#lol because i can't control myself sometimes :'D
thanks for your tags on that nowhere boy post! I'm so curious what your thoughts are on the movie. When did you first see it? Are you a John girl? What are your thoughts on Mimi and Julia?
aww thank you for this ask 🥰🥰 (and i'm terribly sorry, i'm gonna leave a wall of text here, cuz I just can't resist the opportunity to yap about my Beatles-related experiences and opinions xd)
first of all, i don't really get why this movie tends to get so much hate (aside from the part where John hits Paui, and i really liked your insight that it was necessary to make the subsequent hugging and crying on each other's shoulders less gay - god i hate you late 2000's), because tbh this is my favourite Beatles biopic. Aaron Taylor-Johnson captures John's whimsical spirit quite well imo and even though Thomas Brodie-Sangster wouldn't have been my first choice for Paul, he's really good at being a charming motherfucker and a lil shit at the same time :D
i think i saw it for the first time in my late teens/early 20s with my mom and her husband, but i didn't pay much attention to the details then (given that i only had a very surface level of Betales-knowledge back then). I rewatched it last November though (in the midst of a full-blown Beatles brainrot).
Am i a John girl? Huh, i guess i'm something that people around here would call a John-coded Paul girlie xd nevertheless I aspire to be a Ringo in the lives of my loved ones
And omg your last question led me very far, but I'll try to be brief (edit: i failed lol) :D so, as i read your notes, i was very surprised that it's considered an anti-Julia and pro-Mimi film (and seeing the points you have raised, now i can totally understand why). For me (even on my first viewing) it was never a Julia vs. Mimi thing. I've read it as a John vs John conflict (and this is the point where i start talking bullshit and/or total banalities. Feel free to correct me or argue with my points :D i always fancy a good argument). I've always seen him as a man with two conflicting sides: one is the whimsical, creative, free but overly emotional (consequently kinda unintegrable (i'm not sure if it's a real word lmao i hope it is :D) into modern western society) side (enabled by Julia), and the other one is the abandoned little boy who only wants to be loved, and is therefore ready (or even needs) to be controlled and steered in "the right direction" by others, hoping that they would not abandon him this way (and this side of him is fed by Mimi in a way in my opinion).
In my reading, both mother figures embodied and enabled one side of John, while actively trying to suppress or outright hurt the other side -- as, I think, John did in his own mind, constantly berating and hurting himself in the process. I thought Julia was so antagonistic (and i guess i was waaay more forgiving of her than i think an average person would be, because unfortunately in many ways her behaviour reminded me of myself), because imo society tends to frown upon overly emotional, somewhat detached and destructive, but free-spirited and creativity-enhancing behaviour, while supporting Mimi's "behave according to unspoken social rules and expectation, don't change the status quo, and suppress your emotions"-mindset, that she represented in the movie and tried to instil in John. (Seeing Mimi handle (and making John handle!!) Uncle George's death with coldness and complete suppression of emotions was just as painful and infuriating for me as the scene where Julia sent John away after all the (sometimes creepily inappropriate) lovebombing.) I have a theory that Paul was so important to John because he not only accepted but straight-up embraced (dare i say served) both sides of him. But probably i just see too much into all this xd
Sorry for the long, messy (and probably borderline meaningless) reply 🫣 i happened to have waaaaaay too many thoughts 😭😭
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kylos-starlight · 8 months
𝐿𝓊𝒸𝓀𝓎 𝒯𝑜 𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓂
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Ship: Stronger Together (Wrench x Delsin x Kaden) Words: 815 Warnings: Just Kaden is sad for no reason lol Summary: Kaden has the deep blue, their two loves help them out of their own head.
So, I couldn't write anything so I channeled my feelings and frustrations to make a comfort fic~ Actually tagging people this time! :D Divider by @/benkeibear
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Low. That was the word to describe how Kaden was feeling. They couldn't really pinpoint where it was coming from and that alone was causing Kaden to feel frustrated with themselves but it felt like an endless tiring cycle. Be frustrated and then feel really sad for no apparent reason. Thankfully, they had some people to snap them out of their funk.
Kaden trailed out into the living room to see Delsin resting on the couch, his legs sprawled out and hung over the arm of the chair, his eyes were closed and Kaden couldn't tell if he was sleeping or not, either way, they trailed over to him and gently crawled up on him and rested their head on his chest.
"Oh.." Delsin's voice filled the room, it was groggy, yeah.. he was asleep. His arm moved to wrap around Kaden. "What a nice surprise."
Kaden didn't say anything and nuzzled their face into his chest.
"you okay?" he asked as he started to gently rub their back to which Kaden only responded by shaking their head no.
"How can I help?" Delsin frowned, his voice holding concern.
Kaden shrugged their shoulders.
At that moment Wrench walked into the room his mask flashing to exclamation marks followed by slashes in the opposite direction of one another to signify sadness "How come he gets cuddles and I don't!" he hummed, a playful tone in his voice.
"I didn't ask for them, they came to me…Kaden's not feeling well"
Kaden shifted up and off Delsin as he moved as well until they were both sitting on the couch together, Wrench soon followed and sat down on the other side of Kaden. Instantly he reached over, gently rubbing Kaden's back.
"What's up? What has you looking so down?" Wrench asked gently.
Delsin and Wrench could see the tears welling in Kaden's eyes as they stared off into the ground, Their voice breaking when they spoke out "I don't know" the last part coming out as a choked sob and the tears finally fell.
It took both Delsin and Wrench a fraction of a second before they were both hugging Kaden on either side of them. They knew that sometimes Kaden's emotions would run high and could be rather negative for no apparent reason.
"It's okay, don't need a reason to feel down." Delsin hummed softly
"and before you say it, you're not a bother~" Wrench followed.
"I feel like it though.." Kaden sniffed.
"Well, you aren't, if you were do you think we'd stick around? You're never a bother. We understand you have high emotions that even you can't understand at times. We'd never belittle or judge you for them." Wrench sighed softly.
Delsin pulled away enough to look at Kaden "A gentle reminder that it's okay to not be okay.." he reached up and wiped some of Kaden's tears.
"Is there anything at all we can do for you right now?" Wrench asked softly.
"I just..I just need a distraction from myself for a little while..I don't really know how to do that though" Kaden inhaled deeply, trying their best to not start crying again.
"Done," Delsin said as he stood up. "Let's order some food and watch some movies. How does that sound?"
Kaden looked up at Delsin and nodded silently.
"Ouh! Then maybe we can play that racing game you like so much, you know with the missiles and stuff" Wrench said enthusiastically.
"We can IF SOMEONE doesn't launch their controller across the room because they exploded!" Delsin stares directly at Wrench while Wrench's mask flashes to two backslashes.
"JUST BEFORE THE FINISH LINE! My anger was justified! You blew my ass up just before I crossed!!"
"Well, should have saved your defensive weapon~" Delsin cooed with a dumb grin on his face.
"Yeah well you should use your….your…shut up!" Wrench growled
"uh huh~" Delsin teased.
"You're a menace" Wrench shook his head.
Kaden couldn't help but let out a small snort of laughter as they recalled the memory and it was like music to Kaden's husband's ears. They were both happy that their silly bickering over a video game could get them laughing.
The rest of the night was full of food, fun, and laughter. Wrench and Delsin had succeeded in cheering Kaden up, they were having such a good time they forgot that they were feeling horrible just hours before.
It was in these moments that Kaden felt like the luckiest person in the world, to have not one but two people in their life who actually cared about them and instead of judging them or invalidating their feelings they supported them and would do anything in their power to make sure Kaden could start to feel more like themselves when times were hard. They cared deeply but more important than that, they understood and Kaden would always be grateful for that.
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Tags: @heatobrienswife || @ama-ships || @dragonsmooch || @roboraindrop || @mahitoslittlebird || @kylars-princess
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2024 Goals Monthly Check-In
I actually didn't do this last month because I was ill all of February and didn't make much/any progress with anything so I felt it was kinda pointless 😅 Let's see where I'm at now!
