#logan edwards : the prankster
askthemanorresidents · 6 months
Logan.. please, don’t think about yourself that way. I know by no means is that easy given how rooted into your head it seems to be, natural for someone so young; when you become fixed on an idea, it’s hard to move past that, but I want you to at least keep my words in mind even if only a bit. You’re not a failure to anybody, especially to that of yourself, if your family looks upon you in such a way with disdain— they don’t deserve to call themselves your family to begin with, they don’t deserve to be considered apart of your life, especially when they’ve neglected you so. Think about your mother, the one your parents fired, who gave you such colorful clothes and the sweater you wear, she knew just how bright of a person you would become, and even when it seems as if everyone hates you, is that so true? Have you not made a few friends in the manor? Robbie, the Little Girl/Memory, the other children for example. I’m sure not everyone would be so cruel to a child, which is what you are in the end. Your life has hardly begun, even when it seems so long now and tiring, there’s still so much more for you to see and for you to live through, the good and bad. If no one else wants you to experience the good, then at least I do. I want to see what you’d become someday when you’re older, maybe you’d be as much of a prankster as you are now, and I think that’d be delightful. Maybe you could bring joy to other children, those who need that light in your life just like you do right now, but that’s far into the future, and it’s not solely defining of your greatness. You have so much more worth than you believe you do, and what even is “right” anyways? If it’s to be defined only by what people’s perception of such is, then that’s a little unfair, don’t you think? We all will be lost someday, it’s simply life. Your parents certainly don’t know what’s “right” if they kept comparing you to others, people who were supposed to be taking care of you. What you do in life that’s “right”, not even morally, is something to be defined by you and only you in the end, and you deserve far better than your circumstances. I’m sorry.
Logan : *Sniff Sniff*
Logan : .......Thanks sunflower........
Logan : *Sniff* I miss my mom.......
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idv-fifis-toybox · 2 months
Ian’s Wonderland
Hi besties I am # back with another essence! This one is a bit more interactive in that there’s a story that will change based on the choices you guys make for the characters! There’s also multiple endings, and you can always go… again, and again and again :)
The skins each have a character based on Ian, Lance and Mephisto’s actual lore, so note that some of the roles will be gendered, and one role has a recommended age. Please take this into account when selecting!
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S-Tier: Little Wanderer (The Scion, Ian Varon)
“They say that little lambs shouldn’t wander too far away from the herd, lest the big bad wolf comes to claim your soul.”
— A young traveller who often ends up wandering in the most mysterious places. Even for his age, he is always able to return home safe and sound.
S-Tier: Mister Sleepyhead (The Nurse, “Lazarus”)
“Close your eyes, and escape the nightmare. Perhaps you may find yourself lost in your own dreams.”
— A man who one day woke up in this strange world, unsure of what he’s supposed to be doing. Affectionately, he was named Mister Sleepyhead by the little boy who found him.
A-Tier: Mx Hopp (The Designer, Rayssa, @askthesurvivors)
“No matter how fast the hare hops, it can’t hop forever.”
— An energetic, sprightly resident with odd features of a rabbit who is excited to help others. A friendly and optimistic individual.
A-Tier: Raggy (Volt, @ask-the-chief-heads)
“Putting things together and taking them apart is what they do best.”
— A resident who seems to have a more doll-like appearance, though a bit worn. A warm and humble individual.
A-Tier: Moonshine (Matilda, @yaboimitzu)
“The intoxication of greed never fails to leave you hungover.”
— A trader who often comes to town, selling strange goods to anyone who will buy them… for the price they are deemed worthy, at least.
A-Tier: Air Walker (The Baker, Beth, @ask-idv-baker)
“Fly to the sky, and pray your wings don’t falter, for the higher you fly, the further you will crash.”
— A resident who has a strange ability to fly. They watch over the village and make sure that no one with ill intent walks in.
A-Tier: Voracious Serpent (The Surgeon, Pietro Cortesi, @theheavenshospital)
“No feast can ever satiate a greedy being.”
— A monstrous serpent that resides in a cave. Rumours say that the serpent is a greedy, violent being that enjoys consuming, and most of all, enjoys feasting on others’ happiness.
A-Tier: Lights Out (Blindspot, Aesop, @ask-blindspot-aesop)
“Walk carefully with what little light you may grasp, or the darkness will welcome you.”
— A young resident who has very limited sight. As a result, Air Walker is often seen accompanying him when he wishes to walk outside of the town.
A-Tier: Silent Lamb (The Chimney Sweeper, Thomas Relish, @sleepyfour)
“Silence is a virtue, until there is the need to scream.”
— A young, quiet resident who is best friends with Little Wanderer. They both do not speak much, but they get along regardless.
A-Tier: Whiteout (The Novelist, Immorphy @immortalpheus )
“The dull. The silent. The hollow. The infinity. Careful, lest you lose yourself into the dream never meant to be awoken from.”
— A mysterious man encountered in a mysterious dimension. The silence is deafening.
S-Tier: King of the Ivory Tower (The Hypnosurgeon, Mephisto Braid)
“Pride is said to be the greatest sin as one views themselves as god. But the true sin is how one views others as ladder rungs.”
— A legendary tyrant who is said to have gone mad and locked himself within the confines of the tower. It is said uninvited guests are turned into statues and added to his collection.
A-Tier: Iron Maiden (Female) (Eros, @navxry)
“Within the hollow chamber, no one can hear you scream as a thousand needles beg for your repentance.”
— A lady made completely of metal, yet moves swiftly like clockwork. She is one of the King’s guards.
A-Tier: Watch Me! (The Prankster, Logan Edwards @askthemanorresidents)
“The greatest cruelty is one who learns to be helpless from young. Take great care around the ones who have nothing to lose.”
