#lodge charcoal grill
zooterchet · 4 months
Charlebois Stories Through Time (The Ballad of Dangerous Dan)
Cigarette Pacifier:
A local Russian-Armenian-Jew, out of a wealthy shipping family, gives Dave Charlebois a charcoal dipped cigarette, as his first smoke, hooking him for life. The Jew, is then murdered, almost immediately, from giving Thatherton from King of the Hill charcoal (his family's own pen, through his aunt, with D-Company).
Thatherton, uses charcoal at home, with lighter fluid and a black metal grill, with Kingsford Charcoal and a box of matches, not a book. The level of steak, pork hot dog, and hamburger with cheese, and toasted buns, overwhelms him into insane rage, having to use propane when at gatherings outside the home.
Ray Charlebois's "chalet", the French-Arab term for a ski lodge, has to be sold, without David's college degree in economics to inherit it. Clarke's Trading Post is soon after shut down in shame, after Wolfman Jack blows up the nose on the North Conway Mountain Man, a sacred Native American carving of a man's face into the side of a mountain, dating back tens of thousands of years ago.
Carlin's death insurance, is placed on a mandatory child, to produce artwork, as David has done, to pay back his mother crippling Christopher Reeves, over the offense at Boston Police having a State Police unit that is United Nations Israeli Mossad, without any municipal, city hall, archdiocese, or police authorization; not only to claim the name, but even to be alive on American soil in cop uniforms with guns and working as private detectives.
Christopher Reeves, had been tricked into eating soup, before a date with Margot Kidder, since the rates of salad had been lifted, for "souper salad". He was shat down his throat, engaging in facesitting due to eating before the activity, and clam chowder, is the worst time of butt blow on chest heave into the vagina mountains, with a sphincter directly above your nose.
Alice was an anti-Semite by Mike's investigation, having mixed BBQ with teriyaki marinade, in meat, the day before a steak cook for the family.
Dave was then asked about "the birds and the bees", the Arab signal to go on a killing field rampage or otherwise your father explains sex as being refused to have sex before marriage or see a hooker, a Muslim, not a Catholic; the Muslims likened to Jews, despite the support labor groups beliefs otherwise.
Willow Tree pie, chicken pot pie's brand name out of Iranian-Tehran, was reported to Alice's doctor, at her own hand, and Colonel Marie O'Neill, finished off Alice, after she found out that David did not know how to make Willow Tree pie in the oven, despite knowing blintzes, latkes, sausage of sweet, italian, and red chinese, hot dogs, steaks, chicken noodle soup, clam chowder white, pasta with garlic butter, rice a roni in an electric frying pan, and the easy stuff, microwaved goods or goods made with an electric can opener or foreman grilling machine.
Essentially, it meant that Alice had taught Dave gay culture as a civil rights issue, not a means and method of immediately destroying the homosexual, for being unable to achieve erection and ejaculate white semen, staining yellow.
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winkster2005 · 6 years
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Lodge sportsmans grill. Such an awesome piece of cast iron
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glamacue · 4 years
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Grilled up this beauty!! 🔥 🔥 #beef #grill #hestiabbq #210 #satx #ribeye #maldonsalt #weber #nowimpyflavors #lolasspices #kingsford #charcoal #bbq #bbqtools #texans #kerrygoldbutter #lodge #sear #steak #grill #hotandfast (at San Antonio, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDW12nyhIa6/?igshid=phftunncoqlr
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wordydelights · 4 years
hannibal lecter and clarice starling fanfic
The air smelled of freshly brewed, dark roasted coffee and crisp, steamy flesh sizzling on the stovetop. Clarice’s eyes slightly fluttered open as she breathed in the nostalgic aromas, it brought her back to childhood memories of waking up to the smell of bacon and eggs. It was a good scent, it meant her father had the day off and got to spend it with her. Her little feet would jump out of her comfortable bed and dart into the kitchen to find her dad, with a cup of coffee in one hand and a skillet in the other. “Morning' sweetie,” he’d say with a smile. She woke up out of her daze suddenly, her eyes opening in sync with the beat of her heart. 
She glanced around, the edges of her vision blurred by morning weariness. She rubbed her eyes. As she gained awareness, her mind began to wake up with the rest of her body. She then quickly realized this time was distinctly different from her memories. 1) She was located far away from home in a four star hotel located on the east side of northern Lithuania. 2) The smell was most definitely not coming from bacon, she could recognize the signature scent of burnt skin in the middle of a barbecue, after having the misfortune of inhaling its nauseating aroma in the past. She remembered reading about it in a forensics textbook. Burning muscle tissue creates a smell similar to beef in a frying pan and the fat smells like fatty pork on the grill. You never quite get the scent of death out of your nostrils entirely, no matter how much time has passed. 
She heard a creak coming from the kitchen floorboards and jolted awake now certainly knowing she was no longer alone. Attempting to not make a single sound, she reached for her pistol lying on the wooden bedside dresser to her right. Beside it she snatched a small hunting knife, she carried for good luck and slid it in her left sock. She took a step out of the bed, the floorboards groaned slightly and she quickly changed her footing, attempting to feel out the hollow areas that lay underneath to avoid making any noise. She found her fluffy bunny slippers tucked away beneath the metal bed frame and slid her toes into its cushioned soles, muffling the pattering of her steps. Clicking the gun’s safety off slowly, she crept through the doorway keeping her body close to the wall as she peered over into the kitchen. She brought her extended arms close to her chest, the pistol now few inches away from her chin, pointed at the ceiling. She couldn’t hear anything over the sound of her breathing and the occasional pops of oil from the frying pan on the stove. 
“Good Morning Clarice,” an all too familiar voice rang within her ears, breaking the unsettling silence. “You can come out now.” 
Clarice Starling emerged from the bedroom, her gun pointed directly in line with the back of Dr. Lecter. He was sitting in a chair at the mahogany dining table, his back to Clarice, he faced the opened doors to the balcony outside, his legs were crossed nonchalantly as he read the black and white newspaper in his hands. Clarice didn’t hesitate and pulled the trigger. Click. Click. Click.
“Tsk Tsk. Naughty girl,” Dr. Lecter teased without looking back. “Why don’t you have a seat? Don’t want your breakfast getting cold.” 
She rushed to his seat, swinging the unloaded pistol at his skull. Lecter grasped her wrist tightly with his right and only hand, the pistol about an inch from smashing into his head. His eyes remained glued to the newspapers contents even as he snapped her clenched fist open and flung the gun onto the table. “You’re very predictable Starling. Do you intend on making this more difficult than it needs to be?”
Slowly she made her way to the empty seat across from him. A plate consisting of two sausages, an egg and buttered toast laid in front of her. Clarice kept her unwavering gaze steady with Lecter’s. “What do I owe the delight of your presence, Doctor Lecter? I haven’t heard from you since our previous encounter. No calls or even a letter, unusual for you.” “Writing was a luxury I unfortunately had to leave behind with my dominant hand. The right gets the job done, but the penmanship will never quite equate to the elegance before.  I was sure you of all people wouldn’t need to be reminded of such details,” Lecter smiled as he lifted the black leather glove over his prosthetic to expose it’s plastic skin. Clarice remained silent, her eyes in a deadlock with his.
“I also couldn’t bear to give you the satisfaction of answering any questions I’m sure have been floating about in that charming head of yours. It wouldn’t do any justice to a more intimate confrontation. I was originally planning on leaving your mind to be in constant torment and wonder just for my personal pleasure, but when I overheard that you came all this way to pay me a visit I simply couldn’t resist your cries for my attention,” He paused, glancing down at the plate in front of her. “Please do eat, I assure you it is up to your standards.” 
“Oh really?” Clarice started, gesturing over at the oven. “Then how do you explain that?”
“I cannot make the same promise regarding my meal,” Lecter eerily grinned. 
Starling took a bite of her eggs, the yolk ran like spilled blood throughout her plate leaving a dark yellow pool around the crisp toast. Lecter watched her throat move up and back into place as she swallowed. He leaned back satisfied. “Remind you of the way daddy made them?” he chirped.
“They’re lacking on the pepper and he never used rosemary.” 
“My mistake.” He rose from the chair and attended to the sizzling flesh on the frying pan. 
Clarice scanned the room looking for any objects that could be used as a weapon, despite the other half of her brain telling her it’s useless and he’ll simply see it coming. For the meantime she deemed it to be best to go along with his game. “Why are you here Doctor?”
“I could ask you the same Clarice.”
“Doing my job, hunting you down,” she shot back, her eyes flared like hot charcoal on a grill.
“I’m flattered, but spare the theatrics because we both know this hardly has anything to do with work,” he flipped the long chunks of fat to their opposing side with a spatula.
“Why wouldn’t it?”
“Because you are here. Because you are not a part of the Lithuanian law enforcement. Because the bureau would never send their agents overseas to investigate a criminal who's been off the radar for over three years without concrete proof of my whereabouts, which I know for a fact that I have not provided.”
“People you have had personal connections to throughout your childhood, in your hometown suddenly show up murdered, matching your profile exactly, I would say that’s a dead give away Doctor.”
“You’ve been doing your research I see.”
“Of course, how else would I have found you?”
“Tell me Clarice, are you here for business or pleasure?” His tongue flicked against the backs of his teeth.
“For justice.” “Who sent you? And do not insult my intelligence with anything shroud of the truth because I will know.” Using the metal spatula he set the meat down on his plate next to his two poached eggs. He impaled the fattiest piece with his fork, bringing it to his nose, inhaled then took a slight nibble and savored the flavor in his tongue. 
Starling took a heavy breath, her eyes dropped from his gaze. “No one sent me,” she half-muttered. “Stop me if I’m wrong Clarice but I have a feeling I haven’t left your mind since the night of our last dinner together. I know your biggest question may be; why? Why would a monster such as myself sacrifice a part of my body for you? That question ate at you inside, festering like an aged wound and grew until it consumed you, you told yourself you needed to put an end to my antics for good, and knowing just how personal it had become you made it your mission to hunt me down and lock me back in a cage. But we both know the truth don’t we? No it was never about justice...it was about not being able to deal with your reciprocated emotions. It was creating an excuse to see me once again.” Clarice kept her head facing the ground, her face was stone and expressionless, but Hannibal did not stop. Leaving the kitchen’s marble island he began to approach Starling slowly. 
“You knew I would never come back, that I would leave you alone for the remainder of your life.” He was looming over her now, his shadow darkening her features. “You knew that if we were ever to have another encounter that you would have to seek me out this time.” In that moment Clairce felt a true sense of inferiority, a feeling she was not accustomed to. His body was inches from hers, her head at level with his upper waist. She breathed in his presence, it was a pure, primal masculine aroma. He digressed and sat down at the table, his demeanor changing from sensually intimidating and virile to a common mortal in a split second. 
“Maybe you never realized these feelings until you truly began your research into my past. When you learned I suffered the same pain you felt at a young age. I assume you discovered the details regarding the death of my family?” “Yes. They were killed in a bombing.”
“Yes, everyone died except my sister Mischa and myself. We were held captive in a lodge by Nazi forces when a group of Lithuanian Hilfwillige stormed and looted the lodge. They searched the premises for food but found nothing.” He took a sip from his cup of coffee and moved his gaze to the balcony looking off into the dark clouded skies and continued.
“The blistering chill of winter combined with an empty stomach, it does something to men, brings out the savage within. Mischa and I became the menu options. I put up a fight, but Mischa...she was weak, starving herself, ill from the cold, she was an easy kill. They sodomized her corpse first before slicing her body in bite sized portions and roasting it above a fire pit.”
Clarice watched his eyes as he recalled the events. She could almost swear she saw the reflection of his memory playing like a film in the glare of his pupils. Despite no tears being shed, she felt the immacable amount of pain in the slight trembles of his voice. 
At a loss for words to speak, “I’m sorry,” was all she could let out.
“You see Clarice, monsters like myself are not born into this world with faulty wiring, we are made through suffering.” He turned back towards her, circling the metal spoon inside the coffee cup, hitting it’s ceramic edges with every rotation.
“Is that how you justify your actions Dr. Lecter?”
“I admit there are some sins I have committed I cannot truly justify; however, most of the unspeakable acts I commit I can assure you are in fact poetic justice at it’s finest.” 
Clarice dropped her eyes to her socks, where the pocket knife rubbed against her perspire, she considered her course of action, but only for a second, until she was interrupted by the rattle of the wooden chair she was sitting in. Dr. Lecter gripped the chair’s arms like he expected it to run from his grasp, and leaned close to Starling’s ear. 
“Tell me, do I excite you Clarice? Do you find me in your dreams late in the evening? I imagine I used to appear as a grotesque monster but now perhaps a lover? And when you wake up do you find yourself horrified with yourself for these thoughts you simply cannot control?” She could feel the slight prickle of his facial air as his lips grazed against her earlobe. 
“I never believed you to be a monster Doctor,” she softly spoke. 
“Is that all you have to refute?” She lifted her head and let herself drift for a moment in his pale blue eyes.“I used to wonder if you were capable of love. That night, when you spared me from pain, I found out you were. But may I ask, why me? Was it just because I was one of the first women you had spoken to in years? Because I shared some personal information no one else would dare give to you?” She positioned her left hand further to the edge of her seat and brought her corresponding foot closer in reach. “Is that really what you think of me? So desperate for the touch of a woman I fall for the first to give me any attention in years? I see goodness in you Starling. When I look at you I see the same glimmer of loss within your eyes that I see in mine. You are an unfaltering flame, always burning with a righteous desire. Your character never fails to intrigue me, the way your mind ticks, your witty remarks, your composure in the face of death. No I’ve never quite found one like you.” His thumb fell from the top of her cheekbones to the very underlying rosy purse of her bottom lip. Her breathing was fluttered, rapidly picking up in pace with every passing second, for a second she felt as though she may lose consciousness altogether.
