#lol you're annoying too yanno
some of these are SUPER old, gomen, so it'll be all under the cut for yall sanity. i really need to start answering more timely rip
tw: mild implications of noncon (cerelos), psychological mindfucks (cerelos), mentions of pregnancy (dol)
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Oh, I can wait for your content as long as it takes! Creating is not an easy task, so take your time, dear. Ofc, posting everyday is cool, blah-blah, but your health and mental state is much more important. Don't worry about this <3 And talking about DoL, did you get to Ivory Wraith already? Who is your faves generally? —anonymous
did i not answer this before??? tumblr, please. anyway, ye i did! plotwise, very very fascinating. gameplay wise, annoying as heck when i was in middle of things i was working towards to lol i do wish ivory wraith's plot wouldn't be centered around weird anal/ear/whatever pregnancy tho, thats…kinda not my thing kdshkds--and thats coming from someone who writes preg on the regular. pls dev.
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Ahhhh don't feel bad! Ur content is top-tier and u r a lovely perfect bun! Even quick look on your post is enough to feel that you're always working hard to give your best – it's we who should be thankful for all food u r giving </3
A lot lot lot of love to ya, dear 🥰 @iwanthistongue
dawww thank you dear <3333 i just wish i have it in me to be the super productive like some of the epic writers on this platform, but i dont dsklhdsl so all i can do is to do my best and provide every so often <3 also sorry that i cant seem to ping you???
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Omg you're into dol? Who's your favorite character so far? —anonymous
eden, tbh! i ran into a scenario where they kidnapped me angry after being gone for too long. oof, what happened after that…wheeoooow but most of the characters are pretty dang good too!! i'd like to focus more love on kylar but theyre quite...annoying gameplay wise so…augh lol
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i crave more beastfolk content 🤤 maybe something with a male reader dealing with a few yandere beastfolk who are trying to one-up each other and compete for him? male!yandere x male!reader content is a bit hard to find, especially if it's transmale!reader —anonymous
just send in an ask and i'll see what i can do! i found writing male readers (be it cis or not!) a little tricky sometimes, because i always feared crossing that…bad line, yanno? in spite of the contents i write.
that said, i'm all for writing more gays, just need a little nudge and sparks to write one~
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have you heard of scp 401? —anonymous
…huh, this is a pron in the making. but no! this is the first ive heard of it. im aware of scp and knew some of its characters but not this one!!
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Happy bday! I hope you got yourself a nice treat! —anonymous Happy birthday, dear! 🥳—anonymous Happy (i guess)late birthday, luv!!! Thank you for writing at this special day, hope your day was amazing <3 —anonymous
ohhhh this is months late;;; im so sorry but thank you all so much for your kind bday wishes!! ily all a bunch!!!
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OMG YESSSS LORE!!! MORE MORE MORE <333 Thank you for the food, I can't stop re-reading 😭😭😭 —anonymous
ye~i mainly wanted to do more centaur pron tbh LOL glad you liked my nasty bois!
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For a few days I had a thought- I hope it's ok to share ahaha- Okay, so – after getting in his grasp his future bride were acting so, so good. Her dedication is admirable, she's a quick learner and charismatic enough to get the liking of the teachers and maids. Her gentle and caring nature shows while she's communicating with others – no surprise everyone likes her. She's the same she was the day he met her... But the thing is, after all of this, she's absolutely terrified of Cerelos. She's not crying and wailing, but she's getting so quiet, so uncomfortable in his company, she always hiding her eyes and never tries to speak first – and she trembles so, so bad every time they're touching! Last time she even fainted from all nerves. How he may act and how mad he would be that servants getting more smiles and laughs than him? —anonymous
hmmm depends on why the darling is frightened tbh are they always afraid or is this started after cerelos took them the first time? i do imagine he'd be pretty upset and even offended, though he won't outwardly show his feelings. he'd probably start ordering the servants to disappear whenever the darling is in sight, be invisible, to further isolate them, to force them either to face their loneliness and/or accept cerelos as their emperor and husband. since humans are in nature social, they'd naturally long for some form of company and possibly some skin to skin contact.
in short, since the coecrced sex doesn't seem to do enough, cerelos would've likely infict some psychological damages on his darling to force them to accept him. he wouldn't be…physically abusive, no, but he will emotionally and mentally cripple his darling without relying on cruel words and uses some amount of gaslighting.
regardless, you will only have him and you will love him. he is, after all, your emperor and husband. why wouldn't you embrace him and his power?
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Hi! I hope this is okay to ask: I saw one of your slightly older asks, and you mentioned you have a draft with a slime monster. I'm very curious about that one (but I also love your writing in general!), so I just wanted to ask you if you plan on finishing it —anonymous
.....sdhdflsk i thought i posted it, gosh dang it. well, i'll look into this later. if nothing else, it would be nice to go back and post my shitty 5 minutes thoughts again.
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Hello how are you ? Hope you are doing well ❣️ I wanted to ask if you will continue or write anything similar like the rabbit hybrid fic ..it's my fav and i also like the ghost husband fic ..sorry if i made u uncomfortable👉👈...Have a nice day💖 —anonymous
i'm doing better!! <3 ty for checking in, luvvv
and after some waffling around, i considered since human/beastfolk hybrids are so rare and are considered the 'monsters' of their world (ig basically, considered as 'mythical', like yeti's and such, but actually does exist, kind of monsters), i figured it couldn't hurt to make these sad hybrids canon to my universe soooooooo ye i wouldn't mind doing more of them!! also i've done a crocodile hybrid one, if you've missed that one.
no, no, you're good! <3 loves getting asks like this~
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the momster is back!!! we missed you, hope you’re having a good day <333 (p.s i am a monster fucker through and through, i will literally read and love anything you write mwah) @letskidaddle
daww youre so sweet!!! <3 ty!! monster fuckers united!!!! and yes you have a lovely day as well!!
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whewwww, thats some asks to get through hhhh but man tumblr is so ugly. anyone know the fix to get it back to its simple self??
anyway, im slowly getting into the swing of things. got couple wips i can work on, maybe, and clear the inboxs for a fresh start (sorry to anyone who were waiting on certain things!! you can send them again tho!! a clean slate is needed imo). anyway, hope yall are doing wonderfully <3
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tokidokifish · 1 year
garashir for ship asks!!!
