#loki x lauren
mrs-elsie-barnes · 1 year
The Old Gods and The New - Chapter 1
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Rules to Follow | Loki x Reader
The Avengers bring you to the compound after a series of odd events draws their attention. Life seems to be looking up, until your abilities start to show again.
Chapter warnings: 18+ for implied sexual content, false/medical imprisonment
Series Masterlist | Loki Masterlist | Masterlist
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The cold, bleak conference room was a welcome balm against the uproar of the last two days. 
You weren't sure how it happened. One minute you were furious, staring down from the balcony of your flat, anger bubbling through your veins. And then you were watching a row of cars burn in the car park below. 
Maybe you would've gotten away with it if the weather was bad. If less people had been around. If it hadn't gone viral on TikTok. If it was the first time you'd done something weird. 
It wasn't unusual for people to have strange powers, not anymore, but there were certain rules to follow. Rules that included not setting cars on fire and frightening passersby. Rules your grandfather had set about staying in the flat and controlling your emotions, taking your medicine and laying low. 
A hand snapped in front of your face.
“Okay kid, spill. What are you?” Tony asked. 
“Uhm, I’m not anything at all?”
“No, come on. Setting shit on fire, what’s that?”
“Monster, alien or wizard?” Sam piped up.
“I swear to god Samuel quit it with that,” a pen flew across the room with surprising accuracy and embedded itself in the wall behind Sam’s head.
You’d seen them on TV, the Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Captain America, Black Widow, Hulk, Vision, Scarlet Witch and Iron Man. It’d be cool if you had any idea why you were here.
“Mr Stark. I didn’t even know I was doing it until it was too late. I don't know how it happens, but I promise I’m not a threat. It wasn't deliberate, you have to believe me." Your voice wavered, tears pooling in your tired eyes.
“Tony, let her sleep. She can use the spare room on our floor. We’ll keep an eye on her”
“Thank you Mr Rogers” you choked, wiping your eyes.
“Steve, please” his face was soft, reassuring.
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It took an hour to find you something proper to wear.
A day to get your room fixed up, belongings brought from your little flat in London and new furniture procured
A week before you ate with the team, although you watched them from a safe distance. 
A month before you really spoke to anyone. Eventually they called in a therapist. 
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The compound was nice, spacious and modern. There was no work to do, like at your grandfather's flat, just lots of questions that left you tired and disoriented. 
Lauren the therapist was the only person you'd really communicated with, even though you were sure she was relaying the information back to the Avengers anyway. 
"So from what I can tell, she's around twenty five to thirty." Lauren addressed the room, taking in the gathered Avengers. "The details of her life are very hazy, she lived in that flat you visited, Steve, with her Grandad. I know she cared for him and he died some months ago leaving her the flat in his will. She takes medication every day." Laura turned to Bruce "I hope the few I managed to pass on were helpful, so you can refill her script when she needs it." 
"That's the thing," Bruce said, "I can't work out what she's been taking. I've had FRIDAY take scans and vitals, asked Dr Cho, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with her." 
"Because she takes her pills?" 
"No, Steve, there's just - there's nothing wrong with her. Her temperature is a little elevated. But that's it, not a dangerous amount. I'd just say she runs warmer."
"So what's in the pills?" Tony asked, leaning over Bruce to look in the manilla file he had spread open on the table. 
"If I didn't know better I'd say something alien."
"But you do know better…" Tony prompted. 
"Adgardian maybe? But in a bottle from her local pharmacy. The name on the bottle’s been scratched off and I couldn’t find anything like this on any pharmacy database."
Tony and Steve turned to Natasha and she nodded. She'd not been able to find anything either.  No phone, no social media, home schooled. Sam suggested they do it the ‘old fashioned way’ and started to encourage Lauren to bring the woman out of her room to spend time with the others in hopes she would make more friends and let more information out.
As you spent more time with the group they found you brought a strange sense of calm, arguments stopped as you approached the table, worries about missions faded away. They even spent more time together as a team organising movie nights and parties, sitting together and being more tactile.
That’s when things started to get very strange.
The old evening routine of everyone slinking off to their bedrooms had been replaced by an easy comradery and then a fizzle of excitement started to build. The music seemed muffled and even Steve and Bucky’s heads felt fuzzy, drunk.
“Let's play spin the bottle!” You declared, downing your beer and lining it up on the coffee table. Before anyone else could fully agree you had flicked the bottle, everyone watched it slow until it came to a stop in front of Wanda.
“You girls don’t have to kiss if you don’t want to,” Steve said. But you shook your head. 
“I don’t mind if Wanda doesn’t… I like girls too and it's just a game, right?” you shrugged.
You leaned over and kissed Wanda quickly on the lips, noting the frisson of tension that built when you pulled away. 
Sam went next, “your lucky night,” he laughed before pulling you in for a kiss. 
The next spin was Natasha and somehow no one was surprised when it landed on you again. Natasha leaned in close but, before her lips could meet yours, you tilted your head to whisper in her ear, “I know there’s someone else you want to kiss, you don’t have to." Natasha blushed, but pressed a warm kiss to your lips anyway.  
“Did you rig this bottle?” Steve asked, picking it up before spinning. You, again.
Bucky put his hand on the bottle. “I wonder who” he laughed, but you had noticed his eyes move across the circle to the red headed assassin. 
As he leaned in for the inevitable kiss you put your hand up, hiding your mouths, “she’s a good kisser,” the words were out before you could stop them. Bucky pulled back, frowning.
You didn't answer, but your eyes danced across the circle to Natasha, studying Bucky's face as he followed the line of your sight. With their eyes locked you placed a chaste kiss on Bucky’s cheek.
You felt dizzy, only two beers in, but your head was swimming. The rest of the group weren’t fairing any better, both girls falling asleep and the boys nodding back against the sofa. Quietly you removed yourself from the pile of blankets and slunk back to your room. You hadn’t meant to say any of that, but you could feel it deeply, so deeply the words had bubbled out before you could swallow them back down. 
That night your sleep troubled you, the room was too warm making you sweat and writhe in the sheets and dreams of the Avengers flashing behind your closed eyes. 
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The next morning no one could make eye contact, each team member focusing on their coffee or toast, eyes down.
When you sat down the same static spark of electricity seemed to move over the kitchen island, making everyone squirm and move in their seats.
Eventually Wanda completed the group, walking in red faced and nervous as she looked around the kitchen before visibly relaxing.
“Oh, we all had the same dream!” She exclaimed “I don’t feel so bad now.” She said, cheerily. 
“Wan, you’re not meant to read our minds,” Natasha protested, covering her ears as if that would make any difference at all. 
“Can we not talk about it,” Bucky grumbled, looking away from Natasha.
“But you slept, Bucky, isn’t that good?” At least Wanda was happy, you felt hot and sick “you didn’t have a nightmare like usual, you had the same …”
“Enough,” he snapped, slamming his spoon into his bowl a little too hard, milk splashing on the spotless counters. 
“Your dream was different though,” Wanda put a hand on your temple despite your attempt to squirm away, “yeah, yours was very different. And so was yours,” She pointed at Natasha who looked over to Bucky without thinking.
Wanda squeaked, a hand over her mouth “But Bucky, yours was just like…”
“Thats enough, ” Steve stood hands on the counter, “we need to figure out whatever is going on here,” everyone looked away blushing as he crossed his arms, Captain America voice in full effect. “For goodness sake, I’m going to speak to Bruce.” 
Steve stormed out and a rush of air moved across the island as everyone breathed out. Wanda let out an awkward laugh, head down so she wouldn't catch the eye of her teammates and left the room. 
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After that incredibly awkward breakfast you began to pull away from the more open group spaces and started to spend a lot of time in the lab with Bruce while he tried to synthesise your medication. The small unlabeled tube of pills one of Stark’s assistants had packed for you was now empty. But all Bruce had been able to discover was a heavy sedative.
