#lone worker alarm system
gpsgeoguard24 · 10 hours
Lone Worker Alarm System
GPS Geoguard's Lone Worker Alarm System ensures safety with real-time GPS tracking, emergency alerts, and two-way communication, providing peace of mind for lone workers and rapid response in emergencies. Enhance safety and security effortlessly with this reliable solution.
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gpsgeoguards · 11 months
Domestic Violence Alarm
GPSGeoGuard's Domestic Violence Alarm provides essential protection for victims. With discreet wearable devices, instant alerts are sent to emergency responders and trusted contacts, ensuring swift assistance in critical situations. Prioritize safety and empower victims with our advanced technology.
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gamersansblog · 1 year
Chapter 1
The change
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Summary: How the world changed
Warning: cursing,mention of gore, gore, killing and mention of killing, death
Kaiju (kaigū, Japanese) Giant Beast
Jaeger (Jā'gar, German) Hunter
"When I was a kid whenever I feel small or lonely I look up the stars." "wondered if there was life up there....turns out I was looking at the wrong direction"
"When Allen life entered our world it was deep beneath the pacific ocean...a fisher of two tectonic plates a portal between dimensions"
Thr deep of the pacific ocean with blue lightning as it flames erupted flames also erupting making a portal of the other world
"The breach.... I was 15 when the first kaiju made land in San Francisco"
A monster bigger then the a bridge roars loudly while destroying a bridge with people in their cars still.
Fighter jets zoom across the bridge and starts shooting shooting the monster called a kaiju.
One the fighter jets crashed at the claws of the kaiju and exploded.
"By the time tanks, jets, and missles took it down 6 days and 35 miles later. 3 cities were destroyed. Tens and thousands of lives were lost"
The blaring of the alarm and loud screams of people while running around trying to find cover.
Workers are walking up a hill where the kaiju destroyed and up to where the kaiju was laying dead
"We morned their death and memorialized the attack and moved on..."
Obama is talking about we will stand united against this threat.
Graves are shown of how many people died during the kaiju attack.
people screaming and running away while a different kaiju rose showing its face. The building being destroyed by the kaiju.
"Then only six months later the second attack hit Manila"
A foot foot of a kaiju beast showed on the news then people using exilators to pick up the remains of the kaiju or the remains of the attack.
"After factor of the kaiju blood creates a toxic phenomenon called kaiju blue" the reporter said ot the screen shows a man sticking out his hend showing the kaiju blood that was dark blue
"Then the third one hit Carbo. Then the fourth then we learned this was not going to stop this was just the beginning"
The boat was slowly drifting somewhere as it carries a skeleton kaiju with guts next to it. People holding hands as they watch the flames and smoke erupt after the kaiju attack.
Flames everywhere as a kaiju screeches.
"We needed a new weapon.....The world came together, pooling its resources and throwing aside old rivalries"
Presidents pooling put their information so they can make a machine to destroy any kaiju that come put of the breach.
Robots melting and working on metal.
The metal that is a chest plate slowly lowers down to connect to the other pieces.
"For the sake of the greater good" "To fight monsters, we created monsters of pur own"
A women engineer is working on wiring whole talking to someone...
Half of a metal body is standing while workers work on it including the other one
"The yeager program was born"
A man raises his head wearing a helmet like thing.
Another man is waring a arm that has wires and holds the arm out and squeezes his hand while another hand I the background copies him.
"There were setbacks at first... The neural laid to interface with a yeager proved to much for a single pilot..."
Men are draging a man to a seat and set him down while the man. The man seat looked dazed. Doctors lowered his eye while shining a light showing slight blood in his eye while his nose suddenly started bleeding.
"A two-pilot system was implemented. Left Hemisphere, Right Hemisphere pilot control."
"We started winning. Jeagers stopping Kaijus everywhere. But the jaegers were only good as their pilots."
Soilders where marching while confedie and loud cheer while a Jaeger was being pulled.
A jaeger taking down a kaiju.
"So jaeger pilots turned into Rockstars danger turned into a propaganda. Kaijus into toys."
"We got really good at it... Winning"
"Then.......them it all changed..."
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The final experiment
lilith's lore
episode 1: the failed escape
cw: mentions of severed body parts
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horrified screams of people mixed with blaring alarms echoed across the hallways. red light flashed vividly, illuminating the exit doors. a robotic voice repeated over and over from the loudspeaker, delivering the people a grim reminder.
