#long ass rant about minori
ravenmoon903 · 4 months
Hey there!
Anon that asked what clubs Leo/Need was in again, so what clubs were More More Jump in when they were in middle school?
hey anon!
I actually had to do a lil research for this bc i know next to nothing about MMJ's middle school life cuz thats kinda more focused towards L/n
Minori - ok so the wiki says she dropped a baton in middle school and then wanted to become an idol so she after track/relay (girl its hard, speaking from experience) she quit that then joined anything that could help acting, interviewing n stuff so she joined debate, other sports, did a little theatre, and took English to become fluent
Woah long rant about Minori
Haruka - she was friends with an but didnt have time to do clubs bc she was doing idol stuff
Airi - she joined baking because her fav food is japanese sweets after all
Shizuku - beautification and archery (ik this isnt high school but still)
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Little Match Maker
Summary: Single dad!Kirishima has a 8 year old wingman who only wants her daddy to be happy, by talking to the cute neighbor across the street for him.
Wordcount: 1917
A/N: this has actually happened to me and its the most adorable thing to see a child ask if you have a boyfriend while their dad is dying in the background of embarrassment when they off handily mention that they found some stranger pretty. So now its a fic. Thank you little girl for the scenario and I hope you got your dad a girlfriend.
Kirishima watched from his kitchen window as his neighbor plucked a few weeds from her front yard. She bent down to pick up a tool and he could see her shorts dig into her soft skin. He sighed as she smiled at another neighbor walking by with their dog. “So pretty…” 
He wished he was on the receiving end of that smile, even if it was just you being polite. There were a lot of things he wished for when he saw you across the street. . Maybe he’s just lonely, but he couldn’t help the crush he’d had on you for a while now, despite barely knowing you.. He groaned as you squatted down in front of your flower bed. Sometimes he feels like some dirty teenager again with how much he thought about his head between your—
“Papa! The stove!” The pot of water he was boiling to for the oatmeal overflowed, liquid sizzling on the hot burner. He quickly lifted the pot to the other side of the stove and turned off the burner. Kirishima sighed but smiled towards his giggling daughter behind him as he berated himself mentally for getting distracted.
Kirishima had had many plans for his future. Becoming a pining single dad was not one of those plans. His ex-wife, despite saying that she knew what she was getting into by being with a pro-hero when they’d started dating, gave up on their marriage three years in. She also left him alone with a beautiful two-year-old little girl. 
At first, they had shared custody. But over the years, he had slowly taken on all of the parental responsibility. By the time Minori was eight, Kirishima was the only parental figure in her life and lived with her father full time.
Kirishima got over his failed marriage and raised his daughter to the best of his ability, making sure to spend plenty of quality time. Even if it was an errand, he would go out of his way to make it fun. Grocery shopping was made to be like a scavenger hunt, letting his daughter lead him around looking for the needed items on the list while giving her hints, and it always ended with treats, even if it would possibly spoil both of their dinners. Even when stopping at the agency to do some quick paperwork, he always brought her around when he knew the others were on break there.
“Off, brat,” Bakugo grumbled as the black-haired child climbed up Bakugo’s back.
Minori just giggled, wrapping her arms around his throat, nearly choking him. “But Kacchan is so warm and smells like candy!”
“Seriously….what is with Shitty-Hair and his spawn clinging to me?”
“Aw, it’s not so bad, Kacchan.” Deku picked up the giggling child, spinning around the office while Bakugo sat at his desk filling out paperwork, ignoring them. Deku brought her back to his chest, hugging her tightly and her plump cheeks crushed against his own cheeks. “I want a baby!”
“You already have a screaming toddler at home,” Kaminari chuckled as he came up beside Kirishima’s desk, who was filling out some leave forms for Minori’s upcoming school break.
Deku placed Minori back on Bakugo’s lap, who begrudgingly let her sit on him. “I do?”
“Yeah. Blasty over there.” Kaminari leaned against Kirishima’s desk, shooting finger guns at Sero, who failed at covering up his snort.
Bakugo glared at Kaminari, leaning back with an arm around Minori. “I’m not a fucking toddler.”
Sero chuckled, spinning a pen between his fingers. “Notice that he doesn't deny that he screams at home.”
“Speaking of making people scream at home, how’s your dating life, Ei?” Kaminari rested an arm around Kirishima’s shoulders, who instantly went red, his hairline blending with his skin perfectly.