“You shouldn’t have even been able to walk around taking something that strong." He took his glasses off to rub a hand over his face, the fatigue of a sleepless night of experiments catching up to him, "you feel okay now?”
“But you’re an inch taller than yesterday you said?”
“I’m an inch taller than I was this morning.”
Bruce rubbed his hand on his face, dangling his glasses from the other hand.
“Okay, walk me through what happened again”
“So I sat next to Captain Rodgers and Sergeant Barnes in the kitchen and when I stood up I was an inch taller, I could tell because my jeans were too short.”
“That’s not how growing works,” Bruce took a seat beside you and huffed out a breath. 
“I know that I’m not doing it on purpose”
For the last few days you had been slowly growing the trait of anyone you were in close contact with. It was unnerving everyone, looking up and seeing their eyes glowing back, or their hair colour tinged in highlights around your face. But worse still was that there was no clear explanation, none that you could or would give. 
It wasn’t the only change the team had noticed. Wanda, Nat, Sam, Steve and Bucky spent the most time together and they had all spent the most time alone together with you. But after only a few days they refused to even enter a room if you were there, prefering to skirt around the edges or take a different route.  
They couldn’t forget the night when they played spin the bottle, in fact they had thrown away all the beer of the same brand and there had been no more team evenings suggested. 
When you were alone with them a tension seemed to fill in the air. Steve had shifted your training rotation so that no one was ever left alone in the gym with you. Sam admitted you’d almost kissed last time you were alone and, red faced, Wanda agreed. Natasha and Bucky had also blushed, looking at each other out of the corners of their eyes. They complained that you kept trying to make them stand next to each other, and had even locked them into a cupboard 'by accident’ while pretending that you were unable to find the key until Steve freed them.
You couldn’t seem to control the feeling either, a primal urge inside of you growing the longer you were without your tablets. Growling and clawing until you had to excuse yourself and take a handful of the sleeping pills Bruce had given you. 
Wanda admitted, as you escaped the building tension for the last time, that this was when her dreams were the most extreme and everyone nodded along. Their nights filled with vivid, primal scenes, moaning and panting, the touch and taste of another filling their senses. 
And, though you could hear them talking about you, you could never admit that your dreams were different, that you saw yourself orchestrating their dreams like a puppet master, like a god and you’d wake in a cold sweat. 
Frightened, they placed you in the medical wing, a secure room with two way mirrors, sound proofing and, most importantly, a lock. Bruce told you that it was somewhere safe, where you could withdraw from the medication that was dwindling in the little orange bottle. But Tony was relieved that the team could relax now without you around. 
Alone, you took another sedative and rolled over in your plastic bed, under the thin sheet, and cried. 
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The last time the team had met someone who had so easily got inside them and changed their dynamic, they had ended up with an alien invasion. Steve was sure you weren’t in control, thinking about your embarrassment and desperation when Bucky and Natasha were locked in the cupboard, how quickly you left the room whenever the conversation became heated. He was sure, sure , you were safe, that it was just a side effect of whatever you’d been taking all these years and that given time everything would go back to normal. 
Tony, however, was taking no chances. 
“We need to call Thor.” He suggested as they watched you through the mirror, you were reading a book and running your finger over your lip as you concentrated. With each pass of your finger your lips changed colour, working through shades of pink and red. 
“What can Thor do?” Bruce had had enough stress for one month, thank you very much, and was much happier handing out medication until they could find somewhere else to send you. All he needed to do was refine some samples and he’d be able to remake your medication and then he could give Fury the go ahead to have you moved. 
“He can bring Loki,” Tony said, jumping up to sit on the tall lab counter and tossing a few blueberries into his mouth. 
Bruce looked over at him, one eyebrow raised. “Is that a good idea? The man’s mad.”
“I don’t want to see him anymore than you do. But they could help us figure out if this is magic like them, or a mutation, or if…it’s something else. Then you can pack her off to whichever medical facility you think is appropriate.” Tony waved his hand around in the air as if to demonstrate the unknown fears they all shared. “She shape shifts, Bruce. Loki can do that. And the manipulating thoughts and feelings? Maybe she can learn to control it. We need her to control herself and maybe, maybe , if we’re nice enough, she’ll want to help us too.”
“Do we really want Loki to teach her that, how do we know we can trust him?” Bruce cringed, thinking of the havoc the man had wrought, even if he was being manipulated. Loki was powerful, who knew what he could achieve with a little planning. 
“Thor can help keep him in line,” Tony seemed confident and although his confidence was often catching, Bruce still felt the deep simmer of apprehension sitting low in his gut. 
“At least we’re not fighting like last time,” Bruce sighed heavily, the memory of his last encounter with Loki still fresh in his mind. 
“No, but the sexual tension is killing me. We need to end this.” Tony laughed, thinking back to the red faces of his colleagues and their lack of enthusiasm when he suggested they get drunk and play spin the bottle again. 
“Okay, fine, Tony, you win. Call Thor.” Bruce sighed, leaning forward onto the counter and resting his head in his hands.
“And Loki?”
“And Loki."
<;< Masterlist
Part 2>>
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darkpeacemusic · 1 year
Rules for my asks/requests
Plz read before asking for requests
Fandoms and characters I will accept (so far):
Stranger Things (Mike, Dustin, Will, Lucas, Max, Eleven, Nancy, Steve, Jonathan)
Slashers (Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, Candyman, pennywise (1990), Ghostface (Stu and Billy), Billy Lenz, Carrie, Chucky, Tiffany, Michael Myers, Bubba Sawyer, Jennifer Check, Norman Bates, Sinclair Brothers, Harry Warden)
Five Nights at Freddy’s (both games and movie) (Michael Afton, Mike Schmidt, Vanessa A., Vanessa Shelley, any animatronics except BB and JJ, Gregory (platonic only), Cassie (platonic only), Abby Schmidt (platonic only), Henry Emily)
Beetlejuice (Lydia Deetz, Beetlejuice)
Final Girls/Guy (Nancy Thompson, Sidney Prescott, Gale Weathers, Ash Williams)
Fullmetal Alchemist (Edward, Al)
Pirates of the Caribbean (Jack Sparrow, Hector Barbossa)
South Park (Kenny, Kyle, Butters)
Creepypasta/Slenderverse (Ben Drowned (platonic only), Jeff, Liu, Sully, Jane, Ticci Toby, Masky/Tim, Hoodie/Brian, Kate the Chaser, Laughing Jack, Eyeless Jack, Slender brothers (platonic only), Sally (platonic only), Dr Smiley, Nurse Ann, Nina, Candy Pop, Jason the Toymaker, The Puppeteer, Clockwork, Rouge, Wilson, Zalgo (platonic only), Nathan, Bloody Painter, Kagekao, Jill, Sadie, Hobo Heart, Cat Hunter, Chris the Revenant, X-Virus, Dollmaker, Frankie the Undead, Judge Angels, Lifeless Lucy (platonic only), Lost Silver (platonic only), Glitchy Red, Dr. Locklear, Lulu (platonic only), Killing Kate, Evan, Lauren, Jeff (from EMH), Jay Merrick, Alex Kralie, Amy, Jessica Locke, Seth Wilson, Will Grossman)
DCEU (Bruce Wayne)
MHA (Deku, Bakugo, Tokoyami, Kirishima, Denki, Jirou, Iida, Todoroki, Awaiza (platonic only), Mina, Tyusu, Momo)
MCU (Tony Stark (platonic only), Steve Rogers (platonic only) Peter Parker, Natasha Romanoff, Thor, Loki, Bruce Banner)
Harry Potter (Harry, Ron, Hermione, Snape, Dumbledore (platonic only), Nevel, Remus, the Weasley twins (Fred and George), Luna, Ginny, Draco)
Boyfriend to Death 1 + 2 (Strade, Ren, Lawrence, Sano, Vincent, Akira, Cain, Damien)
Till Death Do Us Part (Chris, Marcus, Aria, Jack, Ellen)
Alice Madness Returns (Alice)
What I will write
General headcanons
X reader headcanons
Canon x canon headcanons (as long as it's appropriate)
Gender neutral reader
Child reader (plantonic)
Poly (only if the characters are the same age and are not related to each other)
S/Os with certain mental illnesses (eg anxiety, OCD, depression)
What I will not accept
Any specific gender reader (Cuz I don’t want to offend anyone by accident)
Parent S/O
Trans S/O (again trying not offend anyone by accident)
Pregnant S/O
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illbestarryeyedforyou · 5 months
tagged by @thesensethatyouchoose !
thank you for the tag!!
