#longest six in cricket
oneturfnews · 5 months
Longest Six In Cricket By An India Player In IPL History
While talking about the cricket history, Indian cricket players are not known to be power-hitters in any of the three formats of the game. However, the Indian Premier League (IPL) is one such platform where players get the freedom to showcase their respective talent and big-hitting skills with complete freedom. In the last 16 editions of the IPL, many of the players, both batters and bowlers have emerged as sensational six-hitters. With every next IPL season, the number of sixes being hit in the entire T20 tournament keeps on increasing. In this blog, check out the top five longest six in cricket by an India player in the IPL history and it is quiet bewildering that Mumbai Indians' senior opening batsman Rohit Sharma is not part of this esteemed tally. 
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neoprimesport01 · 2 years
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Which are some most popular sports in America? Read articles at Neoprimesports. We mainly cover all prime events like popular sports like Cricket, USA Soccer, Betting promotions, Online betting, Brand Promotions, casinos, Sports Advertising, etc.
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shephardtree · 2 years
Men's T 20 2020 Cricket World Cup
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jiangwanyinsimp · 5 months
An Incomplete (and Very Long) list of thing Edwin Payne missed while he was stuck in Hell
This list emerged because I was talking about how he would have missed the end of World War One and then the list kept going. It is not complete or in order, and is provided simply for posterity
spanish flu
the hindenburg disaster
the rise of public radio
Irish independence
fast food as a concept
the hinterkaifeck murders
the extinction of the california grizzly
the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb
jet aircraft
supersonic aircraft
the moon landing
the jazz age
the first woman to swim the english channel
the BBC
Amelia Earhart
the discovery of Pluto
the crash of airship R101
the founding of porsche
the geneva convention
UK abandonment of the gold standard
the discovery of 22 elements on the periodic table
Australia starting and losing the Emu war
the creation of the Royal Christmas message
the Great Depression
FM radio
the first canned beer
pre-sliced bread
the recognition of stress as a biological condition
the extinction of the thylacine
the destruction of the Crystal Palace
the first full feature length animated film (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
the nylon bristle toothbrush
the last use of the guillotine for an official state execution
Gone With the Wind (the book AND the film)
the founding of Greggs
Looney Tunes
the discovery of the Lascaux cave paintings
Agatha Christie's works
the discovery of nuclear fission and all subsequent nuclear discoveries
the airplane ejection seat
The Little Prince
the lifting of the prohibition of married British women working as teachers
the disappearance of flight 19
the first formula one grand prix
the invention of the magic 8 ball
the Doomsday Clock
the AK-47
the first commercial microwave
the Kinsey reports
the first time Idaho Fish and Game parachuted beavers into the wild
humanity's entry to space
the beginning of the broadcast of the Archers (the longest running present day drama by number of episodes)
the Korean War
the polio vaccine
the first nuclear powered submarine
The Lord of the Rings
transistor radio
the TV dinner/ready meal
the entire life of Elvis Presley
Kermit the Frog
My Fair Lady (the film and musical adaptations)
Grace Kelly's wedding
the Entire Life Of Marilyn Monroe
the Beat Generation
Helvetica typeface
the peace symbol
the Cod Wars
computer games
Dyatlov Pass incident
Missile Mail
the Declaration of the Rights of the Child
particle accelerators
the Beatles
the recovery of the Vasa
the first Six Flags
Breakfast at Tiffany's
the Vietnam War
Silent Spring
The Rolling Stones
the night of the long knives
Vatican II
James Bond
the Cuban Missile Crisis
Thích Quảng Đức's self-immolation
the "I Have A Dream" speech
JFK Assassination
the smiley face
Mary Poppins (1964)
the last British execution
high speed rail
the first time "fuck" was said on british tv
the Moors Murders
the Grateful Dead
the British parliament decriminalizing homosexuality
most of the literary career of Pablo Neruda
Fleetwood Mac
the Parker Morris Standards
the end of steam passenger travel in the UK
Led Zeppelin
Earth Day
the first temporary artificial heart
the first person to row an ocean solo
the Zodiac Killer
the nationalization of Rolls-Royce
decimalisation of UK currency
the first e-book
the first microprocessor
