short while longer…”
His hand closes tighter around the cracked, jade-carved item in his lap. It pulses, then gains a steady glow. Closing his eyes, he thinks: “For the sake of this world...to prevent any more losses...I will do whatever I can.”
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In Madoka’s kitchen, Gingka and Ryo are watching her whirl about in a frenzy as she cooks. Gingka asks Benkei how long she’s been like this, and Benkei has to check the clock before saying it’s been a while. He’s pretty sure she’s overreacting about the person they’ll be meeting. Ryo questions who this person is, but when Benkei tries to answer he’s interrupted by Kenta’s arrival. He greets them, then realizes Madoka hasn’t registered him at all. The others can only shrug.
Ryo excuses himself as he gets a phone call, leaving the gang to themselves. They watch Madoka in awe for a moment before Gingka notes he’s never seen her like this before. It’s almost like she’s panicking. Benkei admits that might be it – he’s not entirely sure what’s going on, but he knows she seems very protective of ‘him’.
Ryo returns shortly to say that Hikaru’s uncle is bringing her, and asks Benkei if he knows if Kyoya might show up. Benkei as always is certain Kyoya will come through, though his usual cheery mood is somewhat lessened as he thinks back to the dark power spike.
By the time Hikaru arrives, Madoka has set the table and the others are already eating. Madoka greets her a bit breathlessly before telling her to help herself. After returning Ryo’s suit jacket, Hikaru sits down and does so. They note she seems to be a bit more put together than she was the day before, and she gives an uncertain, “I guess so.”
Kyoya arrives before too long and wants to get to business right away, but Madoka tells him they can’t until one more person arrives. Once again, Gingka questions this, and Madoka explains that there’s someone who’s been studying the star fragment for years. He watched the new one arrive and came to find them. Kenta imagines he must be someone old and important, but Benkei assures him that whatever he’s picturing, it’s not accurate.
Though Kyoya doesn’t touch the food, he does ask Benkei about Bull’s state. Benkei assures him that he and Bull will be battling again in no time, so there’s no need to worry. Kyoya’s slight smile of relief goes unseen by most of them, but Benkei just beams brighter.
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Outside, Yuki is being walked to the B-Pit by Ryutaro, Tobio, and a very bored Tetsuya. He thanks them again for both their escort and for allowing him to stay the night with them. Ryutaro assures him it’s no problem, though is concerned that he didn’t eat enough for breakfast. Yuki explains with some amusement that Madoka tends to stress cook and he’s certain about 3 breakfasts are waiting for him.
Tetsuya complains about being dragged along, but when Tobio points out this could be seen as his way of repaying Madoka for fixing Gasher, he reluctantly goes quiet. Yuki watches their dialogue but is unsure how to take it, simply deciding they are very interesting people.
As they reach the B-Pit, Yuki fishes out a key for the employee entrance and unlocks the door. He thanks them a third time before he’s pretty much shooed inside, after which Tobio wonders if Yuki knows how to not be polite. Ryutaro however finds it a refreshing change, but doesn’t go into detail when Tobio asks, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
As Yuki makes his way through the back of the store and towards the stairs, he runs a list through his head of everything he needs to say, ending with the most important thing: Keep hold of himself and just stay calm. Everything will be alright. He keeps repeating this to himself as he turns the corner to enter the kitchen, but it dies off as he sees Madoka and her friends. They don’t notice him right away until Kenta turns his head. He’s perplexed but points him out to Madoka.
Madoka rushes out of her seat to greet him, startling not just him but everyone. When she hugs him, Yuki finds himself finally relaxing again, and unfortunately can’t stop his tears. In concern Madoka asks if he’s alright, or if something happened to him during his trip. He tries to protest, but reaching up to wipe his eyes lets Madoka see his injury again. Now seeing it up close, she can tell it isn’t simply from falling like he’d claimed, and asks him what happened. Yuki argues it’s not important and tries to brush his emotions off as simply being overwhelmed by seeing her again. Though suspicious, Madoka lets it go for now.
The others are introduced to Yuki, with both Kyoya and Ryo giving him odd looks. Finding out that he is Madoka’s cousin is a surprise to them all. Benkei encourages him to eat before they get started, remembering how tired he had looked on their call the day before. Madoka gives him a grateful smile.