Comfort Book: hmm, I want to name a bunch that I have enjoyed reading the last couple of years, but the one I've read more than two times and I'm going to read a third time again soon is: The Soulmate Equation by Christina Lauren
It's such a playful, fun, serious, romantic and wholesome book to read and it also sort reminds me of my comfort movies which I will share now!!
Comfort Movie(s): not sharing just one duh - One Fine Day, Pizza My Heart, 13 Going on 30, Return to Me, Don't Worry Darling, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, Silver Linings Playbook, and The Family Man
I need to add these to my letterboxd!! But to quickly summarize; most of these were chosen because they are wholesome and romantic with happy endings. fuck real life.
dwd is more philosophical and deeper tho.
Comfort TV show(s): Marvel Daredevil, Marvel Punisher, Fleabag, Malcolm in the Middle, Bones, BBC Sherlock, The X-Files, Moon Knight, WandaVision, LoKi, and of course... Supernatural
Okay, if any of y'all have yet to read the book mentioned or watched any of the TV shows/Movies, PLEASE DO whenever you feel like reading or watching something new!!
okay 😊✌🏽
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voluntadfuerte · 1 year
Starter call - Marvel
Bobbi Morse - Comics - Jennifer Morrison (bisexual)
Brunnhilde - Comics/MCU - Tessa Thompson (bisexual)
Cassie Lang - Comics - Seychelle Gabriel (lesbian)
Carol Danvers - MCU - Brie Larson (bisexual)
Cindy Moon - Comics - Jung Ho Yeon (bisexual)
Clint Barton - Comics - Boyd Holbrook (bisexual)
Daisy Johnson - AoS - Chloe Bennet (bisexual)
Elektra Natchios - Netflix - Elodie Yung (bisexual)
Erik Lehnsherr - Comics - Adrien Brody (bisexual)
Frank Castle - Netflix - Jon Bernthal (bisexual)
Gwen Stacy - ITSV - Olivia Holt (bisexual)
Grant Ward - AoS - Brett Dalton (bisexual)
Harry Osborn - Comics/TASM/Raimi - Tom Doherty (queer - without label)
James Barnes - Comics/MCU (cacw divergent) - Sebastian Stan (bisexual)
Jane Foster - Comics/MCU - Natalie Portman (pansexual)
Jemma Simmons - AoS - Elizabeth Henstridge (bisexual)
Jennifer Walters - Comics/MCU - Tatiana Maslany (bisexual)
Jessica Drew - Comics - Adria Arjona (bisexual)
Jessica Jones - Netflix - Krysten Ritter (bisexual)
Johnny Storm - Comics - Jordan Fisher (bisexual)
Karen Page - Netflix - Meghan Markle (bisexual)
Kate Bishop - Comics - Kiersey Clemons (bisexual)
Kitty Pryde - Comics - Lily Collins (bisexual)
Lorna Dane - Comics - Zoë Kravitz (bisexual)
Loki Laufeyson - Comics/MCU - Tom Hiddleston/Katie McGrath (genderfluid & bisexual)
Makkari - MCU - Lauren Ridloff (bisexual)
Marc Spector - Comics - Oliver Jackson-Cohen (bisexual)
Matt Murdock - Netflix - Charlie Cox (bisexual)
Namor McKenzie - Comics - Daniel Henney (bisexual)
Natasha Romanoff - Comics - Priyanka Chopra (bisexual)
Peggy Carter - MCU - Candice Patton (bisexual)
Peter Parker - Comics/ITSV - Andrew Garfield (trans man & bisexual)
Reed Richards - Comics - Oscar Isaac (bisexual)
Rogue - Comics/X-Men 1&2 - Lindsey Morgan (pansexual)
Sam Wilson - Comics/MCU (cacw divergent) - Anthony Mackie (bisexual)
Scott Summers - Comics/X-Men 1&2 - Jared Padalecki (bisexual)
Sharon Carter - Comics/MCU (cacw divergent) - Emily VanCamp (bisexual)
Stephen Strange- Comics - Pedro Pascal (bisexual)
Steve Rogers - Comics/MCU (cacw divergent) - Chris Evans (bisexual)
Susan Storm - Comics - Alice Eve (bisexual)
Tony Stark - Comics/MCU (im3 divergent) - Pedro Pascal (bisexual)
Thor Odinson - Comics/MCU (divergent post ragnarok) - Chris Hemsworth (pansexual)
Trish Walker - Netflix - Rachael Taylor (bisexual)
Wade Wilson - Comics/Deadpool 1-2 - Ryan Reynolds (nb & pansexual)
Wanda Maximoff - Comics - Gratiela Brancusi (pansexual) 
Yelena Belova - Comics - Léa Seydoux (lesbian) 
Please comment with who you want. If you're a multimuse, play who with.
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taurustwister · 1 year
ke huy quan - finding o’hana, eeato, abc, loki
jane fonda- moving on, 8b, book club, g&f
dan levy- happiest season
sarah kendall- radio interviews, the other one, taskmaster/coc3, game shows (guessable, rohouse of games, weakest link, wity, spicks & specs, question team), things you should have done, motherland, big zuu's big eats, frayed + bloopers + interviews, comedy shows, beehive (2008)?
ava capri- embattled, blast beat, fletcher's mv, do revenge, love victor, reply, the experience, interviews?