"warning. unauthorised access from an unknown party. system down. please leave the facility immediately."
in the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity, they said. the [ ] research facility runs deep underground, with many, many twists and turns, and doors that will only open if you have access cards. the security is another problem, as it functions on occasional face scans, finger scans, identification cards, authorisation access from individuals of higher ranks, etc etc. with a system like that, there is barely a possible way to escape unscathed.
if, you don't count the chute tunnel system.
built specifically to dispose of chemical substances from the top floor down, the chute tunnel system is highly lethal to anyone dumb enough to take in even the slightest whiff. no one knows what would happen to those who actually did, despite their better judgements. and frankly, no scientists, or even the workers, of the facility were curious enough to have that need to know. without proper equipments supplied to certified cleaning workers, no living individual can survive years worth of chemical gas exuding from below.
that brings us to where we are now, following a lone figure who was struggling to climb up the chute. with a bright yellow biohazard suit, the sound of laboured breaths and the muffled screams of people evacuating above, she continued to climb up the ladder installed inside the chute.
who is this person, you asked? well, we call her subject x-50337, which is what she would've remembered anyways. only the scientists who worked with her knows her name, saved on their archives and all. she has the brightest shade of wavy green hair, and the most vibrant pair of purple eyes— well, that doesn't really matter now, does it?
heavy breaths entered her ears as she ascended the ladder. "almost... there..." she panted, reaching a closed tunnel that was connected to an air vent. she looked through the gap. no scientists, no workers, no one was in sight. good, she let out a shaky breath in relief. she did not want to be captured again.
with a firm grip to the vent, she pushed it forward, wincing as it scraped the floor, giving her a way out of the tunnel. she quickly crawled out, stripping off of the suit as if it burned her skin, revealing a heavily scarred body hidden under a simple white outfit. "finally," she panted, "i'm out of that forsaken glass prison..." but when she looked around, she felt her heart dropped.
a white hallway leading straight to an elevator. it wouldn't have had much to say about, had it not for the rows of glass containers on both sides of the hallway, like the one she was kept in. each container had their own name tag, their own title, their own prisoner, breathing and slowly rotting in their unbreakable containment. eyes widened, she hesitantly made her way through the hall with unblinking eyes looking back at her, as if they were piercing straight into her soul.
her heart nearly jumped out of her chest when a pair of hands slammed on the glass wall. the sound echoed across the silent hallway, like a drum pounding endlessly on her judgement day. she turned her head to the sound, purple then clashed with blue eyes widened in fear, and the tiniest bit of hope. the prisoner, or subject o-40075 as they were labelled on the tag, kept on pounding on the glass wall and screamed at her. except, no sound were heard from their mouth.
at first, subject x-50337 was confused. maybe the containers on this floor were sound proof? then came the morbid realisation when she finally noticed it.
where was their tongue?
subject o-40075 was in hysteria. they banged their fists onto the wall, begging soundlessly for her to get them out of there. the other test subjects, the ones who still had the energy to, then began to collectively punch the walls, calling out for her to release them from their prisons. the ones who didn't, or rather couldn't, stared at her from their seats. despite their lack of movement and words due to... unfavourable past experiments, their eyes dilated as if it was a silent plea.
though one thing they did not know, was that subject x-50337 was terrified of loud noises. her breath became erratic and her eyes dilated. she needed to get out of here, fast. and with that, she bolted to the opened elevator. her eyes were closed as she ran, trying her best to shut out all the screaming from the others.
once her feet hit the metallic floor of the elevator, her hand slammed onto the buttons as the door shut closed, cutting off all the noises outside the box. knees weak, she collapsed on the floor. the weigh of her actions finally got to her. "oh god..." she mumbled, voice wavered as she sat there on the cold floor. was that the best resort she could've done? she didn't know, and she didn't think she could've saved them, even if she tried.
with heavy breaths, she lifted herself up, albeit with a bit of trouble standing straight. she stared at the control panel, her vision blurred slightly seeing how many floors this damned facility had. without another word, she pressed the button labelled 1, letting out a sigh as she felt the elevator moving upwards.
behind her was a mirror. she stared at her reflection for a decent while, before "holy shit, i look awful." wisps of white laid on top of her messy green hair, her once vibrant purple eyes turned dull, dark eye bags marred on her face like she hadn't sleep in ages, her skin paled significantly due to god knows how long she had been in this place. she ran a hand through her hair, mumbled. "i need to get out of here soon."
the elevator was now at floor number 5. "come on... go faster, god damnit." she whispered under her breath, beads of sweat rolling down her temple as her heart beat loudly in her ears.
floor 3, two more floor to go. "come on, come on...." she chanted, just wanting to get out of this place. however...
red light filled the room, the elevator jolted, and stopped moving. her head snapped up, panicking as she didn't know that went wrong. then, she heard a man's voice through the speaker. a very familiar voice.