As Madoka starts cleaning up, Gingka tells Yuki about her flurry in the kitchen earlier, and Yuki admits he’d been expecting nothing less. Madoka comments he’s just lucky her dad is out of town – otherwise, there would’ve been twice as much food. Yuki agrees, saying that Uncle Akigo stress-cooks even more than she does.
Once all the food is put away, Kyoya asks if they can get started already. Yuki is startled by him speaking so suddenly but is cut off by Madoka telling Kyoya not to be so rude. She then explains that the whole thing is complicated, so they need a moment to figure out where to start. Ryo suggests they begin with how they know whatever it is they know in the first place. After the cousins exchange a look, Madoka nods for Yuki to start.
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Yuki’s answer is a direct quote of the legends of Koma Village, startling them – “Long long ago, a star fell from the sky. Through the ages, the tops born from that star fragment changed shape and evolved into the beyblades of today.” Ryo and Gingka question how he knows this, and Yuki explains that he grew up hearing these stories from his grandfather ever since he was young. Ryo realizes this means Yuki’s grandfather would have come from Koma Village. He then ponders over Yuki’s name and wonders: “He couldn’t possibly be…”
Yuki continues, saying that his grandfather would often take the both of them to a hill to see the vast sky full of stars. He remembers the night they had been told another legend from Koma Village – “When a dazzling glow lights up the earth from the heavens, a new star fragment will arrive and awaken a great power.” His grandfather said that their ancestors believed that a new star fragment would appear in the far future. He believed that time may be closer than they think, and promised them that they would see the new star fragment if it was their destiny.
The others question Madoka as to why she had never mentioned any of this. She first corrects their assumptions, saying that Grandpa was Yuki’s maternal grandfather, and she’s not related to him. She then admits that with everything that had happened before Kenta told them Gingka was from Koma Village, she had been so caught up in keeping their beys ready to go and collecting data on them that these childhood memories had slipped her mind.
Yuki goes on to say that he became intensely interested in when exactly the new star fragment would arrive. Using various astronomical observations and research of ancient ruins, he created a timeline of the universe that would calculate the time of its arrival. Madoka briefly cuts in to complain she’s still annoyed he didn’t want her help. After sheepishly apologizing, Yuki goes on to say that his most important reference came from the ancient Mayans. Ryo explains that they were an ancient civilization that created a group of calendars based on the movement of the stars. Yuki adds to this explaining one of those calendars predicted the arrival of the new star fragment. It wasn’t just the Mayans however – he found legends like those of Koma Village in his research from many ancient civilizations. Yuki is certain the meteor from the night before last is the new star fragment, and the light from his grandfather’s legend has appeared. “When a dazzling glow lights up the heavens...” He believes this to be the explosion of Spiral Force released into space by Gingka. This startles Gingka, who seemingly didn’t think on it all that hard before now.
The new star fragment has arrived, Yuki and Madoka know this for a fact. However, depending on who obtains its power, it could be used for either good or evil. This prompts Ryo to quote: “Where there is light present, darkness can creep in. So a new light may very well become a tunnel of darkness.” He explains this is a continuation of Koma Village’s legends. Their ancestors left these words to foretell the possibility that with the new star fragment would come an evil presence wanting to use it.
Yuki agrees that his grandfather feared that more than anything – that rather than being the beginning of a new era of beyblade, it would be the sign of a new age of chaos. He had warned them that the star fragment must not fall into the hands of evil, and they must be sure to prevent that.
Yuki believes his grandfather had sensed an evil presence that would go after the star fragment. He then corrects himself saying the star fragment itself must have as well. This is why it split into multiple points of light to scatter across the world. One of these lights hit him, and at that moment he heard the star fragment’s voice. Though the others express confusion and surprise, Yuki is certain that’s what it felt like – the star fragment pushed images into his head as if trying to communicate with him. One of these images was that of the cloaked figure, from which Yuki had immediately sensed evil. The next was of the sun being overtaken by a black star which he identified as Nemesis. The star fragment also gave him the information of “blade warriors”, or “legendary bladers”. Yuki warns the others that there is a great evil that will harness the unknown power of the star fragment, using it to revive the black sun, Nemesis. This would turn the world to darkness.
Now turning to Hikaru and Kyoya, Yuki begs them to lend him their strength. Hikaru isn’t sure what to say and Kyoya simply doesn’t respond. Benkei thinks Yuki must have been dreaming it all.
