#lol i meme but inazuma writing was rough
kitsunabi · 10 months
learning that there is a "harbinger interested in machines" who went through the effort of stopping their own planned takeover of the Steambird paper just bc they realized the Traveler's involvement and apologizing to the Traveler by giving up their planted person via traumatizing them till they were catatonic (1), removing their tongue (2) and stuffing the apology note to replace it while leaving their still-alive body at the courthouse (3) was not in my cards for fontaine ngl
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BTS Single Parent AU
kookies-and-myrok asked: Hello, sweets! I love your writing and I'm not just saying that Lol i always get excited when you post smt, anyways do you write parent au's? If you do can I get a BTS reaction about what they would be like as a single parent? If not then its okay! Keep up the great work 💜
This doesn’t necessarily work as a reaction, but I can do a little like... bullet drabble or whatever on this. Either way, very doable. - Admin Dayna
There’s like... this anime called Amaama to Inazuma (a.k.a. Sweetness and Lightning) which is basically about a single father who raises his daughter to the best of his abilities but he can’t cook as well as his wife (who passed away). I see Single Parent!Jin being like that... except in Jin’s case he can actually throw down in a kitchen
Lots of love and affection
Smothers his baby girl with kisses before dropping her off to daycare and after picking her up
The daycare moms thirst after him bOI
His cookies sold out the fastest at the school bakery
Partially because Daycare Moms are trying to give him the succ
Mainly because his cookies are bomb asf
He got hoes
Reads/sings his daughter to sleep at night religiously
Chocolate covered Strawberries while they watch cartoons together
Shed a single tear in the beginning of Finding Nemo evRYTIM
Was literally floating on air for like a month because his daughter told him he was the “handsomest appa”
Tries really hard to scold his baby girl
Can’t look her in the face when he does it because she’s too damn cute
Puppy Dog Eyes work every once in a while tbh
Dad jokes, fucking duh.
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Picture this: Yoongi is chilling, right? Lounging on the sofa, watching some psychological mystery film or whatever emo shit he watches. His face is pretty indifferent. He’s unbothered asf. His right arm is covered in scribbles and squiggles. His 7 year old son is currently surrounded by markers, casually doodling on his dad’s arm.
Lets his son choose whatever toys he wants
If his baby boy wants a nerf gun, he’ll get a nerf gun.
If his baby boy wants a fucking bubblegum pink barbie jeep atv, he’s getting a fucking bubblegum pink barbie jeep atv.
Also lets his kid wear whatever he wants
Supports the creative and imaginative endeavors of his child
Sometimes stares at his child and thinks “whose mans is this?”
Also looks at his child and thinks “that’s the love of my life”.
One time considered redecorating his closet just so that he can hang a bunch of mirrors on the wall so that whenever his child does something stupid, he can sit him in that closet and close the door so that he can look at his reflection and reevaluate his 7 years long life.
All in all he’s a super supportive daddio.
He’s not like the other dads.
He’s a Cool Dad™
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Sitcom dad.
Literally Phil Dunphy from Modern Family.
Tell his kids a lot of stories about his “glory days”
His preteen daughter is like... hella embarrassed by him, but is highkey just as dorky as he is
Still got the juice
Can be super stern when need be
His kids knows that if they have an issue they can always talk to him about it
Has the warmest hugs when the days been rough
Shares both maternal and fraternal instincts 
Can flawlessly switch between motherly and fatherly traits
Tries to make inside jokes with his children
It never works.
“Stop trying to make fetch happen, Hobi. It’s not going to happen”
The best hype man tbh
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You know that cliche where it’s like... the mom leaves the kids alone with the father for a day. And the dad is like “don’t worry honey, I got this” but then the second the mom leaves, there’s toys everywhere, the kids are running around naked, the water he was boiling is on fire, shit has literally hit the fan, the groUND HAS ACTUALLY SPLIT OPEN INTO THE FIERY PITS OF HELL - but he last minute manages to get everything together and in order before the mom comes and finds out? 