DB Cooper
the first email
the Biological Weapons Convention
the start of the Troubles
The Joy of Sex
all attempts to climb Mount Everest and the eventual first ascent
the invention of the Rubik's Cube
the Moorgate tube crash
the first Cricket World Cup
the global eradication of Smallpox
Star Wars
the Tenerife airport disaster
the discovery of the rings of Uranus
Red Rum winning three Grand Nationals
the Concorde
the start of the broadcast of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Synthetic insulin
the Thorpe affair
the release of God Save the Queen by the Sex Pistols
Monty Python
the election of Margaret Thatcher
Star Trek
Iron Maiden
the incident where the dingo ate a baby in Australia
the end of iron and steel production in the UK's Black Country
the first London Marathon
Charles and Diana's wedding
the church of England votes to elect women to holy orders
the 1981 UK tornado outbreak
the first child born by IVF
the Falklands War
the raising of the Mary Rose
the invention of ciabatta bread
the discovery of the Titanic
the King's Cross Fire
Top Gun
Lockerbie bombing
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magdaclaire · 3 months
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starshine, a poem about my girlfriend @legalespeon
to cait: you're my favorite. to everyone else: hope you enjoy.
transcript under the cut or in the alt text image descriptions.
m a morton
i told her once that meeting her was like turning the lights on
and i don't know if there's any better way to describe it 
how else can i say that it feels like she reached into me and pulled every good thing about me back into the light
reminded me that there's more to this house than the shadows and the gloom
the creaking staircases and drafty windows
that she spilled color back into the world
or maybe she just reminded me to look for it
she opened the front door and the handle didn't even stick
didn't even catch on the swollen door frame
storm damaged in more ways than one
nobody's ever done it like her
people have shouldered through the door and they've climbed through windows
they've left the first time they were denied entry, 
mistaken the hesitance for occupancy,
it didn't even hesitate for her 
like the door was made for her to walk through.
meeting her was flicking on a gas stove
tick, tick, tick, catch,
the potential was always there,
stored energy waiting to be sparked into a flame,
i've cooked more in the months since i met her than i had in the previous two years.
every day, we do the connections together
that new york times game, something i would have never gotten into without her
i only like doing wordle with her
i get bored otherwise,
too caught up in my head to even stay focused on a game you only get six tries to get right
so why do i feel so perfectionist about it anyway
but that's not the point.
the point is that things are more fun when i can hear the sound of her laugh
i've always hated looking at menus but it's fun when she's telling me all the things she wants to try
when she's looking at restaurants in my hometown and curious about the brussel sprout salad
(which, of course, i order)
we looked through the attraction pages of three zoos together
we've contemplated dates in my hometown
the place she used to live
the place she's moved to now
the city where i stay when i'm with my brother
every place i am, i want her to be
i wanna see my comfortable places through her bright eyes
see how my girl sheds starlight, pixie dust from her fingertips
her delighted laughter, her open excitement,
i want to take her to every nook and cranny of childhood i have left in this world
let her know the creature consigned to this body
how it has come to heel beneath her gaze
how deeply and embarrassingly and ardently she's been needed for longer than i've known her.
she worries she doesn't help me as much as i help her
as if that worry in itself isn't more care than any partner has ever treated me with
like there isn't care in every look she regards me with
as if i haven't slept better since meeting her than i have in years.
and it can be said,
hey man you met her in the same time as getting on some new meds, maybe correlation isn't causation?
the new antidepressant is called auvelity and it started working before i ever knew her name
gave me energy again and the ability to cry and i started cooking again
day by day wasn't a slog for the first time in years and i hadn't felt that good since high school
(as fucking terrible as high school was).
the whole world still dim like milky twilight, damp with humidity
the frogs and the crickets so loud (or maybe the walls so thin) that you can hear them standing in the center of the house.
the lights didn't turn on without her.