james lance- ted lasso, winx
oona chaplin- interviews, made to love, molotov jukebox's "neon lights" vid, treason, lullaby, anchor and hope
lauren graham- gg, mighty ducks, evan almighty, dinner takes it all, merry friggin christmas, zoey's ep, parenthood
alexis bledel- gg, handmaid's tale
melissa mccarthy- gg, mike & molly
jessica gunning- the outlaws, baby reindeer, interviews, pride, ps: tennison,
lisa ann walter - bitter trailer, the ladies, greys, 911, doubt, psycho st, the more things change clips, jersey, parent trap, ae s2, glow
jenna fischer- mean girls + int, the office, splitting up together
zoe perry- young sheldon
liza weil- the cleaning lady, htgawm, gg + revival, the passenger
natalia tena- i love you stupid, interviews, john wick4, hp, anchor and hope, wolfe, wisdom of the crowd, molotov jukebox vids, 10.000km
kathryn hahn- I love d*ck, happyish, I know this must is true, transparent, tiny beautiful things, mrs fletcher, private life, bad words, the shrink next door, flower, parks and rec
lily rabe- ahs, tell me your secrets, shrinking, fractured, downtown owl, the veil, letters from the big man, redemption trail, golden exits, presumed innocent, the great lillian hall, the tender bar, pawn sacrifice, a midsummer night's dream, the wizard of lies
hamish linklater- tell me your secrets, redemption trail, downtown owl, a midsummer night's dream
vera farmiga- hawkeye, at middleton, higher ground, boundaries,
neve campbell- hot air, pof5, lincoln lawyer
lance barber- young sheldon
charlotte ritchie- ghosts, taskmaster, the other one, wonka, feel good, you
catherine tate - doctor who 2023
david tennant- doctor who 2023
rosie jones- taskmaster
lucia keskin- things you should have done, mandy
diane morgan- frayed, cunk on earth,
sean astin- st
scott patterson- sullivan's crossing, gg, saw
elaine hendrix - parent trap, dynasty
poorna jaganathan- nsie, i'll show you mine, the out-laws
jovan bridges/yvie oddly- interviews
abby elliott- the bear
matty matheson- the bear
sarah paulson- the bears2
angela kinsey- the office, tall girl 1 & 2
amy ryan- the office, omitb, beau is afraid, beautiful boy
gaby hoffmann - finish cmon cmon and transparent
nick offerman- parks & rec
rashida jones- the office, parks & rec, angie tribeca
ellie kemper- the office, bridesmaids, kimmy s, happiness for beginners
kristen bell- the good place, the woman in the house across the street
winona ryder- gone in the night
lily tomlin- grandma, 80b, moving on, g&f
katee sackhoff- christmas sail
rainn wilson- the office, mom, jerry and marge go large
dolly parton- g&f
rakhee thakrar- rules of the game 
craig robinson- the office, killing it
andie mcdowell- maid
rita moreno- 8b, west side story, x fast and furious
sally field- 8b, spoiler alert
janelle james- ae s1 & s2
william stanford davis-  ae s1 & s2
sheryl lee ralph-  ae s1 & s2
tyler james williams-  ae s2
quinta brunson-  ae s2
courteney cox- shining vale
kelly mccormack - sugar daddy, aloto, ginny and georgia
keiko agena- gg, prodigal son
martin short- omitb
steve martin- omitb
mae martin- feel good
meryl streep- omitbs3
cristo fernandez- interviews
nick mohammed- ted lasso, taskmaster
michaela mcmanus- the village*
toni collette- mafia mama, knives out, hereditary*
elizabeth mitchell- sc films*
jodi balfour- ted lasso*
smg- do revenge*
0 notes
When the Desert Blooms
Chapter Twenty-Three
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ok i really need to get this out
i feel as though writers are getting less and less inclusive. now before you come at me let me explain. tonight i was scrolling through, reading a healthy dose of spencer reid x reader and steve rogers x reader when i noticed it.
while many authors put x reader and make no specific description of the reader (ex. latina!reader ; plus sized! reader ;black! reader) they describe the reader in a way that almost ruins the feeling.
adding a physical description in a normal x reader can make people of different gender, race etc. feel as though they are less than.
i am a cisgender female with blonde hair and blue eyes, but i have felt like this before. while others such as poc experience it more, even the slight mention of the reader having brown hair can ruin the illusion of being in the story for me. AND ITS WORSE FOR THOSE MINORITIES!
i understand that the writer might have a vision of the reader and how they fit into the story, but saying the reader has “pale skin” or “blue eyes” can make people who don’t have those physical traits feel as though they are not welcomed to imagine themselves in that story.
x readers are meant to be inclusive. if you do this, make it an oc not an x reader.
writers (including myself) need to think of the ACTUAL readers and not what we think the reader look like.
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psychoticgirl · 4 years
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Yessss look what came in the mail! As soon as Lauren showed me the sketches for her beautiful beautiful artwork, I begged her to let me buy it lol now I can add it to my collection of @led-lite Sifki artwork 🥰
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gray-anxiety · 5 years
Requests, etc!
Alright so I’m officially opening requests and stuff because I’m attempting to try and get back into writing after a few months off, so I’ll list off some fandoms and characters I’ll write (and maybe write, it depends) for owo
This does include headcanons too!
* = maybe because 9/10 I’m probably really rusty with said character
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Assassin’s Creed
Connor Kenway
Shay Cormac
Edward Kenway*
Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier Marquis De Lafayette (he’s in AC3 so you can’t say he’s not apart of the ACU owo)
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Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier Marquis De Lafayette
Thomas Jefferson
John Laurens (in some areas, though all attempts would be horrid)
Alexander Hamilham owo
Phillip Hamilton*
Aaron Burr (MAYBE)
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I know a lot of my followers are from my Marvel fanfics and stuff so I’m gonna give you guys an option too
Loki Laufeyson
Thot (oh I’m sorry I meant Thor ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))*
Peter Parker*
Real Life People
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(That I’ll definitely feel bad writing about)
Daveed Diggs (Daveed I’m so sorry sksks)
Tom Hiddleston* (bit iffy but I’ll try)
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Blindspotting (2018)
Collin Hodgkins :)
Attack on Titan
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Levi Ackerman
Mikasa Ackerman
Eren Jaeger/Yaeger
probably other characters ngl
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mutenized · 6 years
Long time no post
WHEW! This is a post in its making. I’ve missed so many things since 2017??? 2018??? Me? A dead blog? Who knew?
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Anyways! I am back now, I promise.
I’m now in college (woot!) and got my muse back when my English professor whom is a published author said my free writes were some of the best student fiction he ever read.
That being said, I’ll try not to disappoint and I’m going to be spreading the fandom horizons.
Not just Hamilton anymore (yet I’m keeping the user), but also Marvel, celeberties, and some original works that I’ll post drabbles of.
I know some of you may be gone because of the nsfw block that happened a month ago but I’m still here.
Remember, I won’t be posting just here but quotev too!
Goodnight everyone!
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sotheywrotestories · 6 years
5/14 Drabble Night Songs (feel free to reblog)
“Happy” -Pharrell Williams
“Perfect” -Ed Sheeran
“Shape of You” -Ed Sheeran
“Thunder” -Imagine Dragons
“Something Just Like This” -The Chainsmokers 
“Feel It Still” -Portugal. The Man
“Sorry Not Sorry” -Demi Lovato
“Castle on the Hill” -Ed Sheeran
“What About Us” -P!nk
“Just Like Fire” -P!nk
“Here Come The Sun” -The Beatles
“7 Years” -Luke Graham
“CAN’T STOP THE FEELING!” -Justin Timberlake
“Don’t Let Me Down” -The Chainsmokers
“Cheerleader” -OMI
“Renegades” -X Ambassadors 
“Ex’s & Oh’s” -Ells King
“Like I’m Gonna Lose You” -Meghan Trainor
“Firework” -Katy Perry
“Shut Up and Dance” -WALK THE MOON
“Hand Clap” -Fitz and The Tantrums
“House Of Gold” -Twenty One Pilots
“Pompeii” -Bastille
“Havana” -Camila Cabello
“Best Day Of My Life” -American Authors
“Wolves” -Selene Gomez
“River (feat. Ed Sheeran)” -Eminem
“Let Me Go” -Hailee Steinfield
“Don’t Wanna Know” -Marron 5
“Cake By The Ocean” -DNCE
“Treat You Better” -Shawn Mendez
“Stitches” -Shawn Mendez
“Sit Still, Look Pretty” -Daya
“Wild Things” -Alessia Cara
“Please Don’t Go” -Joel Adams
“On My Mind” -Ellie Goulding
“Photograph” -Ed Sheeran
“She Will Be Loves” -Maroon 5
“Hey There Delilah” -Plain White Tees
“This Is What You Came For” -Calvin Harris 
“Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” -Marvin Gaye
“How to Save a Life” -The Fray
“Viva La Vida” -Coldplay
“Every Breath You Take” -The Police
“Jessie’s Girl” -Rick Springfield
“Say Something” -Justin Timberlake
“Just The Way You Are” -Bruno Mars
“Count On Me” -Bruno Mars
“Don’t Stop Believin’“ -Journey
“Hey, Soul Sister” -Train
“I Want You Back” -The Jackson 5
“Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Idea” -Fall Out Boy
“(Fuck A) Silver Lining” -Panic! At The Disco
“Famous Last Words” -My Chemical Romance
“First Burn” -Misc. Artists
“Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)” -My Chemical Romance
“Bulletproof Heart” -My Chemical Romance
“Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea” -Fall Out Boy
“There’s a Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven’t Thought of It Yet” -Panic! At The Disco
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wheredafandomat · 2 years
Dr. Laufeyson
Chapter 10 - The lone diner
Warnings etc: Loki x female reader au where Lokis a therapist, therapy, flashbacks, smut?, swearing, mentions of past trauma later in the fic including abuse both physically and sexually - not explicit detail, 18+. PLEASE tell me if I ever leave anything out x
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Spending the remainder of the day debating with himself whether or not he should go to the restaurant, Loki felt conflicted. He didn’t think it was wrong, he knew it was wrong. Incredibly wrong but the thought of not seeing you for another week felt worse than making a mistake which seeing you tonight definitely would be. He cursed himself for how quickly and easily you had him wrapped around your little finger. He couldn’t understand his quick and growing attraction towards you and it left him irked.