What made you ship it?
i don't know. listen - you may think i'm being oblique. but the fact is i heard about garashir LONG before i ever got into ds9, we're talking YEARS back; i can't even remember who i knew that shipped it, because it was just that long ago. i even tried reading a fanfic, though i can't remember what it was or even where it was, because this might have predated ao3. like even before i got into the show, something about that pairing Appealed To Me. and then, of course, i DID watch the show and Whoo Boy. i mean have you SEEN them interact. i think, honestly, what sealed the deal for me - what got be truly invested - was - well, for one thing, i tend to automatically rebel against relationships that the canon WANTS to happen; even if it's a relationship i end up liking it takes me a while to come around to it bc i'm so burned out on the vibe of "he was a guy, she was a girl, can i make it any more obvious?" that so many het romances get slapped with. i'm always looking for the characters that have the most chemistry (in my opinion) and goddamn call those bitches a science department because they have maybe the most chemistry of any two characters in that show. they challenge each other in the best way! and they just LIKE each other. what a novelty! i've got my fondness for the whole slap-slap-kiss trope, but god do shows and movies rely on it way too much these days, gag. so to have these two characters which, yeah, snip at each other sometimes, but very genuinely enjoy each other's company?? sublime. love it.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
well, i think i got into it a bit with the "they just like each other", but i think i especially like that garak liked julian right from the start. like oh, yeah, garak obviously had ulterior motives for approaching julian at first, but after that he just - continued to seek out his company! i've stated it a lot in my fics but just the fact that garak alone never seemed to find julian irritating when like everyone else on the station did, even if they came around to it - like i'm not one of those people that's like "the character you see yourself most in + the character you're most attracted to is your favorite pairing" bc i think it's bullshit, but as someone who is Very Annoying and is used to driving people away, oh god the idea of being just simply ACCEPTED by someone is like. a fuckin. drug. it's honestly probably the biggest reason i have trouble shipping julian with anyone else, even though i do enjoy his relationship with miles and i especially like writing him and kira becoming close in the later seasons. and, again, the fact that garak and julian do challenge each other, and they reflect one another in such interesting ways - and, of course, they are sooooooo normal about one another even in the context of a show that WASN'T writing them as romantically involved. 's good. 's a good ship.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
certainly it's not unpopular amongst the garashir girlies - but obviously i consider the idea that their relationship is at all "unhealthy" complete bullshit. like i made a whole post about it. genuinely i cannot even understand the mindset - other than, of course, because garak is a "bad man" (also something i disagree with, but whatever) he cannot have healthy relationships. he's "evil", so all of his relationships must be toxic. just lol. lmao, even. i think my most unpopular opinion is that i find it VERY hard to picture them hooking up early in the series and then having a relationship on the side. like it's not a deal-breaker in terms of fics, but just not my cup of tea, yanno? i think there's attraction and affection from the get, but i think PEAK garashir happens after ips/bil, and especially after dbip, when i feel like they'd've truly come to understand one another (as much as they need to, obviously; i think a big part of the garashir relationship is the idea that garak will always have secrets and julian is fine with that (is that why people think it's toxic?)). oh also i think people who shrink the age difference are cowards. they're both grown-ass adults! let them have their 20+ age gap! it's a charm point!
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chordsykat · 2 years
OC ask meme! For Caj, 3 16 20 for Nita 34 3 40 for Cherry 29 23 20 (thats a lot, sorry XD)
Oooo! Let's do this! I answered 40 for Nita, here. As for the others...
3: How easy to annoy is your oc? Do they have common pet-peeves or are they stoic in response to everything? What is their reaction if the source doesn’t stop?
Nita - She's patient to a fault -- to her own detriment. Really really. She'll let you annoy her long after it's pushed her to her breaking point. You'll see some of this at play in Dethkomic very soon. Nita's got a problem with boundaries, but slowly and surely, she works it out. Unfortunately until she does... she's likely to just let it keep going even after other people are beginning to find it obnoxious.
Caj - Also has a lot of patience, but she'll let you know when you're getting on her nerves. The only thing that really truly bothers her (except Skwisgaar) is inaction when action is clearly warranted. Caj is the wind element of the bunch. If she's not moving, she dies. Or, moreover, she takes matters into her own hands.
16 (Caj): If your oc could only eat one thing for the rest of their life (while miraculously not suffering from malnutrition), what would it be? Does this match their favourite food?
Caj is on record as saying chocolate is the only addiction she hasn't been to rehab for. On tour, she is well-known for hitting up restaurants and asking for the dessert list up front -- proceeding to order the most decandent chocolate *whatever* on the menu. There are some exceptions (she doesn't consider American chocolate to be real food) but her sweet tooth is as legendary as her music.
20: Does your oc have any pleasure that embarrasses them so they keep it secret? Or are they open about all the things they enjoy?
Caj - Probably knows more about the characters and worlds that inhabit her kids' favorite shows and books than they do. Following the timeline of when my stories *actually* happened, Caj would probably be a brony. If they'd happened today, she'd unironically enjoy Bluey and Blippi. I'm not sure how out she'd be about these things, but I'm sure she'd correct other parents when they confused Pinkie Pie for Rainbow Dash.
Cherry - She's pretty hedonistic and sees no shame in enjoying all that life has to offer and doing it out loud. Her "guilty pleasures" are many for this reason. Cherry's got a not-so-secret love for sappy romcoms, loves to overdo it on makeup snd wildly out-of-vogue hairstyles any chance she gets, and has a thing for pink flamingo lawn ornaments and similarly themed items.
34 (Nita): What would someone blackmail your oc with? Would they be successful in getting what they wanted?
That's a tough one. What they'd blackmail her with isn't as hard a question -- probably a loved one. But God help those bad guys if the one they took hostage was her dad. They'd give him back.
How successful they'd be is what has me stuck. Nita's quick to please, and if it was someone she loved dearly, there's no question she'd do anything in order to save them. However, one of Nita's innate abilities is this persuasive nature she seems to have over others that come in contact with her. She's a spirit of harmony and getting along (and yeah, here again, I'm kinda hinting at superpowers). Maybe all it'd take for the antagonist to drop the ball is hanging around her for a few minutes? I mean... can you blame them? Who'd want to hurt this chick? LOL
29 (Cherry): If your oc was in a video game, what would their idle animation be? (When the player stays still for too long, the animation that plays.)
I actually almost did this when I found a plugin that would allow me to put idle animations on characters in Harmonic Odyssey (but, feature creep, yanno...) -- would absolutely have her roll a joint and smoke it until the player picked their controller back up again.
23 (Cherry): What is the most annoying sound to your oc? What’s the most pleasant? Is there any reason?
I LOVE it when I have to re-read my own character sheets to figure stuff like this out. Annoying is a very good question because she "analyzes" sound in a way that would confuse and confound most people who don't specifically have her sort of sensitivities. She is always looking for patterns and notes in things, even when there aren't any to be found. If none exist, she will likely shrug it off until there's too much of nothing to be found. I imagine she's cool with a consistent white noise, but only to a point. Having an alarm or something that should have a regular "beat" go off without keeping a consistent time pattern might be her kryptonite.
Pleasant sounds? Let's talk about the sound of water pipes... for several reasons that should be obvious by now. :)
Thank you for another round of wonderful questions! I sincerely doubt I'll ever get tired of doing Q&As off this list. XD
Original prompt is right here!
