Explore tagged Tumblr posts
denisastefanescu · 7 years ago
Long time no tumblr!! Anybody here? xx
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mariorodwald · 6 years ago
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Downtown BCN 🌱 Celebrating my sisters Masters degree in Marketing & Sales! Off for the big party now! #master #butfirstsurfing #bcn #logtime (at Platja de la Barceloneta) https://www.instagram.com/p/BysSQtcI9sj/?igshid=89kmkkgxc9s5
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commandtrek · 5 years ago
Hi! I came to ask a question about the Trek community on here, and I’m asking a few different people. Just how active is the Trek community, by what you see? Is there new content being made every day? Is it big for just a few versions, like TNG and the new movies? I would like your thoughts please, if you wouldn’t mind!
Hello there!
For being a 50+ year old fandom, it's remarkably active. I see new authors writing their first ST fanfics every day, as well as authors who have been writing for the fandom for decades. New edits and gifsets are always being posted and reblogged. The new movies, Picard, and Discovery have certainly helped bring in new fans and get logtime fans excited about the fandom again. I would say TOS, AOS, and TNG probably have the most content, but I see a lot from other series as well- you can pretty much find whatever you're looking for. I hope that helps answer your question!
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lil-chpok · 6 years ago
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Организация времени
Доброго времени суток, тамблер 💞
Меня долго не было, поэтому в ближайшие дни я начну выкладывать обещанные посты.
Сегодня я в общих чертах расскажу, как планирую своё время, какие приложения использую для этого и оставлю пару советов.
Ведение ежедневника/планера
Да, это первое, о чём хотелось бы поговорить. Я пользуюсь, как бумажной, так и электронной версиями планеров. И первое приложение, которое я использую это Trello. Удобно, просто, ничего лишнего. Ваша основная задача выносится на доску, и разбивается на карточки. Есть возможность создавать чек-листы, прикреплять файлы Google диска и Dropbox, ставить задачи себе и партнёрам (командные задачи). Именно такое оформление помогает мне сконцентрироваться на решиние поставленной мною задачи. Доступно и для ios, и для android, так же можно работать с Trello на компе.
Есть подобный сервис LogTime. Отличие заключается в том, что здесь ты платишь символическую сумму (200р/мес), в качестве стимула.
Фокус на задаче
С этим мне помогает таймер работы Forest.
"Если Вы хотите сосредоточиться на том, что важнее для Вас на данный момент в реальной жизни и не хотите отвлекаться на использование телефона, посадите дерево. Однако, если Вы всё же не удержитесь и начнёте пользоваться телефоном, дерево погибнет.Чувство ответственности и желание открывать всё больше достижений позволят Вам сосредоточиться на том, что для Вас действительно важно! Прекратите постоянно сидеть в телефоне, и Вы увидите, как много всего Вы можете сделать!", - говорят разработчики.
Примеры ведения бумажных планеров ты можешь найти в Pinterest при запросах "планер", "ежедневник" и тд.
Или посмотреть, как делают это другие, например в инстаграме. Лично я обожаю планеры этих людей:
Journal. It
Небольшие советы по составлению планов
Если в голове каша, пишите все, что сидит в вашей голове, и не даёт покоя. После ещё раз взгляните на список и распределите задаче по степени важности.
Проведи сортировку дел на неделю. Отметь, например, звёздочкой то, что нужно сделать сегодня, кружочком - дела на неделю (или на три дня), стрелочкой дела без сроков (либо те, что уже сделаны). И помни: отсекай всё, что можно отсечь.
Если задача очень большая, или незнакомая, разбей её на два списка. В первом напиши свои задачи, во втором список вопросов, которые могут появиться: как? каким образом?где? И тп. В первом списке так же не забудь обозначить сроки и промежуточные результаты.
Если совсем нет сил что-то делать, либо очень лень, составь список дел на "ленивый день", которые делаются быстро и легко.