Madoka understands it is hard to believe, but the Mayans themselves predicted the day of humanity’s destruction, and it is coming soon. Yuki confirms this, believing it is tied to Nemesis’ revival. This is why the star fragment split itself, to entrust the earth to its chosen bladers. These legendary bladers were given the star fragment’s power, with there being thirteen in total. He’s also certain the enemy is looking for the legendary bladers as well to gain their power. This can’t be allowed to happen.
Ryo has now put the pieces together – the combination of the star fragment’s power in Leone along with Kyoya’s burning spirit is what caused the bey to transform. Kenta agrees, suggesting that the fragment in Aquario must have reacted to Hikaru reawakening hers. Hikaru expresses uncertainty at this, but as she remembers her mother’s words the day before, bites it back and stays quiet.
Kenta and Benkei express their hopes to become legendary bladers as well. Yuki is uncertain but admits that it is a possibility. This only furthers their excitement.
Madoka now questions Yuki about his injury, asking outright if he truly just fell. Now confronted, Yuki confesses to being attacked while trying to reach them the day before, and that he was rescued by Tobio and then aided by Ryutaro. He believes that the one who attacked him must work for the enemy, meaning the great evil has already begun working toward Nemesis’ revival. Benkei expresses his surprise about former Dark Nebula bladers coming to his aid, but Gingka just sees it as proof that their bladers’ spirits are shining bright. Yuki agrees, saying that they were quite nice to him, though also says that Tetsuya just seemed to be getting dragged along against his will.
Gingka assures Yuki that they’re all on board, with Kenta and Benkei agreeing. Kyoya doesn’t seem enthused but isn’t arguing. Hikaru gives no answer, too busy staring at Aquario in her hand. Ryo officially declares the WBBA will aid in the search of the other eleven legendary bladers. Yuki expresses his gratitude to them all.
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As Ryo gathers the kids to head to the WBBA to start their search, Kyoya watches Yuki, who is being told by Madoka to stay and rest first before he joins them. When Madoka turns away, Yuki happens to glance over and catches Kyoya’s gaze. Realizing who he is, Yuki pales a little. Before he can stammer out a word, however, Kyoya turns away and leaves, raising his hand in farewell. Yuki observes this for a moment before catching his breath; when Madoka addresses him, he jumps and apologizes for spacing out, then asks for her to reiterate what she’d said.
Ryo pauses as he and the kids leave the shop, causing Gingka to ask if something’s wrong. He assures his son he’s fine and says that he just needs to step back inside and confirm something with Yuki. He’ll meet them at the office.
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Ryo finds Yuki setting his things down in the spare bedroom and asks if he could bother him for a moment. He wants confirmation that Yuki said his last name was “Mizusawa”, and Yuki gives it. Now smiling, Ryo asks if his grandfather’s name would happen to be Isao, and a now startled Yuki questions if Ryo knows him. Ryo recounts how Isao was like a mentor to him when he was their age, always keeping him out of the worst trouble. He asks how Isao is doing but is confused when Yuki seems to deflate.
Yuki admits that his grandfather left on a journey just under two years ago, and he lost contact with him shortly after. He has no idea where he is now. This concerns Ryo, but he tries to reassure Yuki that Isao is a tough man to beat. Yuki says that would only be true if he had Anubius. He takes the bey out, saying that it was his grandfather’s parting gift to him. He then wishes he could be half the blader his grandfather is, but his only battle so far has been while he was running for his life.
Ryo puts a hand on Yuki’s shoulder, saying he’s confident that Yuki’s skill will grow in time. He just needs to remember to have faith in Anubius, as well as himself. Yuki seems doubtful of this advice, so Ryo tells him something else: “It’s easy to watch a battle and cheer for someone, but it can be hard to be the blader in the fight. Even so, you won’t know if you’re ready until you get out there and try.”
Yuki is quieted by this, now teary-eyed. Ryo softly tells him that these were words he heard from not just Yuki’s grandmother, his namesake, but his mother as well. Yuki may doubt himself now, but the strength is inside him just waiting to come out. When Yuki begins to cry again, Ryo stands with him and promises that from this point on, they will walk this path together, not only to find the legendary bladers but to find Isao as well.
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Outside on a roof across the street from the B-Pit, Johannes is sitting along with some cats and wonders what he should do next.