Overcome with emotion, she pulled out the blade from her sock and held it against his throat, knocking the chair down with the commotion. 
“Do it. I won’t stop you.”
“You have to understand how crazy this is. I can’t give up my life for one of FBI’s most wanted. I’d be throwing away everything I worked so hard to achieve. This needs to end. There is nothing between us.” “Then this should make things much easier for you. Don’t hesitate Clarice.”
“I don’t want to kill you.” “I won’t be put behind bars again, you either kill me now or I disappear from the world for good.” 
Clarice let a tear roll down her cheek, pushing Hannibal against the wall behind them. The cold steel pressed Lecter’s adams apple higher up into his esophagus. He never dropped his gaze with her even as tiny beads of blood began to break through the barriers of his skin’s surface. 
She stared into his eyes, his pupils seeming to pulsate as they stared back into her. 
“I can’t,” she whispered.
 “And why is that?”
“The same reason you can’t kill me.”
“And what may that reason be Clarice?” “Don’t make me say it.”
He put his hands on her shoulders, feeling the dips of her collar bones and the rhythmic thumping of her heart. He slowly moved his caress up to her neck and locked his hands around her throat.
“I want you to tell me Clarice. I want to hear the words come out of your mouth.”
She remained silent, nervous trembles running through her body.
He began to squeeze. “Say it,” he hissed. 
She gagged for air while shaking her head no.
“Say it!” his scream echoed throughout the floor of the hotel.
With a rasped voice and tears streaming down her cheeks she whimpered, “I love you.”
With his hands still firmly gripped around her neck, he whipped her around. The walls rattled as her back slammed against them. In a midst of desire he aggressively pressed his lips against hers, his hands still squeezing tightly as she returned his embrace. The warmth of his breath was hot like smoke. He released his grasp as she began to gasp for oxygen. Black fuzziness clouded her vision as she slid down the wall to the floor. 
In that moment it all clicked in her head. A fleeting memory pushed through the adrenaline coursing through her veins and in an instant the dots regarding Lecter were somehow aligned. 
“What was your mother like?” she managed to make out in between heavy breaths. 
Puzzled by the randomness of her inquiry, Lecter responded hesitantly with a curious smile, “I feel as though she truly loved her children but was simply a very emotionally detached person.” 
Clarice’s eyes narrowed, “Did she nurse you as a child Dr. Lecter?”
Clarice lowered the thin straps of her black satin nighty, her clavicle further exposed, glistening with faint beads of sweat. She took a breath in through her nose and exhaled slowly.
“Did you ever compete with Mischa for the breast?”
“I don’t remember Clarice…,” Lecter began not quite sure where she was going with the question. “If there was a competition I would’ve given it up willingly.” He found the enigma of her quivering lip excessively compelling.
She raised herself to his eye level, her glare burning like firey embers, she leaned her back against the floral wallpaper, “You will not have to compete for mine.”
Her nighty swiftly slid off her shoulders and fell to her ankles as if she manifested it to reality. Lecter’s eyes moved up and down her curves absorbing the image into the most precious capsules of his mind. Pulling him close to her chest, he bent down, inhaling the warmth resonating off her skin, his hands caressing the small of her back while his tongue followed the thin trail of swelter to her breast.
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monstersandmaw · 5 years
Male triton Fae (Kaerio) x female character (Ellen) (sfw)
This was a commission for someone who appears to have infinite patience, so thank you very much for hanging on in there for so many months. I’m sorry, and I hope you enjoy this at last… It’s been up on my Patreon on early release, and now it’s time to put it up here.
It's the 'prequel' to the story with Adan, the Argonian-inspired marine iguana, and which you can find on Tumblr here. I don't think you really need to have read it to enjoy this one, but it might help a bit.
You can catch up on all my Fae Realm related posts and stories here on Patreon, but again, you don't need to in order to enjoy this. I hope.
Jaerhin - Prince of the Court of Fire aesthetic and info
Inikeira - Princess of the Court of Air aesthetic and info
'Poster boy' for the Fae Realm doodle
Fae Courts - 'wiki' style info post
Ystlynn - younger son of the Court of Spring, aesthetic and info
Cirdan - Prince of the Court of Winter, drawing and Fae Realm info
Fae seer/priest aesthetic, ideas, and fae world concepts
Content: serious injury to male character towards the beginning but it’s brief and not described in too much detail. Fluff, a dose of angst, and some more fluff. Sfw, with the odd touch/kiss. Word count: 9,385
The tranquillity of the waves lapping the shore always soothed her on a level she couldn’t quite articulate. Moving away from the city in her early twenties, leaving it all behind for a quieter life atop the cliffs where she could gather herbs and tend to the folks who needed it had been rewarding, for sure, but the sharp ache of loneliness did still lance through her every now and again.
Perhaps if someone came along one day who caught her eye, then she might go along with it, but for now Ellen was content enough with her books and her herbs and her remedies. The small flock of chatty chickens, all too fond of the sound of their own clucking voices, and the near-silent stray black cat who had more recently adopted her, were enough company for the time being.
Gathering samphire in the wake of the retreating tide one early summer morning, just as the sun was starting to peek above the glass-perfect horizon, a splash from a rock pool up ahead caught her attention and she stood up straight from her task to see a figure slumped on his front over a rock in the shallows.
Her eyes widened and her heart leapt into her mouth at the sight of him, and she thought for an awful moment that he was dead. His skin was glacially pale, like finest marble, and his hair was long and dark, spilling down over his shoulders and back, sticking to his skin like seaweed. He was completely naked, but as she stared openly at him, shocked into a stupor by his beauty and his unexpected presence, she noticed the harpoon sticking out of his back and she covered her mouth with one hand.
The basket of freshly-gathered seaweed completely forgotten, she raced over to him, the toes of her bare feet digging into the wet sand as she flew to him. He tilted his face up a little at her arrival, his gaze vague and his irises so black that she almost couldn’t make out his pupils. The harpoon was lodged in his back, mercifully well clear of his spine, but it was obvious that he’d been shot from behind. It had missed everything important but was still lodged in the muscle of his back. The water had washed a lot of the blood away, but from the looks of him, he didn’t have much left in him.
“Easy,” she said, trying not to panic. “I’m going to help you, alright? I’m a physician. Stay put, and I’ll be right back.” With that, she didn’t linger long enough to hear if he made any response, and turned and ran at full tilt back towards the cliffs and the winding, switchback path that would lead to her wooden hut.
Her lungs burned as she scrabbled up the last stretch, her muscles searing and cramping from the sudden exertion, but she pushed herself on, only daring to catch her breath when she reached her front door and burst inside. Grabbing the necessary supplies from various cupboards and shelves and stuffing them into another basket, Ellen took a few steadying breaths before hurtling back down to the beach.
“Please don’t be dead, please don’t be dead,” she chanted over and over as she ran back to him.
He hadn’t moved and for a horrible moment she thought that he had slipped away, but when he gave a shuddering gasp, his fingertips just twitching slightly, relief washed through her.
It took a long time to tend to him, and in less than ideal conditions. The water and alcohol she used to clean the wound would have to be sufficient, and mercifully he passed out when she had only just begun to remove the harpoon’s barbed tip. It was a cruel weapon, made for latching into the flesh of dolphins and sharks which would then be hauled out of the water, and shipped off to where the nobility of the inland cities would consume them on laden tables, attended by servants and entertained by captive fae on iron chains. The sight of the weapon disgusted her but she hadn’t time to focus on that. He needed stitching up, and she was damned if she was going to let him die on her now.
It should have occurred to her that any ordinary human being would never have survived such injuries, but Ellen was so focused on the immediate task of saving his life that the thought never crossed her racing mind.
When she could do no more for him, she leaned back, exhausted, and glanced to her right and saw that the tide was creeping back in towards the wide, sandy cove.
“How the hell am I going to get you up the cliff?” she mused aloud, stroking his long hair back from his beautiful face; the long strands were encrusted here and there with salt and she picked them loose while she mulled it over. He looked tired and strained, with dark circles under his eyes, and he looked more than a bit undernourished, but he was undeniably beautiful. Ellen removed her thick woollen cloak and laid it over his slender shoulders, spreading it down his back to try and keep him warm and give him a bit of dignity for the time being.
As if summoned back to consciousness by her touch, his eyelids fluttered, long lashes dancing like butterfly wings on his pale, bruised-looking skin. He looked up at her from where he was still slumped over the smooth rock beneath him and tried to move.
“Shh, steady,” she smiled, easing back a little so that he didn’t have to strain himself to look up at her. “That was quite the injury… Don’t move too much just yet.”
“Where am I?” he croaked, his rough voice like a handful of grit in his mouth. “You’re… You’re…” but whatever he was going to say, he cut himself off and looked around apprehensively, his eyes wide with obvious horror.  
“Easy,” she said, trying to reassure the strange man. “I’ll need you to move in a minute because the tide is coming in. Do you think you can stand?”
He took an experimental draw of his lungs, winced, but then nodded.
“I’ll help you.”
It took… a long time.
Even with his light frame, he was unsteady on his legs to the point that a newborn deer might have fared better than he did. She clasped her cloak around his throat with a beautiful silver brooch - the only treasure she’d really kept from her life in the city before moving here - and slid her arm around his torso. Together they staggered and slipped up the path to the hut, and it was testament to her skills as a physician, trained in the city with the finest doctors and surgeons, that he didn’t rip his stitches open again. The wound was bleeding through the bandages, but when she inspected it briefly after taking the cloak off him, she found that it was just weeping after the exertion.
Ellen then laid the stranger down in her bed and he slid into sleep in a single, harsh exhale.
Exhaustion washed through her like a riptide and she staggered slightly, suddenly dizzy and weak after the frantic rush of racing to save his life and hauling him up the cliff path to her home. She parked herself in the chair beside the cold fireplace and took a moment to steady herself. The day was heating up now, and she had chores to attend to. Taking a deep breath, she rallied her strength and said, “Well, those chickens won’t take care of themselves…”
The stranger slept for the rest of the day, though she continued to check up on him in between her jobs. After retrieving her basket of samphire from the grasping foam of the incoming tide, she fed and greeted her slightly disgruntled chickens and collected their eggs. That done, she set about drawing some water from the well she’d had sunk when she’d first moved in by two very friendly minotaurs who lived only a mile or so away.
By the time Ellen had caught up on the day’s chores, the sun was sinking low behind the wind-blasted trees atop the cliffs, and she had just begun to grill some fish for their evening meal when she heard a grunt behind her in the one-roomed hut. She’d thought about asking the minotaurs to help her extend the small building, but it hardly seemed necessary. Maybe one day, but for now, this was enough.  
“How are you feeling?” she asked, lifting the fish away from the heat, and the man blinked, staring around at the hut with wide, fearful eyes. “It’s alright,” she smiled. “My name is Ellen. You’re safe here.”
He gasped softly as she spoke her name, but other than that, he barely reacted. He still looked too surprised to find himself in someone else’s house. She supposed that was natural.
“Listen, do you want something to eat? You should try and start to recover your strength…”
He looked warily at the grilled fish and the small, charcoal cooking fire in the corner of the room, but unmistakable interest flared in his dark eyes and he licked his lips almost unconsciously.
She returned her attention to the meal, not wanting to overwhelm him. When she turned back to him, she found that he was sitting up and was making no attempt to cover himself whatsoever. He just sat there, gazing around at her home as if he’d never seen anything like it before.
“It’s not much,” she said, blushing. “And I wasn’t exactly expecting guests when I found you this morning.”
“It’s nice,” he murmured. “You saved my life,” he added, lightly touching the bandages around his ribcage that held the dressing in place on his back. His fingers were delicate and they trembled slightly as he moved them along the fabric. “You asked no price,” he whispered.
“You’re a tough one, for sure. Just having someone get better is reward enough for me,” Ellen said with a cheery note to her voice. The truth rang through her words, and it seemed to shock the young man.
“You know your craft,” he said. “You have no magic.” The way he spoke in short, softly-articulated sentences seemed odd, but she shrugged.
“Very few of us physicians actually have magic these days,” she said. “I know what I know, and I do what I can.”
He stared at her intently, and it was almost unnerving. “You’re very kind.”
Ellen had to bite her lips together as the blush crept up further her cheeks. “As I said, I do what I can. Now, are you hungry?”
He shook his head, but in the end she managed to convince him to cover up, and to eat something by saying he’d undo all her good work if he starved to death.
Shortly after finishing, he lay back on the bed and was asleep in minutes. She hadn’t even managed to ask him his name.
Deciding not to risk waking him by clattering around any more, she stepped outside into the balmy evening and closed up the chicken coop for the night. The cat slunk out of the shadows of the herb garden and trotted boldly over to her, his one white sock flashing in the dim remnants of the daylight. He butted his head against her calf and meowed a soft greeting, so of course, she stooped to give him a cuddle.
Ellen had no intention of sharing her tiny cot with the naked stranger, so she drew some spare blankets out of a cupboard and laid them down on the floor beside the empty fireplace. It was warm enough that she didn’t need much covering, so she used most of them as padding to lie on, dragged a cushion from a nearby chair, and drew a simple sheet up over her body to keep the chill of the middle of the night from her skin. Sleep was a long time coming, and for at least an hour, she lay staring up at the figure of the sleeping stranger in her bed. It felt so odd to have someone else in the cabin with her, but despite his quirky behaviour, she didn’t feel threatened by him.
