#log 13 archives
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log13archives · 11 months ago
January 5th, 2018 Part 2
This is pretty much a short entry because uh
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Yeah that’s pretty much the chapter, plus a few other things as well. You can check the chapter yourself if you’d like.
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These are the comments on the entries.
I’m sure the first comment is probably a bug from the website itself.
As for the other comments, just more of concern and even willing to reach out for help.
I’ll probably go ahead and analyze chapter 3 soon, but for the future, I will simply combine parts together to keep from spamming and getting my account flagged.
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dreamhacker606 · 1 year ago
Besides an art blog, I plan to explore something else that I haven’t thought about in awhile, which is a Quotev story I found like wayyyy back in maybe sophomore or junior year of high school?
I was still in a bit of an edgyTM teen but also a major recluse due to traumatic reasons. However, with how much that went into it, I’m surprised it was never brought up on any other platforms, especially Tumblr, infamous for digging up even the deepest darkest web content.
I’m thinking about reading and analyzing each chapter on a separate blog I’ll call “Log 13 Archives” since “Log 13” is what the fanfic was called.
As for the author, I figure he’s long dead because it stopped around the time the pandemic hit (rest in peace).
So yeah, that’ll be coming soon along with my art blog.
We’ll see what happens.
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suzuberto · 5 months ago
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ハッピーハロウィン!Happy halloween in 2 ver bc I couldn’t decide with Dabi
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reachartwork · 4 months ago
Inspired by this post by @thatnordicguy and @anphivenas
Step #0 - Input the molecular formula for apple scent into the chemosynthesizer. Check against standard atmospheric regulations.
Step #1 - Inhale from the olfactory vent.
Step #2 - Step away in dissatisfaction, shake your head, put your hands on your hips. Purse your lips a little bit. Document discrepancy against memory file.
Step #3 - Ask Arto why he thinks real apples smell different. Listen to him talk about dirt while he mops, even though hydroponics hasn't used soil in sixty years.
Step #4 - Adjust temperature to match hydroponic bay specifications. Modify humidity levels to Earth-standard apple growing conditions. Calculate optimal dispersal timing.
Step #5 - Spend three months adjusting the ratio of esters while the Father AI logs your overtime as "personal research."
Step #6 - Request access to historical apple cultivation records. Compare against current hydroponic yields that you keep insisting aren't quite right.
Step #7 - Accept illegal thermos coffee from Arto while explaining why you're trying to simulate apple stem rot. Ignore his comment about how your genetic mother used to sneak him fresh apples during maintenance shifts.
Step #8 - Visit the hydroponic bay during off-hours. Stare at perfectly engineered apple trees while holding your latest formula.
Step #9 - Get caught by Arto in the hydroponic bay. Pretend you're doing official atmospheric maintenance.
Step #10 - File your three thousandth chemical variation attempt while children from the education deck eat fresh apples during their biology lesson.
Step #11 - Listen to Arto's story about his great-grandmother's apple trees on Earth while pretending to calibrate environmental controls. Make detailed notes about soil composition that aren't relevant to hydroponics. Make a note to yourself to request synthetic dirt.
Step #12 - Run formula past the station's other atmospheric engineers. Ignore their suggestions that the hydroponic apples are chemically identical to your synthesis.
Step #13 - Request video logs from the hydroponics bay from 14 years ago. Watch your own face.
Step #14 - Realize you're no longer sure what real apples smell like. Spend a week comparing your formula against hydroponic samples (to get back to square one) while Arto watches silently.
Step #15 - Submit research proposal for expanded apple volatiles study. Receive approval with note: "Recreational research permitted within standard atmospheric duties."
Step #16 - Calculate that you've spent more time perfecting this formula than an Earth apple tree takes to mature. Continue adjustments.
Step #17 - Watch Arto retire from maintenance duties. Inherit his illegal thermos and refuse to acknowledge why you keep it.
Step #18 - Access archived footage of the education deck from your childhood. Focus on analyzing environmental conditions instead of your own face.