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Tell me – are you among the lions, Daniel?
belated happy halloween; just finished watching an atdd playthrough
#jeremy dab at the end of that caption#still embracing this kick and having fun doodling this dude it's easy to be loosey goosey drawing him lmfao#like design wise i keep it simple enough going roughly off the concept pic but ignore the coat lmfao#and it's fun to draw him Conceptually lol coz i enjoy daniel and all he does is be Scared and Funny and just some dumbass guy#in that playthrough i watched he just ditched agrippa :(#idk how players are annoyed by agrippa being chatty lmfao it's fun. and he's all polite and apologetic lmfao like he's your friend!!!#oh right gonna use some Real Tags#corned beef#amnesia#atdd#think a rando found another manesia post of mine thru the tags earlier....if you're out there i shake ur hand. decade later atdd times#Latent Atdd Fan always emerges eventually lol...man it's been Over a decade lol. i was on Amnesia right when it came out and pre-mh#and i watched mh in Nov 2010 and amnesia was released in sept 2010 so i had to be for real right on it....it made a splash.....#you know i don't know enough about Biblical Daniel; Prophet; Book of; to know if drawing that connection means too much lol#i sure know about being cast into the lions den but just chilled with the lions.....but that is it smh#yanno abf's stream was the peak halloween thing i did lmfao but that's not bad. a) i didnt have other plans and b) i did and have been#completely earnestly enjoying it lmfaoo. i don't think they exist outside of halloween.....#i'm still putting together things re: rebirth lore that ties in with atdd....aka like all of it almost but you know.#purple orange that's halloween and an underrated color combo#s/o to daniel making an Orpheus Into The Underworld comparison and me not being 1000% certain in what way that connection is Apropos either#can't razz daniel sometimes....just a real Same....lmfao at alexander going ''sometimes ur intuition is...remarkable''#wow just like hadestown.....same like daniel dropping a ref to Xanadu in a diary lol when will musical theatre be invented
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meowzfordayz · 2 years
Hi 🥺 I would like to request some fluff headcanons with Giyu/Sanemi, based on the very first time you show each other your vulnerabilities. You may interpret this any way you want, it could be a conversation, physical touch, letting go of a hard facade (hello Sanemi), I would just be very happy to read your interpretation of this! Thank you 💙
Tyvm for your request! ☺️ I appreciate knowing I could interpret it any way I wanted, bc it def took a while for inspo to strike regardless. 😅 Hope you're having a wonderful weekend: may your Sunday be sunny and spectacular. ☀️💖
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Author’s Note: what is ~hcs other than an informally written one shot ????? 🤪
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firsts - rendered speechless
Shinazugawa Sanemi x Reader, Tomioka Giyuu x Reader
Word Count: ~2,100
CW: explicit language, mild sexual content, traumatic references
~faqs, image~
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W/ you, Sanemi talks a lot
Like, actual, proper talking
Not just being pissy lol
Asking how you slept, complimenting your occasional smile, venting about what’s annoying him atm
There’re very few ppl he feels safe being… normal (??) w/
Bc actual, proper talking can be ~hard 😵
So even tho some of the things he rambles about may seem mundane
They’re his subtle way of revealing his comfortability, his trust, in you
In fact, the more mundane, the more intimate ??
He prob despises small talk
So like: if he mentions the weather, then you know he’s ✨smitten✨
Bc w/ you, nothing feels like small talk
W/ you, he believes you’re genuinely intrigued, fascinated, enthralled
Believes you care about knowing him
Him in general, and him in the moment — in every moment
—Do you know how heartbreaking it is to open up to someone who doesn’t give a fuck ??
—Personal anecdote: an ex of mine admitted that they weren’t usually interested in what I had to say so they’d tune me out, and then I dated them for another ~yr lmao
—Live and learn
Investing in someone, in a romantic relationship, doesn’t just mean investing in them
It also means letting someone invest in you
The more you give, the deeper they can affect you
The more you give, the less you have to hide behind
And Sanemi is hyper aware of this
As are you !!
—I don’t exactly imagine a romantic relationship w/ Sanemi being slow burn
—But it’s not a whirlwind either
—The slowest part is trudging through the (mutual) friendzone
—Him friendzoning you bc: better to be the one friendzoning than the one friendzoned, right ??
—And you friendzoning him bc: you assume he’s off limits romantically (his glaring doesn’t scream LOVE ME right off the bat, yanno?), so why trouble yourself w/ that inevitable heartache ??
—Dw, obvi y’all figure it out ~eventually 🙃
Which def leads to you talking less
Not bc you’re passive!
And not bc he talks over you !!
You just absolutely treasure the closeness nurtured w/ every word he utters
Sure, easy silences are considered a hallmark of a mature, developed relationship
Which is true w/ Sanemi as well
BUT, what’s also true is the difficulty vulnerability he typically has w/ expressing himself
Not just romantic, cheesy expression altho that shit’s SCARY
But literally like, what he ate for lunch and that he misses you
Or what he wants to do after sparring bathe together bc y’all are sweaty af and he just wants to cherish you and your body
Or what he needs from you when he wakes up, phantom pain shackled to his skin, glistening scars its keeper contrary to intuition: touch them, trace them — remind him of his wholeness even as you grieve his loss
So you talk less, bc you want more
More, more, and more of Sanemi
As much as he’s willing to give
Is how much you’re willing, happy, grateful to love
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“I should go.”
Everything is seeped in grey
Not the pastel grey of Sanemi’s laughter
Or the warm grey of his desire
Or even the neutral grey of his exhaustion
This grey is
Painted over a razor thin sheen of crimson
An unforgiving, flickering that you’d almost forgotten
That you’d hoped you’d never see
“I…” he shakes his head, softly
Too softly
“I knew I’d hurt you.”
“Nemi, what is-”
“Listen to your heart, and tell me it’s okay,” he’s frowning, despondent moonlight faintly illuminating the curve of his bare chest, “Lie to me.”
You blink sleepily, your jaw propped up on your palm, “Can we talk about this after we’ve gone back to sleep? And slept? It’s the middle of-”
“I know it’s the middle of the night,” he snaps, “Which is why I should go,” he gestures roughly at your face, “You’re crying.”
“Sanemi,” you’re firmer now, kakebuton rustling as you move to mirror his upright position, “Of course I’m crying,” he flinches, unrecognizable shame stuttering his breath, “When you cry,” you reach out, fingertips resting on his clammy shoulder, relief spreading through to your elbow, your collarbone, your sternum when he doesn’t shrug you off, “I cry with you.”
“I’m not crying.”
You’d giggle if you weren’t so exasperated — so desperate to adjust his perception
He’s just so stubborn and clueless and battered and I’m so in love with you it’s ridiculous
“Let me look out for you, just as you look out for me,” you murmur, rubbing feather light circles along his throat, feeling as he swallows thickly
Let me love you, just as you love me
“How many nights have I woken you?” he’s unnervingly calm, “How many nights have I been a mess?” he snorts, “Most of them? All of them? You share a bed with a broken stranger. A patchwork of not good enough. You cry for someone false. For someone who doesn’t exist. Who only exists in the fleeting seclusion of us. But us can’t exist out there,” he grasps your thigh, squeezing reassuringly even as he wrings his own heart, “We can’t exist here either.”
“To love is a choice, Sanemi,” he grunts at your statement, “Are you taking that choice from me?”
