danisnotonplacenta · 7 days
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“Think before you Pink.”
I was hoping this image would come up on my dash and I could reblog it from someone with more expertise, but I haven’t seen it outside of facebook yet.
Some things to keep in mind:
Make awareness about the individual and their struggles with cancer, NOT about “boobies” and “saving breasts.”   Many breast cancer survivors DO lose their breasts and positing awareness as a movement to “save their breasts” diminishes our need to focus on supporting the people.   Whether or not they chose/need to undergo a mastectomy is not really your business or concern.
“Saying that we should work to cure this disease because it threatens breasts is really upsetting. For starters, it suggests that women are worth saving because they’re attached to breasts, rather than the other way around. But worse, it tells any woman who’s had a life-saving mastectomy that she’s given up the thing that made people care about her survival. What a punch in the stomach.”  -Randal Munroe, of XKCD
Think twice about supporting companies that seem more concerned about using Breast Cancer Awareness and its ever-increasing popularity to sell their product, rather than concerned about actually supporting and assisting those struggling/those who will battle with breast cancer/with finding a cure
For alternative organizations to support, Kate Madonna Hindes recommends Breast Cancer Action. “They are INCREDIBLE and do work that focuses ALL on prevention.”
For further info:
The Trouble with Pink (Kate Madonna Hindes)
5 Ways to Move Beyond Pinkwashing to Really Fight for a Cure on Huffpost
Unraveling the Ribbon on Bitch Magazine
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danisnotonplacenta · 7 days
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wow i wonder what piece of breaking news i missed
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danisnotonplacenta · 7 days
My perfect mashed potatoes
The secret is in the water; literally, it’s IN the water.
See, when you boil potatoes, a lot of special starches and sugars and stuff leeches out into the water. When you drain the water before mashing them, you throw away a lot of good stuff, which is a big part of what makes mashed potatoes “dry” and bland, even when you add large amounts of cream and butter and things.
So don’t throw out any water.
Here’s how you do that:
First, cut your potatoes into smaller cubes than you probably do. (I’ve left the skins on for flavor and also, that’s where a lot of a potato’s nutrients are, like protien and iron and vitamins B and C, just to name a few)
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The reason for cutting them smaller (besides avoiding giant peices of skin) is so that there is less space in the pot between each peice for water to fill, so you use less water to cook them. That’s important because you won’t be draining any water, so you can’t afford to have too much water! For the same reason, just barely cover them with water when they go on the stove.
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But! Before you do that, put the pot on the stove with some butter, garlic, and seasonings; let the butter start to sizxle just a little then put most of a single layer of potatoes in the pan and let the brown and sear. Turn them, brown them on all sides, get ‘em fairly dark (I forgot to get a pic here because I was worried I’d burn the butter).
Ready? now throw the rest of the potatoes in right on top, and add your water, give them a stir. This way, you’re boiling in some of that lovely fried potato/french fry flavor.
Okay, so, as they cook, you may need to add a little water, not too much! ideally the very highest piece of potato will be poking just above the surface. Now, when your potatoes are really really soft, mash them directly into the water. Just pull them off the stove, leave all the water in, and start mashing. Trust me. At first you’ll think there’s too much water. If you get them mashed and they ARE a little too liquidy, just put ‘em back on the stove. You’ll have to stir often or constantly, but they will steam off additional water without losing any good stuff.
Now add some salt, and taste. Right?! And you haven’t even put in any cream or cheese or anything yet.
Speaking of which, you can use like, a third of the amount of butter or cream or anything, and they will still taste better than usual. So they taste better AND they are higher in nutrients AND lower in fats and salts! That’s a lot of win — enjoy your potatoes!
Fuck Columbus! Indigenous Rights! And happy Thanksgiving!
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danisnotonplacenta · 9 days
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danisnotonplacenta · 9 days
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choose your fighter
[description: Image 1: Professor Turo sitting by a window, “Your Porycoin is completely secure in your wallet, and since everything is stored on the blockchain–” Image 2: Professor Sada pulling a Basculin out of a river with her bare teeth and growling in feral rage.]
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danisnotonplacenta · 9 days
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i was told i should post these, so here are some pokemon team specialties that arent based on type
1. pokemon that start out only knowing one attacking move max but grow up to be worthwhile 2. pokemon that are actually two or more individuals working together as one 3. pokemon that are [at least rumored to be] from space 4. pokemon that were created [deliberately] by humans 5. pokemon that were created [accidentally] by humans 6. pokemon that used to be humans 7. pokemon that hunt humans for sport
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danisnotonplacenta · 9 days
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I found a Pokemon book at Toys R Us and…
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danisnotonplacenta · 9 days
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danisnotonplacenta · 9 days
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danisnotonplacenta · 10 days
full stockholm tit show audio recording
part 1
part 2
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danisnotonplacenta · 20 days
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five years and the job hasn't changed
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danisnotonplacenta · 2 months
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happy birthday to all the tbs in the southern hemisphere!
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danisnotonplacenta · 2 months
My ideal date? You release me into the wild to hunt me for sport on your remote island BUT I’m not very good at hiding so you find me within 20 minutes. You hold the gun to my face but there is something so earnest in my eyes and hands that you cannot carry through. You pick me up and carry me back to your mansion. I am so polite and charming that you nurse me back to health. You grow to love and trust me despite the fact you’re holding me hostage after I fell of a charter vessel bound for Brazil. You buy me new clothes and have them shipped to the island. I kiss you good morning every day. You propose marriage. I accept. We skype in a priest and get married with the butler as our witness. That night I kill you and the butler. I redistribute your wealth. I live in the mansion on the abandoned island for the rest of my days. I study snail ecology. I never remarry. You were the love of my life but you were too dangerous and evil to live. I am buried next to you. The tides eventually wash our bodies away. Into the depths of the ocean, together.
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danisnotonplacenta · 2 months
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the i lgbtqi stands for . nevermind.
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danisnotonplacenta · 2 months
i will never be normal when it comes to this video
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danisnotonplacenta · 2 months
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I tumblr! My name is Elaine. You can see me in this picture! That is me holding the sign, HI! Well my hubby said that if this gets 1 MILLION notes, he will buy me a horse. I would love a horse I grew up on a farm where I rode and ate horses til i was 15 when I moved. I have not seen a horse since, not even a picture! Only one painting I painted in 7th grade. My husband obviously thinks this is going to be an impossible task thats why I am taking this on the interwebs where i can get likes. I have 5,000 on facebook so I am almost there. I want brown horse with some white. I will braid the hair. Thanks so much everyone! Please help me achieve this! :) God Bless
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danisnotonplacenta · 2 months
The plan was no plan
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Original on Twitter
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