“Don’t be gross in front of a kid, idiots.” Bakugo pressed Minori against his chest, covering her ears before throwing a stapler at Kaminari.
The loud clatter shook Kirishima from his shock and he instantly scooted away from Kaminari, waving his hands in front of him. “D-dating? M-me? No way, dude.”
The room went quiet for a moment. “Seriously? You aren’t interested in anyone after… you know who?” Sero raised an eyebrow, asking what everyone was thinking.
“No! Not at all! Why would you say that? I need to focus on raising Minori while still trying to rise in the ranks. I have no time to even entertain the idea of d-dating! That’s completely out of the question. I’ve never once thought about—”
“You into someone aren’t you?” Bakugo stood up with Minori in his arms, interrupting Kirishima’s frantic ramble, having seen right through him. Years of translating Midoriya’s nervous rants gave Bakugo an unwanted, yet useful, skill of translating long-winded explanations. 
“It’s nothing…” Kirishima looked to the side, avoiding looking anyone in the eye. He could feel the pressure from their intense stares and sighed. “Okay, we’ve hardly even had an actual conversation… but there is this woman who lives across the street...”
Kaminari let out a low whistle. “Ooooh, a MILF for a neighbor. She gotta be super hot for you to notice.”
Bare legs bending down in the garden flashed in his mind. Kirishima could feel his cheeks get warmer as he buried his face in his hands. “Well, I…. just… she’s really pretty….”
Sero laughed and hooted for his friend, clapping loud enough that a few people started to look their way. “Go for it, bro!”
Deku waved the bystanders off to not mind them as Kirishima rested his head against his desk, groaning with embarrassment. “I don’t… I can’t…. I don't even know if she’s single…. And I'm so out of the game...”
“Dude, I’m not talking about you starting a relationship with her. Lonely housewife, single father hero; sounds like a plot to a really steamy—”
Bakugo slammed a hand over Kaminari’s mouth, Minori now clinging onto Bakugo’s back. “Dunce face, if you don’t shut the fuck up, I will cut your tongue out with a plastic spoon and shove it up your ass.” Kaminari nodded frantically out of fear. 
Bakugo huffed triumphantly, looking back at the kid he was currently giving a piggyback ride to. “And that’s how you get an idiot to stop talking. If anyone at school gives you shit, just do exactly that. Got it?”
“Got it.” Minori chirped, nodding her head in agreement.
“Bakubro…. please, no more defense lessons. I’d rather not get on a first name basis with the principal this year.” Bakugo rolled his eyes as he took Minori to the breakroom for a snack, continuing his lesson on how to verbally intimidate her enemies. Kirishima can’t say he didn’t try.
Midoriya sighed, holding a hand to his chest as the other patted Kaminari on the back as he gasped for air. “He’s so hot, all parental like that.”
“Oh yes, he’s the perfect fatherly figure that every child deserves in their lives,” Sero commented sarcastically, which went right over Deku’s head.
“But Kaminari is right. I think it’s time to put yourself out there again. If you want to start dating, I would be happy to ado-babysit, I meant babysit, for you.” They all looked at Deku, who was chuckling nervously while staring up at the ceiling.
“You really want a baby, don’t you?” Sero and Kaminari made eye contact before they got up and ran after Bakugo together. “Yo, Blasty! Come back and knock up Izuku before he steals Mini-shima!”
Midoriya chased after them, looking like a strawberry as he frantically tried to hold his teasing friends back. “You guys!! Stop it!”
After some more teasing of Deku’s obvious baby fever and probing of Kirishima about finally putting himself out there again, Kirishima and Minori were walking back to their home. He always checked his mail before going inside, but this time something else caught his eye. The sound of a hose had him turning around to see his neighbor conveniently spraying down a soapy car.
Kirishima’s jaw went slack as he watched water droplets run down your bare skin; those shorts should be illegal. He loves them. “You okay Papa? That’s not our mailbox.” Minori watched as Kirishima tried to put the mailbox key into the next-door neighbor’s mailbox next to theirs.
“Mhm, I see,” he mumbled as he watched you bend down in front of a bucket, pulling out a soapy sponge. 
Minori rolled her eyes. “Give me that.” She guided her father’s hand to the right mailbox, opening it and taking out the mail.
“So pretty…” Kirishima mumbled; it was a moment before he noticed his daughter crossing the street by herself. He looked down to his side; yup, she was no longer holding onto his hand. “Ah, Minori!”
She completely ignored her father as she ran up to you. “Excuse me, miss!”