His grip on your thigh tightens, harsh denial of your question in his gut
“Maybe love itself isn’t always born from conscious will, but to keep loving? To keep tending, to keep trying? How could you ever be a broken stranger to me? I know how to find your favorite constellation, can prepare your tea perfectly, have a mental map of your ticklish spots, and you talk with me. I know the three shadows that haunt your eyes, and how to dissipate them; that you stare into puddles because you think they’re shiny and pretty; that you fold a paper crane every year, scared it’ll be your last. I listen to you. Why should you go when I want you to stay? When you want to stay? I’m not hurting because of you — I’m hurting with you. We can exist. We do exist. We exist and we care and talk and listen and hurt and love. Yesterday, I woke up and I chose you. This morning, I woke up and I chose you. And when I wake up tomorrow, I’m certain I’ll choose you. How can something so consistent, so intentful, so solid be false?”
A long second, minute — minutes, pass
You’re patient
Interpreting tender promises in the quiet
I don’t know
Sanemi’s spine gradually relaxes, eyes losing their erratic glimmer as he melts into your steadiness
I don’t know
Your body following his as he settles beneath the kakebuton, curling familiarly around his weary form as he presses his toes tentatively to your shins
I don’t know
His hand waiting for yours as you sling a secure arm over his side, his fingers loosely interlocking with yours as soon as they nudge against each other
I don’t want to go
The cadence of your pulse guiding him
My beacon he kisses your knuckles My Polaris
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I think part of the reason Giyuu’s less talkative is bc it’s much easier to be articulate in one’s head than out loud
~Totally relatable 😝
Pair that w/ social—general—anxiety, and it’s even more understandable why someone (Giyuu) might be less talkative
But that obvi doesn’t make them (Giyuu) any less fascinating 👀
Ever crushed on someone from so far of a distance that you wonder if you’re imagining them?
And then they pop up at your local supermarket or something and you realize all over again that
They exist
They’re breathtaking
They don’t know you exist (at least, they don’t make a habit of greeting your existence)
That’s you w/ Giyuu
Your admiration isn’t completely unwarranted or unreasonable 😅
As a fellow Hashira, you’ve absolutely earned your place, your right to stare at him during Hashira meetings
And, as a fellow Hashira, you carry the weight of those before you
Every night, you count them on your fingers, quickly segueing into the fog of your memories
Because you don’t have enough fingers for all the faces—for all the beginnings without middles, ending too abruptly—you swore to remember
A process, a ritual, an oath: your feeble, desperate grasp on your humanity
That takes most—all—of the night
Every. Night.
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Tomioka-san ??
“[y/n]-san,” he repeats, “Can you hear me? Are you that tired?”
“Tired?” you mean to retort sharply, but you mumble instead
“Are you sleeping?” he asks
You swoon at his sternness
Internally, ofc 😌
“I think this is the first time you’ve willingly talked with me,” you grin lopsidedly
He has the grace to look away, his visible ear tinged red at the truth of your quip
“I’m sorry for that,” he’s unexpectedly soft, fingers clenching and unclenching nervously, “[y/n]-san, are you sleeping?”
“Not currently,” you shrug, rolling your eyes amusedly
—When I tell you Giyuu is flabbergasted rn… like, how tf is he supposed to maintain a convo w/ you when you’re just shitposting every sentence ?? This is why Giyuu’s less talkative 😂
—It’s not entirely your fault tho !! You haven’t slept properly in like, ~months ☹️
“Okay, currently you’re awake,” his tone swells with irritation, “But in general. Are you okay? Because you…” he hesitates, belatedly realizing his next remark’ll reveal more than he intended, “You looked ready to pass out during the meeting.”
You blink at him, the significance of his observation fluttering past your sleep deprived guard—unnoticed—as his question Are you okay? sinks slowly, gradually, eventually to the bottom of your haze
“I’m not okay,” you nod obliviously, “Too busy counting.”
You’re exhausted, but
Please don’t-
“Counting?” you’ve—unfortunately—piqued his interest They’re not okay?
“Yeah, 1, 2, 3, 4,” you drawl, almost playful
Thing is, Giyuu knows that trick
Knows every damn trick in the book
how to handle shit on your own 101
how to push others away because you can handle shit on your own 202
how to make others believe you aren’t pushing them away—they just prefer solitude—so you don’t have to acknowledge how poorly you’re “handling” shit on your own 303
And he also knows
You can’t unread a book
Can’t unsew the threads of arriving too late, being too weak, surviving you and only you without accidentally tearing a necessary stitch
Can’t unmuddle the mud without sacrificing its thickness, its heft, its muddiness
There’s a fine line between nurturing new roots, and losing the very plant itself
So he doesn’t push you
Doesn’t force himself into your state of mind
Doesn’t fake nonchalance or concern
You grimace at the way his name floats needily off your tongue, a whimper jammed in your constricting throat
He’s awestruck
He’s touching you
The quietest graze of heat
Prior to his contact, you would’ve bet against him having gentle, careful skin
And you would've lost
—You expect him to be… cooler, glass, the void connecting the stars
But warmth—his warmth—smoothes the numb tiredness beneath your eyes
The boldness of his gesture negated by the kind tentativeness, innocent curiosity, familiar worry in his searching gaze
“Breathe, [y/n]-san.”
You choke out a messy, endeared laugh at the irony of his steady reassurance
Am I really a Hashira? Breathe? I should breathe?
“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” you mutter
He pauses, confusion flitting across his expression at the sudden tautness in your eyes, “I do.”
“Okay…” you raise an eyebrow, certain that you’re pulling away from his caress, “So go.”
In actuality, you’re caught in his openness, savoring the closeness of his heart
He doesn’t move
The lightness of his thumb still pressing faintly, tenderly, into plush of your cheekbone
Does that… am I… is this…
“If I’m allowed to stay,” he murmurs, “Then I’ll listen.”
What. What does that. Huh?
He traces the hollows of your sleepless nights, sees himself in their swollen fatigue, knows without doubt, reluctance, fear that you’re racing
Racing toward a bitterness that stabs at the backs of his knees
A bitterness that doesn’t deserve you
A bitterness that, he decides in a split second, he’ll do ~anything to prevent from overtaking you
“I used to count too,” he confesses
Hoping, hoping, hoping
That he’s using the right key
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saltymongoose · 2 years
Hey Salty! I made a Birb AU for yer SAM:PN
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Basically, the Player who's also a bird handler for a wildlife sanctuary happened to get into a situation where the bois turned into Birbs for who knows how long.
They pretty much constantly wear their protective bird gear as to not get clawed in by the bois who constantly try to perch somewhere on Reader, with Hank as the biggest offender.
As for reasons the kind of birbs they are;
Hank's a Harpy Eagle cause of how they're really strong and big, being known as one of the strongest birds of prey on earth.
Sanford and 2BDamned are both owls bc of their canonically similar body builds.
Sanford being a Snowy Owl cause of how they square up and win against many different opponents. Snowy Owls can and will pretty much fight against animals bigger than them.
2BDamned being a Great Horned Owl being similar to Sanford. Stronk bois and their whole vibe of being intelligent and shit. It just fits him really.
Deimos as a Peregrine Falcon cause of him being a quick lil guy yet still dangerously good at his whole killing thing yanno?