she wraps joy around me like a borrowed coat, sits me down in the living room and tells me about the future,
and for the first time, i can picture one with me in it
for the longest time that idea was so vague to me
the abstraction from self it took to imagine survival past day by day by unforgiving day
with her, i can imagine turning 25
26, 31, 45 
if she's there, i want to be there too
and that's a lot to put on someone's shoulders
and i cannot be one more burden in her Atlas sky hands.
she'd tell me that i am not burdening her but stepping shoulder to shoulder with her, bearing the weight together
or she would tell me that i'm one of the reasons that all this tension is worth carrying
or she'd tell me that she's tired,
that she'd like to let go of the world and lay down with me,
and i would grab her hand and smile,
say fuck the world, come home with me
and in this imagining within an imagining
i picture how carefully she would set down the sky,
like placing a child back onto their feet
and how this is how she does everything,
with so much care it makes your chest ache
makes your eyes hurt
starlight girl supernova bright in my mind's eye,
my heartbeat catching on the lines of her smile.
sometimes, she and i sit looking at each other through cameras and phones and hundreds of miles
and i feel closer to her than any lover to ever touch my skin
there was an ocean between us and still that was true
four hours time difference we still found a way
i don't know what to do with a partner that actually thinks i'm worth the effort.
pushed out to sea by every moment i'm not with her,
pulled back in by the tide of her breathing,
my starlight girl moon in the sky,
and i the wrong kind of cosmonaut but enamored anyway,
there's not a way i can imagine this where i don't want to follow where she goes.
she's got one of those gaming computers with lights where lights truly do not have to be
it's colorful and whimsical and i'm sure that there's functional purpose
i want to build her the world with my own two hands but i imagine a computer like that might be easier
circuits and wires and logic and programming and ducks, from what i hear
i've never been for going about things the easy way anyway.
that's the scariest thing sometimes,
how easy things are with her
i'm used to loving folks like pulling teeth from my own mouth
service comes easy to me, gifts i can make,
but expressing love aloud has never been easier than when i'm pushing it past her lips
pouring love into her with lip and teeth and tongue
whisper her my love affair fire with smoke passed between our mouths
she breathes me in and i am taken in,
perfect and peaceful.
i'll never stop wondering why
she chose me but i'll choose her back every day if she'll let me
my sunshine, my north star
everything i need.
once, i told her that talking to her helps,
but I think I'll miss her til I have her in my hands, and every time she's not after that too
she says to me you say the most romantic shit sometimes,
asks me if she's supposed to  be normal about it,
as if making her feel that way isn't the goal of my every sentence;
letting her know how special she is through words alone is impossible
but sometimes I get close.
sometimes i think she can feel just how badly I need her,
split seconds of oh, you love me flash of recognition on her face
as if loving her wasn't what I was made for,
as if the sound of her laugh isn't music to me,
as if I don't hang off her every story time run-on sentence,
her unique ability to circumnavigate her point so much that it's like she's telling ten stories at once,
I love that about her.
I love the way she needs me to know every single detail and every single reason and how she knows him and how they know them,
how she invites me into the house of her soul just as easily as the door opened to her,
I love how much she trusts me.
I love trusting her just as much.
my good morning texts to her always start the same way
good morning, starshine! the sun says hello!
a bastardization misremembrance of something my mother quoted to me as a child that tastes like home on my tongue,
the home I provide to her will always live more on love than anything else,
and as well as I can, I won't let her be lonely in the home we share.
I was a lonely kid, in a way
in the textbook for the psychology class I took the semester before I met her
there was a small definition of what autism is, which began with
autism is a disorder characterized by extreme aloneness,
the goal here to be able to communicate exactly how much people like me live in our heads more than our homes,
open door and song birds singing,
and i don't think i've ever looked into a two way mirror and saw myself so profoundly as in that simple sentence,
that deep well of loneliness bubbling within me so suddenly.