— A young boy who has somehow wandered into the castle, yet remains alive. He is unable to see, and has covered his eyes out of fear.
A-Tier: Picture Panic (The Surgeon, Matthias Neumann @askthemanorresidents)
“When you must see all, know all, be all… it must really get to your head. I hope you enjoy your grand spectacle.”
— A sprightly man who resides within paintings. Arrogant, and a bit of a control freak, he is also a guard of the King.
A-Tier: Weeping Saint (Cupid, @navxry )
“Lamenting for the fallen can freeze you in the past, unable to escape what could’ve been. Yet no amount of tears can change the future, and that is a fact that must be faced.”
— A miserable, lonely, yet undoubtedly alive statue that waits in silence for any morsel of love it may ever feel.
A-Tier: Shadow Stepper (The Opera Singer, Sean Pichon @yaboimitzu)
“After the grand performance will inevitably come an encore. However, this encore will be straight to the point with you, unlike the grandiose exhibition.”
— Wherever flames are cast, there is always the shadow of the past.
S-Tier: Miss Timekeeper (Miss Jade, @my-fortified-wager)
“You must love your dreams, don’t you? You can always reminisce and revisit them however you’d like… Until you forget how to wake up. Wake. Up.”
— You’ve made it so far, haven’t you? It’s a shame, though. A shame that you’re still trapped.
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askthemanorresidents · 11 months
A young girl that is in green dress and dark brown boots, with... Deer horns.. But she has well.. Slightly of course, slightly creepy stuffed deer close to her as she looks down at Logan, the prankster
The young girl seems to be around 14 years old and her face was emotionless as she stares down at Logan
(Hi hi hi! Welcome new ask blogger, sorry I'm kinda inactive which means I don't know if some ask bloggers are new or old here but welcome!)
Logan exitedly began running around the girl, realizing they were close in age.
"HI!" the boy waved, "I'm Logan! What's your name? Why do you have horns? Can I hold your doll?"
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Small drawing I made
TW! Neglect
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Little star child baby Logan!!!! What color were the lenses in the case???
Logan : There weren't any contacts in the case, so I don't know!
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hey logan silliest baby can you tell us how tall the birdman was.......
Logan : As tall as a tree!
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🥦// Do they eat their veggies?
For Logan! : D
Logan : No! Veggies are gross! :(
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For the survivors, how well can everyone cook?
Master chef : Matthias.
Can cook decently : Kaarima and Medea
Follows instructions : Minnie
Can't cook : Makoto
The kitchen is on fire, the manor is on fire, and god is dead : Logan (he's 13. Makes sense)
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👝// When shopping, are they a money spender or money saver? Do they like buying cheap, or get luxurious? What items do they actually seek for as a customer? (💎+ 🎉)
Makoto : As an absolute beauty, I deserve every single luxury that humankind can offer. If it's less than $3000, then it's far to cheap for me. I am a goddess, and I deserve to be treated like one.
Logan : I like candy, but mom told me not to buy too much.
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For all the survivors, how well do you all think you’d do in the hunger games?
Kaarima : ..................... Definitely the first one to go.
Minnie : Don't say that K, I'm sure you can last long!
Medea : Yeah! As long as we are together, there's nothing that can stop us!
Logan : What's the "hungry games"?
Makoto : Isn't the Hunger Games played by the lower class only? A beauty like me doesn't deserve to be grouped with any of those rats.
Matthias : Maybe I'd last until the first arena event. Really depends on whatever supplies I have.
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Logan looks like a silly baby i would feel this need to protect- 🥺
Logan : Hi stranger! Nice glasses! *Swipes them off your face and runs away with it, laughing*
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For survivors, is there anyone you all get along with in particular here? Either amongst yourselves or the others (aka canon ones)?
The coven are pretty close to Helena, Tracy, and Luca, and their relationship is basically a teacher-student relationship. The coven also gets along with Emily, Ada, and Keigan.
Logan has a "I think you're annoying AF but at the same time you're also cool" type of friendship with Memory and Robbie. Often times, Logan usually ropes the two of them along to steal treats from the kitchen. Logan also sees Eli as a big brother.
Makoto isn't a very popular lady. The only person who can tolerate her (a little bit) id Kevin, who had made it his mission to get Makoto to be a little less bitchy and materialistic. It isn't going so well.
Matthias also gets along very well with both Emily and Ada due to their occupations. Sometimes, you can see Matthias talking to Aesop or Melly.
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askthemanorresidents · 9 months
Does that confirmed Logan has god complex?
Nah, Logan hates Gifted Kids cuz of CHILD COMPARISON to his Lil bro (and generational trauma yippeee!)
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askthemanorresidents · 11 months
Logan!! What are you planning on doing for Halloween buddy? There’s a lot of people you can ask for candy in the manor this year!
Logan : I'm going trick or treating this year! I never got to do that before, mother and father said it's too distracting. Look! I'm going as a ghost!
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Did they take a cookie from the cookie jar? What kind of cookie was it? (for Logan)
Logan will run off with the whole jar. As for the type, it's either chocolate chip cookies or cinnamon cookies!
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Laurence// *pushes a familiar tv screen like how he would push a shopping cart *
Laurence// Anyone here??? I'm trying to return this to the person who just epically rick rolled heh-!
//Laurence trying to return this tv- which has the address that brought him here ig cbfbfb/ih
Logan peeked out of a corner, watching as the news reporter pushing the TV. Giggling, Logan rushed to Laurence and taped a "Kick me!" sign (written with crayons) on his back before running away from the scene, leaving a confused Laurence behind.
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