As dawn crept through the small windows of her modest hut, Ellen woke with a soft sigh. Sleeping on the floor was hardly comfortable, but she’d got a good enough night’s sleep, and she stretched before turning her gaze up to her bed where the young man lay.
Except that in his place was not the young man she had remembered from the night before.
Lying under the blankets, though with its torso half exposed, was something from a fairytale or perhaps even a nightmare. The creature that lay there had blueish-green skin and delicately webbed hands, each finger ending in a talon the colour of lapis lazuli. Its face was still vaguely humanoid, but its eyes were almond shaped and huge, resting closed in sleep, and its nose was flat with slit nostrils, and thin, dark blue lips were drawn shut in a tight line. It had no hair, and its ears were marked by a three-pointed fin. Atop its head was another fin, like a crest, and each one glimmered softly like the scales of a fish, first seeming green, then blue, then silver as she stared in horror at it.
Larger scales glimmered down its turquoise neck and the skin on its chest was a dusky blue highlighted with paler green. It would have been beautiful to behold had she not been so terrified. “Fae,” she hissed, staggering to her feet and reeling backwards.
The creature’s eyes opened in a flash and when it registered the revulsion and fear on her face, it raised its hand and inspected what it found, flexing its fingers and spreading the webbing that stretched between them. Turning its eyes back on Ellen, it opened its mouth and she saw a row of savage, pointed teeth.
“Oh gods protect me,” she hissed, snatching up the iron fire poker from its hook beside the grate and brandishing it like a rapier between them. Not that she had the faintest idea how to use a rapier.
The creature’s fin-like ears drew back and it hissed like a cat at the sight of the iron. “Please,” it rasped, and she recognised the voice of the man from the day before in the guttural speech she heard now. “You saved me. I will not harm you. I just… I couldn’t hold this form…”
“You’re a… a fae, aren’t you?” she snarled. “Gods, I can’t believe I let you in here. I can’t believe I…” the colour drained from her cheeks as she realised that she’d told her true name to this creature. “Oh gods.”
“Please,” he said, shuffling and wincing as he tried to sit up. “I swear by the magic in my blood, by my connection to the Fae Realm, by the water that is my home, that I will not harm you.” His voice was strange, as though his tongue had difficulties with human speech around the razor sharp row of teeth in his mouth. “I will leave, but… I… I’m not sure I have the strength to shift again so soon.”
Ellen scowled, confused.
With a sigh, the fae lifted the blankets and revealed that his lower half was a powerful, muscular tail; all glimmering scales and soft, delicate looking fin, though she noticed on closer inspection that each fin was tipped with a barb that reminded her of lion fish. Beautiful but deadly like all Fae…
“Please, let me rest a little while longer,” he said, his voice cracking with obvious fatigue. “Then I will return to the sea, and I will attempt to find the fissure between the veil. I will never trouble you again.”
“I told you my name,” she hissed.
“A gift I will treasure,” he said, “And a trust I will never betray.”
“The only way it’d be fair is if you told me yours in return,” she snarled, still clutching the iron fire poker. “And what the hell are you doing here in the Mortal Realm in the first place?”
His shoulders slackened a little and he tipped his head back against her pillow. “That’s a rather longer story than I have the strength for at the moment. I will tell you though, if you’d truly like to know.”
Ellen just stood there, her breathing fast and shallow, her heart hammering in her ears. A Fae, here, in her cottage. In her bed.
The closest she’d come to one was in the bustling city market where there had been one in an iron cage, but that one had been the size of a skinny child and had had wings like a dragonfly and skin like hoarfrost on glass. There was an eerie kind of beauty to the Fae lying in her bed, with his inhuman eyes, vaguely reminiscent of the deep sea fish that sometimes got tangled up in the fishermen’s nets, and the iridescent blues and greens of his scales were almost mesmerising. She had to shake herself. Everyone knew the stories: Fae would trick you into giving up your soul and leave you nothing but a husk; Fae would steal your name and compel you to come back to their home realm where they would do unspeakable things to you…
And here she was with one in her bed who knew her true name. “Fool,” she whispered to herself.
“If I tell you my name,” he said, surprising her, “Will you trust me?”
“Not a chance,” she said. “But it’d be a start.”
“Kaerio,” he murmured. “My True Name is Kaerio. As a Fae, I cannot lie; you know it to be truth.”
And she did. She felt the truth of it hit her in the chest like a physical blow. “Kaerio,” she murmured, turning the sound of it over on her tongue. He shuddered violently under the covers and she looked at him. “What…?”
He chuffed a laugh, raw and devoid of humour. “I never thought I’d ever hear a human call my name…” he said. “We have stories about you too, to frighten our children…”
“Yeah, well, I never imagined I’d have a damned fae in my bed,” she snapped. “I should have known you weren’t human! No one would survive an injury like that if they weren’t… you know… How did you come to have a hunting harpoon in your back anyway?”
Kaerio sighed deeply and rolled carefully onto his side. His fluke flopped off the end of the bed, spreading its full width and somehow looking like hot-folded iridescent glass. It was stunning and fascinating, and she found herself staring openly at it.
When she looked up at him, his glassy eyes were fixed on her face. He had no white sclera - his large, almond-shaped eyes were like polished jet, and just as hard and cold as he gazed unblinkingly at her. She flushed unexpectedly under his scrutiny and he offered a soft, closed-lipped smile before speaking. “There was an attack on the Court of Water,” he said slowly, his gruff voice deep and sonorous as the high tide against the cliffs.
“The Court of Water?” she asked.
He hummed softly as he nodded. “There are twelve Courts in the Fae Realm, each ruled over by a prince or princess of the lesser Fae…” he tilted his head curiously at her. “You know nothing of this?”
“Why would I? We’re not exactly taught the political structure of the Fae Realm at school. We’re taught to be afraid of your kind from birth.”
His grin was lopsided and showed too many teeth. “Likewise,” he snorted. “Well, there’s always been animosity between certain Courts. I serve in the guard of the princess of the Court of Water, and I am also a messenger of sorts. I carry messages from the House of the Sea to court, and do my prince and princess’ bidding whenever a message needs to be taken elsewhere in the Realm. Providing it is reached by waterways, of course,” he added with a shrug.
“I… I don’t fully understand,” Ellen said, and instead she asked, “But… how did you end up here?”
Kaerio sighed. “I was bringing a message from our princess to the Prince of the Winter Court. He has some sway with the Court of Fire, and it was believed that the attack came from them. She hoped that Prince Círdan would be able to convince Prince Jaehrin to call off the attack… I have to go back,” he said, his head drooping despondently. “I never made it to the Court of Winter and… I don’t know what things are like there. The castle could still be under attack… My people…” His voice broke and he bit back a choked sob.
“I’m not going to pretend to understand the politics of what’s going on here, but none of that tells me how you ended up in the Mortal Realm…”
He swallowed his hurt for a moment and looked directly at her. “There were fire-charges and spells raining down from the ships as they bombarded our defences. I dove deep to avoid them and must have found one of the tears in the veil between our realms. They exist all over the place, but most of them are guarded by waystones or some kind of sentry. This was just… there. I’d swum through it before I knew what had happened, and I needed to surface. When I did, there was a fishing boat nearby, and the next thing I know there are spears and bolts hissing down around me.” He shifted his ribs a little and said, “I took one in the back and I must have shifted in panic. I’m not really sure. I rarely use this form.”
“Why not?”
“There’s very little need for legs in my line of work,” he said wryly.
“What will you do now then?” she asked, realising with a jolt that she had lowered her arm and her grip on the fire poker had relaxed to the point that she was almost about to drop it. Taking a deep breath and deciding that while he had his tail he couldn’t exactly leap at her and disembowel her with his claws from where he lay, she set it back down and sank into a chair at a safe distance from him.
“I need to heal,” he said. “It shouldn’t take long, but in the Mortal Realm I’m cut off from the Fae magic, so I don’t know… I… If I were strong enough to swim down to the gateway I could go home.”
“You want me to check the wound then?” she asked.
Kaerio was surprisingly sheepish as he nodded.
“Keep those claws to yourself,” Ellen growled as she pushed herself upright and crossed to him. On the way, she grabbed a pair of scissors from a side table and he went rigid at the sight of them.
He fell completely still as she laid her hands on him, but a second later a shiver ran the length of his body and he gasped.
Pausing, Ellen asked, “Did I hurt you?”
With a shake of his head, he fell still again, jaw set grimly, watching her while she brought the scissors to the bandages. It was only as she realised that these ones were iron and not steel, that she faltered. If she didn’t touch his skin with them, he’d be alright, so she continued, being doubly careful this time, and when he was unwrapped, she set them back on the table, out of sight.
The relief that washed through him was tangible. “Sorry about that,” she said and he gasped as she laid her fingertips on his ribcage, inspecting the wound.
“Your hands are cold,” he half-giggled and half-gasped.
“Cold hands, warm heart,” he grinned. “At least, that’s what they say at home. Not sure if you have that saying here. Do you? Have it here, I mean?”
Ellen frowned and snorted at the same time. “Are you nervous, Kaerio?” she purred playfully, overcome with a sudden rush of confidence. Perhaps it was his unexpected burst of nerves that egged her on.
“No,” he blurted, turning his face away, his fin-like ears tucking flat against his head.
“Well,” she said, poking carefully at the edges of the puncture wound with her fingertips. “You’ve healed miraculously overnight. It seems that your abilities have come with you from the Fae Realm. I wouldn’t recommend fighting a war just yet, but you should be able to swim at least.”
His muscles went slack with relief and he reached tentatively for her hand. When she didn’t immediately recoil, he took her fingers gently in his and ran the pad of his thumb over her knuckles. “Thank you,” he said. “What can I offer you as repayment?”
“You healed,” she said, still not withdrawing her hand from his cool, polite grip. “I told you, that’s all I want from any patient. Especially from a Fae. I don’t want anything else from you.”
He nodded. “That… That is not… That would not normally be… enough…”
She rolled her eyes and stepped back. “I can’t vouch for how well it’d hold up to you changing your form though. And I can’t carry you down to the beach.”
“One more day,” he said, sounding oddly reluctant. “May I trespass on your hospitality and patience for one more day?”
In fact, he ended up staying for two more days. As much as her wariness was still very present, her curiosity about his world surged to the forefront and she found herself sitting in a chair beside the bed while he told her as much as he was able to about the Fae Realm where he lived.
“There are twelve Courts, as I said,” he explained as he rested his weight on one arm, still lying on his side amongst her sheets and blankets. Every now and again his tail would twitch animatedly, his fluke lifting slightly in the manner of someone drumming their fingers on a tabletop while talking. “There are the four Elemental Courts of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air, and each of them have their own noble houses - such as the one I serve, the House of the Sea. There are the Seasonal Courts of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, and then there are the Solar Courts of Dawn, Day, Twilight and Night.”
Ellen nodded but remained quiet.
“The territory and influence of each court varies hugely. We are all ruled over by the Seelie and the Unseelie Fae, but they trouble us very little. So long as what we do poses no threat to the fabric of the Fae Realm itself, then they let our Courts squabble as we please. Someone is always pushing for more power, more control… it’s…” he waved a taloned hand, the tiny scales on his fingers sparkling in the summer light that poured in through the open doorway and window in an attempt to cool the room a little, “… tedious…” he finished.
There seemed to be something more than what he told her, but she didn’t push it. “And… forgive me, but I’ve only ever seen perhaps one fae other than you… What… What do your kind look like?”
“As varied as there are fish in the sea,” he laughed. “The lesser royalty - the princes and princesses of our Courts - tend to look mostly human… ish… Some have wings like butterflies or moths, while others have bone structure that’s definitely not quite the same as humans, but for the most part, the royal ones are not like me at any rate. Us lower Fae, the kelpies and shrikes, tritons and wraiths, have more monstrous forms. Of course, it’s said that our dear royalty also have ‘other’ forms which they choose not to take very often…”
“Other forms?”
“Monstrous forms, but they pride themselves on their exquisite beauty… No one wants to serve a creature who is anything less than the epitome of perfection after all…”
Ellen scowled at that, but who was she to judge the beauty standards of another culture, let alone an entirely different realm?
She asked Kaerio questions until his voice was hoarse and she eventually realised how long she’d been making him talk. Embarrassed and chagrined, she offered him water and food, both of which he took more readily this time.
As she sat on the edge of the bed to offer him the plate of hot, steamed fish, he gazed up at her, his features considerably softer now.
“What?” she asked, irritated by how unusually flustered she was.
“I’ve never met a human before,” he said. “You’re very beautiful.”
Whatever she’d been expecting him to say, it hadn’t been that. “Oh.”
“Have I offended?” he asked, a playful note in his voice.
She cocked an eyebrow at him. “You know you haven't. But I am wary of the kinds of stories we’re told about you…”
“Oh?” he asked, pushing himself upright and leaning against the wooden headboard behind him before taking the bowl of food from her. His claws scraped slightly on her fingers as she passed it to him and she fought off a little shiver.
“Yeah,” Ellen muttered, standing up and smoothing out her skirt unnecessarily. “It’s said you’ll charm us into falling in love with you.”
He snorted. “Why would we do that?”
The question took her by surprise. “I have no idea. But whenever someone goes missing, especially in rural communities, it’s always assumed that the Fae took them… More likely the cold or a wild cat or something if you ask me,” she added. “But then again, here you are.”
“And am I making you fall in love with me?” he asked dryly. “Is my unusual body so enticing?” There was a nasty bitterness in his voice that made her brows knit together in a frown.
Instead of scoffing at him the way he obviously assumed she would, she said quietly, “I think you’re very beautiful too.”
