izzyfandoms · 4 years
Rosleeplogical - Midnight
This is one of many, many ficlets I am posting on Christmas day. Hope you enjoy!
GENERAL TAGLIST: @quillfics42 @aj-draws @phantomofthesanderssides @phlying-squirrel @sly-is-my-name-loving-is-my-game @because-were-fam-ily @imtryingthisout @a-creepycookie @emo-disaster @littlestr @spooky-scary-virgil @fuyel @mimsidoodles @soupgremlin @aroaceagenderfluid @birdsbookshiddeninrealbirdsskin @quirkalurk @gingers-trashy-stuff @iinyxtello @justaqueercactus @melodiread @mrbubbajones @glassferns @pun-master-logan @gayturtlez @k1ngtok1 @yourneighborhooddisaster @alexxander-the-gay @full-of-roman-angst-trash
Logan was at his most cuddly when it was late into the night. Part of that was because of how tired he was, and the rest of it was because, at night, it was only him and his boyfriends left alone in their home.
He could snuggle with them, kiss them and melt when they kissed back, and say all sorts of things that he would be anxious to say during the day.
When it turned midnight on Christmas eve, the three of them were watching a Christmas movie that Roman had chosen. He was, of course, criticising it mercilessly, as he always did with the movies that he loved.
And, of course, Logan was half-asleep between them. He was partially in Roman's lap - with Roman's hand going slowly through his hair - and with his hands clutching at Remy's t-shirt to make sure he stayed close.
His glasses had long since been discarded, so he certainly wasn't watching the movie that was playing.
Remy wasn't either, but that was because he had been mostly watching the time for the past few minutes.
He watched the clock tick, until it finally, finally reached midnight, and he suddenly cheered.
Roman jolted in surprise, and Logan - who was almost asleep at this point - jolted, too, blinking at Remy, startled. Remy turned and grinned at them.
"It's midnight, babes," he grinned.
"Oh!" Roman said. "Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas," Logan grumbled, tugging on Remy's shirt and pulling him closer to use his shoulder as a pillow. "Now, may I go back to sleep?"
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ooh how abt 6. bookshop au and 67. character in peril with rolosleep (i think that's their ship name?) ? -blink
Send me Fandom Trope Mashups
Logan owns a bookshop. It’s in a very old building and is full of narrow, winding aisles between shelves.
Remy is his crush friend fellow small business owner who runs the cafe upstairs and keeps coming to flirt at hang out with bother Logan while he’s working.
One day Logan acquires a strange old book about a fantastical realm. The volume is surrounded by mysterious and magical rumours; Logan dismisses these as fanciful nonsense.
While Remy is there, he accidentally triggers the book into performing its magic: creating a portal. Remy has no impulse control and jumps right through, making the portal vanish.
When Logan reads the open book, he sees a description of Remy getting captured by an evil dragon witch.
Reluctantly, Logan activates the portal again to go save his friend.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t come out where Remy is. Instead, he encounters a handsome annoying prince who is sworn to help anyone in need… and Logan is definitely in need.
They rescue Remy, save the kingdom, and all fall in love in the process.
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mikanussy · 3 years
Logincesleep?? Sleelogince?? Losleepince?? Rolosleep?? Ahaha rolosleep
Tumblr media
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Does anyone know if there's another name for 'RoLoSleep'?
You could use creativisleeplogical tho I think it’s a bit of a mouth-full
Lulu’s ot3 survey returns the most popular one is logincesleep
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OT3 Survey: Initial Round Voting Results
Below are the results of the OT3 survey that ran from Jan 10th-17th 2020. There were 361 responses total, and each respondent could select up to 3 answers per ship. These are preliminary results; a final round will follow in order to select ship names for the 8 ships in which there was not a clear winner.
A ship name was considered to be a “clear winner” if no other options received more than 75% of the highest number of votes given on that question. Any ship name with more than 50% of the highest number of votes for its ship is listed as either a runner up (if there was a clear winner) or as a candidate for the final voting round (if these was not).