"connection terminated. i'm sorry for interrupting you, lilith, if you still even remember that name. but i'm afraid you've been misinformed."
a chill ran down her spine. "what...?"
"you cannot get out of this facility, lilith. no one can. though you will find lower floors of this facility more useful than what's happening outside. i wish you a safe endeavour. end communication."
that was the last thing lilith heard before the wheel snapped, taking the elevator and her down to the deepest floor of the facility.
floor 0.
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totally did not cackle when i wrote this thing btw :D but i was listening to fnaf songs so :)
honorable mentions: @azulashengrottospiano @nem0-nee @ryker-writes @aqua-beam @leonistic @identity-theft-101 @cecilebutcher @red-viewe @twistwonderlanddevotee @ang33333333l @silvers-numberonefan @names-are-dumb @cookiesandbiscuits
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shion-yu · 9 months
Day 3 - Isolation
It's lonely to fall apart. Whumptober 2023! I’m using the @ailesswhumptober's prompt list. This story is about my OC Shu - here’s his profile if you’re so inclined: https://toyhou.se/23743470.shumei-tw 
CW/TW: Medical abuse!!
Shu didn’t know how much longer he could take this. He’d been sick for two weeks now with a fever that would not go down no matter what medications he took. Distracting himself with any kind of media simply wasn’t possible, because everything made him nauseous. Reading, watching TV, even the screen on his cell phone - anything that required focus made his eyes feel like they were trembling and caused him to get dizzy. So he was stuck just lying in bed with nothing to distract him from the abject state of misery he was in.
Julian had mostly been doing consultations from home in order to keep an eye on him. Shu didn’t want his condition to affect his boyfriend’s job, but it was also true that he was scared to be alone. He felt so sick that he could barely make it to the bathroom on his own. Julian often had to help him take the short walk there and back, supporting Shu easily with strong arms around Shu’s torso. 
He hated that it was like this. He’d never been so sick in his life. If it had just been these two weeks of illness, then he could’ve put it down to any number of short-lived infections. But it’d been a year. One whole year of falling ill every single month with barely any healthy breaks in between. Julian had examined him a hundred times and run every test imaginable, but said there was technically nothing wrong with him. Sometimes, he said, people just developed a weak immune system over time. The flu he’d had last year could have triggered it and there was nothing they could do. 
Shu trusted his boyfriend, given that he was a world-renowned doctor. He certainly was getting the best care imaginable, given Julian could treat him at home when the average person would probably be confined to the hospital, or at the least be occupied with constant visits to a doctor’s office. Prescriptions, blood draws, even IV fluids - Julian could do it all from the comfort of their own bedroom. But Shu couldn’t help but feel like something else had to be wrong. He’d always been healthy, catching only one or two minor illnesses a year. In all honesty, he was scared that he was dying from some unknown disease.
Julian told him it was stress that made him feel so much anxiety. He had been trying to convince Shu to quit his job for months, insisting that he could take care of both Shu and his mother even if Shu didn't work anymore. It could even be the baseline level of stress causing Shu’s weakened immune system in general, Julian suggested; they never knew, maybe if he quit he'd miraculously stop getting sick so frequently. But Shu didn't want to quit his job. He was proud of his career and he valued himself as being a hard worker. It felt wrong to burden someone else financially, even if it was his boyfriend who made at least twice the amount he did. He hadn't worked so hard all these years just let someone else work for him. 
It was getting to a point where Shu didn't have much of a choice, though. The absurd amount of leave he’d amassed after ten years with the same company (taking almost no time off over this decade) was now dwindling at an alarming pace. At first his boss had doubted Shu was really ill this frequently. He didn't doubt it for long - every time Shu came into work he looked more haggard than the last time. Everybody knew he was a mess, dragging himself through each work day looking like he might collapse at any time. They’d taken a few of his usual responsibilities away from him, which Shu saw as a warning sign that he wasn’t competent enough. He tried so hard to make up for his shortcomings, but it just wasn’t possible. 
His friends were worried. Mathias and Miki texted him frequently asking after his health, but Shu had stopped answering them most of the time now. It was tiresome when they often said, “Are you feeling any better?” Because the answer was always no. He didn't feel any better. He felt worse, almost always worse and he was scared he was never going to feel good again.