Step #19 - Visit Arto in the elder care deck. Bring him hydroponic apples that you both agree aren't quite right.
Step #20 - Find Arto's old maintenance logs with notes about the original hydroponic bay installation. Ignore the drawings in margins made by children who are now atmospheric engineers themselves.
Step #21 - Input your final formula into the chemosynthesizer. Tell yourself it's for the sake of documentation.
Step #22 - Inhale from the olfactory vent while holding a fresh apple from the hydroponic bay. Compare the two. Bite an apple. Chew. Swallow. Inhale.
Step #23 - Step away in satisfaction, shake your head, put your hands on your hips. Smile a little bit. File formula in public database under "standard atmospheric maintenance". Take a seat in your motorchair, satisfied. Rub your achey legs.
Step #24 - Watch new generation of children eat apples during their biology lesson.
Step #25 - Die.
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f4rtnite · 2 months ago
Bkdk online dating AU Preview!
Midoriya went home, took off his shoes, and greeted his mom. He went straight to his room and on the computer. Discord was already open and now Midoriya could finally relax, talk with his online friends, and forget about the struggles of his daily life.
While online he would mainly talk with his friends and moderate chats. He would always share fun facts about All Might and was constantly showing off his collection. A lot of people would turn to him when they needed to find specific merchandise. He was also an expert at spotting differences between bootlegs and official products.
He gets a notification, “@exsplosive_might111 has joined the server”
Midoriya immediately welcomed the new user and sends them the rules and verification process. Afterwards the new user posts an introduction. The introduction had quickly caught Midoriya’s attention since there weren't that many 13 year old boys like him in the server. This made him super excited and he started up a conversation with him as soon as possible.
Hey @ explosive_might111 you're the same age as me, that's so cool :D There’s not that many young ones here :(
Omg really? That’s so cool! can I send a friend request??? :3
Shortly after, they immediately start talking about everything All Might. Midoriya was impressed by how much this guy knew. They started talking about limited edition All Might merch. They both challenged each other to see who had the most/rarest merchandise. Midoriya had more by a long shot, but they noticed that they both had the same limited edition holographic all might card.
Wow where did you get that card??? :0 I've hardly met anyone who has it :DDD
Got it from a vending machine. Weren't they exclusive to only a few cities here???? I got mine in Musutafu :333
OMG ME TOO!1!1!1!1 we must live around the same area :DDD
They had stayed up talking all night. Despite it being a school night and the fact that Bakugou usually goes to bed early, they never stopped chatting. Midoriya, or his online nickname Mikumo, had told his new friend all about his life. He mentioned how he gets bullied but did not bring up that he is quirkless.
Bakugou, or nickname Aka (means red) had told “Mikumo” bits and pieces about his daily life. He felt bad for his new friend who was unfortunately getting bullied, but he felt guilty because Bakugou knows that he's a bully himself. They shared many things about themselves with each other. It was 3am before they had finally decided to go to bed.
Midoriya logged off of discord. He didn't expect to chat with the new user for so long, but he's glad that he did. Most of his online friends were much older than him so it was nice to be able to talk to someone his age and be able to relate to them.
Midoriya turned off his computer and put his phone to charge. He was really looking forward to the next day. Perhaps classes will be easier to sit through since now he has his new friend that he can talk to throughout the day. Midoriya just hopes that he's as active as him so they can talk all the time. He also got excited knowing that his new friend Aka could potentially live close to him. It's been so long since he last had a friend in person. His mom told him to never ever meet up with people he's met online, but Midoriya wouldn't mind meeting this guy sometime.
Did you enjoy reading this? Read the full completed fic here! https://archiveofourown.org/works/58319551/chapters/148525768
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monstrousproductions · 4 months ago
One of my favourite things about SFF is the way it lets you take an issue or an idea, and separate it out so you can look at it more closely in isolation. I think I remember Diana Wynne Jones saying something along those lines - that genre fiction gives you enough distance between the idea and yourself so you can walk around it and see it from all angles.