You jumped back, turning off the hose as you looked down at the little girl in front of you. “Oh hello?”
“Are you married?” You blinked at her, completely thrown off by the question.
You tilt your head, not sure where this was going. “I…um…no?”
“Are you dating anyone?”
“Minori!” You see your neighbor across the street yell; he tried to cross the street but a passing car blocked his path.
The little girl just pointed back at the man who was now panting as he ran over. “Wanna date my Papa? He’s a pro-hero and Kacchan says my Papa is painfully single. My Papa also said you are really pretty. He almost burnt the house down staring at you. And you don’t have to worry about me; Uncle Zuzu said he’d watch me.”
Your neighbor, whose name you remembered was Kirishima, suddenly covered her mouth with one of his large hands but the damage was done. You giggled as she just looked up at her dad, annoyed. “Well aren’t you straight forward.” 
Kirishima chuckled nervously, rubbing a hand on his neck. “Yeah, kids, huh? They say the darndest and most embarrassing things….” You heard him whisper to her that she was so grounded, which she responded with another roll of her eyes.
You smile at their antics; they were a sweet pair. “I remember those days, I have a teenager myself.” You thought about your son, who was getting close to becoming a full grown adult.
“You have kids?”
“Just one; he’s spending a week at my ex-husband’s.” You hold up a finger on your left hand, showing off slightly the lack of a wedding ring on your finger. 
“Um, so single?” You nodded and his shoulders relaxed as a dopey smile spread on his face. It was so adorable. “That’s great….I mean, it’s not great that you are single, unless you want to be, then it's awesome…uh, I um….I don’t know where I’m going with this and I’m sorry.”
 The little girl looked up at her dad and whispered, “This is where you ask her out Papa.”
“Minori, shhhh.”
“She’s a cute one, and fiesty.” You pulled out a pen from your pocket and grabbed Kirishima’s very meaty arm and began to write your number. “I don't work on Fridays and Sundays.”
He looked down at his arm and then back at you, confused for a second before his eyes went wide. Luckily, Minori piped up for him and held out her hand. “Great, he’ll pick you up at seven on Friday.”
You giggled, shaking her hand in agreement. “It’s a date.”
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atopearth · 4 years
Fate/hollow ataraxia Part 3 - Chibi is Justice (Phase 3)
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Lmao, I love how Avenger thought the way Bazett died against Assassin was so hilarious. It seems she's pretty numb towards the repetitive resurrections now though. Avenger is right though, Bazett is so violent lmao, she solves everything so practically and violently, it's pretty hilarious, especially when she got impatient at Avenger taking too long to unlock the gate to a Master's (looks like Rin's) house so she just broke in loll. It's pretty cute how Avenger protected her from the milk trap lmao. I wonder if the world Bazett is in, and the world Shirou and them are in aren't connected yet? It seems kinda connected since Shirou and Saber supposedly saw stuff like the house where those randoms died, and they saw the place where Bazett resurrects, but considering the fact that even though they both patrol around at night, yet haven't seen each other, do we need to get through a bit more things for it all to escalate?
I'm not sure if Avenger is the same Avenger that was supposed to be born in Heaven's Feel and whether his story is the same since he just kinda tells Bazett that Angra Mainyu isn't his real name because a friend sacrificed his life to save him, so he kinda just took the friend's name and repaid the world with it, so his hero name is basically honouring his friend whilst he's lost his identity. Anyway, lmao at Bazett telling him her background as if she's sharing her practical work experience lol. Her story in a sense is similar to the Matou since she's from an elite family that retained their unique power but lost influence as an important family, so she kinda tries to prove herself within the Magic Association even though they don't care or like her because their traditions and families are so ingrained, there's no place for anything else to shake the balance. It's funny how Avenger justifies it that he's right that she's technically 30+ (she's 23 lol) because she never really had a childhood so she's been an adult most her life lol.
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Ohh so the reason why Shirou could never really "progress" was because of his lack of training. He hasn't done any sort of magic and training in so long! Aww the little kid Saber was watching playing soccer looks like a mini Shirou haha! Lmao when she threw the ball into the goal and everyone was stunned hahaha. HAHAHA, Saber kicked the ball and it broke🤣 so cute how Shirou fixed the ball for them. Wow, they've really upped their game for this fandisk! The battle sequence between Shirou + Saber against Archer was so fluent and cool! I really loved how Shirou was able to think of a pretty good plan of getting Saber to Archer super fast using his last Command Spell, so that she can cut him down right after he shoots his arrow and won't have time to react against her attack. It all looked really good too! I'm also really glad that Shirou was able to use his skills again. It's really been a while! However, when Saber asked if this was really all right, I wasn't really sure. Like, obviously they had no choice since Archer was out to kill them, but at the same time, if Archer was so ready to kill them, there must be something big going on that they're not aware of.