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red-riot-rat · 4 years
REQUEST:Hello there! May I request a scenario where Class1-A has to babysit Aizawa's 5 yr old child (the reader) and Eri while Aizawa is on a mission, and the reader's personality is basically a copy of Aizawa's, has Aizawa's quirk + they are Eri's bast friend? Srry if this is a weird/long ask!
HEY HEY! This isnt a weird ask at all! I love this idea!! ALSO in this you can see why i greet every anon like this, or start everything with HEY HEY! jknvsdkjc
Genre:Fluff, pure chaos
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: chaos, cursing (thank you bakugou), a little bit of family past which is sad...
AN: Readers name is Masumi, which the meaning will be explained later on. Also Eri,,, might be OOC?? My apologies bhvksdc but this was so fucking fun to write.
𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘮𝘱 𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙙 : Sat. 3:23 AM
𝘞𝘊: 1590
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“HEY HEY MY FAVORITE LISTENERS!” PresentMics voice echoed through the 1A classroom and everyone could have sworn they felt the room vibrate. 
“Your dear grump teacher is out on a mission, but he’ll be back soon! SO here, the children are now yours to deal with!” PresentMic ushered two children into the room, one being Eri and the other being one who only a few knew as Aizawa- sensei’s child. PresentMic waved again and ran out the door as Iida stood up in protest.
“Sensei! You can't-” he sputtered, but the loud man was already gone. Very far gone. 
The two children slowly walked to the front, and spun around facing everyone, scanning through the rows of faces. Eri recognized a few people and smiled at them and waved. The other child looked very much like their father with black hair with your bangs tucked behind your ears, black half-lidded eyes, and quite frankly dressed in all black, did nothing but stare with a blank face.
Eri leaned forward and smiled at you, waving slightly and waited for you to wave back. You turned your head to face her, and waved slightly. Eri was satisfied with that.
She skipped her way over to Midoriya, a few other students got up and followed her and formed a group around the green haired boy. You stood at the front of the room, searching and scanning for leftover faces. Iida looked around frantically for about a minute, before deciding that 1A had been left with two children and sitting back down, exasperated.
Some girls in the back were left in their seats, including Jirou, Tsuyu, Yaomomo, and Mina. They gathered near the front near a few of the boys who stayed as well, Denki, Iida, Sero, Kirishima and Bakugou.
Bakugou made his way over to the others so he wouldn't get bombarded by Midoriya and the others.
“Tsk. We’re heroes, not damn babysitters.” he grumbled sitting on Kirishima’s desk, crossing his arms. Kirishima eyed him, and punched him softly in the arm. “Hey there kids dude. Not manly.” Kirishima hardened his side after he saw the blonde's reaction to his little punch.
“Don’t touch me shitty hair!” he shouted, as a few others rolled their eyes, and talked with anyone other than him.
“I agree with him, Bakugou. You must rid yourself of foul language while there are children near!” Iida exclaimed, chopping the air in front of him. The girls nodded around him, everyone unaware of your eyes wandering around the group. Bakugou let explosions release from his hands, dangerously close to Kirishima’s face. 
Occasionally your eyes flipped from the loud blondes group, to Eri’s smiley and laughing group. You did nothing but stand there, you were quite bored. 
“SHUT UP FOUR EYES!” His explosions grew louder as he yelled, a few people from Eri’s group turned their heads, and rolled their eyes.
Eri’s laugh caught her group's attention and their eyes followed her outstretched arm, and her pointed finger. Their eyes finally rested upon you.
Bakugou’s quirk died instantly, but he kept yelling. Jirou pointed to you, almost everyone's eyes landed on you, but Bakugou.
Soon enough, their eyes grew in wonder as your quirk activated.
Your hair rose, your half lidded eyes glew a bright blinding red, and yet you said nothing. You only stared at the blonde as his yelling came to a halt.
“You're really annoying mister.” you stated blandly. Uraraka snickered, and Midoriya began to visibly sweat. 
“DAMN NERD!” Bakugou yelled, his hands in position with no explosions, he wasn’t that scary to you. He was like that loud kid in dad's stories, the loud blonde one. But not Hizashi, he was always the jester or something.
“Hey, kid I-” Denki began to stammer. “My name is Masumi.” You stated again, this time with a slight frown. Eri laughed as she skipped over away from the group she had been in, over to you. You blinked, and Katsuki’s quirk returned violently creating blasts left and right. Eri stood in front of you, jumping up and down.