When he first met Darcy, he wasn’t drawn to her in the slightest. His attraction to her was something that grew little with every encounter. He liked the small things, the mundane ones and he craved the companionship. She wasn’t overly enticing or flirtatious, she was simply there. Over time, he fell in love with her but overtime, their lack of compatibility grew more obvious. If she was sweet, he was bitter. Despite this, Loki tried his hardest to keep the relationship going. He was in love and he thought she was too until like they’re lack of compatibility, it became apparent that she wasn’t. If she was, she wouldn’t have left how she did.
Picking up his phone, he called Darcy and told her that she shouldn’t come over tonight. There was a slight shock evident in her simple reply of “oh—okay” and he did feel bad but he pushed that feeling to the back of his mind as he made his way home and got ready for his impromptu bump into you.
Coming out of the shower, Loki wrapped a towel around his waist before making his way towards his closet. Eyes skimming over the contents, he picked up some black dress pants as well as a crisp white Ralph Lauren shirt. After getting dressed, he looked through his selection of watches and added one to the look, completing it with Dior Sauvage. Shoes on, he looked at himself in the mirror near his door one last time, expecting himself. Happy with how he looked, hair tied back in a bun, he flashed himself a toothy grin before leaving.
Arriving at the restaurant a few minutes after 9, he tried spotting you from the outside. He looked over the bar, scanning the people there but there was no sign of you. He wondered whether you had decided to get something to eat or more excitingly, whether you had booked a table for the both of you. He felt himself blush at the thought although it was definitely very improper. Glancing back down at his watch, he thought perhaps he was just too early and you were yet to arrive. With still no sight of you, he decided to enter the restaurant, maybe his eyes were fooling him and clouding you. He knitted his brows, you were still nowhere to be seen. He felt his throat growing tighter at the thought of you not turning up. The world around him continued to move as he stood still, silent, sheepish. Of course you wouldn’t come he mentally sighed. The minuscule part of him that still held hope that you’d arrive decided on getting a table for two.
Heart heavy, Loki kept glancing up at the door whenever someone walked in, his mind conjuring the image of you. He felt doltish for expecting you to come and for yearning for it. You were his patient, nothing more. Never anything more. It was unethical, wrong. In fact he was glad. He was glad you didn’t turn up. Good. It would have put his career at risk anyways. This went exactly how it was supposed to. With a prolonged saddened sigh, he picked up his phone as it rang.
“Hello” he answered, beginning to stand up to try and make a speedy exit from the restaurant completely embarrassed.
“Dr Laufeyson.” You spoke, phone to your ear as you took a deep breath.
“Y/n.” He answered, a strange feeling of relief flooding him at the sound of your voice.
“I need your help.” You spoke, trying to keep your voice even.
Loki swallowed thickly before answering hating the fact that he was already sprinting towards his car.
“What’s happened? Where are you? I’ll come pick you up.” He replied.
“I need you to meet me at the Ostroff Centre.” You sniffled.
“Upper East side, why?” He questioned, entering his car.
“Please Loki, just meet me there.” You implored.
The mention of his name just reassured the idea that you had him wrapped around your little finger. His heart swelled at the mention of it.
“I’ll be there.”
“And bring ID.” You added before disconnecting the call.
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This man is relieved😂
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chixkencxrry · 4 years
Give In
Pairings: Loki x Fem! Reader
Summary: You have been hiding from him for the past six months, determined to not be shackled by his dangerously possessive nature you went through extreme lengths to sever ties with him – including breaking a piece of your soul. But Loki has only ever been determined to get what was owed to him.
Warnings: dub-con, somewhat dark! Loki, oral (f + m), anal, exhibitionist, misuse of magic. Dirty talk.
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You closed your eyes and let your body fall back, legs wrapped around the greasy pole. That fucking idiot, you thought, she wore too much oil. Luckily you didn’t fall and hit anything, gracefully sliding until you unwrapped and stood, dancing for the men in the little dark club.
It wasn’t something you enjoyed – sure, you’d be damned if anyone shamed you for it but sex work was far from the best kind of work you imagined. But you had to eat.
Squatting, you twerked your cheeks eliciting a chorus of ohs from the crowd. You kept the same vacant smile on, trying not to cringe as dirty fingers stuffed bills into the strings of your thong.
This was better than having the last job - he’d almost caught you then. You flinched to think of what he’d do if he ever saw what you were doing for money. But dancing for strangers in dark felt less dehumanizing than being his.
The song ended, and you stood, heels clicking as you strode off the stage into the background. The smile left as you got back into the dressing room. A few girls were inside, counting their tips and fixing themselves to either return onstage or go home. You were looking to do the latter of the three.
Too tired to count your tips, you picked all your money up and stuffed it into your duffel bag. You’d lost all shame of dressing in front of the girls a few months back, taking the pasties and thong off. You’d have to wait until you got home to shower the glitter off. But you were grateful for the wipes you kept around.
While wiping off, you saw one of the girls at the corner of your eye. Lovie.
“Hey Dumbass!” You called, tossing the dirty wipe. “Did you bathe in a goddamn oil bucket? I almost broke my damn hip just now.”
Lovie rolled her blue eyes and popped her gum. “All you had to do was get it cleaned.”
You narrowed your eyes. “Right. And miss out on the big tippers that have to get home to their wives? Real smooth, Lovie.”
“I don’t like what you’re implying Y/N.”
“I don’t give a fu–“
The two women stilled, the older, professional dancer looked at them shamefully. “You know we try not to fuss too much before heading home. Especially with all the murders lately.”
The murders. Right. Maybe that’s why you were so on edge lately - four girls killed in the last three weeks. Young women. Different races. It was so hauntingly familiar. The only thing they had in common was that they were all found at night, the witching hour at three.
You checked the time, and it was just a little after one. Lauren was right and you did not have the time.
Sighing, you turned your back to them and quickly got dressed. A baggy grey hoodie and sweatpants, with a pair of white running shoes. You took the horrible, cheapass, purple wig you’d worn to match the body glitter and eyeshadow and tossed it.
You cleaned your makeup off and dashed the napkin off into the bin. Cleaning it off as best you could, you put on a pair of shades and some chapstick and headed out into the real world.
It was a long ride back to the cabin you were renting, but it was certainly better than staying in the overpriced city. Plus, no security cameras to track you in the old property - no way for him to track you. You kept your face covered as much as you could outside of the walls of the club. Shades, a neck warmer (or hoodie), with your hair, wrapped up. Most of all, you hid your hands. That obnoxious tattoo you’d gotten with alien ink for him couldn’t be hidden by concealer or anything else.
The property was surrounded by powerful spell-work - a gift from Wanda, to keep you out of his reach. It had only one upkeep. A steady supply of your blood. You weren’t sure if the exact date was time, but you were certain it was near. However, you’d been on your feet for hours and you were as physically exhausted as you were mental. Tomorrow it could be fixed – you could rest a little tonight. Secure in your safety.