i've never liked learning new things in public
it takes me time to adjust to information, to incorporate things
i can play a good game when it comes to the gambit of conversation
adapt as quickly as i can and keep quiet while things slide into place in my mind
i've never met someone more understanding of the oddities in me than she is
never been able to ask for the space she gives me naturally
slow but not far
an arms length intimacy that we close the distance of when we're both ready,
i wonder if she loves figuring me out as much as i love the vice versa,
standing in that push and pull of learning every single thing about her,
letting the ocean tide bite at my ankles just for the pleasure of standing in the sea spray,
i've always loved the water but never like this.
my love for her ocean vast and trench deep,
i have no idea how to end a poem about her
i'll spend the rest of my life with her
and i still don't think i'll ever be able to properly form the words,
tell her exactly how much she means,
how much i need her.
so instead, i'll prop the door open
write her poem after poem after poem of hello i love you,
good morning, i love you
how did you sleep, i love you
did you get something to eat, i love you
drink some more water, i love you
let me take care of you, i love you,
and i will take her hand and i will give her the keys, say
this house is yours now
i know you'll treat it well.
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artemisdesari-blog · 4 months
Readers, Readers Everywhere, And Barely A Comment Between Them.
Okay, so my title may be a little misleading in my case at this particular moment in time. My current long fic is doing incredibly well for comments by my standards. My standards being based on when I was writing for The Hobbit and I was lucky to get six comments a chapter. I'm getting somewhat more than that now I've jumped fandoms to Star Wars, but the number of comments per chapter has still dramatically dropped now that I'm on eighty-nine chapters compared to what I was getting when I was on only twelve chapters. That's alright, I expect that because people have limited abilities to keep up with reading fic, especially ridiculously long ones like mine has turned into. This particular rant is more for the benefit of others than myself. I'm being thoroughly spoilt right now, but it hasn't always been like that.
My current feast does, however, show me just how important comments are to writers, whether that's here, on AO3, or Wattpad, or even FFN (which I abandoned a few years ago because, frankly, it's dying a slow death and I can't face watching it, a topic for another time). There are many types of writer, from the ones who get an idea and just meander their way through it until they have a story, to the ones who get an idea and meticulously plan every detail, and everyone who falls on some spectrum of in between. There are the ones who focus on one story at a time, and the ones who pump out two or three or a dozen different ones a week. There are the people who write drabbles and one shots, the people who write short stories, the people who write long stories, and the people who are attempting to outdo the longest published stories written. Some post as they go, some have a buffer, some write the whole thing before they post. Some write because they have an idea and simply want to explore it, some want to fix canon, and some people are going through some stuff (or have been through it) and are using writing to help them deal.
All that to say, writers come in all shapes and sizes and motivations. They are all very different, but they are all the same in one area; if they are writing fanfiction they are not getting paid. And if they are getting paid then they're breaking several copyright laws and putting fanfiction at risk of a repeat of the Anne Rice incidents 20+ years ago. So don't pay for it, the rest of us don't want corporate lawyers up our arses.
For those of us who have been around for longer than tik tok and tumblr and even Facebook, we remember the early days of online fanfiction. We remember the purges on livejournal and FFN. We remember when fanfic was scattered about the Internet, never all in one place and sometimes only accessible if you jumped through loads of hoops to get passwords. The people just discovering it today have no idea how lucky you are. But even in those days we got comments. In fact, in those days they were more abundant. I know that sounds like rose tinted glasses, but a quick look through stories posted ten years ago on AO3 versus stories posted now shows a similar trend. The art of the comment is dying.
Now, before anyone shouts "you write for yourself" or "but you're not entitled to comments", I am aware of both. But guess what. If I'm writing for myself and myself alone, why should I bother sharing it?
Writing is hard. Going through it and editing and spellchecking and making sure the grammar is at least passable is hard work. A lot of us do this when we probably (definitely in my case) should be doing other things. I write for myself, yes, because I want to explore how the story will come out. I post because I enjoy sharing, but I enjoy sharing far less when the response I get is crickets. Shouting into the void is not enjoyable, it does not make the work of editing and all the rest seem worth it. Shouting into the void tears apart any enjoyment I might have derived from crafting a line of dialogue or putting together a scene.