Sorry if this doesn't make much sense lol. Not the best at describing things the way I wann'em too
(Harpy Eagles are so hard to draw. Also, sorry if Deimos is a lil too bright. I'll likely try to fix it later)
Omg! This is fantastic, I absolutely love it. <33333 You were spot on with your analysis of which bird they should be, with how Sanford and 2B would be owls because of their similar body builds while Dei is a peregrine falcon because of his speed. Hank being a Harpy Eagle is just such a good idea too, considering their size and how they excel at hunting.
This drawing is also really cute too, especially since you included their masks and other unique details. They're honestly just really adorable, even if their constant attempts to perch on you could get a little annoying. I can definitely tell why the Player had to use special protective gear since I don't think having four large birds of prey on you would be very light haha.
Speaking of the Player, while I'm not sure how the boys would end up as birds, it certainly wouldn't stop their attempts to "cuddle" with you. If anything, it just might make them do it more; it's not like Doc can do any work without hands, and the boys probably aren't effective at their missions like this (unless we're talking recon, cause who'd suspect a bird of spying on them). So now you have to deal with four huge birds attempting to take your attention, usually by perching on your arms and shoulders or barrelling into your lap so you can pet them. I can also see them attempting to impress you by flying and doing some tricks they figure out (mainly Deimos, but Hank definitely isn't opposed to doing the same).
(Although, they probably wouldn't have the best grasp of flying once they're first turned. Watching them crash goes from funny to horrifying real quickly once you realize just how brittle their now-hollow bones are. Luckily for you, they're quite sturdy, but it's not like they're unwilling to play up any injuries they might get just to feel you touching them and have you looking them over for longer.)
Also, I can see them just randomly attacking grunts if you have to go out (to get them food, no doubt) and someone is stupid enough to get in your way. Like imagine just being an agent and trying to capture this target the Auditor apparently needs back, only to be swarmed by four birds; having their talons claw into you as they peck at your visual cross and screech at you. And then having to explain to your supervisor why you're covered in so many bloody scratches and without the "Player."
You'd also probably have to explain to Jebus what happened because I think he'd probably be furious to find you without anybody for protection if he visits one day. He'd understand at the look of the odd birds who hang around you though, but you might have to stop Hank from trying to mess with him once he gets too close to your personal bubble. (And don't even get me started on Tricky; it's hard to kill him as a grunt, but Hank's not above trying even if he's not one anymore.)
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angelmichelangelo · 2 years
i was in a pretty long writing slump for months & realized i need to rework my surroundings! i had some other issues but when i changed surroundings, cleaned my tumblr following, and overall just did some online housekeeping---it got easier. it still took me a while, but i think it's wise to always do a little housekeeping every few months to let out the old & welcome the new, yanno?
another thing that helped me was that i allowed myself a break & didn't beat myself up over rit anymore. i am currently on a mini-break just to let my brain rest, but i'm still formatting content to write (so not really a break, but a break by my standards!) & that helps me to! even if i don't have the energy to truly write---if i format drafts it keeps that itch going!
i hope you get back in your groove again, but don't beat yourself up over it, okay? you may just need a break--that's what happened to me & once i willingly took that break i came back much happier! maybe find things to do in the meantime (for me it's photo editing)? rewatch whatever media you're writing for & see if that sparks anything or even just----allow yourself to write smaller pieces like drabbles/headcanons if full fics seem all too daunting!! there's nothing wrong with needing a break & i know writer's block fucking such but it'll pass!
i'm sorry this is long-winded & rambly, but i hope it helped at least a little! my dms are always open if you just wanna yell about it because i know how annoying it is to want to do something, but everything in your body is telling you no.
ahhhh i appreciate this so so much ;___; thank you!!!
and i love that terminology: online housekeeping. that is so very true. i’m pretty happy where i am within whom i follow and the tags i keep up to date with but going forward i’m 100% keeping that in mind. that’s so interestingly powerful and i love it :,)
but yes. sometimes i do need to step back. reset my brain a little. i need to give my mind a little more self care. maybe rewatching moon knight can kill two birds with one stone if it helps respark my need to write again, as well as something that i genuinely enjoy. because rewatching moon knight is a plus either way lol
and as for scratching the itch!! i didn’t write any fic today but i started something in my google docs. just a little something of nothing but gosh, it really does work!! made me feel confident in my capabilities again and even if it was brief, gave me that spark again.
thank you so very much for this lovely message. it means a lot to me. truly. thank you ❤️
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ffs-abalisk · 3 years
Merry christmas hope you're doing well out of curiosity which genshin characters do you currently have and prefer to use?
Thanks and I hope you have a good one too, Nonnie!
My "strongest" team (lvl 80-85) at the moment is Xingqiu, Xiangling, Beidou, and Diona, with strongest being in quotes here because they're really just the highest level characters I have... mostly cuz I pulled them first/in Diona's case needed a healer and are all running on suboptimal artifacts/weapons atm. So yanno....¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It is what it is.
But right now, I'm rolling with an Albedo, Itto, Qiqi, and Raiden team because they shred apart those damn corrosion dogs AND is kinda just a weird, fun combination to play with.
Albedo and Itto kinda tear through any shielding and Raiden is there to make up for the lack of particles that Qiqi doesn't make and to provide resonance for the Geo boys while also dishing out additional burst damage.
And meanwhile, Qiqi is hilariously giving everyone The Clams (ie MURDER healing with her vicious soap bubble of overheal doom) while really not even being all that high level because her dumb flowers are annoying to find (this teams is around lvl 70-80 range lol)
So yeah... That's what I got. Thanks for asking!
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mywritingonlyfans · 3 years
hey i’m going on anon because i dont feel comfortable saying this and having people know who i am, but i live with my mom who’s pretty judgmental of my weight and stuff. i’m female and weigh 131 pounds - i weighed myself yesterday in the bathroom. i told my mom and she was like “oh i wish i was that weight” and i thought for a minute she would be all nice about it but then she said “but yanno, for a girl ur age, you shouldn’t be any bigger” i used to be 138, but i lost those 7 pounds because i was sick and because i feel like i haven’t been eating much lately - idk why; maybe her criticism has been getting to me subconsciously lol. anyway, what i’m tryna ask is, is 131 pounds bad? (59.421 kilograms if it help - idk what measurements u use in brazil) sorry for making this so long 😩
(tw - weight)
you're mom complains about the thought of you getting more pounds??? my mom does complains about it a lot, i do don't like moms sometimes, to her it seems so normal and when i question or tell her to stop it seems like it gets worse because she thinks i'm being disrespectful but she complains whenever she sees i'm eating something like making a joke that i'm eating, all these annoying thing,, as you can see very healthy person to stay around... anyway, sorry for the vent, idk how tall you are but 59 sounds perfectly normal to me, i mean as long as you're healthy that's all perfect, like i know it's hard but try not to care too much about the comments, it's not worth it, if you're ok then there's nothing wrong with the weight you have!!! wish your mom was nice tho, although i don't think she does it on purpose, i can imagine how annoying it must be, i'm sorry angel... and keep eating healthy, don't forgot you have to eat to stay a healthy bitch pls
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transparentheartz · 3 years
actually day 12!! oops!!
