#lol oncelerverse????
askthewanderler · 1 year
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Never doing this again.
So I saw some other "ler"s smoking cigars. I thought it'd be cool. So I tried it and. Um. Yeah.
I am seriously never doing it again.
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askthewanderler · 1 year
First Notes..
Okay, I think I remember seeing a Q-tip Once-ler somewhere..
Some traits involve: being a q-tip of course, and not liking being used as a cleaning material.
IMPORTANT: I'm writing this all by memory. If Q-Tip-ler sees this and tells me to take this down, I will. And another thing, this may be slightly inaccurate, or just completely inaccurate. This is really just quick observation.
In terms of appearance, he seems to look like a sentient Q-tip, with the exception of a tiny tophat resembling canon.
In terms of personality, he seems similar to canon personality, just a tiny bit saltier. I get it I guess, seeing as too many people want to use him to clean surfaces.
He can apparently hold things(?), despite having no hands and being around 4 inches tall ( which is the size of a regular q-tip ). How he responds to comments and questions is probably up to interpretation given the way he holds things is, uh, mysterious I guess. ( Q-Tip-ler, if you see this, you can clarify anything if you want to. )
Aaaand.. That's basically it! Had a bit of fun writing this honestly.
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