He’d lost over twenty pounds just this year alone, and he was not a very hefty person to begin with. His hair was thinner and had lost the deep, black shine it'd always had. Dull was a good word for him - he looked faded, like he'd disappear if he lost any more weight or color.
“Aiya, Shumei, my son, what is happening to you?” His mom scolded often, her tone brisk as usual but lacking its normal edge. Shu knew she was worried. Before he started getting sick, he used to visit her every Friday afternoon after work, if not more frequently. He’d bring her to plays and events on the weekends and take her out to dinners they hadn’t been able to afford when he was growing up. Now he barely ever saw her - in part because he was often too ill to leave the house, but mostly because he hated the look of concern on her face each time he appeared worse off than the last time he'd seen her.
He felt so alone, so ashamed and useless... Julian was the only reason he didn't completely fall apart. His boyfriend, the only person who really knew the true extent of it all. He clung to Julian like a lifeline. Julian was always there to take care of him and never seemed to tire of all of this, even if Shu was at his wits end. He made sure Shu stayed hydrated and as comfortable as possible despite his constant body and headaches. He would mop Shu’s hot brow, shushing him gently as Shu whimpered in pain. He would carry Shu to the chair next to their bed and change the sheets when Shu sweat through them, which was often. Julian even bathed him, washing off the thick layer of sickness that clung to Shu’s skin. Shu didn't think he deserved it, but Julian never complained. 
Shu didn't realize he was crying until Julian came in and rested a cool hand on Shu’s damp face. “What's the matter, darling? Please don't cry.”
Shu sniffled, tears running down his hot cheeks. “You're too good to me,” he whimpered. “I don't want to be sick anymore. How can you stand being around me?”
“Shh, don't talk like that,” Julian said. He sat on the edge of the bed and leaned over to kiss Shu on the forehead. “I love you. I’ll always take care of you.”
“Aren’t you tired of this? I am,” Shu said, voice wavering. “I’m different now... I’m...”
“No,” Julian said, not a hint of hesitation in his voice. “I’ll never get tired of taking care of you. You're exactly who I fell in love with, and the most important person to me. I’ll do anything to help you.” 
Shu still didn't think he deserved it, but he leaned in to Julian’s touch anyways. “Thank you,” he whispered. “You're the best boyfriend in the entire world.”
“It’s easy because it's you,” Julian said. “And I've loved you my whole life. That'll never change.”Shu closed his eyes, too tired to keep talking. Julian really must love him more than Shu could understand to be so endlessly patient, even though he was so sick all the time. He didn't want to be sick anymore, but if he had to be... He was the luckiest man in the world to have Julian, he thought to himself.
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fred-the-janitor · 3 months
Fred had been trying to contact Tubbo for days. After a sudden reassignment to another section of the building for a while, something he knew was mostly a way to keep him busy.
It worked. He was busy, but he still typed messages to Tubbo.
They reassigned me to another section, I'll try to find time to see you.
Are you doing well? Are the kids doing well?
I heard the other prisoners woke up, you won't be lonely anymore right?
Read. Read. Read. Read.
Every single message was read. Yet there was never a response. Fred chalks it up to her being busy, it doesn't stop the anxiety that it shouldn't have. Its fans whirs louder, trying to cool its system. Its featureless face scrunch with worry, pacing his new office.
It couldn't take it for much longer, it's been too silent. Tubbo wouldn't just not message it back. Right?
WA02 stops another worker to ask about the prisoners, the worker paused. And WA02 can tell it was as confused as it felt.
"The prisoners? They were released yesterday afternoon, sir."
There's an audible crash inside of it somewhere, something breaks. Something stopped working and it was obvious with the way the worker managed to look alarm without any features. The false lungs in its chest stutters to a stop.
"...yesterday?" Its voice was flatter, losing the lighter inflection it completely vanishing, dropping to flat horror. WA02's communicator was suddenly much heavier with a weight of something dreadful. "So," It's voice trips over itself, trying to find its footing. "Tubbo is.."
"Released onto the island." The worker nods, its ears lowering slightly, it reaches out, paw pressing against WA02's arm in an attempt of comfort.
It takes everything in it to not jerk away.
The gears within it were screeching to a halt. "Okay." There a crack in its voice. The worker winces. "And... the children-"
"Are.. in custody..."