Спасибо, что прочитал до конца 🙏
Надеюсь, что была полезной,
Твоя Женя
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davasmedia · 2 years ago
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pinerhz · 2 years ago
Gpodder freenas jail mounted storage to cifs
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#Gpodder freenas jail mounted storage to cifs how to#
#Gpodder freenas jail mounted storage to cifs update#
#Gpodder freenas jail mounted storage to cifs update#
Please update the following two variables within the script with your email address, and the location of your shares ( if mounted somewhere different than /mnt ): You need to save the script `scanav.sh ` within the jail- you can either store this directly within the Jail, or have it accessible via a Dataset which you have shared using Add Storage. This first script updates the Anti-Virus definitions database, performs a scan of the relevant shares and then prepares a log file for emailing, finally it removes any redundant log files. To make the job easy, I have created two shell scripts which you need to save on your FreeNAS server. # Enable ClamAV clamd clamav_clamd_enable = "YES"Ĭlamav-clamd # service clamav-clamd start LogTime yes # Log additional information about the infected file, such as its # size and hash, together with the virus name. This site uses Just the Docs, a documentation theme for Jekyll. Suricata installation and configuration.Stratum 1 NTP Server using Raspberry Pi.OpenSSL Certificate Authority on Ubuntu Server.Installing Kali on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B.Installation and configuration of Home Assistant.
#Gpodder freenas jail mounted storage to cifs how to#
How to install Tautulli server in a FreeNAS iocage jail.
How to install Sonarr in a FreeNAS iocage jail.
How to configure SSH to act as an SFTP server in an iocage jail on FreeNAS.
How to configure Samba in an iocage jail on FreeNAS.
How to install Radarr in a FreeNAS iocage jail.
How to install Plex in a FreeNAS iocage jail.
How to install OpenVPN server in a FreeNAS iocage jail.
How to install Mylar3 in a FreeNAS iocage jail.
How to install MineOS in a FreeNAS iocage jail.
How to install Lidarr in a FreeNAS iocage jail.
How to install LazyLibrarian in a FreeNAS iocage jail.
How to install Jackett in a FreeNAS iocage jail.
How to install the Elastic Stack in a FreeNAS iocage jail.
How to install Deluge in a FreeNAS iocage jail.
How to install ClamAV in a FreeNAS iocage jail.
How to install BookStack in a FreeNAS iocage jail.
How to install AirDC++ in a FreeNAS iocage jail.
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defness · 3 years ago
logtime no see
Who are you :0? Do I know you?
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sandeep2363 · 3 years ago
Analyze time of expdp datapump by METRICS=Y and LOGTIME=ALL parameters
Analyze time of expdp datapump by METRICS=Y and LOGTIME=ALL parameters
Check which part taking time in EXPDP by Metrics=y and logtime=y parameters Metrics will give the number of times(seconds) spent on each part separate timing in the log file of expdp datapump. By adding a statement like “Completed 10 TABLE_STATISTICS objects in 0 seconds�� C:\WINDOWS\system32>expdp hr@pdb1 directory=dbbackup dumpfile=hr.dmp logfile=hr.log metrics=y reuse_dumpfiles=y Export:…
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logtime · 3 years ago
pinned post
call me logtime or just log
He/Him ; ftm trans ; queer
ADHD ; depression ; anxiety ; eating problems
this is my vent space since one of my irls knows my other vent blog. please, don’t report, just block and move on, thanks.
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marriedwiki95 · 4 years ago
Popular American TikTok star Nicole May Palmiotto is engaged to her logtime boyfriend turned fiance. The talented dnacer has a net worth of $100,000.
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jimhensonreject · 4 years ago
What's the word for the brass and wood, old Timey steel and steam and wheels, idealistic factory meets logtime cabin aesthetic of the most creative and fun Christmas media? Klauspunk? I want every machine I own to be, conceivably, secretly an elaborate hot cocoa dispenser
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A cozy Star Wars holiday scene by Ralph McQuarrie for the 1980 Christmas card from Lucasfilm.