1) Reach ~N3 level - I've not really been focusing on this so much. I've started using HelloTalk again and occasionally trying to learn a little new N3 grammar/kanji/vocab, but I should probably study in a more focused way.
2) Learn 10 songs by heart to a level where I could sing them at karaoke - Oh yeah I haven't worked on this at all, I kinda forgot it was a thing lmao
3) Finish reading another book of short stories - No progress made whoops. I try to read articles on Todai/NHK Easy a bit more but I've not touched my short story book.
4) Finish both Minna No Nihongo books - I'm about halfway through unit 11, so I'm a little behind but not too much. Hoping to finish unit 11 tonight and unit 12 at some point this week, but we'll see what happens!
1) Read at least 2 books in Norwegian - Not started yet
2) Maintain an overall B2/C1 level - I think I'm maintaining, but I need to immerse more for sure
3) Finish Enjoy Norwegian textbook - I've completed unit 2 so I'm a little behind where I wanted to be, but I should be able to catch up relatively easily.
Life in Japan Goals
As with last time, I'm just gonna focus on the goals where I've made progress rather than listing all 11. So:
1) Get my hair cut - Did it! And it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be :D
4) Have a 10-minute conversation with a native speaker in Japanese that’s not an italki lesson - I managed to chat with the hairdresser, so I can definitely say I did this!
6) Go to the dentist - I've booked an appointment and I'll be going next Monday. Absolutely terrified :D
7) Go to a prefecture I haven’t been to before - I went to Tochigi last weekend!
11) Be able to point to every prefecture on a map and name their capital cities - I can still more or less do this, but I sometimes mix up some prefectures or can't quite remember a capital
1) Read 36 books - I've read 11/36 books, which means I'm 3 books ahead of schedule.
2) Complete a first draft of a novel manuscript - no progress made lol
3) Comfortable two-block oversplit with back bend - my oversplits are there but they feel very tight and not comfortable, so I need to work more on them.
4) Consistently hold a handstand for 5 seconds - I can barely balance on my hands at all atm lmao but I'll keep trying
5) Noticeably improve my demi pointe - I'm using the strength in my feet a lot more than I used to but I'm not getting much higher. I'll keep at it!
Health/diet goals under the cut:
Diet & health goals
1) Tackle my diet soda and sugar addictions - I've come a long way with the binge eating! I bought a multipack of chocolate marshmallow biscuits and managed to just take one with me to work every day instead of sitting and binging the whole lot. And right now I have a family-sized bag of mini eggs in my cupboard and I'm managing to eat a controlled set portion each day. I still mess up my diet sometimes, but I'm very happy with how I'm doing!
Diet soda is still a huge problem though lol
2) Slim down enough that none of my clothes are tight anymore - I look and feel SO much better about myself! For ages I've not wanted to dress up nicely because I felt like I looked frumpy or chubby or shapeless in my nice outfits. But when I was packing for Utsunomiya, I tried on all my cute outfits and I thought they looked good! I still want to lose a bit more so that I can see my abs, but I'm really happy with my progress here.
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hollowfaith · 4 months
Pick 2 in every section except Canon Muses and Fandoms (pick 1 from those) :3
Questions for the mun
this is long so imma cut it lol
BASICS x2 What caused you to start writing? What was your key point?
in 3rd grade we watched the cartoon movie version of the legend of sleepy hollow and had an assignment to write a summary of it. i was barely out of ESL at the time but thought it was a neat assignment (and prided myself on my memory for details) so i hecking did my best and wrote a long detailed one (with pictures because it was elementary school and you could illustrate your stuff) and for some reason my teacher and the principal were all happy about it and made a big deal complete with ceremony and applause and made me feel important and cool.
after that i was like "yeah! that was awesome. can't i write more stories like that even outside of school?" and thus it kicked off my journaling obsession besides writing diaries of my daily life. i did a lot of original fics and sailor moon/digimon-inspired stuff but when i found ff.net it was like discovering a whole new world where you could control the characters to do whatever you wanted (while staying IC, cause that was definitely part of the "rules" of the challenge) and that was amazing.
realizing writing meant i could take destiny into my own hands for these made-up blorbos was such a fun power trip. i have tried to use that power responsibly ever since.
Do you still write your first muse?
dahlia hawthorne was my first real muse on tumblr and i poke her now and then, but she seems content in her semi-retirement in my brain. sometimes she wakes up to snark people but she's enjoying her vacation in peace right now : )
Have you ever written a canon muse that you first thought of ‘meh’ when they appeared in their canon show/movie/book?
don't shoot me but before i wrote yagen toushirou for touken ranbu i was like "yeah yeah okay this is just a standard big brother x cool doctor type trope," i actually didn't even pick him up until i wanted to try someone new and my other friends (playing other swordboys at the time) suggested him
then i had to research him and really fell in love with the dichotomy of his character, about how he's very human with his brothers but also 100% a weapon and embraces that fact, about the juxtaposition of DUTY vs. FEELING and the HUMAN HEART vs. OBJECT/TOOL he's been balancing all his life on a very fine line (and does flawlessly, because he's yagen) and i was like, heck! this is gonna be so fun to RP and make him deal with stuff
tho most of the time i got into crack threads again and shipping with Fudou it was still very very fulfilling and im glad my friends convinced me to try him out :D
OCs x2
Do you have developed dynamics with the OC of another mun that has influenced your OC or Canon muse?
yeah I mean this guy wouldn't exist without Jade's Klaus u know? his template might've been taken from his faceclaim guy but the rest of him i molded to fit Jade's OC, specifically his personality and to an extent his looks. in some ways Klaus has everything Aurelius lacks and vice versa, they have this classic balancing scales thing going on that i like very much and try to fill intentionally.
i also wanna say Klaus is one of the few windows to Aurelius' genuine gentle/good side, the side he might have been all the time if his father didn't screw him up from birth (of course i can't say his dad is all to blame, but he sure takes 60~75% of the blame).
as for developed dynamics im guessing this is asking about interactions with another OC that influenced this one...why do i feel like they've all been humbling experiences... Issy has shown him some humans are worth treating with care, Constantine has demonstrated how not everyone takes his shit, Dar is there to inspire working business relationships while highlighting Aury's awkward aspects fitting in, Huey undos all the good work everyone else puts in by proving how crappy some humans act, etc.
idk how to answer that part aside from "they help subvert expectations, but i don't know if that's enough to actually change the way he acts" why did i pick this Q the second part's hard to answer hahah
Who was your first OC?
time to get embarrassing so my first OC with an actually established backstory and stuff was this girl with a randomnly generated Japanese name i thought was pretty (Saikoubi) for a digimon RP group
and i intentionally gave her a happy-go-lucky personality and positive outlook because looking at the rest of the applicants everyone was like either emo or orphaned or both and my 14-year-old self was like "well! how are we going to save the world as digidestined if we're sad all the time" and basically made her the complete opposite of everyone else
it was rad, people got to be edgy, she got to be sunny, we didn't really get past the first region between our threads before the group died down but i think we all had fun and that's what matters in the end xD
What is your favorite fandom in which you write?
i still like touken ranbu but it's more fun to write (RP) that when other swordboys are around, plus the fandom's so saturated with new swordboys these days it's hard to keep up with latest lore stuff. i still try to write 1 fanfic for it in the annual xmas secret santa thing the english-speaking fans host, tho i'm very very slow these days
beyond that i've been dipping into FFXIV fic writing a few times but i haven't grasped the language of the world well enough yet so i'm not satisfied with my work ehhh it is what it is for now
Do you plot a ship or see where it goes?
it's more fun to see where a ship goes because i like unpredictability. like the unscripted stuff feels more genuine to me especially if it surprises me u know? i do acknowledge the value of a well-planned romance but in a fall first vs. fall harder relationship i'm definitely invested more in the "fall harder and beautifully in all the disastrous ways" kinda person
i think that's how my past ships have generally gone, finding a connection between 2 muses, expanding on it, referencing it, and then boom! one day you know so much more about the other muse and you're always thinking about them and wait, what, we're hanging out together? just the two of us? is this a DATE? kinda revelations are very fun
What are you looking for in a ship?