WA02's system freezes, warning signs of errors flooding it's visor, its fingers flexing and curling. The faceplates under its fur shifts slowly, uncertain to its next move.
It could feel its systems slowly power down, one by one. Pop ups force closing.
There's a sharp ping on its communicator.
The New Bureau.
> Come to my office. Now.
It was tempted to ignore the message. There was something bitter, ugly, sinister that says it should.
WA02's back up system slowly powers on. It puts its communicator away. It gives the worried worker a nod and leaves the office.
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Empowering Lone Workers: The Role of Lone Worker Training
In various industries, lone workers face unique challenges and risks as they perform their duties in isolation. These workers, such as security guards, field researchers, and maintenance personnel, often find themselves in situations where they are the only person on-site, which can expose them to potential hazards. To ensure their safety and well-being, comprehensive lone worker training is crucial. In this article, we'll delve into the importance of lone worker training and its role in promoting safety and preparedness.
Understanding Lone Workers
Lone workers are individuals who perform their job duties without direct supervision or immediate assistance from colleagues. Their tasks can range from conducting site inspections in remote locations to working late-night shifts as security guards. The absence of immediate support can leave them vulnerable to accidents, injuries, or emergency situations.
The Significance of Lone Worker Training
Risk Awareness: Lone worker training begins by raising awareness of the potential risks and hazards associated with the specific job. Workers learn to identify and assess these risks, enabling them to make informed decisions to protect themselves.
Emergency Response: Preparedness for emergencies is a cornerstone of lone worker training. Workers are trained in emergency response protocols, including first aid, CPR, and how to handle critical situations until help arrives.
Communication Skills: Effective communication is crucial for lone workers. They are taught how to maintain regular check-ins with a central monitoring system or designated contacts. This ensures that their status and safety are monitored, even when working alone.
Use of Technology: Lone worker training often involves instruction on the use of technology, such as personal alarms, mobile apps, or wearable devices. These tools can be essential for summoning help in emergencies.
Conflict Resolution: For roles that involve interactions with the public, lone worker training includes conflict resolution techniques. This helps workers de-escalate situations to avoid confrontations or harm.
Customized Training Programs
Lone worker training is not one-size-fits-all. It should be tailored to the specific job roles and hazards encountered by each worker. For example, the training needs of a forestry worker in a remote area differ from those of a security guard in a crowded urban space. Customized programs ensure that workers receive relevant and effective training.
Legal Requirements and Employer Responsibility
In many regions, employers are legally obligated to provide adequate training and support to protect the safety of lone workers. Failure to do so can result in legal consequences and reputational damage. Employers should take this responsibility seriously and invest in comprehensive training programs to safeguard their employees.
In conclusion, lone worker training is a vital component of ensuring the safety and well-being of those who work in isolation. It equips them with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to identify and mitigate risks, respond to emergencies, and communicate effectively. By prioritizing comprehensive lone worker training, employers demonstrate their commitment to the safety and security of their workforce. https://nntc.org.uk/lone-worker-training/
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ulriksenpike13 · 1 year
Fall Detector Alarm
Fall Detector Alarm If you or someone you love is at risk of falling, a fall detector pendant is a great option to protect their independence. These devices are often worn on the outside of the wearer’s clothing or clipped to a belt loop, and they provide an immediate way to call for help when falling. How Does It Work? The fall detection sensor on the device looks for a pattern of movement that is consistent with most falls. Rapid downward acceleration followed by no movement is a common symptom of a fall, and if it occurs, the system will send a fall alert to the monitoring center. False alarms can occur, but most fall detection devices have a cancel feature to get the system back on track if the user’s movements haven’t caused the alert to go off. Truthful claims about accuracy: Most fall detection devices are not 100% accurate, but they do a pretty good job at detecting falls. Some devices include additional sensors like a barometric pressure sensor, gyroscope, or magnetometer to help decrease false alarms and more accurately identify different types of falls. Attractive, comfortable pendants: The best fall detection pendants are easy to wear and look good on the outside of your clothes. Also, they are waterproof or water-resistant so they can be used in the shower and on a boat or in other wet situations. Lone Worker Alarms Some medical alert systems, like LifeStation, offer a fall detection option as an add-on to their at-home or on-the-go plans. The company’s add-on is a steal at $5 per month, and customers can return it for a refund within 30 days.
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gpsgeoguard24 · 1 day
Lone Worker Alarm System
GPS Geoguard's Lone Worker Alarm System ensures safety with real-time monitoring and alerts for lone workers. It features GPS tracking, emergency buttons, and proactive notifications, enhancing workplace safety and peace of mind.
