#long live the mantlecest
flerterevival · 1 year
haha what made you change your mind about dead ringers? I think the possessive nature of their relationship + the obsession with pregnancy and wanting to know all details of the other's love/sex life spoke volume of their unhealthy codependency, but idk if it was actively consummated. I read Elliot's desire to be the one to knock Bev up, to the point she created babies for her, with or without consent, as a form of sublimation-- aka something that could be seen as more acceptable. Somehow it felt like Tom sort of knew? when Elliot was staring all mopey at Beverly and Genevieve sucking face he wasn't shocked. Whatever it was it was painted with a romantic lens, otherwise we wouldn't get tose love triangle trope-y lines and the whole needy jealousy, 'chose me' 'come back to me' 'i left her' etc. I think it was very ballsy but they should have left them kiss in their final scene, the lighting went crazy there when they were hugging. The subtitles made me lol, Elliot grunts softly, Beverly breathing heavily, Elliot sniffs her hahahahah I read some people were mad on twitter back when the show was released bc there were 'mantlecest' shippers but.... guys... it's the canon text that did it.
hellomy angel and /in advance/ sorry for my lateness . But what really made me change my mind was that i was looking back on bev and elly as children and then as adolescents. I do think it was “consumated” at least pre-show. Like if you’d imagine bev and elliot as quirky closed off twin teenagers walking down a private school hall and you were to be one of their classmates, you would definitely think ‘oh they definitely did it’. I think its a natural thing, not even in the consensus of being fiction. I just think its natural to presume this type of relationship on real real tight bounded twins or brothers. And abt people on twitter.. well let me tell you: media literacy is dead! And Elliot was 100% in love with her sister
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