That's one of the things I've really enjoyed about Travelling Light so far. The archive entries are, by necessity, short and limited in scope. We can't summarise the entirety of a culture and all its iterations in a 10 minute audio log! But we can peel off one idea and give ourselves some space to walk around it and ask questions about it.
Like, in Episode 27 where we see the people protesting their landlords in Nimidol. To me, that wasn't an episode that said, "Our world would be better if we lived like this."
It was more a way of inviting further thought and consideration. What would our world look like if we lived like this? What does it mean to use shame to change people's behaviours? What does private landlording look like in this fictional space, and how do you feel about it?
I like as well that the questions some episodes might raise for one listener might not be the same as for another. Some people really resonated with the people in Episode 13 who used explicit legal contracts to navigate social interactions because in the real world, it really sucks to be caught out by unspoken rules nobody's ever explained.
But there's also something to be explored there about trusting people to keep to the social contract, and how their vibes-based government can do its work - and, more broadly, what do we think the work of government actually is.
I don't know, I'm just having a lot of fun with that! It's one of the really nice things about have such a short episode length - we literally don't have time to get into the nitty gritty of everything, which means there's loads more space for you all to bring your own ideas and interpretations. Which, as a show literally built around audience participation and co-creation, feels appropriate!
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deityoftherain · 22 days ago
how to post a work on ao3: a thorough step-by-step guide
Firstly, log in to your archiveofourown.org account. If you don't already have one, sign up for one as soon as possible for it takes about a week to verify you and give you access to an account.
Once logged in, look at the top left corner of your screen. Click the "Post" button and then "New Work" after that.
Note: I am using a site skin so the colors will look different than the default site.
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After you open a New Work, your screen should look something like this:
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You will fill out all the fields and then post. If you want to be guided through that step by step, continue reading under the cut. This step-by-step guide is separated by Tags, Preface, Associations, Privacy, and Work Text (+ Post).
Tags Section
The first selection you will be making is the Rating. I have attached the guide AO3 has below when you click on the question mark, but here is how I would describe them in movie/TV rating terms based on how I've seen them used throughout my experience using AO3.
General Audiences is sort of like Rated E for Everyone or PG or TV-Y7. Basically anyone could read it and be okay, even children.
Teen and Up Audiences is like TV-14 or PG-13. If there is cursing or topics people would be scandalized to hear about out of a child's mouth, it should probably go here instead of General Audiences.
Mature, to me, is a more extreme TV-14, which I suppose is like TV-MA or Rated R. The content is more detailed and graphic compared to Teen and Up Audiences. While Teen may have flirting and kissing in it, Mature would have that flirting and kissing lean more sexual and/or descriptive. While Teen may have violence, Mature would have it be more brutal or more graphic. The line can be hard to discern, but just try your best to tag correctly both here and in the Additional Tags section, and you’ll be okay!
Explicit is NC-17 or includes porn/smut. Mature or even Teen may allude to sexual activity, but Explicit will actually show these actions in the writing or art or whatever work is being posted to the archive.
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Once your work is rated appropriately, we move to the Archive Warnings. These are fairly straightforward. If your work includes Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, or Underage Sex, mark it as such. If you don't want to tag it with one of those even when it applies for whatever reason, mark it as Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. If none of these apply, select No Archive Warnings Apply.
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You can tag a work with multiple Fandoms, which would make it a crossover. It is good AO3 ettiequte to not mark a work with a lot of fandoms, like having a multi-fandom one shot book. It's usually a good idea to break it up or post the one shots independently.
Either way, you would type the fandom(s) you want, and when it pops up, you select it. Two important tags here to note are Original Work and No Fandom. These are tags you can use as a "Fandom" tag, even if it isn't based off of a specific sort of media.
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Categories are simply the type of relationship featured in your work. You can select multiple if more than one are shown in what you are posting.
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The relationships section let other achieve users know what relationships are featured in a work. Slashes (/) between names are used for romantic and/or sexual relationships, and ampersands (&) between names are used for platonic and/or familial relationships. Queerplatonic relationships are often tagged with both along with "Queerplatonic Relationship" in the additional tag section, but that choice is up to you.