i enjoy ships with room to develop. like it's cute when they come together and are all kiss kiss/blush blush but the process to getting there is half the fun! and the pining. and maybe a little misunderstanding here and there.
uhhhh i guess what im saying is i like the journey to get to the ship even more than the ship itself sometimes
or if we're in a ship let's go crash the boat for fun!!
hehe drama
What was your first blog / URL?
if it sounds cringe it's feenie's fault he came up with the nickname...even announced it to everyone in court of all places
Do you still have your first blog / URL?
yeah the blog's still up tho the theme's so old it's a little broken. i basically keep all my RP blogs around for archive purposes, i like going back to read the stuff sometimes (also the reblogs of art and aesthetic posts are cute + good cause some tumblrs delete and you lose that post forever otherwise)
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OMG HI! ( I saw that everyone who texts you starts like this so I'll start like that too lol sorry- )
I'm so excited and I don't feel like sending this to you jkajska
Mune was also part of my childhood and I got completely addicted to it again about 2 years ago XD
I'm so happy to see that someone else is completely crazy about this beautiful masterpiece like me 💖💖 haha
I can't stop watching the 3 animations you've already made of them!! With one of them I laughed so hard the first time I saw it my cousin said I was crying laughing lol 💀
Sorry if I'm being more of an idiot and I really loved watching what you do I hope you don't stop because you're really good at it! I really love seeing your perfect drawings they are the most beautiful things I've ever seen in my life!!
i think i could praise you forever but i will control myself and stop kakansiamdiakdbtw I have like a hundred ideas to suggest to you for u drawing lol , but I don't want to bother you too much AND I'M TRYING TO ENSURE I DON'T SAY THEM ALL HERE IN THE SAME TIME KASNDIEMDJ
(Sorry, you can see that I'm pretty ridiculous right? XD)
well... i promise it's the last thing i'll say hahaha
its the AU you are making and... SIMPLY THE BEST AU I HAVE EVER SEEN
(sorry if I was too anxious or said stupid things, and that I really can't control myself sometimes X"D UUU and sory the i wrote text is soooo big- )
This made my day! Everything you said is part of why I made this account in the first place! I joined the fandom wishing there was more art and stories surrounding the characters and world. Then I finally got the idea to just start my own blog! I was a little nervous at first but then I saw how many people also wanted more art and stories in the fandom.
The animation is the most ironic part of it all because Mune is what inspired me to learn animation in the first place! As well as the use of color and saturation I like to use in my own art. Being able to use these skills to make the vines or animations feels like it’s all coming back full circle for me! Also I based the vines I’ve made so far off of @muneheadquarter compilations they made awhile back. They’re hilarious and I recommend giving them a watch.
I’m especially happy that you like my au because believe me when I say there is definitely more to come! I have made some changes since my first post and I’ve been trying to figure out what to post without spoiling too much of the story. What I can say is that I’ve decided to name it ‘Candlelight’.
I’m really glad you like my art and I’m glad you like my ideas and contributions. I hope I can inspire more people to share their ideas in the fandom!
Thank you for the lovely words!💖
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hoghtastic · 1 year
It's me again. I'm the one who wrote the ask about feeling ridiculous about feeling hurt about Alex & Johanne being together/possibly living together.
To the anon who thinks I was making fun of the other anons here & mocking you guys or "usuing a different angle," you can feel how you want, but I was honestly being serious. I did use some of the same words & phrases that a lot of you guys have used to describe what you call a "stan" on purpose & I started out putting it in quotations but I figured it wouldn't be necessary for all of them that I mentioned. I wasn't doing that to try to make myself look better or "claim" anything. I was doing exactly what the admin said-I felt like these descriptions describe me to a certain degree BUT I do not feel like I am a stan. I can think for myself, I don't follow the crowd, I don't kiss ANYONE'S a$$, & even if I "like someone" (Johanne for example), I have no problem saying if I disagree with with something they've said or done. Anything I say or do is because I feel like it's right & not because I think I may gain something from it. And that's the exact point of my original ask. I know that if I were to post lovey dovey posts of the two of them that it's not getting me anywhere with either of them. I also know if I posted something calling her out on her BS, it's also not gaining me any props from anyone here who disagrees with how she's represented herself. And when I say I'm usually smarter than this, I meant it. I feel rather intelligent but obviously not brilliant & I know I have lots I can still learn in this lifetime. However, something about this ridiculous feeling I have when it comes to Alex makes me feel very F@%KING insane! And I, otherwise, feel like I'm definitely not! So I hope you can understand, I'm seriously NOT trying to make you or anyone else feel like I'm trying to talk negatively about you in some sort of sincerely twisted way. I'm seriously here, pouring my heart out, because I don't know anyone in my personal life who would even understand WTF I'm even talking about, let along be able to give me any suggestions.
Now, to the admin, wow! Your response sincerely moved me & really brought tears to my eyes! I know very little about parasocial relationships & have only heard about it in relation to this Fandom (go figure) so thank you for linking the article (that I haven't yet read but will) & for your feedback. I am usually pretty self aware & I think that's exactly what is freaking me out because I know, from the mixed feelings I've been having lately, that something is CLEARLY very off for these types of things to be bothering me but at the same time, not bothering me. Does that make any sense? Lol I know better. Yet, I can't control it. I try. I discuss this with the one friend in the Fandom that I have but I've still come up with no real explanation. And you, my dear, sweet knowledgeable admin, have given me lots of food for thought & I thank you! Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I don't quite think I need professional help just YET lol but I definitely see that almost anything could tip that cup in that direction quite easily. And just so you & anyone else who MAY feel a bit concerned, know, I'm NOT at risk of doing anything stupid like hurting myself {or anyone else lmao} due to all these ridiculous issues. I love me way too much. It's just that I recognize some of what I've been feeling isn't really that "normal," & when I've searched deep within & asked myself why it's happening, I have been unsuccessful. I'm happy to hear this can be something that others experience, too, because quite frankly, I sometimes feel SO D*MN alone! I do know there's some good from all of this because I have made a bond with the friend I mentioned above because of Alex.
I guess, ultimately, my issues really have nothing to do with Alex, his life, his gf, or happiness with her at all but honestly, everything to do with me, myself and I'm projecting my thoughts of how things should be onto to him, the object of my affection. & yes, how we see him at conventions definitely doesn't help anything.
Maybe I should have written this all out in a private message to you & not here for everyone to read, but honestly, maybe the responses from you & anyone who doesn't think I'm trying out "a different angle" can be helpful to others as well. Sorry this is so long but thank you from the deepest pit of my soul for posting the other ask & for your advice & helpful information. I just may end up sending you a private message before long (& I hear over half the people here saying, "Oh thank God!" as they yawn. Haha)
Thank you for everything & I promise not to bother you guys with this any longer!
And P.S.
I hope you all understand how serious I am now. (& yes, seriously crazy, too. But at least I can laugh at myself!)
Anon to anon. ���
As for me, I’m really glad my response was somewhat helpful. Rest assured that you’re definitely not insane nor are you alone in this, anon. Your feelings are valid, and I truly admire you for being so self aware of them and bringing up such an important discussion, especially in the context of a fandom. Parasocial relationships are very common, especially nowadays, and even encouraged by the industry who sees them as profitable. So I feel it’s important for people to understand what they are and why we get caught up in such relationships, their benefits (like making new friends, like you mentioned), but also their darkest side. So thank you too. 😊 And if you (or anyone else) ever need someone to listen, I’m always a message away.
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bella-caecilia · 2 years
Ooo! #7 (you can pick any fic of yours :)), #12, #13 for the fanfic writer ask please! Hope all is well darling! 😊
Thank you for the asks, dear <3 I'm well because I'm on vacation and visiting my big sister. And I'm drowning myself in Cobert daydreams without plot, so all is well indeed :D Hope you're doing fine, too <3
#7 what is your favourite sentence/paragraph?
