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blackpointgame · 11 months ago
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therj · 3 years ago
con un manejo de pelota tremendo para su tamao
The connection between Derrick Rose and Michael Jordan doesn't look so meaningful when one Bulls mini melissa picole vidro jersey features a Papa John's logo. He also claims that there is racial discrimination in baseball's promotion and post season assignment policies. Hernandez claims that, despite being rated highly in evaluations, he has been passed over to work the World Series. Unas nike hypervenom all black cualidades físicas y atléticas de otro planeta pero mucho trabajo por delante. Le veo más hecho a dia de hoy a Randle, su gran rival por camara sony cybershot dsc w810 el numero uno. Un cuatro de lo más versátil, con un manejo de pelota tremendo para su tamao. Es que no os suena la región de Tracia en la peninsula de los balcanes? Lo de Israel es porque los países árabes (y algunos africanos) se negaron a jugar competiciones de club y de selección con un equipo judío y amenazaron con dejar de participar. Para evitar males mayores se decidió incluir a Israel en competiciones de club y de selección europeas. Lo que han dicho 27 25 Sí, eso es verdad, pero el hecho de que un poquito de Turquía esté en Europa no quita para que la inmensa mayoría siga estando en Asia. It was a good step for the Heat, who are trying to catch Indiana for the top record in the Eastern Conference.''You can see the resolve,'' Wade said. ''You can see the chemistry. You can see a team that's gearing up for the second half of the season.''Kevin Durant scored 28 points for Oklahoma City, which lost at home for the first time since pantofi sport tip soseta dama Jan. Estoy cansado ya de ése discurso sensacionalista. Si valen de verdad, se abren paso entre los hombres, he incluso les baten. Como diadora focicipő Ana Carrasco, la chica de 17 aos que corre en motos en 125. B A R A J A S P A C H E C O J O S E R A M O nike jean jacketN 2 1 . B A R B A M E L E N D E Z J O S E D E J E S U S 2 2 . B A R R A Z A C A R R I L L O M I R L E T Y U L I A N N A 2 3 . Change avert are doing and your own will amend. Success can be learned. What ever you put your mind to achievable learn. El idioma es lo que más les cuesta. En sus equipos hay traductores, pero cuando faltan se dan situaciones surrealistas. "Tuve que dirigir un entrenamiento por gestos. Finalmente, los jugadores han decidido disolver el sindicato. Billy Hunter y Derek Fisher han decidido dejar de ser los representantes de los jugadores por lo que se inicia la disolución y los jugadores de manera individual tomarán acciones legales antimonopolio y la NBA. Esta es la vía más rápida de disolución y una manera de presionar a los propietarios con dureza. s e e s e l g r a n r e t o , é s e e s e l g r a n d e s a f í o " , d i j o . A d v i r t i ó q u e e s a j u s t i c i a
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o . Darko Milicic's rather violent history. He may have only played less than half a game, on average, in a career that has seen him sit nearly half the games his five different NBA teams have appeared in, along with a sporadic international career in the offseason, but we've never seen anyone rip a jersey off in frustration on their way to the bench after being lifted from a game. And we've never heard a NSF Serbian W outburst like this.. El jugador franquicia de los Nets no pudo ocultar su alegría por la posible llegada de Dwight Howard a New Jersey. El base confirmó que habla a menudo con el jugador de Orlando y sonrío al contemplar la posibilidad de su fichaje: "No sé si hablar con él puede ser motivo de multa, pero somos amigos y si quiero hablar con él le voy a llamar, porque tenemos buena relación". 15Nets con Deron Williams, Brook Lopez, Howard. Did we just witness how Conor McGregor beats Mayweather?We saw Manny Pacquiao age in the ring Saturday night. We saw the legs lose their mobility as a younger, more aggressive opponent air max 90 ultra se roughed him up with head butts and headlocks. And when the decision was announced, the world was shocked as the underdog had his hand raised in victory. Siempre os creeis que los que más trabajan son los que están más abajo. Pero realmente la mayoría estais en esa situación porque no habeis tenido ganas de estudiar o hacer algo mejor, que no se trata de tener dinero y pagarse unos estudios. Muchos nos hemos apretado el cinturón y/o trabajado answear sandale copii de muchas cosas para estudiar o para labrarnos un furuto. Con Pierce en cancha podíamos haber ganado, ya que sin él perdimos de 9. Además, aunque en el 4 nos apalizaron, en los 3 primeros matchs de la regular les ganamos y bien, y fue por nivel e intensidad de juego, no por hablar de la madre de nadie. Boston lo que tiene que hacer es jugar. Pudieron reconstruir en 2014 y haber tenido posibilidades de tener un equipo aspirante. Pero también podría haberles salido mal, que el equipo no funcionara, que Kobe se largara, y que el contrato televisivo no hubiera sido tan bueno debido a la marcha de su jugador franquicia. Decidieron asegurarse de que Kobe se retiraría en Lakers, amarrar la pasta del contrato televisivo, y dejar la reconstrucción para 2016. Retirado como jugador, Pellegrini, que siempre se imagin a s mismo trabajando como ingeniero (lleg a colaborar en la reconstrucci de varios edificios destruidos por el terremoto que sacudi Chile en 1985), se dej seducir por Fernando Riera, su entrenador en U para probar suerte en los banquillos. Su debut no fue demasiado prometedor: asumi el cargo de entrenador en la Universidad de Chile, y a mitad de temporada, se fue unas semanas a Europa para asistir a un curso de entrenadores: el equipo acabar sufriendo el descenso de su historia (1988 89), una espina que a sigue clavada en el curriculum de Pellegrini. En Chile a se le recuerda esa deuda, magnificada porque Colo Colo, el otro gran rival de U nunca ha bajado a Segunda.