Parking your car, you set the alarm in case of a fellow mortal finding their way inside. The cabin was simple, modern two-story with lovely wide, high windows. Thank god you didn’t have neighbors, or else they would’ve seen you running around your home at any odd hour.
Before showering, you braided your hair into two fat, French braids, tying it up in a silk scarf before stepping into your shower. Scrubbing your skin with your loofah, and face with a wash rag until you were clean.
The house echoed the unsettling silence of being alone. Once more you thought of his laughter and poetry, how it filled every part of the spaces you used to occupy with him. How he possessed the very air you breathed, how he demanded every bit of your mind, drowning you in his selfishness.
Yet your soul ached for the part of him you carved out like a mad butcher; aches for his name he’d signed himself into you with his spirit.
You screamed into the silent house filling it with your ache, falling to your knees as you cried onto your bathroom floor for no one to hear. You had not felt this in so long – had not felt so weak for him in months.
No since you –
No, no, no.
In a flash of madness, you ran to your kitchen, scrambling the drawers for something to prick your skin with. You could let this happen – you couldn’t let Loki back in again.
Finally, you found a steak knife. Swinging your door open, you knelt on the wet grass and aimed the knife for your palm.
At least, that was the last thing you remembered before you blacked out.
You did not dream, but rather floated. Liquid as you existed, not thinking, not feeling – nothing. Dragging from this, you began to feel the physical first. The softness of your bedsheet. The cool of the ac air on your skin. You became aware of your nakedness before becoming aware of where you were.
With great effort, you opened your eyes to see the lavender ceiling of your room. Furrowing your brows you tried to get up but couldn’t - too weak, too heavy.
Your mouth could not even open, your lips could not part, and your tongue iron. It was unnatural.
It felt like spell-craft.
More specifically; it felt like Loki’s magic. You knew it all too well, even now.
“Hello, my beautiful love.” His voice crooned, but you didn’t see him – eyes still trapped in a gaze with the ceiling. “You’ve changed.”
Yes. You should try it.
“You’ve cut me out of you – not very good for a wife to do.” Voice deceptively calm, you heard the floorboards squeak as he came closer.
He appeared above you, grinning with malice. Loki was as beautiful as he was when he first manifested himself to you. In college, when you were younger and lost – worst of all arrogant, you’d joined a cult. Somewhere to feel home, and that cult had been one for his honor. You’d been devoted because you had no other God to look to or love to imagine in the world. Loki had come to you to aid him in hiding something at the time – and you did, when he returned you fell in love. And then you left that fucking nightmare. His love was a selfish love that consumed and didn’t blossom. His love was a suffocating one.
Had you been able to scream – you would have. “But no worries, I’ve found a way to fix that. Very messy spell work, but you – you have always been worth it.”
He slinked back into the shadows but was not far as you heard him moving about. When he reappeared he was holding a chalice.
“Open.” He commanded, and your legs slid open, to your mortification, causing him to laugh. “Should be more specific. Open your mouth for your husband.”
You did, but magical manipulation.
He poured the black liquid down your throat, though it smelt metallic like blood whilst its inky flavor bittered your tongue. You had no idea what kind of potion it was, its flavor and smell unlike anything else you’d ever encountered.
He said he was going to fix it, you thought over, was he going to fix the break you’d made? The tear? Panic flooded your bloodstream as your y/e/c clouded over. It would take dark, dark magic to amend a soul tear.
Those girls - all those young women were dead now because of Loki’s insane need to claim ownership over you.
No, my love, his voice floating through the repairing bond, they are dead because you’ve shown me disloyalty.
Please, please just let me go, you pleaded, as the pain began. Searing, burning pain as your soul mended from the lives of those dead girls. Rewriting his claim in awful ritual.
“No.” He said out loud. Appearing in your blurred vision, black and green swirling. “You’ll see my way soon. You are young yet, my lovely.”
Tears spilled down your face as you shivered through the paralysis spell. You can have another – there are so many willing, you begged.
“But none are you, Y/N,” he kissed your lips, softly and bit down to draw blood. When he pulled back his lower teeth were red and pink lips tinged crimson. “Sleep.”
Your favorite song played in the kitchen as you sat at the table. Spooning your Cheerios with a trembling hand.
Before you, Loki danced in front of a stove - bacon sizzling. His dark hair was bouncing and looked a little less greasy than usual. He wore attractive loungewear, that appeared comfortable but looked much posher than anything you’d ever seen before.
The spell had worked its course, and your torn soul had mended. Which meant the emotions and connection had come together as well. You rigidly stared back at him – eyes ablaze with fury at it being undone.
But you felt whole in a way you hadn’t since you’d decided to end things.
That bond didn’t mean you couldn’t make things difficult of course.
“I have to go to work sometime.” You reminded, finishing up your cereal. Slurping the milk from the container – this man had seen your asshole, you didn’t care if he saw you slurp milk.
Loki laughed sharply. “Of course you do. You can go back today.”
You licked your teeth, narrowing your eyes at him as he turned off the stove and dished out his breakfast.
“You’re letting me go back to work?”
Loki shrugged. “Why wouldn’t I want my wife gainfully employed?”
You felt a hot rush fill your cheeks. “What the fuck are you playing at?”
Loki simply ate his breakfast, enjoying the way you squirmed. Getting up, you tossed your bowl into the sink and attempted to stalk out of the kitchen. He grabbed your upper arm and gave you a grin. “Where are you going?”
“To bed.”
All teeth, he responded in that attractive tone of his that made your legs weak. “You’re work has just started.”
His magic filled the room and in an instant, you were in an imitation of the club’s private room. Much cleaner, much more silent – there was only one chair, large and plush. And in it sat Loki, holding his breakfast, munching slowly as he gazed at you with starving green eyes.
You trembled from the stage.
“Well, wife,” he started. “Get to work.”
“Fuck you!”
Canines on display, he bit into a piece of crunchy bacon. “You act like you have a choice. You wouldn’t like me to get mad.”
Frightened, for the life of others and yourself you stiffened your back and rolled your shoulders. Loki had magicked an outfit on you, you found yourself gazing in the mirrored walls at your reflection.
An almost invisible thong with a sparkling corset and tassels on your nipples. Your skin glowed with emerald sparkles, matching the black and green of your rich corset. The heels were black, thin, and high – you’d danced in worst.
“What is this?” You whispered, still not looking at him. “Punishment?”
“You thought you’d get away with flaunting my body like some common whore?” He spewed, passionate but yet his body was unmoving - still – as the plate of breakfast food balanced on his knee.
Green eyes roamed over you. “But I forgive you, I forgive you because I love you. Because love is not limited – but love does not exempt you from punishment. You want to be a whore, then you’ll be mine.” He clicked his fingers, and suddenly music started.
Shivering, you started your dance like you usually did, eyes meeting his as you moved your body to the beat. Manipulating your hips to the beat, before squatting low in front of him and showcasing your plumb womanhood. Raising, you turned and bent - bouncing the cheeks of your ass before you began to work the pole.
You pulled yourself up, legs together and stiff as you swung your body around once - then twice, before wrapping a leg around and leaning back. Your hair tumbled down as your neck bent back.
Graceful, as you spun yourself. Once, then slowly raised your other leg – pointed toe.
In those months of perfecting your moves, you never thought it would lead you back to Loki. But all things did in the end, even though it twisted something inside you to be bare with him, it felt good for him to see you like this again.
Armlessly sliding down the pole - your heels clicked on the smooth floor, on your belly you crawled to him. Ass in the air as it moved side to side, cheeks tempting him as you met the edge.
Loki set the food aside and stood, his hips meet the stage and he knelt one knee in it for balance.