When going forward into the final round, ship names that are formed of regular dictionary words (e.g. “Late Night Thoughts” or “Tired Moms”) are not considered to be valid candidates. This is because this kind of pairing name does not work well as a Tumblr tag due to people outside the fandom using the same phrases for other purposes, which defeats the purpose of this survey (to create an agreed-upon tag system for the fandom to use to find each others’ work).
Important note: this survey is not meant to invalidate anyone who uses a less common ship name! It is simply meant to establish what the “most standard” tag is for each ship so that people can use this to tag their work/search for the work of others. I would recommend using your personally preferred ship tag(s) in parallel with the standard tag in order to express yourself while also making your work available to others.
Logan/Patton/Roman: No Clear Winner
Final round candidates:
Moralogince - 99 votes
Royalogicality - 81 votes
Logincality - 67 votes
LMP - 59 votes
MoRoLo - 53 votes
Logan/Patton/Virgil: Analogicality (326 votes)
No runners up
Logan/Roman/Virgil: Analogince (316 votes)
No runners up
Patton/Roman/Virgil: Anaroyality (185 votes)
No runners up
Logan/Patton/Deceit: No Clear Winner
Final round candidates:
Pathos/Ethos/Logos - 119 votes (Not valid for final round)
Logicaliceit - 98 votes
Moloceit - 95 votes
Loceitality - 88 votes
Lomoceit - 88 votes 
Logan/Roman/Deceit: No Clear Winner
Final round candidates:
Roloceit - 146 votes
Loginceit - 136 votes
Delogince - 87 votes
Loroceit - 78 votes
Logan/Virgil/Deceit: Analoceit (264 votes)
No runners up
Patton/Roman/Deceit: Royaliceit (137 votes)
Runner up:
Moroceit - 77 votes
Patton/Virgil/Deceit: Anamoceit (150 votes)
Runner up:
Moxceit - 101 votes
Roman/Virgil/Deceit: Anaroceit (202 votes)
No runners up
Logan/Patton/Remy (Sleep): Logicalisleep (162 votes)
Runner up:
Lomosleep - 91 votes
Logan/Roman/Remy (Sleep): No Clear Winner
Final round candidates: 
Rolosleep - 91 votes
Logincesleep - 77 votes
Creativilosleep - 71 votes
Loginsleep - 58 votes
Lorosleep - 57 votes
Logincemy - 55 votes
Logan/Virgil/Remy (Sleep): Analosleep (185 votes)
Runners up:
Late Night Thoughts - 157 votes (Not valid for final round)
Mental Exhaustion - 118 votes (Not valid for final round)
Patton/Roman/Remy (Sleep): Royalisleep (127 votes)
Runners up:
Morosleep - 89 votes
Remoyality - 66 votes
Patton/Virgil/Remy (Sleep): No Clear Winner
Final round candidates: 
Anamosleep - 110 votes
Moxiesleep - 96 votes
Mosleepxiety - 57 votes
Roman/Virgil/Remy (Sleep): Anarosleep (126 votes)
Runners up:
Prinxiesleep - 86 votes
Sleeprinxiety - 69 votes
Logan/Deceit/Remy (Sleep): Losleepceit (136 votes)
Runners up:
Tired Moms - 163 votes (Not valid for final round)
Delosleep - 84 votes
Patton/Deceit/Remy (Sleep): No Clear Winner
Final round candidates:
Mosleepceit - 101 votes
Demosleep - 89 votes
Sleepaliceit - 56 votes
Roman/Deceit/Remy (Sleep): Roceitsleep (99 votes)
Runners up:
Rosleepceit - 74 votes
Creativisleepceit - 72 votes
Virgil/Deceit/Remy (Sleep): Anxceitsleep (96 votes)
Runners up:
Anxsleepceit - 59 votes
Anasleepceit - 58 votes
Desleepxiety - 52 votes
Anadesleep - 50 votes
Sleepceitxiety - 50 votes
Logan/Deceit/Remus (The Duke): Intruloceit (300 votes)
No runners up
Patton/Deceit/Remus (The Duke): No Clear Winner
Final round candidates:
Intrumoceit - 150 votes
Intrualiceit - 127 votes
Moceitmus - 112 votes
Dukeceitality - 87 votes
Virgil/Deceit/Remus (The Duke): Anxceitmus (197 votes)
Runner up:
Poly Dark Sides - 169 votes (Not valid for final round)
Deceit/Remy (Sleep)/Remus (The Duke): No Clear Winner
Final round candidates: 
Deceit(rem²) - 140 votes
Desleepmus - 121 votes
Dukesleepceit - 87 votes
Intrusleepceit - 80 votes
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This is a full, permanent collection of suggested OT3 ship names for the Sanders Sides fandom.