I don't quite know about my favourite and didn't put much thought into this but I like the following one from "A Little Less Lost":
"I... I know," she brought out blubbering. Her arms that had hung loosely at her sides now wrapped around his body, and her hands clutched rather desperately at his back. "Robert," she sobbed because she needed to feel his name on her lips. "Robert, Robert, Robert," she buried her face in his shoulder, and her quiet voice was muffled by his jacket.
"Oh, Cora." He stroked her hair, and his tone was a little emotional after all. Feeling him so close was all Cora needed right now. Nothing had felt as right lately as the feeling of Robert in her arms and around her at that moment. The warm air of his breath hit the shell of her ear, and even though Cora's body was still rocked by her sobs, his breath was like a lullaby in her ear.
#12 what headcanon will you keep implementing in your fics, even if canon ends up contradicting it?
I don't think I stray that far from canon with my headcanons, I just like to add (but maybe I'm delusional and I'm far off with my headcanons lol). But sure, there are some headcanons I will stick to no matter what. For example, Robert being slightly obsessed with things like Cora's hands + her lotion or Cora's hair once she lets it down. I also headcanon Cora's greatest fear being disappointing Robert and letting him down and this controls a lot of her actions and decisions. In my headcanons, Cora is also a more involved mother in pre-canon than might be indicated by canon. Like, there are some important hints with her daughters she doesn't catch in the earlier seasons and she seems to be all about matchmaking but I don't like to apply how this could translate to pre-canon. For me, she is considerably more attentive and caring and motherly than typical for her times. I think a big one is also an understanding! & attentive!Robert despite his Donk moments. I'm a sucker for Robert appreciating Cora always and I guess I like to add that to more storylines and scenes (e.g. the few s2 things I wrote) than would fit canon because we all know he can be a Donk and miss important ways to appreciate his wife sometimes. And I know this is the angst a lot of you like but it's definitely something that is underrepresented in my fics and I stand by that.
#13 do you make playlists for when you write? if so, share!
No, not really. I once made a playlist for "Lessons to Learn" (I can't find it right now) but I didn't listen to it more than to other music while writing LTL. And it really depends on my mood, whether I listen to music at all while writing. I think most of the time I actually write in silence.
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ashilrak · 2 years
Perpollo for the playlist <3 Have fun! :D
This was too fun lol, also I'm editing it to add lyrics for funsies
I try to get all up in your mind (all up in your mind) Is my love a crime 'cause I wanna make you mine? (You know you're mine) I try to get all up in your mind (yeah) I'll go and do the time if it means I'll make you mine (yeah)
Habibi - Tamino
If only I'd forget you after one last dance But you're everywhere, yes you are In every melody and in every little scar
We Have It All - Pim Stones
Hearts turn to dirt Along with the rest of your body It's all claimed by the earth It will fade and it will wither But gold, it will never And hey, baby, don't you know Diamonds are forever
Stalker's Tango - Autoheart
It's not that complicated No matter what they say You'll never meet another me
The Wolf - PHILDEL
You were sharp as a knife to get me You were a wolf in the night to fetch me, back The wishes I've made are too vicious to tell Everyone knows I am going to hell
Million Years Ago - Adele
I know I'm not the only one Who regrets the things they've done Sometimes I just feel it's only me Who can't stand the reflection that they see I wish I could live a little more
Achilles Heel - J. Maya
Kill this Achilles' heel I don't want to have to heal Now it's time to bring the choir Play your game and string the lyre Boy, I'm like Prometheus, finally taking back my fire
Moonsea - PHILDEL
Don't share the past, if you won't share your heart All that we share is the view of these stars
That Unwanted Animal - The Amazing Devil
Oh, and you rip my ribcage open and devour what's truly yours And our screaming joins in unison, I cry out to the Lord 'Cause if we join our hands in prayer enough To God, I imagine it all starts to sound like applause
Perseus [New Light EP] - Chris Linton
Mythical, so mystical, think what you like You could be the sword, the shield, Defender of The people down below You know I fought for love
Personal Jesus - Depeche Mode
Reach out, touch faith Your own personal Jesus Someone to hear your prayers Someone who cares
I Love You, Honeybear - Father John Misty
But don't ever doubt this, my steadfast conviction My love, you're the one I wanna watch the ship go down with
Killshot - Slowed + Reverb - Magdalena Bay
Can you make my heart stop Hit me with your kill shot baby
Blossoms - The Amazing Devil
Knowing every last one of them is painted in light As I make myself acquainted with the saint of never getting it right
Don't give a fuck of what you say Apparently I've lost control To all my friends that told me so Just get out the way Because we don't want to behave Apparently you lost control You never really had before
Eros and Apollo - Studio Killers
Girls, with a boy like that it's serious Senoritas, don't follow him Soon, he will eat your hearts like cereals Sweet Lolitas, don't go You're still young
the fruits - Paris Paloma
My love, are you the devil? I would worship you instead of him I have no time for confession For I'm too busy committing sins My love, you're something special I've never met someone like you You'd make me fall from heaven But I know just what I do
One Way Or Another - Blondie
One way, or another, I'm gonna win ya I'm gonna get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya One way, or another, I'm gonna see ya
You Spin Me Round (Like A Record) - Dead or Alive
I set my sights on you (And no one else will do) And I, I've got to have my way now, baby
Something to Believe In - Young the Giant
It gets old when you talk to the sun And your tongue understood uh-no one
// 20 song playlist without including these artists
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furrbbyx · 2 years
OMFG! Thank you for tagging me @sio-writes I had a hecking great time with this. I really got to explore Sable more, and of course I put my own spin on it.
I tag: @oracleact @atlas-nsfw @the-wizard-writes @bucketsofmonsters and @gaytrashfoodprocessor or whoever wants to join! I can't wait to read yours :D
Interview with a Character!
[Intro: Excited VJ about to play clips of the interview] Today we have an exclusive interview with Miss Sable, the unicorn model who is so hot right now! We caught up with Sable while she prepared for a spring themed photo-shoot. She was gracious enough to entertain our questions while enduring the makeup chair. Though Sable was working she had such an upbeat vibe that our reporter became a fan on the spot! Sable's work is available on Tumblr dot com where she also takes time to interact with her fan base in between shows and campaigns.
1. Are you named after anyone? No. My parents just wanted to celebrate my beautiful coloring. I grew to like it since it's kind of unique. I wont lie, sounds so good when someone is moaning it 🤭
2. When was the last time you cried? Omg today! I cry a little every day on purpose after I read about a talented Korean actress who cries for hours a day. I think crying is a form of self care. We don't do it enough in this world. I want to make sure I stay connected to my emotions. It makes me more empathetic too!
3. Do you have any kids? Oh, gosh. No 🤗 I'm not even sure I'm ready to have a little pony. I guess I'd have to have a steady polycule before I even think about it.
4. Do you use sarcasm? I'm more likely to use a pun. When I'm playing I do like to be a little sarcastic and a tease. But my playmates love it, I promise.
5. Whats the first thing you notice about people? Hmm. Probably their body language and if they smile a lot. People who smile put me at ease. I also notice height. Especially if I'm working with others for the photo shoot, of course I have to asses my angles. It's important to study people's body language and how they take up space to be successful in modeling. I'm able to be versatile and I'm never caught without a good option for a pose.
6. Eye color? Blue and sparkles!
7. Scary movies or happy to endings? Always happy endings! Unless you want me to ruin it for you 😘. If it's not HEA I don't want it. That may be a little naive, or boring to some but I think that we deserve more happy endings in this life. We are so quick to accept suffering instead of demanding joy.
8. Any special talents? Being a unicorn? Haha. I don't have any real talents except being cute I think. But that's ok! I get to enjoy everyone else who is talented. Like my buddy Eagleator? He's like, the strongest fighter I know. [Reporter: You're a model and that takes some skill right?] Haha, you're so right! I forget about that because modeling is really about looks and that's out of my control, but yeah modeling is a talent.