“Cool move! Cool move!” She smiled widely, and raised her hand for a high five. Midoriya stood in his seat, along with Ochako. No more laughing or snickering, but genuine terror. You activated your quirk again, and high fived her.
Everyone relaxed at the sight of your quirk again, and Midoriya sat down slowly, hastily grabbing for his notebook.
Iida raced over to you, his engines revving. You turned your head quickly to see him, and his engines died down quick. He gasped, and honestly completely forgot you were Aizawa's child, but then soon got back onto his original action.
“Masumi, you must be careful! That is very dangerou-” 
You blinked at him, and crossed your arms.
“I know. She's my best friend, mister. You're being a poopy head.” You stuck your tongue out at the tall male, and sat down. Laughs echoed through the room, while the words poopy head echoed through Iidas mind.
“Wait, Masumi! He's nice!” Eri giggled, as she said in front of you. You were definitely Aizawa’s kid.
You pouted again at Eri, who was a bundle of joy. You sighed dramatically, and rolled onto the floor.
Everyone was silent, except Eri’s ongoing giggling.
“okAY?” bakugou yelled, obviously confused.
“Kid who the fUCK do YOU THINK YOU ARE?” Kirishima shot him a warning glace and started to whisper the same lecture Iida gave him but something made his breath catch in his throat.
“Fuck.” you repeated after the blonde. Midoriya, Iida Uraraka and many others gasped. 
“Fuck.” Eri repeated after you, sitting next to you stretching her arms to touch her toes.
“Mhm. Fuck.” You nodded and sat up again, facing the horrified class. You smiled at them, made them shiver to the core. You sitting besides Eri, her adorable smile sending rays of light, even into Tokoyami’s heart, while you smiled besides her
Exactly like your father.
“What the hell.” Denki whispered to himself, everyone stared at you.
“Masumi uhm. I-” Yaomomo stuttered, eager to change the subject of attention to anything else. Anything but a copy of Aizawa-senseis terrifying smile plastered onto this cute little kid.
“Do you like your name?” Shoto asked, sensing Momo and her need to stop staring at this kid's smile. Uraraka and a few others nodded along with Todoroki’s questioning, grateful. 
You shrugged.
“I donno, my moms not here anymore so dad renamed me.”
Your name made more sense now. Masumi, meaning a sense of true clarity. You were Aizawa's true reason for clarity, cute.
Cue, Aizawa’s appearance. He had no bandages, no sign of a mission, just his normal disheveled self.
“Aizawa-sensei! PresentMic left them here with us, and-” Iida half-shouted, but Aizawa’s wave of his hand stopped him. He squatted down, and greeted you and Eri. 
“Zawa!” Eri sings, as she jumps up to see him.
“Hi Eri. How was today?” He asked kindly, his change of voice comforting to the children.
“Fun! Mina’s hair is fluffy, and so is Toko-yami’s!” She jumped around, while you rolled onto your stomach your hands and feet stretched out. You yawned as you plopped back into your sitting position. 
“Hi dad. He's loud.” Aizawa knew of only a few loud people, only two of which you had seen today. He chuckled as he asked you,
“Which one kiddo?” 
A few students around the class chuckled, and turned their heads slightly towards Bakugou as you pointed at him.
“Mister. I also called someone a poopy head.” You smiled softly as he smiled back at you, and rubbed the top of your head.
“As you should kid.” He stood up and looked to his students, scanning their faces and seeing a tinge of worry struck across almost all the faces he saw.
“What did you learn, Masumi?” he asked, staring daggers into any eyes that met him.
Everyone stood in their seats, except Bakugou who was visibly sweating.
“Learn? Words?” you asked, you hadn't learned much that day but a few memorable things.
“Yeah kiddo.” He eyed the class, unsure as he turned and squatted in front of you again.
“Fuck.” You said looking up at him.
Everything when dead silent.
Dead silent. 
No breathing, no nothing.
He stood back up, slowly turning to his class. His eyes glowed red, his hair starting to float. You gasped and activated your quirk to match him. You stuffed your hands into the pockets of your black pants, and faced the class as Eri sat peacefully besides you.
“Anyone would like to explain this new word?”
You nodded alongside him, but got bored with the act quick. You threw your hands up in exasperation and flopped back down next to Eri, where you both blabbered to each other. 
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