aw no, i hate that you still have a good few days until you get a break, really hope they're handy enough work days!!
i love that you're making friends at work!! i got to see my work friends today for the first time in a while and i didn't realise how much i missed them!
oh ahaha that's not a very healthy relationship, i don't think i've read that fic! is it by crinkly-eyed-boo? maybe? idk
i completely agree with that, stalia just worked v v well, it kept me watching. i never even thought of sterek tbh, it went over my head completely. coach wins in that show tho, such a good comedic relief character.
i mean i hope it'll work out... im cautiously optimistic. i've written three short ones actually, only actually proud of the last two, first one is a certified mess.
it's great you stayed intouch and have that connection, i don't really think i've had that with a friend before. i dont speak to my 'old' best friend, but as time goes on i'm realising maybe they werent a very good friend to me, i just hadn't seen it before.... have you had that before?
me too! but i dream a lot and very vividly with random 'plots'
hahaha i know it was a weird question!!! i didn't know what else to ask :///
i feel like louis is just fab at every age, it's unfair, but i do love hedgehog and peaky blinders (like xfactor judge) but fetus lou is something else... harry's eras are so defined it's ridiculous
would you be a big harry fan? and what about the other boys?
ooo fav performance, that's difficult... probably the fan project during right now that's in this is us, i just find it so so emotional and that song always hits me :(( like they lost and gained so much yanno... what's yours though??
ooo i think i've a good question, tea or coffee? and what's your typical order in a coffee shop?
hope today wasn't too tiring and maybe you'll get to go to bed early? i'll talk to you tomorrow!!
- your ss <33
yes it was by them, it’s called own the scars. i didn’t finish it, i think i got distracted but it was good.
i just always like crack ships that are never canon lol like thiam. and i loved coach he was so funny.
uh, i’ve never had friends that were bad to me no. sometimes by best friend can be selfish but i don’t think she’s bad to me.
i love all louis’ eras, pesky binders isn’t my fav tho i just wasn’t a fan of the hair cut.
i am a big harry fan. i would say sometimes i liked him less than other but only bc people over hyped him so much and made it seem like 1d would be nothing with out him that it annoyed me. which is dumb cause that’s not his fault .
i love niall, brunette niall could do anything he wanted to me. i wish me would come out with new music
i’m not a huge fan of liam’s music it wasn’t really for me. but i like him he’s okay. i don’t really actively pay attention to him or what he does. i like zayn too but i’m not a big fan of his music. they’re both really talented tho and i love them a lot cause they were a huge part of my life during 1d days.
my fav performance is the 2013 brit’s one way or another performance. idk why but i love it sm.
i like both tea and coffee. tea mostly when i’m sick or it’s cold out. i only get a caramel ice coffee. wby?
i’m very tired. i wanted to take a nap during work so bad lol.
hope your day was good!
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i hate any mensa-type sapiosexual ass superiority framed around the shaky and skewed concept of Intellect and like dumbass rights but then at the same time it’s like that post abt calling yourself stupid as hell all the time but whenever someone else does it it’s like “einstein wants what i have”, and also like well i like to acknowledge / not downplay my own capabilities without giving any idea that it’s like “also i think that IQ is a real thing and makes you better than everyone,” and also it’s just the whole thing where like, embracing the Undesirable end of any imposed scale (i.e. Smart <-> Dumbass) can be subversive b/c of denying intended disincentives / shame / stigma etc etc but also like, it still works within the existence of the Concept in the first place, like, calling yourself ugly and being chill with it but also like, Attractiveness Vs Ugliness are entirely subjective / invented / crafted concepts and the only thing is that everyone has a body which looks the way that it does and that’s the only Objective part of it
anyways so i’m saying that like i like the things that i’m capable of doing with my brain in terms of thinking about shit and sometimes doing something further with that thinking
#like me always going back and forth between like...okay if i call myself an artist that means i sully the loftiness of it with my drawings#being exclusively unoriginal fanart (a good thing lol suck it) but if i call myself Not an artist i get to Not imply that i care about being#an Artist the way that most ppl who are ~serious~ abt it / pursuing a career or smthing that way would so What To Do#i am someone who occasionally produces what can be called art#if i bring up Facts abt school things that make ppl call me Smart it's like oh no no i Am going to downplay that...counter it w/ facts like#that i was always a terrible student who hated school & dropped out & i have like no academic certification...i only rly cared abt Gotta Get#Good Grades b/c my sister got in trouble(tm) for getting a C when i was not even old enough for a-f letter grades yet lol rip#the best times i've been called smart is for non ''getting good grades'' things or when ppl find out i like / have taken a lot of / am ok at#math or whatever...like the teacher from the academic-ish but obviously not grade-related Summer Camp thing who thought i was smart#or the middle school math teacher who thought i was smart just b/c i got ahead of him while he was writing out a problem and Corrected him#on a mistake...i swear i didn't do it to be smug lol i just thought i might be wrong and couldn't really see how & asked him 2 check. genius#and then whenever friends might call me smart i'll accept that#countered by the crap times that people call me stupid: earliest remembered one goes out to when i was annoyed abt something & deliberately#being difficult abt w/e and my grandma is all oh you're smart at school but you're real dumb about social stuff like. well i was just being#stubborn mostly but thanks! 8? 9? yrs back with the friend i now decline to reconnect with who got mad when we were struggling w/ directions#this one time and really emphatically started calling me an idiot...no you can't have my twitter handle nowadays that's okay. & the coworker#who would be alright sometimes but other times just amazingly awful and would be like lol you're so dumb but A Bit Too Seriously yanno??#but in terms of the ways i know i Do come across as ~smart~ or have excelled results-wise in school despite hating it / being a crap student#is like...love also that being autistic is like if you Seem Smart or good at anything it's all like not even seen as Your ability & as some#glitchy crossed wires where oops your autism accidentally contributed something positive i guess! what a coincidence that the machine of ur#brain just cranks out this result. instead of Being A Full Person its diverted this brainspace to being a computer at [insert ability/talent
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meowzfordayz · 2 years
Hi! Could you do headcanons of Tanjiro and a reallly touch deprived reader? I just think that both of them crave the other’s touch and attention and just thinking about it makes my heart go *badum* it’s Friday where I am so I hope you’re having an amazing Friday!! I hope you had something by the way! (Like some water or food! ❤️)
HII THIS TOOK ME A WHILE TY FOR YOUR REQUEST AND YOUR PATIENCE. 💘 (once you read it you'll understand why it took me a while lol) It is now ~Tuesday where I am, but I vaguely recall that it was ~midnight on Friday when I originally received your Ask, sooo I hope you're having a terrific Tuesday ?? ☺️
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Author’s Note: dayuuum everyone’s really just touch deprived, touch starved. 😭 Sending cuddle–hug-whatever-other-touch-anyone-might-be-craving-needing-wanting-as-they-read-this vibes. 💗💗💗
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touch deprived
Kamado Tanjirou x Reader
Word Count: ~2,600
CW: mild sexual content
I feel like Tanjirou w/ a (reallly) touch deprived partner would be all about the little touches, quiet reminders, spontaneous grandiose displays of affection
With Tanjirou, you wouldn’t feel clingy or needy
Bc y’all are nurturing intimacy, ya feel?