Much like the relationships section, the characters section allows other archive users to know who is featured in the work. Any characters that show up and/or have a main/major-ish role in the story can be tagged here. You can put "POV Character" or "Character-centric" in the additional tags section to clarify further if desired. If they are background or simply referenced, you may prefer to tag “Minor Character(s)” and/or tag “Mentioned Character” and/or not tag them at all.
Usually, the characters and relationships with the most impact in the work are listed first, and the ones with the least presence in the work are listed last. This isn’t always the case, but it is good practice, and it makes the most sense.
After all that is filled out, you will move on to the additional tags! You can only have 75 tags in all, including character, fandom, and relationship tags, and those tags can only have 100 character max.
I suggesting approaching the additional tags like they’re a place for content warnings and a place to give the reader/viewer a sort of second summary about the content inside. These tags are also things an archive user can filter out or filter for. (I might write up a guide on how to use AO3's filtering system later so be on the look out for that!)
^ the link above and after this text takes you to a Tumblr post with a short guide on how to tag your works on AO3: https://www.tumblr.com/deityoftherain/760205106609291264/i-dont-know-how-to-tag-my-fics-on-ao3-you-say
Here's the summarized version without examples (and here it is with examples): roles, setting, character traits, relationships, genre, tropes/situations, feel, trigger warnings, and extra stuff you want to add!
Congratulations, you've completed the Tags section!
Preface Section
Welcome to the preface section! This is the section where you will put your work's title, summary, and any author's notes!
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Work Title is what your work is called! I have a short guide below that you can follow if you need help or ideas on how to title your fics: https://www.tumblr.com/deityoftherain/762257968328835072/tips-on-how-to-title-your-ao3-fic
Add co-creators? is what you would mark if you are posting a collaborative work with another archive user.
Summary is a short-ish description of your work, informing the person viewing it of what they should expect from the story slash work inside if they are to click on your creation.
Notes are author's notes marked at the beginning and at the end of the work! Be careful, because if you deselect the boxes, it does not save. All the text you have written in them will disappear and you cannot get it back.
If you are posting multiple chapters, please remember that these "Notes" specifically are attached to the work itself, so the text marked "at the end" will be at the end with every new addition slash chapter to the work.
Congratulations, you've completed the Preface section!
Associations Section
Welcome to the associations section! This box is under the preface one and should look something sort of like below, but probably different colors due to the creator of this guide using a site skin.
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Does this fulfill a challenge assignment: Open Assignments only exists if you have joined an AO3 based exchange. Click here if you want an example of what this can look like using the Traffic Team Support Exchange 2025 as reference. Selecting the open assignment will link your work to the collection and gift your giftee, but this isn't the only way you can do those things.
Post to Collections/Challenges aren't something I am familiar with myself, so I am going to let AO3 explain itself below. It isn't marked with an asterisk (*) so it is not required to be filled out to post like some other things are.
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Gift work to is what you fill out if you want to acknowledge a user the work is for or in honor of. If you want people to be able to gift things to you, look at your AO3 settings under the Preferences tab and make sure you allow people to gift you works. When a user is marked to have a work gifted to them, it will be linked to their profile under Gifts and also sent to their email inbox.
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This work is a remix, a translation, a podfic, or was inspired by another work is what you would mark if it is one of those things. When you select it, a section like below will open and you are to fill it out accordingly. I edited the image to go more into detail
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This work is part of a series is what you would select if you want this work to be linked to other works you have written before. Creations set in the same universe are often connected this way.
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This work has multiple chapters should be selected if what you are posting isn't a one shot or to stay self contained into once chapter. When both number signs are the same in #/#, then your work will be marked as complete instead of in progress.
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Set a different publication date is what you would do if you're back posting. You would do this if you originally posted on another site and are now crossposting onto AO3 as well. AO3 organizes its fics in fandom categories by publication/update date, so the newest fics will be on the first pages.
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Choose a language is just where you select the language you are posting in. If you're reading this, it is most likely that you are posting in English, but that may not be true. Either way, you will mark it here.