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gpsgeoguards · 11 months
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GPS GeoGuard offers the best duress alarm system for personal safety. Our advanced technology, real-time alerts, and seamless integration provide unmatched protection, making it the ideal choice for ensuring your security.
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sloshed-cinema · 2 months
Bicycle Thieves [Ladri di biciclette] (1948)
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Institutional failures in Italy during the years after World War II mark the core of Bicycle Thieves. Introduced as the lucky winner of a job in the opening scene of the film, there’s nowhere for Antonio Ricci to go but down from there. His employment as a poster plasterer is contingent on having a bike to get around efficiently. Pawning more of his family’s belongings to retrieve his bike from the shop, we are introduced to just how preposterous the situation is, and just how stacked against the worker is the system: the Riccis are just two of many jostling to get some fast cash, and the pawn shops are shown to be a massive network of human belongings and desperation. The film plays with the audience’s knowledge of the title of the film for Antonio’s brief possession of his bike, making sure to draw attention to the furtive glances of others any time he leaves it behind for any length of time. But it’s not until his first day on the job that Antonio has it stolen. The system is utterly stacked against him on every level. After filing a police report, he’s essentially told to fuck off and look for it himself. Any further police involvement is reluctant and half-assed. Looking for help, he’s diverted from a meeting discussing whether the Labor Department should give out welfare (deemed as “insulting” to unemployed workers) to a group of ineffectual sleuths, again leaving him alone after a fruitless search. When he follows a lead to a church, the farcical treatment of Mass, everyone bowing reverently at intervals even in their pursuit to kick Antonio out for disturbance of the peace, shows how highly the film views that institution. And when Antonio finally does track down the thief, mob justice is swiftly carried out. The thief is in just as desperate a situation as Antonio is, a family of four living in a single room, but because Antonio is hot-headed and from another neighborhood, it’s easy to paint a target on his back. In the close, Antonio becomes what he spent the entire film fighting against. Glancing back and forth between a lone bike, much like his, and a host of them from spectators at another institution, that of sports, he decides to steal the loner. Unlike the open, he’s promptly accosted but receives “better” treatment for it, receiving ultimately nothing more than still more disapproving words. The film’s gradual collapse from what could be considered a form of observational social satire to saccharine misery-porn melodrama underlines the hopelessness felt by the film.
But the hopelessness goes even further: Antonio’s son Bruno is a key figure, following his father along during his search for the bicycle. He is a cherubic child, innocent and wide-eyed. Bruno as a child represents the future of Italy (Gasp! The subtlety!), and his views of his father shift over the course of the film. He’s often sidelined, his father barely noticing when he falls as they flee a rainstorm, or nearly getting hit by cars twice. And Antonio turns him away to wait at a bridge, only to fear that he’s drowning when others raise an alarm call. Bruno is aware that he’s getting less, and of his father’s lack of hope in the situation: arriving at a restaurant, he eagerly digs into a sandwich while looking over at a wealthy boy enjoying a multi-course meal and listening to his father obsess over salary figures. Should he enjoy this delicious food, or worry about his ability to ever eat again? Bruno’s views of his father are ultimately shattered upon seeing his father as a thief. This cycle of misery thereby shows no sign of ending. There is no room for a glimmer of hope in this statement of the plight of the common man.
Someone says 'bicycle' or 'Fides'.
A sum of money is named.
A bike part is named.
Someone gets told off.
The titular bike is left unattended.
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The way I relate to Jesse Pinkman is so alarming 😭 especially these quotes has stayed in my mind because they were so relatable:
Even tho my personality type and traumas/my life story is different than Jesse's, still I relate to the feelings what Jesse had as an traumatized/abused person.
I was abused mentally & was religious abuse when I lived in two fosterhomes and I was really brainwashed. I was also threatened multiple times that I cant tell anyone about it because then they would put me in "more worst place" etc fcked up stuff. The first fosterhome where I was - wasnt so bad like the second where I was and it was hell. But still I have realised that the first fosterhome wasnt normal and the things happened there wasnt okay too. In the second fosterhome they also threatened with violence like they said once "We want to hit you so bad but we cant because social workers wont accept it" like wtf 💀 also they had an amstaff and they threatened multiple times that they want to let her attack me if I disobey them.