I'm not entitled to comments. This I know. I know it all too well. But guess what? Readers aren't entitled to my hard work either. Comments are what keep us going. They are what feeds the muse when we're otherwise in a pit of writers block. They're what helps us work around an awkward plot point when a reader says "but I wonder what will happen when X discovers Y". Comments are what get us to think "I haven't posted this week, I need to get that chapter out", or if it was an absolute beast to write seeing that people enjoyed it makes it worthwhile. I will and have dropped stories that get no engagement, because shouting to the void damages my mental health. It makes my work and effort feel absolutely worthless and I refuse to do that to myself. I know I can see the hit counters increasing, but that could be someone who clicked accidentally, or didn't like the opening chapter and moved on. Comments are essential to keeping up my motivation and while I will never have the absolute audacity to demand a certain number of comments before I update, I will stop. Because my time is valuable to me and I won't spend it doing something that leaves me feeling terrible and worthless.
And I know, people have been known to link some of my stories in rec blogs (I've seen it done), I have a commenter who tells me they read it with their friends. I know other writers who have stumbled on their fic being discussed in fandom discords or on blogs or tik tok, or have been told that it's a subject in a group chat. But guess what? Unless we obsessively search everywhere on the Internet for even a hint that our work is being talked about, we never see that. We never hear about it. The one person who wants to hear you thoughts, who can provide the answers to your questions and the resolution to the plot point, is the person you've cut out of the discussion. It's the person who is looking at their inbox and email and becoming more and more demoralised because there's kudos, and the hit counter is going up, but no one is saying anything.
I know some people have been burned by picky writers in the past. I'm actually not one of the ones who cares. I will take a heart, I will take someone writing "kudos", I will take a sentence or a paragraph or a 4000 word essay (which would be longer than 90% of my chapters but the point stands). What I can't take, and the same goes for many writers, is silence. So please, I beg of you, for the sake of writers everywhere, resurrect the art of the comment.
Feed us, we're starving.
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sunnytastic · 2 years
I’m very very new to the always sunny fandom and I stumbled across a post of yours about macdennis and your prefaced it with saying rob is a loser and people in the tags were agreeing/saying they’re a rob hater and hate to give him praise/credit. My question is, why does everyone hate rob? Is it because of the offensiveness of the show or something else? When I say new I mean like this week new so I really don’t know anything about the actors/creators. Thank you very much for any information you can give me, it’s greatly appreciated. ❤️
omg hi!!! welcome! sunnyblr is by far the best fandom i ever been a part of. i hope you have as much fun as i do.
something very unique about sunny is how integral the creators are to the lifeblood of the show. rob, charlie, and glenn (rcg) are not simply it's creators, they are the show themselves. sunny was born out of rcg's desire to give themselves the opportunities they wish they were being offered. before sunny, none of them had any major roles or been a part of a hit production. and so they a created a show, written by them, starring them with themselves being the target audience. and it has turned into the longest running live-action sitcom on television, with one of the most passionate and involved fanbases (i can not stand the sunny sub reddit but no one can deny their love for the show).
beyond rcg themselves, sunny is an important part of the lives of their closest family and friends. rob met kaitlin olson, the actress who plays dee, on the show and they are married now. charlie's wife, mary elizabeth ellis, plays the waitress, and jimmi simpson, his old roommate, plays liam mcpoyle. david hornsby, one of the funniest people alive and the actor who plays rickety cricket, was very close friends with rob, glenn, and charlie long before the show started and is also one of the head writers for the show.
also, and, this isn't quite relevant to the rest of this response, but if you do continue down the sunny rabbit hole, you will find that six names repeatedly pop up in terms of episode writers: rob mcelhenny, charlie day, glenn howerton, david hornsby, scott marder, and rob rosell. you will also notice that during seasons 13 & 14, arguably sunny's weakest seasons, glenn howerton, scott marder, and rob rosell were absent from the writer's room, which really speaks to how enmeshed sunny and it's writers are.