Kaerio nearly choked on a mouthful of his lunch.
Satisfied, and a little bit embarrassed, Ellen beat a hasty retreat with the excuse that she should have let the chickens out by now.
When she returned, Kaerio was asleep again, the empty plate resting in his slack hands, and she took the chance to look at him properly. Yes, he was beautiful.
By the time he had recovered enough to shift again, she watched him do it with the fascination of a scientist. His tail split and with a horrible cracking of bone, he twitched and jerked, the scales melting into his pale skin until the figure of the man she had first found lay before her, sweaty and breathing hard and clutching his ribs with one hand. His wound - which was beyond the reach of his fingers - was clearly still painful, even if it had almost completely healed. Winded, Kaerio looked up at her bashfully and wheezed, “Isn't this a more attractive form for you?”
She shrugged. “I’m not going to lie, you’re very pretty like this, but I think I almost prefer to see you as you are. Besides, you’ve got more colour when you’re a triton. You look like a corpse with all that pale skin…” she grinned.
He laughed weakly and sat up.
“Also you have absolutely no modesty when you’re a human,” she added quickly, chucking her cloak at him to cover up his privates.
He grinned but dutifully covered himself and said, “You’re a doctor. There’s no shame in a naked body…”
“No,” she said, “But you’re no longer in need of my help. It’s indecent.”
He stood carefully, swaying a little as he struggled to find his balance. “Perhaps I do need your help still,” he said quietly.
Ellen rolled her eyes at him but didn’t refuse him her arm as she led him down the path towards the beach.
“I suppose this is goodbye,” she said as she stood there at the tide line. Each stroke of the sea against the beach felt like claws reaching to drag him away and she couldn’t explain the lump she felt in her throat.
Kaerio read her expression clearly and stepped close. He brought his hand to her jaw and cupped her cheek, thumbing gently at her cheekbones as her eyes sparkled with unexpected tears. “What is it?” he asked. “What’s wrong? I thought you’d be pleased to see me gone…”
Ellen found herself shaking her head, her hair falling loose around her shoulders, tugged free by the stiff sea breeze. “I’ve… I’ve been alone here since I left the city…” she said. “I can’t believe I found…” Found what? Friendship? Companionship? “Found… whatever this has been… with one of the Fae…”
That seemed to surprise him. “I never asked you about your life,” he said, shame ringing through his words like a temple bell. “All I’ve done is talk about myself for two days…”
She smiled weakly. “I asked you, remember? I made you talk yourself hoarse with stories of your homeland…”
“I could try and come back,” he suggested and her heart leapt unbidden to her throat.
“It’s too dangerous, surely?” she said without conviction.
Kaerio’s dark eyes - seemingly human but with a strange depth to them that spoke of the fathomless depths of the sea - bore into her. “I think…” he said carefully, as if hardly daring to believe what he was saying, “I think it is you who has bewitched a Fae, human, and not the other way around. For you, I would risk returning. If you wish it of me.”
“Yes,” she breathed, trembling all over, and not from the wind.
“Then as soon as I have done my duty and delivered the message to Prince Círdan, I will return to you. I swear it. As my True Name is Kaerio, I swear to you that I will return to you.”
Something snapped in the air between the two of them and she gasped. The word of a Fae once given was a powerful thing. She nodded. “Be safe.”
He traced another arc across her cheek once more and unclasped her cloak. As he laid it across her outstretched arm, he bowed his head and kissed her hand.
Watching him walk into the waves wrenched strangely at her heart and she drew the cloak to her nose, inhaling the scent of him as he abandoned his human form, becoming little more than a ripple of green and blue amongst the shifting hues of the water. A second later his head cleared the surface again and he waved once at her before disappearing in a flash of sparkling light and a slap of his fluke.
Just when she’d begun to think he wouldn’t return, as she quilted a new blanket together by the light of the fire and in the middle of the worst summer storm she’d yet weathered in her little hut, barely protected by the twisted broom trees that clung to the edges of the cliff, someone pounded on her door.
Ellen leapt from the fireplace in alarm and flung open the door to a face full of rain and wind. Standing there, shivering and completely naked, was Kaerio.
She gasped his name and ushered him inside. “What the hell are you doing here in all this weather?” she chided him, steering him towards the fire and scrambling to fetch a towel to dry him off.
His teeth were chattering so badly he couldn’t respond immediately and she pressed a mug of hot tea into his frozen fingers a moment later. While he was simultaneously thawing out and drying off, she fished out a pair of old work trousers that she thought might fit him, even if they would be a little on the short side, and a linen shirt and round-necked, woollen pullover. Once he’d stuffed himself into them, and a pair of socks with which he seemed completely fascinated, he grinned up at her.
“Infinitely. How are you?”
“Apart from being startled out of my wits by the sudden re-appearance of a certain Fae in the middle of a ferocious storm? Fine,” she laughed, and was answered with a white-toothed smile.
“I’m glad,” he said, turning his attention to the steaming tea in his hands. “I thought of you often.”
“You’ve been gone two weeks,” she said. “I thought you weren’t coming back. What on earth possessed you to return tonight of all nights?”
“It’s the first chance I’ve had,” he shrugged. “And the weather wasn’t so bad on our side of the veil…” He looked up at her with his unnaturally dark eyes alight with concern. “Are the storms always this bad here?”
She shrugged and threw another log on the fire before drawing up a chair beside him. The firelight gilded his pale cheeks beautifully, and while he was hauntingly attractive in this form, she found she missed his even stranger triton form. “Some are. This isn’t unusual for this time of year. How did your wound heal, by the way?”
“Beautifully,” he said, rolling his shoulder and stretching out his previously-injured side as if to demonstrate. “It aches a bit sometimes, but it makes me think of you and your touch, so I don’t mind.” His paper-white cheeks flushed dark at that, and she laughed.
“I missed you too,” Ellen admitted.
They shared a bed that night, though he kept his touches chaste, limiting himself merely to holding her as the rain lashed the cabin.
When they woke in the morning, he had managed to remain in his human form and they walked along the beach together, picking up strange bits of debris that the storm had flung onto the sand. He found her a shell that she’d never seen before and told her that it was from the Fae Realm.
“When we get home I’ll drill a hole in it and hang it up,” she smiled, taking the clam-like lid of the shell from him and turning it in the light to make it glimmer like a pearl.
“They’re said to bring luck and love,” he commented.
She shot him a look and said, “Well, you came first but perhaps it’s a confirmation from the universe…”
Again, his cheeks flushed and he looked away.
“Am I wrong?”
His hands strayed to her hips and he made her halt, gazing at her with those deep eyes. “I shouldn’t do this,” he said.
“Do what?”
“Court you, fall for you… It’s… It’s madness. But… I cannot deny my feelings for you. You are a magnificent woman, Ellen. You’re smart and talented and I cherish the memories of our conversations, few as they may have been in number so far.”
Her heartbeat hammered against her ear drums and she licked her lips nervously. “So far?” she asked, staring up at him through her lashes.
Kaerio nodded. “I… I hope to return… The conflict at home has passed, much as the storm from last night has eased. The Court of Fire has agreed not to launch any more attacks on us, and in return we have agreed to allow them passage across the widest river in our kingdom. There’s a small finger of our land that extends along their territory, and they wish access to the river… Our princess agreed to let them use our ferries, but not to build the bridge they requested.”
“Is that going to be enough for them?” she asked apprehensively, very aware of his palms on her hips still.
“It’s… For now, it’s enough.” He tilted her chin up with a delicate touch of his curled fingers. “And if you will allow me, I would like to return to you more frequently.”
With a smile, she accepted.
By the end of the summer, as the autumn sea mists rolled in and choked the land in drenching fog that chilled her to the bone for days at a time, she had spent many an afternoon on the sands with him, both in his triton form and his human, though mostly in his triton to save him the effort and pain of shifting.
“You’re sure you don’t mind?” he’d asked on one particular occasion as she lay in his arms while he trailed his claws through her hair.
She replied by pressing her hand flat against his stomach and stroking the smooth scales there with fascination and affection. “You’re beautiful. Why would I mind?”
He’d smiled and kissed her head, and had remained as he was.
The winter weather made their visits harder. Shivering and soaked, he would stagger up the path to the hilltop and she would welcome him inside, but it was impractical to say the least.
“Kaerio, you can’t keep doing this to yourself,” she said as snow fell thick outside and chunks of ice floated like scum in the wide bay beyond. This time he’d arrived with a bleeding scalp from a chunk of debris in the stormy water and had needed patching up. “It’s… It’s taking a toll on you…”
The triton had embraced her, his human arms encircling her and holding her tight to him. “I can’t… not come and see you. I need you…” he said. “I… I’m bound to you, Ellen. I’m yours.”
Her heart clenched and she clutched at him. “Unless you take me to the Fae Realm forever, I -”
He cut her off by jerking backwards, eyes wide. “Ellen,” he breathed.
“Do you make such a suggestion in earnest?” his gaze darted frantically between her eyes, searching her face for any artifice or deceit. When he found neither, he whispered, “You… You would really do that? Offer… that?”
“I can’t see another way to be with you,” she said. “I have no real ties here. There are other healers in the area, and… well… you said that humans are treated exceptionally well in the Court of Water. I could be free if I came to live with you…”
“You would give up all this? For me?” he whimpered, his eyes glazing with tears.
Kaerio was clearly stunned, and made her promise to think it over. “I would have to make arrangements anyway,” he said. “I have a small cabin on the edge of the sea, though I don’t use it very often. It could be made habitable - comfortable - for you.” Excitement blazed in his eyes, and over the next three visits, all he could talk about was the advances he had made in preparing it for her.
Ellen, meanwhile, sold her chickens to a young man a few farms across who promised to look after them and asked no questions about why she wanted to sell them. She prepared her few meagre belongings and packed a large sack full of the clothes and items she wished to bring along. Kaerio had promised that she would be provided for there, so she packed only the things that meant the most to her.
Her triton went through the plan for getting her through the veil, how the magic would feel as it encased her and protected her from the water and the pressure, and how she would need to take it easy as she adapted to the Fae Realm. Just as Fae who slipped through the places where the barriers were frail found themselves unable to use their magic, weaker and more vulnerable to iron and rowan wood, so humans often felt dizzy and almost feverish in their first few days in the Fae Realm as ambient magic coursed through them and the strange, rich foods settled into their bodies.
Dancing with excitement on the shore, bag in hand, she waited for Kaerio on the day he had promised.
She waited while the sun climbed higher and the seagulls wheeled around her. The weather was freezing but bright; the winter day clear and still. The waves lapped gently at the sand, and all was perfect for a journey across the barrier.
She waited, fear fizzing away inside her, as the sun passed its zenith and began to sink down.
Tears came and went as she paced the shore, terrified that something had happened to him.
Eventually, near the deepening chill of sunset, a movement in the water caught her eye and she darted forwards, her thick leather boots splashing in the shallows. “Kae?”
The triton powered through the water and she crouched beside him as he hauled himself out of the reach of the waves, sending water splashing.
Ellen searched his body for sign of injury, but he seemed alright. “What happened? Where were you? I’ve been so worried.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, and at the sound of his voice she froze. His tone was cold. “You can’t come with me.”
She staggered, mind and body reeling. “What? But… we’ve been preparing for weeks…  What’s changed?”
He shook his head and twitched his gaze back to the sea as if something might come boiling out of the waves after him like a kraken from the deep. “You can’t come with me, and…” he choked suddenly but forced himself to go on. “And I cannot come to see you again. You’ll be in danger if I do.”
Ellen’s whole world slid sideways and she crumpled softly onto her knees beside him, heedless of the water and the cold. “What?” she whispered. “No… No, Kae, I love you… We were going to… This… This can’t be happening.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, his words hollow. “You can’t come with me, and I don’t have long. I have to go.”
“No,” she cried, grasping for him. His skin was slippery from the water, like a landed fish straight from the ocean, and he rolled away from her, shuffling back into the water. “No! Kae, please! Tell me why! Please, just tell me… Tell me what I did wrong… You owe me that much.”
His fins were pinned back tightly against his body - a sure sign of his own distress - and he shook his head. “It isn’t you, Ellen,” he said. “I can’t explain it and I cannot lie, and I’m so sorry. It’s not worth the risk. I’m not worth the risk for you. I have to go. Do not try to follow,” he added when he caught the light in her eyes. “It’s too deep and you’ll die without my magic. Promise me…”
“I promise,” she repeated numbly. A larger wave washed up the beach and caressed her legs with its icy touch. She barely felt it.
“Ellen…” he crooned, pausing a little way off.
She didn’t hear him. Tears rolled down her cheeks, mingling with the salt water that swirled around her.
Kaerio crawled back up to her and laid his hand on her thigh. She stared at the paper-thin webbing that stretched between his fingers and hissed, “The stories were right after all. You were going to break my heart all along, weren’t you?”
His talons pricked her skin through her soaked trousers as his fingers clenched suddenly. “I’m sorry,” he said again but she gritted her teeth.
“Go,” she sobbed. “Go if it’s so important to you. Thank you for at least coming to tell me.”
The triton backed away into the water but lingered a little longer as she stumbled to her feet and dragged the canvas sack back up the beach. It felt like the weight of the whole world as she hauled it back up the cliff path. At the top of the winding route she paused and looked back just in time to see his fluke flash in the last of the daylight before she turned away. “Should have known better than to trust a Fae,” she spat in a bitter whisper.
The hut was dark and empty, like a shell stripped of life, an empty hive with no bees.