9. Where were you born?
I was born at home. A perfect little baby if I say so myself. My mom was kind of a granola-making hippie and she made a big deal about a natural birth. Specifically I was born in a little pink kiddie pool filled with warm water, patchouli oil, and wildflowers.
10. What're your hobbies? My hobbies are collecting soft pastel sweaters, drinking hot drinks in cute giant mugs, reading fanfiction, flirting, and bingeing hallmark movies. I also like carnivals and fairs, hyperpop and EDM, supernatural romance novels. Though those probably aren't hobbies, lol. I would say daydreaming is a hobby of mine. Sometimes I get so distracted in my own head, I kind of forget what's really happening. If you could use your magical horn to zap up the perfect fantasy would you care about politics? Exactly.
11. Have any pets? Hehe, only the ones that asked to be my pets. But none right now.
12. What sports do you play/have played? Is shopping a sport? Or getting the perfect manicure? Snagging the last pair of Wolfy Choos on release day? Haha. I'm just not really competitive. If I'm going to be running around it's gonna be for pleasure or maybe to chase down a cutie to give them my number.
13. How tall are you? I'm 5'10! Not the tallest pony but I get by hehe.
14. Favorite subject in school? Ick! School is a no. I hated it. Well except for getting to meet my besties. I had a hard time in school. I'm not really smart. Oh don't take that seriously. I don't mind being empty headed. There's so many smart people and creatures in the world why should I worry about that? Honestly I learned the most at the mall when I was skipping class. The real world has a lot to teach someone if they just embrace it. I'm just not the kind of pony to care what happened last century, or how many apples johnny has. I care more about how many apples I can eat and what's going on with the next season of the bachelor!
15. Dream job? Well I actually already have my dream job, though I wouldn't say it was my dream job before I started. [Reporter: Modeling?] Oh, no. This is kind of my side thing. Right now I'm working at this innovative lab that's developing cosmetic drugs. The company is really focused on providing therapies that help others reach their desired form. I feel like, as a model, I'm selling a dream, but as a lab tech I'm actually helping to make them come true.
[Fade back to the VJ] Wow! She's so sweet. To see the full interview follow and subscribe to the network. You wont want to miss this one. Our reporter and Sable get real cozy and reveal some surprising secrets about the modeling scene. And join us at 8 for our exclusive with Eagleator to talk about his crushing defeat at the Action Forest Finals!
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holyhikari · 10 months
some personal reflection on my late diagnosis and a few other stuff that might interest somebody or not.
I don't have ADHD, at least not "formally." I'm usually fine with not having qualified for an official ADHD diagnosis during my evaluation (even though a few professionals have argued that I should have had + my medication is ADHD-focused and it works) because I usually just need sensory/social accommodations and ASD covers that.
But it's absurd HOW LONG it took for me and the people around me to notice and accept how mentally hyperactive I am, because it carried me through my early academic life. So I was just "a very bright kid", not a single adult could tell (or, at least, no one thought of it as an issue) I was hyperfocused on and a bit obsessive about school because most subjects interested me, I couldn't control that drive nor my perfectionism and the good grades/the praise for them made me feel better about not understanding how to socialize with most other kids because they acted in ways that didn't make any sense and I was adamant that all of my actions could be reasonably explained to others since I was like five years old. So, yeah, we couldn't relate. I got along well with the weirdos though.
It's funny in a tragic way that sometimes adults can't tell you have socialization problems because you're well-spoken and mimic their communication patterns and don't have trouble following their instructions, but I assure you that the other kids CAN very much tell that you're not like them. (Fun fact: my mom DID notice that most other kids confused me and she was aware of/tried to help me through the bullying I suffered, but whenever I asked her opinion on the matter she just went "oh sweetie that's because you're around adults often and in this household we're all like this :D so it's only expected". LOL)
And since I couldn't have known that often overthinking to the point of tears AS A PRE-SCHOOLER (yes, I have memories of that) wasn't normal and assumed that everyone else had that many thoughts per second... well. That mental hyperactivity paired with the skills related to my special interest (linguistics) served me well until I crashed and suddenly had to navigate the world without the "high results" it allowed me to achieve as a kid.
And now I'm an adult who struggles with basic tasks like a toddler because I can't prioritize anything correctly unless I'm at gunpoint. And I'm perpetually underestimating my struggles, I try to convince myself on a daily basis that I'm just a regular 20-something mess in this world and that every young adult is like this simply because growing up is hard, so I must be trying to find excuses to be "lazy".
At least I know this experience isn't uncommon at all with late-diagnosed neurodivergent people.
I think I want to write more about my experiences. I might keep those reflections here since I (FINALLY) ditched T*itter and I don't want to do it anywhere with my IRL name. I feel even safer/detached here, typing in English instead of my first language has that effect xD
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britneyshakespeare · 10 months
re: my last post rambling about my siblings: i also realize of course that not everyone who has siblings has as good a relationship to them as i do, and that can be for any number of reasons, can have any number of resolutions, including just begrudgingly accepting that your sibling(s) are never gonna be the closest people in your life. i talked about how the bond i have with mine is akin to a commitment, because all of us prioritize each other, but i don't mean to make it sound idyllic or like it should be the universal standard. i am lucky but i am not naive. not everyone gets the siblings they would most wish to have, or some people just aren't that close to them and i don't particularly have a blanket judgment to make of that in all cases. however...
that guy i made a bunch of personal posts over the summer about because he was an emotionally abusive friend that i had to cut off, who asserted way too much control over my life, who was guilt-tripping and manipulative and sought to silence me etc etc etc he really was just never very accepting of me for who i was, never expressed interest in anything about me that didn't have to do with him, etc etc etc just that JERK guy who i still have nightmares about a few times a month. it took me a long time to accept that he wasn't just "depressed" and "anxious" but that he was actively using people; he wasn't accepting of harmony but always wanted control over others and their narratives, etc etc etc. there were certain sides of him i didn't see much because i got to know him in a rather isolated way. we had mutual contacts but i never worked with him or had a class with him or really even met him a few times before he started spilling his heart and soul to me privately and said i'm his best friend and i'm the only one who understands and supports him and basically pressured me to make him my project 24/7 and was incredibly disrespectful towards me whenever i asserted my own independence from him or just. wanted to see someone other than him or even just wanted to be by MYSELF. jesus. what a nightmare that guy was. IS, because i know he can't have changed and he probably never will.
THAT guy has a sibling. he has a little brother four years younger than him, and that guy was about two years younger than me. so his brother turned 18 this year. he graduated from high school. his brother is YOUNG, all things considered. and as much as he would constantly pour his heart out and gripe about every person he ever came into contact with (and as much as i now distrust a lot of the information he told me because i know he'll only ever say flattering things about himself and never speak forgivingly or with any nuance towards someone he labels now as "bad", including me)... the only time that i didn't really know how to listen with as open a heart was when he would start talking about how awful his little brother is. i'd be like, ok, so you had terrible friends in high school. all the people in your classes are shitty to you. this person has done you wrong and this person is awful and your parents and your family suck and this and that and this. no one has ever been good to you in your entire life except me? ok.
the ONLY time i was like "i don't know if i can take this at face value, i think you're being too harsh..." is when he would talk about his little brother. because i was like, well, from everything you're telling me, his problems sound like something he can very well grow out of. he'd be like oh he's PRETENTIOUS. lol ok. he's a senior in high school, of course he sometimes acts like he knows everything. why do you act like he's a lost cause? i could also tell that there must've been some personal jealousy in there bc his brother was kind of the "more accomplished" sibling, did better in school, that sort of thing. i don't know what it's like to be an older sibling or to feel like you're living in the shadow of a sibling, especially a younger one, because i've always kind of been on a different path than any of my siblings/there hasn't really been a sense of competition between us. i would try to give him the benefit of the doubt and be like "well i guess i really don't know what that's like" because you CAN'T assume. i give EVERYONE the benefit of the doubt and i try to take people, especially when they're being vulnerable with me, at their word, which is exactly how i got so involved with this guy and ended up being so used by him and under his thumb. horrible. he's a monster. anyway.