These suggestions will be used in an upcoming survey to produce a Definitive List of OT3 ship names for the fandom. If you feel there are names missing, please send me an ask!
ETA: This list has been updated to include names submitted through other rounds of the survey. If you have further suggestions, let me know!
A similar list for all pairings was created by @izzyfandoms.
Logan/Patton/Roman CLM Creaticality Creativilogicality Light Boyfriends LMP Logicalince Logicalitince Loginality Logincality Logincicality Logiroyality Loroyality Loyality Mologince Moralogince Moralotivity MoRoLo Poly Light Sides Prinlogicality PRL Rogicality Roloality Rologicality RoLoMo RoLoPat Royalogicality Roylogicality
Logan/Patton/Virgil Analogicality Analogicorality LAM Logimoxiety Lomoxiety Lorality Moxicality
Logan/Roman/Virgil Analogicivity Analogince Analogivity LAC LAP Logincexiety Loginxiety Logiprinxiety PAL Roloxiety Royanxielogical ViRoLo
Patton/Roman/Virgil AMP Anaroyality CAM Creativimoxiety Moprinxiety Moxietivity Moxivity PAP Prinmoxiety Prinxality Prinxiality Romoxiety Roxality Roxiality Roxieality Royalixiety
Logan/Patton/Deceit DLM Loceitality Lodecality Logicaliceit Logimoceit Lomoceit Moloceit Moraloceit Pathos/Ethos/Logos Patloceit Snakogicality
Logan/Roman/Deceit Decilogitivity Delogince Delogitivity DeRoLo Loginceit Logiroceit Loroceit Roceitgan Roloceit Royalogiceit
Logan/Virgil/Deceit Anadelogical Analies Analoceit Analogicaliceit Analogiceit DAL Deanalogical Emotionally Stunted LAD Loceitiety Loceitxiety LoViD LoViDe Morally Grey Gays
Patton/Roman/Deceit Crealiceit Decoralivity Deroyality Moraceitivity Moraliceit Moraprinceit Moroceit Patroceit Prinmoceit Roceitality Romoceit Royaliceit Royalidee Royalitceit
Patton/Virgil/Deceit Anamoceit Anapatceit Anxceitality Anxmoceit Demoxiety MAD Moanxceit Moceitxiety Moxceit Moxiceit Moxieceit Moxiedee Moxieit Moxietceit PaViDe
Roman/Virgil/Deceit Anaprinceit Anaroceit Anxceitativity Anxceitivity Anxeaticeit Anxroceit Decanxiativity Decreativiety Denciety Deprinxiety Dexitivity Prinxceit Prinxiceit Prinxieceit Prinxiedee Prinxieit Prinxietceit Roanxceit Rodexiety Roxieceit
Logan/Patton/Remy (Sleep) Logicalisleep Lomosleep Losleepality Losleepicality Molosleep Palogemy Patlosleep Remoralogic Sleepmoralilogic Sleepogicality
Logan/Roman/Remy (Sleep) Creativilosleep Locreatisleep Locreativisleep Logincemy Logincesleep Loginsleep Lorosleep Losleepivity Losleeprince Reprinogic Rolosleep
Logan/Virgil/Remy (Sleep) Analogemy Analogisleep Analosleep Late Night Thots Late Night Thoughts Logisleepxiety Losleepxiety Mental Exhaustion Remxielogic
Patton/Roman/Remy (Sleep) Creatisleepality Creativisleepality Day Dreams Good Dreams Morosleep Mosleepivity Mosleeprince Remoyality Romosleep Rosleepality Royalisleep Sweet Dreams