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wielinde · 5 years ago
RT @openproject: The most searched OpenProject #projectmanagement feature is #timetracking. Log your time in 15 seconds. https://t.co/DhLusBIO4h #opensource #logtime #wfh #remotework #workfromhome https://t.co/AIJ7BhrfkL
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sarbas911-blog · 5 years ago
Complete field list of SAP table EDIDS - Status Record (IDoc)
Complete field list of SAP table EDIDS – Status Record (IDoc)
Complete field list of SAP table EDIDS – Status Record (IDoc)
#1 MANDT – Client
#2 DOCNUM – IDoc number
#3 LOGDAT – Date of status information
#4 LOGTIM – Time of status information
#5 COUNTR – IDoc status counter
#6 CREDAT – Date status record was created
#7 CRETIM – Time status record was created
#8 STATUS – Status of IDoc
#9 UNAME – User Name
#10 REPID – Program Name
#11 ROUTID – Name of…
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ndeol18-blog · 7 years ago
Swipe PlayerData Testing Script
using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Serialization; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using System.IO;
public class LogEvent { public string message; public float logTime; public float endTime; public bool disPlayOnScreen; public bool isActive = true; public Vector3 playerPosition;
public LogEvent(string str, float log, float end, bool display, Vector3 pos) { this.message = str; this.logTime = log; this.endTime = end; this.disPlayOnScreen = display; this.playerPosition = pos; }
public class PlayerData : MonoBehaviour { [System.Serializable] public class SessionData { [System.Serializable] public struct PlayAction { public float ActionTime; public float PosX; public float PosY; public float PosZ; public string ActionMessage; }
public List<PlayAction> playerActions = new List<PlayAction>(); }
public SessionData userData = new SessionData(); public List<LogEvent> logEvents = new List<LogEvent>(); public GameObject player;
private string lastLogMessage = ""; private static PlayerData instance; private int sessionCount = 0;
public void Start() {        GetPlayer();        if (instance) { DestroyImmediate(instance); return; } instance = this;
       LogEvent("Player Start");        //use to replace the session data every time the game is played        PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey("Session");
if(PlayerPrefs.HasKey("Session")) { sessionCount = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Session"); }
public void GetPlayer() { player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); }
public void OnApplicationQuit() { SavePlayerSessionData(false); }
public void SavePlayerSessionData(bool displayDataPath) { sessionCount++; PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Session", sessionCount);
userData.playerActions = new List<SessionData.PlayAction>();
foreach(LogEvent e in logEvents) { SessionData.PlayAction action = new SessionData.PlayAction(); action.ActionTime = e.logTime; action.PosX = e.playerPosition.x; action.PosY = e.playerPosition.y; action.PosZ = e.playerPosition.z; action.ActionMessage = e.message;
userData.playerActions.Add(action); }        // Debug.Log("SavePlayerSessionData " + userData.playerActions.Count);        string dataName = "/playerSession_" + sessionCount + ".xml";       string path = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);     //   String[] arguments = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();     //   Console.WriteLine("GetCommandLineArgs: {0}", String.Join(", ", arguments));        XmlSerializer Serializer = new XmlSerializer (typeof(SessionData));        //Application.persistentDataPath        FileStream Stream = new FileStream (path + dataName, FileMode.Create); Serializer.Serialize (Stream, userData); Stream.Close ();
// Debug.Log(path + dataName); }
public void LogEvent(string mess) { bool display = true; if(mess == lastLogMessage) { display = false; } if(player != null) { logEvents.Add(new LogEvent(mess, Time.time, 20.0f, display, player.gameObject.transform.position)); }
lastLogMessage = mess;        // Debug.Log("LogEvent " + mess + " " + logEvents.Count);    }
public void LogEvent(string mess, bool display) { if (player != null) { logEvents.Add(new LogEvent(mess, Time.time, 20.0f, display, player.gameObject.transform.position)); } }
public static PlayerData Instance { get{ return instance; } } }
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sandeep2363 · 6 years ago
Datapump expdp impdp new feature Oracle 12c
Datapump expdp impdp new feature Oracle 12c
Datapump expdp impdp new feature Oracle 12c
Datapump is used to take logical backup of the database.Datapump is Server based job, it created output on Server pointing to the Directory object of Oracle. Oracle 12c added new feature in datapump. Here are some the list of new features present in 12c.
Following are the new feature list added in Oracle 12c
1. Nologging option during the IMPDP job When…
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lodhiya · 10 years ago
My Journey–From Developer To Entrepreneur–Day 2 of 100
My Journey–From Developer To Entrepreneur–Day 2 of 100
Here’s some quick notes from yesterday and today.
After picking Krisha and spend around 1 hour on training I have received a sad news and it was shocking for me, obviously it changed my all priorities as well. I was managing to come out of it quickly, but need to help Priti for shopping and arranging a BBQ the next day. So all my planned sink. Although sometimes we have to step back from…
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