#look I love the Mama Luigi trop but. Zio Mario is so dear to my soul
istadris · 8 months
Totally blaming @dibujos-de-la-orilla , especially after this post with Mario, Luigi and Peach helping Bowser and Junior in their time of need and Mario being the best at cheering up kids.
AU where instead of Junior wanting his dad to be with Luigi because Luigi is the best Mama (nothing against this trope! It's cute AF), Junior does everything to get his dad and Luigi together because Mario is the COOLEST. Mario babysat him on accident/in an emergency a couple of times and Junior LOVED IT and wants to do it again! Mario always has cool ideas for games and has so much energy, he's not like the grown ups who sit down and ask Junior to "go have fun", instead Mario wrestles with him!! And he races Junior in any vehicles ! And he always buys ice cream !
So while Bowser is racking his brain trying to explain to his son that he's dating one of their oldest enemies, Junior pulls every trick in the spoiled kid book to get his dad to spend more time with Luigi...and leave him in Mario's charge in the meantime. Because Bowser is an idiot, he doesn't realize he's being played by a kid, and instead angsts over leaving his son with his nemesis (which, as much as he hates to admit it, is the person he trusts the most to keep his hyperactive, powerful brat in check but safe; most of his castle staff aren't equipped to deal with fire-breathing Royal Koopas and Kamek isn't always available).
You'd think Luigi would be jealous of Junior clearly preferring Mario to him, but secretly, he's very relieved : he likes Junior, he really does, but unlike Mario who's a born natural with kids, Luigi needs more time for kids to warm up to him, and right now he's at the stage where he would rather focus on developing his relationship with Bowser. So if Junior enjoys himself with Mario while Luigi is enjoying himself with Bowser ? It's a win for everyone !
Mario isn't fooled either, he finds the situation hilarious and never minds having Junior around. Peach was a bit worried at first that Junior would fixate on her as a Mama again but she was quickly relieved; Junior has outgrown that phase, now he wants to beat Mario at every video game in existence and also show him this cool rock he found and, and, did you know Bloopers can grow back their tentacles ?! "No they can't", Mario says with a smile hidden under his moustache, prompting Junior to say that yes they can!!
"Well let's test it then, okay ? I heard there's a giant Blooper on Delfino Island..."
Bowser is the only one who doesn't realize everyone is very happy with the arrangement and is worrying he's being a terrible dad and a lame boyfriend.
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