Patton/Virgil/Remy (Sleep) Anamosleep Anasleepality Animosity Anxsleepality Mosleepxiety Moxiesleep Moxietemy Moxisleep Moxsleep Remxietton
Roman/Virgil/Remy (Sleep) Anarosleep Anasleepivity Creativisleepxiety Drama Squad Prinxiemy Prinxiesleep Prinxsleep Rosleepxiety Roxiesleep Sleeprinxiety
Logan/Deceit/Remy (Sleep) Delosleep DeLoRe DeReLo Loceitemy Loceitsleep Locieep Lodesleep Losleepceit Remceitogic Sleloceit Tired Moms
Patton/Deceit/Remy (Sleep) Demosleep Desleepality Moceitsleep Mociemy Modesleep Mosleepceit Patsleepceit Sleep Deprived Dads Sleepaliceit Sleepceitality Slemoceit
Roman/Deceit/Remy (Sleep) Creativisleepceit Derosleep Desleepivity Princeitsleep Prinsleepceit Roceitsleep Rociemy Rodesleep Roremceit Rosleepceit Sleroceit Three Big Egos
Virgil/Deceit/Remy (Sleep) Anadesleep Anaremceit Anasleepceit Anxceitsleep Anxceimy Anxsleepceit Deanasleep Deanxsleep Desleepxiety Remanxceit Slanxiet Sleepceitxiety Sleepxceit Sleepxieceit Sleepxieit
Logan/Deceit/Remus (The Duke) Disaster Trio Dumpster Fire Gays Intrudelogical Intruloceit Loceitmus Lodemus Logical Trash Noodle Logidemus Lomusceit Loreceit
Patton/Deceit/Remus (The Duke) Deintruality Demoduke Demusality Dukeceitality Intrualiceit Intrumoceit Moceitmus Modemus Modukeceit
Virgil/Deceit/Remus (The Duke) Anademus Anxceitmus Dark Boyfriends Dukexceit Dukexieceit Duxiceit DVD Intruanxceit Intruvirceit Intruxceit Intruxieceit Keeping Thomas Up Poly Dark Sides The Dark Sides Trash Goblins Virceitmus
Deceit/Remy (Sleep)/Remus (The Duke) Deceit(rem²) Desleepmus Dukesleepceit Intrudesleep Intruremceit Intrusleepceit Nightmare Gays Nightmareish Lies Redemus Sleepceitmus
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OT3 Survey Final Round Results
These are the vote totals for the final round of the OT3 survey.
Logan/Patton/Roman - Moralogince
Moralogince - 94 votes
Logincality - 53 votes
Royalogicality - 50 votes
MoRoLo - 28 votes
LMP - 6 votes
Logan/Patton/Deceit - Logicaliceit
Logicaliceit - 92 votes
Moloceit - 56 votes
Loceitality - 48 votes
Lomoceit - 33 votes
Logan/Roman/Deceit - Roloceit
Roloceit - 90 votes
Loginceit - 87 votes
Delogince - 29 votes
Loroceit - 24 votes
Logan/Roman/Remy (Sleep) - Logincesleep
Logincesleep - 65 votes
Rolosleep - 56 votes
Creativilosleep - 32 votes (tied)
Loginsleep - 32 votes (tied)
Lorosleep - 24 votes
Logincemy - 17 votes
Patton/Virgil/Remy (Sleep) - Moxiesleep
Moxiesleep - 90 votes
Mosleepxiety - 89 votes
Anamosleep - 50 votes
Patton/Deceit/Remy (Sleep) - Mosleepceit
Mosleepceit - 101 votes
Sleepaliceit - 71 votes
Demosleep - 56 votes
Patton/Deceit/Remus (The Duke) - Intrumoceit
Intrumoceit - 77 votes
Intrualiceit - 75 votes
Moceitmus - 54 votes
Dukeceitality - 23 votes
Deceit/Remy (Sleep)/Remus (The Duke) - Desleepmus
Desleepmus - 85 votes
Intrusleepceit - 69 votes
Deceit(rem²) - 47 votes
Dukesleepceit - 27 votes
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