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superfamigos · 8 years ago
los juegos de 2016 de oli
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My inaugural post on el Super Famigos punto com! Cool beans! :D
So here's my 2016 games list. These are the games I liked most in 2016. In lieu of ranking, I'll list them in alphabetical order. I'll also add some honorable mentions, since I did enjoy them and don't want them to be left out. ;)
The List
Breath of Fire III
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(heartthrob credit: BoF wikia)
Fitting that the first on my list would be a SuperFamigos classic!
I picked up Bofee ("Breath of Fire III" -> "BoF III" -> "BoF3" -> "Bofee") after some prodding from my friend Chris. I’ve wanted it for a while, and even played it once, but… I don't have as much patience for JRPGs as I used to, even ones as good as Bofee or Chrono Cross. This time, though, ♪ I had a little help from my friends ♫.
Since SuperFamigos was just starting up, I downloaded OBS and gave streaming Bofee a whirl. And sure enough, broadcasting and interacting with friends via chat is way better than grinding alone. Chris shared all his expert secrets, and I flew through the slogs that stopped me before. And we spawned a whole slew of inside jokes too (oh man Teepo's flowing locks *o*). I haven't played/streamed much recently, due to a combination of old hardware and busy schedules, but with luck I can fire it back up in 2017.
As for the game itself: it's great! Top notch pixel art, animations, and music. Story's a bit slow, though Chris assures me it gets better. Definitely more fun with friends. ...smells burnt
rating: "9/molotov"
Chrono Cross
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(stunning opassa credit: Chrono wikia)
Frickin' Chrono Cross! What a sweet game. Beautiful scenery, amazing music, and a genuinely enthralling and mysterious story. I'm still not fully sure what's going on! The battle system can be intense too: trying to fend off the Fire Dragon with only two Revives? Are you kidding me??
I must confess, I got Chrono Cross three Christmases ago. The game has a couple of the same JRPG issues that Bofee has. So my tactic is to whittle away at it, every once in a while. And it's a bit like turning down the lights and sitting back and listening to Kind of Blue on vinyl; you come away feeling well fed.
So why is Chrono Cross on my games of 2016 list? Partly because the OSSC got me hyped to play it on my new HDTV (it was disgusting before) (and it handles the 240p <-> 480i switch quite well), partly because Chris again got me through some tough parts (he’s a boss, seriously), and partly because it's an awesome game and it won't come off my "games of <year>" list until it's beaten. So there.
rating: "poshul4mayor"
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I finally beat Downwell (normal mode) and unlocked all the palettes in 2016. Even then, I haven't stopped playing.
Downwell is the one mobile game I actually enjoy. For all the critically acclaimed mobile games I own, none have kept my attention like console and handheld games do. Except Downwell.
The mobile qualifier is important. Often I was chilling in a café, or waiting in line for a sandwich, or unable to sleep on a redeye flight, or trapped on a god-forsaken Snowpiercer Amtrak to Portland that was 6 hours behind schedule because snow somehow broke the signals and freight trains rule the rails and "we can't tell you if it'll be 30 minutes or 3 hours"
…Anyway. Downwell kept me sane in 2016. I don't even mind the touch controls.*
By the way, here's my fav strat: Floaty. Attract gems + popping gems + gem recharge. Laser if possible, or machine gun / burst / puncher. Combo as much as possible, but only to 25 each.
rating: "10/10/10"
Open Source Scan Converter
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(razor sharp credit: Rex Warden)
I know, I know, it's not a game. But it counts as one, because it gave my PS1 a new lease on life.
And what a lease it is! I kid you not, I had serious goosebumps whenever I first fired up wipE'out" XL with this puppy. It was beautiful. I noticed background textures I had never noticed before. Colors popped, not bled. I could read the menu text in wip3out! And no noticeable lag! Game after game, I was amazed at the difference. A major reason these old PS1 games are on my list is the OSSC.
Granted, YMMV; the results aren't nearly as drastic on other TVs I tried. But on mine… There's no going back.
rating: "I could cut my veggies with that PS logo"
Pokémon Sun
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Pokkén Tournament
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(sassy credit: chipsprites)
Taking a step back for a sec.
Moving to Seattle was hard. It’s still hard. I live by myself, it's my first time working out of college, and sometimes even cooking food is a chore. My life has certainly gotten better now, but those first few months were…hard.