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Okay, I legit died laughing when the mini game to defeat Illya and her castle came up lmaooo. It was so hilarious!! The chibi characters are so cute and lmaoo at Saber saying food names when she fights. Legit died when I used Excalibur and she said chashu men/noodles hahahahah, I couldn't concentrate on fighting hahahah. I love how Caster uses Assassin to fight, and it was so funny when Rider rode her Griffon because it looked like some chibi horse hahahaha. I loved the mini game, it was absolutely great. I want to play it again now lmao. Illya losing and then pressing a red button to destroy everything was such a funny finale hahaha. I love seeing the Taiga Dojo Taiga lmao. The quizzes are pretty funny lolll! I love the night quiz where Taiga wants to be the main heroine of Fate so bad lmaooo. Oh, and Sella giving Shirou a storeroom to sleep in was hilarious, poor Shirou🤣 HAHAHA at Sakura getting petrified when Saber told her that Servants don't get fat from eating etc, especially since Sakura tries hard to maintain her weight and everything hahaha. I loved how Rider had to drag the Sakura who turned into a rock away lolll. It was so funny when Sakura called Rider a traitor since she never told her that her body won't change no matter how much they eat🤣🤣 Sakura is so cute, her and Shirou fighting over who should bath first was cute, but when he pushed her in and she started going crazy with her delusions thinking that they were going to bathe together in their swimsuits was just hilarious🤣 Saber being scared of sinking in the water was pretty cute, lmao when she was dashing through the water though hahaha. Never thought she would be able to walk on water because she had the blessing of lake fairies lol. Aww it was so cute how Saber sunk into the water when Shirou said her body shape was nice and everything hahaha. Also lmao at Archer and Lancer invading their little picnic at the poolside and stealing their food lolll. I never really thought about it, but hearing Archer complain/give tips on how Shirou can improve his cooking is kinda cute and funny at the same time since he would know best what he needs to improve on🤣 Anyway, I love it when Saber is such a sore loser that she forces Shirou into competing with her (in this case, swimming) until she wins and is satisfied with her wins hahaha. She's so proud of winning after it all too lmao.
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Whoa, I didn't expect the H-scenes in Eclipse, I was so shocked lmao, I had to look behind my shoulder to make sure no one saw me because it was so sudden hahaha! Anyway, I've never been a fan of the Fate H-scenes so yeah, this wasn't any better imo. Lmao, I love how Himuro is so interested in Mitsuzuri's love life and wants to know who her boyfriend is, she's so weirdly obstinate, it's kinda funny🤣 I'll admit that I'm definitely warming up to the trio of Himuro, Makidera and Yukika now haha. It's so stupid yet hilarious how they're so insistent on finding out who Mitsuzuri's dating lol. They've got some crazy dedication haha, legit died when Taiga started thinking Shirou was becoming more and more of a player with all these girls lol. Honestly I know Minori (Mitsuzuri's younger brother) doesn't mean harm, but he really gets out of hand when it comes to his dislike for Shirou. Anyway, I'm glad Himuro dragged him away lol, and with that, I think I kinda like the idea of Minori and Himuro together hahahah. Lmao at the Mitsuzuri dating thing was actually because she was desperately looking for someone to be her boyfriend to win the bet with Rin, so she told her brother to disguise and pretend to be her boyfriend, that is pretty embarrassing hahaha.
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LMAO at Archer and Lancer having a fishing battle or something, it's hilarious how petty Archer seems towards Lancer hahaha. Omggg Saegusa can see Kojirou and they're so cute and friendly together!? It's such a random match but I love them. They have such a peaceful atmosphere. LMAOOO when Shirou bluntly asked Illya if he could use her castle dining room for a dinner date and Illya thought it was her and there were like pigeons flying in the background, and then Shirou says for Sakura and she sulks in her chibi sketch form hahahahaha. I nearly died from laughter with that transition.