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Select a work skin is if you want the work you are posting to look a specific sort of way. I've never used this myself, so I am just going to post AO3's explanation. I suggest looking at other tutorials for work skins and site skins if you are curious for other people would know how these work better to explain in-depth far better than I.
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Congratulations! You completed the Associations section!
Privacy Section
The screenshot below shows what this section looks like by default.
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Only show your work to registered users means that, if you select this, your work will only show up to other people who have an account. A blue lock will go beside the work, and no one outside of the site itself and/or without an account can see what you have posted. This includes preventing discord bots like Archivist and ao3-linker from collecting the information for their posts, instead scoring an error message.
Enable comment moderation is something some creators prefer to select when they want to be choosey on what comments show under their works. Most don't choose to do this unless they have been a victim of users commenting who don't understand "Don't like, don't read.” If you select this option, you will have to manually approve every comment before it is displayed under your work.
Who can comment on this work allows the creator to choose how picky they want to be. It used to default to the first option, but with an increase need for protection against spam bots and those who don't care to understand fandom culture invading fandom spaces semi-recently, the default changed to the second option. Evaluate your preferences and choose which is best for you and your work, but I, personally, switch it to allow both guests and registered users (aka those with an account) to comment.
Congratulations! You completed the Privacy section!
Work Text (+ Post) Section
Last but not least, we are ready to post our work! Text entered in the posting form is not automatically saved, so make sure to always keep a backup copy of your work so you do not lose progress.
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You can post with Rich Text or HTML commands.
I personally use google docs to write my works, so what I would do is ctrl+a/cmnd+a to select all the text and then ctrl+c/cmnd+c to copy it all. Next, I would move over to the Rich Text screen as shown above, and then paste it in using ctrl+v/cmnd+v.
Rich Text allows most formatting to transfer over from google docs to AO3 when on the computer. The only issue I have had is with the strikethrough text, which I have to re-add manually. I then go through the text and remove the extra space there sometimes is between paragraphs and make sure all the formatting is correct.
If you are wanting to post an embedded link or an image slash art piece on AO3, I have created this guide for you to follow if you need help: https://www.tumblr.com/deityoftherain/773134727392739328/how-to-embed-images-and-links-on-ao3
Once you fill everything out and think you have it as you want, I recommend pressing the Preview button to see how it will display once it is posted.
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Scroll through your work to check that everything is how you want it. Once you scroll to the bottom, you should see something like this:
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From here, you can go ahead and Post the work, Save As Draft if you don't want to post just yet, or Edit the work for any mistakes.
Congratulations! You have completed the Work Text and Post sections, as well as learned to post a work on AO3! Wooo :D
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izelthewashbear · 3 months ago
Canary's thrill, the first to kill - chapter 13 (fragment)
First chapter about the final session! I hope you guys will like my take on the finale in WLK!AU :>
After another night spent cramped up in Joel's car, Grian left early to go check up on Ren. When he left the previous night, Ren was not in the best mental state - he could only hope that he finally got over the loss of his closest friend. He knew full well that he was lying to himself. He saw what Martyn became when Ren wasn't around - so he expected Ren to do something similar, but maybe go insane in another direction. He looked at his wristband - his, as the admin, was fairly bigger and more equipped. It came in handy the previous night, when he needed to contact someone outside the server. He could only hope that the message arrived.
As he scrolled through the player list, he also took notice of Jimmy being marked in a strange new color. Immediately, he opened the log of every one of his messages and notifications regarding him.
<server> Solidarity burned to death.
"Wait, what...?" he huffed, stunned by the suddenly revealed news. Jimmy died the previous night... But he wasn't marked as dead. He was marked as... Something else. As if he was neither a player, not a casualty. He hid his wristband under the sleeve of his pullover and ran towards Renwood mound. It was getting worse and worse with every new revelation.