ok so here is the thing about rob... i've written about this before but rob is both overwhelmingly confident and deeply insecure, which are two sides of the same coin. funny enough, i think rob would be the first person to agree with me on this statement. he's said many times that he knows he walks around with a chip on his shoulder and something to prove. most times, this attitude works in his favor. he is passionate, determined, and persistent, and every person in his life will speak to how great of a leader and friend he is.
but sometimes, I find it very easy to get frustrated with rob because he will say something and I will be hit with how much he has become the hollywood he was originally very critical about. with charlie and glenn, there is less of the feeling that hollywood "got" them. he is also the most defensive about sunny's use of blackface (& other racial caricatures), a decision I already vehemently dislike made worse by rob's attitude of "whoops, just a little mistake we made."
but then again, he has given one of the most nuanced and heartbreakingly real portrayals of a gay man in television, while also still being very funny in the process. in another of his shows, mythic quest, the only romantic pairing in the entire show is a lesbian couple, who get together very early on and avoid the stereotypical catty behavior seen in most tv lesbian couples.
so my feelings on rob are very mixed. on one hand, i am in awe of his creative talent & artistic direction and grateful for his fight for better queer representation. on the other, he can be so irritating i find myself wanting to bang my head against the table.
i hope this answer is helpful! if you have any more questions, any sunny blog and I would be happy to answer them. if you are looking to learn more about the show, i highly recommend listening to the always sunny podcast. rob, charlie, and glenn talk about the show episode by episode, often bringing in other cast members to join them. while they don't always stay on topic, you will definitely see how much this show means to them and how much of their personalities are reflected in the characters.
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kittrrrr · 1 year
Okay, so this also happened when my friend, Levi, came over. We had finished scanning in those cards, and finished a shrine I'd had trouble either on my own. He asked me why I hadn't cashed in my lights of blessing (this after distracting me about their while I was working through the shrine)
"Oh, well I like to cash a lot of blessings in at once. I'm saving up for six at a time; I'll cash them when I have 25." He points out the obvious math error, and I explain that I like having one left over, beacuase it looks better. I also tell him about my inventory, which is only organized by when I first picked up the item. I keep this organization by always having at least one of any given item at a time.
"Wait how do you know where anything is?!" Levi asked. "Find restless crickets!" I open the page, and the item is right up front. He um and ahs before asking me to find black boko horns, then armored porky, captian construct II horns, and one or two other things. I find them relative quickly, the porky taking the longest. (I flipped past it)
He finally accepted that the there's a method to this madness, and my mom pops up.
"Well, it's mostly madness."
Okay, but it works.
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starbiopic · 9 days
Team India Ready for Test Showdown Against Bangladesh, Eyes on World Test Championship
Chennai: After a six-month break from Test cricket, Team India is all set to return to the longest format of the game, starting today. The next three and a half months are going to be crucial for India’s World Test Championship (WTC) campaign as they are scheduled to play a total of ten Test matches. Their first challenge comes from Bangladesh, who are riding high on confidence after a 2-0 series…
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sportszilla247 · 20 days
Top 5 Longest Sixes of 2024 IPL (Indian Premier League)
The IPL 2024 season has been a six-fest! From audacious scoops over the wicketkeeper to clean power-hitting down the ground, batsmen have treated fans to a spectacle of brute force and exceptional timing. But amidst the flurry of boundaries, a select few deliveries have truly stood out — the mammoth sixes that left everyone awestruck. So, cricket fanatics, get ready to relive the moments of…
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neoprimesport01 · 2 years
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Keeping up with sports updates is essential for every sports fan today. The internet is a good place to check for news, as many websites update their content on a regular basis with the latest happenings. A simple web search will reveal thousands of outlets where sports fans can read the latest headlines. Whether you're interested in football, rugby, basketball, golf, hockey, rugby, motor racing, athletics, or cycling, you may find a dedicated website for it.
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reddyannaaa261 · 28 days
How Long Does the Average Cricket Game Last?
If you’re diving into the world of cricket, understanding match durations is essential. Cricket matches vary significantly in length, and it largely depends on the format being played.