Luckily I lived just 2 years in that second fosterhome but still it felt like a 10 prison years. Then I was putted in fosterhome finally that was okay and safe to me, but because I had an severe trauma, I had a symptoms that they didnt know what to do with them, I live now on my own but in the place where im learning how to be more "independent adult" if im translating it right :D
But living with this kind of trauma that is because of finland childprotective service system, I cant expose them names etc because it would cause me lot of troubles, so I have to live in silence wich makes me feel lonely and angry, I have to live in silence like Jesse Pinkman literally 😭
I feel deep shame, guilt, anxiety, depression and anger of my trauma even tho what happened to me as an kid wasnt my fault and it couldve happen to anyone else too if they were me in that situation, I wasnt also only who was abused, there was also other 2 kids but im not going to mention them names etc because I want to protect them.
Nowadays I suffer of PTSD, social anxiety, anger issues, depression (and possible quiet BPD)
Heres some song that I relate to:
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kevinszabojrplumbing · 7 months
Going Beyond Traditional PPE
For many industries, lone worker safety is of the utmost importance. Lone workers come in all shapes and sizes; however, what they all have in common is the need for PPE.
What is PPE?
PPE is an acronym for personal protective equipment.The Occupational Safety and Health Administration defines PPE as equipment worn to minimize exposure to hazards that cause serious workplace injuries and illnesses. Some possible hazards may include physical, electrical, mechanical, heat, or chemical.
Many industries require their employees to use PPE. It is essential in industries like construction, automotive, oil, utilities, healthcare, pharmaceutical, and food to name a few. Some of the most recognizable safety equipment includes items such as helmets, safety goggles, gloves, safety vests, earplugs, masks, respirators, etc.
PPE is critical for lone workers who don’t have a support system of workers around them. Employees who work alone need as much protection as possible to proactively safeguard them from incidents or accidents.With the right equipment they can perform their jobs more effectively and feel safe. However, basic PPE is no longer sufficient. Adding Digital PPE to the equation results in the safest workers and best possible outcomes in the event of an accident.
What is Digital PPE?
Digital Personal Protective Equipment uses technology to bridge the communication gap between lone workers and their workplace. Digital PPE monitors and identifies events, environmental data, and locational information of employees working in high-risk situations or working alone to ensure their safety. It can be used to proactively prevent harmful accidents or injury. It is also used to quickly request assistance in the event of an incident. 
Becklar’s Digital PPE Solution
Becklar provides a comprehensive suite of applications, devices, and services that work seamlessly together resulting in the most robust safety solution available for lone workers today.
Becklar’s premier lone worker safety tool is the WorkerSafety Pro App, which is compatible with the iPhone and Apple Watch. This application covers all the bases when it comes to Digital PPE.
How Does WorkerSafety Pro Help Lone Workers?
The WorkerSafety Pro Application is easy for lone workers to use. The fact that it integrates with their own smartphone, Apple Watch, or other dedicated devices goes a long way with employees, increasing the likelihood that it will be used and embraced. 
WorkerSafety Pro offers many other benefits that workers have come to appreciate:
In the event of a fall or losing consciousness (worker down detection), safety managers and/or emergency contacts can be automatically notified 
Receive notifications about dangerous temperatures to help avoid heat-related illness
Receive notices about possible hazardous weather conditions
Send reliable location data in the event of an emergency
Able to check-in and check-out when entering a potentially dangerous environment
Sound a siren alarm if needed
Send a silent alarm to discreetly request help
Best of all, employees are able to maintain their privacy, only sending signals in the event of an emergency. And they can work confidently knowing they are fully protected and that their employer has got their back. 
How Does WorkerSafety Pro Help Safety Managers?
Safety managers enjoy peace of mind knowing their employees who are working alone or working remotely in potentially hazardous situations can be notified immediately in the event of an emergency. Managers can also facilitate employee check-ins and check-outs when they know they are going into a dangerous environment. It also provides them with a powerful group communication tool to send group communications in emergencies.
Safety managers have also come to appreciate how easy the WorkSafety Pro App is to set up, its customizability, and improved employee retention. Implementation of this valuable application also greatly reduces corporate risk associated with costly lawsuits and insurance claims.
The Benefits of Going Beyond Traditional PPE
As you can see, the benefits of adding Digital PPE to your line of defense for lone workers and workers in remote locations are many. Workforce safety isn’t something to take lightly; lone worker safety should be a focal point for every business. The right mix of traditional PPE and digital PPE is the wave of the future. Without the hardworking employees—remote and onsite workers alike—a business would cease to exist. Therefore, making safety a top priority is the most important investment an organization can make.