“Open your mouth,” he whispered, fingers tracing your face. His pointer finger slipped pass your lips, dampened by your spit, he added a second finger and mimicked fucking with it. After a while, you saw him release his cock from his pants, and without ceremony, he parted your jaw and shoved his cock in.
“How long have you denied me this?” He growled, wrapping your hair around his hand and fisting it tightly. Loki let his cock sit in your mouth, groaning at the feel of it until he finally began moving.
Above you, he moaned at the long-lost sensation. “My dirty fucking whore – how many men have you let sully you since me?”
He grinned, pleased at the nonverbal answer made available by your renewed link. Fucking your mouth slowly with his thick, heavy cock, Loki moved your head to match his need. “I’ve fucked as many women as I could to forget you.”
That hurt. That had really fucking hurt. A possessive part of you hadn’t wanted him with anyone else    
“Killed them all right after – none quite matched up to you, no – you are my perfect cocksucker.” He purred.
Wet sounds filled the make-believe room and Loki used your mouth as he saw fit, slow and steady. “You know what would make this even better?”
You couldn’t answer, mouth full of god cock and thoughts full of lust, you merely hummed as you sucked down on him.
Tightening his grip, he mushed your face against his groin. “Making sure everyone knows your mine.”
You didn’t know what that meant but out of the corner of your eyes, you found the horrifying looks of coworkers and regulars. You tried to scramble from the hold but Loki held an iron grip.
Gone was the slow, steady pace of his previous lovemaking, now he was fucking your mouth. “Dirty whore, you wanted to put on a fucking show – you wanted to work. Well, show them the kind of slut you are; mine.”
He bobbed your head, up and down the length of his dick, sliding it down the hollow, wet cave of your mouth with a patent rhythm.
He kept his motion, fast and hard, tears ruining your mascara. He liked the view of you below him – servicing his cock the way you were meant to. He flexed his cock, and soon without warning, he was coming in your mouth. Slowly, he dragged his cock out painting your lips and chin with his cum. You choked prettily and he waved away the audience once your humiliation was over. Tears and cum on your beautiful face – you would learn your place.
You would learn to love him the way no one else would ever.
Hours after, he still had not let you out of the outfit, though he’d clean you off and dolled you back up again. After breakfast he’d made you follow him about, before deciding to sit you down for a game of checkers - you had not learned to play chess in his absence but he was resigned to teach you it soon. You’d hope to be dead by then.
“Grim thoughts,” he chastised with a click of his tongue. “I’ll have your mind turned back to me like before.”
“I was a twenty-year-old without love,” you muttered, moving your piece forward.
“And you have love now?” Another lover? His mind pushed into yours.
No, you’ve pushed me away from men, you spat at him. “I love myself now. I didn’t before.”
“I love you enough for the both of us.” You have enough love to give me. You’ve always had more than you realized. He told you through the link, voice thick with his magic. 
“To love you is to exhaust me,” You don’t love - you possess, you consume, you argued. 
Loki didn’t respond, mentally or out-loud, merely pushing his piece forward, over yours. Ending your last piece on the board. He’d won - again. 
Frustrated, you tossed the board aside and got up, back to him as you stood at the bar. He laughed before getting up. 
Don’t be a spoilsport. I am superior to you after all.
“Give me a break,” you muttered, retrieving an opened bottle of vodka from behind the dry bar. Grabbing your elbow, he turned you around to face him. So much taller than you, you tried not the mewl at his scent, everything about him conjured a dichotomy of emotions. Hate, love, and discomfort. Loki was imposing but he was there for you more than anyone else in your life had ever been.
It would do you good to remember that.
You narrowed your eyes. You’re so invasive.
Try not to think so loud then. He grinned, lifting you to sit at the bar. You were eye to eye this way; the bare was not as high as it was made for your more average height than his own. 
Swinging back some of the vodka, it went down smooth but as nothing. A side effect of the bond was his fucking tolerance level. Another reason to be pissed at the bond being reconnected. 
“You are an extremely argumentative mortal,” he complained, head dipping to kiss your neck. 
“Find another then.”
He chuckled, nipping your skin with his front teeth. “Don’t be stupid, Y/N.”
His hands rubbed your shoulders and upper arms, before settling on your waist, slowly traveling to your breasts. He massaged then slowly, tugging the tassel which made you hiss. Eventually, he popped them off, bowing his head, he captured a nipple in his mouth. Wet and cool, his tongue swirled around it, before his teeth bit it softly - the act causing a sting of pleasure to shoot straight to your core.
A wandering hand stopped between the space of your crouch and his hips, pulling aside the flimsy crouch of your touch, he touched the freshly shaven dampness of your crouch. Rubbing it before putting work onto your clit. With the combination of his mouth on your breast and finger on your clit, you came quick. No big splashes but a full-body shaking; months since he or anyone else had brought this kind of pleasure to you. 
He moved back, dropping your tit and sucking his finger with lewd beauty. 
Dropping to his knee, he rubbed his nose to your soaked core. Kissing it delicately, he slipped his tongue between the slit, up and down from your swollen clit before slipping his tongue inside. 
The bottle of alcohol dropped as he ate you out, you didn’t even care about the crash and splatter of glass. Closing your eyes, you hummed in pleasure at his ministrations, fingers threading into his black hair as your hips moved against his face to chase your orgasm. 
Just as you were about to come, he pulled back. In a swift motion, he removed you from the bar and pulled you on your side upon the soft couch. Loki pulled his pants down, that angry cock glaring at you before he spat on its tip and rubbed the saliva in, spearing his cock inside your quivering warmth. Sensitive and ready, you whimpered as he proceeded to fuck you. Nothing bigger than your finger had entered you in months, but you felt complete with his thick organ sawing into you.
 “I’ve missed this tight little pussy,” groaned working hips to a tattoo. His hand on your hip squeezed, serving as a balance for him as he fucked you. His eyes stayed on your chest as it bounced from his thrusts.
You tried to grab onto the cushion of the sofa for sort of grip, eyes shut tight as he fucked you raw.
“Take me so good...” he muttered, creating an echoing clapping sound amind the squelching of your moisture taking his battering. Like flesh steel, his smooth length stabbed into your center. 
“Fuck me,” you moaned out, unexpectedly in pleasure.
Loki chuckled at your weakness and sharpened his thrusts, causing you to scream.
A clap on your ass brought caused you to open your eyes as you hollered from the pain, but he didn’t stop - smacking the cheek until a stung. The pain of it coupled with the pleasure of him inside you had you chanting his name. 
Loki. Loki. Loki.
He growled, giving your ass a final sting before exchanging places with his other hand, the idle hand went to your clit and strummed it - eager to send you to completion. “All I had to do to get you to behave was give you some cock? You disobedient little bitch.”
You’re bitch.
That did it, sending you over the edge. You came on his dick, your whole body a liquid nerve of sensitivity afterward. “Fuck, come on your husband’s cock, come on me so I can fuck into you until you cry for mercy.” 
That might be sooner than he realized, he pulled out after you were done - you were it was a sight to see. Quivering, soaking in your juices, and full of greed for more of him. He turned you onto your belly, giving your pussy a harsh slap that made you squirm. He did it again, this time you hollered.
Each one harsher than the other, hitting your abused cilt and swollen lips. “You danced for men and made them think they could own what was mine.” he spat with venom.
“You let other men touch a body that had only ever known my imprint.”
“I think that deserves some punishment - don’t you?”
He bent down to your ear, his oiled finger (When did he have the time to do that? Magic, it was always magic with him.) already at the rim of your asshole. He slid a finger in, the friction causing you to jerk from the hurt of it. He began to stretch it out slowly, what he was about to do made you squirm. “Too late, my wife.”
Loki fucked a second finger in, stretching as he made scissoring motions. “I’ve got to reclaim every inch of you beloved - reclaimed that mouth, I reclaimed that pussy, and now - ” the sound of him spitting was heard and then you felt the intrusion of his thick head into the ring of your tight asshole.