and whenever i'd be like "well he's just a kid" to every negative thing he'd say about his little brother, that's when he'd dismiss the subject and stop talking about it. and this isn't something that came up a couple of times but came up a LOT. he'd shit talk his brother to me at least several times a week, always unprompted, because why would i wanna hear someone badmouth a teenager? and it'd always be the pettiest shit. one time he even told me that he noticed his brother didn't come home last night and he didn't know where he was and i was like "oh my god is he ok? that's terrifying" and it's like he did that just so he could tell me "no i don't really care honestly. the two of us aren't close." it's like he wasn't just not-close with this kid but he was obsessed with hating him.
not only did his reasons never seem to satisfy me, but he never seemed to acknowledge that his little brother shared all of the traumas and adverse experiences he grew up with, the discrimination he faced and the familial trauma and the structures of abuse he would tell me about from his parents. he would mention how these are all the problems and the reasons he can't trust people and why he's so fucked up but he didn't seem to have any patience or empathy for someone younger than him brought up in the same exact environment. it's like he wanted his brother to always just fuck off and die.
none of this made any sense to me, it was if anything the BIGGEST sense of confusion i had with him for a long time because i dismissed all the ways he was cruel to *just me* until i started picking up all his patterns and realizing this all WASN'T just how he treats me. HE is the problem; HE is this entitled and controlling and nasty and manipulative towards everyone; HE has no self-awareness or regard for other people. it's not just ME not having the guts to stand up for myself when he made me feel uncomfortable or when i'd feel disrespected by something he said to/about me. he would know when he was saying something unacceptable or losing his temper; he did it with other people all the time. but he isolated and then lovebombed me so hard that i didn't see that this WAS how he treated everyone, but he made me in particular his prey because i was a trusting and trustworthy stranger, rather than someone who had seen him behave in such a way towards other people and could make the informed choice to stay away from him. it was never JUST ME but how could i have known that?? how?? i didnt know anything about his life except what he'd tell me, and he was actively sucking me away from all parts of my life he wasn't involved in, and/or forcing his way into them. there was no space between him and me; my life became his because he hijacked it and then forced me to do all his emotional labor and solve all his problems so i'd hardly have any energy to face my own.
anyway. yeah. it all made MUCH more sense when i realized HE is the problem between him and his brother. that didn't stick out as a red flag because again i'm trusting and i accept all these hypothetically broken or damaged familial relationships people have. HE really wanted me to hate this teenager for no good reason, like he wanted me to hate everyone else in his life that he'd ever decide to cast as a villain. i never understood why the teenage boy. never understood it. i'm like he's just a boy. OH but you're an awful horrible jerk who can't get along with anyone for longer than 2 minutes before you try and take control of everything about them and then lash out if they try to assert their independence. OOOHHH ok i get it now that makes sense. because that's what you've been doing to me all this time ohhh i get it.
#wow this is such a long post lol#long post#tales from diana#im not proofreading this so if this makes no sense well whatever#sorry if you... missed my... constant crises about this situation over the summer?#i do still have nightmares about him lol#i have otherwise been moving on... pretty ok#you know it's just such a relief to not talk to him anymore ever. love that#i have him blocked too 🖤🖤🖤#and he isn't a school/work acquaintance and we don't live suuuper close where i'd worry about seeing him in public randomly#i have had some friends that i explained our falling out to that have randomly ran into him. and he glared at them. lol#he really tried to involve all my friends in the messiest ways after he realized he was losing his control over me.#he was acting so entitled and imposing and overly-familiar and spilling all his 'problems' hes having with me#to ppl that i had introduced him to a couple of times and he would never be emotionally close with#but now he wants to pour his heart out about how he's been victimized by my callousness towards him (read: my individual identity/needs)#like what a fucking trainwreck that was.#in fact i encouraged him to be vulnerable with some of these friends like he was ALWAYS being vulnerable to me#making me support him 24/7 and literally never giving me time to do or think about anything else#never reciprocating interest or concern when it comes to my own life in any way. even if he KNEW about problems i had going on#just no sympathy from him whatsoever. he was just a sympathy vampire. he took and took and took and never gave back.#like i said he's the most self-centered person i've ever met.#yeah. i need to drop this now#but i do feel bad for his little brother. bc everything i ever felt sympathy for him for also applies to his brother#but his BROTHER has never shown any signs to me of being nearly as disgusting as he is.#he's brother's just a kid. but imagine having such a nightmare of a brother for the rest of your life. im sorry to him
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
OMG. California scenes. I'm a SoCal girl and I just realized that this... is true. I think of myself as guarded, but wow. I think I've actually sat down and opened up to a relative stranger over lunch and then coffee. But I don't do it to seem centered! Anyway, gotta go back and look over my unpublished fics and make sure that I don't accidentally put too much of myself into them...
hi there! I swear I’m gonna write a bit about your message, but for reference, for others reading this, I think I need to provide a bit of context first. :) This is regarding this post about writing exposition:
Disclaimer time! I reblogged it specifically for that highlighted bit at the top:
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And my specific intent in reblogging this was every complaint I ever read about why Dean and Cas don’t just ~talk to each other~ and deal with their issues. Every single “but they could’ve dealt with this years ago and been together!” I will counter “No, they really couldn’t! Because that’s not the story they’ve ever been telling!” 
But, I’ve heard argued, if they really wanted to, they could change the story they’re telling. They could so easily make it obvious, explicit, textual between them. And of course they could! If they had zero authorial integrity, they could do whatever they wanted.
The way they have set up this story for the last decade and a half has established-- through the slow unfolding of more and more important facts, of gradually uncovering details, as above in purple, that become necessary for comprehension of the characters and their progression through this story-- that Dean’s relationship with Cas has been established in an ever tighter orbit around their mutual most deeply buried and tightly guarded secrets.
For reference, I’m not pulling this line of thinking out of nowhere. This is literally a rephrasing of something Davy Perez said in an interview when he first started with SPN back in s12. I never finished transcribing that podcast, but the relevant bit of the two hour conversation is included in this post:
but the tl;dr of the handful of paragraphs of full context from that post:
Television is about a character that you become invested in, and that you fall in love with. That character grows in incremental ways. Not only do they grow in tiny little increments, and sometimes don’t even grow, they go backwards. You don’t close the loop. You keep the loop open, so that hopefully when you know that okay, this is our final season, this is our final run of episodes, that’s when you can find those landing points, and that’s when you can sort of say this is the end of this journey.
And Supernatural has been narratively riding around on that loop, on that spiral, for 15 years. And this is now the final season, and they’re gliding toward those landing points now. They’re homing in on those “painful truths the characters don’t want known,” those huge personal issues they’ve all been grinding down over the last 15 years and inching ever closer to unveiling. Because that’s how stories work when authors are writing to the narrative rather than writing instant gratification for a fickle audience. If one thing has been consistent over the years, it has been this progression of character. And Dabb era has chosen to lampshade all of this in text, through Chuck the Original Author.
And that is effectively the exact writing advice from this random post about how to write a believable and engaging story that has been all over my dash over the last few days. Like... the irony, right?
So now that I’ve explained my vagueing with this post, I’d be happy to address your actual question, from the rest of that page of writing advice. Thank you for bearing with me... :’D
I’d venture to say that the description of that sort of “identity info dump” that the article described as “California scenes,” where characters just spill their deepest secrets, isn’t always a negative thing. And it’s not a phenomenon exclusive to California, or borne of a need to prove someone’s authenticity, or angst cred, or whatever. Because it’s something we see happening on the internet, too.
And it’s absolutely something you can USE in your writing. I find it hilarious because it’s actually a major theme of my pinefest fic this year, which will be posting in April. Sorry I can’t point everyone to it yet, or really give too many spoilers... other than trying to explain this phenomenon.