Turns out, he didn't have to run all the way to the canine's base. As he was approaching the hill, he noticed a shovel dug into the ground right next to Martyn's grave. Cautiously, he approached it to discover another hole - and Ren laying in the middle. He was asleep at the moment - but he looked like mess. His long hair was let loose, his eyes were dark from crying all night and his fur looked dull and dirty. His breath hitched, as if he was sobbing even while asleep.
"Oh, Ren..." Grian sighed and rolled his eyes. He really hoped he could team up with the man to take down Jimmy, maybe even win - but Ren was clearly in no shape to do it right now. He crouched over the hole and reached inside, snapping his fingers in front of the dog's face. "Ren... Damnit, Ren, wake up..." he groaned. The canine flinched and let out a louder snore, then slowly started opening his eyes.
"Marty...?" he muttered. His voice was very hoarse, for pretty obvious reasons.
"Uh... No, sorry, it's just me" Grian chuckled. "How are you feeling...?"
"Oh, Grian..." Ren whined and covered his face with his forearm. "Baby, grab that shovel and bury us here, will you?"
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haveyoureadthismcytfic · 4 months ago
Summary: Radio Log of 10/13/2023… G.I.G.S. Dispatch Team… Awaiting Supervisor Review… Log begins: 9:47 PM [GRIAN]: Test, test, everyone’s radio working? [SCAR]: I can hear you loud and clear! [SKIZZ]: All good here. [IMPULSE]: Yep, we’re all good. or, the GIGS phasmo team in a series of radio logs and texts that progressively get more emotional and convoluted than I thought it would when I started writing this
Author: @gladumfdoodles
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paulgadzikowski · 13 days ago
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The Hero of Three Faces is fanfiction crossovers, but it’s comic strips with stick figures, but they’re triangles. Click here for cartoon homepage. Or see this blog’s FAQ, or my archive tumblog’s FAQ. Cartoons may contain unmarked spoilers. Cartoons posted to Tumblr 11:00 (Central US time) daily are the previous day’s new update and the posts are pinned to the top of this blog. Cartoons linked from Tumblr 22:00 daily are usually from the archive and the posts are pinned only during annual summer hiatus of new updates; but archive cartoon postings currently are temporarily suspended, and the 11:00 new cartoon post, if any, is reblogged at 22:00.
Thanks for reading.
Dialog transcript: A This ship goes where my will drives it. Captain! We're now at Warp 10! C Your medical mission is completed. It's a good thing I happened along before you lot reached the planet you were aiming for and, I don't know, started breeding a colony or somesuch Spock, I think this is a case of ultimate discretion in the official log Aye, captain. I'll install a governor in the Jeffries Tube to keep the engines from reaching Warp 10 anymore. D Oh no E Warp 10! F Warp 11! G Warp 12! H Warp 13! I Warp 14! Mr. Scott please reinstall your engine governor with all haste Aye
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firedjinni · 3 months ago
Cache Flush Failure (12133 words) by Rubber Chicken With A Keyboard Chapters: 7/13 Fandom: Rain World (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Five Pebbles & Original Ancient Character(s) (Rain World), Five Pebbles & Looks to the Moon (Rain World) Characters: Five Pebbles (Rain World), Looks to the Moon (Rain World), Original Ancient Character(s), Unparalleled Innocence (Rain World), No Significant Harassment (Rain World), Chasing Wind | Grey Wind (Rain World) Additional Tags: Time Travel, Not A Fix-It, Whump, Epistolary, POV Second Person, (but only a little) - Freeform, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Medical Procedures that are also Extensive Debugging Sessions, (or vice versa?), Amnesia, memory manipulation, Body Horror, References to Saint's campaign, Five Pebbles is not having a good time in this one Summary:
>LOG: FP — General Diagnostic Scan (Output) Another overly technical document you don't care to read. Aside from the unexplained crash, nothing seems to be seriously wrong. >LOG: FP — Malware Scan (Output) This one ends with: SYSTEM STATUS: UNCLEAR. 3836 FILE(S) OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN DETECTED. 1904 POTENTIALLY CORRUPTED FILE(S) DETECTED. NO MALWARE DETECTED. NO SYSTEM MALFUNCTION DETECTED.
slightly shorter chapter this week, but the shenanigans continue. this is the last we'll be seeing of this pebbles for a little while...