She would rebuild. She would survive the winter and she would put her promises of love to the Fae behind her. Sour thoughts swirled in her head that he’d never intended to take her with him after all, that he’d only wanted his summer fun with her and now that it was winter, he had moved on. She told herself this over and over until she believed it.
Seasons passed and though she looked out at the sea when she gathered the samphire and sea cabbage from the rocks and the shore, she never hoped to see him again and he never came back. A pod of migrating orca spouted spray into the air one calm evening and she half dared to hope that the movement was Kaerio, checking in on her, but they passed on their way north and left the cove still and silent, with only the gentle hush of the sea itself.
Months became years, and while she wrote to her family in the city, she never went back. Her niece came to visit one spring, which brought a much needed rush of life to the old place. Ellen had taken the minotaurs’ advice and extended the hut a little bit over the years, and she turned the spare room into a bedroom in anticipation of the girl’s arrival.
Yes, her joints ached a little more and she had to squint to read things clearly, but she felt invigorated by her lively niece’s presence. It was all going so well until that filthy reptilian Fae had shown up in almost the same state as her Kaerio had done on so many nights, cold and sluggish from the water and in need of some tenderness.
Everything inside her had screamed to chase the Fae away, to stake him with iron and throw him back into the sea where he could never hurt another again, but the laughter in her niece’s eyes at his jokes, the way Adan pitched in to help without expecting anything in return - unusual to say the least for a Fae - made her hesitate.
Between the two of them they even convinced her over time that perhaps things had ended wrongly with Kaerio, that the growing shadow in their land could have made him afraid for her, that perhaps he had done the only thing he could think of to make her stay away. She would never fully forgive him for not just telling her the truth, but she let her hardened heart soften a little at the cocky young Fae’s assurances that he would at least look for Kaerio when he went home.
“Aunt Ellen?” her niece asked as they stood in the doorway after waving Adan off that final time. “Are you alright?”
The reptilian Fae had strode off with the confidence and swagger of a young knight on a quest, and she had to smile. Ellen closed the door and sighed. “No,” she said. “It’s been forty or so  years since I last saw Kaerio…”
Her beautiful niece smiled, hearing her unvoiced fears, and stepped close. “He’ll still love you,” she said. “And if he doesn’t, he doesn’t deserve your love in return.”
The fact that the girl had seen that Ellen had never stopped loving him moved her deeply. Perhaps she hadn’t even realised it herself until then. She smiled a watery smile and pulled the girl close and kissed her forehead. “You promise me you’ll be careful who you give your heart to, my darling?” she said, throat tight with emotion. “Even this Adan…”
She nodded and Ellen kissed her again before bustling about the hut, clearing up in the wake of their guest’s departure.
When her boots hit the sand that evening and she saw Adan standing there in the water with the figure of a human on his arm, her breath caught in her chest. His hair had turned silver-grey but it was still long - longer than ever now - and his eyes were still the same; still dark and still kind.
Ellen’s heart shattered.
Kaerio looked breathtakingly handsome. He had put on a bit of muscle and weight since she’d last seen him too, no longer the scrawny, half-starved young man he had been. His skin was also darker, as if he’d spent more time in the sun. There were scars on his cheek and neck, and as Adan fastened a cloak - which had been kept dry by magic, she supposed - about his shoulders her feet faltered and she just stood there, mute, afraid to go forward and afraid to go back. Kaerio brought a hand to cover his mouth and tears began to track down his cheeks at the sight of her.
With a gentle push at her back from the hand of her niece, she approached him.
Adan and her niece shared a look, but it was Kaerio who eventually broke the silence by chuckling, “I’m a bit shaky on my legs. It’s been decades since I’ve used them. Forgive me… Ellen…”
At the sound of her name, the spell broke and she fell forwards into his arms. Tears streamed down her cheeks as he caught her up in his embrace and kissed her.
“I’m so sorry,” he chanted against her lips, her cheeks, her neck. “I’m so sorry. I was so afraid for you and…”
“Shh,” she said, drawing back and stroking his own tears away with her thumbs. “Adan told me everything.” She knew about the shadow that had been growing in the Fae Realm, stealing souls and twisting them into vicious creatures that spread the darkness like a diseases. Humans, it seemed, were particularly vulnerable. “I know why you did it. Not that that makes it any easier, but… I understand now.”
“That little lizard,” Kaerio chuckled, shooting a look at the retreating backs of the other couple as they gave them some privacy for their reunion. “I nearly tore him to pieces when he came to my cabin babbling about some human woman…”
She managed a little laugh. “I’m glad you didn’t kill him,” she said. “My niece is rather fond of him for some reason…”
Suddenly breathless, Kaerio gasped, “I want to stay here. I… I’ve left everything behind. Will you let me stay?”
“Yes,” she gasped, clinging to him. The sea was in his hair, in the smell and the taste of his skin, but he was hers.
“I should have done that before,” he said. “I never should have tried to take you away from your world, and I was wrong to leave you the way I did. I’m so sorry, Ellen.”
“Come up to the house,” she said. As she thumbed the new scars on his face, she added, “And you can tell me the full story behind these scars.”
As they made their way up the path, she helped him when he stumbled, his legs shaky with disuse, and he laughed, blushing furiously.
Inside the stillness of her home, he looked around and said, “It’s hardly changed…”
“I might have changed,” she laughed, eyeing the matching creases around his eyes too, “But no, this place hasn’t changed much.”
Kaerio went suddenly still, his eyes fixed on the beam above her bed. “You kept it,” he breathed and she didn’t need to turn and follow his gaze to know that he was staring at the shell they had found on the beach.
“For luck and love, huh?” she said, taking his hand and letting him squeeze her fingers tightly.
“Luck and love,” he murmured, turning to face her with a smile in his dark eyes.
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jonathanzjh520 · 4 years
Comparison of Places to Stay in Texoma
Cabin on Circle 8
1. Cost    
215-245$ per night
2. Amemities    
The cabins are fully furnished with kitchen utensils and cookware. We provide linens and Bath Towels. Washer/Dryer, Satellite TV/DVD 
3. Food Availabilty
Cook by yourself or other food  options within driving distance
4. Distance to Activities
2 miles from Mill Creek Marina  Boat Ramp in Pottsboro, TX. Enjoy water access within walking distance. This  area of the lake is in a nice neighborhood and great for hiking, fishing,  swimming, and making fun memories.
This place is excellent for fishing, swimming, boating, kayaking, hiking, or just simply watching the beautiful sunset on Lake Texoma.  There is a private path to the water within 400 ft of the cabin. 
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Alberta Creek's Lake Texoma lodging 
1. Cost    
2 Bedroom/1 Bath sleeping 2 to     
4 persons are $95.00-$125.00 a night
Large 2 Bedroom/1 Bath sleeping 4 to 7 persons
2. Amemities    
Daily Linen Service
Satellite TV
Fully Equipped Kitchens with dishes, pots & pans, & coffee pot
Central A/C & Heat
Outdoor charcoal BBQ Grills & picnic tables
3. Food Availabilty
Alberta Creek's restaurant is a floating cafe located at the marina.
4. Distance to Activities
1 minute walk to the marina and lakeshore; 3 nearby casinos in Kingston, Madill & Durant
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Cedar Bayou Marina
1. Cost    
137$-225$ per night
2. Amemities    
Satellite / Cable &TV
Air Conditioning
Fully furnished kitchen
3. Food Availabilty
Cook by yourself or other food  options within driving distance
4. Distance to Activities
Nice lake view; Close to waters for boating, kayaking, canoeing
Area for charcoal grill; Piers for fishing
Trails for biking and hiking
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deetee2u · 4 years
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Beavers Bend State Park
On a typical day around the lake or in the hills you can sense nature in many ways there. If on the lake, you may hear children playing or boats passing by. You will see the sun shining over the lake and forest scaling the hills that bank much of the lake. The air smells clean and feels fantastic to inhale. There are many campsites equipped with fire pits and charcoal grills. Therefore, the tastes that come along with a day spent at the lake will typically consist of grilled hotdogs and hamburgers. The winds that come up from the lake provide a wonderful breeze on a warm day and exposed sky warms the body on a cool day.
One negative aspect of being far enough out in nature is a lack of cellular service. I should mention that a lack of cellular service is only a negative aspect if you find yourself in a situation in which you need to contact someone during an emergency. Other than that instance, it is a positive aspect.
I have a personal experience at this park worth mentioning involving a need for cellular service where it was unavailable. I was hiking a seven-mile trail with two of my friends when we realized we had gotten off course. These are simple if you pay close attention to every marker, but we were new to the trail and still somewhat new to hiking at the time. Being stubborn, we decided to continue on and veer back towards where we believed the trail to be. After an hour of wandering, we decided to back track and make it back to the trail. But if you have never been lost in the woods before, it is easier to do than you would think. We spent the next two hours wandering back to a road that we used to make it back to our vehicle.
There is absolutely no cellular signal that reaches up into the mountains or down towards the lake. We did our best to find a spot where we could call the park and get direction back to the trail with no success. On a positive note, it was a beautiful day. There are much worse places to get lost than a state park in the mountains over a lake.
Beavers Bend State Park. (n.d.). Retrieved October 04, 2020, from https://www.travelok.com/state-parks/beavers-bend-state-park/maps-and-resources 
Beavers Bend is incredibly important to this area financially. It has become a formidable tourist destination. For the people who have always lived in this area, we have never seen growth and money coming into the county like there has been over the past few years. This is thanks to Beavers Bend. It is also a natural landmark. There is plenty of nature to be enjoyed in southeast Oklahoma. But Beavers Bend is one of very few publicly open areas and it is a highlight of the area.
It is wonderful that it is getting the recognition that it is because it is a beautiful place. In order to keep it as naturally and financially important to the area as it has become, it must be maintained. Most visitors do their part to keep it clean and being a state park keeps it well protected. The future looks bright for the park, but these positive practices must be held up. It is the one thing we have in the area financially, other than a paper mill.
My target audience will include potential first-time visitors and the local people who have not visited in years because they are unhappy with the rise in traffic and out of town guests. There is a stigma that hangs over the place amongst the locals that it is no longer enjoyable because of the number of people to contend with. I will do my best to convince that this way of thinking is understandable yet flawed.
There are many great restaurants just outside of Beavers Bend in a small, busy town called Hochatown. But there is a small country style restaurant inside the park that I believe is underrated and would recommend to anyone to give a try. It is simply named Beavers Bend Restaurant. Here is a link to the Trip Advisor page on it:
There is also a wide variety of options for lodging within the park. Personally, I prefer the camp/RV spots along the lake but there are many cabins and even a few lodges within the park that are extremely popular. Trip Advisor also provides information on the most popular lodge there, which I would recommend giving a try:
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nixoncody56026 · 4 years
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Get the Taste You Want with the Best Indoor Grills - If you are a fanatic devotee of flame broiled food, yet aren't exactly stalwart enough to remain outside in the downpour, day off, dim, the ideal method to fulfill your yearn for a flavorful, succulent burger is to put resources into an incredible indoor barbecue. 
There is nothing similar to the flavor of a flame broiled burger, steak, chicken, or sausage - or barbecued veggies for the non-meat eaters among us; it is extremely unlikely to copy it inside, and when you are longing for a grill in the profundities of winter or in a downpour storm, you can have the taste you want. What sort of indoor flame broil is directly for you? What will give you the taste and smell you need? This guide will take a delicious gander at these extraordinary flame broils.
Why Get an Indoor Grill? - You love flame broiled food. That is the reason you ought to get an indoor flame broil! Yet, why not simply take your outside flame broil inside and do it that way? You'll set aside some cash. Be that as it may, you'll likewise uncover yourself and your friends and family to a lot of executioner carbon monoxide. 
Consistently, around twelve individuals are slaughtered when utilizing their outside barbecue inside. What's more, no, you can't place it in the carport either. An indoor barbecue kills the danger of breathing in poisonous gas - that is continually mouth-watering. Flame broiling is likewise a fun, charming approach to cook, and a considerably more agreeable approach to eat. 
You can discover open-top indoor barbecues and frying pans that look fundamentally the same as your outside flame broil and you can discover models with appended tops. At the point when you close these, they cook the two sides of your food. The George Foreman Grill is presumably the most notable of these specific models. You have presumably heard promotions for the George Foreman indoor barbecue that guarantee that meats cooked on these flame broils are more advantageous and that the fat substance is decreased. Buyer considers have demonstrated this isn't generally evident. 
Indoor flame broiling decreases fat just somewhat more than sautéing. We're not revealing to you this to stop you from purchasing an indoor barbecue, just to give you the entirety of the data you have the right to settle on an educated decision. In the event that you need sound, lean barbecued meat, you need to begin with solid, lean crude meat. That being stated, there are a large group of different advantages that your indoor electric flame broil will offer:
*You get a good deal on propane or charcoals.
*You don't need to head outside and man the flame broil neglected.
*With a joined cover model, you can make paninis or barbecued cheddar sandwiches.
*You can utilize them in RVs or in lodging networks were barbecuing is confined.
*They are helpful, quick, and simple to-utilize.
*You can barbecue one burger - on a flame broil, you can't generally fix yourself a brisk tidbit.
*Indoor barbecues are low-support and simple to clean.
*They make a wide scope of mind boggling food. Why not make yourself sweet and fiery pork slashes or garlic and spice portabella mushrooms? It's similarly as speedy as microwaving something or warming up a pre-made supper, and it is so much better.
You can peruse the smash hit indoor flame broils here.
Indoor flame broils and indoor frying pans come in all shapes and sizes as this technique for cooking turns out to be always well known. Nobody has the opportunity to plan heavenly, adjusted suppers consistently, however with an indoor barbecue, it turns out to be a lot simpler. Search for the highlights you need, similar to the joined cover, cooking region, temperature controls, compatible plates, cost, and the sky is the limit from there. 