Your partnership is an indefinite dance of reading the signs
Of dancing along the thread gleaming from his smile to your laughter
Your trust to his enrapturement
He knows you like he knows his favorite color (bc let’s be honest: who tf is that familiar w/ the back of their hand ?????)
In no particular order…
Gentle hip squeezes when nobody’s around: not necessarily sensual — intended to be more so reassuring and adoring, the kind of touch shared between lovers (altho obvi nothing wrong w/ friends who are comfy squeezing each other’s hips !!)
Touching noses (are these butterfly kisses or eskimo kisses ?? bc to this day I have no idea): y’all do the whole shebang where your foreheads press together, noses brushing, close enough that you can feel each other smiling, but not so close that you’re actually kissing — it’s sickeningly sweet 🥰
Loose hugs, suffocating hugs, quick hugs, disappointed hugs, grateful hugs: there’s a hug for every occasion — for when you’re alone and it becomes less of a hug, more of an embrace; for when you’re w/ friends, and either of you show hints of feeling overwhelmed (brief, appears almost playful to anyone watching, but really it’s a soft, “We can say our goodbyes, if you’d like?”); for when you’ve just completed, survived another mission — bleeding, bloodied, bruised (obvi not too tight, bc yanno, you’re injured ☹️); for when either of you are excited, bubbling, giddy (to soak in the joy, contentment, elation); for when words aren’t enough, the overlapping shadows bursting too loudly, too rapidly, too familiarly (these hugs transcend socializing expectations — if either of you clearly need ~a moment i.e. anxiety/panic attacks bc having PTSD as a slayer is canon at least it should be, then the other is immediate and protective in providing that moment)
Poking !! Mostly playful, sometimes ~annoying, usually aimed at ticklish spots — Tanjirou’s weakness is prob along his collarbones (they’re sensitive 😤) and behind his knees (a much tougher spot to sneak attack, but sometimes you’ll trap him under the kakebuton… def gotten kicked once or many times lol — you still do every so often tho bc he lets out the purest squeal)
Caressing (gosh I love that word even tho it’s admittedly a lil awkward ??): at the risk of sounding cliche (this totally sounds cliche 😆), time stops when either of you caress each other; feather light skimming of the backs of his fingers along your jaw; firm, worried tracing of your thumbs across his cheekbones; sometimes your eyes involuntarily flutter as you instinctively seek to preserve the delicacy of his warmth for as long as possible (stored in the tenderness of your memory); somehow, he knows exactly when to caress you again so you’re never w/o that safe, promising weight of knowing — he wants you as much as you want him
Fingers: a wordless language spoken by you and him (by a lot of ppl, sure, but you’ve got your favorite “words” that only he could ever understand); pinkies linking, not in promise, but in forgiveness (“we’ve got this, even if I kinda wanna punch you right now… lemme just hold your pinky w/ mine instead”); fingertips tapping, a warning, a signal, of stress, frustration, barely holding it together (when they don’t even tap, simply tensed, curled, very faintly trembling… that’s when you know it’s bad — that’s when you wrap your own fingers around his (or his around yours); it’s another word for “I’m here” and “I’ve got you” and “I need you”)
KNEES (was lowkey gonna write just “KNEES” to confuse y’all, but nvm 😃): they’re so underrated imo, bc like; nudging his knee against yours, yours against his; teasing out breathy giggles as you ghost your fingertips over his kneecap; a steady palm to ground, calm, tether each other (while sitting, obvi, bc it’d be a lil awkward to try and rest your palm on his knee standing); mindless patting (again, while sitting), subconsciously maintaining a point of contact (y’all are too cute ahhh 😭)
Also elbows ahaha for when Tanjirou’s being a nuisance: your jabs are lowkey adorable and vaguely, hardly malicious (you elbow him primarily when you’re cuddling and he refuses to let you go, “Do you really want me to pee on you? Because I will. If you don’t let me go. I HAVE TO PEE. Idiot.” — aka my irl partner @ me when I cling to them in the morning lololol nooo don’t leave meee); you’ve def tried at least once to lick his elbow w/o him noticing (you failed); he’s also tried (he would’ve succeeded too if you hadn’t suddenly moved to grab something, promptly jamming your elbow into his mouth #ouch 🤕)
Sitting on each other’s laps !! Idk how frequently y’all do this bc it’s highkey PDA**, and I don’t think Tanjirou’s huge on PDA, like, most of these hcs occur in snippets of time belonging to just you and him (excluding fleeting shoulder squeezes, and you certainly hold hands when you stroll somewhere together), but when you’re savoring a moment alone, on a rooftop, under a tree, heck even on a doorstep if there isn’t anyone around; you’re absolutely sprawling a leg over his lap, or he’s leaning w/ his back against your thighs — you cherish the comfortability implied in such casually uncasual proximity
**Assuming your relationship is public, which, it 100% is bc you may be shy bundles of sunshine, but DAMN y’all glow so brightly together, so why tf would you wanna hide that ?? P.S. Isn’t that kinda odd how sitting on someone’s lap platonically is almost more acceptable than sitting on someone’s lap romantically? Like, there usually has to be a ~reason to sit on someone’s lap, otherwise it’s “icky” orrr you’re #gross bc PDA ??
Tanjirou 11/10 loves to pick you up and spin w/ you (he’s polite ofc and asks first tho!): and if you’re able to, then he 11/10 loves to be picked up and spun too!
PIGGYBACK RIDES: tbh hardly ever out of convenience/necessity; they’re ~just because (just bc I love you); the pattern of his gait, the broadness of his back, the curve of his shoulder blades; everything about him is a soothing, luxurious balm; falling asleep as he carries you, arms locked lazily around his neck, head lulling slightly, is the ultimate treasure; and as w/ picking up and spinning, you do your best to return the favor
Long story short, Tanjirou w/ a (reallly) touch deprived Reader is the epitome of #relationship goals
Except what you’re creating together is real not staged for social media 😌👀💀😂 (okayokay but no genuine shade throwing intended 😅)
Tugging at your bottom lip when you pout at him is his favorite pastime
Hugging him right after training, sweat, grime, and all—as he protests weakly bc apparently “I smell bad” Shut up Tan, you smell delicious and he can tell that, for whatever reason, you’re telling the truth ??—is your favorite way to fluster him
And he doesn’t take you for granted
Doesn’t take for granted how willingly you cross your ankles w/ his as you fall asleep together
Doesn’t take for granted how, on foggy evenings, you ask for extra kisses
Doesn’t take for granted how you devour, crave, adore him
Because he knows it wasn’t, isn’t, easy
He knows the strength, fragility, wonderment, of letting someone in
Of telling someone, “I need this. Can you help me?”