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log13archives · 1 year ago
January 5th, 2018
This chapter is the one that introduces everything starting at the very beginning of this incident. The first thing that catches the eye is the introduction or the "blurb" of the story.
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Quotev, at the time, was somewhat going down in use as people started to move on to other big websites like AO3, Instagram, and so on. As you can also see, Valerian did not list this under any sort of specific tag or type of fan-fiction. I would categorize this myself as a a Sci-Fi Creepypasta. Looking at this now, I am concerned that maybe Valerian could have been dealing with something mentally that he felt he needed to express in this format. Maybe he was dealing with some form of schizophrenia where his mind led him to believe he was being watched.
Either way, I'm going to still look at this with an open-mind because I still consider Valerian to be someone I grew close with at the time.
Continuing on with the "meat" of it all, I will be discussing the chapters with some notes and what I think. If you wish to read the chapter yourself prior to these notes to better understand, the story is posted on the pinned "About" post.
The introduction to the chapter is still the same as the blurb
It starts to feel or read like your usual creepypasta from 2013. A bit cringe-worthy. Why would anyone think they're safe with a pocket knife and a lighter, I haven't a clue, but I guess you make due with what you have.
I think it's set somewhere else in another country, because the woman says she's from the states (USA). Maybe Valerian was located in Russia or another country close by at the time. What place would be that warm at the time though? 24 C is about 75 F, so that's warm, even for that late at night. Unless it's the morning if we're going 24hr time.
There's trees and woods where he was. Where is this place? It's definitely someplace in the North, but not too far where it's warm in the evenings. Wisconsin and most Northern USA states like this along the border of Canada were like this in 2018 (I'm accounting for the year because we ALL know this planet is getting worse in climate).
He's 25 at the time. calculate it to about now, (2024-2018)+25=31 years. He is or would've been about 31 present day. I was only 17 at the time he wrote this, but I don't think I started interacting until much later? The details are fuzzy, but the comment section will help me set a time-frame. I will state now that he never once asked for anything beyond just usual conversation before any weird assumptions are made. If you're going to have those assumptions and message me about them, please do not and just leave.
Valerian lived with his family (mother, father, and a sister) during this time. Past tense because spoiler alert: bad times ahead.
Who is after him?
The last bit translates to: If not Goodbye to you too. Help me, if you hear or if you can.
The comments on this chapter do not give much insight. They're the usual ones that believe the story to be false or think it's another creepypasta. Valerian doesn't try to be aggressive in his replies to these comments, and only replies to two people. He almost seems like he still hopes to entertain and provide information despite his dire situation.
I'm thinking I might do an analysis on his profile page as well since there were some things on there that could hold more information. I just know I have a lot of chapters to go through and little time to do so (unless I wish to get muscle cramps on my fingers from typing on my phone). This is just the first chapter, so we'll see what happens.
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saleintothe90s · 5 months ago
502. American Girl's DIY Halloween Costumes, 1995 & 1994
Ok, so we all know that the Internet Archive has been down for most of the month, due to a hacking. While it's "read only" right now, you cannot log in to check out a book or a library bound copy of fashion magazines. I wanted to look at some mid to late 90s fall fashions and makeup.
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All I can give you right now is American Girl. Yes, the magazine by the doll company. I subscribed this magazine from about ages 10-13, 1993-1997. While I enjoyed reading the short stories that included the American Girl characters, and the paper dolls that would come in the back of the magazine sometimes, I did feel like an outsider looking in sometimes. This magazine did skew to more upper class girls, more goody two shoe girls, girls who were gonna go out of state for college when they were 18. it felt like. I mean, I was watching Real World and listening to music with *gasp* curse words.
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I flunked in school a lot, much like Fanny the dog.
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I can tell you right now though, that DIY cork board out of cardboard does not work. I tried it back then and in college (where I went in state at the age of 25)
These costume ideas below are from 1995:
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Girl, stop. This is beginning to remind me of that Mark Curry “I guess we’re UPS” bit.