From the essential to the sleekest gourmet model, you can locate the most ideal approach to prepare your food and get your flame broil fix even in the winter. Beginning with the essential finish of the range first. BBQ.About doesn't hold back in their audit of the George Foreman Gr10abw Champ Indoor Grill. About manage Derrick Riches states, "While is anything but an incredible flame broil, it is modest and simple to utilize." Thanks for your trustworthiness, Derrick. However, this is an incredible audit since it gives you precisely the data you need. 
The George Foreman indoor barbecue is a reasonable decision for the individuals who need to cook a snappy chicken bosom or burger after work. It's truly not intended for those individuals who need to make culinary works of art - and that is fine. In some cases that is simply not what you need. In the event that you need a simple, snappy approach to prepare food, the Gr10abw will do it for you.  analysts are overwhelmingly certain about their buy, concurring that it makes brisk and scrumptious food and is a lot for $25 (View all George Foreman indoor barbecues here). How about we bounce to the opposite finish of the indoor barbecue range to the Cuisinart Griddler GR-4. 
This was a top pick of BBQ.About and Good Housekeeping considered it the best "Spend lavishly for the Gourmet Griller." Cuisinart, one of the top names in home machines, takes a stab at indoor flame broiling - and they make a fabulous showing. The Griddler can make anything from larger than usual cheeseburgers to steak to paninis. The 5-in-1 apparatus is a contact barbecue, panini press, full flame broil, full iron, and half flame broil/half frying pan.
It includes an excellent brushed treated steel lodging, tough panini-style handle, drifting spread so you can cook nourishments of shifting thicknesses, removable and reversible nonstick cooking plates, oil channel, coordinated trickle plate, customizable temperature controls, marker lights, scratching apparatus, gourmet plans, and a 3-year restricted guarantee. This is an inconceivably adaptable machine. It is pricier than the George Foreman flame broil, however it takes into account more choices and more artfulness in the culinary office. 
The Cuisinart indoor barbecue is $95. At long last, we'll get comfortable the center with the Sanyo HPS-SG3 200-Square-Inch Electric Indoor Barbeque Grill. This smokeless indoor flame broil was one of BBQ.About's top choices; the Wall Street Journal said it was the "best in general worth"; and it was audited in America's Test Kitchen. The Sanyo is more similar to an outside barbecue that is come inside. It has an adequate 200-square-inch nonstick cooking surface fueled by 1300 watts. 
It highlights customizable temperature control with pointer light, cool-contact handles and base, removable dishwasher-safe trickle container, and formula manage. An audit in CNET lauded the flexibility, saying, "It may not be equipped for cooking singed chicken and waffles, however that doesn't mean you can't check steak and hotcakes out. Let your creative mind go out of control." Your taste buds will follow. 
The Sanyo smokeless indoor flame broil is $40. Other top indoor barbecue and indoor iron brands incorporate Hamilton Beach, Zojirushi, DeLonghi, Wolfgang Puck, Krups, and Minden. Look here to locate the privilege indoor electric barbecue for you.
Numerous customers need flame broils with removable plates that are nonstick. There are no preferable choices over those from the George Foreman assortment. The surveys are extremely sure for the GRP99 and the GRP4. These are ledge barbecues with a lot of nonstick cooking surface to work with and the flame broil plates (removable) are dishwasher safe. This makes for brisk cleanup and upbeat flame broiling inside. Look at all the top of the line indoor barbecues with removable plates here. Different brands worth considering are Cuisinart, Breville, and Sanyo.
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ganniehamm828 · 4 years
Indoor Grill
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In the event that you are a stalwart enthusiast of barbecued food, yet aren't exactly fanatic enough to remain outside in the downpour, day off, dim, the ideal method to fulfill your strive after a delightful, delicious burger is to put resources into an incredible indoor flame broil. There is nothing similar to the flavor of a barbecued burger, steak, chicken, or frank - or flame broiled veggies for the non-meat eaters among us; its absolutely impossible to copy it inside, and when you are longing for a grill in the profundities of winter or in a downpour storm, you can have the taste you hunger for. What sort of indoor flame broil is directly for you? What will give you the taste and smell you need? This guide will take a delicious glance at these extraordinary grills.Why Get an Indoor Grill? - You love flame broiled food.
 That is the reason you ought to get an indoor barbecue! Yet, why not simply take your open air barbecue inside and do it that way? You'll set aside some cash. Yet, you'll additionally uncover yourself and your friends and family to a lot of executioner carbon monoxide. Consistently, around twelve individuals are murdered when utilizing their outside barbecue inside. Also, no, you can't place it in the carport either. An indoor flame broil kills the danger of breathing in poisonous gas - that is continually inviting. Barbecuing is likewise a fun, charming approach to cook, and a significantly more pleasant approach to eat. 
You can discover open-top indoor barbecues and frying pans that look fundamentally the same as your outside flame broil and you can discover models with joined covers. At the point when you close these, they cook the two sides of your food. The George Foreman Grill is presumably the most notable of these specific models. You have most likely heard promotions for the George Foreman indoor barbecue that guarantee that meats cooked on these flame broils are more advantageous and that the fat substance is decreased. Shopper contemplates have demonstrated this isn't generally obvious. Indoor flame broiling lessens fat just marginally more than searing. We're not disclosing to you this to stop you from purchasing an indoor flame broil, just to give you the entirety of the data you have the right to settle on an educated decision. On the off chance that you need solid, lean barbecued meat, you need to begin with sound, lean crude meat. That being stated, there are a large group of different advantages that your indoor electric barbecue will offer:
*You get a good deal on propane or charcoals.
*You don't need to head outside and man the barbecue vulnerable.
*With an appended cover model, you can make paninis or flame broiled cheddar sandwiches.
*You can utilize them in RVs or in lodging networks were barbecuing is confined.
*They are helpful, quick, and simple to-utilize.
*You can barbecue one burger - on a flame broil, you can't generally fix yourself a snappy tidbit.
*Indoor barbecues are low-support and simple to clean.
*They make a wide scope of unfathomable food. Why not make yourself sweet and zesty pork slashes or garlic and spice portabella mushrooms? It's similarly as snappy as microwaving something or warming up a pre-made feast, and it is so much better.Indoor barbecues and indoor frying pans come in all shapes and sizes as this strategy for cooking turns out to be always well known. Nobody has the opportunity to get ready tasty, adjusted suppers consistently, yet with an indoor barbecue, it turns out to be a lot simpler. Search for the highlights you need, similar to the appended top, cooking zone, temperature controls, compatible plates, cost, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. 
From the fundamental to the sleekest gourmet model, you can locate the most ideal approach to prepare your food and get your flame broil fix even in the winter. Beginning with the essential finish of the range first. BBQ.About doesn't hold back in their audit of the George Foreman Gr10abw Champ Indoor Grill. About direct Derrick Riches states, "While is anything but an incredible barbecue, it is modest and simple to utilize." Thanks for your trustworthiness, Derrick. However, this is an extraordinary survey since it gives you precisely the data you need. The George Foreman indoor flame broil is a moderate decision for the individuals who need to cook a speedy chicken bosom or cheeseburger after work. It's truly not intended for those individuals who need to make culinary show-stoppers - and that is fine. 
Now and then that is simply not what you need. On the off chance that you need a simple, snappy approach to prepare food, the Gr10abw will do it for you. commentators are overwhelmingly certain about their buy, concurring that it makes speedy and scrumptious food and is a lot for $25 (View all George Foreman indoor barbecues here). How about we hop to the opposite finish of the indoor barbecue range to the Cuisinart Griddler GR-4. This was a top pick of BBQ.About and Good Housekeeping considered it the best "Rampage spend for the Gourmet Griller." Cuisinart, one of the top names in home machines, takes a stab at indoor barbecuing - and they make a breathtaking showing. The Griddler can make anything from larger than usual cheeseburgers to steak to paninis. The 5-in-1 machine is a contact barbecue, panini press, full flame broil, full frying pan, and half barbecue/half frying pan. 
It includes an excellent brushed hardened steel lodging, tough panini-style handle, coasting spread so you can cook nourishments of differing thicknesses, removable and reversible nonstick cooking plates, oil channel, incorporated dribble plate, customizable temperature controls, marker lights, scratching device, gourmet plans, and a 3-year restricted guarantee. This is an extraordinarily flexible machine. It is pricier than the George Foreman flame broil, yet it takes into account more alternatives and more artfulness in the culinary office. The Cuisinart indoor flame broil is $95. At last, we'll get comfortable the center with the Sanyo HPS-SG3 200-Square-Inch Electric Indoor Barbeque Grill. 
This smokeless indoor barbecue was one of BBQ.About's top picks; the Wall Street Journal said it was the "best generally speaking worth"; and it was evaluated in America's Test Kitchen. The Sanyo is more similar to an outside barbecue that is come inside. It has a sufficient 200-square-inch nonstick cooking surface controlled by 1300 watts. It highlights customizable temperature control with marker light, cool-contact handles and base, removable dishwasher-safe trickle container, and formula direct. A survey in CNET lauded the flexibility, saying, "It may not be fit for cooking seared chicken and waffles, yet that doesn't mean you can't check steak and hotcakes out. Let your creative mind go out of control." Your taste buds will follow. The Sanyo smokeless indoor barbecue is $40. Other top indoor barbecue and indoor frying pan brands incorporate Hamilton Beach, Zojirushi, DeLonghi, Wolfgang Puck, Krups, and Minden.
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zooterchet · 2 years
Famous Assassin Recipes
Tanacharison: The filterless cigarette, a Lucky Strike, enjoyed with a gin martini. Two shots of gin, fill with seltzer, and enjoy a Lucky Strike on a brass lighter, a zippo. For VC nai poon. That's the lady. He always knew where the next war would be.
John Wilkes Booth: Take the Snake, a prison rapist, and the Loser, a bisexual informant, and switch them, with a peanut butter sandwich, Skippy, no jelly, bleached bread, Wonderbread, in high sun, with a Marlboro Red at the same time; remark, "flavor country", to the Snake, your mind's eye of the Loser. The club goes all the way back home, and there's a witch trial, on slavery.
Albert Whisker: Use a three pointer, a 3.5 shot glass, the Cantonese shot, to take a half shotter of vodka, cheap stuff, and a half shotter of orange juice, expensive, campus variety, and hammer a shot, before you snort amphetamines. That's the stuff, to get you going, to understand Chinese history. It doesn't go away, unless you've seen Disturbed in concert. Back in that day, we called him Bojangles; or maybe Scott Joplin, or Sammy Davis Junior.
Lee Harvey Oswald: Get a Marlboro Red, some nitrate car battery stomped coca (cocaine powder on cut, "pure", a CIA blend, nitrate phosphate, for the erection, or the transgender juices, if you prefer the ladies, for the ladies), and take a Bazooka Joe pellet. Demonstrate the technique, to the target, "the head crab", someone stealing a drug dealer's job to lay you, as a Freemasonic Ring (Mister President), to dab the powder from the gum, on the cigarette, then smoke it backwards, on the filter (I'm just a paddy, a poor Irish sailor). They'll need crack rock to get out, but only if they trust Jack "Hardy" Ruby, Charlie Manson (old Mister Lincoln, "he stinks", then you're shut down, the entire campus; you wrote 'nigger' in the bathroom, Lincoln was a drug dealer this time, 'again').
Martin Luther King Jr.: Order a beef tarte, the cheeseburger empanada, from anything labeled 'King', and if they have the tres luches, you've alerted them that "James Earl Ray", is in the area. A personal delivery, will be made to a black Senator's house, to see if you've received a coin, from the Nordic Lodge, the rival to the Lounge, the old athlete's singing joint. If it's Joe Frazier's Lounge, you win; you've just caught the last show to Delaware, Joe Biden is President. Like the King family wanted, a French President, since 1935 (improved traffic resistance, the last place besides the bus they can't get you; the King family, is the cops, they run the restaurant).
Sirhan Sirhan: If you have a charcoal grill, strike up a conversation, with a man with your feet. If he's a propane man, that doesn't know how to cook, he'll have your exact stumble, having studied you, to build a healthy intestine. Your mother, will retain cooking recipes, for his family's secrets, on cartoon anti-Semitism, a fat man, for the proper distribution of diet on a budget; for all involved, including you, the stock of frozen foods non-necessary to eat, to get you "off the bucket", and into proper ordering, fifteen dollars on a two dollar "squib", the fees and tip, on a twenty dollar meal, with an extra meal left over, for a three day "spree".
George Jung: "Boston" George Jung, wants you to know, that it is inappropriate, to drink whiskey, without Worcestershire sauce, hiding the steak's sauce, with a Bloody Mary. To beat AA protocols, mix the Worcestershire, in your home "furnace", the cabinet, with Jim Beam, the preferred whiskey of the CIA range division, the overweight cop. If you know a cop, who has ever been overweight, and he doesn't know he's a cop, give him a flask of Jim Beam (not a "fifth", the jeopardy round, you've just qualified as airman, you get free LSD). He'll figure everything out. But he's watching you, very closely, because your girlfriend, likes them big; you're listening to Boston George.