In Test cricket, which is the longest format, games typically last up to five days, with each day’s play usually lasting around six hours. This traditional format allows for a deep and strategic contest, but can be quite time-consuming.
One-Day Internationals (ODIs) offer a shorter format, where each team plays 50 overs. These matches generally last about 7–8 hours, including breaks. ODIs are more condensed compared to Test matches but still provide a full day of cricket action.
Twenty20 (T20) cricket is the shortest format and is known for its fast-paced, thrilling matches. Each team plays 20 overs, and games typically last around 3–4 hours. T20 has gained immense popularity for its dynamic nature and quick turnaround, making it a favorite among fans and a staple in international cricket schedules.
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#CricketHistory #ODI #ReddyAnna #CricketLegends
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shahoriar123 · 1 month
Cricket is a popular sport
Cricket is a popular sport played between two teams, typically consisting of eleven players each. It originated in England and has a long history, with its earliest known reference dating back to the 16th century. The game is played on a circular or oval-shaped field, with a 22-yard-long pitch at its center. The primary objective is to score more runs than the opposing team.
Basic Rules:
Teams and Players: Each team has eleven players, including batsmen, bowlers, fielders, and a wicketkeeper.
Innings: A game of cricket is divided into innings, where one team bats and tries to score runs while the other team bowls and fields to restrict the runs and dismiss the batsmen.
Runs: Runs are scored by the batting team by hitting the ball and running between the wickets or by hitting the ball to the boundary.
Wickets: The fielding team tries to get the batsmen out through various methods like bowling the ball and hitting the stumps (wicket), catching the ball after the batsman hits it, or running the batsman out.
Overs: An over consists of six legal deliveries bowled by a bowler. In limited-overs cricket (such as One Day Internationals and T20s), each team is limited to a set number of overs, usually 50 and 20 respectively.
Formats: Cricket is played in various formats, including Test matches (the longest format, lasting up to five days), One Day Internationals (50 overs per side), and T20 Internationals (20 overs per side).
Key Positions:
Batsman: Player who tries to score runs by hitting the ball.
Bowler: Player who delivers the ball to the batsman.
Wicketkeeper: Player who stands behind the stumps to catch the ball if the batsman misses.
Fielder: Players positioned around the field to catch the ball, stop runs, or get the batsman out.
Popularity and Culture:
Cricket is immensely popular in countries like India, Australia, England, Pakistan, South Africa, and the West Indies, among others. Major international tournaments like the Cricket World Cup, ICC T20 World Cup, and the Ashes series draw millions of viewers globally. The sport has a rich tradition and a significant cultural impact, especially in countries where cricket is considered more than just a game, influencing social and cultural norms.
Cricket is more than just a sport; it's a way of life for many enthusiasts around the world, promoting teamwork, strategy, and fair play.
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amandi-mga2024mi5019 · 3 months
Insects - Thinking Hats
White Hat
Insects are a class of the Arthropoda phylum. They are actually the largest class in this phylum, with the Arthropoda phylum being one of the largest phylum under the animal kingdom.
Insects are classified as invertebrate multi-cellular organisms with a hard exoskeleton, segmented body, six legs, and generally one or two pairs of wings.
Insects generally have 3 segments: head, thorax, and abdomen.
Orders of insects:
Orthoptera - Grasshoppers, crickets and bush-crickets
Phasmida - stick-bugs
Plecoptera - stone flies
Dermaptera - earwigs
Dictyoptera - Cockroaches, termites and mantids
Embioptera - web-spinners
Grylloblattaria - rock crawlers
Mantophasmatodea - heel-walkers
Zoaptera - Zorapterans
Ephemeroptera - Mayflies or up-wing flies
Odonata - Dragonflies and damselflies
Hemiptera - true bugs
phthiraptera - Sucking and biting lice
Psocoptera - Booklice and barklice
Thysanoptera - thrips
Coleoptera - beetles
Diptera - true flies
Hymenoptera - ants, bees, and wasps
Lepidoptera - butterflies and moths
Mecoptera - scorpion flies
Megaloptera - alderflies
Neuroptera - lacewings
Siphonaptera - fleas
Raphidioptera - snakeflies
Strepsiptera - twisted wing flies
Trichoptera - Caddisflies/sedge flies
Life cycle and metamorphosis
Insects lay eggs to produce larvae. These larvae will go on to shed their exoskeleton several times over until adulthood. Some juvenile insects will change slightly after each moult and are referred to as nymphs doing this time. Other juvenile insects will only undergo large changes in their final moult (e.g: butterflies, moths). These insects often have an extra phase known as the pupa phase.