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Here's a nasty lil Halloween craft involving cookies.
The following are from 1994:
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Looking at this as a kid I had no clue what Jay's potato chips was. Is that a up North brand? Story time: I was looking at the newspaper on one Sunday a few weeks after this issue came out. I saw that a girl I went to elementary school with, Amy had won a costume contest because she made this costume. She was at the ~gifted~ middle school while I was at the gritty local middle school. I looked at that photo of her and I was like "SHE COPIED AMERICAN GIRL!! SHE SHOULDN'T HAVE WON!" I was a bitter 11 year old, wasn't I?
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I remember looking at this and thinking "she's gonna freeze in that costume".
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The night sky is my favorite costume. That's actually pretty original.
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Those bag costumes were done to death after this photo. Grapes, jelly beans, other ball shaped candies.
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goshdangronpa · 26 days ago
@danggirlronpa's Femslash February 2025, Day 13: Notebook
The Lovelorn Log of Ibuki Mioda - goshdangronpa - Dangan Ronpa Series [Archive of Our Own]
How is "character asks out a bunch of people, then realizes their wingman is The One" not a more popular trope for fanfics? Call this new fic a proof of concept, with Ibuki seeking a girlfriend among the SDR2 ladies and Hiyoko serving as wingwoman. I think @zombyne may like this one. Enjoy!
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nicollekidman · 1 month ago
What’s the Spuffy fic? 👀👀
i’m only on chapter 13 but i’m having a great time (it’s private so you’ll need to be logged in)
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getoswhore · 2 years ago
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phew. . .
this is tbh a lot harder than i thought it would be ?! but what i’m trying to sob out, is that sadly, today is the day that i will be leaving this silly little blog of mine — archiving it and letting it go. . . :/
‘cause of my little time to write anymore – i got college and work to deal with, real-life issues with a busy schedule more than anything, and far more important things to handle with than some filthy porn about some supaaa hot characters (SADLY) :/ ( but don't get me wrong, i do love some good written filth ! ) + another reason is because of my lack of motivation to write now too……..
buuut don't get me wrong, to me, writing has always been such a joy and a hobby that i adored so much ! ( i’ve been writing since i was 13?? :o ) and that's a long time !! and doing something for so long has became. . . a little tiring. . . a little boring too, repetitive even. . . :/ but don't get me wrong !!! this blog has brought me so much joy and inspiration. and it's all because YOU. ALL OF Y’ALL, ALL 12K OF Y’ALL. like, y’all have made this blog so much fun and so exciting to log in and just to write or even just to talk, to just have stupid little convos about crazy little things and get horny on main about characters ( mostly over getō – aka the loml >:D ). and y'all made it so fun to write too, y'all did give me that motivation i’ve always needed because of y’alls encouragement and never-ending love and support, which lead us to multiple ( proud ) milestones !! and that appreciation towards my work has always made me more than happy ! so thank you so much !!! <33
this is why i love y’all so much, and i will dearly miss you guys, and all of our stupid little jokes and memes together :( especially all of my moots :(( i love you guys sm, y'all are srsly more than just moots, i take y'all as actual friends in my leedle phone :((( so, ( moots ) if y'all would like to stay in contact ask me for my discord !
but seriously, thank you, all of you. thanks for always being so cool and awesome, and thanks for always putting up with my insanty and crazy tots about my man suguru getō ( who y'all should always be shipping me with forever :| ) + of sooo many other cuties !!! like srsly, thank you ! thanks for being a moot, a friend, or a cool anon, or just a really awesome follower !!! <333 you are so freaking amazing and sooo hot, so please take care !!! <333 big smooches and tight hugs for you all !!
thank you all so much for the amazing memories i’ve had here !! i will miss you all so much !! and thank you for being supportive to me and this ever-growing blog, it's grown a lot and succeeded in my eyes — beyond to be honest. i’m super grateful and happy, thank you so much. <3
— bella: april 14th, 2023 !
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