That’s Namjoon.
Except like... 24/7 without the mom
Super fast dad reflexes
Also kinda annoying dad noises?
Really good at tutoring the kids with school work and stuff
He taught them majority of their math and science formulas by turning them into catchy songs
Has given up trying to be the cool dad yEARS ago
He’s just not about that life
It’s okay though because his kid’s friends thinks he’s cool
Makes sure his children are WOKE ASF
Tries to enforce bedtime
Keeps them up at night by playing games and/or watching movies together
Lets them go out whenever they want as long as they keep in touch often
Lets his kids make mistakes and learn from them instead of sheltering them from harms way
Motivational Speeches that are actually motivational
God awful happy dances
Hangs his kids A+ test papers on the fridge
“If you show me you got straight A’s at the end of the semester, you can absolutely get your nose pierced” (he says to his 14 year old daughter).
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Everyone knows that one person who has that really young but super hot mom or dad. Like, they’re lowkey popular and often have friends over because their friends kinda just want to be around their good looking parent.
Stacy’s Mom got it going on
Except it’s like... idk... Park Jae Sun’s Appa got it going on...
Whatever you get what I mean.
He’s a Dilf
Lets his kid invite his friends over whenever they want to
Doesn’t realize that his child’s friends are high key checking him out
Constantly checking up on them to see how they’re doing
“Are you guys okay?”
“Is the house too cold?”
“Would you like something to eat/drink?”
“Let me know if you need anything, okay?”
“Don’t be afraid to ask”
A little overbearing if I’m going to be honest
May even shelter his child a little too much
Good morning texts and sticky note reminders around the house
Makes sure his child has food for school everyday, never missing a beat
Proud Dad always
His son is bigger than him
Has to look up at him in order to look his son in the eye to properly reprimand or lecture him
Gets pissed whenever he isn’t taken seriously when giving scoldings
Feels really bad whenever he punishes his kids, and makes up for it with like ice cream or something
Babies make his little mochi heart flutter
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He’s the epitome of husband/daddy material. I think Taehyung would make a great dad. He’s the perfect balance of literally all the others.
Which one is the parent and which one is the kid?
Knows how to get down to the level of a child, and properly play with them
Inside jokes with his kids
They say goodbye with aegyo
Openly tells each other they love one another
Likes to squish his baby’s cheeks and blow raspberries on their tummy
Loves the satisfying feeling that follows finally putting a crying baby to sleep
Watches his baby’s tummy rise and fall as they breathe
Hysterically laughs at his child’s laughter
His box smile is strong, and can literally be found in all of his kids.
Also has like, three dogs, but the more the merrier, right?
Isn’t too hard on his kids, but isn’t lenient on them either
Is a healthy medium between strict and easy going
Enforces a proper education but also lets them know that school isn’t the only way to a successful and happy lifestyle
Plays pretend with his children on the weekend
Always ends up in a too small princess dress with ribbons in his hair
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You know those kids who are extremely close to their parents to the point where it’s like... and outsider watches the way they talk to their parents and finds it their causality with each other borderline disrespectful? You know those kids who can like... curse around their parents and talks to their parents like it’s another one of their friends and their parent talks back to them just as casually? 
That’s the type of dad Jungkook is.
Plays video games with his kids whenever their schedules allow them some free time together
Him and his kids have a group chat together where they share memes and ugly selfies but also like... keep up to date with school events and whatnot
Follows each other on Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram
Not the best with giving advice, but his kids know that he’s a shoulder they can cry on
Offers to help them with homework, but ends up just as confused 
They all live off snacks and the neighborhood ahjumma had to start cooking actual meals for them
His kids actually care and asks their dad’s opinion on stuff about like... hair or clothing or something
He picks up on his kids habits and his kids pick up on his
they look like a bunch of bunnies tbh
They all have their own rooms, but Jungkook and his kids always manage to fall asleep dog piled on the living room sofa
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