simple metamorphosis - the adult insect and juvenile insect differ very little in appearance, often the only thing separating the two is their size.
Complete metamorphosis - adult insects and their juvenile counterpart differ greatly in appearance. They often live in different habitats, and may have very different behaviour. 
Dragonfly metamorphosis
Dragonflies undergo simple metamorphosis. First, females will lay eggs in gentle still water. The dragonfly larvae will hatch underwater and is actually where they will spend most of their life. They will spend their time as larvae for up to two years. When the larvae starts reaching its final moults, they will start to live on the edge of the water and learn to breathe air. Finally the juvenile will moult for the final time and emerge from their old shell body as a dragonfly. They will then live as a dragonfly for six months before dying.
Periodical Insects
some insects have a fixed life cycle length. In these species, adults appear at one time to reproduce for once in their lives and die. The larvae will often only hatch or reach maturity years later.
Cicadas are the most famous example of this and have the longest life cycle of insects. The nymphs will live underground and feed off of the roots of trees. Finally, after 17 years, they will emerge out of the ground. Over the next few weeks the cicadas will mate, lay their eggs, and die; repeating the cycle once more.
The may beetle is another example. Their life cycle lasts either 3 years or 4-5 years depending on the region.
Different species of insects have different ways of combating winter. One such way is through migration (eg: the monarch butterfly).
Some insect species will go through the process of 'overwintering.'
Many insects successfully pass the winter as immature larvae. The protection of heavy covers of leaf litter or similar shelters protect the woolly bear caterpillar, while other insects replace the water in their bodies with glycerol, a type of antifreeze! Some grubs simply burrow deeper into the soil to escape the cold.
Not many insects are active in the winter, but the nymphs of dragonflies, mayflies and stoneflies live in waters of ponds and streams, often beneath ice. They feed actively and grow all winter to emerge as adults in early spring.
Lesser numbers of insects lay eggs which survive the winter. The most prominent insects in this category are Praying Mantids, and the destructive Corn Rootworms also engage in this strategy.
Some insects overwinter in the pupal stage, then emerge as adults in the spring. Moths in the Silkworm Family, Saturniidae, may be found attached to food plant branches as pupae in the winter.
Insects also hibernate as adults. Ladybirds are a common example. Many large wasps seek shelter in the eaves and attics of houses or barns. Tree holes, leaf litter, and under logs and rocks are common shelters for overwintering adult insects. The Mourning Cloak Butterfly is usually the first butterfly that is noticed in the Spring, and this is because it hibernates in tree holes or other shelters during the winter. As in some insect larvae, it reduces the water content of its body, and builds up glycerol which acts as an antifreeze. Honey bees stay in hives during the winter, and form clusters when temperatures fall, vibrating their wings in order to create heat.
More info
They are one of the most successful group of animals in the world, with their populations far exceeding that of any other land fauna.
They are also the most diverse group of animals on Earth, with over a million identified species.
Insects have adapted to serval different climates, and have adapted to every land and freshwater habitat.
They play a crucial role in ecosystems as pollinators, decomposers, and food sources for other animals.
They have a complex social structure in some species, like bees and ants.
Their exoskeletons provide protection and support
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skyblogsdotin · 3 months
Longest Six In Cricket History
In the ’90s, hitting sixes in any format was a luxury but continuous changes in rules like restrictions on bouncers and the introduction of two balls from two ends along with batting-friendly wickets have made cricket a batting-oriented game. Smashing a six is easy but there have been a few players who deal with boundaries and give all the power in every shot to send the ball a mile. In this…
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