“Squirming makes it worst,” he mocked, not caring any longer for your comfort and just pressing forward into you until his cock sat fully. Tear prickled your eyes at it. 
Too large.
He chuckled, an arm finding its way around your neck as he pressed his chest to your back. Too bad.
Loki fucked into your asshole with all the anger he had to have been holding in. Vicious and selfish, he did not wean you in, fucking your hole for himself - the two of you weren’t having sex. He was. He was using you in the cruelest of ways, without care and affection. “Such a tight little asshole, I’ll stretch out again - fuck, fuck fuck...”
You tried to fit it, yet your body felt pleasure from his rough handling. Your traitorous body still knew him in ways you’d tried to forget. “H-Harder.”
A question came with sinister glee. “What did my little whore say?”
You repeated in a murmur. 
Loki snapped his hips as a painful punishment, using his arm around your shoulder and neck to raise you to your knees - the pleasure increasing painfully as he fucked you in a new position. “Louder.”
“Harder!” you screamed and he delivered, snaking a hand around your waist to rub your clit as he fucked into your ass with a steady pattern. You could feel when he was losing his rhythm, his orgasm approaching. Already raw from all your previous orgasms, you came with a squirt before he came in your anal canal, filling you with his sperm. 
Loki didn’t exit right away, fucking you until he was soft inside your ass. Flaccid and limp, he exited, letting go and letting you fall into the couch, his spunk leaking out in thick, white clumps onto the nice, black velvet. 
Before you, he was hardening again and you felt yourself hunger for him. A quick flash of worry filled you and you asked a question. “You’re never going to leave me alone.”
Tilting his head to the side, his handsomely ruffled hair moving as well, he smirked at you. Stroking his cock to life. “You’re finally catching on.”
“Y/N,” Wanda greeted with a sigh. “We’ve tried contacting you for the past three days - Thor mentioned there may be some activity from Asgard but he isn’t sure.”
Your eyes caught the visible tattoo on your ring finger before you answered. “Everything is fine on my end - I’m very safe, Wanda.”
“Will you call me again? Tonight?” You smiled at her worry before responding.
“Of course I will,” the two of you talked a bit more before the conversation came to a natural close - Wanda was a good friend, so it made you feel bad for lying. 
“Who was that?”
You turned, tying your robe loosely - you’d run from the shower to answer the phone. “Wanda. I haven’t been in contact for a while and she was worried.”
Loki nodded, planting a kiss on your lips as he undid the string of your robe. His hands finding home in the shape of your body while the kiss deepened. 
“I told her there wasn’t to nothing to worry about,” you told him, giggling into his mouth. Loki planted his hands on your ass, lifting you. He walked you to your shared bed and laid you down, with the robe open he kissed the inner of your knee, your thighs before finally reaching your pussy.
Yes, you thought as he ate you like starved man, there was nothing to worry about.
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bitchboyburnout · 2 years
Reminder that this is an 18+ account with 18+ stories and if you are under the age of 18 you are NOT allowed to read these stories or request one. Even if the content is not inherently n.sfw I do not want you reading my material.
I mostly write for ships but if there is a specific fandom you just want little relationship snippits for that I have listed, thats fine!
In your request please just mention
1. The ship/character you want a snippet or story about
2. Any themes or storylines you want me to apply to the story
3. Any details you would like me to add
4. Anything you want me to 100% leave out/triggers to avoid
note that I am not a strong writer for straight anything.. and gxg is also not my expertise! I will try my absolute best but I am just a small gay man,, do not hold me to any high standard
Here are the fandoms and ships for those fandoms that you can request a one-shot about:
Ryan x Shane (Shyan)
(respectfully you should understand that this is obviously in no way an attack on sara or marielle, but just a ship that mostly is based on the fake internet personas of Ryan and Shane. this should never be forwarded to them in the same way you probably shouldn’t send stuff to other celebrities. thank you)
Good Omens:
Crowley x Aziraphale
Hawaii 5-0:
Danny x Steve
Hawkeye x BJ
Castiel x Dean
Gabriel x Sam
TURN: Washington’s Spies
Benjamin x Caleb
Benjamin x Abraham
Loki x Mobius
Sam x Bucky
Bucky x Steve
Eddie x Venom (yes, okay fuck u)
The Witcher:
Geralt x Jaskier
The Maze Runner:
Thomas x Newt
BBC Merlin:
Merlin x Arthur
Night at the Museum:
Jedediah x Octavius
Mcgee x DiNozzo
Criminal Minds:
Spencer x Derek
Hotch x Spencer
Jack x Ianto
Whizzer x Marvin
Lafayette x Mulligan
Hamilton x Laurens
Hamilton x Lafayette
Dear Evan Hansen:
Connor x Evan
Evan x Jared
Jared x Connor
Evan x Jared x Connor
Crutchie x Jack
Percy Jackson:
Nico x Will
Red, White, and Royal Blue
Henry x Alex
Doctor Who
Umbrella Academy
New Girl
Sex Education
BBC Sherlock
American Horror Story
The Walking Dead
Harry Potter (f*ck jk rowling <3)
In the Heights
How to Train Your Dragon
The Good Place
Spiderman (Andrew and Tobey)
Legally Blonde (Muscial)
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harrietbarnesblog · 3 years
Lust or love
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Pairing: Richard madden x reader
Warning: swearing
Series masterlist
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Add yourself to the taglist if you want
Chapter-6: don't fall in love with me
You sat upright in your bed and stretched your body, not caring about your naked body. You looked at the handsome man beside you, a small smile crept on your face. You got off the bed to put on some clothes.
“Come back to bed, darling.” Richard whined, his eyes still closed.
“I wish I could but I have a kid to take care of.” you chuckled, opening your bathroom door.
“What time is it?”
“It's 7am go back to sleep.”
“Only if you come to bed.”
“That's not gonna happen.” you said putting some toothpaste on your brush.
He got off the bed picking the clothes and putting it on except for his t-shirt which is in the living room.
He leaned against the door. He looked at you the way Loki looks at the Tesseract.
“What?” you asked
“Nothing.” he smiled.
You bent down to open the cabinet and take a new brush for him. You threw him the brush which he caught.
“Now that you are awake, brush your fucking teeth.”
You both brushed your teeth together. Smiling lightly at each other whenever you both make eye contact in the mirror.
“Do you… can we talk about last night?” he asked out of nowhere.
“Not really but we have to talk about it at some point. So let's do it now.”
“Like I said before, I'm not ready for any commitments.” you said. “ maybe… never mind, thats a stupid idea.”
“No, tell me about that idea. I wanna hear it.”
“Maybe we could try… you know friends with benefits.”
He thought for a moment and said, “okay.”
“Just don't fall in love with me.” you joked.
“I will try my best, darling.” he joked back.
“And one more thing. Let this thing be a secret.”
Everyone was still asleep. Richard put on the t-shirt as soon as you both got out of your bedroom.
You woke your son up. If he keeps on sleeping he would not sleep at night. You handed him to Richard while you made breakfast for him.
You made soft cooked pear and peach puree.
Richard helped you feed him. Richard was so good with kids.
Everyone woke up around 8 am. You made them oatmeal because you only had ingredients for it.
“Thank you so much for letting us stay here, y/n” Kit, Gemma, Lauren, Barry said. Richard stayed to help you clean the house.
“It's been a while since I saw your mom. How is she? She used to come around while filming GOT.” Richard asked you.
“If you're free in the afternoon, will you come with me somewhere?” you asked him.
“Yes, where?”
“Soon you'll know.”
“I just hope you don't take me to some shady place and kill me.”
“Shit that's exactly what I was planning to do.”
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When the Desert Blooms
Chapter Twenty-Two
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