OJ Simpson: The bowels can be purged, through a heart seizure, a rare term of logic, invented by Jake Charlebois, at Minnesota State University, on the professional college team. The posture as Hitler, as an American quarterback aside, a bowl of whole milk, a full box of Cheerios, and a Friendly's Sundae, in the tin (now a plastic or paper cup, since the advance by OJ), can be used; eating the entire box and all the milk, then the peanut butter Friendly's Sundae, to seize the heart clamps, before the pain and agony passes, and a Marlboro Red is enjoyed, OJ's choice to retire from football to get his Wheaties Box (the first of its kind). The bowel chlonic, will unblock the hemorrhages in the liver, unless you die; you were eating too much mayonnaise (you worked food services, and are in danger of colon surgery; sorry, kid, not for the big leagues, bagging groceries).
David Charlebois: A Chinese sausage, can be enjoyed on a George Foreman grill; normally lethal, "red sausage", unless on charcoal, an easy cause of trichinosis, unless rigid cooking times are observed; impossible for the mentally ill. The press grill, however, guarantees a succulent taste, and a slow purge of the insides, the sweatest black meat you can afford. Any sausage, is delicious on a Foreman, but not like red sausage, the Chinese sausage; a boneless spare rib, lethal to Jews out of paranoia, but just delicate enough to please a Hebrew man's stomach if char broiled in a press machine. Be aware, if your room mate has the Foreman, and won't eat it, he's a traitor. Take his story of his background, and recommend it to a writer claiming Lutheran, as marked '88', Millard Fillmore; a history teacher, in politics.
0 notes
easyfoodnetwork · 4 years
From the Strategist: 21 Best Grilling Gifts for Every Type of Grilling Enthusiast
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Photo: ClassicStock/Getty Images
All the grills and grilling accessories a grill master could want, from the Strategist
At its most basic, grilling is cooking on an open flame, like what our prehistoric ancestors used to do, but if you’re not the kind of person who takes pleasure in lighting charcoal on fire and then cooking big slabs of meat on it, you might be struggling to find the best grilling gifts for someone who does. (Though even self-described grill enthusiasts sometimes need help finding an actually useful but still unique grilling gift.) So to make it easy, we rounded up 21 of the best grills and grilling accessories that would be excellent gifts for the person in your life who likes to fire it up.
For the griller who struggles with lighting charcoal
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BBQ Dragon Cordless Grill Fan in Silver
Jean-Paul Bourgeois of New York City’s Blue Smoke calls the BBQ Dragon, “a fire starter’s best friend. This easy-to-use little gadget will clip onto any grill or smoker and assist you in getting those coals burning fast and evenly.”
For the griller who mostly cooks with charcoal
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Panacea 15343 Ash Bucket With Shovel, Black
If anyone plays a little fast and loose with the disposal of coals, or wants a safer way to do it, this steel ash bucket will help prevent accidents. As Hugh Magnum, pitmaster at Mighty Quinn’s Barbecue, explains, “It sometimes takes as long as two days for coals to be completely cold, so you don’t put any coals for at least two days into a trash bag, or else that trash bag will go up in flames.”
For the griller who’s terrified of burns
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Artisan Griller Insulated Cooking Gloves
Writer Caitlin M. O’Shaughnessy was introduced to these pit gloves by her mother, who used them to take a full turkey out of the oven. “The cotton-lined gloves are coated with neoprene rubber and designed for true-blue barbecuers who have to handle hot meat on the smoker — that means they’re also waterproof, stainproof, and (most importantly) greaseproof.” They also come recommended by Patrick Martin of Martin’s Bar-B-Que Joint in Nashville, who actually prefers these heavy-duty gloves to tongs, especially when working with big cuts of meat, like whole hogs.
For the griller who’s looking to streamline
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Stingray 7 in 1 BBQ Tool
Swap out the tool kit for this 7-in-1 grilling tool, recommended by self-described “pretty competent outdoor griller” Steven John, who calls this “the Swiss Army knife of grilling equipment, combining all three tools and even sporting a bottle opener built into its handle.”
For the griller who loves steak
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Sloan Personalized Miniature Steak Branding Iron
For Valentine’s Day, writer Leah Bhabha gifted her carnivorous boyfriend a personalized branding iron, purchased on Amazon, and it was an instant hit. “We’ve now emblazoned his initials on everything from ribs to rib eyes, and even busted out the brander for cast-iron cooked burgers (the patty’s initials were covered by the bun, but he liked it so much he branded them anyway).”
For the griller who prefers chicken
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Two-in-One Vertical Chicken Roasting Pan
Nick Pihakis of Jim ’N Nicks Bar-B-Q in Birmingham, Alabama, calls this chicken-roasting contraption “one of the best ways to cook a chicken. Not only is upright roasting the optimal position to roast a chicken (fat drips away, heat surrounds the chicken 360 degrees, skin crisps up better), this cooking method allows the steam and vapors to flavor the chicken from the inside cavity out, helping it to stay moist.”
For the griller who’s also a hibachi enthusiast
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Elite Platinum EMG-980B Large Indoor Electric Round Nonstick Grilling Surface
If dinner has become a bit of a slog recently, consider setting up a hibachi or Korean barbecue night and using this highly rated indoor grill to do it. Reviewers on Amazon say, true to advertising, it’s truly non-stick (so feel free to go all in on your marinades) and is just as effective at grilling vegetables as a grilling a sturdy ribeye.
For the griller who’s not sure what to do with vegetables
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Sur La Table Stainless Steel Grill Basket
Steven John recommends a grill basket, “that can be placed atop any sort of grill (charcoal, gas, or even wood fire) and filled with loose veggies, shrimp, fries, and so on.” It keeps these more delicate ingredients from sticking to the grill’s grates, and, as John notes, “the grate’s cleaner, too.”
For the griller who over-checks their meat
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Thermapen Mk4 Thermometer
A meat thermometer is a must-have accessory for a barbecue enthusiast to quickly and easily ensure that meat is fully cooked but not overdone. And for my money, there’s no meat thermometer better than the Thermapen. As I wrote in my review of this gadget, “What makes the Thermapen stand out from other digital kitchen thermometers is its speed and accuracy. According to the manufacturer’s website, this food thermometer can tell the real-time temperature of whatever you’re trying to measure within 0.7 degrees Fahrenheit in under three seconds. That speed makes a noticeable difference when you’re balancing a roasting pan on a hot oven door as you try to take the temperature of whatever’s inside without burning yourself or letting out too much heat,” or dealing with a hot barbecue grill. (And I’m in good company. The Thermapen also comes recommended by Amy and Mike Mills of 17th St. BBQ in Murphysboro, Illinois.)
For the griller who’s getting into marinades
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Boiled Cider Syrup
In his roundup of the best condiments you can buy on Amazon, writer Hugh Merwin recommends this boiled cider, which is “kind of pure apple essence,” he explains. However, that sweetness makes it an excellent addition to a barbecue tool kit. “Grillmasters use it at the base of marinades, where it tenderizes meat and its mildly tart and subtle flavor blends in with wood smoke.”
For the griller with a small patio
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Fire Sense Large Yakatori Charcoal Grill
Recommended by Leslie Roark Scott of Ubon’s Barbeque in Yazoo City, Mississippi, this large yakitori grill is ideal for those in a “tight space. It’s the perfect size for a couple of steaks, and holds heat like a champ.”
For the griller with no patio
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Weber 10020 Smokey Joe
If you’re looking to gift a truly portable grill, for someone who dreams of grilling in Prospect Park, the Weber Smokey Joe is a classic choice. It’s a no-frills option, but it’s got the same durability as the larger kettle-style Weber grill.
For the indoor grill enthusiast who hates smoke
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Philips Indoor Smokeless Grill
We discovered this indoor smokeless grill while watching Queer Eye on Netflix, and it’s a solid option for someone who wants to grill but is constrained by the realities of living in an apartment. It uses infrared light to heat the grill and help prevent smoking from dripping fat.
For the indoor grill enthusiast who doesn’t want another gadget
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Lodge Pro-Grid Cast-Iron Grill and Griddle Combo. Reversible 20 x 10.44” Grill/Griddle Pan With Easy-Grip Handles
Though it’s more likely to smoke up your kitchen, this cast-iron grill plate from Lodge is “the indoor grill that’s closest in spirit to firing up the charcoal.” (Plus, because it’s essentially a flat piece of cast-iron, it’s much easier to store than a new appliance.)
For the griller who likes that smoky taste
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Z Grills ZPG-7002E
As Steven John explains, “a pellet grill is a barbecue grill that uses an automatically fed supply of wood pellets to maintain a preestablished temperature and infuse the cooking foods with smoke aroma and flavor. Your fuel source is also your smoke source.” That means your meat takes longer to cook, but it’s also got more smoky flavor, and in his testing of pellet grills, John liked this one from Z Grills, in part because “you can load up enough wood pellets for hours of smoking with minimal refills required.”
For the griller who wants to go full pitmaster
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Masterbuilt MES 130B Digital Electric Smoker
On a long hunt for the “best, not-too-massive city grill,” Lauren Levy discovered that the best barbecue grill is actually this digital smoker from Masterbuilt. That’s according to Myron Mixon, the winningest man in barbecue, who explains, “It’s a digital smoker, so you can actually punch in the temperature you want and it takes you right there from 100 degrees to 275 degrees in just a few minutes.” He continues, “The truth is, everything that someone would want to barbecue you can cook with the Masterbuilt smoker, and it’s much more delicious.”
For the griller who likes to cook low and slow
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Akorn Jr. Kamado Kooker
The first rule of Grilling 101: Leave the meat be. But when you’re constantly worried about your provisions burning that can be difficult to do. That’s why the grilling enthusiasts of Amazon love the Akorn Jr., a ceramic, kamado-style grill that does an excellent job of maintaining low temperatures. Plus, it’s about a tenth of the price of the popular, kamado-style Big Green Egg grill.
For the griller who tries to keep their grill spotless
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Drillbrush BBQ Accessories
I’ve written about the Drillbrush as the best tool to keep my shower clean, but the company makes different brush attachments with different stiffnesses for different purposes, like this barbecue accessories set, which can be used to detail-clean even the most grease-stained grill.
For the griller who likes to grill and chill
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YETI Roadie 20 Cooler
“When you’re smoking whole hogs, you can’t go for a beer run, so you need a good cooler that’s going to keep your beer cold for the night,” wisely notes Patrick Martin of Martin’s Bar-B-Que Joint. That’s why he recommends a Yeti cooler to keep by the grill. “I guarantee when you reach for a beer, it’s gonna be good and cold — just like it should be.”
For the griller who likes to carve meat
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John Boos Block BBQBD Reversible Maple Wood Edge Grain BBQ Cutting Board With Juice Groove
This sturdy Boos block has a juice groove to catch any liquid that might come out when carving a big hunk of barbecue. (And this gift certainly doesn’t have to be retired once grilling season is over. It’ll also come in handy at Thanksgiving, when it’s time to carve the turkey.)
For the griller who likes eating barbecue more than cooking
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Messermeister Avanta 4-Piece Fine Edge Steak Knife Set
Once they cook the meat, they’ll need something to help you eat it, and that’s where these Messermeister steak knives come in. “There’s a curious delight in using these very, very sharp steak knives to bisect a morsel of beef (or pork, or chicken, or whatever flesh you have lying around),” writes Katie Arnold-Ratliff in her ode to these. “The blade slices through the steak with tactile precision — a kind of buttery, slippery ease that makes me say every time my boyfriend and I use these knives, which is a lot, ‘Man I love these knives.’”
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/2BbdFk9 https://ift.tt/2XwN1ti
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Photo: ClassicStock/Getty Images
All the grills and grilling accessories a grill master could want, from the Strategist
At its most basic, grilling is cooking on an open flame, like what our prehistoric ancestors used to do, but if you’re not the kind of person who takes pleasure in lighting charcoal on fire and then cooking big slabs of meat on it, you might be struggling to find the best grilling gifts for someone who does. (Though even self-described grill enthusiasts sometimes need help finding an actually useful but still unique grilling gift.) So to make it easy, we rounded up 21 of the best grills and grilling accessories that would be excellent gifts for the person in your life who likes to fire it up.
For the griller who struggles with lighting charcoal
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BBQ Dragon Cordless Grill Fan in Silver
Jean-Paul Bourgeois of New York City’s Blue Smoke calls the BBQ Dragon, “a fire starter’s best friend. This easy-to-use little gadget will clip onto any grill or smoker and assist you in getting those coals burning fast and evenly.”
For the griller who mostly cooks with charcoal
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Panacea 15343 Ash Bucket With Shovel, Black
If anyone plays a little fast and loose with the disposal of coals, or wants a safer way to do it, this steel ash bucket will help prevent accidents. As Hugh Magnum, pitmaster at Mighty Quinn’s Barbecue, explains, “It sometimes takes as long as two days for coals to be completely cold, so you don’t put any coals for at least two days into a trash bag, or else that trash bag will go up in flames.”
For the griller who’s terrified of burns
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Artisan Griller Insulated Cooking Gloves
Writer Caitlin M. O’Shaughnessy was introduced to these pit gloves by her mother, who used them to take a full turkey out of the oven. “The cotton-lined gloves are coated with neoprene rubber and designed for true-blue barbecuers who have to handle hot meat on the smoker — that means they’re also waterproof, stainproof, and (most importantly) greaseproof.” They also come recommended by Patrick Martin of Martin’s Bar-B-Que Joint in Nashville, who actually prefers these heavy-duty gloves to tongs, especially when working with big cuts of meat, like whole hogs.
For the griller who’s looking to streamline
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Stingray 7 in 1 BBQ Tool
Swap out the tool kit for this 7-in-1 grilling tool, recommended by self-described “pretty competent outdoor griller” Steven John, who calls this “the Swiss Army knife of grilling equipment, combining all three tools and even sporting a bottle opener built into its handle.”