That fear of rejection
Not because the person doesn’t want to help
But because they can’t
He’s grateful every day as he kisses your ear, nibbles playfully at your fingertips, twirls you in close before releasing you extravagantly
Grateful he can help you
Grateful he gets to purposely step on the backs of your heels, just to be ~extra special
Grateful he gets to speak with you in more languages than uttered words
I love you he spells into your wrist with his finger
I love you you spell back into the crook of his elbow
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The surprise is that that ^^ was my 2nd attempt at writing this request, and below is my 1st
Did someone say two-for-one ?? Yup
Someone is me
Two-for-one !!
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Okie dokie I’m all about control and logic and order and organization (literally all of my clothes are folded and stacked rainbowellically #fml #I have problems #teehee)
Sooooo let’s do this!
Starting from: the top!
Touching each other’s hair is definitely a love language between y’all
Bc there are so many different ways to do it!
—In the morning, waking up together: you, unable to resist his bedhead so fluffy and so precious, rewarded w/ sleepy grunts of contentment as you run drowsy fingers through his wayward strands | Tanjirou, mesmerized by morning’s glimmer highlighting your messy tendrils so breathtaking and so enticing, basking in your soft mewls as he nuzzles into your scalp, inhaling deeply smells like home
—Briefly, as you go your separate ways: an adoring tug on one of the many strands framing his determined expression | a smoothing stroke as you rush past him, easing the hustle in your eyes, the resulting frazzle of your hair
—Leisurely, when you’re stealing a moment together: you, attempting to braid his not-quite-long-enough locks as he sits lazily between your knees, palms resting on either one | Tanjirou, switching positions with you to return the favor once you’re satisfied with your handiwork, humming to himself as you rub various sized circles into his thighs
—Worriedly, in hopeful desperation: you, clinging, pulling at his wild tangles, reluctant, unwilling, fearful, to let any slip through your fingers to let him slip through your fingers | Tanjirou, much more steady outwardly than he feels inwardly, trying his hardest to memorize its exact color, texture, scent to bottle the warmth it grants him
—Heated: you, fixated on how pretty he is, his glistening hair swaying back and forth as he moves passionately above you | Tanjirou, drunk on how angelic you are, hair haloed around your flushed face as your back arches, mouth parted and undeniable
Sooo 😘 many 😘 forehead 😘 kisses
—“I’m proud of you!” forehead kisses: you, when Tanjirou cooks something that actually makes you go back for seconds (Idk how his cooking is canonically, but Imma go with… not terrible, but not usually seconds-worthy either 😋) | Tanjirou, when you groggily roll out of bed to train w/ him, bc he knows you’d reeeally rather go back to sleep (you’d just rather spend time w/ him even more 😌)
—“Go to sleep,” forehead kisses: you, as Tanjirou’s head nods, snapping upright again, plate nearly slipping from his grip (Tan *kiss* I can wash the rest *kiss* Go get ready for bed *kiss* | Tanjirou, as you stubbornly try to finish reading your book, eyelids drooping (You said “one more chapter” three chapters ago *kiss* You need to sleep *kiss*)
—“You’re gross and sweaty and I still want to kiss you,” forehead kisses: you, marveling at his glowing physique as he pauses training for lunch, greedily licking your lips afterwards, faint taste of salt from his sweat | Him, initially watching you from a distance, before spontaneously planking in front of you so he can kiss your sweaty forehead every time you come up from a push up
—“Do you want attention? Bc I wanna give you attention!” forehead kisses: you, unabashedly peppering his forehead when he returns from missions (You should get that checked out, Tan *mwah* Once I’m done *mwah* Of course *mwah*) | Tanjirou, assuming you’re mad at him (he’s unsure what for 😅 you just seem grumpy ☹️), bc why communicate when you could *showers in kisses* instead?! (disclaimer: communication is very important, so for this scenario just assume something silly — maybe you tripped over his zori earlier bc he put them somewhere inconvenient aka left them in the middle of the floor and he was like #oops my b)
And affectionate head bumps!
Only you do those tho
Bc the first and last time Tanjirou did
You didn’t exactly cry, but you did do that thing where your whole face scrunched up as you tried your absolute best to not curse him out, eyes bright with pain
He felt like 😫, inwardly scolding himself for not thinking that action through beforehand
*cue more forehead kisses !!*
Bc obvi successful forehead kisses make failed head bumps better! ❤️‍🩹
Ugggh noses are so 🤗
But like, whaddya do w/ noses?
Nose nudges, I suppose ??
—Sleepy nose nudges: you, breathless, sweaty, unfocused—another nightmare—nudging into the firmness of Tanjirou’s shoulder as he slumbers—blissfully unaware—grounding yourself in his scent, his thereness | Tanjirou, blinking tiredly as you stargaze together, nudging into the sweetness of your neck, dramatically fake snoring (he doesn’t mean to ruin the moment 😬, but he doesn’t want you to have to carry him either)
—Jealous nose nudges: you, standing behind him as he chats pleasantly with the woman at the flower stall, your arms loose around his waist as you nudge his nape—[y/n], look! You peer around his bicep Do you like them? He’s holding a delicate assortment of flowers, their stems wrapped carefully in newspaper They’re for us! You blush, realizing he’d simply been chatting about which flowers to buy For us | Tanjirou, nudging the back of your head with his nose to distracting you from your ~intense debate with Inosuke—Tan? He nudges you again, ignoring Inosuke’s mocking 🤢 face My haori’s purple, right? “Of course it’s purple!” Inosuke… I TOLD YOU SO! Inosuke retreats in disgust (obvi Tanjirou’s going to agree w/ you 🤬) You okay, Tan? You giggle as Tanjirou nudges you a third time “I’m perfect” And he is, now that he has your attention to himself (this may seem ooc/possessive of Tanjirou, but like, he’s human !! it’s normal for him to feel/behave insecurely ~sometimes !!)
—Cute nose nudges: you, randomly nudging his cheek as you walk beside him, body leaning into his—”What was that for?” He noticeably reddens Because I love you He stops and points to his other cheek “Make sure you get this one too!” You roll your eyes (dw! ofc you nudge both of them 💘) | Tanjirou, randomly grabbing your hand, nudging it repeatedly—So… you’re a cat? He huffs, nudging exasperatedly That’s exactly how a cat would react You snort “I love you” You offer him your other hand too How unfair that this one hasn’t received any loving He happily nudges it
Tanjirou especially enjoys nudging you w/ his nose bc he gets to indulge in your comforting scent w/o just creepily and constantly sniffing you
He does keep a few of your shirts, just as you keep a lot a few of his
But nothing beats you
#fresh from the source
#drink Poland Spring
#actually Idk any water bottle brand slogans lol
#P.S. whenever possible, use a refillable/reusable bottle 🌱
Alrighty time for a lil switcheroo bc I’m hitting writer’s block trying to keep up the above format for these hcs lmao
—Was I overly ambitious? Yessir 😆
—Am I finally going to cut myself some slack after procrastinating these hcs for ~days? Yup! 🥳
(aaand then I started writing pt 1 aka draft 2)
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