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sueheaven · 1 year
Emergency Services Market to Observe Strong Growth to Generate Massive Revenue in Coming Years
Global Emergency Services Market Report from AMA Research highlights deep analysis on market characteristics, sizing, estimates and growth by segmentation, regional breakdowns & country along with competitive landscape, players market shares, and strategies that are key in the market. The exploration provides a 360° view and insights, highlighting major outcomes of the industry. These insights help the business decision-makers to formulate better business plans and make informed decisions to improved profitability. In addition, the study helps venture or private players in understanding the companies in more detail to make better informed decisions. Major Players in This Report Include:
FirstNet (United States)
Novatel Wireless (United States)
Motorola (United States)
Blackline Safety Corp. (United States)
F.W. Webb Company. (United States)
Reliance Protect (United Kingdom)
Drone Aviation Holding (United States)
3M Scott Fire & Safety (United States)
Identicom (United States)
Aeryon Labs (Canada)
Rapid Industrialization has caused ample amount of pollution in the global atmosphere which has resulted in growing instances of natural calamities as well as volatile atmospheric conditions. This will lead to generate significant demand for the emergency services in the global market. These services are offered by number of government and private organizations which safeguards society by tackling specific types of emergencies. Moreover, these organizations assists public in detecting, avoiding and effective reporting of the emergencies. Though, the market will grow at significant rate, the demand for emergency services will vary substantially with respect to regions. Market Drivers  Growing Instances and Risks of Terrorist Attacks
Increasing Need to minimize Huge Monetary Losses
Market Trend  Surging Government Regulations as well as Provision of Reimbursements
Rising Risk of Natural Calamities due to Global Warming
Opportunities  Increasing Research and Developments in Analyzing Growing Instances Natural Disasters
Technological Advancements in Older Emergency Management Infrastructures
Challenges  Some of the Natural Disasters are Uncontrollable
Increasing Possibilities of Hardware emergency Control System Failures
The Emergency Services market study is being classified by Type (M2M Devices, Ruggedized Devices, Lone Worker Alarm Solutions), Services (Training and Simulation, Consulting, Public Information Services, Emergency Operation Center (EOC) Design and Integration), End Users (BFSI, Public Sector, Healthcare, IT & Telecom, Energy & Utilities, Manufacturing, Aerospace & Defense, Transportation & Logistics, Others), Technology (First Responder Tools, Satellite Phones, Emergency Response Radars, Vehicle-ready Gateways, Others), Solution (Geospatial Solutions, Disaster Recovery Solutions, Situational Awareness Solutions) Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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gpsgeoguard24 · 1 month
Lone Worker Alarm System
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GPS Geoguard's Lone Worker Alarm System ensures safety for solitary employees. Equipped with GPS tracking and emergency alerts, it offers peace of mind by promptly notifying authorities in case of accidents or threats, enhancing workplace security.
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gpsgeoguards · 1 year
Medical Alert Devices: Empowering Independence and Safety
Introduction: In an ever-evolving world, medical alert devices have become essential tools for maintaining independence and ensuring the safety of individuals. These devices offer a lifeline during emergencies, providing peace of mind for both users and their loved ones. Here, we explore the importance and benefits of medical alert devices offered by GPS GeoGuard.
Personalized Safety: GPS GeoGuard's medical alert devices are designed to meet the unique needs of individuals. From wearable pendants to smartwatches, these devices offer customizable features such as fall detection, two-way communication, and GPS tracking, allowing users to summon help promptly.
Instant Access to Help: In the event of an emergency, prompt assistance is crucial. GPS GeoGuard's medical alert devices provide instant access to a professional monitoring team available 24/7. With a simple press of a button, users can connect with trained operators who can assess the situation and dispatch appropriate help.
GPS Tracking: One of the standout features of GPS GeoGuard's medical alert devices is the integrated GPS tracking system. This allows caregivers or family members to locate the user in real-time, providing an added layer of security and peace of mind, especially for those prone to wandering or with medical conditions.
Enhanced Independence: Medical alert devices not only enhance safety but also promote independence. With the confidence of having immediate access to help, users can continue with their daily activities, knowing that assistance is just a button press away.
Conclusion: Medical alert devices offered by GPS GeoGuard empower individuals to live independently while ensuring their safety and well-being. With personalized safety features, instant access to help, GPS tracking capabilities, and the promotion of independence, these devices are essential tools for individuals of all ages. Invest in a medical alert device today and embrace the freedom to live with confidence and peace of mind.
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