For the griller who loves steak
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Sloan Personalized Miniature Steak Branding Iron
For Valentine’s Day, writer Leah Bhabha gifted her carnivorous boyfriend a personalized branding iron, purchased on Amazon, and it was an instant hit. “We’ve now emblazoned his initials on everything from ribs to rib eyes, and even busted out the brander for cast-iron cooked burgers (the patty’s initials were covered by the bun, but he liked it so much he branded them anyway).”
For the griller who prefers chicken
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Two-in-One Vertical Chicken Roasting Pan
Nick Pihakis of Jim ’N Nicks Bar-B-Q in Birmingham, Alabama, calls this chicken-roasting contraption “one of the best ways to cook a chicken. Not only is upright roasting the optimal position to roast a chicken (fat drips away, heat surrounds the chicken 360 degrees, skin crisps up better), this cooking method allows the steam and vapors to flavor the chicken from the inside cavity out, helping it to stay moist.”
For the griller who’s also a hibachi enthusiast
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Elite Platinum EMG-980B Large Indoor Electric Round Nonstick Grilling Surface
If dinner has become a bit of a slog recently, consider setting up a hibachi or Korean barbecue night and using this highly rated indoor grill to do it. Reviewers on Amazon say, true to advertising, it’s truly non-stick (so feel free to go all in on your marinades) and is just as effective at grilling vegetables as a grilling a sturdy ribeye.
For the griller who’s not sure what to do with vegetables
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Sur La Table Stainless Steel Grill Basket
Steven John recommends a grill basket, “that can be placed atop any sort of grill (charcoal, gas, or even wood fire) and filled with loose veggies, shrimp, fries, and so on.” It keeps these more delicate ingredients from sticking to the grill’s grates, and, as John notes, “the grate’s cleaner, too.”
For the griller who over-checks their meat
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Thermapen Mk4 Thermometer
A meat thermometer is a must-have accessory for a barbecue enthusiast to quickly and easily ensure that meat is fully cooked but not overdone. And for my money, there’s no meat thermometer better than the Thermapen. As I wrote in my review of this gadget, “What makes the Thermapen stand out from other digital kitchen thermometers is its speed and accuracy. According to the manufacturer’s website, this food thermometer can tell the real-time temperature of whatever you’re trying to measure within 0.7 degrees Fahrenheit in under three seconds. That speed makes a noticeable difference when you’re balancing a roasting pan on a hot oven door as you try to take the temperature of whatever’s inside without burning yourself or letting out too much heat,” or dealing with a hot barbecue grill. (And I’m in good company. The Thermapen also comes recommended by Amy and Mike Mills of 17th St. BBQ in Murphysboro, Illinois.)
For the griller who’s getting into marinades
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Boiled Cider Syrup
In his roundup of the best condiments you can buy on Amazon, writer Hugh Merwin recommends this boiled cider, which is “kind of pure apple essence,” he explains. However, that sweetness makes it an excellent addition to a barbecue tool kit. “Grillmasters use it at the base of marinades, where it tenderizes meat and its mildly tart and subtle flavor blends in with wood smoke.”
For the griller with a small patio
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Fire Sense Large Yakatori Charcoal Grill
Recommended by Leslie Roark Scott of Ubon’s Barbeque in Yazoo City, Mississippi, this large yakitori grill is ideal for those in a “tight space. It’s the perfect size for a couple of steaks, and holds heat like a champ.”
For the griller with no patio
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Weber 10020 Smokey Joe
If you’re looking to gift a truly portable grill, for someone who dreams of grilling in Prospect Park, the Weber Smokey Joe is a classic choice. It’s a no-frills option, but it’s got the same durability as the larger kettle-style Weber grill.
For the indoor grill enthusiast who hates smoke
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Philips Indoor Smokeless Grill
We discovered this indoor smokeless grill while watching Queer Eye on Netflix, and it’s a solid option for someone who wants to grill but is constrained by the realities of living in an apartment. It uses infrared light to heat the grill and help prevent smoking from dripping fat.
For the indoor grill enthusiast who doesn’t want another gadget
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Lodge Pro-Grid Cast-Iron Grill and Griddle Combo. Reversible 20 x 10.44” Grill/Griddle Pan With Easy-Grip Handles
Though it’s more likely to smoke up your kitchen, this cast-iron grill plate from Lodge is “the indoor grill that’s closest in spirit to firing up the charcoal.” (Plus, because it’s essentially a flat piece of cast-iron, it’s much easier to store than a new appliance.)
For the griller who likes that smoky taste
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Z Grills ZPG-7002E
As Steven John explains, “a pellet grill is a barbecue grill that uses an automatically fed supply of wood pellets to maintain a preestablished temperature and infuse the cooking foods with smoke aroma and flavor. Your fuel source is also your smoke source.” That means your meat takes longer to cook, but it’s also got more smoky flavor, and in his testing of pellet grills, John liked this one from Z Grills, in part because “you can load up enough wood pellets for hours of smoking with minimal refills required.”
For the griller who wants to go full pitmaster
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Masterbuilt MES 130B Digital Electric Smoker
On a long hunt for the “best, not-too-massive city grill,” Lauren Levy discovered that the best barbecue grill is actually this digital smoker from Masterbuilt. That’s according to Myron Mixon, the winningest man in barbecue, who explains, “It’s a digital smoker, so you can actually punch in the temperature you want and it takes you right there from 100 degrees to 275 degrees in just a few minutes.” He continues, “The truth is, everything that someone would want to barbecue you can cook with the Masterbuilt smoker, and it’s much more delicious.”
For the griller who likes to cook low and slow
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Akorn Jr. Kamado Kooker
The first rule of Grilling 101: Leave the meat be. But when you’re constantly worried about your provisions burning that can be difficult to do. That’s why the grilling enthusiasts of Amazon love the Akorn Jr., a ceramic, kamado-style grill that does an excellent job of maintaining low temperatures. Plus, it’s about a tenth of the price of the popular, kamado-style Big Green Egg grill.
For the griller who tries to keep their grill spotless
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Drillbrush BBQ Accessories
I’ve written about the Drillbrush as the best tool to keep my shower clean, but the company makes different brush attachments with different stiffnesses for different purposes, like this barbecue accessories set, which can be used to detail-clean even the most grease-stained grill.
For the griller who likes to grill and chill
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YETI Roadie 20 Cooler
“When you’re smoking whole hogs, you can’t go for a beer run, so you need a good cooler that’s going to keep your beer cold for the night,” wisely notes Patrick Martin of Martin’s Bar-B-Que Joint. That’s why he recommends a Yeti cooler to keep by the grill. “I guarantee when you reach for a beer, it’s gonna be good and cold — just like it should be.”
For the griller who likes to carve meat
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John Boos Block BBQBD Reversible Maple Wood Edge Grain BBQ Cutting Board With Juice Groove
This sturdy Boos block has a juice groove to catch any liquid that might come out when carving a big hunk of barbecue. (And this gift certainly doesn’t have to be retired once grilling season is over. It’ll also come in handy at Thanksgiving, when it’s time to carve the turkey.)
For the griller who likes eating barbecue more than cooking
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Messermeister Avanta 4-Piece Fine Edge Steak Knife Set
Once they cook the meat, they’ll need something to help you eat it, and that’s where these Messermeister steak knives come in. “There’s a curious delight in using these very, very sharp steak knives to bisect a morsel of beef (or pork, or chicken, or whatever flesh you have lying around),” writes Katie Arnold-Ratliff in her ode to these. “The blade slices through the steak with tactile precision — a kind of buttery, slippery ease that makes me say every time my boyfriend and I use these knives, which is a lot, ‘Man I love these knives.’”
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/2BbdFk9 via Blogger https://ift.tt/2Xyq7C0
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orlandostrike · 5 years
Napoleon LEX Built In Grill
Napoleon LEX gas barbecues are a brilliant worth, particularly thinking about the flame broil's imaginative extras and highlights. The LEX arrangement offers and discretionary infrared back burner, an infrared "sizzle-zone" burner, and an inherent ice pail with incorporated cutting board. I likewise truly like Napoleon's multiplied lined "lift-ease" cover, which opens effectively and enables hold in heat for stove to like cooking. The cover is pivoted close to the center, and when open adds barely any profundity to the rear of the barbecue taking into consideration simple position in an assortment of spaces.
Napoleon offers a liberal flame broiling zone at the cost, and there are a great deal of frill accessible, so you can expand the flexibility of the barbecue. On the off chance that you love the kind of charcoal, you can place in a charcoal plate and utilize the burners to light the charcoal, at that point turn them off. They additionally have a smoker tube extra that you can load up with wood chips and add more layers of flavor to your BBQ. A rotisserie unit is additionally accessible so you can use the infrared back burner on select models. I like this is a choice. That way individuals who aren't keen on the rotisserie don't need to pay for something they won't utilize.
The guarantee on the LEX arrangement is a champion in its group, having a lifetime guarantee on the outside lodging and cooking lattices. Napoleon additionally flaunts a multi year + 5 guarantee on their burners and fire tamers that gives new parts at a half of typical expense for a long time after the multi year guarantee lapses.
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campfireusa · 2 years
Campfire Cooking Equipment: Complete Explanation & Recommendation For Beginners
The type of camping equipment you require depends on the type of cooking you're doing. If you're just "camping" at your cabin and driving there, you can bring any kind of equipment, from grilling tools to fancy campfire cooking equipment. If you're serious about camping and want to do it "man versus wilderness," you have fewer options.
Below I will be discussing some of the campfire cooking equipment that you might find helpful. This includes both types of equipment that can be used to cook on a campfire and items that you can use alone.
Some Pieces Of Campfire Cooking Equipment You Should Consider
Campfire Tripod or Spit: The campfire tripod (right) or spit above are great ways to cook over a fire pit or campfire. You can hang all kinds of campfire cooking gear over this classic example. Pots can be hung with loop handles to make soups and stews. Kettles can be hung to roast whole chicken or lamb on strings. A grill grate can also be hung to grill almost anything. Tripods are lightweight and compact and can be easily folded up and carried around.
Campfire Rotisserie: This portable rotisserie allows you to roast large cuts of meat, such as whole poultry, lamb legs, and beef roasts. A campfire rotisserie is a great way to roast large cuts of meat (whole poultry, leg of lamb, beef roasts, etc.) over an open fire. This one, which is sold by SpitJack, folds into a large bag that you can carry around on your back. The motor is powered by a battery so that you don't need to manually turn the meat.
Cast Iron, Long-Handled Skillets, and Roasters: There is a wide variety of pots and pans suitable for cooking over a campfire. Look for skillets with long handles so you can easily hold them over the fire. This will ensure that your food doesn't get burned. Cast iron pots, dutch cookers, and other such items are excellent because they can withstand high heat and efficiently distribute heat. Cast iron pots with feet or loop handles can be used to suspend from a tripod above the fire, or placed directly on top of hot embers. Cast iron can be heavy so it is difficult to transport long distances. Even though they will last you twice as long, pots and pans made of lighter metal may be better.
Long-Handled Skewers: Skewer cooking can be as simple as campfire cooking. Simply light a fire and place some food on the skewer. Then, hold the skewer over the fire. Telescoping skewer forks can be folded up to a compact size so you can take them with you. This makes it ideal for smaller cuts of meat such as hot dogs, sausages, and small game birds.
Portable Grills and Burners: There is a variety of portable barbecues that can be taken with you on camping trips. There are many options. You can choose from smaller gas or charcoal grills that can be carried in your car or portable burners that fold up or are small enough to take with you. You can choose from both gas and charcoal grills. However, the fuel (charcoal, or propane) will need to be brought along. You can also purchase small, portable propane tanks.
Where We Can Buy Campfire Cooking Equipment
You can find many simpler camping cooking tools, such as utensils and small butane or propane torch or grills at almost any camp supply shop like Adventure 16. Portable grills are also available at some barbecue and grill shops. There are many online shops that sell more specific equipment. Lodge offers a wide range of cast iron cookware and other utensils, including dutch ovens with legs or hanging handles. These are great for cooking on an open fire pit. Cast iron equipment can be heavy, so it is not practical to transport the equipment long distances.
SpitJack also sells a variety of tools, including spits and rotisseries, firepit rings, grills and fire pit rings, and other items. You can also find skillets, roasters, and the portable rotisserie shown above. Rupp Metalworks is a great choice for a larger fire pit barbecue or custom jobs.
Article Source: https://www.campfireusa.org/n/campfire-cooking-equipment
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goodfoodconcept · 2 years
Wedding Ceremony Caterers
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When choosing a corporate catering service provider you must also make it a point to pick a menu that suits a particular kind of event. What's more, you will also need to choose different menus to suit different kinds of events. In fact, you also need to choose foods according to the time of day when the food is to be served - wedding caterers in Mumbai.
A caterer should prioritize their guests’ safety by serving not simply drinks but offering high-quality drinks. Food stations have turned into a very popular marriage ceremony catering fashion as an end result of it might be open for a lot longer than a buffet and simply as satisfying a seated or plated meal. We give you and your mates a broad array of food to select from. Meals that you can take away and enjoy at your individual convenience, buffets that have broad varieties that may make you wish to come again for seconds, and finger meals menus to go nicely with a price range or corporate event - party catering in Mumbai.
This company presents a huge range of menus to select from, including charcoal spit roasts, grilled seafood and extra. Our caterer specializes in fresh, delicious meals friends will absolutely love. There's a huge range of menu choices obtainable with something to swimsuit every wedding’s requirements and budget. You’re able to get exclusive deals and reductions on group-rate lodging. Booking a good wedding catering service must be a simple, easy, and thrilling. For more information, please visit our site https://goodfoodconcept.in/
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