Social media creates a weird sort of culture of identity. There was a post on tumblr years ago that explained it rather well. It said something to the effect of “in real life you meet people and slowly feel them out and reveal your deepest secrets only to a select few people after they already know your whole life story, but on the internet you’re just a screen name and an avatar and you might reveal your deepest secrets without any of the people who read them even knowing your NAME or what you look like or anything else about you.”
Because it’s not about complete open honesty, you know? It’s about understanding what carefully selected bits of information you present in a given circumstance. It’s social engineering.
Revealing your deepest desires or darkest secrets is an entirely different prospect when, say, sitting with a new acquaintance over a cup of coffee face to face or with a coworker in the break room than it is in an anonymous internet chat room. And it can be fascinating to understand what we’re willing to reveal about ourselves in these very different circumstances.
And once you sort through that sort of character analysis, you can write a truly believable and entirely in-character info dump like that without it feeling like an info dump. Because what the character chooses to reveal about themselves in a given situation can be as informative of the character and their relationship to the other characters as the details of what they say.
So, I guess the takeaway here is the reminder that you should still take all writing advice with a grain of salt, and remember that it’s not a blanket rule and all these “California scenes” should be excised in order for your story to be good, you know? If you know your characters well enough, they can be strategic moments of character insight, or even a complete misdirect. The key is to be aware you’re writing one, and then use it to illustrate a character’s weakness, or strength, or the dynamic of the relationship being exposed, rather than being a strict infodump of facts. Because infodumps are always boring if that’s actually the scene you’re writing and there isn’t a deeper layer of understanding going on or a deeper insight for the reader to gain.
Lol, this reminds me of another quote about writing that’s perfectly related:
“If the story you’re telling, is the story you’re telling, you’re in deep shit.” Robert McKee
If the only thing the reader takes from a scene is the words coming out of the characters’ mouths, you done screwed up... That’s why so many of these California scenes are just bad writing. They serve no other purpose than telling the reader a series of details about the characters’ backstories and fail to provide any deeper insight. The key to writing a GOOD scene is make it less a backstory catch-up bit of filler text, and more about what the characters aren’t revealing, or why they’re revealing any of this information in the first place. Because “to inform the reader of these facts” is never a good enough reason for a character to spill their guts like that.
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yandere-sins · 2 years
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gosh, makes what you want- why'd you start this blog ? because u like write, right ? so, avoid the comments like this and makes what's make u happy qskdqj. (sry if i've made mistakes, english isn't my first language, but, when i see this post i couldn't just stand here like "yeah, people are capricious towards a person who's overwhelmed- )
Hey! Thanks for reaching out. I, of course, do what I want and won't let others get me down, but I think sometimes it's very healthy and therapeutic to let others know what's going on and maybe those anons see the post and won't send in more of those asks (:
I don't post all of the hate I get but I do want to complain sometimes, and it's hard to just 'avoid' those asks when I receive them regardless of if I want them or not lol. I am also not overwhelmed, it's more annoyance than anything xD
So, while you have good intentions, I hope you understand I'll post about what I want on my blog, and if I feel like complaining I will. But I will indeed continue to do what makes me happy, so no worries ^^
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I mean, I know you mean well, but it's probably hard to say it's okay from your perspective since it's not your God? ^^'
I don't mind people getting offended about my writing, really not. Yandere is a topic that is supposed to rouse tempers. It's just about how people react to it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and as you say, if they wanted to and enjoy that type of content, they could imagine it as a different universe version of their gods, or ignore the connection to real life entities entirely. Or even just not read this specific piece, I mean, it was clearly labled lol.
However, religion is a touchy subject for most (even if I never had a pagan call me out, usually it's more... well... christians xD) but they choose to confront me about something they could have just blocked out and moved on from. If they were secure in themselves and their beliefs (and maybe more mature and less bored, you never know) they wouldn't have felt attacked by my writing and seeing something they deem disrespectful towards their deities. It would have only solidified and strengthened their own respect for the gods and made them move on with their head held high.
At least, my opinion.
But thanks for your encouragement! Sending kisses to all my religious followers and those that aren't, I really don't care what you believe in as long as it makes you a better and tolerant person to everyone around you ♥
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Aww, you don't need to be shy, you are very appreciated! Thanks for reading my writing, I really like the series too, even though it wasn't supposed to go on for so long lol. But it'll probably finish this sintember, so please look forward to the rest of it!
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Hahaha, thank you so much! I am glad so many people really liked those scenarios even though they are so out there xD Your asks really did make my day better, thank you for reading my stuff and reaching out ♥
And yeah, the auction boss was very hot, I can't lie xD I was just indulging myself but I am glad others indulged as well :P Alec was supposed to stay whiny and submissive throughout, but in the end he slipped back into his role as the one in control for a bit. Doesn't mean he won't be a golden retriever yan though :D Please look forward to more!
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Uhi, glad you enjoyed them! It's been a hot minute since I wrote for Felix, but he was one of my favorites as well ♥ Very yum indeed!
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shiftingwithsydnie · 3 years
so i have a few questions:
Do you have a script?
if you do what are you scripting for? (like what do you want to shift to?)
have you shifted before?
Again you dont have to answer if you dont want to bc i understand if these are personal :)
Hey, thank you for getting back with me! To start, yes, I have a script. Basically anything I can think that I know for certain I want to happen, have, do, or be - orrrr I don't want - I put down as I think of it. Here are some of the basics of my script:
Friendships, ex: Stefan, Bonnie, Elena, Caroline- from high school
Specific events I want to experience, ex: prom, sneaking out with my friends and dancing in the rain for hours, the fun stuff with certain people *cough* Stefan *cough*, etc...
Origin's of the characters, personally I want to experience them the way they are portrayed but I honestly think I'd gut myself watching Elena break Stefan's heart, so I specified what I do and don't want to change while staying as close as possible to the actual plot of the show.
Whether or not I am supernatural. I obviously want to experience being a vampire too because that would be so cool, but the more I thought about it, I thought it would be both exciting to live as a human in such a dangerous place, and it would be intimate to be changed by again a certain person^^^ hehe
Follow-up for my "state of existence" (race I guess? idk... the supernatural stuff), because it is so dangerous, I scripted to have a high pain tolerance, that myself and the people I care about cannot die, that I won't turn my humanity off and neither will the people I care about, but to keep the rush of adrenaline I scripted not to remember those things.
Then theres some basic things for safety and convience, like how time flows, I chose one day there is a second here
(one thing I'd like to add is that anything you script isn't you controlling the universe, you just pick which reality you go to, that's something that people tend to get hung up on a lot with time flow and relationships, time feels the same its just faster in comparison, and you aren't forcing love or friendships, you're just choosing a reality where those relationships are playing or are bound to play out.)
Anyways, to continue-- beyond time flow, I also scripted that I could sleep in my d/r without ever shifting back to my c/r and that I would never come back unintentionally. I know some people say you literally can't but I worry if I think too much about my c/r before I fall asleep it will make my subconscious aware of this reality again, so I threw that in for my peace of mind lol, I made sure to put in that I would remember my experiences there, I know it's kind of a given that you should but again - for my peace of mind, and finally I scripted that I'd have the lifa app, I made my own little version on Picsart- my username on there is @ shiftingforstefan if you want to take a look!
(side note, I also I have a Pinterest board with sub-boards for wardrobe and visualization, if you want the link to it)
Moving On!!
Have I shifted? That's a hard question, technically no, but if you count hearing your cc and feeling a completely different room, and not hearing the guided meditation you had on anymore but opening your eyes too soon to be a yes then yes. I couldn't tell you how long I've been trying but I know it's at least been a year or so, and my first time ever trying I felt like I was high I had so many symptoms. I've came soooo close, and I can hardly sleep most nights because I'm used to keeping part of my brain awake, when I do fall asleep I have the most vivid dreams of my d/r, and I firmly believe I can do it, I choose when I do or don't but divine timing also helps :))
(same for you too!! you choose when you do or don't, and even though it's up to you, sometimes you just have to trust the process, like if you choose to paint a picture, you made the choice, you're painting, but you don't quite get to say when the process is over until you actually finished the painting)
Once again, thank you for getting back with me again! I hope this answers your questions, if you have anymore then please do send in another ask! Just a reminder that what works for me doesn't work for everyone else, and the things I do and say are purely suggestions based on my experience. And another thing before I finish this off, you don't need a script. They can be helpful for personal reasons or for methods, but ultimately, your subconscious knows what you want. So if you don't have one that fine, if you do that's fine, and you don't need to memorize anything.