Pokkén was what I played when I wasn't at work. It's a great game, with bumpin' music and satisfying mechanics that I could really get into. But more than that, it was a game that helped me get through a rough time. For that reason alone, I would definitely recommend.
rating: "Weavile's playmate? HECK YES"
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(manual or automatic credit: Syfy Games)
"But Oli, Splatoon came out in—"
Whoa there. Listen up. If you haven't already guessed, this is MY list o' 2016. It doesn't matter when such-and-such game came out. If I played it in 2016, it counts.
…but you do have a point. I didn't get Splatoon until Christmas 2015, which led to me missing a good amount of the summer unveils and hype and such. And online games stress me out, so I had the most fun when I stuck to my niche: off in the corner with my paintbrush, flinging paint errywhere, firin' off torpedoes to the other side, occasionally ninja-ing peeps.
In any case, still played it enough and had fun enough to include it! Very refreshing to see some color and friendly competition in a shooter. Good music and 1P campaign too. I even picked up my first pair of Vans Slip-ons because of this game. Fashion help 10/10.
Splatoon is also one of the Famigos' go-to online games! Several times we'd host a private match and not even battle, but just hang out on the stage, swim around, go explore, etc. Kinda like what we do in real life…except as squid kids.
rating: "18/12 overture"
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(let’s be friends credit: infoxicated via wipeoutzone)
Until I got the OSSC, this game was literally unplayable on my new HDTV.
Okay, not literally. Seriously though, wip3out** has some of the most succulent graphic design in the industry, and that stinkin' yellow composite cable rendes it muddy, meh, and unreadable. Yuck. wip3out was the second game I tested with the OSSC, and it's easily the best demonstration of the power of upscaling.
But enough about that. wipE'out" (the series) is the beez kneez. What's not to like? Cream-of-the-crop electronic soundtrack, mouthwatering tDR design, spicy-smooth tracks, and rich chocolatey weaponry. That feeling when you tear down the track, barely grazing the wall as you unleash a Quake Disruptor…
wip3out makes my list this year, not just because of the OSSC, not just because it's a filet mignon of a game, but because I freakin' beat Venom Tournament mode for the first time. Even with unfair AI in Sampa Run! ( *`∇ ´ ) And I plan to keep playing for a long time.
Interestingly, although XL/2097 and 3 have very different physics and handling, I can maneuver them both just fine…as long as I don't play them both in the same night. I get so used to one game, that I can't immediately swap discs and play the other without crashing into everything.
rating: "Excuse me, I think I need to return this steak, it's too delicious"
Honorable Mentions
Digimon World 3 I inherited this from a neighbor. Popped it in to admire the pixel art with the OSSC. The battle system is confusing, the FMVs are loltastic, but it has some surprisingly good music.
Hyper Light Drifter I really want to like this game more.
I love the music. And the art and atmosphere seriously gave me chills. Absolutely beautiful. But I just couldn't get into the combat: too visceral. I felt...almost dirty playing it. I understand that's kind of the point, but…
Maybe with time I'll get into it.
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime Had a ball playing this at a work game night. Don't have many others to play with though.
Nuclear Throne Lol both Sam and I got the Humble Indie Bundle this year, so we both played lots of Nuclear Throne. Fun (3D glasses Eyes is my man), but a bit too stressful/addictive for me. Had to stop playing for my health.
Pokémon Black 2 I grabbed Black 2 as a birthday gift for myself (I did the same for White in 2015), and to tide me over until Pokémon Sun. To try and mix it up this time around, I played with only three Pokémon for the entirety of my run: an Ice Punch Weavile (bred in White), a Dewott, and a Growlithe. I only caught maybe another five. In the end, though, I didn't level enough and I ground to a halt at the seventh gym.
I think one of the many, many reasons I loved Pokémon Sun was that I dived in headfirst, catching Pokémon, playing minigames, getting invested. Guess I didn't do that as much with Black 2. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
That being said, Black 2 definitely has its moments. There's schweet music, and I still, still prefer the animated sprites to 3D models. (Some of the new Pokémon's models are great, but some are horrible.) Super satisfying to wreck newbs with a Ice Punch to the face. Just sadly overshadowed by Sun.***
Pokémon Emerald Lots of Pokémon on this list, huh? ;)
Got this along with a Game Boy Micro from my friend Cole. Similar with Black 2, I only used a party of four. Again, the music is top notch, and some great battle animations. Unfortunately petered out at Ever Grande City when I stopped taking the bus to/from work (my main time to play).
River City Ransom Lolololololol
Seriously, so silly and fun. Didn't play it much though (maybe an hour when Sam was in town).
* That much. ** Yes, I'm going to do this for the whole article. I don't care. tDR 4 LYFE *** See what I did there?!? ;)
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blackpointgame · 3 years ago
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blackpointgame · 4 years ago
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#logo black point game juego http://aabon35.blogspot.com http://arubio28814.blogspot.com
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blackpointgame · 6 years ago
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