#long live the merlon fandom
fandomtookoverlife · 2 months
Thinking back to the time o got my roommate into Merlin and we were most of the way through season two and she was really into it and suddenly I remembered how it ended (bc I’ve know about the ending for around a decade and it’s lost its initial horror and moved into this fact Ik that when I think about it is sad and tragic and I could talk about it for hours but when I’m it thinking about it I’m j not thinking about it)
Like me when I started the show she didn’t know anything of the mythology other than Merlin/Arthur/Gwen/Lancelot/sword in stone so when suddenly I remembered how devastating the ending is when you don’t know what’s going to happen and I have very purposely not given *any* spoilers (this girl still thinks the magic reveal is at the very very latest going to happen at the end of season 4 rip) I felt sooooo guilty about what I have condemned her to
So I’m in the car on my way home from uni and I have this moment of oh shit I forgot how it ended and now I’ve gotten her into not thinking of the consequences… oops? And when I get back after the weekend I look at her (bc I still don’t want to give her any spoilers) and I j say hey listen I’m so sorry
She’s over here like wut
I’m j like listennnnn like here’s the thing smth gonna happen and your gonna be real mad at me and im apologizing in advance ok? Like when the thing happens j know that this is me apologizing for that
I think she know I was talking about the show but she had no idea what was to come like her worst case scenario did not cover him straight up dying in the last ep and Ykw fair bc damn
So we get to season 5 and all the way up the the last ep she is convinced the reveal I going to happen “ok it wasn’t in this one but it’ll be in the next one…right?”
We get to the last ep and everything is going fine (well between us not so much for Arthur :/ ) when there’s about 5-10 minutes left it suddenly occurs to her like… wait we’re kinda running out of time here how are they going to save him and wrap up the whole show/plotlines? She takes one good look at my face and No Nono nonono no that’s not how it ends nope.
And then there’s three minutes left. And then two. And then it’s over and the credits are rolling. And she is So Mad at me
I think she threw a pisslow at me actually
She starts yelling at me and she trying not to cry like You did this to me WHY
And I’m j there like.. so remember a couple weeks ago when I said I was sorry in advance…
Apparently that apology was not satisfactory and she was in fact mad at me for a while… oops
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