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 Awwww! Sakura in the pink evening dress with ribbons on her hair (kinda like Rin) is so cutee! The dress in itself is kinda ugly tbh but Sakura is adorable. Awww Shirou in a tuxedo is pretty cute too! Anyway, I honestly think it's so sweet of Shirou to have granted Sakura's wish for a fancy dinner like this. Like sure, he really didn't do much besides have the guts to ask Illya for help, but the fact that he remembered her wish and did what he could to grant it was sweet enough. The way Shirou accepts everything about Sakura including all her flaws, and saying all that in his own clumsy way makes my heart so warm. Hearing Illya talk about some memories of Kiritsugu fondly makes me happy that there were at least a few memories they were able to cherish together. Seeing Illya so happy and excited to play and talk with Shirou always makes my heart so warm tbh. The CG of Shirou and Illya sharing a bed together is so heartwarming, I love it. She never got to see Kiritsugu ever again, but at least Illya now has Shirou who will always dote on her and do his best to protect her. Tbh, in the beginning, I really didn't like Illya and always thought there's no way I'll like this murderous little girl, but omg she's invaded my heart so much, I love her, and her relationship with Shirou. Sella and Liz interactions are so funny, I love how Liz is just outing her to Shirou about how Sella is afraid of ghosts lmao. HAHAHA, I loved how Shirou got so scared of whatever he saw in the wine cellar, he ran out and pulled Sella along with him, and described it to her when she told him not to hahaha. The funniest thing was that it was actually Liz with a halberd lmao, that is definitely scary😂 It's interesting to know that Liz is actually the Dress of Heaven to kinda complete Illya, I'm not sure if I forgot that or if it was never mentioned, but now it's kinda understandable why Liz is a guess a bit more different compared to Sella who is basically full maid. Lmao, the more Sella and Liz appear, the more I love them. It was so funny when Liz gave him that possibly 200 years old card that is most likely cursed and then laughed as she left hahahaha. Omgg, it's so funny but I never really thought that Sella, Liz and even Illya drive to and from the castle!! Lmao when Shirou asked Illya if she drove a Bersercar HAHAHA😂😂😂😂 To be fair, that's what I would have assumed😂
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Archer saving the kitten stuck on top of a tree and then going on a long ass rant about heroes of justice was hilarious. But, I have to say, the things he said were pretty interesting and right to an extent, especially the idea of heroes stunting the growth of people like this kitten who will start to always think that someone like a hero will save them so they don't need to think about saving themselves. Anyway, now that Gilgamesh isn't in a "serious" game as he says, his silliness and ridiculousness is so much more funny. I love how careless he is to get caught up in crap but be too prideful to ask for help hahahah. And it was so funny when Rider dragged Saber away calling them losers for their masters' affections since Shirou and Sakura are going to the pool together and she doesn't want to interfere even though she probably wants to join lol. Aww Sakura in her swimsuit is cute. Okay, I change my mind, her side angle is hot hahahha. I can understand why Shirou was so stunned hahahah. HAHAHA, I nearly died of laughter when Sakura told Shirou she's not good at backstroke, and he said that would be awesome hahahahaha, he's a pervert🤣🤣 Omg that underwater kiss though! Shirou was being silly as usual, trying too hard to make Sakura happy and staying underwater past his limits, so she gave him "air" through the kiss haha, Shirou is lucky~ LMAO when Rider and Saber popped up at the pool hahahaha. Omg Rider's swimsuit is hot though, I love it. Sakura and Shirou holding hands back home is so adorableeee, I wish their date lasted longer~~ Aww Saber being fascinated by the penguin shaved ice machine is so cute! To be fair, I've always been interested in those too, they're so adorable! I would eat shaved ice just to play with it loll. Well, Bazett's "Noble Phantasm"-like thing is pretty much a cheat if you can negate Saber's Excalibur. But I wonder why everything keeps repeating itself? Oh, and I died when Shirou and Shinji had a "duel" at the harbour LOL, it was so random but hilarious hahahah.
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Anyway, yayyy, I'm finally up to the next phase lol! Sure took me a while to finish this one up, I got distracted by so many things hahaha. But yeah, even though I take a long time to get through this game, I honestly really love it whenever I take the time out to read it. The slice of life shenanigans are the best way to brighten up my life lmao, they're all so funny!! I love how this phase really developed Liz and Sella, they're so much more likeable than I initially thought haha. All the swimming pool shenanigans were so funny and nice too. I'm definitely loving Sakura much more than before haha, and Saber has such a special place in my heart now, she's so silly lolll. I really hope to see Rin soon though!
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