I hope you find success in your shifting journey, and I'm always here to answer any questions I can!!!
(I can't believe I almost forgot to add this in. Do not be ashamed of anything you want in your desired reality, if you wanna rule the world go rule the world. It your DESIRED reality, why would you not have everything you DESIRE!?!)
xx, shiftingforstefan
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thewriterowl · 3 years
I love dark soft dom Din (damn that's a lot of d's) it's one of my favorites tropes but it makes me cringe a little when Luke struggles too much against it with things like "i can do it on my own" "i didn't needed your help" " you can't control my decisions " and all that, idk i find it annoying after a while because it always lead to the same fight just in different fonts, ya know ? The perfect form of that trope for me is after seeing an overworked, struggling, self sacrificial, maybe abused Luke, Din decides to offer him the whole world like the sugar daddy he is, it starts slow at first (i loved how you described it) but instead of being offended after Din explicitly tells Luke that he wants to spoil him to the moon and back and he doesn't want him to work another day in his life Luke says fuck it and fully embraces it, all his life he has struggled with the consequences of decisions that he didn't take, all his life he has had to fight against all the odds, he has had to make sacrifices he didn't wanted for other people's gain, and now this handsome man and his cute son are offering him a life of rest, abundance and love ? Sign him the fuck in, Luke has seen the world, the world is harsh, unfair and cruel, why would he want that ? Next to Din all he feels is love, happiness and pleasure, it's like he belongs at his side , the world can go fuck itself a thousand times over it never did shit for him , all he needs is Din and Grogu, nothing else
I do love that too! i just feel that Luke wouldn't resist necessarily for being stubborn, but for being so guilt-ridden. If he's not working or supporting people then I think the would almost be a shock to his system. He is so locked in this normal that even what could actually be a healthy change is just something that makes him cringe. I think Din would primarily have to work on that sort of mental aspect and not that Luke is just being a sort of independent "tsundere" (lol best I can describe it).
I am with you that using those same counter-arguments can be repetitive in stories. So having him sort of fall against him and into this world without argument sounds loads better...I just see Luke as like, "wait...good things...for me? without practically killing myself? psh, that's madness."
And Din, who is really ready to just marry this guy is all, "Yeah...i'm also paying for your therapy."
I sometimes see Dinluke as that meme of:
Luke: Are you sure you like me? I mean...it's as a friend right? Or barely a friend. Or do you...uh, like me like me?
Din: (on his knee, proposing) take a guess.
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nanamis-bigtie · 3 years
Long selfship talk under the cut, Ahoy! You guys shared so many beautiful stories and dynamics with me! Unfortunately, tumblr didn't let me @ some of you, I hope you will somehow find this post 😭
@sparkly-ginger said:
Oooh boi, oh boi, I selfship with Kid, Ace and Shanks I'm sorry I can't control myself 😔🤤. But not the three of them in the same timeline, I'm a lazy ass and I just follow the timeline I mostly use in the respective story I wrote (still writing lol) for each of them. For Kid I just love starting from Sabaody, for Ace I like to concentrate on his backstory as a new man of Whitebeard, and for Shanks his past before he met Luffy. Seems like I like imagining and writing things from the gaps Oda left 😂! But yeah I'm kinda obsessed with them, especially Ace who was my VERY FIRST anime crush even I didn't even know anything about selfship etc. 😏 BUT as I said I'm a lazy ass and I don't publish anything on my blog cause I can't bother trad them in english.... sorry folks. 😅
Two redheads and a freckle boy! I love how you made three separate timelines for them (though, not gonna lie, seeing this happening in one... hmm, it'd be possible, but smells angst too much 😅).
And no need to be sorry! ❤
@lazybutsmexy said:
DENJIRO!! I swear I got it bad for this man as soon as he appeared. Who gave him the right??? Tall, handsome, gentlemanly, a sprinkle of crazy and a swordman on top of all. How dare he enter my heart like that?? I do imagine being one of the courtesans in the pleasure house who gets more of his attention than others hehehe there's a bit of backstory as well, but I'm a bit too busy to write anything, so it will stay in my head 🥰 Also, Pell!! He doesn't get enough attention and it hurts my soul. He deserves more love and I'm here to give it all to him. (I hope to remedy that lack of content a little with my entry for your raffle, which I'll be posting soon hehehe)
I ABSOLUTELY UNDERSTAND YOU WITH DENJIRO, ALRIGHT?! He really just appeared and stole everyone's panties, ngl.
I just hope he will be as immortal as Pell cause lately... Who reads Wano, knows 😂
Waiting for that Pell piece 👀
@pirate-shrimpi said:
well... uh... the angy tulip? who would have thought haha. He got very cocky lately with all the attention he gets now.. but I am happy :D but then there is he other side that is just in love with a certain Orca and Penguin. <3
Kid fans eat well in Wano 👀 And the best is still in front of you, both in anime and manga 👀
Shachi and Penguin are so adorable 😳 They deserve this love!
@doublesohsandwich said:
As you may have guessed... I self-ship with Killer! I just love this big blonde man. I get heart-eyes when I see him lol Also, I've been following you so long and root for your self-ship so much that sometimes when Law and Zoro are onscreen I'll catch myself thinking "aww look at Bas's boyfriends, getting along!" 😅
Oh yes, I know well 👀 And can't blame you, Killer is my favorite Kid Pirate! Great husbando material, he can cook!
Haha, omg, this flatters me 😂 I hope it doesn't ruin One Piece for you ^^"
@selfshipcornchip said:
I used to selfahip with Luffy back when One Piece was on season 1 or 2. Yknow, 100 years ago.
I feel like everyone has their Luffy selfship phase at some point 😂 No wonder, he's a great character and a great inspiration!
@cherryblossom-chopper said:
I self ship with Usopp or Robin 😳😳
Oh, Usopp! So happy this boy gets some love and attention, he's so underrated 😭 What can I say about Robin, a wife material 👀
@kaizokuwritings said:
so if you don't mind... I'm shipping with Mihawk and Gaban, Mihawk because he's a charismatic and smart man, Gaban because he's funny and petty 👀💃🏼
Mihawk & Gaban is the new zosan lmao
I see, you have a taste for daddies mature with class 👀 Y'know, when I think about it now, I find them quite similar? Not in an obvious way, but there's something connecting them.
There's that truth we all do, indeed, have a type 👀
@elen87 said:
I don’t know much about self ships, I didn’t even knew they were a thing up until now?? but yeah, I’ve been in love with Ace since like 2003, I just love him so much, I was heartbroken after Marineford and after some time I just decided to kinda ignore that part I guess, in order to hurt less
Ignoring canon is a selfcare! Besides, there are always various AUs to explore, so no one would suffer ❤ Ace lives and is all healthy with you!
@theiriskriss said:
My heart and soul belongs to vista
Some things never change - and your dedication to Vista is one of them! 😊
@shirorabu said:
I’ll put my two cents in and say that Sanji is my love and my light ✨💖✨ and I’m here to give him the husband he so well deserves. My story is so so detailed it would take pages to talk about so I’ll spare the details. If anyone else from the replies wants to chat as well, my dms are always open ^^)/
I'm so, so glad Sanji receives the love from you! Was watching his Germa backstory with my sis today and we both cried so much 😭
And if you don't mind it, you can always slip into my dms as well, with no matter how many pages of details 👀
@salemzwitch said:
I selfship with Crocodile. I just like evilish bastard characters like him, something about them just makes me feel so soft
The bastards do have the charm 👀 Personally not the villain-ish type of characters fan, but I see a lot of fans of them and I can only root for you all! <3
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